Ay: Ocak 2021

Karım Ve Arkadaşları

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Karımın çalıştığı işyerinde adları ikisininde mehmet olan iki arkadaşı vardı daha nişanlılık dönemlerimizde karımı sıksık ziyarete giderdim ikisiyle karımın arasında oldukça farklı bir samimiyet vardı sürekli çok yakın çok samimiydiler,karım onlardan onlarda karımdan fazlasıyla hoşlanıyordu bu çok açıktı bu ilgi evlendikten sonra dahada arttı,karımla ilişkimiz çok farklıydı karı kocadan çok sevgili arkadaş giibiiyiz.bir akşam arabayı ıssız bir kenera çekip arabanın içinde tuzla escort öpüşürken tam kıvamına gelmişken onu konuşturmak istedim hazır azmıştı saklayamazdı ona mehmetleri sordum onların ona olan ilgilerinin beni heyecanlandırdığını söyleyince anlattı onlar benim sevgililerim dedi ikisidemi dedim,evet dedi uçmuştum adeta hem öpüşüyor hemde azgınca anlatıyordu sık sık arşive evrak aramaya giderlermiş orada karımı daha biz nişanlıyken bile çırılçıplak soyup sevişirlermiş ama ozaman tuzla escort bayan karım bakire olduğu için sadece amının tadına dudaklarıyla bakıp ağzına verirmişler,karım ve iki mehmet işte bu yüzden karımın benimle evleneceği günü iple çekmişler düzüşebilmek için, öyle azmıştımki elimi karımın eteğinin altına sokmuş amını parmaklıyor o anlatırken onu ve kendimi çileden çıkarıyordum,daha sonra karım bana evlendikten bir hafta sonra arkadaşıma gitmek için evden çıkmıştım hatırladınmı escort tuzla dedi evet dedim işte ogün onlarla düzüştüğüm ilk gündü deyince karımı arabadan çıkarıp kaportaya dayadım arkasına geçip amına girip onu sikmeye başladım onu sikerken devam et dedim beni bir eve götürüp siktiler dedi iyimiydi dediğimde derin bir ohhhh çekti muhteşemdi dedi iki mehmet karımı amdan götten evire çevire sikmiş daha sonrada defalarca sikişmişler,bunlara daha fazla dayanamadım sikimi çıkarıp karımın ağzına gömdüm ve döllerimi ağzına patlattım inanılmazdı karım hem güzel hemde azgın bir kadındı daha sonra patronuylada düzüşmüştü hemde gözlerimin önünde onuda yazacağım şimdilik bu kadar.Gönderen: sex düşkünü

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Ahh Safiye Abla

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MERHABA sex hikaye okuyucaları anlatacağım hikaye tamemen doğrudur ben 25 yaşında biraz kilolu bir gencim ist anadolu yakasında ikamet etmekteyim eskiden tanıdğımız safiye abla vardı mahellede biz mahheleden taşınınca uzun bir süre görüşemedik 7 sene sonra tekrar karşılaştık tesadüfen yola zaten o beni tanıdı ben onu değil ailemin annemin nasıl olduğunu neler yaptığımızı falan sordu sonra ben ona evimizin numarasını oda bana kendini evinin numarasını vererek görüşmek üzre deyip ayrıldık.. 2 hafta sonra bir akşam eski mahhallede oturan safiye ablanın aradığını yarın bize geleceğini söylediğinde cok heyecanlandım safiye abla evli ve 2 cocuk sahibiydi ama vucudu hala tas gibiydi yani kendisine gayet iyi bakıyordu .. sabahı zor ettim öğlen saat 1 sularında kapı caldı annem baktı gelen safiye ablaydı yanında kızı nurhan da vardı nurhan 17 yaşında olmasına ragmen vucudu onu 20 yaşında falan gösteriyordu bende bilgisayarımın başındaydım salona gecip oturdular bende nezaketten yanlarını gidip hoşgeldiniz dedim.. safiye abla acaip sexsi görünüyordu üzerinde dizlerinin biraz üstünde siyah bir etek üstündede beyaz bir gömlek vardı.. nurhanı sölemeye hiç gerek yok tam bir lolitaydı.yaklaşık 15 20 dakka yanlarında oturdum bir ara safiye abla bacak üstüne atarken öyle bir frikik verdiki içindeki tangasına kadar herşey görüldü acaip azmıştım yani annem evde olmazsa hemen orda ona sahip olabilirdim.. ben izin isteyip odama cekilip ankara escort biraz önceki frikigi düşünüp aletimle oynarken odamın kapısı caldı nurhan benim gelebilirmyiym dedi bende buyur gel dedim. nurhan kendisininde evde bilgisayarı olduğunu ama bilgisayarının cok sık hata verdiğini bakıma gittmesi gerektiğini söyledi… o an ona benim gelip bilgisayara bakabileceğimi söyledim oda bana cok memnun kalacağını söylediakaşm saat 6 suları kalkarlarken nurhan sakın unutma bilgisayara bakacaksın dediğinde bende tamam söz müsait bir durumunuzda bakarım dedim.. o anda safiye abla ozaman ben yarın evdeyim gel bak dedi ben tamam yarın sizdeyim deyip sözleştik.. yarın tekrar safiye ablayı göreceğim için cok heyecanlıydım ertsi günn saat 12 gibi evlerine gittim kapıyı safiye abla actı üstünde ince bir tül içindede siyah bir gecelik vardı acaip sexsi görünüyordu.. kalkalı cok olmadığını cayı yeni yaptığını cay içip içmeyeceğimi sordu bende bir bardak alabilrim dedim.. elinde bir bardak cayla salona geldi cayı bana verirken eğildiğinde göğüsleri tüm güzelliğiyle gözlerimin önündeydi.. cok tahrik olmuştum aletim sem sert kesilmişti bana rahat etmemi kendisinin bir duş alıp geleceğini söyledi.. banyoya gireli 10 dakka falan olmuştu kendime hakim olamayıp banyonun kapısına gidip safiye ablayı dkizlemeye başlamıştım ama gördüklerime inanamıyordum safiye abla elindebir vibratör klazötün üstüne oturmuş masturbasyon yapıyordu.. bende banyo escort ankara kapsının önünde kendimden gecmiş 31 cekmeye başlamıştım tam o sırada kapı acıldı öylece kaldım safiye abla beni o halde yakalamıştı.. ben ne tepki vereceğini düşünürken birden benim zaten kaskatı olmuş aletimi ağzına almaya başaldı okadar tatlı yalıyorduki bir anda ağzına boşaldım.. tadını bile özlemişim dedi demekki kocası ali abiyle araları iyi değildi.. sonra beni elimden tutarak yatak odasına götürdü ve tekrar benim aletimi yalamaya başladı 3 aydır kocasıyla ilişkiye girmediğini kocasının kendisinin doyuramadığını falan söylemeye başladı hemen üzreindeki bornozu cıkarıp bende cırılcıpla kaldım ve 69 olduk ben onu vajinasını oda benim aletimi yalıyordu bir anda safiye abla sarsılarak agzımın içine zevk sularını boşalmaya başladı..hemen onu altıma alıp göğüslerini boynunu vucudun her noktasını santim santim yalamaya başladım bana artık yeter sok şunu içime diye yalvarmaya başladı ben onu kırmayıp önünde yerimi aldım.. vajinasının dudaklarının arasına başını degdirir değdirmez bir anda yüklendim safiye abladan derin bir ohh cıktı doldur aslanım ablanın amını parcala beni cok güzell erkeğim benim gibi laflar sölemeye başladı bacaklarını belime dolamış bana ritim vermeye başladı.. safiye bagırarak geliyorumm aslanımmm geliyorum erkeğim cok güzelsin doyur beni doyur ablanı diye bagırmaya başladı bende boşalacağımı anlayıp kendimi geri cekmeye hazırlanırken ankara escort bayan beni bacaklarıyla kendine dolayan safiye abla buna izin vermeyip içime patla erkeğim içimde hissetmek istiyorum sımsıcak menileri deyip beni kendine doğru son bir kuvvetle cekti o anda bütün menilerimi bir volkan gibi içine attırmaya başladım. öylece 5 dakka kadar hareketsizkaldık bana banyoya gideceğini istersem beraber banyo yapacağımı söledi ben kabul ettim banyoda tekrar öpüşmeye başladık benim alet gene dimdik emirlerimi bekliyordu bir anda safiye ablayı ters cevirdim bana ordan olmayacağını daha önce hiç yapmadığını söyledi ama ben kararlıydım kesin onunla rakadan ilişkiye girecektim sabunla arkasını kayganlaştırmaya başladım aletimide sabunladım ve arkasından zorlamaya başladım iki sefer denedim olmadı ama her baskıyı yediğinde safiya abla acıdı diye bagırıyordu ben oaralı bile değildim muhakkak onu birde arkadan sikmeliydim.. üçüncü denememde kafası girmişti ba cıkarmamı canın cok yandığını sölüyordu ben birazdan bu acı gecek cok büyük zevk alacaksın falan diyordum başı içinde öyle durdum biraz ve bir anda ittermeye başladım bagırmaları giderek artıyordu cıkarr onu cıkar cok canım yanıyor cıkarr diye bagırıyordu ve bir anda tamamen kökledim aletimi ve içinde öylece beklmeye başladım safiye abla alışana kadar yavas ritim kazanmaya başlamıştım safiye ablanında acısı yerini zevke bırakmıştı 10 dakka kadar arkasında gidip gelip içine boşaldım ban cok mutlu olduğunu söyleyip dudaklarıma yapıştı ne zaman kadınsız kalırsam gelebileceğimi söyleyip bana teşekkür etti bilgisayarı tamir etmeyi unuttmuştum ama safiye ablayı iyi tamir etmiştim……..Gönderen: anelka34

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Komusum Kizini Zorla Siktim!

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Slm öncelikle size köyde basimdan gecen gercek bir olayi anlatmak istiyorum,,neyse hikayeme geceyim,,,benim cok begendigim bir komsumun kizi vardi..ben bu kizi delicesine cok istiyordum cunku onun gibi bir afet yoktu köyde her kes ona hayrandi,,tabiki bende onu her gördugumde benim 19 havalaniyordu,,,bu kizi (selma) ne yapip edip sikmem lazimdi ne zaman yaklasmak istesemde benden kaciyordu,,konusmaya bile yaklasmiyordu ben bursa escort o zamanlar 24 yasimdaydim selma ise 20 yaslarindaydibu kizi sikmek icin firsat kolluyordum,,veee bir gun bu firsatti yakaladim o gun babasi ve annesi evde yoktu cunku sehire gitmislerdi,,bende bunu firsat bilip evlerine daldim köyde kapilaar kitli olmadigindan evde baska kimse yoktu bu kiz mutfaktaydi arkasindan gizlice yaklastim ve agzini kapadim kiz cirpinip bursa escort bayan duruyordu bende birilernin duymasin diye onu hemen annesigil yatak odasi goturdum dedim ona simdi erkek deymis göreceksin diye cunku zamaninda hep dalga gecerdi cirkinim diiye bak bakalim birazdan yarragimin guzelligine ve tatligina ne diyeceksin o yalvariyordu bana lütfen ben bakireyim yapma falan ama dinleyen kim ben basladim bunu yalamaya tsortunu escort bursa yirtirak cikardim ve tas gibi gögüslerini sautyeninin uzerinde yalamaya basladim kiz halen altimda cirpinip duruyordu baktim durmayacak iki tane tokat attim durmazsan seni öldurum diye tehditler ediyrdum kiza ve kaldigim yerden devam ettim kizin salvarini cikarak altindan dantelli kulotunun ustunde bunun amini yalamaya basladim kiz rahat durmuyordu aglayip duruyordu buna bur daha tokat atip zevkini cikarmaya bak ,,,daha sonra sutyeni ve kulotunu cikardim iyice yaladiktan sonra bende soyundum ve benimkini agzina dayadim kiz almak istemedi ama zorla agzina verdim kiz bogulacak gibi sesler cikariy

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İlk Tecrübem

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Slam sizlerle çok ama çok zevk aldığım bir olayı paylaşmak istiyorum. Günlerden bir gün evde porno izliyordum evde de kimseler yoktu ve de çok fena azmıştım. Bir kızsikmek istiyordum ama nasıl yapyım derken aklıma bir fikir geldi.Bu fikir bir kızı tecavüz etmekti nasıl yapacağımıda bulmuştum. bursa escort birden kapı çaldı gelen üst kattaki komşunun kızıydı ve bilgisayarı kullanmak istediğini söyledi . Ben de içimden işte fırsat dedim . ve kıza tamam içeri gir dedim bes ondakakka sonra benden su istedi bende suyun içine babannemin bursa escort bayan uyku ilacından koydum kız çok geçmedi derin bir sekılde uyudu ve bende baskladım işe ilk olarak kızı dudakaları na yapıştım onu yalamaya ve soymaya basladım. Güzel göğüsleri vardı teni beyaz saçları siyahdı sonra amını escort bursa oksamaya baslaım ve basladim kızı sıkmeyeçok keyifli bir andı yaklasık bir 2 saat kızı siktim dağa sonra üstünü giydirdim çok geçmedi 15 . 20 dakka sonra kız ken dine keldi bana ne oldu diye sordu bende birden bayıldın diye cevap verdim. kız olayı anlamişti ama anlamamamıs gibi davrandı aradan 5 ay sonra kızın hamile olduğunu öğren dim kız korktuğu için evden kaçmıştı dağa sonrakızı hiç görmedim ama bu ilk tecrübemide hiç unutnadım.Gönderen: sex20

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Eating My Seed

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I started out afraid of that strange fluid that shot from my cock on that warm sweaty day when I was 18. It scared me and at the same time, started a curiosity that has lasted over two decades. My hand was drawn to my raging virgin shaft. It was the most secretive event in my life. It felt so good. I stopped several times as a strange feeling swept over my body. That euphoria that is so familiar today. All of a sudden my body trembled and I covered my mouth as I moaned. My groin compressed and a warm white gusher erupted over my fingers. My breath was short and as hard as I tried to stop the flow, it just kept up till the end and spilled onto the floor. What should I do now?, I thought. I quickly cleaned it up and rushed to the bathroom to wash it off. On the way, I looked at my hand and wondered about my new experience. I lifted my hand to my nose and smelled the strange concoction. It would be years before I would learn bahis firmaları to love all of its qualities. On this day, it smelled wild and unique. After a few years of wasting the sweet cream, I did finally get the nerve to shoot it into my mouth and my world changed.

Now, so many years latest, I just can’t get enough. My wife lets me have it often. I have dallied in a few strange cocks for a twist and that is so damn nice to have it shoot so fresh down my throat. Air does change the taste. While this thirst for a strange cock is dangerous, I do indulge it on occasion. But, I have never found another’s sperm as good as my own. My wife agrees. We make sure my diet is cum friendly. Pineapple is a fruit staple for me. We cultivate the best that my body can produce. I have written here in Clubstroke so many times about my and Susie’s exploits with my seed and others, but when it cums down to our favorite, nothing cums kaçak iddaa close to my cream. But, Susie can’t always be around for a joint session, so my solo time alone has become so special to me. I can let go and float off into a private world of lust, sweat, a racing heart, short of breath and a mind blowing explosion of endorphins.

I have moved into advanced climax control and partial ejaculation. For so many men, the loss of libido after climax takes the steam out of the desire to eat what we all love. I often spend hours bringing myself to the edge and back over and over and over again until with the slightest touch, I can pump out as much or as little as I like. This takes the ultimate of control. You want to cum so bad, but slow your hand to a crawl. One easy stroke at a time with break to hold off an explosion. Sometimes I miss and blow my whole was, but mostly I can control the scene to my liking. Well, its all to kaçak bahis my liking, but this variety of lust is rapidly becoming my ultimate high. My favorite is to ooze a pinch at a time and lick each sample and savor the flavor. I get as many as four or five shots before its gone or floods my palm. When that happens, I quickly lap it up in one lick and let it sit in my mouth and tingle my gums. I still haven’t climaxed, mind you, so the libido is still at a peak. My whole body is awash in a drugged state of euphoria. I stand in front of the mirror throughout and watch the best show in town. Only when I decide Ive had enough, do I pump my shaft and bring my climax on. Just as my cock explodes, I use my tongue to push the semen out of my mouth and watch it run down my lips and chin. Then, as quickly as I can, I bring the load of pure sperm up to my mouth and take a last look into the mirror and watch as I lick my hand clean and swallow my reward. I want to film my technique and place it on the net. I would wear a black leather hood with only holes for my eyes, nose and mouth. Wow.

Tell me what you think. ICQ # 14728118

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A Cycling Odyssey Ch. 02

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This story – the second chapter of a number I plan to write – is about a man’s bicycle trip across Denmark. The locations exist but the characters are fictional. The first chapter was based in Copenhagen. I suggest you start with that chapter, though each does stand on its own and could be read separately.

Most of this chapter takes place near the northern tip of Denmark along the North Sea coast and is inspired by a nude painting – The Bather by the Danish artist Laurits Tuxen. Watch out for the brief time shift near the beginning!

I’d like to thank Gorza and VMKC for editing my story. I learned a lot from their feedback. Their input significantly improved the final product. Nevertheless, I’m ultimately responsible for what follows.

I enjoy receiving feedback about my stories. So I’d love to hear from you!


I dismounted and walked my bike into the central Copenhagen train station. The sounds of people, pigeons and announcements echoed in the large hall. Looking up at a monitor, I saw that I had an hour and a bit before my train left.

I bought a small black coffee and sat down at a heavy wrought iron table. I was looking forward to savouring the taste of a good European blend while doing some people watching — a favourite past time of mine. I suddenly remembered that I had intended to call my wife, Dana. She had arrived in Denmark a week before and was staying with a girlfriend in Jutland — a peninsula in Denmark that extends northward from Germany along the North Sea coast.

I took another sip of my coffee and reached for my cell phone. As I called up Dana’s number, I realized that I needed to say something about my experience with Inga yesterday. It was only right. But how would Dana take it, I wondered? Maybe it was something best talked about face to face?

I laid my phone back down on the table and started to think about what I would say. Memories of our happy marriage of more than 30 years flashed through my mind. The kids were now grown and busy raising their own families. I chuckled at the thought. Dana and I had always found time to be together as a couple and our love for one another had grown even stronger. I was unaware of the smile that had broken out on my face.

We had been pretty traditional at first with our lovemaking – limited to only a few sexual positions in our own bedroom. Gradually, we had become more adventurous. We enjoyed weekend excursions to large cities when our parents were available to babysit. Anonymity allowed Dana to dress in ways she wouldn’t feel comfortable doing in our small home town out of fear that we’d meet someone we knew. We found hotel rooms, without kids, were particularly exciting and that we often needed a late checkout.

We always talked openly about our fantasies and what turned us on. We often sought safe ways to experience some of them – at an appropriate time and place. We had learned that by being open with one another, and willing to experiment, we could enjoy sex in ways we never had imagined when we first were married. If others knew about our adventures, they would be shocked. What a lucky guy I am, I thought!

There were tense moments though as we wrestled with the way we had been raised and social norms. The time Dana admitted to having sex with Peter was one of those moments. It was indelibly burned in my mind.


“Paul, I have something to tell you,” Dana said as I arrived home from work one day early in our marriage before we had children. “I met Peter downtown today.”

“Oh, how’s he doing?” I asked.

“Fine,” Dana said. “We had lunch together and…”.

I waited for Dana to finish as I took off my jacket and removed my tie. “And what?” I asked wanting her to know that I was still listening.

“Well, we went back to his place,” Dana continued adding quickly “He wanted to show me his new apartment.”

“Oh, what’s it like?”


Dana didn’t sound her normal bubbly self. I turned around and found her with a worried look on her face.

“Paul, I had sex with Peter,” she blurted out with a pained look on her face.

Her words were a punch to my chest. I was paralyzed…speechless. All kinds of angry thoughts flooded my mind. “Pardon me?” was all I could muster.

“One thing led to another and we had sex. Oh, Paul, we just got carried away…caught up in a moment.” Dana started to move toward me with her arms open wide. I stepped back.

“You had sex with Peter?” I repeated dumbfounded in a raised voice.

“Yes, but it means nothing.” Dana reached out for me.

I pushed her arms away. “You’ve got to be kidding!”

“We just got carried away. It means nothing Paul. I love you, not Peter!”

“Well, that’s one hell of a way to show your love for me!” I said bitterly turning my back on her.

Dana tried to turn me around but I shook her arms off my shoulders and headed for the door. I slammed the door of our apartment behind me and walked out into the hallway afraid of what I might do or say if I were to remain in the same room.

I walked our neighbourhood bahis firmaları for hours with all kinds of images running through my head: of Peter kissing Dana, fondling her breasts and fucking her. How could he? She was mine! How could she let him fuck her?

I knew men were attracted to Dana. In fact, I was quite proud of it. She was blonde and curvaceous, stood 5 foot 6 with beautiful firm breasts — 34 Es — a lovely complexion and smile. We often talked about how men looked at her, especially when we were away in the big city on weekends and she wore those tight fitting dresses with plunging necklines. In fact, I would deliberately walk behind her on the street so that I could watch men — and women — turn their heads as she walked by them. She was my trophy and I loved showing her off. It excited us both that others lusted after her. We went so far as to talk about how exciting a threesome or being with another couple might be.

I wondered what Peter was now thinking after having bedded my wife. Was he laughing at me behind my back? Was he bragging to others? The longer I walked, though, the more I thought of the pain in Dana’s face when she told me about what had happened. She seemed genuine when she said she loved me. I started to wonder who am I to deny Dana what she wants. And what about all those fantasies we talked about? Were we playing with fire? Was I being hypocritical? Would I have acted any differently in the same situation?

I was less angry but terribly confused when I came back in the door later that evening. Dana was sitting on the couch. She had been crying. She rose. “Oh Paul, I didn’t mean to hurt you. But I just didn’t want to hide it from you. That wouldn’t be right.”

“I understand Dana, but it still hurts,” I replied matter of fact.

She stepped closer, placed her arms around me and hugged me tightly. “You have to believe me. I love only you Paul.”

I went into the kitchen for a glass of water. I returned to the living room and sat down at the other end of the couch where she was sitting. I took a deep breath, leaned forward with my hands clenched on my knees and asked “So, what exactly happened?”

Dana’s eyes opened wide. She exhaled. “We met on the street. I had put on my new summer dress — no bra – and decided to go downtown.”

She looked up in the air and shook her head. “Oh, I don’t know…maybe it was the men looking at me, the hot muggy day…I was just…excited when I met Peter. He invited me for lunch. We had a couple of glasses of wine and he invited me back to his apartment. I should have known better.”

Dana took a deep breath and paused as though she wanted me to say something. I remained silent wanting her to continue.

She took another deep breath. “On the way back to the apartment, we were pushed up tight against one another on the subway. The elevator in his building was packed too. When we got to his apartment, we just pounced on one another. It was over in less than five minutes…and I left.”

There was silence. “Did he fuck you?” I asked.

“Yes,” Dana said adding quickly “But I didn’t feel good about it afterwards. And I certainly don’t feel good about it now.” Dana looked down.

“Did you enjoy it then?”

Dana looked up and paused. “I have to be honest. Yes! But you have to understand. We were both caught up in the moment. It was exciting having lunch on the patio amongst men dressed in business suits looking at me. I caught him looking at my cleavage several times. Rubbing against him on the subway and in the elevator took me over the edge, I think.”

Sensing I was prepared to listen and wrestling with my own feelings, Dana continued. “As soon as we came in the door to his apartment, he faced me and slid the strap of my dress over my shoulder. The straps were so loose on my dress that when my body shuddered, the strap slid off my other shoulder. My dress simply fell to the floor. It happened so quickly. It caught us both by surprise. I found myself totally nude in front of him. We were both speechless. He reached out with his hand and led me to his bedroom where he laid me down on his bed. He undressed in front of me. I was so excited that I pulled him down on top of me and put him inside me.”

Dana was fighting back tears. I reached out for her and hugged her tight. “Dana, I don’t want to lose you!” I started crying.

“You won’t Paul! I love you so much! We…I just got carried away. I’m so sorry.” Dana started sobbing.

We held each other tight for several minutes. Then, suddenly, I had an irresistible urge to make love to her. I took her hand and led her to our bedroom. I stood her at the end of the bed facing me and slowly began to unbutton her dress. I pushed the short sleeves back off her shoulders baring her breasts. She remained frozen with her arms dangling at her sides. I reached inside her dress and wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her tight up against me. We kissed passionately.

Then, I forcefully tugged downward on her dress. It pooled at her feet. She stood still in front of me, totally naked, as though she were offering kaçak iddaa herself up to me — perhaps a bit fearful of what I would do next.

I thought of how fortunate I was to have such a beautiful woman. I placed my hands on her waist and glided them up along her sides and back down over her hips. She trembled. I squeezed her breasts tightly and tweaked her nipples harder than I would normally. She cried out but stood still staring into my eyes. Then I pushed her firmly back on to the bed. She looked frightened but remained motionless. As I took off my clothes, her eyes remained locked on mine. Then, she spread her legs wide.

I hadn’t realized how hard my cock had become. It popped out of my underwear as I pulled them down. I lowered myself down on top of her and gripped her head in my hands. We kissed passionately.

I felt her hand searching frantically for my cock. “Paul, please fuck me. I’m yours.”

I grabbed her wrists and placed her hands above her head. Then, I took my cock in my hand and pointed it between her legs. As I slid inside, Dana pushed her hips forward sharply as though she wanted to impale herself on my cock.

“Fuck me hard Paul! Fuck me hard!” she pleaded.


The screech of a chair being dragged along the tile floor abruptly pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see a well-dressed middle aged woman sitting down at the table next to me in the train station. Our eyes met. She smiled and sat down with her back to me.

I returned to thinking about that day with Dana and how frantically we had made love that evening. We had been like animals. We couldn’t make love hard enough — either of us. When we finished, we were both dripping with sweat. My cum was spread all over her — between her legs, along her thighs and on her breasts. We smelled of sex.

Later, when we talked about what had happened and how we felt, Dana said that she had wanted to give herself to me totally — for me to know that she was mine and that I could take her any way I wanted.

I felt as though I was reclaiming her out of some primeval need to mark my territory. As months went by, I came to accept the fact that I was excited by the thought that my wife had been lusted after and fucked by another man — that she had immediately returned to my side and begged to be fucked by me. It made me feel proud.

I took the last sip of my coffee and looked up. The morning rush was over. There were fewer people in the hall and it was quieter. I picked up my phone and called up Dana’s number again. I hit the Send button. Just at that moment, the woman at the table beside me shifted in her chair. What beautiful dark hair and full red lips! My eyes started exploring her body.

“Hello!” Dana’s voice on the phone startled me. “Hello?” she repeated obviously wondering whether anyone was on the other end.

My people watching came to an abrupt end.

“How are you doing?” I asked.

“Oh hi! It’s you!” Dana said happily. “I was wondering where you were.”

“How are things?” I asked again.

“Good. Lea and I are just about to do some grocery shopping. How about you?”

“Well, I’m sitting here in the central Copenhagen train station, waiting for my train to Skagen.”

“What did you do yesterday?”

I hesitated. “I walked down Stroeget.” I paused and inhaled. “Actually, you wouldn’t believe what happened.”

“Try me.”

“I met a woman at Illum.”

“Oh!” There was quiet on the other end.

“She asked if I could help her with some shopping for her husband.”

Dana laughed. “So, did you help her?”

“I think so.”

“So what did you suggest?”

“Actually, she already knew pretty much what she wanted.”

“Oh? What was that?”

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the woman sitting at the table next to me had turned in her chair. I could now see her face. I wondered whether she was listening to our conversation.

I lowered my voice. “She asked if I would help her select some…clothes…at Agent Provocateur.”

“Pardon?” Dana’s voice was raised. She sounded shocked. The woman’s head jerked to the side. Her eyebrows furrowed.

I turned my back to her and tried to speak quieter. “She asked if I would help her decide on some lingerie at Agent Provocateur.”

“You’ve got to be kidding?”

“No! Actually, I’m not. She was interested in a black set in the shop window, but I convinced her to get something more colourful. You should see it. I mean, I’d like you to see that set, Dana. It’s called Kuri” I said hoping to redirect the conversation.

There was silence again. “So…just a minute.” There was a rustling sound at the other end of the line, followed by the sound of a door closing. “How did you meet again?”

I described how Inga was mistakenly attracted by the stacked sugar cubes at my table in the cafeteria at Illum, the scene at Agent Provocateur with Karen, and lunch at Slotskaelderen.

“The whole afternoon and evening was so surreal, Dana! I’m still wondering whether it happened at all!”


I inhaled. “She invited me back kaçak bahis to their home for supper. It was just down the street from the restaurant — you know, across from the parliament buildings. I met her husband. You’d like him.” I waited a while for Dana to say something. There was no response.

I decided to continue. “We had supper and…” I hesitated. “Well, she had me fuck her from behind in front of her husband…at the dinner table.”

“You’ve got to be kidding!” Dana said loudly.

Although I had been talking in what I thought to be almost a whisper, I’m sure that the woman beside me had heard Dana. She had slid around abruptly in her chair and was looking directly at me with an incredulous look on her face. Time froze as we stared at one another. I shrugged my shoulders. She had to be hearing a lot of this conversation, I thought!

I turned away in my chair and continued. “Really! I still can’t believe the evening. They were such a nice couple — obviously very much in love with one another. I guess he gets his excitement from being cuckolded. It was her birthday present to him.”

“Cuckolded? What’s that?”

“It’s a French term — where a wife …has sex with another man sometimes right in front of him.”

There was a long pause. “Oh…well…that was an interesting start to your trip!” Dana was obviously lost for words and just searching for something to say.

I was concerned that she was as hurt as I was that first time with Peter. “Geez Dana, I wish you were here with me right now. I would rather have told you about this face to face, but I wanted to tell you right away.”

“You certainly had a memorable day…to say the least!” Dana said, trying to be more upbeat.

“That’s for sure. I love you, Dana.”

“I love you Paul,” she said reassuringly. I heard a knock and a voice in the background. “Just a moment,” Dana said. She came back on the line sounding a bit rushed. “I’ve got to go. When will you call again?”

“Probably tomorrow evening. I’m on the train most of the day today. Dana, are you OK?”

“Yes, of course. It just takes a bit of time to process that’s all.”

“I love you Dana. You know that!”

“Yes, Paul. I know that. Look! Take care and give me a call tomorrow.” Then she added, “You’ll have difficulty topping your first day.”

“That’s for sure. I’ll call again tomorrow.”

I hit the End button and put my phone back down on the table. I slumped in my chair. That didn’t go that badly, I thought. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the woman beside me quickly turn away and look straight ahead. I saw her amused face reflected in the glass window directly in front of her. I gathered up my things and stood to leave for my train. As I walked by her, I nodded and shrugged. She smiled still with an amused look on her face.

The train left right on time and I arrived in Skagen — the northern most point on the tip of Jutland – at around four in the afternoon. As I walked along the platform toward the station exit, I passed a poster advertising the Skagens Museum. Dana had told me about a famous group of Danish painters based in Skagen in the late 1800s and had suggested that I see their work. Looking at my watch, I realized that I had enough time for a quick tour if I went directly there.

I followed the signs to the museum. I felt a bit awkward walking in with my panniers, but the woman behind the cash register directed me to some lockers just down the hallway. It was a small building with dark wood panelling, high ceilings and hardwood floors throughout. Walking through the galleries, I was struck by the size of some of the canvases and the way that evening light was depicted in warm shades of blue and pink.

I entered a room that was a special exhibition of an artist named Laurits Tuxen. A man and woman were standing beside one another in the middle of the room admiring a painting of a beautiful nude woman maybe in her late twenties walking gingerly out of the sea onto a sandy beach. You could feel a light breeze and the warmth of the sun on her pink skin. I was drawn closer to the painting and didn’t realize that I was standing beside the younger couple.

The man turned toward me and quietly said something. I was so captivated by the woman in the painting — her tight body, firm breasts and red cheeks – that I didn’t quite hear what he had said.

“Pardon me?” I said.

“Beautiful, don’t you think?”

“Yes, very beautiful.” I replied.

The woman beside him turned around and smiled. I was immediately struck by how much she looked like the woman in the painting. She, too, was a brunette, in her late twenties or early thirties, with a rosy complexion. Although she was wearing a dress, it was tight fitting and left no doubt her body had those same curves and firm round breasts.

I returned her smile and looked back at the painting. I was concerned that I had stared at her for too long and had made her feel uncomfortable. As I left the gallery a minute or two later, I looked back hoping to get another look at her — more discretely this time. She was looking my way. Our eyes met. She nodded and smiled as though she knew what I was up to. I was embarrassed at being caught and started to blush. I sheepishly returned her smile, turned around and continued walking into the next gallery.

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Hot Time, Summer in the City

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Katie Simmons had never thought much about Miss Kelly back in the days when she attended Calvin Coolidge Junior High. Rita Kelly had been her gym teacher and coach of the girl’s volleyball team back in those days. Katie’s memories of Miss Kelly’s arduous practices were something she was anxious to forget. But that was ten years ago, and the pretty young blonde girl back then was now a gorgeous young blonde woman.

Her former coach, Rita Kelly had immensely enjoyed her career as a physical education instructor during those days in the early 1990’s, but when word had leaked out regarding her domestic living arrangements with another woman, the school board in a precautionary move to forestall criticism from the conservative small town P.T.A. had bumped Rita up into the Administration building, where the powers that be felt she would no longer be in contact with the community’s precious children.

Although the money was the same, Rita found the situation intolerable. She had only moved to Silver City for the rewards that only teaching and coaching could give her, and working as an administrative assistant just wasn’t worth it. Within a year she had resigned her position and moved to the big city, taking a job with a sales firm. It was here where she once again came into contact with pretty little Katie Simmons.

Rita’s social life had been hit and miss during those days. She had enjoyed numerous affairs with other woman, but none of them had worked out to her expectations. Now she was single again, making good money and living in a beautiful bayside apartment. At age 35, she was still fit and trim, very attractive with her brunette hair cut short and stylish. But she was also very lonely.

Unbeknownst to her, her former student, Katie Simmons, was also living in the city, having just moved there after flunking out of State University after only one year. Katie was a party girl, and the discipline needed to make it in a college environment eluded her. But even though she didn’t have an education or money, Katie was blessed with a gorgeous face and a beautiful body to match. And so the pretty blonde had no trouble finding a job as a model/escort at the high class Regency agency catering to the city’s elite. In fact, it was her first day on the job, a hot Friday night in July, when she received her first assignment, to go to the upscale flat of an R. Kelly, in the exclusive bayside district.

Katie arrived, dressed in a tight white mini-dress that showed off both her gorgeous curves and long, slender legs. She glanced at her image in the hall mirror before knocking on the door. There was no doubt about it, she looked hot! She was only 20-years old, however, and very nervous about her chosen line of work. Although the agency assured her that they only dealt with the highest class of clientele, she knew that sex was often expected in these encounters, and she wasn’t at all certain she could deliver.

Imagine her surprise when the door was opened by an attractive brunette dressed in dark slacks and a white dress shirt. It took another second before she realized exactly who the attractive brunette was.

“Oh my God!” she whispered. “Miss Kelly, is that you?”

Rita Kelly stared at the gorgeous blonde standing at her door, and was equally surprised when she saw who it was.

“Katie?” she quietly asked. “Katie Simmons?”

Both women continued to stare at one another, and then they mutually broke out in laughter.

“Come in, come in,” Rita bahis firmaları finally said. “I can’t believe that’s you!”

“Me neither,” responded Katie. “I was expecting some middle-aged guy to answer the door, and here instead I see my former volleyball coach! How incredibly funny!”

The two women continued to gaze at one another. Rita was amazed at what an incredibly attractive woman the pretty little girl she once coached had grown into. Katie, likewise, was amazed at the transformation time had wrought on Miss Kelly. In those middle school days Rita was always seen wearing only sweat pants and a coach’s t-shirt, and looked nothing like the glamorous and successful businesswoman she saw standing before her now.

“Can I offer you something to drink?” Rita said, finally breaking out of her trance. “And please, Katie, have a seat.”

“Thank you, Miss Kelly,” Katie replied, settling herself down onto the plush couch. “A vodka Collins, please. This is a beautiful place you have here.”

“Why thank you, dear,” smiled Rita. She thought about asking Katie not to call her ‘Miss Kelly,’ but decided against it. Come to think of it, she kind of liked the way it sounded. She quickly made Katie’s drink, mixing a bourbon & Coke for herself. She brought the drink over to the young girl and handed it to her, and then sat down along side her on the couch.

“So how long have you been here in town, Katie?” she asked.

“Well, I moved in just last week,” the girl replied, sipping her drink. “I was getting low on funds, and my landlady referred me to this Regency Modelling Agency when I told her I was looking for a job. In fact, this is my very first night.”

“I hope it’s your last night as well, Katie,” said Rita. “This isn’t something your family would be happy about your doing, now is it? You might as well be a stripper. It’s probably safer, and the money would very likely be better as well.”

Katie blushed. “I thought about that,” she said. “But I’m not sure I could dance naked in front of a bunch of guys. Besides, a girl has to do something to pay the rent!”

Rita continued to stare at the younger girl. “You have grown into a very beautiful young woman,” she sighed. “Such a pretty face. Such a lovely body. I’d certainly enjoy watching you strip.”

Katie blushed even deeper. Then she looked up at her former coach. “So what about you, Miss Kelly? Why would an attractive woman like you be calling an agency like Regency for an escort? And why would they send you another girl?”

“I like girls, Katie,” said Rita, staring straight into her eyes. “I was lonely, and wanted to spend the evening with a pretty woman instead of by myself. Is there anything wrong with that?”

“No ma’am, Miss Kelly,” Katie responded quietly.

She reached over and gently caressed the hand of her former coach. “I’m just so happy my first client is you. I was terrified, but I’m not anymore.”

“Well, let’s go get something to eat, shall we?” Rita said, rising up from the couch, assisting Katie up as well. “Where would you like to go, or shall I pick something for us?”

Katie smiled and nodded her approval. “Whatever you say, Miss Kelly. You’re the boss. Wherever you say.” And so, within minutes the two women were on their way in Rita’s Lexus to the Wharf, where the city’s finest restaurants were located. Rita was well-known in this district, having dined their often, and the two were soon seated and being served at one of the better known bistros. kaçak iddaa Both women really enjoyed one another’s company, laughing and updating eachother on mutual acquaintances. Katie was amazed at how accomplished Miss Kelly had become in successfully adapting to the big city culture, while Rita found herself thoroughly enjoying the company of this gorgeous young woman she had only previously known as a child. She also noticed the many stares the young beauty was getting from the other patrons of the restaurant. “And she’s all mine,” she thought proudly to herself.

As they drove back to Rita’s flat, Katie quietly observed, “I don’t want this evening to end.” In response, Rita moved her hand down to pat Katie on the knee.

“I don’t think it will end anytime soon,” she responded, as her hand gently edged slowly up Katie’s smooth thigh. “I want you to come upstairs with me. I have something to show you.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Katie sighed in response. “Whatever you say.” Rita’s hand remained on Katie’s leg the entire drive back to her flat.

Neither spoke as they parked the car and walked up and into Rita’s apartment. As the door closed, Katie stood still in the middle of the living room floor. Rita came up behind her, putting her arms around Katie’s slim waist, nuzzling her neck with her warm, moist lips.

“You’re going to spend the night with me, Katie,” she whispered into the trembling girl’s ear. Katie could only moan softly in response.

Rita then proceeded to unzip the back of the pretty blonde’s flimsy dress, kissing her neck and shoulders as she did so. Seconds later, the dress had fallen down around Katie’s ankles, leaving the young woman standing nearly nude, wearing only a silky white lace bra and a skimpy pair of white thong panties. Rita’s hands ran all over her young companion’s smooth pale skin, exploring her lush curves, caressing every inch of exposed skin, and finally resting upon the girl’s beautiful firm breasts, which she squeezed and kneaded with gently fingers.

“Come into the bedroom with me, Katie dear,” she murmured softly. The girl obeyed without question. Leading her by the hand, they stopped as they reached the bedroom door. Rita then pulled Katie to her and passionately kissed her inviting mouth, her hands roaming freely over the younger woman’s submissive and inviting body.

“I’ve never done anything like this with another woman before, Rita,” Katie said, as the older woman sat down onto the bed, pulling the blonde down with her as she did so.

“I’m still ‘Miss Kelly’ to you, Katie, and if you want to leave now you’re free to do so. But I don’t think you’re going anywhere, do you?”

“No ma’am, Miss Kelly,” whispered the blonde in reply. “I’m yours to do with whatever you want.”

“That’s excellent, dear,” Rita whispered back. “You’re mine now, and belong exclusively to me,” With that she leaned Katie back onto the bed, her head resting on a pillow. Rita then leaned herself down on top of the beautiful girl lying there, kissing her deeply. Her hands played with Katie’s gorgeous breasts, caressing and squeezing them.

“This pretty bra of yours is in the way and must therefore be removed,” Rita said, lifting Katie up enough and then turning her over to unhook it. Her mouth continued to kiss and nibble its way from the back of the girl’s neck and then slowly down her spine. Katie lay on her stomach as her bra was removed and tossed to the floor, enjoying Rita’s intimate attentions more than she ever thought kaçak bahis she would.

“You’re an incredibly good lover, Miss Kelly,” she murmured, as Rita kissed her way down Katie’s soft smooth body. “I never knew it could be this good.” And then she gasped as Rita’s mouth reached her pretty round rump, her mouth kissing and licking the girl’s silky smooth butt cheeks. The older woman’s hands were also now in this vicinity, squeezing and caressing the perfectly formed tush propped up invitingly before her feasting eyes.

“I always thought you had a pretty rear end, Katie,” she quietly murmured to the younger girl. “Even when you were in junior high, I could tell you were growing into a beauty. And I was so right!” Here, she bit gently onto the blonde’s protruding behind, making the younger girl yelp with pleasure.

“I love this feeling,” Katie squealed. “Nobody’s ever kissed or licked my ass before. It’s wonderful!” She wiggled her butt appreciatively, begging for more.

Rita laughed, planting another several kisses on the beautiful behind before moving her lips down the girl’s thighs and legs, then back up her body before turning her over and feasting on the ripe young breasts now pointed invitingly upwards. Katie lay there in ecstacy, while her former coach enjoyed her body. Rita’s mouth moved lovingly down the girl’s flat stomach and finally to her waiting pussy. Her legs widened in invitation. Rita then devoured her slowly and deliberately, nearly oblivious to the girl’s screams of delight as she worked Katie’s pussy expertly with her tongue.

Finally, both women lay exhausted, Katie totally nude, and Rita still in her clothes.

“Please, Miss Kelly,” the pretty young blonde begged, “please let me pleasure you now.”

Rita smiled, and quickly removed her slacks and shirt, pleased at the younger woman’s sincere look of admiration as her own taut body was revealed, clad now only in expensive black lingerie. Katie hurriedly leaned in to embrace the older woman. The two became entwined together, locked in a passionate kiss. Rita then took charge again, positioning the young blonde’s head wherever she wanted it, starting with her mouth on her own breasts, and then down her stomach to her waiting vagina. She held Katie by the hair as the blonde got her first taste of another woman’s sex.

When morning came, both women awoke, nude and still entwined in eachother’s arms on the large bed. Katie awoke to the feel of Rita’s fingers caressing her hair.

“You’re leaving the Regency agency today, my pretty girl,” she said. “I don’t want you doing that anymore, understand?”

“But what will I do to get by, Miss Kelly?” she pleaded. “I’ve got rent to pay.”

“No, you don’t,” responded Rita in her best authoritarian voice. “You’re moving in today with me. I’ll drive over to your place as soon as we get dressed and we’ll get your things.”

“Oh, Rita! I mean, Miss Kelly, thank you!” Katie’s eyes welled up with tears. “Does this mean what I think it does?”

“That we’re lovers? Is that what you’re trying to say?” Rita smiled at the younger girl. “Yes, that’s exactly what it means.” She caressed the girl’s upraised cheek, and then leaned over to kiss her. “You’re mine now. All mine.”

Katie giggled in response. “I like the way that sounds.”

“I’m glad you feel that way, Katie.” Rita stared into her eyes. “I’ve always wanted a pretty little submissive like yourself for a lover. You’re what I’ve always needed.” Her hands ran down the blonde’s soft body, coming to rest on her curvy behind, which she squeezed affectionately.

“I’m yours, Miss Kelly,” sighed Katie. “All yours.”

“Of course you are.” And again they kissed.

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Bedroom of a Salesman

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


“You know,” David cleared his throat, “I believe we should consider using less…aggressive techniques.”

He felt all eyes glued on him—it’s not possible for them to know, he thought in dread, they only stare at me wondering what the hell I’m talking about, not—and struggled to prevent his face from turning crimson.

“Define less aggressive, Mr. Preston,” Mrs. Jackson said, her narrow green eyes seemingly penetrating David’s very soul.

“Phone sells don’t work anymore,” David, timidly, continued, incapable of preventing his lower lip from trembling. “People either just don’t answer, or, if they do, they hang up as soon as they realize it’s a salesman on the other line.”

“Success rates are still pretty good, though,” Mrs. Jackson rebuked matter-of-factly. “Isn’t that right, Mr. Benson?”

“Yes,” Mr. Benson—a small, bald man with brown eyes vastly enlarged behind his monstrous goggles—nodded frantically. “In our department, we have a success rate of almost 3%; exceeding our initial projections by a decent margin.”

“Be that as it may,” David said, in response to Mrs. Jackson’s scornful glare, “I still think we could use different techniques that will not only reach more people, but, will have significant positive effects on our results, too.”

“And what are those mysterious magical techniques, Mr. Preston?” Mrs. Jackson asked, deliberately exaggerating her disinterest.

“If I may interrupt,” Mr. Benson interjected, “Mr. Preston, we’ve used advertisement on every medium imaginable; TV, Internet, magazines, newspapers…yet, phone-sales remain our major source of new clients.

“Yes,” he quickly added, as soon as David opened his mouth and raised his finger, “many people do perceive our tactics as aggressive, as you noted. However, our extensive training program has allowed our salesmen to be more persuasive, without being overly aggressive.

“And even though a lot of people just listen to what we have to tell them and then hang up, some of them do eventually visit our website and buy one of our packs. So, even if the sale doesn’t come directly from the phone call, the phone calls do raise awareness of our services.”

“That’s good and all,” David rubbed the bridge of his nose and crossed his legs, the silk thong squashing his genitals, “but, there are also a lot of complaints about our company online.

“Which becomes an even more pressing matter to address, if more people are looking the company up online following a phone call from our center. To be honest—” he continued, desperate to reach in his pants and fix the goddamn thong squeezing itself tighter between his buttocks “—I wouldn’t trust our company had I only read some of the online reviews.”

“The reviews,” Mrs. Jackson said, “are indeed bad and we’re perfectly aware of it, Mr. Preston, however, they only refer to how annoyed some people are from receiving phone calls from us. I haven’t seen any bad reviews regarding the quality of our services.”

“True,” David nodded. “But, I’d still not trust a company that appears so damn desperate to attract new customers; yes, I know,” he hastily added, “we’re the new kid in the block and we’re competing with giants of Internet providers that have been around for ages, but, we should focus more on promoting the quality of our services, instead of holding meetings for how to increase sales numbers.”

“We’re working on both matters, equally,” Mrs. Jackson rebutted—David cowered in his leather chair, when she bit the corner of her lips quite viciously.

“I know,” David coughed, “but, I…”

“Mr. Preston,” Mrs. Jackson barked, “you’re the head of customer support. You’re responsible for handling negative reviews, complaints, all that.”

“Precisely,” David snapped his fingers. “And I’ve received a lot of emails from people asking that we stop calling them with new offers—both existing customers and non-customers.

“And,” he pointed a stiff finger at Mr. Benson, who was getting ready to rebuke, “I always make sure to file their numbers in the not-to-call list, as you call it. Yet, they always seem to get lost in the shuffle and end up in your to-call lists.”

“Mistakes do happen,” Mr. Benson shrugged with an inconspicuous smirk. “Nevertheless, we are actively trying to ensure that we only call people, who’ve shown interest in our services, or, whom we’ve never called before.

“Yes, mistakes do happen; but, perfecting the system is a long process. Eventually, we’ll get it right and Mr. Preston will be able to stop worrying so much about a handful of scornful emails.

“Besides, David,” he grinned, “if you think you’ve got it bad reading a few expletives in an email, you should hear what our poor salesmen and women have to listen to on a daily basis.”

“Don’t you think, then,” David said, his voice going a pitch higher, “that it’s time for a change? I mean, if most outgoing phone calls you make end up in a tirade of expletives bahis firmaları toward our salesmen, then…”

“It’s just part of the game, David,” Mr. Benson maintained his wide smirk. “I’ve been doing this job for a long time; I’ve worked for phone centers for banks, hedge funds, collecting agencies, various kinds of e-shops…I could probably write a book the length of War and Peace with creative ways to tell someone to go molest themselves.

“However, our success rate is far better than anything I’ve ever encountered; for every hundred angry responses, we get three to four people signing a contract. That’s the kind of success rate my former supervisors could only dream of!”

“All right, gentlemen,” Mrs. Jackson intervened. “I think that’s enough with your bickering. Mr. Preston,” she cleared her throat, “as long as phone calls produce good results, we won’t be changing anything in our policy.

“Maybe, you should start training your department to handle bad reviews in a more…efficient manner. Heartily apologize to those that complain, offer them some compensation, maybe a lucrative get to know us deal, or something.

“And, for the love of god, stop coming crying to us over a few expletive-laden emails.”

“Right, of course…” David hung his head and remained silent for the rest of the meeting—besides, all he truly needed was to fix the damn thong and go home.

* * * *

He stood in the bus, crammed like a sardine in a can, and all he could think of was whether anyone could notice he was wearing Peggy’s silk, pink thong underneath his faux-Armani suit he had bought at a bargain store, when he was hired by the fastest rising Internet provider in the country.

While the job had nothing to do with what he had studied—possessing a MA in Epistemology is only good, when you’ve got the brains and skills to back a Ph.D. up—the salary was more than good enough and, most importantly, covered all of Peggy’s extra expenses.

Off the bus he got and procured the grocery list from the inner pocket of his jacket; and all he could think of—whilst picking fresh tomatoes and garlic—was whether anyone could discern the thong, as he bent over the counter.

It was, certainly, part of the charm, part of what made the whole ordeal exciting; not knowing whether anyone knows, not knowing what they’d think if they saw.

He walked out of the store carrying two heavy bags and momentarily stopped to glance at himself in the large window; with his short, blond hair, his ten-day stubble, and his quite fit and lean physique, he knew no one could imagine he was wearing a pink thong underneath his suit.

After a short walk, he reached home—a small, suburban, one-story house with a lovely, green yard. Finally relaxed, he walked in the relative darkness and coolness of the house—he put the groceries away, while keeping track of the kitchen door with the corner of his eye.

His body tensed, when he heard the distinctive clicking sound of her high heels on the wooden floor of the hallway; almost instantly, his heart leaped up in his throat.

“Hey babe,” she spanked his ass, hard. “How was work?”

“It was…okay,” he turned around, his head hanging low.

“Oh,” she grinned and lifted his chin up with her finger. “Did they scold you again?” She briefly kissed him on the lips, then slapped his ass once again. “Why are you still wearing your suit?”

“I’m sorry, I was just…putting the…I’ll…” He mumbled, his face flushed, and he hastily undressed down to nothing but the thong.

“That’s better,” she giggled. “How did it feel walking around with my expensive underwear, by the way?”

“It was…” He stopped—it felt impossible to find the proper word.

“Yes?” She impatiently tapped the pointy edge of her knee-high leather boot on the marble floor.

“Quite…exhilarating,” he finally said. “And…rather humiliating, too…”

“Good,” she caressed his cheek gently. “Did anyone…notice?”

“No, I don’t think so…though, I kept feeling queer glances on me, but…”

“Just your idea,” she shrugged and planted a longer-lasting kiss on his lips.

Her expression suddenly changed—transformed—and her hand went around his neck, as she pushed him hard against the counter, while sporting the widest smirk.

“You do seem a bit tense, baby,” she smiled slyly. “You could probably use some…relief, huh?”

He winced, when she grabbed his balls with her other hand and squeezed hard. His whole body trembled and his knees grew suddenly weak.

“I can’t hear you,” she chuckled coldly, pressing her ear to his lips.

“Yes, I…”

“Yes, what?” She demanded, tightening her grip around both his neck and balls—she was deceptively strong, considering her rather petite frame.

“Yes, Mistress,” he mumbled, choking.

He heaved, when she released him; he marveled over her in her leather corset and tight mini skirt kaçak iddaa barely reaching under her bottom, as she just stood there, arms crossed around her chest—her breasts beautifully magnified by the tightness of the corset—with a wide grin.

In all fairness, what he needed the most right now was to pop a cold beer open and relax on the couch; yet, his heart trembled and without thinking he dropped to his knees—the thong buried even deeper between his buttocks—and began kissing her exposed thighs.

“You’re beginning way too high, babe,” she giggled and pushed his head down to the floor.

Obediently, he tasted the leather of her boots.

“Good boy,” she clapped her hands once, when he lifted his ass up in the air. “You remembered.”

“Of course, Mistress,” he timidly raised his eyes, seeking for her glance.

“Look down,” she instructed him harshly—immediately, he closed his eyes, lowered his head, and went back on working on the boots, taking the pointy edge in his mouth.

Peggy’s satisfied laughter was the best music he ever had heard; the only music he really needed to listen to.

“All right,” she cleared her throat and swiftly walked behind him, pressing the heel of her boot on his asscheek. “Time to move the party downstairs. We don’t want to dirty the kitchen up, right? You worked so hard this past weekend cleaning the place up, after all.”

Another swift kick on his ass was enough to get him to crawl through the house and down the wooden stairs leading to the basement. Listening to Peggy laughing heartily behind him, as he wiggled his ass the way she had instructed him, was enough to get him rock hard and cause the thong to tent.

“Well, babe,” she rubbed her forehead, when they reached down to the basement equipped with plenty of bondage equipment, “what have I told you about controlling yourself?”

He squirmed, when she rubbed her boot against his erect penis. Perfectly still, on his knees and with his hands crossed behind his back, he bit down his lips hard, tasting copper; he writhed, when she crushed his balls with her foot.

“Oh, you’re about to cum, ain’t you?” She giggled, when his lower body tensed visibly. “Well, we can’t have that, can we now?” Her voice turned cruel in an instant; he let out a thunderous cry, when she kicked his balls similar to a footballer hitting a penalty shot.

“Damn it,” he whimpered and hunched forth, managing to keep his hands crossed behind his back.

“I’m sorry, babe—” she squatted next to him—deliberately hiking her skirt up, allowing him a clear view of her clean-shaven pussy—and patted him on the top of his head, while he heaved with long-drawn whistles, “—but, while I do love your nice, hard cock, I can’t have you getting erections on your own.

“So, you’ve got to learn to control your body; even if it means sustaining some pain in the process. Don’t you agree?”

He nodded frantically, while still biting his lips hard, staring straight into Peggy’s mesmerizing eyes.

“Good boy.” She kissed him on the forehead, then, without a forewarning, wrapped her hand around his dick and twisted it menacingly; she laughed cruelly, when he screamed and writhed.

With her firm grip still around his prick, she pushed him down on his back on the cold floor.

Helpless, he just stared into her eyes pleadingly, the pain growing too much to bear; yet, Peggy responded to his puppy eyes with another brutal twist of his cock and a smirk.

He let out a heavy groan of relief, when she finally released him; yet again, exactly at the moment the pain was about to surpass the comfortable level of being pleasurable.

The all too familiar, and intoxicating, scent attacked his nostrils, when she sat on his face, grinding her already wet pussy all over his face. Eagerly, he stuck his tongue out; his taste buds were filled with salt, as he synchronized the movements of his tongue with Peggy’s grinding, hungrily swallowing down the juices dripping down on his face.

A tingling sensation overwhelmed him, when she arched back and reached, once more, for his balls—this time gently and tenderly massaging them, while he put even more passion into licking her, flapping his tongue fast inside her, savoring the taste flooding his mouth.

“All right, on your knees!” She instructed him, abruptly getting back up on her feet.

“Yes, of course…what did I do wrong?” He asked, staring up at her worrisomely.

“Oh, nothing, babe,” she ran her fingers through his hair. “It’s just…you got me all too horny, that’s all.”

With a wide satisfactory grin, and a wonderful wave of warmth traversing his body, he crawled to the wooden bed in the corner. Without the need to be instructed, he lay down on his back and instinctively winced, when Peggy locked the shackles around his wrists and ankles.

“You love that, don’t you?” She ran her finger slowly across his hairless chest and well-shaped kaçak bahis abs, giggling whenever he quivered. “You know the best part?” She winked at him, when he raised an eyebrow. “I could do anything to you and you wouldn’t be able to react.”

“I know, that’s…”

“Oh, baby,” she interrupted him with a mystical laughter that numbed his spine. “I’m not talking about spanking you, or, fucking you. I’m talking…about really nasty stuff; and you’d still take it, wouldn’t you?”

She climbed on top of him and yanked the thong down; his erect prick jumped up in attention, slapping her pussy once. She planted wet kisses all over his face and neck, grinning whenever he moaned heavily.

“I mean,” she whispered in his ear, while jerking him off slowly, “I could cut your balls off and you still wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. It’s fun, isn’t it? Lying down here willingly, knowing you’re utterly helpless?”

“I…” He paused; while the element of danger was always present, whenever she tied him up, it had never crossed his mind that she’d…his jaw dropped, when she squeezed his dong painfully.

“Well, aren’t you gonna say anything, baby?” She whispered harshly.

“I’m…I don’t…” He found himself desperately at loss for words and all he wanted was to stop his heart from pounding so insanely fast in his chest.

“Got you all horrified, didn’t I?” She chuckled—then kissed him on the lips, thrusting her tongue in his mouth for the first time in quite some time.

Hungrily, he sucked her tongue hungrily—his spine grew numb and his cock throbbed. He raised his head as high as the restraints would allow, when she pulled back and broke the kiss.

“Don’t get too excited, baby,” she shook her head, smiling widely. “We don’t want this to last only a few minutes, do we now?”

From the small table next to the bed she picked the testicle cuffs; at the sight, David just leaned back and sighed.

“Oh, you thought I was gonna let you cum, didn’t you?” She guffawed and locked the cuffs around his scrotum. “Yup—” she nodded, tickling his swollen balls “—that’s much better. If you make me climax an acceptable amount of times, I might allow you to have an orgasm, too.

“How long has it been?” It was a rhetorical question, as she shoved three fingers in his mouth and slowly sat on his pulsating prick, her tight pussy hugging it perfectly.

He closed his eyes, taking the sensation of her wetness and tightness against his skin, as she rode him slowly, dictating the rhythm like always. It was magnificent, as always, even though the ring took away a good part of the physical joy.

However, the mental joy that washed all worries and thoughts away from his mind was more than enough to compensate for it. The rhythm got faster, the wet noises of her cunt slapping against his swollen balls and her intensifying grunts the only sounds breaking the silence of the basement.

He struggled with the shackles, when she lowered her corset and exposed her perfectly round breasts; he wanted to fondle them, play with them, he wanted to…he simply stared at them bouncing under her crazily fast riding rhythm.

She kept riding him like a broncobuster for a long time; on intervals she’d stop, keep him buried in her and grind against his body, letting out heavier, deeper moans, while her pussy embraced his prick even tighter.

His body shook violently, when she slurped her juices off his drenched dick; with a wide, satisfactory smile she patted his balls that had turned a deeper shade of blue.

“That was real good, baby,” she kissed him—he thrust his tongue down her throat, hardly noticing the taste of his own cock on her lips.

“Mistress,” he panted, “may I…”

“Nope, not today,” she shook her head, with a deadpan smirk.

“But, Mistress, I…”

“Your balls aren’t that blue yet, baby,” she shrugged. “I’m beginning to think you’re secretly jerking off in the shower.”

“No, I’d never…”

“It’s all right.” She planted a kiss on his forehead. “Eventually, I’ll let you have your moment. But, for now, I think those cuffs are staying.”

He sat up and rubbed his sore wrists; his balls had swollen and were hanging lower than normally, while his erection was still going strong.

“I’m gonna take a shower, babe,” she kissed him briefly on the cheek. “You just relax.”

Still seated on the edge of the wooden bed, he watched her climb the stairs, her firm, heart-shaped ass wobbling. A bright smile appeared on his face, despite the slight discomfort his long-lasting erection caused him.

With a faint limp, he climbed up to the ground floor; he opened the fridge, gulped down some cold water, then…his glance fell on two cans of Guinness.

He reached for them; stopped himself at the last moment. With his heart palpitating, he took, instead, a bottle of mineral water and went to the living room.

“What are you watching?” Peggy asked, when she entered the room wrapped in a towel, her skin still damp, while drying her long, brown hair with another towel.

“Nothing but reruns,” he shrugged. “We should really consider upgrading to…”

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A Pornosexual’s Revenge

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I don’t condone any of the illegal acts in this story. It’s all just a bit of fun and nothing more than a fantasy. But we can all have a bit of fun in our minds, eh?


I took a final drag on my cigarette, then stubbed it out into a pot-plant on the patio. It was getting on for late afternoon, and I probably only had a few hours before Jackie would arrive home. Boy oh boy, did she have a surprise waiting for her when she got back.

I’d been planning this little ‘treat’ for my line manager Jackie ever since she caught me watching porn at work. She’d reported me to the boss, and had me dragged into a meeting where she went on and on about how disgusting and debasing it was. Just the sort of shit I expected from an uptight bitch like her. The last time she got any dick must’ve been school, so I guess she resents anyone else getting any.

I lost a promotion opportunity as a result of that little incident, and was humiliated in front of all my colleagues, just cos she couldn’t keep her mouth shut. I originally planned to get revenge on her by keying her car, but when I went to do it I noticed the stupid cow had left the window wound down, and the keys to her one-bedroom flat were on the front seat. One quick trip to a key-cutters later to get them cloned, and I had unlocked the opportunity for revenge on a much grander scale.

Cos she’s such a loser, I knew Jackie would use the upcoming bank holiday to visit her sister up in Glasgow. Says something about a person when you’ve got so few mates you’ve gotta hang out with family on your days off. This gave me the perfect opportunity to execute my plan.

See, the reason I got caught watching porn at work is cos I’m a pornosexual. That’s a person who’s entire sexuality is based around watching porn. And I watch a LOT of it. Every spare moment I have, I’ll be gooned out, pants around my ankles, leaking precum over hot starlets getting ploughed. That doesn’t mean I’m going at it solo though; I’ve got a whole community of other guys (and a couple of girls, too) who share my love of smut. We chat on forums, webcam while we’re jerking off, share new vids and pics that get us off. It’s a real, smutty love-in with my bate mates.

When I realised Jackie’s house would be empty for three whole days, I got online to tell my buddies. Opportunities to meet up in real life and wank together are rare. An opportunity to do that AND wreck the flat of prude in the process was too good for my mates to pass up.

I had told the gang to start showing up on Saturday, but I arrived at Jackie’s flat late on Friday night, waiting across the street until I saw her pull away in her car. I’d told my gooner friends they could stay as long as they wanted and do whatever they wanted with the place, and I’d got over 50 responses from people saying they would show up, some even flying to the UK just for the chance to wreak a little filthy havoc.

They had not disappointed bahis firmaları me.

I turned back to the house, preparing to survey the destruction we’d caused and put the finishing touches on my vengeful masterpiece. As soon as the front door swung open, I was greeted with the sounds of groaning coming from both the screens in the house, and the guys watching them.

I studied the cream-coloured wall beside the door, looking at the graffiti drawn in permanent marker. A giant, throbbing boner stood next to the words ‘COCKS IN ATTENDANCE’. Scored off underneath this were 42 strikes, which was not a bad turnout at all! Beside this was a similar doodle of a full pint glass, annotated with ‘NUTS BUSTED’. I couldn’t even count all the strikes underneath this one; all I knew was my buddies had done me proud.

I stripped off my clothes and left them in the hallway, handling my swelling prick as I made my through into Jackie’s kitchen. A laptop I’d brought with me was set up on the work surface, a video of two guys forcing their pork-swords down some chick’s throat playing on the screen. A pile of porno mags I’d brought sat beside it, along with several tubes of superglue. I noted with glee that the pile was substantially smaller than it had been on Saturday. My instructions to tear out whatever got you stiff and glue it to the walls and ceilings had been taken to heart, and all around the kitchen, pictures of ladies getting stuffed full of cock stared back at me.

The table in the middle of the room was littered with glasses, mugs and empty bottles of beer. Nobody had been drinking from the mugs or glasses this weekend, but they’d been using them to spunk into, and slimy ribbons of baby-batter coated the insides of all of them. As I stood there watching, one of the four guys currently occupying the kitchen snatched up an already full wine glass and pumped his load into it, swirling the vessel round and round to mix his spaff in with the previous donations. His balls drained, he put the glass down and made his way over to the oven, picking up a tea-towel and smearing his still-drooling knob over it to leave a trail of cum.

Beside me, two other guys had the fridge door open and were fisting their stiffies, bathed in the light from within. The outside of the fridge had been scrawled all over in permanent marker, with offensive sexual phrases and lewd doodles, making it look like the walls of a pub toilet cubicle. The contents of the fridge was festooned with stands of sperm, and the two boys were clearly working on adding to the sticky webs covering all the food inside. I patted them on the shoulders to encourage them and made my way through into the living room, stroking my now completely stiff pecker as I walked.

The room was crowded with naked men and stank of stale sweat and cum. The far wall had been pasted with centrefold pictures, a particularly crass one of a girl with two cocks stuffed kaçak iddaa in her arse drawing my attention and causing me to tug on my boner more vigorously.

A huge guy was sat on the arm of the leather sofa, wiping his heavy bollocks back and forth, steaking it with his sweat. The coffee table was streaked with a gridwork of cumloads, converging on the glass bowl in the centre. Jackie’s spare keys and trinkets were stashed there, but were now floating in a pool of baby-batter.

The cabinets beside the TV were stacked high with porn DVDs, purchased ahead of time and brought with me. I’d binned all Jackie’s foreign, art-house movies and replaced it with the likes of Cumfart Cocktails, Weapons of Ass Destruction, and Two Cocks In The Shitter.

A cluster of guys were currently watching one of the DVDs, Feeding Frenzy , on the flatscreen TV. They had taken the TV down from it’s stand and laid it out on the floor. Just as the dudes in the movie started unloading on the lucky face of the porn starlet, the men surrounding the TV aimed their pricks at the screen and started hosing it down with cock-snot, the sounds of their powerful jets hitting the glass audible over the movie itself. The TV had received many such ‘showers’ over the past three days, and it was starting to become tricky to actually make out the picture.

Jackie’s desk hadn’t fared much better, and was dotted with sticky pools of spunk. Her laptop was displaying a porn tube playlist that’d have even the most mild-mannered person stroking like a goon-fiend. A man was just in the process of squirting another huge load directly onto the screen, causing his jizm to run down and pool between the keys on the keyboard.

I decided to run the tip of my cock across the polished wood of her desk, smearing it with the precum that had built up while I had stroked to the perversion we had all created. Job done, I moved through into the bathroom.

One lad was on the floor, humping the bath matt with his drooling prick while he played a gangbang movie on his phone. Glued to the bath, and plastered with jizz, were a series of pictures from the same photoshoot. They each featured the same gorgeous Latina, surrounded by huge dongs and stuffing them in her orifices while she smiled at the camera.

A man was sat on the toilet, wanking furiously, while another stood beside him, drying his sweaty balls on one of the towels in his post-orgasmic haze. He had clearly been adding his load to the bathtub, into which had been thrown a bunch of Jackie’s possessions. I’d put the plug in on Friday evening and had instructed each new arrival to bust at least one nut into the tub, which was now a slimy pool of spunk. The taps and shower-head had also been hosed down and dripped stalactites of semen down into the bath below.

Pleased with the state of the room, I turned and walked towards the bedroom. This location had been particularly popular, and I’d kaçak bahis busted one of my first loads of the weekend square onto the centre of the carpet near the doorway.

There was another movie streaming on a TV set on a bracket facing the bed, a big-titted German girl surrounded by men taking turns to drain their balls onto her face, or slap her about the chops with their veiny schlongs. Two men were humping the shit out of Jackie’s pillows while they watched. I noticed that at some point her bed-sheets had been changed to the spare set, presumably once her current set had been sufficiently sullied. The new ones were dark blue and smeared in cock-secretions of every sort, and as I watched one of the guys flooded the pillow with his salty seed with a roar.

In the corner were two more gooners, one currently spunking into Jackie’s chest of drawers, while the other had a pair of her knickers wrapped around his glistening knob-end as he stroked aggressively to the movie on the TV. Another man on the opposite side of the room had balled up Jackie’s dressing gown and was holding it against his arse. He let rip a loud, wet fart into it, then laughed as he wrapped it around his boner and jacked furiously with both hands, sending trails of precum flying into the air in front of him.

I looked up and the ceiling and saw what might have been my masterpiece; A high resolution, close-up photo of my swollen cock, precum drooling from it’s tip was pasted above the entire room. I’d had to print it out in a series of A4 sheets and then assemble them again, but it was certainly worth it. She’d never be able to remove it, and it’d almost certainly show up under any paint she put over it. My massive goon-stick would be staring down at her as she slept for as long as she owned this flat.

Looking at my watch, I felt it was time to leave my parting gift for my good friend Ms J. Her briefcase sat at the foot of her bed, remarkably unmolested by the Bate Crew. I opened it and lay it down on the floor, beating my meat as I did so. Collecting some of the discarded pages of porno mags scattered around the floor, I stuffed it in amongst the stationary and papers in the briefcase. I left a picture of a girl with her cheeks grotesquely stretched by a huge prick stuff in her mouth prominently on top of it all. I pictured Jackie’s horrified face as she opened her briefcase as I emptied my heaving bollocks into it in a powerful torrent of bate-juice. I bounced my cock up and down to shake the remaining droplets of jizz into the case, then shut it tight.

I made my way back through the house as the last of the Goon Squad started to depart, putting their clothes back on and leaving via the front door. As I switched off the lights and prepared to leave myself, I made doubly sure everything looked as squalid as possible.

At the front door, I pulled my trousers back on, then as a final gesture I flopped my knob free and rolled back my foreskin. I planted a gooey kiss on the wall with my bell-end, then pulled my t-shirt on. Just before I left, I scored down my final load on the tally, then locked the door to my little surprise for Jackie to find.

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A Paris Afternoon Ch. 01

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It had been a long flight from Seattle to Paris, and Henry wanted nothing more than to get settled into his room and unwind and certainly the last thing he wanted to do was to start up a conversation with the cab driver, but somehow Henry found himself entangled in a game of question and answer with the cabbie whose English, though heavily accented was technically sound.

“What brings you to Paris at this time of year?” Good question, Henry thought in spite of himself. Coming out of Charles de Gaulle Henry noticed the chill in the air and now it had begun raining softly.


“Ah, so not for plaisir?” The last word was heavily accented and Henry couldn’t help but smile slightly at the inquiry.

“Not quite, I’m an art dealer.” Henry didn’t want to give too much information, after all his job required a certain level of discretion.

Negotiating the acquisition of a multi-million piece of modern art was a tricky business and blurting it out to all and sundry would only make his life more difficult it got out. Owners, especially institutions, were particularly touchy about issues involving secrecy.

“There’s a lot of art in Paris, monsieur. And there are lots of other belles choses, maybe you’ll find time for un peu de plaisir.”

“Peut-etre.” Henry’s French wasn’t all that bad, but it had a strong American inflection. Maybe he would find time for a little pleasure in the city of love. The thought was a comforting one, but with only five days to negotiate the arrangements for transferring the piece to the Seattle Art Museum, there didn’t seem to be much hope for that. I guess I’ll try to make my own pleasure, Henry ruefully thought to himself.

The rest of the ride was quiet and by time the cab arrived at the hotel the rain had started in earnest. Quickly grabbing his luggage from the trunk and paying the driver his fare, Henry moved quickly to get out of the rain and into the lobby.

Fortunately, it seemed that he arrived at the right time; there was no one at check in counter. Walking up to the counter, Henry was greeted by a young woman who was possibly in her mid-20s. Henry couldn’t help but notice how bahis firmaları pretty she was. Using the excuse of reading her name tag “Collett,” Henry allowed himself to look at her small but pert breasts which under blouse seemed to defy gravity. Not wanting to be a creep, Henry quickly made eye contact with Collett. That didn’t help. Collett’s entire face was a thing of perfection. Her eyes were an icy blue and she had red, pouty lips. Henry thought how much he would love to taste those lips and look deeply into those blue eye as he took her. His revelry, though brief, had been enough and he could not now ignore the swelling that was beginning to take place in his trousers.

“Um, hello I’m Henry Whitewood and I have a reservation.” Collett smiled the kind of smile that exists only on the faces of people who work in customer service, “Just one moment, monsieur.” Her voice was soft and almost breathless, like a whisper. Henry imagined what that voice would sound like close to his ear. Would it be as breathless as she moaned in pleasure? Would that whisper say things that only lovers say to each other as flesh intertwines and becomes one? He was now fully erect and was glad that he was standing in front of the check in counter so as to hide the bulge. Taking the chance when Collett looked away to view the screen, Henry attempted to discretely shift his hard cock in such a way so as not to be noticeable.

“Oui, monsieur, your room is ready.” Collett handed Henry his key card. Thanking her, he headed up to his room. Five days, he thought, there could be enough time for un peu de plaisir. Henry continued to think about Collett and her full lips and breasts as he entered his room. He wondered if her other lips were just as full. If he played his cards right maybe he could find out. Heaven knew how much he wanted it. His last relationship had ended a couple of years earlier, mostly because of work. In that time, again because of work, he hadn’t made much room for relationships in his life, but now that he was shortly turning 32, he was tired of feeling like life was passing him by.

Perhaps this trip would be a chance to do something different. The idea kaçak iddaa tickled Henry. Closing the door, Henry set down his luggage and took off his jacket.

Hanging up his jacket in the closet, Henry sat down on the bed and removed his shoes. Having sat down, he realized how tired he was from the flight and thought about taking a nap. However, he was still erect from his thoughts about Collett. Laying on his back, with his head and neck propped up against the headboard, Henry thought perhaps he should take care of that first. Tired though he was, Henry decided that he wanted to enjoy this moment to its fullest. He began unbuttoning his shirt slowly, once he had finished he began to stroke his nipples. He rarely did this to himself, but as his began stroking them softly, his cock stiffened and began to throb in response.

A slight smile played on his lips as the intense pleasure seemed to wash over his body. His nipples were now hard and he began to stroke them more vigorously.

Looking down, he could see the bulge in his pants and the fabric moving up and down as his member struggled to be free of its confines. The friction of the fabric against his sensitive rod was a sweet agony, and Henry shifted his hips to add to the friction, doing so he let out a low moan. Sitting up slightly, Henry removed his shirt completely and started on removing the belt from his pants. Unzipping his trousers and pushing them off along with his boxers, Henry’s cock stood at full mast. Wrapping his right hand around it, Henry began to slowly stoke his shaft. He didn’t want to rush it and resisted the urge to just come right there and then.

There was no question that Henry enjoyed sex with women, but there was something so sensual about watching himself get off by his solo efforts.

Henry closed his eyes and imagined Collett walking into the room catching him mid wank. He pictured her being slightly embarrassed and then turned on. In his mind, she would take off her blouse to reveal those small perky breasts and climb on to the foot of the bed and crawl over to him and take him in her mouth. The image was enough was enough to get Henry’s heart racing and kaçak bahis his hand moving even faster. Opening his eyes he could see the pre-cum at sitting atop of his head. The clear liquid pooled at the opening and then began to trickle down over his hand. Using it as lubricant, Henry continued to stroke his manhood. He could feel himself wanted to find release, but he wasn’t finished yet.

Taking his other hand, Henry rubbed the tip of his shaft with an open palm. His hand traced a clockwise motion on the sensitive part of his cock. By now Henry, who was now imagining Collett finishing her blow job and moving up to his face so he could return the favour, could hear himself moan more loudly in the rapture of his hands were providing. His right hand was rubbing the shaft rigorously and the left hand was still stoking intensely the head. Henry felt that he couldn’t hold it any longer and quite frankly he didn’t want to. Looking down he watched just as he came all over his hands, the cum squirted out in bursts of hot, creamy streams.

Whenever he masturbated, Henry enjoyed watching himself come. There was something about watching the ejaculate being emitted from his cock that he found profoundly sensual. Wiping his hand on his belly, with this other hand, he continued to gently stroke the now softening, yet still sensitive cock. He languished with half closed eyes for a few minutes like this on the bed. Once he caught his breath, Henry thought he should probably shower.

Getting up from the bed, he made his way to the shower. Completely naked, he walked in front of a wall length mirror and looked at the glistening cum that decorated his lower torso, as he made his way to bathroom.

Once in the shower, Henry let the hot water wash over his body, washing away the results of his well spent afternoon. Soaping up a washcloth, he lathered his body, paying particular attention to his crotch. He massaged his balls and worked on his penis until it was hardening again. Taking the prompt, Henry rubbed himself again until he came. Feeling good, Henry finished his shower and headed back to the room where he got dressed and decided that it was time to head out for dinner. After all, tomorrow was going to be a busy day. He had to meet with his counterpart to arrange for the transfer of a priceless piece of art. Looking at his phone, it read “Wednesday, 9:00. Marguerite Aubert.”

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