Ay: Aralık 2020

Yengemle Unutulmaz Anlar

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Yengemle dayım yeni evlilerdi. Evleneli 2 ay olmamıştı ki dayım yurt dışına 45 günlüğüne eğitime gitti ve yengem evde tek başınaydı. dayımın gideli daha 30 gün olmamıştı ki yengemin karşı komşusuna hırsız girmişti.Dayım yengem evde tek başına kalmasın diye beni yanına göndermişti İzmir`e.Yengemle çok samimiydim ben. Arada 1 yaş fark olduğu için birbirimizle rahat rahat konuşurduk.Ben daha kapıdayken bana öyle bi sarıldı ki sanki boğuluyordum. Belliki özlemiş düşünsenize 1 ay dan daha fazla süredir sex yapmıyor.Neyse yengemin üzerinde çok dar bi bluz ve mini etek vardı. Karşıma geçip bacak bacak üstüne atması en can alıcı noktaydı.Saat ilerledikçe muhabbet artıyordu.yengem mutfağa bişeyler getirmeye gitti. içeri girdiğinde  meyve getirdiğini gördüm.Kalkıp yardım ediyim derken o şeftalinin birini düşürdü ben eğiliğ alıyım derken onun götümü ellediğini hissettim.Kalkıp şeftaliyi verirken izmir escort pardon!! dedi bende önemli değil dedim.Ben tabağın birini alıp otururken oda yanıma oturdu Tabi benim gözüm onun taş gibi bacaklarındaydı. Galiba o onun bacaklarına baktığımı anladı ve bana bakıp gülümsedi.Tabi ben bi garip oldum. benim 19`luk ufaklık kalktıkça kalkıyordu azdıkça azıyordum Meyveler bittikten sonra ben onun tabağını alıp mutfağa gittim.O da arkamdan geldi ve hafifçe sarılıp uykun varsa yat istiyorsan dedi.bende fena olmaz dedim.Yengem aynen şöyle dedi Çekyatı açiyiimi sana,  yaa neyse boş ver dayın yok nede olsa en iyisi sen rahat rahat benim yanımda yat dedi.Ben ses çıkarmıyınca hadi eşofmanını giy bende giyip yatarım dedi.Giydikten sonra yatak odasına gittim hadi sen sol tarafa ğeç bende senin sağında uyurum dedi ben gene tamam dedim.yatağa uzandığımda oda arkadan bana iyice yapıştı.Neyse ben bu izmir escort bayan azgınlıkla zorda olsa uyudum gece bi ara uyandığımda yengemin bi bacağının benim iki bacağımın arsaında olduğunu gürdüm  tabi bu arada bacağını götürüp getiriyordu sikim kazık gibi olmuştu. yengem daha benim uyanık olduğumu görmemişti ve bende uyuyormuş gibi yengeme doğru döndüm yengem tekrar bacağını arya götürüp gidip geliyordu.En sonunda ben gözlerimi açtım.Yengeme bakıyordum yatakta 10 saniyeliğine sessizlik oldu ben sessizliği bozmak için elimle yengemin bacağını okşadım.yengem bacağını çekip dudaklarıma yapıştı.resmen diliyle beni ağızdan sikiyordu. Ben onun hayvan gibi memelerini yalayarak hafif hafif aşağıya doğru iniyordum amına gelince ters döndüm ve onu kendi üzerime aldım ben onun amını yalarken oda benim yarrağımı yalıyordu.Yengem durup yarrağımı ağzına aldı ve vakumlamaya başladı 1. postayı escort izmir ağzına boşalttım yarrağımı tekrar uyandırmak için onun memelerine uzun süre gidip geldikten sonra yengemin hadi gir seslerini fark ettim ama daha erkendi önce hiç siftahı açılmamış götüne girmeye çalıştım baktım olmuyo iyice tükürküm ve elimle genişletmeye çalıştım tekrar girdiğimde tek başı giriyordu yengemin haykırışlarından belli oluyordu çok acıdığı iyice batırdıktan sonra yarısına kadar soktum.Yengem deli olmuştu hadi gir, gir diye bağırıyordu.Ve en sonunda girdim ben uzandım o üstüme çıkmıştı çok hızlı zıplıyordu orda içine 2. postayı boşalttım tabi oda boş durmadı ve beni sırılsıklam yaptı.Yarrağımı kaldırmak için ağzına verdim iyice somurduktan sonra bu sefer memelerinin arasına döndüm uzun süre git gel 3. postayıda memelerinin üstüne boşalttım.Yengem bende boşalıyorum der demez amına yöneldim o patlayınca bütün suyunu emdim daha da istiyordum ama gel gör ki ikimizde yorgunluktan ölüyorduk birbirimize sarılarak uyuduk sabah kalktığımda onun üzerimde yarrağımı somurduğunu gördüm bi 2 postada sabah verdikten sonra birlikte duş alıp çıktıkGönderen: enkomik_33

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Komşunun Çocuklu Karısını Çatır Çatır Siktim

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Selam ben polat 170 boyunda 80 kilo esmer ve atletik yapılı 23 yaşında bir esnafım.size başımdan geçen bu hikayeyi zevkle anlatmak istiyorum.bizim komşumuz muzafer beyin 32 yaşlarında 160 boylarında kumral ve yuvarlak götlü bir hatundur.bu olay geçen hafta başımdan geçti.ben sevdayı çocukluğumdan beri düşünürüm hele ergenlik çağına geldiğimde artık sevda beni iyice kudurmuştu ve onu düşünerek 31 çekiyordum hep. neyse bu sevda hanımın iki çocuğu var biri 11 yaşlarında öbürü 9 yaşında bizim komşumuz olduğu için bize çok gelir giderdi ve her defasında beni tahrik ederdi güngeçtikçe sevdanın bakışları bana karşı biraz değişti ve sanki artık oda beni istiyordu.neyse bende bunu sikecem diye kafama koymuştum bir gün bize geldi ve eşinin 5 günlüğüne bahçelievler escort ankaraya gittiğini söyledi bende bunu fırsat olarak değerlendireyim derken kendisi bana bu akşam işin yoksa bize gelirmisin diye sordu tabiki bende bu fırsat kaçmaz dedim ve memnuniyetle kabul ettim.akşam saatleri yaklaştığında bende sevdanın evine doğru yol aldım kapıyı çaldığımda sevda bütün güzeliği ile karşıma çıktı ve hşg dedi bende hşb dedim ve beni içeri davet etti.içeri geçtiğimde beni oturma salonuna davet etti ve tv nin karşısına geçtim biraz muhabbet ettikten sonra konu yavaş yavaş sexe geldi ve ilk hamle ondan geldi bana kız arkadaşın varmı dedi bende evet dedim onunla sevişmeleriniz nasıl dedi bende gayet güzel dedim sevda istanbul anal escort hanım.belliki sevdanın kocası sevdayı fazla memnun etmiyordu ve bana dediki keşke kocam olsaydın bende ne yapacağımı şaşırmış bir halde istersen olurum dedim ve dediğim gibi karı azgın bir şekilde ellini fermuarıma attı ve benimkimi ağzına aldı sanki dondurma yalıyor gibi yalıyordu neyse 5 dakika yaladıktan sonra ağzına boşaldım ve sıra bendeydi ikimizde çırılçıplak salonda bekliyoruz ve onu kucakladığım gibi yatak odasına götürdüm.onu yatağa uzattım ve bu sefer ben onu yalıyordum dlimle amına küçük darbeler atıyordum ve karı iyice zevke geldi hadi sik beni kocam ol diye yalvarıyordu bende bunu biraz daha zevke getirdim ve amından sullar akmaya istanbul türbanlı escort başlamıştı sevda hadi dedikçe ben dahada azıyordum ve yavaş yavaş içine girmeye başladım o hızlı derken bende birden sonuna kadar kökledim ve attığı çığlık halla kulaklarımda sanki.10 15 dakika geçti ve sevda boşaldı bana hadi erkeğim daha hızlı diyordu bende sevdadan 5 dakika sonra amının derinliklerine boşaldım ve 5 dakika böle bekledik sevdaya seni götten sikmek istiyorum dediğinde ittiraz etti ve hayatta olmaz dedi bende fazla üstüne varmadım ve tekrar benimkimi ağzına aldı yarakta hemen uyandı ve tekrar amına dayadım bu sefer karı beni içine çekiyor manyaklar gibi gidip geliyordu20 dakika sonra sevda tekrar boşaldı bende 5 dakika gidip geldikten sonra boşaldım ve bana ilk defa sikmekten bu kadar zevk aldığını söyledi bende ne zaman istersen ben hazırım dedim ve dudağına bir öpücük konup eve gittim.sevdayı 5 gün içinde 15 defa sikmiş oldum evli bayanlar maillerinizi bekliyorum hiç çekinmeyin her türlü pozisyonda varım ben herkese bol sikişler diliyorum bye byGönderen: polat

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Halama Kaydım

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Merhaba ben İzmirden gökhan daha çok küçük yaşlardan beri halamın o güzel ve diri götü rüyalarımı süslüyordu.herzaman onu düşünerek 31 .çeker ve onu arzulardım o dul bir kadın olduğu için aynı apartmanda kalıyoruz.buda bana kolaylık sağlıyor veonu görmem çok kolay oluyor.Birgün onu tuvalette izlemeye karar verdim ve tuvaletin arkasındaki bölmede gizlenerek onu bahçelievler escort bekledim ve sonunda geldi.mini etek giydiği için onun altına rahatlıkla akabiliyordum.Tuvalete girdi veeteğini sıyırdı veişte yıllardır arzuladığım güzel deliği ten rengi külodunu sıyırmasıyla kalçalarının arasından bana bakıyordu.Pembemsi bir deliği vardı istanbul anal escort yalnız biraz açılmıştı.1-2saniyelik osuruktan sonra iyiçe açıldı ve katı birşekilde 7-8cm ozunluğunda boku çıktı ve ardından 9-10saniyelik birossuruk geldi.Azdığım için parfüm gibi geliyordu ağzımı yapıştırıp deliğini emmemek için kendimi zor tutuyodum onu istanbul türbanlı escort oracıkta sikebilirdim.Sonrakrem kıvamında sıçmaya başladı ve ben onon bokunu yiyebilirdim.Sonra götünü tuvalet kağıdıyla silerken işiyordu.İşini bitirip çıktı bende 5 dakika sonra çıktım. 16 yaşındaydım yerimde duramıyor onun hayalini kurarak yarın isteğimi ona açıklamaya karar verdim.Yarın oldu evine gittim onu istediğimi ve bana yardımcı olmasını istedim.Odünden razı imiş ve benim söylememi bekliyomuş.keşke bunu daha önce söyleseydim diyerek kendimi yiyip bitiriyordum.Herzaman eve çağırıp onu bağırta bağırta sikiyordum .Bu olay üzerinden 3 yılgeçti ve onu hep arzulayarak kanırtıyordum..Gönderen: götçü

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Kuzenimle 1

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben 19 yaşında 2 metre boyunda yakışıklıca biriyim.21 cm tam ölçüde bir sikim var(duyurulur).yıllardan beri hayalini kurduğum bi kuzenim var.ilk defa orta 3. sınıfta onu sikmeyi kafaya koymuştum.yazlıkta aileyle falan kalırken kuzenim geldi ve ailem geri dönmek zorunda kaldı.benim için bulunmaz bir fırsattı bu.defalarca benim esenyurt escort sikimi görmüştü bende iki üç defa göğüs ve kalça görmüştüm onun.aile gidince nefret etmeme rağmen silip külodumu giyip sikimi sürekli kalkık tutuyordum.bi gün denizden geldik akşam 8 gibiydi.plan yapmıştım o gece bitecekti hersey.2 tane kadıköy escort banyo olduğundan aynı anda farklı banyolara gidiyorduk.ama cinlik ya ben sonra girdim ve girerken onu gözetledim.onunda içinde sikişme isteği vardı.nese banyodan çıktı.sütyen külot vardı ben havluyla daldım odaya.napıyon falan dedi dedim avcılar escort bikiniden ne farkı var.oda arkasını dönüp tangasını gösterdi bu farkı var dedi.güldüm rüyalarım gerçek olacaktı ama fantazi istiyordum.nese havluyu çıkardım sikimi görünce gülümsedidedim pileli siyah etegini altına siyah tanga tabi.üstüne siyah sütyen ve üst 3 düğmesi açık beyaz gömlek giy dedim yaptı.ben siliple duruyordum çıkar dedi.gelid öyle bir öptüki sikim etegini havaya kaldırdı uzatmadan söyleyim 7 saat sikiştik 6 defa ben 5 defa o boşaldı.süper bişeydi.2 aydır hergün 3 posta kayıyorum bıkmadım yaz bitmese keşke..Gönderen: sex machine

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

17 lik Teyze Kızı

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Slm ben 23 yaşında bir delikanlıım.Bu anlatacağım olay bizim evde gerçekleşti.Ben,kardeşim ve teyzemin kızı evde oturuyorduk.Kardeşime telefon gelmişti ve o gitmişti.Bede sabah işe gideceğim için erkenden yatıyım demiştim.Yatakta yattığım yerden koridor rahatlıkla gözüküydu ve teyzeminkızı her geçtiğinde o muhteşem götünü görüyodum.Zaten üstünde gecelik vardı var dap dardı götü tamamen meydandaydı.ben uyumaya çalışıyodum ama kaç aydır ilişkiye girmediğim için o götü grünce azmıştım.Aklıma şeytanlık geldi veteyzemin kızını sikme kararı esenyurt escort aldım.Bunu ona beli etmeliydm.O salonda oturuyodu bende yanına gittim ve film izlermisin diye sordum evet dedi.bende çok güzel bir film vardedim ve filmi taktım.Filmde bir kaçtane Erotik sahneler vardı.ilmi izlerken Teyzemin kızı ayaklandı ve nereye gidiyordun diye sordum Tuvalete dedi.Bende peşinden tuvalete gittim ve delikten onu izledim amını açmış ve parmaklıyodu.Benm kide artık patlamaya hazırdı.Fırsat bu fırsat dedim ve içeri daldım.beni kadıköy escort görünce braz irkildi.Ne var abi dedi bende bişe yok seni izliyodum hoşuma gittin dedim.o da güldü.Benim altımda şort vardıve şort neredeyse yırtılacaktı.o gördü ve bende ona istermisin dedim oda evet dedi.hemen kendime çektim ve öpmeye başladım Oda benim alaeti ellemeye başladı hemen yatakodasına gittimve onu soydum yarrağmı azına verdim ama ben h,çyapmadım dedi olsu sen al dedim ve ylamaya başladı 2 defa azına boşaldım ve bende onu yalamaya avcılar escort başladım of offff diye sesler çıkarıyorhadihadi diyordu bende seni götünden sikmek istiyorm dedim o da tamam zaten bakireyim dedi.İlk defa senle yapıyorum dedi ben içerden kremi aldım ve götüne ve sikime sürmeye başladım yavaş yavaş soktum ve mütiş bi çığlık attı bu beni dahada azdırmıştı hızlandım bağrıyodu ve içine patladım .sonra amını tekrar yalamaya başladım ve beninkinin kafasını amında gezdirmeye başladım yeter artık hadi sik beni sik beni patlat amımı diyordu bende hızla yüklendim ve ahhhhhhhh diye inledi ebn dahada hızlandım boşalmam yakın azına verdim ve boşaldım sabaha kadar siktim ve o gün işten izin aldım .ve artık her fırsattasikiyorum onu 17 yşında olmasına rağmen muhteşem bi götü var devamını yazacağımGönderen: KARA FIRTINA

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Four Hours to Edinburgh Ch. 03

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


As Peter and Fliss finished checking into their 5-star hotel, the porter carried their luggage to the lift and showed them to their room. The porter opened the door and stood aside to let Fliss enter first. As Peter was about to follow her, he heard what he thought was a familiar voice along the corridor and upon turning round he spotted Susie and Kat leaving a room about five doors away; they noticed him and Susie blew him a kiss. He smiled and went through the door into the hotel room. Once inside, and after tipping the porter, Peter told Fliss he needed a shower to wash off the grime of the journey. In reality he wanted to get rid of any smell of sex and any give-away fluid stains from his body.

Fliss said she would start getting ready for dinner and began to undress. As Peter was checking out the shower in the en-suite, he heard Fliss calling to him. He poked his head around the bathroom door to find Fliss looking puzzled.

“My panties are on back to front,” she said to him, “I would have thought I would have noticed that when putting them on.”

Peter told her that she must have put them on in a rush and that it was no big deal. He returned to the bathroom cursing Cindy for her lack of attention and praying that Fliss let the matter drop. In the shower Peter let the warm water wash all over him, soothing his tired body; he picked up the shower gel and started to lather up, starting with his chest and working his way down. As he washed he re-lived the days events in his mind, marvelling at how lucky he had been to share the compartment with four such hot young ladies. His hands reached his abdomen and brushed against a raging hard on; his cock had got hard as he thought about the four mouths that had engulfed his cock and the three pussies he had fucked. He grabbed hold of his cock and began to stroke it vigorously as he brought to mind the breasts he had groped and sucked. He closed his eyes as his cum splashed against the glass of the cubicle and slithered down into the pool of water at his feet.

“Shame,” came a voice, “I could have done with that.”

He turned around startled, to see Fliss had entered the room without him noticing. She was standing there in a new set of lingerie, looking very sexy. Peter groaned; he knew that he could not do his wife justice after just having come for the sixth time that day.

“I’m sorry love,” he said, “I just came over all horny and couldn’t control myself.”

Fliss turned and left the room; it appeared to Peter that she was slightly miffed. He decided to try to make it up to her by having dinner in the fancy restaurant downstairs rather than finding a cheaper one along the High Street. He finished his shower, applied after shave and returned to the bedroom to get dressed for dinner. Fliss was practically ready and she asked him to do up a necklace for her to finish off her outfit. Peter thought she looked ravishing and quickly dressed so that he could show off his attractive wife downstairs.

As they entered the restaurant, Peter looked around for any sign of the girls, but they were nowhere to be seen. Probably had more sense, he thought to himself, and found a local burger joint. They sat at the table and ordered their food; Peter ordered a pricier bottle of wine than he normally would and felt Fliss’s mood relaxing as the wine and the good food appeased her foul mood. They entered into pleasant conversation about the next day’s sightseeing and Fliss was delighted when Peter agreed to allow some time for exploring the High Street shops. She was drinking more than she normally did and Peter was hoping that he might yet get into her knickers when they returned to the bedroom. For dessert, Fliss ordered a banana split and when she was sure no-one was looking she picked up one of the banana halves and ran it in and out of her mouth while staring into Peter’s eyes. He almost choked on his mouthful of brandy as Fliss’s out of character behaviour caught him by surprise. He was now convinced he was onto a winner once he got Fliss back to their room.

After charging the meal to their room, Peter escorted Fliss back to the lift. They had it to themselves and Peter managed a quick grope of her breasts before she stated that she had a bad headache developing. Back in their room Peter helped Fliss undress and put on her nightie; she took a couple of her sleeping tablets and he told her he was going to the bar for a nightcap.

Back in the lift, Peter was thinking of what might have been had he taken more control of Fliss’s drinking and was chastising himself for a missed opportunity for one last bang of the day. As he entered the bar he heard some familiar voices chatting and when he turned a corner saw the four girls sitting up at the bar on stools.

“Evening ladies,” he said, “having a nightcap before turning in?” he asked.

They laughed and Sasha said, “No Petie, don’t be silly, we’re just having a starter before going clubbing. Hoping to pick up some local lads for some night-time entertainment.”

Peter smiled; bahis firmaları thoughts of some night-time entertainment of his own rapidly disappeared. His eyes ran over the four girls in their clubbing gear; they sure knew how to dress sexy, he thought, although Sasha’s outfit with an extremely short hem-line and almost 50% of her ample breasts on show was border-line slutty.

He ordered himself a scotch on the rocks and asked the girls if they would like a drink. They were all on Vodka Lemonades and the barman served these to the girls as they continued to chat. Peter sat on a stool next to Susie.

“So, where’s the missus?” asked Susie.

“She had a bad headache coming on, so she’s taken some more sleeping pills,” replied Peter.

Susie looked at the other girls and winked.

“I hope you don’t think I’m being rude,” said Peter, “but I’m surprised you girls are staying here; I thought you’d be at a Prime Inn or some such like.”

“Oooh, Petie thinks we’re not posh enough for here,” said Sasha laughing.

The other girls joined in and then Cindy said, “We all work for the parent company of this chain, so we get a nice discount.”

“You all work together! Christ, have they got any vacancies?” exclaimed Peter.

“Grandad wants to screw us at work,” laughed Kat.

This caused the barman to briefly look up from his newspaper; he looked at the four hot young things and decided they were teasing the old fellah.

“Imagine all the unpaid overtime you’d have to put in,” laughed Cindy. The other girls all joined in the laughter while Peter imagined what it would be like to work in an office with four such hot, wanton young women. He decided that after about two weeks his heart would probably give up.

The girls were finishing off their drinks and looked like they were getting ready to leave, all apart from Susie. “Hold up girls, one more before we get moving yeah? The night is still young,” she said.

The girls returned to their seats as Susie asked the barman if he did blowjobs. After clarifying that she meant the shot, the barman stated that it wasn’t on the official bar list, but he knew how to make them.

Once the drinks were all lined up on the bar, the girls all placed their hands behind their backs and lifted the glasses with their mouths, downing the contents. Peter watched in amazement; as the girls returned their glasses to the bar he noticed that they all had white stuff around their mouths, primarily on their upper lips which they then, rather seductively, licked off slowly whilst all staring at him.

“Come on Pete, bottoms up,” said Susie as she placed a hand on his thigh, stroking it lightly.

Peter picked his glass with his hand and downed the contents, enjoying the combination of Amaretto and Irish Cream. Susie’s hand was getting more adventurous and had found his sleeping dick nestled against his thigh. As he put the glass back on the bar, Susie reached for his face and pulled it towards her; she licked the cream from off his upper lip and then proceeded to stick her tongue in his mouth and halfway down his throat. He groaned as he sat back down and placed a hand on her bare thigh; she sighed.

“You coming then, Susie?” asked Sasha.

“Naah, I think I’ve found my entertainment for the night,” said Susie, giving Pete’s cock a squeeze.

As the three girls left the bar, Peter ordered them both another drink. His hand had found the inside of Susie’s thigh and was travelling North. Susie parted her legs further to make it easier for him and within seconds he was tracing his fingers along the crutch of her panties. She was struggling to control her breathing; she didn’t want the barman to realise what was happening, but he still had his head buried in his newspaper.

After finishing their drinks, Susie said, “So, do you want to come to my room for some fun?”

Peter grabbed Susie’s hand and whisked her towards the lift. Once inside the lift and realising that they had it to themselves, Peter grabbed Susie by the waist and kissed her, exploring her mouth with his tongue.

She pulled away from him. “Peter,” she said, “Can I ask a favour? Can I call you Daddy tonight?”

Thoughts of his Hazel flooded his mind again, as he said, “You can call me anything you want to baby girl.”

“Oooh Daddy, I like it when you call me that,” said Susie, before returning her lips to his and probing her tongue into his welcoming mouth.

He was stroking her arse cheeks through her short dress while kissing her and she was pressing her body up against him, rubbing her breasts against his chest. The lift stopped at their floor and they hurried out, walking past his room and reaching the door to her room. When Peter walked in he was surprised to see a double bed; he had been expecting two singles.

Seeing the surprised look on his face, Susie said “Us girls like to cuddle up at night when we haven’t got a bloke to share our bed.”

Then her demeanour changed. She turned her back to him and said, “Daddy, can kaçak iddaa you please undo the zip of my dress for me?”

Peter was more than happy to oblige and once the zip was undone he also unclipped her bra before running his hands around her side and feeling her small breasts.

“Oh Daddy,” said Susie, “that feels so naughty yet so nice.”

Peter began to kiss the back of her neck while fondling her tits. “Hazel,” he said, “I’ve been wanting to do this for so long.”

Susie sighed. She now realised that it was not just her fantasy being played out but Peter’s as well. Feeling a growing bulge pressed up against her rear she asked, “Daddy, what is that lump in your trousers?”

“That, my little angel, is Mr Willy and he wants to come out and meet you,” answered Peter, rubbing his cock against her bum.

“Do you think he’ll like me Daddy?”

“If you’re nice to him, he’s bound to,” said Peter, “Why don’t you get him out and introduce yourself?” With this Peter turned Susie around and placed his hands on her shoulders, encouraging her to drop to her knees.

His crutch was now at her eye level and she slowly extended her hand to his zip and pulled it down. Peter was busy unfastening his trousers and they dropped to the floor revealing his erect cock encased in silky boxers. Susie encircled his cock with her hand and slowly stroked it.

“Oh God Hazel, that feels so good,” he stated. “Now, please take my boxers down so that Mr Willy can see you properly.”

Susie did as bade and was delighted to see some pre-cum had already leaked from his knob.

“Daddy,” she said, “What is that liquid on Mr Willy? Has he been crying?”

Hearing the word Daddy again made Peter’s cock twitch and some further pre-cum leaked out of his piss hole, “Perhaps you could kiss him better, then he might stop crying,” said Peter.

Susie raised her mouth and lightly kissed the penis on the tip, ensuring that her tongue got a taste of the pre-cum awaiting her, “Like that Daddy?” she asked.

“Like that honey bunch,” he responded, “only perhaps a slightly bigger kiss. First, why don’t you stick your tongue out and wipe away all of his tears? Yes, that’s it baby girl – you’re doing very well. Now open your mouth and take Mr Willy in. Yes, just like that; now kiss him and lick him with your tongue. Can you feel him growing? That’s because he very much likes what you’re doing.”

Susie was enjoying this role playing and was squeezing her thighs together as her pussy began to tingle. She so wanted Peter’s cock in her but knew that the game had to be played out to ensure that they both achieved their fantasies.

“Now, darling girl, try to get as much of Mr Willy in your mouth as you can. He likes the feel of your mouth on him.”

Susie opened her mouth wide and moved along Peter’s engorged cock, licking and sucking as she did.

Peter groaned. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined that he would be able to live out his fantasy of fucking his daughter, but Susie was playing the role superbly. He ran his fingers through her hair, stroking her head and picturing Hazel in his mind.

“Oooh baby girl, you’re doing so well. Mr Willy likes you very much.” Peter grabbed her head by both sides and said, “Keep still now, Mr Willy wants to see if he can find the back of your throat.”

He then started to pump his cock in and out of Susie’s mouth, working his cock slightly further in with each thrust. As he was nearing the stage of his balls slapping against her chin, he said, “Almost there little one, just relax your throat so that Mr Willy can get all the way in.”

Before he could push any further he erupted in her throat, causing her to gag a bit as a shower of seed went straight down her throat to her stomach. Peter was stroking her hair again, “Oh Hazel,” he said, “you made Mr Willy so happy; see what happened. He wanted to share some of himself with you.”

As Peter withdrew his cock from her mouth, Susie was staring into his eyes. “Did I do alright Daddy; please say I did alright.”

Peter raised her to her feet, “You did amazingly honey bunch,” he said, “Now let’s get you undressed and ready for bed.”

“Okay Daddy,” said Susie. She allowed Peter to pull down the front of her dress and remove her bra. He slipped off her knickers and while he was kneeling in front of her to get them over her feet, he planted a tender kiss on her mons.

“Oh Daddy,” she exclaimed, “that feels so nice.”

“I’m going to make it feel a whole lot nicer soon,” said Peter. He told Susie to lie on the bed while he took off what remained of his clothing. His cock was still flaccid from having orgasmed just minutes earlier, so he lay on the bed with his mouth above Susie’s shaved pussy.

“Now, Hazel,” he said, “I’m going to show you how good it feels to have your kitty licked.”

He spread her thighs and lowered his face. The smell was heavenly, and he hoped that Hazel would smell as good. For a brief period he just lay there looking at the bare pussy kaçak bahis exposed to him and enjoying the smell. He extended his mouth forward and planted a big kiss on her pussy, sucking on her outer lips and pressing his nose against her clit. Susie moaned, “Oh Daddy, that’s lovely. It’s making my pee-pee feel all tingly.”

Peter almost laughed at the use of the term pee-pee; it was what he and Fliss had taught Hazel to call her vagina when she was much younger. He extended his tongue into her hole, savouring the taste of her, lapping up the juices that had started to flow and exploring her pussy as best as he could with the limited range of his tongue. Susie was now breathing heavily, between moans, and Peter realised that she was on the point of an orgasm.

“That’s it baby girl,” he said, “let it go. Come for Daddy and let me drink your juices.”

Hearing these words, Susie’s pussy exploded and a gush of fluids poured out onto Peter’s face. More than he had ever experienced before.

“Oh my God, Hazel, you really came for Daddy in a big way,” he said as he continued to lick up the juices coating her thighs and pussy.

Once he had licked all of her juices from her splayed thighs, Peter crawled up the bed and lay next to Susie. They put their arms around each other and kissed deeply.

Susie said, “Is that strange taste in your mouth the taste of my pee-pee Daddy?”

“Yes, honey bunch. That lovely taste is the taste between your legs and I want to keep tasting it for years to come,” said Peter.

“Oh Daddy, that sounds nice. You can lick my pee-pee whenever you want,” stated Susie.

Peter was now paying attention to Susie’s breasts.

“See these, Hazel,” said Peter, fingering Susie’s nipples, “these are your nipples and you can get a good feeling from these too.”

“Show me how, please Daddy” said Susie.

Peter lowered his mouth to her right nipple and sucked it into his mouth while fondling her left breast with his hand. Her nipple grew as he teased it with his tongue and he started to suckle on it.

“Are you trying to get some milk out Daddy?” asked Susie.

“No honey, you don’t have any yet but when you have a baby of your own I would love to suck your milk.”

“Oh, okay Daddy. I will always save some of my milk for you.”

Peter groaned. He wished this was his Hazel making these promises to him. He switched his mouth to her left nipple and sucked on it while running his fingers over her slippery right breast. His right hand had snaked beneath her and was squeezing her arse cheek; it was small, soft and smooth. His cock had awoken from the attention he was paying to Susie’s body and was nudging between her thighs.

“Oooh Daddy, it feels like Mr Willy wants to play again,” said Susie.

“He sure does honey bunch. He wants to say hello to your kitty and make you feel lovely again.”

“Okay Daddy. It won’t hurt me will it?” she asked.

“No baby. He is going to make you feel loved. He may even share some more of himself with you.”

Susie looked down into Peter’s eyes and imagined her own dad being there. Looking further down at his cock, she said, “He looks very big Daddy. Is he red because he’s angry with me? Will he fit in me?”

“It’s okay baby girl,” said Peter, “He’s red because he’s excited and yes he’ll fit in you. He may stretch you a bit, but you are going to enjoy having him inside you.”

Peter repositioned himself so that his cock was near the entrance to Susie’s pussy and lowered himself gently, kissing her on the mouth as he gently thrust his cock into her warm, wet, inviting hole. She gasped as his cock made its way slowly inside her; stretching her walls as its thickness passed along her vagina. He was slowly pumping his cock into what felt like a velvet glove; she was tight, so tight and it felt like her pussy was trying to milk the cum from him. He slowed down for fear of coming too soon and spent some time just resting inside her as he sucked again on her nipples. She was not to settle for this though and, using her feet on his buttocks, started to try to pull him further inside her.

“Okay, honey, if you want it that bad,” he said, “But I warn you, I don’t think I can last too long in that gorgeous kitty of yours.”

He started to thrust in earnest, pushing further and further in. It felt to him that Susie’s vagina was contracting as if trying to trap him inside her.

“What are you doing down there, baby girl,” he asked.

“Do you like it Daddy? I’m using my kitty to stroke Mr Willy.”

“It feels heavenly, darling, but if you keep doing that Mr Willy is going to erupt inside you,” said Peter.

“Do it Daddy, do it,” pleaded Susie, “I want to feel your sticky juices lining my kitty walls.”

This sent Peter over the edge and with one final thrust he emptied his balls into Susie’s vice like pussy. As he pulled out of her, Susie rushed down and took his cock into her mouth, licking all of the cum off of him. After she was finished she licked her lips and smiled.

“I think it’s time for bed Daddy. Can you cuddle me for a while?”

Peter looked at his watch. “Okay honey, but I need to set an alarm for five-thirty so that I can get back before Fliss wakes.”

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Doing Dirty Debbie Ch. 05

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It was not often I got to stay over at Debbie’s, but as I lay in her bed that morning I reflected that it was thoroughly worth the wait. Last night had been a spectacular session and as I stretched, then opened my eyes I could see the results on Debbie’s beautiful body. As she moved around the bedroom the bruises on her tits stood out in contrast to her white skin and when she bent over the weals from her vicious caning stood out in relief from her lovely ass cheeks. She was bending over now. “Lovely view,” I murmured, “Come on, shake that ass!” She glanced back, smiled and wiggled it invitingly.

“It’s a bit of a mess this morning,” she said, reaching back to stroke it. “You did a real number on me last night!” She straightened. “And have you seen my tits – I’ll be feeling the bruises there for days and my nips, oh my God I don’t think I’ll be able to put a bra on today they are so sore!”

“Come here,” I growled. She advanced towards me rolling her hips seductively. I pushed back the covers to reveal my stiffening cock and as she leaned forward to deliver a morning welcome with her ever ready lips I reached out and grabbed each nipple between my thumb and first finger, squeezing as I did so.

“Aaaahhh,” she groaned, her body writhing as she sucked harder on my cock. She pulled off briefly. “Oh yes, that is so…ooowww…aaahhh… amazing!” I continued to twist as she sucked my cock.

“OK you can cum now,” I whispered. Immediately her finger sought out her clit and as I twisted her nipples fiercely, she came panting and gasping. I pulled out of her mouth – I enjoyed the sucking but didn’t want to come yet.

“Carry on with what you were doing before, ” I told her as I slowly got out of bed. She was unrolling an area of plastic sheeting and securing it. I wandered over to our toys bag and rummaged around. As she finished laying out the sheets I called her over. She looked down and saw me holding a thick dildo – some 9″ long and three in diameter and a sturdy butt plug with a two inch diameter and some 6″ in length. Her eyes widened but she said nothing. “Turn around and grab your ankles, ” I commanded. She slowly turned and did as I bid, though I could sense her reluctance. I was now sitting on the bed with her bent over in front of me. What a lovely sight! Her pink cunt, hairless and with tiny labia, stood gaping in front of me and above it her tight brown ring pulsed gently as she anticipated the stretching she was about to endure.

“Cunt first,” I stated and introduced the dildo to her entrance. I slowly pushed on it; there was some definite resistance as the girth began to be felt but this was a cunt that could take pretty much anything and soon the length was slowly disappearing into her beautiful twat. As it bottomed out she wiggled her hips slightly and I gave her a couple of hard slaps on the welts on her ass.

“Good girl,” I said. “Now just relax, this next one is going to be a challenge for you.” I could hear the ragged intake of breath, feel the desire to move away, to complain, but she was better trained now and stayed in place, defying her innermost fears. I squeezed some lube onto my finger and inserted it into her waiting hole. She tensed, squeezed my finger, but then relaxed as I moved it through into her rectal cavern. I stuck another finger in and she groaned. I finger fucked her gently, then withdrew, lubed the plug and introduced it to her hole. She was already used to a one and three quarter inch plug but this was a new level for her. The first couple of inches slipped straight in, but I met resistance and tensing as I continued to push. So I started to fuck her with the plug, increasing the penetration a fraction each time. Soon we were within an inch or so of the widest part. She was beginning to writhe now, her dislike of anal stretching beginning to get to her. I started to corkscrew the plug, pushing and waiting for the gasp as she was forced a little wider.

“Please master, this is too big. I can’t take it…oohhh….nnnooo…..please.”

I ignored her pathetic whining.

“Debbie – come kneel on the bed.” I told her. She did so as I kept the plug moving up her with one hand and kept the dildo in place in her cunt with the other. “Now, reach back and frig yourself'” I commanded. As her finger sought her clit I pushed and twisted that bit harder and the plug began to reach its widest part. Finally her anal ring stretched as far as it ever had and the plug was poised to disappear. The burn for her was intense and at that moment her orgasm began. I held the plug at her maximum burn / stretch until as her orgasm was in full panting, gasping, wailing flow, I released the plug and let it disappear up her.

“Aaaaiiieee………aah…aaah,…aahh,” she screamed then panted with the plug firmly up her. I gave her a few seconds then told her to stand up and keep her fingers on the dildo to stop it sliding out. I produced a harness and quickly wrapped it round her slim waist and down between her legs and up through her ass crack, securing everything in place.

“Ok Debbie,” I said, “Now you lie down here on the plastic; I have to pop out for a couple of minutes to get some canlı bahis stuff from the store. You know what’s coming so you can lie and think about it and feel how stuffed your holes are.” She lay down obediently and I quickly dressed, grabbed my wallet and headed for the door.

We did need a few things from the store round the corner, but I wanted her situation to get to her mind a bit while I was out. As the butt plug worked on her innards her morning shit would build up and the release would be spectacular. I made my purchases and turned round to leave the store when who should I see but our friend Susan.

I grinned at her. “Hi Susan, how are you?” We hugged and she mashed her huge tits against my chest and stomach.

“Just popped out for a few things,” she said with a smile.

“Well I’m over at Debbie’s right now, can I walk you back?”

“Really – what were you two up to last night?”

“A lot – put it this way she has sore nipples, bruised tits, a well whipped ass and right now is coping with a dildo in her cunt and a large plug in her ass.”

“Wow – lucky girl'” sighed Susan. “I could do with some fun but right now I need to get home.”

“Why, what’s wrong?” I asked.

“Stomach cramping – need to poop,” she gasped and increased her pace.

I hurried to catch up. She was wearing sweat pants and a baggy top and was jiggling interestingly as she hurried down the street.

“Hey stop,” I said. “I have an idea.”

“What do you mean?’ she asked with a frown and a grimace.

“Have you ever shit in your pants?” I asked. “You could sit on that bench there and just let go. Then we could go over to Debbie and see what she has packed inside her.”

“You are an evil but creative man'” she smiled. “You mean just shit out here? What if someone sees?”

“Who cares? You’ll sit down, ease up to let it out then sit back down into it. Your panties will hold it, it’ll all be wedged in that big ass crack of yours and we’ll go back and drop the lot on Debbie.”

She looked at me, her eyes glazed over with pain and lust. “OK,” she said, “I’m up for it – sounds a really disgusting way to start the day!”

We sat on the nearby bench and almost immediately she braced her legs against the ground and raised her ass a few inches off the bench. I heard a wet fart as she started to shit and suddenly the look on her face of blessed relief let me know she had released her load into her panties. A smell of open sewer wafted towards me and I grinned at her.

“All out? I asked. She nodded. “Well now for the fun part,” I said and kicked her legs from the ground. She sat down suddenly and the look on her face as the warm shit squished up her ass crack and forward round her cunt was truly priceless. She sat there, rocking gently to spread the warmth and feel the texture on her ass.

“Oh my God!” she gasped, rocking from side to side to spread the feeling.. “That is amazing – what a feeling, it’s so warm and sexy on my ass and I can feel some squeezing over my cunt. Wow. This was a great idea.”

“Come on,” I said, pulling her up. “Let’s go surprise Debs.”

We walked slowly back towards Debbie’s condo. I reached back and squeezed her ass a few times, feeling the soft mass of shit wedged and spread over her ample butt. We entered the condo and found Debbie still lying on the plastic sheeting and strapped into her intruders. “Look who I found!” I said, pushing Susan ahead of me.

Susan smiled at Debs – “Wow, he really did a number on you didn’t he?” Debbie nodded, blushing at this unexpected interruption, catching her naked and plugged. “And now he did me too in a way.” she added.

Susan reached down and peeled off her top and quickly whipped off her bra, letting her huge veined mammaries flop down. She went down to Debbie and rolled her on her back, straddling her slim stomach and grabbing Debbie’s nipples. Debbie squealed in pain and reached up to grab Susan’s as I quickly shed my clothes. As Susan and Debbie got reacquainted I kneeled over Debbie’s head and presented my cock to Susan’s mouth. As her mouth started working on me, I felt Debbie’s tongue start rimming my ass. I quickly hardened at the sight of the two bitches squeezing each other’s nipples, Debbie’s tongue snaking up my back passage and Susan’s expert licking. Reluctantly I pulled away and went down to rub Debbie once more to orgasm. Straight after that I stood Susan up and pulled down her sweat pants. Debbie gasped as she saw the huge load so obviously caught in Susan’s underwear. Her pants hung precariously down as she stood over Debbie wiggling her copious ass. Debbie began to have some idea of what was to happen and started to whimper and shake her head. I immediately grabbed her hands and cuffed her wrists together, pulling them back over her head and securing them to one of the legs of the bed. Her ankles I separated and locked into a spreader bar. She was ready.

Susan sat her ass over Debbie’s tits and slowly peeled her panties down, turning them inside out to reveal a huge soft stinking brown mass. As she upended her panties the whole mass fell straight onto Debbie’s tits. She whimpered gently. bahis siteleri Susan then pulled her panties the rest of the way down, stepped out of them and wiped them on Debbie’s stomach and thighs. Debbie writhed helplessly as Susan reached between her legs and took the largest lumps out of her ass crack and her cunt area and smeared them onto Debbie’s pubic mound and labia around the harness. Having completed her disrobing she stood over Debbie before slowly starting the descent of her brown encrusted ass towards Debbie’s face. My little toilet slut was getting her breakfast alright this morning!

Slowly the huge cheeks descended until they covered Debbie’s face and then I heard her tongue starting to get to work cleaning some breathing room for herself. Susan leaned forward and started to rub Debs’ clit in encouragement which caused more spasms in her abused body.

“C’mon bitch, clean my filthy shit hole,” Susan growled.

The response was muffled but we could hear slurping noises and Susan’s face was lighting up with pleasure as she felt the tongue working her back passage, cleaning her up and eating the lumps that remained. Susan’s fingers strayed down towards her clit and her eyes closed as she started to rub her clit, determined to get maximum enjoyment from her position. I couldn’t let her have too much pure pleasure so went over to my bag of tricks. Returning, I stood in front of Susan and started working her nipples again, twisting and pulling. She moaned excitedly and was starting to pant her way to a climax when I released the first tight bulldog clip onto her nipple. She screamed once and sat down hard on the unfortunate Debbie and then again as I released the second one on the other side. She shook her massive tits from side to side but kept working at her clit, determined to climax properly now. As her breath became more ragged and her eyes glazed over I quickly linked the two clips with a chain and fed it to her mouth, pulling her tits painfully upwards. This was too much, she started to come violently, raising up so I could see Debbie’s shit smeared mouth and face. As she came, she jerked up on her chain, popping one of the clips off her nipple and released a load of soft shit straight into Debbie’s face. As Susan leaned forward I rubbed Debbie to a stinky climax and we all took a pause and wiped some of the shit off Debbie’s face.

Debbie looked in some pain now. “What’s wrong? I asked her.

“I need to go – I can’t hold that plug in much longer,” she stammered.

I pulled the still dazed Susan off her, took the clamps off and helped her roll onto her back, her massive tits pancaking out under her armpits. I helped Dirty Debbie up, untying her restraints and removing the harness. The dildo popped out of her cunt but the butt plug remained firmly in place. Her stinking shit smeared body looked oh so beautiful and I urged her to kneel over Susan. I quickly tied Susan to the bed as I had Debbie and used the same spreader bar. Debbie squatted over Susan’s tits, and I told her to relax and let the plug come out naturally. This was the biggest plug she had ever held in and I watched as her anal ring slowly expanded as the plug started to emerge. She whimpered as it got to the widest part and I put a finger on it then to stop the progress. The burn and stretch was at its maximum and she whimpered in pain and desperation until I finally pulled it clean out and a huge mass of soft stinking shit dropped straight onto Susan’s chest, splattering out over her tits and leaving drops and bits on her face and in her hair. The plug itself was encrusted with shit so I gave it to Debbie and she started rubbing it over Susan’s clit and cunt.

Now she shuffled backwards, her anus gaping and still well over an inch distended. She was almost reluctant to cover Susan’s face with it even though her own face was still a solid mass of brown from what Susan had inflicted on her. “Come on Debbie, give her some of her own medicine,” I urged. She grinned evilly at that point and sat her ass hard down on Susan’s face.

“C’mon you cunt,” she breathed, “Lick me clean.” Susan started in with a will and Debbie started to gently rub her own clit as Susan’s tongue burrowed up her warm brown hole. I left then to it for a couple of minutes by which time Debbie had come and Susan had made a good job of cleaning her up. I took myself round behind Debbie and pushed her up off Susan’s tongue,. Her anus was almost closed now but still very slick as I put my cock to its entrance and pushed hard, burrowing deep into her bowels immediately. A contented moan escaped Debbie and I felt Susan’s tongue probing at my balls and trying to get to my ass.

Concentrating, I rocked gently in Debbie’s ass and was rewarded when I relaxed enough to send a hot stream of piss into her rectum. I had been bursting to go all morning so my stream was copious. Susan, not quite knowing why I wasn’t fucking Debbie hard continued to tongue my balls until I had finally finished. At that point I pulled out and Debbie squeezed her ass shut. I stood up and walked round to grab Debbie’s nipples. I pulled on them, straightening her up right over Susan – “Now, bahis şirketleri release,” I commanded, and she did, sending a stream of hot yellow and brown piss straight into Susan’s unsuspecting face. Susan gasped, but quickly opened her mouth to receive the gift from Debbie’s ass. I pushed Debbie down so Susan could drink as much of the stream as she could and eventually Debbie closed off the stream, sat back down on Susan’s face and released the rest straight into her waiting mouth. From the spluttering and gargling noises coming from under Debbie’s ass I could tell Susan was getting her morning refreshment and eventually it all came to an end. Debbie remained sat on Susan’s mouth, moving back now to give Susan access to her clit. Debbie started to sigh and moan as Susan expertly tongues her clit, gasping, coming and licking the shit from her own face as she did so. Once she had climaxed, I eased her off Susan and lay her down next to her partner in shit. I tied their arms together, leaving their faces next to each other and undid Susan’s legs from the spreader bar. “Now girls, why don’t you have some fun with each other – I have something to attend to,” I said. The two of them looked at each other with lust filled eyes and Debbie put her knee up between Susan’s defiled thighs so she could hump her cunt and clit on it and they began to kiss and lick the shit off each others’ faces.

I headed for the bathroom where I quickly filled our enema bag and shoved the nozzle up my ass. My rectum was packed with shit and my morning dump was overdue but I wanted to give my two sluts a real bath this morning. I released the clamp on the enema tube and felt the warm water begin to fill my bowels. I knew there was not much space available but wanted to take what I could, so as my rectum filled and the cramping began I did what I could to massage my gut and ignore the pain. The result was going to be worth it I knew. Finally I was able to absorb the whole bag and the cramping subsided. However to say I felt full was a serious understatement. My ass demanded release and I had to concentrate fiercely to keep the sphincter closed. I waddled back into the room where the girls were still kissing and humping each others’ legs as best they could. They looked up at my entry, I was waddling slightly and stroking my stiffening cock. “OK girls, lie together and put your heads together, face up, mouths open,” I commanded. Susan moved to obey and Debbie, a worried look on her face, laid her head next to Susan’s so their ears were touching. Quickly I squatted over them, my straining anal ring about a foot above them. I settled down, relaxed and pushed slightly. Immediately a huge stream of brown water and huge lumps of squishy shit exploded out of my ass and hit the two faces square on, splattering over their noses, foreheads and hair, running down off their faces. Debbie began to turn away but I reached down and slapped her face hard and she moved her mouth back, opening it again to drink more sludge. My ass was still pulsing, still releasing more liquid shit with some lumps thrown in. I descended over Susan’s mouth, running with slushy shit and forced more lumps out straight onto her shitty tongue and watched as she chewed and swallowed, her mouth opening for more. Then onto Debbie for her to lick me clean, which I rewarded with a particularly nasty piece of black shit from way up inside me. She gagged, wailed but eventually chewed and swallowed as she had been trained.

My anal stream was at an end but my cock needed relief. I undid Susan and had her get on her hands and knees over Debbie so they could comfort each other. I grabbed the big butt plug and then put my cock to Susan’s now clean hole. A push, a gasp and I was up her lovely rectum, pumping away furiously. The whole room stank of festering shit, I was buggering a plump bitch whose tits were swinging freely and my own dear bitch was pinching the nipples hard while kissing and licking at Susan’s shit encrusted face. My cock pistoned madly in and out, my balls got tighter and tighter as I felt the spunk begin to rise until it shot out into the warm confines of Susan’s pulsing shit hole. I shuddered and came to a halt. Now I slowly pulled out of her violated ring but immediately began to introduce the large butt plug to her ass. There was relatively little resistance initially but then as the stretch began she began to pant and whine. It did no good as I corkscrewed the plug up into her gut and finally her hungry ass sucked it in to the accompaniment of a shrill gasp. “There you go, cunt, nicely full huh?” I sneered.

I stood up shakily and relaxed for a couple of minutes while Susan collapsed next to Debbie and began twisting Debbie’s nipples as Debbie did the same to her. After a period of watching this I grabbed Susan by the hair and pulled her up to a kneeling position and positioned her anus over Debbie’s mouth. I forced her body upright with the plug now about six inches over Debbie’s mouth. “Open wide, you shit eating whore,” I told her and pulled the plug out, pushing Susan further down onto Debbie. After a pause, shit stained semen began to leak from Susan’s ass and Debbie put out her tongue to catch it, raising her head to make sure every drop was accounted for. Susan grunted, pushing hard and some slimy sludge also appeared which Debbie gobbled up, before moving her tongue round, seeking Susan’s clit once again.

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My Favourite Toy(s)

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I’m standing in the shower, letting the hot water flow smoothly over my body. I feel so horny when I think of what we did yesterday. How you slammed me against the wall and made me yours. I consider pleasuring myself in the shower but the water turns cold. A deep sigh escapes my lips as I turn it off and step outside, not even taking the time to dry myself.

I walk into my bedroom. The first thing that catches my eye is my dildo. It looks so inviting lying on my bedside table. Seeing as my pussy was already starting to get wet from the shower I decide to have some fun.

I take my toy and slide onto my bed. As my back touches the sheets I take a look at myself in the large mirror attached to my ceiling. I like what I see; a young girl still wet from her shower. My lustful eyes are roaming my body, noticing how my breathing moves my breasts slowly. My nipples are rock-hard already. Mmm, I’m really going to enjoy this. My eyes are still moving downwards, over my pierced belly to my neatly trimmed pussy.

I take my favourite toy and start licking it gently. Imagining it’s your güvenilir canlı bahis siteleri cock. I take it in, trying to get it as wet as possible. Not that it has to be, my pussy is already leaking with my juices. Deciding the dildo is ready I move towards my pussy, making sure it rakes across my nipples.

A moan escapes my lips as I rub it softly against my warm folds. It feels so good and big, just like you feel when you’re teasing me. I can’t take anymore teasing and place the tip at my entrance. With a deep gasp I start pushing it in. When it’s almost in I have to lift my hips in order to thrust in the last bit. I’m moaning deeply. I look into the mirror again while I start to move the dildo in and out. I just love how my cunt tries to hold it in by squeezing it. Hmmm, my juices are leaking. They’ve even found their way into my crack. Pounding hard into myself I close my eyes and imagine it’s you between my legs. Filling me deep, with your cock drowning in my pussy.

I remember having a second dildo and decided to make good use of it. Turning on my side I reach güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri out and grab it from the nightstand. While one hand is still moving my toy in and out of my clenching pussy, I start licking and sucking the second dildo. Mmm, just the thought of what’s about to happens turns me on so much. I know it will hurt, but I’m looking forward to it.

I’m ready to be completely filled now. I slowly take the first toy out of my cunt and place it against my ass. I can feel how it’s dripping with my juices while I slowly push the tip in.

Ohh yesss, I knew it would hurt. My ass-muscles are clenching as I shove more of it in. When it’s halfway up my ass I need to stop, just a second. I take a deep breath and plunge the dildo into my ass. I’m screaming as I feel like being ripped in two.

Feeling the throbbing pain sear through me I find pleasure again. I slowly twist the dildo a little. My ass is aching, but I can feel how the tingly feeling shoots straight to my pussy. Taking my other toy again I place it at my pussy. The need to be completely güvenilir bahis şirketleri filled is so great that I immediately thrust it halfway. It hurt again but I know I can’t stop now. I keep pushing and twisting until I have both dildos spreading me so wide. I feel how my clit is throbbing and how my entire body is aching to be relieved.

Both my hands are gripping a toy now. Slowly trying out a first move. It still feels like I’m being ripped, but the pleasure quickly turns into pure bliss as I find a nice rhythm.

Pumping the dildos in and out I start breathing hard and moaning loudly. It won’t be long before I cum.

I’m pounding harder now. Grinding myself deep, just barely able to breath. I can feel the tension building. Just a few more thrusts and I’ll be there. My head is trashing from side to side. My whole body tenses as I feel myself going over the edge. I push the dildos in at the same time; fucking myself deep. I scream out my pleasure as I cum so hard.

I try to lie still as I feel the last waves of my orgasm fade away. My fingers are covered in my own juices and cum, so I start to lick them clean. Mmm, I do love to taste myself. I gently remove the dildo in my ass. I put it back on the nightstand, choosing to clean it later.

With a content sigh I crawl under the sheets and fall asleep with my other favorite toy still buried deep inside my pussy.

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My Diary Ch. 01

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This diary will chronicle my explorations into my sexuality and explorations of my deepest forbidden desires. Thank you for any feedback, D.

Chapter 1. March 27, 2010

I am somewhat confused and frustrated in my sexuality. I am a 28 year-old male and am relatively straight. I do, however, enjoy anal play during masturbation – a fact I have not shared with my fiancee.

Tonight I decided to start my diary of sexual explorations. I had just finished a little smoke and as I haven’t come in several days I decided to look to the Internet for some inspiration. For tonight I have swung back to my transsexual fantasies and have “Ladyboy Fantasy 2” downloading in the background. Since it will take some time I am doing some research into the possibility of satisfying my “menage-e-trois” and pegging fantasy.

Before I get married this year I will visit the Bunny Ranch in Nevada and have a raunchy party with two gorgeous women that will each penetrate my ass with their ever-hard strap-ons. These sexy goddesses of carnal knowledge will eventually allow me canlı bahis to orgasm while performing the strap-on 69, a position I name “the scorpion of duality.” As to tonight, since the porn has finished downloading, I will explore an old sensation. A sensation I first awoke when I was 18 and a virgin, both cock and ass. A sensation begun by a humble yellow Biro marker.

I have prepared by shaving myself nearly smooth and am now contemplating giving myself an enema to make sure my “pleasure hole” is ready for possible play. I might be discovered if I do. I’ll flip a coin for it – just to make things a little more random and interesting, “heads” I go for the enema, “tails” I play it safe…I get a cocked tails, so I cheat and toss again…Heads.

I have succeeded in evading capture! My ass is now sweet and fresh and ohh so clean. It is almost time to lube up my pink and quivering ass for its meeting with a condomed and lubed-up toilet plunger.

My balls ache with the pent-up pleasure waiting to be released and my cock is engorged, displaying the micro blood bahis siteleri vessels responsible for for the ecstasy to come. My uncircumcised cock is thrillingly sensitive and the tactile sensation of running my fingernail across the helmeted head is delicious. The common belief that an uncircumcised cock a filthy thing is a sad misconception. Mine is sweet to the taste and more responsive to the touch.

I slowly ease the foreskin over the head, until the skin pops over the little lip at the bottom of the head. In contrast to the beige shaft, the head is an angry purple and beads of pre-come have already oozed out of the opening. The head has a slight sheen and it feels like electricity is running through my loins when I touch it.

It is time to lube my aching hole. What should it be tonight? I have found that the desensitizing “Anal-Eze” lube is counter productive to the anally stimulating activity of “auto sodomia”, I prefer the Nivea Body lotions or the Cocoa and Shea butter creams. The Vitamin E, Collagen and Elastin allow pleasure and lubrication, bahis şirketleri while at the same time keeping my hole firm and tight. The thought alone has raised my flagging cock. Shea butter it is then.

I have lit the candles and prepared my “lover”. She is a little small, but my eagerness to feel the rigid plunger in my hole will more that make up for it. Now to turn on the she-male porno and straddle the object from the beginnings of my anal exploration. Here goes…

The sensations are indescribable. Waves of pleasure ripple through my anal region at the merest touch. Kneeling on all fours, I slowly insert the intruder. I slow even more and allow the sensations to catch up with my limbic system, it feels like a tree trunk entering my ass, yet it is only 6 or 7 inches. It is too much and I lie on my back, eying the computer monitor and its scenes of Asian transsexuals in a mess of human limbs and thrusting motions.

I don’t last long and shoot fountains of come all over myself.

With the subsidence of the waves of pleasure engulfing me, the doubts and guilt re-appears. How do I deal with it? How do you deal with it? I appreciate all your comments and advice. We will meet again…when the ache of a desire unfulfilled again swamps my reasons for denying it. Adieu…

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Biker Bash

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I welcome all feedback and if you would like to just say hello, please do.

I’ve taken the advice from the feedback I’ve received and I want to give full credit and editing credentials to malefica

Sara and I had exchanged messages back and forth for a while, getting to know one another and developed an online friendship. I say a friendship because our interactions were nothing erotic or anything steamy, but we enjoyed the conversations nonetheless.

We had a common interest in riding motorcycles, with her enjoying being a passenger and we just clicked. We also talked about if fate would happen to intervene, and we had the chance, we would enjoy riding with each other sometime either in a group or with each other.

It was during this course of conversations via emails and texts that I discovered she was thirty-three years old and was married but separating. She told me about marrying young when she found out she was pregnant with her first daughter. She also revealed the reason she was separating from her husband of fifteen years was because he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants.

The first time it happened, she had forgiven him. But then it had happened again and she forgave him a second time. But the third time was a charm when she found out he was not only fucking a girl he worked with, but also their next door neighbor, hence why Sara was taking her three daughters and moving out of the state. Sara had developed a whole new outlook on life. She had started exercising again and went on a diet and had found that being on the back of a motorcycle in her younger years had given her a sense of freedom, and wanted to experience that again. Little did I know then what “a new outlook on life” meant.

I had a message from Sara one day saying that in a few weeks she was going to be in town for the weekend, and wondered if I would be interested in meeting face to face. I replied back saying I’d enjoy meeting but never heard back from her. That was until three days before she was coming into town, where she went on to say, “I wasn’t avoiding you but at the same time I was avoiding you.”

What the hell does that mean? I think to myself. The next messages and texts I got from Sara was a long explanation as to why she had hesitated in her reply.

She went on to tell me that while she was setting up for her separation, she got busy with finding a new place to live, all of which sounded reasonable because I had always had the impression of her being a family woman, raising her three daughters, working hard, and doing all the things a good mom does.

Up until then, all of our conversations had been rated PG at best. Yes, there had been some flirting between her and I, and we admitted we were attracted to one another even though I was twelve years her senior, but not much more than that. I could now understand why she had reservations in the bomb she was about to drop on me.

Sara told me that her initial thought about the offer to meet was purely innocent. And that it might be fun to meet an online buddy since she was making a pit stop for the weekend in my area. Then she started having second thoughts and was why she didn’t reply back. But it was while she was making these plans that she had decided she had grown to trust me, as far as trusting someone online can go, and she had a gut feeling there was something more about me. She then decided to just go for it, and proceeded to lay all her cards on the table and it was those arrangements that she wanted to talk to me about and why she had been avoiding me.

“There is something I wanted to talk to you about but didn’t know how to bring it up.” She started off and my nerves were a little on edge, because in my experience, that phrase always leads to a “holy hell you’re shitting me?” kind of reaction.

She goes on to tell me that she was going to make a weekend of it here in town before she ventured off to close on her new house. She continued with explaining that the couple she is going to be staying with is more than just friends. And she also began to tell me what led up to this new revelation she was having and had been going through the past few months before her and I met online.

Since Sara married so young, and she had always remained faithful to her husband, it had limited her on sexual exploration, and other than a couple blow jobs and hand jobs she gave boy friends in high school, her experiences were limited at best. She began to explain to me that one night, when she came to the conclusion her marriage was over, she was visiting a married couple, Sherri and Dan. They were friends of Sara and her husband, and they sympathized with her. After a few bottles of wine, one thing led to another and she had woken between the two of them in their bed the next morning.

After taking a couple of days to figure out what had happened, she had come to the conclusion that it may have been the wine that diminished her inhibitions but at the bahis firmaları same time, she couldn’t remember the last time she had enjoyed sex so much. The three of them playing, kissing, teasing and ultimately fucking. It was during those couple of days of soul-searching that she had admitted to herself that she enjoyed it. What the couple had done was woken up a whole new realm of erotic pleasures Sara was finding exciting. She visited them again three days later, with the same outcome of her spending the night. She soon became a regular at their house over the next couple of weeks, and realized that she had missed out on so much, and sex could be so much more than what it had been in the years she had been married.

She had been on her own when she started playing around outside her marriage and found that there was no shortage of friends and couples who didn’t mind having an attractive woman join them in the bedroom on a one-off or friendly basis. Sherri and Dan had introduced her to a couple of their friends, and every weekend Sara was experiencing new things with new people.

Anyhow, she went on to tell me that she met this couple online, and after a few erotic Skype sessions she met them personally on her way to see the new house and had enjoyed their company so to speak. But this time, she was going to spend the weekend with them. This was where I came in, and she asked me if I was turned off or thought less of her. When I reassured her I wasn’t, she went on to ask me how I felt about being her “date” that weekend.

Things had just ramped up, so I told her that I would really enjoy it. That was in addition to the fact that she shouldn’t be ashamed, bashful, or shy about anything. And that I might surprise her as to some of the things I enjoy and would enjoy doing… with her being one of them. Quite the bold step!

This weekend was a pretty big deal in this area with about a thousand or so bikers converging down on a campground and just having a good time. Like many camp grounds it was divided up into sections, with onsite cabins, areas for small to large RV’s, and then there was an area set aside for tents. Sara and her friends were staying in a tent and I rode down there to finally meet her that Saturday morning.

It took me riding up and down the aisles a few times, smelling the various pork products being cooked for late breakfasts over camp fires and grills, before I finally found them and parked the bike. Sara greeted me with a hug and kiss like we had known each other for years and then she introduced me to Kelly and Mark.

The couple looked to be about the same age as Sara in their early thirties, and I later found out that weekend that Kelly was the same age as Sara and Mark was only a couple of years older than her. She was shorter and much thinner than Sara, in fact “dainty” came to mind when I first saw her. Her red hair was short and cropped and I’m sure it was that hair style made her look a lot younger. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a tube top that covered her small breasts that looked like two little tennis balls shoved in the red elastic top. Mark stood about 5’10” and had a bit of a belly on him, I was assuming from the love he had with beer. But overall, they looked to be a healthy, fun, and attractive couple.

“This is the guy I was telling you about.” Sara said.

Mark shook my hand and offered to get me a beer. Kelly gave me a hug, squeezing my ass in the process, and told me it was great to finally meet me and we were going to have a good time this weekend.

Kelly looked over to Sara, “Yeah I think he’s hot too” and gave Sara a thumb’s up with an accompanying smile and laughed while she went back to her chair and sat down.

When Sara broke it off with her husband and started working out and eating better, the results were her losing weight and she was really looking fabulous. She was toning up and her body looked as if she turned back the clock five or ten years. She had dirty blonde hair from a bottle that fell just below her shoulders and it was styled that complimented her very well. A couple of the pictures she had sent me had her having brown hair with a red tint and I thought that the dirty blonde look suited her so much better.

She was wearing a white Harley Davidson t-shirt that was tucked inside a tight fitting pair of Levi’s and those were tucked inside a pair of leather riding boots that came up to just below her knees. Sara stood about 5’4″ but the boots had her a little taller and I thought she could fit remarkably well in my arms when standing next to my 6’1″ frame.

She had on just a touch of makeup, with a bit of eye shadow and natural colored lipstick. I could tell she took a little extra time getting ready that morning considering we were in a camp ground and I appreciated the hell out of the results.

The tee-shirt she was wearing was straining to hold back a set of what looked to be a pair of full C-cups, and without a bra, her hard kaçak iddaa nipples looked like they could tear right through the cotton material. Her ass looked amazing in those jeans and I desperately wanted to get my hands all over it.

In the previous couple of days, I was thinking about how nice it was going to be to finally meet Sara, and I was looking forward to having her on the back seat of my bike and us riding.

Now the only riding I wanted had nothing to do with Harley Davidson or motorcycles.

It was obvious that the party had started well before I got there and Mark was feeling no pain. The girls were drinking their mimosas and I’ll never know if it was the alcohol or their personalities, but they were giggling like school girls, and we all were just kicking back and enjoying the late morning.

After a while of chit chat and just getting to know each other, Sara stood and came over and sat on my lap and proceeded to give me a kiss that was not meant to be shy, pushing her warm wet tongue in my mouth in the process. Pulling back, she looked at me and asked if I was having a good time and if I was ok with everything that was going on.

“Does this answer your question?” I said, and proceeded to shove my tongue between her lips kissing her back deep and hard. I reached up and grabbed a handful of one of her breasts not being bashful about it. I found the nipple and began squeezing and pinching until it was poking through the shirt again. She moaned, leaned her head back as her eyes rolled back as well.

“Damn I’m glad you came. I’ve been looking forward to this weekend ever since you said OK.” Sara moaned through those wonderful lips of hers.

“I’ve really been looking forward to meeting you and was excited about the whole weekend when you asked me. And I wondered if it was me you wanted to meet or this?” I replied and I took her hand and placed it on the bulge in my jeans. And while the palm of her hand rested on my hardening cock, I reached over and I moved my hand to the apex between her legs and applied a bit of pressure feeling the warmth of her sex. “Because you look even better than the pictures you sent me and I’m looking forward to meeting this as well.”

“Oh my god, Yes. Both. All the above” she says.

“What are you guys doing over there?” Kelly asks while laughing.

“I’m wondering why we aren’t doing the same thing.” Mark told Kelly.

We all laughed and that’s when Mark asked if anyone was up for going inside the tent for a little early afternoon fun. Sara looked at me inquisitively as if asking me what I wanted to do.

I smiled and told her I was willing and able for anything, and reached down and gave her hand a squeeze since it was still resting and rubbing my cock. I asked her if it felt I was ready to go inside the tent. She bit her lip again and turned to Mark and Kelly, nodded, and said we were ready.

We all stood up and went inside the large tent. It was one of those three room behemoths of a structure. The inside walls that would separate the tent into rooms were all pulled back so there was just one large area. Two large air mattresses had been blown up and were at opposite ends of the tent. Sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets had been tossed around and the damn placed looked incredibly comfortable.

Sara and I moved toward one side of the tent, where I’m presuming was her bed from the night before, and lay back on the mattress while Kelly and Mark went over to their side. I was more or less just following Sara’s lead and going with the flow.

When Sara pushed me back onto the mattress and lay on top of me and started kissing me I didn’t worry about anything else. My hands were all over her back and ass enjoying the curves of a natural woman. I rolled her over so then I could take advantage of being on top and that way I could set the pace of how quickly I undressed her. I have a thing for women that look good in their clothes and wanted to show her my appreciation. Sara was looking sexy as hell in just the t-shirt and jeans and boots. Oh my god those boots! They had a dual purpose, of being a good-looking pair of riding boots but they were also a wonderful pair of fuck-me boots with a three inch heel. She wore the outfit perfectly and there was no mistake, she was all woman.

I let my mouth cover her neck and kissed and licked a trail down and back up behind her ear. She moaned and I could tell that that was one of her spots. My hands were roaming everywhere eagerly, moving from her chest, to her stomach to between her legs exploring every inch. I pulled the shirt out from her jeans and slid my hand inside and up, and was rewarded by finding the fullness of her smooth but firm breasts. Her nipples were larger than most women I knew, and my mouth watered in the anticipation of them between my lips. I continued with her shirt and it wasn’t long before I was pulling it up and over her head. I let my head fall and devour her tits. Moving back kaçak bahis and forth, I exchanged holding one with my hand and the other I covered with my mouth. Then back to the other, switching it up as I showed her how much I enjoyed the bountiful assets that she possessed. She wrapped her hands around my head and would guide and feed them to me. I could tell that she knew her tits were one of the things the guys enjoyed and by the response I was getting I knew she enjoyed them licked, nibbled and sucked.

I moved my hand down between her legs and I could feel the heat that had been building up. I got her jeans unbuttoned and slid a hand down inside. She was soaked! It took little effort to slip two fingers inside and begin moving them in and out within the confines of her tight jeans. It finally dawned on me why the hell go through the trouble of fighting around clothes and I stood up to take her pants off while she was laying on the bed. I removed the boots then she lifted her ass, and with a little work, I slid those tight jeans off. Her panties, started to slip down as well being drug with the jeans, and she reached down and pulled them back into place.

“You really don’t need those either.” I told her

She smiled and hooked the waistband in her thumbs, slipping them down her legs and tossed them to the side.

“It’s not fair that I am laying here naked and you are still fully clothed.” Sara said while giving me that wicked little grin of hers.

I pulled my tee-shirt up over my head and Sara sat up and reached out and took me by the waistband of my jeans pulling me toward her. With me standing and her sitting on the edge of the bed, it brought my crotch level to her head and face.

She sat there working the buttons on my jeans until she reached in, fishing out my cock and placed it in her mouth. Rolling her head from side to side she sucked and licked my hard shaft like it was her last meal. God damn it felt good, and my own moans of pleasure told her so. She moved her mouth up and down my cock, while her hands and fingers gently played with my balls. My hands had found their way to her head and I entwined my fingers through her hair as I gently rocked my hips back and forth, enjoying the talented oral engagement.

After a couple of minutes, I stood her up and brought her mouth to mine. One hand shot between her legs where I buried two fingers and the other hand reached around and moved up and down the crack of her lovely round ass. She raised one knee and partly wrapped her leg around me, giving me more access to that honey pot. One thing that has always turned me on is when a woman was aroused to the point of being sopping wet. I can hear my fingers making squishing sounds as they moved in and out of her body and it fueled me more. Sara started panting and her breathing got faster. I can feel her starting to tighten up around my fingers. I pressed my mouth back to her neck and the spot I found earlier that made her purr. That’s what did it. She started to shake and moan and I pushed my fingers in deep. I started the “come here” motion and held her though her first orgasm. It was all I could to do to hold her upright, finger her, and maintain our balance as we stood there in the middle of the tent.

Now I know why there were sleeping bags, blankets and pillows spread out all over the floor of the tent. I laid her back on the floor and I had forgotten all about Kelly and Mark until Sara and I went to the floor. I looked over and spotted Kelly staring at us. Mark was on the floor on his hands and knees with his head buried between Kelly’s thighs while she sat on the air mattress. It wasn’t the best point of view for me considering Kelly’s face and Mark’s ass was facing us but I thought it was hot as hell looking over at Kelly staring me in the eyes when Sara leaned over and started bobbing up and down on my cock again.

My eyes would shift from Kelly to looking down and watching my shaft appear and disappear repeatedly into Sara’s mouth. And as Sara got me closer and closer, Kelly’s eyes were in a trance watching us, so I thought I would give her a show.

I pulled Sara up and got her on all fours facing Kelly and I moved in behind her. This let Sara watch Kelly and Mark, and I got the view of Sara’s wonderful ass and Kelly’s hypnotizing blue eyes. I reach down and taking my cock in my hand I aimed the head right at Sara’s waiting hole. I checked again and made sure before I looked Kelly right in the eyes and thrust forward hard burying my length into Sara. Sara let out a muffled scream and moaned loudly and I watched as Kelly inhaled deeply and bite her lip at the sight before her. I pulled Sara’s hair back so her head was up and she was facing forward, and I watched Kelly watching me penetrate Sara good and hard. The slapping sounds of a good ol fashion fucking was echoing in the tent. It wasn’t long before, and damn near in unison, Kelly and Sara were peaking. I continued to pound Sara from behind and watched Kelly pull Mark’s head in between her legs. I’m sure that poor bastard was having problems breathing with his face buried between those thighs as tightly as she held him there while she shook and shuddered in her climax.

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