Ay: Nisan 2021


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



Tekrardan merhabalar, başımdan geçen bir anımı daha sizlerle paylaşmak istiyorum öncelikle ozamanlar 15 16 yaşlarındaydım. Ailecek balıkesirdeki enişteleri ziyarete gitmiştik. Eniştemin benden bir yaş küçük bir kızı vardı isminide vereyim bari adı burçin di. 160 boylarinda kumral balık etli vücuda sahip göğüsleri ufak gibi duran götü ise ben burdayım diyen tatlı bir 14 15 yaşında l****aydı. Neyse içeriye girdik bizimkiler başladılar eskilerden konuşmaya falan ben baya bi sıkılmıştım tam artık bunaldim patlayacakken kapıdan içeri burçin girdi. Arkadaşlarıyla dışarıdaymış bizim geldiğimizi öğrenince eve gelmiş. Hoşgeldiniz falan dedi bizimkilere karşımdaki koltuğa oturdu gözü bendeydi. Bende kaçamak bakışlarla ona bakıyordum. En son çok ufakken görmüştüm. Benim sıkıldığımı anlamış olacakki bana bakıp istersen dışarı çıkalım gezdireyim seni dedi. Bende valla süper olur deyip kalktım. Bizimkiler herzamanki gibi bana bakıp fazla geç kalmayın dediler ve burçin le ben kapıdan çıktık. Mahallede dolaşırken bunun arkadaşları denk geldi neyse beni tanıştırdı falan ama kızlar çok çirkinlerdi neyse hadi gidelim dedim ve yine başladık yürümeye derken burçin in telefonuna mesaj geldi bu okuyunca gülümsedi ve bana bakıp az önceki esmer kız seninle tanışmak istiyormuş seni beğenmiş dedi. Bende dönüp çok çirkin olduğunu benim onu begenmedigimi söyleyip kestirip attım. Bu sefer bana dönüp kız arkadaşın var mi dedi
Bende yok dedim
Peki ozaman niye kabul etmiyorsun diye sorunca
Ilgilenmedigimi söyleyip hadi artık eve geçelim dedim oda tamam deyip eve götürdü. Eve geldiğimizde bizimkileri nasıl bıraktıysak öyle bulduk. Burçin in odasına geçtik. Bu sefer ben ona sordum
-Senin erkek arkadaşın var mi?
-neden yok
-bilmem yok işte
-sonuçta tatlı bir kızsın dedim
-evet öylesin deyince bu biraz tebessüm etti yanağındaki buseler çıktı mest olmuştum.
-beni beğenmene sevindim dedi. Bana bakıyordu derin derin anlamlı bakışlardı bunlar. Bende biran cesaretimi toplayıp
-sen hoş bi kızsın sende istersen eğer sevgili olabiliriz dedim.
-ama biz akrabayiz dedi
-biliyorum ama ne var bunda sonuçta kişiler birbirlerini sevdik ten sonra akrabada olsalar evleniyorlar dedim.
Bu biraz duraksadı yere bakıyordu.
-eğer olumlu düşünüyorsan elimi tutarak seninde istediğini gösterebilirsin dedim ve elimi ona doğru hafifçe uzattım. Biraz sonra yüzünü yerden kaldırıp bana baktı ve gülümseyerek elini uzattı ve elimi tuttu. Bundan cesaret alarak oturduğum yerden ayağa kalktım ve bunuda elinden kalk der gibi çektim burçin de ayağa kalkmıştı ve karşılıklı duruyorduk sonra belinden sarildim Burçine yalnız o sarilmadi öylece yüzüme bakıyordu. Burcine sarılmış olmam beni azdırmaya yetmişti ve bi yandanda heyecandan titriyordum. Neyse biraz öyle odasında el ele tutuşup sohbet ettik fazlada rahat değildik çünkü içeriye giren olabilirdi. Sonra aklıma daha rahat olabileceğimiz bir yer geldi. Burcine dönüp evin üstüne çıkalım mi dedim oda napcaz orda dedi. Bende daha rahat oluruz konuşuruz dedim. Tamam peki dedi. Odadan çıktık bizimkilere biz evinustune cikiyoz diye söyledik fazla aldırış etmeden tamam deyip sohbetlerine devam ettiler. Neyse terasa çıktık burcinle etrafa baktım kabak gibi ortada gözüküyoruz birileri görebilir diye düşündüm terasta sote bir yer aramaya başladım. Derken terasa çıkan yerle yandaki bina arasında boşluk olduğunu farkettim ve tuğlalar vardı birkaç tane.
Burçin e gel böyle buraya oturalim dedim tamam deyip yanıma geldi. Oturur oturmaz elini tuttum ve yine hemen titremeye başladım 🙂 burcini biraz kendime çekerek elimi omzuna attım diğer elimle de elini tuttum çok fazla titriyordum heyecandan. Derken direk burçin e bakarak öpmek istiyorum seni dedim. Şaşkınca bana bakarak nasıl yani nerden öpmek istiyorsun diye sordu. Bende bozuntuya vermeden nerden olacak kızım yanağından dedim. Hıı peki ozaman öpebilirsin dedi ve titreyerek hafifçe yanağından öptüm. Ama bu yetmemişti tabiki. Ve üstüne gitmeye başladım.
-ne yani dudağından öpmek istesem izin vermiycekmisin canım dedim.
Biraz duraksayıp bana bakıp nasıl yani hemen dudaktan mı öpmek istiyorsun beni dedi. Bu lafı bana yetmişti opturecegini anlamıştım ve evet dedim hemen istiyorum çünkü yarın akşam geri donecez vaktimiz sınırlı dedim. Tamam ozaman dedi. Ve hemen ona doğru uzandım dudağına dudagimi değdirip azcik dokununca yeter dedi geri çekildi. Dur ya birsey anlamadım ki dedim. Optun ya yeter dedi. Sen daha önce kimseyle opustun mu diye sordum burçin e. Hayır dedi. İyi işte ben sana öğretirim dedim ve bir daha yapıştım dudağına. Cesaretim gelmişti deli gibi öpüyordum ama burçin den tık yoktu alt dudağını emiyordum biraz dudaklarını araladı bu esnada dilimi ağzından içeri soktum ucunu Biraz garipsedi ve ayrıldı noldu dedim iğrenç dedi yapma öyle dedi. Tamam dedim ve bir yandanda dokunmanın peşindeydim kalk hadi içeri girelim dedim. Terasa çıkan merdivenlerin orası kapalıydı vede assa dan biri gelirse duyması daha kolay olacaktı. Elinden tutup oraya goturdum. Ve ayakta öpüşmeye başladık burçin de yavaştan açılmıştı. Karşılık vermeye başlıyordu ufak ufak derken kalcasina elimle dokundum tepki vermedi bunun vermiş olduğu rahatlıkla Gotunu avuçladım. Eliyle elimi tutup çekmek istedi. Dur yapma sadece dokunuyorum canım dedim elimi bıraktı. Bi yandan opusuyorduk bir yandanda burçin nin kocaman Gotunu avucluyor sıkıyordum elimle. Derken diğer elimle Burçin in elini tutup göğsüme koydum ve bana dokunmasını sağladım. Delirecektim Sikim kazık gibi olmuştu. Burçin e sikimin kalktığını hissettirmek istiyordum öpmeyi bırakıp arkasına döndürmeye çalıştım noldu dedi dedim yok bisey dön boynunu öpmek istiyorum böyleyken dedim ve döndü. Dönünce götü ne hemen dayadım benim pantolondakini elimle de göbeğine dokunup sivazliyordum bir yandanda kulağını öpüyordum yaliyordum. Burçin iyiden iyiye zevk almaya başlamıştı ve bi anda elini arkaya uzatıp kafamı oksuyordu saclarima dokunuyordu. Bende fırsattan istifade iyice dayamıştım sikimi götüne hissetmemesi imkansızdı. Derken göbeğindeki elimi göğüslerine doğru çıkardım ve sütyenine dokunup avuçladım burçin de tepki yoktu birsey dememişti ben dahada cesaretlendim ve iki elimle memelerine dokunuyordum offf fena azdım yazarken bile şuan. Sesini çıkarmıyordu ben dahada ileri giderek tişörtünün altına elimi sokarak direk göğüslerini elledim göründüğü gibi büyük değildi ufak ama sivri memeleri vardı. Memelerini ellerkende sikimi ileri geri yapıp burçin in Gotunu pantolonunun üstünden sikiyordum. Ne olacaksa olsun deyip kot pantolonumunkkemerini çözdüm ve düğmelerini hızla ca açıp sikimi dışarı çıkardım ve sikimi öyle dayadım götüne. Ama burçin olanı biteni görmesine rağmen birsey demiyordu buda beni dahada azdırıyor ve yapacaklarimi kolaylaştırıyordu. Derken burcini kendime dondurdum ve öpmeye başladım. Artık direk kendi goguslerimi elliyor ve boynuma sarılıyordu. Bende tişörtünaaltından küçük memelerini elliyordum bu biraz devam etti 5 dkffalan sonra boynumdaki elini tutup sikime götürdüm burcinin eli sikime değince elini geri çekti ama sert bir hareketle elini tekrar sikime götürdüm ve sikimi tuttuydum. Tişörtünü yukarı sıyırıp göğüslerini emmek için egildigimde ilk defa memelerini gördüm ve oldukça küçük ama alttan üst tarafa doğru dik geliyorlardı meme uçları biraz sertleşmiş. Hemen agzima alıp emmeye başladım ben memelerini emerken burçin de eliyle saclarimla oynuyordu. Ama sikimi nasıl tutturdiusam öyle bekliyordu. Elimi burcinin sikimdeki elinin üstüne koyup ileri geri oynatmaya başladım ve hafif titreyen sesimle böyle yap bosalcam aşkım dedim ve dediğim gibi yukarı aşağı yapmaya başladı eliyle. Bosalicagimi anlayınca yine hafif bi sesle çömel diyebildim ama çömelmedi iki omzundan bastırıp dizlerinin üstüne eğdim burcini ve tişörtünü elimle yukarı boynuna kadar sıyırıp göğüslerinin ikisinide açtım ve başladım sikimi sıvazlamaya burçin doğal olarak eliyle yüzünü kapatmış duruyordu çabuk biri gelicek şimdi diye söyleniyordu ki aniden bosaldim ama göğüsleri yerine yere bosaldim tutturamamistim bunu fark edince hale sıkıminuucunda kalmış biraz dölü burcinin göğüslerinin ucuna sürttüm ve temizledim. Igrencsin deyip kalktı ayağa ama benim bacaklarımda derman kalmamıştı. Tişörtünün içine soktu memelerini ve topladı üstünü benim ise pantolon dizlerime kadar inik Sikim dışarda. Hadi toplan dedi biri gelmeden tekrar elini tutup sikime götürdüm burcinin. Ve biraz öyle dokundu sonra bende üstümü toplayıp biraz terasta durup yaşadığımız olayla ilgili konuşup aşsa eve indik. Akşam odasında birkez daha bosalttirdim burçin e kendimi onuda anlatıcam. Benim gibi ensest olan arkadaşlar eklerse yada mesaj atarsa karşılıklı sohbet edebiliriz.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



Ben Eskişehir?den Simge.Sizlerle ayrıldığım eşimin bana yaptıklarını paylaşmak istedim. Fazla uzatmadan hikayeme geçeyim.Eşimle ilk başta çok düzenli bir seks hayatımız vardı hatta beni sikerken zorlanıyordum bazen çünkü aleti çok kalındı ama bu durum ona müthiş zevk veriyordu benim canımı yakarak sikmesi onu her seferinde daha da iştahlandırıyor du.Ama bir süre .

sonra eşimin benden soğuduğunu hissetmeye başladım ve farklı şeylere yöneldiğini

gözlerimle gördüm. Mesela banyoda kendi kendine 31 çekiyordu evli bir erkek bunu neden yapsın ki diye düşündüm ama bir türlü cesaret

edip soramadım çünkü aksi biriydi ve beni hem döver hemde bir güzel becerirdi.Korkumdan hiçbirşey diyemezdim.Eşimdeki bu farklılık gitgide artıyordu hatta geceleri benden sonra yatar yatana kadarda uyduda yada vcd de filmler seyrederdi.Ama işin ilginç tarafı porno yerine Erotik filmleri tercih

ederdi ve ben buna bir anlam veremezdim. Daha sonraları beni gizli gizli izlediğini fark ettim ama korkumdan bunu bile söyleyemedim.Her an

her yerde beni gözetliyordu insan eşini gizlice izler mi hiç anlam veremezdim zaten onundum istediği zaman veriyordum da ama ona bu daha zevkli geliyormuş demek mutfakta yemek yaparken ev temizliği yaparken banyoda tuvalette her yerde benim frikik vermem için gözetliyordu bende bunu fırsat bilip onu delirtircesine frikik veriyordum tabii onu görmüyormuş gibi oda benim korktuğumu bildiği için rahat davranıyordu

ben bu oyuna devam etmeye karar verdim ta ki kız kardeşim okul için bizde kalmaya başlayana kadar. Kız kardeşim 19 yaşında benim gibi balık etli ama kız olduğu için bana göre daha az kadınsı hatlara sahip.Ablası olduğum için benim yanımda rahat

bir şekilde oturur yatar.Bir akşam hiç olmadığı kadar erken yatmak .

istedi eşim şaşırmıştım her gece 2-3 e kadar film seyreden adam o akşam 9 da yatıyordu bunun içinde bir iş olduğunu düşünmeye başladım hayırlısı dedim içimden Beklemeye başladım biliyordum bir şeyler planlamıştı ve dediğim gibi oldu. Yaz olduğu için benim ve kız kardeşimin üzerinde ince diz üstü elbise vardı benimkilerden birini ona .

verdim kardeşimde küçüklüğünden beri oturmasına kalkmasına dikkat etmez annem de ona kızar dururdu.Ablasını yanında rahat hissettiği için bacaklarını ayırıp oturuyordu

ben bir ara kız ne biçim oturuş o öyle fındığın meydanda nerdeyse ya enişten aniden girerse dedim oda oho o

şimdi kaçıncı uykudadır bişey olmaz dedi. Bu konuşmalarımızdan sonra çaktırmadan kapının anahtar deliğine bakmaya başladım ve beklediğim oldu eşim anahtar deliğinde

belirdi ilk baştan korkumdan ve beni görmesini istemediğimden bakamadım ama o kadar uzun süreli ve ısrarlı bakıyordu ki anlatamam.Madem ki bu oyunu sürdürme kararı almıştım ve devam dedim içimden ve kız kardeşimi daha da frikike zorlamalıydım diye düşündüm.Tabii bende bu

arada frikik vermeyi ihmal etmeyecektim. Eşim ısrarla delikten bakarken bende bacaklarımı kaşıma bahanesiyle zaten dizlerimin üstünde olan elbisemi külotumun bacaklarımın arasından hafifçe görünecek şekilde yukarı çektim eşim in nefeslerini duydum desem yalan olmaz bir ara heyecandan kapıya yüklenip kapıyı açacak sandım

ama olmadı. Daha sonra bacaklarımı oynatıp eteğimin açılıp kapanmasını sağladım ve .

külotumun bir görünüp bir görünmemesini sağladım.Arada bir esneme bahanesiye arkaya doğru yatıp bacaklarımı olabildiğince açtım ve tam olarak üçgenimin görünmesini sağladım ama eşimin aklının kardeşime olduğunu biliyordum. Kardeşime dönerek kız sen

en son ne zaman ağda yaptın dedim oda 2 hafta oluyor abla zamanı geldi aslında yarın yapalım baş başa dedi.Bende kızım enişten hazır yattı yapıverelim çıksın aradan dedim.Bunun üzerine kardeşim eteğini yukarı sıyırıp bacaklarını ellemeye ve kıllarının ne kadar uzadığını

anlamaya çalıştı tabii bu arada frikikin kralını da vermiş oldu.Yaptığımın doğru yada yanlış olduğunu bilmiyorum ama bu oyundan bende zevk

almaya başlamıştım.Kardeşim bacaklarını öyle bir inceliyordu ki kırmızı tangası nın .

ipi kalçalarının arasından bile gözüküyordu.Eşim kapının camında belirdi ve anladım ki 31 çekiyordu.Bu oyunu sonuna kadar ne pahasına olursa olsun devam ettirecektim. Banyodan malzemeleri alıp geliyim bari dedim kardeşime ama hemen kalkmadım çünkü eşimin kapıdan çekilip yatak odasına gitmesi gerekiyordu.Nitekim öylede oldu bir çırpıda odaya gitmişti.Bende mahsus kontrol eder gibi yanına gittim.Uyuyor numarası yapıyordu aletini elledim taş gibi olmuştu hafif uyanır numarası çekti bende saçını okşadım öptüm iyi uykular bebeğim dedim duyduğunu biliyordum böyle yaparak onu fark etmediğimi sanacaktı. Ağda için gereken şeyleri aldım ve tekrar kardeşimin yanına gittim kardeşimde abla hava

çok sıcak kapıyı aralık bırakta sıcaktan ağda yapışmasın dedi.Bunu söylemesi bir an umutlarımı suya düşürdü ama bir yolunu bulup kapıyı

kapatmalıydım çünkü eşim anahtar deliğinden bu anı kaçırmayacaktı.Klimayı açarız şimdi kapıyı kapatalım aniden enişten uyanırsa hoş olmaz dedim.Kardeşimde haklısın abla

dedi ve kapıyı kapattım. Kapının anahtar deliğine baktığımda kapıyı kapatır kapatmaz eşimin yerini aldığını gördüm.Şoktaydım bu kadar hızlı olması şaşırtmıştı beni

bir an korktum ya aniden içeri girer ve bizi becermeye kalkarsa diye ama o kadarını yapamaz dedim içimden.Ağda faslına başladık.Kardeşim

bacaklarına ağda yaparken cömertçe her tarafını sergiliyordu. Bende üstüne oturduğumuz çarşafı tam kapının karşısına serdim ki rahatça görünsün.Kardeşimi de tam karşıya oturttum.Bacaklarını açmış bir vaziyette ağdaya devam ediyordu.Külotu o kadar küçüktü ki uzayan kılları kenarlardan taşıyordu.Bir ara kız ben aşağıyı da

yapıcam sen yapıcak mısın dedim. Başta utandı abla çok canım yanıyor benim yapmıcam dedi.Bende kızım öyle gezilmez kokarsın yaz sıcak artık gel kaymak gibi yapalım ikimizde dedim.Çok canım yanıyor benim sen kadınsın alışmışsın bide ben daha kızım dedi.Gülüştük ve ben sonra .

hadi kız numara yapma bana senin ne yangın ayşe olduğunu bilirim ben dedim.Aman abla hayret bişeysin dedi. Israrla amlarımızı ağda yapalım diye baskıya başladım ve sonunda dayanamayan kardeşim razı oldu.Ama bana yardımcı olacaksın canım yanarsa bırakırım dedi.Bende seve seve ablacım dedim çıkar bakalım şunu dedim hafif utanarak çıkardı.E hadi sende çıkarsana abla dedi ben bir çırpıda külotumu çıkardım. Kardeşim ilk defa benim amımı görüyordu ve ben bundan acayip ama tuhaf bir zevk almıştım.Abla seninki de bayağı okkalıymış dedi.Güldüm sende benden aşağı kalır

değilsin kızım baksana şuna daracık taptaze deyip elimi amına sürttüm.Yapma abla gıdıklanıyorum dedi ve güldü.Eşim acaba kapının arkasında ne yapıyordu çaktırmadan deliğe baktım ve başının gölgesi cama vurdu hareketliydi anladımki yina aletinle oynuyordu. Kardeşimi kapını karşısında otrttuğum için net bir şekilde görüyordu anlaşılan.Şimdi ben yapıştırıp yavaşça çekeceğim acımıycak korkma dedim oda ürkek bir sesle tamam abla dedi.Ağdayı amına sıvazlarken tahrik olmaya

başladım ıslanmıştım kardeşimin durumu anlamasından korktum ıslandığım çok belliyidi neredeyse şıp damlayacaktı. Bir ara abla neyin var nefes nefese kaldın dedi kıpkırmızı olmuştum ama hiç beklemediğim bi şekilde rahatlatıldım kardeşim tarafından benimkini elleyince tahrik mi oldun yoksa dedi rahatlamıştım gülerek galiba

kız dedim.O da olur böyle şeyler daha önce hiç kendini ellemedin mi sen dedi şaşırmıştım neler biliyordu.Kendimi toparlayıp ne diyorsun kız sen cadı neler çeviriyorsun diyerek muhabbeti dağıtmaya çalıştıysam da beceremedim ısrarla aynı konudan konuştu. Bende sana dokunayım mı istermisin dedi bende saçmalama benim ihtiyacım mı var enişten varken dedim.O başka bu başka abla bunun tadını aldın mı bırakamazsın eniştem bütün

gün yok azınca rahatlarsın dedi.Aslında bunu bende 1-2 kez yapmıştım banyoda ama sonradan pişman oldum kendimi eşime vermeliydim.Bende bazen yapıyorum dedim.Ama bunu söylediğime pişman oldum eşim duymuştu. Kardeşim elini yavaşça amım da gezdirmeye başladı benim ağdam bitmişti amım kaymak gibi oldu

ıslandığım içinde kayganlaşmıştı elini öyle ustalıkla kullanıyordu ki kız sen de az orospu değilmişsin dedim herhalde ablam ne sandın dedi. Ellemeye devam ediyordu kendimi kaptırdım eşimin kapıdan bizi gözetlediğini unutmuşum aklıma gelince irkildim kardeşim noldu kız neyin var geldin mi yoksa

dedi hayır bu yaptığımız doğru değil dedim o da aman be hayret bişeysin her kadın bunu yapar ne var bunda erkeklerde yapıyor eniştem yapmıyor mu sanki dedi.Eşim bu konuşmaları duyuyordu .

bende fısat bu fırsat deyip haklısın kız enişteni bir iki

defa banyoda 31 çekerken görmüştüm dedim. Hiç olmazsa bu yolla eşime yaptığının farkında olduğumu anlatayım dedim içimden .Artık anlamıştır diye düşünürken

delikteki karaltının yok olduğunu fark ettim.Eşim kapının arkasından gitmişti noldu ki dedim içimden bana kızdı herhalde bunu kardeşime soyledım dıye .

dedım.Kardeşim devam etmek istedi bende tamam kız hadı getir ablanı deyince elini yine amıma attı amımın dudaklarını iki parmağını arasında sıkıp sıkıp bırakıyordu.Daha önce bunu yaptığı belliydi çünkü tahrik olduğumdan 5 dk da bosaldım. Büyük bir istekle ona dokunmak istedim.Göğüslerini ellemeye

başladım onunda hoşuna gitmişti tepkisi çok olumluydu ve sende azgınsın kızım bizim sülalemiz böyle annemde teyzemle elleşirdi kaç kez gördüm biz çok önce başlamalıydık bunlara ama olsun geç kalmış sayılmayız bundan sonra beraberiz nasılsa dedi. Aklım hala eşimdeydi neden kapının arkasından

bakmayı bırakmıştı.Biz kardeşimle sevişmeye devam ediyorduk ağda nında etkisi ile her tarafımız yapış yapış oldu hadi banyo yapalım dedim kabul etti soyunduk ve ikimiz birlikte sıcak su dolu küvetin içine girdik. Banyonun kapısını aralık bıraktım çünkü küvet kapının sağında kaldığı için

delikten görünmezdi eşimin bakacığını tahmin ettiğim için bilerek aralık bırakmıştım.Çok geçmeden eşim aradan bizi izlemeye başladı ben onu görüyordum ama o benim ona baktığımı duvarda asılı olan havludan dolayı göremiyordu .Kardeşimin domalmış halini görmesi için yerimi değiştirip kardeşimin kafasını tutup

bacaklarımın arasına soktum.Bu sayede kardeşim hem eşime doğru domalmış oldu hemde benim amımı ağzına alabilecekti.Eşim hala benim görmediğimi düşünerek kapıyı biraz aralama isteğinde bulundu.Kapının sesi su sesinden dolayı duyulmadı eşim aletini şortundan çıkarıp sıvazlamaya başladı o kadar kalındı ki her

zaman içime zorla aldığım yarağı görünce tahrik oldum kardeşimin kalçalarını sıkar gibi yapıp kalçalarını ayırıyordum böylece eşim daha net görebilecekti.Kardeşim abla götümü parmaklarmısın dedi bende hay hay deyip orta parmağımı sonuna kadar soktum ıhhh diye bir ses ve çok tatlısın

sen dedi. Eşim aletini hızla sıvazlamaya devam ediyordu.Kardeşimse olan bitenden habersiz beni yalamaya devam ediyordu.Kardeşim çok geçmeden titreyerk boşaldı ardından ben boşaldım ve en sonunda eşim kapının arkasında boşaldı.Boşalmanın verdiği rahatlıkla hareketsiz duruken eşim aniden banyoya girdi uyuyor numarası yapıp gözlerini ovuşturdu sonra bize dönüp kızlar hayırdır ikiniz birden banyoda ne yapıyorsunuz üstelik kucak kucağa deyince kıpkırmızı olmuştum hiç bişey diyemedim beni döveceğini düşünürken yavaşça yanıma geldi omzuma tutup ovmaya başladı hem korkuyor bir yandan da şaşırıyordum ne yapmak istiyordu acaba diye düşünürken kendimi toparladım kardeşimde yanımda çıplaktı oda kıpkırmızı kesilmişti. Eşim kardeşime bakarak kız senin vücudunun da ablandan kalır yanı yok

dedi.Kardeşim utancından enişte arkanı dönermisin çıkıcam ben havlumu alıp dedi.Eşim .

nereye küçük hanım sabahtan beri karımı baştan çıkaran sen değil

miydin deyince kardeşimde demek yaptıklarımız gördün dedi. Ama kardeşim benden daha cindir hemen durumu toparlayıp bu yaptığın çok ayıp yatıcam diye gittin demek bizi gözetledin çok ayıp enişte deyince kızım bize geldiğin günden beri oranı buranı açıp karşımda oturuyorsun bugüne kadar .

seni sikmediğime dua et dedi.Kardeşim enişte nasıl konuşuyorsun deyine eşim sus kız zilli canın istiyorda günahların mı el vermiyor küçük

fahişe dedi.. Kardeşim ne kadar cin fikirli olsada bu lafın üzerine hiç bir şey söyleyemedi ve durumu kabullenir bır tavır kapladı yüzünü.Eşim sen benim ufaklığı gördünmü hiç deyince kardeşim mahçup bakışlarla enişte nasıl göreyim dedi.Ananı tezyzenle izlediğin gibi belki ablanla benide izlemişindir.Eşimde çok cin fikirli çıktı inanamıyordum kardeşimi ne pahasına olursa olsun sikmeyi kafasına koyduğu bakışlarından belliydi çünkü beni sikmeden önceli

bakışları benden iyi kim tanıyabilirdi. Eşim elini kardeşimin göğüslerine doğru götürdü kardeşim enişte yapma ben bakireyim daha dedi.Eşimde karım da sadece

benimdi ama sen bu akşam ortağım oldun bende ablanla ikinizi ortak yapıcam dedi.Kardeşim titremeye başladı ve bana dönüp abla sende bişey söylesene ya diyerek hıçkırmaya başladı. Bense donmuş kalmıştım erkeğime nasıl yapma derdim.Beni döverdi kızardı.Hiç bişey diyemem ablacım ben sende kaşınmasaydın

dedim.İnanmıyorum size ya ben kızlığımı sevdiğim adama vericem enişte sana değil dedi.Ama çaresi yoktu ve bakışlarındaki kabuulenme gitgide artmaya başlamıştı.Eşimde

bundan dolayı cesaretilenip okşamaya devam etti.Kardeşim ilk başta tepkiliydi ama zamanla tepkisini çıkardığı ince iniltilere bıraktı.Eşim işini bilen bir erkekti beni sikmesinden bildiğim için kardeşimin ilk deneyimini tam anlamıyla yaşayacağını bilyordum.Eşim tuvalete gitmem lazım yeriniziden kıpır damayın hemen geliyorum dedi ve çıktı sanıyorum yapmadan önce ikimizi abla kardeş baş başa bırakmak istedi.Kardeşim abla eniştemi ortak kullanıcaz ne dersin kızdın mı bana dedi bende olan oldu kızım bari ilk deneyimini zevkle yaşa enişten çok iyi siker benide bugune kadar siktiği için

biliyorum çok şanslısın çünkü aletini görünce her kadına nasip olmayacağını .

anlarsın dedim.O kadar büyük mü sahiden deyince birazdan görürsün hem kalım hemde uzun dedim ben çoğu zaman yarısını dışarıda bırak lutfen hepsını sokma çok canım yanıyor deyıp ıterdım dedım. Çok geçmeden

eşim kapıda belirdi.Hazırmısınız hanımlar diye gülerek ayakta yanımıza geldi eliyie sortunun üzerinden aleti ile oynamaya başladı.yavas yavas kalkmya başlamıştı ki .

kardeşim enişte bu ne boyle dıye kıkırdadı.Daha tam kalkmadı kalkınca ne yapıcan bakalım deyıp ellemeye devam ettı. Bir yandanda kardeşimin

göğüslerini sıkmaya devam etti kardeşim iyice kendınden gecmeye basladı ve enişte kızlıgımı sana verecegım aklımın ucundan bıle gecmezdı ama kıme

nıyet kıme kısmet degıl mı deyıp oda eşimin aletini okşamaya basladı bende olanı bıtenı hayretler ıcınde ızlemeye devam edıyordum eşim

pis pis sırıtıp bana bakıyordu bense hıc yüz vermıyormus gıbı yapıp önüme bakıyordum. Bana hadi yavrum sende gel aramıza şu kızı

uçuralım dedi bende ilk defa eşime karşı çıkıp hakaret ettim.Sen gerçekten adi bir insanmışsın dedim.Çok kızdığı bakışlarından belliydi.Yapmaya peki banyoda

kendi kendine yaptığın zamanlar sen adi değimliydin deyince götümün üstüne oturup kaldım bizi izlemenin yanında dinlemiştide onu bir an unuttum

ve çaresiz katıldım onlara. Eşim sürekli çok yavaş sokucam anlamıyacaksın bile diyordu.Kardeşimse inlemeleri artmış hadi demeye başlamıştı.Eşim bu kadar çokmu istiyorsun

sikilmeyi dedi aletini çıkardı ve kardeşimin ağzına sokmaya çalıştı ama ne mümkün sanıırm kalınlığından ve uzunluğundan dolayı bu yarağı alsa alsa zenci bir kadın alır ağzına.Kardeşim görünce çok şaşırdı ohaaa enişte bune yaa diyebildi. Eşimde ne sandın kızım ablan anlatmadı mı az önce ben yokken dedi.Eşim hala çakallığa devam ediyordu.Kardeşim eşimin kalın yarağını ancak yanlarından yalayabiliyordu.Arada bir ağzına alıp alabildiğini kadar sokmaya çalışıyordu.Bende iyice ısınmaya başlamıştım ortama ve eşimin bacaklarını sıkmaya başladım.Eşim bana bugüne kadar hiç bakmadığı bir tebessümle bakıyordu anladım

ki ortam çok hoşuna gitmişti ve bu anı çoktandır hayal ediyordu.Artık zamanı geldi hadi bakalım diyerek kardeşimi küvetin oturulucak yerine oturttu ve bacakları aralayıp arasına girdi hazırmısın diye sordu kardeşimde enişte çok kalın yavaş sok lutfen canımı yakma dedı eşimde

korkma kızım ablanda ilk gecemizde böyle demişti ama şimdi yarağıma tapıyor.Birazdan sende tapacaksın ve bu yarağın tadını unutuamayacaksın. Kardeşim çok zorlanacaktı ortamı bozmak istemediğim için eşimin onu fena sikeceğini bilerek söylemedim.Ama beklenrilerimin tersine eşim çok yumuşak davranıyordu kardeşime içimden şerefsiz adi .

herif demek bana geçiyor nazın dedim çünkü beni gerçekten kötü sikiyordu 2 gün kıçımın üstüne oturamadığımı hatırlıyorum her türlü posizyonu denerdi götten bile sikti beni düşünsenize önüme ancak yarısını aldığım yarağı arkamdan krem sayesinde hepsini almıştım valla eşimin yarağını karnımın içinde hissettim o gece. Neyse konuyu dağıtmayalım kardeşim öyle bir açtı ki isterik olduğu her halinden belliydi.Eşim önce parmaklarını ağzına götürüp yarağının kafasını tükürükledi.Kardeşim öyle hızlı nefes alıyordu ki karnı o kadar inip kalkıyordu ki karnının sırtından çıkacağını sandım heyecenlanmıştı

ve bı kadar kalını almak için sabırsızlanıyordu.Eşim baldız hazırsan başlıyalım artık dedi kardeşimde sok enişte sik beni ablamın yanında hem de gözleri önünde becer beni anladım ki havaya sokmak istiyordu ikimizi de Eşim yarağını kafasını yavaşça kardeşimin amının dudaklarına doğru bastırmaya başladı kafası o okadar kalın ki kardeşimin amını elle açıp ondan sonra sokmalıydı.Eşim acıması olmayan bir erkektir.Kafasını bir çırpıda gömüverdi kardeşime kardeşim ahhh diye bir sesle kasıldı ve hadi gerisinide istiyorum hadi demeye başladı.Eşim bak kaltağa nasılda canı istiyormuş

meğer dedi ama canını yakmaya niyetim yok ilk defa yapıyorsun özel bir anısı olsun dedi.Kardeşimde olacak zaten birazdan dedi. Eşimle birbirimize baktık ne demek istediğini anlamamıştım.Eşim yarağını biraz daha soktu yarısı girmişti ama hala kan gelmiyordu kardeşimden eşim kan gelmiyor bundan

neden dedi.Az önce anısı olacak derken neyi kastettiğini anlamıştım.Kardeşim bakire değildi.Eşimde durumu anlamış olacak ki kime verdin kız sen söyle

bakalım dedi.Kardeşimde oda senin gibi yabancı değil abla mert e verdim dedi.Şok olmuştum.Kız kardeşimi ilk siken erkek kardeşim mert ti Eşim

de bak sen lavuğa dedi.O an anlamıştım biz tam bir ensest aileymişiz meğer.Peki nasıl oldu bu bana neden söylemedin bunca zaman dedim.Kardeşimde söylesem nolcak gidip dövecekmiydin mert i dedi.Hayır tabii ki dövmeyecektim ama aile içi seks yapmamız doğru değil biliyorsun

dedim.Kardeşimde abla peki bu akşam olanlardan mutlu olmadın mı diye sorunca oldum tabii ki ama erkek kardeşimin böyle bir şey yapmasına kızdım.Benim gibi olsa tamam anlıycam evli olsan da sonra seni becerse ok ama ilk onun yapması kızdırdı beni dedim.Bana hiç böyle yaklaşmamıştı hayret dedim kardeşimde sen öyle san beni sikerken hep anlatırdı bir gün mutlaka sinem ablamı da becericem der dururdu. Ne anlattı sana söyle bakayım dedim.Kardeşim anlatmaya başladı.Seni hep gizlice seyrettiğinden bahsetti birgün banyoda kendi kendine yaptığını ve çok

tahrik olduğunu anlattı.En çokta seni temizlik yaparken seyretmeye bayılırmış beyimiz dedi.Ben hayretler içinde dinlemeye devam ediyordum.Eşimde kardeşimi sikmeyi bırakıp bir sigara yaktı ve dinlemeye başladı.Ama eliyle kardeşimi okşamaktan geri kalmıyordu.Kardeşimde onun aletini elleyip sıvazlıyordu. Devam et kız merak ettim şimdi bak dedim.Valla abla sende çok açık giyinir mişsin hani temizlik yaparken üzerie giydiğin kıyafetler onu çok tahrik edermiş gizlice seni seyre dalarmış.Bende kızım temizlik yaparken abiye giyecek halimiz yok elbette rahat bişeyler giyerdik dedim.Genel de etek giyerdim zaten bacaklarımın arasına sıkıstırıp

işimi yapmak daha kolay sende oyle yapmaz mısın dedim.Kardeşim ben evde temizlik yapmam ki diye güldü annem yapar hala.Bende yazık anneme dedim içimden. E daha başaka neler anlattı sana dedim.Devam etti.Valla birgün temizlik yapıyormuşsun salonda bayağı bir yorulmuşsun sanırım koltuğun üzerine

yayıp sigara içmişsin.İçerken de vcd ye göz atmıın ve içindeki porno cd yi görmüşsün.Açıp izlemeye başlamışsın.Evet hatırladım şimdi dedim.Ogün cd .

yi seyretmekle kalmamış elinle kendini okşamışsın oda seni karşı kapının deliğinden seyretmiş. Zaten cd yi bilerek vcd ye koyanda o senin görmen için.Vay piç kurusu demek öyle haa dedim.Ogün kudurmuştum 3 kez boşaldım hepsini gördü demek hatta bir ara götüme bizim

plastik saö fırçasını kremleyip soktum onuda görmüştür.İnanmıyorum. Eşimse sen bunları geçekten yaptın mı ya dedi.Bende utanarak ewt dedim.Az orospu değilsiniz siz ailece dedi.Başka kimler kimlerle beraber oluyor anlat bakalım bana dedim.Kardeşimde ohooo sen sor ben anlatayım o kadar çok ki Mert annemi seyrediyor şu sıralar bakıp bakıp 31 çekiyor tabi annemim sikilecek tarafı kalmadığı için ona yeltenemiyor.Niye kız annemin nesi var taş

gibi valla seni beni cebinden çıkarır de açtım dedim.Kardeşim aslında haklısın hala taş gibi geçen banyoda havlu istedi verirken gördüm vücudu hala diri göğüsleri dimdik dedi.Bende kızım bizim sülale böyle dik göğüsslüyüz dedim. Bir akşam annem banyoya girdi mert benide alıp gel annemi seyredelim dedi banada ilginç geldi bu fikir ve .

tamam dedim ikimizde kapının deliğinden sırayla bakıyorduk annem normal yıkanıyordu mert beni ellemeye başladı ıslanmıştım şimdi gir annemin yanına bir yolunu bul ve onu elle dedi bende saçmlama kadın kaç

yaşında ne anlıcak sanki dedim sen dediğimi yap dedi ve zorla kapıyı açıp beni itti . Annem kim o diye seslendi.Benim anne dedim haa kızım senmisin hayırdır yavrum neye baktın dedi bende bir ihtiyacın varmı diye geldim dedim.Annemde aslında var kızım sırtımı sabunlarsan iyi olur gelmışken dedi.Elime lifi alıp güzelce sabunladım banyonun perdesini açtım kapıyıda kapatmıştım ama mert nasıl olduysa kapıyı açmayı başarmıştı.Annem kapıyı kapat kızım mert geçerken görürse oda giriverir içeri zere sapıklaştı iyice dedi.Nasıl yani anne dedim sorma

kızım gecen gün odada soyunurken kapının deliğinden beni dikizliyordu farkettim dedi ama ihtiyacı varki yapıyordu o yüzden seslenmedim dedi.Bu bana

cesaret vermişti.Annemin sırtı kapıya dönük olduğu için mert i göremiyordu ben merte çaktırmadan baktım parmagımla sene senı dıye hareket yaptım .

oda pis pis güldü hadi gibileinden hareketler yaptı. Anne peki kızmadın mı hiç dedim.Annem de kızım o artık yetişkin bir erkek elbette kadına ihtiyaç duyacak varsın olsun beni gözetlesin elin pis karılarına gidiceğine bizden faydalansın boşver dedi.İnanamadım o an söylediklerine.Devam etti

konuşmaya.Bende artık onun beni gözetlediğini bildiğim için yardımcı oluyorum karşısına geçip açıyorum oda beni seyredip tuvalete gidiyor uzun süre öıkmıyor anlıyorum ki 31 çekmeye girdi rahatla oglum diyorum içimden. Anne vücudun hala çok güzel dedim.Ahhh kızım güzellik mi kaldı bizde siz

daha güzlesiniz ben yaşlandım artık dedi.Anne kendine haksılık yapma hala taş gibisin valla mert in bile ilgisini çekiyorsun bak hala .

dedim gözümde mert te mert te bana baş parmağıyla okey işareti yapıyor Kapıyı kapatmamışsın kızım dedi annem bende mert cıktı anne

kalsın onemlı degıl dedım Annemde zaman soyunda gel yanıma berbar yıkanalım kızım birbirimizi ovarız guzlece dedi bende uzerimi çıkardım ve yanına gırdım annemın.Annem ah kızım ah ne guzlesın bunun .

kıymetını bıl bı bana bak bıde kendıne aradakı farkı gorunce

bunu neden soyledıgımı anlarsın dedı.Annemin vücudu gercekten bana gore dagılmıstı. Babam onu fena kullanmış belli.Anne babamla ilişkin nasıldı dedim.Oda kızım rahmetli baban çok mükemmel bir erkekti kadınının ne istediğini analr ve hemen karsılıgını verırdı hakkını yemem rahmetlının.Ama yatakta cok acımasız dı

benımle berbaer olurken canım cok yanardı ama olsun erkegımdı ve ne yapsa helaldi. Anlatsana anne dedım olurmu kız hıc şaşkın a bak ayıp kız ayıp dediUtandı besbelli ama ben ısrar edince dayanamadı başladı anlatmaya.Anne banada ileride lazım olur dedim en son

razı oldu.Baban a bir nuse kondursam aleti kalkardı kızım bırak diğerlerini yapmayı artık gecede 3-4 yapardık o zamanlar genciz tabii anlamıyoruz zaman su gibi akıp geçiyor ama sana bir sırrımı vericem istermisin dedi.Bende isterim anne dedim aslında teyzemle olan ilişkisinden

bahsedeceğini biliyordum ama yinede salağa yattım işte. Teyzen nasıl bşrinsan sence diye sordu ne anlamda dedim vücudu nasıl dedi valla oda .

taş gibi sana çekmiş dedim.Teyzenle bir gün ikimiz evde yalnızdık ve şarap içtik.Sarhoş olmuştık ve birbirimize yakın oturuyorduk Teyzen dul

olmanın verdiği azgınlıktan sanırım abla kendi kendime yapmaktan yoruldum dedi bir erkek olsada sikse beni dedi bende evlen kızım dedim oda yokbe abla çekemem bu saatten sonra dedi.Kızım o zaman yakarma dedim.Yoldan geçene verecek halin yokya dedim. Teyzen bunun üzerine aslında sen bana yardımcı olabilirsin dedi nasıl kız dedim alini ver dedi verdim alimi külotunun üstüne koydu ve dokun bana dedi şaşırmıştım kız ne yapıyorsun dedim hadi abla lütfen çok ihtiyacım var dedi bende ister istemez okşamaya başladım benim seks hayatım o zamanlar tavan yaptığı için genç kızlığımdaki gibi kendi kendime yapmıyordum ama kardeşime dokunmak heyecanlandırmıştı beni nedense.Zaten 2-3 dk içinde sarsılarak boşaldı teyzen belli ki çok azmıştı.Bu olaydan sonra her fırsat bılduğumuzda teyzenle seviştik kızım.Baban bilmiyordu tabii bunları ve ailemizde

bir tek sen biliyorsun bunları anlaştık mı dedi bende o .

zaman tamam anne aramızda dedım. Sen napıyorsun kızım arada yapıyormusun kendı

kendıne dıye sordu yok be anne bılmem ben öyle şeyler dedim halbuki bilse mert in beni siktiğini ikimizi sikiştirir ve

seyrederdi. Kıyamam sana sen daha hiç boşalmadın mı dedi.Yüzümü okşadı ben sana öğretirim dedi.Elini güğüs uçlarımda gezdirmeye başladığında acayip tahrik oldum göğüs uçlarım dut gibi olmuştu annemde onları sıkıp bırakıyordu bende anneme dokunmaya başladım tepki vermedi devam ettim sonra elini aşağıma attı ve okşamaya başladı zaten sabahtan beri mert beni ellediği için kısa sürede boşaldım annemde hayret ilk defa da bukadar çabuk olmaz ama nası olduysa geliverdin dedi.Anlıyacak iye korktum kızım .

abdestini alda çıkalım artık mert gelir şimdilerde de sorun olmasın zaten Abaza çocuk iyice kudurmasın dedi. Anne sen bana açık sözlü oldu bende sana olucam dedim kapının oraya bak kim var deyince annem oraya doğru baktı mert kaçamamıştı bende bir anlamda intikam almıştım.Annem eycah ne yaptım ben herşeyi öğrendiniz tühhhh dedi.Olsun

anne zaten bunları öğrenmemizgerekli çünkü biz ensest bir aileyiz dedi mert ve yanımıza geldi.İkinizide çok mutlu edicem bundan sonra dedi o gün bu gündür beraber sevişiyoruz işte hepsi bu.Şaşırmış kalmıştım ne diyeceği bilemiyorum dedim.Eşim vay be kimin eli kimin şeyinde

işe bak bilseydim kayınvalide yide sikerdim bu yarağın tadını oda alsaydı ded.Bende valla doğru bu kadar şeyden sonra onun ne suçu var onunda hakkı kimbilir belki olur dedim.Biarz fazla uzattım galiba sanırım editörler arkamdan küfredecekler bundan sonra burada hikayelerime devam

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The Deal Ch. 18

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


A Night of Firsts


Author’s note: even though Matt, Craig and Chip are still in high school, all characters in any sexual activities are all at least eighteen years of age.


Cindy honked her horn and waved her hand frantically out the window when she saw Matt and his friends walk out of his high school. She felt such a sense of pleasure when she saw his face light up in recognition followed by a huge smile on his face. There was no question that he loved her very much.

Matt, Chip and Craig walked over to the car as Cindy leaned over to open the passenger door of her car. “You guys want a ride home?”

Matt hopped in the front and leaned forward to kiss his girlfriend deeply while Craig and Chip climbed into the back seat.

“Thanks; Cindy. It’s great to not have to walk all the way home.” Chip smiled.

“No problem, I’m really starting to get to know you guys. This gets our weekend started all that much faster together, and besides, it gives me more quality Matt time anyways.” Cindy smiled as she looked at the grinning boy from her rearview mirror. As she pulled out onto the street the four starting a pleasant banter of joking.

Not sure why or how the thought came into her head, Cindy looked around at the three eighteen-year-olds realizing that all three had gotten a very good look at her entire nude body at least once. She shook her head amazed at how her life had changed since she had fallen in love with Matt Hughes.

Soon Chip and Craig were walking into their homes as Cindy pulled into the driveway of the house she lived in with Matt and his mother. Cindy smiled as she watched Matt jump out of the car to run around and hold it open for her. She took his offered hand and got up watching as he closed the door, and then they walked hand in hand into the house.

Once inside and coats and sneakers were ensconced in the hall closet, Cindy threw herself into Matt’s arms. “Mom is working late tonight, and I wasn’t kidding – I want some quality alone time with you mister,” she said as she pushed him towards the kitchen. Without stopping, she continued to push him through the kitchen into the hall and his bedroom. She gave one final push that toppled the surprised boy onto his bed while she stood grinning above him.

As Matt lay on the bed he watched his girlfriend pull the kelly green sweater over her head pleasantly ruffling her medium length black hair. She slowly unbuttoned her blouse and let it slip to the floor at her feet followed by her crimson bra. She slid her hands into her pants and pushed them and her panties down and off her body. Matt caught a brief flash of the same crimson of the bra as the panties slid down her smooth legs. Raising each leg one after the other behind her, she removed her socks and added them to the pile of clothes on the floor.

She stood naked over her glaze-eyed boyfriend with her hands on her curved hips.

“God, you are so beautiful,” Matt said.

She smiled and purred in contentment as she climbed on the bed and sprawled herself atop Matt kissing him deeply again.

“I love you so much,” she breathed into his mouth purring louder as he wrapped his arms around her.

Matt felt Cindy’s hand slide down his stomach to rub the bulge in his jeans.

“Cindy,” Matt breathed back into her mouth. “Mom won’t be home for a while to take care of what you’re starting.”

Cindy leaned up and looked Matt in the eyes, “Don’t worry, I’m going to take care of you myself.”

She drove her mouth back down on his.

Matt gasped in pleasure. He had no idea what she intended, but he was thrilled with the assertiveness she acted with. There was no question that she was ready for whatever she was going to do.

Cindy leaned up straddling his waist and smiled down at him as her hands grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up and off his body tossing it down with her own strewn clothes on the floor. She fell back down smushing the soft flesh of her breasts into Matt’s bare chest as her mouth again covered his. Her hard nipples scraped his skin pleasantly as she slid down to kiss the hollow area of his throat, her tongue darting out to lick his pulsing flesh. Matt groaned and caressed the smooth skin of her back with his hand. She licked a trail down stopping to softly suck his left nipple into her mouth. With a plop, her mouth left the reddened, puckered flesh and slithered over to suckle his right one as well.

Cindy looked up and smiled when she saw Matt with his eyes closed and his teeth embedded in his bottom lip. She rubbed her chin down the soft skin of his abdomen, tilting down to kiss and lick his flesh as she continued steadily towards his waist.

Cindy spoke in a husky voice Matt almost did not recognize, “I’ve been watching mom and have read a lot of steamy romance novels. Tiem to put the learning to the test.”

Matt opened his eyes wider and looked down at his grinning girlfriend who was staring intently at his zipper. Without realizing it, he was bahis firmaları holding his breath. He watched as she beamed a sudden huge smile and swooped down to bite him through his denim causing him to squirm and exhale all the air he had been holding in a loud puff.

Matt then burst out laughing at the adorable sight of her top teeth, stark white below the red lips of her smile, embedded in his blue jeans as her eyes peered up at him with clear mischievous, excitement radiating from them.

She lifted her head slightly and brought her hands down to unbuckle his belt. “Having fun, sweetie?”

“Oh God, yes,” Matt breathed out.

“Good, because so am I.” She leaned down and ran the flat of her tongue across the exposed skin where she had opened his jeans.

Matt raised his buttocks up as Cindy tugged his jeans and underwear down his long legs. She backward crawled down the bed pulling his clothes with her. She ended her journey on her knees at the base of the bed as she tossed his pants onto the pile of clothes next to her. She looked at his white socks smirking.

“Hhmmmm, socks on or off? You look so adorably dorky in just them.”

After a moment, she quickly yanked both of them off at the same time, “Nope, I don’t want anything coming between your skin and mine.”

Looking at Matt, she leaned down to take his left big toe into her mouth sucking on it watching him the entire time.

With another plop, she pulled back up and brought her hands beneath her breasts pushing them out toward Matt.

“I definitely want to feel just your bare skin against my breasts.”

Cindy dropped her hands back on the bed and pulled herself back onto it between his legs letting her dangling breasts lightly brush against his legs.

“Ooohhhh, the hair on your legs tickle me so,” She told him in the huskiest voice he had ever heard from her.

She moaned and purred as she slid her breasts up his legs to his waist. She enjoyed it so much she dragged her breasts up and down his legs a couple of times, gasping and giggling as she did it. Matt watched in silence as she shivered from the stimulation to her sensitive nipples.

Finally, she stopped moving and sprawled down hard on him pressing her body into his legs while her legs and feet dangled from the end of the bed. His cock was pressed firmly into the skin of her throat.

She leaned back up and looked at her boyfriend with a flushed look, smiling. She brought her hands forward and grabbed his cock between them. She ran one hand back and the other forward twisting his stiffening flesh caught between them as she rubbed her hands.

“Oh fuck!” Matt gasped.

“Such language!” She teased him, “Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?”

Just as he was about to answer her, Cindy ran her tongue hard up the length of his stalk bringing another loud gasp from him. Her eyes twinkled as she saw from the corner of her eye his fingers clutch the sheet.

“Don’t worry, because I’ve seen where your mother …kisses… you, and I’m about to do the same thing, sweetheart.”

And with that Cindy inhaled Matt’s cock deep into her mouth.

Matt’s groan was long and loud. He brought his hands down to cradle and stroke her raven coloured hair with one hand whilst the other rubbed her bare back and shoulder blades as she bobbed up and down on him.

Cindy alternated between long swallows, licks and slight nibbles along his incredibly hard flesh. She could feel the jerks and flexes of his muscles in his legs through her stomach and breasts. She could hear him panting. She felt so thrilled to be bringing such intense feelings to him that she could feel her own butterflies in her stomach and sex churn like mad. She actually had the cock of a man she loved in her mouth for the very first time. She could feel the steady stream of moisture gathering in her own sex from the mere excitement of the moment. She brought her hands up to rub across his chest as she returned to bobbing up and down his cock steadily increasing her speed.

“Oh my God, I’m going to cum Cindy,” he said as he tried to guide her head up off of him.

“Do it, cum in my mouth. I already know what you taste like from your mother,” she growled before swallowing him whole again.

“Oh crap,” Matt groaned as he spurted jet after jet of his seed into his girlfriend’s mouth.

Cindy held tight and waited for his body to relax beneath her. When he stilled, she slowly slid her mouth up his length licking as she went.

After she released him, she held him up as she licked back and forth across the head.

She looked up at her boyfriend lying still, his eyes closed, a soft smile curving on his lips, and glistening sweat covering his body. She couldn’t imagine loving any one more than she loved him now.

Releasing him, she crawled up his body letting her breasts glide hard over his still throbbing cock then stomach and chest. The tingling sensation against her nipples sent jabs of electricity into her moist sex. She kaçak iddaa softly kissed a path up his body until she sealed her mouth over his drinking deeply from his mouth. They both wrapped their arms around the other and held tight.

Matt squeezed tighter as he heard her purr.

“I love you so much,” they both said at the same time before cracking up in laughter.

Cindy draped her arm across Matt’s chest and shoulder while the other hand ran through his wavy, brown hair. She rested her head on his other shoulder.

“Not that I mind at all, but what got into you? You are so confident with no hesitation whatsoever. Where did this come from anyways?” Matt brushed a strand of her hair from her eyelash.

“When I woke up alone in this house today at first I felt lonely, but then I realized something. Even though I was alone, I still had such a complete feeling of being where I should be and that I was surrounded by love.” Cindy shook her head. “No, I’m not saying this right. I’m happy. I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life. This is so right. I have moved into the place I am now and it has been so incredible I want to keep going forward. I want this now and forever, and I want it to grow and fill me with more. Matt, I’m alive and I never knew it was so wonderful before. Each experience just builds on the one before it.”

She stroked his chest and smiled at him.

“Every day my heart feels like it’s going to burst, I’m so happy,” she spoke softly before kissing the skin of his shoulder.

Matt hugged her tight with the arm that was beneath her. “I know what you’re talking about. You and my mom mean more to me than I can ever imagine.”

Cindy leaned forward mashing her breasts into his side and chest as she looked at him, “Matt, I love you with all my heart. You know that, and I would never do anything that would hurt or upset you, so I need to know how you feel about some thing.”

Matt looked at her carefully, “Anything Cindy. I would never hide something or lie to you.”

Cindy put her head back on Matt’s shoulder before continuing. “I love what we just did and want to do it again all the time, and I am so looking forward to doing so much more with you over time. And I know I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you and that makes me so happy. But Matt, I also have…well… I have strong feelings about your mother too. I’m starting to really want to do stuff with you like we just did, but I…I also really want to do stuff with your mother.” She buried her face into Matt’s side.

Matt squeezed her tightly, “You think that would upset me?”

“I don’t know,” came the muffled voice from his side.

Matt lifted her head up from his side with both his hands, surprised at the slight tear streaks at the corners of her eyes. He looked deeply into her green eyes.

“Oh honey. It doesn’t bother you that I ‘do stuff’ with mom. In fact you encourage it, so why should it bother me if you do. All three of us love each other so much and we’re always hugging and kissing each other. I should have expected you would feel this way.”

Cindy smiled softly, “You’re really okay with this?”

“Hon, why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well, I’m a girl and she’s your mother. I’m your girlfriend and she’s somebody else.”

“Sure, and I’m her son as well as your boyfriend – why should that be any different. We are human beings filled with love, honey. Of course we want to love each other.”

Cindy laughed, “You make it sound so normal.”

“It is. I love both of you with all my heart; of course, I want to make love to you both. I know now that you feel the same way about me and my mom which makes perfect sense to me, and I’ll bet that she feels the same way about both of us.”

“Is your mom into girls? I mean her kissing certainly isn’t held back at all, and I’ve seen her kiss Kim like that too.” Cindy looked deep into Matt’s eyes.

“She’s also given some healthy lip locks to Mrs. Lynn as well,” Matt added. “I don’t know how far she’s gone with another woman. She’s never talked about it. I do know she is very open-minded and loves you as much as I do.”

Matt studied Cindy carefully before speaking, “Is this the first time you have thought about being with another woman?”

Cindy blushed deeply, “Oh my God yes. Until I met you, I never had feelings like this about any body, let alone another girl. I’ve always been too busy trying to stay alive, out of trouble and out of the system’s eyes so I wouldn’t have to go back to my real mother or a foster home. There were times in the past when I would see a cute guy and imagine what it would be like to be with him, but it was always just that – a fantasy to help me ignore my real life, but I never even thought like that about another girl.”

Cindy stopped for a moment and looked into Matt’s brown eyes before continuing, “Now that I have you, I couldn’t imagine coming up with a fantasy that would be as good as what I really have or any need for it. It’s just your mom gives me kaçak bahis so much love like you do that it gives me feelings and, I don’t know, I guess, wants. I do imagine being with her, and I have to admit it feels nice.”

Matt hugged her close, “You are the most amazing person I’ve ever met. I’m so happy I found you. No one is as lucky as me.”

Cindy smiled widely, put her head back on his chest and ran her hand over his skin, “I love you so much Matt. And I really do love mom as well. I love you both the same. But it will always be you that I want to see first in the day and the last before I go to bed. Never doubt that.”

Matt kissed the top of her head, “I know because I feel the same way.”

Cindy nestled in deeper, “It’s just that your mother is so wonderful. She loves us so much and cares so much about me. The look of love she always gives me just fills me up so, just like you do.”

Matt kissed her head again. “She is incredible; I know, that’s why I feel in love with her the way I did. A son isn’t supposed to feel this way, but her love is so deep and complete that I just can’t help it.”

Cindy smiled up at Matt, “She gives us so much and asks for nothing in return. Hey, I have an idea. How about we spoil her and take her out to a real nice dinner tonight our treat?”

She paused and smirked broadly, “and then we bring her back here and attack her, showing her just how much we love her.”

Matt laughed, “Sounds like fun. I can’t wait to see the look of surprise on her face.”

Cindy leaned up and kissed Matt deeply, “I know you are saving yourself for me, and I really appreciate that, but I have you now and forever. We have a whole lifetime of love making ahead of us. You said it yourself, you want to make love to both of us – there’s no reason you can’t make love with her now, Matt. Think about how much it would mean to her. It’s really okay.”

Matt chuckled, “We’ll see hon. We’ll see.”

“Okay. You don’t push me; I won’t push you.” She kissed him again.

The two snuggled in tighter, relaxed and planned the evening.

******** *********** **************

Friday nights the banks were open later than usual so the branch managers floated one Friday each month to each of the four banks in the district giving the other three an early night off and tonight was Diana’s turn. She was just closing and locking the doors of the last bank with two of her tellers when she saw Cindy’s car pull into the lot.

Smiling, she waved good bye to her coworkers and walked over to the idling car. She leaned down to the passenger side as Matt rolled his window down. Di leaned in and kissed her son deeply while reaching out to hold Cindy’s hand.

“Hi kids, what a pleasant surprise. Going out tonight?” she asked when she pulled away from the kiss.

Matt looked at his mother, “So how are you feeling? How was your day?”

Diana rested her elbows on the bottom of the open window, “Tired and hungry, but good. It was an uneventful day thankfully. Why?”

Cindy beamed at her, “We decided we wanted to take the world’s greatest mother out to dinner tonight. No cooking and no dishes to clean up for any of us.”

Diana smiled, “ooh that sounds wonderful.”

Matt smiled, “Great, meet us at Mackenzie’s; we already have a reservation set up for 6:30.”

Diana looked at the two smiling kids, “Mackenzie’s? Are you two up to something?”

Cindy laughed, “Who, us?”

Diana laughed back, “You are up to something. Alright, I’ll play along. See you in a couple of minutes.”

Diana pulled into the parking lot of the fanciest restaurant in town smiling again at the sight of Matt and Cindy standing by her car waiting for her. She really did feel like both of them were her kids, and she had an enormous well of love for both.

Matt leaned over to hold Di’s door open as Cindy held out her hands. When Diana took them, Cindy pulled the surprised woman out of the car and into her arms giving her a huge bear hug. Diana wrapped her arms around Cindy and squeezed back.

“I love hugging you mom,” she purred into her collar bone.

“Me too sweetie, me too,” Di returned squeezing tighter.

Di looked over at her grinning son, “I suppose you want one too huh?”

Matt beamed, “Now and forever mom with all my heart.”

The two woman split up, and Diana turned to embrace her son as hard as she did Cindy.

“Not that I’m complaining but what is with you two,” Di spoke as her head nestled into her son’s shoulder.

Cindy reached over to stroke Di’s back, “We were talking this afternoon about how incredible you are and want to spoil you for a change.”

Di turned while still holding onto her son, “Oh, you do spoil me in so many ways, sweetie. Never doubt that at all.”

Cindy smiled, “Oh we know mom, but you really are so incredible with how much you love us. It means so much to both of us. And you have made me feel so much like your own daughter; it feels me up like you wouldn’t believe.”

Di smiled, “As far as I’m concerned you are my daughter, and I am so proud of you both.”

Matt laughed, “I don’t really want to break up this love fest, but we should get inside before they give up our table.”

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Mat BJ

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


I am in my friend’s local pub on karaoke night with a crowd of friends all chatting and laughing and suddenly I feel someone watching me,

I stop listening to Laura’s joke and look around me to see who it is that’s looking at me. The feeling is very strong and as my eyes scan the room I am suddenly drawn to a guy standing at the bar with his friends his eyes are watching me but he is chatting to his friends.

I can feel his eyes running over me.

He has long dark hair, which is braided and tied up in a ponytail he is dressed casually in combats and a punk t-shirt. He is about 5ft 8” tall and his body looks good.

I can’t describe him properly; he has something about him that would cause women to fall at his feet. And yet the best thing is he is completely oblivious to it. He has a sexual magnetism that seems to compel both women and men to like and respect him.

I tore my eyes away from him and asked everyone on the table what they wanted to drink, as it was my round.

As I memorise the list of drinks I stand and move towards him, I look up and my eyes connect with his and then I am standing next to him looking up into his eyes as I say

“Excuse me”

“Yes?” he answers in a husky voice.

“Um…I need to get to the bar,” I laugh”

He moved back to give me room, not looking embarrassed at all at his mistake, confidant in his actions, not cocky just self-assured.

I ordered the drinks and turned to meet his gaze.

“Anything else?” the bar man asked.

“Would you like a drink?” I asked above the general noise of the pub.

“Yeah I’ll have a tequila please.”

My eyes glinted before turning back to the man.

“I think I’ll join you!” I said over my shoulder before ordering two tequilas.

The drinks came and I took them over to my friends. When I got back to the bar the tequilas had arrived. I handed him his drink and the salt.

I watched, almost mesmerised as his tongue snaked out and licked the back of his hand. I blinked and realized he was handing me the salt, I took it and did the same.

“So, before we down this, maybe I should know your name?”

He laughed “Mat, or BJ to my friends”

“BJ? Why BJ?”

“Bell ringer Jones, its my sir name”

I laughed “excellent, O’ my name is Leah, but my sir name isn’t as good as yours its Chatman.”

I grinned as I handed him his slice of lemon and picked up mine in one hand and my drink in the other.

“Cheers” he said in a low voice

“Ok on 3..”

“Ok” I laughed “

“1…. 2…. 3!”

We looked into each other’s eyes as we licked the salt off our hands and downed the tequila grimacing at the taste before biting into the bitter lemon.

We smiled for a second and he looked as if he was going to say something but before he got the chance his name was called over the mike. He looked annoyed and happy all in the same moment as he shrugged his shoulders and made his way to the front.

When the first cord of the song stuck my head snapped up, and there he was, one of the fittest, sexiest guys I’ve ever seen preparing to sing ‘everybody hurts’ by REM.

His body moving slightly with the music, he started singing and I swear to god my knees went week. He could really sing! I mean this was karaoke night, when people get drunk and sing Whitney Huston’s ‘I will always love you.’ But clearly this wasn’t the case with Mat. His voice has a husky quality to it, sexy and deep.

Watching him sing I realized just how sexy he was. Tall dark and handsome was the understatement of the year with this guy! The song finished and everyone yelled and clapped. He started to make his way back towards me but almost everyone he pasted wanted to chat to him, he looked up at me helplessly.

I laughed and went towards him.

“Mat darling?” I said softly as I came up to him,

He looked up and grinned

“Could you be an angel and come and help me with something?”

The woman who he had been talking to shot me an evil look as I took Mats hand and led him away. When we reached the bar I turned to him and said

“O dear, I think we upset her.” We laughed and he asked,

“ So do you want another drink?”

“Yeah bahis firmaları I’ll have a wkd please”

He turned to the barmaid who was fluttering her eyelashes at him and ordered a wkd for me and a vodka and red bull for himself. He handed me my drink and smiled his devastating smile at the barmaid who looked as if she was going to faint.

“Thank you, I’m just going to chat to Laura for a sec, I’ll be back in a minute.” I said as I went off to find her.

A crowd of men surrounded her as usual but as I walked up her eyes met mine and she excused herself immediately. We made our way past mat to the toilets, I saw her eyes running over him, undressing, and assessing him. I turned my head away to hide my smile.

I felt his eyes following us as we walked away and couldn’t help the small smile creeping onto my face.

“So tell all!” she nearly shouted as she jumped up on the surface. I laughed and jumped up with her.

“He’s absolutely gorgeous! You bitch!” she squealed.

As you have probably guessed we were pretty drunk! We giggled and laughed and thought about how big his cock was and if he was good shag.

“Well I mite just find out how good he is if I’m lucky!” I winked and laughed as we walked out.

I looked around at the sea of people and noticed Mat had moved and was now sitting at a table surrounded by people. There was nowhere for me to sit so I went over to get my drink.

My hand encircled the bottle but before I could walk away his hand clasped my wrist and held me there. I turned and looked at him as he said,

“And where do you think your going?”

I laughed and replied,

“Well there’s no where for me to sit here so I was going to rejoin my fiends.”

“But there’s a perfectly good seat for you here” he said softly as he patted his lap.

“Your kidding right?” I asked incredulously.

He laughed and shook his head so I decided to call his bluff. I slipped behind the table and sat on his lap facing away from him.

“Ok this is uncomfortable!” I said and tuned sideways

“No that doesn’t work either I laughed and moved to get up,

His hands closed around my waist and I looked at him and said

“It wont work its to uncomfortable!”

“Well turn around and face me then.”

“Straddle your legs you mean?” he nodded so I hooked my leg over his and straddled him.

It was much better but my ass was on his knees so I moved down a bit and then a bit more.

His hands were on my waist in a flash, holding me there.

“I think you should stop there.” He said as he looked into my eyes.

“O! But I’m not comfortable yet!” I teased as I moved my ass against him,

Slipping down further still.

“Anyway why cant I move down?” his eyes glinted as he pulled my all the way down so I could feel his cock against my pussy.

“That’s why!”

My eyes widened in shock and then I laughed. I put my arms round his neck and whispered in his ear

“I’m great when I’m good but I’m even better when I’m bad!”

I turned and kissed him, snaking my tongue into his mouth.

It was about eleven O’clock by the time we stopped talking and kissing as the bell rang for last orders.

“Awwww! Have I missed it?”

I gave the barman my best puppy eyed look

He laughed and said “no you haven’t, what can I get you?”

I smiled and asked for eight tequilas with salt and lemon. I looked over and beckoned Laura and the rest of our friends over to the bar.

“Ok everyone ready?” I shouted when everyone had got his or her salt and lemon.

“Ok on the count of 3!” “1……..” “2……” “3!”

We licked the salt, downed the drink and sucked the lemon before all trooping out of the pub and looking around for the nearest pizza place.

As we started walking I turned to Laura and said

“ I’ll see you later babe, I’m going to go with mat to the curry house so I’ll see you later.”

“Ok Hun call me later” she said as she kissed me on the cheek.

She walked after the others just as mat came out of the pub.

“Don’t fancy a pizza?” I shrugged

“Not really”

“No I don’t either, how about a curry?”

“You read kaçak iddaa my mind” I smiled at him as we walked towards the curry house.

We ordered our food and sat at a table with our drinks. We chatted and then we chatted some more and then our food arrived, we ate some but it interrupted us from talking so we just sat and picked at the food while we got to know each other.

He told me all about his music and the band he was in, how he was at college studying music but how the righting side of things dragged him down.

His passion for music was so strong; it was fascinating to listen to him talk about it. The enthusiasm he had for life and music was clear in his eyes they sparkled with knowledge and the thirst for more.

He was magnetic.

We were very drunk by the time we left the curry house. We walked over to the taxi rank, only to find the queue was a mile long. We joined the end of the queue and waited our turn, shivering from the cold. We were silent for a while and then mat turned to me, he looked as if he was going to say something but then decided against it. He looked into my eyes until I couldn’t take the suspense anymore.

“What? I whispered,

“Nothing….” He said as his head lowered.

His lips met mine in a firm but gentle kiss. One of his hands came to rest on my waist while the other caressed my cheek before running through my hair. A cab beeped and we broke apart and realized our taxi was here.

“Where are you going?” I asked

“Home” he laughed, “Want to join me?”

I smiled and got n the taxi with him. We paid for the taxi and entered his house. I went through to the living room while he got us some beers. I had sobered up a lot and was thinking that maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, I mean I don’t even know the guy! But as he walked through from the kitchen carrying the drinks I remembered exactly why I was doing this.

He walked casually towards me looking sexier than ever. I took my drink as he sat down on the sofa next to me. As I turned towards him his mouth came down on mine, I relaxed into the sofa as the kiss deepened. He was half lying on top of me. His left hand supporting himself as his other hand caressed my breast.

I broke the kiss and said brokenly

“Well BJ don’t you think you should take me to bed now?”

He pushed himself off the sofa and took my hand, pulling me up and then leading me towards his bedroom. I sat on the bed and as he put some music on, I leaned back and stretched out across the middle of the bed, closing my eyes as the beat of the music filled my head. I felt the bed move but I kept my eyes closed.

He straddled my legs and then placed his hands on my exposed stomach before pushing my top above my breasts. He unclasped my bra and rubbed his thumbs across my nipples making them peak. He leaned down and kissed me on my lips making my eyes flutter open. I smiled up at him as I watched him take my nipple into his mouth.

I groaned and shifted underneath him making his cock press harder against me. I slipped my top over my head and tossed it on the floor with my bra.

“Your turn” I whispered

I splayed my hands under his t-shirt. His chest felt good, muscled with just a light sprinkling of hair. He took the edge the t-shirt and pulled it over his head in one swift movement. O yess, now that’s the kind of body every man should have.

I pushed him over so he was on his back and then lay on my side next to him. Running my hand over his muscled well-toned chest. That didn’t last long though. I wanted his cock. I slipped his trousers and boxers down and they joined my cloths on the floor. He was big! He looked about 7” long… mmmm! And very wide!

His cock was already leaking pre cum so his dick was already nice and wet.

“I don’t want you to cum yet so tell me when your close”

“Ok” he mumbled as I started to stroke his cock really fast.

He started to breath faster and became shallow as I jerked him off.

“Stop!” he hissed.

I slowed right down and played with his balls, stroking his chest. When his breathing had levelled out I started up my stroking again faster and faster until he told me to stop again. I repeated this kaçak bahis cycle over and over again until he was moaning in frustration

“I really need to cum!!” he groaned as once again I stopped to play with his balls.

“But I don’t want you to cum yet” I grinned at him before resuming my stroking.

“O god…. O god…. fuck! Pleeeeaaase please! Let me cumm….!!!” He begged.

I got so wet listening to him begging!

He tensed his whole body as I stroked him faster. I sucked his cock into my mouth and watched his eyes role back and his whole body arch as he came again and again. His body slackened as he collapsed back on the bed. After removing my jeans and panties I laid on my back next to him.

I was so wet! Hearing him beg had got me really horny. I looked over at mat and saw that his cock was completely limp, poor guy I’d worked him over pretty good. I couldn’t wait for him to recover so as I watched him I moved my hands over my body. Reaching up and pinching my nipples, then moving my hand down towards my pussy. I slid one finger down over my clit I shivered at the contact, it wouldn’t take long for me to cum, I was so turned on!

My left hand continued to play with my nipples as my right hand worked on my pussy. After teasing my clit for a while, making my body tremble I couldn’t take it any more I plunged two fingers inside my soaking wet pussy. Lifting my ass up to gain more contact with my fingers. I moaned as my pussy contracted around my fingers.

Suddenly he was there, between my legs, I shivered in anticipation as he parted my pussy lips.

After what felt like hours his tongue finally slipped inside me.

“O fuck yess,” I groaned as I pushed against him.

Maybe it was because I was so hot and turned on or maybe it was because it he was so damned good at fucking my cunt with his tongue but I was soon bucking my hips against him and shuddering as I came.

He continued to lick my pussy avoiding my clit but every now and then he would run his tongue over the sensitive little nub making my body convulse.

He finally came up and lay next to me before kissing me.

“Mmmmmm” I moaned as I tasted myself on his lips.

“Jesus Christ where did you learn to jack guys off like that!!?” he said in amazement.

I turned on my side and laughed “ahh, now that would be telling!”

“Would it now?!” he growled,

I squealed as he lifted me up in the air before gently settling me on top of him. I could feel his cock pressing against me as I lay atop of him. I rested my chin on his chest and looked up at him.

“I see I didn’t tier you out to much then.” I said playfully.

I brought my knees up on either side of his hips and sat up as I rocked back and forth sliding along the length of his cock. By the time I slipped his cock inside my cunt his dick was throbbing. His dick felt good inside me.

“I want you to fuck me” I moaned.

He pushed himself up and positioned himself above me. I looked up and watched him fuck me. He looked so fucking hot! He had a light sheen of sweat all over his body, which made his muscled chest look amazing. He had such a powerful body. I could see the muscles in his arms and legs tensing and un-tensing as he fucked me, driving his cock inside me and then slipping nearly all the way out before plunging back in again.

O god I was really horny! I could hear moaning and someone shouting about Cumming but I had slipped over the edge and my body was contracting as my orgasm soared through me. I couldn’t figure out if it was me or him shouting but I was beyond caring as my mind became fuzzy with lust and pleasure. Just as my orgasm was subsiding he started to pump faster and faster as he started to cum inside me. My body tensed again before I collapsed on the bed with mat lying on top of me. His cock slipped out of my cunt as he moved to settle down next to me, hugging me to him as we slipped silently into the drowsy aftermath of sex.


Please vote for my story and any others you read! Any comments and suggestions for further stories are most appreciated.

The content of this story is entirely fictional. Mat BJ is real and agreed to this story when he was drunk. I would like to dedicate this story to him in the hope that I have embarrassed him completely and he regrets his decision whole-heartedly! But don’t be mad Mat; you know I’m only playing with you! ;o)

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Massaging Susan

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Alexis Texas

Susan has great tits; they are firm and well sized. I get to touch them regularly, but never the nipples. Susan is Damon’s girlfriend and Damon is my best mate. Damon has always said I should have a crack at Susan but she does not want to upset the relationship we all have so I have had to make do with giving her a massage every month and touching a lot more of her body that would normally be allowed.

Susan is mid twenties, very pretty and quite short, about five foot four. She works out, keeps her naturally blonde hair at shoulder length and has a great figure. She is a real flirt and loves to see guys trying to hide their erections when she bends down and lets them see her bra less tits in one of her many loose fitting tops. The more discomfort she causes the happier she is.

When I did the course in massage Susan was the one who allowed me to practice the moves I had learned that week to get them right. It began modestly and Susan’s underwear remained on but when we did the chest off came the bra and I spent hours just rubbing those tits. My girlfriend, Lesley, was not too pleased as she is quite possessive but Susan had been there for the rest of it and this was just part of the massage.

I do what is called a full body massage and the way I now choose to do it is to massage the front first. Most people agree the best part of the massage is when the back is done so don’t you want to save the best for last? The customer wears knickers only and for the very modest ladies I place a towel across the chest until that part of the massage arrives. When the front is done I rub the oil off and do the back dropping the underwear to do the ass cheeks. The only bits I don’t do are the nipples and the bush.

For some reason it is almost always only the girls that want a man to massage them, the guys must think it queer or something. Lesley gets the best massages and they always end up with me on the table with her, sinking my cock deep in that lovely, tight pussy.

But that’s not how it goes with Susan. She loves her massage but when I suggest it become more intimate she just says she could not look Lesley in the eyes if we did anything sexual. So every month she turns up with Damon and he and Lesley talk while I do the massage on Susan. We go into the room together and she undresses while we talk. I also strip down to my boxers as she likes the heat way up and I could not survive fully dressed and working at that temperature.

One day we started the massage the same as usual, stripping down while talking about how badly one of the girls from Susan’s work was behaving. I did her front working up a fair sweat doing her legs, feet, stomach, arms, neck, face and, of course, spending plenty of time working on those tits.

“Roll over,” I said about twenty minutes in and rousing her from her state of total relaxation. She turned over and I did her back for about ten minutes and then started on her neck. Susan winced when I got to her right shoulder.

“Sore?” I asked.

“A little.” was the reply so I spent some extra time working there, which gave her some relief. When the muscle had loosened up I moved on to do her ass and legs.

Usually after about fifty minutes I finish the set massage and ask what part gets the last ten minutes. With Susan it was always the back but this time she asked me to look at the shoulder again. To get a better angle I had her sit astride the table with her hands on her knees while I sat behind her and went to work. She was still quite tight in the neck and I did a deep massage, which can be painful at the time but it helps in the long run.

After the deep massage I do a soft cool down and Susan moaned quietly as my fingers traced gentle lines on her back. I kept making the movements wider until I was going from the shoulders right down the back and back up the sides touching the sides of her tits. I moved closer behind her and put my hands over her shoulders. I started rubbing from her neck down to her cleavage then across the tits close to the nipples and back up to the shoulders. When I “accidentally” touched a nipple Susan tensed but she soon relaxed again as I kept the gentle movements going. She eventually let her head fall back on my shoulder and lay there with her eyes closed enjoying the erotic massage as the nipple contact happened with increasing regularity. I eventually brought my hands around under her arms to do her sides and stomach and finally I cupped her breasts fully, pinching the nipples gently between my fingers.

Susan quietly said, “No.” and turned her head to object but as soon as her lips were near mine I kissed her.

I have no idea how long our first kiss lasted but it felt like hours. At first she tried to turn away but I put my hand on her face and I held her lips to mine. She was not trying very hard to break the kiss either. So I kissed Susan and slowly played with her tit gently pulling her bahis firmaları hardening nipple. She soon started kissing back and I then pulled her back tightly against me so my hard cock pushed up against her and moved my hand back to her other tit. We stayed like that, silently kissing and fondling, for a while then I broke the kiss and started nibbling Susan’s slender neck.

She moaned loudly and closing her eyes pressed back harder against my cock, which was rock solid by now. I continued playing with her nipples and kissing from her neck up to the ear lobe and Susan began to breathe in little gasps. Eventually my right hand moved slowly down her stomach and as it reached her panties her eyes opened and she jumped.

“We shouldn’t,” Susan whispered hoarsely, but by the way her body was still pressing against mine I could tell she liked it. I started stroking her mound through her panties lightly, using gentle squeezing motions that had Susan squirming against me and moaning softly. My fingers managed to slide under the thin material and then I was touching her shaved lips and she pushed against my hand trying to make the contact harder. Teasing her, I continued stroking lightly, avoiding her attempts for a while, and I was smiling to myself that finally Susan was the one being teased into arousal.

“Please.” She moaned and pressed her cunt harder against my hand, so I began stroking more firmly pulling at her lips and running my finger up her slit. I played with her very wet cunt entrance without entering and then moved up to her clit. As soon as I touched it she shuddered and pressed hard against my fingers. I kissed her again and with my tongue in her mouth, a hand playing with her left tit and my other hand stroking her clit under her panties Susan moaned and relaxed against me enjoying the sensations. Susan’s eyes were closed again and she was making little mewing noises while wriggling against my probing fingers. I built up the pressure until she came, first tensing up against my body then jerking and moaning.

After her spasms stopped she lay totally limp against my body, panting, until I gently pulled away from behind her lowering her onto the massage table as I got off it. Susan’s eyes were closed and she was smiling. I resumed the massage on the front of her body, but this time the whole breast was stroked and her nipples stood up firm and proud. My strokes on the stomach, which are always a clockwise circular motion, got wider and wider until I was again sometimes brushing her cunt through her knickers that were almost transparent due to her juices. I finally took her right nipple into my mouth and sucked, causing her eyes to open suddenly in surprise.

“Relax,” I said, “we have only just started and this won’t be the first massage I give you that goes over time.” Quite often we went for 90 minutes to 2 hours when she had areas that needed extra attention and I had enough energy after a full day at my real job. Susan smiled her agreement and slowly ran her hand up my thigh and into my loose fitting boxers, finally grabbing my throbbing cock.

She said, “Now that feels nice.”

Damon and I have shared girls in our younger, wilder days, often picking up 2 girls together, taking them home to our flat and screwing both in his room which had the king sized bed. Half way through we would swap and finish with the girl we had not personally picked up. We always enjoyed the fuck more if this happened.

My cock is about 7 inches long and thick enough that my thumb and finger can’t meet around it when it is hard. His is thinner and just a little shorter but the girls have no complaints and his fucking tends to be fast and furious while I am usually slower grinding more against the girls mound. Damon also can go for longer sometimes spending hours screwing while I have trouble lasting an hour and can come in 10 – 20 minutes, which makes the quickie a good option sometimes. Luckily Lesley likes nothing more than a fast fuck, particularly when we have a small chance of getting caught. Damon will shoot further too and I have seen him get a girls hair after pulling out while I am lucky if I just reach the belly button.

I spent more time just sucking Susan’s nipple and stroking her cunt and her stroking of my dick became faster and faster until I knew I would cum if she kept going. I took her hand away and slowly peeled down her sopping panties exposing her totally shaved cunt to my eyes for the first time. It was absolutely perfect and her humping hip movements, which were supposedly to help me strip her, were turning me on so much it was all I could do to not get up on the table and shove my cock into her immediately.

I managed to hold myself back and traced my fingers down from her nipple to her cunt following with my tongue until I was licking her delicate cunt lips and lapping up the juices she had produced. She tasted sensational, with a sweet, clean musky kaçak iddaa taste that had me drinking it up wherever I could reach it. The shaved lips had slight stubble on them that pulled excitingly on the tongue and I continued licking her all the way up to her clit that was poking out of its hood.

Susan moaned and said “Baby, that’s great.” breathlessly as my tongue brushed her clit. I kept licking harder and longer until I was sucking her clit and lapping over it while she squirmed and moaned like she had not had sex for weeks. Her legs parted as far as the massage table would allow and I finally pushed a finger up her very well lubricated hole. All the cunts I have entered have been tight and hot but Susan’s was amazing. It took a while to work the whole finger in because I was just pushing very gently and she was so very tight.

“Climb on top,” Susan said, “I want to suck your dick.” So I dropped the boxers off and carefully got on the table. A sixty-nine on a massage table is a pretty tight fit but we got there.

Susan put her lips around my cock head and sucked me deep into her mouth and I warned her, “I am not going to last long with that sort of treatment. ”

“Good,” she said “I want to taste your cum after seeing you enjoy mine so much.”

I was sucking her clit and fingering her as she was sucking my cock and playing with my balls. She then ran a fingernail from the base of my cock to my asshole. This was a totally new experience for me and it felt fantastic.

“Like it?” she asked when I jumped.

“Fuck yeah.” I replied.

She started rubbing my ring making me gasp and finally when she pushed a finger into my ass she sent me over the edge and I moaned and blasted my cum into her mouth for what felt like ages.

It was all I could do not to collapse on Susan as I felt completely drained but she still had my shrinking cock fully in her mouth and I didn’t want to choke her. She was sucking my cock and her tongue was licking the last drops of cum from my cock hole as they appeared.

“That was amazing,” I finally said, “I’ve never cum like that before.”

Susan took my cock out of her mouth and replied, “Good, I’m glad I could return the favor. Now if you’ll just finish what you started we can get out of here before they send in a search party and find us like this.”

I was a bit disappointed as I was hoping to fuck Susan but I know it takes me at least 10 to 15 minutes to be able to get up again after cumming and after that one it felt like it would be days. I buried my face in her cunt again and began working my finger up as far as I could reach.

“Oh yeah, I love your tongue.” She moaned.

My cock stirred.

I pulled my finger out of her cunt and she whimpered “Don’t leave me empty, baby.”

My cock stirred again and she started licking it.

I reached around under her leg and stroked up her inner thigh towards her ass.

“I’m almost there.” Susan moaned. To my amazement my cock started to rise again and she took it back into her mouth. I rubbed her ass hole and she started rubbing mine again. My cock was hardening up again and my nerves screamed at me that this amazing feeling was back again. I placed a finger against her ass hole and pushed gently.

I think Susan said “I’m gonna cum.” But it was hard to understand with my cock in her mouth. I kept pushing my finger while sucking her clit into my mouth and nibbling on it. Her ass, wet with her own juices, slowly opened enough for my finger to slide in up to the first knuckle. By this time my cock felt like it was chiseled from granite and her lips clamped hard around it as she came again.

Susan moaned around my cock giving me a hummer for about 20 seconds. She bucked her whole body, pressing her cunt into my face and almost knocking me off my precarious position over her. Her ass contracted around my finger clamping it tight before she started her spasms gripping and releasing over and over.

I have never tried to ride a wild horse but that was the closest thing I could expect to experience. I just held on and went along for an amazing ride. As Susan’s orgasm finished the movement slowed until she was lying still under me, panting, but not saying anything. I slowly climbed off the table and looked at her.

Susan’s face was flushed, her nipples erect on her heaving tits, her eyes were closed and she had a big smile on her face.

“OK?” I asked.

“Very.” She gasped.

I still had some very hard unfinished business to deal with so I got up onto the table between her legs.

“We shouldn’t.” Susan said weakly.

“We shouldn’t.” I agreed cheerfully while I pushed her ankles up toward her ass and spread her legs wide.

“Please … no.” she whispered.

“Please yes.” I replied positioning the head of my cock at her entrance ready to fuck her.

“I don’t want to do this.” She said softly.

I kaçak bahis stopped. I have done many things in my life but rape is not one of them and I certainly didn’t plan to start with Susan.

“Darling,” I said, with the head of my dick keeping contact with her cunt opening “If I don’t fuck you now I think my dick will explode. We have just sucked each other dry and fingered each other what difference will fucking make?”

“I’m scared.” Susan said faintly.

“What of?” I asked.

“Getting caught,” she said “looking at them,” Susan was pointing in the direction of the lounge room where Lesley and Damon were talking, “getting hurt,” she whispered. Then so quietly I almost missed it “liking it too much.”

My dick was telling me to just push forward and the whole argument would be over and that was a message that was pretty hard to ignore. “I want this so badly,” I said rubbing my cock head up and down her slit, “I need to feel your cunt around my cock,” I was watching her nipples which had returned to normal and they were starting to harden again “and you want it too don’t you?”

Susan sighed “I think so but…”

“No buts,” I said not meaning the pun, “I want you to say yes. I need you to say yes. Please say yes.” My cock was pushing softly against Susan’s hole again. “Please let me try and if you say stop once it is fully in I will stop immediately and say nothing else.”

“You won’t tell them.” It was a statement, not a question.

“I won’t tell them.” I replied pushing a little harder and feeling her cunt start to stretch around my head.


I pulled back and then slowly pressed in. Her cunt stretched around my cock slowly and I used very short strokes to lubricate and let her get used to the size. It took some time but eventually the head was fully in and I lengthened the strokes pulling all the way out each time.

“My god,” moaned Susan, “It feels huge.”

“And good.” I told her. “I think I’m in heaven.” Pulling out and advancing another quarter of an inch on the next stroke. Out then in, her cunt gripping tight trying to hold me still and supplying intense friction even with the huge amount of juices Susan was producing. Then I was finally fully in her, my balls up against her cheeks and my cock buried in her tight cunt being squeezed harder than ever.

“It’s all in now,” I said, “if you want me to stop say stop now or I’m going to be past being able to stop.” Don’t say stop screamed the voice in my head, please don’t say stop.

“Stop.” Said Susan, “Stop teasing and fuck me. Please just give me all you’ve got and fuck me quick.”

Who am I to refuse a lady?

I fucked her, I gave her all I had starting slowly and increasing pace until I was pulling out fully and slamming back in over and over. My cock felt like it was on fire and we were moaning and trying to be quiet while our bodies wanted us to scream. I could feel the pressure building in my balls and I knew it would not be long until I came. I pulled out of Susan and said.

“Roll over.”

“Not the ass,” she said, “I think I’d split.”

“Not the ass, at least not this time,” I agreed, “but I want you from behind.”

Susan rolled over and I sat astride her. I spread her open and plunged back in. We fucked madly for a few more minutes and then I could feel I was ready to cum.

“Where do you want it?” I asked.

“Not in my cunt,” Susan said, “anywhere else.”

“Then trust me.” I told her.

I pulled my dick out and pressed it against her asshole. Susan tensed.

“Trust me,” I said again, “I’m not going to fuck your ass.”

Susan relaxed and I held my cock tight against her asshole as I felt the first spurt of cum fire out the end of my cock. Some of my cum squirted out around my cock head but most of it went up her ass.

“Ooh yeah,” she moaned relaxing her ass further “that feels great.”

Again I squirted cum up her ass, pumping over and over with my dick hard against her asshole until I was fully drained. There was cum in her ass, cum half in and some in her ass crack.

“That was amazing.” Said Susan.

“You’re telling me,” I answered panting heavily, “but now we must get out of here.”

We kissed a long, lingering groping kiss and then we wiped up, dressed, cleaned the room as well as we could and then we went out to the lounge room.

Damon said, “That was a long one, did you get the shoulder right?”

“Yeah,” I replied, “but now I could really use a beer.” We got our beers and had a couple before Damon and Susan went to leave.

“Same again next month?” I asked as they left.

“Uh sure.” Said Susan.

I told Lesley I was very tired after the long massage and went to bed thinking of Susan and what an amazing time we had. Lesley wanted to watch the end of some show and I don’t remember her coming to bed. After closing my eyes the next thing I knew was I woke from an erotic dream in the middle of the night to feel a real mouth wrapped around my cock.

“I love the taste of Susan’s cunt,” said Lesley “it has to be the sweetest ever don’t you think?”

“What the…?”

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The Doctor’s Wife

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The Doctor’s Wife

Staying at home was an order from the governor. There wasn’t much for Susan to do except cook for her husband and her son, William. Her husband, Gil, was an ER doctor at Massachusetts General Hospital, in Boston. His long shifts were keeping him away from home, and when he did get home he avoided direct contact with Susan. Moreover, he was dead tired and often skipped dinner. He just wanted to sleep.

One thing about Susan — she had a terrific sense of humor! She thought a funereal procession was hilarious with the hearse, the grieving widow and of course the young son comforting his mother. She well knew the widow would be fucking her son, as soon as the guests went home. But when it came to her own situation, a married woman and a testosterone-laden teenager, it was no laughing matter. Her husband was always working and she was always horny. She called her son ‘Billy’ because his cock was the size of a club. In police lingo, you’d call it a baton.

When Gil was in medical school, he met Susan, a sophomore at Boston University, majoring in dance. The BU dance program has produced some of the hottest women in Hollywood today. At that time she was a brunette, and earned college tuition by working in a strip joint in the Combat Zone. You had to have a warped sense of humor to work in those clubs, mostly patronized by young hoodlums, horny, and tough enough to put up with the Italian thugs who ran those establishments.

She was busty, with pointy tits, long legs, and an ass that made your mouth water. That was twenty years ago. Today that area is part of Chinatown and consists mostly of Asian cuisine restaurants. And these days, Susan danced only in front of her mirror, pretending she was stripping for a bunch of horny drunks, while Billy wondered what all the fuss was about.

She read voraciously, mostly novels written by women about their shitty trials and tribulations. Although the women in these novels would never admit they needed to get laid, they spent most of their time crocheting and gardening. They had a common gripe — they ostensibly hated men.

When Billy was born, Gil was an intern, working 18 to 24-hour shifts at the hospital, He wanting to sleep as soon as possible after Susan cooked dinner. When they were dating, fried clams was his favorite and they spent many dates going to the beach, buying fried clams and fucking afterwards. Sleep didn’t matter all that much.

Now that Gil was a resident at Mass. General, Susan rarely saw him at home. At least it seemed like he was hardly ever home. Sometimes he worked 24-hour shifts. It wasn’t like Gil was in sales or marketing and could have another woman on the side. Being a doctor meant he could maybe fuck nurses, but Gil wasn’t a womanizer. His life consisted of medicine and Susan.

Gil was making a good salary at the hospital so they bought a 3-bedroom condo just outside of Boston, in Cambridge. It wasn’t a high rise, it was more a garden type condo.

In the evening, during her quiet times, Susan masturbated. If you asked her, Susan would tell you she had too many quiet times. She watched some lesbian porn, and a cooking show, hosted by a size 14 female with massive boobs. She pictured the woman naked with her legs spread apart, being eaten by the guy who chopped onions on the show. The woman’s nipples must have been huge!

Susan did love masturbating. Her pussy had huge labia, thick pussy flaps, and with pubic hair that she hardly ever trimmed, her cunt looked totally obscene! Moreover, she was miraculously pregnant!

Not yet forty, Susan was surprised when her doctor told her she was pregnant. How could that happen? She rarely had sex with Gil since he’d been working long hours. But, she remembered, it was on her last birthday! Gil must have ingested a massive dose of Viagra, because after they cut the cake, he fucked her for two hours!! And when he went to piss, his dick was still hard! Sure, she was sore, but it was a helleva screwing!

She jammed two fingers into her vulva and strummed her clit. But it was no use. She was overwrought, horny, angry at life, and disappointed in Gil. If he gave her what she needed and wanted, she wouldn’t have to think about Billy. She couldn’t really blame Gil. He loved her; he even bought her a new car so she could take Billy to Patriots games, or to the beaches around Boston.

Billy was a 19 year-old sophomore at the New England Conservatory of Music. In fact, he had just turned nineteen. He wanted to become a legitimate violinist, a symphony musician. This required him to practice 5-6 hours a day.

Moreover, Billy was also a tennis player; he was in great shape for a guy who played the violin. He had beautiful long fingers, expressive hands that made girls wet. His brown hair was longish, and his face had soft features. His eyes were penetrating, and when he looked at you, you sensed there was a mystical side of him; he seemed a thousand miles away.

At the thought of Billy, she climbed out of bed and slipped into a kimono robe. She left the room, tip-toed down the hall, canlı bahis and paused outside his bedroom door.

The light was on in Billy’s room and she knocked softly. “Can I come in, honey?” she said.

“Sure, Mom.”

She shivered in anticipation when she walked into the room. It was apparent that Billy was naked under the sheet that he had draped over himself.

“Got a cigarette, honey?” she asked in a tremulous voice.

“Sure, Mom.” He began to get up, but then remembered he was naked. Grinning, he pointed to the dresser top. “Over there.” Billy rarely smoked because his tennis game demanded he stay in shape.

She picked up the package of cigarettes with shaking hands and lit one. She turned and gazed at the teen.

“I’m restless,” she whispered.

He looked at her quizzically. “Anything I can do?” he said.

She took a deep breath. “As a matter of fact, there is,” she said quickly, sitting down on the bed next to him and taking his hand in hers. “Now that you mention it, there is something you can do.”

He looked at her.

“I’m having trouble sleeping,” she said, bringing her legs up onto the bed. “Talk to me, Billy.”

He had been playing with himself, and thinking about his upcoming audition with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. He was also thinking about the woman in the cello section, who sat with her legs spread apart, showing a good amount of thigh.

She gazed at his crotch under the sheet. There was a definite bulge throbbing under the fabric. She caught his eye, and mother and son smiled at each other.

“Were you doing something naughty when I walked in?” she said.

He grinned sheepishly. “Aw, Mom!”

“It’s a little bright in here, isn’t it?” she said, dimming the lamp next to his bed. She was aware of her nakedness and the moisture between her legs. She took a deep drag on the cigarette and offered him a puff. “We haven’t had a talk in a long time.”

“What should we talk about?”

“You’re growing up so fast,” she said. “My little boy is getting to be a man.”

“Mom!” he protested. “I haven’t been a kid for years!”

She stroked his bare arm and brought his hand up to her lips. She kissed his fingers one by one and heard him suck in his breath.

“You’re a good looking guy, Billy,” she said.

He accepted the compliment. She sucked his index finger into her mouth and pressed her lips against the palm of his hand. “Does this do anything for you?” she whispered.

He snickered. “It’s turning me on, if that’s what you mean!”

“Do you mean you’re getting turned on when I do this?” She sucked his little finger into her mouth and tapped her tongue over the tip.

“Shit, yeah!”

“But I’m your mother and practically an old woman,” she giggled. “Plus I’m pregnant!”

“You’re not so old and you’re beautiful.”

She nibbled on his fingers. “All boys think their mothers are beautiful. Do you really think I’m pretty?”

He nodded and snuggled closer to her. “All my friends think so too. They think you’re prettier than any of the other mothers.”

“Even Jack Donaldson’s mother?” Angie Donaldson was a beauty.

“Yeah. We took a vote once and you won.”

“You have no idea how good that makes me feel, honey,” she purred.

She reached out and caressed his cheek. She draped her arm around his neck and drew his face down to her growing boobs. Using one hand to open her robe, she directed his mouth down to her tits and offered him a long, red nipple.


“Suck it, darling!”

He groaned and sucked her nipple into his mouth.

“That’s lovely, darling,” she said. “That’s just what I need.”

His lips parted and she fed him her boobs. She pressed her soft flesh between his teeth and she gasped as he began sucking. “Now this one,” she whispered, pulling her tit away and substituting the other one.

She guided his free hand to her other breast, and he kneaded and squeezed it while he licked her tit. Her pussy was wet and hot, and she felt a tiny orgasm ripple through her.

“You made me come,” she whispered when she caught her breath.


“Yes, darling, you did? Aren’t you proud of yourself?”

Nodding wordlessly, he continued munching away on her tits. She moved his hand from her tits to her cunt and opened her thighs. Placing his hand against her mound, she sighed as he automatically began stroking her wet pussy lips.

She moaned low in her throat when he touched her labia. It was as if a bomb exploded when he touched her clit. He gazed at her with hot eyes, her tits still between his teeth.

“Did you come again?”

“Oh, darling, yes!” Her being pregnant made her unusually horny. Her womb was leaking heavily. Given that she had the usual cravings from being pregnant , the throbbing between her legs sometimes made her frantic for relief. Her backaches usually went away after she frigged herself to an orgasm.

She tangled her fingers in his hair and held his head while he continued sucking her stiff nipple. He pressed his face inside bahis siteleri her cleavage and sighed with excitement.

“I used to dream about this,” he said.

“What did you dream?”

“When I was little I used to dream you let me suck your breasts.”

“Is that all?”

“Sometimes I dreamed you let me make love to you.” His face turned crimson.

“Do you still dream that?”


“Would you like to do it now, darling?”

“Do you mean it, Mom?” he croaked.

“Yes, I’d like that, honey.”

He nuzzled her tits and gazed into her eyes. “You really mean it?”

“Yes, I do,” she smiled. “But first kiss me.”

Their lips met. They exchanged saliva and Susan plunged her tongue into the teenager’s mouth. His lips and tongue tasted sweet and pure and innocent.

She reached under the sheet and searched for his cock. She found it and clutched it in her hand. He groaned when she squeezed it. She loved the hardness of his limb and the fullness of his balls.

“You’re nice and hard, darling,” she said.

She squeezed his balls and wiped up the precum leaking out of his knob. She dragged the sheet to the side and gazed at his naked body. Usually slim guys have a long dick, but his was a huge knockwurst! Taking a deep breath, she threw her robe open and watched his reaction to her nakedness.

His eyes widened at first. Then they narrowed as he drank in her tits and cunt and the curve of her thighs. She took his hand and moved it back between her legs.

“Oh, Sweetie, touch it!”

She fondled his cock while he played with her pussy. She pulled his mouth down and frenched him. He pried her cuntlips apart and stroked up and down her slit.

“Do you want to fuck me now?” she said.

He gulped. “Now?”

She laughed. “Why not?”

“I don’t know.” He was in a state of shock. Not having seen a naked woman before, here he was fingering his mother’s pussy lips! And he was a virgin!

She stroked his thick stalk and held his balls. “Are you scared?” she breathed, blowing her warm breath in his ear.

“I guess so,” he muttered.

“If you don’t want to do it…”

“Aw, Mom, it’s not that!”

“Then what’s the matter? Don’t I turn you on?”

He turned crimson. “You know you do,” he said quietly.

“Well, why don’t you do it?” She ran her fingers lightly up and down his member. “Your cock seems to want to fuck me.”

The boy grinned. “Sure, but –“

“Darling,” she whispered, tonguing his ear.


“Get over here.”

She guided him until he hovered over her. She spread her thighs and opened her pussy thicket. The dim light played over her creamy thighs and her tits wobbled when the bed moved.

The boy gazed at her heavy boobs and the nipples capping them. She had slipped her robe off her arms and now she was exposed to him — totally naked! Her breasts had grown a full cup size in the past month!

She spoke in a husky voice, a voice unfamiliar to her son. “Fuck me, darling. Mother needs it so badly.”

His hand shaking, he brought his prick to the entrance of her cunt. It slipped to the side and landed on her thigh. He flushed and turned his head. He tried again to get it in, but somehow couldn’t manage the initial penetration. He looked dejected until she reached for his cock and forced the tip into her slit.

“You’re in, darling!”

He breathed a sigh of relief and pushed forward as more of his cock wedged inside his mother’s pussy. In a moment he was all the way inside and his balls hugged her body.

She lifted her legs and encircled his waist. “Now fuck me!” she urged.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and caressed his hair. She raised her ass and brought herself up to meet his thrusts. Her vaginal muscles sucked on his teenage weapon and he grunted.

“Jesus, Mom, I can’t believe it!”

“What can’t you believe?”

“I can’t believe we’re really fucking!” He felt he was dreaming and felt he’d wake up in a few minutes.

“Are you sorry?”

“Shit, no!”

“You’re a wonderful cocksman, Billy!”

“Honest?” and she nodded happily.

Perspiration dripped down his face as he stroked in and out of her slippery hole. They moved like two dancers, stroking and thrusting and rubbing deliciously together.

“Go slow and make it last,” she whispered. “Oh, it’s so good!”

“I don’t know how long I can last!” he groaned through clenched teeth.

“Keep going as long as you can,” she said. “I’ll come whenever you do, but it’s so lovely I want it to last.”

She pressed her thighs tightly around him, pulling his dick further inside her cunt. She gasped and told him to stroke harder and deeper.

He rammed forward, taking her breath away with the forcefulness of his thrusts. Her cunt convulsed as her vulva sucked on his prick and a violent tremor shook her body.

She grabbed his ass and raked her fingernails over his flesh. She held him tightly against her, almost afraid that he would leave. Her cunt continued fluttering spasmodically bahis şirketleri and coated his cock with her fluids.

He stroked harder, stabbing her insides with his rod. It felt like a piece of steel inside her, rock-hard steel that thrilled her very depths.

She gazed up at the boy, excited at the sight of his muscular body straining to give her as much pleasure as he could. His thick hair spilled over his forehead and his young flesh, almost hairless, made her heart ache.

She met his eyes and tried to see in their depths what he was thinking. She couldn’t tell. “Do you feel guilty?” she said.


“I’m glad!”

“Do you?”


“Darling, what can I do for you now?”

“Jesus, Mom, I can fuck you for a while longer.”

“But what can I do for you?”

He grinned. “You’re doin’ it!”

“Would you like me to suck your cock for a while?”


He withdrew from her and awkwardly stretched out on his back. He folded his arms over his chest and waited while she crouched between his legs.

His cock stood straight up like a pink cucumber. She curled her fingers around it and squeezed. She kissed the juicy tip of his cockhead and slowly ran her tongue over the flared rim under his knob.

She tasted her own cuntjuice and his sweet tasting leakage and hungrily sucked his entire shaft into her mouth. He closed his eyes and lay perfectly still as she gathered his ball-sac in her hand and caressed his sperm-packed testicles.

His stiff cock filled her mouth. She loved the feel of his nut on the tip of her tongue. She remembered how his cock looked when he’d been born. Even as a small boy he’d had a good-sized dick.

Suddenly she wanted his balls in her mouth. She spit his cock out and sucked his entire ball-sac into her mouth. The wanton act thrilled her. There was something life-giving about licking and sucking his balls. And she was his mother! Who was more entitled to do it than her?

The teenage boy stirred and opened his eyes. He groaned when she sucked his prick back into her mouth. He raised his ass and began fucking her mouth.

“Stick your finger in my ass, Mom,” he said. He didn’t know why he said that.

“Of course!” Susan giggled. She reached under his butt and slid her fingers into his asscrack. She stuffed her forefinger into his rectum and wiggled it around.

“Good, darling?”

“Yeah, great.”

“Do your girlfriends do this to you?” She moved her finger in and out of his butt while she tongued his balls.


“Did anyone ever do it to you?”


She giggled again. “Then wherever did you get the idea?”

“I saw it on the internet …”

“You adorable boy, you!” She slid the ring of her lips all the way down to the root of his prick. He groaned and she added a second finger to his asshole.

“I think I’m gonna shoot, Mom,” he muttered.

She straddled him quickly, raising one leg and slipping his cock inside her vulva. She sank down and his cock completely disappeared in her body.

“Now it’s mine!” she breathed. “Your cock is all mine, darling!”

“Jeez, that feels good!”

She worked her pussy muscles around his dick as his glorious hardness filled her. She bounced up and down, deliberately letting her tits bounce to give him a good show.

“Oh, yeah!” he croaked.

His plum-sized knob rubbed her clit on the out-stroke. She reached underneath and clutched his balls. “Don’t hold back, darling!” she said. “Come inside me!”

“Can I?”

“Yes! Don’t worry! I’m already pregnant!”

Her cunt was stretched wide around his thick shaft. It always amazed her that her hole could accommodate such a slab of flesh.

“Would you like to get on top of me?” she said. His hesitancy about shooting off made her think he might like to be more aggressive. His shy nod and his grin confirmed her thoughts. She rolled off his body and held out her arms. “Come on, darling! Get on top of me and fuck me hard!”

He mounted her and quickly plunged his prick into her gash. Susan put her arms around his neck and held him tightly. “I’m coming again! I’m coming again!”

She locked her thighs around his waist and they became as one. She jerked her ass up and down on the bed, moving like some fantastic machine.

He rammed into her so hard, she thought her insides were being torn. He roared and then he came, filling her insides with thick, hot seed and splitting her in two with his thrusting dick.

It was like no orgasm she’d ever experienced. It seemed to last forever and engulfed every nerve ending in her body. He continued stroking until his balls were drained and then he collapsed heavily on top of her.

When he fell asleep, she tried to see the clock on his dresser. She knew she had to get back to her bed soon. If she fell asleep in Billy’s room Gil may come home from the hospital unexpectedly.

After a while she tugged at his arm. “Wake up, darling.”

“What? Oh, yeah, I guess I’m crushing you.” He slipped off her body and rubbed his eyes, an embarrassed but happy grin on his face.

Susan quickly slipped into her robe and tied it tightly. She hugged him one last time and held his face against her tits. “This will be our secret, Billy!”

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The Day Our Lives Started – Complet

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This is the continuation of ‘The Day Our Lives Started’.

I awoke first this morning with only my ‘baby’ sister in bed with me. It has been this way for a week and will be this way for the rest of my life.

If this surprises you, please read my memories entitled ‘The Day Our Lives Started’ which I wrote last night at the request of my sister Bray, short for BrayAnn, I’m Brian. The story concluded with our burial of our Mom. One week ago, with absolutely no warning, while standing at the stove fixing breakfast Mom suffered a heart attack. She was dead before she slipped to the floor.

In recounting The Day I stopped at the point where we convinced our mother who discovered us in Bray’s bed, nude and asleep after making love for the first time, to join us. Bray has demanded I continue the story of the beginnings of our lives, to show and tell the love the three of us shared.

After Mom’s suggestion of moving to her bedroom and bed, we started for the doorway of Bray’s room to cross the hall. Bray and I were nude while Mom was in her bra and panties. We were hugging and laughing as we tried to go through the doorway without turning each other loose. Feet tangling, bumping into the jams, the three of us finally stumbled to Mom’s bed and tumbled on it. BrayAnn was on one side of Mom, I was on her left as Mom lay on her back. Mom’s laughter died. I felt her tense, knowing she was having second, third, fourth thoughts. Bray realized it also. “We love you, Mom.” she said softly, kissing her cheek. I echoed Bray’s comment and action.

Mom lay still with an arm around each of us. “We shouldn’t be doing this. Let’s just forget it. It’s o.k. for you two, but I… I want you to go ahead, but, I… I just can’t.” Looking at Bray, “Go back to your room. Leave me alone. I just want to relax and take a nap.”

Bray sat up. Her calves were outside of and against her thighs, heels against her buttocks. Her knees were spread with her delightful pussy looking right at Mom and me. She giggled a little girl giggle and said “You’re CHICKEN! YOU’RE AFRAID OF WHAT WE WILL DO TO YOU.”

Still giggling, Bray unclasped the front catch on Mom’s bra baring the breasts. Leaning down she took a nipple into her mouth. I could see her cheeks hollowing and filling as she licked and sucked.

Mom moaned and closed her eyes. Placing her hands on Bray head she pulled it tightly against her. I gave the other nipple a suck and lick, pecked Mom on her lips and moved to the foot of the bed. I slid my hands over her hips and hooked my fingers under the top of her panties. I tugged downward. Mom hesitated, then raised her hips as I slowly slid them off her gorgeous ass and exposed her pubic hair. I continued pulling the panties down her shapely legs and over her dainty feet. I gently pushed Mom’s legs apart opening her sex to me. I leaned forward, blowing gently on the fine silky curly hair while spreading the lips with my thumbs. Mom shuddered as I blew. I giggled as Bray had done. They both looked down at me. I said, “Mom’s pussy is pretty, just like your’s.”

Laughing, hugging each other, they began passionately kissing as I buried my face. I licked and sucked the moisture Mom was generating. I lifted my head. “Delicious! If this juice is fattening, I’m going to weigh 300 pounds.”

I dove right back in. I sucked on her hole. I licked between her lips. I licked her clit with my tongue. Suck, lick, flick, Mom’s hips began hunching. The more I sucked and licked and flicked the stronger the hunching became. Bray went back to sucking on and playing with Mom’s tits.

Mom said hoarsely, “I’m almost there. Suck my clit.” Her wish was my command.

I wrapped my lips around Mom’s clit, biting it with my lips while trying to suck it off her body and rubbing it with my tongue. Bite and suck, bite and suck, lick, lick, lick. She exploded, going completely rigid. Her body arched off the bed. She started convulsing. She jerked and flopped like a fish out of water.

With a moan she went limp. Her head lolled to the side, mouth agape, chest heaving. Bray stared at me with a stricken look. “What happened?”

Mom just lay there, limber, limp. If not for the audible labored breathing I would have assumed she died. Then I thought, “My God. A heart attack!” Bray and I were on the verge of panic when Mom’s eyelids fluttered open with a dazed expression.

Bray said wonderingly, “She fainted. She came so hard, she fainted.” We laughed in relief, hugging each other and Mom.

“Wus uh matt’r?” Mom slurred. Then in a slightly stronger voice, “I’m still shaking inside, my cunt’s… I’m… I’m spasming. I’ve never done this before. I’ve never bahis firmaları felt like this. Oh, you sweethearts. What did you do to me. I love you.”

She closed her eyes and went to sleep. She lay there and went to sleep! With us sitting beside her! Bray and I looked at one another, shocked and dumbfounded. Then laughing quietly, we eased off the bed and put our arms around each other. For a moment we stood looking at Mom as she lay there, so beautiful, so peaceful. “I’m hungry.”

Bray giggled, elbowing me in the ribs, “MEN. Let’s go to the kitchen.”

An hour later Bray and I were still sitting at the table, holding hands, knees touching. Talking, just talking, enjoying being together, being in the same room.

Last night we had done the same thing, sans holding hands. We had sat at the same table, in the same chairs. We had talked, about Bray’s school, college, plans for the weekend. But tonight was different. Our subject matter hadn’t changed. We talked about the same things, but there was a different atmosphere, a loving awareness, a sharing of our souls. I had loved my sister, but only as my ‘baby’ sister. My love now was for a soulmate, deeper, stronger, more aware, more fulfilling, more complete.

“Well,” came a voice from the kitchen doorway. “I guess things have REALLY changed!” Mom stood there in her robe with love shining out of her eyes. “Is THAT going to be the common mode of dress from now on?”

Bray and I were still nude. We hadn’t bothered to dress just to fix some quick sandwiches to satisfy our food hunger. My other hunger continued unabated.

“Why not?”, I said. “I love to watch the sway of mammae and the flex of gluteus maximus.”

“Yeah”, Mom said dryly. “You just want to look at tits and asses…and pussies!” She untied her sash and shrugged her shoulders letting the robe drop to the floor. She stood there in her naked glory for a moment. She grinned, turned, looked back over her shoulder, then faced us putting her fists on her hips. As she spread her legs she said, “Enjoy! … God I love you two.”

“But only half as much as us”, Bray countered.

“Half as much?”

“Uh hunh. There are two of us.”

With laughter, we three hugged.

An aside. If I seem to overplay the hugging and giggling routines, I do not. We just could not get enough of touching each other, of feeling each other, of having skin against skin contact. It was almost as if we were dreaming and knew if we separated the dream would be over. The giggles were partially a relief reaction. As we experienced the fulfillment of our wishes, dreams and desires we were discarding the fear of rejection.

As we stood in the kitchen holding each other I couldn’t help it. I started to rise again. It was immediately noticeable to my huggees as it traveled between their hips. They felt it rubbing, lifting, until it was pointing toward the ceiling. Reaching for it at the same time, they giggled. I sighed as they stroked and fondled me as if they were measuring my penis and weighing my testicles with their hands.

Bray looked at Mom. “You haven’t had this little feller yet.” That became its name. Thereafter, a frequent question was “Is little feller ready yet?”, and it almost always was. Bray grinned. “He’s been in one of his homes today. It’s time he found his other one.”

Mom hesitated. “I don’t know.”

With a glare Bray grabbed our hands and marched down the hall dragging us back into the bedroom. She spun Mom around pushing her back onto the bed. Spreading Mom’s legs Bray was licking her pussy before Mom could react. Mom made a half-hearted attempt to stop Bray. “You don’t need to do that.”

Bray looked up grinning, juices were smeared on her face. Mom was wet. “I WANT TO! And Bri was right. You ARE delicious. You taste like me, only a little different”, going back to tonguing, licking and sucking.

She cut her eyes at me, I could see them crinkle as her cheeks dimpled in a smile when I said, “You’re getting it from the source, not second hand. You’re both delicious.”

Bray reached and grabbed me by my dick. “She’s ready. Cum here”, with a giggle at the play on words. As I crawled over my mother, Bray placed the head of my dick into Mom’s love hole while patting me on my ass. I slowly lowered my whole body. Our mouths joined, my tongue going into Mom’s mouth as my dick went into the place I had come from over twenty years before. The place above all others save one, or maybe three if mouths are counted, where I knew I belonged.

She wasn’t quite as tight as BrayAnn. The feel of her cuntal sheath enveloping me, the texture, was subtlely different. Not better, not worse, just a slight kaçak iddaa difference. I knew I would always be able to tell them apart, but God, I could not, would not, pray I never have to, choose between them.

Mom and I began moving slowly. Me, in and out, in ’til our pubic mounds ground and rubbed together, out to where my head was barely confined; Mom, hunching up and down, up with her stomach muscles rippling against mine as I went in, down, then relaxing as I eased out.

I was in heaven, pure bliss. I was floating. If we hadn’t been anchored, top and bottom, mouth and crotch, I would have drifted up to the ceiling as a balloon. I thought my experience with Bray, just a short time ago, had been the pentacle of sexual fulfillment, would never be surpassed. This was equaling it.

I was in… on… with… my mother, feeling her body against mine from our lips to our toes. I gloried in the fulfillment of my years of desires, of dreams, of hopes, of fantasies, of wishes. Reality was wonderful. If this was better than BrayAnn, a very large IF, it was because of the years of pent up unrequited longing.

I raised my head, not stopping my slow languid movements. Looking at Mom, “However much I want you”, I gave her a peck on the lips. I turned my head looking at Bray laying beside us. With one hand under Mom’s head she was rubbing gently on my back with the other. As I repeated, “However much I want you”, she gave me a swift kiss. “With the two of you, my life is now complete. Maybe I’m selfish, wanting you both, but, God, how can I be so lucky.”

Their eyes brightened with tears, shining with love and happiness. Together they said “WE… love… you”. Trapping my face between theirs, they began kissing, licking, nibbling my cheeks, my ears, the corners of my mouth. We three shared a kiss.

Never changing our slow rhythmical movements, we continued our gentle rocking back and forth. Our minds filled with the physical sensations of the sliding and rubbing together of our bodies, sharing the feeling of our love making. Over and over again, like waves rolling onto a beach, we rocked.

Suddenly I came. I started spurting into the passage through which I emerged into this world. It wasn’t mind blowing, but a gentle, loving, giving, fulfilling release. As Mom felt me spray inside her, she says she can always feel every spurt, she orgasmed.

Jerking, squeezing, holding me tightly, we shared our love; and it was shared with Bray as our feelings traveled from our bodies through her arms into her soul. She shared our orgasm from watching, from feeling, from touching.

I lay still, on my mother, my head resting on the pillow beside hers. I was buried in her but softening rapidly. Bray shifted and moved against us. Her face against mine as mine was against Mom’s. Our shoulders, chests and breasts, hips and thighs were touching. Her top leg slide over Mom’s to lay along the junction of Mom’s and mine. Our bodies merged, melted together. We three were one. No words were spoken. None were needed. We were in a soft cocoon of feeling, of contentment, of love, of peace.

Mom never hesitated again. She was often the instigator of our sexual escapades. After that day, the only times Bray or I went back into “our” rooms was for clothing, or when friends or other family members came for extended or over-night visits. Such visits were torture.

Bray and I arrived home at the same time the next day. She was opening the door as I pulled into the driveway. “Hurry” she yelled, waving at me to come on as she darted inside. I ran into the house but didn’t see her. Her bedroom door was open and as I walked toward it she stepped out stark naked.

“Come on.”, she demanded, jerking at my shirt, poping buttons as she tried to get it off. In seconds we were lying on her bed. Her pussy inhaled ‘little feller’. We were pounding into each other as if we were in a race and had only seconds to finish our fucking.

We were too hot, too ready, going at it too fast to last long. Bray grunted “Good Good Good” each time my thrusts bottomed out and struck her clit. It probably didn’t take a dozen stokes until she had her orgasm, squealing shrilly and grabbing me in a death grip.

Her climax triggered mine. I ejaculated over and over. I just wouldn’t quite cumming. Bray said breathlessly, “It… just… gets… better… and… better.” She took several deep breaths. “I have been creaming all day… thinking about us. I stuffed paper towels in my panties I was so wet. Then, when I walked, I could feel them, and it got worse.”

I told her “I know. I’ve been like a yo yo all day. I’d think about yesterday and get hard. As soon as it went down kaçak bahis I’d remember how you and Mom felt and looked, and, damn, instant hard again. Boing. Boing”

I kissed her for the first time. We had been animals, no foreplay, no terms of endearment, just consumed with an overwhelming need. She broke the kiss and slid out from under me. My softened dick coming out of her with an audible pop. She went to my nipples, nibbling with her lips and sucking. I didn’t know they were so sensitive. She drug her open wet mouth and tongue down my stomach. She took my sticky limp dick in her hand and sat up.

Grinning impishly, “I didn’t get to really look at it yesterday.” Frowning in concentration, she studied it as if trying to choose which vegetables to buy at a market.

With her holding, lifting, squeezing, turning and massaging the foreskin up and down, it started to harden. She leaned and took it into her mouth, licking and sucking our juices off of it. As I reached full size, she removed her mouth and started licking up and down and around, cleaning it and leaving it shiny with her saliva.

“Tastes good. I hope you like this. I do.” She took it back into her mouth, licking her tongue around the head and applying a mild suction. She began bobbing her head, fucking me with her mouth.

“You better quit. I’ll come again.” I warned.

Raising her head but with her attention focused on my dick, she said “I want you to. I want to do everything to you.” She engulfed me. The feel of her velvety smooth mouth brought another eruption.

She swallowed, sucked, swallowed, until my production ceased. She sat up, looked at me grinning, running her tongue around the inside her mouth, licking her lips, “You like that? I did. I want to do it again.”

I nodded as I reached and pulled her to me. “My turn.” I kissed all over her face, on her neck, giving little love bits. I licked and kissed her collarbones, sucked the indention where they meet. I trailed moist wet kisses across her chest down to the beginning swell of her breasts. I circled each breast, tonguing and licking, but bypassing and ignoring the aureole and crowning nipples.

I moved my head from side to side as I trailed spit and moisture downward and across her stomach to her cute little belly button. I alternated stabbing it with my tongue then sucking. I started drifting downward again, sucking and licking the silky flesh until my chin brushed her pubic hair.

She grabbed me by my head and tried to lift me up. “Don’t. I’m yucky and nasty down there.” she said.

I looked at her beautiful cunt. A mixture of my cum and her juices were slowly oozing out of her. The hair was matted, glistening and coated with the fluid we had mixed with our rutting. I gave her a swipe with my tongue from her ‘taint’, as low as I could reach, up her lips through her cleft and to the fringes of her hair. “If you can, I will.”

I reached to take the nipples I had bypassed on my downward path. Squeezing, rolling, rubbing them as I massaged her breasts, I began cleaning her. Licking and sucking, biting and gently pulling on her hair, I paid homage to Bray’s womanhood until she came with a soft sigh.

I rolled over and looked at the clock on the nightstand. “We’ve only been home for 20 minutes. I thought it was hours. Mom will be here in an hour and a half.” We sobered. I slapped Bray on the ass, “Let’s take a shower. I’ll wash your back”, I paused, “and front, and top, and bottom.” We giggled, showered and played and dressed.

I was more than a little apprehensive while waiting for Mom to arrive. The last twenty minutes took an hour to elapse. She had been upbeat when she left that morning, giving each of us a deep passionate kiss with a full body hug.

I worried, though, about her reaction after being exposed to her work environment and to other people all day. She would have an opportunity to think of what we three had done the day before, to ponder on the ramifications of our actions. Families do not do what we had done.

Bray and I were sitting on the couch facing the door. We were gripping hands and holding our breaths as Mom walked in.

She had an ear-to-ear grin and was unbuttoning her blouse as the door opened. “Why are you dressed?” she asked while continuing to strip. “I’m so horny! I didn’t get anything done. I’ve been dreaming of you two all day.”

Laughing, Bray and I raced to see who could get our clothes off first. I eased into Mom as we lay on the carpet in the living room. We were too anxious, too ready, unwilling to wait until we could get to a bed. As ‘little feller’ sank to the hilt Mom sighed. “I’ve been itching there all day. Scratch me. Scratch my itch good.” I complied.


To be finished in The Day Our Lives Started – Activities

I hope you like this continuation as much as the first history. Please let me know. Thanks

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The Day After The Party , The Pro

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Sam woke to find Uncle Simon and Jane in the 69 position, Jane was moaning with pleasure as he sucked on her rigid little clit and Jane had her lips firmly round his hard cock. Sam watched and started to stroke herself she was being wet watching them getting down to it.

They hadn’t even noticed she had woken up until Sam uttered a low aroused moan, Uncle Simon was the first to appreciate what Sam was doing with her hands and raised his head from Jane’s wet cunt to watch as Sam proceeded to thrust 3 fingers into her wet snatch. Jane moved her hips to let Simon know she wanted attention but he was fixated by the show Sam was giving, he moved from between Jane’s legs and positioned his face within inches of Sam’s hands.

‘God girl that looks good’ he sighed ‘need any help?’

Sam grinned ‘Sure Uncle Simon’ she breathed heavily ‘show me what you were doing to Jane!’ and she slid her body down and onto her Uncles willing tongue.

‘Sweet baby that’s the greatest tasting cunt I have ever had’ he moaned into her ‘lets see if we can help you cum!’

Jane had moved and was positioning herself above Sams head ‘hey cous!’ she said ‘you better take up where Uncle Simon left off, I was so close then!’ and she eased her wet cunt onto Sam’s mouth where Sam proceeded to eat her out expertly.

Uncle Simon now had his cock free from a mouth and needed to bury it in a willing hole but was so enjoying tasting his pretty you niece that he knew he could wait a little longer. His tongue was deep inside her and her juices were coating it, he swallowed and swallowed but Sam just kept producing more sweet nectar for him to digest. She was bucking her hips and he knew she was close to an orgasm, he looked up to see Jane bouncing up and down on her cousins face also very close, this decided him it was time to move himself. So he reluctantly tore his tongue away from Sams delicious hole and moved his hips so that he could enter her as he looked up he saw Jane close to tears ‘what’s up baby girl?’ he asked.

‘Oh Uncle Simon you promised you would fuck me this morning and there you are about to take Sam again……………..you promised’ she looked devastated and horny at the same time.

With that he lifted her off Sam and positioned her face into Sam’s soaked cunt saying ‘ok baby you get Sam off and I will fuck you, deal?’

Jane never answered she was far too busy licking her cousins wonderful hole, Uncle Simon took this as his answer and rubbed his cock from her arse to her clit and back making her moan desperately into Sam. He teased her and this provoked her to moan more and more ‘Uncle Simon’ said Sam ‘she’s driving me wild please just fuck her!’ this was a demand.

Without hesitation Simon thrust into Jane making her gasp, this in turn make Sams cunt go crazy and she pulled Jane into her ‘lick me’ she groaned ‘I’m cumming’ Sams orgasm flooded over Jane’s face and she cleaned up as much as she could. ‘Oh Janey that was great’ Sam sighed as she moved down and kissed her cousin hard. Seeing the two girls kissing drove Simon over the edge and he slammed into Jane filling her with his cum, Simon held onto Jane’s hips until his cock grew limp.

‘God girls you’re the best’ he smiled ‘do you two think you might like to come and holiday with me for a couple of weeks?’

‘I will ask daddy’ said Sam as she moved into to clean up her Uncles cum from her Cousins cunt. This started Uncle Simons cock to grow hard again.

‘How am I ever gonna get away from you two?’ he sighed as he offered Jane his limp cock to suck.

‘You don’t have to go anywhere Uncle’ Sam said seductively, ‘but I do! I’m off for a shower, you two carry on you look like you have lots more to try!’ and she moved off in the direction of the shower.

After showering and dressing in a wrap over short dress that showed her long tanned legs and ample breasts Sam proceeded bahis firmaları to go downstairs as she reached the bottom she heard raised voices this was unusual it hardly ever happened, Sam paused to listen and tried to make out who was doing all the shouting. It appeared the argument was between her father and her Uncle Lucas, what was going on why was her dad so upset she intended to find out. As she made her way into her fathers study her brother Joel caught her ‘Sam don’t go in, leave them to it’ he said very seriously.

‘What the hell is going on Joel, whys dad so upset?’

‘Lucas is demanding you go live with him Sam, he wants you as his property’ Joel said shaking his head ‘he’s been shouting at dad for the last 40 minutes, I suggest your not around when he gets out!’

‘But but’ stammered Sam ‘ I don’t want to live with him, this is my family’ and she snuggled up to her brother with a worried look.

‘Don’t worry Sammy dad’s not about to let it happen’ and with that Joel took Sams hand and led her toward the kitchen.

Sams mum was pacing up and down and no one could really believe what was going on, the tension was so thick. Suddenly the study’s door flew open and Uncle Lucas strode out ‘where is she? I’m not fucking leaving without her!’ he was screaming. Mum and Joel made sure Sam was out of sight.

‘Lucas what is all the fuss’ mum said in a calm voice ‘lets be sensible her, Sams our daughter she lives with us it’s the way it should be. You know you can visit and Sam will happily come to your bed whenever you wish but she cannot be solely yours and you know that.’

‘Mand I am having her, the bitch is mine to do with as I please and none of you arseholes can stop me’ with that he slapped Sams mum across the face. ‘Now bring her here now and this can all stop’ he demanded.

With this Sam moved into view ‘Uncle Lucas I’m not coming with you, and I think you need to apologise to mum’ she said ‘I live here, this is where I belong and I don’t want to be just with you!’

Lucas looked like he was about to erupt with anger he was red in the face and shaking ‘I will have you Sam you will be mine!’ he said menacingly ‘just watch you back one day I will be there’ and he walked over to her and pulled her close ‘you will be mine and I will take what I want all the time’ he whispered in her ear, and then walked away and out of the house.

‘What did he say baby?’ dad said to her stroking her hair, Sam told him ‘the bastard, from now on Sam your never alone ok, he’s fucking mad that man and no longer welcome in this house!’

‘Dad can I have a cuddle, he’s freaked me out’ Sam asked in a small voice. Dad took her in his arms and held her close, even though this had been a distraction having Sams body near him turned him on so much and he felt his cock twitch as he hugged her tight. Sam responded by pushing her hips towards him ‘mmmm you feel good dad, so good’ Sam breathed.

‘Oh Sam I know why he wants you around, shit I’m hard just holding you look!’

‘I know daddy I felt you against me, maybe I could help you with that?’

‘Baby girl I know you can’ and with that he lay her on the couch in the front room and started to slide his hands over her body ‘just relax let daddy make you feel safe’ he said as he started to caress her tits through her dress ‘fuck your body is the best’.

‘Oh daddy your making me wet, feel how wet’ and she pushed his hand towards her wet pussy lips covered by a thin piece of material. Sam looked up and saw her mum watching ‘hey mum let me taste you’ she moaned and indicated for her to sit on her face ‘please mum, you do taste great.’

Sams mum needed no further asking and straddled her daughters’ pretty face, she moved her panties to one side to allow Sam all the access she needed. Sams mums pussy had large pink outer lips and Sam clamped her mouth onto kaçak iddaa these and sucked listening to the moans her mother was producing, she moved her hands round to her mums arse and slid a finger into her puckered hole while forcing her pink tongue between the lips. Sams face was covered in her mothers juice and Sam was drinking it as fast as she could, she inserted another finger into her mothers arse and started to pump them in and out every so often stopping to rotate them and plunge them deeper. Sams dad was watching while stripping he daughter of her clothing and getting into position to roughly fuck her, the tip of his dripping cock was at her cunt entrance and he loved the view he was getting of his wife being eaten out by their daughter. He pushed the tip in ever so gently making Sam sigh a little then rammed his cock home, making her catch her breath and gasp onto her mothers wet pussy, this set Sams mother off on a huge orgasm and she filled her daughters mouth with a spurt of cum grinding her lips into Sams face as she did. Sams dad took control and fucked Sam hard he was banging into her his balls slamming against her arse, he didn’t break rhythm and was jack hammering his daughter. Sam loved it and was meeting his thrusts; her legs wrapped around his back, she wanted more cock and looked around to see if anyone was there. Mum knew what Sam wanted and went to the stairs calling Sams brothers down, soon Sam had Mike and Joel undressing before her.

Joel positioned himself at her head and she opened her willing mouth, but then felt another set of lips as her mother joined her to lick at Joel’s cock, between them the kissed it and took turns sucking him. He held both their heads as he fucked each mouth. Sams dad had climbed off her and had got behind her mum and was now fucking her hard as she licked and sucked Joel, this left room for Mike to fill Sam up which he did with the same passion as her dad. Mike moved Sam on her knees opposite her mum who was in the same position being fucked by her dad; this meant Joel was standing between them having his cock looked after.

Mike slapped Sams wet cunt and moved into her gaping pussy ‘Oh Sammy arghhhh’ he groaned ‘what a great fuck’ and he held her hips fucking her hard, she loved all the attention she was getting and watching her mum was even sexier. Mike slid 3 fingers into her arse making her yelp as she wasn’t expecting it, and soon he was slamming his cock and fingers in at a real pace, Sam felt herself go light-headed and knew she would soon cum. Mike sensed this ‘come on sis come for me, make my cock dirty’ he leered, that was it the flood gates opened and Sams orgasm hit home, bucking as she came she covered mikes cock in her cum ‘oh shit Sam where’s it all coming from’ said Mike as her cum cascaded down his thighs. ‘I need this cleaned up and I know the woman to do it’ he laughed as he pulled out of Sam with a plop and moved towards his mothers’ eager mouth. ‘Clean me up mum, look at the mess she has made!’

Sams mum lapped at her sons wet cock and thighs cleaning off all of Sams cum ‘what a dirty girl you are Sammy!’ she grinned ‘is that better Joel did mummy do a good job?’ and with that she deep throated her sons cock while he stood shuddering.

‘God mum didn’t know you could do that’ he said holding her head while his pistoned his hips ‘fuck that was good do it again.’

Mike moved and slid under Sam ‘come on baby sis lets have some fun’ he sighed sucking her tits ‘ lets get fucking’ and pulled Sam down onto his erect cock ‘still tight baby, god you feel good’ Sam felt hands on her arse again and knew it was her dad so she tilted her hips slightly to give him access.

‘You know what I like now baby don’t you’ he groaned into her ear ‘let daddy have some of that tight arse now’ and with that he slipped into her ‘Jesus fuck baby I love this hole, never felt anything kaçak bahis like it, so tight around your daddys cock’ Mick and her dad were fucking in unison now as mike pulled out her dad pushed in, it was sending her wild. The two men could feel their cock rubbing through the thin wall that separated Sams holes and this was a horny feeling for them too.

Joel was holding Sams mums head and pumping hard he had his head thrown back and when Sam looked closer Sams mum had two fingers rammed up his arse and was thrusting them in and out. Joel was close to exploding his seed into her mouth and held her head tight, forcing his cock down the back of her throat ‘oh god yes yes drink it mum drink me dry’ he grunted as he shot his load. They all turned to watch as she swallowed the lot and then carried on sucking at his shrinking dick.

‘God mum your amazing’ Sam cried ‘you must teach me that.’

‘You should see yourself sis, your hot body being fucked hard by Dad and Mike you look as sexy as fuck and your loving every minute, you are the best family slut we could wish for.’

Sams dad smiled as he moved deep into his daughters arse, he was in fucking heaven he was so proud that she was his to have, fuck and love. When he looked at her body his cock would go crazy even if he had just fucked he had never wanted a girl so much. So here he was now matching his son thrust for thrust ripping into her young sexy body with her begging for more, she was always willing and always wet and soon he was going to fill her arse but first he wanted a change of position ‘Sam’ he said pulling out of her ‘sit on me, put my cock in your arse and sit on me please?’

Sam grinned, he hadn’t fucked her this way, so she eased her arse over his cock and slid down ‘ohhhhhhh daddy that feels different’ she gasped.

‘Now Mike, fuck her cunt again’ their dad instructed.

‘Shit yes dad anything’ said Mike eagerly. He moved between her legs and slid in ‘fuck that’s good, what a hot cunt you have Sammy’ and proceeded to fuck her hard, Sam could feel ever movement they both made and Mike also had his mouth clamped onto one of her tits while her dad pulled that the other one ‘Sammy move with me sis I’m gonna cum baby’ Mike pleaded, so Sam moved her hips pushing him over the edge ‘oh shit yes yes yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss’ he screamed ‘what a fuck what a fuck’, his cock slipped out of her slippery cunt and was replaced by her mothers mouth.

‘Cant have you all dirty baby’ she said to Sam as she lapped up all of Mikes cum that was leaking from her daughter.

‘Mand, lick my balls while I fuck her………………for fuck sake do it please’ said Sams dad ‘that’s it oh yes yes heaven………..that’s it Mand lovely’. Sams mum was licking from Sams cunt to her arse and then over what she could find of her husbands cock ‘that’s it Mand, jez that feels so fucking good’

Sam was bouncing up and down oh her Dads cock fucking him madly; she wanted nothing more than to make him cum inside her. The feeling of his cock swelling with cum was exciting her more and more and added to that her mothers tongue Sam had never felt so hot.

‘Sammy daddy’s cummin’ he cried ‘holy shit yessssssssssss’ the final thrust ripped into her and he came hard, Sams mums tongue hit her clit and sparked her orgasm making Sam cum into her mothers mouth.

They all lay in a pile, naked and spent the smell of sex everywhere. ‘Do you feel better now Sammy?’ asked dad.

‘Much much’ she replied.

They all rose to shower and continue their day totally forgetting about the problems that had previously occurred.

Sam walked naked to her room when she was grabbed by the hair and a vicious hand went round her neck ‘thought I was joking Sammy? No way your mine now’ she realised too late it was Lucas ‘lets get you out of this house and show you how life’s gonna be!’ and with that he dragged her off. Sam tried to scream but Lucas slammed his fist into her head knocking her unconscious, the next thing Sam knew she was in the back of a truck, naked and tied up and very very scared of what would happen next.

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Mary, Mary

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Author’s note; This story serves as a prequel to the series known as Richie’s Place and documents how one of the resident came to the house.

Mary Delaney sat alone in the silent living room of her Ohio home. The last of the mourners had left and night was approaching. Though she had largely given them up, she watched the smoke drag upward from her cigarette. She stared at the framed photo of her with Bill, her now late husband.

He had been such a perfect provider for her.

Bill was a successful CPA and they had a lovely home in an upscale neighborhood and a small circle of friends they socialized with.

He was such a good provider for her.

Though the culture had begun to change around them, it had largely stayed out of their comfortable existence. Mary volunteered for Bobby Kennedy’s Presidential campaign in 1968 and was excited when told she and her co-workers would meet the Senator on his way to the convention in Chicago that summer. She mourned with the nation when his campaign ended so sadly.

He provided such a good life for her.

How could he have ended it the way he did?

She learned that the massive and fatal heart attack he suffered was not from the stress of tax season, as she’d been told, but from the attentions of his secretary, Debbie.

And now she was alone.

Mary looked out the picture window at the house across the street owned by their friends Ed & Sally Randall. She’d been friends with Sally since High School, her husband Ed was an ex-Marine and equally successful real estate developer and their home featured a grand swimming area that was the scene of many summer parties where the drinks and laughter flowed equally.

She looked around the room, so many mementos of their time together. She decided that it might be best to call it a night, begin the next chapter of her life in the morning.

As she undressed, she glanced in her closet and saw the silky nightgown she often wore. He’d always loved her in it. Bill had been a tender lover, though she wondered if there was more to sex than what she did with him. He loved her body, her large DD tits and always welcoming pussy. So why was their lovemaking confined to him on top of her? She’d heard whispers of self-help books that promised to “spice up” their sex lives but figured why mess with a good thing?

After all, he was such a good provider for her.

She turned off the air conditioner, the evening quiet and cool breeze felt nice on her body. She neatly folded the black dress she’d worn most of the day and hung it up in her closet. Over her shoulder she could see Bill’s closet, the sliding doors were open. His suits neatly hung and organized according to color and style, sharply pressed, neat as a pin. Shoes arranged equally and always shined to a mirror finish.

And behind the shoes a cardboard box, one she’d never noticed before and would have only seen at his office. It was the kind accountants kept ledgers or other important items in. Bill was not one to keep personal things in boxes like this. And when it came to their financial papers, it was scrupulously organized and kept in the file cabinets in his den or the antique banker’s safe he’d been given by a retiring client. Curiosity now got the better of her and she pulled the box out of the closet.

Written on a label were dates; “1-66 through present”

What could that mean?

She removed the box top. Inside were neatly stacked issues of Playboy magazine, in order by dates, starting in January of 1966. Each issue was kept inside a plastic envelope with a white sticker indicating the issue date, Playmate and the subject of that month’s interview. There was even a letter grade for the Playmate. She wasn’t shocked or angry. Looking at the front covers she saw subscriber labels with his name and his office address. She’d always heard about this magazine but never really looked through an issue closely.

Nothing to stop her now, she thought.

Still clad in just her bra and panties, she took a few issues out and took them to the king-size bed she’d shared with Bill. Its sheets felt nice and cool against her body. The TV was on, the sound low in the dim room

She began to read the magazine like she would any other. She soon came upon the centerfold, and she hesitantly opened its folds. She breathed in slightly and wondered if this was what turned Bill on. The woman was beautiful, she knew that. But her tits weren’t as big as hers, and there was no pussy to be found. She had this little hussy beat, that’s for sure.

She had a pussy, alright.

She saw the girl’s name, Diane Chandler, Miss September 1966. OK, not bad, she thought. Dianne had short and cute brown hair. Her tits looked very nice, maybe C cup size. She looked like the college girls she saw around town. Cute ass too from what she could see.

She took out another issue and flipped through that one too. She was intrigued at the variety of girls in the magazine. All different types, it seemed. Some were blondes, bahis firmaları some brunettes, even a few redheads. Just then, she glanced up and saw her reflection in the large mirror over her dresser. A larger, antique one hung on an opposite wall. She thought how it must look, her reading Playboy magazine in just her underwear, looking at pictures of naked women. That just wasn’t done. It was un-ladylike. It was beneath her standing in the community. It was so naughty.

And suddenly she was starting to like it.

Mary got off the bed and took an issue over to the dresser and opened a centerfold. The busty blonde in the centerfold looked a little like that actress Angie Dickinson she’d seen in the Sinatra movie “Oceans 11”. She and Bill loved Sinatra and his buddies, he’d been lucky enough to get tickets through a client to one of his shows when they went to Las Vegas and she felt so glamorous that night.

Oh, the memories.

Mary looked at the centerfold again. She boldly reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. Her big tits were freed and she struck a pose like the centerfold. With her flaming red hair, she felt just as glamorous and exotic. Then wondered what if she went further?

Mary slid her panties down, exposing the red bush between her legs. She now stood naked before the mirror. Those centerfolds never looked like this, naked as the day they were born. She actually liked what she saw and it intrigued her looking at these other girls in the magazine. She’d never thought to look at any of her girlfriends when they were all younger and back in high school. But she knew a few had looked at her, at her growing chest. It was not proper.

Proper? Was it proper what Bill had done to her with his young secretary? What did she have that Mary didn’t?

As the night went on, she lay naked on her bed with the magazines sprawled out around her. What she saw and read continued to intrigue her. The variety of the girls, all so pretty, she wondered what it felt like to be so desired by men just on a photograph alone

What was out there?

Around 2 AM, she finally fell asleep. It was mid-morning when she awoke, still naked on the bed. She reached for her robe, but then thought, why bother? She did her normal morning routine totally naked. It felt so liberating in a way as she sipped her coffee and read the morning paper at her kitchen table, completely naked.

The more she thought about it, the more she knew there was something else out there. Something she’d never fully experienced. And reading those magazines Bill had kept hidden from her only reinforced that belief, but where to start?

A few days later she met with their attorney, an old friend of theirs who informed her that as his wife, she was the sole heir to his estate. Bill’s careful accounting had made her a rich woman. Their house was nearly paid off and there were two cars in the garage, a Cadillac for Bill and a Mustang convertible for her. But she saw no need to gloat, whatever arrangements Bill had made would continue for her. If she wanted to make any changes in her life, she’d be well cared for.

She had to find something new, to move on as it were. She was in no rush, the day was hers. She started off through the city park and went past a group of what seemed like high school boys, probably football players. She could hear some of them talking as she breezed by them.

“Whoa what a body on her.” One said

“Come on, she’s old enough to be your mom!” dismissed another.

“Better looking than Charlie’s mom, that’s for sure.”

It almost sounded like they were ogling her body, it made her smile. She made sure to look over her shoulder at them, like she heard what they’d said, and appreciated it. The look on their faces said it all. Especially one with brown hair wearing a blue jacket with a white racing stripe down the front, he caught her eye more than the others. He didn’t seem like other teenage boys with their Beatle haircuts, nor was he one of those hippie kids she sometimes saw. No, this one looked nice.

Perhaps she’d found what she was looking for. She smiled at the thought.

The routine of suburbia was still a part of her life. And the shopping centers were still part of it. Her food shopping was routine, one of these, a pound of that, a special price on this. She saw some of her friends there, other wives with demanding husbands. Well, maybe not demanding. As she went through the checkout line she chatted with one of them, Barbara from down the street. She was married to their lawyer and had been a big help to her in the time following Bill’s passing. Barbara was a slim brunette who’d once been a beauty queen, how she still had that body Mary didn’t know.

Her purchases rung up she suddenly saw who’d been bagging her groceries, it was the boy from the park who’d caught her eye.

Now, this was interesting, she thought!

“Um…would you like to me to carry your bags to your car, Ma’am?” he shyly asked

She’d been asked that so many times before kaçak iddaa but this was different.

“Oh, yes…that would be fine…” she said as she looked for his nametag before finally seeing his name “…Randy.”

Randy played second base on the baseball team at his high school. The supermarket job gave him extra cash which he hoped to put towards a car, or maybe a motorcycle like his friend Danny had, though he knew his parents would be firmly against it. Now he was in the presence of the lady he and his friends had gawked at that day in the day in the park. His friends were a mix of athletes and car guys, with a few secret stoners mixed in.

As they went out to her car, he wondered if he should dare say something to her, she felt the same way. She’d driven her white Mustang this day and he quickly loaded things into the trunk.

“Thanks, Randy…I’ve seen you before haven’t I?”

“Oh, uh, yeah I-I think I saw you in the park the other day.”

“Yes, that’s it.” She said “you were with some other guys, right?”

“Yes, they’re just uh, guys I hang around with.” He stammered

“From school?”

“Uh-huh…that’s it.”

“How long have you been working here, I don’t seem to recall seeing you before?”

“I just started a couple of weeks ago. It’s just to get some extra cash, you know.”

“I see.” Mary replied as she reached into her purse “Well, consider this some extra cash.”

Mary handed him a ten dollar bill

“I’ll see you around, Randy.” She said as she got into her car

“Uh, yes…” he said then quickly added “Thank you Ma’am!”

Mary slid her sunglasses down

“Oh, please, call me Mary, Mary Delaney.” She said with a sly smile added

“Right, okay.” Randy said with a small wave as she drove away

Mary looked into the rearview mirror at Randy, then gleefully laughed

As the seasons changed, she continued her new life, as it were. She still socialized with their friends like before. She still missed her husband, still wondered what lay ahead for her.

But her weekly shopping trips took on a whole new meaning as she made sure to have Randy handle her bags every time. She looked forward to the chats they had each time, and she loved the effect her little flirtations had on him.

One thing that had changed was a newfound confidence in her body. She suddenly enjoyed being naked in her home. When the sun went down, her clothes came off.

Pretty soon summertime arrived. It had been a long cold winter, and she welcomed the long hot days ahead.

“Mary, I’m not taking no for answer.” Sally said on the phone one hot day “You’re coming over and cooling off in our pool. It’ll be just like old times. Besides, I think you’re due for some fun.”

“OK, Sal, I never could win an argument with you.”

“Great, see you in a while. I’ll leave the front door open for you.

Ed and Sally had done a big renovation of their backyard during the spring and Mary was eager to see the results. Sally was right, she was due for some fun. Those football guys in the park still lingered in her mind, though.

If she could, what would she have done with Randy, the one who gave her the eye, or all of them for that matter? All of them looked good, nice and strong from all that football. She thought about Randy especially. As she got out her swimsuit and undressed, she paused as she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her naked body looked good. Her tits were nice and big, and her pussy inviting to that person lucky enough to see it. What would Randy do? He looked so nice. Mary’s hands began to wander her body as she thought about Randy, what would he think of her body? What would his friends think? Her fingers began to softly touch her pussy, she was wet. She now lay on the bed, her fingers now softly rubbing her pussy, the feelings of pleasure came over her, it had been so long since she felt them. Her finger now dipped inside her pussy and she gasped slightly. It went inside her again, a little deeper this time. She was overcome with passion and pleasure the more she did this, she wanted it. Her breaths came fast and furious. Oh, how she wanted to feel the touch of another man, the way his hands would be on her. All over her body, yes, she was close now, she could feel it coming, that feeling, like a wave of ultimate pleasure, it was here! She cried out loudly in her bedroom as she felt every bit of her orgasm, it felt so good! She could feel the moisture on her fingers. She took one and gave it a lick, she tasted good.

Once she’d regained her composure, she sat up and looked at herself in the mirror. She felt so sexy.

She knew what she wanted now, and by coincidence, Mother Hubbard’s cupboard was a little bare.

But how could she do it? How could she tell a young grocery boy that she desired him? She’d have to plan this out somehow. For now though she was looking forward to an afternoon at her friend’s pool.

She quickly grabbed her one-piece swimsuit and threw it into a tote bag with some suntan kaçak bahis lotion and her sunglasses, she figured Sally wouldn’t mind if she changed over there.

She headed across the street to Sally’s house and knocked on the front door before opening it slightly and calling out her friends’ name.

“Come on in!” Sally yelled from outside

Sally Randall came in from the backyard. Mary was taken aback when she approached and saw her thin pink robe untied and she was naked underneath.

“Uh, did I come at a bad time?” Mary asked hesitantly

“No, not at all!” she replied “just working on an all over tan, you should try it.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that.”

“Come on, no one’s gonna see you. It’s why we put that big wall around the yard, remember?”

“I see, but still…I feel a little funny about…”

“Being naked? Don’t be, you’ll be fine. It’s not like I haven’t seen you naked.”

She was right. Mary and Sally had gone to school together and spent many summers at a nearby lake with their families. Sally’s body was equally beautiful, she had thick blonde hair and her breasts were as big as Mary’s, they were two busty beauties all right. But whereas Mary had been self-conscious about hers, Sally didn’t mind the attention from the boys.

“If you’re still nervous, wear this ’til you feel comfortable” she said as she took off her robe and handed it to Mary “I’ll get us some drinks, iced tea OK?”

“Yes, that’ll be fine” Mary said as Sally walked off naked towards the kitchen

Mary was still uncertain about all this as she stood naked in their bathroom, but a quick glance at herself in the mirror made her think back to just a little while ago, being naked in her bedroom and dreaming about Randy. Maybe she should get used to this. She quickly stripped and boldly walked out into the sunlit backyard carrying the robe, she wouldn’t need it.

“Wow, Mary you look great!” Sally said as she sat up from the chaise lounge she’d been lying on.

“This just feels so weird!” she said nervously as she looked around and then sat down on another lounger “isn’t Ed home about this time? What if he sees me?”

“Aw, don’t worry about it.” Sally said as she handed her a drink “he’s on a business trip and won’t be home ’til later tonight. It feels good the way sun hits you doesn’t it?”

“You’re right about that.”

“I was nervous too my first time. So was Ed when we went out to that resort last summer.”

“What resort was that?”

“The one in Florida, it was a naturist’s resort.”

“A naturist’s resort? What’s that?”

“They’re also called nudists’ colonies.”

“You’re kidding me?” Mary said, shocked “you mean one of those places where…” her voice drifted off. Sally nodded her head.

“You and Ed went to one of those places?”

“Uh-huh. It was, well something I’ll say that.”

“That’s crazy!”

“I thought so too. But after awhile, it was pretty nice.”

“But, my god, Sally! Naked people staring at you, that’s just so strange.”

“Well, lemme tell you what’s not strange, honey” she said “Ed and I had more sex that weekend than anytime since we got married.”

Mary held her hand to her mouth in shock.

“I was so sore when we got home, all that fucking.” She giggled

“Well, of course. There were so many pretty girls there, I’ll bet it drove Ed crazy.”

“Mary, it wasn’t just pretty girls.”


“It was the men there too.”

“Oh, my…” she somehow said

“It was…wonderful.” Sally said with her eyes closed and a look of pleasure on her face

“But…but that just seems like cheating if you ask me.”

“Not if Ed’s there, he felt the same as you. We both went there with an open mind, we still love each other. That’s what’s most important. I think it brought us closer together too.”

Mary was still unsure what to think of this.

“I know how much you loved Bill and all, but don’t shut the door to new experiences, Mary. I think Bill would feel the same way, he’d want you to be happy.”

New experiences, she could relate to that. She’d been eyeing Randy, wondering if she could get together with him somehow. Now her best friend was telling her of a wild time she’d had with her husband.

“Tell me more.” Mary said

“About what?”

“The resort, the men…what did you do?”

Sally smiled

“Oh, everything!” she said with a smile “It was like a big beach party, but we’d sneak off with other couples and…”

“Other couples?”

“Uh-huh, like those parties we went to as teenagers at the lake. We’d have a couple of drinks, talk for a bit and then we might go off into the woods or back to our cabin with them.”

Mary and Sally were both lying face down on the loungers letting the sun warm their skin. Mary was rapt-eyed as Sally continued.

“We swam naked in the pool all the time, we even fucked in the pool one night.”

“What about the other couples?”

“Oh, yes. There was one couple there, I think they were from Georgia, they brought their son with them.”

“What! But that’s illegal isn’t it?”

“No, no, he was old enough. They wanted him to have sex with someone they could trust…and guess what Mary?”

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The Dac Attacks Ch. 05

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So I got my parents to throw Timmy and I a graduation party, inviting all of mom’s bridge club and their spouses to the event. They thought it was peculiar that I only wanted mom’s bridge club there, but with a little Dac persuasion the event came together smoothly. We set the graduation party up for Labor Day weekend, with everyone to arrive around noon for a pool party. It turned out that Mrs. Fergusson and Mrs. Stuart and their husbands couldn’t make it. They’d already planned and weekend trip – together, as it turned out. I admit, I was a little relieved. Both the Fergusson’s and the Stuarts were in their early sixties. I wasn’t sure how Dac would work on post-menopause women, and didn’t want to spoil the big event finding out. I was relieved.

I thought some party games would be fun (the sexier, the better), so I spent Saturday morning, before the party, collecting some props I would need. About noon, the couples started to arrive. Timmy and I had already dosed his mom and my parents, so we had to play host as the guests arrived. Mom, dad, and Mrs. Cleaver were too busy playing touchy-feely games with each other. Finally, I sent them to mom and dad’s room. They were getting a little out of control for untreated guests.

So as the guests arrived, we made sure they were comfortable, and of course, made sure they each had a drink of choice. It took about 40 minutes for everybody to arrive, and 20 more minutes till the Dac was in full effect. We mingled and chatted while the Dac did it’s work. Timmy and I making the rounds, making sure everyone’s drinks were filled (and additional Dac added to refills. When it was clear the Dac was taking effect – (everyone was getting touchy feely), I pulled the coffee table into the center of the living room and then announced our first game.

“Hi everybody,” I said, while standing up on the coffee table. “I’m glad you’re all comfortable. I want to welcome you and announce the first party game. I’m sorry mom and dad weren’t here to greet you but they had something to take care of some stuff at the last minute. They’ll be around a little later.”

“Now, the first event is for the women only.” I said. “I can see that the women are all looking their sexy best, so I want to give each of them a chance to strut their stuff. Each lady will get a chance to strip for us, enticing us with their sexy bodies. The winner will be the one who gets the most whoops and hollers, so guys, get your hands warmed up. AND,” I said. “The winner will get a private lap dance from the person of their own choosing. Now, who wants to go first?”

Surprisingly, it was Mrs. Cooper who stepped forward first. I never thought of her as an extrovert, but she seemed eager. She hopped up on the coffee table. Of course, I’d seen Mrs. Cooper nude before, but I was getting interested in her nude form all over again – well once she was nude, of course. But, she was a really good extrovert and stripper. She made sure we all had a good look at each and every one of her goodies. She had on a blouse and shorts to start with. The blouse came off and she swung it around her head before tossing it into the audience. Then, she bent over with her but sticking out and slowly lowered her shorts over her ass cheeks and down to her ankles, where she stepped out of them. The bra straps came down, and she unclasped the bra from between her breasts. She exposed one breast, with the other covered by the bra, and then the other. Mrs. Cooper is pretty flat, with pancake shaped breasts. Her nipples were like strawberries topping the pancake. But she was good with what she had. She pranced up and down the length of the coffee table, fingers pinching her nipples and pulling her breasts as far away from her body as they would stretch.

“These are my breast exercises. Maybe if I do them enough, my breasts will grow.” she said, laughing along with the crowd.

“Nice pair of flapjacks!”, her husband hollered back.

After some more prancing, she slid her thumbs under the waistband of her panties, pulling them down off each hip one at a time. Inching them down, she exposed her pubes. She left them that way, with the crotch hanging loosely between her legs as she paraded around on the “catwalk”. I could see flashes of her pussy as she pranced by.

She got down on all fours with her ass sticking up while she inched her panties down to mid thigh. Then, she began to play with her pussy, stroking her slit in time to the music. She also spread her ass cheeks occasionally, so we could all get a clear view of her bung hole. She slapped her ass and then stood up. Bowing to the crowd as the song ended. She got a standing ovation.

Mrs. Gilbert came next. “I’m no good at this.” She said, “But here goes.” She said. I started the tape player while Mrs. Gilbert climbed up onto the coffee table. She was wearing a blouse and a short skirt. I’d guess her age to be somewhere in her late thirties or early forties. She had short cropped brown hair cut in a pixie style.

“Take it off!” I heard Timmy yell. I bahis firmaları looked over and saw him busy cuddling and petting Mrs. Struthers, in dad’s easy chair. He had his hand down the front of Mrs. Struthers pants while they swapped spit. Mrs. Rutheford had a rolly polly body, but she is gregarious and outgoing. I guess Timmy, being somewhat introverted, was attracted to her more aggressive outgoing nature.

And Mrs. Gilbert had definitely taken it off. All of it. She really wasn’t much of a show-woman, I guess. That’s OK. It gave us all a chance to check out her mature body. Mrs. Gilbert stands about five foot five. Her breasts hang down like long zuccini’s, but she has the puffiest pink nipples and areola I’ve ever seen. She has the “mommy pooch” hanging around her abdomen, and her hips have spread. Her bush matched the hair on the top of her head.

She walked up and down the length of the coffee table, occasionally posing, till the song ended. We all clapped, but it was more for encouragement than for her giving us all a good show. I stopped the tape as she stepped off the coffee table.

Mrs. Fields came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. “Huh?”, I asked.

“I um. I um am on my period.” she said. I could see her face turning red. “I don’t think I can do that.”

“No worries Mrs. Fields.” I said conspiratorially. “I’ve got some other ideas that will get you involved later. Just chill for now. No need for you to strip if you don’t feel comfortable.” Actually, I was thinking of Mrs. Gilbert’s performance, knowing that Mrs. Fields probably wouldn’t even do as good as she had, nothing stimulating and I wanted stimulating.

Well, with mom and Mrs. Cleaver busy with dad, and Mrs. Struthers occupied with Timmy, that left Mrs. Ramon. Mrs. Ramon and her family are the “token” Mexicans in our little hicksville town. I don’t mean that in any derogatory fashion, but Hicksville is pretty much vanilla white. I think there might be a black family who live down by the river, but you never saw them. I never even knew if their two kids went to school. Maybe they bussed them somewhere else, I dunno.

Anyway, if Mrs. Ramon is any example of Mexican female flesh, then I’m all for importing a lot more of ’em. The biggest thing I liked about Mrs. Ramon that and I hoped was genetically dominant in Mexican bloodlines was her tight looking bubble butt. It wasn’t big because of fat. It was big because of muscle. Her raven hair was absolutely a genetic trait of Mexicans, but I don’t think the long straight hair hanging down to her mid shoulders was. She looked to be about thirty-five.

Anyway, I spotted Mrs. Ramon over in a corner talking to Mr. Gilbert, got her attention, and got her up on center stage. I started up the music. Mrs. Ramon is a short lady – probably five two. She doesn’t have much of a waist I noticed as she removed her pullover shirt, letting her long black hair spill out of the neck of the shirt as she pulled it over her head. It wasn’t that Mrs. Ramon was fat, though. The only body fat I was really paying attention to, was that that bulged out of her bra trying to escape. But she did have a waist, it was just that her ribcage was longer and the space between the last rib and her waist was shorter.

Mrs. Ramon was busy freeing her breasts, allowing them free range. They settled down and quit jiggling once she got the bra removed. They were larger spaghetti squash shaped boobies with quarter sized areola and pencil eraser nipples, all a very dark, almost black, shade of brown. She got her breasts swinging in a circle in time to the music, as she swiveled around on her feet, making sure everyone got a good look.

Then, she slid off her shorts, leaving her in the sexiest panties I’d ever seen. They were crotchless! In the back, they covered nothing. The opaque cloth was buried entirely in her ass crack. I didn’t mind that a bit. The panties, or lack of them, highlighted the delightful bubble cheeks of her ass. What a hot sexpot, I thought.

She strutted her stuff up and down the length of the coffee table as the song neared the last chorus. Then, she grabbed her pants and sat on them. And with the last chords of the music, she spun her body around on the tabletop, spreading her legs apart, so everyone could get a good look at the crotchless part of her panties. We all hooted and hollered. Timmy made like he was going to get up and give her a standing ovation, but Mrs. Struthers grabbed him and kept him planted beside her.

I got Mrs. Ramon to stand back up and then invited Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Gabriel to join her. “OK. I want to hear it loud and clear when I call out your favorite dancer’s name. I introduced our dancers in the exact opposite order I thought they’d finish in. Mrs. Gilbert went first. She bobbled her boobs for the crowd. There was the usual level of applause given to people to show them you appreciated their effort. Next, Mrs. Ramon stepped forward. She did a bump and grind for the crowd, accentuating her bubble butt with jiggles in time kaçak iddaa to the clapping while she slowly ground herself around in a circle. Finally, Mrs. Cooper stepped forward. Everyone was on their feet clapping. Boobs or no boobs, Mrs. Cooper was our star stripper.

“Congratulations Mrs. Cooper.” I said. “Now, you get to chose who you want a lap dance from. Man or woman, it’s your choice.” Mrs. Cooper whispered in my ear.

“Folks,” I said “Mrs. Cooper would like all the menfolk to disrobe. She says fair is fair. She wants to see what you gentlemen have to offer.”

While the men were stripping (no, not to music), I got Timmy pried loose from Mrs. Struthers’ grasp, and asked him to go get our moms and dad. I thought it was also only fair that Mrs. Cooper had the full complement of men to chose from. Fortunately, I thought, dad’s already nude, so we won’t have to wait for him to strip.

I got the men all lined up along one wall in the living room, in front of the couch, which I offered to Mrs. Cooper.

“What about you?” she asked, raising an eyebrow and looking down at my crotch.

“No, no, no.” I said “I’m the announcer.”

But she wouldn’t hear of it, and got everyone else yelling strip, strip, strip.

“OK, ok, ok.” I laughed. But then I turned to Mrs. Cooper, and spoke quietly, so the others wouldn’t hear. “Alright Mrs. Cooper. If you chose me, I’ll give you a lap dance you can write home about, but I want something in return.” Her eyebrows raised questioningly. “I enjoyed the show you and your family put on for me last week, an frankly, I’m feeling very jealous of Jim.” Jim is Mrs. Cooper’s son. A couple years older than me, a friend of mine from explorer scouts, he’d been the first male I’d tried Dac out on. As a consequence, he and his dad, had double fucked Mrs. Cooper – husband in pussy, son in ass.

“Hmmm. Get undressed and maybe we’ll see.” she said, already beginning to inspect the candidates lined up before her. I got out of my clothes quickly. I was sporting a pretty good woody already, just thinking about fucking Mrs. Cooper in the ass.

Mrs. Cooper finally got around to me, smiling at my erect member. She grabbed it and handled it like she was weighing it.

“Regardless of who I choose” she said “I do hope you have some more of that lotion you gave me last time. I’ve never cum so hard or so often till you gave me that stuff. And actually, in fairness, I should tell you that you’re not my first choice. Check out Mr. Gilbert’s package over there.” she indicated the direction by pointing her chin.

Mr. Gilbert was at the far end of the line. His prick was already ginormous and it wasn’t even erect yet. His flaccid member was easily as long as mine was when mine WAS fully erect. And, I could see he had at least a three inch circumference if not four. He was the kind of guy that make other guys feel inadequate.

“No worries, Mrs. Cooper.” I said, “I’ll go get some lotion. You go grab Mr. Gilbert.”

“Oh no.” She shuddered. “There’s no way I want that monster up my ass. I mean for you, for later. You can fuck my ass later, if you bring some of that special lotion along with you.”

“Well all right then. You go have fun with Mr. Gilbert for a while. I’ll be waiting later for you, with open arms.” I said, smiling devilishly. “And with lotion in hand.” And with that, I went and sat down on the couch next to Mrs. Gilbert. I wanted to see how she was going to handle her old man with Mrs. Cooper.

Mrs. Cooper grabbed Mr. Gilbert and led him over to the chair, I’d put in the center of the living room floor, replacing the coffee table. To tell you the truth, I didn’t care for Mr. Gilbert’s lap dance. Since he was already nude, it consisted of him dancing around and either putting his dick or his ass in Mrs. Cooper’s face. But, I think she got what she wanted, because by the end of the song, Mr. Cooper had his nine inches (at least) firmly entrenched in Mrs. Cooper’s pussy. Mrs. Cooper had got out of the chair, leaning over it’s back, making it easy for Mr. Gilbert to access her wonton passage. I ignored it, focusing on Mrs. Gilbert’s boobs and pussy. I was licking her nipples and playing with her pussy, through Mr. Gilbert’s full performance.

“So what do you think?” I asked Mrs. Gilbert.

“About what?” She asked.

“About your husband fucking Mrs. Cooper.” I said. “Not every wife would be understanding.”

“We… Have an arrangement.” Mrs. Gilbert said, “Carl can do what he wants and I can do what I want.”

“Oh? And what is it you want?” I asked.

“Welllllllllllll.” She said, drawing it out. “Right now, what I want is to suck your cock. Are you OK with that?”, she asked.

“OK? No, I’d say I am more than OK with that. How do you want me? Where do you want me?” I queried.

She just pushed me back to a corner of the couch where I lay back with my head on the arm rest, and then continued down my body, trailing saliva as she licked her way to my throbbing hard-on. I relaxed back into the cushions, kaçak bahis and watched Mr. Gilbert’s monster cock slide in and out of Mrs. Cooper, while his wife’s pretty mouth worked my member.

I started getting worked up. Pretty soon, I was pushing and pulling my dick into and out of Mrs. Gilberts willing mouth. With each stroke I dove a little deeper into Mrs. Gilbert’s throat, The feeling of Mrs. Gilbert’s throat constricting the head of my dick as it pushed it’s way into Mrs. Gilbert’s smaller esophagus (smaller than my dick, anyway), was heavenly, but too intense for me to last long. So, I pumped Mrs. Gilbert’s mouth, building up my cum momentum, and when I felt my balls boil, I slammed my dick home to the roots, holding her head there, while I emptied my balls, almost directly into her stomach.

“That was fantastic!” I said. “Can I reciprocate?”

“I’m not sure.” Mrs. Gilbert replied. “It looks like Carl’s just about finished. Did you have any more games you want us to play? Maybe one where I can get Mr. Cooper to fuck me? I’ve had the hots for him for quite some time.”

“Well, mom and dad’s room is vacant, I said. If you want privacy, why don’t you grab Mr. Cooper by the dick and take him there. Or, I can give up my spot on the couch, and you can fuck him here if you want.” I told her. “I did have the idea of playing some baseball out in the back yard, though.”

“Baseball?” She queried.

“A version of it, anyway. Nerffball, anyway.” I amended, I’ve got some rule changes that are going to make things pretty sexually challenging. Why don’t you come out with us and give it a try. If you don’t like it, you and Mr. Cooper can go play with each other. Otherwise, stay and play with all of us.” I kissed her on the head as I got up. Mr. Gilbert had pulled out of Mrs. Coopers’ sopping cunt, trailing ooze, as he left her gaping pussy.

“Folks,” I said, raising my voice, “If you’d like to play another game, follow me out to the back yard. Mrs. Cooper and Mr. Gilbert, if you’d like to clean up, there’s a bathroom down the hall and also one in my mom and dad’s room.”

I led a group out to the back yard, where I’d set up four yoga workout pads set up on the grass in the shape of a diamond. There was a nerff ball sitting in the middle of the diamond.

“OK. The game is nerff ball, but a different set of rules than you’d use for baseball or kickball.” I picked up a single die lying on ‘home plate’. “When you’re at bat, you roll the dice. If it’s a one or a six, it’s a ball. If it’s a two or a five, it’s a strike. If it’s a three, it’s a single nd if it’s a four, it’s a double. No home runs, sorry. The pitcher who’s also the only fielder stands behind home plate. If the batter gets a hit, he or she has to run out to the pitcher’s mound where the nurff ball is, and grab it and throw the ball at, or touch the batter. You can go and retrieve the ball and try again, if you miss. Now, about the bases. Men, if you’re in the field, you will have three people each on one of the three bases, laying down on your back. A hard on is recommended. If the woman batter gets to your base, she will only be safe if her pussy is around your cock. Women, when you’re in the field, you have to be on the mat with your ass in the air, so the male batter has open access to your pussy. Now, the biggest rule is, no cumming. Penalty points are awarded to the opposing team if you cum, and substitutions are only allowed between innings. Mrs. Fields has volunteered to be our umpire. She’ll be responsible for declaring a ‘cum penalty’. And, she’s responsible for cleaning up any mess created by the cummer. So, everybody decide which four you want to start with when fielding, and your batting order when you’re batting. We’ll flip a coin, if anyone can find one,” I laughed, looking at all the nude bodies around me, “to decide who’s at bat first. Oh, and one more thing, the men get a five minute period when they reach the field to ‘warm up’, meaning get their dicks hard. Mrs. fields, you can help with that, too.

I was amazed at how quickly everyone got into the groove of my newly defined nerff ball rules, though I did have to ‘help’ the ladies get positioned correctly on their mats. And I didn’t pass up on the chance to give them a good goose up the pussy while ‘helping’ them.

The game progressed smoothly enough to start with. It was lot’s of fun watching boobies bobb and dicks dangle as folks ran the bases. The gals got off to a two to one lead for three innings, and then stretched it to four in the fifth, and that’s when the men started cheating. Two would grab one woman, one fucking her while the other licked her clit, trying to get her to cum, so they could at least get a penalty point. Well, this didn’t sit well with the women, so they emptied their bench. Which, in turn, emptied the men’s bench. Ultimately, it all ended up in one big orgy. I went and found Mrs. Gilbert and finished what we’d started earlier.

This pre-empted any further game play, there was no way Mrs. Fields could get anyone back to their bench, so she just joined in, offering blow jobs to anyone wishing one. At the end, we ended up in the pool cleaning off. Then, dad got out of the pool and stood on the diving board above us all.

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