Ay: Haziran 2020


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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Donup kalmıştım… Yüzüne bakıyordum ancak ifadesini hiçbir şekilde değiştirmemişti. Birkaç saniye daha baktıktan sonra “Bunu düşün, anne…” dedi ve odadan ayrıldı. Düşünüp duruyordum, olduğum yerde donmuştum. Hareket etmem birkaç dakikayı bulmuştu.
Sandalyeden kalkıp birkaç adım attım. Bu hayatımda duyduğum en rezil şey olabilirdi. Yardım etmek istediğini anlıyordum. Ancak nasıl kendi oğlumla yatacak ve ondan bir çocuk sahibi olacaktım ki… Delirmiş olmalıydı. Söylediklerine kendinin bile inandığını düşünmüyordum. Hep deli bir tarafı vardı ancak bu gerçekten çok fazlaydı. En azından öyle olmalıydı. Kötü niyetle yapmadığını düşünmek ise, aklımın çok daha korkunç düşünceler içine girmesine sebebiyet veriyordu. Gerçekten ortada bir sorun vardı ve oğlum bir çözüm sunuyordu. Bana, annesine yatma teklif etmişti. Çözüm olarak bunu bulmuştu. Buna inanamıyordum.
Çoğu zaman tek başıma ona bakmış, onu büyütmüştüm. Bir kaptan ile evlenmiş, yapabileceğim en iyi şeyi yapmıştım. Aynı zamanda çalışıyordum da, ancak babasının bize sağladığı imkanlar sayesinde asla sıkıntı çekmemesini sağlamıştım. Çok güzel bir yaşamı olsun diye çok uğraşmıştım. Nerede yanlış yapmış olabilirdim ki? Eşimin sperm sayılarının düşük olduğunu öğrendiğimiz zaman doktorda o kadar üzülmüştüm ki… Ancak daha sonra bir mucize olmuştu. 1 yıl boyunca denememizin ardından o mucize ayağıma kadar gelmişti. Oğlumun olacağını öğrendiğim gün o kadar iyi hissediyordum ki… Bundan tam 18 yıl önceydi. Zaman gerçekten çok hızlı geçiyordu. 38 yaşında, çoğu zaman yanlış başına çocuğunu büyütmüş bir anne olarak ise 2. çocuğumun olacağını öğrendiğim zaman benzer bir mutluluk yaşamıştım. Ancak daha sonra yaptığım aptallık nelere mal olacak, bunları başıma nasıl getirecek diye sadece izledim. Lanet olsun… Nasıl bu kadar aptal olabilirdim ki… Artık tek benim değil, aynı zamanda eşimin ve çocuğumun hayali de olmuştu, karnımda aslında hiç var olmamış olan ikinci çocuğum…
Sonraki yarım saati ne kadar berbat bir anne olduğum ve eşime aslında hamile olmadığımı nasıl anlatacağımı düşünerek geçirdim. Zaman gerçekten bilmek bilmiyordu, bir oraya, bir buraya yürüyüp duruyor ve sadece düşünüyordum. Gerçekten çıkmaz bir sokağa girmiş durumdayım. Ona, bunu nasıl anlatacağımı, yanıldığımı nasıl söyleyeceğimi düşünüyordum. Gerçekten büyük bir hayal kırıklığına uğrayacaktı. Her zaman bir ölümden bahsederdi, aniden gelebilir buna hazırlıklı ol derdi. Görevimden kaynaklı derdi. Ancak bu sefer yapmamıştı, bunu Barkın da görmüştü. Bunu anlayabiliyordum. Bu kadar endişelenmesi de aslında tam olarak bu yüzdendi belki de.
“Bunu düşün anne…” demişti Barkın. Ne kadar da çirkin… Ne kadar da yanlış… Maalesef bunu düşünmüştüm: Oğlum için böylesine iğrenç bir düşünceye sahip olmak ne kadar yanlıştı.
Düşüncelere dalmışken Barkın mutfağa geldi. Kola almak için buzdolabına gitti, kolayı açıp bardağa doldururken ona bakıyordum. Bana bakmıyordu. Ne kadar kızgın olduğumu bilmesini istiyordum, hayır sadece kızgın değildim… Şaşkın ve kızgındım. Aynı zamanda hayal kırıklığına uğramıştım. Bütün bu karmaşık duyguları aynı anda yaşamanın ne demek olduğunu ona nasıl anlatabilirdim bilemiyordum. Kendim bile bunu tam olarak anlayamamıştım gerçi, zaman geçmek bilmiyordu. Ve ne yazık ki, kendimi o düşünceden de alıkoyamadım. Bunu da kendime itiraf etmek bir o kadar zor ve mide bulandırıcıydı. Bunun da farkındaydım.
Kolasından bir yudum aldıktan sonra bana baktı. Gözlerimi ondan kaçırıp mutfak tezgahına yöneldim. Bezi elime aldım ve silmeye başladım. Öylesine bir işle oyalanıyor gibi gözükmek istemiştim sadece.
“Biliyorsun anne, fazla zamanımız yok…” dedi kısık bir ses tonuyla.
“Ne için?” diye sordum. Düşüncesinden vazgeçmediğini anlamıştım ancak yine de anlamadığımı göstermek istiyordum, belki vazgeçerdi. Ben bu konuda geri adım atamazdım ama.
“Senin dönemin için anne. Ne zaman yumurtalarının buna hazır olduğunu bilmiyoruz. Ayrıca çok geç de kalamayız yoksa herkese çok garip durumu açıklamak zorunda kalırız. Erken hamileliği açıklayabiliriz ancak gereğinden geç, hem de birkaç hafta geç hamileliği nasıl açıklarız? Zamanımız tükeniyor…” dedi.
“Tartışmaya kapalı bu konu genç adam, bu tamamen saçmalık. Bunu sen de biliyorsun.” dedim. Ses tonum kararlı ve kızgın olmalıydı, ancak ne kadar etkili olduğunu o an kestiremedim.
“Yumurtlama dönemin ne zaman? En azından bunu söyle. Bu ailenin bir üyesiyim öyle değil mi? Bunu bilmeye hakkım var bence…” dedi arsızca. İnanmakta güçlük çekiyordum, kesinlikle geri çekilmeye niyeti yoktu. Ancak onun ergen tavırlarından oldukça rahatsız olmaya başlamıştım ve tavrımı net olarak ortaya koymam gerekiyordu artık. Anlamalıydı…
“Tartışma BİTMİŞTİR!” dedim bağırarak, ses tonum birden yükselmiş ve o bile irkilmişti. Elindeki kola az daha dökülecekti. Aslında şaşırmıştım, ben bile bu kadar bağıracağımı düşünmüyordum.
“Hamile kalmak istiyorsun değil mi anne?” diye sordu.
“Mesele bu değil. Hamile olacaksam bile bu babanla, benim aramda olması gereken düzgün bir konu. Başka saçma sapan ve çılgın yollar ile değil…” dedim. Sesim azalmıştı, ona karşı kırıcı olmak da istemiyordum ancak gerçekten aklımı karıştıracak cümleler kurmayı başarıyordu.
“Ne yani…” dedi kaşlarını kaldırarak, “Babamın güvende olması, eve dönmesini sağlamak istemem… Onu mutlu etmek istemem mi çılgınca? Bu mu saçma? Onu onurlandırmak istemiyor musun? Yoksa kendisini yetersiz hissettirmek daha mı akıllıca olur?”
“Bu kadar kirli düşüncelerin olduğunu bilseydi eğer gurur duyacağını hiç sanmıyorum.” diye karşılık verdim.
“Bunda kirli ne var? Babam hep sızlandığım zaman bir işi bitirmemi söylemiyor mu? Sen ise bir işi nasıl bitireceğine odaklanmış durumdasın, sonuca değil. Ben bunu bitireceğimi ve çözeceğimi söylüyorum, sen nasıllar ile boğuşurken ben sana burada kalıcı ve mantıklı bir çözüm sunuyorum.” dedi. Gözlerine baktım. Söylediklerine gerçekten inanıyor ve onları canla başla savunuyordu. Hayret vericiydi gerçekten de.
“Hayır… Hayır. Bu çok farklı. Ne dediğinin farkında bile değilsin. Annenle yatmak istediğinin farkında mısın? Bunun ne kadar ürkünç olduğunun farkında mısın?” diye sordum, gözlerine bakıyordum. Farkındaydı ve bundan rahatsızlık duymadığı da ortadaydı.
“Bak ben seninle yatmak istemiyorum, biz çocuk yapacağız. Bu çok farklı. Bir amaca hizmet ediyor, bunu yapış şeklimiz ise elimizdeki tek çözüm. Bu, olabilecek tek çözüm. Bunu sen de biliyorsun anne.” dedi.
Başka yolu olmadığını biliyordum. Ama ben de biliyordum bu şekilde de doğru değildi. Olamazdı… “Daha fazla konuşmayacağım.”
“O zaman babam bilecek…” dedi, gözlerimin tam içine bakarak.
Şaşkın bir şekilde, “Neyi?” diye sordum.
“Hamile olmadığını tabi ki… Testi nasıl yanlış okuduğunu söyleyeceğim. Merak etme ona açıklama yapmana bile gerek kalmaz. Tüm durumu ben açıklarım. Aynı zamanda 2 hafta boyunca ona nasıl yalan söylediğini, bu konuda ne kadar istikrarlı olduğunu da anlatacağım. Biliyorsun, babam yalanlara bayılır. Büyük ihtimalle de aranızdaki ilişki hiç olmadığı kadar iyi olacak ve eve dönmek için sabırsızlanacak. Değil mi?” dedi. Gözlerindeki o arsızlık, o ahlaksızlık… İnanamıyordum. Bu çocuğa ne olmuştu böyle?
Hıçkırarak ağlamaya başladım. Sandalyeme oturup başımı masaya koydum ve gözlerimi kapattım… Ağlamam durmuyordu. Ne kadar berbat bir insan olduğumu fark etmemi istiyordu ve istediğine de ulaşmıştı. Berbat bir insandım ve bunun da gayet farkındaydım.
“Anne, koyvermek için doğru zaman değil…” dedi.
Bu aynı eşimin söyleyeceği türden bir laftı. Kaptanlık hayatında çok zorluklar ile karşılaşmış ve sonucunda yılmamıştı. Bu, onun kariyerinden edindiği derslerden biriydi.
“Bunu başarabiliriz, babamın dediği gibi, her seferinde bir adım.”
Başımı kaldırıp, ona baktım. Çaresiz durumda hissettirmeyi başarmıştı bana. Belki de baştan beri bunu hedeflemişti. Bilemiyorum. Kendimi berbat hissediyordum…

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Annem (5)

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Annem (5)
Sabah kalktım,günlerden salıydı saat 8 gibi kalktım kahvaltımı ettim,Annem;Oğlum ben bugün öğlenden sonra Burcu ablanlara gidicem haberin olsun anahtarını yanına al.-Tamam anne dedim.Sanırım telefondaki muhabbeti konuşucaklardı.Okula gittim,onurun yanına oturdum.Sohbet felan ettik,-Onur;Kanka bugün okuldan sonra size gelebilirmiyim,oyun felan atarız takılırız çok canım sıkılıyor zaten.-İyi gel kanka zaten ev boş takılırız dedim.-O iyimiş kanka gökçe abla nerde ? –Alt mahallede burcu ablalara gitti tanırsın ya ? –Evet evet oda çok güzel bir kadın tanıdım,çıkışta gideriz o zaman kanka .-Tamam kanka.Çıkışta eve gitmek üzere yola çıktık,giderken sohbet felan Onur;Kanka çok azdım valla bi eve gidelim 31 çekicem.-Tamam kanka çekersin dedim.Eve gittik,ben odama geçtim bilgisayarı felan açtık face’de takılırken,-Onur;kanka açta bi porno izleyelim.-Tamam kanka açtım,dedim açtım.Bir porno sitesine girdik.Kategorilerde mom,amötör,mature,asian v.b’ler vardı.-Onur;Kanka şu mom’a tıklasana.-Tamam kanka dedim.Bende ilk defa giriyordum bu bölüme hep normal google yazardım porno diye çıkanları izlerdim.Videolara baktığımda hep olgun kadın genç oğlanlar vardı.Onur 3-4 dakika izledikten sonra,-Onur;Kanka ben bi lavoboya gideyim.-Tamam git dedim.Aradan 5-6 dakika geçti onur hala yoktu.Lavoboya gittim ışıklar kapalıydı yine düşündüğüm şeyi mi yapıyordu acaba önceden bir kez yakalamıştım çünkü onu yatak odasına girdim gördüğüm yine aynıydı ,onur almış annemin beyaz dantelli tangasını 31 çekiyordu hiç gözükmeden odama gittim,2 dakika sonra geldi,hiç sesimi çıkarmadım yatağıma gitti uzandı.Saat 4.30 gibi olmuştu kapı çaldı gelen annemdi.Annemin altında bir kilot izini belli eden picama altı vardı.Annem bize selam verip onura hoş geldin dedikten sonra içeri girdi.Onur birden annemi görünce toplarlanmıştı.Biz bilgisayar oynamaya devam ediyorduk,onurun telefonu çaldı..-Onur:Kanka benim gitmem gerek babam çağırıyor.Tamam kanka git sen.Onur gittikten sonra ben annemin yanına gideyim bi bakayım napıyor.-Annem:Oğlum hafta sonu burcu ablanlarla beraber yola çıkıcaz denize gidicez haberin olsun.-Ben tamam dedim fakat içimde fırtınalar kopuyordu.Çok mutluydum.Günler hızla geçiyordu,Cuma günü erkenden yola çıkacaktık,gideceğimiz yer Balıkesir Sarımsaklıydı,yaklaşık arabayla 6 saat sürecekti.Cuma günü geldi çattı saat 07:30 civarıydı,burcu ablalar telefonla arayıp biz hazırız size geliyoruz dediler.(Tatile bizim arabayla gidicez.)Malum yolculuk 6 saat’e yakın süreceği için herkes rahat giyinmişti.Annem altında siyah kısa dizlerine kadar etek çıplak bacak üstünde kısa bir dekolteli bir t-shirt,Burcu ablamda mavi tayt altındaki tangasıyla çok belli oluyordu üstünde kapalı bir t-shirt vardı.Arabaya eşyaları yükledik.Burcu ablanın kocası babamın yanına ön koltuğu oturdu oğlunuda yanına aldı.Ben arkada annem burcu ablayla baş başa kalmıştık.Yola çıkmıştık,aradan 2 saat civarı geçti annemler bi benzinlikte durmasını istedi babamın,durduk annem ve burcu abla doğru lavoboya gittiler,benimde çok tuvaletim geldi bende gittim.Tuvalete girdim işimi görüyordum,annem ve burcu ablanın konuşma sesleri geliyor..Burcu abla:Aşkım senin adet gününe ne kadar var ? Annem:15 gün var daha bebeğim,Senin ? –Burcu abla :Benimde 17 gün var daha,çok iyi rahat rahat kocalarımızı eskitiriz(Böyle konuşurken bi kahkaha patlattı burcu abla) –Annem:Hiç sanmıyorum benim kocamdan.-Burcu abla:Olur olur takma kafana.Konuşma kesilmişti ben duyduklarıma inanamamıştım.Burcu ablam gerçekten de çok azgın bir kadın.Yeniden yola koyulmuştuk,ben gözlerimi yol boyunca annemin süt gibi bembeyaz bacaklarından ayıramıyordum.Aradan 4-5 saat geçti ve gideceğimiz tatil yerine sarımsaklıya varmıştık,ve ev aramaya başladık.En sonunda 3 katlı dublex bir yazlık müstakil bir ev bulmuştuk.Eşyaları taşıdıktan sonra iyice eve yerleştik. Saat öğlenden sonra 3 civarıydı.Annem ve burcu ablam denize girmek istediler ancak babam ve burcu ablanın kocası siz gidin biz mangalı ayarlayalım yanınızda erkek olarak ali ve olcay gelsin.(Olcak burcu ablanın oğlu ufak olduğu için çoğu şeyi anlamıyordu)Annemler tamam deyip yukarı bikinilerini giymeyi çıktılar.Bende banyoya girip denizlik giysilerimi giydim.Salona çıktım aradan 5-6 dk geçti annemler bikinilerini giymişler çok seksi gözüküyorlardı.Annemin resmen göğüsleri patlıcak gibi duruyordu bembeyaz,aynı şekilde burcu ablamda öyle.Evden çıktı plaja doğru yürüyorduk.Plaj 50 metre uzaklıktaydı,şezlonglara vardık,annem ve burcu ablam hemen üstlerindeki giysileri çıkardılar bikinileriyle kalmışlardı.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Night at the Lounge

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Night at the LoungeEcho got out of the metallic silver 2015 VW Beetle. Their black heels clicked against the asphalt of the parking lot as they sashayed. A couple of onlookers catcalled as they too the stroll into the adult novelties store. Echo had on a gray shin-length wool & polyester coat – belted at the waist. The two guys smoking cigarillos admired Echo’s silhouette. “There she go, mane,” remarked the guy who was sumo-esque and of warm, tawny complexion.“Yeah! She bad,” the one that was sinewy, medium-height, wore vintage browline-frame glasses, and had a line-up with waves.“I like that juicy white ass!”“Hell yeah! She was throwin’ it back last week. And look at them fishnets pokin’ out!”“I know. I’ma head in in a few.”“Me too! I’ma finish this smoke first.”Echo entered the establishment and told the clerk that they wanted to get into the lounge. They paid the membership fee and were buzzed through the door to the expansive area that included a maze, several gloryholes, and private booths. They switched along the maze smiling at various men, trannies, sissies, boy toys, and cubs. They made no serious eye contact. Echo found an empty room and went inside.A towering man began wrapping up a call with his wife. He stepped out of his blueish-gray 2016 Chevy Tahoe. “Alright, Cal just pulled up. I’ll be home in a couple hours.”“Okay. If you drink too much, don’t drive. Just hail a ride,” the lady warned him.“I won’t,” he sneered. “Bye!”The brown-skinned man with two grown daughters walked briskly inside. He asked for admission and handed the employee cash. He went inside and looked around for the big booty crossdresser.“Hey, handsome,” Echo called out from the distance standing in a doorway.He sped up and followed them into the room. He shut the door and locked it behind them. “So, we meet again,” he grinned.“Yes, sir,” smiled the six-foot, blue-eyed, gender bender with onyx hair. “Like four weeks in a row now.”“Yeah! You got that come back sissy pussy.” He invaded their personal space and pinned them against the wall.“I’m glad! I really like it with you.”“Good. I’m fine with you fucking others as long as I get first dibs.”“I remember,” Echo winked.“Well, zonguldak escort what are you waiting for?”Echo took the hint and undid the man’s pants. They had no idea what his name was or how old he happened to be. All they knew was that he was married which was only due to the large, yellow gold band with a diamond groove on his ring finger. The lounge had a reputation for being ultra discreet. Echo and the other patrons relished the relative anonymity it provided in Lansing for people like them. They took out the married man’s still, long 9-inch dick. They stroked it and fell to their knees.“Oh yeah, baby,” he moaned. “That head feels real good! Ah shit! Bend on over and let Daddy fuck you!”Echo stood up and bent over the chair. The man slapped their 38-inch, smooth, round, spongy. It jiggled. He fingered the tight anus and got it ready for entry. Then, he pushed inside. “Mmhmm,” he groaned.“Mmm,” they purred.“Un-uh. Hold that pussy still!”“Ahhhh!”“Mmhmm! Bring that pussy back here,” he slid the white g-string to the side.“Mmm!”“Just like that! Just like that,” he approved.“Ohhhh!”“Take that big dick! Yeah! Take that big dick!”“Uh…uh…uh!”“Mmhmm! Mmhmm,” he savored it spanking the pliable lily white cheeks.“Mmm,” cooed Echo.“Oh yeah! Look at that good sissy pussy take that dick!”“Uh, uh, uh, uh,” they whined as they felt his giant rod impale their pink hole.“That’s it! Mmhmm! You like getting fucked don’t you?”“Yeah!”“That dick feel good in that pussy?”“Uh huh!”He pounded harder. “You like the way Daddy fuck that ass?”“Mmhmm,” moaned the queer bottom.“That good sissy pussy!”“Owwwww!”“Love this fat ass!” He pulled out and shot his load on the ample backside. “Next week,” he asked.“Sure thing,” Echo replied.“I’m first. Remember!”He left.Echo cleaned up with a few wet wipes and got ready for the next encounter.As they sucked an athletic white guy’s 7-inch tool, they could hear some rowdiness in the next booth.“Fuck me, nigga,” cried out the bottom.“Yeah, faggit! Get this dick, bitch!”“Yes, sir!”The jock fucked Echo’s mouth and unloaded down their throat. They opened wide and showed that every morsel was gone.“Good, girl,” the frat escort zonguldak boy type said pulling up his jeans. He turned and walked away.The sumo looking guy from outside knocked on the door. “You wanna suck on this?” He wagged his flaccid member.“Of course,” smirked Echo.The big dude came inside and was followed by his less imposing, but handsome friend.Echo took a dick in each hand. They jerked one while sucking the other. The larger man’s endowment grew to 7¼ thick inches. The nerdy one was blessed with an 8-incher.“Ah shit, gurl,” the slender one howled.“Yeah, bo! This bitch got good head,” concurred the heavy fellow.“You guys wanna fuck,” Echo quizzed.“Hell yeah! Bend over,” the big dude commanded.Echo assumed the position. As they were already opened up, his meat entered relatively easily. “Mmmmmm!”“Yeah, bitch! Yo’ ass is just like pussy!”“Uh huh!”“Throw it back!”“Mmm!”“You got a sexy fat ass, gurl! Damn!”“Ahhh!”“You gonna make me nut,” he barked as he accidentally ripped a part of the stockings.The massive man jerked off on Echo’s ass as he roared.“My turn,” announced the second man.“Mmhmm,” Echo smiled.The sepia-skinned man angled his hard-on towards the wagging, quivering pussy booty. “Ah fuck!”“Mmm,” whirred Echo.“Dammit, gurl! This ass is 100% pussy!”“Uh huh! Ohhhh!”“Look at this big Black muthafucka going in and outta your white ass!”He smacked their derriere. He thundered vigorously. “Ahhhhh! Owwww,” squealed the sizable sissy sub.“Fuck yeah! Take this dick,” the brotha demanded as he tore another, bigger hole in the same stocking.“Mmm!”“Dammit! I’ma cum!”“Mmhmm! Uh huh! Mmhmm!”“Ahhhhhhh fuck!”The guy nearly collapsed on them! “Got damn,” he scowled as he backed out of the booth while bringing up his urban jeans.Echo freshened up once again. They decided to walk the hallway briefly.A slightly shorter, well-built dude with a dark brown buzz cut said, “Nice ass!”“Thank you,” Echo winked then used their forefinger to gesture for him to follow.Echo had a substantial build and typically the guys that hit on them were taller and bigger. But at the lounge, the admirers were a bit more diverse. They were used to Black men and zonguldak escort bayan their BBCs being attracted to their generous fanny. Not that white guys weren’t. It just seemed that even though Lansing was barely 9% Black it had its fair share of men that wanted tranny ass. And, with 42,000 Black residents there was enough to go around.In the booth, Echo shut the door.“You look great,” the clean cut steady-eyed man shared as he grabbed their ass with both hands.“Oh my,” they mused as blood rushed through their veins.He leaned into Echo. “You smell amazing! I want this ass!”“Not that it matters,” Echo considered.“What,” the guy asked.“You’re a little more direct than a lota white guys…”“That’s cause I’m not white,” he offered matter-of-factly.“Huh,” Echo’s face was contorted.“I’m Kurdish. Sure we’re Caucasian, but white is an American thing. Does it really matter right now?”“No, sir,” the still horny fag shook their head.“Then pull out my dick,” he ordered.Echo took it out. It was bulky and 7¾-inches. “Oh my god!”“You like that?”“Hell yes!”“Show me!”Echo took it in their mouth. They bobbed back and forth while massaging the low hanging hairy balls.The dude grabbed their dark hair and forced them down. The feeling of the back of their throat as they gagged caused him to tense. “Oh yeah! I’m ready to fuck you!”Echo moved against the wall and spread their legs. The Middle Easterner moved behind them. He entered the asspussy.“Ooh wee,” Echo winced. “It’s so thick!”“Yeah, sissy! It’s fat. Just like that ass,” he spanked it.“Mmmm! Ahhh! Mmm!”“Oh yeah! Throw it back!”“Mmhmm! Mmhmm!”“This ass is good!”“Uh, uh, uh!”Echo’s nice, juicy rump quaked each time their thrusts met one another.“Oh yeah, gurl! I’m gonna need this boipussy again,” he confessed.“Mmm!”“Shhhhhhiiiiiiitttttt!”The guy came hard. He fixed his clothing and said, “Lock me in. I’m Bobby.”“Bobby? That’s a Kurdish name?”“Nah. It’s just what I go by. Call me tomorrow. I’m free. I live alone.”“Okay!”“I’m serious. I wanna fuck you in my bed!”“I promise I’ll call you,” Echo batted their eyes.“You better.”Echo watched him disappear into the darkness. It was now well after 3:00 a.m. They began to collect their belongings to go home and jerk off their little sissy cock.In the parking lot, U.S. Army SGT Baban Hawar started his royal blue 2014 Ford Mustang GT. The engine growled. The military recruiter peeled out satisfied he’d just made a new sissy friend.

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*TRUE STORY* Almost Caught in Public

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*TRUE STORY* Almost Caught in Public**This is a true story of a little outdoor crossdressing and masturbation I did last week.**I pulled on my black thong and slid it slowly up my legs until it wedged between my chubby ass cheeks and concealed my tiny 2 inch cock and balls perfectly. Then I put my leopard print bra on over my chubby chest, it felt like I had nice perky little titties. The black tights followed, slowly pulling them on, marvelling as they tightly hugged my body. A beige bodycon turtleneck dress completed the outfit, along with some black flat ballet shoes. I pulled on my new blonde wig for the first time and marvelled at how the long hair whipped and flowed as I moved my head. As it was really cold I didn’t bother with makeup, instead wearing a pink scarf over my face to keep warm. I pulled on a light beige raincoat and then excitedly got into the car. After around 20 minutes I reached the university and it had already gotten dark. The streetlights were on in the university car park. I put a white bobbly hat on over my wig and then got out of the car. I walked quickly in the chilly evening through the university campus, a few cars drove past and a few students walked by. I eventually made it to the main green of the university and followed the path around it. I was having a great time being back on campus dressed up en femme again. I continued along the path and then down by the tekirdağ escort bayan library. Two girls passed me by, talking loudly about something or other. I continued on around the corner and up the steps, into the main concourse. I went straight through to the far side of the building and into the ladies bathroom, which was empty. I took a few selfies in the mirror and then left. I went down the stairs and back outside. I headed down by the river and followed the path along. It was very dark, just the light of the car park casting shadows through the trees. I got to the end of the path before it turned and headed to campus. I waited there on the corner and decided to stroke my little penis a small bit. I put my hand up my short dress and felt my crotch beneath the tights. Then I opened my coat and pulled out my tiny 2 inch cock and started stroking it with my thumb and index finger. It remained soft but I was still aroused and excited. I looked around, no one was coming. I continued to stroke for a few minutes and felt like I was close to cumming. Then I heard a noise, there was a jogger coming in my direction. I put my cock back inside my tights and closed up my jacket, walking casually along the river path, waiting for the jogger to pass by. I stopped after a moment and stood behind a tree, looking up at the campus buildings and the car park. I opened my coat again and escort tekirdağ pulled out my tiny cock. After a moment of stroking it, I counted slowly to 10, then pulled down my tights until my ass cheeks were bare. I counted slowly to 10 again while stroking my soft 2 inch cock, then pulled the tights down to my mid-thighs and pulled my thong down to meet them. The thin fabric pulled gently on my ass cheeks as they slid down. Then I jerked off a bit more, looking around to see if anyone was coming. I thought of pulling one leg out of my tights and had just reached down to do so when I saw another jogger coming my way, around 15 metres away. I quickly pulled up my thong and tights and closed over my jacket, walking away. I headed up a bit into the grassy part which separated the river path from the campus. I turned around, the jogger was walking slowly past me on the path. I kept walking towards the campus and then looped around back onto the river path. There was a fence which separated the campus from the boat club. I found a little gap in the fence and went through. I thought it could be fun to jerk off here, maybe even strip down. Then I realised anyone who was on the path could see me if they went by, and 2 joggers had already passed me. So I went back to where I was previously, behind the tree. I pulled my tights and thong down to mid-thigh level again and jerked that tiny pathetic tekirdağ escort 2 inch soft cock some more. After a few minutes I decided I would take one leg out of the tights. I took off my right shoe and while jerking I counted to 10. Then I reached down and pulled the tight leg down past my foot, leaving my leg bare. I continued to jerk again for a bit, then decided it could be fun to pull one of my legs out of my thong. So I counted to 10 again, and when I hadn’t ejaculated after the 10 count, I quickly slipped the thong down and past my right ankle. I had intended to keep going until the tights and thong were fully removed, and then I would start on the other items of clothing. That was not necessary though, as after a few moments of jerking off in the cold air my tiny soft 2 inch cock decided to squirt my pathetic tranny juice. I heard the splashing sound on the grass as my load sprayed out. I stood there for a moment with my tiny cock in my hand, one bare leg and foot, dressed en femme in a dress and wig, on the river path of the university campus. Then after catching my breath I tried to pull up my tights. I struggled to get my foot into the tights leg, then I realised it had been pulled inside out. I eventually managed to get it back on again and I slipped on my shoe. I then looked up and noticed that a car had its lights on and was waiting to drive off. Its rear was facing me, so it was unclear whether the driver could see me or not. Maybe they had seen my little cum show, who knows. I began to walk back down the dark river path towards my car, and the car drove along the road beside it, eventually they exited and I got back to my car.

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So horny after gay orgy

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So horny after gay orgyThere I was in a room full of guys just taking turns fucking this gay slut in this beat down motel room. Not sure if the guys in the room were actually gay or if they were like me. I wouldn’t exactly call myself gay, but I love fucking a hot tight ass. And nothing was more hot to me than shoving my cock in another guy’s asshole. There were about 5 guys in there, me included. We all took turns getting our cocks sucked, also taking turns fucking that now loose and stretched out asshole. No condoms were allowed as we all fucked that ass raw. Some guys really taking the time to enjoy fucking that ass, others pounding it as hard as they can. The room was full of hot moans as we all had our hot gay gangbang. All the guys in the room standing around stroking their hard cocks while the slut was getting fucked, a smile on their face, anxiously waiting to get back into that ass. It must’ve gone on for more than an hour before it was time to finish it up. We had the slut laying on the bed, legs wide open and up in the air, waiting for more cock. We all made a line and got ready to fill him up. One by one, cocks slid in that ass, pounding it hard and then coming deep in that ass. I was near the end of the line, but I watched as the guys ahead of me repeatedly fucked him. He was such a dirty talking slut, kissing them and telling them to cum in his ass. I watched all those throbbing cocks fill him up so full. Cum was dripping out of his full hole. It was finally my turn. The guy in front of me pulled out his cock, fully covered in cum as he moved away. I stepped up and looked at the gay slut as he begged me to cum in him. “Fuck my ass, give me that cum babe.” he said. I grabbed my cock and slid it right in his ass. It was lubed up so well with so much cum, I slid right in and my cock too was immediately covered in all that cum that had been previously dumped in his ass. I started pounding him as he grabbed my face and pulled me into him. Face sivas escort to face and looking into eachother’s eyes. “Fuck me… cum in pussy…. cum in my gay pussy.” he said. making me kiss him as I fucked his hole. “Fuck.. im cumming!” I said, closing my eyes as we continued to kiss. My cock now pumping cum uncontrollably in his ass. “yes! yes babe! in my pussy! cum in my pussy! mmhm!!” he moaned. I let my cock rest all the way balls deep against his ass as I opened my eyes and watched him, breathing heavy as he received my load. A smile on his face as we gave eachother one more kiss before I pulled out. “Thank you.” He said as I moved aside and the last guy after me got in him and pretty much did the same thing. After everyone came we all got dressed and went our ways. One by one the guys left the room. The slut said bye to everyone and went ahead into the shower. I got out to my car amazed. It was crazy how hot this was. My mind still thinking about that ass. I stood there and reached for my keys, nothing. Dang it, I had left them in the room, probably fell out when I was taking off my pants. I went back to the room, hoping it wasn’t locked yet. I swung the door open, the sound of the shower still running, I looked around and found my keys next to the bed, someone probably picked it up and put it there. As I grabbed it I figured id take another look at that hot gay slut. I went over and looked into the bathroom. There he was. Washing his body in the shower. He was so fucking hot I couldn’t help but get hard again. I suddenly wanted to fuck him again. Without much thought I started to take my clothes off and before you know it I was making my way to join him in the shower. Walking over stroking my cock. I’m assuming he saw me watching him as when I got there he slid open the shower door and smiled at me. “Hi there.” he said smiling. “I forgot my keys.” I said smiling back. “Did you? Then why are you naked? and hard?” He replied. I hesitated, escort sivas he was teasing me so bad and making me so horny. “Suck my cock?” I said. He nodded and I got into the shower with him. Both of us making out as our hands ran all over eachother. My hands feeling his round smooth ass again as I squeezed. Water running down both of our bodies. He slid his tongue in my mouth and I rolled mine over his as we sucked and licked eachother’s lips. “You came back to fuck my ass again?” he said. “mmhm…. I did. ” I replied. He got on his knees smiling as he took my cock in his mouth. Looking up at me the whole time while sucking my cock so good. I was leaking with precum as I moaned watching him. After a quick tease with his mouth he got up and kissed me again, his tongue once again sliding in my mouth. “Your cock tastes so good.” he said as we kissed. his hand holding onto my cock, stroking and squeezing it as we stood there under the water. He turned around, without saying a word, looking at me, telling me with his eyes, “Fuck my ass.” I grabbed my cock and slid it up and down between his wet ass cheeks, the head of my cock teasing his asshole. Moaning and looking at his amazing wet ass. My hand sliding all over his round ass as I grabbed my cock in my hand and thrusted into him. His face changed from smiling to showing signs of pain as he felt me entering him. His ass was as tight as ever again , it was amazing. After taking so many cocks not too long ago and now it felt like a brand new pussy. I slid my cock about halfway in him as he let out a moan. I leaned into him giving him a kiss on the neck and cheek as I asked him, “Does it hurt?” he took a breath and replied, “Fuck…. keep going.” I did as he said and went in deeper, thrusting and making my way in him until I was balls deep in that ass. Resting again and both of us kissing while looking at eachother, “Fuck me… fuck my ass.” I started fucking him, slamming into him from behind sivas escort bayan while holding onto him with both hands and soon his face went from feeling pain to having a satisfied smile. Expressing the pleasure he was now feeling with my cock fully fucking his asshole. It was amazing, my raw cock was back inside of his asshole and i was pounding away at him. My hands pushing on his back and grabbing his ass as I fucked him, looking down at him while he looked back at me. Our moans echoed in the shower as he stood up straighter and started kissing me. “Fuck my ass… fuck my gay ass… Are you going to cum in my ass again? fuck my ass and cum in me again.” I moaned yes as we continued to kiss and fuck. My hand went down to grabbing his cock and stroking him, making him moan. “Fuck yes… fuck my ass…” I was pounding him hard at this point, my wet body slamming into his and I could feel myself getting close to finishing. “Fuck yeah….. fuck yeah babe…. that ass is so good….. you’re going to make me cum. I’m going to cum babe.” Both of us closing our eyes and moaning , loud moaning now as I kissed and bit his neck. I froze, cock all the way inside of him as I started to pump cum inside of him again. Holding onto him, his body against mine as we stood there in the shower. “Fuck …..” I let out as he continued to moan for me. My cock throbbing hard inside of him as I pulled back slowly and cum came dripping out of him. I looked down at my cock and his sweet hole, strings of cum being washed down the back of his legs. He turned around and we made out the whole time as we helped wash eachother clean. After another 10 minutes or so in the shower we grabbed some towels and I ended up really leaving as he thanked me again and I left him in his room with nothing but a towel on. I got in my car tired and drained. He literally drained everything that I had and I could’ve just knocked out right then and there. But just as I was dozing off, my phone went off and I picked up. My gf was just calling to see where I was. I told her I was already on my way and that I love her as I hung up and started the car before leaving that hot piece of gay ass, hoping id be lucky enough to fuck him again.

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Home alone, with a HUGE black dildo

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Home alone, with a HUGE black dildoFriday late afternoon I came back home from office and found my sensual wife getting ready to go out. I asked her what we would celebrate tonight going outside to dinner; but Anita laughed loud and said she was dressing sexy for her Black Master, that nigger bastard called Jerome…He would pick up her to spend the rest of the night at his place.My sweet wife told me that I had some meal for dinner in the fridge.I stared at her; Ana was wearing a very tight short dress, with a low cut at one side, showing her toned long leg. A pair of stilettos completed her outfit and I was sure she had left her thong behind, since Jerome did not like to waste time in stripping her…As I was in the kitchen, a car’s horn sounded at the street and Ana kissed me goodbye from the front door. She warned me perhaps this time she would be back early during the night.I had dinner alone; then I poured a glass of Irish whisky and sat down to watch porn. The chosen movie showed some guys using toys to masturbate women. Huge toys, like those yozgat escort Anita used…As the movie ended, I found myself absolutely aroused; my cock was aching inside my trousers. I stripped off and caressed my hardened dick.Then I decided… why not?… to use in me any of Anita’s toys…Looking into her wardrobe, I found a very realistic ten inches’ rubber dick, black color and thick as my wrist, with all veins well marked. It looked like a real African huge cock. I had never seen my horny wife using this piece. Close to this huge toy, I found a lube jar.I went again to watch another porn movie about masturbation.Running the thought of my sensual wife’s ass being stretched by her bastard Black Master right now; I started stroking myself as I watched the movie. It nearly sent me to the edge…Before coming in my hand, I stopped and grabbed the black dildo.I also grabbed the video camera to record my hard anal popping. As I pressed record on, I covered the head of this massive black monster thing with lube, letting let it run down all round, escort yozgat making sure it was properly smeared and lubricated. I sat down onto the couch and held the dildo firmly by the base; I lifted my legs into the air while placing the thick cockhead against my very tight rear hole. My heart was pounding in excitement… My hands were shaking in anticipation. I had not even put this thing in my ass yet and it was making me so hard I could not stand it. I applied some gentle pressure and waited. Slowly I turned the dildo from side to side and slowly it went a little bit in inside of my ass. It was amazing. I gently continued to push it in and out; just about an inch, finding out that only the head of this fake cock would go in. But I insisted and continued doing this for about five more minutes.I thought I should maybe see if it would go further, so I applied more pressure where it seemed to stop, just gently. I was moaning a little at this point, not because it hurt but because I wanted it in so bad. I wanted to be filled with this yozgat escort bayan ten inches’ dick.My tight sphincter finally relented and the dildo slipped in. I cried in both pain and pleasure, as it went deeper and deeper. My rectum was now so full. I began sliding the dildo in and out.After five minutes doing the same, my eyes rolled back in my head. I looked down and saw my own cock was dripping pre cum.I could not take it anymore. I grabbed the shaft firmly and then I came, with some ropes of warm semen splashing all over my belly.I could not breathe as it was so mind blowing.I popped the dildo out of my fully stretched anus and I cleaned it up. Just then the front door opened and my sexy wife came in, followed by her Black Master.Anita froze on her steps as she saw me there, naked, some cum on belly, my hard dick leaking more cum and her huge black dildo shining with lubricant. She laughed, not believing her eyes…Jerome also laughed, asking me if the useless cuckold I was, still wanted a black cock up the ass; but a real huge black cock. I looked at him as he began to unzip his trousers.I then stared at Ana, who was still smiling at me and I turned over, getting on all fours onto the couch.I closed my eyes and braced myself, as I felt Jerome’s heavy hands grabbing my hips from behind…

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My little medicine

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My little medicineIt was early in the afternoon when I rolled up the driveway and parked the dented old rental in front of the garage. Ordinarily I wouldn’t be coming home at this hour, and this time it wasn’t exactly by choice either. Earlier today, while I was on my way to one of my clients, my brand-new 50,000 dollar piece-of-junk car had broken down. I had barely managed to steer my prized possession onto the shoulder of the road before its engine stalled with a big puff of smoke and an alarming number of blinking red lights lit up the dash.Not ready to be defeated by an inanimate piece of technology, I popped the hood and looked inside. Just a single glance at all the plastic under the hood made me instantly lose all hope. This wasn’t a motor; this abomination was the love-c***d of a computer and a kitchen blender. I wouldn’t even know where to start looking for the problem, let alone mend it. I really missed the old days, when you could fix any problem with the right tap of a hammer or turn of a screw. Instead of attempting to repair my car myself, I pulled out my phone and called for help. After a long wait by the side of the road, the towing service finally showed up and dropped me and my car off at the dealership.Half an hour later, I was sipping one of the worst cups of instant coffee in human history, while one of the mechanics hooked up his laptop to my car. I watched in disgust how his immaculately clean fingers started dancing on the keyboard as he investigated the problem. It didn’t take him long to find what he was looking for and then he informed me of what I already knew: my brand new car was in need of a lot of expensive and time-consuming repair. There were several parts that needed to be replaced and these had to be ordered first, so there was no way they could get it running again while I waited.The dealership kindly offered me a free rental, to use while they went about fixing my car over the next few days. The rental was a dented old wreck of a car, but it had a working engine, and that was more than I could say about mine. Though I didn’t like it, it was my only choice. As my day was ruined anyway, I decided to have my secretary reschedule the rest of the appointments and go home. I accepted the offer and then I hit the road in the rusty clunker. Two minutes into my way home, I discovered that the AC in the rental had ceased working and with outside temperatures creeping towards one hundred degrees, the heat quickly became uncomfortable, and then unbearable. The last fifteen minutes were pure torture.As I entered the home via the garage, it appeared there was nobody home. I yelled out to anyone upstairs, but I got no reaction. Maybe Charlotte was visiting her friends, or perhaps she was off on one of her shopping sprees. Who knows where the k**s might be. Figuring I was all alone, I went into the kitchen and thought about how I might spend this unforeseen free afternoon. I grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge and emptied it in one large swig. The fresh, ice-cold beer was just what I needed, and I was beginning to feel a bit like a human being again.I was thinking I’d first open another beer and take a cold shower, and then later I’d fire up the old grill in the backyard and roast the two trout I had caught las weekend. It’d make a nice surprise for when my wife came home. As I took a glance out of the window to see if I dared to go out in the sun again, I discovered that I wasn’t home alone after all. Both my wife and son were out in our secluded back yard, lazing by the pool. I should have known; they couldn’t get enough of this heat. No sane person would go outside if they had a choice, but they absolutely loved it. I tapped the window and waved hello, but they didn’t hear or see me.I decided to take that shower first and put on a new set of clothes, and then say hi to my family in the back yard. And maybe, I might grill those fishes anyway.I drank another sip of beer and went upstairs to the bathroom. I tossed my sweat-stained dress shirt and trousers into the hamper, stepped out of my underwear and into the shower. To feel the cool water splash on my skin and wash the sweat and dust away was heavenly. A few minutes later I emerged from the shower refreshed and feeling like a new man. I dried off, tied the towel around my waist and strolled to my bedroom.As I pushed open the door, I was surprised to see my daughter standing by the bedroom window. She hadn’t seen me enter the room, as she was looking out the window with her back towards me. The way she was standing there in the sunlight, framed by the walls and the gauze curtains made an awful pretty picture and I had to take a moment to look and admire my beautiful teenaged daughter.Jody was wearing a short, flowery sundress that at one time belonged to her mother. I had to admit; Charlotte’s old dress suited her really nicely. Over the last few years our daughter had grown into a beautiful young woman; her body had filled out in all the right places and given her a figure that strongly reminded me of her mother when she was twenty years younger. The dress she was wearing fit her perfectly and subtly accentuated the graceful lines of her blossoming figure. Adding to that was the way she was leaning slightly forward, which made her pert bottom stick out in an innocent, yet incredibly seductive manner. It was a view that made me glad to be a man, and proud to be her father.I walked up to my daughter, to greet her and ask what she was doing here, but the view out of my window had her so engrossed that she didn’t notice me. Even when I was standing right behind her, she was still unaware of my presence. Curious about what might have had her so absorbed, I cast a glance over her shoulder. The view out of the bedroom window was that of the pool area, where Charlotte and Nick were relaxing. My wife was still stretched out on her lounger, reading a magazine and sipping a fruity drink, while our son was floating in the pool.Jody was holding her phone in her hand and it looked as if she was making a video of her family relaxing in the garden. I was about to give my daughter a lecture about spying on her loved ones, when Nick called out to his mother. My wife lowered her magazine and said something back to him, after which our son disappeared beneath the water.When he resurfaced a second or two later, he was holding something in his hand and threw it onto the lawn. Before I could see what it was, he rolled onto his back and let his body float to the surface. He was no longer wearing his swimming trunks and he was sporting a huge erection. He called out to his mother again, his big cock pointing straight up like a mast on a ship. While there was no strict taboo surrounding nudity in our household, flaunting a hardon like this was definitely not considered normal behavior. Neither was Charlotte’s response, for that matter. My wife dropped her magazine and gave him a sly smile. They exchanged another few words and then she got up from the lounger, ceremoniously untied her bikini top and tossed it on the ground next to her sunbed. Wearing nothing but her tiny bikini bottoms, she walked towards the pool, her big, juicy breasts bouncing and hips swaying seductively with every step. As she reached the pool, she crouched and beckoned our son to come closer.I watched how Nick swam towards his mother, jumped up from the water and sat down on the edge of the deck. With his feet dangling in the pool, he leaned back on his elbows, and proudly offered his erection to my wife. Displaying an utter disregard of all parenting rules, Charlotte reached out and took his swollen member in her hand. Moving her hand up and down his shaft, she then began to masturbate him. Nick was in no way shocked or even surprised by his mother’s actions. If anything, he was encouraging her to go on. They exchanged a few more words and then she bent all the way over and wrapped her lips around Nick’s swollen cock.I watched in amazement how my wife proceeded to fellate our son. Her head was bobbing up and down as she repeatedly sucked his erect penis into her mouth. I could see her swallow and let the shaft slide all the way down her throat until her lips touched his pubes. It was a while since I had seen her do that, and I had forgotten how easily she could swallow even a large cock like Nick’s all the way. My wife really loves pleasing her men and the things she could do with her mouth were truly amazing. The blissful expression on my son’s face told me that her skills hadn’t faded a bit.I was totally taken in by the lascivious spectacle and had almost forgotten about my daughter. As I was leaning against the window to get the best possible view of the pool area, Jody finally became aware of my presence. She looked up and I felt her shrink as she saw me. She knew I had caught her snooping on her mother’s i****tuous infidelity, and she probably feared my reaction. With me standing directly behind her and my hands placed on the window on either side of her, there was nowhere for her to run. She quickly put away her phone, averted her gaze and quietly watched the illicit show in the garden, too scared to talk.She was a good girl. I’d comfort her later, but first I had to watch this.After enjoying his mother’s oral skills for a while, Nick slowly and covertly reached for Charlotte’s shoulder and then suddenly yanked her forward. I could hear a squeal of surprise as my wife lost her balance and plunged headfirst into the pool, pulling our son along with her. She was laughing as they surfaced and flung an armful of water at the mischievous boy. Then she threw herself at him and tried to dunk him. Nick effortlessly resisted her attack, as he was easily twice as big as his mother. He could have ended the wrestling match in two seconds if he wanted to, but he didn’t. After watching them horse around for some time, I noticed a piece of fabric floating in the water. As there was only one article of clothing left between the two of them, it could only be one thing: Charlotte’s tiny bikini bottoms.My wife, who only seconds ago was sucking our son’s cock, was now wrestling naked with him in the pool. Before long, their horseplay slowed down and their faces came closer together. As they turned around, I saw they were kissing lustfully, with their mouths open and lots of tongue play. Then, as the churning water calmed down a bit, I saw that Nick had his hands on her bare ass, supporting her while she had her legs wrapped around his waist and was slowly grinding her crotch against his. It didn’t look like they were having sex already, but it was obvious that penetration would occur sooner or later. What I was looking at was foreplay at its finest, beautiful in its depravity.As if to confirm my conclusions, Charlotte reached between their bodies, raised herself a little, and then slowly pressed her pelvis down against his. She tilted her head up at the sky and I could see that look of bliss on her face as her pussy was being penetrated. A moment later my wife and son began to move again. Her arms were clasped around Nick’s neck, but she had relaxed her legs around his waist, allowing more room for him to move his hips back and forth. They started off slowly, but soon the water was churning like before as Nick vigorously fucked his mother’s pussy. My wife had always been a highly sexual woman and she used to come easily during intercourse. This time was no exception. In less than a minute after she impaled herself on our son’s cock, Charlotte was about to cum. She pressed her mouth against his shoulder to prevent herself from screaming out loud as her body shuddered and shook from a powerful orgasm.While Charlotte was still reeling from her first climax, Nick carried her towards the shallow end of the pool and sat her down on the edge of the deck. He let his cock slip düzce escort from her snug hole and kissed his way down from her cherry red lips to her big round breasts and from there to her inflamed pussy. My wife readily spread her legs for him and he dove between them.My wife loves to have her pussy eaten and I love to lick her just as much. It appeared I wasn’t the only one in our house. Nick was licking her pussy with passion and was pushing his fingers into her at the same time. Despite the great job he was doing, I could see the hunger for her son’s cock was too great for her to fully enjoy his oral attentions. When she could not stand it any longer, she pulled her young lover back on his feet and scooted as far to the edge as possible. Then she grabbed Nick’s cock and guided it back towards her needy pussy. Charlotte was seated at a perfect height for penetration and all he had to do was to push forward. Nick pushed, and I watched his large penis slowly inch its way into my wife’s hairless pussy.“Oh god…” I groaned“Please daddy, don’t be angry” Jody whispered.“…That’s so fucking hot!”“Hot?”“Damn… Have you ever seen anything like it?”“Well… err…”“Never mind, baby”Of course she had seen anything like this before. The way they were moving, their bodies undulating in perfect harmony, this couldn’t be the first time my wife and son had sex together; these two were seasoned lovers who knew each other’s body like their own. Each move was calculated and anticipated, honed in countless repetitions and perfected over the course of years.“Daddy? You’re not going to divorce mom, are you?”“Divorce? Who’s talking about a divorce?”“But mom and Nick… aren’t you supposed to be angry?”“Oh no baby, of course not” I said, distracted as I watched my son fuck my wife, making the water splash wildly between their bodies once more. I could see she was biting her lips to stop her from moaning out loud as she was racing towards yet another orgasm. My son obviously knew the signs as well as I did and sped up his fucking.Charlotte screamed a noiseless scream and heaved forward, wrapping her arms around our son’s muscular back and digging her nails into his skin. Held up by his strong arms, she let the waves of pleasure take control of her body. Her delicate face was contorted into a pained grimace by the stupefying bliss triggered by Nick’s ceaseless thrusting. I hadn’t seen my wife cum this hard in a really long time, and knowing it was my son who made this beautiful woman orgasm like that, made feel a little jealous, but mostly I experienced pride.Jody stifled a deep moan as she watched her mother climax on her brother’s cock. The lewd spectacle was affecting her, and me too. Subconsciously, our own bodies were yearning for human contact and as the show continued, we moved closer and closer together. Though I don’t remember ordering my hands to move, they were now so close together that I was effectively embracing my daughter from behind. I could feel the warmth of her youthful body through the thin dress as she was leaning back against me and the air I inhaled was heavy with her sweet and arousing scent.She groaned again. Was she imagining what it would feel like to cum like that? Or was she already familiar with the pleasure Nick was giving my wife, because she too was fucking her brother? No, not my sweet, innocent, sexy-as-hell daughter. While I knew how unlikely it was that a girl her age was still a virgin, especially if she was a girl as attractive as Jody, she would always be my baby, my little angel. She would never give in to something as dirty and depraved as this. Not her.In the back yard, my wife was sharing another sloppy kiss with Nick as she rode the last waves of her orgasm. Her hands were caressing her youthful lover’s muscular back, as if she was trying to soothe the fiery marks her fingernails had left when they scratched the skin in ecstasy. I could almost feel the burning marks myself, like I had years ago, when it was me who was making passionate love to her like that.Eventually, their lips parted, and she released her young lover from her clasp. Then she playfully pushed him back into the water and walked back to her lounger. Not easily shaken off like that, Nick rushed out of the pool and ran after her across the lawn. Within a couple of feet, he had caught up with her and grabbed her. I could hear her shrieks of laughter through the window as he wrestled her to the ground. Though she put on a great show trying to fend off the horny boy, she soon ended up on her hands and knees, her bare ass thrust up high in the air. Nick did not need to be told what to do. He saw the opportunity and immediately he was on his knees behind his mother and slammed his cock back inside. He grabbed her waist and once more his naked ass started making that age-old motion.As her mother and brother were fucking like rabbits on the lawn, Jody could not stand my atypical reaction to my wife’s unashamed infidelity any longer.“Daddy?” She asked, reluctantly averting her eyes from her brother and my wife to turn halfway so she could face me. “Why aren’t you angry? Isn’t mom cheating?”I could no longer ignore her, I owed her an explanation.“She’s not cheating, baby, your mother is the most faithful wife a man like me could ever hope for.”“But…”“It’s okay. Your mother is free to have… relations… with other men.”She looked up again, and the look in her eyes had changed from confusion into curiosity.“You mean like, you are swingers?”I’d laugh if the true reason wasn’t so dire.“No it’s not like that. I err… you see, I am not able to… satisfy your mother… in bed”“OMG! Mom’s a nympho?”“No, no, no, there’s nothing wrong with your mother. She’s absolutely wonderful, she’s… perfect. It’s me. Since I’ve had my operation, I’m… impotent”As I told Jody my deepest secret, she turned around and faced me. She looked at me for a moment with a strange puzzlement in her eyes.“But you’re not, daddy” she said, rather enigmatically.“Huh? What do you mean?”“Whatever you may think, there’s nothing wrong with you, daddy. Trust me, a woman knows that sort of thing”She moved her hand over the front of the towel around my waist and stroked my comatose penis through the thick cloth. If it weren’t for my problem, I would have loved having a beautiful girl touch me like that. Somehow, the fact that the beautiful girl in this case happened to be my own nineteen year old daughter, made little difference to me, it was only a minor detail. Watching my wife and son have passionate sex on the lawn had made me reconsider all the irrational preconceptions I used to have regarding i****t.God knows I wouldn’t mind a hot young piece of ass myself. I had already established that Jody was an exceptionally fine piece of ass, and if she wanted to fondle her daddy’s cock, then I would gladly let her, even if it would be an exercise in futility to try to get a reaction out of it. Had I still been I able to get it up, then I would have gladly shown her what a real man could do to please a woman. I would have fucked her so hard, she wouldn’t be able to walk straight for days. It was a pity that that wasn’t going to happen, but I it didn’t mean I couldn’t have some fun with her. I could still show her there were so many more ways to enjoy one’s body, other than having intercourse. I was already thinking of a couple of things I’d love to try with that sexy, nubile body of her.While I was imagining those things, Jody’s hands had moved back up towards the knot I had tied in my towel. Before I knew what she was doing, she pulled on the knot and let the piece of cloth protecting my shame fall to the ground.“See? There’s nothing wrong with you, daddy!” she said, smiling proudly.I felt her hand on me and as I looked down, I saw she had it wrapped around my erect cock. “In fact, I’ve never seen a cock this big and hard before” she added.“Well, how about that?” I said in surprise.“I think we just learned what makes you tick”“You mean watching Charlotte and Nick? … I can’t believe it”She slowly moved her hand up and down, stroking my rigid shaft. She was biting her lip, looking incredibly sexy. Seductively even.“Daddy? Are you sure it wasn’t me?”“You?”“Well… you were humping my ass like a horny teenager”“I was?”“You were”“Sorry baby, I didn’t mean to”“That’s okay daddy, it’s nice to finally receive some attention too. I was beginning to feel a bit left out, with Nick always fucking mom and all.”“Was that why you were watching them? Because you want to be part of it?”“No daddy, it’s not Nick or mom that I want… It’s you. You are the one I’ve always dreamed of.”“Me?”She nodded.“I’m sorry baby, I didn’t know.”“Don’t you think I’m attractive?”“Baby, I think you’re the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world”“Thanks, you should see me naked” she said, smiling seductively. My god, she was definitely coming on to me!“I can believe that.”“Good, ‘cause I think I might let you”I could only groan, causing her to smile again.“Now, what shall we do with this?” Jody asked while she continued to slowly stroke my shaft. She wasn’t exactly jacking me off, but her delicate fingers were caressing me in a heavenly way, giving me pleasure I hadn’t experienced in years.“I think your mother would be mighty pleased to see it”“Yeah, but mom’s already got a cock to play with… wouldn’t you rather let me have it?”“No, I can’t… your mother…”“I can make it hard again, daddy. I promise”My daughter took a small step back and turned around. Standing with her back towards me, she slowly let the thin straps slide off her shoulders and then the sundress fell to the floor. I already knew she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath the dress, and now I learned she wasn’t wearing panties either. As a result, I was treated to a view of her naked body and most notably that gorgeous tight ass she had accused me of humping earlier. It was perfectly smooth and enticingly curved; full and round and firm. My daughter turned her head and gave me a coquettish look over her shoulder. She must have seen the lustful look of hunger in my eyes as I gazed at her fabulous rear.“I knew you’d like it” she giggled.“A corpse would like it” I uttered.“It can be all yours, daddy”“God help me.” I groaned as she turned back, facing me again.Jody was standing before me with one hand over her breasts and the other between her legs, covering her most private parts. There was a sexy smile on her lips as she teasingly slowly let her arms fall to her sides and proudly presented her nubile body to her father. I was standing face to face with the most beautiful naked girl that I had ever seen. Of course, I had seen my daughter in her bikini often enough to know that she had a stunning body. Her mother’s genes had already given her a head start, and years of playing volleyball had finalized that into a smoking hot athletic figure. There wasn’t an ounce of misplaced fat anywhere on her body, without giving her a skinny or boyish appearance. Surprisingly, there were no tan lines anywhere on her body, just a lovely all-over golden tan. It seemed Charlotte and Nick weren’t the only ones who liked to spend their time in the backyard naked.I took my time to study every part of my daughter’s naked body. Among her most notable female charms were a pair of long, shapely legs; her fabulously tight ass; a supple, narrow waist; and a truly gorgeous set of perky breasts. Her twin beauties were delightfully full and round, their youthfulness emphasized by their apparent defiance of the forces of gravity. Stand high and firm on her chest, they were about a large handful, and each adorned with an extremely suckable nipple in a pinkish shade of gold, just slightly darker than the creamy skin surrounding them. The erect nubs were fat like pencil erasers, about a quarter of an inch long and surrounded by small, perfectly circular areolas made of that escort düzce same pink gold. My mouth was already watering as I imagined sucking on them.Tearing my eyes away from Jody’s juicy breasts, I arrived at her flat and toned stomach. While still decidedly feminine, there was a visible definition her abdominal muscles. At the center of that sculpted belly was a cute innie navel, decorated by a tiny green gem that jiggled slightly with each beat of her heart.My own heart, however, was pounding in my throat as I explored my daughter’s perfect body, gazing ever lower on my way to that most coveted prize, her forbidden pussy. I took a deep breath of air and looked. I wasn’t mistaken; it was a beautiful pussy, a pussy made to worship.Her well-defined abdomen flowed smoothly into a sexy bulging mound, that, like her mother’s, was entirely smooth. Because she was standing up, I couldn’t see much of her vulva; only a small part of her clitoral hood was visible, wedged between her plump outer lips. The rest of her goodies were still out of sight, hidden between those long legs. Like the rest of her body, her hairless mound and lips had a soft golden tan, only the protruding hood was the slightest bit darker than the skin of her lips. Completing the picture was a streak of moisture on her lips, giving her slit a sheen of satin gloss.While I was admiring my daughter’s youthful, lithe body and mouth-watering pussy, she stepped up to me, took my hand and placed it between her legs.“Can you feel how wet I am for you, daddy?”She was. My finger slipped easily between her yielding lips and made a quick exploration of her little gem. My daughter had a lovely tight little wet pussy, hot and ready for penetration. I would have to be an idiot to turn it down.“But what about your mother?”“I don’t care, daddy. Mom and Nick are fucking all the time; I think she’ll forgive you if the two of us had sex just this once”“Just this once?” I asked.Jody picked up on the playfulness in my voice. She gave me a coy smile and added “Well, maybe more than once… Please daddy? Will you make love with me?”I could never say no to my daughter, and it was practically impossible now, when we were both desiring the same thing so much. Giving in, I nodded. Jody renewed her grip on my cock and, while she raised herself on her toes, ran the tip up and down between her delicate lips. The soft and slick female folds hugged the bloated head and coated it in a thick layer of her moisture. Finally she aimed it at her entrance and held it there.“Do it daddy. Push”I guess it is like riding a bike. I tilted my pelvis and pushed upwards. The blunt tip of my cock pried apart her soft lips and entered her body. Looking down, I watched in awe how my penis slid in through Jody’s tightly stretched labia. Her vagina was hot, wet, slick, and incredibly tight. I hadn’t had proper sex with a woman in six years and my daughter’s tight young pussy felt like pure heaven.She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a beautiful doe-eyed look.“Oh daddy,” she whimpered. “you’re finally inside me”Standing face to face with Jody and with my cock buried halfway up her pussy, I began to move my hips. Even though it was almost impossible to really thrust into her in this somewhat awkward position, it was hard to believe how stupendously awesome it felt to be fucking again. Over the years, I had resigned myself to the fact that I would never have intercourse with a woman again, and to be doing this with my gorgeous daughter was like a dream coming true. Even if I never had another erection for the rest of my life, I would die a happy man after this experience.Knowing there was even more pleasure to be had if I was able to move more freely, I grabbed Jody’s delicate buns and sat her down on the windowsill. I spread her legs wide and then told her to lean back against the glass window. Not only did this give me much better access to her pussy, it also meant I could look at her while we were making love. I could even keep an eye on my family on the lawn behind her, if I wanted to. I took my cock, guided it towards Jody’s moist vagina and, while holding on to her hips for leverage, thrust forward.Jody gasped. In this new position I was reaching much deeper inside her than before, the tip of my cock regularly touching her cervix as I pushed in all the way. Each time this happened, Jody would moan softly and then tighten her hold around my waist. Knowing she could handle it, I repeated the move a few times, evoking another lustful moan with each deep thrust, before I slowed down into a gentler rhythm.“You’re so big…” she whispered, “you’re so deep… Don’t stop, daddy. Don’t ever stop.”“I won’t, baby. I’ll never stop”Jody’s sighed contently.“I love you, daddy” she whispered, and then she leaned forward and kissed my lips. Her mouth opened and I felt her tongue come out to play with mine. Following her lead, I also opened my mouth and we kissed passionately while our bodies began to truly move as one.Jody clearly had inherited my wife’s highly sexual nature. After only a couple of minutes of kissing and fucking, she was already on the brink of orgasm. However, after not having intercourse for six years, my stamina was not that good, and so was I. I had to slow down, or risk cumming way too soon. The wise thing to do would be to take a short break, but I couldn’t. Not when I was about to have my gorgeous daughter climax on my cock. I bit my lip and soldiered on, pumping Jody’s silky pussy as fast as I dared.My little girl was really close now; she was thrusting her hips back at me and whimpering desperate pleas to fuck her harder and faster. I complied as well as I could until suddenly her supple body became almost rigid. A pained expression distorted her delicate face, and she groaned softly between her clenched teeth. Just when I thought I had to pull out, Jody came. With both her arms and legs wrapped tightly around my waist, she pulled me deep inside and locked me in place while she shook and shivered as strong waves of contractions raced through her entire body.Being stuck in this embrace meant that I was finally able to stop thrusting into her, but it also meant I couldn’t pull out either. Through sheer force of will I managed to stave off flooding her pussy with seed while it was convulsing like crazy around my cock throughout her orgasm. When the waves of contractions finally ebbed away, and Jody relaxed her grip around my waist, I quickly yanked my cock from her churning pussy. For a moment I thought I was losing it, fearing I was about to waste my only orgasm by ejaculating all over the windowsill instead of in my daughter’s buttery pussy, but then the pressure dropped. While that disaster had been narrowly avoided, I still had to cool off for a minute. It was time to worship that beautiful pussy.“Let me take you to bed, baby” I said, taking her in my arms. I carried her to the big, soft bed that I shared with my wife, and lay her down on the silk sheets. My little angel looked so beautiful lying naked on the bed; her creamy, sun-kissed skin and dark blonde hair contrasted beautifully with the delicate gloss of the bedding, giving the sight almost a dreamlike appearance. It was at times like this I wished I had a good camera, and the talent to capture this stunning image and preserve it for eternity.Even while lying on her back, Jody’s perky young breasts were still proudly pointing up, openly mocking the laws of gravity. I cupped the perfect tits with both hands and then kissed the pink nipples, like I had promised myself earlier. The protruding tips were incredibly sensitive and Jody was gasping and groaning as I kissed and played with her breasts and nipples. I enjoyed it as much as she did, and I could have kept playing with her treasures all day long if I had to, but there was something else I wanted to do even more. I let go of her breasts and kissed my way down to that place between her legs.I parted her thighs a little wider and got on my knees between them. In front of me was my daughter’s pussy, the forbidden pussy that I had fucked to orgasm only minutes ago. I could at last see all of her, and in great detail. It was by far the sexiest and most mouth-watering little pussy I had ever laid eye on. Her enticingly padded mound was perfectly smooth and had obviously been waxed recently. Not a single hair obscured my view of her pink vulva, nor was there even the slightest trace of unsightly stubble disgracing her mons or lips.Her outer labia were flushed with arousal and had parted slightly. Between them I could see the small hood covering her clit and a pair of slightly darker inner lips that just barely protruded from the protecting outer lips. While I was admiring her sexy pussy, Jody spread her legs even wider and suddenly her sex opened up like a flower, right before my eyes. Her dainty inner labia were coated in a glistening film of moisture that made them stick against the outer lips, allowing me to see all of the glossy pink interior of her moist vulva, from the tiny tip of her clit, partly covered by its hood, to her equally small pee-hole and the mouth of her vagina; a deep, dark pink opening, soaking wet and eager to receive her father’s throbbing cock.I moved in even more closely and kissed her inner thighs, just next to her pussy. Jody’s intense feminine fragrance was truly inebriating; clean and fresh from a recent shower, and heavy with her lust for me. In a minute I was going to attend to her aroused sex, but for now, I enjoyed teasing her too much. From her thighs I kissed my way up to her lower belly and then placed my lips on her soft mound. I kissed every inch of the soft piece of padding, each time purposely skipping over her pussy as I moved from side to side. The effect of my teasing on my daughter was noticeable. She rolled and twisted her hips impatiently as I kissed her, trying to get my mouth to land where she wanted it so badly. After another visit to her inner thighs and an excursion to her feet and toes, I knew I had teased her enough. When she almost thought it would never happen, I finally placed my lips full on her lips.By now my daughter’s pussy was literally dripping with arousal, and I got a real mouthful of her juices as I licked the delicious nectar off her delicate inner folds. With the tip of my tongue I probed her vaginal opening and then I tickled her hard little clit. It wasn’t long before her hands were grabbing my head, pressing my mouth firmly against her sex. There was no need for her to do so, as there was no way I was going to leave my spot before she was begging me to, but it was nice to know she liked what I was doing. The art of eating pussy is something I learned to perfect over the years, and I prided myself on the fact that I could make my wife cum every time. My daughter wasn’t much different from her mother, they both had their own little things that they liked best, but after a little bit of teasing and testing, I knew just what to do, and then it was only a matter of time before I had Jody cumming on my tongue.At the height of her orgasm, while uncontrollable contractions made her body heave and reel around on the bed, I closed my lips around Jody’s engorged clit. I sucked hard on the nub and then I slid my index and middle finger deep into her vagina and massaged her g-spot at the same time. Within seconds she came again, gushing her hot juices over my chin and fingers. Knowing I had struck gold, I continued my two-pronged attack on her pleasure centers until she was begging me to stop.“Please… please… can’t breathe… no more… need…”It was the sign I was waiting for. I crawled on top of her shivering body and lay down between her raised legs. My cock came to rest against her inflamed pussy, but I didn’t dare to penetrate her just yet. I took my little girl in my arms and tickled düzce escort bayan her lips with my tongue. Though still only semi-conscious, she immediately opened her mouth and her tongue touched mine. Her body was damp with sweat and I could feel her heart pound as I held her and kissed her while she convalesced. For a long time she was still panting and every now and then minor spasms made her body twitch. Finally she opened her eyes and smiled at me.“Hmmm… that was great, daddy. I never… ever… came like that before.”“It was my pleasure baby, I loved it just as much as you did”She kissed me again.“You’re still hard, aren’t you?”“Yes, thanks to you”She grabbed my shaft and aimed it at her pussy. She looked at me with those bright blue eyes and then uttered those three beautiful words: “Fuck me, daddy”I gladly obeyed her command and as I thrust forward, I felt her pussy open up to let my cock in.“Oh yes,” Jody gasped as I filled her once again.Being on top of her on the spacious, comfy bed, I was finally able to show my daughter how a real man made love to a woman. After a long, open-mouthed kiss, I began to move in a good, strong rhythm. My probing penis had no problem finding the right spots deep inside her and with my thumb I rubbed little circles over her clit. Jody threw her arms around my neck and covered my cheeks and neck with hundreds of little kisses whenever she wasn’t too busy moaning. The hazardous pressure in my loins had largely faded while I was pleasuring her with my mouth, and I was fucking her with renewed vigor. Long before I began feeling the urge again, I was seeing the white of her eyes and her tight body began to tremble underneath me.Unlike the first time I was able to keep fucking my baby girl throughout her entire orgasm, and with a lot more ease than I could have hoped for. When she finally stopped convulsing, I slowed down my thrusting nonetheless and gave us both a moment to breathe. When I was ready to go again, I pushed my hands underneath her and rolled onto my back, pulling her with me. Still a little weak from her lengthy climax, she lay in my arms for another minute, before she sat up in my lap and began to move her ass. Her perky breast were moving beautifully as she bounced up and down and I could have watched them dance for hours. I cupped the firm mounds, squeezed them softly and tweaked her firm nipple. They felt as fabulous as they looked.The delightful sight and feel of her magnificent breasts in my hands was only surpassed by the view I had of her deliciously slick pussy sliding down my cock as she was riding it. It was nothing short of unreal. Seeing my penis erect was unbelievable enough, watching the shaft disappear into my beautiful daughter’s bald pussy was almost beyond me. If I was dreaming, it was the by far the best dream ever.Jody’s pussy, which had already been well lubricated from watching her mom and brother fuck in the garden, was now soaking wet from her many orgasms. My entire shaft was gleaming with her slick moisture, and every time Jody dropped her ass down in my lap, her pussy was making soft squishy noises. As she kept moving, her greasy juices were leaving milky streaks on my shaft that trickled down and matted the hair around the base against my skin.After another few minutes of her riding me like that, she lay down again and pulled me back on top of her. Releasing myself from her embrace, I grabbed her long, shapely legs and lifted them up until they were resting on my shoulders and then I resumed thrusting.This way I reached much deeper inside her than ever before. I could feel the tip of my cock bump into the bottom of her pussy as my balls touched her ass. Jody groaned with pain and pleasure as my cock forcefully stretched her delicate inner tissues. Her eyes opened wide and flashed with pure lust. Jody was just like her mother, who also delighted in a little pain when she was really horny. Knowing she would love it, I fucked her hard and fast and deep. I wasn’t going to last this way, but after giving her several orgasms already, I was ready to cum.Her firm young breasts were jiggling beautifully as I fucked my daughter with all my might. It wasn’t long before the pressure in my balls was once more reaching dangerously high levels, but luckily, Jody was also close to climaxing. The squishy noises, and even the sounds of our bodies slapping against each other were drowned out by her continuous moaning. I really wanted to make her cum once more before I did, and feel her pussy work on my cock while I shot off inside her. She already had that anxious look of concentration on her face, and with another few thrusts she lost the ability to speak as well. Nearly incapacitated by pure lust, she was using her eyes to plead me to fuck her harder. I sped up one last time and frantically fucked my daughter as hard as I could until she climaxed.My little girl was clinging to my body, her athletic body once more wracked by powerful convulsions. Her teeth pierced my skin when she bit down my on shoulder, but I hardly noticed it, as I was feeling that wonderful sensation of sperm rushing up my shaft. I was seeing stars as my cock began to spit thick jets of potent cum into Jody’s tight, wet pussy. I kept cumming for ages, pumping what felt like six years’ worth of sperm into my daughter’s thirsty vagina. My head was positively spinning from the unbelievable pleasure. At some point during our climax, our lips met and we kissed lustfully while our bodies continued to share the biggest orgasm we’d ever had in our lives.At last my cock stopped spitting and then it began to wilt and slip from my daughter’s sucking pussy. She was still out of it, her eyes closed and her nubile body limp except for the erratic contractions that made her jerk every now and then. We stayed in each other’s arms for a long time, kissing and sharing the post-coital high. Finally, she opened her eyes and gave me a beautiful, satisfied smile.“I love you, daddy” he whispered as she nuzzled my neck. “That was truly amazing. You were even better than in my dreams”I kissed her and told her I loved her too. We stayed in bed together for perhaps half an hour, kissing and cuddling while we rested our weary bodies. Jody was the first to get out of bed and walked back to the window. I looked at the beautiful image of my well-fucked daughter standing naked by the window. Her hair was tousled, her skin was sweaty, and a trickle of cum was dripping down the inside of her thigh. I was feeling mighty proud of myself, and happy that she had persuaded me to make love with her.“They’re still going at it.” Jody said, looking back at me. “Come, look”A little reluctantly I got up and stood behind her, spooning her round behind and wrapping my arms across her belly. It was insane to realize that, deep inside that taut belly, my little seeds were swimming up her uterus, trying to reach a waiting female egg and create a new life.“Jody, you are on the pill, right?”“Of course, daddy”Peering over her shoulder, I looked at the lawn below. I was surprised by my son’s stamina; it must have been almost an hour since he first got his mother to suck his cock, and he was still fucking her hard.“Sometimes they do it three times or more.” Jody whispered, answering my unasked question. “He never lasts that long. Not like you, daddy”Charlotte was on her back on her lounger and our son was on top of her. Imitating the way I was fucking his sister earlier, Nick had his hands on his mother’s ankles and had her folded up underneath him. His ass was rapidly pumping back and forth, fucking her deep and hard. I reached out for the latch and pushed the window open. Now we could not only see them fucking on the lawn, but also hear my wife’s barely suppressed moans, my son’s labored grunts and the slapping sounds each time his hips bumped into her.Jody was getting horny again and groaned softly as she watched her family members have sex. I don’t know if she did it on purpose, but the way she was gyrating her behind was causing the blood to flow back into my cock. For the second time in six years, my penis was getting hard again.Feeling this, she pressed her ass even more firmly against my erect cock. Although I had ejaculated inside her only shortly before, my cock was again standing upright and was throbbing from excitement. Our bodies were prepared and ready for another round of sex, but this time I would not give in to my daughter’s alluring nubile body. My second erection I would save for my wife.Not wanting to leave my daughter high and dry either, I moved my right hand between her legs and slipped my fingers between the greasy lips of her pussy. Using my own semen as lubricant I let the tip of my finger run circles around her swollen clit. She leaned back, pressing her back against me. I moved my other hand from her belly to her breast and closed my fingers around her erect nipple. I planted kisses in her neck and inhaled her sexy female scent. My resolution began to waver.“Look, he’s cumming”, Jody said suddenly.I looked over her shoulder and saw that Nick was struggling to keep up the regular, rapid motions with which he was fucking my wife before. He thrust deep into her one last time and then I saw his butt clench rhythmically as he pumped wave after wave of virile sperm into his mother’s pussy. My wife lowered her legs and held our son in her arms while they cuddled for a minute before he rolled off her. Even from the upstairs window I could see the satiated look on my wife’s face, indicating she had enjoyed their sex as much as he had.At that point I decided to disclose the fact that they had an audience and began to applaud. Hearing the noise, the couple on the lawn looked up and saw us. The look on their faces was one of surprise and confusion. Especially Nick, who knew he was caught fucking another man’s wife, looked like he was gonna run.“It’s okay! I just had sex with Jody!” I shouted.The confused look on my wife’s face changed to one of wonder and joy.“And I’m still hard!” I added.My wife parted her legs and beckoned me to come and prove it to her. I bolted down the stairs and into the garden and then literally dove between my wife’s thighs. My cock was still as hard as rock, and I had no difficulty plunging it into her cum-soaked pussy.Charlotte was truly ecstatic to receive me after all those years, and we fucked like newlyweds. Her pussy was not nearly as tight as Jody’s and quite sloppy from several helpings of our son’s semen, but the fact that I was making love to my sweetheart more than made up for all of that. The look in her eyes was priceless and to hear her moan like that was incredibly rewarding. I have loved her all my life, even when I couldn’t be the man she needed me to, and now that I had been cured, I loved her more than ever.A dozen memorable minutes later, we were both lying in the grass, tired and sweaty and thoroughly satisfied. My lovely wife was in my arms, her head on my chest. I had given her multiple orgasms and made her scream out in ecstasy, like I used to do all those years before. My life, my virility, my manliness were completely restored, and I owed it all to my daughter’s fabulous ass. I looked up, searching for my bedroom window and saw that Jody was watching us. I blew her a kiss, telling her that I hadn’t forgotten her. Even as I lay in the grass, basking in the afterglow of making love with my wife, I knew I was going to fuck my daughter again. I had sampled the forbidden fruit and there was no way back. I only hoped my wife was willing to share my cock with our little girl.“Adam?” Charlotte whispered.“Yes baby?”“You know you’ve always been the one for me… but…” she started hesitatingly and stopped halfway the sentence. She didn’t need to finish it, I knew what she wanted to say.“It’s okay baby. I don’t mind if you and Nick are having sex together”She turned her head towards me and kissed me tenderly on my lips.“You’re a wonderful husband, Adam. And I’m fine with it if you want to have sex with Jody again” she said.I smiled. “You’ll have to, baby. She’s my little medicine.”

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black owned relationship Pittsburgh or relocate. J

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black owned relationship Pittsburgh or relocate. J’m just doing a writing to ramble a little. I have noticed a lot of times when I speak to women regrading a cuckold-based relationship, i find myself asking relatively the same question. I don’t know for sure if its good question that builds rapport or if it’s just my mind subconsciously trying to sexualize the conversation. I’ve had times where i have been able to turn talks about, kittens, refrigerators, electrical appliances, permanent makers, futons, 1$ plastic cups at the dollar store and one notable time, liquid nitrogen into a sexual cuckold-based discussion. I seem to ask the question on the lines of:How much experience in non-tradition relationship do you haveHave you ever met a cuck minded person beforeDo you have any social friends that indulge in any open sexual style play.(The word “Indulge” is an amazing word that we need to utilize more!)You typically will get a fair number of repeating answers to these questions. Must have some experience in the Dom male/sub female, BDSM, open/poly type. This is the women who have had some form of sexual relationship where there was power exchange dynamic and/or they had an arrangement where one or both could engage sexaully with others with predetermined boundaries set. Of course, like must stories I’ve have yalova escort read about the open/poly read, its usually the woman with a man who finds a woman to be with her.Because the more sexual options a man feels he has will make him not want to share in open/poly activities she will always want to find a third male equal or better in statue than him( hypergamy) or that he will spend the majority of the time a third party to another woman. Why do you think must people have never heard the term “Cuckquean” before? Must stories involving a couple in the open/poly world is mainly her with a woman or her with another man. Must articles/writings always make reason why he supports her or how he hasn’t found a woman yet but we’re looking.They always try to compare liking BDSM/open/poly to me enjoying being a cuck. They read either my writings or I speak to them negatively about wanting to be a cuck. They always say that they are more open about what they want or that I shouldn’t think to much into it, if its something you enjoy do it.Wanting to be a cuck (to my degree of cuckolding) is massively different than BDSM/open/poly relationship in terms of social conditioning, sexuality, intimacy, communication, self-image, gender norms and just basic health human connection.I woman who seeks specifically a sub cuckold escort yalova style relationship does compromise really any of her self-respect, confidence, social mockery, ability to form health romantic partnership down the road. She can tell her friends she enjoys being spanked, dominate men, black men, being submissive, how she lets her partner play with other women. All them things won’t forever change the way her friends see her, limit how options of men to form relationships with, affect her mentally, emotionally, financially from bonding with her friends or finding meaningful intimate partnership. They are fall in the realm of female based gender ideas and social accepted norms.Now take wanting to be a passive sub cuckold, yes in the cuck porn sense. Which if you’re a woman reading this you probably haven’t taken 10 mins of your life to look into. https://fetlife.com/users/5398414/posts/5751749) Not in the sense where some how woman still make you the one to make all the decisions and call all the shots.Men have to deal with rejection on an entirely different level. Women will get depressed when they don’t get approached enough. We’re taught that we have to play a numbers game. We’re expected to approach woman after woman, get rejected to our face, not let it affect us on any personal level, yalova escort bayan and continue on to the next woman until we find someone who’s game.We can’t let the rejections affect our ego at all, no cracks in our armor allowed. Because the number one thing a guy has to have is CONFIDENCE. Got to have confidence bro. Don’t let women get you down, there’s another one out there. It’s to the point where I want to call it confidence-shaming.So, to a point you have to develop sociopathic tendencies and kill your sense of empathy so you can maintain your ego. That’s what it takes to not give a shit about the women who reject you. And that has consequences.” How easily you can make a woman feel uncomfortable just by existing.I wish there was a way to know that a relationship like this last. That a cuck doesn’t have to worry about finding love and happiness after a relationship ends because she got tried of cuckold thing or that she just wanted you to be normal and have normal vanilla sex with her but you can’t perform. Or maybe she decides to pursue love with one of the men we invited in. There are so many ways that I could end badly especially for the cuck but at the end of the day life still goes on, being a cuck or not. You still must get up and work and pay bills. Hope is the only thing that will be left after. Hope that you can find another woman and start over. You still have to not let it phrase you in anyway and keep the same level of confidence if you’re ever going to find another woman again. Because confidence is everything for a man.

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Slyvia and Amy/ guardian angels are the sweetest l

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Slyvia and Amy/ guardian angels are the sweetest lAmy said, “Yeah I remember now. You took your bra off before any other girl did.” “Yeah, I liked him. I wanted to show him everything, by that point!”But, Amy, you were there, right?” ”I was right there in the room, next to you. You would have tripped over me if I had been in my human aspect.” “I got teased and put down so much for what happened that night. I was watching Bobby beat his meat, and I pulled my panty crotch over to the side so he could get a peek at my puss (and the red hair I was growing on it) while he was jacking off. I don’t remember if I was the only girl who was doing that or not…” ”You weren’t. Two other girls were masturbating and they were totally naked.” “Well, I was getting excited about watching Bobby. I’d never seen anything like this before, and now I was starting to be part of it. But I was just looking and playing with myself a little. There was a girl there named Karen.” “Yeah, Syl, she was one who was kind of behind you. She had her clothes all the way off and was wanking herself, but a lot more obvious than you were.” “She disappeared with one of the boys, I think his name was Dick, into a bedroom on the ground floor. She didn’t bother to close the door, or maybe the cat pushed it open. I looked in the room. Karen was butt-naked on her knees blowing Dick (it sounds funny, but that what she was doing.) I was excited, I was turned on, I was curious to see what they were doing, and to be honest, I thought if she could .suck a boy’s cock at this party, maybe I could, too. But you know what happened, Amy. I got out of my panties and bra. My heart was pounding. I stood next to her. It was so exciting for me to be in the room while this cock sucking was happening in front of me. The sexual feelings I had then were so intense, and this wasn’t a fantasy. I gaped at them and rubbed my cunt. Karen noticed, and without taking her mouth away from Dick’s dick, made a motion with her hand for me to kneel on the floor next to her. I thought we might both suck his cock, a fantasy that was urfa escort so huge I could barely even create it in my imagination. Two girls sucking one boy’s dick? Sixth grade? 1960? Oh my fucking god! I had been reading D.H. Lawrence, and some of his writing was hot, but this was real! Before anything else could happen, Dick’s dick exploded, all over Karen and a glop of it on my cheek. As soon as it hit her mouth, she turned and gave me a big kiss with all the cum in her mouth. She didn’t ask me. She held my head firmly with her other hand and used her tongue to fill my mouth. She ran into the connected bathroom to get the cum off herself. As soon as she disappeared, the lights came on, and there I was, on my knees, with Dick’s jizz in my mouth and on my face, courtesy of my not-such-a -great-friend Karen and everybody at the party watching me. Now I was the slutty blow job girl from sixth grade that everybody tells jokes about. k**s were much more uptight about that kind of stuff in 1960 than they are now. Everyone wanted to suck a dick, to be able to wink and say they knew all about THAT, but nobody wanted to get caught! Karen came out of the bathroom, with her clothes on, her face clean. She didn’t say anything, but she looked at me as if I were the most disgusting little cum-pig she had ever seen. The cum taste was yucky, but I tried to swallow it because I didn’t want everybody to see me with a cum-load in my mouth. I had to spit it out on the floor, choking, retching, and gagging because I could not manage to swallow all of that nasty cum. Years later, boys I didn’t know would come up to me in the hallway in high school and say shit like: ” How did that dick taste Sylvia?” I got teased about that until I quit high school, a few years later. For the rest of sixth grade, I played every kind of dirty trick on Karen I could. In high school, I was still mad at her. I made a point of fucking her boyfriend as often as I could, and making sure everyone knew I could have him anytime I wiggled my finger. I dommed him. I made him blow another boy. I peed escort urfa on him. I got him to wear my old panties and to let me fuck him up the ass with my new strap-on! I got him to tell her that he begged me to do it! I made sure she knew and everyone else did, too!” ”Amy, I really want to go back to the library with you tomorrow. The more I read about Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, the more interested I’m getting… “” That’s no problem, Sylvia, though I am staying over my time I supposed to be with you in this human form. Would you like it if your guardian angel spread your legs and went down on you a little? In my human form, red curly pubes just drive me nuts! But let me give you a tip. It was the coke and pizza that made his cum taste so bad.”Sylvia: ”Amy, would you do something for me?” Sure baby, what is it?” ” I like my ass rimmed really good when I have , you know, sexy sex, not just some boy who gets on me and humps and pumps and rolls over and fucking goes to sleep. One of my mother’s brothers used to breed fancy rabbits, and after Mr. Bunny had his fun, he would fall off the female and sort of be u*********s for a few minutes. I like sex with boys and men, I guess you figured that out by now.” “Yeah Sylvia, I kind of did….” “Yeah, but girls are so much nastier when they get turned on, and they don’t have all this cum boiling in their nuts after we kiss for a few minutes…” ” Sylvia, I’ve been a lover for women in your family line for centuries, okay? All of you, going back seven great-grandmothers, are the horniest, nastiest little things. Well sure, I’ll do that….remember we got nastier than that? If you do your whoring thing, or I should say when, guys particularly rich or powerful guys, will ask you to do all kinds of gross shit to them, with the emphasis on “shit” . I want you to be prepared to do whatever it takes, Sylvia. Would you spread those ass cheeks for me, baby…PLEASE…”Amy and I made love for two hours. That’s about ninety minutes longer than I get with guys. We were wrapped around each other in her bed, just all snuggles urfa escort bayan and warm “down there” feeling so good. There had been several moments since I had come to Berkeley where I had so much sex I didn’t need anymore ( for a while!) Amy said to me: ” Sylvia, why do you think it is you have such a hard time finding a boyfriend?” I was wide awake after she said that….”Amy what are you talking about? I have lots of boyfriends, always have…” “Yeah, I know, trust me, I’m there every time you give it up, baby. Do you have a boyfriend who really does you, totally, the way you like?”…..”Well, no, but what woman has that? Men and women are wired up differently, and If you want to be intimate, that is just how it is…” “Yeah, yeah, but not necessarily, Syl. I know you want a man with a nice fat boner…” ” Yeah, I like fatties..” “With a bend, right?”” “Yeah, Amy, that feels good..”” “” I know you like to fool around before he ever gets it out, right?” “Yeah, If we are at the place where I’m rubbing him through his pants, sometimes, I just want to do that, but boys think I want it out, in my face or mouth or something, but usually, I’m not in that place quite yet. I like to glide around and fool around a lot before that, with lots and lots of kissing.. Maybe, most of the time, I don’t even get that turned on until we are all sloppy kisses, and I’m on his boner, but it’s still in his pants. That can be so hot for me, Amy, if the boy doesn’t want to go faster, but usually, they do, and that makes it not as hot. I’m trying to connect with him on another level. Sometimes it just doesn’t work, and the I kind of give up on what I want, and just do what he wants, blow him, or whatever, but I would love, love love to find a man who would make love to me the way I like, without me seeming to be the controlling little bitch….””Syl, I have a male aspect, too. Because of the guardian angel rules. I just can’t flip from male to female and back like that, but we will meet up again, sometime, when things aren’t going so well for you, and when I do, I’ll be the sweet guy with the fattie with a bend that you like, the guy who will slide his dick in you, not slam it like he’s in a fucking football game, okay?”” I don’t know what else she said, I fell asleep in the arms of my personal guardian angel

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High School Fall Festival for Slut Wife Terry Webb

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High School Fall Festival for Slut Wife Terry WebbHigh School Fall Festival for Terry WebbHigh School Fall Festival for Terry WebbHigh School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 2High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 3High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 4High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 5High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 6High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 7High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 8High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 9High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 10High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 11High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 12To all those who follow my posts you already know I am very adventurous sexually. I often meet people directly from websites who respond to my postings or I often repeat similar adventures that work for us such as being a truck stop whore or being a bar slut or a beach cum bucket. All of these continue to work for me. But instead of posting adventures that are nearly the same as previous adventures, I try to keep it fresh by sharing new extremes I’ve tried. So yes I remain very active sexually both in public and in group settings. Now to please my many admirers who have asked for my lastest adventures I share the following. My newest and maybe most daring adventure to date.MY FALL FESTIVAL ADVENTURE….. began with a visit to my niece and her family. She is finishing up high school this year and is quite an attractive young lady herself. She invited me to help out at the fall festival her school was having. It was an alternative to trick or treat being done in the high school gym. I agreed to help in any way that I could such as face painting, working a booth, helping with food or whatever.I wore a cheerleader costume and put my hair in ponytails trying to look like a true cheerleader and to look younger. My niece who is a cheerleader wore a football uniform minus all the pads. We arrived early and were quickly put to work getting things ready for the festival to begin. My first assignment when the doors opened was the face painting booth. It was mostly smaller k**s and some of the high school girls getting their faces painted. That is until my niece introduced me to several high school athletes. They were there mostly as muscle helping to get things set up. On a dare several got their faces painted. As I worked on the first one he flirted with me even hinting at what cheerleaders were good for.I called his bluff. As I painted his face I also guided his hand to my crotch uşak escort easily accessible under my short cheerleader skirt. He started fingering me as I tried to concentrate on painting his face. Of course he told his buddies who all wanted their faces painted. I didn’t have to guide most of their hands to my crotch. Each one was ready when it was his turn. I not only encouraged it by sitting on the edge of my chair for easier access but I had my crotch fully exposed when each guy sat down and quickly reached under my little skirt. I also whispered to each one that if they could find us a safe place that I would be the cheerleader of their dreams.I was now working on painting my fifth athlete when he whispered that he and his friends had found a place for us to meet. The football team had access to the boy’s locker room and weight room anytime there was an activity at the school. A few guys were already back there lifting weights hoping I would join them. I asked my niece to take my spot at the face painting table claiming my arms and hands were tired before following my last face painting customer to the locker room.Once in the room I asked if any coaches or teachers ever checked in on them and if they had a plan for not getting caught. They explained their plan and posted a guy outside the only accessable door into the locker room (the outside door was chained from the inside). I was extremely nervous partly from the possibility of being caught but mostly at how young these guys were. They all claimed to be of age and most claimed to be knowledgeable in sexual matters. But I was sure that for most I would be their first and most likely some were even lying about their age.Most of the guys were already wearing only gym shorts with obvious hard ons. I was amazed at their young mostly hairless chests and how each one had erections just for me. I happily released several hard cocks stroking them as I dropped to my knees and started sucking off each one. Occasionally a hand would find it’s way down my shirt and onto my breasts or up my short skirt and into my very wet pussy. Someone finally unzipped my little costume allowing it to fall to the floor. I was naked now surrounded by all these naked athletes. Most were stroking themselves, several were feeling me up but no one really was taking charge.So I had to do it. I took charge. I asked who was ready to fuck me. A small cheer of each one volunteering went up. I reminded everyone to keep it down escort uşak so as not to attract attention. I then took one guy and sat him on the edge of the locker room bench where I promptly straddled him impaling myself onto his hard throbbing cock. I invited someone to take me up the ass as I sucked on yet another guy. I love being airtight and I didn’t have to ask twice. I had all my holes filled and a cock in each hand. Other guys were rubbing their cocks against my tits as a few even used their cellphones to snap a few pics. I reminded them to be careful taking any evidence of our night together because no one wanted to get into trouble. Not that I minded so much but I knew how high school boys loved to brag.We moved to the weight room where the benches were padded. I tried to fulfill every request as now the guys were becoming more brave asking me to fulfill some fantasy they wanted fulfilled. I bent over the bench so they could take me from behind. I sucked one off to completion swallowing his load. I allowed them to fill any hole they desired. One guy asked if he could squeeze my tits with the weight bar. Sure why not. I sat on the floor with my tits on the weight bench. A weight bar was placed across the top of my breasts pinning them against the bench. Weights were added to each end of the bar squeezing my tits turning them into purple mushrooms. Weights were then just stacked on top of each breast pressing them into the bench squeezing them as flat as they would go. It fascinated the guys that I was able to endure such torture.The alarm was sounded. Someone was coming towards the locker room. I knew we were getting too loud. The weights were quickly removed as I jumped up to hide in a cabinet where the weights and other equipment were usually stored. The guys slipped back into their shorts and acted as if they were all lifting weights. I could hear voices. I dared not peek out. I was naked and afraid in my dark cramped space. Had we been found out? Oh the scandal this would create. My mind flooded with possible outcomes. None seemed to end well and how would it effect my niece? After what seemed an eternity the door to my little hiding place was opened. Thankfully it was one of the guys. He told me it was the coach stopping in to check on them. He had left to rejoin the festival. I figured it was time to wrap it up. That fright ended the heat between my legs.I agreed to shower with the guys. I really needed to wash away all evidence uşak escort bayan of my evening. The showers were all open in one large tiled room unlike most girls’ showers there isn’t any privacy. So it was plenty large enough for all of us to shower together. I was super clean when we were done. Every guy there had a turn washing every square inch of me. As we were drying off I noticed a large metal tub in the small room next to the showers. I hadn’t seen it earlier. I asked what it was. I was told it was the whirlpool they used for football injuries. Well this I had to check out. It looked more like an old fashioned wash tub but it was huge. The guys offered to fill it up and let me try it out. I couldnt refuse such an offer. It took a little time filling up so I allowed the guys more time of groping and exploring my body.Once the whirlpool was filled I climbed in and the jets were turned on. It felt so nice. I asked if anyone wanted to join me. Everyone volunteered but it wasn’t big enough for more than 2. One by one they each had one more turn with me. Yes I fucked each one in the whirlpool. By the time the last one was done there was man cream floating all over the tub and sticking not only to me but each of the guys. Back to the showers as they drained the whirlpool. Again I allowed each guy a chance to wash me but this time it was more of a group activity as hands were everywhere all washing me at once. I was squeaky clean when we were done. I slipped back into my cheerleader costume before working my way back out into the now closing festival. One by one the guys started appearing from the locker room to help break down the booths and do the heavy work. I thought it a bit odd that most couldn’t make eye contact with me but instead would smile and look away.I never told my niece about my night but I understand her popularity skyrocketed after that night. If any of the guys ever told her she never said a word to me. I honestly don’t want her to become like her aunt unless she truly wants to be but only after she is much older and married with a willing husband such as mine. For me I love the extreme slut wife lifestyle I’ve chosen but that is also what makes me so unique. Most marriages would never last and few women seem to enjoy exposing themselves and being used as I do. I enjoy helping others into the lifestyle but few stay after fulfilling a fantasy or two and realizing it really isn’t for them.I have attached photos of me in a weight room but they aren’t from that night. I never took any nor were any shared with me. Hopefully the few taken will someday find their way onto the internet. So to any guy who has pics or videos of me permission granted to post them everywhere.

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