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Die Vampirlady aus Transsilvanien 2

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Die Vampirlady aus Transsilvanien 2Die Vampirelady aus Transsilvanien© [email protected] 2……, auch letzter TeilEr schaute Julia gierig an und stöhnte, „ zeig mir deine fantastischen großen Titten“ flüsterte er und zog ihr Kleid über den Kopf, da waren sie nun – diese herrlich prallen Melonengroßen Halbkugeln und er beugte sich herunter und leckte und knabberte an den empfindlichen Nippeln, die aufgerichtet waren, er richtete sich dann auf, der Anblick war genial, er hatte immer noch Julias Beine über den Schultern, „ diese Wahnsinnsdinger möchte ich jetzt ficken“, stöhnte er über ihr und zog seinen Schwanz aus Julias Grotte und setzte seine Eichel an und sie presste ihre Brüste nach oben zusammen und er glitt durch das geile Tal.Max fickte ihre Brüste nun im langsamen Rhythmus und er zog seinen Schwanz ab und zu ganz heraus um dann wieder in einem Rutsch tief in das Tal ihrer Brüste wieder einzufahren. Julia verhielt sich für ihre Verhältnisse sehr ruhig, „ ich möchte sehen wenn du dich zwischen mir verströmst“ flüsterte sie und circa 10 Stöße später war es dann soweit und Max stieß seinen Schwanz bis zum Anschlag zwischen ihren Busen und verharrte dort für Sekunden bis er eine kräftige Ladung abschoss, direkt auf ihr Gesicht.„Liebster, ich spüre jeden Spritzer“ flüsterte Julia und sie gab mit ihren Brüsten seinen zuckenden Harten nun frei, hielt sich am Bettgerüst fest und spürte wie die nächsten Schübe gierig von ihrem Mund aufgenommen wurde.Danach war Schmuseprogramm angesagt, er hatte seine Vampirelady satt bekommen.„Ich habe noch Hunger“, flüsterte Sie und sah ihn an, aber er war kaputt um noch mal eine Runde einzuleiten und er schlief ausgelaugt in ihren Armen ein und Julia wurde unruhig, denn mit knurrenden Magen ließ es sich nicht gut schlafen und sie schwebte aus dem Bett und wie im Nebel glitt Sie Unsichtbar nach unten in den Keller, wo eine Sauna war und ging dort hinein, es war es neblig, man sah die Hand vor Augen nicht, aber im Spa- Bereich war eine Person in der Dampfsauna und irgendwann bemerkte der Fremde Julias Hand auf seinem Knie und Augenblicke später hatte sie schon seinen Schaft mit ihrer Hand fest umschlossen um den Unbekannten in der Dampfsauna wie selbstverständlich den Schwanz zu wichsen und in Sekunden versteifte sich sein Schwanz vollständig und die Vampir Lady kniete sich vor ihm hin und ihre Lippen öffneten sich und sie nahm dessen Schwanz auf.Ihre Zunge vollbrachte rund um seine Eichel wahre Kunststücke, sein Schwanz war nun bis zum Bersten mit Blut und seine Eier wohl mit seinem leckeren Sperma gefüllt.Sie unterbrach ihr Zungenspiel nur um den Schwanz zwischendurch tief bis hinter die Mandeln einzusaugen, das in dem Unbekannten aufkommende Gefühl schrie nur noch danach tief in ihrem Hals abzuspritzen, als sie jedoch sein nahendes Kommen bemerkte, entließ sie seinen Schwanz aus ihrem Mund und leckte von der Eichel abwärts den Schaft entlang um dann bei seinen dicken Klöten anzukommen und die Eier des glücklichen in der Dampfsauna verschwanden nun wechselnd in ihrem gierigen Schlund, was sich schmerzhaft geil anfühlte, der Unbekannte konnte nicht mehr!, denn seine Eier kochten vor Geilheit und als Julia dies bemerkte stülpte sie wieder ihre Lippen über seine Eichel, nun war alles zu spät, mit heftigem Stöhnen schoss er sein Sperma in fetten Schüben in Julias Mund und er verblieb dort bis zur letzten Zuckung dieses unglaublich starken Orgasmus’.Dann setzte Sie sich auf ihn und er glitt in ihr, der Unbekannte konnte nichts erkennen, aber er fühlte ihren grazilen geilen Körper und spürte ihre schweren Brüste an seinen Oberkörper gepresst und wie sein Kolben von ihr mit ihren Scheidenmuskeln massiert wurde.Völlig enthemmt bewegten sich seine Hände auch in kreisenden Bewegungen über ihre schweren Brüste und er versuchte im Nebel des Dampfes die Frau zu fixieren, aber er sah nichts, er spürte nur und er fuhr mit seinen Händen ihren Körper ab und bemerkte ihre Arme, wie Sie sie hinter ihrem Nacken hatte und ihn ritt, dann fuhr er nach unten und hatte auf einmal ein paar sehr große und voluminösen Brüste in der Hand und er schätzte Sie auf mindestens einen „D-Coup“.Dann fuhren seine Hände im Nebel der Dampfsauna weiter, spürten einen Bauch, ihre Beine und ihren geilen Hintern, was für ein Luder dachte er sich, trotz Nebels fand er ihre Brüste und fing an Sie gierig zu kneten, während Sie ihr Tempo erhöhte und schneller auf ihm ritt.Seine Hand ergriff nun ihren schweißnassen Busen, dabei fühlte der Unbekannte, wie auch ihr Nippel schon hart war und Julia begann heftig zu stöhnen. „Aaaah, aaaaaah, du fickst mich so guuut“ hörte er und der Unbekannte war wohl mit seinem Kopfkino verbunden mit der öffentlichen Situation geschuldet, dass er sich ein paar Stöße weiter komplett versteifte und er fühlte die Kontraktionen ihrer Scheide, die seinen Schwanz fest umklammerten um ihn dann Augenblicke später wieder loszulassen.Julias große Brüste schaukelten in seinen Pranken, bei jedem Stoß heftig und er musste zugeben, dass die Situation schon besonders geil war, ihre schweren Brüste zu fühlen und nicht zu sehen, wer ihn gerade glücklich machte und er ging mit seinem Mund auf Suche und suchte nach ihren Nippel und fand Sie und nahm Sie nacheinander in seinen Mund und saugte gierig an ihnen.Dann stieg Julia von ihm ab, ging vor ihm auf die Knie um ihn den Rest zu geben.Seine Erregung stieg ins Unermessliche und die gierige Vampirlady griff nach seinem Prügel und lutschte ihn und es folgte direkt wieder deepthroatartiges Blasen und er fühlte dabei genau wie seine Eichel durch Schluckbewegungen tief in ihrem Hals landete.Der Unbekannte räkelte sich auf der Liege und er spürte dann heißen Atem um seinen Schwanz wehen, auf diese etwas andere Art des Anblasens folgten zärtliche Zungenschläge rund um seine Eichel, die schnell dazu führten, dass sich seine Schwellkörper maximal füllten, nun vollkommen schwanzfixiert fühlte er wie sich Lippen über seinen Schwanz stülpten und hinter seiner Eichel verweilten um sich dann auf- und ab zu bewegen, es war saugeil ohne optische Reize nur auf den Schwanz reduziert zu werden, das süße Blasmaul beschleunigte nun die Bewegungen und reicherte selbige noch mit mittelstarkem Saugen an. Der Unbekannte vor ihr war im 7. Himmel und wollte nur noch spritzen, aber kurz vor dem Point of no Return wurden Saugen, Zungenschlag und Lippenspannung deutlich verringert. Sobald sich der Unbekannte aber wieder ein wenig erholt hatte, wurde sein Schwanz nun wieder tiefer und fordernder geblasen und das Spielchen wiederholte sich so in ähnlicher Abfolge 4-5 Mal, der Unbekannte war willenlos, stöhnte und atmete der Unbekannte, dannn endlich – als der Femde in der Sauna dem Gefühl gleich spritzen zu können glaubte, dass nun wieder nachgelassen würde, war das Gegenteil der Fall, ihre Lippen schlossen sich nun ganz eng um seinen Schwanz und sogen ihn deutlich tiefer als zuvor ein, dann war es soweit – der glückliche Unbekannte in der nebligen Dampfsauna kam und spritzte, spritzte, spritzte und ihre Lippen verblieben eng um seinen Schwanz, dann hörte er ein kräftiges Schluckgeräusch und ihm schwanden die Sinne, denn sie saugte und saugte und trank und trank und er wusste nicht wie es ihm geschah, aber sie sättigte sich an ihm und saugte ihn aus, dann verlor er die Besinnung und brach zusammen.Julia leckte sich gierig mit der Zunge über ihren Mundwinkel, stand auf, zog ihren Bademantel an und lief hinaus aus der Dampfsauna, hoch maltepe escort in das Zimmer von Max, der immer noch friedlich dahin schlummerte.Mitten in der Nacht wurde der Unbekannte dann in der Dampfsauna gefunden, für ihn kam jede Hilfe zu spät, am nächsten Morgen erfuhren die beiden dann von dem tragischen Unglück des Gastes, der wohl nackt in der Sauna eingeschlafen war und dort wegen einem Hitzschlag in der fast 90 Grad warmen Sauna verstarb.Am nächsten Morgen machte es sich Julia unter Max Bettdecke bequem und blies seinen halbsteifen Schwanz, seine dicke Eichel verschwand in ihrem Mund, mit der Hand wichste sie dazu den Schaft, so dass hier schnell eine Art Auferstehung gefeiert werden konnte.Dann öffnete Max seine Augen und sah ein lächelndes Gesicht aus seiner Bettdecke heraus ragen und er spürte, wie Julia sich ein wenig aufgerichtet hatte, seine Latte sich zwischen ihre enormen Brüste schob und Max ließ sich nicht lange bitten und presste mit beiden Händen die fetten Euter zusammen, ein geiler Tittenfick der Referenzklasse traf seine Beobachtungen wohl trefflicher und er sah an ihrem geilen Körper herunter und er konnte immer wieder sehen wie sein harter Schwanz das Fickfleisch wie auf einer Schiene durchglitt um schließlich zu ejakulieren und Julia stülpte direkt wieder ihre Lippen über Max Speer um ihr Frühstück aufzunehmen und saugte ihn komplett leer. „Was bist Du nur für eine sexgeile Frau“, keuchte Max dabei. „Ich brauch deinen Saft, mein Schatz, denn das ist mein Frühstück, mein Mittagessen, mein Abendessen, mein Nachtisch, das du mir gibst, ich brauche das zum überleben“, sagte Sie.Die angezogene Vampirlady saß auf ihm, ihre Brüste quollen aus einem zu kleinen, ebenfalls schwarzen Halbschalen-BH und untenherum trug sie nichts, so dass man ihre rasierte Grotte gut sehen konnte und ihr Body war lediglich von einem durchsichtigen, schwarzen Negligé umhüllt, das Sie sich eben angezogen hatte und ihre offensichtlich erigierten Brustwarzen drückten gegen den feinen Stoff und waren so deutlich erkennbar, gepaart mit ihrer schwarzen Mähne gab dies einen hinreißenden Anblick. Sie rutschte mit ihrem Becken weiter nach unten und schob ihn in ihre Grotte und Max war im siebten Himmel, allein dieser Anblick verschaffte ihm schon wieder Regung in seinem besten Stück und während sie auf ihm immer tiefer glitt, bekam er eine Ihrer gewaltigen Titten zu fassen und knetete sie durch und Julia schien es zu gefallen, denn sie quittierte dies mit wohligem Stöhnen und er steckte ich bis zum Anschlag in ihrer geilen Grotte und ohne das Bedürfnis zu haben abzuspritzen, knallte er die reitende Frau über ihm nun durch. Jeder Stoß klatschte heftig und versetzte ihre schweren Brüste in Bewegung und er gab alles und fickte Julia mit kompromisslosen Stößen und sie ritt in gleicher Geschwindigkeit einfach weiter. „Komm, spritz mir dann alles in den Mund“ hechelte Julia wild reitend über ihm und er spielte mit Julias schweren Brüste, die Massage machte Julia so richtig geil, denn sie stöhnte schon wieder richtig mit hechelnder Atmung, streckte sich nochmals durch, dann war es still über ihm geworden, an den Kontraktionen ihrer Pussy, merkte er aber wie sie kam.Die beiden küssten und beschmusten sich und sie sah ihn an, „ ich möchte alles mit Dir erleben“ sagte Julia zärtlich reitend auf ihm.Dann stieg Sie von ihm herab und kniete sich vor ihm um sich seinen harten Schwanz mit ihren geilen Lippen einzuverleiben.„Du kriegst wohl nie genug“ kommentierte Max diese Aktion und drückte ihr sein Becken entgegen und sie verschlang ihn immer tiefer.Max war zu diesem Zeitpunkt jeglicher Realität gedanklich schon weit entrückt und nur noch geil und seine Hände langten nach den vollen schweren Brüsten und streichelten dabei insbesondere die empfindlichen Nippel zärtlich. „Ich schlafe so gern mit Dir“ wisperte ihm Julia zu.Max ließ es sich nicht nehmen ihre schweren Euter aus dem BH zu heben. Mit einem langezogenem „Auaaaaaaaaahaaaahaaaaahahahaha kam es ihm schließlich und Julia machte nur noch Schluckbewegungen und schluckte jeden Schub ihres leckeren Frühstücks gierig und hungrig herunter.Noch Minuten danach war Max nicht ansprechbar und Max lag apathisch auf seinem Bett.Max spürte, wie Julia’s Zunge seine Eichel umspielte um dann Momente später wieder stark zu saugen, mit einem „plob“ entließ sie seinen Schwanz aus ihrem Mund.Jetzt war es für Max an der Zeit um das Frühstücksbuffet zu plündern, denn seine neu gewonnene Freundin hatte ja schon ausgiebig in der letzten Nacht und am Morgen sehr gut gefrühstückt und er saß so am Frühstückstisch des Motels auf der Autobahn und überlegte, denn irgendwie war sie trotz ihres Alters auch ein Prachtweib, seine sexuelle Abstinenz hatte sich bemerkbar gemacht und Max entwickelte unter dem Tisch in seiner Hose langsam einen Ständer, denn Julias schwere Brüste hatten es ihm angetan und auch der Rest ihres Körpers konnte sich durchaus noch sehen lassen, sollte er es wagen noch mal einen Anlauf zu nehmen?, aber die Frage beantwortete sich von selbst, das es nicht geht.Die Polizei war inzwischen dort und nahm den Todesfall in der Dampfsauna auf und er hörte am Nebentisch die Kommissare sprechen, dass es wohl eine feste Videoüberwachung am Eingang der Dampfsauna geben würde und alle Gäste im Restaurant schauten auf, als Julia in enger Jeans und mit wackelnden Brüsten auf Max zu kam, um ihn zu begrüßen.Ihre beiden Lippen fanden sich zum Küssen, die immer inniger wurden, „ komm nochmal hoch und schlaf mit mir“ flüsterte sie ihm zu.Die beiden sahen, wie Sie die Aufmerksamkeit an sie lenkten und der eine Kommissar stand auf und hielt Max und Julia seine „Hundemarke“ hin und fragte Max und Julia, ob Sie rein zufällig gestern in der Saunalandschaft waren, ob sie was mit bekamen und beide verneinten es, dann kam der andere Kommissar aufgeregt zu seinem Kollegen und sagte zu ihm, „ stell dir mal vor, auf dem Film der Überwachungskamera ist nur ein flattender Bademantel zu sehen, keine Person darin und der Bademantel bewegt sich zu den Aufzügen“.Der Kommissar sah seinen Kollegen an, dachte wohl, er hatte zu tief gestern nach seinen Feierabend wohl ins Glas geschaut und sagte, „ das muss ich sehen, ein Bademantel der sich bewegt“ und die beiden Kommissare stürmten aus dem Speisesaal.Max sah Julia an, er hatte mal gesehen in einem Film, dass Vampire kein Spiegelbild hatten und natürlich auch auf Fotos und Filmen nicht zu sehen waren und Max wusste sofort, dass wohl seine Julia hier ihre Hände im Spiel gehabt hatte.Er nahm Julia an die Hand, denn er wusste, dass es Brenzlig werden würde und zog Sie hinter sich her auf das Zimmer, er musste schnell fliehen, aber Julia verstand die Andeutung anders und als Sie im Zimmer waren, ging Sie auf Angriff über und leckte genüsslich an seinem Hals und streichelte mit einer Hand über seinen Harten.„Warst du das Julia“, fragte er und versuchte sich ihrer Gier nach Sex und Streicheleinheiten zu entziehen, aber Sie sah ihn in die Augen und schon war er in ihrem Bann gefangen und sie drehte sich wieder vor ihm, nahm seine beiden Hände und legte Sie sich auf ihren Busen.In dieser Stellung befreite sich die vollbusige Vampirlady von ihrer Jeans und dem darunter befindlichen String und dann fasste Sie nach hinten und öffnete seinen Reißverschluss seiner Hose und holte seine Latte aus der Boxershorts. Max war immer noch in Trance und Julia kroch devot zu ihm hoch blickend auf ihn zu und schnappte sich direkt seinen escort maltepe Schwanz und ihre grell rot geschminkten Lippen stülpten sich über seine Eichel, entgegen dem Geschehen auf dem Frühstücksplatz, zeigte sie vollen Einsatz und blies ihm seine Latte auf, die aller Ehren wert war und fingerte sich dabei.Julia befreite nun Ihre Brüste indem sie ihr Oberteil einfach nach unten schob und er erblickte ihre harten Nippel und Max wurde schnell noch geiler, sich ihrer Wirkung voll bewusst, ließ sie dann noch Spucke auf heruntertropfen, dann wurde sein Schwanz zwischen die 2 Melonen gepresst und durch leichte Auf- und Ab Bewegungen ihres Oberkörpers und leichte Stöße seinerseits fickte er nun ihre geilen schweren Brüste, ja er war wieder bei Sinnen und stieg regelrecht auf Julia und fickte ihre geilen Melonen, die sie schön um seinen Schwanz zusammen presste, dann schoss er ab, durch das Training der vergangenen Tage, spritzte Max viel mehr ab als er es selbst von sich kannte.Die Suppe fand sich zwischen und auf ihren Brüsten wieder, auch ihr Gesicht war nicht verschont geblieben, dennoch allein ihre schwingenden Brüste waren jede Sünde wert. Als wäre nichts gewesen küsste ihn Julia mit einer unglaublichen Leidenschaft, mit gekonnten Griffen ließ sie seinen Schwanz wieder schnell wachsen und sie drückte ihn aufs Bett und kuschelte sich dann in Seitenlage mit ihrem unglaublichen Knackarsch an Max und führte sich seinen Harten ein, als wollte sie ihm gerade jetzt ihre sexuelle Unvergleichbarkeit demonstrieren, massierte ihre Pussy direkt nach dem Eindringen seinen Schaft. „Ich liebe Deinen Schwanz, er ist so perfekt für mich“ stöhnte ihm dann Julia zu und er fühlte sich natürlich mehr als geschmeichelt, welcher Kerl hört derartige Komplimente nicht gern von einer 135 Jahre älteren Gespielin??, die zudem die Wahnsinnsfrau optisch noch ein echter Vollschuss war und er streichelte an ihrer Klitoris und rieb sie zärtlich aber bestimmt. Gleichzeitig fickte er ihre Pussy nun entschlossener, entschlossen dazu gleich spritzen zu wollen und Julia drückte sich ganz eng an ihn und spießte sich damit selbst bis Anschlag auf. Mit „aiiii, ai, aiiii , ai , aiiiiiiiiii schrie sie ihren Orgasmus heraus, zeitgleich ejakulierte Max tief in Julia’s Pussy. Dann war es Zeit sich zu verdrücken, nicht dass die beiden Kommissare noch neugierig würden und Julia war sehr edel angezogen, sie trug ein knapp geschnittenes, schwarzes Kleid mit einem atemberaubenden Ausschnitt, der ihre geilen Brüste noch perfekter in ihrem Dekolletee inszenierte, dazu stöckelte sie auf schwarzen, Gucci-Heels stolz vor Max her. Ein Anblick für die Götter!, seine neue Liebe sah einfach nur hinreißend aus, seine neue Liebe war mit ihren knappen 160 Jahre noch gut in Schuß, dachte er grinsend. Dem Gang nach zu urteilen zelebrierte sie ihren Auftritt regelrecht, allein der beim Gehen an den Tag gelegte Hüftschwung und dazu das Wippen ihrer schweren Brüste im Kleid, waren eine Augenweide und er lief schweigend neben Julia her und sah Sie von der Seite her an, so konnte Max ihre tollen Formen bewundern, mein Gott, was war das eine Frau, unter dem dünnen Stoff ihres Kleides zeichnete sich ein BH ab und auf einmal blieb sie stehen und drehte sich zu ihm und küsste ihn mitten auf dem Parkplatz und Max spürte ihre dicken Bälle an seinem Oberkörper und legte seine freie Hand auf ihren Hintern und ihre Zungen spielten ein wenig miteinander um sich dann zu trennen, aber noch bevor Max den Motor starten konnte, nutzte Julia diese Chance sofort und öffnete den Reißverschluss seiner Jeans und sein Freudenspender sprang förmlich aus dem Schlitz und wurde von Julia’s Lippen bereits erwartet und in Empfang genommen und sie stülpte gierig und stürmisch ihren Mund über seinen Schwanz und blies ihn ganz zärtlich und Dem Gang nach zu urteilen zelebrierte sie ihren Auftritt regelrecht, allein der beim Gehen an den Tag gelegte Hüftschwung und dazu das Wippen ihrer schweren Brüste im Kleid, waren eine Augenweide und er liebte sie.Ein hupender und grinsender LKW Fahrer, fuhr an ihnen vorbei und brachte die beiden wieder zurück in die Realität und die beiden machten sich mit dem Mietwagen schleunigst vom Acker und fuhren auf die Autobahn.Julia blieb die ganze Strecke artig und ließ Max fahren, dann nach 12 Stunden Fahrt und fast zu Hause, bog Max in die nächste Raststätte und die beiden nahmen sich ein Zimmer.Julia ließ Max ins Restaurant gehen um sich zu stärken, als er dann mit ihr auf das Zimmer ging, bemerkte Sie, das Sie selbst Hunger hatte und kaum die Türe hinter sich geschlossen, befreite sie ihre schweren Brüste aus der Gefangenschaft indem sie ihr Kleid etwas herunterschob und die Brüste aus den Cups hob.Max staunte, was waren das für Dinger?? Riesengroß mit kleinen Brustwarzen, das schärfste jedoch waren ihre Nippel, die wie 2 Fingerhüte beschaffen waren und steil aus den Brustwarzen empor ragten und Julia kniete sich vor ihm hin und betrachtete erst einmal seine Eichel und als Sie dann Sekunden später Sie mit fest geschlossenen Lippen seine Eichel bearbeitete, hörte Max die Englein singen, die erst recht als seine Eier Ziel ihrer Begierde wurden, seine Murmeln verschwanden wechselnd in ihrem Schlund und wurden grenzwertig gesaugt, dann zog sie ihn sofort bis hinter die Mandeln rein und Unmengen Speichel verließen dabei ihren Mund und als dann Julia beim Lutschen seines Schwanzes auch noch die Eier knetete, war die Reizüberflutung perfekt, seine Gefühle fuhren Achterbahn. So einen geilen Mund hatte er noch nicht gefickt, alles fühlte sich unglaublich heiß und schon unnatürlich nass an, sein Ständer kochte, bzw. wurde in einem gierigen Mund gekocht, die im besonderen Sinne anders war und ihm ging es nicht mehMax staunte, was waren das für Dinger?? Riesengroß mit kleinen Brustwarzen, das schärfste jedoch waren ihre Nippel, die wie 2 Fingerhüte beschaffen waren unAls Max dann noch einen Blick auf die schaukelnden Brüste warf, war sein Siedepunkt erreicht und er konnte sich nicht erinnern jemals einen solchen Orgasmus gehabt zu haben. Schub um Schub um Schub entleerte er sich in ihren Rachen, als alles raus war, saugte sie ihn zärtlich sauber, nicht so wie bei dem unbekannten in der Dampfsauna.„Ich liebe Dein Sperma“ sagte Julia und grinste ihn an, als sie es herunter schluckte und ihr erster Hunger gestillt war.Julia ließ dann auf der Couch sitzend ihre Finger in ihren Mund gleiten und benetzte mit dem gewonnenen Inhalt ihre Grotte, die Einladung nahm Max gern an und kniete sich zwischen ihre Schenkel und seine Zunge fand schnell ihr Ziel und mit kreisendem Lecken reizte Max die erigierte Klitoris von Julia, seine neue Liebe war wohl so ausgehungert nach Sex, dass sie sofort kam und wie sie kam!, er hatte bereits den Mund voll mit ihren Liebessäften und schluckte, als sich schon weitere Schwalle ihres Elixiers in sein Gesicht ergossen, in diesem Moment war ihm klar, was diese Frau ausmachte, es war das Versaute, das a****lische, das Primitive, das diesen Männertraum ausmachte, alles von ihr drückte aus willig zu sein, besamungswillig zu sein!, und Max war wie im Rausch als er seinen Prügel erneut ansetzte um dieses Fickfleisch zu erobern und sein Schwanz glitt wie in Butter!, und er fickte die geile Grotte total abspritzorientiert mit heftigen Stößen und immer wieder zog Max seinen harten Schwanz ganz heraus um ihn Julia ließ dann auf der Couch sitzend ihre Finger in ihren Mund gleiten und benetzte mit dem gewonnenen maltepe escort bayan Inhalt ihre Grotte, die Einladung nahm Max gern an und kniete sich zwischen ihre Schenkel und seine Zunge fand schnell ihr Ziel und mit kreisendem Lecken reizte Max die erigierte Klitoris von Julia, seine neue Liebe war wohl so ausgehungert nach Sex, dass sie sofort kam und wie sie kam!, er hatte bereits den Mund voll mit ihren Liebessäften und schluckte, als sicVollkommen außer Atem lagen die beiden dann auf dieser Spielwiese von Bett und streichelten sich gegenseitig und sie schaffte es noch, ihn mit der Hand zum Orgasmus zu bringen und schluckte sein Sperma und schliefen auch danach gemeinsam so auch ein.Seine sowieso schon recht harte Latte am frühen Morgen in der Hose wurde noch härter und er presste sich auch an sie, was sie natürlich bemerkte, sich daraufhin schnell des Slips und ihm seine Unterhose entledigte, während Sie sich über ihn beugte und ihre Lippen auf seine presste, dann packte Sie beim Küssen seinen Schaft und begann ihn langsam zu wichsen, während sie auf dem Bett ihre Beine spreizte, „ jetzt zeig mal, was du geiler Hengst mit so einer Lanze so drauf hast…“, sagte Sie grinsend und nahm dann sein bestes Stück noch kurz in den Mund und sie saugte ihn so gierig, das Max ernsthaft Angst hatte, gleich zu kommen, so geschickt bearbeitete sie ihn kurz mit ihrer Zunge, doch dann lehnte sie sich wieder zurück, zog ihn am Schwanz zu ihr und dirigierte ihn an ihre immer noch triefende Möse und er ging mit, vorsichtig packte er seinen Ständer und drückte ihn sanft, aber bestimmt in das Paradies, durch ihre Vorarbeit rutschte er unaufhaltsam in sie hinein und sie begann gleich wieder zu stöhnen, während er es kaum fassen konnte, während er sich vollkommen in ihr versenkte.Julia war eng und das turnte Max an und er kroch über sie, küsste ihre Brustwarzen, welche steif abstanden, packte sie an der Hüfte, und begann langsam in sie zu stoßen, während er mit seiner Zunge begann ihren wunderschönen Körper zu erforschen, ihr Stöhnen verwandelte sich in ein Winseln, was wahrscheinlich an der ungewohnten Ausgefülltheit lag, und Max glaubte sogar an ihren Muttermund zu stoßen, während seine Lippen und seine Zunge ihre schweren Brüste liebevoll bearbeiten. Max stand kurz davor, noch fünf Stöße, dann war es soweit, und er wusste es, auch Julia begann wieder zu zucken, und dann kam es ihm mit aller Wucht. Max klammerte sich an ihrer Hüfte fest, während er sich mich an ihrem rechten Nippel festsaugte, dann kam die aufgestaute Sahne und er spritzte in sie mit einem unüberhörbaren Stöhnen ab, dann kam auch sie, es war ein lauter Schrei, ihre Muskulatur bearbeitete dabei heftig seinen pumpenden und spritzenden Schwanz, ihre Beine fuhren zusammen, und er stieß noch einmal heftig in sie, sie kam immer noch, die Möse wurde überflossen mit einer Sperma-Mösenschleim-Mischung, während sie unter ihm zuckte und dann doch endlich Ruhe fand.Max steckte noch immer tief in ihr, doch seine Latte begann zu schrumpfen und glitt so selber aus dem Liebesdelta, und er ließ sich neben ihr auf das Bett fallen und kuschelte sich an sie. Sie öffnete die Augen, küsste ihn und sagte noch, „ du machst mich fertig“, dann war ihre Hand wieder an seinem Penis, fast augenblicklich wurde er wieder hart und sie lächelte ihn süß an, „ und ich dachte schon, ich bekomm heute keinen Nachtisch mehr“ und ging wieder vor ihm auf die Knie und begann seine Latte nochmals zu wichsen und küsste seine Spitze, bevor Sie sich das Ding wirklich ganz in den Mund schob und ein Blaskonzert veranstaltete, das ihm Hören und Sehen verging, ja seine vollbusige Vampirlady spielte geschickt mit ihrer Zunge um seine Eichel, begann ihn mit ihren Lippen zu wichsen, während sie dabei seine Eier kraulte, doch dann würgte sie sich den Schaft bis zum Anschlag in den süßen kleinen Mund, dabei schaute sie ihn noch so unschuldig an, dass Max die restliche Sahne nicht mehr aufhalten konnte und alles Schub für Schub in ihren Mund pumpte, und sie schluckte alles herunter und leckte meinen Schwanz noch sauber, bevor sie sich total glücklich und gesättigt an Max kuschelte. „Jetzt hast du meine Erlaubnis noch ein bisschen zu schlafen…, und dich von deinen Strapazen zu erholen, bitte verspreche mit, bevor wir zu dir fahren, möchte ich deinen Zauberstab noch zwischen meinen Brüsten spüren“, sagte Sie und grinste ihn frech an.Der Vampirjäger in Transsilvanien war natürlich total sauer und stieg in sein Fahrzeug um nach Otopeniairport in Bukarest zu fahren, denn er wollte am Flughafen herausbekommen, wohin Max mit der Vampirlady von Bukarest aus, hin geflogen war.Am Flughafen stand er an einem Kiosk und las in der Tageszeitung einer überregionalen Zeitung folgende Überschrift „In einem Wellnesshotel nahe der Autobahn bei Linz wurde ein Toter Mann in der Dampfsauna gefunden, ihm wurde das Knochenmark seines Rückkrads aus seinem Penis gesogen“ und er wusste, wer dies gewesen war und er brauchte bei der staatlichen Fluglinie nicht anfragen, wohin sie geflogen waren, denn Sie waren bestimmt mit dem Mietwagen unterwegs.Eine halbe Stunde später hatte er die Daten mit Adresse und via GPS den letzten Standort des Wagens und er nahm den nächsten Flieger nach Düsseldorf.Dort mietete er ein Auto und fuhr zurück Richtung Koblenz, denn dort stand seit letzter Nacht der Mietwagen aus Rumänien, den Max am Flughafen in Bukarest gemietet hatte.Max stand gegen Mittag auf und ging in das Restaurant unten und ließ Julia noch etwas schlafen und als er unten war, machte sich der Vampirjäger auf den Weg zu dem Zimmer der beiden und überraschte die schlafende Vampirlady Julia und rammte ihr einen Pflog in die linke Brustseite und Sie verfiel zu Staub.Dann verließ er heimlich das Zimmer wieder und verschwand ebenso wieder auf der Autobahn Richtung Düsseldorf um den nächsten Flieger nach Bukarest zu nehmen.Max beendete sein Mittagessen und schaute auf die Uhr, es war 11.30 Uhr und er ging zur Rezeption und verlängerte das Auschecken auf 15 Uhr und ging freudenstrahlend nach oben denn er freute sich schon auf den geilen Busensex mit seiner vollbusigen Vampirlady und stellte sich vor, wie es nun gleich sein würde, über ihr zu knien und seinen Harten, der sich in der Zwischenzeit schon mit Blut gefüllt hatte, zwischen die geilen voluminösen Brüste seiner neuen Freundin zu stecken und sie zwischen ihren Brüsten zu ficken, bis er laut stöhnend in dem Tal zwischen ihren dicken Brüsten kommen würde.Er öffnete frohen Mutes die Zimmertüre und als er den großen Staub und Aschehaufen sah, ließ er einen furchterregenden Schrei los, so dass das Zimmermädchen aus dem Nachbar Zimmer kam, die Verschmutzung auf dem Bett sah und sich sofort anbot die Sauerrei zu entfernen und sich für diesen Dreck tausend Mal entschuldigte.Er wusste, dass ein Vampirjäger, oder gab es den van Helsing wirklich ???, auf jeden Fall war sie von einem getötet worden und somit seine Sexgeile Vampirlady zu Staub zerfallen.Er setzte sich mit heulenden Augen in seinen Mietwagen und fuhr nach Hause.An dem Reisebüro, wo er vor mehreren Wochen die Reise gebucht hatte, gab er den Mietwagen mit einer saftigen Nachzahlung ab und las im Schaufenster noch einmal das Reiseplakat, „Transsilvanien auf den Spuren von Graf Dracula, eine Rundreise durch das neue EU-Land Rumänien, sie genießen All Inclusive, Anreise mit dem Flieger nach Bukarest und dort Mietwagen ab Flughafen und Standortübernachtung der siebentägigen Reise war das Schloss in dem Graf Dracula lebte und sein Unwesen trieb für nur 499€ Euro ?.Ihm stiegen die Tränen in die Augen, er hatte sich in die Vampirlady verliebt und nun war Sie zu Staub zerfallen und er ging traurig nach Hause.Ende der Geschichte

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Ms. Marca Ch. 71

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Chapter 71 Boyfriend Problems

Mr. Hill pulled it out, right in front of my face. It was magnificent. Not just big. Not just beautiful. This was a giant, perfect appendage, a gorgeous seductive monster cock. I felt my mouth hang open, and heard myself making small mewling sounds as I was overwhelmed with adoration of this vision, this dream cock, the stuff of sexual obsession and nightmare. About half hard, it was easily eight inches, and looked to be as fat around as my wrist, at least.

“Oh, my sweet, ah Jesus …,” I whispered, mesmerized. “Fuck,” I gasped as I watched it grow and harden, fighting against its own weight to stand straight, ten at least now, the velvety purple head threatening menace and glory, the smooth veined shaft promising painful stretching, punishment and ecstasy.

I would fuck this cock. This was not one of my high school fuck buddies dick, this was a real man size cock. I had to have it, had to experience this giant. This legendary cock that would turn my pussy into a gaping bruised cunt. I imagined it in my mouth, stretching my lips around it, fantasized the huge head pushing into my throat, gagging me, orgasm as I choked on the greatest cock I had ever seen in my young life. I reached to it unconsciously, wrapping my hand around the base, not surprised to see my fingers didn’t reach, and I felt my pussy drench itself in anticipation. No, I thought, a pussy is for dicks, this beast of a cock deserves my cunt, to stretch me, split me open, and pound my cervix. No mercy. Beat my cunt until it screams, leave me bruised and sore, ruined for all dicks but this one.

I never had thought like this. Sex with the guys at school was good, satisfying. It was regular, with regular frequency, and a normal amount of adventure, I thought. Maybe a little extra effort when I’d had a date out with two of them. My sex drive was normal. regular.

Until now. My normal, controlled, proper sex drive had blown away like yesterday’s newspaper. I was consumed with lust, staring at this giant beast. I felt the desire in my pussy, my nipples, my chest, my stomach. Jesus Christ, my knees were weak.

I had to have it. My hand tightened, feeling the heat at the base of the shaft, felt the pulse of the beast, and my nipples tightened and hardened in response. I heard whimpering, a plaintive expression of desire, of need. I realized it was my, expressing my own surrender, and I panted in submission. I thought the man was speaking, asking for a decision, calling my name, Mara, Marca. I imagined the cock was calling; it called to my, called my by name, suck me Marca, it said, suck me Marca, and I heard a hungry grunting breath escape my lungs as my mouth opened, and touched the head, stretching my lips around the velvety crown, feeling the spongy firmness on my tongue, and still stretching, forcing my jaw open until it hurt, and then it was finally inside, and I pushed my head down onto the shaft.

I leaned forward barely aware of him opening his pants and undressing as he spoke. “I guess I was right so far,” I heard, “and you’ve made your decision.” I reached up with my other hand now, both of them grasping the thick meat, encircling the shaft, while I tried to force the remaining portion into my mouth. “Let’s see if I am right about the rest,” I heard him tease. I didn’t want to tease it and lick it, no. Not this one. Not this dream cock. I pulled my mouth off for just a moment.

“Oh, God, I want this cock,” I gasped out loud, grateful for the opportunity to express my desire out loud, and at the same time astounded at the words as they came out. I felt liberated, like I had been holding in a secret. “I want it in my mouth. I want it to fuck my mouth, to gag me.” I stroked the shaft with both hands, unable to let go, oblivious to all things but this throbbing cunt destroyer, my contact with it, my obsession for it; my need. I wondered briefly how I could lose my control so quickly, then forgot that person, the controlled woman, and surrendered to my craving.

He pulled his dick away and my hands flailed in the empty air, desperate to reconnect. My face inched forward as I leaned in, and he swung it at me, striking my face with it; I felt the impact, and the sensation shot through me, alerting my nipples, and pushing straight through to my clit and my pussy, making me wet. Again he struck me and I opened my mouth, trying to suck it, knowing I could never capture it. I could only be conquered by it, and I stopped trying to catch it, I held my head still and received the blows on my face, heard the slap of flesh on flesh, felt the heat as it struck me, and I whimpered, “Please,” and opened my mouth. “Please,” I repeated, opened again, offering my open mouth to the cock that I must have, must serve. “Ple-“, I began, but then my wish was granted and it pushed into my open mouth, and I moaned with delight.

It pushed in, and stretched my mouth wide, and still it pushed; it bounced against the back of my mouth, and where I would normally konyaaltı escort pull back, I gagged, and accepted, and was eager to have more, fulfilled by the punishment. Already my mouth ached, but as the head brutalized the back of my mouth, I inhaled, and it pushed my throat open, blocking my airway, forcing tears to my eyes as my throat tried to close on the massive intruder. My hands went between my legs to rub my pussy, to thrill at the stimulation I received at serving my new cock master, proud of my submission, my debased achievement. The cock head fucked my mouth a few strokes as I furiously rubbed my crotch. Then it pulled back, and I gasped for air, my mouth still open, ready for more, and eager for more, and proud of the service my mouth provided.

He grabbed me, his fingers entwined in the hair on either side of my head, and pushed his dick a long stroke into my, fucking open mouth. “Damn baby you got the longest legs I ever seen and your butt is so slim and tight. But best of all you got a set of tits to die for, all the guys in school want to fuck you don’t they sweet tits?”

I nod yes, I’ll tell him anything if he will just take care of me, and I want it so. “Do you like my cock?” he asked as he withdrew, holding it in front of my lips, angling my head so I must look at him as I answered. I dutifully looked him in the eyes, the sweet promising cockhead brushing my face and lips.

“Oh, yes,” the hoarse whisper came out.

“Out loud, Marca!”

“Yes,” I obeyed.

“Louder. Like you mean it.”

“Yes,” I said proudly, with desire.

“Yes what?”

“Yes, I like your cock.” As I finished the statement he put it back into my mouth again. I groaned in delight as the massive shaft filled my mouth, pushed against my throat, gagging me, making my eyes tear, and withdrew. I stole a breath as he spoke, blinking the tears away, delighted at my debauchery.

“Do you love it?”

“M-mm, yeah, I love your beautiful cock.” Again he penetrated my mouth, this time a second and third time he pumped into me, then slowly sliding out as he spoke. I opened my eyes to see he held a cell phone, pointing at my.

“Do you want my cock?” Was he recording me? I tried to care, and found I couldn’t. All I cared about was getting stuffed by the meat stick poised at my lips. I licked the tip before answering.

“O-oo, yeah, I want it bad, I want it in my mouth,” lick, “and then I want it in my pussy.”

“You’re what?”

“My pus- my cunt. I want this,” slow lick, “fuck monster in my cunt.” I was stunned at my voice, my language, as he pushed into my mouth again, and I saw the cell phone pointed at me as my eyes closed, felt him fuck my mouth several long, full strokes, using my mouth, banging into my throat. I wondered if I would be sore, then I didn’t care, I wanted to be sore. He pulled out and my mouth made a wet slurping sound around the head as it emerged, and I moaned; my mouth denied it’s desire.

“Do you need my cock?” He continued slapping my face with it, and my mouth opened automatically every time it came near my face. “Tell me how you need it.” Another slap, then bouncing it off my lips, bruising my lips with its weight. “Tell me what you will do to have it.” I felt the heated mass striking my, the sensation heightening my desire, some kind of animal instinct, and I felt my answers pouring out of my effortlessly, as though I were possessed.

“Fuck me, I’ll do anything. I swear I’ll do fucking anything.” I tried to catch it with my mouth as it slapped at me. “I’ll suck it. I want to suck it, I want you to cum in my mouth.” Images came to me in my mind of things I would normally recoil at with a man old enough to be my father, but now suddenly desired. “I want to feel it coming in my mouth, shooting cum on my face, please. Just let me have this cock.” My desire steered me, my need propelled me. “Fuck me with it, fuck my slut cunt, I’ll be your slut, your cock-slave whore cunt, please, I need your cock.” It slapped my open mouth and I felt it brush my tongue, and the tingle went straight through my body to my nipples and clit. “I want to suck it after you fuck me, I want to taste my stretched pussy on this meat stick,” another lick, and I moaned in delight. “Fill me with cum, fill my slut cunt with your cum, and I’ll clean the cum off this beautiful monster and lick my cunt juice from your balls.” I couldn’t believe the things I was saying.

“Will you do whatever I tell you?”

“Yes,” I blurted, not thinking, not caring. What would he ask? What would I think of myself? What would Robert think? Remember Robert, I thought? “Anything you say, anything.”

“Will you suck my dick in public?”

“Yes, I don’t care, I’ll do it.” Fuck, I thought, would I really do that?

“You will, in front of people … while they watch?”

“Yes.” Then, instead of potential fear, the idea of being watched started to excite my. Watching me suck this monster. “Yes, I want them to see me.”

“You want other men watching?”


“Even kültür escort your boyfriend? Would you suck my cock in front of your boyfriend?”

I startled for a moment, then forgot myself, lost myself in my selfish uncontrollable need, all the while my eyes darting from his face to the object of my lust, poised at my mouth. Fuck, Mr. Hill wanted to fuck me in front of his son, Robert? “Yes, please, anything. I’ll suck your cock in front of Robert, make him watch, let him see me swallow this monster down my throat, eat your cum, yes.”

“Will you fuck me in front of him?”

An image came to my head of Robert watching this monster stretch and ruin my cunt, and I imagined his face, the horror, and the — excitement?

“Fuck, yeah, fuck me while he watches, let him see this beauty stretch me open, make him see it go where his dick goes, just fuck me with it.” I felt the shift twitch in my hands, and I licked the head, and trembled with excitement. Would Robert watch me? Would he be angry? Would he like it?

“Open your mouth,” he commanded, and I did, wide, waiting in anticipation for the massive tool to penetrate my face. He pushed it in, and I swooned in relief as the shaft filled my mouth. He pulled out.

“Look at me.” I looked up, the cockhead resting at my lips, my tongue darting out, flicking the pre-cum oozing at the tip. He was holding the cell phone at me. “Tell me your name, then tell me what you want. What you will do”

“My name is Marca,” I said to the phone, knowing it was recording video, not caring. “I want to be a slut for this beautiful cock. I will do anything to have it in my slut mouth and cunt.” I licked the head, swirled my tongue around it, looking directly into the phone.

“Good,” he said, then pulled back from me, and turning, pushed a few buttons on the phone, then held it to his ear. I sat on the bed, watching him, phone up, pants undone, giant cock, semi-hard. “Yeah,” he said in the phone, “I got it, come in.”

I thought, Come in? Who is he talking to?

The door open and there stood Robert, my boyfriend, we had been dating just a few weeks. I saw the hurt look on his face and I looked at his father, Mr. Hill, I saw the smirk look on his face. Mr. Hill turned to look at his son in the door way.

“Son I told you she was a slut, shit she is a whore, you think this is the kind of woman you want for a wife?”

Robert just lowered his head and mumbled no, he turned and went back out of the room and down the hall. I looked up at the asshole father of I guess my ex-boyfriend.

“You bastard you said we were alone, you said he had gone to visit your ex, his mother for the weekend!”

“Hey big tits, I had to show my boy what kind of whore you are, what kind of woman you will be if he married you. You had him fooled, fucking everyone but him, making him the laughing stock of the school, telling him you loved him and you wanted to save yourself until you two were married, you fucking cunt!”

Just then I heard Robert’s motorcycle start and he was pulling out of his father’s garage and with that loud squeal of tires he was gone down the street and I guess out of my life. But I had one big problem facing me, Mr. Hill’s big cock was still in front of me and I was still naked on the bed in his guest bedroom.

“I guess you want me to go, get out of here?”

“It looks to me baby you are hot for cock, don’t you need some cock?” I pop open my eyes wider and my moth makes the big ‘O’ shape as I nod yes.

“You’re going to fuck me?” His eyes looked down at my slit, my juicy cunt and I lean back and spread my legs wide and used both hands to part my pussy lips and show him my pink.

His face went straight for my cunt. His tongue licked up and down my slit before working its way into my cunt. I use one had to pull my lips wider apart and the other I use to guild his head deeper into my teenage cunt.

“MMMMNNHHHHH… THAT FEELS SO GOOD … OH GOD … I THINK I’M CUMMING!!!!!!” M. Hill reached up and played with my breasts while his tongue worked its way deeper into my cunt.

Once I came down from my post orgasmic euphoria, reality started sinking in. “Marca you want to spend the night?”

“What about Robert, is he coming back?”

“Honey you and my son are history, so what if he comes back?”

I gave him a dirty look and stuck my tongue out at him as he chuckled. “I should probably call my parents to let them know. I don’t think it should be a problem, though.”

“Good. Call your parents and let me talk to one of them. I pick up his house phone in the bedroom and dial home.

“Hey mom I’m over at Roberts place, Mr. Hill has invited me to have dinner with him and Robert can I spend the night?”

“Damn Marca are you still leading that boy on? Are you still playing the sweet virgin?”

“Yes … oh thanks mom, I’ll be home in the morning.” I looked up and Mr. Hill motion for me to give him the phone.

“Mom, Mr. Hill wants markantalya escort to speak to you, hold on.”

I walked out of the bedroom o go pee and heard Mr. Hill tell my mother that he was grilling steaks and had a bottle of wine for the 3 of us to drink with dinner and didn’t want me to drive home late. I came back in the room and he was laughing and kidding my mother about how pretty I was and how she could pass as my sister, the asshole. After a few minutes he winked at me and gave me back the phone.

“Hey mom, so I’ll be home in the morning.”

“Marca he sounds nice is he good looking?”

“Yes …!” I turn my back on Mr. Hill and took a few steps away.

“You need to tell me all about him when you get home, be careful, love you baby.”

“Me too, bye!”

As I talked to mom I saw Mr. Hill take his clothes off. I hung up and I sat on the bed, leaning against the pillows. I started massaging my breasts as I smiled and gave him a sexy look. I took each breast and l lifted them to my mouth and sucked my nipples into my mouth. I bit each one and then pinched the nipples and continued massaging my breasts. I then let my hands travel down my stomach to my pussy. I rubbed my fingers up and down my slit, getting it very wet. I then opened up my slit with one hand while my fingers on my other hand entered my pussy. I pushed my fingers in and out, slowly at first, and then growing faster. I heard Mr. Hill moan, and I looked up to see him jacking his cock. He was watching my hands on my pussy very closely. I took my fingers out of my pussy, and brought them up to my mouth while I watched Mr. Hill’s eyes follow my hand. I sucked my fingers into my mouth while our eyes met. He crawled up on the bed to me and kissed me. He took my hand and sucked my fingers into his mouth one at a time.

“That was incredible. You been making my son go crazy not letting him have any pussy, you bad girl you. The poor boy comes home from a date with you and I hear him jerking off in his bathroom!” I giggled and run a finger over my pussy lips. “Will I have let him touch my tits a few times, once I let him kiss a nipple, but stopped him, he was not being a gentleman I told him.”

“All this time you been fucking other guys behind his back … fuck you are the bad one!”

“Mr. Hill you got me over here to break Robert and me up, not because I’m a nasty cum dump, but because you wanted my pussy all for yourself, didn’t you?”

“I been going nuts wanting to fuck you since I first saw you and after I found out you were fucking around I can’t resist you anymore. I have to have you.”

With that he pulled me by my legs until I was lying flat on the bed. He then lifted my long tan legs until they were on his shoulders. His cock head slowly entered my cunt, and he worked it in and out slowly, he was almost teasing me with it watching my face as he moved.

“Play with your breasts for me, Marca.” I did. I took them into my hands and pinched my nipples, hard. I pulled them and stretched them and massaged them. Mr. Hill was watching very intently. His pushed in a little and I moaned … “Oh yes, oh that feels so gooood!”

“Not too big for you baby?”

I roll my head from side to side and mumbled … “I like them big, big and fat, just like you are … mmm … do me!”

He pushed in deeper and I felt his balls hit my ass cheeks. I look up and with wide eyes say, “Oh you are big, got to be a good 9 inches.” “Damn baby that is right on the money, I’m 9 inches, what is the biggest cock you ever had?”

“Oh Mr. Hill don’t ask me that.”

“You want me to pull out and send you home girl?”

“Oh you wouldn’t?”

“Tell me how who and when.”

I looked at him and giggled … “how big, 12 inches, like a big summer sausage, who … coach Cook, when, last winter after one of the basketball games … he gave me and another cheerleader a ride home. He dropped her at her home first than took me home and I let him have some in my driveway, mom and dad were out of town.”

“Is he that black coach?”

Oh fuck this will turn him off, me getting it on with a black guy, shit, shit … you done it girl.

“Was he good?”

“He had a nice cock, but if he knew what to do with it, it would have been better!”

Hill chuckled and started pumping into me and I groan as he went back to giving me the big rod. After a few minutes of my m moaning and telling him and the world how good it was he, his pounding became more insistent. I took my left breast into my mouth, sucking my nipple. My eyes met with his again and I could see the lust in his eyes. He wasn’t going to be able to hold out much longer.

“That’s my girl. I can’t hold out much longer. Your cunt is so tight. It feels so good on my cock.” His thumb started playing with my clit, which sent me over the edge.


My pulsing pussy started milking his cock. He pulled out and shot his load all over my face and hair. When his cock was spurting his warm cream, he collapsed onto the bed next to me. “That was incredible.” He turned my face towards him, and kissed me.

I kissed him back and said. “I think we should take a shower to clean up.”

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Mr. Flumpy

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Meet Mr. Flumpy.
He’s a penis.

Mr. Flumpy has had many adventures.
I will tell you one of them.


This is the story of
How Mr. Flumpy Learned
How to Use a Napkin.


Mr. Flumpy is different from you and me.
He doesn’t have to eat.
But he still has to use a napkin.


Mr. Flumpy has a mouth.
And, when he gets excited and carried away,
he begins to drool.


He gets excited by a number of things.
He’s a big fan of art;
he likes looking at pretty pictures.


Art can be a classy thing,
but drooling never is.
One time, it got him into trouble.


Of course, it was also the fault
of Confining Garments.
Confining Garments wasn’t really Mr. Flumpy’s friend,
but they seemed to spend a lot of time together.


One day, they spent a lot of time
looking at pretty pictures.
Mr. Flumpy got quite excited, of course,
and he began to drool.


Unfortunately, he drooled all over Confining Garments.
Neither of them thought much of it at the time-
they were both quite excited.


Later, though,
they bahis firmaları had to go out in public.
People began to stare.


Confining Garments was covered
in Mr. Flumpy’s drool.
People began to point and yell.
They felt very bad, and had to go home.


The next day, Mr. Flumpy wanted
to look at pretty pictures again.
Confining Garments began to complain:
“Don’t do that!
“I’ll be covered in your drool again,
and people will point and yell at me!”


“But I want to look at pretty pictures,”
Mr. Flumpy replied.
“Then do it without drooling,”
Confining Garments demanded.


Mr. Flumpy tried.
He tried very hard not to drool,
but he got carried away,
because he was so excited.


He drooled all over Confining Garments again.
People pointed and yelled again.


The next day, Mr. Flumpy wanted
to look at pretty pictures again.
Confining Garments began to complain:
“If you’re going to look at pretty pictures
and start drooling again,
I’m out of here.”
And Confining Garments left Mr. Flumpy all alone.


Mr. Flumpy began to look at pretty pictures,
all kaçak iddaa by himself.


He got excited,
and began to drool.


Soon, he was covered in his own drool.
“This is no good!” he cried,
“I can’t appreciate art
when I’m wet and sticky!”


Mr. Flumpy looked around
for something to absorb the drool.


He saw a pack of cigarettes.
“I’ll try this,” he said.


Mr. Flumpy tried the pack of cigarettes,
but a voice told him to stop.
It said, “You can’t have those cigarettes-
they’re mine, and I need them later.”


Poor Mr. Flumpy!
He’s still covered in drool!
Mr. Flumpy looked around
for something to absorb the drool.


He saw a block of wood.
“I’ll try this,” he said.


So Mr. Flumpy tried the block of wood.
It cleaned off the drool for a while,
but it made a puddle,
and then the puddle
sloshed all over Mr. Flumpy.


Poor Mr. Flumpy!
He’s still covered in drool.
Mr. Flumpy looked around
for something to absorb the drool.


He saw a napkin, made of toilet paper.
“I’ll kaçak bahis try this,” he said.


Mr. Flumpy tried the napkin,
and that worked wonderfully.
It soaked up all of his drool,
every last bit of it.


Mr. Flumpy got more excited
than he’d ever been,
and drooled
more than he ever had.
The napkin soaked up all the drool,
every last bit of it.


The next day, Mr. Flumpy wanted
to look at pretty pictures again.
Confining Garments began to complain:
“Don’t do that! I’ll be covered in your drool again
and people will point and yell at me!”
And Confining Garments began to leave.


Mr. Flumpy took out a napkin.
“What’s that?” Confining Garments asked.
“Watch and find out,” said Mr. Flumpy,
so Confining Garments stayed to watch.


Mr. Flumpy looked at pretty pictures
and got excited.
He began to drool.


The napkin soaked up the drool,
every last bit of it.
“Wow,” said Confining Garments.
He was quite impressed.


From then on,
Confining Garments didn’t bother Mr. Flumpy.
Mr. Flumpy could
look at pretty pictures,
and Confining Garments didn’t
get pointed and yelled at.


That was the story of
How Mr. Flumpy Learned
How to Use a Napkin.
Mr. Flumpy has had many adventures,
and I’ll tell you them
some other time.

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The Old Fisherman at the Fishing Camp

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Sadie wanted to come with him on this one. He was OK with that. She was a good sport, even if she had no clue how to ‘smell out’ a fish. She was content to hang around in his battered Boston Whaler full of tangled lines and busted five gallon paint buckets recycled as creels and chum pails. She liked to lay back in the bottom of the boat on a pile of old life jackets, her feet up on the rail, loose shorts sliding down her strong legs, pole over the side, some kind of bait-chunk on a big hook with a bobber, cold brew in one hand, half asleep, sometimes half-dreaming. Her hand wandering.

One reason she agreed to rough it at the fishing camp was because her daughter was willing to come along on to keep her company. Some mothers and daughters do nothing but bitch. Not these two. They just went right into rhythm, whether they were cooking, or knitting, or yes, fishing. Sadie’s daughter Penny was a chip off the old block; pretty much the same height, same thick chestnut hair that bounced out in all directions, though Sadie’s was shot with grey; sturdy legs with strong thighs, though Penny’s ankles were a bit more tapered; asses with big round cakes, natural tits that both women liked to hang loose inside flannel shirts.

Both of them loved to cook, and that was a good thing, because the Old Fisherman usually didn’t eat too well if he came alone, just digging dinner out of a can of pork and beans. Now there was Sadie’s mulligan stew with tender chunks of chuck and lumps of carrot and potatoes. Penny made an apple pie with a crust that dissolved in your mouth. They collaborated on trout filets, fresh from the lake, crisp batter on the outside, tender within. Home fries. Beer.

It was mellow. And the days before Brian arrived were like a dream. The three of them headed out in the boat pretty damn early most mornings, a lunch of cold cuts on French bread in the cooler next to the bait. Who cared if the sandwiches picked up a bit of a fishy smell? Sadie and Penny each took a side of the bow, tilted back, tan legs up, shirts unbuttoned, beer. Usually he took the stern and piloted the boat, first fast, kicking up spray that wet the women, sticking a shirt to a nipple, soaking a lock of hair. They didn’t care. The day was hot, a storm at the edge of it.

Once he found his spot he kicked the Evinrude almost down to nothing, just riding the against the wind to stay even. Not much casting. They dropped lines and let them drift. Before long, without a lot of effort, they pulled in a couple of big steelheads. Then nothing.

He could tell that Penny was restless and horny. She tossed her thick hair, jiggled her knees, swung them from side to side as she lay back in the boat; took a long, long time spreading sunblock onto the insides of her thighs below her ragged Daisy Mae cutoffs.

Of course, one reason Penny agreed to come out to the camp was that his nephew Brian was joining them. The Old Fisherman liked Brian. Of all his nephews Brian was the most simpatico. They thought alike. They enjoyed the same beer. Brian loved to fish. Time was they did long summer afternoons the two of them drifting most of the day and chucking beer cans into the bottom of the boat.

Different from the days he took Sadie out. They drifted around the lake too. But sooner come later he would eat her out in the hot sun, in the swill, banging his ass on the thwart as he dug his chin into that steamed clam.

But he had never had Sadie and Brian up here together, much less Penny. Penny was something new. The energy level was a little higher. Oh, she liked to drink her beer and didn’t fuss too much about smelly bait. But it was pretty clear she liked to keep active.

“Any place to hang out and dance around here?”

He told her about the Stone Church in Newcastle and The Green Room over on 109.

“Maybe Brian and me can go there.”

“I don’t know. I don’t see him being much of a dancer.”

“Don’t care. I can dance and he can just stand there and watch and wobble. I just want to get out and move tonight.”

“Ask him. I’m sure he’ll be game.”

“That’s settled then.”

Penny leaned back against the thwart and chewed on her sandwich. But her knees kept waggling. She didn’t stay there long. The next thing he knew she was stripping off her top and shorts. In a heartbeat she was over the side. The boat skewed something fierce and Sadie dropped her beer can with a curse.

“Mama, I’ll race you back to the dock.”

Penny sliced at the water with her cupped hand, sending a small wave into Sadie’s lap.

“Damn, girl, I’m gonna drown you!”

Sadie was out of her clothes in a moment and the Whaler teetered fiercely again as she leaped over side. The two women had a fierce water slapping fight. Some loose flesh and tight nipples got pinched under the surface. Penny took off with Sadie close behind.

Both of them were strong swimmers, and despite the drag of serious chest pontoons, they moved through the water pretty quick, tight buns breaching from time to time. The Old Fisherman felt blessed. He had a woman who was strong bahis firmaları and beautiful and she had a daughter that matched her feature for feature, sass for sass. And they all got along.

He hoped that Brian wouldn’t mess it up. Brian was the quiet type. But then, he was the quiet type, too. So, really, that shouldn’t be a problem. Funny that Brian and Penny had never really met up. No, there was that one time right after he first met Sadie. The kids were pre-teens. He remembered a day when he was mostly drail fishing off Nauset Beach. Sadie was up in town bossing over the quilting bee she did and the kids were wandering the beach. They didn’t talk to each other much. Brian chased gulls. Penny sketched the shore birds on a little pad. After a while they ended up making a sand castle together, hardly talking, building something pretty wonderful. Sadie took a lot of pictures of it when she came down.

Now was a sea change. Brian had been in Kandahar. Penny had had ‘almost a marriage’ with that musician. Different times.

The Old Fisherman didn’t pull in the lines. He just kept the motor at trolling speed and headed toward the cabin. The gals were far off now, splashing toward shore. Then he noticed someone on the dock. Brian must have made good time. Quite a greeting party. If the Old Fisherman wanted to do the decent thing he would zip in and give them their shirts as they left the water. But he didn’t feel that decent. He took his time. Pretended to be catching a fish.

Two heads bobbing in the water and Brian hunkered on the dock talking to them. After a while the two women waded to waist-deep water. Stood there talking pretty relaxed and bare breasted. Brian turned and walked toward the cabin. Sadie and daughter followed. Before she left the dock Sadie turned, cupped her mouth and shouted, “You can come in now, idiot, you’ve had your fun. Don’t forget to bring our gear to the cabin. Gave him the finger over her shoulder. Penny did the same.

Then she and Penny followed Brian, lovely butts swaying, perhaps a bit more than they had to.

Dinner that night was good. The Old Fisherman grilled the steelheads and some zucchini. Sadie roasted some potatoes in the old wood stove. They sat around killing a few bottles of the local red lager. It was a little raw, but after a couple that didn’t matter. Penny was curious about Brian’s time in the service, but he wouldn’t say anything, just that he served two tours and “survived a near miss but my buddy didn’t.”

They didn’t pry.

Sadie and the Old Fisherman got to telling tales about the people around the lake. The lesbian couple who liked to go down on the dock and play mad electric guitar duets. The good old boy who could go on and on about looking for beavers without ever cracking a smile. The quiet school teacher who invited local women to sex toy parties.

Penny punched her mother on the arm. “How often did you go?”

Sadie saluted her daughter with her glass, sloshing a bit.

“None of your damn business. And I won’t ask you to return my blue rabbit either.”

You’d figure this kind of talk would have Penny and Brian getting friendly with each other, but they stayed kind of aloof, just kind of scoping the other one out a bit out of the corner of an eye. But the Old Fisherman could tell that Penny hadn’t chilled off much since the fishing. She was wearing a loose jersey top without a bra and it was fascinating to see how her nips danced against the fabric. She kept rubbing her elbows against them. And she couldn’t sit still. He caught her crotch-watching Brian from time to time. But Brian wasn’t taking the bait. He sat way back in the tattered big chair, sipping his brew, and gazing at the scene through half-lidded eyes.

Sadie, on the other hand, sat close to the Old Fisherman and rubbed his back. Her knee rubbed a little semaphore against his. She was pretty drunk when she asked him to dance. She pulled him to his feet, but he was too wobbly. She got pissed off, realized she was shit-faced herself and headed for bed.

“You come tuck me in, you old fart. Don’t be long.”

The Old Fisherman indicated that he had a bit of beer to finish and then he would be up. He took out one of his back twisted cheroots.

“Anybody want a smoke?”

Penny made a face but shook her head.

“Not unless you got a smoke.”

“You don’t mind if I light up?”

Brian shrugged. But after a bit he got up and headed for the door.

“Get some fresh air.”

The Old Fisherman could tell that Penny wanted to scoot right after him. But he hadn’t given her a wink or a nod or even a glance. He could tell she was frustrated, gazing at the window, hands clamped between her knees. Finally she shook her head as though to clear it.

“I don’t get it. I figured he’d want to … catch up, maybe talk about what he’s been doing, what I’ve been doing, have some … fun. You don’t figure he thinks I’m … gross or something?”

The Old Fisherman took a serious drag on his cheroot.

“Maybe he’s got something on his mind. Maybe he’s kaçak iddaa … shy. You are sending out a lot of … energy. And he might have somebody he’s thinking about, though I’ve never heard tell of someone, at least not lately.”

“You could be right. Maybe that’s it. I guess I should ask him though. No reason to just wonder about it. And I want to go dancing and I don’t want to go alone.”

Penny was up and out the door in seconds, and a few moments later the Old Fisherman heard some animated chat, pretty close to an argument. Then the truck engine roared and tires spit gravel as it tore off in a hurry.

The Old Fisherman wasn’t feeling so very lively at that moment, but he figured he’d better get upstairs and do his duty. At the very least he could finger Sadie something serious while he sucked hard on her thick nipples until she popped once or twice.

Her breath was purring quietly in the darkened room; but when he slipped in next to her and put his hands on her tight round hips she barely stirred. Even a little stroking didn’t rouse her. Almost relieved he lay back and snoozed.

He woke with a major pisscock and a need to relieve himself. Sadie wasn’t in the bed. Maybe she had beat him to the bathroom. But no, he had it all to himself. Could she have gotten hungry for a midnight snack?

It was very dark but he didn’t bother to put on the lights as he went downstairs. He didn’t need to after all the years he had roamed the place. He knew every creaky board and squeaky door. The night was pretty silent. A few lonely peepers and the mournful call of a loon.

Sadie wasn’t in the kitchen. Maybe she was out on the dock. She sometimes did that, just sat there and looked at the moon in the water. There was no moon tonight.

As he moved through the family room something rustled on the dark couch and Sadie’s warm alto growled out at him.

“Finally. I wondered when you would arouse yourself enough to come looking for me. I am in serious need of some TLC. Come over here. Come to mama, there’s a good boy.”

As he came around the couch a firm hand patted all over him until it found its prey. His prick began to come to attention as her fingers fumbled to get through the cloth of his boxers. Finally she just jerked them down. Pulling him close, she wrapped her ample warm breasts around his stiffness, sliding them up and down in the moist summer air. He couldn’t see her but he felt her hot breath on his belly and he knew it was only a matter of time before her lips enveloped the swollen head.

He felt her move forward on the edge of the couch and wrap her legs around his own, pressing her crotch against one shin. She wasn’t subtle about it. Usually Sadie kind of sidled up to him and rubbed on him like a cat. This was more fierce. Her muff was sopping and pressed hard against him, scrubbing back and forth as though to scratch some deep itch.

Her nipples ground against his hips. He had never felt them so tight. Soon she could wait no longer and engulfed his cock. Her mouth was so hot. Her tongue swarmed all over it. She sucked him hard, almost too hard, groaning deep in her throat as she took each pull. Her fingers gripped him tight, but she couldn’t seem to get enough. Sucked him in so deep he could feel her hot breath of her nostrils on his belly.

Once, deep in her throat, he spurted just a bit and she stopped, squeezing his cock tight with one hand and holding his balls with the other. She came up gasping.

“No, no. Not yet. I want you in me. I want you deep in my cunt. Jesus, I want you deep in my cunt. Please now wait. Easy. Easy. Let me turn around, and then, please, if you can, just take as much time as you can. It’s been so long. I really need to be reamed.”

Still holding his rod, he felt her turn around, knees braced against the edge of the couch now, hands against the back. She pushed her ass toward him.

“Come on, please. Shove it in me now. Now, please. I’m going crazy.”

He grasped her firmly by the hips and drove it home.

She screamed.

Pulling her as tight to him as he could, he held it there, grinding. Pushed her buttocks apart so he could get in even deeper. Ground it slowly in a circle one way. Ground it the other way. Pulled it very slowly all the way out and he felt her lose it just a little, her knees wobbly, hips buckling. Something hot and damp dripped on his foot.

Then he slowly pushed in again. She was so tight. Often when she was this hot Sadie got so wet and loose that he straddled her legs, squeezing her quim together. Not this time. He could feel the ripples as he slowly plowed in. He felt the suck of her as he slowly pulled out. He was having such fun he knew he could hold it for a while. But he need to get to the short strokes.

Soon he hardly had to do any of the work. His old gal was thrusting back against him on every in stroke. Her firm ass slapped his belly.

She was growling.

“Oh, yes. Oh, yes. That’s right. Just right. Pound me. Pound me. Deeper. Deeper. So close. So close.”

And then she couldn’t say kaçak bahis words any more. It was as though she were speaking in tongues.

“Oh no, oh no, oh no. OH MY GOD!”?

She slammed herself back against him, legs shaking, head thrashing. Hot gushed around his cock and he let loose, balls aching. Poured it in.

She collapsed forward into an almost invisible bundle on the couch. He didn’t have the heart to lead her upstairs and he certainly couldn’t carry her. So he wrapped her up in the blanket they kept there as best he could; found her damp forehead in the dark and planted a kiss on it and headed for the door. His body was so hot he wanted just to jump right into the lake.

He was happy he had put in the boardwalk to the dock the year before. Though he couldn’t see a damned thing, he was able to follow it with his feet. Of course there was the little blue light they kept at the end of the dock and that helped too. And as he grew close to the light he thought he heard a voice, a woman’s voice. It sounded like Sadie’s voice, but it was pitched high with emotion.

“Yes, oh yes. Just like that. Oh that is perfect. Don’t stop. Oh please don’t stop.”

The young folks. Of course. He should turn and go back. But he didn’t want to. And he wasn’t going to. Very, quietly he headed to the little beach a few feet from the dock where he slid into the cool water, trying not to splash. Then he slipped through the water until he was almost under the dock. They couldn’t see him in the pitch black and they were almost invisible themselves, just highlit a bit by the blue light. Brian’s broad back leaned forward between two pale thighs. The rest of Penny’s figure was eclipsed as she lay back in one of the adirondack chairs. Brian was working hard.

His head could not be seen, but the two thighs, like wings on either side of his back opened and closed in time to the rhythmic moans of his partner.

Each “Ohhh!” grew a bit longer, punctuated by a sharp intake of breath. At first they rose in pitch, similar to the call of the loon, echoing across the lake. But then they dropped tone by tone. Penny had that same deep contralto as her mother.

“Ohhh, god. Oh pleeease! Oh more, oh more, oh more. Oh never stop.”

And then came that indescribable sound, part growl, part moan, part baby’s cry, a sound that has made men weak for millennia. Even in the cold water the Old Fisherman could feel himself stiffen again and a bit warm seed drift into the fishes’ world.

The legs lifted and locked around Brian’s back.

“Thank you. Thank you. But now I need you deep in me.”

The Old Fisherman shuddered, like mother like daughter. Would Penny also want to take Brian’s rod like a dog?

“There’s an air mattress in the locker over there. Maybe you could get it and stretch out on it.”

Brian peeled away from his delicious meal and came across to the locker which was almost over the Old Fisherman’s head. He fumbled around in the darkness until he got it open, pulled out the mattress and laid it on the dock close to where the Old Fisherman was hiding. He lay down on it face up.

The blue light gleamed on his formidable rod, stiff and slick and ready for his mate. She rose slowly, a blue glint making a halo of the long full hair around her face. She bent over the far side of the dock and took a sip of water in her palm. Ghostly shadow of a pale thick curve of ass. He felt rather than saw her come across the dock to Brian. Her hands caught the light as she touched Brian’s body, straddled him with a dirty little laugh, lowered herself onto his long cock until it was all gone.

She gave a satisfied sigh, followed by a deep groan as she was completely filled.

“Oooo, you’re so big and hard tonight. I am going to ride you something good.”

As she began to rock up and back her chin lifted high and her mouth opened. That wordless moan that the Old Fisherman knew so well poured out into the humid night air. The dock shook as she pumped her powerful thighs onto Brian’s swollen cock. Then one slow grind to the left and another to the right. Again. And again.

The moan became a growl and he could tell she was fighting for it. Knew without being able to see that the strong fingers of her left hand were now tucked into the moist folds under her clit and she was rubbing hard. Her breath was coming in faster and faster pants, rougher and more raw and filled with hunger.

She had fully aroused Brian, too because he was beginning to roar, softly at first and then more fiercely, pushing up into that sweet wet hollow.

Their sex cries became a chorus, matching each other. She was shouting at the sky, echoing across the lake and the Old Fisherman was glad he was hiding a little behind her. Because as that mouth he knew so well caught an edge of blue light he was certain that this wasn’t Penny. It was Sadie.

Of course, he could have surged out of the water yelling at her, “What the fuck are you doing?”

But he had just given a good roistering to someone who was definitely not Sadie. Someone Sadie might not be so sympathetic about his fucking. Besides, he didn’t own Sadie. He knew she had stepped out on him a few times and he had done the same. They had an unspoken agreement not to make that a deal breaker.

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The Nude Day Assignment Ch. 04

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Linda awoke in the night, something was amiss. She didn’t know what it was; she got up to look around. Standing quietly in the hall she heard the soft sound of the bathroom shower, leaning back in her bedroom door she could see that her bedside clock read 3:36 pm. Something had to be wrong, everyone should be sleeping, Tuesday was going to be a big day.

Carefully opening the bathroom door, she saw Leah’s small body sitting on the tub shower floor. She was leaning against the wall and might have been sleeping. No not sleeping, Linda saw her stir and shift her bottom on the tub bottom and then she sighed and groaned softly.

She immediately entered the bathroom, closing the door behind her. “Leah, Leah honey, are you alright, honey can you hear me?”

Leah leaned forward and pushed the curtain back enough to stick her head out, “Oh Mom, I’m sorry I didn’t want to wake you. I just needed a shower, it’s OK.” But her voice sounded strained and she moved with difficulty, Linda knew something was wrong.

Pushing back the curtain more, Linda sat on the tub edge, “Baby something is wrong; what’s happened, it’s alright now, tell me.”

In her soft, little girl voice, Leah said, “It’s OK Mom, really. Davey and I had sex tonight, that’s all, and I’m pretty sore …”

Linda’s eyes flared and her jaw tightened, she loved her son but there would be no intercourse, particularly not forced sex … “Oh baby, I’m so sorry. He should never have …”

Leah reached over and lay her hand on her mothers, “Mom, honestly, it was all my doing. I asked him but he didn’t want to, so I pushed him and teased him until he just sort of lost it … really it’s my fault.”

“You stay right here, do you understand?” Linda said in her most serious mother voice.

“Yes Ma’am; but Mom, please don’t be mad at Davey, OK?” Leah said.

Linda went briskly down the hall to David’s bedroom and walked up to the bed, snapping on the bedside table lamp she looked at her son sprawled on his side. The bed was soaked with fluids and his belly and chest looked to have been smeared in cum. His cock, still red and swollen, rested on his lower leg. She was furious, she trusted her children to be responsible and treat each other with respect – this should not have happened.

‘Damn it Linda, you let this happen, you know you did, this is your fault!’ she thought to herself. Standing there she shook her head, her face flushed, hot tears slipped from her eyes spilling on her chest. She knew she was responsible.

She jumped a little when Leah reached out and took hold of her arm, “Mom, come on now, come with me please.” Leah tugged at her arm and they walked down the hall together to her room.

“Mom, I told you it was my fault; I pushed him too hard, really …”

She sat on the bed and pulled Leah into her lap, “No matter what baby, it should not have happened, there are real consequences.”

Leah turned looking her mother directly in the eyes and said, “You know I won’t get pregnant, right? You remember the pill I’ve been taking since I was 13, right?”

“OK, you’re right about that baby; but, there are other consequences. This may have already destroyed your relationship with your brother. I don’t want you two to become strangers or just each other’s sex toy … do you understand?”

Leah touched her mother’s face and gently wiped away the residue of her tears. “I love you mom, I truly do and I love Davey too. I wanted him to take my cherry … I asked him please and he said no. He thought I should wait for some ‘nice boy’ my own age. Mom, I didn’t want to do it with some ‘nice boy’ in the back seat of his daddy’s car. I wanted the only guy who actually loves me to do it, OK?”

Linda hugged her daughter tightly, “You are so much like your Abuela, logical and horny …” They both chuckled for a moment. “I should look you over, lay down on the bed.” Linda reached out switching on the overhead light.

“Damn Mom, you’re blinding me,” Leah covered her eyes with both hands.

“I have to be able to see, lay still now …” Linda began to carefully inspect the front of her daughter’s body.” After a few minutes she said, “Alright, turn over.” Then she looked at every inch of her backside. Lastly she spread her legs inspecting her rectum and then on her front again, Linda explored the outside of Leah’s vagina and just the inside she could easily see.

Turning off the overhead she sat down next to Leah again, “Well, you look OK, but your little pussy is quite stretched and it’s really red and swollen. Davey must have been pretty rough with you. I’m sorry you had that experience,” Linda said and then she dropped her eyes and looked old.

Leah slid up beside her mother and put her arms around her mother’s back, “Oh Mom, it’s really OK. I love you and I love Davey and it was not your fault. Really, it wasn’t … besides Mom, it was great; I mean it hurt a lot for a while but then it was great. MOM, I came like 4 or 5 times! I’m güvenilir bahis not sure; it’s like they just all exploded inside me one after another.” She shifted her body and said, “I’m not saying I don’t hurt, ’cause my pussy is really sore and my hips feel like they’ve been broken or dislocated or something; but even so, I’d do it again.”

Linda turned kissing her daughter on the forehead and hugged her tightly She smiled softly at her daughter and gently touched her face. “Mom, there was one really strange, kinda scary thing …”

“What was that dear?”

“Davey’s eyes seemed to go black when I was teasing him, it was kind of scary,” Leah said.

Linda’s face tightened and she became very quiet for a moment, “Was there anything else that you noticed, I don’t care how small it may seem now?”

Leah thought and said, “Well, his breathing got really deep and strong … and, um he seemed to growl when he talked to me. He sounded kind of angry but not, I’m sort of confused, I think …”

Linda sat thoughtfully, “What did you do before he got like this? I don’t care what it was, don’t be embarrassed, just tell me everything.”

“Well, I was sitting on Davey’s lap, sort of rubbing my puss on his dick and it got really hard like it does. And I asked him to do it and he said no; and then I got off and turned around and spread my butt cheeks as wide as I could … I guess my butthole must have wide open, and you know, my pussy is really easy to see from the back … so I stood there a minute wiggling my ass in front of him and I said something like, ‘You really want this, right baby? You wanta’ fuck me right?” Then he said, ‘Get your ass in my bed right now’ or something like that, and I got. That’s pretty much everything I remember.”

Linda remained very quiet. Leah said, “So you’re really mad at me, huh?”

Ignoring her question Linda asked, “Did his eyes stay black the entire time?”

“I think so, they looked black when I got him stopped and then we went to sleep. Why?”

Just then Leah took a deep breath and said, “Mom, look!” and she pointed at the door.

Linda turned to see David standing in the doorway looking very tall and very strong. His eyes were very dark, black looking and his cock stood fully erect, bobbing in front of him.

“Linda,” he said, “I want your pussy!” His voice was clear and strong and strangely deep as he stared hard at his mother.

Leah shook her arm saying, “MOM, MOM …” she sounded frightened.

Without taking her eyes off David, Linda said, “It’s going to be alright dear, go sit on the chair in the corner,” Linda said point to the small chair in the far corner. Without speaking Leah slid across the bed and sat on the corner chair looking very nervous.

Linda patted the bed beside her, “Come sit down David, sit here next to me baby.”

David walked up in front of her saying, “I don’t wanta’ fuckin’ sit, I wanta’ fuck!” then he pushed his big red throbbing cockhead into Linda’s mouth. “Suck it mama, suck me real good, come on now sweet mamma, you can do it, that’s right momma, SUCK!”

Linda placed both hands on his shaft so he wouldn’t choke her and began to tongue, lave and suck his cockhead. Stroking his shaft and sucking hard then soft, he soon began to shift from one foot to another. “That’s my good girl, you’re sucking it so good, here’s your reward baby …” and then he gushed copious amounts of hot cum in her mouth. Linda responded by gulping it down and continuing to suck as hard as she could, working to drain him, hoping to tire him.

When he finished she kept stroking and sucking, wanting to coax all she could out of him. He stood quietly and then pushed her back on the bed, “Damn it woman, spread your legs, I want to fuck that big pussy, I’m gonna’ make it a big sloppy hole, yes I am, Davey’s gonna fuck ya’, gonna’ make you scream.”

And he began; Leah sat glued to the chair and watched with wide eyes. For her part, Linda did everything she could think of to accommodate him without saying a word. Leah wondered how long he could last, watching the clock she counted 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes finally 30 minutes on the clock.

During that time she saw her mother cum many times, at 5 she stopped counting. The process was pretty much the same every time, Linda would tighten her legs around the small of his back, her toes would begin to curl, her nipples would become even harder and more swollen. Next her bottom would seem to bounce up and down; but, she never uttered a sound, her mouth remained clamped shut, Leah could see her jaw muscles clench and release but that was all.

For his part, she watched David’s nostrils flare as his breathing increased and deepened, his butt muscles flexed and coiled and as the clock recorded 30 minutes he began to make a deep growling sound as he pounded into his mother. Finally he slammed his pelvis into hers and ground against her grunting repeatedly.

“There you go baby, Davey’s cum, all for you!” türkçe bahis As he slumped forward Linda reached out grabbing his nipples between her fingers and began to pinch and twist them savagely. He screamed and tried to get away falling onto the bed; she deftly rolled him on his back and quickly straddled his head shoving her pussy hard against his mouth. She slapped him repeatedly on the head saying loudly, “You’re not done big boy, suck my pussy, eat it, suck it!!” and she ground herself against his mouth.

David responded by grabbing her hips then sucking and tonguing her soggy pussy hole. As he gulped down their combined juices she continued to grind herself against him; finally, she moved back far enough to slap his cheeks very hard again and again, and then she fell off to his side. He immediately started snoring and lay there flat on his back with his mouth open.

Leah crept quietly to her side, “Momma, are you alright?” her voice was that of a little girl.

“Don’t be afraid baby, I’ll explain everything in a little while, just now I need to rest, it’ll be OK …”

Leah watched her mother and David as they slept, but she was too keyed up to sit still. She went to David’s bedroom and pulled the sheets off the bed taking everything to the laundry room. Gathering all the rest of their dirty clothes she started the washer and reflected on what she’d seen.

After a while she went to the kitchen and started a big kettle of water for tea. Looking at the clock it was nearly 6:30, it have been over 2 hours since David took his mother. Something was wrong but she had no idea what it was. Once the kettle began to whistle she placed tea leaves in the big pitcher and added water for ice tea later; using the remainder she started a big cup of tea for herself and another for her mother.

With the tea on to steep, she pulled out a pan of breakfast rolls Linda had put to rise last night after dinner and turned the oven on to 375. 10 minutes later she put the rolls in for an 18 minute bake and Linda peeked into the kitchen. “What’s up kiddo?” she asked.

Leah gushed her relief, “Whoof .. Mom, am I glad to see you! What happened?” Her eyes were wide with concern.

Linda hobbled to the table and sat uneasily. “Oh Mom, are you hurt …”

“Shhhh baby; is that tea you’re making?” she asked.

Leah picked up the still warm mug and brought it to the table with honey and a fresh teaspoon. Linda smiled her thanks, added an unusually large amount of honey and then stirred quietly for a while. Leah watched and waited for her to speak.

After taking a deep drink of her tea, Linda looked at her daughter and said, “You brother has an affliction. Don’t panic, it’s been passed down to him from his grandfather. Right after your dad and I were married your granddad took me for a walk in the woods. After a while we sat on a stump and he told me that he had a problem and he was pretty sure Pablo, your dad, had it as well.”

She stopped and looked off in time remembering the conversation. “Anyway, he said it ran in his family, not every man got it, but he did and his father and uncle had it as well. He said that when he became really angry he kind of backed out; and it was the same when he was caught up in sex. He said his eyes seemed to go black, but really it was just that the pupils expanded so much they looked black.”

She stopped taking another drink from her mug and sucked in a deep breath, “So … well when I started to ask questions he said the Marisol would answer my questions and then he hugged me and thanked me for loving your dad. It might seem silly, but I never felt closer to him than right then.”

Leah had sat silently taking it all in, “What did Abuela tell you Mom?”

Linda nodded her head as though agreeing with herself to continue, “When we got back she took me to their room and sat on the bed and she took my hand. She told me not to be afraid; she said she’d seen your granddad like that only a few times in all those many years. Once in a dance hall in Sacramento when some men had said crude things about her – she said your granddad cleaned the place out and the only way she stopped him was to kick him in the shins with her boots and slap his face. She said he stopped and looked at her and then took her hand and left.”

Leah leaned back in her chair and simply said, “Holy shit …” and then she rose and put the kettle on for more hot tea. She also turned off the oven taking out the rolls placing them on the cold stove top. They smelled of cinnamon and sugar and wonderful. “Well Mom, at least we got hot rolls and tea, it’s a good start, huh?”

Linda smiled nodding, “About the sex thing; apparently if they’ve been worked up a while and there’s teasing and denial, our men get rowdy. I saw it in your dad once. He’d been out of town working to make some extra money. I was pissed off, I was a new bride, I wanted his attention and I wanted him to make love to me … and he was gone for 3 weeks, not a word. Of course, there güvenilir bahis siteleri were no cell phones then and he was working up in the mountains at a lumber camp, so no calls.”

She sighed and smiled ruefully, “He came home excited to see me and as horny as could be; but I was being bitchy. I decided I’d teach him a lesson for leaving me alone, so I just treated him like shit. After a day of that, your grandparents went to bed and I went to bed in a huff. He came in the bedroom and I spread my legs showing him my pussy and said, ‘you ain’t getting none of this!’ He slowly took off his clothes and then looked down at me and his eyes were black … it really scared me.”

She paused taking a drink of her tea, “All he did was jerk my bare ass to the edge of the bed and stick his dick in my mouth … I sucked him for all I was worth, I thought it would help. It didn’t, after he finished in my mouth he rolled me over, spit on my butthole and shoved his cock right up my ass. God, it hurt, I thought I’d die. He didn’t stop screwing my ass for nearly an hour; after he came, he rolled me over. All I could think to do was pinch his nipples, I really latched on. Then I slapped him as hard as I could and wrapped him up in my arms. He seemed to relax and went right to sleep.”

“But Mom, that’s pretty much what you did to Davey …”

“Yes dear, that’s all I could think to do. Seemed to work, huh?’ she said softly.

Leah screwed up her face and asked, “Do they remember?”

“Your Abuela said your granddad never did; but, your dad remembered some of it. He was so sad the next day. He felt guilty and angry with himself, but I told him to stop it. I loved him and we’d deal with it. It never happened again. I never ever treated him like that again either. Your dad was the best man I’ve ever known and just like your granddad, he was kind and caring to a fault,” Linda said.

“Sorta’ like Davey, huh Mom?”

“Yes dear, exactly like your brother,” Linda said, “We just have to remember it’s not normal for him either, OK?”

Leah nodded and turned to the doorway seeing David looking groggy, “Hey sleepy head, you finally getting up?”

“Hey guys, boy the rolls smell good. Is there coffee?” he asked.

‘NOPE, it’s tea this morning. I have hot tea and cold tea, which?” Leah said with a broad smile.

David stretched and yawned; scratching his chest he looked puzzled. Looking directly at Leah he said, “Jeez, I’m a mess, what did you do to me?”

Linda said, “David …”

“Yes Ma’am?”

“Stop talking, go take a shower and clean up. We have lots to do before your company gets here today; get a move on before the rolls get completely cold … go!” she was laughing when she finished.

He smiled at his mother and waved as he turned. Then he shouted, “Hot tea dear sister!”


Peggy Kessler watched her son eat breakfast. Jack was always a good eater and today was no exception. 3 eggs over easy, buttered toast, sliced garden tomatoes, a handful of real hash browns and grapefruit juice. Halfway through his meal the phone rang. She rose to get it, waving Jack back to his breakfast.


“Peggy, is that you?” it was a man’s voice, pleasant even gentle.

“This is Harvey Watson; you might remember me from the Library?” he seemed a little nervous; for her part Peggy was curious, wondering why he’d call and how he got her number.

“I stopped by the Library yesterday and Evelyn gave me your number, I told her I wanted to talk to you, I hope you don’t mind …”

So, mystery solved, sort of, “Not at all Harvey, what can I do for you?”

“This will probably seem strange, but my wife passed away a few years ago and I don’t get out much and I don’t really like to do things alone and I would like to ask you to go to a movie with me …” his words all came out in a rush.

Peggy was silent for a while, so he said,” But of course you don’t have too, I completely understand, this is probably weird …”

Peggy smiled to herself and interrupted, “Harvey, I would love to go out with you. When would you like to go?” it would be her first actual date since her husband died and that would soon be 8 years. She was flattered and Harvey was a very nice man.

“Would today be too soon? I asked Evelyn and she said you didn’t come in until tomorrow at noon?” she could tell he was nearly out of breath and very nervous.

She smiled and with a warm, kind voice said, “Today would be perfect – when and where?”

He heaved a sigh of relief and said, “Wow, great, thank you. Why don’t I pick you up about 1:30 or so and we can be in Sacramento by 3:30 or 4:00 and have a nice dinner. I know a good Italian place there and after we can catch a movie and then head back. Is that OK?”

She found herself grinning, “Great Harvey, I’ll see you at 1:30, you drive careful. Bye now!”

As he finished his breakfast, Jack glanced at the clock; it was just coming up 9:00 am, “Mom, who’s calling you this morning?

Peggy smiled brightly, put her hands on her hips and prissed just a little, “I have a date today!” Her voice was bright and happy. Jack was surprised and really pleased for his mom, she deserved to be happy.

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Moving In

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The room is quiet. It’s a hot afternoon in your new house and you stop, relishing the breeze that blows in through an open window, pausing in your task of unpacking. Empty boxes surround you, stacked three high, a maze of cardboard that I navigate as I slip in behind you.

You let out a soft, pleasant moan as my hands find your shoulders and I begin to knead, working out the kinks and tension. Your head tilts to the side as you enjoy the relaxing massage, your simple ponytail slipping out of the way, exposing the gentle curve of your neck.

I can’t resist.

You feel my breath, warm against your skin, teasing you, my lips a moment behind. I softly kiss your neck, the exposed part of your shoulder, moving up toward your ear. You feel my hand brushing your hair out of the way as I kiss you, my lips leaving only long enough to whisper how much I want you… how long I’ve wanted you… how beautiful you are. You feel me press against you from behind, my cock hard against your ass and I moan, a little louder than I intended as you push back against me. I kiss your neck again, the passion growing, my hands cupping your breasts, one moving lower to slip inside your shorts. I moan again as I feel how wet you are and my fingertip assumes a gentle rhythm on your clit. You gasp as my finger slips lower, dipping into your wetness only to find your clit once more. My lips brush your ear as I whisper to you how much I want you. I begin to describe every fantasy I’ve ever had about us, telling you everything I’ve ever dreamt of us doing. Your hips begin to move against my hand as I tell you how much I want to lick you, how much I want to be inside you. You cry out as you cum, my finger keeping the pace until you begin to come down and then I slow the way I caress you, lessening the pressure until my fingertip is just a whisper, promising more.

You turn and we embrace, kissing each other deeply, your hands feeling my hard cock through my pants. I feel my zipper come down and I gasp in pleasure as you pull me out of my boxer-briefs, as your fingers wrap around my hard bahis firmaları shaft, pumping my cock through your closed fingers. You start to slip to your knees, but I stop you, pulling your lips back to mine, kissing you deeply as we fondle each other.

I direct you to a chair, lowering you into it, my lips never leaving yours, never breaking our kiss. My hands remove your shorts, your panties and I step away, pulling off my shirt. I slip my hands through your knees, your legs warm against my naked back and you moan as I blow warm air across your clit. You moan at the sensation and I find you with my tongue, gently licking you with just the tip, slowly enticing your clit. My licks slowly grow firmer, licking you up and down, stopping only to suck your clit into my mouth, teasing it with the tip of my tongue as my lips expose you completely. My finger slowly slips inside you, keeping time with my tongue, gently moving to caress the inside top-part of your pussy, as if my finger was beckoning you to “come here.” You moan, moving against me and I match your rhythm, letting you set the pace as the pleasure builds and builds until you cry out. I let you ride my tongue, licking you until you begin to shiver with pleasure, and then I slow it down, becoming more gentle as I ease you back across that line.

Our eyes meet as I pull away, both of us filled with passion, both smiling. You reach for my cock as I move forward to kiss you and we both stop, moaning as I slip inside you with one long, slow thrust. You smile as my back arches in pleasure, as my eyes find yours again.

“You feel amazing,” I whisper.

My thrusts are long and excruiatingly slow, savoring the way you feel, the way we move together. I thrust deep, slowly filling you, the tip of my cock gently nudging the bottom of your pussy, only to pull back again until only the head of my cock is inside you. You pull off your shirt and I kiss your neck, my back arching so I can reach your breast, sucking each nipple in turn into my mouth, teasing it with my tongue. Suddenly I thrust hard and deep, only to kaçak iddaa pull out slowly again and resume the pace. Every few strokes I surprise you, the slow, tender rhythm making way for a passionate thrust. Slowly, the pace begins to increase as we’re overcome with our desire for each other. I raise to my knees, taking each of your legs in one of my arms, pulling you to the edge of the chair, raising your hips as we increase the pace. Each thrust is so deep. I’m harder than I ever remember being and you are so wet. I’m thrusting harder, faster… and I smile with a strangely innocent joy as you wrap your legs around me and pull me deep inside you as you cum once more.

I slip out and you roll over, moving to your knees and leaning into the chair. I moan, loudly, as I slip inside you once more. It’s all I can do to keep from coming. I want you so badly. So my thrusts are slow, deep and gentle, my hands tenderly caressing your back… your hips… your ass… Slowly we begin to pick up speed, my hands holding onto your hips, my balls brushing your clit as I thrust inside you. I’m losing control. I want you so badly. I slow again, the thrusts deep and slow as I lean forward, my tongue teasing the line of your spine, licking your back. My hands slip under you and gently squeeze your fingers.

“I have wanted you for so long,” I whisper. “You can’t imagine how many times I’ve fantasized about you, how many times I’ve stroked my hard cock, thinking of you. You’re even more beautiful than I imagined. You feel so good. I’ve wanted you for so long.”

As I talk to you, I begin to pick up the pace, regaining control of my orgasm once more. My thrusts become more insistant, more powerful, until you call out, coming, loudly, your back arching as you thrust back against me.

I ease you to the floor, turning you over, slipping inside you again before the last waves of pleasure have completely faded. I lay you on your side, kneeling between your legs, holding your upper leg in my arm. You moan as I slide deep inside you, filling your pussy with my cock even more this way. kaçak bahis You can feel my balls brushing against your lower leg. I’m gasping, moaning softly with every thrust. And then you call out and cum once more.

I release your leg and you roll onto your back, my hard cock still inside of you. The breeze from the open window picks up and we revel at the caress of the wind on our naked bodies. We make love, gently, tenderly. There’s no hurry, our lips finding each other’s body. I kiss you, soft and deep. My lips explore your neck… your shoulders… your breasts… all the time, my hard cock slowly slips in and out of your wet pussy until your cum once more.

We lay there for a long time, just holding each other and I roll onto my back, taking you with me. My cock is still inside you, slowly softening as we cuddle, your head nestled between my shoulder and chest, my fingertips softly tracing patterns on your naked back.

You look up at me, a mischevious gleam in your eyes.

“It’s your turn,” you smile.

You kiss your way slowly down my chest, my stomach, loving the way that I moan, that my body trembles and writhes. You take my hard cock in your mouth, swirling your tongue around the head, slowly moving it between your lips as you stroke my shaft. You can taste the precum… you know how close you’ve brought me… but you take your time, pulling my out of your mouth to lick the shaft… to tease the head of my cock with your tongue… I’m moaning constantly, almost completely out of control and you know from the look in your eyes, from the way that I moan that no one has ever made me feel the way you do. You take me in your mouth once more, finding a rhythm, feeling me build. You look up to see me watching you… you hear me tell you how incredibly sexy you look, how much I want you… how long I’ve wanted you. I warn you that I’m building… you hear my breath quicken… my trembling increasing… and I cry out… cumming… my entire body moving to the pulsing of my cock… at last my orgasm begins to fade and you continue to suck me…softly… gently… until I’m soft. You slip up my body and I kiss you, deeply and passionately, moved beyond the ability to speak.

“You’re amazing,” I whisper. “Thank you.”

And this is only the beginning.

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The Niece

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I sat at my computer pounding out yet another tale of alien invasions. I write for several science fiction publications and make a pretty good living at it. I was just getting to the part where the aliens kidnap the girl when a pair of hands popped across my eyes and a pair of breasts pushed into my back. It had to be Venus, my niece.

“Guess who, Uncle Maury?” she laughed.

“Pamela Anderson?” I answered.

“No, it’s me uncle!” she said as she let go of my eyes and pranced around in front of me.

She had come to live with us 2 years ago when her mother was killed in a boat accident and her father dropped into a continuous drunken stupor. We took her in and she was like our daughter used to be, happy, bubbly and entirely beautiful. We loved here dearly for the first year. Then my wife was diagnosed with a rare type of incurable cancer. She died 2 months later.

I was despondent. Had it not been for Venus, I probably would have pulled the plug on myself. She carried me through an incredibly painful period. Now, a year later at nineteen, she was everything any father would have been proud of. She was in college; she was ambitious, beautiful, caring and smart as a whip.

“Baby girl, why don’t you call me daddy? I feel like a daddy. I’m so proud of you.”

“We’ll have to wait until my father drinks himself to death,” she flatly stated. There was obviously no love lost between her and her father. It kind of disturbed me but I could certainly understand where she was coming from.

When you are finished, there is something I want to talk to you about.”

“Okay, I’ll be in my bedroom resting,” I said.

“Perfect,” she commented.

“Now what the hell did she mean by that?” I asked myself.

Two hours later I finished the piece and submitted it to the publisher. I knew there would be a nice check next week. There always was. I shut down the computer and retired to my bedroom.

Just as I was dozing off there was a light tapping at my door. “Come on in Venus,” I said.

She opened the door and drifted across the room in a very revealing string bikini. “Hi uncle,” she whispered.

“Do you have something to talk about?” I queried.

“It’s kind of personal. I don’t want you to say ‘no’ right away. Please, just listen to what I have to say and then think it over. OK?”

“OK let’s hear it.”

“Uncle, you know I’m a virgin. Outside of what I’ve read and a few porn flicks, I know nothing about sex. I want to learn but I don’t want to experiment with some octopus college boy who will hurt me and then leave me. I want to learn from a real man who loves me. I want you!”

I started to protest immediately, but she bahis firmaları put her finger on my lips and said, “You promised to think about it. So start thinking.” She drifted back across the room and was gone.

I was absolutely dumbfounded. I swear I had never had a carnal thought about this angel. It never occurred to me that she might have sexual desires. I always thought she would hook up with some chump that I wouldn’t approve of, marry him and start making babies.

There was no way I could get a nap now. Thinking of her request had my poor, over stressed brain in a complete muddle. What to do? I didn’t want her to think I didn’t want her. I didn’t know what she would do if I said no. I didn’t know what would happen later if I said yes. Damn!! My tit was in a crack. No matter which way I moved, it was going to hurt. Totally flummoxed, I went to the kitchen took get a soda.

She was sitting in the living room still in her bikini. Her eyes were a little red. I assumed she had been crying. Her shoulders slumped and she had the ‘wounded puppy’ look on her face.

I was devastated. I just couldn’t stand to see her cry. I went over to the sofa and sat down beside her. ‘Just exactly what did you have in mind?” I whispered quietly.

She perked up a bit, knowing that I hadn’t totally rejected the idea. “Well, I thought we would start slowly and progress day by day until we got to the moment of truth.”

“Would you care to describe the ‘moment of truth?” I asked.

“Well, that would be the point at which we decide if you should take my virginity and make me a woman.”

“Oh baby, you know that I love you more than anything in this world. I don’t want you to be sad or think I don’t want you. It’s just that I’ve never thought of you in that way. I need some time to see if I can even adjust to the possibility.”

“That’s good enough for me! At least you didn’t say no!” she answered. She threw her arms around me and bounced off into her bedroom.

As soon as she was gone I started kicking myself in the ass. I should have just refused and let the chips fall where they may. Now, I had given her some encouragement. I shut my eyes tightly. I knew what was going to come next.

We ordered pizza that night for dinner. After we polished it off, I asked her, “What is your first step?”

“Since we will need to see each other nude, I thought that showering together would be a good start.”

NUDE! I hadn’t thought about that. I tried to think of a way to weasel out of it but in the end had to conclude that she was right. Damn!

She went to her room. I went to mine. I stripped completely, wrapped a towel around my waist and headed for the shower. kaçak iddaa She beat me there. She was waiting for me.

“You know, uncle, this is kind of silly, using two bedrooms. Don’t you think it would be better if we just slept together? We don’t have to do anything. Just sleep.”

My heart stopped for a while. I considered the full implications of her suggestion. Sleeping together would imply a certain ‘permanence’ about our arrangement. On the other hand, it was kind of silly to go traipsing around nude to semi nude when the situation didn’t require it. “Okay,” I agreed. “We’ll move you in tomorrow.”

“I’ve already got enough stuff together for tonight uncle,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes.

Once again, I had been outflanked.

I looked into her beautiful eyes. She dropped her towel. I dropped mine. We stepped into each others arms for the first time as man and woman. I guided us to the shower. The water was hot but not unpleasantly so.

“We should wash each other,” she said as she started soaping me up. When she got to my cock, she stopped and watched as it rose from dead flat to fully inflated. “Wow!” she said, “Just like in the movies!”

I started soaping her back and then moved her around so I could do the front. As I rubbed her breasts her nipples stood up like little bullets. I moved on down to her neatly trimmed bush. I ran the sponge across her pussy and she let out a little squeak. I turned her around and washed her asshole. She squeaked again. I knew she was going to be extra noisy in bed. It was lucky my house was isolated up a long driveway. We rinsed each other off and then stepped out of the shower. The drying off process produced more squeaks and little yelps.

“Bed time,” she said and strolled off toward ‘our’ bedroom. She trotted down the hall to her room and returned with a small overnight bag. “We’ll get the rest of the stuff tomorrow,” she said as she jumped in the sack.

So there I was. I had a beautiful, nude young girl in my bed. I had a hardon like the Washington monument. I said a little prayer of forgiveness to her dead mother and my dead wife and gamely jumped in beside her.

She was lying on top of the sheets, nude, warm and waiting. I rolled over to her. “What’s first on your sex agenda?”

“I thought we might try some soul kissing. I’ve only tried it once and it wasn’t very good. I suspect that’s because the kid didn’t know how. You know how, don’t you?”

I ran my arm under her shoulders and rolled her lips to mine. I started gently brushing her lips. I gave her lips a little lick. I stuck my tongue between her lips and they parted, allowing me access to her mouth. I rolled her tongue around kaçak bahis with my tongue. She started to moan and did the same to me. I pressed into her deeper. She moaned some more. I broke the kiss. “Well?’ I asked.

“Let’s do that some more, a lot more!” she answered as she applied a lip lock to me. When we broke the kiss the next time she said, “I don’t know why anybody would want to do more than that. It’s terrific. The best thing I’ve ever felt. Oh uncle I love you so much.”

I guess she liked it. “Do you want to try some other stuff or shall we stick with the kissing?”

“Let me learn how to kiss real, real, well and then we’ll go on to other things,” she requested.

I was happy that she didn’t want to rush things. We continued smooching for about an hour.

Finally she asked, “Can we go to sleep now?”

“Of course baby,” I replied.

Oh goody! Can you show me the spoon?”

I knew then that it would be a long night. Sure enough less than an hour later I felt a little hand wrap itself around my cock. She had reached between her legs and now had my cock snuggled right up across her cunt and laying in her slit. Another inch or so and she wouldn’t be a virgin anymore. I lay still wondering what her next move would be. She was stroking the bottom of my dick and pressing it ever deeper into her crack. I was getting harder and harder. It was feeling better and better. I could feel her swollen clit on the head of my cock. She bucked her hips a little and my cock slid right into the entrance to her pussy.

“Fuck me now uncle,” she begged.

I rolled her over onto her back and mounted her. “Are you sure? You can’t go back from here. It’s a one time deal.”

“You talk too much,” she replied and bucked her hips up off the mattress, impaling herself on the hard dick. “Ouch!” she yelped. She held very still for a while and then I felt her pussy start to slide up and down my cock.

She had the tightest pussy I had ever been in. She was humming a happy little tune as I plunged more rapidly into her. Suddenly the humming stopped. She gasped for breath 3 or 4 times really hard. She shuddered and her pussy clamped down hard. She screamed like she’d been shot as she came.

I slammed my dick all the way into her and let her pussy milk me dry. What a piece of ass! I had never had one to equal this.

She grabbed my neck and pulled my lips down to hers. Her tongue took command of my mouth and I shoved my tongue as far into her mouth as I could. I could feel her heart beating rapidly and she was quivering like a bowl of jello.

“OOOOOOoooooo, I just knew it would be good, but I didn’t expect it to be this good,” she grinned. “When can we do it again?”

“It takes us geezers time to recover. Just be patient. It’ll eventually come back.”

“Oh uncle I want to do this again and again and again,” she whispered as she snuggled into my arms.

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Move in Day

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Asa Akira

The morning air was chilly as I got off the elevated line and made the short walk to the Greyhound station. Although it was a chilly morning, I was shaking much more than was normal, as today marked two of the most major decisions so far.

First, I was moving out of Philadelphia. I had recently left my job at a local magazine publisher and applied for a job as a staff writer at the local newspaper. Though it wasn’t the most ideal job in the world, seeing as my previous experience had been in the magazine industry, but it was a quick fix.

The second thing was that I was going down there to move in with a girl I had only met on two separate occasions. The first time was when I was in her home state of California; we met for a few hours in a hotel parking lot where we made out and shared stories about our lives across the country from each other. The second time was a few months ago, when I visited her in D.C. She was going to school for the semester there, and I decided to see her. Nothing happened between us that night, but shortly after I confessed how serious my feelings were to her and here we are now.

i can’t say I honestly know how things advanced so rapidly. I had known Reagan over the internet for years and things always had a romantic angle, but never did I think it would actually come to life. But yet it was true, as she had decided to pursue her education and career in D.C. and I had sold most of what I owned: records, old musical instruments, hardcover books on pop culture history and paperbacks full of poetry.

The bahis firmaları greyhound was crowded that day, and I was seated next to young professional who wore a nice suit and listened to music with Apple earbuds. I mostly paged through an entertainment magazine I picked up at the bus station, but I couldn’t focus much on anything. In just a couple hours, the bus pulled into the station in Washington, D.C. I didn’t know the area very well and the Metro was a lot of work with a suitcase and duffel bag to negotiate, so I called a Lyft. Martha was the name of the driver, and she mostly chattered about the increasing price of rent in her neighborhood. I nodded politely, though I, someone who had just moved from another state, had no way to relate to the plight of someone suddenly unable to afford their lifelong neighborhood.

Reagan lived in a pretty nice neighborhood. The streets weren’t too cracked, and there were kids playing in front of a few houses. She lived in a bi-level apartment with one roommate, on the bottom floor. Most of the people on the block seemed to be recent graduates or longtime residents.

Reagan opened the door as I pulled up. She wore faded blue jeans that had rips in the left knee and right thigh, and a red and white striped shirt. Her light, caramel skin shone next to her blonde hair and her white teeth were turned up in a smile.

“Hey you,” she said happily as I walked up the steps and kissed her warm lips. We walked inside, and before I knew it we were pressed up against the wall making out. Her kaçak iddaa breath was hot and heavy on my neck, and I could feel my cock was hardening already. I moaned loudly as she grabbed it and bit my neck, and my hand groped between her legs, against the denim of her jeans.

“Let’s go upstairs,” she said, flustered and out of breath.

I nodded as she grabbed my hand and pulled me up. Her bed was a queen size, and took up a large part of the room. There was also a dresser, desk with a mirror and a nightstand with a few oddities on it. I pushed her onto the bed as I stripped out of my shirt, pants and boxers. My hard cock stood at attention; I wanted to waste no time in enjoying Reagan’s body.

I walked up to her and removed her shirt and the lacy, black bra she had on underneath it. Her large, tanned, DD cup breasts were full, the nipples the size of a quarter and perky. My tongue quickly began to lap at them as her hand wandered to my erect penis and grabbed it.

She moaned aloud and bit my neck as I unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them off. She wore plain black panties with a red bow on them.

“I see you have a little present for me,” I said mischievously.

Reagan simply smiled and slid them off, revealing a pink, shaven pussy. She spread her legs wide and I crawled between them, kissing her thighs as I went. A light sigh left her lips as I kissed along the inside of her thighs before kissing her vulva and inserting one finger into her dripping wet pussy.

She practically jumped off of the bed the second kaçak bahis my tongue made contact with her swollen clitoris before quickly wrapping clamping her thighs around my head and holding my tongue to her clit. I worked a second finger in and began to pump faster until she began to moan even louder.

“Oh, fuck, baby, I’m gonna cum!” she screamed at me, and I immediately halted. “Please, baby. Let me cum. Please,” she begged.

I laughed. “I suppose you’ve been a good girl,” I told her and began to tongue her clit again.

As I ate Reagan’s pussy, her moans began to increase again until they were screams of pleasure. As she began to writhe in the throes of orgasm, she exclaimed that she was cumming before going still, breathing heavily.

Throughout the whole endeavor, my cock had only gotten harder. I ran my hand along Reagan’s pussy, feeling her juices and applying them to my cock. When I felt properly lubed up, I mounted her. She made eye contact with me and smiled. As I inserted my cock into her, she moaned loudly.

I had no desire to start slow; I had long craved Reagan’s pussy and the second I was buried as deep as I could be—my pubic bone pressed against her ass—I pulled out and began to hammer. Dripping wet but still immensely tight, her pussy massaged my cock until I felt the familiar tingle in my balls and as she arched her back to let me penetrate deeper into her, I moaned and exploded. Reagan shook as the tremors of my orgasm faded and I pulled out.

Still half-hard, I crawled up to her on the bed and kissed her on the mouth. I then crouched and braced myself against the bedframe as I fed my cum-soaked penis past her lips. Her warm tongue cleaned my cock and swallowed the last of both my cum and hers… for now.

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Second Time Around

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“So, is your list done?” Kate Aachen looked at her daughter then back to Mimi.

“Yep.” Sophie handed a piece of paper to Mimi and shrugged. “There’s only three of us. You’re sure it’s okay?”

Mimi nodded. “Of course it is, there’s nothing worse than being at weddings and having no one of your own age to talk to. Anyway, it’s only the reception.”

“I wish you two had done something a little fancier.” Kate sighed. “We could have helped.”

“No.” Mimi’s voice was level, unwavering in her decision. “We wanted something simple with people we care about. That’s all that matters to us; so long as there’s us and our families and whoever else can make it over here then that’s all we care about. Anyway, Sven suggested we throw a party for everyone else back in Blighty.”

“Well,” Kate’s hands flew upward, conceding defeat. “It’s your choice.”

“It is.” Mimi said. “My dad is disappointed. He told me as much on the phone this morning. Still, whatever; he’s always been flashy.”

“No, everyone has to do their own thing.” Kate agreed. “You know, I saw your little interview in The Times magazine.”

“You did?” Mimi could feel her cheeks colouring up, the thought that she’d been featured in the national press was bizarre. “It’s still so surprising to me.”

“Well,” Kate said. “I couldn’t miss it, could I? When Sven told us I was so proud I went straight out to get a copy. You see,” she said, “there’s more paths to take.”

“Art meant the world to me. Still does.”

“Of course. I remember when I had to stop dancing; I was utterly heartbroken. I lay in bed for six months and then Michael said I should come and help on the farm. I used to hate it and then, it just became my life. I left London, came here, got married and had the kids. All of that stuff.”

“And that was that.” Mimi said, her heart sinking. “Still.” She smiled. “It’s good. I’m helping others and I get to work at something I like.”

“And that’s all that matters. I’d put on a bit of Ravel or Profkiev sometimes and try to do some of the simpler steps. The kids would look at me like I’d gone mad.”

Sophie nodded. “I remember you teaching me the positions; first, second, third in the kitchen.”

“Yes.” Kate nodded. “And you’d wear your little ballet shoes. We’d hold the counter top and practise, wouldn’t we?”

Mimi shrugged. “I was too fat for ballet. My mum tried to make me go when I was small but even then, I could see that I wasn’t like the other girls that did it. I was much happier with my sketchbook. Olivia and I used to sit in the front room and draw each other then we’d show each other our papers and we would have given each other warts and terrible hair or too many teeth.” She grinned.

“I should expect we had better get back.” Kate gestured towards a waitress, requested the bill. “Inventory is the dullest job in the world but it has to be done.”

“Would you like a hand?” Mimi asked, pulling her wallet from her bag. “I’m not too bad with spreadsheets.”

“No, don’t worry.” Kate shook her head. “Alec has completely changed the cataloguing system and he’s very precious about it. Frankly, it’s an absolute nightmare. For twenty five years I had every single ledger and inventory sheet balanced and in perfect order then Alec says we have to move everything to the computer and now I don’t even know.” She waved her hand, smiled at the approaching waiter. “Anyway, I’m sure Sven could do with some help. He’s counting bottles in the warehouse.”

Now that it was summer and the vines were springing to life, the lake glittering beneath her, Mimi could see just why Kate was happy to leave London behind. In front of her, the white warehouse loomed upward from behind a wall of carefully planted trees oriented to hide it from view. At the front of the building was a high, wide door that slid all the way open on heavy steel runners. There was a smaller door cut into the front of it and it was this door that was propped open with what turned out to be a misshapen chunk of concrete. Mimi knocked a couple of times, stepped through into the cool space. It was vast; crates and boxes were piled up in metal frames that were neatly named and numbered by crop, yield and year.

“Over here.” Sven’s voice came back at her, disembodied and surreal in the low lighting.

Mimi trotted past a few aisles before finding herself quite unable to find him. “That’s not helping.” she laughed. “You’re going to have to be more specific.”

“2011 Chasselas.” He called. “Half way down, left hand side.” He grinned to himself, listening for her footsteps until she finally appeared around the end of the aisle.

“Hey you.” He dropped the sheaf of papers he was holding on a small step ladder, nodded towards the bottles. “Have you come to give me a hand?”

“Something like that.” Mimi said. “Lunch is in twenty minutes.”

“Good.” Sven said. “Have a productive morning in Lausanne?”

“I did.” Mimi nodded. “It’s pretty. I can see why your mother was happy to leave London.”

“It’s tuzla escort fucking boring.” He said. “Honestly, most of the time when I lived here I was bored off my tits.”

Mimi laughed, gave his arm a playful squeeze. “Well, city boy, let’s get to work. What do we have to do?”

“It’s easy.” Sven turned, grabbed the papers again watched as Mimi tilted her head to the side scrutinising the data carefully. He watched the muscles in her neck move in a single, fluid movement, the thin chain she wore glinting in the light. “All you do is check that the number of crates in this column matches the actual number of crates on the shelf.” He gestured to the space on the page and looked back at her. She was dressed simply in a thin summer dress and sandals, her hair pulled up off her neck. He was then completely aware of how bored he’d been and how badly he wanted to push her against the shelves, bottles be damned. “Ninety-nine per cent of the time there’s no problem but occasionally there’s the odd box here or there that a company took as a sample or that Alec forgot to adjust when some supermarket buyer got a few bottles for Christmas, you know, that kind of thing. If they’ve been opened then write down the number that’s printed along the bottom of the crate, here.” He gestured to another space. “Then Alec can deal with it. All we have to do is to make sure that the crates make sense.”

“Okay.” Mimi grabbed the sheets off him. “Where do I start? I see you’ve done a fair amount already.”

“After lunch.”

“Jesus.” Mimi found herself smiling despite her vague annoyance, flattered by his attention. “Stop grabbing me.” She planted her hands on his chest, kissed him on the mouth. “Mind on the job.”

“We’re meant to be on holiday.” He protested.

“We said we’d help your parents.” Mimi raised an eyebrow at him. “How about we take a walk later. I’ll pack a blanket, a bottle of wine. Your mother was telling me that this year has been particularly successful.”

“You smell so good.” He kissed her neck, pulled her close to him.

“Oh, no.” Mimi freed herself from his grip, grabbed the half finished inventory. “Not today you don’t. Not now.” She watched him pout, shook her head. “Honestly, I don’t know what’s got into you recently. The sun comes out and you’re like a dog in heat.” Mimi swatted him playfully on the bottom with the clipboard. “I’ll start here, then. You take the top shelf, I’ll do the bottom.” She nodded to the end of the aisle and settled to counting bottles, wrote the corresponding number in the correct column and added a tick next to the estimate. Mimi repeated the process from one end while Sven did the same at the other, a single piece of paper in his hand, a pen tucked behind his ear.

“First person to finish their row gets to pick.” Mimi said. She didn’t look up, simply kept counting the large, wooden crates. “See it as an incentive.”

“What?” Sven asked, not looking up.

“If I finish my row first then I get to choose everything we do for the next 24 hours – sex included – and if you do; Well, then you get to pick.”

“Oh?” He smirked, “Really?”

Mimi nodded, gave him a sideways smile. “Yep. I think that’s fair.”

“I’ve been doing this a long time, you know?”

“I know.” Mimi nodded. “But I’m not the one having to keep moving the ladder as I go.”

“I’m still pretty fast.” Sven protested, “Plus I have longer legs and I’m better with numbers.”

Mimi laughed. Sven was right but she felt like she’d nailed it. It wasn’t a hard task, just repetitive and utterly boring. “I can count, than you. This coming from someone with the attention span of a small dog.”

Sven barked at her, scrawled in the relevant place on his paper and jumped off the ladder. “See what I mean?” He teased, moved the ladder forward another foot.

“I only have these left.” Mimi gestured towards the last few crates. “They’re big. Easy to get through.”

“Not if you don’t have a pen.” Sven leant down and grabbed the biro from her hand.

“Give it back.” Mimi narrowed her eyes at him. “Don’t be a dick, it’s not fair.”

“Come up here.” he said.

Mimi shook her head. “Don’t be stupid, I’m not climbing up there to get it.” She strode off towards the back of the warehouse. In the right corner was a desk strewn with office supplies. Behind her, Sven clattered down the ladder and ran over, his hand outstretched.

“Take it.” He said, offering up the biro.

“Nope.” She shrugged, breezing past him toward her abandoned clip board. “Don’t need it. I have these.” She waved a handful of pens at him and returned to marking down quantities. “You’d better hurry up. This is it.”

“Oh no.” Sven bounded back to the shelf, manically trying to do the maths in his head. He grabbed the piece of paper and snatched up the ballpoint he’d been using. Much to his dismay he found it had run out. “Fuck.”

“What’s that?” Mimi looked up at him, dropped the clipboard on a crate. “I’m finished.”

“Bollocks.” he looked down at her, tuzla escort bayan laughing. “Can I, uh-“

“You want to borrow my pen?” she laughed. “Were you like this in school? All the way through college? Take it.”

“Thanks.” He added his final numbers to the bottom of the list marked Chasselas 2011 and clanked down the ladder.

“Heh.” Mimi curled her arms around him, kissed him. “I win.”

“Beginner’s luck.” Sven said. “You just wait. We’ve got a whole load of work to finish up yet. Tomorrow, you can help me cut back the vines and then we’ll see.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Mimi asked, “I can work a pair of cutters.”

“But it’s dirty and hot and a total pain in the backside.” Sven mocked. “Might ruin your nails.”

“Like you, then.” Mimi laughed and let him kiss her hard. “Lift your shirt.” she whispered.

“Why? Have you changed your mind?”

“Of course not.” Mimi shook her head. “But I am the winner and I did find this Sharpie on the desk.” She waved the marker at him, grinning and catlike.

“Aw, shit.”

“Don’t act like you don’t like it.” Mimi shook her head, an amused smirk playing about her lips. She reached forward, her body pressed against his, her hand cupping the tender flesh between his thighs. “I think it’s important that you don’t forget who is in charge here.” she kissed his neck, pulled the lid off the marker. “Have a little something under your shirt for me. I’d love that.”

Sven pulled up the thin cotton of his t-shirt, his chest filling with the familiar light, thrill of adrenaline. “Nothing too big, please. I don’t want the others to see it.”

“Oh, goodness, no.” Mimi smiled, began etching letters across his left pectoral muscle. For a moment she felt she could feel his heart beating beneath her curled hand. She smiled to herself and left another kiss beside the letters. “There.” she smiled. “Perfect.”

“Horny Brat.” Sven grinned. “I guess.”

“I know.” Mimi laughed. “Underneath, I put cunt licking whore but I don’t think you can see that because your hand-” She broke off, moved his hand to the side. “Your hand was in the way.”

“Oh.” Sven blushed, found himself once more desperate for her. “Thank you, Ma’am.”

“Just in case you forget your job for later.” Mimi’s smile was pure sugar that seemed to hit him right in the gut and left him light-headed, his palms sweating like an overgrown schoolboy.

“Christ.” He let his t-shirt drop and kissed her again, drawing a laugh from Mimi as he pushed her against the shelves, his hands winding into her hair.

“If it makes things easier,” Mimi whispered, “I am so fucking wet for you right now.”

“Nope.” He sighed, his mouth inches from hers. “Really not helping.”


“You can both take the afternoon off if you like.” Kate smiled over at Mimi, shut the dishwasher. “It’s a beautiful day, I hate to think of you both cooped up in that sweaty warehouse all afternoon.”

“Oh,” Mimi smiled, took a sip of her water. “I really don’t mind. We actually got through most of it pretty fast. We only have a few more aisles to do and then we’re done.”

“Are you definitely sure?” Kate’s face was dashed with concern. “It’s not much of a holiday, is it?”

“Mom, don’t worry. I did it every summer for ten years when I was younger. Plus, Mimi doesn’t mind, do you?” Sven looked over at Mimi, grabbed a bottle of water. “We’re fine.”

The woman nodded, watched them head out of the back door. “Well,” she sighed, “If you’re sure.”

Sven nodded, let the kitchen door close shut behind them.

“It’s like they’re burning.” He fell into step next to Mimi. “All the way through lunch.” He sighed.

Mimi chuckled. “When Alec asked what we had planned for the afternoon I thought for a moment you might even break.” she nudged him in the ribs, laced their fingers together.

“Your laughing didn’t help. Thanks for that.” He sighed. “Smirking away behind your napkin. Don’t think I didn’t see.”

“I know.” Mimi nodded. She crunched over the gravel and ushered Sven inside the cool shade of the warehouse. “It’s not too hot in here.”

“I know. If we split up with the shelves, you take the right and I’ll take the left. What are you doing?” Sven watched as Mimi closed the door, wedged the chunk of concrete in front of it.

“There’s no reason for anyone else to be here, is there?’ she asked. “No reason why anyone would come down here?”

Sven didn’t answer, just pulled her in and kissed her again, his body pressed against hers. She smiled up at him, pulled his t-shirt off. The air smelt of wood and tannin and, behind it, the comforting musk of his aftershave. Together, hands fumbling in the gloam, they moved back, the air filled with nothing but the sound of their breathing and the scuffle of feet on the poured concrete.

“Here.” Mimi dragged him towards a shelf, her hands wound around his neck. “Oh, babe, just do it.”

“Not here.” He breathed, “There’s some palets at the back, we can go there. Easier.” He explained, escort tuzla pulling her with undisguised urgency through the maze of shelves. Against the back wall a little way off from the desk, where Mimi had grabbed the pen was a small, neat stack of palates. Mimi moved to sit down but Sven pulled her close, twirling her toward him. “Take your dress off.” he said, “Lie on it. You’ll get splinters in your ass otherwise.”

“Oh.” Mimi laughed, pulled off the cheap cotton to reveal mis-matched underwear. She lay out the dress, sat on it, silently hoping it would stand up to its task. “We should have just gone upstairs.”

“Too obvious.”

Mimi sucked at his lip, nodded. “Not as fun, either.” Her hands parted the zipper on his jeans, pulled out his already leaking member. “Needy.” She breathed the word into his neck, her thighs parting.

“All the way through lunch.” He sighed, as though she had cursed him irredeemably. “Oh, fuck, the moment you started writing I was so turned on.”

“I think-” The breath caught in her throat as he entered her, her underwear pushed to the side, her voice melted into a satisfied purr. “I think it was before that.”

“It’s here, you know.” He confessed. “Right over there.” He nodded to a thick beam that was a few feet in front of them. “That first night we met. I told you about-“

“What a filthy, horny boy you were.” She laughed. “And now you’re actually getting fucked in here.”

“Second time around.” He sighed, his voice rough. “Oh, fuck. I swear, the fucking weather-” he broke off as Mimi kissed him again, lying out, pulling him into her so that he had to stoop awkwardly. Sven could feel a thick splinter already working it’s way into his hand but ignored it; pleasure elsewhere outweighing pain. “Your fucking ass in that dress. I’ve been wanting to pull it up all damn day.”

“I wanted you to,” she sighed, her voice dripping between the thrusts. “I wanted you to fuck me from behind.” she admitted, “Grind in your lap and make you beg for it. Make you lick me.”

Sven grunted again, upped the pace as Mimi gripped him, her thighs curled around his hips meeting his movement. “What does your label say?” she breathed, her fingers bedded into his shoulder.

“My…uh…” For a moment Sven had forgotten what she meant he was so fixated on fucking her but the second after that he felt the light headedness come back, like all the blood had disappeared from his chest and headed straight to his cock. “I’m your horny brat. Your cunt…licking…whore.”

“Yes, baby.” Mimi pulled him in, kissed him awkwardly. “You feel so good.” She said. “I want you to come, baby.”


“Come in me then get on your knees and lick up your mess, baby. You know how I like that.”

Sven mewled into her neck. He knew very well just how much she liked it, though fulfilling her request was something that he had a complex relationship with. On one hand, he found it awful; embarrassing in the extreme to lick up his own emissions and so, in that typically submissive way, because he knew how much she loved him to do it, it became utterly arousing.

After that, his desire to please her was agitated further when she slid her hand between them, began rubbing at her aching Clit as they fucked. They had talked about it before and though Mimi had reassured him that she liked it, there was still some acutely male, greediness that it was not him alone that was making her spasm with pleasure. He knew that his mouth had the desired effect, that she would curse and grip the sheets when he took his time and fucked her from behind or lay back and let her engulf him. Now, however, in the face of passion and gluttonous expediency she lay out and let him fill her, luxuriating in the way he felt against her, the comfort of his body against hers, pushing her flat against the crates.

Mimi urged him on, knew he was close because of the way his movements changed and, in kind, rubbed herself harder. Sven shifted against her and groaned loudly, moving faster now his hips slamming hard against her.

“Shut up.” Mimi whispered the words against his neck, flicked his ear in reproach. Moments after, she added a breathless litany of curses, her body shuddering beneath him, words lost to orgasm. It was her slick spasms that brought the same to him, his hand jammed into her hip as he bloomed lily white between the dark of her thighs.

For a few moments they lay still, Mimi grinning against his salt graced neck. “You’d better get on your knees.” she breathed. “You’re so good at that, I want another one. Your tongue this time.”

“Stop it.” Sven kissed her and moved, tucked his wilting member back into his jeans. “You don’t need to sugar coat it.”

“Oh?” Mimi raised an eyebrow, sat up on her elbows. “Have you changed your mind about this? Do you like it now?”

“You like it and I get to spend more time between those thighs of yours so,” he hesitated, pulled a lupine smile at her. “I guess that’s what I like.”

“Are you blushing?” Mimi leant forward, ignored the dampness between her legs. “You are!” she laughed. “Come here.” she pulled him forward, his face cupped in her palms. “I love you, baby.” she purred, her mouth meeting his. “So cute.”

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