Surprise 3 (par Ted)

Surprise 3 (par Ted)

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Surprise 3 (par Ted)Comme à mon habitude, je me réveille de bonne heure, toujours entre Adeline et Muriel. Je sors du lit le plus doucement possible et contemple ce duo à demi-entrelacé. Adeline avec son visage d’ange orné de grands yeux vert, 1,73m, mince, long cheveux châtains, un p’tit cul qui me fais rêver mais toujours interdit et une poitrine ni petite ni grosse, juste comme j’aime, ferme et doux avec de petites auréoles. Muriel n’est pas grande très grande, je dirais 1,55m aux formes généreuses, cheveux noir mi-long avec des mèches rouges, une peau étrangement blanche d’où je peux apercevoir des tatouages sur les bras dévorant une partie de son dos. Mais je n’arrive pas a distinguer ce qu’ils représentent. Elle me fait penser à une gothique sans même avoir vu son style vestimentaire… Je prépare du café et des tartines puis je dépose deux tasses pleines avec les tartines sur un plateau dans la chambre et pars sous la douche. Le temps est à la pluie en ce samedi. Quelque chose me dit qu’Adeline n’a pas prévu de sortir ce weekend. En sortant de la douche, j’entends des murmures dans la chambre, curieux, j’y jette un œil furtif. Je ne crois pas à ce que je vois. Ma femme généralement pudique, ne voulant pas entendre parler de plan à trois, m’a déjà grandement étonnée la veille, me disant que c’était pour me faire plaisir. Mais la voir couchée sur le dos, le visage de Muriel entre ses cuisses. Sur le coup, je suis abasourdi puis ses paroles me reviennent “-t’inquiète! Muriel ne repars que demain! J’ai tout le temps de prendre du bon temps. Pis elle m’a déjà montrer ce qu’une femme pouvait faire….”Je n’aurai jamais pensé qu’elle se laisserai tentée aux plaisirs lesbien. Quoi qu’il en soit, j’aurais toutes les réponses Escort Bayan à mes questions plus tard. Pour l’heure, je profite du spectacle que ces deux nymphes me délivre. Je me glisse furtivement dans la chambre et me tapis dans un coin de sorte à avoir une belle vue sur le cul et la vulve de Muriel, ainsi que, si je me penche, le même duo de ma femme entre les jambes de Muriel. La langue, visiblement experte, de Muriel fais monter l’excitation d’Adeline, et la mienne. Adeline gémis de plus en plus, sa respiration de saccade, les yeux fermés, la tête en arrière, les mains sur la tête de Muriel l’interdisant d’arrêter. Muriel se caresse les lèvres, puis s’entre deux doigts dans son con. Elle mouille abondamment. Les gémissements parsemer de couinement/feulement et les bruit de succion donne une mélodie délicieuse. Adeline est prise de sursaut, lève les fesses et Muriel continu de butiner le nectar et peine a suivre tout en continuant sa caresse intime. Adeline jouis bruyamment et se recroqueville sur elle le temps de reprendre son souffle. Muriel se couche contre elle et l’embrasse tendrement faisant courir ses doigts fin sur la peau de ma tendre. Lorsque Adeline lève la tête et m’aperçois, son visage s’empourpre instantanément de honte, alors je j’approche, l’embrasse et lui souffle à l’oreille “-je t’aime mon amour”Elle me prends dans ses bras et nous nous câlinons un petit moment. Je remercie d’un coup d’œil Muriel pour sa discrétion et ce qu’elle fait découvrir à me femme. J’enfile un jean et retourne faire du café. Adeline et Muriel me rejoignent et s’installent autour de la table. Adeline s’est enroulée dans un peignoir et Muriel s’est habillée. Effectivement, elle a adoptée Bayan escort un style gothique, extravagante et provocante. J’ai toujours un petit faible pour ces femmes…Je veux savoir comment on en est arrivé là. -donc, toi c’est Muriel?-oui-j’ai cru comprendre que tu repars aujourd’hui?-oui et mon train est dans 1h30. Mon regard passe de l’une à l’autre. -ça ne te dérange pas de l’emmener à la gare? J’ai les jambes en coton. Me demande Adeline. -tu ne viens pas? On flânera un peu en ville après son départ… -non, je ferai un brin de ménage!Sa réponse me choque un peu vis à vis de Muriel mais les deux me regarde avec autorité. Alors je n’insiste pas. -il va où ce train?-Paris-tu habite Paris?-euhhhh….. Ouais!?Me répond Muriel en se moquant de mon étonnement. -comment tu as fais pour atterrir ici?Je vois Adeline virer a l’écarlate.-Adeline me l’a demandée. Elle m’a contactée sur un site échangiste. -oui enfin c’est pas tout à fait comme ça qu’on s’est rencontré!Se défend Adeline sèchement.-oui bon. Admit Muriel. On est sur le même jeu et je commençait à la draguer sur le tchat. Je lui ai dis que j’étais sur un site un peu particulier et de venir voir. C’est là qu’elle a vu que j’étais bi et sans réels attaches sentimentales. En tchatant un peu elle m’a dit que tu aimerais un plan à trois et que tu appréciais la dilatation anal. Je regarde Adeline avec des yeux rond. Comme pour répondre à mes questions muettes, elle me répond:-on s’est donner rdv hier midi à la gare, j’avais pris mon après-midi. Nous avons convenues d’un câlin un peu spécial pour commencer. Nous savions que ça te plairais. -et tu m’as dis hier qu’elle t’avais montrer ce qu’une femme pouvais te faire. -Ben….j’étais quand Escort même un peu stressée et inquiète de savoir si j’allais aimer. Muriel l’a bien senti et on peux dire qu’elle m’as détendu dans la voiture. Un sourire d’abouti se dessine sur mon visage en repensant à la scène de ce matin. -et tu as aimée? -c’est bizarre au début et on s’y fait vite. -ha oui tu t’y ai vite fait vu tes miaulements!!! Rétorque Muriel faussement vexé. Nous rions de bon cœur. -il est temps d’y aller. Je monte et met un t-shirt. Lorsque je reviens dans la cuisine et les trouve lèvres contre lèvres enlacée l’une contre l’autre. Je n’ose les déranger et j’avoue que cela réveille mon érection. Je reste silencieux dans la voiture, je ne suis pas bavard en général. Muriel casse le silence. -dis donc toi? On dirais que le baiser que j’ai eu avec Adeline t’as fait de l’effet?J’essaie de prendre un ton désintéressé. -un peu oui. -mouais, tu permet que je vérifie?Liants le geste à la parole, elle pose sa main sur la bosse de mon jean. Ce qui renforce mon érection. -ça a l’air étroit la-dedans. On va arranger ça. Elle me libère mon membre tendu et commence de petits va et vient. Je reste concentré sur la route. Elle se penche et embouche ma queue. L’enveloppe de sa langue. J’ai du mal à conduire. Je lui demande d’arrêter. -je doute que tu le veuille réellement. En tout cas ta queue dit l’inverse! -c’est vrai que c’est bon. Mais ça me gêne…-tu ne disais pas ça hier quand tu m’enculais. -c’est différent, elle était là. -alors ne lui dis pas. -non je ne veux pas et nous sommes arrivés. Elle fais la moue. -tu es vexée? -non bien sur! On vois que tu l’aime! Je vous trouve très beaux ensemble. Je l’accompagne sur le quai de la gare. Alors que le train est sur le point de partir, elle m’embrasse tendrement et me murmure à l’oreille. -dommage pour ta pipe, c’est Adeline qui voulais te l’offrir. Ce sera la prochaine fois. A plus beau brun. Elle monte dans le train et je la regarde partir avec un petit pincement au cœur…

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Niece visits

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Niece visitsMy 18 year old niece came to stay with me while she looked for an apartment. She was attending college in my area. She is of course a beautiful young lady. The first night she was there I saw her coming out of the bathroom after a shower. She had a towel on her head and that was it. It most be in our genes. She saw me also and didn’t even react she just walked normally to her room. All I could do was shake my head and salivate. Her body was perfect. Everything was perfect. I watched until she was in her room. That was only the beginning. Night after night she walked naked from her room to the bathroom. One morning I walked by her room and she was sprawled on the bed sound asleep and completely naked. I was starting to think she was tempting me. Either that or she just didn’t care. She would sit on my chair in the living room studying wearing just a big tee shirt. She never wore underwear. It was very obvious with her pert little young nipples always staring at me. When she sat with her feet up I could see her bare ass and sometimes a glimpse of her smooth pussy peeking from between her thighs. I had to find out somehow if she was tempting or just teasing me .I thought maybe she was just showing off. Young women tend to do that but that’s usually all they are doing. One night she was sitting on her bed with her legs folded in front of her. She was wearing her usual tee shirt but this time I could see her whole pussy. I walked in and sat on the bed. I had enough. I said nothing. I leaned toward her touching her naked leg sliding my hand along her thigh a. She looked at me and said ” what are you doing Aunt Stephie?”I said Escort Bayan ” you have been walking around here naked or half naked since you got here, now is it you just don’t care if I see everything or are you trying to tempt me or maybe just teasing me?”She smiled saying ” I thought you would never notice. I’ve been here two weeks now.”I said “so you are tempting me.”She said “of course I am, you are a beautiful and sexy woman but I have never done anything like this and with my Aunt is another thing but it turns me on thinking about it.”I said ” well have you thought about it much.”She lowered her head shyly. My hand was still on her thigh. She still didn’t answer so I slid my hand farther up her thigh. If she wasn’t getting turned on I sure was. I slid down to her inner thigh and she put her legs down squeezing my hand between her thighs. I said ” so you don’t want to?”She said “I’m not sure I really don’t know.”I replied ” well why don’t you just relax and let me try and see if you like it. If you don’t I will stop.” I pushed my hand farther up her inner thigh and she was holding her legs tight but she didn’t say stop. I put my other hand on her ankle pulling her legs apart. She tried to resist but not much. I touched her pussy and she tensed up. It was shaved perfectly smooth. My pussy was getting wet. She would not look at me and I continued to feel her pussy. I slid up between her legs and lifted her head with my finger kissing her softly. She responded kissing me back. I said ” just relax I promise you will like this.”We continued to kiss very softly and I slipped my tongue into her mouth. Bayan escort Her tongue touched mine then she started to kiss me a little harder. I worked my finger into her pussy hole and she threw her arms around me kissing me harder. Her young pussy was tight and really wet. She put one hand on my tit. I stopped fingering her to remove her shirt. She still acted shy. I kissed her cute little tits and she was sighing loudly. I stood to remove my shirt and shorts. When I was naked she said ” Aunt Stephie you have a beautiful body.”I thanked her as I pushed her down on the bed kissing her and laying on top of her. Her skin was so soft and my pussy was soaked as was hers. As I rubbed my pussy against her I could feel how wet. I rolled her over on top of me kissing her wildly. She responded nicely to this kissing me back the same way. I said in between kisses “I want you to eat my pussy. Get down there and eat your Aunt now.”She obeyed sliding down my body to my pussy. She spread my lips licking my whole pussy up and down. I moaned as she slipped her tongue up my hole. She lapped my pussy like a little dog. She had my orgasm building and within minuets I was climaxing heavily. She didn’t stop and I climaxed again and again. I got the feeling she liked what she was doing. Finally I had to grab her head to stop her. I said ” OK my turn I want to eat you.”She said ” but I was really enjoying watching you cum so much.””Yeah ” I said “but I really want to give you the same.”She said “I’m not sure I will cum that much.””Well ” I said “we just have to see about that.”I spread her legs wide and buried my face Escort in her sweet young pussy. Then I licked and sucked her clit while fingering her pussy hole. She breathed deeply as I pushed further inside her sweet hole. I changed to two fingers and she tried to pull back.I said ” relax sweety I promise you will enjoy this.” After awhile I switched to all four fingers and she squealed as I twisted my fingers up inside her juicy wet hole. She held on to the sheets as I twisted and turned my hand until I was in to my wrist. Twisting and pulling it partially out she screamed and squealed. Then she started to cry but that was replaced with a scream as she climaxed and juices squirted from her pussy. I lapped up all I could drinking in very drop of delicious young cum. After I cleaned her pussy of all her juices I kissed my way up her body. She shook and twitched as I kissed every part of her sweet soft skin until I got to her mouth kissing her full on her mouth darting my tongue. into her mouth. We played tag with our tongues. I pressed my pussy against hers and she hummed with pleasure. I rolled her on top of me clutching her in a tight embrace. She moved her pussy up and down my clit as I kissed her furiously. We crossed legs and began tribbing our pussies locked together. Our juices were flowing and we became one as our orgasm peaked and we held each other for dear life. I held her ass with both hands. We both erupted at the same time our bodies convulsing in orgasm. As our climax subsided she fell limp on top of me. I still held her tight young ass in my hands. Her legs fell on either side of me. She lifted her head saying ” fuck Aunt Steph that was awesome. I can’t ever remember cumming like.”I said ” I am glad to hear that. My climax was also awesome. My body is still vibrating.”From that day until she left my house we continued to have sex regularly and walk around the house naked most of the time

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Four Hills High School Ch. 01

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Four Hills High School Ch. 01Robert sat with Jackie on the floor of her bedroom, and for the hundredth time let his eyes wander over her; over the jeans which hugged her hips tightly, the pleasant swell of her breasts under the pink t-shirt, and the wavy, dark blond hair which fell about her shoulders. In front of them, their algebra books and folders were opened, and homework and notes splayed across the carpet.Get the full story here: sat a few feet from him, concentrating as she leaned over to work a problem on paper, using an unopened book as a makeshift desk. Her body position made her breasts hang slightly, though still restrained by her bra. Without moving, Robert’s eye caught just a hint of white lace as he glanced into the collar of her shirt.She finished the problem, and sat back up, holding the paper where they both could see it. “Is that right?” she asked.He examined her work for a moment. “No,” he said. “Almost.” Edging closer to her, he steadied the paper with his left hand, and pointed at a number with his right. “Move this variable to the other side of the equation, then solve,” he coached her.Her eyes lit in realization. “Oh,” she said, and leaned back down to work on the problem again, once more giving Robert a pleasant view.Robert looked forward to these study sessions, held two or three days a week. Jackie and he had made them something of a tradition since their sophomore year, when Robert had been a new student, shy, and hating school. During the first few days of school, as he had hurried home from the bus stop, she had spoken to him, and he had been completely surprised that a beautiful girl like her would even notice him, much less desire conversation.They had become fast friends, and had quickly discovered that they were taking the same math class. She had asked him for help studying, and so the best part of Robert’s week had begun. Lately, however, their study sessions rarely lasted longer than half an hour.Robert looked as Jackie proffered her paper again. “That’s it,” he said, smiling. “Perfect.” He kept his smile, as he turned his eyes on her.She put her paper down, then, noticing his gaze, she turned to look at him, then laughed, lowering her eyes in embarrassment. “We hardly get any studying done any more,” she told him.”But you’ve got these down,” he pleaded. “I don’t think we need any more. At least not on this subject,” he added.When she looked back up at him, he took her by the shoulders and kissed her. She didn’t protest, but moaned in pleasure as their lips met. Their kiss broke. “Come on,” she half whispered, and gracefully got to her feet, then slinked backwards onto her bed. Robert climbed onto the bed after her.For years after they met, they had stayed study partners and friends, and had both been in marching band together, while Robert had constantly nursed his feelings for her. Finally, a few months ago, he got up the courage to kiss her, and found, to his relief, that she had returned his feelings. Now their study sessions had become excuses to do what they really wanted to do: make out, and, someday soon, perhaps, something more.Jackie came to rest at the head of her bed, her blond curls resting against her menagerie of stuffed a****ls, smiling as she anticipated what was to come. Robert lay down on his side beside her. Unable to restrain himself, he placed one hand on her waist, and the other behind her head, and tenderly kissed her again. She returned the kiss hungrily, closing her lips on his again and again.Robert let his weight rest partially on her, pleasantly aware of the pressure of her breasts against his chest. Pressing closer to her, he felt his already erect penis press between her legs. His right hand entwined in her hair, and his left wandered along her thigh and side, but no further.This was the area he had limited himself to. She was still a virgin, he knew, like he was, and he didn’t know if she was willing to go any further than they did right now. Besides, at first, this had been enough for him. After a make-out session like this, he walked the block to his home a happy man.They stopped kissing for a moment, and Robert pulled his head back, maintaining the weight of his body against hers. She looked back at him with half-closed eyes, clearly enjoying herself as much as he.”Does your father still think that all we do is study?” he asked her. Jackie’s parents were usually at work until 6:00, a fact for which Robert, and Jackie, were thankful.”I think so,” she said. “After all, we did for years, right?”She gave him a quick peck on the lips, then followed up with a deeper kiss. She opened her mouth slightly, flicking her tongue against his lips. He responded by opening his mouth, and their tongues played against one another. Another moan escaped Jackie as they continued hungrily. As they kissed, Robert ground his pelvis into Jackie’s, feeling her hips rise up to meet his gratefully.Finally, Escort Bayan they stopped for air, and looked at one another. Robert could see the desire written plainly on Jackie’s face. Not for the first time, Robert wondered when it might be right for them to move beyond this, or if Jackie even wanted to. Now, it seemed as if she did, but in the same way that he had been too terrified to speak to her, too terrified to kiss her, he could not bring himself to make a move past the safe place they were now.They had spoken about sex once or twice, but only in the context of other people; they had never brought up the subject of the two of them possibly doing it. As far as he knew, Jackie wanted to wait until college, or didn’t want to risk getting caught by her parents.As if she had read the question in his eyes, she asked, “What are you thinking about?”He stroked her hair absently and smiled. “You,” he said; the safest thing he could think to say at the moment.She smiled back at him and leaned forward to kiss him. He returned the kiss eagerly, and they continued to work their mouths against each other. Almost of its own accord, Robert’s groin pressed forward again, relieving some of the tension building up in him. Jackie ground against him with more and more pressure, until finally she wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed into him with all the strength she could muster.She moaned, and a grunt made its way past his lips as they ground their hips together, their lips also connected. Robert could taste his desire, which was threatening to overwhelm him. He wanted Jackie more than he ever had before, and it seemed as if Jackie wanted him. He realized that it was probably now or never; he had to make a move someday, or he would remain a virgin forever.He tentatively moved his hand from Jackie’s waist to her thigh, then, when she did not react, to her perfectly round ass. Almost immediately, she stopped kissing him and grinding against him. She let her legs fall away from his waist. Robert’s heart pounded with the thought that he had gone too far. He pulled back to look at Jackie.She looked back at him, not with the shocked outrage he was expecting, but with the same craving that he felt. Without saying anything, she gently pulled his head down to her, and their lips pressed together.Robert relaxed as they settled into the usual rhythm of making out. Jackie didn’t mind his hand on her ass, but did that mean that she wanted to have sex? He realized that he was still a long way from his goal. He resolved to test Jackie’s desire even more.He arched his back to put space between their bodies, and moved his hand around to her chest. He touched her right breast; at first only grazing it with his fingers, then, resolved, he groped it. It was slightly larger than his fist, and it fit nicely in his hand. He could feel the extra material of her bra between her t-shirt and her flesh, but the texture of her breast was there, unmistakable, all the same.Her kissing seemed to grow in intensity as he felt her beautiful chest. His heart leapt as he realized that Jackie seemed to want him as much as he wanted her. The next obstacle to surmount, he realized, was taking her shirt and bra off, and he realized that he probably couldn’t do this without help.He stopped kissing her and pulled back scant centimeters so that he could speak. She looked into his eyes. Her lips were parted slightly, and she had suddenly become short of breath. “Jackie,” he whispered, “Do you want to . . .””Yes, Robert,” she interrupted him. “Fuck me.”Robert’s shock at hearing this from Jackie gave way to elation. Afraid to waste time, he pulled at the bottom of her shirt. Realizing he was having trouble, she sat up, gently pushing Robert up before her. When they were both on their knees on her white bedspread, she pulled the shirt over her head with a deft tug.Robert caught himself staring at Jackie’s ivory bra; at the tan tops of her breasts as they curved downward behind her modesty-protecting undergarment. He noticed that she was smiling at him amusedly, and realized that they both had stopped undressing. Aware that he was still fully clothed, he fumbled to remove his shirt.He tossed his shirt off the bed, then moved toward Jackie. She purred as they pressed together and kissed, now each feeling the warm flesh of the other’s chest. Robert moved his hands around Jackie’s back to the hooks of her bra, and unsuccessfully attempted to unfasten them.Stifling a laugh, Jackie gently pushed him away, and reached behind her to undo her bra herself. Robert had no time for embarrassment as he watched her. The bra was unfastened in an instant. Jackie held the bra in front of her chest for a moment, then, with the hint of shyness on her face, brought her arms through the straps and let it fall.This time Robert did not let himself stare when he saw her exposed breasts. They were pale where Bayan escort the sun had not touched them. The area which was slightly darker than the rest was the size of a half-dollar. The small nipples were fully erect, and pointed towards him as he reached for them. Taking one in each hand, he slowly massaged them. Jackie watched him, before closing her eyes slowly.Robert then moved forward and kissed her fully, feeling her melt into him. Then, leaning down, he lifted her left breast to his lips, taking her nipple into his mouth. She moaned as he worked her flesh back and forth in his mouth, suckling. He flicked his tongue back and forth, feeling the firm nipple spring back each time his tongue passed. Jackie exhaled as she put her hands behind his hand and raised her face to the ceiling.Robert then moved to her right breast, licking the nipple several times before taking it into his mouth and sucking it in turn. She let him suck for long seconds, gasping in whispers, until she fell backwards against her stuffed a****ls, and looked at him with dreamy eyes. Her breasts stood up from her chest, heaving slightly as she took breath.Unable to resist, Robert moved over her and kissed her right breast again. Supporting himself with his left hand, he moved his right to Jackie’s other breast, and felt it as he sucked her nipple.As much as he enjoyed worshipping Jackie’s breasts, he knew that she was probably expecting something else very soon. Though he completely lacked experience in sex, he had read as much on the subject as he had been able to find. He knew that women took longer to reach orgasm than men, and he had learned one way to make sure that a woman reached hers first.Leaving Jackie’s breasts, he kissed his way down her smooth stomach, and around her belly button. Jackie exhaled in relaxation. Finally reaching the waistband of her jeans, Robert sat up and undid them. Jackie lifted her ass off of the bed to allow Robert to slide her pants off. After he had done so, she continued to arch her back, waiting for him to remove her white, lacy panties. Before he did so, he glanced at her face. She looked back, biting her lower lip in anticipation.Finally, he removed her panties, revealing her glistening pussy, framed by short, dark blond bush. Jackie set her body back onto her bed after Robert had slid her panties off of her legs. Her legs were still spread, beckoning him forwards.He had never seen a pussy in person before, and he still was not sure that he would be able to find her clitoris. Pushing aside apprehension, he lay himself flat on the bed and lowered his face to her. With his hands he spread her labia, and was quickly able to find her clit thrusting toward him. Relieved, he licked it, coaxing a delicious moan from Jackie.Slowly, he worked her clitoris with his tongue, licking up and down, then side to side, trying to make the movements random. Her taste was unlike anything Robert had been told to expect. It was indescribably exotic, and wonderful. He had wondered if he would be disgusted, but now he knew there was no danger of that. He loved her taste. “Oh, yes,” Jackie murmured. Her breathing gradually became heavier, and she began to move her hips against Robert’s tongue.Robert moved his tongue downwards, licking the face of her pussy. His tongue flicked against Jackie’s hymen, which made her pussy opening so tight that he wasn’t able to push his tongue into the opening. Instead, he circled just inside the labia before returning to the clit.Once there, he wrapped his lips around it and began to suck, at the same time pushing his tongue against it as hard as he could manage.Jackie was making soft moans with every breath now, and her hips were nearly lifting from her bed as she pushed against him. Robert gradually increased the speed at which he licked her, hoping that he was good enough to make her come, and wondering if he would be able to tell when she did.”Oh, god,” Jackie said, signaling a nearing to climax. “Yes, yes, yes,” she chanted in increasing urgency. Finally, after minutes of greater and greater ecstasy, Jackie cried out, clawing at the bed in her efforts to process the pleasure. Robert’s mouth was assailed by a flood of her juices. He continued his ministrations through it, holding fast as she writhed on the bedspread.Finally, Jackie collapsed on the bed in exhaustion. Robert, exalting in his success, kissed her entire pussy with his mouth again and again, taking it her succulence. Finally, he lifted himself up, his face dripping with her. She smiled at him, giddy with the slaking of her lust. With a laugh, she reached up to wipe off his mouth.He allowed her to clean his chin before asking, “Did you like that?””Oh, yeah,” she told him, breathlessly.Robert knelt before her, and, with his hand, touched his penis to her pussy. Jackie took a sharp breath, the anticipation, or anxiety, too much. She was saturated with Escort wetness from her orgasm, and Robert’s efforts.”Ready?” he asked.She nodded. “Fuck me,” she gasped.Obeying her instantly, he pushed forward, and Jackie gasped immediately, biting her lip in pain. Robert stopped. Looking down, he couldn’t see any blood yet. “Are you okay?” he whispered. As much as he wanted her, he didn’t want to hurt her.She nodded her head quickly. “Yeah,” she breathed.Again, Robert pushed forward, starting to feel the warmness of her flesh around her penis. Jackie grimaced and inhaled sharply, pulling away.”Are you sure you want to do this?” Robert asked, feeling a twinge of disappointment with the question.Jackie seemed to steel her resolve. “Yes,” she said, nodding again. “Fuck me.”Gently, Robert thrust forward. He moved a little further inside her. The head of his penis was completely inside before she gasped again. This time, Robert’s desire and impatience combined to push aside his guilt at causing Jackie pain. As she pulled away, he grasped her shoulders and thrust onward. He felt her hymen give way, and slid all the way into her. She cried out, and clawed at his shoulders, but relaxed almost immediately when she realized that it had been done.”Are you okay?” Robert asked, the guilt taking over once again.”Yeah,” she whispered, nodding.Robert pulled back out and raised himself up, looking between their legs. A small smear of blood was on his penis, and more was already dripping from her onto the bedspread.”Oh my god, your sheets,” he said in alarm.She stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry about my sheets,” she said, calmly. “Just fuck me.”His guilt forgotten, he thrust into her again, experimentally, this time enjoying the sensation. She gasped as he drove himself inside of her. He pulled out and thrust again, then again, slowly settling into an easy rhythm.Her warmness surrounded him, and the friction of each stroke sent shivers of ecstasy up his spine.Jackie’s whispered gasps came with every stroke. She closed her eyes, savoring the pleasure coming so soon after the pain. Robert had heard that girls didn’t enjoy their first time, but Jackie seemed to be enjoying it. He watched her as he fucked her. Her breasts jiggled pleasantly each time he pumped, and he wanted to touch them.He pushed himself up on his knees, while continued to fuck her, then cupped her breasts, gripping each nipple lightly between his fingers. He held them lightly enough that they continued to jiggle.”Does this feel good?” he asked her. He was actually genuinely concerned, but realized that this doubled as dirty talk.She half opened her eyes and looked at him. “Oh, yeah, baby,” she said. She gazed into his eyes, her mouth opening, as he drove within her again and again. He lay back down onto his elbows, and placed his hands behind her head, luxuriating in her full hair as his penis luxuriated in her pussy. His hips thrust as he rested his weight on her, feeling her breasts press into his chest. He kissed her deeply, their tongues flicking together.Robert was amazed that he had not already come. He guessed that they had been fucking for a few minutes. Deciding that that was good enough, he raised himself off of Jackie again and started to stroke a little harder. Jackie’s gasps became small cries as she felt him penetrate her. Robert could feel the tension building up within him until it was blinding, and he had to close his eyes against it.He exploded inside of Jackie, coating her with his come. He thrust two more times, until he was completely spent. Without pulling out, he gently lay back on Jackie, who was smiling up at him. He kissed her twice, long and slow. He then rolled to his side and off of her.Jackie likewise rolled to her side, and they lay there, next to each other.”That was amazing,” Jackie said.”Yeah, it was,” Robert said. “I didn’t know if you wanted to do it . . .” He trailed off.”Are you k**ding?” she asked. “I’ve been waiting for you to make a move, ever since we started making out.” She laughed, and Robert smiled. He looked at her body, as she lay in front of him, unashamed. Her breasts hung pleasantly, and Robert reached out to caress them. Jackie inhaled slightly in pleasure.Fondling her, he looked down and started. There was a large spot of blood on the bedspread, and on his penis, as well as a trickle dripping down Jackie’s thigh.”Don’t worry about it,” she said. “I’ll clean the bedspread.””Did it hurt?” Robert asked her.”At first, yeah,” she said, nodding, prompting a tinge of guilt from Robert. “But after that, it felt so good, I forgot about the pain.””That’s good,” Robert said, and went back to massaging her breasts with his one hand.”I’m so glad it was you,” Jackie told him then.Robert leaned over to kiss her, then moved his weight on top of her again, pushing her on to her back. They kissed slowly for several minutes, their warm flesh pressed together. Finally, they stopped to clean themselves up before Jackie’s father got home.They cleaned up in Jackie’s bathroom and got dressed. She started the laundry just before they heard the garage door go up. Robert and Jackie walked down the stairs as her dad was coming in the garage door.

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“Gluteus Maximus” — Chapter Three

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Big Tits

“Gluteus Maximus” — Chapter ThreePreviously in “Gluteus Maximus” – Chapter TwoHe ended the session with me on my back pounding his cock into meferociously. He jerked my dick and I screamed as I came one more time. Witha huge masculine howl he finally came in my ass and collapsed on top of me– both of us panting and covered in sweat.As I lie there staring at the ceiling, my ass still full of sweet cock, Iknew that this was something that I couldn’t live without.”Gluteus Maximus” — Chapter ThreeDev slowly pulled his softening piece of meat from my stretched hole. I letout an involuntary groan as I felt the bulbous head pull pass my ring and Ijust laid there in a daze.Dev wiped the sweat off his face and leaned over me seductively. “Oh man”,Dev said, “You are one hot piece of ass.”I couldn’t help but smile at the compliment. I suddenly felt a deep senseof satisfaction that Dev thought I was a “hot piece of ass”. I think Ialmost blushed. “I’m glad you like it…” I said meekly.Dev leaned over and moved his face closer to mine as if he was going tokiss me. “I love it — sexy boy…” I froze for a second in anticipation ofhis kiss. He suddenly just stood up and starting moving about theroom. “Not as much as you though!” he said with a laugh. The spell wasbroken.”I’ve never seen anybody take to fucking like you, man. It’s like your asswas made for fucking.” He looked over at me. “You know what I’m sayin’?”I guess so”, I answered not sounding exactly convincing.”Oh, I know so.” Dev answered with a smirk in his voice and walked backover to me still lying on my back. “Look at you man, still lying here readyto go”. I hissed as he put his hand on my nut sack and started working hisfingers over my taint and down to my sore hole.”Shit — I’d bet you’d beg me to get fucked again right now, wouldn’t you”,he asked as he teased my hole with his middle finger. I squirmed inpleasure and closed my eyes.”Come on Josh, you want more cock in your pussy?” despite the crude wordshis voice sounded strangely romantic.My ass was sore from the long pounding that had just concluded but thefeeling of his finger on my hole had me rock hard again and squirming inanticipation. I raised my knees up and pulled my ankles practically back tomy ears to give him full access to my hole. I gasped as he stuck his indexfinger into the hilt.”Man, you are a little slut, aren’t you?” he said as I moaned inaffirmation.”Okay, I gotta get going, man” he said abruptly as he pulled his finger andwalked away. “What?” I exclaimed somewhat pitifully.”Got shit to do,” he said as he went into the bathroom. I heard him tunceli escort turn onthe shower.I sat up with a start, shell shocked from his brutal cock tease. My dickwas rock hard again and he left me high and dry. My heart was beating outof my chest and I almost felt like crying. What the fuck was happening tome? I felt a deep longing, a desperate need for Dev’s cock up my ass. I wasin the throes of a****listic lust.I hesitated for a moment staring at the bathroom door, listening to Devshowering.I suddenly got up and walked straight into the bathroom. It was like I waspossessed. Blankly, I pulled the shower curtain back to find Dev latheringup and smiling back at me. “Mind if I join you?” I said quietly.”Sure, get to work”, he said as he handed me the soap.I started to lather Dev’s body all over. The guy was truly a specimen and Icouldn’t help but admire his taut musculature. He guided my hands down tohis beautiful nine-inch snake and it started growing in my hands as Iwashed it.”Um, that feels nice…” I felt his hands on my shoulders push medown. “Get on that dick, boy”.Here I was face to face with his cock again and again, I had nohesitation. If sucking his cock was what I had to do to please him, thencocksucker I was.I started working the soapy cock back and forth in my mouth as he groanedin appreciation and rubbed my head.”Oh, yeah, you like that cock, boy?” he asked.”Mmm,” I moaned mildly.”What was that? You like my cock? Come on, boy, tell me how much you likethat cock”. He demanded.I groaned louder and started sucking harder.He suddenly pulled his cock from my mouth and started slapping my facelightly with it. “Tell me how much you want this dick, man””I want that dick,” I said reservedly.”Come on man, tell me better than that! Sound like the cock slut you are!”he said still tapping my face with his formidable tool.It was over for me. “Oh, I want that dick!” I said loudly.”Oh yeah, there we go!” he said with a smile. He grabbed the back of myhead and shoved his cock in my mouth again. He then started pulling it outand popping it back in rhythmically as I kept my mouth open — a willingreceptacle for his tool.”You like that, huh?” he said breathlessly. “Uh, huh!” I answeredfeverishly in between sucks.”What you want boy? Tell me!” he demanded.”I want you to fuck me!” I exclaimed, my eyes turning up to his. “Fuck me,man. Fuck me! I want your cock!”He was now hard as a rock. “Oh, fuck”, he said pulling me up, “its on nowbitch!”He pulled me to my feet, turned me around and penetrated my ass in whatseemed all like one move. I gasped şanlıurfa escort in initial pain and overall delight.He immediately started pounding into me like a jackhammer yelling “I’mgonna fuck this white ass!” with real abandon.I moaned and cried and yelped and whimpered, weakly exhorting him, saying”Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me…” in time with his thrusts.Electricity shot through my body as I felt him slap my ass. I practicallyscreamed.”Oh yeah,” he yelled as he pounded away, “Bitch likes having his assslapped!””Yes!” I screamed in a high-pitched whine. The slaps, the pounding, thesheer eroticism of being taken by this God in the shower was all toomuch. I could feel a tingle from my prostate traveling to the tip of mydick. It was maddening.I had already cum so many times I felt like I couldn’t possibly shootanother load, but with each massive, ass stretching thrust, a bolt wouldshoot through my body from my hole to the tip of my dick.It was like being tickled — exquisite torture. I couldn’t take it anymore.I started screaming at the top of my lungs uncontrollably. I literallycould not stop myself. The shooting pain/pleasure was too much.”Yeah, baby! That’s it”, Dev yelled as he banged my back out viciously.It’s almost impossible to describe what was happening to me at themoment. My entire body was overtaken by involuntary impulses; I was shakingand yelling and almost in another realm of consciousness. I felt anotherbolt travel from his cock through my ass down to the tip of my dick andscreamed as a single shot of sperm blasted out of my cock head.I started crying with pleasure.”Oh yeah, baby, that’s it.” Dev said as he rapidly pulled out of me and Ifell like a rag doll to the bottom of the bathtub.”Come on baby, take my cum”, he demanded as he manically jerked his meatover my face. I instinctively opened my mouth.He groaned as he shot a small load that dribbled into my mouth andimmediately shoved his softening dick into my mouth. It was disgusting –after all it had just been in my ass. But I had no thoughts in my head atthis time — I was in a daze.Dev moved away from me and finished his shower – my senses slowly comingback to me as I lie there looking up at him.I watched as he washed his cock again and all I could think about was howlong it would be before he would fuck me again.”Hey man, I gotta get going”, he said as he left the shower.I slowly started moving and cleaned myself up. I couldn’t help but noticethat there seemed to be a gaping maw where my butt hole used to be. Deepdown I took some perverse pleasure uşak escort in my new deformity.Dev was busy getting ready to go out and seemed to ignore me as I gotdressed and prepared to leave.”Alright, I guess I’ll see you later then,” I said standing there like adork.”Cool man, you take it easy,” he answered as if we were just two buddieswho just bumped into each other. Well, I guess technically we were.”Um, you going to be around this weekend?” I asked.”I’m pretty busy, but maybe late night on Sunday I might be around. Tryme.” He said matter of factly.”Okay”, I said somewhat disappointed and started to walk to the door.”Josh,” he said somewhat aggressively, “come over here.”I walked over to him like a little puppy. He reached out and cupped hishands on my face.”What’s the matter, man? You want me to kiss you goodbye?” he said with abit of a smirk.I rolled my eyes, “No, I just… I don’t know I’m just kind of freakingout, you know?”And I was freaking out. I suddenly didn’t want to leave Dev. I felt like Iwas desperate to stay with him and I wanted him to want me the same way.”I know, man. You’re going through a lot of shit right now, I get it. Allyou can think about is getting fucked, isn’t it?” he said as if it wasobvious.”Yeah, but, I mean, I don’t know what’s happening to me. It’s like…””It’s okay man, I do know what’s happening to you. You’re gay. You wereborn to get fucked, and fucked good. I’ve never seen anyone take cock likeyou.” He said softly as he looked me straight in the eye. “You’re gonnaneed to get fucked now, but I can’t be dickin’ you down everyday, you knowwhat I’m sayin’?”It wasn’t a conscious thought in my mind, but the implications of his wordswere understood deep down in my soul; I was gay, I needed to get fucked andhe was being non-committal about seeing me. I felt like I was being dumped.”Okay, but when do you think I can see you again?” I wanted to die as thosewords involuntarily came out of my mouth — I felt like such a needy bitch.”Soon” was all he said. He smiled and slowly pulled my face to his andkissed me.I had never been kissed by a man before; I had never thought of it orfantasized about it. But as Dev snaked his tongue into my mouth I was likeputty in his hands.He embraced me and kissed me deeply. I felt his hands cup my ass and Imoaned as he poked his tongue out and I sucked it like it was a cock.He pulled away with a laugh. “You are one horny bitch, man. I gottago. I’ll see you later.”I left his apartment that night feeling like I wanted to die. I went homeand lied in bed in the fetal position practically weeping to myself.The shock that I may be a full-fledged gay guy was certainly badenough. But it was the searing pain of feeling rejected by Dev that waseating me up. I wanted to be with him, I wanted to please him; I wanted himto want me. I needed him to be in me — to fuck me forever. I felt like Iwas in love.

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Enculée dans le train

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Enculée dans le trainIl n’y a que peu de passagers dans ce train qui me ramène de Nice. Ce week-end seule m’a fait le plus grand bien. Je m’amuse des ragots mondains dans des magazines-poubelles. Un homme me regarde avec insistance depuis un bon moment et je ne peux m’empêcher de lui rendre ses regards. Il est séduisant, frais ; son regard est intense, direct. Il me cloue dans mon siège. Il va falloir que je me lève. J’ai une envie terrible de pisser. Décidément, le thé ne me réussit pas.En sortant des toilettes, il est là devant la porte, attendant son tour. Je passe tellement près de lui que je peux sentir son haleine chargée de café et l’odeur de son parfum. Je le contourne en le regardant dans les yeux. Il est encore plus beau de près. Je suis troublée.Je guette son retour depuis ma place. Il s’assied et immédiatement me regarde. J’ai ôté un escarpin pour poser mon pied nu sur le sol. Je lui montre ma jambe, je ne peux montrer que ça, mais j’aurais adoré lui en montrer davantage. Nos regards sont devenus plus souriants, le mien est clairement enjôleur. Je lui montre qu’il me plaît et me trémousse pour l’allumer.Gare de Lyon, terminus du train. Je suis la première devant la porte. Il est là, juste derrière moi, je sens son odeur. Je descends sur le quai et me retourne pour lui sourire avant de partir. Histoire de. Mais en captant son regard je suis électrisée. Il passe néanmoins devant moi, puis avance doucement et se retourne. Il attend que je bouge pour avancer à nouveau. Il fait quelques pas, lents, se retourne à nouveau pour vérifier que je suis toujours derrière lui, et avance. Il recommence plusieurs fois. Je le suis. De toute façon, il n’y a qu’une possibilité de sortir pour le moment : c’est d’aller dans cette direction. La même que la sienne.Un escalier conduit au sous-sol. Si je descendais maintenant il ne me suivrait pas. Il comprendrait qu’il fait fausse route. Mais je n’en ai pas envie. J’ai envie de le suivre, pour rien, pour voir.Je suis maintenant à un mètre derrière lui, fébrile. Il se dirige vers la file des taxis. Je continue de le suivre. La file avance lentement. Plusieurs fois il s’est retourné pour me regarder dans les yeux. Après m’avoir regardée dans les yeux la dernière fois, il a baissé son regard jusqu’à mes jambes. giresunn escort Il a souri. À la quarantaine, on a besoin de se rassurer, de vérifier qu’on plaît encore. Il doit être ravi de constater que je ne suis pas indifférente. Dans quelques instants il montera dans un taxi et on ne se reverra plus, sauf miracle. Le prochain, c’est pour lui. Il se retourne et me propose de prendre ma valise. Je n’ai pas le temps de réfléchir et le laisse prendre la poignée. Il va peut-être me faire passer devant lui. Arrivé devant le coffre de la voiture, il dépose ma valise. Puis la sienne. Il m’ouvre la portière arrière pour me laisser monter et fait le tour de la voiture pour s’installer à côté de moi. Nous ne nous sommes toujours pas parlé.Peut-être va-t-il me laisser indiquer ma destination, me déposer, et repartir. Mais je reste muette quand il donne une adresse dans le 8ème au chauffeur. Je regarde les trottoirs. Nous restons silencieux. Arrêtés à un feu, je me tourne vers lui, décidée à lui dire que le jeu a assez duré. Son regard me cloue à nouveau, comme dans le train, et je n’ai pas le temps de parler. Il a saisi ma main et la caresse doucement. Je sens des frissons m’envahir. Sa main est chaude et douce. Il se penche sur mes lèvres pour me donner un baiser. Je le laisse faire. Quand sa langue cherche la mienne, je ne résiste pas. Un nuage de papillons vole dans mon ventre. J’ai chaud.Mon téléphone sonne. Je me dégage pour répondre. C’est mon mari. Il me demande si je suis bien arrivée et dans combien de temps je serai à la maison. Je lui dis que oui, je suis bien arrivée, mais je rentrerai plus tard. « Je t’expliquerai… » lui dis-je, énigmatique.Mon téléphone raccroché, l’homme revient chercher ma salive que je lui offre volontiers. Il sait maintenant qu’il va pouvoir profiter de moi, abuser de ma gentillesse, visiter mon intimité, et voir de moi un peu plus qu’une jambe dans un train.Sa main a quitté la mienne pour me caresser le genou. Il reste sage, mais cette caresse furtive me chauffe déjà terriblement.Arrivés à destination, il décharge les valises et m’invite à le suivre. Nous entrons dans un immeuble moderne. Son logement est au rez-de-chaussée.C’est meublé avec goût, contemporain, frais et aéré. Il me gümüşhane escort débarrasse de ma veste, me prend par la main pour m’attirer contre lui. Il me prend dans ses bras et me pousse lentement vers un mur. Il m’embrasse dans le cou, me caresse les hanches, me presse les fesses. Ses mains remontent à mes seins, durs et tendus. Je mouille.Je lui ôte sa veste et déboutonne sa chemise. Son torse est à peine poilu, comme j’aime. Je lui lèche les tétons avec avidité. Il se laisse caresser. Je le guide vers le tapis pour qu’il s’allonge ; je ne cesse de le toucher. Je baisse son pantalon tout en embrassant son ventre. Il me reste son boxer à ôter pour dégager son sexe déjà raide. J’ai très envie de le sucer, de sentir ce mâle dans ma bouche, de goûter à son gland violet. Il se laisse faire, détendu. Peut-être est-il déçu de ne pas avoir eu à lutter davantage pour me mettre dans son lit. À nos âges, on n’a pas de temps à perdre. Il est très, très dur. Je remonte vers son visage pour l’embrasser et pose un genou de chaque côté de son bassin. Je remonte ma robe, écarte un peu ma culotte et guide son sexe à la découverte de mon vagin impatient. Ça rentre tout seul tellement je suis mouillée. Il tire sur ma robe pour me déshabiller, puis dégrafe mon soutien-gorge. Mes petits seins aiment sa langue, ils aiment être mordillés ainsi. Ça me fait grimper aux rideaux.J’ai très envie qu’il me prenne par derrière, comme une chienne. Je me dégage et fais glisser ma culotte. Je m’agenouille pour lui tendre mon cul. Vite. Il me fait languir. Il s’agenouille derrière moi pour écarter mes fesses et me lécher. Quel salaud, il sait y faire ! Sa langue est chaude sur ma rondelle. Je me masturbe en même temps, c’est tellement bon.Enfin il va me prendre. J’aurais aimé un sexe un peu plus gros, je le sens à peine. Mais c’est de ma faute, je suis trop excitée. Je m’allonge sur le ventre. Il se pose sur moi et continue de me baiser. Je sens le poids de son corps m’écraser. Je relève les fesses. Là… je le sens bien, bien au fond, bien planté dans ma chatte. Il a attrapé mes seins, je suis prisonnière, sa chose. Il va me faire jouir, je le sens, ça monte tout doucement et je pars, tremblante. Il a dû s’en apercevoir et il accélère le hakkari escort mouvement.Il est endurant, le bougre ! Nous ne bougeons plus. Il est resté planté en moi, raide et dur. Ses mouvements reprennent, lents et tendres. Je remonte encore un peu mes fesses. Il a passé ses deux mains sous mon bassin pour me caresser le vagin. Je dégouline. Il écarte mes lèvres et me titille le clito. C’est une torture. Je suis à vif.Son sexe est sorti, il me le glisse entre les fesses. Il veut me posséder complètement. Alors qu’il fasse vite ! Je sens ses doigts s’humecter dans ma chatte pour me lubrifier l’anus, plusieurs fois. Ça picote, ça chatouille. Mon anus s’ouvre tout doucement sous ses caresses. Je sens son gland presser la petite porte, presser encore et s’insinuer tout doucement. Il envoie de petits coups de reins brefs, de plus en plus appuyés. Il était à l’aise dans ma chatte, il l’est un peu moins dans mon cul. Je suis serrée, mais c’est tellement bon. Il progresse, m’arrachant quelques cris de douleur, j’ai hâte de le sentir au fond. Quand il y parvient, il cesse un instant de bouger, puis entreprend un lent mouvement qui me ravit. Il m’encule.Pour moi, c’est le summum de la débauche. L’idée de me faire enculer m’excite terriblement, et j’y pense souvent. Me faire enculer pour de bon, c’est le top des expériences sensuelles. C’est tellement bon, tellement mal, tellement interdit… Cet inconnu est un expert. Il va me faire jouir à nouveau, et cette vague qui arrive est bien plus forte que la précédente. Je ne peux m’empêcher de l’encourager, lui donnant des ordres très crus, très directs. Je lui demande de ne plus s’arrêter et de se laisser aller lui aussi ; j’ai envie de sa semence, j’ai envie de le sentir cracher. Nous nous écroulons repus, puants de sueur et de sperme.Le temps de reprendre mes esprits, je lui demande où se trouve la salle de bain. En en ressortant je le trouve là où je l’avais laissé, sur le tapis. Sa queue molle luit encore de nos sécrétions. Je me penche vers sa joue pour y déposer une bise. Je me dirige vers la porte quand il essaie de me retenir. Je lui souris en le remerciant, en lui disant que c’était bien, et que j’allais me débrouiller pour trouver un taxi. Il me demande si on se reverra, je ne réponds pas et m’éclipse.En arrivant chez moi je trouve mon mari assis au salon, un roman entre les mains. Il me regarde amoureusement, se lève, et vient me prendre tendrement dans ses bras.« C’était bien ? » me demande-t-il. « Génial ! »C’est dans notre lit, en le masturbant, que je lui dirai pourquoi je suis rentrée si tard.

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I love my boobs

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I love my boobsI am a girl who loves sex. I am so lucky that I was created with a large and beautiful breasts. I was young when my breasts began to grow. To begin with, I tried to cover my breasts because I got many comments and teased. But then I found out that I got many advantages to show my forms.My first interview went well. The boss was an older gentleman. He was chubby and hairy. People thought he was disgusting and perverted.I had erzurum escort a low-cut blouse, and I soon found out that he was focused on my bosom. The job interview went inside his office. The man was a family man. There were family pictures of his family on the office table. We sat at his office desk. When he was finished with his questions, he came over to me.Get up, he said, and I got up. He went around eskişehir escort me. Suddenly I felt his fingers. I was very horny. Now he stood behind my back. Suddenly he took with both his hands on my boobs. Oh I said. He pushed me down on his table. My stomach down on the table. He unbuttoned his pants up. Took his cock out. Now I was very horny. I took my dress up so he could get his cock in my gaziantep escort pussy. Oh he’s cock felt good. It was not that big, but it was thick. He fucked me from behind. Suddenly his phone was calling, but he ignores the phone. Then he leans towards me and grabs the breasts. Then he whispers that he comes now. We stop and I got down on my knees and starts sucking him. His thick cock fills my mouth. Then comes the sperm. I am very horny. Ahh his cum feels good in my mouth. So I revel ….He asks me to dress on. He says that I’ve got the job. He looks at his phone and sees that his wife called. Asking me to go out and get back to work when school is finished. When I come out of his office I call home, and told them that I’ve got a job.

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Short Walk

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Short WalkOk so I have never ever done this before but I am fucking horny and you weren’t here and I was thinking about you and I was really thinking about you … grinsPlease bare with me this is my first story…..I decide to go for a walk around the block while I am waiting for you to come home….I see strangers in all the dark corners, their eyes watching me from every direction. But I keep walking not letting them know that I can sense them watching me. In the distance I hear a soft whisper…..Cocking my ear to listen harder and I realize that it is you. I know that soft hum you have in your voice even as a whisper it is quite recognizable…. but I don’t just hear your voice I hear another as well.. A womans. As I stand closer to the wall trying to not be noticeable as I listen to hear what is being said. I creep around the corner and I spot you and your little visitor, you are gently caressing her cheek, as she runs her fingers softly down your arm. You lean in and whisper something in her ear and she looks at you with surprise. She looks a little bit upset then as she starts to walk away from you , you grab her arm and pull her back to you. Covering her mouth you drag her back behind the dumpster, she doesn’t seem to be fighting you much, edirne escort but walking with her feet as if helping you drag her to the dark corner. I creep around a lil more just so I can see the backside of your body, I look down between your legs and see a pair of panties drop to the ground, then her legs spread wide. Then I see you moving slightly as if you are unbuttoning your jeans. Just as I thought you pull them down over your hips just enough to give you some well needed room to move….. you step forward and start to pump your hips slowly. I begin to feel something inside of me rise…. I know that I should be angered by what I am seeing, I should go to you and slap your face but the feeling I am feeling is much more exciting. As I watch you fuck this woman, I begin to feel my pussy awaken… reaching down under my skirt I rub the outside of my panties, a lil moist but not wet enough to matter much. Slowly sliding a finger into the waistband of my panties I gently rub my clit. I would have never thought that watching you fuck another woman would turn me on as it has. I watch you quicken your pace fucking her harder and faster, as I rub and finger my now dripping wet pussy. I am on the verge of exploding elazığ escort but knowing I must keep quiet as you would hear me. So I bite my lip and I keep watching you fuck her and listening to her moan louder and I hear you grunt and at that instant I cum as if I am cumming with you! Both exhausted you pull up your pants and she picks up her panties and places them in her purse and she leans in to kiss you and you turn and walk away from her. I can see the steam in her eyes , she must have thought that, that fuck session meant something to you, But I know you well. Grinning I remove my panties for they are already soaked and I place them in my purse and I step out in front of you as you walk towards me. Oh the look (you know the deer caught in the headlights look… thats the look you gave me). I move closer to you and pull you to the side of the dark alley,not saying a word, and drop to my knees. Slowly unzipping your pants and taking your cock between my lips….. mmmmmm I can taste her on your cock, good choice Sir I tell you as I look up at you with your now hard cock in my mouth.You looking down at me, reaching for my hair and taking it in your hands I feel you grip tighter. Pulling my face closer to your body, erzincan escort forcing your hard cock deep into my waiting throat. I willingly take everything you have to offer me, licking the taste of that other woman off your cock. Looking up at you begging you to fuck my mouth like it was the last time I would be allowed to suck your cock…..gripping my hair and fucking my hot little mouth ( I swear harder than you have fucked it before). Gagging on your cock I start to choke and you keep fucking me not letting me breathe, you love to watch my eyes roll back in my head and little drool spittles drip out of my mouth…. eyes watering, head getting light from the lack of air… you pull my mouth off you for and I count 5 seconds, just long enough to get 3 good breaths in. Cupping your balls I feel them tighten knowing that you are going to give me what I have been craving all night long. I feel you grip my hair tighter and pump faster, forcing your cock deeper down my throat. Then you hold me in place and explode deep filling my throat with your hot cum. Taking my hand I wipe what cum has seeped out and push it back into my mouth and you are still holding me tight I can feel the head of your cock throbbing. I begin to greedily suck your cock clean and swallow every last drop. Standing up I look at you and you are beyond exhausted, I tuck your cock back into your pants and zip you back up. Wrapping my arms around you I hug you tight, then hand in hand I lead you back home, so you can rest some cause this night is not over…….

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How would I make you cum?

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How would I make you cum?]How would I make you cum?Were alone in the bedroom and have all the time in the world.I start by holding you close and slowly run my hands over your body, caressing and stroking you whilst I gently kiss your lips and neck.I kiss you with my tongue so that I feel our tongues intertwining. I slide my hand up under your top and stroke your back (undoing your bra) and then slowly slide my hand down the back of your trousers, down, under your knickers and cup your arse checks, stroking, spreading and kneading your arse.I break our kissing to undo your trousers and let them fall to the floor and then step back to take off your top and bra, dropping them on the floor to leave you standing in front of me in just your lacy knickers (French).I stand there for a few moments taking in the site of your gorgeous almost naked body, watching as your nipples quickly get harder and harder on your truly amazing tits. Your body is superb and just looking at you in all your glory makes me so hard!I lay you down on the bed and remove your knickers to reveal your smooth bald pussy. Your knickers are very damp, in fact they are just plain wet and I can easily smell your pussy juices on them as I bring them to my face and feel the dampness of you on them. I can’t resist so quickly flick my tongue out to taste you, superb, I can’t wait to get a proper taste of you now.I kiss you again this time exploring your body with my hands as you try to grab my hard cock through my trousers. I push your hands away as that’s for later!I bend my neck and take a nipple into my mouth, gently nibbling it and sucking it…..heaven. The other one gets the same treatment but I hold onto it with my teeth and pull it gently which makes you squirm with pleasure. My hand has by this stage found your smooth, bald pussy and is slowly rubbing it; I grind my palm into your lips and clit, spreading your juices and loving it as your pussy juice coats my hand, god you’re wet, this turns me on even more,I slip a finger into your pussy and very slowly slide it into you until it can’t go any further. I know you like to be fingered slow and deep and can feel your pussy sucking on my finger like it wants to eat it! I slowly begin to slide it in and out as deep as I can go, I can hear your pussy juices as they squish around my finger. I love that sound so much and you know I love a woman with a wet pussy.I can’t take any more so I reluctantly take my finger out and get you to lick your juice from my finger and palm. This almost makes me cum as I love to watch you clean your own juices up, it’s a dirty turn on that I love, so depraved!I quickly take my clothes off and in no time I climb onto the bed naked, sporting a nice hard cock. I allow you to touch my cock and balls for a few minutes and you eagerly pull my cock and balls enjoying how they feel and move. You like the fact that I keep my shaft and top of my balls shaved, easier to see everything and it feels so good for both of us. Your quick play, coupled with the fact that I am by now extremely horny means that my cock is leaking large amounts of pre-cum over your hand. My cock head is coated in it and it’s starting to drip off my helmet on to you.Fuck I am horny now and by the looks of you so are you! Your chest is really flushed, your tits heaving, nipples erect and your pussy is glistening with juice, your lips and clit are clearly engorged.I move so that I am closer to your pussy, almost sitting at your side and then I slide one, then two fingers into you while you slowly alternate between pumping my cock with your hand and playing with my balls. I love watching as your pussy lips separate and your pussy swallows my fingers with ease. I slowly pump them in and out as deep as I can go whilst I rub your clit, within a few minutes I feel your pussy spasm as you cum hard on my fingers, juice flowing out of your pussy and down over your beautiful puckered little arse hole. You squeeze my cock hard as you cum and both of us groan with please from each others work love fingering you and don’t want to stop yet so don’t.I add a third finger to really stretch and stimulate you and then I rub a finger from my other hand around your pussy and then slide my now wet finger down and place it at your bitlis escort arse hole, slowly to make sure your comfortable with it and so that I don’t hurt you I push against your arse. I feel resistance at first and then you relax and my finger gently slides all the way into your arse, you gasp and push back onto my finger, it’s as deep as I can get it without adding a second finger which I don’t want to do just yet! It feels amazing and I can feel my fingers in each hole between the wall of your arse and pussy, fuck that’s horny and judging by the way your pushing yourself onto me I think you’re enjoying the sensation as well as me. I slide my fingers in and out of your pussy, slowly and deeply, it’s amazing to see your pussy so full, your pussy lips are stretched obscenely and it looks amazing. You arse looks just as good with my digit deeply embedded in it and even better when I gently begin to finger your arse using your own juices as lube!I adjust my fingers in your pussy so I can curl them up and in doing so I feel the texture inside your pussy wall change from smooth to rough, the magic g-spot. It doesn’t take long to make you cum and my god you cum. Your pussy literally gushes juice and it squirts out of you and coats my hand and the other parts of my body in range of your marvellous gushing pussy. Your pussy and arse spasming so much I feel like I will never get my fingers back!I think your pussy needs some tender loving care now so I take my fingers out of you and get you to lick them clean, this time I help and we steal a few deep kisses in the process. God you taste amazing and it would appear you like the taste of me as well as you let go of my hard cock and eagerly lick my pre-cum from your hand.Once we are a little cleaner I lay down on the bed between your legs looking up at your pussy and start sucking on your wet pussy lips and engorged clit. I gently probe your pussy with my tongue, hearing you moan with approval I slide my tongue into you until I bump your clit. I love your taste and eagerly start going to work on your pussy. I alternate between sucking your pussy lips and clit and plunging my tongue into you and then licking the roof of your pussy to try and get your g-spot. I stop for a second and just lick you pussy lips again and ever so slowly lick down to your arse hole and lick you here before I slowly push the tip of it into your rose bud. It’s slick with your pussy juice and goes in easily, this really makes you moan. I take it out after a few minutes and go back to your pussy.I bring my hand up and rub my finger around your pussy, coating it in your juice and then slowly slide my finger all the way into your arse, it slips in and makes you grind you pussy harder into my face. I can feel you pushing down to try and get more of my finger up your arse, it’s so tight. I start to pump my finger in and out of your arse, this does the trick and you start fucking my face and finger with your wet pussy and tight arse, within a few minutes your juices flood my mouth as you cum again, your pussy muscles sucking on my tongue and your arse pulling on my finger. I love it!I pull my finger out of your arse and crawl between your legs, my cock comes to rest over your wet pussy and as we start kissing you taste your pussy juice in my mouth and on my lips. We can both feel my cock nudging your entrance. As we kiss I am so turned on that as my cock moves around it drips pre-cum over your stomach and pussy. I break the kiss and grab a drink from the pint glass on the bedside table.I go back down to your pussy and start again with the oral onslaught, but unknown to you I now have two ice cubes in my mouth that I got when I took my drink.The first you know is when you gasp as my now very cold mouth touches your very hot, swollen and wet pussy. You have a little orgasm from this and before you can fully recover i go to work again but this time I use my tongue to slip the ice cubes into your pussy and I slowly push them in and suck them out, this starts to make you writhe on the bed with pleasure so I take one of the cubes out and keep it in my mouth and then suck on your clit. The results are near instantaneous and you explode into my mouth as you cum hard. There is more bolu escort juice than the last times as you now have iced water up your pussy as well, no matter I quickly clean you up.I look up at you and ask if you’re ready to carry on, your chest is flushed bright red and your tits are heaving, you just nod. God you look amazing lying there with your legs spread wide open and your pussy lips open. I can see your pussy gently pulsing as you come down from your earlier orgasm!I kneel between your legs and pull you towards me so we are almost touching. I put you legs either side of me and start rubbing my wet, shinny cock head up and down you pussy opening, I rub from your clit to your arse hole, smearing our juices together. My cock is getting very sensitive now so I stop sliding it and push cock straight into your pussy; you’re so wet it goes straight in until my balls touch you.We slowly start fucking, I savour sliding my cock slowly in and out of you, I really enjoying watching your pussy as it opens and closes around me, your tits moving all over the place look great, a very horny sight indeed, I reach for your magnificent tits and start fondling and stroking them before I pinch your nipples, teasing them until you gasp and then gently suck on each nipple, nibbling them as I go. I kneel back up and you reach between your legs and start rubbing your clit and touch my cock at the point where we join, feeling it disappear into you with each thrust.God your wet, the noise your pussy makes as we fuck is amazing, I can feel your juice as it runs out of you onto my balls, coating them in your gorgeous juices.We carry on fucking, varying the pace and tempo for a long time; you cum a few times more while were fucking before I feel my balls start to tighten.You can sense that I’m about to cum, flooding your pussy with my cum so you change the pace and start fucking me harder and faster, driving me deep inside you so that my balls are really slapping your arse, I can’t take this pace for long and within a few minutes I start cumming deep inside you, pumping you full of my cum, I can’t believe how hard I cum, my orgasm seems to just keep going, I’m cumming like a fountain. We keep fucking as I cum inside you and this pushes you over the edge as well and makes you cum with me deep inside you. We just slowly stop our thrusting and just enjoy the feeling of each other locked together, my cock and your pussy twitching away as our orgasms subside. I slowly pull out of you, my cock still hard, a welcomed sight indeed. Your pussy is open wide and I can easily see our combined juices as they start to ooze out of you. It’s such a horny sight, you look obscenely sexy lying there like that and I love it.I go down on you and quickly start to lick you clean, sucking our combined juices from you. Once you’re a little cleaner I put one, then two and then three fingers inside you and finger you as deep as I can, you easily take my fingers and I wonder if you can take more.I kneel up again and kiss you hard, our tongues connect and you get to taste our combined juices, this gets us both moaning.I look at you and say “turn over and get on your knees”, you don’t question why, you willingly do it, you and I both know that I would never do anything to hurt you and, if you wanted me to stop you only have to ask, you never do though.I get behind you and just admire the view. Your tits are hanging down, your nipples very hard and just touching the bed, your pussy is spread wide open, I can see every little detail, it looks so fucking hot and I can still see some of our combined juices in you. Your arse hole is slick with our love making as well. You look so fucking depraved and horny. I wish I had a camera so I could capture you like this.I slowly put a finger into your pussy, and then quickly add a second and then a third. This makes you happy and I can hear you sigh and moan, gently pushing yourself back onto me. You rest your chest on the bed and relax some more. I carry on fingering you for a few minutes and then I gently add a fourth finger; your pussy is still so wet so it goes in with little resistance. I feel you tense for a second and then you push back onto me, you like it I can tell and you soon cum, burdur escort I can feel your muscles clamping my fingers and your juices flowing around my fingers.Once you have recovered I hear you quietly say “more”.More, surly not!Did I hear you right?I decide that I did so I gently bring my fingers out so that only the tips rest against your pulsing hole and then curl my thumb into my palm and slowly, very slowly proceed to push my curled hand into your gaping wet pussy.Your pussy is very wet and has been thoroughly warmed up and stretched by my actions so far and my fingers and hand are coated in juices so I think I might just be able to do this if you let me!To start with I feel resistance from your muscles and then ever so slowly your muscles relax and my hand slowly slides into you. Fuck, I have never seen a more amazing sight; my hand is in your pussy and your lips are stretched tightly around my wrist. You gasp as you get used to the feeling of being so full and then slowly being to fuck my fist. I just hold my arm still and watch in amazement as your pussy engulfs my hand, leaving a tide mark of pussy juice on my wrist.I can feel your muscles spasming as you slowly slide my hand in and out of your pussy, within a few minutes you start to get faster and faster and then I am sprayed with your juice as you squirt all over me as you cum and cum, over and over again. I can even see your arse hole pulsing as you orgasm. It is the most intense feeling (you tell me after that it was the best and most intense orgasm you have ever experienced). As you lay slumped on the bed, face down, arse and pussy up in the air I gently withdraw my hand from your pussy, you simply shudder and have one more orgasm, you pussy is obscenely wide, open for me to see everything, it looks amazing. I lean forward past you prone body and kiss you hard on the lips and after a few minutes, between us we lick your juice off of my hand.I have one final treat for you, your pussy has had it’s fill of me for the time being. I pull you by the hips back into a kneeling position and place the head of my still hard cock at your arse and gently pull you back onto my cock. The pre-cum from my helmet combined with the juice from our earlier escapades provides more than enough lubrication to allow me to quickly penetrate your arse until my pubes touch your cheeks.I slowly being to pump my cock in and out of your arse, I look down at your head and can just see one of your tits swaying with each thrust, nipple grazing the bed, a gorgeous sight. One of your hands reaches between your spread legs, past your soaking, ravaged pussy and grabs hold of my balls, stopping them from slapping your swollen pussy. I feel you grasp them and gently milk them, pulling and squeezing them before your release me and start rubbing your clit.I know I won’t last long; I’m in sensory overload at the moment with everything we have done and are still doing.Your arse is so tight, it feels amazing. Our pace gets quicker and quicker, my cock pistoning in and out of your arse, your moans grow louder, the slapping sound as your arse cheeks connect with me spur us both on and soon the inevitable happens. I feel my cum start to well up inside my balls again and I call out that I’m going to cum. This spurs you on and I feel you really impaling your arse on by hard cock. Within seconds I start cumming, realising my spunk deep into your arse, my cock pulsing away deep inside you, this has the effect of making you cum, an intense anally induced orgasm, you call out as you cum and we collapse on the bed panting.After a few minutes I feel my cock, still buried inside your arse begin to soften. I pull it out slowly and look down to see your arse hole open from my cock, my cum inside you, you look like you have died and gone to heaven, you look happy and exhausted coated in your juices and my cum.I lie down next to you and gently stroke your naked body, savouring your touch and noticing the smell of sex on both of us for the first time.I gently run my hand over your arse hole and can’t resist one last play. I ease two fingers into your cum soaked arse, pumping them in and out for a few minutes, coating them in my cum. I make you very happy but am worried that it will be too much for you so I stop, clean my fingers and curl up behind you and spoon, my cock pressed into your arse and my hand cupping you gorgeous tit. I pull the bed covers over us and we drift of to sleep, each of us dreaming filthy dreams of our next time, maybe with toys or an outdoor adventure!

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it happen one night.

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Anal Sex

it happen one was an early night because I got out of class early, so I decided to go to my local strip club(spearmint rhino/city of industry) that has movie booths and a few glory hole that guys have drilled. with a pocket full of one dollar bills I went inside following a nice looking asian man. he went one direction and I went the other way to see what action is at me favorite end. i watched a few videos naked and stroking my cock hoping some guy would come to play with me at the two way mirror and glory hole. but nothing was going on so i pulled up my pants and went to my car. On the way I spotted my cute asian man. so I leaned on my car pretending to look at my phone, as he walked over to where I could see him better he flashed his pretty little ass at me. As i looked up I saw him expose a very cute ass so I walked up to him and placed my hands on his ass and squeezed and worked my way between his cheeks playing with his asshole. he leaned back and i reach around and took hold of a very nice cock and started to stroke it and squeeze it. istanbul escort he wanted to kiss but i was to busy playing with his as and cock. he turned around and i already had my pants and underwear down fully exposing my self to the world. cars and trucks were driving by and he was trying to hide but I was having none of that. I stopped playing with his ass and just payed all my attention to his cock stroking both mine and his together making him moan. some guys that were going to go into the video rooms stopped and made little detours towards us to see what was going on. most of them liked what they saw and stayed to watch some had their cocks out playing with them as they made sure no cops were coming. one guys asked me to suck my new asian toys cock and i only smiled and dropped to my knees pulled his pants all the way down and started sucking his cock making it hard. he was leaning on his car moaning asking me to stop because he did not want to get caught, but I was not listening as I deep throated his cock. izmir escort soon he was fucking my mouth and holding on to my head as I looked over to see three guys jerking their cocks. I was in complete heaven cocks everywhere all for me. I let the cock in my mouth out long enough to tell the others to cum in my mouth when they are ready. they nodded as they played with each other and I went back to sucking this yummy cock. playing with his balls and sucking them as I jerked his cock. seeing lights go by slowly as i knew guys were driving by trying to look. I heard my asian man moaning louder and knew he was close to giving me what I wanted so I squeezed his balls and sucked on his cock faster making slurping noises and drooling a little as I felt him thrust forward and moan louder I pulled back a little so I could taste his cum he shot four good heavy streams a cum in my mouth as I sucked all his cum out, but did not swallow any of it yet. he puled away as his cock slowly dropped out of my mouth. the three guys jerking kars escort off watching me walked over and started to stroke faster so I knew they were close so I opened my mouth with all the cum I got just seconds before so I have three guys two white and one mexican pumping their super hard cocks inches from my face two of them start moaning so I grab both cock and jerk them right in my mouth as they came at the same time filling my mouth even more. i stroked them until there was no more cum and even kissed their cocks they smiled and left as my older white guy was dripping pre cum in my mouth he was stroking fast and shoving his cock in my mouth filed with cum then he shoots what has to be the biggest load ever. as I start to swallow as fast as i can so i do not spill any cum. i do feel some dripping down my chin as i suck his cock until it is limp but he never pulls away and starts to fuck my mouth for a few minutes. then he tells me he wants to return the favor as I stand up and he kneels and sucks my cock which does not take long because i was stroking my cock as I was giving head. I unloaded a huge amount of cum into his mouth as he drank it all until i was dry. as I started to pull up my pants a few more guys were jerking off shooting loads in our direction. this was one of the best night at the strip club I have ever had.

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The Sexy Thief 3

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The Sexy Thief 3I waited until Thursday to Email her telling her to sneak over that night, I waited for two reasons. 1. I didn’t know how things were ran in her house and if sneaking out all night would risk her getting caught. 2. Thursday would be my 17th birthday and I wanted a birthday dance. I was would have been having my party in Texas and was really pissed off that I would be home alone on my birthday. 2 weeks to yourself is pretty awesome, but not if you have to spend your birthday without your family or friends. I got to spend every year on my birthday with them though, this year would be better. Being confined to the state and grounded was the best thing to happen to me in my life so far. My friend Dave gave me two blunts for my birthday, like we both have to one another for the past 3 years. I made myself a chocolate birthday cake and walked to 7/11 to get some soda and ice cream. Jessica showed up at around 10:30.She had on her cheerleading outfit just like I asked. I had the small round table from our back patio in the living room with two of the dining room chairs around it. The cake was in the middle of the table and there were two plates in front of each chair. “Have you already had dinner? Are you hungry?” I asked as I pulled her chair out for her to sit down. Jessica had a confused look on her face; on the last visits I had not been mean but I had just told her what I wanted and then she left. She was unsure as to what my intentions were, I explained my situation to her and how I was supposed to spend my birthday alone. I told her that today she was mostly here because I enjoyed the company of intelligent and beautiful girls. Jessica blushed and turned away “I am a little hungry, what did you make?” she tried to change subjects. My mom felt a little bad that I had to spend my birthday alone, but I couldn’t go to Texas and she can’t let me throw a party alone. I had also said that she shouldn’t let me being in trouble mess up the cruise. She figured the least she could do is have fresh supplies delivered for me to make my birthday dinner. There was only really enough for one, but I didn’t really care. It was easier to make then I hoped, all cooking was pretty much just following a set of instructions. I watched the reaction on her face as I carried out the big plate with the lobster and noodles. It was a big plate with about a 2 ½ foot diameter, ağrı escort a big pile of “longevity noodles” and the lobster on top like it was king of the noodle hill. She gave that cut little purse mouthed smile “The noodles are supposed to represent long life and the whole fish a life fulfilled. I substituted fish for lobster, but close enough.” I told her as I broke of the tail and put it on her plate with plenty of noodles.“I can’t eat all of this, it is too much” she said scooping up some of the noodles to put back.“No don’t” I warned “It is supposed to be too much, it shows the family has enough and never needs more” I explained to her. We ate and talked about school and other things, when she was full I took our plates into the kitchen bringing in new plates and cut us both a piece of cake and ice cream.Then I asked her a question I had been thinking about for a while. “Why didn’t you just ask me for a little more weed?” Jessica was smiling and looking me right in the eye with her amazing green eyes, then as she processed the words she looked down to the floor. For a moment she had forgotten why she was her, and what she was to me. “I will tell you, but then you have to answer a question for me”. She said, finally looking up. Ironically, our questions were pretty much the same. They were put different but mirrored each other. We both wanted to know the same thing.“Why didn’t you just ask me for weed?” I asked.“Well, I kinda felt it, but after like an hour I just had a headache from it, I read that sometimes that happens when you smoke the first time and you have to smoke again to feel the effects. I wanted to know how it affected a person; I have always kinda had a crush on you and was always kinda hoping maybe one day you would ask me out but not if you were some d**gie weirdo.”“Now here is my question.” She continued. “When you caught me, why did you spank me and start using me? The so you don’t steal from me is BS.”The question caught me off guard, “I am a 17 year old boy who had a sexy girl that I have watched out the window and masturbated to for three years, alone in my house and ready to do whatever I told her.” I couldn’t come up with anything better than that. “For as long as we lived here I thought you were the sexiest girl at the school or in the neighborhood. Spanking you came into my head first and it sounded amasya escort too good to pass up.” After we sat in silence for a minute I walked back and came into the room with the blunts.“Well, since you didn’t get the proper effect last time, and you never got to try it a second time. Maybe you would like a birthday blunt with me, so you can form your own opinion on it.“O.k.” Jessica said, sounding excited and reluctant. “But never again after this, if I like it or not.” She told me sternly. After we smoked and ate some more ice cream she asked why she had to wear her cheer outfit.“I didn’t want to ruin the night, so it is a request not something you have to do for the tape.” I explained to her. “I would really love a birthday strip dance though. You dancing around me, rubbing on my and slowly taking your close of.”I had not even finished when Jessica started to walk toward me dancing. I pushed the chair I was in back from the table so she would have room to dance. When she reached me the first thing she did was turn around ass facing me and bend down far enough to cause her skirt to ride up showing me her little white bikini styled panties. She kept her legs straight and arched her back, sticking her ass out as far and high into the air as she could, then looked back at me. “Spank me” she asked.I brought my hand down hard on her right ass cheek, almost closer to the side of her leg. She let out a scream and then wiggled her ass a little before bending her knees and bringing her as down in my lap. Her as landed so that my penis was nestled between her tight ass. Then she started to shift her hips sliding from one leg to the other causing my dick to rub around between her ass. Then she sat down putting her full weight on me and leaning back to press my chest and her back together. Jessica put one leg on each side of me while still sitting in my lap, she leaned forward putting her warm pussy right over my dick, only her panties and my gym shorts separated my dick from her whole. She then started to lift her as up and push it into my lower abdomen and stomach. Jessica slowly brought her ass higher until she reached my torso, continuing to push into me and shake up and down. Her ass would occasionally brake from her up and down pattern and switch to a circular shake.“Ow god, this is the best birthday present ever.” I told her ankara escort as she smiled at me and turned around and sat in my lap. This time she sat backwards in the chair so her pussy was pressed against my lower abdomen and her tits were in my face. I could barely take it, the combination of the blunts and her rubbing around on top of me made my cock feel so good it almost hurt.Then she surprised me, she grabbed my chin making me look up and started to make out with me. Grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it over my head, then got of the chairs and down on her knee’s. My shorts were loose and came right off as soon as she tugged at them. My penis was so hard from the lap dance that it was pointed strait up and even kind of hurt. Like when you have a toothache and your jaw is to swollen. Without me asking she put my rod in her mouth and started to bob her head up and down, swirling her tongue around the tip.I almost came right away it felt so good, I grabbed her hair by the back of the head and pulled her of my dick. I told her to like it slowly from the base to the tip of the dick, and to massage my balls. If she kept sucking my dick like that I would have gone off to soon. I let her lick me like this for about 2 or 3 minutes before I led her to the couch and told her to lay down. I pulled off her panties and I stuck my head between her legs and started eating her out, sticking my pointer finger in after a minute to play with her clit. Her pussy was so tight it was unbelievable, when she started to cum and clamped down on my finger I thought I might lose it. I pulled my head and finger away from her pussy and looked at her face; her eyes were still rolled into the back of her head from her orgasm. I decided to shove my dick in her before she could recover; from where I was I stuck my cock in and started to pump. I was already so hard from the dance that it was only a few minutes before I came. After I came I laid down on top of her with her legs around me and my dick still inside her, we laid there making out for almost 15 minutes. Finally I stood up got some paper towels to clean us up and sat next to her, neither of us bothering to put our close on. “I can’t believe we just did that.” She said, the look of pleasure she had during her orgasm replaced with guilt. “Before you were making me, but this time it was my choice.”I got my close on and walked out of the room, coming back with a box wrapped in red paper. Jessica opened it and found the tapes, I told her that I still had them on the laptop but she could delete them if they want to. Then I told her I would never tell anyone about any of this. Then she just got up and left.

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