Ay: Nisan 2021

Dar amlı suriyeli kızı para ile arkalı önlü siktim

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Dar amlı suriyeli kızı para ile arkalı önlü siktim

Selam sikiş ve seks severler ben size hayatımda yaşadığım en güzel seks hikayesini yazacağım iyi okumlara.Hayatımı kırtasiye malzemeleri dağıtımı yaparak sağlıyorum. Bu nedenle altımda araba eksik olmuyor . Üniversitelere ve liselere dağıtım yaparken oradaki kızları görüp azıyorum ve geceyi omların hayaliyle mastürbasyon yaparak geçiriyorum. Abim sayesinde mastürbasyonla erken bir yaşta tanıştım. bu yüzden sikim 17 santim. Ama kalınlığı diğer siklere göre 1.5-2 kat daha fazla.Yine arabayla bir üniversiteye mal bıraktım. O günkü mesaim bitmişti yarın da izinliydim zaten. Bu yüzden bir süre arabayla turladım aklımda üniversitedeki mini etekli kızlar vardı. Çok fena azmıştım eve gidince direk mastürbasyon yapacaktım. Ama canım biraz daha gezmek istiyordu. Etrafımda sikebileceğim bir kız yoktu.Maaşım da askeri ücretten biraz fazlaydı bu yüzden gidip escorta 300-400 tl veremezdim. Ben bu düşüncelerle turlarken birden suriyelilerin çokça yaşadığı bir sokağa girmişim. Sokağa girmemle arabanın etrafını sarmaları bir oldu. Hepsi para istiyordu ama bunlara para vermek istemiyordum. Zaten her gün trafikte canımdan bezdiriyorlardı. Arabayı Üstlerine sürsem etraftan Babaları çıkıp beni linç ederlerdi. Ben de birkaç lira bozukluk alıp havaya attım. Onlar bu paraları toplarken ben de hemen kaçmıştım. Sinirlerim bozulmuştu. Durduk yere zarara uğramıştık. Önemli bir para değildi ama bu suriyelilere vermek gücüme gidiyordu. o sokaktan çıkıp az ilerlediğimde suriyeli kadınlar pazardan dönüyorlardı. Saat geç olmuştu herhalde pazardaki artıkları toplamış evlerine dönüyorlardı. Pazarın oradan geçerken bir suriyeli kız ilişti gözüme. Sanırım geç kalmıştı ve sanırım ona bir şey bırakmamışlardı. Bu sırada aklıma bir hinlik geldi. Ben bu kızı alıp götürsem kimsenin ruhu duymazdı. hem böylece az önceki olayın acısını da çıkartırdım. Arabadan indim ve bu kızın yanına gittim. İsterse kendisine yeni meyve sebze verebileceğimi ama benle gelmesi gerektiğini söyledim. Saf kız hemen kabul etti. Bunu arabaya bindirdim ama içimde 21 yılın acısını atmak vardı. Hem de sevmediğim birilerine karşı. Bu kız hiç bir şeyden habersizdi ve gidiyorduk. açıkcası nereye olduğunu ben de bilmiyordum. Kız yolu ben de kızı seyrediyordum. Karalar içinde hiç bir yeri belli olmuyordu Ama gözleri maviydi. Sesi insana kadıköy escort garip bir haz veriyordu. Yarım yamalak Türkçe bilmesi beni iyice azdırıyordu. Daha sonra aklıma arnavutköye giderken olan ormanlar geldi. Yol biraz uzun olacaktı ama değerdi. Suriyeli fahişemin heryerini bi güzel sikicektim. Yolu yarılamışken kız işkillendi. Ben de depo var dedim kartımı gösterdiğim zaman sakinleşti. Hala anlamamıştı. Biz bununla sohbete başladık;Ben: ee niye geldiniz Türkiyeye kız: Orda savaş var . akrabalar var bizim rahatmış burda.ben: Sülalecek mi geldiniz kaç kişisiniz kız: Yok sadece bizim ağile.17 kardeşiz biz .babam ve 3 anam var ben: peki kaç yaşındasın sen kız: on altı ben: Evlimisin peki kız: Hayır ama alıcı çıkarsa babam vercekmiş ben:Nasıl yani alıcı -kız: 10000 veren alırmış beni babam öyle dedi.Ben sustum ve yolumuza devam ettik. Kız daha 16 yaşındaydı ama daha büyük gösteriyodu. Amı da hiç sikilmemişti ilk ben tadına bakıcaktım ama onun bundan haberi yoktu. En sonunda isteğim yere gelmiştik ana yoldan ayrılıp orman yoluna girdim kızın yüzünü bir tedirginlik kapladı içerilere girdiğimde arabayı durdurdum kız noluyo neden durduk demeye başladı. Ben de bu hava zaten karanlıktı pek gelen giden olmazdı. Ormanın bakımlı olduğunu bildiğim için yabani hayvan yoktu burada. O yüzden pek korkmuyordum kız olayı anlayınca ağlamaya başladı ben de artık fayda etmez kimse alamaz seni elimden dedim. Kız bunları duyunca iyice kötü oldu bağırmaya felan başladı. Bu beni daha da azdırıyordu. İndim arabadan bunun tarafına geçtim açtım kapıyı geriye doğru yaslandı. bir hamlede elinden tuttum kendime doğru çektim bu gene bağırdı. O hırsla bana vurmaya felan başladı. Buna tokat bir vurdum üzü sola döndü koltuğa çarpıp geri sekti. Bana bak dedim bugün benimsin ya seve seve ya sike sike . Bu hala ağlıyordu ama ben bu durumdan zevk alıyodum .Sikim taş gibi olmuştu artık dayanacak gücüm kalmamıştı bunu belinden yakaladım ve kendime doğru çektim bu çırpınıyordu buna az önceki gibi 2 tokat daha attım çırpınmayı kesti ama ağlaması devam ediyordu. Bunu yavaş yavaş soyarak anın tadını çıkartmak istiyordum önce baş örtüsüne attım elimi. Saçları kumraldı ama sarıya yakındı. Daha sonra çarşafını çıkarttım kız gene çırpınmaya başladı buna yime bir tokat attım dudağı kanamaya başladı ama ben umursamıyordum. Üstünde sadece eteği ve ataşehir escort sütyeni kalmıştı .Memeleri harikaydı .Olgunlaşmıştı ve dimdikti. Sütyenini çıkarttım ve sıkmaya başladım. Çok hoş bir duyguydu bu şekilde 10 dk memeleriyle oynadım buna alışmıştı. Artık sıra bende dedim ve sikimi çıkardım .Artık bunun da oyuna katılma zamanı geldi dedim. Gene ağlamaya kaçamaya çalışmaya başladı bu sefer ellerinden tuttum ayaklarını sıkıştırdım ve al şunu ağzına yoksa daha kötü olur dedim ama almadı. Ben de saçlarını açtım ve bunu saçlarından tutup dışarı çıkarttım. Yere oturdu tekrar saçlarından çekti ve bağırdı bu sırada sikimi ağzına soktum. Ağzı Küçüktü bu yüzden baş kısmını zorla alabiliyordu .Ben ağzının içinde git gellere başladım orospumdan boğulacak gibi sesler çıkıyordu ama umursamıyordum bu şekilde 5 dakika git gel yaptım ve orospumun ağzına hiç boşalmadığım kadar kuvvetle boşaldım. İstemeye istemeye bütün menimi yuttu. Daha sonrasında öğürmeye başladı kusacak gibi oldu. Sikim yine hareketlendi saçlarından çekip tekrar ağzına verdim ve 3 dk gitgel yaptım ama boşalmadım. Menimi ziyan etmek istemiyordum. Suriyeli kız ağlamaktan ve tecavüzün verdiği gafletten bitkin düşmüştü tamam mı artık dedi .Benimse hiç bitirmek gibi bir niyetim yoktu. Sıra kızın eteğine gelmişti eteğe elimi attığımda nolur diye yalvarmaya başladı tekmeler attı. Ama ben kararlıydım bugün o amı sikecektim. Zorla da olsa eteğini çıkarttım ve küloduyla kalakaldı. Külodunu çıkarttırmıyordu en sonunda bir tokat daha vurdum ve bu son oldu. Çünkü neredeyse tüm kuvvetimle vurmuştum bu tokattı. Sersemleyen orospumdan hemen çıkarttım külodunu. Ama içim çalı çırpı üzerinde bu kızı sikmeye el vermedi ben de alıp arabanın arka koltuğuna yatırdım. Kız çırılçıplak Önümde duruyordu. Yalvaran gözlerle bana bakıyordu. Gözünde yaş kalmamıştı ama hala ağlıyordu. Üzerinde menim vardı. Amının tadına bakmak için yumulduğumda başımı itmeye başladı. 1-2 dil darbesiyle amının tadına baktım ama sevmedim. Ama kızın bu hoşuna gitmişti zevk alıyordu. Tabiki bu durum benim umrumda değildi. Sikimi tekrar ağzına vererek kalkmasını sağladım. ve kızın amının üzerine dayadım. Ama hemen sikmeyecektim bu sefer de götünü çevirip tokatlamaya başladım. Her tokatlamamda orman yankılanıyordu. Kızın canı yanıyordu ve bu hoşuma gidiyordu. Kızı tekrar sırtüstü yatırdım üzerine ümraniye escort çıkıp birden sikimi amına soktum. Aynı anda kız öyle bir çığlık attı ki ta ana yoldan duyuldu sandım ama çok şükür duyulmamıştı. Kızın gözünden tekrar yaş geldi ben hemen git gellere başladım. Amı daracıktı ve sikimi sıkı sıkıya sarıyordu. 10 Dakika kadar sonra kızın içine patladım çok harika bir duyguydu bu. Daha sonra baktığımda sikimde kan vardı. İlk başta korktum yanlışlıkla bişey mi yaptım diye ama kızlık zarının kanı olduğu aklıma geldi.kız bitkin düşmüştü ama ben pes etmeyecektim. 1-2 dakika sonra sikim gene kalktı ve yine amına girdim bu kez daha hızlı ve seri sikiyodum kız bitkin düştüğü için karşılık da veremiyordu bu şekilde 15 dakika git gel yaptım son hızımla derinlere giderek patladım. Kızda iyice hal kalmamıştı ama ben hala hırsımı alamamıştım. En sonunda bunun göt deliği ilişti gözüme. Bunu yüz üstü çevirdim ve sikimi oraya dayadım bu hayır olmaz demeye başladı gene kafasını koltuğa bastırdım ve sikimi ittirmeye başladım ama girmiyordu daha sonra baş parmağımı soktum kız acıdan kıvranıyordu. Acaba sikimi alınca napıcaktı. Göt deliği biraz genişleyince tün gücümle abandım ve birden baş kısmı girdi. Ama kız da öyle bir bağırdı ki kulaklarım parçalandı. Ama ben de onun götünü parçalıyacaktım tekrar yüklendim ve hepsi girdi bu kez öncekinden de fazla bağırdı ama bu sondu kız heralde şuurunu kaybetmişti ama ben umursamadan gitgellere başladım. Götü sikimi amından daha çok sıkıyordu bu bana çok zevk veriyodu. 15 dakika sonra sikimi çıkartıp üzerine boşaldım. götüne böyle 2 posta daha gittim. ve artık bitmiştim arabanın kapılarını kitleyip yattım. saat 3 gibi tekrar kalktım. Suriyeli fahişem hala yatıyodu. bunu kaldırdım ve gene bağırmaya ve ağlamaya başladı bu beni tekrar azdırdı ve hemen arka koltuğa geçtim . Fahişemin üzerine çullandım bir elimle ağzını kapatıp diğer elimle de memelerini sıkıyordum. sikimi de hemen amına soktum bu kez çığlık atmadı ama hala karşı koyuyodu. Amının içi sıcacıktı git gellere başladım hareket edemiyordu. Memeleri yumuşacıktı 10 dk sonra tüm döllerimi içine bıraktım. hiç içinden çıkmadan orospumu sikmeye devam ettim 30 dk içinde 2 kez daha üzerine boşaldım. Orada Üzerine yığılıp kaldım ve orada öğlene kadar uyumuşuz. Gerçi yattığımızda zaten sabah olmuştu. Öğlen kalkınca camıö yine fahişemi çekti ama halim kalmamıştı. hem uyuyodu. Hemen arkasını çevirdim ve tükürükledim. birden yüklendim içine girdim. Bu sırada fahişem çığlıkla uyandı. 15 dk git gel yaptım ve fahişemin üzerine boşaldım Ve onu alıp götürüp bıraktım bir dahada görmedim.Sikiş ve Seks Hikayeleri

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

The Aftermath

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

A Womans

A Sequel to “Homerun” by SA222.

You must read SA222’s story to understand this sequel.

I, Josh, was up early the next morning preparing for my usual carpooling with Sean and two other guys who lived almost next door to Sean and me. As I washed up and dressed and got my stuff together in my back pack I thought about what happened last night.

My mind just couldn’t get rid of the images of Sean and my Mom. I was confused. I hated Sean for what he did. I hated him for what he was planning to do , that is, brag at school and show pics of my mom naked and having sex with him. Jeez, how embarrassing to me and my whole family that would be. I could never live that down. Mom would be destroyed and maybe even convicted of some sort of crime. Dad would divorce her and we would have to move away ’cause I could never face anybody in my school again. What a fucking asshole he really was deep inside. I knew he could not be my friend anymore. Those thoughts kept running through my mind over and over again.

I was really pissed with Sean. Not just for screwing my Mom but for promising her it would remain secret when he was all the time preparing to show the pictures to Jason and then demanding to be paid off on the bet they had going. Jason would be so mad about losing that I’m sure he would do almost anything to get Sean in trouble for screwing my Mom. That meant he would blab the whole thing all around school. Maybe he would even call my dad when he got home. Surely Dad would find out someway or other if those pictures ever got shown. The shit would hit the fan at home for sure. I felt desperate and going down the tube hard.

These other thoughts kept breaking in on my messed up mind.

Was I really a peeping Tom in the making? Was I a real pervert? I really enjoyed the show they had put on. There was no doubt about that. I had masturbated and cum so hard my belly muscles were still sore this morning. Even after last nights powerful hand job and my sore belly, my usual morning hard was extra hard and it led to another jack off before I got out of bed for my usual morning wash up. Now my cock was swollen and really sensitive. My under ware hurt me with every movement.

I was pissed with Mom to for not slapping his face and running him out of the house. I couldn’t tell her yet because that would have blown my cover for watching them. On the other hand, I had fantasized about looking at my mom naked and even had thought about having sex with her like Sean had. Heck even Seans mom looked sexy but I would never do to her what he did to my mom. At least, not make pictures and tell her lies like Sean had done. The lies that would destroy his family like he planned, hopefully inadvertently at least. After seeing him with her and knowing what a true asshole he was, I began to think of myself as an asshole for thinking of doing to either of them what he had just done. Man, was I that messed up to. I got this really punk feeling down deep about my self. Was I a man or just another pervert in the making?

I began to hate myself for how I had thought about seeing mom’s tits and more. I had even thought about Sean’s mom. I had wanted to see her tits and pussy. Now I was disgusted with myself, yet, I knew I still wanted pussy experience but not with my mom. I kind of laughed to myself thinking of my mom as a MILF. Well, maybe not for me though. The girls my age began to look better and better even if they didn’t know half as much as older women. I was all mixed up. I wanted to learn about “making love” and knew that would have to be with an experienced caring adult but couldn’t fancy myself with my mom or Sean’s mom. I wanted to be sexually active but not hurt anyone at the time like Sean planned to do. He had probably not thought what telling would do to me and my family. What an ignoramus and piss ant he was.

Dad and I are close and I couldn’t bear for him to get hurt because Mom did a stupid thing. Worse, I let her and even enjoyed watching. I could easily have stopped the whole thing by making noises up stairs and telling them I was coming down stairs. I felt terribly guilty for my part in mom getting fucked. Everything was now fucked up. I wasn’t feeling guilty for watching or was I. I was thinking maybe I’m going to be a pervert voyeur wimp of a future husband and not a real man. I just wish it had been between Sean and some other woman. I had got really turned on but now it didn’t seem so erotic. I had this awful thought that I could now black mail mom into having sex with me. Oh my gawd, how perverted was I. Still, I just couldn’t let Dad get hurt.

Jeez, I had to do something and soon. What could I do. I only had an hour before Sean was going to be showing off those pics of mom naked and Sean fucking her.

I had to hurry so I got dressed in record time and yelled down to mom that I had to go. I ran out of the house with out breakfast and not stopping to close the front door. I did remember my back pack and wallet.

The first thing I had izmir escort bayan to do was get to Sean before he could show the pictures to anyone, especially Jason. I couldn’t tolerate the idea of Sean, in a way, getting paid to fuck my mom. That’s what it would be if he won the five hundred dollar bet.

I knew where Sean lived. It was less than a block away from my home. We were friendly but not close friends. Now we were enemies of the highest class. He was planning to ruin me and my family and he didn’t care. We carpooled so we had to get along. As I ran out of my house I turned towards Sean’s house. I literally ran to his house and knocked loudly on his front door. I knew his mom was up because the lights were on and it was almost time for all of us to leave for school. His parent were divorced so his dad didn’t live at home. Sean’s mom was carpooling us this morning so I had to be there anyway. I just got there fifteen minutes earlier than usual. I had to get to see Sean before we all got in his Mom’s car.

Sean’s mom opened right away since I was pounding hard. She invited me in to wait for Sean to come downstairs. I asked if I could go on up to his room and wait for him up there. She called up the stairs and Sean told her to tell me to come on up. He was close to ready to come down.

I bolted up the stairs, taking two or three steps at a time. At the top of the stairs I turned hard right a 180 degrees then down the hall to his bed room and walked in.

“Hey, Sean” I said in a as friendly a voice as I could muster, but I was steaming mad.

“Listen, I need to talk to you in private up here in the worst sort of way. It wont’ take but a minute.” I closed his door to the hall.

“I know about you and my Mom last night. I watched. God I was so horny. Damn you are one smooth character. I really have to admire your technique. I was so turned on that I had to masturbate right after you left.” I grinned and rubbed my crotch as I spoke. It hurt to rub and I must have scrunched a little. He looked at me in the mirror and sneered a smile as he combed his hair. I had to compliment him so he wouldn’t suspicion me for what I was getting ready to do. I wanted to beat him up but now was not the time or place to do that. Later maybe was my thought. I would pick the time and place and catch hip totally off guard. I liked that new idea.

“Jeez, Josh, your mom is one very hot lady. She’s the best fuck I ever had. I didn’t see you watching us though. How did you pull that off without us seeing you?”

“I laying on my belly looking under the banister of the stairs. I could see almost everything.” I laughed at my expertise. Maybe I’ll turn into a real live Peeping Tom.” I really was disgusted and ashamed of myself but couldn’t let on to anything yet.

I spied his cell phone on the dresser by the door, just a slight hand movement from my right hand. I eased over closer to the phone. I hoped he had forgotten to down load the pictures already to his computer which was across the room.

I eased up in front of the phone so he couldn’t see me slip it into my pocket. He hadn’t seen me do it. Now I had to get out before he found out I had it.

“Look, Sean, I’ll wait for you down stairs. I didn’t get anything to eat and your mom offered me a Granola bar and some O.J. I’m going to take her up on that offer. See you down stairs in a Sec.” I turned and was gone in a split second.

I didn’t stop at the front door but flew on outside to his front porch and flicked on his cell and started scrolling through his pics. I found them. They were really good and he had a ton of them. I chose the “erase all” mode and flicked through his picture file. It only took me about a minute. I checked to be sure they were all erased.

I went back inside and asked his mom if her offer of a Granola bar and some orange juice was still good. She smiled at me and said “Of course”.

While she had her back turned to get the juice out of the refrigerator, I slipped back up stairs to return the phone to its original place on his study table.

Sean saw me put his cell phone back in place.

“Josh, GIVE ME MY CELL!” he growled out an angry shout at me.

“Sean, I just deleted every picture on your cell. I just couldn’t let you show those pictures around school. GAWD, If you had done that, my whole world would have gone to hell. You never thought how showing those pics would destroy me and my family, did you? Hell no, all you wanted was braging rights on the schools premier MILF. Well, good buddy, you got no proof anymore. What a piss ant you really are.” I didn’t mention that I knew of his bet

He was now very angry and glared at me. “Damn it, Josh you have to know something. Those pics were worth half a grand to me. I would have shared half with you.” I knew he was lying as he frequently did to justify himself.

“Holy shit, Sean, were you going to sell them. What a pile of crap you are. If you had got caught with them you would escort izmir have to explain about having porn on you cell and taking porn to school and those pics were real porn shots. You would be nose deep in cow shit then , for sure. How dumb are you anyway? You know, I just saved your ass a whole ton of hurt. You should be proud of me for saving your ass.”

Sean’s mom called upstairs. “I got your Granola bar and your orange juice ready. Come and get it, We have to get going”.

“Coming” I shouted down the stairs.

I grinned at Sean. “If I hear that you have bragged about fucking my Mom I’m going to swear that I was there all night with the two of you eating popcorn and watching a movie. That will be the truth. Another thing, don’t show back up at my house for at least another month or you might get your balls battered really , really bad. Oh yea, don’t phone her or talk to her. If you do? Well just remember, I can screw your life up in ways you don’t even know about. That’s a promise that I will definitely keep. My dad’s a lawyer and he will gladly screw you royally if you go about spreading lies and rumors that you can’t prove and that I can swear never happened. It’s all up to you now. Run your mouth, get inot a hell of a lot of legal trouble and lose your balls to. Your choice good friend.” I handed him his cell phone. Now it was my time to give him a huge smirk.

With that, I turned and walked down the stairs.

We went to school and hardly spoke. The orange juice was good. It was in a box and the Granola bar was the kind I liked. I felt immensely better. I had destroyed the incriminating evidence. Dad would never know. Our family had been protected by my quick action. Now my thoughts turned to the immediate future. During the day I had time on and off to think and plan.

I decided to talk to Mom tonight. This had to be resolved long before Dad got back in town. I had to formulate a plan to my best advantage. I would not black mail her. That was for sure but she couldn’t get off Scot free for what she did. I loved her and didn’t want to hurt her but she had to know I knew. I wondered if something was missing with her and Dad’s sex life that made her vulnerable to a predator like Sean. I had thought of having sex with her but the more I thought about that the less it appealed to me. She had to be Dad’s and Dad’s only. That’s how a marriage was supposed to be so I wasn’t going to be part of taking her. She had already made a really terrible mistake and if it weren’t for my quick and decisive action, she and dad would be having divorce size problems. That would mean that I would have been one of the real losers also.

But what was I going to say and how was I going to say it. Even more basic, why was I doing this. Jeez, my whole day was messed up thinking about all the ramifications of what had happened and how or even if I could fix it any more. I wondered what mom was thinking. Surely she would know that a piss ant like Sean would go bragging about his conquest. Surely she had seen the cell phone making pics. She must know that somehow or other Dad would eventually find out. Wow, she must be in pure torment. I wondered if she could hide it from us.

I was standing at my locker between classes when Jeff walked by. I hurriedly slammed my locker door shut and twisted the lock. I yelled at Jeff.

“Hey Jeff, just a minute.”

“Hey, Josh, I didn’t see you. What’s up man?” he turned to come back to me.

“Give me a minute please, Jeff. You know what you told me about Sean and Jason’s bet. Well Sean was over at my house last night for a while but I was so tired I went to bed. (I had to lie a little to set the stage.) Sean and my mom were downstairs when I went to bed. Could you ask Sean what went on for me. I don’t want him to know I know about their bet. You know, I promised you I wouldn’t tell but I’m dying to know what went on.” (I was going to test Sean.)

“Yea, sure, Josh. I’ll get Sean aside and ask him at PE this afternoon. He and I are in the same class so I can get the inside info for you.” He smiled. “I want to know to. Jeez, what if he did it to your mom and now has pics. That would be so cool. I know Sean, he won’t stop at showing those pics of him with your mom with just showing Jason. Shit, the whole school will know by tonight if he succeeded..”

“Yea, I know, What a pile of shit he is. It will ruin me and my family to and he doesn’t care who all will be hurt. Okay, thanks buddy, but be sure not to let on that I told you he was there and or that I asked you. You could ask him if he’s going to be coming back if nothing happened last night. Okay?”

I hurried on to class grinning at myself and thinking how I screwed with Sean. Well tough shit. He asked for it and got it. I hope it costs him all five hundred smack-a-roos.

I was going to find out how Sean was going to handle his lost bet and my promise to get him if he told anyone. I knew Sean and Jeff were closer buddies than Sean and me.

Later izmir escort my mind turned back to how I was going to get the conversation going with mom tonight. I still didn’t have a plan. Dad would be back in a couple of days and I wanted this whole thing buried in history long before he got back.

I thought of how turned on I got while I watched the action from the stairs. Then I wondered if mom or dad had any ideas like being watched as a turn on like it did me. We had a good camcorder and I know we all knew how to work it easily. An idea was beginning to form. During the rest of the day it slowly developed.

After school we had ball practice. I saw Jeff, Jason and Sean talking over by water fountain. I was doing laps for messing up in practice so I couldn’t always see them very well but they talked about ten minutes because I had done several fast laps around the ball field before they broke up. After that I didn’t see them so I showered and hitched a ride home with a friend.

When I got home, mom and I talked about what we usually talked about. School, grades and my runny nose which bothered her more than it bothered me. She told me she had picked up s pizza her way home from work. She had some salad and a 3 liter Pepsi light to. I was thirsty and drank almost the whole thing while we ate pizza and talked about when dad was getting home and stuff like that. I was really nervous and couldn’t figure out how to tell mom I had watched last night and what I had done today about it.

“How did your day go, Josh?” I had a mouth full of pizza and pointed to my bulging jaws and smiled and chewed faster. I grabbed some more Pepsi to wash it down with. “Don’t eat so fast, Josh!” she commanded.

“Hey, I was just trying to be able to tell you how my day went. Some really interesting things happened that you should know about.”

“Oh? How could something at your high school be about me unless you got into some sort of trouble. Tell me you didn’t get sent home or such.” She had a somewhat inquiring yet demanding tone to her voice.

“Relax, mom, If anything I saved the day for you but it cost me. I don’t care because I really didn’t like Sean anyway. I think he is a pile of cow shit now for what he did and what he tried to do to you.”

“Josh, don’t use that word ‘shit’ again. You know better than use that kind of language. Especially here at home.” She was turning red in the face with disgust. “So what is this ‘saving my day’ thing that got you and Sean on the outs?”

“Well, mom, let me start with this morning. You know I ran out of the house without breakfast this morning. Now don’t interrupt me by telling me I shouldn’t have done that. I got some breakfast at Sean’s from his mom.” I now saw a way how I could talk to her with a minimum of hurt.

I had to get over to his house really fast. I didn’t sleep much last night worrying about what I needed to do to save your ‘ass’. Yea, and I’m going to use that word because that is literally what I did. Don’t say anything, mom. ” I commanded. “I have to tell you this my way.”

I took a drink of Pepsi and looked her straight in the eye. “I had to get Sean’s cell phone and erase the pictures he took last night of you and him fucking on the couch.”

She gasped and turned pale.

“Yea, I literally saved your ass, your marriage, our family and everything we have together. What a fool you were and he recorded all.” She dropped her eyes. “How much do you know about what we did?” she asked me.

“Mom, I saw it all. Incidentally, you got a magnificent set of tits.” I grinned as she looked up at me.

“Oh Gawd” is all she could say as she pushed her plate away and put her forhead on the table and cried.

“Josh, I was such a fool. What can be done now that I made the worst mistake of my whole life and you saw it.” She was now crying.

“I have been beside myself with anxiety and worry all day and now I know it was all for real. Everything is gone because of my stupidity”. She just sobbed. I felt so sorry for her. I had never seen her cry before. She had always been so strong and so in control and now she was an emotional wreck.

“Mom,” I reached over and shook her shaking shoulder. “Hang on, not everything is lost. Listen to what I did to save you and us.” She looked up with tears streaming down her cheeks.

“There is nothing that can be done, Josh. Nothing. This is the worst day of my life. I just want to die and disappear off the face of the earth”. She laid her head down on the table again, covering her head with her hands, still sobbing.

“MOM, I shouted to her. Listen to me. Everything is not lost. So I saw you fucking with Sean. Big deal. I loved it. You were really good but I knew that Sean was going to brag about it at school I knew I had to stop it. I should have stopped it last night but I wanted you to slap him but you never did. Then I wanted to see you naked, and I did. I had never seen a guy fuck a woman and now I have. I feel terrible for not making a lot of noise so you would stop but I didn’t. I’m at fault to. I got to thinking and feeling guilty this morning. But I saved everything, almost. That’s just what I did today. Perk up, mom, you’re not going down the toilet.”

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A Vacation Surprise

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It was very cold in Ohio where we live, and my wife and I needed to get away for a while. Chuck and Jessica, another couple who have been friends of ours for years, felt the same way. We hit upon the idea of renting a place to stay for a week in in Texas, in a little town on the gulf coast. The place we found was an AirBnB condo. It was right on the beach and had two big bedrooms, each with its own bath, and a nice balcony and deck. I was hoping for a re-occurrence of what I called “vacation sex”, where my wife would get a little more adventurous and a little more horny than our usual cycle of fucking every couple of weeks.

Jessica is about my age, a year or maybe two younger. She and my wife have known each other since high school. I’ve always liked her, and she’s fairly attractive. Not usually my type, to be honest, but nice looking and I like her personality. I had gathered from the occasional comment from Chuck, her husband, that they very rarely had sex any more. I didn’t have any detail, but I knew he’d been complaining about that for a long time.

This trip was the first time we’d been around them for longer than a few hours during a party, dinner, or day trip. For the first couple of days in the condo, things were perfectly normal. The weather was great, even though it was winter in Texas – still a lot warmer than home. I did notice that Jessica and I were getting along very well. In fact, we two seemed to have a lot in common. Both our spouses spent a lot of time out on the deck smoking or playing games on their phones, leaving the two of us to talk. I was feeling more and more attracted to her for some reason. This, combined with the fact that sex was pretty much not happening, led to some impure thoughts about her creeping into my head. It didn’t help matters that she was usually dressed very casually in a tank top and no bra, sometimes with shorts or leggings that showed off her legs and ass quite nicely.

About the fourth day something happened. I was up very early and was downstairs in the kitchen making coffee. Jessica came down to join me, and I poured her a cup as well. We were both moving around the kitchen getting various things out for breakfast. Both of us were still wearing what we’d slept in, meaning pretty loose pajama type bottoms and a T-shirt in my case, and a tank top in hers. As we moved around the kitchen I was trying to keep far enough away, or behind the island counter, so she wouldn’t notice that I was about half hard. I tried to keep it out of sight as much as possible. I was doing pretty well until by chance she happened to move past me and brushed her ass right up against my cock. I was about to panic. There was no way she didn’t notice THAT. In a split second I could hear her yell, see my wife and her husband run down to see what the problem was, see her pointing out my erection, the disgust on their faces, the yelling, the anger, and the quick and acrimonious end to our izmir escort bayan otherwise very nice vacation.

Then she did it again… but this time a little more deliberately. She was still facing away from me, and slowly pressed back and ground her ass against my rapidly stiffening cock. I didn’t say a word. Once the shock wore off a little, I slowly slid my hands up along her hips, then up past her waist, and around the front of her top, finally cupping her small breasts. As she leaned back a little I found and caressed her nipples, which rewarded me with a barely perceptible low moan as she slowly gyrated her ass against my cock which had now achieved its fully erect state and was throbbing against her.

This was unreal. Here we were, with her husband and my wife asleep upstairs, grinding against each other like teenagers. Even if we had enough warning of one of our spouses coming down the stairs to move apart, my cock wasn’t going to deflate fast enough to avoid a scene. But you don’t think with the big head at times like this, you think with the only one that’s getting blood flow, the little one. Se went on like that for a couple of minutes… her writhing against my cock, me rubbing and pinching her nipples. I had moved my hands up underneath her top to feel the bare skin of her tits, and I was leaking pre-cum as she rubbed her ass against me. Finally I couldn’t take it any more. I turned her around and lifted her up, feeling her legs wrap around me. My cock was now positioned just under her pussy, but we were still separated by two layers of fabric. Fucking was, in my judgment, not a good option… but I knew what I wanted to eat for breakfast. I slid her PJ bottoms down past her ass and sat her on top of the island, peeling them down to her ankles. I dropped to my knees and buried my face in her neatly trimmed crotch, tasting her pussy for the first time ever. She leaned back and supported herself with one hand, while grabbing the back of my head with the other. I slid my tongue between the folds of her labia, tasting the juices there, and eagerly lapped at it like a starving man. She let out a muffled gasp as I found her clit, flicking the tip of my tongue over it repeatedly.

It was then that we heard a toilet flush upstairs. Our time was over. I reluctantly pulled my head from her crotch, and she quickly slid off the countertop and pulled up her pajamas as I made a dash to the bathroom until my dick was back under control. When I emerged a few minutes later, there were four of us in the kitchen. Jessica never gave any indication that anything unusual had happened, though it did seem that she had a little twinkle in her eye as we all sat and had breakfast together. Not so much as a wink passed between us, though. I figured that was as far as things would go, and hoped I could convince my wife to get in the mood to fuck that night. It was unlikely, but I was going to need some relief.

As escort izmir it turns out, I was wrong. Late that afternoon, we once again found ourselves alone in the condo. My wife and her husband had gone on a run to the grocery store. Jessica and I were sitting on the deck reading when they left. Once the front door closed, she stood up, stretched provocatively, and gave me a look as she stepped inside the sliding doors. I followed, of course. I would say I’m not stupid, but what I was pretty sure we were about to do was somewhere between stupid and suicidal. We didn’t know how long our spouses would be gone, and there would be no warning when they returned. But there was unfinished business that needed to be attended to. I stepped inside the condo and found her facing me in the middle of the room.

“I think there was maybe something you left unfinished this morning”, she said. “Did you want to continue?”

“I think that would be a very good idea, for both of us”, I answered. And those were the last words spoken for a while.

I moved over to her and kissed her full on her lips, sliding my hands along her body and sliding her shorts down. She stepped out of them and pulled off her top, leaving her completely nude. I did the same, then held up a single finger and left her there for a moment as I walked over and locked the front door. This would at least give us a few seconds of warning if the shopping trip ended early. When I got back to the living room, she was already reclining on the couch fingering her pussy with one hand and playing with her nipples with the other. I didn’t waste any time. Kneeling on the tile floor, I once again buried my tongue in her pussy and gave her my best oral attention. I loved the way she responded to this, arching her back and clutching desperately at my head, pulling my face deeper into her. I was alternately sucking on the swollen lips of her pussy and swirling my tongue around her clit. While doing that, I had both hands playing with her tits, alternately rolling her nipples between my fingertips and gently caressing her breasts.

I could tell she was getting close, and found the right combination of licking, swirling, and gently pinching her nipples. Suddenly she was cumming, grinding her slippery pussy against my face as she arched her back and moaned loudly. Her orgasm rolled into two or three in a row, and I backed off when it was obvious that she was reaching the limit of her endurance. I didn’t want to leave her over-stimulated and unable to continue. I had a rock hard cock and heavy balls that that were demanding release, and I couldn’t have her pushing me away because she was done.

As her orgasm subsided I flipped her over. Now her knees were on the floor and she was laying over the front edge of the couch. I rubbed my cock against her as I fondled her tits, sliding along between her pussy lips and letting the head slip up against her clit. She gasped, and izmir escort I withdrew and entered her in one stroke. Her pussy felt amazing as I drove my cock into it, and she let out another gasp as I reached full depth with my pubic bone up tight against her ass. I began thrusting, using short strokes and then longer ones. Now her arms were against the back of the couch, holding her partly up off the cushions so I could reach around and play with her tits while still getting full depth strokes into her puffy pussy. Her cunt lips were sliding along my shaft as I pulled out and drove back into her. The little pink rosebud of her ass teased me as I fucked her, and I caressed it with my thumb as she made little mewling sounds of ecstasy. I knew I couldn’t last long at this pace. I also knew that her husband and my wife could return at any time, and she had already cum at least a couple of times. I could feel the pressure building in my balls, and I didn’t try to hold off. With a final thrust, I buried my cock as deep inside her as I could and unleashed a torrent of cum. It had been two full weeks since the last time I fucked, and for various reasons hadn’t even jerked off since. She got it all, every drop of the load of jizz I had been storing up. I came hard, and when she felt the first spurts flooding her already wet cunt she started to cum again as well. Feeling her pussy spasm around my cock only made me cum harder.

Finally our orgasms subsided. Slowly deflating, my cock slipped from her pussy as she breathed heavily, face planted on the couch. But she had shocked and surprised me that morning, and I felt the need to repay that. I had one more surprise for her. I gave her a pat on her bare bottom and rolled her onto her back on the couch. Then, much to her surprise, I went down on her again. Her pussy was dripping with a combination of her juice and my cum, which was now running from her love canal and covering her pussy lips. I lapped and sucked at her drenched cunt, licking it all up and swallowing all of it. As soon as the shock wore off she was moaning and again clawing at my head. I swirled my tongue as deep inside her pussy as I could possibly reach, tasting the warm, sweet fluids there. I licked the cum and juices from her labia, and even dipped down to clean up her delicate little ass before returning to her pussy. As I got the last few drops and once again swirled my tongue over her hooded clit, she had one final orgasm and collapsed, completely satiated.

Neither of us spoke. She remained there motionless for a couple of minutes, then grabbed her clothes from the floor and pulled them on, carefully making sure nothing was inside-out of backward. I did the same, after wiping the accumulated pussy juice and cum from my cock. Finally she came over and kissed me deeply, pressing her whole body against mine. When she broke the kiss she went and unlocked the front door, then we both went back to enjoying the winter sun and warm breeze on the deck. At dinner that night my wife remarked that it looked like I’d gotten a little sun, and Jessica said she was feeling it too. That would explain the slightly flushed faces as well as anything, I guess.

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The Adultress

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Adriana Chechik

You may also read the poem “The Adultress” which is what I wrote first.

I felt uncomfortable having an affair. But at the same time I couldn’t have felt better. For once in my life I felt so loved. No one knew about it except for us two. If my husband found out he probably literally have a heart attack. The reason for starting this whole love affair is because I lie in bed staring at the ceiling every night while my husband reads his little magazine. I didn’t want to be a lonely housewife. I wanted to be different.

The day it all started was a day that Tim had a baseball game. Tim, my son, came home and plopped his grassy uniform on the washer for me to wash. The housewife title had kicked in completely by then. I was angry.

“Wash your own damn clothes!” I screamed at him.

He turned around and surprisingly grinned at me! I just kept yelling. He walked toward me.

“I am tired of being this housewife who has nothing to turn to except the washing machine! I’m sick of it! Why doesn’t every–” my yelling was struck down. He placed his fingers on my chin, smiled, and kissed me lightly on the lips.

“I know how you feel,” he said to me.

We began to kiss. Not rough kisses but light, loving ones. He was only in a T-shirt and his boxers while I was in a flowery sundress. We stopped kissing and looked at one another gazing into the eyes of love. He grabbed my hand and walked me toward his bedroom. He swung open the door and all we could see is the baseball memorabilia plaster to the walls. We both knew that John wasn’t going to be home for a while. John being the husband I was about to cheat on with my own son. I couldn’t blame myself for what I was about to do. Tim is a very handsome young man; eighteen years of age, tall, tanned skin, dark hair, and my green eyes. I felt like an old woman compared to him. However, I knew that he could make me feel like a teenager again.

He tossed me on the bed and we both giggled. He lifted my skirt up over my head then began to dig in his bottom drawer. He pulled out a condom and started to open it.

I interrupted him by saying, “Um, are you a, uh well you know a–“

“Virgin? Yea I am, but your the only one I love and want to do this with,” he replied with a light smile on his face.

He continued to open the condom and slid the opening of his boxers open to put it on. I felt a rush of joy shoot through my body as he pulled his boxers off. He had a nice ass and a surprisingly large penis. It was about twice the size of John’s. I was still in my bra and panties and he still had his shirt on. He began to slide my underwear down to my ankles. He spread my legs and tickled my thigh with his cock. Like an earthquake had struck, he shoved his dick into me. It felt amazing. I wasn’t even worried about him being my son. He pounded his hips into my thighs. He was going awfully fast for him being a virgin but I just figured he was trying to give me the best. He started groaning and I was panting hard.

“Oh baby! Hun! Oh! Fuck me! Harder, harder, harder! Oh yes Tim!” I screamed as I felt his cock pulsate inside of my pussy.

Oh, it was so much better than John’s fucking. He worked me for nearly an hour, never stopping, reaching about three huge orgasms with several smaller ones, and cumming a lot. At about 6:00 P.M. we had to stop because John would arrive home soon. We didn’t want to though, so we just kissed and he fondled me for a while until John pulled in the driveway.

Tim always went to this club every Saturday night. That was pretty much the only time we had together. However, John had Saturday’s off so I made up a little excuse. I now had “Tupperware parties” every Saturday at eight o’ clock. Tim quit going to the club so he could be with me. On our first night affair on Saturday, April 17, I was a little nervous. I didn’t tell John whose house I was going to be at; I thought that was a little suspicious. I thought nothing of it and got into my station wagon and drove to the Holiday Inn where Tim was waiting in room 219. I swiped the key and opened the door. The bed was covered with white rose petals and I noticed chocolate syrup and whipped cream on the bedside table. He was in boxer briefs sitting on the chair when he rushed over to greet me with a kiss. Candles were lit and he turned out the lights. I was wearing a nice Gucci dress and stilettos. I wanted to look nice for him. He had no idea what I was wearing underneath of it, though he was about to find out. He unzipped my dress, thinking that I was naked underneath, he found out different. I was wearing a black nipple-less bra, black crotch less panties, and a garter belt wrapped around my thighs. I saw his mouth drop and he had nothing to do but stare. I laughed and pulled off his boxer briefs. He picked me up and lied me down on the bed. He grabbed the chocolate syrup and popped the top open. He held it high and dribbled it all over my chest trying not to get any on my new lingerie. He put some chocolate on his fingertips and rubbed them on my nipples. He began to lick off the trickled syrup on my upper chest. He moved over to my perked up nipples izmir escort bayan and sucked off all of the chocolate. I began to moan. He licked on my tummy and then grabbed the whipped cream. He licked on the nozzle and sprayed it into his mouth like a child would do. In some way this turned me on. Suddenly, he tossed a bombshell at me. He shoved the nozzle into my glistening cunt and sprayed sweet cream into it. He then sucked what he sprayed into me, out of me. I have never felt a better sensation.

I squealed, “Ahhhhhh! OH! More! Do more! Please!”

And more he did. He sprayed and sucked, sprayed, and sucked. I yelled for more.

“Well I would do more but it’s empty!” he giggled.

“Oh honey! I want you now! Anyway you want! Just take me now!” I said to him with a distinct amount of pleasure in my voice.

He placed me on my hands and knees and got out another condom. He slid his hands down my hips and guided his cock into my pussy.

“Yea I’m gonna burn out your fuck hole until it can go no more,” he said dirty.

“Oh baby, that’s all I need. Hot, dirty, wild sex! Give it to me!” I screamed with ecstasy.

He hammered me into the bed. I clenched the backboard and it slammed up against the wall with every single thrust he gave me. He fucked me with all his strength. He moved his hands up to my tits and began to fondle me.

He moaned, “Oh- baby, yes! I love your big beautiful tits, mom. They’re amazing. Big tan– nipples and lovely creases. I could cock fuck them all night.”

“Oh Tim! Oh my baby boy! I love your dick! I would let you fuck me, my mouth, my pussy, or my tits all night long and more! Do whatever you want to me! OHHH! YESSSS! AHHH!” I called out to him.

He fondled me, bouncing my breasts in his hands. He gracefully moved his hands down to the lips of my vagina. He stroked them lightly while he was banging my cunt. That fact of my only child fucking me doggy style in my cunt while fingering it… was unimaginable… and it felt great! He moved his fingers faster and fucked me harder. We began to pant and gasp for breath.

He told me in a loud groan, “OHHHH! I’m- gonna- CUM!”

He let out a full load into me and I shrieked with sexual bliss. My cum ran down his shaft as he spewed hot liquid into me. He removed his dick and put his boxer briefs back on. I noticed that one side of my bra was up over my tit while the other stayed in place. We really had gone all out. That was the best fuck of my life until Tim’s spring break came.

Tim had spring break April 18 through the 24th. And did we ever luck out? John had a contractor’s meeting in the city for that whole week! Tim did have a few days of practice on the first Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, but that was it. When he came home from that practice he found me hunched over my garden working on the tulips. He came up behind me and kissed my neck. I turned around and kissed him hard on the lips. After all, I hadn’t seen him since the morning and I hadn’t had sex with him since the Holiday Inn. I was in the mood to be a little kinky. We had a tall privacy fence in the backyard so no one could see us. I hiked up my sundress above my hips and widened my legs. Tim was still in his baseball gear; he unzipped his pants and his cock fell out of them. He put on a condom and rammed it inside of me. He pushed and released his cock into me. He gazed at me through his backwards hat. He screwed me hard, twitching his legs. My elbows were hard into the dirt and I clasped my fist around the roots of a few tulips.

I sounded like a little French poodle yipping at her master, “Oh, oh, oh! Ahh! Yes, fuck me! Ah! Screw me into the ground!”

I had never sounded so demanding. I felt like a young prostitute who had a happy ending to her sad story. My son banged me until we both came. I went to place my dress back but he lifted it again. He rested his mouth onto my hole. He enclosed his lips around it and ran his tongue up and down my clitoris. It felt amazingly fresh, like I was virgin again. He sucked out all of his juices that remained inside of me. I reached an orgasm and came all over his face. It was excellent.

On Tuesday, I was making pancakes for us. I had only gotten the flour and the bowl of warm water out when we began to induce a little foreplay. Tim reached into the drawer and pulled out a turkey baster. He placed it into the warm water and squeezed the ball of it to fill it up. He quickly put it into my pussy. He glanced at me and smiled slyly. He squeezed the ball again and shot warm water into my pussy. I moaned. He squeezed the ball again and brought it all back up into the tube. He took the baster out of me and put it to his lips and drank a few drops of the water mixed with my love juices. He then pried my mouth open and shot the rest into my mouth. I tasted my own cum in warm water and it tasted so good, like musty salt water. We didn’t have sex; we just did foreplay that day. On Wednesday, however I had a special treat for him.

He came home from buying more condoms and I called him into my bedroom. He opened the door and found me tied to the bedposts wearing escort izmir nothing but his baseball socks clear up to my knees and his cleats. His jaw dropped. He had seen the aluminum baseball bat between my legs. One of my hands wasn’t tied up though and he tied it for me. He didn’t hesitate to drop his pants, put on a condom, and pounce his muscular body on top of me. Me tied up and just watching him get undressed excited me. I thought for sure he would use the baseball bat first, but he didn’t. I guess he wanted to save the best for last. Even though we were having bondage sex, I think he felt as if he were a little boy first finding out what sex was. He stiffened his legs and grabbed the headboard above me. It looked as if he were going to howl to the moon like a wolf on the prowl.

Instead, he screamed something that took me by surprise, “I LOVE YOU!”

Even though we were fucking at that time I knew he meant it. Then I thought he is my son for crying out loud! Well, I soon swept that thought aside when he came in me like a damn volcano. We screamed together and he untied my legs and bent my knees. He grabbed the baseball bat.

“Which end? The handle or the fat end?” he asked me?

I said, “The fat end.”

And the fat ends of baseball bats are huge, but he tried to get it in. He separated my lips and pushed the bat in. It got in a little bit but he was having trouble. He shoved it in and yet it barely moved. I began to cry. “Are you ok? Do you want me to lube it up first?” he asked politely.

“No, I’m crying because it feels so good! And no, don’t lubricate it. Do on your own,” I replied sobbing and panting.

He nodded and continued to press on the cold metal bat. It had only gotten in a few inches when suddenly he had an epiphany. He lifted my back up and put three large pillows under it. My pussy was sticking straight up in the air with a bat dangling from it. I felt my cunt muscles expand when he did this. He forced down on to the bat and got it in about three inches. I yelped with delight. Now that the bat was pretty much in he began to shift it within my pussy. I thought the whipped cream was good! Oh man this was delectable!

“OH MY GOD! YES! Fuck me with that beautiful baseball bat! OH GOD!” I cried out to him.

He slid it faster and faster, speeding up with every thrust inside of me. I was thinking I should get a vibrator this size so he could sex me up with a gigantic toy. Oh well, a bat is good enough for me. He worked me with that bat until I shivered out an orgasm. He pulled it out and it was dripping wet with my cum. He untied me and licked off a little bit of the cum on the baseball bat and put it back in his closet. He told me if he left all of my love juices on it, that it would bring him good luck when it was time for him to play.

It was Thursday night and I desperately wanted to get in the shower with him. He was asleep on the couch, so I tied a string to his big toe and tiptoed to the bathroom. I got naked and tugged on the string to wake him. He got up and followed my string trail where he found me in the hot and steamy shower. When he pulled back the shower curtains and stepped in he was completely naked wearing a condom, but I noticed he was wearing the necklace I had bought him for his 10th birthday. Right away, he moved me up against the wall of the tub and began to fuck me already. I was expecting to have him wash me first but I was so hot for him and just went along fucking. He hoisted my legs up around his waist and loosely juggled them in the air while he made love to me. My back was banging on the wall; it hurt a little but I didn’t care, his dick healed all of my pain. We stayed in the shower, screwing, until the water turned cold. Then we got out and started having sex on the bathroom floor. The floor was hard and cold but it felt wonderfully erotic. Whenever, wherever, and however we had sex was complete and udder satisfaction. He banged me hard and flavorful. I loved my son with all of my heart, which is why we have been cherishing our moments together so that no one knew. What we had done in the last few weeks was scandalous. Neither of us cared, we just wanted to be together. He finished making love to me on the floor and we got dressed and fell asleep in the spare bedroom together.

It was Friday in the afternoon and Tim had a baseball game. I watched him play and unfortunately he lost. He was very stressed and I knew he’d want to have sex to ease his anger. We were in the living room after we got home. The living room had all black leather furniture and big bay windows that the whole neighborhood could see in. I began to take off my clothes and he did the same without saying a word.

Quietly, he asked me, “Can I tit fuck you?”

I nodded. Tim said, “Your tits are so beautiful, they are perfect for tit fucking. They are nice, perky, and squeezed together just enough to fit my cock between them.”

He positioned his cock between my breasts. He began to stroke himself with my tits. I was getting turned on watching him fuck my chest. I began to finger myself. I had never fingered myself before and izmir escort it felt extremely good. I inserted one finger in at first and soon worked my way up to three. Tim was wiggling his stiff prick in between my tits and began to grunt. I twisted my fingers about in my vagina. I was getting hot. He moved his dick faster on my boobs and I inserted another finger into my pussy opening. I was turned on but I wasn’t near an orgasm, neither was Tim. I figured if I could fit a baseball bat into my vagina I could fit my whole hand in it. I enclosed my thumb into a fist and felt a surge of joy rush through my body. Tim was about ready to cum so he worked himself faster and faster. Soon he came all over my face and in my mouth. He got off of me and started to jerk off while watching me fist myself. I hunched over and got nearly my whole forearm into my insides. I could feel my muscles contracting around my fist. I pumped my fist in myself and looked over to see my son jerking off. His eyes closed shut and he stroke himself. I yanked and tugged at my fist. My cum was dripping all down my elbow. Tim had already cum. I was almost at an orgasm.

“Ohhhh, Ahhhhhh, yea. This feels SO GOOD! Oh I’m gonna hit and orgasm! Oh it’s a big one! OHHHHH GOD! AHHHH!” I pleasurably yelled as I had a remarkable orgasm.

Several minutes later, Tim turned on porn. I had never really liked the stuff personally. I thought that it was vague and disgusting. Tim looked so relaxed and he wanted me to watch it with him. So reluctantly I agreed. On the screen were a two guys and a blonde girl. They were caught in an awkward situation when the girl walked in on the guys making out in the nude. One of the guys began to fuck the girl in the ass. The other one stood there and watched until he finally began to fuck her in her pussy. The girl looked like she was in a great amount of pain and pleasure. I was beginning to get off at the sight of this. I played with the rim of my pants debating on whether to finger myself again. Tim snatched my hand away, however.

“Do you want to be fucked in the ass mom?” he asked me.

I replied, “Oh yes Tim! I do want you to fuck me in my asshole!”

He nodded and walked to his bedroom and came back with a strap on dildo. I knew that after he fucked me in the ass he wanted me to do it to him. I had no complaints. He bent me over and began to insert his dick into my round ass. He impelled himself into me. I squealed with elation. My son’s enormous fuzzy balls were bouncing up and down and against my soft skin. He rotated my hips and worked me faster. He had sex with my ass at light speed rhythms. Tim grasped my body and bounded it upward and down. He shot a huge load of cum into my anus when we reached a full out orgasm. He took out his penis and strapped the dildo on me. I was excited to use a dildo on my son; I had once dreamt about it. He bent over the way I was and I stuck the stiff dildo into his ass crack. It was a lot different fucking him like this. But I liked watching my baby boy claw his fingers into couch. I was hot watching the dildo slide into and out of him but I wasn’t feeling anything. So I grabbed an empty thin flower vase and began pumping it into my cunt. It was about the thickness of a fifty-cent piece. I scratched his back and propelled the dildo into Tim’s love channel. I was fucking myself with a flower vase while boning my son with a cheap strap on. I loved fucking him. It was so different each time, and so different from John. Tim began to groan and he hit his climax. I worked the vase harder and more rapid in my cumming pussy. I too had hit my climax so I removed the vase. We panted hard as we got dressed and laughed a little. We had forgotten to close the blinds; we hoped no one had seen us.

John wouldn’t be home until Sunday, so Saturday we decided to go out on the town. We went to a nice dinner and then we went to the park. Tim laid out a blanket for us to cuddle on. We cuddled for what seemed like hours until Tim started to grope me. He was grappling my breasts and started kissing my tummy. He took off my skirt and I shivered.

“Don’t worry mom, I’ll keep you warm,” he said to me reassuringly.

He removed his pants and was wearing bikini underwear. I was wearing the crotch less panties again. I felt a cool breeze on my warm clit and I wanted desperately for him to be inside of me. He got out another condom and placed it on the head of his cock. He lied on his belly with his face toward my feet and lifted up my left leg and put it on top of his. He then heaved his dick into my vagina. This had to be something he read in a Kama Sutra book. It was different, and it was excellent. He worked me like a pretzel. He kissed my toes as his dick propelled in me. I swayed my head back and moaned with sexual and erotic feelings. I had never felt so good. Out of all of our making love, this was by far turning out to be the best. Sweat rolled down my breasts, and I heard my baby groaning with sheer and udder pleasure. I could feel his prick tremble against my pillowy walls. His dick was of a colossal size and it was semi-hard to fit it in me the normal way; but this way it seemed impossible. We made it work and he got it in pretty far. He shifted his weight and grunted loudly. I clenched his ass cheeks and held on to them until he came in me with an orgasm. We gasped for breath and left the park.

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erkek olarak kadın olmak

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erkek olarak kadın olmak
içimdeki pasif duygular patlama noktasına geldi artık kadın olmak istiyordum ilk maaşımı alıp doğru alışverişe çıktım mağaza mağaza dolaşıp kendime kıyafetler aldım 22 yaşındaydım ve yalnız yaşadığım için evdede gayet rahattım en büyük hayalim hep kadın elbiseleri içinde birine vermekti zaman gelmişti
eve gider gitmez duşa girip güzelce temizlendim vücudumda zaten tüy bile yoktu gayet rahattım kırmızı dantelli bi küloy giyip dantelli mor sütyen taktım pcye oturup sahte bi facebuk hesabı açtım ve gay sitelerine üye oldum ama kimse yoktu güvenebilceğim herkes sanal ve düzeysizdi kimsedede cesaret yoktu gece uyumadan önce yine 31 çekip uyudum
ertesi gün bi sinema biliyordum ve ıraya gidecektim içime dantelli külodu giydim yine kırmızı sütyen taktım fıstık yeşili iki mzu açık tunik kazağımıda giydim altada daracık bi kot sokağa böle çıkamazdım ve siyah uzun paltomu giyip çıktım ilk taksiye binip sinemanın yolunu tuttum içerisi çok karanlıktı ama geçip oturdum gözüm alışınca da sağa sola baktım ilk gözüme iki koltuk yandaki adam çarptı sikini çıkarmış 31 çekiyordu çok belli değildi ama güzel uzun ve kalın bi siki vardı ona baktığımı farkedince yanıma doğru kayıp birlikte izleyelimmi dedi olur dedim yanyana oturduk sikiğni okşuyordu elimi tutup sikine götürdü ilkkez canlı bi sike dokunuyordum ve heyecandan ölecektim harika bi aletti zonkluyordu biraz okşayıp yalasammı diye düşünürken ağzına alsana dedi oracıkta eğilip o muhteşem aleti öpmeye başladım yalıyordum artık hayallerim gerçek oluyordu o an kendimi gerçek bi kadın gibi hissettim erkeğim saçlarımı okşuyor sen ne harika bi ibnesin böle yalayanını görmedim kız dedi o an içim eridi bana kız demesi çok hoşuma gitmişti ben onunsikini emdikçe o inliyor garip garip sesler çıkarıyordu nolduğunu anlamadan ağzımın içine sıvısı fışkırmaya başladı tadı kötüydü ama ağzımın içi döl doldu birazını yutup birazını tükürdüm az sonra aferin harikaydın ben kaan dedi bende memnun oldum adım fatih dedim ve kalkmaya çalıştım ama o elimi tutup gitme seni sikmeme izin var deyince burda olmaz dedim arkada kullanılmayan tuvalet var orası uygun ama kaldır önce yala biraz daha dedi döl kokan sikini tekrar ağzıma alıp emerek kaldırdım beni takip et dedi ve arkasından arka bölüme geçtik demir kapıyı açtı içerde bi duş yeri bide wc vardı içeri girer girmez dudaklarıma yapıştı uzunuzundudaklarımı emdi ben paltomu çıkarınca vay be sen ne güzel bi ibnesin dedi götümü okşayıp senin kocan benim artık diyerek arkamı döndürdü kotumu ve külodumu sıyırdım kazak üzerimdeydi ve elllerimi duvara dayayıp götümü dışarı çıkardım oda az önce emdiğim siki göt deliğime dayadı evden çıkmadan bolca kremlemiştim zaten rahat soksun diye
daha önce çok salatalık sokmuştum ama ilkkez sikilecektim belimden tutarak yüklenince siki löpdiye içime girdi off yavaş dedim o anda öle bi soktuki duvara yapıştım bağıramadığım için dudaklarımı ısırdım kızlığım gitmişti artık resmen ibne olmuştum köküne kadar sokmuştu kaan biraz hareketsiz bekledikten sonra yavaş yavaş gidip gelmeye başladı acım hemen geçmişti ve erkeğimin siki içimde gidip geldikçe zevkim iki katına çıktı muhteşem bi şekilde sikiliyordum ve bununtadı hiç bi şeyde yoktu kaanda hızlanmış offf ben hayatımda bçle göt sikmedm off karımsın artık benim dedikçe dahada zevk alıyordum sik beni erkeğim ohh vur götüme daha sert sik beni kocacım dedikçe o daha sert vuruyordu 5 cmlik hiç bi işe yaramayan sikim kalkmış kaan vurdukça oda sağa sola sallanıyordu kaan yine hırıltılar çıkarmaya başladı ve bu kez götümün içine fışkırarak boşaldı dönüp dudaklarına yapıştım telimizi aldık ve çıktım sinemadan bi kadın olarak

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Eşimin geçmişini öğrendiğimde… (2)

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Eşimin geçmişini öğrendiğimde… (2)

Eşimi facebooktan açık saçık mesajlaştığı adamın evine giderken izlemiştim. Evi terk ettikten sonra arkasından o daireye çıktığımda kapıyı bir kadının açtığını görünce duyduğum rahatlama kadının arkasındaki adamın “burada ne arıyorsun Suat?” demesiyle yok olmuştu.

“Gel içeri de konuşalım” dedi adam, ve kendini tanıttı “ben Kemal burayı nasıl buldun”. Bu sırada kapıyı ilk açan otuzlu yaşlardaki kadının hiç bir şey yokmuş gibi çay kahve filan önermesi bir nebze olsun kendime gelmemi ve Kemal adlı o şerefsizin üstüne yürümemi engelledi. O, sevgilimle, eşimle kim bilir neler yapmış ve neler yapıyor olan alçak gözümün içine baka baka adımla sanımla evine çağırıyordu beni.
Tıpış tıpış girdim tabii…
Loş salon zevkli döşenmişti ve yanan tütsüler perdelere sinmiş olan sigara ve alkol kokusunu kapatamıyordu. “ne oluyor burada? kimsin? eşimi nerden tanıyorsun?” sorularım birbirini kovalarken heyecan, hırs, öfke ve korkudan titreyen bacaklarımı göstermemek için kanepeye iliştim. Kemal karşıma çöküp bir sigara uzattığında 12 yıldır bir tane bile yakmamış olduğum aklıma gelmeden aldım sigarasını. Derin bir nefes ve gözlerimin arkasına kadar uzanan bir rahatlama… İkinci bir nefes ve ensemdeki soğukluk duygusu… Son bir nefes ve Kemal’in kapıya açan kadına “hadi başla şimdi oldu bu” dediğini duyup ne dediğini anlayamamam…
Karanlık, boşluk ve hafiflik…

Uyandığımda perdeden sızan gün ışığı yok olmuştu ve açlıktan midem gurulduyordu. Etrafta başka kimsenin olmadığını görünce yavaşça kalkıp fırıl fırıl dönen başıma aldırmadan evi dolaştım gerçekten kimseler yoktu. Ne Kemal ne de o kadın… O yabancı eve geldiğimden beri saatler geçmişti ve ceplerimi karıştırdığımda araba anahtarı ve cüzdanın gittiğini pantolon cebinde ise bir elli lira kaldığını gördüm.
Eve ulaştığım taksinin saati 45 lira yazmıştı…
Yolda Kemal’in verdiği sigarada bir şey olduğunu, yaklaşık 4 saat kadar kendimi kaybettiğimi ve onlar tarafından soyulduğumu ancak eve dönecek kadar parayı cebime bıraktıklarını anlayacak kadar ayılmıştım. Eşim salonda oturmuş beni bekliyordu. Girdiğimde yüzüme garip garip bakıp “mecburdun değil mi?” dediğinde onu izlediğimi bildiğini anladım ve herşeyi açık açık konuşmanın zamanı geldi diye düşündüm. “Kim o Kemal? Ne yapıyordun orda ne oluyor Sema?” Daha sözcükler ağzımdan çıkarken Pandoranın kutusunun açılırkenki sesi odada yankılanıyor gibiydi.
“Kemal eski bir tanıdıktır önemsenecek bir şey yoktu aslında ama beni izlemekle iyi etmedin Suat.” dedi. “Bakalım nasıl çıkacaksın bu işin içinden aşkım.” Yerinden kalktı, o bakmaya doyamadığım gözlerini gözlerime dikip “Belamızı bulduk işte” diyerek dudaklarını dudaklarıma yapıştırdı. Memelerini göğsümde ezerken hiç beklemediğim halde sertleştiğimi ve onun sımsıkı kalçalarını avuçlamaya başlamam şaşırtıcıydı. Oracıkta, halının üstünde karımı sikerken orgazm olduğunda attığı çığlık benim adım değildi ve farkına varınca hızla altımdan çıkıp kendini banyoya kilitledi. Ben boşalamamış ve öfkeli ama daha çok şaşkın ve üzgün halının üstünde kalakalmışken evin telefonu çaldı.
Cep telefonlarına o kadar alıştık ki ev telefonu çalınca kolayca algılamıyoruz bile. Gittim açtım tabii karşımdaki kadın sesi “Suat Bey” dedi “telefonunuzun yanınızda olmadığını biliyorum maillerinize bir bakar mısınız lütfen?” “Sen aldın telefonumu hırsız karı Kemal ve sen değil mi? kimsiniz ulan siz?” derken kibarca ve hiç istifini bozmadan “mailine bak” deyip kapadı telefonu.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

The Cabin – A Sexy Snowy Wonderland

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It was a few years ago now. At the time it seemed to me like a crazy experience that would repeat many times in different forms throughout my life. Now looking back I can appreciate the extreme circumstances that aligned just perfectly and I remember it more as an iconic night, a climax if you’d like, of my sexually charged youth. It was the combination of adventure, isolation, and a strong desire to rebel against everything normal that catalyzed the encounter, and then two crazy and very open minds that kept it going. I long for another opportunity that will match this one and yet I know the specialness of it stemmed from the rarity of the circumstances – something that you cannot recreate artificially no matter how hard you try. All you can do is be ready for the chance at an adventure and hope one comes along and finds you. Until then, I’ll read of others’ adventures and I’ll put mine down in words so that others may enjoy it vicariously while they wait.

It all started with a misguided attempt at a family vacation (as all good sexual experiences do). The plan was that my parents and I would fly into Denver and meet up with the rest of my family who were coming up from St. Louis. We would drive up into the mountains, find the cabin we had rented, and spend the week in our own private winter paradise. Needless to say, as an 18 year old this was not my ideal way to spend winter vacation. I remember the few weeks prior to the trip I was whining to my parents every chance I got about not going. In retrospect I wouldn’t have traded the experience for much. Funny how that works.

We lived in South Carolina at the time so I was not thrilled about the cold in general. Couple that with having to see family that I hadn’t seen in 5-6 years and it became even less appealing. I was pretty and boys liked me and I was thriving in the small beach town I called home. I am 5′ 8″ and had a nice tan going at the time. My long bronzed legs and my cute little ass didn’t belong in the snow covered up by many layers of clothing. I had to go shopping before we left just to have enough layers to stay warm. I would have probably put more effort into packing cute clothing had I known that I would end up taking them off.

“Bre, I didn’t even realize that was you! Your hair is gorgeous!” said my aunt as we walked up.

My aunt and uncle are actually pretty cool and down to earth people. They totally didn’t recognize me when they saw me walk into the baggage claim. I had changed a lot in the years since our last visit.

“Aw thanks,” I said, hugging them, “It’s nice to see you guys again!”

My younger cousin Ben was standing slightly behind his parents. He was the perfect age to be called an awkward teenager. I walked up and hugged him tightly.

“Hey Benny, how’s it going?”

I remembered him being a little kid and realized I was still talking to him the same way. He blushed a little and looked away and I realized I may have pressed my boobs into him a little too much.

Everyone hugged and greeted each other and then we went to wait for our bags.

“Where’s Alyson?” my mom asked my aunt.

“She went to get the car,” replied my aunt, “she likes to drive every chance she gets now.”

“Oh that’s right, she doesn’t have a car at school, right?” asked my mom.

“She’s not allowed as a first year,” said my uncle from the other side of the group.

Alyson is my age but started high school a year before me because of where our birthdays fall. She was at her state college already and I was so jealous of her at the time.

We finally got our bags and Ben was eager to help us carry them. We found the van with Alyson sitting in the driver’s seat waving at us happily. She was shorter than me and had light brown hair which contrasted from my own dark brown waves. We were both slim and had the same green eyes, a point of constant comparison whenever we were together as kids.

“Hey Bre!” Alyson said as she hopped out of the van and hugged me excitedly.

I hugged her and used my high-pitched voice to show my excitement but the truth was that I was nervous to see how much different we’d become since our childhood. I hoped she’d like me and not be “too cool” for me now that she was in college. Her bubbly personality masked any signs of true emotion toward me. I was happy when she hopped in the back of the van, sitting cozily between me and Ben.

“I thought you’d want to drive Alyson?” my mom asked her from the seat ahead.

“Oh no way, not in the snow and the mountains,” Alyson replied cutely, “I’m all for driving in the parking lot though!”

We took off on what seemed like a really long drive but it went quickly because of the constant chatter of everyone catching up on what they’d missed of the last few years of their lives.

Alyson showed me pictures of her school on her phone. She got to one with a picture of a guy with his arm around her but swiped it quickly away and didn’t mention it. Based on the rest of her stories, it seemed like he was her high school boyfriend and they had tried bahis firmaları to keep it going during college but it had come to an end recently. She still seemed sensitive about it so I didn’t pry. Apart from that it seemed like she was really enjoying herself. It had me excited even more to leave high school.

Hours of driving through the cold dark mountains we eventually arrived at our lovely destination.

“Isn’t it great!” said my aunt as the dimly lit cabin came into view. It looked underwhelming and small.

“Looks awesome, mom,” Alyson said as she gave me a quick look that said otherwise. It gave me hope that there might be a girl I could be friends with underneath the bubbly exterior afterall.

It was peaceful to say the least. The snow was falling lightly and there was no sign of life in any direction. We were all alone in our winter wonderland, much to my displeasure.

There was a bit of confusion bed wise because the layout was a little different than they’d anticipated. The two sets of parents each had their own master bedroom. This left two remaining bedrooms, each with a queen, and a couch in the living room. At first they tried to give Ben the couch but he protested that he would be sleeping in the longest.

“Well you can share a bed with Alyson,” his mom said to him. He shuddered at the thought of it and resigned to taking the couch.

“Me and Bre could share a bed,” Alyson piped up from the kitchen, “That is if you don’t mind Bre.” She looked at me questioningly. At the time I didn’t think much of it but looking back it seems like the first domino to fall.

“Not at all,” I said, “it’ll be like when we were little.”


The first few days were relatively uneventful, especially in the context of recounting a sexy story. We played in the snow a lot. We had snow mobiles that we were allowed to ride around the hills nearby and that turned out to be a lot more fun than we’d imagined. Overall, it was a nice time and I was generally distracted from my initial disinterest but we still had quite a bit of time left together and at the time I thought we were running out of things to do.

Alyson and I had lots of opportunities to chat but never really had deeper conversations until the third night. We all went to bed early and she asked me as we were laying in bed if I was actually planning on sleeping. I said I probably would play on my phone for a while since I wasn’t tired. We didn’t have service so I couldn’t really talk to anyone but I could at least entertain myself a little bit.

“I’m not really tired either,” Alyson whispered back.

“Do you remember when we used to sneak around and steal snacks from the kitchen during our old sleepovers?” I asked her. “We thought we were so sneaky.”

“We could steal food now but I don’t think anyone would care,” she said disappointedly.

“Pity,” I said feigning sadness, “I always liked breaking the rules with you.”

“Well, I may have another way to break the rules now,” Alyson said shuffling around on her side of the bed. “If you’re interested that is.”

I remember in my youthful naive state having no idea what to expect next. Alyson was leaning off the side of the bed digging through her bag and I could see her panties just barely sticking out above her pajama pants.

“Here it is,” she said victoriously.

She pulled out a slick black flask with a glittery peace sign on the front.

“Do you like bourbon?” she asked, opening the lid. She stuck the small nozzle to her face and tipped it up for a second as if she were on a mission. She took it away again and cringed as she swallowed the burning liquor.

“Ugh,” she moaned in a whisper, “it’s much better than I made it look. I’m just a baby with this stuff.”

She handed me the flask. I had drank my fair share in high school. Usually fruity silly drinks, not straight whiskey. Still, I knew what I was getting into and welcomed the adventure with the pain. I took a quick swig and let the burn flow down into me.

“Woo,” I said as I breathed out the fumes. “That’s strong stuff!”

Alyson laughed. “I had to bring strong stuff because I could only bring a tiny amount.”

She looked at me with approval. Not because I drank but more so because I was willing to go with the flow so easily. From then on we were friends.

We spent the next few hours whispering back and forth like little kids. She told me about her breakup and actually seemed pretty happy about it overall. She was excited to be free and be able to date new people in college. I told her how I was single myself and hadn’t had a boyfriend in a while. I could if I wanted to but there was nobody I liked enough to trade my freedom. She told me I was smart for this and to wait until college before starting anything else.

We talked about our families and how this vacation sucked but was also kind of cool at the same time because we were at least the same age. It was a mixture of a budding friendship and a little alcohol/late night excitement. kaçak iddaa I was eager to talk to her about everything and it seemed that she felt the same way.

“So I loved driving the snowmobile earlier but my panties were so far up my ass I was about to lose my mind,” she giggled in a whisper.

“Me too!” I exclaimed a little too loudly. “And you can’t fix them at all while wearing those awful suits”.

“Well that settles it then, I guess we are going commando tomorrow,” Alyson said with a sarcastic tone.

“I might if I weren’t afraid of freezing,” I whined, “I need all the layers I can get.”

“I think Ben might lose his mind if he knew you were naked under your suit,” Alyson said, giggling again.

He had seemed weird about me hugging him earlier but I hadn’t considered that he might actually think of me in that way.

“Oh psh,” I said dismissing her nonsense, “he’s my cousin.”

“Doesn’t stop you from being gorgeous,” she said, flicking a lock of my hair dramatically as she winked at me.

We laughed and talked for a while until we both passed out. I don’t remember what all we talked about, but I remember thinking that I could be friends with her even once we moved back and I was much more enthusiastic about the rest of the vacation.


The next day is when the storm came.

It was much like the previous days had been, at least in the morning. We didn’t go outside much but we enjoyed being warm and cozy inside while the snow drifted down at increasing speeds. It was around noon when the conversation began. The original thought was that we should definitely not leave the house today because of the storm. Now it was looking worse than expected and there was concern about how long we would be stranded and how much food we would have left.

“Rick and I will head to town, it’s not a problem,” my dad said this in the most “dad way” possible.

“And what if you can’t come back?” my mom asked.

“Well then we’ll stop and get a beer!” my uncle chimed in…

“Not funny Rick,” my aunt rolled her eyes at him.

“Well, we can’t take everyone in the truck and we’re sure as hell not taking the van in this weather,” my dad scowled as he looked out the window.

“I’ll stay here,” I volunteered. I had no interest in going to the town or making the drive.

“No…” my mom began to protest.

“I’ll stay too,” Alyson piped up.

“Well we could leave the kids…” Uncle Rick began.

“I’m not staying!” Ben cried out from the other room. He desperately wanted more batteries for his game.

“What if we can’t get back?” my aunt begins to worry.

“It’s fine, there is plenty of food for two people for a while,” my dad reasoned, “just not enough for all of us if we get stuck here.”

Everyone looked worried still but nobody had any better solutions.

“I’ll stay here too then,” my aunt said eventually.

Something inside of me stung in response to her offer. I don’t know why I didn’t want her to stay, it just seemed so relaxing to just have the place alone with Alyson instead of having the parents crammed in there as well.

Much to my pleasure, Alyson didn’t look thrilled about it either.

“It’s ok mom, we’ll be fine. Don’t you want to see the stores?”

My aunt loves trinkets. It was her favorite hobby to collect dumb little souvenirs and then arrange them around the house. It was her weakness. Even when I was younger I found it overwhelming how many collections she had.

There was a brief pause where she weighed her options.

“Well I suppose you two could use some time to hang out. Instead of all hours of the night that is…”

We giggled a little in response to this but Alyson’s mom just smiled, happy to see us getting along.


And then suddenly we were alone. They packed the truck up and showed us where all the food was as if we didn’t know and then took off into the flurry. The roads were still decent at this point but if it continued longer they wouldn’t be. Already, I could feel myself getting excited at the potential disaster. Not that I wanted anything bad to happen, it was just the excitement of the unexpected that enthralled me.

Alyson was sitting on the couch when I came back from the bathroom. After all the excitement it seemed quiet and peaceful now.

“Our own private cabin!” she said excitedly to me as I sat down.

“I know!” I responded, “What should we do?”

“Good question…”

She got up and ran to our room returning shortly with her flask.

“I don’t know what to do but I think it should involve this.”

“Good idea,” I said, “Do we have any mixers?”

We searched around and found some root beer that Ben had packed and used heavy coffee cups to mix our concoctions.

“Damn,” Alyson said, taking a sip of the finished product, “that’s still potent.”

I took a sip of my own drink and shivers ran down my back.

“Yes, but it’ll keep us warm,” I countered.

“You kaçak bahis know what else would keep us warm?”

Alyson grabbed my arm and took me and my drink to the back window. It was around this time that I realized how completely willing I was to go along with anything Alyson said. I would have followed her anywhere. It was a weird combination of admiration and trust. I was helpless and happy about it.

A few feet from the corner of the house was an old hot tub. It was wooden and worn down but there was steam coming from around the lid. It was a big draw as a rental cabin to have one but it looked like they had gotten the cheapest one they could many years ago and somehow it was still working. Our family hadn’t planned on there being one and nobody brought bathing suits so we had altogether ignored it so far. There was about an inch of snow that had settled on the top of it untouched.

“It does look warm but the snow looks cold,” I said. “Plus I don’t have a bathing suit packed.”

“Oh come on, we’ll figure something out!” she said encouragingly.

I hadn’t realized she was serious but of course I found myself completely unable to disappoint her.

“Are we sure it works?” I asked hesitantly.

“I’ll find out,” she says taking off her socks and rolling up the bottoms of her jeans.

“Where are you…” I began.

She handed me her socks and her drink and opened the door. She made tiny tracks in the snow as she walked swiftly to the edge of the tub. She scraped some snow off quickly and then lifted the lid. A cloud of steam poured out into the cold winter air and she looked inside and then stuck her hand into the water. She looked back at me and gave a thumbs up before prancing back toward me and squeezing back through the doorway.

“Feels pretty good to me!” she said, shivering.

I look down at our outfits. I had sweatpants on and she was wearing jeans.

“Well we can’t wear these…”

“True,” she said and she unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down slightly, letting them fall to the floor before stepping out of them.

I stood there with a coffee mug in each hand and her socks in my pocket and I can’t imagine what my face looked like but I had not been prepared for that. In theory two girls being in their underwear around each other isn’t a big deal but I simply hadn’t been mentally prepared.

I was even less ready for her to walk towards me and pull my sweatpants down. I stepped out of them obediently. If my hands had been free I might have tried to resist but I didn’t want to spill our drinks.

I giggled nervously and she smiled at me innocently before pulling her shirt over her head and tossing it aside.

She took the drinks from me letting my hands free to do the same.

“Didn’t go commando after all huh?” she asked playfully, “Good thing.”

I giggled some more and slid my shirt off. I hadn’t planned on anyone seeing my bra or underwear so I was happy to be wearing a remotely normal selection. Green boyshorts and a black bra that fit my B cups as well as it could.

She unsurprisingly had me outdone. She was in these adorable silver panties that I remember vividly and a blue bra that made her C cups look especially big compared to mine.

She handed me my drink back.

“Alright,” she smiled, “you ready for this?”

I followed her out into the cold and my warm skin flushed with the cool air against it. I briefly wondered if our parents would ever see our footprints in the snow. She pushed the lid aside and swung her leg over the edge into the water. She seemed to decide it was at least better than standing in the snow, and slid her other leg in as well. She sighed as she let her body down into the water. I followed suit and climbed in after her.

It felt wonderful and the contrast of the cold air and the warm water was something I’d never experienced before. My skin prickled above the water.

We sat and talked and drank.The snowflakes would land on us for only an instant before disappearing. Only our hair could keep them around and they sparkled on both of us like glitter.

“Should we worry about the time yet?” I asked, starting to get nervous about them returning.

“I don’t think so,” Alyson answered. “It would take them two hours to get to town and back if the weather was decent so we should have another hour at least.”

She was right, of course, but it still made me a little nervous. After a while of soaking in the tub, the drink started to catch up with me and I became less and less nervous.

It must have been affecting Alyson too because we both started laughing more and weren’t keeping our postures very well.

“I guess we both have the rebellious gene,” Alyson decided randomly.

“I was nervous at the airport, you seemed like the last girl to be smuggling a flask on a family vacation,” I retorted.

“I put on an innocent face,” she smiled slyly, “but I’m glad I surprised you.”

Our legs and feet would occasionally touch underwater and I could feel her smooth skin against mine. At the time I remember struggling to decide if I was actually turned on or if it was just a result of being isolated in a cabin and not seeing other people for so long and then drinking whiskey.

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Making Love

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For the incredibly sexy Rae. Thank you for the inspiration and the help.

We’ve been out shopping and have just arrived back at our hotel room. You’re sitting on the bed complaining that your feet are hurting because of the high heels you have been wearing. Kneeling in front of you, I take your left foot in my hand, remove your shoe and massage your foot. You lean back and tell me how nice that feels. I repeat the treatment on your right foot.

Your feet are now resting on my thighs and I use both hands to stroke your nylon covered left leg. My hands move up your leg and creep under your skirt. Again, I repeat the treatment on your right leg, using the opportunity to move forwards so that I am now between your legs. You lean back even further, causing your skirt to be pulled higher up your thighs. I can now just make out skin at the tops of your legs confirming what I thought – that, as instructed, you were wearing stockings while we were out shopping.

I place a hand on the insides of each thigh and reach forwards. I stroke up towards your crotch and feel hair, not material. Have you really been walking around the city without any panties on? I suddenly realize why the salesman in the shoe shop had a smile on his face when he helped you to try on some shoes. I had thought that it was the glimpse of your stocking tops that made him happy. Now I wonder if he could have been taking in a much more interesting view.

I move my thumbs away from your thighs and they brush against your lips. As you sigh with pleasure I can feel slight moisture helping my thumbs slide across you. You spread your legs wider and your hips move towards me, trying to cause my thumbs to slip inside of you. I smile because I know you are aroused from your decadent behaviour and need some direct stimulation. I’ve got my own plans however, and I mean to tease you, to make you beg me for relief. I continue brushing my thumbs across your lips and you start whimpering, your hips moving desperately to feel something inside you.

I am unable to resist the temptation to move my head forwards. I start by kissing your thigh then move towards your centre. My tongue encounters your lips and gradually moves between them. You moan again and after a quick dip with my tongue I withdraw from you. I replace my tongue with my finger but do not penetrate you. My fingertip plays with the entrance to your pussy. I slowly and gently move it around the entrance, your hips following the motion as you try to draw it inside of you.

You whimper again as I remove my hands and your hips continue moving even though I am not touching you. I position my hands at the tops of your legs so that I can use my thumbs to part your lips and expose your slit. When it comes into view the moisture I can see makes your arousal obvious and is so tempting.

I move my head forward again. This time I use my tongue to touch the top of your slit and run it up towards your clit. When I make contact with your aroused button your hips jerk again. I bathe your clit with my tongue bahis firmaları then draw my tongue back down to your slit. As I reach your pussy again your hands grasp my head and pull my face tight up against you. I can barely breathe but I am not complaining because you taste so sweet.

I move my hand so that it rests against your mons, my thumb resting against your clit applying a slight pressure, and another moan comes from your mouth. The pressure on my head eases slightly allowing me to reach down to your slit with my thumb then use the moisture to lubricate your clit.

I slowly insert the index finger of my other hand inside you. It slides in easily due to your arousal and is soon joined by a second finger. I remove my thumb, releasing the pressure and move my mouth over your protruding clit, gently nibbling it. Resting my tongue on it, I gradually start a rotating motion. I remove my fingers from inside you and spread the moisture around your lips. The sensations are too much for you and you cry out in orgasm.

I continue to tease your clit with my tongue and place my fingers just inside your slit so that I can feel the muscle contractions of your continuing orgasm. I feel your hands push against my head so I move away from you and remove my hands. I look towards your face. Your eyes are closed and you are breathing deeply as you come down from your high.

When you open your gorgeous dark brown eyes there is a sparkle in them and you smile at me. I hold my hand out towards you and you use it to help yourself from the bed. You move my hand to your mouth and take it between your lips, tasting yourself, then you place it on the outside of your blouse against your breast. I can feel your distended nipple because it is just above your bra.

As I flick across your nipple with my thumb another moan escapes your lips. I start loosening the buttons on your blouse and as I do so your hands move towards my body. You brush your hand against my crotch just as I finish unbuttoning your blouse. I pull you towards me as I ease your blouse off your shoulders and lean down to kiss the top of your left shoulder.

Lifting your lustrous dark brown hair away from your shoulder to expose your neck, I gradually work my way towards your neck and kiss you just below your ear. I then move my mouth to your right shoulder, again lifting your hair out of the way so that I can kiss my way towards your neck and stopping as I kiss just below your ear. I ease away from you slightly and trail kisses around your neck and down to the middle of your chest between your breasts.

Your arms move to shrug your blouse off and it drops to the floor. I reach behind you and struggle to release the clasps on your bra. You chuckle and reach back to help me release the bra. I step backwards and your strapless bra comes apart and drops to floor, revealing your wonderful breasts to my gaze. Both nipples are distended and I can’t resist them, taking one breast in each hand, feeling the weight and brushing my thumbs across your nipples. kaçak iddaa

Your eyes are closed and you are gently biting your lower lip. I lean down to take the nipple of your left breast in my mouth as you reach back to loosen your skirt, causing it to pool at your feet. With my hand I massage your right breast, taking the nipple between my thumb and forefinger and pinching it, causing a sharp intake of breath. I continue to pinch your right nipple between my thumb and finger and then gently bite on your left nipple. This time you moan and press my head into you. With your nipple gently trapped between my teeth I run my tongue around it.

When your hand moves from the back of my head I release your breast and then flick the now very moist nipple with my tongue. I repeat the process on your right breast and am rewarded again by the sounds of your gasps and moans, your hands pulling me against you. I take your nipple into my mouth, gently bite on it and use my tongue to stimulate it. Again you press my face into your breast.

After a short while you place your hand under my chin to remove my mouth from your breast then, when I straighten, we kiss. The kiss is gentle, teasing. I feel your tongue run over my lips. You move your lips from mine and I take the opportunity to kiss the tip of your nose and then your eyes. I pull you towards me, crushing your breasts against my chest, and with your head on my shoulder you take the chance to kiss my neck.

Eventually you move your head from my neck and step slightly backwards. You place a hand on my chest and you push me gently backwards towards the bed. I look at you and see your shapely body that is fully exposed to my gaze – gorgeous, especially with your legs still encased in stockings. My mind briefly wanders, looking forward to the pleasures that lie ahead of us for the rest of this night.

I snap back to the room as I feel you start to loosen the belt on my trouser. Once it is loose you turn your attention to my shirt. You loosen the buttons, remove the shirt from my trousers and push it off my shoulders. As I remove my arms from the sleeves you tease my nipples with your hands then lean forward to run your tongue around one. Now it is my turn to moan.

Your hands continue to loosen my trousers. Once they are loose you ease them down my legs. I kick off my shoes and step out of my trousers. You remove my socks, then move your hands up my legs, slowly, teasingly moving towards my groin. You rub my penis through my underwear then gently ease them down and away from my very obvious erection. You take your time to ease my underwear down my legs. I am so hard and aching for your touch.

Your hands move slowly up my legs again. As you reach my groin I am looking forward to your touch but your hands continue upwards. As your head moves past my erection, your tongue emerges and licks from the base of my penis to the tip. I moan out loud. Your hands grab my waist and you use them to help you stand up.

You move your body against mine, trapping my penis kaçak bahis between us. The slight pressure feels delightful. Your hands reach around my body and stroke my back as you tilt your face upwards. I finally move my hands, reaching down so that they rest on your bum. I tilt my head downwards and our lips meet.

I feel you press harder against me, forcing me to move backwards until I am against the bed. You continue to push against me and I fall back and down so that I am sitting on the bed. You move forwards and onto the bed, straddling my thighs. I reach up and take hold of your breasts, rubbing my thumbs across your nipples again.

Your hand moves downwards and you take hold of my penis. You stroke it then edge forward until your sex is hovering above it. You place my penis at your entrance but do not lower yourself any further. I lift my hips in an attempt to enter you but you raise yourself upwards, enjoying the tease of keeping me against your lips. I move my hands down to your hips then around onto your bum and slowly to the back of your thighs. I sit forwards so that my face is against your stomach and lightly kiss your body.

I edge one of my hands between your thighs and move upwards. It comes into contact with your lips and then I find my penis, which you have released. I move my penis along your lips spreading our combined juices. I place it at your entrance and edge my hips upwards. This time I manage to insert my penis just inside your slit. We both moan at the sensations.

I move my penis in a slight circular motion to increase the stimulation but it eventually becomes too much for you and you ease yourself downwards, taking me inside. As I slide into you I can feel your warm, wet, walls stretching around my cock.

Once I am inside you I pull you towards me then manoeuvre us so that you are lying on your back. You spread your legs wide and I get on my knees between your legs. I lift your hips to improve my position and move forwards so that I am fully inside of you. You move your hands to your breasts and start massaging them, pinching your nipples. I lower my body over yours and using my hands to support myself, I look into your gorgeous brown eyes as I start moving in and out of you.

You tell me how good it feels to have me inside of you then you urge me on, telling me to come for you. I am so worked up from the initial foreplay that I know I won’t last long. Your urgings cause me to increase my pace and that takes me to my limit and then sends me over the edge. All I can do is moan as I come. As my semen pulses into you, you tell me how good it feels.

You grab my bum in your hands, pull me right up against you and grind your clit against my groin, searching for another orgasm. I continue to stare into your eyes, seeing the lust in them that I know you can see in mine. Your muscles continue to work my cock, keeping it hard inside you, and the stimulation of your clit finally brings you to orgasm.

You lie back with a smile on your face that matches mine. I gently ease from you then lie down beside you. You move against me and rest your head on my chest and your legs intertwine with mine. I put my arm around you and pull you tightly against me as our breathing returns to normal.

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Making Up is Hard

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We’d had an argument the night before. We’d been making love, and I had become too demanding: After she’d come a few times she needed rest – she was too sensitive, but I wasn’t done. Since I hadn’t come yet she’d tried to masturbate me, but that didn’t work out and we were both left tired and frustrated by the experience.

The following morning I figured we were ready to try again. Well at least I was, when I saw her emerge from the shower. The kids were off playing or watching TV, so I followed her into our room and locked the door behind us. She gave me a look that said it all… She was ready too!

We embraced and kissed there, standing in our room. As I inhaled her soapy-clean scent I caressed her back, and then her backside. She pressed against me, feeling my cock, and kissed me passionately. As our tongues intertwined, I drew her terry robe up and exposed her smooth warm flanks. My excitement grew as I filled my hands with her supple butt cheeks.

She began to rub my cock through my jeans, but that wasn’t enough so she began tugging at my belt – trying to free my hardness. I was reluctant to let her butt go, but I did. Dropping my pants down to mid-thigh allowed her to stroke my erection, and I took the time to pull at her sash and expose her body.

When I began to tweak her nipples she really started to get into it. She was pulling my cock and grinding her bush against my leg – It was apparent that we needed to get into güvenilir bahis the bed now. Letting her robe fall to the floor, she sat on the edge of our bed and watched me fumble around excitedly. I must have looked ridiculous, tangled up in my pants, but she didn’t smile – she just waited patiently until I was also naked.

She pulled my cock to her mouth and kissed it while she fondled my balls. I reached down and played with her tits, filling my hands with them and mashing them together. The she pulled me closer and trapped my rod between her breasts, allowing me to hump into her bosom while she kissed and sucked my nipples. It felt so good, but I had to see her so I leaned back a little.

Her gaze met mine as she cupped her breasts and pressed them around me – molding her tender globes around my length. I saw a drop of clear fluid form at the tip of my cock, and then disappear as it was rubbed into her skin by my thrusting. That’s when I got an idea…

I disengaged and joined her on the bed, arranging myself so that she could suck me. She was obviously receptive, and almost voracious as she took me into her warm sweet mouth. After a few moments, we adjusted our positions again so that she was more comfortable. Also, I now had complete access to her dreamy body – and I took advantage.

As I knelt beside her I just had to touch all those delightful bits in view. Her nipples were swollen and bright red, so I spent some time türkçe bahis rubbing and pulling them. My fingers lightly traced designs in her soft flesh as I sought out her private triangle. Without lessening her efforts on my organ, she spread her legs to allow me access to hers.

Not surprisingly, she was wet and fully blossomed. After just a few moments of my dipping into her cream and rubbing her button, I realized that she might need some more substantial attention there. Pulling away from her oral embrace, I hopped over to her secret hiding place and got the hot pink vibrator. I remember thinking that it’s color was nearly perfect for what we used it for.

As she took me back into her lips, I readied the vibe and placed it to her pussy. She fondled my balls, and I slipped it inside her. Still greedy for more, I bent over and began to lick at her clit while I teased her inner lips. Even though I tried to make my attentions pleasant for her, she was uncomfortable… so I let her drive. She is much better qualified at giving herself pleasure than I, for all my trying.

So I just basically sat back and watched. She continued to suck me and play with my balls, alternating between deep strokes and light licks. I knew she was gobbling up my little drops of seminal fluid (we both like those.) As she kept caressing my sacs I felt them draw up. The pleasure was becoming more and more intense, and I knew it wouldn’t be long.

And it wasn’t… güvenilir bahis siteleri As my orgasm built, I pulled from her lips and started stroking myself. I did let her lick at me a couple of times, for a second or two, but I concentrated on ejaculating. She never let go of my balls as they began to pump. Aiming at her furthest nipple as carefully as I could, I sprayed my cum on her breasts. Over and over I spurted hot semen onto her bare flesh. I didn’t notice, but she was probably watching as I painted her with my jism. I do remember the sound of the vibrator, alternating between loud and muffled as it traveled in and out of her.

When I was sated, I sat back on my heels and looked at her. She met my gaze with an unreadable expression. The sound of the hot pink toy continued for a moment or two, and then she lost contact with me. Her eyes rolled back and closed as her orgasm built. She began to buck at her own hand, and the thing it held, as she was swept away in blissful agony. I watched in awe as she clamped her thighs together, trapping her hand tightly. As she shook and whimpered, her breasts danced and jiggled delightfully. I even managed to smear a few errant drops of semen on the closer nipple as she shuddered from pleasure.

As she relaxed, I smiled. She was quite a sight! Long strings of white sticky stuff covered her boobs, ran into the valley of her sternum, and one even trailed across her collarbone and over her shoulder. She was going to need a towel, but rather than rush to get her one, I just admired the view for a few moments while she relaxed. She was, and still is, very beautiful and I feel very fortunate to be with her and to be her lover.

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The Break-in Ch. 01

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Anissa Jolie

Author’s Note: This chapter provides the first part of the back story and the set up for the later chapters. Sorry but this means no sex this time. Also, I have not entirely decided on where this series is going to end up and, thus, have left myself open to a couple possibilities. So any suggestions and feedback are welcome.


As was my usual habit, I had been walking around our neighborhood for the past hour or so just walking away the day’s tensions and visiting with a couple of the neighbors and such. For some reason I had been in something of a somber and reflective mood all day and so when I came around the last curve and came within sight of my house to see the young lady standing at my front door my first reaction was an irrational thought that this was my long lost daughter that I had never met.

You see, when I was about 16 me and my girlfriend discovered sex and, in short order, she ended up pregnant and, when her father found out it was a rather unpleasant experience. After running from him to the sound of a shotgun unloading uncomfortably close to my backside, I did what most any young kid in my situation would have done at the time and continued running all the way to the bus station and promptly lied about my age and signed up for the military (this was back during the draft years when anyone who was willing to join wasn’t questioned all that hard). Anyways, by the time I had gotten settled in with the military and had rediscovered the courage to try and contact Mary to let her know of where I was and to find out about the baby, her father had shipped her off to a cousin’s house in Tennessee. And, over the years I had tried as best I could to find out where she was but I never did get the chance being as she ran away from the cousin’s house shortly after that and none of us had ever heard from her again.

Either way, that was almost twenty years ago and, as I was able to get a better view of the young lady, I was quickly disabused of the notion when I noticed that she was actually trying to pick the lock on my door and break in. My first reaction was to yell at the girl and then call the police. However, as my military training took over, I was actually able to see the comedy in the situation as I saw that the girl obviously didn’t know a thing about picking a lock being and was only succeeding in making herself more frustrated. Thinking to turn the tables on the girl, I noticed her “getaway” car (if you would consider an old pinto that was probably older than she was such a thing) was parked at the curb with, as I suspected, the keys still in the ignition.

After quietly reaching into the open window and pulling the keys out, I made my way around to the back of the house and silently opened the sliding glass door (which was ironically unlocked) and slipped through the house to the front door. As I stood there trying not to laugh at the muffled curses and the obvious fumblings of the girl on the other side, I very slowly opened the deadbolt lock that she was trying to pick so that when it opened she would think it was due to her fumblings and still not suspect my presence. So, by the time that the deadbolt was opened, I had edged behind the coat rack where I wouldn’t be seen and tried not to laugh as the young girl eased open the door and actually came through the door in a near perfect imitation of a movie style cat burglar or swat team.

Keeping perfectly still, I waited until she had actually slunk halfway down the hallway before using some of my training and sneaking up to where my mouth was right beside her ear and quietly asked, “So what are we stealing?”

Laughing like crazy, I casually followed the girl as she jumped up and ran full force into the closed front door and then on out to her car as she ran screaming all the way. As the panicked girl futilely tried to find her keys, bahis firmaları I calmly and politely held up the missing keys and asked her, “Are we searching for these?”

Screaming again, the girl was by now so hysterical that I decided that the only way to resolve this without waking the whole neighborhood was to calm the girl down. Therefore, I did the best thing I could think of at the time and grabbed an obviously dirty sock off of the pile of clothes she had in the back of her car and stuffed it into her mouth before slinging her light frame over my shoulder and carrying her into the house and dumping her on the couch. Then, it was a simple matter of holding her squirming body down until she finally gave up struggling and lay there breathing in an exhausted pant.

Realizing the girl was not going to take off running, I eased my hold on her and sat slowly backed away to sit across from her in the recliner. Then, as neutrally as I could, I asked her, “So why were you trying to break into my house?”

Snatching the sock out of her mouth she sullenly responded, “What do you want with me?”

“No. Me first.” I replied, “Why were you trying to break in?”

“I was going to slit your throat and then steal all your money and valuables to sell for crack.” Came the smart-assed reply.

“If you were you would have a weapon on you. Also, a crack addict would usually have sold their car long before they would break in to someone’s house in another state. Try again.”

“Your ex-wife paid me to break in and get all of her jewelry back.”

“No ex and no jewelry. Try again. With the truth this time.”

“If you’ll let me go I’ll blow you.” Came the response as she obviously tried her best to look seductive and alluring.

Laughing, I responded, “I don’t think so. First off, if you’re 18 then it’s just barely. Also, you obviously haven’t showered in a couple of days at least. And besides, it’s obvious you don’t have near enough experience playing the sex game to even make it worth my while to consider it.

“Now, since you seem so reluctant to part with the truth let me take a stab. From the dirty clothes in your car and the general odor coming off of you, I would guess you don’t have a place to stay and was hoping to steal enough money for a hotel room and was probably looking to pilfer some food out of the fridge.”

Apparently, I hit close enough to the truth or simply wore down all of her options because she finally responded with a truthful response. “I’m 19. And I was just going to crash for the night because I didn’t think anyone was coming home.”

“Well, for one, you could have just asked. And besides, I probably owe you that at least after I scared you like that. There are a couple of conditions though.” I warned.

“Like what?” she asked warily.

“First, you will tell me the truth about why and how you came to be breaking into my house. Second, you will sleep in the spare room. Third, no funny business. That means no trying to steal anything and no trying to repay me with any more offers of sexual favors because, frankly, I seriously doubt that you have any idea of what you would be getting into. And finally, go take a shower and make sure to scrub all that dirt off of you because I will not have you ruining my sheets. Understood?”


A short while later I was starting to regret turning down the blow job being as what emerged from an hour long shower looked remarkably different than the smelly and dirty street urchin that went in. And, as she sat down on the couch in nothing but a towel while waiting on her clothes to finish washing, I couldn’t help but admire the stunning beauty of the girl sitting in front of me. What I had first taken for dark brown hair turned out to be a honey blond that was long and surprisingly silky. Also, outside of the ill-fitting and tattered kaçak iddaa clothing, she turned out to have nice and firm C cup breasts, a face that would have won her a Jessica Alba look-alike contest, and a slim but not skinny figure that would go a long ways towards lessening the national consumption of Viagra if she were to ever show it off to full effect. And, being as I was being treated to the sight of her in just a towel, I was getting a full enough effect that it took almost all of my willpower to keep my voice steady and my hand out of my pants.

“So, young lady, who are you and how did you come to be at my front door?” I asked her after she had gotten comfortable back on the couch.

“Angel.” Came her quiet reply.

“OK Angel, now where are you from?” I asked gently.

“I don’t know.” She replied sullenly. Then, when I continued to wait for an elaboration, she added, “I’ve been in foster care since my mom died when I was ten. And we kept moving around a lot when I was with her.”

“So how did you end up being here?” I prodded.

“Well, the last foster home I was made me work all the time and would take all but fifty dollars out of each of my checks for ‘rent’ even though the state was paying them for me to stay there. Then, when I turned 18 and the state stopped sending payments, my foster parents told me that I would have to either drop out of school and get another job to make up for what the state had been paying them or I would have to please them and anyone they chose sexually. So the next day I told them I was going out to look for a job and just packed what I could into my car, drove off, and I’ve been going from city to city ever since. I’ve been working whenever I could to stretch what money I did have but now it’s all gone and for the past month now I’ve been sneaking in to houses every couple of days hoping to crash for a couple of hours until the owners come home and possibly get a shower before I have to run out.”

“Well, Angel, you’re lucky you haven’t been arrested or gotten raped yet.” I informed her. Then, being as it was approaching 2am and I had planned on getting up early in the morning, I ushered her into the spare room where I had cleaned all of the odds and ends off of the bed and had put fresh sheets while she had been busy in the shower.

“You’re welcome to stay for breakfast if you like. Other than that, the last of your clothes are in the dryer and the rest are in that old suitcase there by the bed. Have a nice night and it has been a pleasure meeting you Angel.” I informed her.

Then, as I edged past her on my way out the door, I was surprised by her suddenly grabbing me in a crushing hug.

“Thank you sir. I really appreciate this.” She quietly sobbed into my chest.

Woodenly hugging her back, I assured her that it was not all that much trouble. Then, as she finally let go, I was treated to a brief glimpse of her nudity as the towel had come undone and had started to fall before she could catch. Swallowing hard, we stood there for an awkward moment before I was able to unfreeze my brain and by body and move to the door.

“I’ll see you in the morning. Goodnight.” I said as I hurriedly departed to my room so that I could do something about the aching stiffness of my dick before I woke up with blue balls the next morning.


The next morning I was somewhat surprised –but gladly so –to see Angel still asleep in the spare room when I got up to fix breakfast. Assuming from the story she had given the night before that she would most likely be fairly hungry, I fixed a full breakfast with lots of bacon and eggs and even a couple of pancakes for good measure.

When I finished preparing breakfast and Angel had yet to appear, I went to wake her up. Upon seeing her almost ethereal sleeping form, though, I must have spent at least a good kaçak bahis five minutes just standing in the doorway admiring the serene beauty and the peaceful innocence that surrounds most people when they sleep.

Finally awakening myself from my wistful stare, I softly called from the doorway, “Hey, kiddo, breakfast is ready.” When she still didn’t stir, I then called, “Angel.”

Apparently either her instincts took over or I have a sudden knack for frightening young girls because at the sound of her name, Angel sprang awake with a squeak and blindly started to run out the door even though I was standing square in the middle of it. Apparently she also forgot the fact that she had fallen asleep in just a towel too for I was once again treated to the sight of her naked form before she slammed into me full force and sent us both tumbling to the floor.

As we fell, I did the one thing that I could do to keep her from hurting either one of us with her blind thrashings and tightly hugged her until she had awoke enough to remember her situation.

After she had regained her composure, I picked us both up and, as nonchalantly as I could, informed her, “Breakfast is ready when you are.” And left her before she had a chance to get embarrassed over her nakedness.

When she finally appeared -dressed this time –I silently served her before helping myself and then watched in semi-amazement as she devoured everything that I had not placed on my own plate. Then, as she finished the last of the crumbs on her plate, I inquired about her immediate plans.

“I … I guess back to wandering until I can find me a job and then maybe save up enough to get a place somewhere.” She responded.

“What about long term plans? Or have you even stopped long enough to think about those yet.” I wondered.

“Well, I was hoping to go into nursing before I ran away but since I’ve had the chance to help out in a couple nursing homes and such I don’t think that I would be any good at it. I have thought about doing some gardening or horticulture though being as it’s the only time I feel happy since my mom died. Why do you want to know?”

“Well, I got to thinking this morning that I do have the spare bedroom that is only being used for storing junk right now and guess it was also just the fact that I would hate to see a pretty young thing like you end up back in the condition in which I discovered you last night if I can help it.” I explained.

Suddenly wary again, Angel hesitantly asked, “What’s the catch? Or is this just a ploy to sleep with me now that you have seen me naked and clean?”

Chuckling I replied, “Actually no –although something along those lines did cross my mind a couple of times. I am not your foster father Angel. I may not be rich, but I am well enough off to where I can afford the expense of having an extra person around for a while. And, besides, it’s been getting kinda lonely around here lately and I would look forward to the company. Also, I didn’t say you would be staying for free either. I much prefer cash over sexual favors because favors don’t pay the bills –cash does. Therefore, I believe that $50 a month –plus half of groceries considering you just disposed of twice as much as I usually do –is a fair trade for a room with all of the amenities.”

“Either way, I’ll give you the weekend to decide. Until then, go get dressed because we’re going to go see a couple of folks and I have to go do some things and don’t fully trust you out of my sight yet.” And so we set out for the day and, through chatting with a couple of my friends, Angel was able to arrange a few odd grass cutting and lawn care jobs for the rest of the summer. Also, as I gradually got to know her better, I realized that I had probably intervened in this girl’s life at the most opportune time when she was desperate enough to consider anything that came along but still had not given up on her hopes and dreams nor had she yet gotten caught up in the great vacuum of having a police record from which she would probably never have been able to emerge.

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