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Lüks Villada Seks (6) ALINTI..

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Lüks Villada Seks (6) ALINTI..
Lüks Villada Seks! (6) (Tahsin 38 Y., Samsun)

Hanife kıkır kıkır güldü önce. “Şey, adam biraz manyak galiba. Diyor ya benim deli raporum var diye, doğru söylüyor herhalde. Benden götünü yalamamı istedi!” dediğinde, “Ne?” dedim tepkiyle. Meliha Hanım götümü yalamak istemiş ama izin vermemiştim. Kocasının götünü yaladığını ve çok hoşuna gittiğini söylediğinde yalan söylemediği Hanife’nin sözleriyle tescillenmişti.

Hanife, “Valla. Kabul etmedim tabii, Ben yapmam öyle şey, iğrenirim! dedim. İyi, tamam! dedi, çok üstünde durmadı… Sonra benden mutfağa inip bal getirmemi istedi. Niye? diye sordum, Sen getir, karışma! dedi. Ben de gidip küçük kavanozdaki balı aldım. Onu alıp sikine döktü sonra da yalamamı istedi. Ben de ballı sikini yaladım. Aferin, çok güzel yapıyorsun! dedi bana. Sonra da kendisi amıma bal döküp yaladı uzun uzun. Valla ne bileyim, bu zamana kadar biz niye öyle bir şey yapmamışız diye düşündüm. Bayağı hoşuma gitti çünkü. Sonra da götüme, memelerime döktü balı. Memelerimi, götümü yalayıp durdu epeyce. Yatakta bir posta sikti önce, pek bir şey anlamadım. İki sokup çıkardı geldi hemen…”

“Sonra, Koridorda yapalım, sana para veririm! deyince kabul ettim. Çekmeceyi açtı. İçinden bir şey çıkardı. Baktım, aynı erkek sikine benziyor ama bir tek taşağı eksik. Kafası, gövdesi her bir şeyi aynı. Plastikten erkek siki yapmışlar resmen. Bana, Kocanla götten yaptınız mı hiç? diye sordu, ben de, Yaptık! dedim. İyi o zaman, bunu götüne sokucam! dedi… Koridora çıktık, kafamı soktum demirlerin arasına, domaldım. O da plastik siki götüme soktu. Senin sikin kadar vardı boyu ama inceydi, aldım hepsini götüme, işin ucunda 500 lira vardı sonuçta. Onu götüme sokunca amımdan da kendisi girdi. Önce korktum ama sonra iki siki birden yemenin tadını aldım. Sen dedin ya çok inliyordun diye onun içindi yani. Önden boşaldığı için ikinci defa gelmesi epey uzun sürdü. Gelince de götüme soktuğu siki çıkardı…” diyen Hanife sözlerini bitirirken aynı şekilde gülüyordu.

“Zevk aldın mı yani?” dediğimde başını sallayıp, “Aldım!” dedi. Sonra da, “Kızdın mı?” diye sordu. “Yok, niye kızayım, sikilmiş amın davası olmaz, kızsam da anlamı yok artık!” dedim. Başını yeniden göğsüme koyup sıkıca bastırdı, sarıldı. “Kıskandın mı peki?” diye sordu bu sefer. Oflayıp pufladıktan sonra, “Ya Hanife kıskansam ne olacak, kıskanmasam ne olacak?” dedim tepki göstererek. Oyuncağı elinden alınmış bir çocuk gibi dudaklarını büzdü. “Sen ne yaptın diye sormak istemiyorum. Çünkü ben seni kıskanıyorum sen beni kıskanmasan da!” dedi. “İyi, tamam sorma o zaman!” dedim. Alnından ve yanaklarından öptüm, sessizce sarılı halde kaldık bir zaman.

Yağmur hızlanmıştı, salonun büyük sürgülü penceresine şiddetle vuruyordu damlalar. Baktığımda Hanife’nin gözlerini kapattığını, içinin geçtiğini gördüm. Dürtünce uyandı. “Benim uykum geldi, gidip yatıcam!” dedikten sonra da mutfağın ışığını söndürüp yukarı çıktı. Bahçeye açılan kapıyı açtım, yağmurun sesi eşliğinde bir sigara içtim. Saat 21:00 olmuştu. Daha erken bir saat olmasına rağmen benim de uykum geldi.

Yukarı çıkarken Meliha Hanımların kapısına kulağımı dayadım. Ses seda yoktu hiç, yatmışlardı anlaşılan. Hanife yıkanmadan yatağa girmiş horlamaya başlamıştı bile. Üstünde sadece pamuklu beyaz külotu vardı. Dolgun götünü okşarken uyanır gibi oldu. Sikilirken öyle inlemesinin sebebi aynı anda iki yarak yemesiydi demek ki. Götündeki plastik yarağı görememiştim baktığımda. Dediği gibi dibine kadar almıştı anlaşılan, götünde kaybolmuştu plastik yarak. Amından da Numan Bey girince Hanife’nin aldığı zevk katlanmıştı. Numan Bey Meliha Hanımı da o şekilde sikiyordu demek ki. Götünden plastik yarağı sokuyor, amından da kendi yarağını köklüyordu. Ya da tersi oluyordu. Garip şeylerin döndüğü bir evdi burası. Bunları düşüne düşüne uykuya daldığımda saat gece yarısı olmuştu…

Sabah erkenden kalktığımda Hanife yoktu yanımda. Benden önce kalkmış, yıkanmış ve kahvaltıyı hazırlamıştı. Birlikte kahvaltı yaptıktan sonra bahçeye çıktım. Akşamki yağmur toprağı yumuşatmıştı. Çalışırken ayakkabılarım ve ellerim çamura bulandı. Öğleye doğru, “Kolay gelsin!” diyen Meliha Hanımın sesiyle irkildim. Giydiği önü fermuarlı uzun kahverengi pardesünün eteklerini çamur olmasın diye kaldırmıştı. Başını da aynı renkte büyük bir türbanla bağlamıştı. İşle ilgili havadan sudan birkaç soru sordu. Ama geliş sebebinin başka olduğunu anlamıştım. Sonunda, “Numan Bey seninle konuşmak istiyor!” dedi. “Ne konuşacakmış?” diye sorduğumda, “Bilmiyorum, kendin gidip sor!” diye yanıtladı sorumu.

Ben eve doğru giderken kendisi yerdeki birkaç küçük çiçekle ilgilendi. Eve girmeden ayakkabılarımı çıkardım, alt kattaki banyoda elimi yüzümü yıkarken Hanife gelip, “Ne oldu?” diye sordu. “Bilmiyorum, Numan Bey benimle konuşacakmış!” dedim ve Hanife’nin meraklı bakışlarını arkamda bırakıp üst kata çıktım. Dünden beri görmemiştim kendisini, ne konuşacağını merak ediyordum.

Kapıya tıkladım birkaç kez, içerden, “Gel!” sesi gelince de girdim. Numan Bey pencerenin önündeki tekli koltukta oturmuş kitap okuyordu. Okuma gözlükleri gözündeydi. Bana bakıp, “Gel, geç otur!” diyerek karşısına oturmamı istedi. Dün oturduğumuz koltuklardaydık yine ama Meliha Hanım odada yoktu bu kez. Elinde tuttuğu kalın kitabı sehpanın üstüne koyup geriye yaslandı, bacak bacak üstüne attı. Bir süre önünde kavuşturduğu ellerinin başparmaklarını çevirip durdu. Gözleri zaman zaman üzerimde geziniyor, bazen de önümüzdeki pencereden bahçeye dönüyordu. Yan gözle bakınca Meliha Hanımı gördüm, yerdeki çiçeklerle ilgilenmeye devam ediyordu.

“Memnun kaldın mı?” diye sordu ben Meliha Hanıma bakarken. Kaşlarımı kaldırdım istemsizce, ani sorusu karşısında afalladım bir an. “Meliha’dan memnun kaldın mı?” diye sordu bu sefer. Ne diyeceğimi bilemedim önce, Numan Beyin meraklı ve sorgulayıcı bakışları üzerimdeydi. Benden bir cevap bekliyordu. Sonunda, “Evet!” dedim korka korka. Başını koltuğun sırtına atıp gözlerini kapadı. Birkaç saniye o şekilde kaldıktan sonra, “Güzel, memnun kaldığına sevindim. Meliha da senden memnun kalmış, iyiymişsin!” dedi gülümseyerek. Ancak içten değil tiksindirici bir hali vardı gülerken.

Kısa bir süre sessiz kaldıktan sonra, “Bu geceyi onunla geçirmek ister misin?” diye sordu. Adamın normal olmadığı ortadaydı, böyle konuşmasına da şaşırmadım. Meraklı bakışları üzerimdeydi yine, cevap bekliyordu. “İsterim!” dediğimde, “Güzel, ama tabii karının da benimle geceyi geçirmesi gerektiğini söylememe gerek yok herhalde?” dedi uzanıp dizime vurarak. İşin bu noktaya geleceği belliydi, zaten yaşananlardan sonra (Yok, olmaz!) diyecek durumumuz yoktu. “Olur, tabii!” dediğimde, “Aferin!” dedi yeniden dizime vurduktan sonra. Bir şey diyecek diye bekledim. Ama konuşmak yerine eliyle çıkmamı isteyen bir hareket yapınca çıktım.

Hanife merdivenlerin başındaydı. Merak ve heyecanla, “Ne oldu, ne dedi sana?” diye sordu elime yapışıp. Heyecandan sutyensiz memeleri gömleğinin altında oynuyordu. Sutyen takmamaya alışmıştı iyice. “Gel şöyle!” diyerek bahçe kapısının oraya götürdüm. Meliha Hanım uzak bir noktadaydı, yine de fısıltıyla, “Bu gece sen Numan Beyle yatacaksın, ben de karısıyla!” dediğimde Hanife bir elini ağzına götürüp, “Tövbe tövbe, o nasıl iş?” dedi. “Ulan geri zekalı, iş bu noktaya gelmiş kalkıp olmaz demenin gereği var mı?” dediğimde, “Yok, ben onun için demedim, ne bileyim adam karısını hiç kıskanmıyor ya, ona şaşırdım!” dedi. “Bırak şaşırmayı falan, nasıl olacaksa olacak. Bir işe girdik artık, nereye kadar gidecek bilmiyorum, Allah sonumuzu hayır etsin!” dediğimde, “Amin!” dedi ellerini açarak.

Hanife’yi mutfakta bırakıp bahçeye döndüm. Meliha Hanım genç bir kız edasıyla bahçede dolanıp çiçeklerle böceklerle ilgileniyordu yine. Beni görünce yanına gidene kadar süzdü beni. Birkaç adım kalmışken, “Ne oldu, ne dedi sana?” diye sordu. Ama gerçekte konunun ne olduğunu biliyor gibiydi. Anlattığımda hiç şaşırmamış gibi, “Biliyordum!” dedi.

Benim ne cevap verdiğimi sordu daha sonra. “Kabul ettim!” dediğimde, “Karını kıskanmıyor musun?” diye sordu gözlerini kocaman açıp. “Bu noktadan sonra kıskanmanın ne anlamı var ki?” dediğimde, “Haklısın!” dedi gülümseyerek. Önüme gelip elimi tuttu. Diğer eliyle pardesüyü tutmaya devam ediyordu. Babet ayakkabılarının altı çamur olmuştu.

“Ayakkabıların kirlenmiş!” dediğimde, “Önemli değil, boş ver!” dedi. Sonra da uzanıp sol yanağıma bir öpücük kondurdu. “Şey, Numan Bey görebilir, yapmasan daha iyi bence!” dediğimde güldü. “Bu saatten sonra görse ne olacak ki… Hem sen merak etme, görse de bir şey demez o, ruhunu bilirim onun!” dedi ve bu sefer de diğer yanağımdan öptü. Meliha Hanım niyeti bozmuştu anlaşılan gündüz vakti. Elimi bırakıp, “Ben deponun oraya gidiyorum, sen de gel!” diyerek o tarafa yürümeye başladı. Kadın azmış mıydı, yoksa bir oyun mu çeviriyordu anlayamadım.

Eve baktım, Hanife görünmüyordu. Arka tarafa geçtim. Meliha Hanım deponun önünde durmuş elinde papatya tutuyordu. Geldiğimi görünce sesini yükselterek, “Seviyor sevmiyor, seviyor sevmiyor…” diye diye yaprakları koparmaya başladı. Sonunda, “Seviyor!” dedi elindeki minik beyaz yaprağı bana göstererek. Çocukça bir neşe yayıldı yüzüne. Hemen ardından da sıkıca sarıldı. Yumuşak, desenli türbanı yanaklarımı okşuyor, dolgun memeleri göğsüme baskı yapıyordu. Çekingenliğimi atıp ben de sarıldım. Yanaklarımı birkaç kez öptü ıslak ıslak.

Ardından da elimden tutup deponun arkasında kalan kuytu yere çekti beni. Esk**en kalan üçgen çatılı büyükçe bir köpek kulübesi vardı orada. Bahçenin yüksek beton duvarları hemen yanımızda yükseliyordu. Villanın banyo ve tuvalet pencereleri bakıyordu durduğumuz yere. Ne komşuların ne de villadakilerin bizi görmesi mümkün değildi. Meliha Hanım kulübenin yanında duran eski plastik kovayı alıp ters çevirdi, alt kısmı çimlerin üstüne geldiğinden temiz kalmıştı. Kovanın üstüne oturdu, elimden tutup önüne çekti beni. Ardından da kot pantolonumun kemerini ve düğmesini açıp fermuarını indirdi. Pantolon ayaklarıma düşerken elini külotumun içine soktu.

Yarağım sıcak eliyle temas eder etmez titredi, Meliha Hanım ise gülüyordu beyaz dişlerini göstererek. Yarağımı çıkardı dışarı, külotumun lastikleri taşaklarımın altına kayarken emmeye başladı yarağımı. Sağ eliyle tutuyordu sıkıca. Gözlerini kapatmıştı, hızlı hızlı acelesi varmış gibi yapıyordu. Sanki zevk almak için değil de aç bir bebeğin annesinin memesine yapışması gibiydi hareketleri. Ama gene de zevk alıyordum doğal olarak. Yarağım gittikçe sertleşip kalkarken ara sıra gözlerini açıp bakıyordu. Ellerimle başını, yanaklarını okşamaya başladım. Parlak ve yumuşak türbanı üstünde ellerim kayıyordu. Beyaz yanakları da yumuşacıktı.

Yarağım son noktasına gelmişti artık. Meliha Hanım köküne kadar alıyordu ağzına. Dilinin dokunuşları, emmeleri derken ara ara keskin dişlerini hissediyordum. Hatta birkaç sefer yarağımın kafasını acıtmadan ısırdığında zevk bile aldım. Taşaklarımı da emiyordu bu arada. Kökünden kafasına kadar diliyle yaladı birkaç sefer. Amına girmek, onu sikmek için yanıp tutuşmaya başladım. İş bu aşamaya geldikten sonra geceyi bekleyecek takatim kalmamıştı.

Derken çalan bir telefonla bu zevk dolu anlarımız kesintiye uğradı. Meliha Hanım, “Bir dakika!” diyerek işaret parmağını kaldırdı. Ardından da ayağa kalkıp pardesünün cebindeki telefonunu çıkardı. Arayan Numan Beydi. Telefonu açtı, açık kahverengi gözlerini açmış bana bakıyor bir yandan da kocasıyla konuşuyordu. “Arkadayım, Tahsin yanımda…” dedikten sonra, “Hı hı, evet, öyle, yok, hı hı, tamam, dediğin gibi, evet, şimdi mi, tamam…” dedikten sonra kapattı.

“Ne konuştunuz?” diye sordum. Ancak cevap alamadan telefon yeniden çalmaya başladı. Numan Bey arıyordu yine, ama bu kez görüntülü bir aramaydı bu. Meliha Hanım bana bakıp, “Şey, Numan Bey bizi izlemek istediğini söyledi!” dedi gülümseyerek. “Ne, nasıl yani?” dedim şaşırarak. “Hadi, boş ver şimdi soru sormayı, al şunu!” diyerek telefonu uzattı. Görüntülü aramayı açmamı söyledi.

Dediğini yapınca birden Numan Bey telefon ekranını kapladı. Adamın yüzünde garip bir gülümseme vardı yine. “Tahsin telefonu Meliha Hanıma çevir!” dediğinde yaşadığım olayın garipliğinin verdiği heyecanla yapamadım, ama Meliha Hanım imdadıma yetişip telefonu elimden aldı. “Bak şöyle tut!” dedikten sonra geri verdi. Ben telefonu tutarken kendisi yeniden kovanın üstüne oturdu ve yarağımı aldı ağzına. Sol elimle yandan tutuyordum telefonu. Heyecandan bakamıyordum ekrana.

Meliha Hanım öncekinden daha yoğun bir saksoya başlamıştı şimdi. Kendini kocasına ispatlamaya çalışıyordu sanki. Telefon tutan sol elim hem yaşadığım heyecan hem de aldığım zevkle titriyordu, ama gene de sabit tutmaya çalışıyordum. Meliha Hanımın gözleri zaman zaman telefon ekranına kayıyordu. Hatta bir ara telefonu biraz daha kendisini yukarıdan görecek şekilde tutmamı istedi. Telefonun ön kamerası canlı sakso şovumuzu çekerken Numan Bey’den ses seda gelmiyordu. Kendi ekranının karşısında durmuş karısının hünerlerini izliyordu.

Meliha Hanım ellerini kalçalarıma ardından da götüme attı. Dün götümü yalayamamıştı ama şimdi göt yanaklarımı sıkıyor, yoğuruyor ve küçük tokatlar atıyordu. Kocasının ekranın başında zevk alması için elinden geleni yapmaya çalışıyor gibiydi. Ya da ne yapması gerektiğini kocası söylemiş o da söylenenleri yapıyordu. Meliha Hanımın yarağımı emmeleri, ısırmaları, yalamaları eşliğinde boşalmaya yaklaşmıştım artık. Heyecanla, “Boşalmak üzereyim!” dediğimde Meliha Hanım yarağımı çıkardı ağzından ve “Ağzıma boşalmanı istiyorum!” dedi. Hemen ardından da emmeye ve yalamaya kaldığı yerden devam etti.

O ana kadar sessiz duran Numan Beyin güçlü sesi geldi bu sırada telefondan. “Tahsin Meliha’nın ağzına boşalmanda sıkıntı yok!” dediğinde sanki komutanının emrini almış asker gibi, “Tamam!” dedim. Numan Bey ikinci bir emir daha verdi ve “Tahsin Meliha’nın ensesine bastır, köküne kadar sok sikini!” dedi. Yarağımın kafasından boşalma öncesi zevk sıvıları akmaya başlamıştı artık. Meliha Hanımın ağzı kendi tükürüğü ile birleşen zevk sıvılarım nedeniyle dolmuştu.

Sol elimle telefonu tutarken sağ elimi ensesine attım. Meliha Hanım yarağımı boğazına kadar alıyordu şimdi. Gözlerinde hafif kızarıklıklar oluşmaya ve nemlenmeye başladı. Kendini biraz geriye atmaya, kurtarmaya çalışıyor gibiydi. Şişen, sertleşip kalkan yarağım ağzını doldurmuştu, nefes almakta zorlanıyordu. Genişleyip şişen burun kanatları açılıp kapanıyordu durmadan. Tükürüğü pembe dudaklarından beyaz yuvarlak çenesine, oradan türbanın uçlarına ve pardesüsüne akıyordu minik bir dere gibi.

“Ommm, ammm, ımmm!” sesleri eşliğinde gözlerindeki kızarıklık ve nem artıyordu. Yarağımın kafası ağzının en derinlerindeydi, sanki bademciklerine sürtüyordu kafası. Saniyeler sonunda onu bu ıstıraptan kurtaracak şey gerçekleşti ve boşalmaya başladım. Sıcak döllerim ağzına akarken gözlerimi kapatmıştım. Her yanım titriyordu. Sol elimle telefonu tutuyor, sağ elimle ensesine bastırmaya devam ediyordum. Ağzını sikiyormuşum gibi belimi oynatıp yarağımı sokup çıkarır şekilde hareketler yapıyordum istemsizce.

Meliha Hanımın elleri kalçalarımda, götümde gezinmeye devam ediyordu yine. Boğuk sesleri artmıştı, “Ommm, ammm, ummm!” sesleri ağzını dolduran vıcık vıcık döllerimle daha değişik şekilde çıkıyordu. Gözlerimi açtığımda gördüğüm manzara çok ilginçti. Meliha Hanımın gözlerinden minik yaşlar süzülüyordu. Döllerim ağzından taşmış ve çenesine akmıştı. Elimi ensesinden çektim. O an kendini geri çekti ve tıkanır gibi oldu. Birkaç kez öksürürken ağzından saçılan döllerim ıslak toprağa fırladı. Kalanları ise ağzına ve çenesine sümük gibi yapışmış, çenesinden sarkıyordu.

O sıra Numan Bey, “Tahsin kaldır telefonu, Meliha’yı göster!” diyene kadar telefonu yere doğru tuttuğumu fark etmemiştim. Aldığım emri yerine getirip hemen kaldırdım ve Meliha Hanımı çekmeye başladım. Meliha Hanım telefondaki kocasına gülümserken gözlerinden akan yaşları sildi. Sonra da ağzına bulaşan, çenesine akan döllerimi parmaklarıyla temizleyip attı ağzına. Uzun, pembe dilini çıkarıp dudaklarını yaladı. Kocasının görmek istediği şeylerdi bunlar anlaşılan. Numan Bey, “Tahsin!” dediğinde ekranı yüzüme tuttum. Yüzündeki gülümseme eşliğinde, “Teşekkür ederim!” dedi ve ardından da görüşmeyi sonlandırdı.

Meliha Hanım ise döllerimi yutmakla meşguldü. Ağız dolusu döllerimi limonata gibi içmişti. Ayağa kalktı, elimdeki telefonu alıp pardesünün cebine koydu yeniden. Döllerim ve ağzından akan sıvılarla yapış yapış olmuş yarağımı külotumun içine sokup pantolonumu giyindim. Cebimdeki eski ama temiz bezi çıkarıp uzattım. Onunla ağzını ve çenesini sildi.

Meliha Hanıma, “Kusura bakma, Numan Bey ensesine bastır deyince…” derken araya girip, “Yok, önemli değil, özür dilemene gerek yok. Benim çok hoşuma gitti, ben de teşekkür ederim!” dedi. Bezle pardesünün göğüs kısmına bulaşan döllerimi sildikten sonra üstünü ve başındaki türbanını düzeltti. “Oldu mu?” diye sorunca, “Oldu, güzel oldun!” dedim. Yanağıma ıslak bir öpücük kondurup, “Görüşürüz!” diyerek hızlı adımlarla gitti.

O gidince yanağımı sildiğim elime iğrenerek baktım. Döllerimi akıttığım ağzıyla beni öpmüştü.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Karım beni masör ile cezalandırdı

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
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Karım beni masör ile cezalandırdı

Ben Okan Karimin size anlatacağım şeylerin başıma gelmesinde en büyük neden karıma duyduğum hayranlıktır belki de karım gerçekten çok bakımlı ve alımlı biri aynı zamanda gerçekten sex yapmayı seven biri bunu söylememdeki neden genelde Türk kadınları sexi sadece olsun bitsin mantığı ile yapıyorlar bence. Çok yakın bir arkadaşım bir gün eşiyle uzun bir tatile gidecekti ve evinin anahtarını bana verdi bundaki amaç çok açık beliydi eve birilerini atmak bende bu fırsatı değerlendirdim ve şirketimdeki sekreteri eve atmaya başladım bir gün yine sekreterimle arkadaşın evinde fantezi yaparken odanın kapısı açıldı ve karım içeri girdi. Meğer arkadaşım eşi ile karımın eşi de arkadaş olduğundan arkadaşın eşi de karıma anahtar veriyor ve oda evi kontrol etmeye geliyor bir sorun var mı faturalar v.s. tabi gelince faturanın büyüğü de bana çıktı. Karım bizi görünce sesini çıkarmadı arkasını döndü ve çıktı tabi ben de kendime geldikten sonra evin yolunu tutum ama nasıl bu durumu aşabileceğimi düşünüyordum bir yandan da aklıma muzurluk lar geliyordu ne olurdu bizim hatunda bize katılsaydı falan gibi? eve gittiğimde eşimi valizini toplarken buldum konuşmak istediğimi söyledim gayet olgun konuşalım dedi sadece basit bir şey dedim sadece seni seviyorum lütfen af et dedim. Oda bana peki sen beni böyle bir durumda yakalasaydın anahtar bendede vardı aynı şekilde ben o yatakta bir adamla sevişiyor olabilirdim sende bizi yakalayabilirdin. Senin tepkin ne olurdu diye sorunca biraz düşündüm önce tuhaf his ettim haklısın dedim. Sonra devam ettim beni tanıyorsun seni hiç kısıtlamadım aslında belki kapıdan usulca izler sonra rahatsız etmeden giderdim dedim. Bana ciddi olduğuna inansam seni affedeceğim ama inanmıyorum diye cevap verdi. Evet inan yalvarırım dedim onun gitmesine dayanamazdım. Bu altı üstü sex eğlence evlenmeden ikimizde yaşamıştık ne var bunda dedim. Bana o zaman ispatla dedi . bende benim değil senin ispatlaman lazım anahtar sende var nasıl olsa dedim. Bana bu senin cezan valizim hazır burada bekliyorum bana hediyen ne olacak seni af etmem için sana yarın akşama kadar süre veriyorum deyince aklıma daha önce gördüğüm Massage For wife diye bir web sitesi geldi. Ve ona ok hayatım sana harika bir hediyem olacak beni af edeceksin dedim.
Hemen bilgisayarın başına koştum ve massageforwife.com sitesine girdim önce mesaj atım durumu kısaca öze geçtim sonra msn e ekledim ve beklemeye başladım 1 saat sonra emaili me cevap geldi o sırada zaten msn e de girmişti masör konuştuk bütün şartlarını yerine getirdim resimlerimizi yolladım telefon aldım ve yarın için randevulaştık üstelik 2 saat masaj almıştım. Karıma akşam çok sexy giymesini bir misafirimiz olduğunu söyledim . bana inanmıyordu konuşmasından ve bakışlarından belliydi. Ama akşam hazırlanmıştı üstelik benim en sevdiğim kıyafetleri giymişti beni cezalandırmak istiyordu anlaşılan. Vakit geldiğinde masörümüzde gelmişti. Onu kapıda karşıladık içeri aldık. Ve eşime işte sürprizin bu, arkadaş masör dedim ve sana istediğin gibi masaj yapacak dedim. Eğilerek kulağıma hoş çocuk ama sadece masajla mı beni kandırmak istiyorsun diye sordu. Tabi masajın içeriğinden haberi yoktu. Bende ona aşkım sadece masajın tadını çıkar sonra her türlü cezana razıyım dedim. İçeri geçtik biraz sohbetten sonra masajı kısaca anlatı masörümüz. Bu olay eşimin hoşuna gitmişti. Beklediği ceza anı geliyordu. Masör eşimi göstererek kim soysun dedi. Karım oradan işaret ederek masör soysun dedi oki dedi kendi gömlek düğmelerini açarken de karım durmasını söyledi masöre siz beni kocamda sizi soysun aynı anda deyince beni bir ateş bastı karımı tanıyordum çok sert cezalandıracaktı beni. Masör karımı soyarken bende onun pantolonun kemereni çözdüm ve pantolonunu indirdim sonra gömleğini çıkartım bu arda masör karımı soymuştu bile ve karım uzandı masörde sadece boxer kalmıştı karım boxerı göstererek onu da çıkar dedi. Kendimi değişik bir heyecanda his ederek onu da çıkardım masör masaja başladı karımın her yerine masaj yapıyordu bu arada penisi de karımın her yerine değiyordu sonra sırtına sıra geldiğinde kalçalarına oturdu ve penisni kalça arasına yerleştirerek sırtına masaj yapmaya başladı ben acayip heyecanlanmıştım ve karımın yanına giderek kulağına hadi cezalandır beni dedim karımda gözlerime bakarak eminimsin dedi evet dedim ve masörün penisini tutarak vajinasından içeri soktu kalçasını yukarı kaldırarak penisi daha iyi almaya çalışıyordu harikaydı sonra karımla öpüşmeye başladık ve karım kulağıma yaklaşarak seni cezalandırmaktan çok zevk aldım aşkım dedi. Bende beni her zaman cezalandırabilirsin aşkım dedim. Sonra masörün sikini tutu ve ağzına getirdi gözlerimin içine bakarak emiyor yalıyordu bana da vajinasını göstererek yalamamı söyledi. Bu emir olayları hoşuma gitmeye başlamıştı . biraz sonra benim uzanmamı söyledi ve kendisinde benim üzerime uzanarak 69 vaziyeti aldık bu sırada masörü de arkasına çekti ve içine girmesini söyledi inanılmazı karımın sikilişini bu kadar yakından izlemek harika bir şeydi ama az sonra istediği şey beni hepten çıldırttı masör karımın içinde gidip gelirken benimde amını yalamamı istedi. Tabi söyleneni yapıp uslu bir koca olacaktım ve yaptım çok heyecanlıydı biraz sonra masör nereye boşalmamı istersiniz deyince karım içime dedi buna şaşırmamıştım karım içine boşanılmasından hoşlanır ama masörün bütün spermlerde yüzüme aktı inanılmaz bir maceraydı sonra toparlandık ve misafirimizi yolladık. Karım bana sarılarak seni af etim dedi ama bunu arada yapalım ve hata o sürtük sekreterini de çağırabilirsin bunun dışında ona dokunursan da bir daha beni göremesin dedi. Karımı herkesten çok sevdiğimden bunu kabul ettim ve 1 hafta sonra masörümüz iki kadına masaj yapmak durumunda kaldı. Herkese iyi eğlenceler

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Can of Corn

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When he got home from work, she was in the kitchen, standing at the sink washing the cutting board.

“Hi love, how was your day?” She gave the pot of soup a quick stir, and turned around to get a kiss from Glen, and the can of corn he had bought. Setting the can on the counter by the stove, she rummaged for the can opener, opened it, then dumped it in the soup, giving it another stir.

He watched her, only shrugging and grunting in answer to her question.

She continued stirring the soup, chicken cheese chowder, looking at him out of the corner of her eye, admiring the way his green argyle sweater pulled over his shoulders and across his chest.

He was propped on the kitchen stool, one elbow on the counter, sipping a glass of water and watching her. HER glass of water.

Giggling, she turned back to the stove, turned the temp down low, set the spoon on the rest, and put the lid on the pot.

He admired her as she turned, from her curly reddish hair down to the bare toes peeking out of her frayed jeans.

She tried to look mad, looking over her glasses as she walked over towards him.

“That’s MY water!” she said as she stopped in front of him, taking the glass and draining it dry.

“I will get you more,” he said.

She put a hand on his chest to hold him on the bar stool, and, setting the glass on the counter, slipped between his knees as he slipped his hands around her and into her back pockets.

She rested her hands on his shoulders, playing with his soft brown hair where it curled on his shoulders, and staring into his eyes.

He looked up at her with such intensity, then his gaze shifted to her mouth, his head slowly tilting back further.

She took the invitation, kissing him gently, then nibbling his lower lip with her lips.

He pulled her closer, hands still in her back pockets, then slid one under her shirt, up the soft skin of her back, discovering no bra strap under her baggy sweatshirt.

He groaned and kissed her harder, sliding the other hand under her shirt to adore the silkiness of her.

She tugged at his sweater wanting to touch his skin too, but bahis firmaları he was sitting on the tails.

He stood up and she pulled the sweater over his head, barely breaking the lip lock, then dropped it in the floor.

“Hey my swe… mmmrf mmmmmmmmm… “

She kissed him harder, hands everywhere, tangling in his hair, rubbing up and down his back, grabbing his butt and pulling his hips against her, and feeling the sign of his arousal.

He tangled his hands in her curls and kissed her ever more intently, biting and nibbling and licking.

She slid her hands into the back of his corduroys, moaning softly, squeezing his butt, and pressing him tighter against her.

He groaned as she kissed the side of his neck, his collar bone, his shoulder, and started working his pants lower on his hips.

“There seems to be something in the way,” she said, kissing his chest.

She unbuttoned his pants and tugged at the zipper, finding she only needed to unzip it a little before she could yank his pants to his ankles. She grabbed him by the butt again, squeezing him against her as she straightened up and lifting him onto the counter.

He felt the sparkly design on her shirt against his private parts, then had a fastidious thought about possible fecal contamination on the kitchen counter. He tried to squirm back down.

“Uh… this isn’t very sanitary.”

“What? The kitchen counter is for things you are going to eat.” she said as she hooked the bar stool under her with one foot and sat in a smooth motion, then gave his shaft a lick.

“Oh God,” he said in a quavering voice, sitting there naked except for the shoes holding the pants around his ankles. He put one hand behind him to brace himself, and twined the other in her hair, pulling her up to kiss.

She didn’t allow the kiss to go on very long, trailing kisses back down his neck, shoulder, chest, belly, settling onto her bar stool and taking him into her mouth.

She twirled her tongue around his mushroom cap, flicking under the frenulum, making sure he felt the difference in the rough top and satiny smoothness of the underside of her tongue. kaçak iddaa Her hands explored everywhere, rubbing his thighs, his butt, his tight belly, brushing her fingers sideways across his tiny nips to make them vibrate and tingle.

He was her prisoner, trapped on the kitchen counter, lost in a world of sensation.

“Oh God… Oh God… Oh God!” he gasped as she took him fully into her mouth and sucked up and down fast and hard.

“Oh God, Kathy I WANT YOU!”

She shook her head and moaned “Uh huh,” around him, sending shock waves through him with the new movement and the vibrations of her voice.

She noticed his gasp and moaned some more, deep in her throat, expressing her appreciation, and making him catch his breath and squirm in delight.

He tangled his hand in her hair and just adored her, wondering at the fact that this beautiful woman would get such pleasure from this.

She squirmed a little on the bar stool, looking up at him, running one hand all over his chest, dragging fingernails on his sides a little just to torment him, head never stopping bobbing up and down.

The other hand slid from his butt, down the outside of his thigh, rubbed gently on the back of his knee for a moment, then slid down his calf to where his pants had his ankles trapped.

The hand traveled across the bridge of his pants to the inside of the other ankle, slowly working its way up, almost unnoticed under the intensity of her sucking and rubbing his chest and nips.

She tickled gently at the back of his knee, knowing how sensitive that is, then curled her hand and dragged her fingernails up the inside of his thigh, scratching lightly.

He let out a girlish squeak and whimper, and she giggled a little, and, cupping his balls gently in her hand, sucked even faster, twisting her head back and forth, working her tongue all around.

“Oh Goddddd… Kathy… if you don’t want it, you better stop now!” He groaned.

She pulled back a little, and twirled her tongue around and around the tip, rough top side and satiny underside, then lifted up and said “I want,” before sucking him back into her mouth and flickering kaçak bahis her tongue maddeningly just under the head.

“Oh dear God,” he whimpered as she went right back to work, sucking up and down, head twisting back and forth, tongue swirling and licking and doing maddening things, as one hand tickled and cupped his balls, and the other rubbed and scratched his chest.

“Oh… Oh… OH!… Yes… oh God… YES!”

She felt his balls tighten up, his whole body tighten up, and stepped up the intensity one more time, pinching a nipple and pulling lightly, ringing his balls with a thumb and forefinger, and groaning low as she slurped up and down.

“Yes… YES… YESSS!!” his stomach muscles seized up and she readied herself, starting swallowing motions.

He felt her swallowing and it was just too much to bear.

“AAAIIIIIIIIIEEEE!!” he screamed “AAAIIIEEE… AAAIIIEEE… AHH… OH!… OH!… Oh!… Oh God… Oh God… Oh God, Kathy… Oh Kathy… I love you Kathy!… Oh wow… “

She drank down his salty juices, sucking and gulping.

“Oh… my… f___ing… God.”

Glen started to come back to his senses, and she was still sucking, slower, gently, nursing ever drop out of him, sending wild aftershocks through his whole body.

He caressed her hair, and lifted her chin to look in her eyes.

“Wow” he said, “what a thing to come home to.” He lifted her chin higher and leaned forward to kiss her, tasting a bit of his own saltiness. “Just… wow… “

She grabbed the waistband of his pants and pulled them up over his knees, he grabbed them with one hand, the other still twined in her hair, kissing her.

He broke the kiss with a ragged breath, and she helped him down from the counter, steadying him with an arm around the waist as he pulled up and buttoned his pants.

He wrapped both arms around her and kissed her thoroughly again, nibbling and biting those soft lips that were just… he gasps again. “Woww.”

She smiled softly at him, and, bending to pick up his sweater and toss it at him, turned back to the pot on the stove.

“Hungry?” She asked, lifting the lid and stirring, then ladling soup into bowls.

“Famished” he said, “But what about you?”

“After dinner”, she said with a sly smile, putting the bowls on the table, and tipping the corn can into the recycle bin.

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Discovery of the Moment Ch. 03

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Author’s note: This is the longest chapter yet, but there’s still LOTS more to come for these two! I sincerely hope that you are all enjoying this story so far. Yes, there’s a lot of actual story-telling going on at first, but the sex is coming and will only get more interesting with each new chapter. This one starts off with more narrative, but ends with one helluva sexual bang. So enjoy this new chapter and don’t forget to vote and comment! The more votes and comments (both public and private) I get, the more likely I am to continue the series.

And, now, on with the show…


After the admission my daughter had given me, I really didn’t know what to say. I could have imagined a thousand other possible things that she could have said, but that she wanted to have sex with me, her own father, even after what I’d done to her, was something I didn’t even remotely expect. I just sat there, in the ER lobby with my daughter at my side and still holding my hand, and stared off into the distance, wondering what, if anything, I should say or do next. Finally, after several long moments of silence on my part, I stood up and looked down at my 18-year-old daughter. “I think I need to be alone for a few minutes, honey,” I told her. “I need some time to think.”

“But, Dad,” she said plaintively, “what’s to think about? I think I made it pretty clear where I stand.”

I nodded to Kelly gravely and replied, “Yes, you did. Quite capably, I might add. But I’m still not sure where I stand right now, Kelly. For one thing, what you’re talking about is not just incest, but it’s adultery, too. In all our years together, I never cheated on your mother- until a few weeks ago, with you. And here you are, inviting me to do it on a regular basis and with your consent, while my wife is laying on a gurney less than a hundred yards away from here, with a doctor making sure that she won’t die from a gunshot wound. To top things off, I have exposed my deepest secret not only to you, but to a total stranger. Sweetheart, I’ve got a lot to think about and I just need some time to sort it all out. So I’m going to go take a leak and step outside those doors,” I pointed to the main ER entrance, “to have a smoke. Maybe two. When I come back in, I’ll have an answer for you, okay? Just.. please give me some time to think all of this through.”

Kelly offered me a kind, gentle smile and nodded her head. “Okay, Dad. I can understand that. I guess it has been a pretty crazy night for both of us. I’m going to take a nap while I wait for you to come back. If the doctor gets finished before then, I’ll come find you.”

“Thanks, sweetheart.” I bent down and kissed my daughter lovingly on the scalp and started to walk away.

Kelly caught my hand and, when I looked back at her, she said, “Dad, no matter what happens from now on, I want you to know that I love you. Not some weird kind of romantic love, but the way a daughter ought to love her dad.”

Hearing that was enough to buoy my spirits by quite a bit. It was enough to make me smile with genuine pride and love. “I love you, too, Kelly.” And, with that, I walked off towards the Men’s room.

I walked into the Men’s room with a lot on my mind, but business, as they say, comes first: I HAD to take a piss like a rushin’ race horse. I went straight to a urinal and relieved myself in the silence and under the bright light of the hospital bathroom. As I zipped up I reached for the urinal’s flush handle and had to stop myself from going back into Normal Time at the last second- if I’d gone back, I would’ve left my daughter and the doctor working on my wife in a perpetual state of nothingness, forgotten to Time completely. I pulled my hand from the lever slowly, scared of how easily I’d almost lost two innocent lives in an activity as mundane as flushing a urinal. I made my way over to the sinks and groped the faucet taps in the hopes of getting just enough water droplets to at least marginally wet and wash my hands. Luckly, one of the faucets was a bit leaky and had enough residual water dripping in a small trickle for me to interrupt its flow and wash up. There was precious little water, though, and I didn’t waste it. Once my hands were sufficiently doused, I brought the remaining droplets to my face and enjoyed the coolness of it. Bringing my hands away from my face, I looked at myself in the mirror.

It occurs to me now that I have not yet described myself or even properly introduced myself. My name is John Paul Baker. I’m a caucasian man, thirty-eight years of age and have only a light amount of gray in an otherwise brown, full head of hair. No wrinkles on my face as yet, which gives me a rather youthful appearance despite my age, help to give me a somewhat handsome look- and I’m not being egotistical in that estimation, either. I’ve seen women as young as my own daughter give me appraising glances over the years, which does wonders for my confidence. I wouldn’t say that I am an Adonis among men, but I do have a healthy and well-toned illegal bahis body that I have worked hard to maintain in my thirties. In my younger years I was all skin and bones and only until I got married did I really start to fill out. Standing at just barely over five feet and eleven inches tall, I have a fairly easy-going look about me which makes it easy for me to make friends and avoid enemies. Having a loving wife, a good job and an active daughter have all conspired to keep me in good shape and, for that, I can honestly say that I’m one lucky son of a bitch. All in all, I’m the guy you’d never really take notice of but, when you do, you’ll decide that I’m an okay chap who isn’t a threat to anyone. Likeable, modest and just a touch above average in almost every regard.

I stared back at myself in the mirror, noting that dark bags were beginning to develop under them. I was tired, stressed and in desperate need of some peace right then. Or perhaps it was the bright lights. As tired as I looked, I didn’t really feel it just yet. I gazed at my slate-gray eyes, looking for anything there, in the reflection, which might give me an idea of where all of this was headed. So many incredible things had occured that night and I was at a loss for what to do about any of them just then.

First, there was the matter of my wife. If I was to be perfectly honest with myself, I’d have to say that I wasn’t too terribly worried about Sarah’s survival at that point. I recalled the damage which had been done to her and decided that it probably wasn’t as bad as it seemed at first. She was shot just below her right shoulder, which probably meant that no vital organs had been injured. She was in the care of a doctor who saw these kinds of wounds probably on a fairly frequent basis- I had absolute faith that he would be able to fix her up just fine. I was definitely concerned that she was hurt, but I’m sure that she would recover just fine with enough time and care.

Second, there was the matter of my daughter and her confession. I’d had sex with her, without her consent or knowledge, and now she knew it. I’d carried the burden of guilt for weeks after that incident, perpetually caught between wanting to do it again and feeling like a dirty bastard for having done it in the first place, let alone wanting to again. Just when I’d almost gotten to the point where I could live with the guilt, she came along and absolved me of it entirely. What’s more, she plainly stated a desire to indulge in sexual relations with me as an active participant. How in the world did my smart, strong, beautiful, normal, athletic daughter become so… deviant? When did that happen? Surely, before she was 16, if she was to be believed. And how could I have not noticed, after all these years of knowing her so well, that she secretly had a crush on her own father? Either I didn’t know my daughter half as well as I thought or she was simply damned good at masking her feelings. Considering the rigors of competition in the field of athletics, I’m willing to bet that she was just good at hiding it- she was certainly good at hiding her disappointment when she lost against an opponent on the soccer field. But that still didn’t resolve anything for me, did it? Asking these questions about my daughter weren’t going to get me anywhere. I needed to ask questions about myself. I needed to know, definitively, if I felt strong enough, on an emotional level, to agree to my daughter’s desires. At the bottom line was the fact that I could hide just about anything from the outside world and even from my wife, now that I could go Between at will. The real question to ask was: given the opportunity, would I WANT to have sex with Kelly again?

And the answer to that question is, simply put, “yes.” If I was having qualms and doubts about the whole idea, then that meant that, deep down, I wanted to and I was merely in conflict with morals vs. desire. With a world frozen and completely unaware of what I do, morals tend to go out the window and, let’s face it, while I have a strong and ardent belief in God’s existence, I was never really a religious man. It’s just me and her and no one else is around to really judge us. As a red-blooded male I couldn’t deny the fact that Kelly was one extremely attractive young woman. Despite, and possibly because of, her love for soccer, her body was perfectly built for sex. Short body, full lips, large C-cup breasts, trim waistline, well-toned arms and stomach, sexy hips, small and tight ass… that whole package sitting under a beautiful, youthful face which was framed by wavy, sandy blonde hair made for the “perfect 10.” Guys had been coming around our house for years, since she was 15, to try and gain her interest. She dated a few of them, but mostly shot them down. She’s admitted to having slept with some of them, but never really seemed that interested in the boys themselves. I always got the impression that, to her, boys were merely a means to an end. And her end was to gain sexual experience from them and nothing else. illegal bahis siteleri She had a fiercely independent streak within her nature, so reliance on boys for anything other than sex, frankly, was a waste of her time. And then I came to realize that all of the sexual experience she’d gotten with those boys was in preparation for her seduction of me. She’d invested a lot of time and effort into making herself so unbelievably perfect in my eyes that I couldn’t help but notice and be attracted to her, father or not. Did I really have it in me to deny her, to refuse her? I found that I did not. So, to hell with it (and probably with me, too). If my own daughter wants me sexually, she will get me. It was just a matter of the How, the Where and the When.

Third, there was the matter of having revealed my secret to Kelly. When you come right down to it, I didn’t really NEED my daughter’s help in getting Sarah to the hospital that night. I could’ve managed it on my own. And yet, there I was, dragging her into my secret world, showing her its mysteries and including her in my adventures. Even if she hadn’t figured out what happened in that bathroom weeks before, if I’d done it again, she’d have figured it out soon enough. Could I trust her to keep my secret safe from others? She’s a teenage girl, regardless of how smart or amazing she was in her own right. Was I absolutely certain that I could trust her to not talk to anyone about what I can do? I mean, I hadn’t even told my wife, the woman I swore my life to. And I was still learning about what is and is not possible in the Between. Was bringing my daughter along for the ride really such a good idea? What would I do if she got hurt or, worse, lost?

But Kelly had been spot-on when she said that I wanted to have someone I could share these experiences with. For better or for worse, I now had a companion of sorts. No, she didn’t have to go with me on every trip, but now I could tell her about them and not feel so… alone about it. Now I could share something truly miraculous with another living human being instead of keeping it all to myself. And, really, what good is a gift if you can’t share it with others, right? So, okay, I guess I could live with the fact that my daughter now knew of what I could do. I’d have to rely on her ability to keep that secret, though. But, now that I thought about it, maybe I wouldn’t have to worry so much. After all, if she betrayed me and somehow exposed my secret to the outside world, she wouldn’t be able to indulge in her own secret fantasies, would she? No indeed. Perhaps, on that merit alone, she and I could manage a delicate balance as each others’ secret-keeper.

That doctor, on the other hand, was a different matter entirely. Kelly may be right in thinking that no one in the world would believe him if he tried to talk about tonight’s experiences, but that wasn’t ironclad. He may trip over the right kind of gullible person who might seek me out and expose me. Or he might seek me out on his own, trying to get me to work “miracles.” Perhaps having a pointed conversation with him about possible consequences of betrayal would be in order, after Sarah was fixed up. I could imagine a few dozen ways to destroy him, both figuratively and literally, if he put me and my family in jeopardy. As much as I loathed the idea, I also could just short-circuit the whole issue by “losing” him the same way I did those robbers. Killing those animals was a public service; killing Doctor Washburn would be out-and-out murder, no two ways about it. No, I’d have to convince him to keep his mouth shut using coersion rather than intimidation or violence. Besides, it’d be pretty fucking rude for me to kill the man who had helped me in a time of desperate need.

I looked at myself in that mirror for a long time as I had these thoughts and, feeling like I’d made some progress, I did a quick survey of my appearance. Mercifully, none of Sarah’s blood had gotten onto my clothing. My button-down shirt and jeans were as pristinely clean as they’d been when I put them on earlier that evening. And, to the best of my knowledge, Kelly’s clothing was just as clean. I looked tired and worn out, but otherwise okay. I gave my reflection a curt nod and left the Men’s room to go outside for some fresh air and a cigarette. As I walked through the lobby I checked on my daughter and was glad to see that she’d curled up on the chairs to get a nap. She looked so peaceful and angelic as she quietly snoozed there, waiting either for me or Doctor Washburn to wake her. As much as I’d been through that evening, I guess she’d been through a lot more. After all, it’s not every day that your mother gets shot, your time-stopping father turns into a vigilante and you learn that your own father, who you’d been secretly lusting after, had raped you. Having to move your just-shot mother through the streets of a frozen world is probably somewhat taxing on the mind, too. But, somehow, she managed to stay cool under all the pressure and just roll with the situation. I’d canlı bahis siteleri already admitted to my lust for her, but the pride that I felt for my daughter that night easily eclipsed any perverted idea that could have crossed my mind. She really had made me proud to have her as a daughter and, now, as a companion in the world Between. I smiled lovingly at her, took a deep, refreshing breath and then went outside to have a much-needed smoke.

By the time I’d gotten halfway through my cigarette, Doctor Washburn came outside to call me in so that he could speak with Kelly and me. I stubbed the butt out quickly and joined the doctor and my daughter in the lobby. Kelly was already alert and ready to hear the doctor’s prognosis. I sat beside her and gave the doctor a nod to go ahead.

“All right,” Washburn said in the manner that all doctors do when they talk with the families of patients, “I’ll give you the good news first: your wife, Mr. Baker, is going to be fine. The bullet did some damage to the muscle tissue just below her right shoulder and its path was stopped by her scalpula. I managed to extract the bullet without leaving any fragments behind, so there’s no chance of poisoning later. Her topmost rib was chipped, however, and I wasn’t able to track down all of the bone fragments. Fortunately, those will easily degrade and be absorbed by her body in a matter of weeks while the rib mends, but for the next few days there is the risk that her rib could break completely and might perforate her lung. Thanks to this… ability you have, your wife hasn’t suffered any appreciable blood loss or hypoxia, which is a very good thing. For all intents and purposes, she’s as well as she’s going to be right now. The rest of the work that needs to be done is the kind that us doctor’s have very little control over: her body and natural healing ability will have to do the rest of what medical science can’t.” He offered a gentle smile, one that I’m sure he’d practiced many times before. “Your wife is going to be okay, from what I can tell.”

I took all of this in and nodded carefully. I took a deep breath of relief and let it out slowly. “Okay,” I said. “Good. Thank you, doctor. Now… you started off saying that you’d give us the good news. So what’s the bad news?”

The doctor half-shrugged. “Techinically speaking, there really isn’t any. However, I would like to keep her here for a few days, to make sure that she mends well and that there aren’t any other complications. But that poses some rather difficult and tricky problems, primarily with the question as to how she got here and how she was injured. My co-workers saw her, Mr. Baker. We all know a GSW when we see one and can spot it a mile away. The hospital has a legal obligation to report all GSW cases to the police and I’m sure that Grace, the receptionist, has already called them. They’re going to ask questions and the answers they get will have to be believable. I’ve been working on your wife for a while now and I’ve had a chance to think some things through. Firstly, I can accept, begrudgingly, that you have this ability. The reality of that is all around me and I can’t deny it. But everyone else will have a hard time with it and I’m guessing that you’d prefer it if no one else knew about it, right?”

My face became stern. “Not even my wife knows about it, doctor. I’d definitely like to keep it a secret from the outside world. And, frankly, I’m willing to go to some pretty extraordinary lengths to keep it that way.” I raised a suggestive eyebrow, hopeful that my meaning was completely clear.

Washburn nodded understandingly, not needing to be told that I would do him harm if he betrayed me and my family. “Then allow me to offer some suggestions, please.”

“By all means, do.”

“Let’s all go back into the O.R. and bring your wife here in this Between world of yours. When she wakes up she doesn’t have to know that we’re not in Normal Time. We take a few minutes to coach her on what to say to the police when they question her- believe me, I’ve listened in on hundreds of them and know exactly which questions they’ll ask and what they’ll accept. Those guys don’t want elaborate stories, so the simpler it is, the better.”

“Well,” I replied, “we can’t tell them about the robbery at the convenience store. The clerk there will give us away.”

“Agreed,” Washburn said. “And you said you placed those guns in the getaway car. While you were watching us begin to care for your wife, the police were probably already on their way to the convenience store or may already have the car in custody. The problem with that is, I have to provide the bullet I pulled out of your wife as evidence for your wife’s gunshot-wound investigation. I’m sure you’ve seen at least a few episodes of CSI to know what that means.”

I frowned. Yes, I certainly did know. It meant that the police would try to match that bullet to any unsolved cases or any known weapons. One of the three guns they find at the convenience store will match up to it, which will help to corroborate the clerk’s story of a woman being shot in the middle of a robbery by robbers who disappeared into thin air. I shook my head in dismay. Already this was beginning to unravel and I couldn’t imagine how to sew it back up.

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Spanking – Between Show and Reality

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Author’s Note: Chronologically this story takes place before the events in the Jacqueline and Victoria stories posted here at . It introduces friends of those two. So, I apologise for confronting you with a lot of (probably) new characters and some background stories, but I wanted to get Jacqy and Tory out of the one-on-one cocoon in which the other stories make them out to be stuck.


Victoria, Jacqueline and their friends were sitting at a low couch table in ‘The Warehouse’. The nightclub belonged to Patricia and Elena, old friends who had fulfilled one of their dreams with the cross of a normal nightclub on the ground floor and an exclusive lifestyle club on the upper levels, complete with a big common room with play niches and the marble statue of a bound woman that had been a gift from Jacqueline and Victoria. There also were a couple of smaller rooms for private parties, theme rooms, and all the equipment for discipline and bondage imaginable.

The six women observed a play scene taking place on a small dais in the main room of the scene portion of the club, with waning interest. It was supposed to show a Victorian scene of Domestic Discipline but all of it was fake, the clothes, the mannerisms, the acting, and most obviously of all the spanking.

The man’s costume was passable, but the upper part of the woman’s dress had only a flimsy corset instead of the tightly laced whale bones ones the upper class at the time had been wearing. The skirt part didn’t have nearly enough layers and instead of knickers the woman was wearing almost modern panties. The most positive thing one could say of the female performer was that she at least knew how to walk in the also not very Victorian six-inch high-heels.

Their conversation, the husband berating the wife for an unnamed wrong and the wife apologising in a fearful voice, was stilted where it should have been formal and the vocabulary they used sounded more like they had gone fishing in Shakespeare’s collected works than what one would be liable to read in a Victorian novel, erotic or not. That of course could also be attributed to the basically non-existent acting skills of both performers.

None of that, however, would have been a reason to no longer follow the events on the small stage; no, it was the spanking that did it.

For everyone with eyes to see there was no denying that the earlier slaps on the woman’s admittedly ample buttocks had been too light to account for the colour change in her nether cheeks. In fact, they only had begun to glow red when he had caressed them after the hand-spanking which left only one logical conclusion: he had put some kind of make-up on her skin to let them appear red. For a public as knowledgeable as the one at ‘The Warehouse’ it was an almost laughable attempt. It even might have been funny had the performers not added insult to injury by having coated the cane with some kind of colour to better imitate cane marks.

As it was the six friends had turned their attention from the dais back to their table when a waiter with snugly fitting leather shorts and an oiled, finely muscled chest had deposited their next round of drinks. Marge took a sip from her root beer and absently caressed the back of Abby’s neck who was sitting next to her on a cushioned, oversized chair.

“Jacqy, how are your lock-picking skills?” She finally asked.

“I haven’t had any reason to use them in some time, Marge. Why? Lost the keys to Abby’s chastity belt?” Jacqueline answered.

“Let’s see, shall we?

Marge nudged the mini skirt Abby was wearing aside and revealed the neatly trimmed dark triangle between her slightly spread legs for all to see.

“Hmm, no chastity belt, this time.”

She let her fingers glide over the inside of Abby’s upper right thigh. Abby spread her legs a bit wider in invitation.

Jacqueline smiled at their easy and relaxed manner, a sign that everything was still alright between them after Marge’s lapse into alcohol and domestic violence a few months ago. She also wished that she had made Victoria wear something as easily accessible as a skirt instead of the skin tight leather pants on which she had insisted.

Marge explored Abby’s folds and Abby elicited a soft moan. If it was for real or only to give their friends a show was anybody’s guess. In any case it was enough to incite AJ who was sitting in Sandra’s lap to open a few more buttons of the silk blouse the tall doctor was wearing to gain access to her lace clad breasts and tease them. Sandra pressed her chest out for more contact and whispered, “Please, Mistress, more.”

“You’re all wet, baby,” Marge said after she had held her glistening index finger in front of Abby’s mouth to be cleaned. “Is the show over there so arousing?”

Abby took her time cleaning the digit before she answered, “It’s more your presence, Master, and the vibrating butt plug you have me wear. Could you please dial it up another notch?”

“Are you sure that this is what you want, little one?”

“Please, bahis firmaları Master.”

Marge smiled. She put one arm around Abby’s shoulders. She then reached into the pocket of her slacks and removed a remote control she put on the table, but didn’t yet change the setting. She looked expectantly at Abby whose blue eyes answered with a plea.

“Please, Master, just a tiny bit. I promise I’ll be good then and won’t ask for anything else that evening, please.”

Marge took the remote and pushed it to the maximum. Abby stifled a sharp shriek with her hand over her mouth, her eyes widened and her hips and buttocks rose involuntarily from her seat. Marge held her and let the tension rise before she allowed her to come and stopped the vibrations completely. Abby still rode her orgasm, oblivious to the partly amused, partly admiring, partly envious looks of their friends and possibly a few other patrons seated at neighbouring tables.

After she had calmed down a bit, Abby stretched and put a soft kiss on Marge’s cheek, “Thank you, Master, for allowing me to come. I love you.”

“You’re welcome, little one, and you can thank me later when we’re home. For now, look at those hedonists,” Marge said and gestured towards Jacqueline and Victoria.

Victoria who had been sitting on Jacqueline’s lap was now straddling her Mistress. They were locked in a passionate kiss. Jacqy had captured Tory’s hands behind her back and held them tight with one of her own. Her other hand had found it’s way under Tory’s knitted, formfitting top and made her pert nipples stand up proudly. Had they not both been wearing leather trousers, lesser material would have been soaked through with their juices.

Sandra whistled softly at the sight of their friends who were oblivious to anyone else. AJ pinched her right nipple to make her change her focus and Sandra immediately found her Mistress’ eyes, smiled and tried to sneak her hand under AJ’s skirt.

“Freeze, Missy. What do you think you’re doing? What did I tell you before coming here?” AJ asked.

“I… I’m sorry, Mistress. You said that I’m not allowed to touch you intimately without your permission and… and that I’m also not allowed to ask to touch you that way. I’m sorry,” Sandra stammered.

“And?” AJ insisted.

“And it won’t happen again tonight, I promise.”


“Please, punish me.”

Sandra’s eyes were cast down and no one would have recognised the sometimes volatile trauma surgeon and ER chief in the obviously contrite woman. AJ put a finger under her chin to make her look up. Their eyes met and they burst out laughing.

That broke Jacqy and Tory’s kiss though they would have had to come up for air any moment anyway. Jacqueline registered the teasing smiles on their friends’ faces and decided to redirect their attention.

“So, Marge, why again do you need my lock-picking skills?” She asked.

“Oh, I just thought that we could break into those performers’ rooms and show them how a real spanking is done,” Marge answered with a teasing smile.

Tory had retaken her former position on Jacqueline’s lap, her wrists were still crossed behind her back and securely held by her Mistress’ strong hand. That, however, didn’t keep her from teasing Marge, “Be careful, Margaret Wilson, there’s an officer of the court present at this table and that sounds conspicuously like a conspiracy to commit a crime.”

The others laughed, Marge grinned and answered, “Well, there’s that, but I still think they’d deserve a lesson for the abysmal performance.”

“Oh, I don’t think that we’ll need to worry about that, guys,” Sandra said and pointed towards a tall figure striding towards the performers who where just leaving the dais.

“Wow, looks like Pat is on the war path,” AJ said.

“I really hope she reads them the riot act. That wasn’t a scene. It was a mockery,” Marge said with more vehemence than intended.

Abby turned a bit in her seat and put a hand on Marge’s cheek and the other on her arm, “Did they really make you that angry, my love?”

“No, I just… Yes, I guess they did. I don’t want to go there and beat them or what, but …” Marge fell silent and shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know.”

“Marge is right,” a new voice coming from her right said. Elena pulled a chair to the low table and sat down. “It wouldn’t have been so bad if it really had been a comedy act, and it could have been with some better play acting, but what they did was not intended to get people to laugh. Their contract is very clear on that. They tried to dupe a public who knows better. We all know how an ass looks after a heavy spanking or a caning. Pat will take care of it. From what I could see the six of you had some fun despite the quality of the official entertainment.”

“Oh, yes, we did,” Marge said. “Abby here did have a nice, big orgasm, Jacq and Tory heated up the room by at least two degrees with their steamy kiss and Sandy proved her talent for acting by making us believe that she’s really sorry for having kaçak iddaa disobeyed her Mistress, well, up ’til they both burst out laughing. What was up with that, by the way?”

“Oh, I never forbade Sandy to touch me, at least not tonight. She made that up. It was just a bit of fun,” AJ answered. “That performance, will it hurt the club’s reputation, El?”

“No, at least I don’t think so. Everyone knows that they were a last minute replacement for the act we had initially hired. Robert already promised to do two bondage demonstrations to make up for it.”

“What happened? Did he tie himself up and lose the scissors to get loose?” Jacqueline asked with a relaxed smile while using her free hand to make Tory’s nipples stand at attention through the thin fabric of her top.

“Believe it or not, he sprained his wrist playing hoops with his ten year old nephew. He’s really embarrassed about that.”

Elena signalled for their bare-chested waiter to bring another round of drinks. Jacqueline and AJ were caressing their subs, each in her own way and thus heightened all of their arousal while Marge and Abby were whispering.

“El, Marge just had an idea. That performance, she thinks that we can’t let it stand like that. My Master thinks that it gives us all a bad name, all those who chose that lifestyle, and I agree. She thinks that we should round it up with a real spanking, the same number of strokes but not faked. We volunteer.”

“You would really do this for us? That were at least twenty-four strokes with the cane,” Elena said.

“That’s what friends are for, El, and it’s not like it would be the first time for me. I can take a sound spanking and that much and more with a cane without embarrassing my Master,” Abby answered.

“I’m humbled by your offer, Abby, Marge, but I can’t accept. I proposed the same thing to Patricia when I saw what was going on. It would have been an apt punishment because it was me who hired them, but she refused. She said that we have performances every week and that one performance gone wrong could not hurt the good work we did over the last six months,” Elena answered.

“And I was right,” Patricia said from behind. “I had at least a dozen offers to perform a real spanking on the way here. I won’t allow it, not to make up for our mistakes, but I told everyone to freely use the play niches if they feel the urge and there are already some preparations going on over there. I also had some requests to create some sort of amateur night to add to the performances and demonstrations we usually have. What do you think? Would that be something you would want to see?”

Elena had slid from the low chair to the floor when she had heard Pat’s voice and Patricia had taken her seat. The tall woman, she topped Jacqueline’s six feet plus by a few inches, looked a bit uncomfortable in the low chair until Elena gently helped her to stretch her legs under the table. Doing so, she kissed her Mistress’ boots and then leaned against the side of the chair. Patricia played with her hair and stroked her neck in recognition while she waited for their friends to give them an answer.

Sandra was the first to answer, “It sounds like a challenge, but I wouldn’t want anyone to recognise me or my Mistress while we’re up there.”

“Also, you would have to make sure that what’s happening on the dais is really consensual and that no Master or Mistress gets out of control. So, you need to reserve the right to interfere, and you should know exactly what they plan to do to avoid unpleasant surprises,” AJ added.

Marge nodded and absently slid her hand under Abby’s skirt to play with her still wet folds while Abby answered for them, “I can see my Master and myself up there, otherwise we would not have offered to do a spanking session now.”

Jacqueline and Victoria didn’t offer an opinion except for a nod from Jacqy at AJ words. Tory’s eyes, however, glazed over in some sort of anticipatory shimmer that was not missed by her Mistress.

“Is that something you would like to do, my Tory?”

“In a way. When we play, even with our friends, you’re always so involved you don’t really enjoy the show. I guess I’d like to perform for you, to show you my love and devotion,” Victoria said softly enough to be only heard by her Mistress.

Jacqueline commented her words with another heated kiss, still keeping Victoria’s hands immobilised behind her back.

“Looks like the two of you need some privacy, Jacq,” Pat said while she pulled Elena in her lap and began to undo the laces on Elena’s leather vest, but the two women were too busy to answer. A wicked smile spread over her face and she pulled her cell phone out. She quietly handed it to Marge who was at a better angle to get some close-ups of their faces. Surprisingly the faint sound of the camera option broke the kiss. After that they all decided to go home since it was a weeknight and most of them had to get up early, except for Pat and Elena, of course, who would stay until closing time and beyond.


When Marge opened the kaçak bahis passenger side door of their car Abby sat down without first pulling up the skirt she was wearing. Since it was one of those subtle signs of submission that had become second nature to her, her Master at first didn’t see it. Only when she looked around after the car computer told her that one of the seatbelts was not fastened, she saw what could only be deliberate disobedience; no seatbelt, no sitting directly on the leather seat.

“Care to explain yourself, little one?” Marge asked.

Abby turned her head and didn’t look up, “I’m sorry, Master. I didn’t think.” She also didn’t try to correct her mistake.

“Brushing your skirt aside is such an automated gesture for you that you even do it on the rare occasions I allow you to wear pants. So, don’t try to tell me that it was not deliberate.”

“When I still forgot to do it, you punished me with a sound spanking, Master,” Abby whispered.

Abby’s eyes were still cast down and Marge made her look up, “You know that all you had to do was ask and I would have considered it. A part of me was looking forward to giving you that spanking on the stage, now, however,…”

“I’m really sorry, Master. I know I shouldn’t have done it just a moment later. Please punish me for my uppity… and for trying to top from the bottom,” Abby added after a moment’s hesitation.

Marge kissed her, not forcefully and passionately but softly, and with a hint of regret, “You will be punished, little one, but not with a spanking, in fact, there won’t be any pain involved. You can consider yourself lucky that you already had some release tonight. It will be the last orgasm for at least a week, and you can be sure that I will not make it easy for you. At the end of the week you may ask for my forgiveness, and I might even give you a spanking.”

“Thank you, Master, for punishing me. I’m sure I won’t let something like this happen again any time soon,” Abby said after she had swallowed hard. She would have preferred a long session in the dungeon, even the rack she feared so much would have been better than having to go without sexual release for the foreseeable future. She knew she didn’t deserve any better…

Marge started the car and drove them home where she led her submissive into the dungeon and teased her ’til close to her breaking point only to leave her helplessly aroused and too tightly bound to do anything about it.


Victoria was uncharacteristically quiet during the drive home, “Are you alright, baby?”

“Yes, Jacqy, I’m fine. Do you think that idea with an amateur night could work out?”

“I’m pretty sure that it will be a resounding success, Tory. It’s perfect to show off one’s sub’s training. There will be many members who won’t be able to resist. Is that why you were so pensive? Planning a scene for me?”

“No, not really, though it might be worth a thought or two. It’s that botched spanking scene and what Abby and Marge said about doing it right. It makes my bottom itch.” They had to stop at a red light and Victoria turned her head to the side to make eye contact with Jacqueline, “Would you please spank me, Mistress, hard, very hard? Please. It’s been so long since I really felt your discipline.”

Jacqueline studied Tory’s face. Her expression told her that she was serious and really wanted to be taken over her knees, but she still had to make sure, “Is that really what you want? I could put you in a tight bondage instead. I don’t want you to curse me if you have to sit on the hard chairs in the court room tomorrow with a blistered and bruised behind.”

“If we were not in the car right now, I would get down on my knees and kiss your feet to beg you. So, I only have my words. Please, Mistress, please spank me, turn my buttocks into a dark shade of red, let me rejoice in your discipline, please.”

Jacqueline put her index finger on Tory’s lips to silence her. She wanted a few quiet minutes to think the request through. Victoria’s nipples were still hard from the teasing and kissing they had done in the Warehouse, but something told the tall sculptor that it was not only Tory’s arousal speaking. The last two weeks they had spent at Jacqueline’s parents at the coast she had spanked her beloved every other day, and she had loved to see and feel Tory’s complete abandon to the discipline. Since then almost five months had passed and she couldn’t remember the last time she had spanked her just for the sake of seeing the colour of her buttocks change.

“Go to the playroom, strip, prepare the spanking chair and select a pair of riding gloves for me,” Jacqueline said after they had arrived home.

Tory hurried to obey and was kneeling in front of the chair when Jacqueline came in. The gloves she had selected were waiting on the seat of the chair and Jacqueline was pleasantly surprised that Tory had chosen the ones made of soft, smooth leather that gave some protection to her hands but still allowed her to feel the changes in her submissive’s behind. They also had thicker gloves, initially meant for holding the reins and driving a wagon; they had almost the same effect on Tory’s skin as a leather paddle and were only used for quick results instead of a long journey, so to speak.

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Spanish Gold

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People are always asking me whether any of the stories I write on here are true, so for a change I thought I’d post a story for you that was based on reality rather than fantasy. It all started when I went to this club in London with a few friends where they had this really good funk, disco and eighties music night. Anyway, I was wearing this really cute little short red dress with a pair of fishnet stockings and my favorite black knee length boots. We were all having a crazy time getting drunk and dancing like there was no tomorrow. I was just chatting with one of my friends when suddenly this tall, dark haired, olive skinned, Spanish girl grabs hold of my hand and pulls me up onto the dance floor. She was gorgeous, tall, slim, but curvy with soft brown eyes and glowing bronzed skin.

She held my hand, dancing really close to me, and I was slightly shocked as she thrust her leg between mine, inviting me to rub myself against her as we danced. Well, I don’t need to be invited twice (well, not after a few Long Island Iced Teas) and soon one of my hands was on her ass and the other around her neck as I started to grind myself against her.

She pulled me close and kissed me ever so tenderly with her full, soft lips. Immediately I felt my pussy getting kind of twitchy. I was so turned on dancing so close to this sexy Spanish beauty, that I knew that I needed her right now. I felt her breasts pressing against me, her nipples hard through her lacy shirt. She was dancing so sexily; every touch was sending shivers down my spine and through my pussy.

I continued to rub myself against her, feeling my pussy getting hotter and moister by the second. I had completely forgotten about my friends for now, lost in the feelings of excitement coursing through me. She leaned over to kiss me again and this time I decided to make the most of it. I put my hands on her soft face and kissed her right back. I kissed her tenderly at first, but soon I was letting my mouth open a little and slipping my tongue into her willing mouth. Our bahis firmaları tongues met, as I felt her hand start to stroke my breast. It felt so good that my nipples stiffened instantly to her touch.

I knew that at this point we must have a bit of an audience but I really didn’t care. Instinctively I reached down and put my hand between her legs and started to stroke her pussy through her tight jeans – she moaned into my mouth and I felt myself getting wetter as she did so. She continued to stroke my breasts and ass as we kissed passionately.

Suddenly she broke off the kiss and whispered that she needed to go use the toilet. I was distraught, but my mood quickly picked up when she grabbed me and told me to come with. We burst into the toilets giggling, my heart pounding with excitement. She quickly dragged me into a cubicle and before I knew it we were kissing passionately again.

This time we were both more bold. I started to kiss her hard, our tongues exploring each other’s mouths; I unbuttoned her shirt a little so that I could plant warm delicate kisses down her neck and across her collarbone. Her skin was so soft and warm and inviting that I wanted to bite her, so I did, gently. I felt her hand slip between my thighs stroking the exposed flesh between my stocking tops and my now soaking panties. She was getting higher and higher up my thigh and I felt my pussy quivering, and as her hands reached my panties I thought that I would cum right there and then.

She started to stroke my pussy through my panties, then swiftly pulled them to one side before easing a finger into my tight , wet pussy. It slipped in really easily and I moaned so loudly that I knew anyone else in the bathroom must have heard it. Soon she had slipped a second finger into me. It felt so good, and being in a public place was making me even hotter.

She started to pump her fingers in and out of me quite roughly, whilst gently stroking my clit round and round with her thumb. I was shaking with excitement already and I kissed kaçak iddaa and gently bit her neck to show my appreciation. I knew that I couldn’t take much more of this and all too quickly I felt my orgasm coming. I moaned louder as she thrust her sweet fingers into my sopping wet cunt. Her fingers stretching me as she vigorously pumped them into my aching cunt. I began kissing her hard, as the quivering in my pussy became a quake and I came all over her skilled fingers. She stopped kissing me then and showed me her glistening fingers, before tracing them along her luscious lips and licking them clean in front of me.

After a moments recovery it was my turn to take the initiative. I quickly spun her around making her stand against the toilet door and spread her legs (like they do on cop shows). I soon had her jeans pulled down and found myself sitting on the toilet staring lovingly at this beautifully rounded, tanned ass.

I started to plant tender kisses on her hips, my hot mouth trailing over her firm cheeks, as I planted kiss after kiss on her ass. I placed my hands between her legs, stroking her inner thighs softly and tenderly. She moaned a little as I allowed my hand to brush her pussy through her thong. At the same time I started to gently bite her ass. Mixing up my kiss with gentle bites and longing licks.

I began to peel her thong down over her ass – kissing down from the small of her back until my mouth was between her legs. She leaned forward exposing her ass and pussy lips too me. I spread her ass cheeks, before burying my face between them and savoring the musky smell of her sex. I gently kissed her ass before I stuck out my tongue and took an exploratory lick of her sweet pussy; she tasted so fresh and sweet. I spread her ass cheeks further and began to lap lovingly at her delicious little cunt. She moaned appreciatively and began to rub her clit. By this time I had started to stick my tongue into her, using it like a little cock to fuck in and out of her dripping wet snatch. I love using my tongue like kaçak bahis this on pussy and from her moans it seemed that she was enjoying it too. There were so many squelching noises and moans coming from our stall that it must have been obvious to anyone else in the bathroom what was going on.

Next she span round a little to face me. Her, face looked so beautiful, all beaded with sweat and flushed a crimson red. This time she put one foot up on the toilet, letting me squat before her and have perfect access to her neat little pussy. I began to lick her pussy again, sucking on her lips and taking her angry, red clit into my mouth. I lovingly licked her swollen clit, exposing it with my fingers, before flicking my tongue over it. She was soon shivering uncontrollably from the pleasure and to give her an extra treat I dipped a finger into her pussy, getting it nice and slick, before thrusting it into her ass. It was obvious that she liked having her ass fucked from her squeal of pleasure, and I started to pump my finger into her.

Her hot ass was so nice and tight. i worked my finger into her before slowly easing a second into her naughty, dark hole. She started to push back against my fingers, loving the anal attention. My tongue stilled played with her clit and before long she was breathing heavily and starting to shake with anticipation of her orgasm. In another minute or so she was clasping my face to her pussy, almost smothering me, as she started cumming powerfully in my mouth. My tongue worked overtime, lapping up every last drop of her sweet secretions as she almost collapsed on top of me.

We kissed again, a long languorous one, allowing each other to share each others pussy juices. After a little break, and a few more tender kisses, we straightened up in the mirror and headed back into the bar. We noticed a few inquiring looks from people (or was it our imagination?) as we headed back to sit at the bar. After chatting for a while, (in which time I found out her name was Bella) eventually one of her friends grabbed her and told her they were heading home. We swapped numbers and met up a few times before she headed back to Spain so there are some further stories to add to this encounter, but for now that’s all folks…

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Wild Walk

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Big Tits

So tonight I finish dinner and go for a walk. Yay me trying to be all healthy. I have my earbuds in listening to some sexy audio by Gael. I’m walking around the neighborhood listening to Gael groan, moan, compliment and talk dirty as hell.

Damn I’m getting so fucking hot and it isn’t from the exercise. My breathing has been speeding up along with the dampness between my legs. Another growl and my pussy clenches. Damn that man and his sexy mouth.

As I walk, I see several men at different houses. Some young and some older. A few sitting and taking in the afternoon as the sun begins to fade. They glance at me as I walk by.

I actually have to walk right by 3 or 4 men who are either working at the edge of their yards or walking in the opposite direction. Part of me wonders if they can hear what I do. I do have the volume up pretty high. Are they as turned on as I am? Panting and sexy laughter in my ears keep amping up my libido (which honestly doesn’t need help these days).

I imagine myself fucking each of the men. What would they be like? Are they long? Maybe wide? Mmmmm! Will they take control of me and fuck me good? Hell my pussy’s good and wet now. I can feel a bit of my juices slide down my inner thigh.

As I go to cross a street, I look back to make sure no cars are coming. No cars but two younger men are walking together my way up the sidewalk.

A slightly frightened thrill races through my body. I imagine it’s the feel prey gets when it realizes it has been targeted. My pulse speeds up a bit more and I bite my lower lip in indecision.

I have to keep walking but Gael has given my libido a kick start. I put a lot of extra swing in my hips and make sure I’m breathing a bit louder. I know what heavy breathing does to me. I can only hope it turns these guys on too.

I glance behind me and see the men pulling closer. I can’t stop my smirk as I speed up a bit (hips still swinging). Do I have the nerve to check this fantasy off my wish list? Two men at once. Mmmm!

As I glance back, I notice the blonde has taken his shirt off and damn! He sees me eyeing him, licks his lips and grins. Fuck, he looks like a wolf getting ready to pounce on his prey.

About this time there’s a lot of heavy breathing and groans from my earbuds as Gael shoots his load. Oh fuck! I have to pause for a second as my cunt clenches in reaction. I almost trip (real smooth, I know).

Damn I’m close to cumming myself just listening and playing my naughty game with the men behind me. I peek back only to notice the blonde has disappeared but the man with dark hair seems to be tracking me without gaining on me too much.

The hard look on his face makes me a bit nervous but god I’m so turned on as well. Belatedly I realize it’s starting to get dark. Mmmmm Perfect. I turn back around only to slam into the blonde. “Oh shit!” I yell. “Damn it you’re gonna give me a fucking heart attack.” I reprimand pulling my earbuds out.

Both men are laughing at this point. Right about then I hear moaning sounds from my dangling earbuds. “What’re you listening to?” the darker man asks. Before I can reply he grabs an earbud and puts it up to his ear. First his eyes go wide. Then they turn dark and hungry looking. “You got to check out her preferred listening.” he says to his friend. His eyes don’t leave me.

I glance at the blonde as he puts the other earbud to his ear. His wolf like grin only gets broader. He licks his lips again. I’m pretty sure I just felt more of my juices drip down my leg. “This what you want? Want us to make your wet pussy cum hard?”

I can only nod before they each grab a hand and start walking me behind a nearby house. There’s a pickup truck parked around back. Blonde drops the gate and sits down.

The darker of the two guides me toward his friend. He crowds me from behind. His hard cock snug against my ass. “You want us to be vocal too? Huh baby? What do you say?”

It seems I’ve lost my ability to string words together. My mind is flying so fast in my head. I finally get a breathy “yes” out.

By this time, I can feel the heat in my cheeks and upper chest from my arousal. My tits are almost bouncing with the pants I can’t seem to control.

Control? Why did I ever think I had any over this situation? Shit. I can’t even stop my legs from trembling.

Blondie grabs my hips and pulls me roughly into güvenilir bahis him. A hard cock presses against my aching clit. His legs on either side of mine squeeze for just a second before he seems to make up his mind.

His lips slowly lower toward my ear. A shiver runs down my spine. “My friend and I were talking as we followed you. We were admiring your curves. Most women our age are too small. We’ve both been craving a bit…more.”

In my other ear comes the darker man’s rumbling voice. “Once we spotted that fine ass, I knew I wanted to sink my cock deep.” At this point, I’m lucky they’re holding me up. A shiver runs through my whole body.

“You gonna let us in sexy lady? Or do we need to take what we’ve been drooling over for our last mile?” Blondie asks and begins kissing my neck.

I am not one to pass on such a treat (thus the curves). I glance slowly between the men before I whisper “Take it.” With this I break away and begin jogging off.

Before I know it, I have two arms around me and a big sexy body forcing mine to the ground. He cushions my fall with his strong arms and legs. Blondie flips me over and holds my hands above my head. His friend grabs my wrists and pins them to the ground.

“Why’re you running sexy? We just want to take care of you.” Blondie starts kissing my neck. He licks on my neck from shoulder to ear. “Now we have to take this sexy body and make it ours.” he says.

His hands pull my tank top below my heaving tits. My nipples are hard as diamonds. He takes one into his mouth while he barely grazes the other with his knuckles.

The darker friend begins talking more. “Do you like how he’s sucking those soft and perky titties? I want a taste myself. I want to lick and suck on them. Mmmmm!” He trails off as he begins kissing my neck and shoulders, moving toward the nipple not in his friend’s mouth.

“Fuck!” I moan as their wet tongues and mouths bathe my nipples. One tongue traces my right nipple and begins lapping it like a cat. I can feel the texture and wetness of his tongue. It sends a jolt to my core which in turn makes me wetter.

The left nipple is nipped lightly between Blondie’s teeth. My hips arch off the ground. My pussy clenching as they continue. I’m squirming under Blondie. I can feel his hard wide cock rubbing my legs as I fight to stay still.

Shit. I give up. There’s no way out of this, even if I wanted one. I relax and give myself to them.

My right nipple pops out of the darker man’s mouth. It’s red from the attention and his stubble. “As much as I love those beautiful tits, I’m really wanting to taste her cunt. I bet she’s wet as hell right now. I want to taste her. Hold her still for me.”

Blondie switches places with his friend. He sits behind me and flips me over. “You heard him. On your hands and knees. Spread your fucking legs!”

I do as told. I feel my shorts being lowered down my legs. I see them tossed aside.

“Oh fuck, her pussy is sopping wet man. Look at this shit.” the darker man says as he slides his fingers up my slit from my clit to my dripping pussy. He holds them up showing his friend his coated fingers. Then he sticks them in his mouth as he slurps me down.

His tongue takes the same trip his fingers just did. He slurps and moves his tongue to gather as much of the juices as he can. He licks and sucks on my pussy lips before using his fingers to open me up wider. His tongue diving into my soaked pussy and driving me insane. “Damn, you’re delicious.” he groans.

Blondie starts talking in my ear. “You’re such a slut for us. You try to run but you want us so bad my friend’s face is covered in your pussy juices. You want us to use that slutty pussy and make you cum all over us.” He pauses to lay my head on the bulge in his shorts. “Are you ready to cum on his tongue? Do it! Cum for us.” he demands.

I rub my cheeks over his hard dick like a cat. I want nothing more than his throbbing member in my mouth as his friend continues driving my pussy to the edge. I beg “Please put your cock in my mouth. Feed it to me. I need something to stop me from screaming. Shit! Please!”

Blondie watches my eyes as I follow the slow movement of his zipper lowering. Oh fuck! He’s so fucking big! My eyes go wide and I glance up at him. He has that predatory smirk on again.

My mouth waters. He grabs my hair and pushes my mouth onto the head türkçe bahis of that thick cock. My whole body is shaking. “You’re going to swallow my dick. Don’t touch it with your hands though slut. Just take it down. I’ll help you.”

He starts guiding me with his hand. His fingers are threaded through my hair and tugging just hard enough to cause tension at the roots. He pushes me down on his cock gagging me. Spit runs out my mouth and down the sides of his cock toward his tight balls. My head is pulled back until he pops out.

His friend’s tongue has me on the edge. “I’m gonna cum. Please fuck my face. Make me take that cock!” I plead.

He slams his dick into my throat. That and the tongue & fingers fucking my pussy pushes me over. My body convulses with my orgasm. My throat tightening on his cock. My pussy gripping the fingers knuckle deep inside me. Blondie pulls out and gets my attention.

“What a good girl! Look at his face. You’re dripping off his chin. You can help him with that.” They switch places again.

As I start to look over my shoulder, my dark friend grabs my head making me look at him. “You’ve made a delicious mess on my face. Now I want you to clean it up. Get to work baby.” He kisses me deep. His tongue invading my mouth.

I thought I’d be upset to taste myself on him but the opposite seems to be true. I taste pretty damn good. It turns me on smelling my arousal right in my face and tasting it on his tongue and lips.

I begin open mouth kisses on his jaw behind his right ear. I follow that strong jaw down to his chin licking and kissing as I go.

I feel Blondie begin to touch me from behind. First, his tongue laps me making sure not to miss a spot of my sensitive pussy. He’s drinking me and slurping making very sexy sounds. My clit is pulsing as his mouth closes over it and sucks.

“Oh fuck! Please. God please!” escapes my mouth before Blondie comes up for air.

“Man, you need to plug her mouth before someone decides to head this way. Normally I’d enjoy her shouts but I want time to finish this.” Blondie licks his lips and looks at me. “You ready for my fat cock in this sweet pussy baby? Of course you are. So hot and wet. I can’t wait to feel you cum all over this big dick.”

While Blondie is talking, his dark friend pulls his dick out and begins slowly rubbing it from root to tip and back. Damn it looks good and hard. I’ve lucked out with these two. I lick my lips and he laughs.

When he talks it comes out almost as a growl. “You really are our little slut. One cock isn’t enough to satisfy that pretty mouth. If you lick it and suck my balls really well, I’ll let you take this dick to the root if you can do it.” I moan terribly turned on by his tone and words.

Blondie is running his dick up and down my slit as I begin licking his friend’s dick. God I hope he quits teasing me soon. I need his cock deep and hard.

I lick around the head and make my way down one side. I switch up licking and kissing my way back up. Taking his dick in hand and pumping, I lick all over his tight balls. As I start taking his sack into my mouth his groans get louder. I use my tongue running it over him and licking as my hand continues to pump.

Finally my dark friend tugs me away. “Good job baby. You ready to make room for this cock?” I open my mouth sticking my tongue out slightly. “I love that slutty mouth. Let me show you how much.”

At once the two enter me. One dick to the back of my throat. The other ramming into my pussy. I try to shout but my mouth is full. That fat cock keeping me from hollering my pleasure for everyone to hear.

Yes! Oh fuck it feels so good. Blondie is pumping his hard cock in and out. My pussy so wet it’s making slurpy noises with each stroke. The dick in my mouth gags me and I look up as spit runs down my chin.

“Fuck baby you look so good with my cock deep in your mouth and your eyes tearing up. That’s a good little slut sucking and getting fucked at the same time. Gag for me again baby.” The cock slides into my throat and I begin gagging again. “Yeah baby take that dick down deep.”

They’re like machines pounding into me. Driving my body toward another release. I’m right there but can’t seem to let go. Blondie starts rubbing a finger over my asshole. I stiffen not sure what the fuck to think.

“Baby, I’ll make you fly. I just need you to push against güvenilir bahis siteleri my finger. I know our dirty slut will love my finger pounding her ass. Come on baby, relax into it.” Blondie gathers juices from my pussy and uses it to slip the tip of his finger in my ass.

I’m moaning like crazy with a cock in my mouth, one in my pussy and a finger entering from behind. Rather than pain, it’s just what I need. It feels so fucking good. My body starts jerking and trembling. My pussy spasming over and over as Blondie continues to dive into it. Both men are trying to stifle their moans and grunts.

I begin sucking even harder as I try to keep from screaming my pleasure. My fucking body is tingling all over. I can feel it from the roots of my hair down to my toes that are curled tightly under.

My dark haired lover’s grunting gets louder. It’s so fucking sexy. He sounds both powerful and delicate at the same time. “Fuck baby, get ready. My cum’s gonna fill that throat soon! Oh, fuck yeah! Damn such a sexy, wet fucking mouth! FFFFUUUUCCCCKKK!”

I feel that hard wet dick draw up and begin to twitch. The cum is jetting out into my mouth with so much force that it leaks from my lips and runs down my chin. I swallow as much as I can not wanting to waste a bit. Sucking and swallowing the salty flavor deep into my body.

The jets of cum in my mouth and the cock pummeling me from behind set me off again. My body quaking between these two strong young men. His dick pops out of my mouth and I lower my head to the ground.

Blondie is punishing my ass. Jack hammering into my abused & well used pussy. He’s worked 3 fingers into my ass. I whimper into the grass. “Now I’m gonna take this ass.” Blondie says. “Don’t worry baby. I got plenty of lube from this sopping pussy. You’re so fucking wet!”

He slows down and pulls out of my pussy. I feel so empty. I moan to show my displeasure. “Please. Fuck please. Don’t stop. God, don’t stop.” I’m inconsolable until I feel the head of Blondie’s dick pressing slowly into my ass. “Yyyyyeeeessss! Feels so good! More, please I need your cock. Please!”

Slowly he pushes his way into the hilt. I feel his balls lightly tapping my clit. It’s so swollen and sensitive I cry out. It throbs along with the beat of my heart.

I look over to see my dark haired friend stroking his cock as he watches the huge dick pulling slowly out of my ass. Oh fuck! His cock is back in action.

Blondie grabs my hair and pulls my head back. My back arches and my tits thrust outward. I’m amazed at how wonderful it feels to have that big powerful cock stretching out my ass. It’s such a different feeling but damn it feels good.

Tall, dark and handsome uses his hand on my throat to push my body upright. My back is now against Blondie’s hard chest that’s dripping with sweat.

My dark haired friend comes up in front of me and rubs his cock up and down my slit. He pauses to show extra care to my pussy. Slowly rubbing back and forth. It slips over my clit and lubes up in anticipation.

Slowly that hard cock pushes into me. Blondie has gone totally still behind me. His dick lodged in my ass. His hands come around to pinch my nipples. I squirm and they moan. One in each ear.

I’m stuffed full of the men’s two huge cocks. My body is hypersensitive. I can hear them groaning and talking to me but at this point I’m having a hard time keeping up with who says what. My body is aching deliciously. I feel as if I’m so close to cumming again.

“You’re so tight and hot baby.”

“You’re wet pussy is squeezing my cock so hard. Fuck I can’t hold out long.”

I feel my clit start to tighten. My body is on the edge. The men are taking turns leaving and returning to my body. Thrusting and retreating in rhythm with each other. As my body starts to lock down on their pumping cocks, I feel a rush of liquid.

“Oh shit baby! Fuck! You’re squeezing so tight and cumming all over our cocks! Fuck fuck fuck!”

“You just squirted all over our dicks baby! Such…a good… FUCK… Girl!”

Both men start pounding into me in erratic ways. They’re no longer in sync. Faster and faster. I’m building up again. Shit, shit I don’t know if I can handle “Fuck yeah!” I yell as my body shatters and begins to shake.

This throws both men over the edge. They yell out their completion while shooting hot streams of cum both into my convulsing pussy and my pulsing asshole.

We’re completely spent. Blondie grabs a quilt out of his truck and throws it over us. I fall asleep to the heartbeat in my ear and the warm bodies on either side of mine.

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Wild Child Ch. 07

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The trail leading down to the river is steep and winding but has steps carved into the hard clay and rock. It ends on a very large flat topped boulder about ten feet above the water. I had led the way down and had paused at the edge of the brush line just above the boulder to look around before we came out into the open. We were all three naked except for towels over our shoulders.

The river is well over a hundred yards wide here and has a slow lazy looking current. Mary looked down over the edge and commented, “The water sure is clear, I can see the bottom.”

I chuckled and replied, “I should hope so, it’s only about knee deep on this side. The main channel is on the other side. If we want to swim instead of wade, we need to follow the bank down stream a little ways to where a creek feeds in. There’s a pool about six to ten feet deep at its mouth. You both can swim, right?”

Rita grinned and nodded, “I swim like a fish and Mary can dog paddle enough to keep her head above water.”

I looked at Mary for a moment and then said, “Well, I guess that’ll have to do but you be careful and stay away from the current. It’s not very strong but if you don’t swim well it could carry you a ways down stream before you could get out of it. We’re not exactly dressed for cross country hikes.”

“Yes, sir.” She replied and then added, “I swim good enough underwater to stay out of trouble, I just have a problem with the floating part. I sink like a rock.”

“Yeah, it’s all that lead in her ass,” Rita chipped in and then laughed as she smacked her girlfriend solidly on the ass.

“Hey, at least I’ve got an ass,” Mary shot back and danced around, trying to return the slap.

Rita moved away laughing and said, “I can’t help it if I got the tits and you got the ass.”

“Yeah, between you, you’d make a pretty decent woman, if you mixed the parts right,” I said with a grin. That got me a slap on the ass from Mary as they ganged up on me, protesting all the way.

With a laugh, I danced away, and headed off down another trail along the river back. “Okay, okay, I take it back. You’re both beautiful in your own ways. Come on, let’s go get wet.”

This trail was flatter than the first and screened from the river by small trees and bushes. At the end of it, there was a steep section down to a small sand beach at the mouth of the creek. Large willow trees and oaks overhung the water on three sides but there was a large open section out toward the river. A rope swing hung from a large willow limb above the deepest part of the wide pool.

I went on down the steep incline but the girls paused to look around. I hung up my towel on a tree limb and waded into the cool water of the pool. Two steps and it was above my waist. A sound from up river caught my attention and I grinned as I recognized it as an outboard motor. This should be fun, I thought as I turned to watch the girls.

They were talking quietly and didn’t seem to hear the motor or at least it wasn’t registering. I waited, as the sound got louder and louder. Finally, I called to them, “Are you two paying attention? That sound you hear is an outboard motor and it’s probably attached to a boat loaded with at least a couple of fishermen. Now, you might not realize it, but you’re both stark ass naked and you’ll probably cause those poor guys to have an accident, if you continue to stand where you are.”

Both girls just looked at me for a second and then Rita said, “Oh shit, what should we do?”

I laughed and answered, “Either hide in the bushes or get down here in the water. I’d just decide and do it quickly if I was you, they’ll go by here any minute now.”

Mary started down the hill and Rita started back up the trail. Then they both reversed directions and nearly ran into each other; it was a Chinese fire drill for a few seconds before they both headed up the trail and squatted down behind some bushes. I was laughing my ass off and they were staring daggers at me. I had a feeling that I would end up paying for the laughter but what the hell, I had to have a little fun, didn’t I.

As the boat passed, I waved at the man and woman in it, and they waved back. As they motored bahis firmaları around the bend below the creek, I turned to the girls and grinned. “Okay, you can come on down, if you want to. I think it’s safe now.”

Mary stood up first and said, “You’re an asshole, you know that?”

“Yeah!” Rita added as she stood up. “You could have warned us earlier.”

I chuckled and replied, “Just think of it as a lesson in paying attention to your surroundings when you’re out and about naked. You have to look and listen, or you’ll end up flashing people that you might not want to. The guy in the boat probably wouldn’t have minded a bit, but his wife wouldn’t have appreciated it in the least.”

They had walked down the hill as I talked and were hanging their towels next to mine. Mary turned to Rita and said, “He thinks he’s so smart.”

Rita giggled and replied, “Well, in a lot of ways he is, or at least he has all that experience to draw on. We’ll get there ourselves one day, if we live long enough.”

“Yeah, I hear you but it still gripes me. He could have warned us earlier,” Mary shot back.

“If I had, then I wouldn’t have had the fun of watching you two, running around like a pair of chickens with their heads cut off,” I said with a laugh.

They looked at each other for a second and then both of them were on top of me, trying to drown me. I was laughing so hard that they nearly succeeded.

I finally grabbed Rita around the hips, tossed her out into deep water, and picked Mary up around the waist, with her back to me. I held her up out of the water and asked, “Are you ready to join Rita?”

She wiggled in my arms and shook her head.

“Ok, then,” I said and started to lower her to her feet. As I did, my rampant manhood slipped between her thighs and ended up pressed tightly against her hot sex.

She clamped her legs together and wiggled slowly back and forth along its length; little sounds of pleasure coming from deep in her chest. Rita swam up to stand in front of us, a frowning, questioning look on her face.

“Hey, what are you two up to?” She asked suddenly.

Mary moaned loudly and moved her hips faster. I stifled a moan of my own and replied, “She’s doing what you did this morning, sliding up and down on a sausage. Only she’s got it squeezed tightly between her legs and against her sex.”

Rita grinned and then I felt her hand touch the head of my dick, when it came out from between Mary’s thighs as she moved back and forth. About then, Mary let out a soft yell as her hips jerked and shook as her orgasm washed through her body. The heat along my dick went up another hundred degrees.

“Get you some, girlfriend,” Rita said with a laugh. “I’m going to have to try this.” She added with a grin in my direction.

With a long groan, I came all over Rita’s hand, which made her jerk it away for a second, in surprise. With a laugh, she grabbed it again and gave it a light squeeze. “It looks like I may have to wait a while.”

I could only nod my head and hold onto Mary, who was mostly limp and whimpering softly as her hips fluttered and twitched gently in the afterglow of her pleasure.

After a moment, I blew out a noise breath and whispered, “I think I need a nap.”

Rita laughed and moved closer to kiss me over Mary’s shoulder. A second later, she yelled and jumped back, grabbing at her left breast. I heard and felt Mary chuckle.

“Now we’re even,” she said. “You pinched mine and I bit yours.”

“Next time, just suck on it, mine are just as sensitive as yours are,” Rita said in return.

“Ain’t that the truth?” I put in and then laughed. “Right now, I’m the one with a sensitivity problem.”

Mary giggled and flexed her hips against my still semi hard manhood. We both groaned softly and she pulled away suddenly, which brought even louder groans from each of us. I released my hold on her waist and she had to grab onto Rita for support, as her legs didn’t want to hold her up.

After a second or two, she sighed and then giggled, “I think I may need a nap myself, for some unknown reason, I don’t have the energy to stand up by myself.”

“Hmmmm, it kaçak iddaa couldn’t have been that house burner of an orgasm you had, could it? I kept expecting to see the water boiling and steaming there for a while.” Rita told her, with a kiss on the cheek.

I laughed and said, “I don’t know about the water boiling but I’ve got a cooked wiener. I’d hate to think of how it would be, if I had actually been inside her. It would probably be a cinder.”

Rita giggled and said softly, “Well, maybe you’ll find out tonight when you fuck her in her cute little ass. She wants you to, you know.”

“Hey, big mouth!” Mary said sharply.

Rita giggled and hugged her, saying, “That’s alright, girlfriend, I want him to do the same thing to me but I’ll wait until we get back home.” Then she rubbed her breasts against Mary’s collar bones and added, “Of course, I’ve got to figure out a way, so your face will be stuffed into my pussy, while he does fuck you.”

Mary yelled, “Hey, now!” And struggled to get out of Rita’s bear hug, but not before I noticed the slight shiver that ran up and down her body.

Rita must have noticed also because she just hugged her tighter and whispered, “You know you want to taste my sweet little pussy, all hot and juicy on your tongue.”

Mary froze for a second, a shocked look on her face. When she did, Rita kissed the shit out of her. Mary struggled strongly for a few seconds and then moaned softly as she gave in to the kiss. I just stood there with my mouth open during this whole exchange.

Rita broke the kiss suddenly, a wild look on her face. She looked at Mary for a moment and then glanced at me. I grinned at her and nodded. She grinned back and whispered, “That was a surprise. I don’t know where it came from but….” She let the sentence die as if she wasn’t sure what she wanted to say or how to say it.

“Uh huh,” Mary whispered softly, staring at Rita.

Rita giggled and I think she blushed under Mary’s gaze. Mary grinned shyly and added, “That wasn’t like our practice kisses. Not at all like them.”

Rita nodded slowly and kissed Mary softly on the lips. When Mary kissed her back the same way, she moaned softly and pulled Mary’s naked body tighter against her own. This brought a soft moan from Mary. Rita’s hands were wandering over Mary’s back and when one dropped under the water to caress her ass, Mary moaned louder and kissed Rita harder. I just grinned at them and shook my head as I thought about later tonight. It should be very interesting to say the least.

I’m not sure who broke the kiss but when they did, they just stood there looking into each other’s eyes. After a time, Rita whispered, “Girlfriend, I think we have a problem.”

Mary grinned and nodded. Then she took a deep breath and said, “Maybe not, we’re supposed to be trying new things aren’t we?”

“Yeah, but trying each other wasn’t one of the things that had ever crossed my mind.” Rita replied.

Mary nodded in agreement and said, “Then we’ll just have to wait and see what happens and where it will go. We’ve been friends forever and we know most everything there is to know about each other.” Then she smiled shyly and dropped her eyes as she added, “I have thought about it, more than once, if the truth be known.”

Rita giggled and whispered, “Me to.”

Mary giggled back and kissed Rita on the lips. Rita noticed me watching her and grinning like a fool. She blushed deeply, and broke the kiss. Suddenly, Mary looked over her shoulder and whispered, “Oh shit, I forgot about you Uncle Rick.”

I laughed and shook my head. “Damn, I give a girl the orgasm of her short lifetime one minute and then the next; she’s kissing her best girlfriend. I can see where you would forget me.”

Mary started to protest but I laughed and went on. “I’m teasing you. I know what you meant and I understand the reason.”

“I’m glad someone understands because I really don’t,” Rita said shyly. “I’ve never done anything like this before and while it feels funny, it also feels right, somehow.”

“Love is love.” I told her. “It doesn’t matter who it is, a boy, your best girlfriend, an Uncle, even if he’s not related to you. kaçak bahis Mary is your best friend and confidant. Sure, you love her, and in the sexual atmosphere we’re in here, it’s only natural for it to turn somewhat physical. How physical, is up to you two. Just give it some thought first and make sure that it won’t interfere with or hurt your friendship.”

Both girls nodded and then Mary giggled and said to Rita, “He’s is pretty smart, isn’t he?”

Rita smiled at me and nodded before she replied, “Yeah, he is. Maybe that’s why I love him so.”

Mary laughed and said, “Lust is more like it, you’re a horny little bitch.”

“Look who’s talking,” Rita said and kissed Mary softly.

When this kiss broke, Mary grinned over her shoulder at me and said, “First, she wants you and now she’s after me. What’s next, the cows in the field or the deer in the woods?”

Rita laughed and said, “You’re enough of a cow for me.”

Then the wresting match was on, as Mary tried to dunk her under water. I laughed and turned to swim across the pool and back.


When I got back to the sand beach, the girls were sitting side by side on the bottom, just their heads and shoulders above water. I settled down to sit near them, breathing hard.

After a couple of minutes, Rita asked, “Uncle Rick, can I ask you a personal question?”

“Sure, you can ask me anything, you know that. I might not answer you, if it’s too personal, but then again you never know.” I replied.

“Well, uh, well,” she stammered for a moment.

“Look, just ask straight out. I doubt that you will shock me.” I told her with a grin. I had a feeling that this question was going to be something else, if she was this flustered just asking it.

“Have you ever had sex with another man?” Mary suddenly blurted out and then covered her mouth with her hands.

I chuckled at that and with a grin, replied, “I got a blow job from a guy once, many, many years ago but other than that, no.”

I paused a moment as I thought about where this question had come from and where it was going. “I’ve never met a guy I was that attracted to. Anyway, I have a dick to play with, so why should I play with someone else’s. I’d much rather play with a warm willing woman.” I ended with a laugh.

“See, I told you so,” Rita said to Mary.

“Yeah, I figured as much but I had to be nosey.” Mary replied and then giggled. “Especially, if I was going to stick my nose into someplace it had never been before.”

Rita giggled and said, “Make that noses or more likely three noses. I figure Uncle Rick’s will be stuck someplace or the other.”

Mary giggled and whispered, “It ain’t his nose that I’m wondering about. It’s something much longer and harder.”

She looked over at me and asked, “Is it going to hurt when you, huh…. You know do that to me?”

I grinned as I asked in reply, “You mean, when I fuck you in the ass?” She nodded but didn’t say anything, so I went on. “Not if we take our time and get you relaxed and ready. I figure a good spanking, followed by a nice oil rub down of those hot red cheeks, should get you all wound up and ready. Then it will be time to lay you over a couple of pillows and start to loosen you up. I’ll start with my tongue and then a finger. Then two fingers and finally my dick.”

I paused a second to let her think about what I had said and then asked, “How does that sound to you?”

Her eyes had gotten wider when I mentioned the spanking and then she shivered as I talked about my tongue and fingers in her ass. She took a little shuddery breath and nodded her head, quickly. Then she swallowed hard and whispered, “I think I’m in trouble.”

Rita giggled and asked, “How’s that?”

“I’m not sure if I can handle that all at once,” Mary answered and then she shivered again. “I’m not sure I’m as ready as I thought I was.” Then she giggled and added, “I’m close to coming right now, just thinking about it.”

“Me too,” Rita whispered and then she took a couple of deep breaths and said, “I think we need to swim or something.”

“Good idea,” Mary whispered and got to her feet and waded out to deeper water. Rita followed her. I sat where I was and watched them paddling around and splashing each other.

Rita splashed me and said, “Come on, Uncle Rick.”

I chuckled and shook my head. “I think I’ll save my energy for later.”

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What a Deal! Chapter 6

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Recurring Cast

Dennis, 41 years old, 5′ 11″, 175 lbs, brown hair, blue eyes, Cindy’s husband.
Cindy, 41 years old, 5′ 4″, 105 pounds, brown hair, blue eyes, Dennis’ wife.
Diane, 41 years old, 5′ 7″, 140 lbs, auburn hair, green eyes, recently divorced friend of Cindy’s.
Becky, 38 years old, 5′ 9″, 155 lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes, Cindy’s friend, widow.
Jack, 42 years old, 6′, 185 lbs, black hair, brown eyes, Louise’s husband.
Louise, 38 years old, 5′ 4″, 130 lbs, blonde hair, brown eyes, Jack’s wife.
Jackie, 19 years old, 5’6″, 125 pounds, dark brown hair, blue eyes, neighbor girl.

From the last story
I smiled and thought about it some more. “Anything you particularly want to try or want me to avoid?”

She looked thoughtful for a moment. “No… whatever Master desires.”

Wow! She was definitely surprising me. “Okay, my little slutty wife. Things are going to get interesting for the next few days. I hope you are ready.”

“Yes, sir. I’m ready.”

We went to sleep and visions of sugar-plums were NOT the visions dancing in my head.


On Tuesday I had a day off, but I got up early anyway and told my wife what to wear. I picked out a nice skirt that reached to the top of her knees and a pale blue silk blouse. I put them in the box that was on the bed and after her shower she came out and smiled. She went to her underwear drawer and I cleared my throat.

“Ahem! What do you think you are doing?”

She turned to stare at me and then at the outfit, the realization already hitting her.

“No panties, no bra today.”

She looked at me. “But this blouse is so thin my nipples will be on display all day. And I have a meeting with my boss and a very important customer.”

I acquiesced. She needed to get work done without getting fired. “Okay, you can wear the bra. When is the meeting?”

“1030 this morning.”

“Good. Be over by noon?”

“Yes, it should be.”

I grinned. “That’s good my pretty little slut, because you will meet me at Antonio’s for lunch at 1230 and the first thing you will do is hand me that bra. Got it? And don’t forget who you are speaking to.”

She smiled and glared at me, but good-naturedly. “Yes, sir, I understand.”

She took the box downstairs to finish dressing and I let her go without any further teasing or sexual torture.

I was on my way to the Italian restaurant when she called me. “The meeting just got over. Be there in about 20 minutes.”

I was just pulling into the parking lot. “Don’t forget what your first chore is.”

“Yes, sir. I got it.”

I was seated near the back, but in plain view of many of the patrons when Cindy showed up. I rose to meet her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. I helped her into her seat (some things are just ingrained), and then sat down. “So, do you have something for me?” When she glanced around first, I cut her off. “There’s no reason to look around. Your Master has commanded you to do something and I’m waiting.”

She reached into her purse and pulled out the bra. She had folded it neatly in half and tucked the straps in.

I grinned and put it to my face. “Mmmm. I can smell that body fragrance you use.” She blushed and looked down. “Now lean back in the chair and let me see the evidence of your bralessness.”

She didn’t flinch or look around this time. She just leaned back, put her hands down to grab the seat of the chair and thrust her chest out. I could see her NE (nipple erection) easily.

I smiled. “Excellent, my lovely wife.” She had it buttoned almost all the way to the neck so I decided to get more daring. “Unbutton the top button.” She did so and looked down. Still not much on display. “And the next one.” She did so and looked down. She put her arms on the table and clasped her hands in front of her and with her lithe body, finally got the allusion of cleavage… just barely. I grinned. “Very nice. Now I want you to unbutton one more.” She stared for a second and then did it. Now it was open to right between her tits. She looked great and since she had been so small and athletic all her life, her skin was perfect. “You are a beautiful little slave, my sweet.”

“Thank you, sir.” She took a glance down and could see that there was a lot of skin showing.

“Now, my pet, I want you to make sure that you turn the appropriate way to give our waiter a very nice view. Understand?”

She looked at me, blushed, and smiled. “Yes, sir.”

About that time the waiter arrived and asked what we wanted to drink. Cindy made sure to lean forward and look over the wine menu, but then only asked for water. I was sure that he could see some skin, but not enough. Since we each had favorite items we got here very often, I asked for a diet soda and then told him we knew what we wanted. He looked at Cindy and I gave her a stare, my look demanding her to show more. She turned in her chair slightly to her left, causing her blouse to gap in the middle and the right panel pulled away from her chest. I was sure that he could see almost to her nipple and I know that she knew it, too. She could see his eyes go from her eyes to her chest and back. He tried not to look, but she was too beautiful not to. She ordered her favorite and I ordered mine, veal piccata.

When he left she looked at me and blushed. “Sir, I never knew you wanted to show me off like that.”

“I don’t think I ever did before. But now I want to as long as I control it.”

She grinned. “Of course, my master.”

The meal came and we ate it quickly. There wasn’t going to be much opportunity to show off in here, but I was thinking of some ideas for the weekend. Instead, I bid her good-bye and went home while she went to finish her work day.

When she came home, I had finished making a nice salad for dinner and was sitting at the kitchen table. I watched as she entered, undressed, and put the clothes into her personal box. When she finished she stood there. “Is there anything you need, Master?”

I chuckled. “Perfect. You are doing very well, my slut, my love. Yes, as a matter of fact, I am going to go into the den, strip, and sit on the couch while you get me a beer and come give me a blow job.”

I did as I said I would and Cindy came in, handed me the beer, kneeled in front of me, and started in on my dick.

She was always a good cock-sucker. I remember the first time we saw True Lies on TV and the used car salesman was telling Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character that some woman could suck start a leaf blower. I had turned to my wife and jokingly said, “How does he know you?” We had laughed, but she had just ratcheted up her desire to learn all the things that turned a man on when sucking dick. She could make me cum in just a few minutes and that is what she intended to do right now. She first leaned over and lifted up my already pretty hard dick and looked up directly into my eyes as she dipped her head down to lick my balls. That shot where my dick is laying on her forehead while she buries her mouth in my scrotum and stares up at me with it right between her eyes is always a visual image that gets to me. She spent a few seconds down there and then slowly licked up along the bottom, dragging her tongue very carefully along the bottom of the crown. She went over the top of the head and in one movement, buried about 6 inches into her mouth. She slowly sucked back to the top, taking care to run her tongue all over the bottom. Between the visual image she gave of staring up into my eyes and making it look like it was the most exciting thing in the world for her, I could never last long. Cindy was really getting into it now. She bobbed up and down a few times quickly, and then sucked on the end while tonguing all around the head. She reached up and scratched the bottom of my balls with her nails and I was going to give it to her soon now. She pulled my dick out of her mouth and went back to licking all around it, seeming to savor every lick. Fuck! It took all my willpower not to lift her up, throw her down, and fuck her lights out. I managed to restrain that urge, but not the one in my dick, where the nerves were on sensory overload and wanted to release all that built up energy by painting Cindy’s tonsils with cum. And it came. She knew the indications and took about 2 inches into her mouth and kept licking the bottom of the crown and sucking as I started cumming. I blasted the back of her mouth with the first three spurts and then just lightly spurted the rest. Cindy took it all and smiled with my dick still in her mouth. She kept sucking until I couldn’t take anymore. I pushed her away and she sat back on her haunches. We smiled at each other, but our moment of relaxing reverie was broken by someone else’s exclamation.

“Fuck! That was hot!” I flinched a little and Cindy nearly came all the way off the floor when she jumped at the sound of another voice. We both turned to see a naked Becky standing there, fingering herself. I had given her a key so that she could come in tonight. “I’ve never watched someone who was so into giving blowjobs. You are fucking amazing, Cindy!”

Cindy smiled and looked down. “Thanks.”

I stood up. “Stand up, Slut 1.” It was back to business for the Master and his slaves.

“Yes, sir.” Cindy got to her feet.

“Time for step 2 of your anal training. Slut 2, would you go get the required items?”

“Yes, sir.” Becky scampered upstairs.

“Okay, slut, get on the couch on your knees and put your head on the pillows. Stick that beautiful fucking ass up in the air for me.” Cindy obeyed. I ran my hand over her beautiful derriere, admiring how even after all these years her ass was so nice, round, and perfectly smooth. She just whimpered as I played with her ass and ran my fingers over her ass and pussy. She was pendik escort already wet. “So, tell me slut, did you enjoy that little display you made to the waiter?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Did it make you wet? Did you have to go back to the office and masturbate?”

“It made me wet, but I didn’t masturbate in the office. There was too much going on.”

“Good. Remember, only one orgasm tonight. It’s only 6:30, so you’ll have to make up your mind when you want it.” Becky was coming back into the room now.

“Yes, sir.”

“Okay, Slut 1. Slut 2 is going to put a larger plug in your ass and we’re going to get you used to something a little larger. Eventually….” I leaned closer to her and waited for her to turn her head and meet my eyes. “Eventually, you’ll be taking my cock in your pretty little ass.”

“Yes, sir.” There was a hint of trepidation in her response.

I kissed her lightly on the side of her face that was turned to me. She was being very good. Although I knew that she owed me this after her little episode in the hotel at the conference, she was still my wife of 20 years and really had never denied me anything. I had to lean over and remind her of that. “Thank you, sweety. I love you.”

She smiled and just looked up at me, letting me know that she felt the same way.

Becky was now standing behind Cindy and was waiting. She could see the exchange between us and waited until I stood back up. “Okay, Slut 2. Show her how it’s done.”

Becky kneeled behind Cindy’s nice, tight little ass and squeezed out some lube. She worked it into Cindy’s ass, running her fingers around it, and then into it. She worked one and then a second finger into Cindy and Cindy moaned. My dick was hard, too, just watching this voluptuous woman fingering my wife’s ass. She then took the plug and put lube on it. She lined it up with Cindy’s ass. “Now relax, Cindy. Don’t tighten up. In fact, if you can push a little like you are taking a shit that may help.” Cindy didn’t say anything, but Becky pushed the plug down against her little hole. It started opening for the plug and Cindy was pushing back a little. The fat part of this plug was probably about 1½ inches in diameter. That was approaching dick size. Becky worked it in, let up, did it again, and kept this up, trying to get more in each time. She finally reached under Cindy and started running her hand over Cindy’s pussy and tweaking her clit. This seemed to allow her to get more into Cindy’s ass and she kept pushing until finally it popped past the thickest part and settled into her ass. Cindy groaned as it became seated.

“Okay, sluts.” I patted Cindy on the ass and Becky looked at my dick hungrily. “I made us a salad for dinner. Let’s go in the kitchen and eat.”

We all traipsed in there and I pulled the salad and some dressings out. Cindy got out the dishes and I loved watching her ass wiggle as she moved around with the plug in her ass. Becky did, too, and I noticed her staring at my dick and then also at Cindy’s ass.

We sat down and ate. I could see Cindy squirming while sitting on the plug. I grinned at her and she stuck her tongue out at me. Becky also saw it and we all laughed.

Once we were done with dinner, we all moved back into the den. I then pulled out another surprise for the women. In one corner I had the video camera on a tripod all set up and ready to go. I pulled it out and aimed it at the couch. I then went to work setting up the movie I wanted. “Okay, sluts, here’s the plan. Slut 2, you will kneel in front of the couch and lean over on it, presenting your ass to me. Slut 1, you will then proceed to lick and tongue-fuck her ass to get it ready for me. Once it’s ready, you will turn and get my dick wet. Once that’s done you will sit on couch to the right of Slut 2 and watch the action. You cannot masturbate while I am fucking Slut 2’s ass. Once I get ready to cum, I will pull out and cum all over Becky’s back. You can then clean up the cum and sit back down to get your orgasm. You two understand?”

Both responded with “Yes, sir.”

I started the camera and Becky walked over to the couch and leaned over, putting her hands on the cushions. Her nice cushy ass was on display for us. Cindy then came up behind Becky and made sure that she didn’t block the camera angle too much. She leaned over and started tonguing and licking Becky’s asshole. My dick was definitely hard now. I let her work on it for a couple minutes, then walked into the picture so that my dick was on display. Cindy turned and took it into her mouth, licking and sucking. She made sure that she left lots of saliva on it and then put her hand on my ass letting me know that she thought it was ready for Becky’s ass. I moved forward and aimed my dick at Becky’s ass. She groaned when I made contact and arched her back. Cindy moved to the right of Becky and sat on the couch. She pulled her legs up and put her feet on the cushions with her pussy on display for the camera. I slowly entered Becky, her tight ass feeling like it was on fire. She groaned and started pushing back at me as soon as the head cleared her sphincter. I started fucking her, my hips making a nice slapping sound up against her ass. Cindy stared and pinched her nipples as she watched. I could see that her pussy was swollen and wet, but she was not allowed to touch it yet. I kept pounding Becky and told her to get herself off. She reached up and started rubbing her clit while I rode her fleshy butt to my own orgasm. She never did take long and this night was no exception. She announced she was cumming and went off, her knees almost buckling while she rode out her orgasm. I slowed my fucking of her ass, but as soon as she relaxed I picked it up again. I knew I didn’t have long. I looked over at Cindy and she smiled up at me and winked. I smiled and then suddenly my release was on me. I pulled out and started jacking my dick. Cindy sat up and moved closer to Becky’s back, waiting for my cum to appear. My first spurt reached Becky’s hair, the second and third reached the middle of her back and Cindy leaned over to try to catch the third spurt. It mostly ended up on her cheek, but as the final few just covered Becky’s ass, Cindy went to town licking and cleaning off Becky’s back. When I backed away she moved down and cleaned up Becky’s ass, licking all the way into her crack, down across her asshole, and into her pussy. Becky finally collapsed down onto the couch.

Cindy looked up at me with a pleading look. I grinned. “Are you ready to cum, my pretty little personal slut?”

“Yes, please, Master, let me cum!” Her tone spoke of her urgency.

I turned to the camera and paused it. “Climb up onto the coffee table. I’m going to get the camera and film you making yourself cum. I want you to tell us that you are a dirty slut and how much you love masturbating for your Master and anyone he desires. Got it?”

Cindy clambered onto the table. “Yes, sir.”

I took the camera off the tripod and pointed it at her. “Ready, go.”

I had her entire body in the frame at first as she spoke to the camera.

“Oh, god. I’m such a nasty, dirty little slut. I love masturbating and making myself cum.” She was pinching her tits with her left hand and rubbing her pussy, especially the clit, roughly. “I love it when my Master makes me masturbate for him. I love it when he makes me perform for an audience. Oh, god, I want to cum!” She threw her head back and kept pinching her nipples and rubbing her clit for a few more seconds before her entire body went into spasms. She jerked around on top of the coffee table while she rode out her orgasm. She was making a sound like she was growling and grumbling deep in her throat as she curled up into a ball and eventually fell over on her side, still on the nice big square table.

I stopped filming and looked over at Becky. She was in awe of that last orgasm. She moved over to Cindy’s back and held her. “That was great, baby. You were amazing.”

I put the camera down and joined her as I knelt in front of Cindy. “That was an amazing show, Slut 1. I don’t know how I’m going to keep that video to myself.” I grinned at her as she opened her eyes.

“Argh! I really needed that tonight, Master.” It amazed me that she was able to stay in her sub character for our role playing. “Ever since you made me flash my tits at lunch I’ve been wet.”

Becky looked up at me. “You made her flash her tits, eh?” She smiled. “Interesting!”

I could tell that Cindy was worn out and it was almost 9:30pm. Since we always get up early and she had to work tomorrow, I decided that that was enough. Becky slowly removed her butt plug and then I picked her up in my arms and carried her up to bed. She clutched me strongly and whispered as I was carrying her. “I love you, my husband and Master.”

“I love you to.” I put her down and watched her just crawl under the covers. She didn’t brush her teeth, take off her make-up, or put anything on… just crawled under the covers and was almost instantly asleep. I looked over at Becky and shrugged. “I guess she’s really exhausted.”

Cindy reached her hand out for me and I took it and leaned down. She looked up at me with heavy-lidded eyes. “I’m too tired. I need some sleep. Go fuck Becky some more and let me get some rest.”

“Just sleep.” I kissed her on the forehead and she curled up and went to sleep. I walked over to Becky and took her hand. I led her back downstairs. “Not sure I’m up for any more. What about you?”

Becky took my hand. “I just want to thank you for including me in all this. I haven’t had much sex since my husband died and you and Cindy and Diane have allowed me to open up and explore things that I never thought I would. In my younger days I would have never done this, but now… whatever!”

“Well, Becky, I can’t complain either since you escort pendik are my butt-fucking buddy.”

She giggled. “Yeah. But we’ll get Cindy there soon. I think she’s more submissive than you believe. I think you’ve awakened something in her that she was not aware of. She seems to really get off on giving you control over her.”

“You think that’s it? It’s not just a little guilt over what she did to me when she was in charge?”

“Well, I’ve only heard part of the story, but she did tell me that she plugged you and she and some other women played with you. Sounds like a great time to me.” She reached down and squeezed my dick, which didn’t really seem to be interested in playing any more tonight.

“I’ll let her tell it to you. Right now, I think I’m going to watch a little TV and then hit the sack. You can take off if you want.”

“Okay.” She reached up and kissed me. “I really do like you guys. Just let me know if you need me more this weekend to play slut.”

“Oh, yes. I think we need to do something on Friday night; you available and up for it?”

“Oh, yeah. I’ll be ready. What time?”

“About 7. We’ll pick you up, okay?”

“Good. I’ll be ready. G’night.”

She got dressed over at the door and left. I watched a little TV and then checked out the video. It was awesome the way that Cindy played to the camera when masturbating. I couldn’t wait for more fun.


Cindy had to work this last day before the Thanksgiving Holiday. She got up and I let her pick her clothes, to downstairs, get dressed, and leave. I just moseyed around the bedroom after she left, made the bed, and then went downstairs. I had no plans for Wednesday. I knew that she did a lot of preparation for the Thanksgiving dinner the night before, so I was going to let her do that, naked.

About 10:30am I got a phone call from one our friends, Jack. Jack sounded completely different from the last time we had met. At that time, his wife Louise had been holding something back from Jack and he could feel it. Their relationship was suffering until the night they came over and we swapped partners, eventually leading to her admitting to us and then him over the next couple of days that she had a desire to be dominated. She had evidently been completely enthralled with it on line and was obsessing over being dominated. She had been unable to tell him about it, fearing that it would change their relationship too much. But keeping this secret was doing the same thing, so when she admitted it to Jack, things perked up a little between them and now it sounded like they were back to their fun-loving selves. (See Chapter 3 of this story for how this happened).

“Dennis, how are you?” I told him I was fine and he immediately continued. “I have a favor to ask of you.”

“Sure, Jack, what can I do for you?”

“I’m at a special conference in Vancouver this week and won’t get back until Saturday. Louise had to work thru today and won’t be able to fly out just for Thursday and Friday. Is it alright if she comes and stays with you guys this weekend? I’d hate for her to be alone for Thanksgiving.”

“We’d be happy to have her Jack. It’s no problem.”

“Okay. I’ll tell her. It takes a few hours to get to your house, so she could probably be there by about 6pm. I’ll have her let you know when she will arrive.”

“Okay, Jack. Tell her she doesn’t have to bring anything, either. We already have everything we need for the weekend.”

“Okay, thanks, Dennis. Oh, by the way, she will be required to be your sub this weekend and also to tell you about some fun we had two weeks ago at a conference in Las Vegas.”

I laughed. “Okay, Jack. That will certainly NOT be an inconvenience. I can take care of that, no problem.”

“Thanks, Dennis. I can never thank you guys enough for giving me back the woman I loved. We are doing very well now and she is just fantastic. Got to run. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Alright, man, see you later.”

We hung up and I rubbed my hands together at the prospect of having a very, very obedient sub at my disposal to go along with my beautiful wife.

Cindy came home at about 5:30, just after Louise had called telling me she was about 30 minutes away. I didn’t say anything to Cindy. I just watched her drop some last minute groceries on the table, get undressed, and then come over to give me a kiss. “How’s my favorite Master today?”

“You mean your only Master, right?”

“Yes, sir!” She stood up straight and gave me a mock salute.

I grabbed her and pulled her onto my lap. “So tell me slut, how much prep for tomorrow do you have to do tonight.”

She gave me a kiss on the lips and leaned back. “A lot, my only Master.” She gave me another playful peck on the lips. “I have to get the dressing started, I want to make sure all the china and silver is clean and ready, then set the table, make sure everything else is ready for tomorrow, check the turkey to make sure it will be ready, etc., etc. Why, Master, is there something you need?”

“Not exactly. I just wanted to tell you to set an extra place setting. Louise will be here in about 20 minutes because Jack has been gone to a conference and he asked me to ‘take care of Louise’.” I emphasized that last part.

Cindy grinned. “Oh, nice. I will love to play with Louise again.”

I poked her in the ribs. “And maybe I’ll let you if you are good, my pretty little slave.”

She faked pouting. “Please, Master, I will suck your cock, eat her pussy, eat anyone’s ass, masturbate for you guys, anything….”

I laughed. “Okay, okay, you keep pouring it on like that and Master won’t let you get started on Thanksgiving dinner until after he’s sated.”

“Hmmm. That’s not a bad idea, sir.” She guided my hand under her skirt and up to her bare pussy. It was wet.

“Has my little slave been thinking about sex all day?”

“Yes, Master. I couldn’t get the image of myself masturbating on the table for you and Becky out of my head. I thought about it and it was so exciting!”

“Hmmm. Well, you go ahead and get started on the cooking and we’ll see what happens when Louise arrives.”

She started chopping and prepping things and about 20 minutes later the doorbell rang. I gave Cindy a grin. “Answer the door and don’t forget to give Louise a box for her clothes.”

Cindy laughed and shook her head. She picked up the ‘Slut 3′ box and headed for the door. I waited for a few minutes until she came back into the kitchen with a naked Louise and a box for her clothes. She smiled. “Master, another slut for you.” She led Louise directly in front of me. I looked her up and down. She was such a voluptuous package of sexual-inspired parts that I found it hard to stop looking her over. She just stood there with a little smile on her face and her hands clasped behind her back. I noticed that she had completely shaved her pussy so I motioned her closer and she moved until she was between my legs. I reached up to cup her pussy. “I see you now have a bare pussy.”

“Yes, sir. My Master had me completely waxed… even my entire ass.”

I took her by her hips and turned her around so I could check it out. I ran my hands over her ass. “Wow, that’s so smooth. Cindy, get your little slut ass over here for a comparison.” Cindy put down what she was doing and came over. She turned and presented her cute little ass to me for my inspection. “Hmmm.” I ran my hands over both. “Not much difference, but definitely a little.” I ran my hands down under both and they both bent over a little, giving me access to their pussies from behind. They were both a little wet. I pulled my hands back and gave them both a slap on the ass. They both flinched but giggled and looked at each other. “Okay, I’m going to go see if there’s anything interesting on TV while you two catch up.”

I went into the den and watched some talking head discussing the situation in another god-forsaken country and turned to watch a movie. I had been in there for about an hour when the two ladies came into the den. I had queued up Cindy’s masturbation session and by the time they sat on either side of me, there she was on the flat screen telling us that she loved to perform like this. Louise smiled.

“Very good, Cindy. I love seeing you get yourself off. Master has made me do that, too. He ordered me to tell you a story about two weeks ago when we were staying in a hotel. Do you want me to tell you now?”

I stood up. “Just a second.” I stripped and sat back down. “Okay. Now start telling it.”

“Okay. You know as a salesman for a drug company, Jack is always travelling and knows a lot of these people from seeing them all the time. This time, it was with a lot of folks he didn’t know. He took me along to ‘service’ his needs and he has been studying how to be a good Master. I already thought he was, but he described to me how he has to learn more. He has become insatiable when he is in charge. I think being a Master turns him on as much as it does me to be a sub. In any case, we were in the hotel bar drinking with two of these guys he had just met. We were in a back corner booth so we could talk and be heard, but there really weren’t many patrons in there. These two were younger than us and just starting out in the business. They were asking for his guidance on many things to do with work while we drank. We had been there a couple of hours when I decided I needed to use the Ladies. Jack said he had to go, too, and we headed for the restrooms. Just before we went into them, Jack grabbed me and kissed me hard. Then he told me to remove my panties and bra and stuff them in the purse. I was wearing a fairly modest skirt, but my blouse was not actually completely opaque and my bra could be seen a little when I was wearing it. But he is the Master, so I went into pendik escort bayan the Ladies’ room, went to the bathroom, and did as he asked. When I got back to the table, Jack was already there. I sat down and I could see that at least one of the young men noticed my lack of bra. It had been white under a white blouse and now that additional layer was gone. He tried to look nonchalant, but I could see him stealing glances. My tits are big enough that I usually don’t go without a bra in public unless Jack makes me. Finally, Jack turned and whispered to me to put my hand up my skirt and start masturbating. I did as he told me and after a couple of minutes, I knew that the guy directly across from me noticed that I was doing something under the table. Nothing was said until Jack turned to me and grinned. He asked the guys if they had ever seen a woman masturbate before. They were a little stunned at the question and glanced to see how I would react to Jack’s question. They both finally said no and then Jack turned to me and told them that they couldn’t say that anymore because I was masturbating right then. They both stared at me and Jack smiled. He reached up and pinched both my nipples making sure that they were noticeably erect. He told them that in addition to his wife that I was his beautiful little slut. He asked them if they would like to see me do it naked in our room. I was a little shocked because until then nobody else had been invited into our lives except for you two during that special weekend. Well, the two guys followed us up to the room salivating at this opportunity. When we got there, Jack got out the bottle of alcohol we had brought and made everyone a drink. I knew he wanted to show them that he was my Master so he turned to me and told me to strip and lay on the bed. I answered with ‘Yes, Master’ and their eyes went wide. As I was undressing I could see and feel the hunger in the eyes of these two young men. Jack told them that no sexual contact was allowed, but if they wanted to, they could jack off and cum on me while I masturbated on the bed. I started masturbating and Jack just stood there and watched. They two young guys stood there and watched for a couple of minutes until finally one of them relented and pulled out his cock. It was a nice one and that triggered the other guy to pull out his cock as well. I was now rubbing and pinching my nipples with one hand and rubbing my clit with the other. The two young men were now freely jacking off over me. Jack told me to say dirty things to them, so I told them that I loved masturbating for an audience. I told them how I was a dirty slut who wanted them to cum all over me. I told them I love watching them rub their big pricks over my naked tits and pussy. Within 5 minutes they both started cumming and cumming and cumming. They were young and must not have been getting much pussy, because they covered me in cum. There was cum everywhere on me and on the bed. When they finished, they both sheepishly put their dicks back in their pants and Jack told them that they did good. He turned to me and called me a dirty cum slut and said I wasn’t allowed to reach orgasm, which I hadn’t yet. These two just stared at us. Jack finally told them that the show was over and that he’d see them tomorrow morning at the last meeting before we left so they left. Jack came over to me and told me to clean my slutty cummy body up. I went into the bathroom and did that while he stripped off the bedspread. I can’t imagine how that looked the next morning. He just threw it into the corner. I watched as he got undressed and then he made me blow him. He was so worked up after watching me do that for the young men, that he came in less than a minute and his load was so big I could barely swallow it all. That was our first time with someone else being involved.”

“Wow!” Cindy expressed my opinion as well.

“So is that the only time you guys have interacted with someone else?”

“Yes, sir. And I’m also supposed to tell you that we are to call my Master now.”

“Okay, call him.” I pulled Cindy down toward my hard dick. I had been hard for a while now because of this story and being naked with these two women leaning against me. “Give me a long slow suck while we talk to Jack.” She didn’t say anything, just started lightly sucking and licking.

Louise got an answer right away and I listened to her side of the conversation while Cindy slowly worked on my manhood. “Hello, Master. I’m here at Dennis and Cindy’s.” Pause. “Yes, sir, I related the story from our trip together.” Pause. “No, sir, we have not done anything else yet, but Cindy is sucking his dick right now.” Pause. “Yes, Master, I will tell him. Do you want to talk to him?” Louise handed me the phone.

“Hello, Jack.”

“So what did you think of the story?”

“Pretty interesting. How are things out there?”

“It’s pretty boring really. I miss my slut. I could really use a blowjob like I hear you are getting right now.”

“Yes, my slut gives great blowjobs.”

“Listen. The reason I wanted to talk to you was to tell you that you are to consider yourself Louise’s Master while she is there. Do whatever you want with and to her and I’ll enjoy the stories later. That sound good to you?”

I could almost hear him grinning at that. “No problem.” I looked at Louise. “I’ll use her however I want. Thanks.”

“Okay, Dennis. Thanks again for bringing us back to each other. I owe you for that, so you can have Louise whenever you want.”

“Thanks, Jack. I think I’ll start right now. She looks like she could use a mouthful of cum.”

Jack laughed. “Okay, buddy. I’ll let you go.”

“Later.” I handed the phone back to Louise. “Did you hear what we discussed?”

“Yes, sir, my Master has given you permission to use me as you wish.”

“That’s right.” I pulled Cindy up off my dick. “Right now, you have to finish me off and swallow my cum.”

“Yes, sir.”

Cindy snuggled up next to me while Louise kneeled in front of me and took over from her. She was an excellent cock sucker and Cindy stroked my chest and watched her as closely as I did. Louise was in her element as she licked my balls and worshiped my dick. She seemed to be making love to my dick, not just giving a blowjob. And that was an thrilling and exciting as anything I had ever seen. That finished me in no time at all and I filled her with my cum. She didn’t spill a drop.

Since it was now getting late and we had a long day ahead of us tomorrow, I told the sluts that we were going to go to bed early. They went into the kitchen and finished cleaning and straightening up and then came back into the den. I was sitting there watching a movie and they announced that they were ready to go upstairs. I waved them away. “Go ahead.”

They scampered upstairs and I waited for about 20 minutes. Then I went upstairs. I wanted to give them a chance to get into trouble and I was sure that they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. I was going to make the point that they couldn’t do that without permission.

When I entered the room I was not surprised. They were in a 69 eating each other’s pussy.


They froze and both looked up at me.

“I didn’t give you two permission to suck and play with each other! I want you both on your stomachs, right now! Prepare to be spanked!”

They both stared for a second and then Louise immediately got onto her stomach, her nice ass ready to receive some blows. It took Cindy a couple more seconds before she reacted. She wasn’t used to this kind of demand from me, but she did roll over onto her stomach next to Louise and await her punishment.

“Ladies, I will now give you each 10 swats. When I do, count out what swat number that is for you and make sure you say ‘sir’!”

I looked at the vision before me. Damn! What a nice pair of asses! I leaned over the bed and brought my right hand down onto Cindy’s ass pretty hard. SMACK!

“One… sir.” She hesitated, probably as the pain sunk in. I had swatted her pretty hard with my bare hand.

I leaned over Louise and gave her one.

“One, sir.” Louise squirmed.

I decided to finish with Cindy before I started on Louise. I swatted Cindy, not as hard this time, and kept doing it as she counted. Her ass turned a nice bright red and although she squirmed and gasped with each smack, she did nothing to cover her ass, twist out of the way, or stop it. It appeared that she was willing to play the game as we had discussed.

I turned back to Louise. I started spanking her, and she seemed to gasp and writhe with each blow, but it was different than with Cindy. She seemed to squirm and run her legs together more. She also seemed to anticipate the next smack. When I finished I looked at the two beautiful red asses. I could see a couple of hand prints on each one. I felt Cindy’s ass and then pushed my hand between her legs. She was wet and I didn’t know if that was from the spanking or from her escapades with Louise. I did the same to Louise and she was absolutely soaking. It appeared that the spanking really turned her on.

I told them to turn over. “Okay, ladies. Since you were unable to restrain yourselves, you will both have to go to bed with soaking cunts. You cannot bring yourself off tonight. You will have to wait until tomorrow. Got it?!”

They both shook their heads yes and we all went to get ready for bed. Once Louise was in the guest bedroom and Cindy and I had lain down I discussed it with Cindy. “So, what do you think so far?”

Even in the darkness I could feel Cindy’s smile. She got close to me so that we were face to face. “It was actually pretty thrilling and quite a turn on. It hurt a little to get spanked, but I liked it. That doesn’t mean that I want a painful flogging or anything, but a little spanking now and then might work for me.”

I smiled back. “Be careful what you wish for!”

We went to sleep and I was hoping Thanksgiving was going to be better than ever.

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Unexpected pleasures_(1)

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Unexpected pleasures.

It started out as my boyfriend’s idea of course, but I must admit it sounded pretty good to me. Jason said he always wanted to see me sucking his cock and fucking me at the same time, but since he could not be in two places at once, he needed help. That is where his friend Jim came in. Now I liked Jim Ok, he was pretty good looking, and nice besides, but I did not want Jason’s friends thinking I was a slut either, so we came up with the disguise idea. Jim and Jason often went out on Saturday nights to play pool and drink beer, so we figured that would be a good time to set this up. Jason and I bought the supplies together, having a lot of fun planning it out. We got a blond wig for me (I am normally a brunette) and some slutty looking heels and a red baby-doll outfit.

We planned on getting together at a nice hotel in town, where the room could be setup with dim lights, which would hopefully protect my identity, and still let us have our fun. The idea of this threesome set my heart racing, especially the idea of being able to get fucked as long as I wanted. Jason was a good lover, but could not last as long as I wanted. I told Jason in no uncertain terms that although I liked sucking his cock, neither he nor Jason would be coming in my mouth. The thought of that had always sounded kind of disgusting to me, and Jason had not been able to change my mind. I had a little submissive streak in me, which was partly why I was agreeing to this, but I had to draw the line somewhere. At least that is what I thought….

I got to the room at almost 9:30 with my disguise in my oversize purse. Jason and Jim would be there at about 10, leaving me time to get ready. I ordered some room service of an appetizer plate, since I knew the guys would be bringing something to drink, probably more beer. I took a leisurely bath next, and put on some heavy makeup, before struggling into the negligee. I was getting wet in anticipation of what was to come, and buckled the high heels on quickly. Looking at the clock, I saw it was just after 10, so I threw on the short terrycloth robe provided by the hotel, and dimmed the lights. After sitting on the bed for a few minutes repeatedly glancing at the clock, I decided to turn on the TV while I waited. The menu provided some ideas, and I selected a movie called double trouble, thinking it would help set the mood.

About 10 minutes into the movie, I was getting turned on watching a big breasted blond slobber on a truly marvelous looking cock while another guy was rubbing her ass. Although I was sort of into the movie, I was starting to get apprehensive, since Jason and Jim had not shown up yet. It was almost 20 minutes after 10:00. Were they having second thoughts? Jason had said that it was all setup, and Jim was excited about the idea, but with them late, my mind was inventing all kinds of problems. I almost fell off the bed when I heard the loud knock on the door. Self-consciously snugging the robe around me, I quickly opened the door, only to be surprised by a young man with a cart. I had forgotten the room service I had ordered. He was a cute young thing, and I decided to play with him just a bit as he brought the cart into the room. Heading to the chair in the corner to get a tip from my purse, I bent over kocaeli escort at the waist, sure he would be enjoying the view of my long legs under the short robe. Glancing quickly in the bureau mirror, I saw his eyes glued to the bottom of my robe. Smiling to myself, I bent a little lower, swinging my ass just a bit as I grabbed a couple of ones from the bottom of my purse. “Thanks!: I said simply, as I handed him the tip. I had let the front of the robe fall open a bit as I handed it over, giving him a peek at my boobs just covered by the red lace. At 25, my 34C breasts were still plenty perky, especially supported as they were now. I saw his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed before he said thank you. I smiled back, as he backed from the room, and closed the door. I realized then that he had to have seen the porno on the TV as he came in, and I blushed a little, then laughed to myself.

The knock at the door did not scare me this time, but I checked through the peephole before I opened it. There was Jason with Jim, both looking pretty eager. As I reached for the handle I remembered not to talk, as Jim might recognize my voice. I undid the belt on my robe and let it fall open naturally. I felt a sudden rush of heat in my center, and knew I had just gotten even wetter. I opened the door, gave a coy smile, and curled my finger slowly as if to say come on in boys.
“Hot Damn! She’s hot Jason!” Jim blurted out with a big smile. Jim looked a little nervous, but seemed reassured when he saw the smile on my face. “I told ya she was! Did I ever let ya down Jimbo?” I grinned at the hint of the Texan accent coming from Jason. Jim was already stripping off his clothes, boots and shirt off almost at the same time, and then he was pulling off his jeans. Jason had reached out for me instead, and was fondling my breasts with his big hands, gently mauling them the way I liked. He pushed the robe off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor as he nuzzled my neck. He really knew how to push my buttons, and if I had not already been gushing wetness, that would have done it. Only a few seconds had passed, but Jim to the side of me was already completely naked, his cock jutting straight out from his body, bobbing slightly as he stepped behind me, running his hands down my side and onto my ass. As he squeezed my butt cheeks with both hands Jason stepped away to pull of his shirt. As I watched my boyfriend strip down, Jim’s hands suddenly curled under my panties from behind me, and yanked downward. He pushed the panties down to the floor, so I helped by stepping out of them. I nearly yelped in surprise as his hand suddenly appeared in my inner thigh, and slid directly onto my pussy. He slid his fingers back, and they were immediately enveloped in my wetness. I bent forward slightly in an involuntary reaction as he slid at least two fingers inside me. “She’s totally wet and ready Jason!”
I watched Jason slipping off his boxers as Jim was fingering my pussy, seeing his familiar beautiful cock spring into view. Kicking his boxers across the room, Jason said “Let’s get her on the bed Jimbo.” Pulling his fingers from my pussy, and sliding them backwards in between my cheeks, he grabbed my hips and guided me a couple of steps to the side of the bed. Turning me to face him, he gently pushed me kocaeli escort bayan onto my back and spread my legs with both hands. I felt so incredibly exposed, watching him look greedily at my pussy as he grabbed his cock with one hand. This position and the incredible excitement I felt had caused me to be wetter than I think I ever was before. I felt my own wetness running down the crack of my ass and down to the sheets. As Jim was leaning down, guiding his cock toward my gaping pussy, Jason said “I can’t get to her that way Jimbo, let’s turn her onto her knees.” “Man, your timing sucks Jason!” Jim said with a grin. He willingly helped me turn over though, as Jason reached out and helped guide me to the front corner of the bed. He positioned me so that my head was at one edge, and knees at an angle on the other. Holding my head gently he stepped up so his cock was right at my mouth. “Go for it babe!” he said as I stared at his familiar cock under my nose. As I opened my mouth to let him slid in, I felt Jim’s hand part my lips, and his cock head slide up and down a couple of times in between my lips. It was about to happen, I was going to get double fucked, and I was liking it.
As Jim slid the knob of his cock into me, I groaned around Jason’s cock. An answering groan came from Jim as he slid halfway into me, easily in spite of the tightness of my pussy. Grasping both hips, he slid back out, and then all the way in, pulling another exclamation from both of us. I tried to concentrate on sucking Jason’s cock, but the sensation of Jim sliding in and out was almost too much. He started to rock back and forth quickly, going deeply into me. The impact of his hips pushed me forward onto Jason’s cock, so it went almost to the back of my throat. Both men were obviously enjoying themselves, as gasps and groans filled the air. I could not make much noise due to the cock in my mouth, but I was feeling ready to explode from the excitement and sensations of having two cocks in me. Just then Jason told Jim “See if you can make her come Jimbo!” In response, Jim’s left hand moved from my hip and slid around my side trying to reach my pussy. By bending forward he was able to put his hand close enough so he could start rubbing me. He quickly found my clitoris, and that nearly made me come right then. That’s probably what caused the whole chain of events that followed. My stomach muscles contracted involuntarily as his finger slid right across my clit. The position he was in made his cock slide nearly out of me, and my muscles tensing caused my hips to rock forward just enough so he cock barely slid out of my pussy. His rapid thrusting was instinctive enough that he did not stop, he just thrust forward again. The position of my hips made his cock centered perfectly on my ass, and the lubrication between my cheeks and on his cock made it possible. He thrust forward, and his cock arrowed halfway into my ass! I was about to come, but the sudden surprise and pain in my ass made me jerk forward much more than I had been. Jason’s cock was stroking into my mouth at just that instant, and his cock head hit the back of my throat and kept on going. I swallowed in surprise, and his cock slid nearly all the way into my mouth and partly down my throat. I had never felt either sensation before, as nobody izmit escort was ever in my ass, and I certainly did not know how to swallow a cock. I jerked back from the invasion into my throat, just in time for Jim to thrust forward again, and his cock slid all the way into my ass!
The sensation of slight pain and pressure in my ass, and the cock in my throat confused me enough so that I could not focus on a solution. The finger sliding across my clit as I was right on the edge was not helping either, so I basically did nothing. “Oh Shit I’m gonna come!” Jim yelled out from behind me, pistoning his cock into my ass. The slap of his hips onto my buttocks pushed me even further onto Jason’s cock, and I swallowed again involuntarily as he pushed forward, bringing my nose all the way to his flat belly. The rocking of his hips pushed his finger against my clit and I suddenly saw stars. I felt an explosion of pleasure from my clit through my pussy all the way to my head. Wave after wave of pleasure washed through me as I vaguely felt Jims cock swell even more, and a warmth jet out of him into my bowels. I was being fucked in the ass, and all the way down my throat, and I was coming like never before. I did not realize that Jason was coming as well, until the swelling and pulsing of his cock dimly registered in my mind as I was sliding down another orgasmic wave. His semen was going straight into my stomach, so I did not even taste it until he pulled back out of my throat just before his last spurt. I coughed then as his cock left my throat, but with Jim’s hips still pressed tight against my ass, I could not back off of his cock. One more spurt from his cock hit my tonsils, and I automatically swallowed.
Jason fell to the side of the bed, his strength gone from his orgasm, pulling his cock from my mouth. Just then Jim’s weight fell on top of me as his orgasm finished, his cock still buried tightly inside my ass. I allowed his weight to push me to the side, half collapsing myself, as mini orgasmic waves still were washing through me. The change in position pulled his cock most of the way out of me, and then Jim flopped over onto his back popping his cock out of my rectum with an audible noise. We were all panting like we just ran a marathon, me mostly from lack of air while I had Jason’s cock in side my throat. “I have never come that hard before! Ever!” came from Jim behind me. “Me either! You all right babe?” Jason asked with some concern. He was obviously thinking about our agreement, that neither of them come in my mouth. I had been adamant about that, and he had just come all the way down my throat, and in my mouth. Still floating in a post orgasmic splendor, I could not be mad at him though. Especially since it had not really been bad. The taste of his come was not bad, and the whole idea of it did not seem nasty anymore. I nodded, and then forgetting I was not supposed to talk much, said “I almost did not notice you coming in my mouth, since I was coming with Jim’s cock in my ass!” “You fucked her in the ass!” Jason looked at Jim in shock. “Yeah, I thought her pussy was tight enough, but when I slipped into her ass, Oh man!” “You came with his cock in your ass!” Jason repeated to me a look of amazement on his face. I smiled back and said “it was a surprise for me too!” The grin threatened to split his face as he said “Wow! I can’t wait for round two!”

‘Uh Oh’ I thought, what did I get into.

Part 2 to follow if you like…

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