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Ann: A Love Story Ch. 59

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“Wait here baby, I’ll go check us in,” I whispered to Ann, who was awake, but a still little groggy.

“Okay,” she said softly as she smiled at me, her eyes open but glassy.

Ann had slept the vast majority of our trip from Colorado to Omaha. She was awake when we left Loveland, but she drifted off about a half hour into the trip. I roused her at the state line so we could take the now obligatory pictures by the roadside sign welcoming us to Nebraska. And that was interesting, because even though she was tired, she was surprising energetic while the camera was on her naked body. She did her poses perfectly, flirting with me through the lens.

Yet once we were back at the car, and she was putting on her clothes, Ann asked if she continue her nap. And I didn’t have a problem with that…I could see the fatigue that she was feeling wash back over her body once I’d put away the camera. She’d only asked for another hour to sleep, and she said she’d drive the rest of the way once she woke up. But I knew she was exhausted. She had to be after what I had put her through the night before at the cabin in Estes Park. It was a wonderful, memorable night, but it took its toll on Ann physically…and mentally. So much so that her body was telling her to shut down and recharge.

She’d woken up just once between the state line west of North Platte, Nebraska, and the point just outside of Omaha where we’d be staying for the night. I had pulled off the interstate for gas, and Ann felt the car stop. She shuffled inside the convenience store part of the gas station to pee. When she came back out, I saw her eyes, still just half open. I nodded toward the passenger side of the car, letting her know it was okay for her to get in on that side. She was back asleep before I finished navigating the onramp back onto the interstate.

Ann woke up for good when we were a little more than halfway between Lincoln and our final destination of Omaha. We were traveling in the left hand lane, heading northeast along I-80, and we’d been experiencing high winds for hours as we headed dead east. But now that we’d turned more toward the north, those gusts had become crosswinds. Most of them weren’t a problem…the car was packed, and that weighed it down a little. Still, I had both hands on the steering wheel at that point, just to be safe.

We got hit with a sudden gust that had to be close to 50 miles per hour, hitting the side of the little Honda Civic, and pushing us over the centerline between lanes. It felt more like strong turbulence in an airplane, pushing us around with a heavy jolt. Fortunately, there were no cars on the other lane, and I was able to hold the car stable and bring it back to our side of the road smoothly. But it still rocked the car hard enough that it woke Ann up, startled and confused.

“What was THAT?” she said at the time, suddenly scared and gasping for air.

I responded by putting my hand on her thigh for a second, saying, “It’s okay, babe. It’s gotten really windy, and we just got hit by a gust, that’s all. Don’t worry…we’re going to be getting off the interstate really soon. We’re almost there.” Then I put my hand back on the wheel in case we got another gust of wind.

When I had said that to Ann she got a bewildered look on her face…but then again, she was still in that foggy state when you wake up from a deep sleep. She didn’t think when I’d said that we were ‘almost there’, that I meant we were almost to where we were going to be spending the night. She thought I was talking about a place to eat lunch. But lunchtime would have been 5 to 6 hours before. I hadn’t bothered to stop, because Ann was sleeping, and I’d eaten such a huge breakfast that I wasn’t really hungry. Instead, I just kept driving, making good time along the way.

I could tell Ann was confused, but she just needed time to wake up. Having slept so long, and not knowing it, was making it difficult for her to adjust to. Heck, she was having a hard enough time just sitting up straight. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought she was a little inebriated. But this was just one of those times where she needed a moment, so she sat still, not saying anything. She was letting things come to her, sitting still with her eyes open as her systems sort of rebooted.


We’d just pulled under the awning of the hotel we’d be staying at for the night. It wasn’t a mainstream chain hotel. This was a local one, and it appeared to be a rather nice one at that. It wasn’t big, and it wasn’t grand. It was modest and comfortable. And I wondered how Nancy and Tina found it.

Telling Ann I was going to check in, I walked inside the small lobby towards the front desk. A young guy who looked to be in his mid 20’s was behind the counter, dutifully doing some mundane task that I’m sure was important only to his boss. He looked up as he heard the door, and gave me a warm, polite smile as I approached the counter.

“Welcome sir, how may I help you?” he asked, which caught me by surprise. Not that Isparta Escort he asked…it was more of how he asked; his voice thick with a British accent. And that was not something I had expected in the middle of Nebraska.

“I have a reservation, under the name Thomas.”

“Ah yes, Mr. Thomas. We’ve been expecting you.”

“Yeah…I get that a lot,” I said with a laugh, thinking about how that was now becoming an expected line every time I went someplace. From having it said to Tina and I several times on the trip that Ann had set up for us, to now having that reversed a little as it happening to me and Ann on the adventure Tina was directing…it seemed normal to hear it.

But Charles, the manager on duty, at least, according to his nametag, didn’t know that. He heard my reply, and said, “Pardon me, sir?”

“Nothing…I just seem to have a lot of people expecting me, that’s all.”

“Oh…on your holiday. Yes, I would imagine you have. Miss Roberts seems to be quite the travel secretary…very precise with her details.”

“Miss Roberts? Oh, you mean Tina?”

“Yes sir. As I said, she’s quite the taskmaster when it comes to details. But I trust you’ll find that we’ve been able to accommodate everything she’s requested for you and Miss Franklin to enjoy your stay here in Omaha.”

I smiled, letting out a little chuckle, which caused Charles to give me an odd smile in return. “Sorry…Charles,” I said as I looked at his nametag again to make sure he knew how I knew his name. “I just didn’t expect someone with your accent…and when you said ‘here in Omaha’…well, it kind of hit me funny.”

“Quite all right, Mr. Thomas. I seem to get THAT quite a lot,” he said in good humor.

“You can call me Neil,” I said, trying to appear more gracious than I had been, what with the laughter and all.

He handed me the check in paper, and handed me a pen. “Sign and date at the bottom, Neil.”

I scribbled my signature, and he filed the paperwork and reached into a cabinet and handed me a key. I got a glimpse inside it when he opened the doors, and there were only two keys left inside, the vast majority of the little pegs being empty.

“Looks like you have a full house tonight,” I said as he handed it to me.

“There’s a rodeo in town. Most of the inns are booked full, including ours.”

I couldn’t help but snicker when he said ‘rodeo’ and he smiled. “I appear to amuse you.”

“I’m so sorry, Charles. It’s just a little surreal. But that was pretty rude of me.”

“Nonsense…I have a sense of humor. Most Brits do…how else might one explain Monty Python? And I suppose it is a little absurd when you think about it.”

“I don’t think it’s absurd. I just found it funny. Thanks for being a good sport about it. So, this rodeo…I don’t suppose that’s what Tina has in mind for our night, is it?”

Charles smiled politely and said, “I’m not at liberty to say what it is, but I can assure you, Neil, it’s a little more stylish than the rodeo. You’ll find everything you need in your suite. The limousine is to arrive in ninety minutes.”


“As I said…your evening is going to be rather stylish. I have you in the bridal suite. I know you’re engaged to be betrothed, and the nuptials haven’t taken place yet…but I thought you wouldn’t mind considering the circumstances. Top floor…end of hall to the left once you exit the lift.”

“Lift? Oh…elevator!”

“Sorry…sometimes I forget to Americanize my English.”

“It’s fine, Charles, I knew what you meant. I’ll see you in a little while.”

“Very good. Please enjoy your stay, and do let me know if you or Miss Franklin need my assistance with anything. I’m working the night shift, so I’m at the desk until 8 tomorrow morning.”


Ann was awake and alert as we rode up the elevator to our floor. In fact, she was animated; a whole host of emotions running through her as she bounced up and down on her heels. First, she was excited to be upright and out of the car, having been curled up asleep in the passenger seat most of the day. And, she was happy to be at the hotel, knowing that some kind of adventure might lie ahead…or at the very least, she and I would be together, which was something we were both looking forward to.

But Ann was mostly animated because she was upset with herself, miffed over sleeping the entire day away. “I still can’t believe you had to drive all day today, Neil,” she said in a disappointed tone.

“Ann, I told you…it’s okay. I’ve driven farther than that by myself before. It’s not a big deal.”

“Yeah, but you also didn’t have anybody to talk to.”

I put my arm around her shoulder, squeezing her into my body. “I just said I’ve driven farther…by myself. It’s okay. We’re here, and now you’re rested. And you obviously needed it, right?”

Ann nodded as she leaned her head against my shoulder, and sighed. “I promise I’ll make it up to you, baby.”

“There’s nothing Isparta Escort Bayan to make up, Ann. I’m taking care of you right now.”

“Why would you need to do that?”

“I don’t NEED to…I want to. And I want to, because of what you did for me last night.”

“Neil, we talked about that. I loved it, and it was what I wanted to do. Besides, it’s not like I’m going to do that every week, so I don’t want you thinking…”

I turned Ann in my arms, kissing her deeply as the elevator came to a stop on the top floor. “I know we’re not going to do that every week, babe. But when we do, I don’t think it’s too much to ask that I pamper you the next day…okay? Now, not another word…we don’t have a lot of time before the limo comes for us.”

“The limo?” Ann said, getting animated again. I could see the excitement in her eyes as I took her hand and led her down the hall to our suite.

And it was quite a suite. It wasn’t huge by normal standards, but that was because of the age of the hotel. Being an older, established place, the rooms were smaller just by the nature of the way hotels were built at the time. But it made up for the lack of actual floor space with the amenities it had…the room was spectacular. There was a kitchenette, a wet bar, and an open living area that made great use of the limited space with furnishings that hugged the walls. It was more of a cushioned pit than a couch.

Ann looked at it and smiled. “Oooh…we might be sleeping there tonight, in front of the windows.”

The windows she referred to were big and open, taking up the far wall. But that was before we walked into the bedroom. Again, it wasn’t big…but it seemed endless as we stood in the doorway.

I smiled as I looked at Ann, who turned to look at me. “Never mind…we’re sleeping here,” she said with a giggle.

Centered in the room was the biggest bed I’d ever seen. It was hard to say how big it was, because it wasn’t traditional. It was round, about 15 feet in diameter, and it was covered with a plush red velvet bedspread. It looked like a huge red trampoline in the middle of the room. In fact, there appeared to be several of them, all over.

That effect was caused by the reflection of the bed in the mirrors that covered the walls. Each wall was mirrored from top to bottom, including the wall closet on the left side of the room. There was also a large round mirror on the ceiling, directly over the bed. Circling that mirror were twelve spot lights embedded in the ceiling, which were wired to a dimmer switch on the wall to allow for changes in the intensity of the lighting, depending on the mood.

I pulled Ann close to me and said, “I think we should fuck in here, and then sleep in the other room looking out at the stars.”

A little shiver ran through Ann as she held me close. “God, I love you, Neil.” Taking a step further inside the bedroom, Ann did a little spin. “This room is so sexy. I’m wet just looking at it.”

“You’re wet all the time babe. And I’m about to make you wetter. Come on,” I said as I grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the bathroom.

The bathroom was surprisingly big when compared to the rest of the rooms in the suite. It had both an enclosed glass shower and a large tub big enough for two. I started running the water for Ann, and told her to get undressed. She let out a little shriek of joy as she started taking off the limited amount of clothes she had on, waiting for the tub to fill up. I poured in some scented bath oil under the running faucet, and the steam of the water filled the bathroom with the wonderful fragrance.

Once the water was ready, I had Ann slip into the tub. Once she had, I put a folded towel on the edge of the tub and had her lie back against it, using it like a pillow under her neck. Then, I pulled out the blindfold I’d used the night before.

“What are you doing, sweetie?” she asked innocently.

“We don’t have a lot of time to get ready. I want you to soak in the tub for a little bit…and don’t take off the blindfold. Okay?”

“Sure,” she said confidently.

Once she had it on, I stripped off my clothes and turned on the shower. “What are you doing?” she asked.

“Getting myself ready. No peeking…I want you to relax. I’ll be with you in a little bit.”

“Okay,” she said disappointedly, presumably because she thought I was going to join her in the tub.

I hopped into the shower, and went about my duties quickly. When I’m motivated, I can take a shower in about 5 minutes, including shaving my crotch and washing my hair. I’d honed that skill in college, when I’d often stay out too late, and then had to get up in a rush the next day to get to an early class. And I’d perfected it over the years once I got out of school and got a job. I loved to take longer showers and take my time, but I found being able take an express shower came in handy on occasion…this being one of them.

I’d noticed an envelope on the top of the wet bar as soon as we entered Escort Isparta the room, and I knew that was from Tina…through Charles downstairs. He’s said everything we’d need was in the room, and I assumed it was in that envelope. As I got out of the shower, I toweled off halfway, and I slipped out of the bathroom to find out what was inside the package.

Ann didn’t notice that I’d left, or if she did, she didn’t say anything. She was soaking in the tub, humming happily to herself. I made my way to the bar, and opened the envelope. There inside, were instructions on where we would be staying the next night. I was stunned, but happily so. But as amazing as that adventure was going to be, I was more surprised by what Tina had in store for the night.

And I was surprised, because she didn’t tell me. It simply said that it would all be taken care of, and that we just needed to go with the flow, and enjoy the evening. There was one hint though, which said I was to go to the closet in the bedroom. Heading back in, I quietly slid open the first of the two big heavy mirrored doors, but found it to be empty.

Going to the other side, I opened the other door, and found two hanging bags inside, with a note attached to each of them. One had my name on it, and it said I was to use what was inside…and then leave it when I was finished for the evening. The other bag had Ann’s name on it, and it said that the contents were hers to keep.

I put both of the garment bags on the bed, and went back into the bathroom. Throwing the towel on the floor to use as a pad, I kneeled beside the tub and took a soft wash sponge, dipping it in the water. Grabbing a bottle of body wash, I lathered up the sponge. Ann moaned as my hands touched her skin as I started to bathe her beautiful tanned body.

Taking as much time as I thought I could, I cleaned my lover, pampering her as best as I could as I moved from place to place. I tried to be tender, knowing parts of her were still sore from the previous night. I looked at her wrists, and there were still some marks from the ropes that bound her. They were very faint…not nearly as noticeable as they were earlier in the day. Yet I remembered her talking to Elaine at the restaurant earlier in the day, and indeed, they did look sexy in their own way…like a badge of honor.

When I finished with Ann’s body, I moved to her head, washing and conditioning her hair. I took off the blindfold, but she kept her eyes closed as she sat up so I could take my hands and pour water over her head. She was mewling as my fingers massaged her scalp, making it tingle along with the rest of her body. I loved the way her hair felt; wet and silky, just like her skin. I rinsed her hair thoroughly, and then I had her stand up and get out of the tub for me.

Much like she’d done for me a few nights before in Sacramento, I dried Ann off from her feet, up her body, making her warm and dry along the way. But instead of taking her bed once we were done, I took her by the bed, and showed her the bag waiting for her.

“What’s that?” she asked.

“I’m assuming it’s what you’re supposed to wear for the evening. I have one too…see?”

Ann started clapping, and she jumped up and down a little, making her breasts bounce enticingly. “I LOVE this!” she yelped. Then she took off for the bathroom again.

“Where are you going?” I said, stunned that she ran away.

“I need to finish getting ready. You said we’re going somewhere in a limo, so it’s obvious we’re going out. Unless you planned to do my hair and makeup, I need to get moving. I don’t want to see what’s inside yet, but take it out and let me know what we’re looking at. Please?”

I hung the bag on the edge of the door to the bedroom and unzipped it. It was a dress. A stunning red one. Ann heard the zipper being pulled, and said, “So…is it a dress, or a pants suit…or…”

“It’s a dress, Ann. I really think you’re going to like it, if it fits.”

“It’ll fit. I have total faith in Tina…she’s been so incredible so far, don’t you think?”

Pulling the dress out to look at it in more detail, I grinned. “Yes…she…has,” I said as I thought how Ann was going to look in it.

“What color is it baby?” she yelled from the other room.

“It’s red.”

“FUCK!” Ann snapped.

“What? It’s gorgeous, Ann. You’re going to look so hot in this thing.”

“Not if I don’t do something about my nails. Come here and help me…quick!”


It might have been the strangest thing I’d ever done. Curled up on a towel, lying naked on the bathroom floor, I was taking little cotton balls and soaking them in nail polish remover. I was working on taking off the bright yellow polish on Ann’s toes. She’d finished doing her hair, and she was applying her makeup as I slaved away at her feet. And that’s a little what it felt like; I was a servant, dutifully working to make his queen more beautiful.

When I finished Ann’s feet, I stood up and took her left hand, working on her fingernails. She said she’d take care of the other hand once I got done. So, once I’d finished all that I could do for Ann, I went into the other room and opened my own bag, pulling out what I was supposed to wear for the evening. To say I was surprised would be an understatement.

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An Undress Occasion

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“She’s just come over from England,” Pauline said. “She’s only been here a week. But it’s a blind date, so you can’t be too choosey. She’ll be alright.”

“I just hope she enjoys fucking,” I said. “An evening of conversation isn’t my idea of a Saturday night out.”

“With your kind of conversation anything can happen. Just don’t start off with, ‘Do you want to fuck now or later?’ It’s apt to put a girl off. Besides, she’s only twenty.”

It was a fancy dress dance. I was going as a gangster. When I was introduced to Joy I did a double take.

“What are you supposed to be?” I asked, rather tactlessly. “I’ve never seen anything like that.”

“This is the way high school girls dress back home,” Joy explained. “It was my school uniform five years ago. I hadn’t got anything else to wear.”

I shook my head. “Bet they don’t have any trouble keeping the girls out of mischief in that outfit. No wonder they keep their virginity longer.”

“Well thank you, Sir Galahad!” Joy tossed her head. “You do say what you think, don’t you? Do you think of anything else besides sex?

“Not much,” I admitted. “How about you?”

“We’ve come here to dance,” Joy said severely. She danced up a storm, I had to admit. But every time I looked at her, my hopes sank lower. For a start, fancy dress dance or not she really looked like a schoolgirl, and from what I could see under that silly school uniform she’d hadn’t much to show in the way of a figure. By the look of her, too, she’d never been screwed in her life. No-one would want to screw her. She wore grubby steel rimmed glasses, she wore pigtails with a bow at the end, she wore this ridiculous school uniform. And she wore braces on her teeth.

I took her home afterwards. That was part of the blind date deal. She invited me in, shyly. Begged me to come in, really. And I hadn’t the heart to refuse her. And then I wondered how I was to get away without hurting her feelings.

But that school uniform!! From the bottom to the top it was a turn-off. Sturdy black shoes. Thick black cotton stockings. A gym slip, she called it, black and shapeless from her shoulders to her knees. A white long sleeved blouse under the gym slip. And more horrible than anything, as she’d danced I’d caught sight of black knickers under her skirt.

“I should never have worn this silly gym slip,” Joy said. “It was winter uniform, really, and it’s so hot. Give me a hand to get it off, there’s a dear.”

She undid the knot in the sash round her waist, and began to tug the skirt up over her hips, and then bent over. “Catch hold and haul it over my head. It’s a bit tight. I haven’t worn it for years.”

Good Grief! I thought. If anyone comes in it looks like I’m helping a schoolgirl to undress. I could get jail time for this. And when she stood up again, flushed with the exertion, she was standing there quite unabashedly in a blouse and those horrible knickers, black things with elastic round the thighs. Wouldn’t fancy my chances getting up those things in the back seat of a car, I thought, as I gazed at them with horrid fascination.

Joy struck a pose. “Sorry, I hope I’m not embarrassing you. They’re pretty ghastly, aren’t they?”

But there was something even more horrible. Those black stockings only came halfway up her thighs. And there were thick white garter things holding them up, disappearing up under the elastic of the knicker legs. And three or four inches of pink, naked thigh. Oh god, I thought, I must be hungry, three inches of flesh is getting me horny.

“There’s worse to come,” Joy announced gaily, and undid the buttons down the front of her blouse. “Here, help me off with this.”

I couldn’t help myself. I pulled the blouse back off her shoulders. They were bare shoulders, naked Zonguldak Escort shoulders, and now that I was so close she smelt almost sexy. But over her shoulders were thick white straps, and those straps supported a garment that fitted tightly round her from armpits to waistline, buttoned all down the front and disappearing at her waistline beneath the knickers. There were bulges that suggested she might have a pair of breasts underneath

“It’s called a liberty bodice,” Joy explained. “I don’t know why. You couldn’t take a liberty with me if you wanted to.”

I certainly don’t want to, I thought. Joy smiled at me, her teeth flashing. “These braces are killing me, they’re fake ones, but they’re not very comfortable. Kind of inhibit the snogging, don’t they?”

Snogging? Was that English for kissing? Was she kidding? But then she took off the braces, and took off the glasses, and smiled. And I wished I’d known all evening she had a mouth like that.

“I’ll bet you don’t like braids, either,” she said. “Have you ever undone braids before? Have a go.”

I seemed to be hooked into this routine, whether I wanted to or not. And I was beginning to think I did. I wanted to see what other surprises there were. So I helped her undo the braids, and she brushed a glorious mass of chestnut hair down over her back and her shoulders, and shook it a little.

That liberty thing and those black knickers and black stockings were still hideous, but as I looked at the top part of her and realized she really was undressing for me, my prick was forcing itself uncomfortably against my shorts.

“You any good at undoing buttons?” Joy asked, smiling at me wickedly. “Have a go at these, there’s a dear.”

Undoing a brassiere was something I always liked doing, when there were breasts and nipples underneath that needed sucking. But undoing about a dozen buttons over a bust that might or might not be worth looking at was not my idea of entertainment.

“Please,” she wheedled, and put her mouth an inch from mine. Even then, I couldn’t quite bring myself to kiss her. There was something a bit sick about it. So she kissed me. And there was nothing sick about it.

“Undo the buttons,” she said, pulling away after a breathless minute.

I fumbled with the buttons. The bodice thing was so tight across her chest that at first I couldn’t get the buttons out of the button holes. But eventually I got them undone down as far as the waistline of her knickers. I just couldn’t bring myself to touch those horrors, but the liberty bodice disappeared down inside them, and I stopped.

“Here you are,” Joy said impatiently, and pulled the knicker elastic down almost as far as her crotch, and I was able to undo the last two buttons. The bodice pulled open and there was naked flesh underneath, and the cutest navel winking at me, and a garden of chestnut foliage straggling up from below.

“The thing has a twofold purpose,” Joy said. “One is to conceal any trace of a bust. The other is to hold up the stockings. You may as well undo those suspenders for me.”

“Suspenders?” I queried.

“Garters to you.”

I knelt down and worked out how the things worked. They must have been the same things as on a garter belt, but I’d never been this close to one.

Undressing a girl, even one who didn’t seem to promise a dividend at the end of the operation , was giving me a cock-stand that was downright embarrassing, and fumbling with those strange clothes was exciting, too. I got the garters undone at last, and they hung free.

Joy took one side of the bodice in each hand, pulled it up from inside her knickers and opened it up like a jacket, pulling it back and slipping it off her arms. And I gasped.

Those bulges under the constriction Zonguldak Escort Bayan were swelling out into a pair of breasts. Smallish, but gorgeous. And on each tit was a pinky brown aureole surrounding a hard nut of a nipple. Joy cupped them in her hands and massaged them, squeezing them up and out under my delighted eyes. “They’ve been strapped up too long. I Began to wonder if they’d ever pop up again.”

But they were popping up, standing up, begging to be sucked. I leaned forward instinctively, and Joy stepped back.

“When a young lady invites a man to help her, she doesn’t expect him to take liberties. Be a love and undo those shoe laces for me.”

I was being had for a sucker, I could see, but with those cute boobs so close I had no resistance in me. I knelt down again and undid her shoe laces. She lifted her feet, and I took off her shoes. I looked up, and realized she was next door to naked, stark naked from the waist up, her breasts directly above me. But between those beauties and me were those hideous stockings and those horrible knickers.

“While you’re down there, be a dear and haul down those stockings for me,” Joy commanded.

It was only as I reached up to take hold of her stocking tops, and my fingers touched the nakedness of her thigh, and I realized how tall she was and how well developed her breasts were and how very far from schoolgirl shy she was, that I understood just how much I’d been had for a sucker. So, rather than pulling down each stocking with my fingers, as I’d been about to, I made the exercise a journey of discovery. The thighs above the stocking tops were warm and soft, and as each stocking came down my hands explored the flesh I was exposing, caressing it and enjoying it. Until all that remained between Joy and total nakedness was those horrible knickers.

But those black knickers were no longer the horrors they had seemed. Suddenly they were incredibly sexy. Suddenly all I wanted to do in life was explore inside those knickers, and pull them down.

She didn’t have to ask me. My hands were on her thighs, caressing them, slipping under the elastic, exploring further up inside the stifling blackness. Joy moved her legs, standing with her feet apart and her thighs separated. My fingers reached the top of her legs inside the knickers, found the wetness at the top, felt her open cunt lips and slipped up inside her waiting cunt. Joy put her hands on the waistband of those incredibly sexy knickers and slowly pushed it down, revealing the dark brown of her muff. She pushed down further till my hands prevented them going any lower.

With a growl I took my hands out from the knicker legs and grabbed the waistband and hauled the things down to her feet. She stepped out of them, and opened her thighs again. Her naked twat was an open flower, her cunt lips were protruding like pink petals, her cunt hole was open and wet with dew.

My hands reached round behind her to take hold of the cheeks of her ass and pull her to me. My mouth went to the center of the flower and began to drink. She opened her thighs wider and put her hands on my head, forcing my lips to her clitoris.

“Suck her for me,” she pleaded. “You’ve excited me so much, she feels as if she’ll burst. Suck her inside your mouth and let me feel you rub her with your tongue. Masturbate her for me, I’m going to cum any moment. It was so exciting having you undress me. I was afraid those knickers would turn you off. Oh yes, yes, keep on doing that. Masturbate me, diddle my clit with your tongue, put your thumb up inside my cunt as far as you can. Masturbate me and fuck me with your thumb at the same time. I’m cumming. I’m cumming!”

And while she forced my mouth into her slit, she ground her whole pelvis round and round Escort Zonguldak and her thighs opened and closed like scissors. My hands gripped her cheeks harder, pulling them apart so that my fingers could explore the cleft between, and one finger slid up into her twitching anus.

Apparently she really was nineteen And if this was the way a nineteen year old could cum, I’d like to be around when she reached twenty one.

When she was finished she pushed my head reluctantly away, and stroked my face. “I’m sorry, I thought it would be fun to pretend I was a schoolgirl. And I wanted to see what those P.K.’s would do to you.”


“Passion Killers. That’s what we used to call them at school. I had quite a job getting into them, I’ve grown a bit in the last five years. Aren’t you glad?”

I’d grown a lot myself in the last five minutes, and I had to do something about it. I tried to be flippant. “I’m wearing passion killers myself. And they’re not doing me any good at all.”

“Oh, do show them to me,” Joy said excitedly. “Let me help you.”

I stood up, and it was her turn to be on her knees. A retrograde step, because I couldn’t gaze at that salivating cunt and those red tipped boobs. But she was working on my zipper, and I mentally said my thanks that she wasn’t going through the whole routine of stripping the top part first, as she had with herself.

She had my pants round my ankles quicker than I could have done it myself. And then her hands were cupping my cheeks and her face was pressed to the painful bulge in my Y-fronts.

“They may kill your passion,” she said, “but it doesn’t feel like it. You’ve got a lovely hard-on inside here. I can feel it.”

And she was feeling it, feeling the outline of my swollen prick and cupping my balls. And then she leaned back, and slowly and deliberately peeled my briefs down. My cock surged out, free at last, and stood up and reached toward her face. Then my balls were free, and she paused a moment to look at the fucking machinery displayed. But not for long. With a growl just like mine she leaned forward with her mouth wide open, and gobbled the bloated knob and clamped her lips round it. One hand gently explored my ramrod and the other fondled my scrotum.

I seemed to have been on the point of cumming ever since I’d first seen her tits swelling out of that liberty bodice thing. And now with her mouth sucking my cockhead and her tongue massaging my prick, I knew I was about to explode into her mouth at any moment. There was nothing wrong with that. Oral masturbation was one of the most delicious sensations in life as far as I was concerned. But, perversely, I wanted her to cum with me. I wanted to fuck her, dammit!

So I pulled out quickly before it was too late, hoping I wasn’t going to shoot my wad right into her face.

She’d read my mind. She lay back on the floor in amongst the debris of passion killers, hers and mine, and opened to me. And I took her right there on the floor. She was no virgin, as I’d feared at first. Her hungry cunt seemed to suck my prick right inside her as soon as my cock head touched her wide open hole. She was wet with her own cunt juice and the saliva I’d given her when she came into my mouth. And the tunnel of her vagina was wet and slippery all the way up.

She wrapped her thighs round me, and locked her legs over me, and began to hump me from underneath. I humped her from above, and the pace got faster as we kept time with each other, until I was ramming her as fast and as hard as I could go.

And then I came, an explosive ejaculation into the depth of her belly that made her cry out with delight. And as I continued to spurt inside her, filling her cunt with hot love juice, she cried out again. She was shouting. “I’m cumming! I’m cumming! I can feel you cumming inside me! Don’t stop, just keep on fucking me, fucking me, keep going, I love it, I love it, I love you fucking me. Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck.”

Funny how exciting those Passion Killers had been!

-The end-

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Appalachia Ch. 04

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***Thanks again to Lynn for the edit, and stay tuned for more chapters from the Turner Family!***

Pappa was not happy. Sally Mae was late for school. He was going to be late for work because she missed the bus and he’d have to run her into town. Now, she wasn’t coming down the stairs when she was called.

“Relax, Pappa,” Mamma said as she started filling the sink full of water to do the dishes. She started whistling and humming as she added a squirt of soap. Pappa heard a loud thump upstairs, and started looking concerned. Mamma touched his arm and shrugged. “Nobody’s hollerin’, jus give ‘er time, Pappa,” Mamma said quietly. She swayed her hips and almost danced back to the sink.

A minute passed while Pappa made his lunch, then he hollered again. Another minute crawled by while he filled his thermos with coffee from the old cracked glass pot on the stove. He gave another shout and pulled his worn work boots on over threadbare socks. By the time the laces were tied and he stood up, Sally Mae’s quick footsteps could be heard on the stairs. The lack of underwear on her slender body made him thirsty for pussy, but he didn’t give any sign of it.

“Git yer ass in th’ truck,” Pappa said, his anger making his voice thick and deep. Sally Mae’s step got heavier and she sighed deeply, looking like she was going to pout.

“But …”

“No buts. Git,” Pappa said, giving his daughter a look that would make a bear back down.

Sally Mae gave a dissatisfied “Hmpf!” and stomped out the front door. Pappa walked heavily down the steps, grabbing his thermos and lunch bag on the way out the door. He got outside just to see Sally Mae pulling a pair of shorts from the clothesline up her long, toned legs. The gentle curve of her ass disappeared under them; and while they looked a little baggy on her, Pappa didn’t say anything. He slid into the dirty, rusty ’57 GMC and slammed the door. Sally Mae was only a few seconds behind him, and he subconsciously watched Isparta Escort her climb in.

Pappa suddenly realized why the shorts looked baggy: they were Mamma’s. Those red short shorts fit Mamma’s ass like they were painted on, but Sally Mae didn’t have her Mamma’s hips yet. And though they weren’t falling off, they showed more than they intended. As she sat and adjusted herself in the seat, with her back almost against the door. Pappa could see almost everything she had to show off. He slowly realized that he was staring at his daughter’s crimson muff and snapped himself out of his daze. By that time, the damage had been done and his cock was creeping up to its full size, rising along his thigh.

“Pappa!” Sally Mae said with disgust. Pappa snapped back to reality and shook his head. He could feel himself blushing for a second before he got himself under control. “Th’ bench’s dirty! It’ll ruin m’ shorts!” Sally said without waiting for Pappa to reply, and apparently not noticing where he was looking.

“Then take ’em off,” Pappa said under his breath. He turned around and dropped the truck into reverse, looking through the rear window as he backed the truck up. When it was pointed down the lane, he turned to face forward and noticed two things. First, Sally Mae’s shorts were sitting in his lap, draped over his erection. Second, she had slid next to him, her naked ass on the seat, and her knees spread around the stick shift of the old truck.

“Yes, Pappa,” Sally Mae said with a submissive tone, rubbing Pappa’s cock through his jeans. Pappa shifted painfully as his dick grew to its full length in a heartbeat. Pappa’s hand slid off the gear shift to Sally Mae’s knee, which spread even further apart.

“What are you …” Pappa started to ask, but was cut off by Sally Mae rubbing harder on his cock. His own groan cut him off as he felt his dick throb under his girl’s surprisingly talented hand. Another stroke down his long cock Isparta Escort Bayan and her hands left Pappa’s lap.

“Maybe I should leave you be,” she said and sat back in the seat, not moving from her spot, but no longer stroking her Pappa’s dick. Without a second thought, Pappa pulled the truck over and undid his fly. Pappa watched as Sally Mae looked on with the look of a cat on the hunt. When Pappa’s pants were clear, his manhood sprung free and slapped against Pappa’s belly, making his daughter giggle.

“Oh Pappa, it’s so … oh wow …” Sally Mae said in astonishment. She started kissing the head and sucking Pappa’s precum, tasting both for the first time, sending shivers racing through Pappa’s body.

“Baby girl, there’s time fer suckin’ later. Git yer pussy on up that,” Pappa said. Sally Mae giggled and straddled her father’s lap, the lithe young woman having plenty of space between Pappa and the steering wheel. His dick went up past her belly button, and she looked concerned about the size. “Don’t worry ’bout nuthin, baby girl, we gonna take this nice an’ slow,” he said quietly. Without another word, Sally Mae pushed up, sitting on the steering wheel while she positioned the drooling cock head at her swampy entrance. Without much hesitation, she slid it inside her, moving slow with a look of pain and concentration on her face while her pussy tried to swallow the mushroom tip.

“Don’t hurt yo’self,” Pappa whispered, breathing hard as he watched his daughter’s red framed pussy try to swallow his meat.

“Oh Pappa …” Sally Mae moaned, not in pain this time but in pure pleasure.

“Oh baby,” Pappa said quietly as his daughter’s cunt started sucking his pole inside. It was like fucking a vacuum cleaner made of meat once she started twitching; between the sucking over her twat and her determination, Pappa knew he wouldn’t last long. His dick was already twitching and jumping as his daughter slid up his rod, Escort Isparta leaving four inches of glistening fuck stick under her and the thick mushroom wedged inside her. She slid back down, while Pappa watched and felt his little girl’s pussy swallow another six inches of his rod. He could feel her stretch and tighten around his dick, and almost came because of how good she felt.

“You like my pussy, Pappa?” Sally Mae practically panted out as she pulled back up. Pappa watched her pussy grip tight around his glistening shaft before she sank back down, taking almost three-quarters of his dick inside her.

“Oh fuck, baby!” Pappa groaned. He could feel himself throbbing and ready to cum already, and even after Mamma’s ass fuck this morning, he knew he was going to blow soon. The feeling of that tight pussy wrapping around his cock was just too good. The fact that it was his only daughter was even better.

“You gonna cum, Pappa?” she hissed out and pulled up. “Cum in me, Pappa. Fill my pussy up good!” she said and dropped down on Pappa’s cock, this time burying it in her depths, taking him clear to the hilt. Pappa felt her thatch of coppery curls nestle against his own dark patch of fur, and groaned loud. He felt his cum surge through him and knew it would be a big load; his balls were jumping in his sack as they pumped sperm into his little girl.

“Oh fuck, Sally Mae!” Pappa half-screamed as his cock spewed like a volcano. He felt Sally Mae clamp down hard as the first ropes of jizz filled and stretched her even more, and he felt her juices running down his shaft, coating his balls. The sensation overloaded Pappa, and he blacked out for a few seconds as he kept spewing cum into his daughter. Her quivering pussy snapped him back to reality after the orgasm. “You’re one good fuck, honey!” Pappa said lustily.

“Oh Pappa, yo’ just sayin’ that,” Sally Mae said with a childish giggle. She punctuated her words with a hard clench of her twat right before Pappa’s deflating cock and a lake of cum flowed out of her. With another giggle, she sat down on the seat next to Pappa, her hand stroking his meat, her head on his shoulder.

“You ain’t goin’ to school today, Sally Mae,” Pappa said as he felt a grin curl the corners of his mouth. “I gots an idea.”

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Amy’s Family Ch. 03

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Animated Gifs

Debbie put on a pair of light blue slacks and a shirt while Malcolm got dressed ready to go into town after he had eaten breakfast. Debbie’s parents were already in the kitchen. Sandra was wearing a printed floral dress and a thin summer shirt while Barry sat at the table wearing a shirt and shorts.

“Morning! Did you sleep well?” Debbie kissed her mother on the cheek.

“That bed in your spare bedroom is very comfortable, I slept very well.” Sandra replied.

Barry kissed his daughter. “I went to sleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.” He looked out of the window. “It’s a beautiful day out there. Not a cloud in the sky.”

Malcolm opened the door to the garden before sitting next to his father in law. “I’ll show you my new game after breakfast.”

“I thought you were in hurry to go into town.” Debbie asked Malcolm.

“There’s no rush. I’ll go in later.”

As soon as Malcolm and Barry had finished eating breakfast they went into the living room.

“Are you looking forward to visiting the Bio Dome?” Debbie asked her mother when they were alone.

“Yes I am. Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?”

“I’m not interested enough to want to travel to the other end of the country just to see a garden. I’m only pleased you’re happy to go with Malcolm, he’s been wanting to go for ages. I’m sure you’ll have a great time together and, you’ll enjoy it a lot more without me and dad being there.”

Sandra knew that Debbie was right. From experience she knew that they would ruin the visit for her. Picking up the dirty breakfast dishes she carried them to the sink.

“Leave the dishes, your on holiday. I’ll wash up and clear the table. Go and sit in the garden. I’ll join you when I’ve finished.”

Sandra did not need persuading. Picking up her book she went into the garden and sat at the table under the sun umbrella. Debbie followed her when she had finished washing the dishes and, feeling the hot morning sun she asked. “Do you mind if I sunbathe?”

Sandra was puzzled by her daughter’s question. “Why should I mind?”

“Because I don’t wear anything when I sunbathe and I thought you might not like it.”

“You as well! Amy told me the other day that she sunbathes nude when she’s at home on her own. Now I discover you’re a nudists too. When did you start doing it?”

“Years ago, the first time we went to Cancun.”

“Does Malcolm sunbathe naked as well?” Sandra was hoping that the answer would be yes, and it was. “It’s your house and garden, you do what you want.”

After undressing in her bedroom Debbie walked through the living room. Both her father and husband were engrossed in their game and neither of them looked up to see that she was naked.

Hearing Debbie come out of the house Sandra looked up from her book and watched her walk across the patio and step onto the grass. She had always wished that she was tall with long slender legs like her daughter. “Why did you keep your nude sunbathing a secret?”

Standing with her back to her mother Debbie bent forward and, unfurled her towel on a sun lounger. “It wasn’t meant to be a secret. I just never got round to telling you. Amy’s known for years and, knowing what she’s like I’m surprised she didn’t tell you.”

“She never said a word about it. But she did tell me that you both sunbathed topless when you used to go away together, before you got married. Was that meant to be a secret?” Sandra looked at her daughter’s backside wishing that her’s was still as firm.

While straightening out her towel Debbie moved her legs apart giving her mother a view of her pussy lips. “Yes, we deliberately didn’t tell you that we sunbathed topless. We thought you wouldn’t approve and you’d tell us off.” Straightening up Debbie faced her mother and, rubbed sun cream over her body.

“Do you need help putting that on?”

“No, I can reach everywhere, thanks for the offer.”

“I wouldn’t have told you off for sunbathing topless. Amy was eighteen and you were twenty. You were adults. And anyway I used to sunbathe topless when I was that age.”

Debbie stopped massaging sun cream over her breasts when she heard her mother admit that she had sunbathed topless. She had never imagined her doing anything like it. “Does dad know that you used to expose your breasts to strange men in public places before you met him?”

“Of course he knows. Anyway, the men weren’t strange. … Well some of them were a bit odd, and they were probably doing things that I would arrest them for today. You know … they were … playing with themselves in the sand dunes.” Laughing she added. “I was young and innocent back then and, didn’t know anything about what they did in sand dunes until I met your father.”

“What have you and dad been up to in sand dunes?”

“Your father and I may have had fun in sand dunes, I’m not saying any more I’ve said too much already.” Without realising what she was doing she turned over a page of her book. “Amy told me that she sunbathed nude the last time she was here.”

“Yes, Giresun Escort we all did.”

“Malcolm as well?” Sandra was more interested in learning that her son in law had been naked than either of her daughters. “I hope you used plenty of sun cream. You should always protect yourselves.”

“We were all very careful. Especially Malcolm and Amy.” Debbie smiled to herself remembering the other sort of protection her husband and sister had used together.

“What’s funny?”

“You’re worried that we protected ourselves.”

Seeing the smile on Debbie’s face and hearing something in her voice caused Sandra to have sexy thoughts about Malcolm. A picture flashed through her mind of him sunbathing with an erection. She shivered with sexual excitement.

“I don’t want any of you taking unnecessary chances. And that includes Malcolm. He’s my favourite son in law.”

“He’s your only son in law.” Debbie saw her mother’s face go red and, noticed that she clasped her thighs together. “Are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

“Why don’t you sunbathe with me?”

“Not now later. I want to finish reading this first.”

Debbie closed her eyes and went to sleep. She woke late morning and, with her eyelids open a fraction she saw the empty chair where her mother had been sitting. On another sun lounger she saw her father and, through almost closed eyelids she watched him stare at her.

Barry had always thought that Debbie looked a lot like his sister, and now that he was studying her naked body he was certain of it. Looking at Debbie’s beautiful body brought back many happy memories of the wonderful times that he and Catherine had spent together.

Shielding her eyes from the sun’s glare Debbie sat up and, placing her feet on either side of the sun lounger she exposed her bare pubic mound in all its glory to her father.

“Where’s mum?”

“She went shopping with Malcolm.”

Debbie saw that her father was staring at her pussy. Many people had stared at it over the years and she did not mind that her father was staring at it now. “Why are you wearing shorts?” She asked.

“I always wear shorts when I’m sitting in the garden at home.”

“You’re not at home now. You don’t need to wear them here. Take them off.” There was excitement in her voice because she wanted to see what was causing the bulge in them.

Pulling down his shorts Barry enjoyed letting Debbie see his engorged penis. Years before he had got the same pleasure from undressing in front of his sister and letting her see it.

“You need to put sun cream on otherwise you’ll burn.” Debbie pointed to the paler skin he had just uncovered.

“I don’t have any sun cream, your mum and I finished ours yesterday. That’s why she’s gone shopping.”

“She should have told me. She needn’t have gone shopping, I’ve got plenty here.” Debbie stood up, and Barry looked admiringly at the sway of her firm backside as she walked towards the house. She returned with two bottles and, handed one to her father. “You use one and, I’ll use the other. We’ll do it together and, you’ll be covered in no time.”

Without waiting for an answer Debbie crouched down in front of her father and rubbed sun cream onto his ankles and feet. She moved her hands quickly up his legs and onto his thighs. Barry was enjoying her gentle touch and, noticed that the higher she got the slower and, more deliberate her hand movements became.

With her head directly in front of his penis she watched it grow. “Dad it’s alive!” She exclaimed and brushed her hand against it making it grow even more.

Barry knew that he should tell her to stop, but he was excited at what she was doing.

She smiled up at him. “I’m almost done.” With deliberately slow hand movements she rubbed sun cream onto the inside of his thighs. Then without warning she put a cream covered hand around his penis and cupped his balls with her other hand. She felt his penis become firmer as she massaged sun cream onto it. “You certainly don’t want to get this burnt, do you?”

Barry knew that he should tell her to stop, but he was enjoying it and, it took all of his concentration to make sure that he did not cum. Finally he asked. “What are you doing?”

“What does it feel like?”

“I’m your father. You shouldn’t be touching me there.”

“Do you want me to stop?”

Barry did not answer, but stood very still enjoying the feel of her hand massaging his penis.

“Now it’s your turn to put sun cream on me.” Debbie let go of his penis and stood in front of him waiting for him to start.

Barry’s mind was in turmoil, but the thought of putting his hands onto his daughter’s beautiful body excited him. He breathed slowly and deeply until common sense kicked in and, told him not to touch her. But he could not resist her beautiful body and, pouring sun cream onto his hands he bent down in front of her and, rubbed sun cream onto her ankles.

Directly in front of his face was her shaved pussy. It’s puffy mound already glistening Giresun Escort Bayan with its own juices. It smelt intoxicating. He moved his hands up the inside of her legs and, she moved them apart giving him the opportunity to continue all the way up to her pussy. But he stopped before reaching it.

“You missed a bit.” Debbie spread her legs and, knowing that her father’s face was directly in front of her pussy she made a show of rubbing sun cream onto it. “That’s better. Now you can do my back.”

Barry’s penis was rock hard and he was concentrating on making sure he did not cum. Standing behind her he placed his cream covered hand onto her hip and brought it up over her waist stopping when he came level with her breast. He decided to touch it. After all, she had held his penis. With his heart thumping he eased his fingers forward until he touched the side of her breast. He rubbed his fingers over it then moved his hand forward and cupped her breast. Her nipple was already hard and, he pinched with it before quickly moving his hand up into her armpit.

“Don’t do that!” Debbie said sharply.

Barry was confused, she had held his penis, she had put on a show of rubbing cream onto her pussy. Now, she was complaining about him touching her breast and nipple. Pretending not to understand he asked. “Stop what?”

“Don’t touch my armpit. It tickles.” She smiled at him.

Barry was relieved. “I thought you were objecting to me touching your breast.”

“Hell no, I liked that. You can do that again.”

She lifted her other arm out of his way and, he put his hand onto that hip and gently massaged cream onto it. Bringing his hand up over her waist he continued up the side of her perfect body, stopping when his hand came level with her breast. Sliding his hand forward he cupped her breast and fingered her already erect nipple. He did it for longer than before and, with more pressure.

Debbie turned to face him. Their eyes met. “Thank you! I enjoyed that,” Leaning forward she kissed him on the lips, a wet kiss that ended before he realised it had begun. She stepped back and, he stared at her with puppy dog eyes as she poured sun cream over her breasts and massaged it into them.

She turned away from him. “Now you can finish rubbing sun cream onto my back!”

With his erect penis almost touching her backside he poured cream onto her shoulders and, rubbed it all the way down to her buttocks.

Debbie closed her eyes. She was enjoying the moment. “Is my bum as nice as Amy’s?” Her voice told him that she was aroused.

“What do you mean?”

“You walked into the bathroom while she was naked. She said that you saw her pussy though her legs as she was bending over.”

“Why the hell did she tell you that?”

“We’re sisters, we tell each other these things.” Looking over her shoulder she saw her father smile.

“You’re very different. Her backside and pussy are like your mum’s and, your’s remind me of your aunt Catherine.”

“When did you see aunt Catherine’s backside and pussy?”

“We used to go skinny dipping together.” Barry answered without thinking and, realising what he had said he stopped rubbing cream onto his daughter’s backside and took his hands away.

“Don’t stop. I was enjoying that.” Debbie pushed her backside firmly against her father’s hands.

Recovering his composure Barry fondled his daughter’s buttocks making no attempt to rub sun cream onto them. Then he brought his hands up her body and cupped her breasts. They were soft to his touch and, he pinched her already hard nipples. She turned to face him and, placing her hands on his hips slowly moved them onto his stiff penis.

“This is wrong.” Barry said.

“You’d better tell your penis because it doesn’t seem to think so.” Debbie moved one hand along the length of her father’s hard rod while cupping his ball sack in her other hand.

Taking his cue from his daughter Barry eased his hands between the top of her thighs. She moved her feet apart giving him easier access to her pussy. She was very moist there and, his fingers slid easily between her lips into her vagina. He slid his thumb up, and finding her clitoris he rubbed it.

“Did you do this with aunt Catherine?”

“Yes!” He felt his daughter’s vagina muscles squeeze tight on his fingers and her body shudder as a moment of ecstasy ripped through it.

Barry had brought his sister to orgasm many times in exactly the same way and, as his daughter orgasmed she squirted onto his hand, just like Catherine had done all those years before. With Debbie massaging his penis Barry could not hold himself back any longer and his cum shot out landing in great big globs on her stomach before sliding down towards her pubic mound.

– – – – – – – – – – o O o – – – – – – – – – –

Hundreds of miles away Debbie’s brother and sister were waking up in bed together after an exhausting night of sex.

Amy woke first, and sliding across the bed towards her brother she lifted the top sheet and watched Escort Giresun his bare chest rise and fall with every slow breath he took. Easing her hand down his body she touched his chest, then slid her hand down to his clean shaven pubic mound. She lifted his penis and held it gently in her hand.

Tom woke. “What are you doing?”

“Good morning lover!” Amy slid her hand up and down the length of his penis until it became hard. “I thought you might like to be woken up this way.”

Tom cupped her breasts and squeezed them gently and, leaning over he kissed her moist lips. Amy opened her mouth and ran her tongue around her brother’s lips. He parted his lips and, their tongues met and eased their way into each other’s mouths.

Tom pushed his sister onto her back. She moved her thighs apart and, feeling the tip of his penis press against her labia she hooked her legs around his body and levered her legs against his back pulling him toward her. His penis slid easily into her. She felt her lower lips get pushed apart as his cock entered her and, he felt her hot vagina tighten around it.

“My cunt’s sore from all the fucking we did last night, what’s your cock like?”

Hearing his sister use the words cunt and cock excited Tom. They fucked through the pain. Their naked bodies pressing against each other until Tom’s penis slipped out of her. Tom collapsed on his sister with his still erect penis pressing against her pussy.

“Let’s have breakfast. We can fuck later.” Amy said.

They went into the kitchen and, while Tom made scrambled eggs Amy went into the garden. She heard Ian and Catherine in their garden next door and, she walked over to the fence and shouted good morning to them. Ian and Catherine called back and, climbed onto their garden table. Looking over the fence they saw Amy looking up at them.

“What a beautiful, sexy sight you are. Would you like to join us for a barbecue?” Ian said.

“I’ve only just got out of bed and, Tom’s making scrambled eggs for our breakfast.”

“Tom’s welcome too. It’ll take a while for us to set everything up. Come over when you’ve finished your breakfast. As you’re naked I guess Tom’s not bothered about nudity, so that means Catherine and I won’t have to get dressed.”

Tom walked into the garden while Amy was talking to Ian and Catherine, but he didn’t hear what she was saying to them. As Tom got closer Catherine looked admiringly at him and said in a sexy voice. “Good morning Tom!”

Tom handed Amy her scrambled eggs and, they both ate while talking with Ian and Catherine over the fence. Tom was happy that Catherine could see him naked and, Catherine was happy to see him.

“Tom, you’re both invited over for a barbecue. Come over at any time. No need to put clothes on, we’re not going to.” Ian said.

Tom and Amy finished their breakfast and showered before going next door. Ian greeted Amy with a kiss on the cheek, then moved out of the way to let Catherine kiss her. Tom was surprised. It wasn’t the usual family kiss, it was a lover’s kiss with their lips wide apart and, their tongues in each others mouths.

Tom did not know what to expect from his aunt when it was his turn ti kiss her. They stepped towards each other and Tom’s penis got trapped against her stomach. They kept their eyes open as they brought their faces together. Catherine pressed her breasts firmly against Tom’s chest and, moving from side to side she scrapped her nipples across his chest and, made Tom’s penis roll back and forward against her stomach.

Sticking out her tongue Catherine ran the tip of it around Tom’s lips. He opened his mouth and let her slide her tongue inside. He gently closed his teeth on it trapping it before he sucked the breath out of her mouth.

“Let’s leave these two alone, they could be a while.” Ian put his arm around Amy and lead her into the garden.

Catherine and Tom kissed for a long time before moving apart and, looking into each others eyes Catherine said. “That was nice. I enjoyed it, did you?”

“Fuck yes.”

They went out to the garden. Tom helped Ian set up the barbecue while Amy helped Catherine prepare the food.

“So what happened yesterday, tell me everything.” Catherine asked Amy when they were alone in the kitchen.

“We visited a nudist club and met someone who works at the hospital. We spent the day with them and, at the club dance last night I went outside and had sex with her husband and, Tom went outside and had sex with her. We ended up in the same place. It was dark and, in the confusion we swapped partners and, Tom and I fucked.”

“Nothing wrong in that.” Catherine said it casually like it was no big deal.

“It’s incest! It’s illegal.” Amy replied.

“In Holland it’s legal. In Russia it’s legal. And in New Jersey they won’t charge you. You’re two consenting adults. Just don’t tell your mum, if she finds out she’ll probably arrest you. The important question is did you enjoy it?”

“Yes I did.”

“How does Tom feel about it?”

“Last night we went to bed together and, had a lot more sex.”

“Well that’s alright, it’s obviously not a problem for him.”

“You’re not shocked?”

“Of course I’m not shocked. You and I had sex on the garden table. That was incest too. Are you going to do it with him again?”

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At Grandma’s

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Female Friendly

A sequel to “En Route”


Grandma Martha Smith welcomed her daughter’s family to her home. It was their eighteenth annual two-day winter visit. Grandma’s big house provided Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Harriet Jones and each of their two children private rooms. After settling in, the five adults – one must consider twenty-two year old Maureen and twenty-year-old Bobby as full-grown adults — the five adults enjoyed a leisurely dinner, watched the evening news on television and discussed plans for the next day’s activities.

In the morning, Mrs. Jones would take the children shopping and sightseeing in the nearby big city. They would return home in time for a supper holiday feast and gift swapping. Mr. Jones would stay home with Grandma and help her with the cooking and by doing some handyman chores. At least, that’s what the children assumed. Harriet knew better.

Having settled on plans for the next day, the five took turns using the one toilet in Grandma’s house and retired to their rooms.

Harriet went to her daughter’s room, asked if she needed anything, kissed her on the forehead, covered her with her blankets, and said goodnight. Harriet then went to her son’s room, asked if he needed anything — including a handjob — kissed him on his penis, covered him with his blankets, kissed him on the forehead, and said goodnight.

The five ate breakfast together before Mrs. Jones and her children started on their shopping/sightseeing trip.

Grandma is a sprightly sixty-two years old brunette-turning-gray. Her college boyfriend knocked her up when she was nineteen, and although he paid child support until Harriet graduated high school, he never cared enough to see Martha and their daughter again. Martha never held a job after Harriet was born. Martha supported herself as an escort.

Thomas Jones earned his living as a handyman. While courting Harriet, he did handyman chores for her mother. Her mother, aka Grandma, supplemented her cash payments to him by providing him with free escort services. Grandma Martha has continued the tradition throughout Tom and Harriet’s twenty-four years of marriage. Harriet is fully aware of her mother’s occupation and how Grandma compensates Tom for his help.

“When was the last time you fucked my daughter,” Grandma asked

“This morning. just before we got up.”

“I don’t suppose you’re ready to cum again?”

“It may take me a while to put a load in you but that would make fucking you more fun.”

At first, Grandma didn’t respond. She merely kissed him lightly on the lips. Then she said, “I have to take Kars Escort a shower. Then we’ll find out how you perform.”

“If you don’t mind, I’ll join you.”

Grandma smiled and said gleefully, “Last one in is an old fart,” and ran off to shower. Tom followed her to the bathroom.

Grandma threw off her bathrobe leaving her completely naked except for her slippers.

Tom admired her slender form, and her shapely, upright tits, the gentle roundness of her belly, her bald pubic mound, her girlish cleft. “You know Grandma, you have beautiful tits for a sixty-two year old woman.”

“How would you know? Do you go around checking out sixty-two year old women for a living?”

“You and your daughter are enough for me to handle.”

“Do you think of me when you fuck my daughter?”

“I always think of you,” Tom lied.

“Then take your clothes off so I can suck your cock.”

Tom took off his bathrobe. Grandma took it from him, folded it, and placed it at his feet. She knelt on the bathrobe, took his flaccid cock into her mouth, and started to lick and suck it. Tom stood in front of her and kept his balance by gently placing his hands on her head as she vigorously serviced him

She stopped momentarily, looked up at him and asked, “Do you want to pee on me while I’m down her? I’ll wash your bathrobe before your wife gets home.”

Tom said nothing. Instead, he wet her hair with his urine, took the bottle of shampoo, poured some on Grandma’s head, and started shampooing it. Grandma used Tom’s penis like a showerhead, rinsed her hair with it, and sprinkling his urine all over herself. When Tom finished peeing, the two adjourned to the shower.

They carefully washed one another with soap paying special attention to ass cracks, and rectums. At one point, Tom stuck two fingers up Grandma’s asshole and a thumb up her vagina and asked, “Do you want to go bowling?”

Grandma laughed and said, “Don’t be fresh.”

When they were through, they toweled each other dry.

Grandma jokingly took Thomas by the penis and led him to the bedroom. They sat on the bed.

“Fuck me, Tom.. Business has been slow this week.”

Tom kissed her on the neck, the lips, and tongued her ear.. All the while, his hands fondled her tits. His hands slid down to explore her pubic area and his fingers went searching for her clit. They awkwardly shifted positions so that they were lying on the bed, head to toe, side by side. His thumbs separated her labia; his fingers twiddled her clit. She made no sound except slurping sounds as she enjoyed his penis in her Kars Escort Bayan mouth. Then she coughed as he unexpectedly emptied his cum down her throat.

When she stopped coughing, she looked at Tom, smiled, and said, “You still had it in you. Now it’s in me.”

Tom smiled proudly.

There was still time before lunch so Tom and Grandma did some of the heavier housecleaning chores and started cooking for the evening’s feast. Grandma did a load of laundry including Tom’s urine soaked bathrobe. Tom then took Grandma to a fast-food restaurant for a light lunch.

When they returned from lunch Grandma said, “It’s time for my afternoon nap. Would you like to join me?”

Tom replied in the positive and the couple retired to Grandma’s bedroom. Tom kicked off his shoes and flopped on the bed.

“Hey, hey, hey,” Grandma called out loudly. “You are not allowed to sleep on my bed with clothes on. Take them off.”

While Tom was on his feet disrobing, Grandma pulled down the blankets exposing silk white sheets. Tom dutifully admired the sheets and climbed onto them. Grandma joined him. Tom quickly dozed off.

Tom awoke to grandma’s gentle touch as she rubbed the underside of his penis with her forefinger.

“Mmm, that’s nice, Grandma.” Despite their intimacy, Tom never adjusted to calling Martha by her proper name or by “Mom.” Since Maureen was born, twenty-two years ago, Tom has consistently called Matha “Grandma.”

“You have to remember, Tom, your mother–in-law is an old pro and still in the escort business.”

“When do you plan to give up your trade?” No one in the family ever referred to Grandma’s “trade” as prostitution.


Grandma now took a firm grip on Tom’s dick and started to pump more vigorously.

“Go easy on my dick, Granny. It’s the only one I have.”

Grandma stopped pumping, shifted her position, and started sucking. Slowly she worked her legs and pussy up to Tom’s head. Tom found himself examining Grandma’s pisshole, and vaginal opening. Then he started licking her clitoris. Grandma groaned, discharged some fluid, and rolled off her paramour.

“You have me all set up to come, Grandma.”

“I’m tired, Tom. Put a quickie up my hole.”

Tom rolled over, used his knees to spread Grandma’s legs, admired her clean-shaven pussy, put his dick in it, and fucked. He dropped a weak load into grandma. It was his third load of the day; or was it his fourth? He had lost count between fucking his wife and his mother-in-law. And, that midnight fuck; was that before or after midnight?

“You Escort Kars rest, Tom, so that you’ll be ready to fuck my daughter when you go to bed with her tonight. I have a customer coming this evening and I want him to cum. I’m going to nap for an hour before I go downstairs to finish getting supper ready for Harriet and the children.”

Part Two

“Did you have fun with my mother today,” Harriet asked her husband when they settled into bed for the night.

“Yes, I did.”

“How many times did you fuck her?”

” I don’t really know; two or three times.”

“Have you got any juice left for me.”

“I hope so. Your mother is a wild one. It’s too bad she didn’t give you lessons.”

“She did; with laboratory exercises.”

“you mean Grandma sold your pussy to her customers?”

“No, no, no. She broke me in herself.”

“You mean you had sex with your mother?”

“On my twenty-first birthday, she found out I was a virgin. She asked me what I wanted to do about it..”

“What did you tell her?”

“I told her I was afraid to let a boy fuck me ’cause I didn’t want to get pregnant and I asked her if she would fuck me with one of those strap-ons she keeps for lesbian customers.”

“Did she?”

“Oh, yeah. Mom is used to fucking women. She has a lot of lesbian customers. She fucked me twice that night and she fucked me once a week until I met you. You are the only man who has ever, ever, fucked me. Do you know what she said when I started dating you regularly?”

“No, what did she say?”

“She said that it was your responsibility to fuck me and that you should fuck me at least once a week.”

Harriet now stood before the floor to ceiling mirror and undressed. She could see in the mirror that her husband was eyeing her. She watched him get off the bed and walk up behind her. She could tell from the gleam in his eye that she was going to get it up her ass again. Tom liked fucking her ass.

He cupped his hands on her now bare breasts and kissed her on the neck. He tongued her ear. She took his dick in her hand and directed it towards her asshole.

He whispered in her ear, “Bend over the bed.”

Holding his dick in her hand, she led him to the bed. She had to release his dick when she bent over for him.

His initial efforts to penetrate his wife’s rectum were unsuccessful.

“We need a lube,” he said.

“Look in the night table drawer. My mother thinks of everything.”

Sure enough, there was a lubricant in the drawer.

Tom lubricated his own dick. Harriet guided it into her. Tom let out a long sigh when he felt the head of his dick popped pass her sphincter muscle. She moaned on each of his many thrusts. He came weakly inside her.

“I like it better when I can feel your juice pulsing into me,” she said. “Now let’s get a night’s sleep.”

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Artie’s MILF

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Artie loved visiting his in-laws. Not everyone could say that, but he sure could. He was thirty four and his wife Tawnya was thirty. His mother-in-law was fifty-five, but a real looker for her age. She’d been doing yoga and aerobics since he’d been dating her daughter, nearly ten years before, she looked amazing.

Sarah was young enough to still be sexual and wild in bed. How did he know? They had made wild, passionate, exciting sex every time they visited the other for family events for the past five years. They’d almost been caught a few times, they’d been loud or hadn’t waited long enough for their spouses to fall asleep.

They’d never meant for things to be like this, they didn’t want to hurt their spouses, but their physical attraction was like electricity and he had to have Sarah.

When they’d arrived at the estate of his in-laws, Artie could complain a bit to his wife. She’d smile and tell him he always had great visits and left feeling refreshed. He knew this was true and didn’t give her too much trouble. They were staying for the weekend, so he knew he’d get to fuck Sarah at least three or four times. His cock stirred just thinking of it.

They walked into the kitchen and Sarah stood at the sink with her back to them. Tawnya spoke first, announcing their presence and thanking her mother for having them. He walked over and kissed Sarah’s cheek before heading off to the tv.

He knew tonight was a dinner with a few of the neighbor couples. Sarah had been trying to talk them into moving to the neighborhood, so once a month she had a big meal and introduced them around.

She had secretly told him she wanted them closer so she could get banged all the time. Her husband Dennis had troubles and needed pills for sex and he wouldn’t be bothered with going to the doctor to get them.

Tawnya had wanted space from her family for now, maybe when they’d begun having children she’d joked to him last time there had been a dinner.

That night was no different, Sarah had played an excellent hostess. She never spoke a foul word, no gossip allowed at her table and she sat perfect in her spot and just charmed them all. Artie thought to himself, this same woman rips my clothes off and deep throats my cock in the car some nights. His cock was stirring again, he couldn’t wait for tonight!

After dinner, they had retreated to the den, having coffee with Sarah and Dennis. Sarah still wore her proper dinner attire, a long dress, her body covered. He could imagine what she looked like under that outfit, her lacy garter belt, holding up her thigh highs. He’d about came everywhere the first time she’d stripped down in front of him. He could see her in the little black thong and the lacy push up bra she had worn back then.

Tawnya had excused herself so she could lie down, she’d gotten a headache after dinner. When Dennis slipped away to work on some paperwork he’d brought home, Sarah had quickly got in his lap and Isparta Escort pulled his face down to her for their first passionate kiss of the weekend. She could make him cum over and over just by kissing him.

Her tongue was smooth, exploring his mouth. Her lips were soft, caressing his. Her body heat was radiating into him. They were both on fire and if not for the public location, they would have slipped off their clothes and made love right there!

He pulled away, whispering, “Where can we go?”

She whispered back, “Meet me by the back gate in twenty minutes.”

He hurried down to the room to check on his wife, he kissed her forehead and turned out the lights.

He stopped for a drink, then made sure the house was quiet and dark. He went out back, waiting under a tree in the dark. He didn’t want to blow their cover by hanging out in the light.

She came along right on time, she was always right on time. Her hair was loose now, flowing down around her shoulders the ends curling up. She had changed out of her dress into a tight t-shirt and tiny blue running shorts. She also wore sneakers without any socks. Her legs looked long and lean and her butt was tight. He couldn’t wait to see what she had in store.

She’d grabbed him by the hand, pulling him along. They snuck through the woods behind the house and made their way down past the next two houses. At the third house, she’d led him into the yard and up onto the porch.

He didn’t know what was going on, but he was interested to find out. They didn’t turn on any lights, but she seemed to know where everything was. She led him into what seemed to be the living room and pushed him back on the couch.

She climbed onto him, straddling his lap. Her face lowered to his, kissing him as she tugged his shirt off. He ran his hands over her body, pushing the t-shirt up to reveal her bare chest. He cupped each breast, then licked each nipple. He’d sucked on her nipples, teasing them while she nibbled on his ear.

Laughing at him squirming, she’d ignited the fires he had for her. He tossed her back on the couch and came down on top of her, pinning her beneath him. She pressed her lips to my ear and breathed, “Fuck me Artie, Please!”

He tugged her shorts down, revealing her patch of hair. He’d never been with a woman that had hair before Sarah, she’d trimmed it, but it was there. Tawnya kept hers bare, he’d paid sixty dollars a month at the salon to keep her that way. But Sarah’s naturalness and been one of his favorite things about her.

He ran his hands down, digging through her mount and finding her swollen clit. He kissed his way down, “You sure you’re ready for that? I want to warm you up first.”

He found her sweetness, breathing in her scent. She groaned and pushed her hips up to him. He licked her, teasing her sweet spot. Her hair tickling his nostrils, her pussy dripping with her juicy goodness.

With his Isparta Escort Bayan face wet with her juices, he stood and dropped his pants. His cock was hard, standing out toward her. She sat up and edged forward on the couch, leaning into his cock. She slurped it into her mouth and got it deep down her throat. She held him there for a moment, adjusting her reflexes. When she had him secure, she pushed him deeper, running her tongue along his length.

She bobbed up and down, her mouth felt perfect around his cock. She cupped his balls in her hand and used her index finger to massage him. He almost spit cum down her throat. She knew how much he loved that move.

Soon she was releasing him and he was ready to be inside her. He lowered himself on her, pressing his head into her snatch. She took him deep inside, hooking her legs over his hips. He pushed deeper inside, kissing her neck and fondling her breasts while he fucked her.

She was breathing heavily and her back was arching. He knew she was experiencing her first orgasm of the night. She called out his name, quietly into his chest. Relaxing under him, she lay and let him fuck her.

When she regained her strength, she pushed him away. “Let’s explore a bit darling.”

She showed him through the house, in the darkness. She pushed him back on the stairs when they started up, then she climbed into his lap and bounced around. His cock about to explode inside her. When she knew he was ready to release, she got off of him and led the rest of the way upstairs.

They fucked against the wall in the upstairs hallway, him lifting her off the ground. He bit her nipples as she cried out with her second orgasm. That made her cry out louder before he released her.

He got what they were doing, they were teasing him, building up for the big release. He fucked her doggystyle on the bed in the master bedroom. She was splayed across the bed, ass in the air. Her clit was swollen and needed another release.

As he plunged deep inside her, over and over, he reached his hands around. He found her clit and rubbed it until she pressed her ass back as far as it could go and came again. She was left quivering on her stomach, while he still hadn’t cum yet. She was withholding that from him, over and over. This was fantastic for him.

When they came back downstairs, she told him why they were there, “I’ve convinced Tawnya to move over here. This house is going up for sale in a few weeks and I happened to volunteer to house sit for the owners this week.”

He grinned, “You got her to agree? How did you manage that?”

She laughed, “You don’t worry about that lover! I did it, that’s all that matters. You’ll be looking at this place tomorrow with the both of us, tonight I wanted to celebrate with you darling.”

She pulled him close to her, kissing him in a passionate french kiss. He cupped her ass in his hands, pressing her stomach against Escort Isparta his aching cock.

“Come on lover, let’s get going so you can finally release that big load of cum on me!”

They dressed quickly and went back to her house. Outside the gate, she dropped in front of him again. She released his cock from his pants and went down on him again. She bobbed on his cock, slowly going to the head and flicking her tongue every three strokes. He loved that she was so daring.

When she put his cock back in his pants, they slipped through the fence and back inside the house. Sarah went to see Dennis, and he went to check on Tawnya. Satisfied they were both preoccupied, they snuck off to the library.

Artie sat in Dennis’ recliner, Sarah climbed into his lap. She released his cock and pulled her shorts aside. Letting him inside of her again. He reclined back and she rocked her hips into him. He pushed her shirt up and let her breasts bounce. He loved watching her on his cock.

They stayed that way for what seemed like forever, the slow movements just a tease to his cock. She changed her position and faced away from him. When she sank back onto his cock, he about came everywhere. She got rougher this time, slamming down onto him. He reached up and around to her nipples, pinching them hard.

He lowered his hands to her hips, pressing his cock deeper into her. He was fucking up into her now and she loved it. She cried out, “Fuck me harder Artie, fuck me harder!”

So he did, he gripped her hips and banged into her harder and harder. She pinched her own nipples for a moment before slipping her hands down to her clit. One hand rubbed her clit while the other found his balls. Gripping them, she squeezed before leaning back against him.

She was still rubbing her clit, faster and harder now. She cried out again, “Fuck me harder Artie, I want you to explode!”

With that, he couldn’t hold out any longer. He slammed her down onto him again and his cock erupted inside of her. His cock filled her with cum and then softened inside of her.

She tugged her shirt down over her breasts and climbed off his lap. He pushed his cock back inside his pants and she adjusted her shorts. Leaning down over him, she kissed him with hardness and passion. Whispering in his ear when she pulled away, “I can’t wait to do this more often! Get some rest, tomorrow we have some alone time.”

He smiled, “When?”

“Dennis is taking Tawnya to the office with him. He needs help organizing and knows she’s good at it. From my understanding, it will be an all day event!”

He grinned, “I can’t wait!” Then slapped Sarah’s ass. She started across the room, him watching her ass shake. When she pulled the door open, she came face to face with Dennis. He pulled his wife against him and kissed her forehead.

“I’ve been looking for you. I guess Artie’s been holding your attention all this time!”

Artie looked over at Dennis and Sarah. Five minutes before he’d been releasing his cum inside of her. He joked with Dennis, “Hey old man, I just had to borrow her for a little while, she’s all yours now!”

They laughed and talked some more, but Artie couldn’t stop picturing Sarah’s pussy rubbing his cock.

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An Anniversary to Remember

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Opening the bathroom door I stepped out into my bedroom and, immediately turning slightly to the side, pushed my hip up, my chest out and whispered seductively;

“Hey big brother you like what you see?”

I was wearing a denim mini skirt that was so short that, in addition to showing off the full length of my long well shaped deeply tanned legs, just angling my hip up all but showed the curve of my well rounded ass cheek. Not only that but if I were to bend over completely, I would be giving anyone behind me one hell of a show, as all that was underneath, was the lacy blue thong that I had bought last week just for tonight, that left my ass cheeks bare. Of course, those legs may only be noticed, if my brother happened to start at the bottom because I am sure that as soon as he got a look at my small but very perky tits pushing their way out of the flimsy white tank top he would lose all desire to look anywhere else. Well that’s what I was hoping anyways. Right now however, the only audience I had was the mirror over my bureau that I was posing in front of. With a sigh I bent over, putting my hands on my thighs, and squeezing my arms together, forced my titties out further and while pushing my full soft lips into a pout I whispered;

“Oh please big brother? Oh you know you want to!”

Laughing nervously I stopped posing and walking over to the bureau sat down and, after checking to make sure that my long raven black hair was still holding the curl I put into it after the shower, I picked up my eye shadow and began lightly applying it. Well trying to that is, as twice I had to stop and give myself a minute for my hands to stop shaking, I was so nervous. Tonight was the night. After thinking about it, dreaming about it, and of course masturbating to it for months now I was finally going to do it. Tonight was the night I was going to give myself away and have sex for the first time. I suppose every girl was nervous their first time but in my defense I think I might be just a little bit more so because of the fact that the man I was going to give myself to was my brother Paul.

I shook my head realizing how bad that sounded, as if I were in a Jerry Springer episode but, fact of the matter was that ever since I was 14, mom had been telling me that my first one should be someone special, someone I truly loved and who did I love more than my brother Paul? The answer of course was no one. Being fraternal twins born only hours apart Paul and I shared that exceptional closeness that most twins did. That extreme sense of “oneness” where at times one of us would be thinking exactly what the other was and, even when there were times that we weren’t together, we could somehow “feel” if the other was okay or not. There was no bigger example of that then the day six years ago to this very date that I had almost drowned.

Paul and I were twelve and were at summer camp. The two of us had been swimming with some other kids but we, like many twins, tended to want to keep to ourselves and many times preferred our own company to that of others. It was this behavior that had prompted mom and dad to send us to camp in the first place; so that we would socialize with other kids our age. Honestly had they really been thinking, they would have sent us to separate camps because where one of us was the other was always soon to appear.

Well Paul and I had decided that we’d had enough socializing and wandered off into the woods on our own. We found a nice little deserted patch of rocks along the river bank and, after swimming for awhile, laid out on the rocks to catch some sun. After a while we put our clothes back on over our bathing suits and Paul, thinking it would be fun to try to build a fire, went into the woods to find some sticks that he thought would work. The last thing he had said before he wandered off was to stay out of the water because there was no one else around.

After he had left I went and sat by the water, sticking just my toes in ,and playing with the new bracelet mom had given me for my birthday last month. I must not have put the clasp on right as, while I was spinning it around my wrist, it fell off. I went to catch it before it landed in the mud but accidently slapped it further into the water. Afraid of losing it, I immediately ran into the water and, moving too quickly, stepped on a rock and slipping fell under the water where I smashed my head on another rock. I cried out in pain and, sucking in a mouthful of water, began choking and panicking. I could feel the current pulling me away and was already gagging. I tried to suck my breath in and inhaled more water. I was scared and could already feel my head pounding and my lungs burning. I tried to get out of the water but my feet wouldn’t touch bottom. I was getting dizzy and my arms and legs were beginning to feel heavy and useless. At that moment I knew I was going to die and my last thought just before I blacked out was of my brother Paul and how he would be alone.

The next thing I knew, I was on the bank on my back, and Paul’s mouth Gümüşhane Escort was over mine and he was blowing down my throat. I started coughing and choking and Paul immediately rolled me over and, pulling me up on my knees, began pounding hard on my back with his hand. I coughed up a ton of water and after a few minutes of gasping for breath in between coughing I was okay.

I sat there crying with my brother holding me, stroking my wet hair, and telling me it would be okay. After awhile I regained my senses a bit and said how lucky I was that he had come back in time. Paul had looked at me and said he wasn’t done but, suddenly his chest felt tight and he became really nervous, he didn’t know why, but he thought of me. Paul said he all but ran back and that’s when he saw me floating face down in the water. I have to say to this day when I think about it I am always amazed at how calm Paul was; being able, at the age of twelve, to not only get me out of the water but administer CPR. Most adults couldn’t have reacted as well; then again Paul had always been the much more mature and serious of the two of us.

Paul and I decided not to tell mom and dad because, besides being shaken up, I was okay and we didn’t want to get them upset. We also did enjoy the camp and didn’t want them not to send us again. That had happened on July 9th and every year since then I would always show my appreciation for my brother’s heroics with a gift. Paul would always say I didn’t have to give him anything but I also knew that he enjoyed it and, whether he would admit it or not, did look for something from me. I knew it wasn’t about the gift itself which usually wasn’t anything really special, last year it was speakers for his car stereo, but the tradition of it, and the fact that it was our special day.

Well today was the ninth and usually I gave Paul his gift first thing in the morning. It was now approaching eight at night and, although he hadn’t said anything over dinner, I knew Paul was expecting something. I of course said nothing, not even the “Happy anniversary big brother” I would whisper in his ear that was always accompanied with a big hug and kiss on the cheek. No, so far today had been just another day. Paul had left for work early and I had done a 12-6 at the restaurant I waitressed at. We had gotten home about the same time, ate supper after which, I had told him I was going to shower and, seeing neither of us had plans, why not order some movies on demand? I could make some popcorn and we could chill on the couch. Paul had shrugged and said okay and I couldn’t help but smile to myself at the look of disappointment on his face that I hadn’t acknowledged the day.

Well hopefully disappointment wouldn’t be the look on his face an hour or so from now because I certainly had not forgotten about our special day and this year this girl was going to give her wonderful brother the best gift ever; me, all of me, my body, as well as my heart.

I’m not really sure exactly when I had started seeing Paul as more than my brother as we had always been so close to begin with. I think the first real glimpse I’d had of it was a weird feeling of jealousy when Paul had started dating a girl named Shelia a couple of years ago. I didn’t know why it bothered me but it did. I just remember thinking that she would never understand him or treat him as well as I could. Even as those thoughts would pass through my mind I wondered what the hell they meant, after all, I was his sister not his girlfriend. Paul and I told each other everything and a few months after he had started seeing Sheila he told me that they had had sex for the first time at her house and I once again felt that crazy feeling of jealousy. I had gone to bed that night with the image of my brother’s well muscled body on top of Sheila, pumping her slowly, his mouth fastened to her tits, while she moaned and told him she loved him. I had ended up in tears that night and couldn’t understand why.

I had been way too happy when, a few months after that, they had broken up. That was a year ago and since then Paul had gone out with, and also slept with, a cheerleader named Cindy. That had lasted only a couple of months and as far as I know Paul hadn’t even had a date since then. I found myself strangely excited that he hadn’t been with anyone since and, as my feelings for him grew stronger and stronger, I felt myself getting more nervous every time he mentioned a girl or I saw one flirting with him. What had really given me some hope that I might have a shot is that when I had asked Paul what had happened with Cindy he had shrugged and said that it had been the same as Shelia. Paul said he just didn’t feel comfortable, as if it wasn’t really right, he said he figured it meant that the right one was out there somewhere he just hadn’t met her yet.

On my end it seemed as if I had felt that way right from the start, as far back as my first date at age fifteen I always compared every boy to my brother. Not just looks, although my brother was a great looking Gümüşhane Escort Bayan guy, hell he looked like me so how could he not be, but how sweet and caring he was. My brother played high school football and was pretty good, but unlike most of the arrogant jocks Paul was sweet, down to earth, and pretty shy. My mother worried about him and always said that my brother was the type of guy that nice girls should get but the bad girls ended up with. When I had asked what she meant Mom said that Paul was the kind of sweet heart who could end up being taken advantage of and she hoped he found a girl that would appreciate him.

Well I knew one girl who would love to appreciate him and in every way! Not that I was even really sure what every way meant just yet but I was certainly willing to do anything my brother would ask of me. Obviously, unlike Paul, I had yet to have sex. Not that I didn’t get offers. At 5’9″ and 125lbs my body was long and tight with a nice firm ass and beautiful legs built up from years of dance classes. My tits weren’t the biggest, but fit well on the rest of my slender form. I had long black hair, smooth even features, and my hazel eyes always got compliments on the way they changed colors in the light. I also had a pair of very soft full lips, the kind that were made to pout, and kiss and:

“Suck cock” I whispered then giggled.

The giggle was that of a little girl, and even though tonight I was going to become a woman, I still knew that Paul could never resist it, so little girl cute it was. Well as cute as I could be with my ass all but hanging out anyway. Of course going back to what I had just whispered, it’s not like I had ever sucked on one, but I had watched a lot of dirty movies on the internet, and it looked easy and kind of fun. To date the farthest I had gone was a few months ago with Tom, the last guy I had tried to date before giving in completely, and admitting to myself I wanted my brother. We had gone out to a movie with another couple and Tom had smuggled a bottle of southern comfort out of his house. We had poured it into a soda cup in the theater and passed it around all through the movie.

We were all light weights and by the time we had left the theater we all had a buzz. The other girl’s parents were away for the weekend and we went back to her house. I am sure if I hadn’t had been drinking I wouldn’t have gone home, but I had known Tom for awhile, and he was a decent guy so I went along. As soon as we got there the other couple vanished into her bedroom leaving me and Tom on the couch. Tom slid up close to me and, putting his arms around me, we started kissing. I didn’t mind, I enjoyed kissing, plus Tom was pretty hot and the booze had me feeling damn good so after a few minutes we were going at it pretty hot and heavy.

I was wearing a black mini skirt and, as we kissed, Tom’s hand that had started at my knee, had made it up so far up my thigh that I could feel the edge of his hand rubbing against the thin material of my panties. I had begun breathing heavier and had removed my lips from Tom’s; as I did his lips found my neck and began sucking on it. His other hand had found my nipple through the thin material of my shirt and lace bra and he was squeezing it lightly. I heard a high pitched whimpering and realized it was coming from me as Tom’s fingers slid into the crotch of my panties and rubbed along my wet pussy. I moaned again feeling my hips thrust against his hand as if they had a mind of their own, and then gasped, as his finger slid inside of my very wet pussy. I winced as it hurt a little but a minute later his thumb found my clit and I started moaning and moving my hips into his finger.

At the same time that my hips seemed to be moving without my permission, my hand dropped to Tom’s lap, and I felt his hard cock through his jeans. He moaned and bringing my other hand down I unzipped them and reaching in began to rub his cock. Tom began to make a whimpering sound much like mine as I wrapped my hand around his shaft and started stroking it. Tom was moaning and moving his hips into my hand the same way I was into his finger. I felt a tightness in my stomach and as Tom pushed his finger in even deeper I let my head roll back and released an embarrassingly loud moan as I came for the first time from someone else’s fingers.

As soon as I had finished moaning, Tom had gently pushed me back into the corner of the couch and standing pushed his jeans and underwear down. He then got on his knees between my legs and reaching up, grabbed my panties, and after sliding them off, knelt down between my legs. Tom began to slowly lower himself, and as he did, I reached down grabbing his hard cock again and started stroking it. Tom groaned and I could feel him trembling as he was getting closer to pushing his cock down between my legs. I had every intention of letting him at that point; my heart was pounding and I was flush from both the orgasm and the alcohol. I found myself sliding further down onto the couch and opening my legs Escort Gümüşhane a little more. Tom didn’t have anything on, but mom had put me on the pill a couple of years ago, so I had nothing to worry about, all I had to do was lie back, and close my eyes and….

I was suddenly confronted with a vision of my brother Paul. Not just any vision, but one of him in Tom’s place, leaning over me his, muscular arms alongside my body, he was naked and lowering himself down on top of me. Paul was looking me in the eye with those beautiful hazel eyes that were identical to my own. His face was bending to meet mine, his lips parting, and as he closed in he whispered;

“I love you Dawn.”

My eyes popped open and I put my hand on Tom’s chest. Tom looked down at me and gave me a little smile and said;

“Come on Dawn I … I love you.”

We had been going together a few months and, a minute ago I might have believed him, or it might have meant something but, after hearing my brother say it, even in my mind, it just didn’t seem right. I kept my hand on Tom’s chest and whispered;

“I can’t.”

Tom started to say something but then moaned as I had never let go of his cock and now started rapidly pumping it with my fist. Tom groaned again and I feeling his cock twitch in my hand I felt something hot and sticky spraying my thigh. I kept pumping and Tom had kept cumming until, with a little whimper, he rolled over onto his side panting. I quickly sat up and after using my panties to wipe the cum off my thigh and then balling them up and shoving them in my purse told him I wanted to go home. We didn’t really say anything on the way and a couple of weeks later I broke up with him. I felt bad; Tom was a nice guy but as Paul had said it just didn’t seem right. However that night had erased any doubt for me who would be right.

That had been back in March and now that I had come to terms with my feelings I had spent the last few months trying to figure out how to make it happen. My parents were almost always home and it’s not like I had an excuse to try to get a hotel room and get Paul in there with me. I certainly didn’t want my first time, and our first time together, to be in car somewhere so I just waited and hoped something would come up before some cute girl made a move on him. That something had come up last month, when over dinner, mom and dad announced that they were going away on a second honeymoon on July third and wouldn’t be back until Monday the twelfth.

As soon as they had said it my heart began to pound and I was struck by the thought that that was week of our anniversary! On that note, I wanted to smack myself, for not thinking of that before. How absolutely perfect it would be for me to profess my love for my brother on that very special day. During the next month I had tried to figure out the best way to go about seducing my brother and was pretty much coming up dry. Between the fact I didn’t have a lot to go by and, that I still sometimes caught myself thinking about how wrong it sounded, I was at a loss for what to do. The one saving grace I had was that the ninth was Friday so I had all week to figure it out. Of course there was a part of me that didn’t want to wait that long, figuring if I could get Paul to want me, we would have all week long to play, but in the end the thought of giving Paul the best gift ever was just too much to resist.

As I had lied in bed that night, my fingers still wet from masturbating yet again to the thought of my brother fucking me, I was struck by the thought that waiting until the end of the week could be a good thing. Rather than just taking Paul completely by surprise I could use the week to try to set the tone, get him thinking more and more about me. As it was there was quite a few times lately that I had sworn Paul was looking at me. Usually I chalked that up to wishful thinking but there were a couple of occasions where Paul and I had been talking when I had thought he was checking me out and, as I thought about it while staring at him, I swear I could “feel” him thinking the same thing. That had given me more confidence that this could work because usually, when I had that feeling that we were thinking the same thing, it was almost always right. Those moments, coupled with the fact it had been quite awhile since Paul had shown any interest in another girl, had my hopes up and I spent the next few days planning some things to make the week “interesting”

Monday had pretty much been a lost day; Paul had to work all day and I had an early afternoon to close shift so we didn’t see each other at all. Tuesday however had been a different story. I had the day off and an hour before Paul got home from his landscaping job I took a shower and put on just a pair of panties and a night shirt. When Paul had come home he had been completely exhausted and had hopped in right into the shower. I was waiting in the parlor when he came out wearing just a pair of shorts and I swear I could feel my pussy begin to drip. My brother looked amazing; of course being my twin Paul had same thick black hair, beautiful hazel eyes, and smooth features as me. Four years of football had built my brother’s once scrawny build into over two hundred pounds of solid muscle spread out over his six foot one frame, and the landscaping had given him a hell of a tan.

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An Uncomfortable Situation Ch. 05

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We took a few breaks along the way, but all told, Ali and I stood posed hip to hip with one another for more than three hours, all the while coping with the knowledge that Lisa had watched us having sex.

Each time we stopped for a break, it was almost as though a spell had been broken, and suddenly able to relax, we grabbed for each other, collapsing into each other’s arms. It was comforting and it was arousing, Ali’s arms around me, and her breasts crushed against me. It didn’t take long before I was hard again, and Ali didn’t help matters any when she whispered into my ear.

“I want you inside me so bad it hurts.”

By lunch time, it was warm enough that Ali and I had a light sheen of perspiration on our bodies and sweat had started to darken the cloth of Lisa’s snug fitting top and her shorts.

Lisa looked up from her easel, tugging on her shirt in an effort to fan herself, and told us to relax.

Ali leaned into me, wrapping her arms around me, and as our wet, sticky bodies pressed against each other, Lisa smiled.

“Come on inside,” she said. “You can cool off a little, get something to drink and eat a quick snack.”

She pulled the patio door open and we followed her inside. I walked in last so I could watch the delightful curves of Ali’s ass as she strode gently behind Lisa, and my cock pulsed with each beat of my heart.

Lisa cracked open the fridge and pulled out a plate with some sliced fruit.

“So, what are your schedules like for the next summer session?” Lisa leaned against the counter as Ali and I sipped water and took a few bites. “It starts Monday, right?”

Ali and I nodded.

“I have a class first thing in the morning,” Ali said, “and another that gets out early in the afternoon.”

“Both of mine are early classes. I’m out by eleven.”

Lisa nodded.

“Do you think you can keep coming over every day? I mean, when you need to study, I know that’s got to take priority. I should be able to do enough prelim work to tide me over easily through the time you’d need for classes and studying.”

Ali and I looked at one another and nodded.

“That shouldn’t be a problem,” Ali said.

Lisa looked over at me. “You’d be able to come over right after class some days, wouldn’t you? I could work on sketching you while we waited on Ali to get here.”

I looked over at Ali. The expression on her face implied to me that she didn’t care what I answered.

“Yeah. I can come over after I get out of class.”

“Great.” Lisa took a drink of her water. “You two finish up here. I’m going to set up for the next sketch.”

We watched her refill her glass of water.


I looked over at Ali. The way she said Lisa’s name, I knew she was about to ask the question that could very likely change the way the three of us got along.

“What is it, Ali?”

Ali looked over at me as though to gather courage for the cause. I watched her face flush as she rallied the nerve to pose her question.

“Earlier… before you came outside…”


The way Lisa said it, Ali didn’t need to finish asking the question.

Ali took a deep breath.

“What about yesterday afternoon?”

A moment of brief silence as Lisa looked up at us and smiled. She’d seen us.

“Yes.” Lisa’s eyes darted back and forth between Ali and me. “Yes. I saw you. Both times.”

Silence filled the room. Ali looked over at me. I’m pretty sure both our hearts skipped a beat.

“You’re not…”

“Upset with you? Good heavens, no.” Lisa took a step toward us shaking her head.

“It’s okay,” she said, hugging Ali. “It’s perfectly natural.”


“Really,” Lisa said. “Think about it. The two of you obviously love one another. That’s easy to see. And you’re clearly attracted to one another. I mean, it would be hard not to be… attracted to one another, that is, and… in a setting like this, it’s usually feast or famine. The couple either has absolutely no chemistry, save maybe the man gets aroused just from being so close to the woman, or it’s the opposite, the couple, like the two of you, has a lot of chemistry and… and nature takes its course. I think we’d have to sedate the two of you to keep you from arousing one another.”

“So you don’t mind?”

“No. Not at all. In fact,” Lisa said, leaning against her counter, “I’m kind of flattered that you feel comfortable enough here to be so open. So many models have all these emotional layers that they hide behind; sometimes I have a hard time really seeing them, getting their essence. But not you two.

“The raw energy and sensuality and… sexuality the two of you have just sort of… oozes. It’s so… innocent, genuine. And pure. It gives me a lot to work with.”

Lisa pulled at her shirt, blowing down the front of it. Ali and I both looked at her. Lisa’s nipples were clearly outlined against the fabric.

“Do either of you mind if I pull this off? I’m still a little warm from outside.”

Ali and I both shook our heads and watched as Lisa pulled her shirt off. Her breasts Giresun Escort were a little larger than Ali’s, hanging a little heavier. Her nipples, areole included, were larger in diameter than Ali’s, less puffy and more like gum drops when erect, like they were now, as compared to Ali’s, which resembled pencil erasers when erect.

“I consider myself really fortunate to have you both as models,” she said. “And if you’re not bothered at all by my watching, I can promise I won’t be bothered by anything the two of you do together. All I ask is that you not compromise the pose I put you in. As long as you do that, if you so desire, you can pretend I’m not even here.”

Lisa smiled and walked across the floor to where she was set up to continue drawing. Ali followed her, and once again, I took advantage of the opportunity to watch the seductive sway and movement of my sister’s ass. She sat down on the edge of the set where Lisa was going to pose us. It was made up to resemble a bed on a platform, and was draped with random lengths of beige cloth.

“With any luck, I can capture that passion, lust and desire in my sketches,” Lisa said. “Okay. Give me just a couple of minutes to finish setting things up and we can get going again.”

Ali waved a hand in front of her face.

“I’m still hot from outside,” Ali said.

“You don’t want it too cold in here,” Lisa said. “Trust me, it would get uncomfortable fast.”

“I know,” Ali replied. She turned to look at me. “I just can’t stop sweating. It’s…”

She looked down and my eyes followed hers. Lines of perspiration were running down her chest, two of them zigzagging down her breasts to form rivulets at her nipples.

I leaned forward and latched on to one of her nipples and sucked at it, pulling the sweat onto my tongue.

“Tommy,…” Ali clutched at me.


She shook her head. “Nothing. It’s just… that feels really good.”

I smiled, leaned down and drew the other nipple in between my lips. Ali sighed and gripped my shoulders tight.

“You’re being mean.”

“How is this being mean?” I asked as I suckled her again.

“Because I want you to make me cum. I need to cum. You do, too.”

My hand wandered down her body and slid in between her thighs. I slowly pressed into her with a finger, her sex warm and molten as she writhed against me.

“Like this?” I asked.

Ali shook her head with a ragged motion as she bit her lip and ground against my hand.

“I want you… to make me cum.”

I looked over at Lisa. She stood partially exposed behind an easel, quietly observing us. One hand held a tray with pencils; the other stroked gently at her breast.

I pressed my hand more firmly against Ali, and she moaned as she clutched my head to her breast, almost stumbling as she leaned against me, and all but falling onto the platform.

Lisa’s phone rang and we looked up startled. Lisa put down the tray and walked quickly to her phone, snatching it up, glancing quickly at it and then disappearing from view as she answered it.

“Hello, Charles.” She smiled as she brushed hair back from her face and leaned against the wall that now stood between her and her subjects.

“Hey, Lees. I was just calling to see how things are going.”

She spun away from the wall and stuck her head around the corner slowly. Tommy’s lips were once more latched onto Ali’s breast as he suckled her.

“Things are going really, really well,” she said.

A chuckle on the other end of the phone. “Can you clarify that for me?”

“Remember I told you I didn’t think them having sex in my studio was a one-time thing?”


“Well, Tommy let me shave him this morning.”

“Both of them are bare?”

“Completely smooth,” Lisa said as she watched Tommy squeeze and suckle Ali’s other breast, and she smiled as Ali arched her back with pleasure. “And after we finished, he was hard as a rock. We started outside this morning, and while I was getting everything ready, they all but fucked on my patio, and when he came, she swallowed him.”


Lisa giggled. “You’re hard, aren’t you?”

A heavy breath into the phone was affirmation enough for her.

“And you’re wet,” the voice said.

“I am,” Lisa said, leaning back against the wall again and pressing a hand in between her thighs. “And I’m topless.”

“Getting naked with the models?”

“A little at a time.”

“Ali’s not jealous?”

“She doesn’t appear to be,” Lisa replied. “And I’m going to get some time alone with Tommy. He agreed to pose for me by himself.”

“To draw him or…”

“Yes. And maybe that, too,” she said as she leaned around the corner again.

I swirled my tongue around Ali’s nipple and slid my finger in and out of her pussy as she pulled my hand tighter against her sex and writhed against me.

“I want you inside me,” she said, reaching for my cock.

“Lisa’ll be back as soon as she gets off the phone…”

“I don’t care,” Ali said, spreading her legs wider and reaching for me. “I Giresun Escort Bayan don’t care if she sees us or not.”

My cock was throbbing, and my feeble argument was the last of my resistance as I climbed over her outstretched limb and hovered over her, my swollen penis aimed in between her legs.

“Ohgawd, yesss…” she sighed as the head of my cock dipped into her the opening of her molten pussy, and she grabbed at my ass, pulling me into her with both hands as she wrapped her legs around me.

“Fuck me…”

“I’m fucking you, Sis,” I said as I buried my cock in her pussy.

“Lees? Are you still there?”

Lisa stood there, one hand holding the phone to her ear while the other pressed against her pussy.

And there’d been no mistaking what she’d heard.


She swallowed hard as she watched Tommy begin to thrust in and out of Ali’s sodden cunt, and she felt her own chest beginning to heave and her heart beginning to pound as Ali arched her back, responding to her… what was Tommy to her? Was he boyfriend or brother? Whatever their relationship, they were not strangers to each other’s bodies.


Lisa bit her lip and slid a finger inside her own pussy as she hid behind the wall again. She needed a penis, wanted a penis inside her desperately. She closed her eyes and imagined for a moment that she was on her back with Tommy between her thighs; that he was fucking her, that his hairless balls were slapping against her.

“Yesss,… I’m still here,” she said.

“Ohmigod, Lees. Are you masturbating?”

“Uh-huh. And if you could see what I see, you would be, too,” she said.

They both knew that if Charles were here with her, neither of them would be masturbating; she’d have her hands pressed against the wall and he’d be behind her, his cock thrusting in and out of her sopping cunt.

“Are they…?”

Lisa smiled; she could hear the arousal in his voice.

“They’re fucking.” She stepped around the corner again.

Ali’s arms were wrapped around his neck; his face was buried against the side of her head, and she had her legs pulled up, her ankles locked around his back, and with each movement, Lisa could just make out his glistening penis as he paused before sliding it back into her.

“Ohhh… ohhh, Lees… that’s awesome…”

Lisa smiled; she could almost hear him unzipping his pants; she could almost see him pulling out his cock and beginning to stroke it.

“Do they know you’re watching?”

“I don’t think so,” she said, breathing in deep as her finger stroked in and out of her swollen sex again. “But I don’t think they care, either.”

“Ohhh… ohhh… Tommy… ohhh… Tommy, I’m cumming…”

Ali dug her fingers into my back as she clutched at me and I felt a sudden clamping pressure on the head of my cock.


“Cum with me… ohgawd… cum with me, Tommy… cum in my pussy…”

It started at the head of my cock; an increasingly familiar sensation; and then my balls tightened up.

And then I couldn’t hold back.

“Unhh…” I grunted as I thrust into her, my cock erupting into my sister’s pussy, and then I was thrusting short and ragged, my body driven by instinct as I spewed semen into her womb, desperate to empty myself into her.

I collapsed on top of her, both of us panting, sweating, our hearts racing.

“Ohmigod, that was incredible,” Lisa said, clenching her thighs together against her hand.

Silence on the other end of the phone connection was punctuated only by the sound of heavy breathing.

“This is what, the third time you’ve watched them? And still,…?”

“Charles.” Lisa grabbed up her shorts and walked back to her bedroom. “You know as well as I do that the most erotic thing to see is a couple having sex. And, yes, still. I’m telling you, with this pair, three times or thirty, it won’t make a difference. They’re both beautiful individually, but together… you need to see them for yourself. The drawings just don’t do them justice.”

Charles sighed into the phone. Time was one thing he just didn’t have a lot of.

“It’ll be a couple of weeks or so before I can come down,” he said. “I’ll call and let you know when I can get away.”

“Okay,” she said as she peered into the mirror. Her nipples were swollen and hard; her pussy lips were likewise swollen, red and glistening. She was so close.

“Be good, kid.”

“You, too,” she said, and they hung up.

Lisa dropped the phone on the edge of her dresser and flopped down onto her bed, one hand grabbing for her breast, the other going between her legs again.

It’s my turn, she thought to herself, and she quickly began taking herself to the orgasm she so desperately wanted.

Ali still clung to me, and our bodies were beginning to stick together.

I pushed up and looked down at her, and she slowly allowed her ankles to fall from my back. She slowly turned her head to the side, looking to where we’d last seen Lisa.

“Where did she go to?”

“I don’t have any idea,” Escort Giresun I replied as I rolled to the side.

Ali shifted on the bed and rolled toward me, and a moment later, our legs were intertwined, her head laid against my chest, and my cock, still oozing, trapped between us, painting her belly.

“I love you, Tommy,” she said.

“I love you, too, Sis,” I replied, whispering as I kissed the top of her head.

Fifteen minutes later, Lisa peered into the studio and saw them laying still. She’d opted to put on one of Charles’ oversized shirts that he’d left behind the last time he’d visited. She hadn’t washed it; she liked the way it smelled, and now, with the two bottom buttons fastened, it provided just a minimum of coverage while allowing her to feel connected and sexy all at the same time.

She walked slowly across the floor, smiling at the delightful, feminine curves of Ali’s body tangled up with Tommy.

She stepped up onto the platform, looking down at them; they didn’t move. They were asleep.

Lisa smiled and immediately stepped down, grabbed up a handful of pencils and a sketch pad.

This was not how she liked to work, but sometimes you had to go with what you had to work with. She stepped back onto the platform, laid the pencils out in front of her and balanced the sketchbook against her hip.

Perfect, she thought to herself. So natural, so…

She squinted, bent forward to look closer and her mouth dropped open.

Ohmigod, she thought as she watched semen trickle slowly from between Ali’s legs. Now if she could only capture the essence on paper…

We woke up about an hour later, with Lisa still standing over us, steadily drawing. As much as Ali had pretended she didn’t care if Lisa saw us or not, she seemed really embarrassed about being such a mess.

Lisa excused herself and allowed us to clean up, and when we came back, she told us she thought we’d done enough for the day.

Ali and I got dressed, and still clad only in her loose fitting shirt, Lisa walked us to the door.

“Same time tomorrow?” she asked.

Ali nodded, reaching for my hand as Lisa reached for the door handle.

“Ali, I know you were a little uncomfortable when you woke up. A little embarrassed, maybe?”

Ali nodded and looked at me then back at Lisa.

“The position the two of you were in,” Lisa said, “was… it wasn’t the easiest to draw because of the angles, but I couldn’t have posed you better if I’d wanted to.

“I was wondering…”

She let her words trail off, gauging our reaction.

“I was wondering if you might be willing to let me draw you… while you’re… while you’re doing it.”

Ali gasped and she gripped my hand tighter.

“You want to draw us having sex?” I asked.

Lisa’s eyes darted between us and she nodded.

“The two of you are so natural together,” she said. “There are a lot of different poses we could use, many of them more artistic than erotic, and I can guarantee no one who ever sees them will recognize you unless you want me to draw them so they can.”

“You can sell drawings like that?” Ali asked and Lisa nodded.

“I have a client, actually my agent has a number of contacts who have a certain taste in nude portraits,” she said. “Some of them are women, and they have an affinity for well sculpted male nudes, especially certain parts of the male body. And others are men, or couples who like well formed women and couples. And some of the clients will pay a good deal of money for what they like to refer to as erotic portraits.”

“How much money?” I asked.

Lisa smiled.

“Let’s just say that depending on the amount of work you’re willing to do, you could find yourselves well on the way to college expenses being covered before the summer’s over with.”

“You’re kidding.” Ali’s mouth hung open and I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head.

Lisa shook her head.

“Go home and think about it,” she said, turning the door handle. “We can try a pose or two tomorrow and you can let me know what you decide.”

“Okay.” Ali looked like she was lost in a fog and I held her hand as we walked outside.

She laced her fingers in mine and held my hand all the way home.

Back at our apartment, Ali began stripping as soon as I’d closed the door. Our clothes became one pile there in the entry way, and when we were both naked, she took me by the hand and led me to the bathroom.

A few minutes later, I was sitting behind her in the tub and she was talking me through washing her hair. I’d never done that before; she said mom had told her stories about dad washing her hair when they’d first gotten married. After I’d rinsed Ali’s hair, she leaned back against me, pulling my hands to her breasts and sighing.

We finally let the water drain out, took a shower and decided to get something to eat.

I watched Ali slip on a pair of pink bikini panties, a short pair of denim shorts and a tank top. She turned to face me as she settled the top against her upper body, and there was no doubt she was braless beneath it. Her pert little breasts would be sure to draw every eye.

“Is this okay?”

“As long as you don’t mind me and everyone else staring.”

She grabbed my hand up in hers.

“Does that mean you’ll want to fuck me again when we get home?”

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Anal Trio Ch. 02

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Clara: 40, Melanie’s mother
Kathy: 38, Clara’s sister
Melanie: Clara’s daughter
Pilar: 25, Melanie’s lover

Pilar, Melanie’s Columbian lover, keeps her prick buried in the sexy bitch’s dripping, juicy gash after fucking her into a howling, earth-shattering climax. The evidence of their torrid love-making is in the sheen of sweat covering their bodies and the copious amount of female fluids matting their pubic areas and thighs. “Why do I always have to lie in the ‘wet spot’?” Melanie giggles, squirming beneath her dildo-strapped partner. “‘Cos yor tha beetch” Pilar retorts, stretching lazily.

“Yes, I am the bitch” Melanie hisses, lifting her head to capture Pilar’s lips in a hot, searching kiss.

At that moment Clara and Kathy stroll into the bedroom, back from their shopping trip.

“Didn’t you two get enough last night?” Kath grins, her eyes roving over the naked bodies of her niece and her lover, still connected at the groin by the man-made prick.

“Obviously not, and I’d wager that neither of you two sluts did either” Mel shoots back.

“What say I take on Pilar first this time ’round, Kath, then switch?” Clara suggests.

“Suits me” Kath agrees quickly, starting to strip. She’s wearing a light blue floral-print dress, with a lacy lavender bra and matching thong beneath, and sling-back pumps. Pilar pulls out of Mel’s swampy cunt with an audible “slurp” and knee-walks over to the edge of the king-sized bed, leaving Kath space to dive between her niece’s cum-slick thighs and start licking greedily at her open, steamy gash. Her tongue-tip dances delightfully on her throbbing clit and slick pussy lips, making the horny youngster grind her gash sexily against her aunt’s lapping oral digit.

Clara is squatting in Hatay Escort front of Pilar, eyeing the thick, sticky rubber staff jutting from her groin. “Yummy!” she quips, before wrapping her lips around the fat tip and letting the foot-long rodger slide down into her gullet. The lusty latina grabs a clump of the hair piled-atop the wanton slut’s head and pushes her hips forward; Clara’s throat opens like a drain and the cock-tip bumps against her voice box. By the time the last bit of her daughter’s delicious cuntal secretions are cleaned from the huge bitch-tamer Clara’s red lipstick is wiped-away as well and her own g-string is a soaking mess.

Kath has nibbled and licked and fingered Mel to another mini-climax. After rewarding her with a hot french-kiss, Mel puts-on her own strap-on and slides off the bed, approaching her mom from behind.

Her aunt, ever-helpful, assists by tugging Clara’s tight skirt over her hips, revealing the dark blue satin garter-belt she wears beneath. She doesn’t bother with lube; she thumbs-aside the thin strip of g-string material protecting her ass-hole: it is still gaping from the previous night’s activities, so the horny mother-fucker shafts-in with no preliminaries. After a few hard strokes, she withdraws and turns to her aunt, grinning wickedly. Kath leans down and takes the prick into her mouth without hesitating. They continue this routine for a few minutes, until Pilar puts a stop to it. She pulls-out of Clara’s aching throat and shoves her face-down on the bed, and is soon buried to the hilt in the massive-titted mother’s open back-door, her hips pounding relentlessly. Kath sinks onto her hands and knees with her niece right behind her, a big jar of Vaseline in hand. She stuffs a few jelly-slick fingers Hatay Escort Bayan into her nasty auntie’s rectum, and after a quick “finger-wave” (she’d taken quite a pounding last night from both Mel and Pilar and so doesn’t need much preparation) she is groaning as her heiny-hole is stretched painfully by the thick intruder. She does anal only occasionally, and so Mel doesn’t treat her nearly as roughly as she does her Mom. She begins with slow, easy thrusts, building-up her pace gradually until Kath is comfortable enough to hump back at her, timing it so that she pushes backward as Mel is sliding forward. The sexy aunt reaches down and strums her own swollen clit as her ass is stuffed full of rubber cock-meat.

Clara has been positioned on her side with Pilar digging full-force into the open pit of her nether-hole.

She is still fully dressed, though her clothes are in complete disarray as she and the younger woman rut like animals. Her blouse has been opened sometime during the hot coupling, and Pilar’s palms are full of her huge knockers, her fingers yanking and tugging at the thick, stubby nipples as she works-away ceaselessly at her task.

Clara is a pure “bottom”; she’s never worn a strap-on and frankly never wanted to. Her role is to provide orifices for Kath, Mel, and Pilar to plunder. Her fancy of all things anal was formed in her youth, when she and Kath were teenagers, sharing a bedroom. Kath is a top 95% of the time: she rarely is the one on the receiving-end of a dildo, in fact, Melanie and Pilar are the only women she allows to use a strap-on on her. She is not an anal fiend, except when fucking her older sister, and as stated before tolerates the anal attacks of her niece and her niece’s lover at their insistence. Escort Hatay

Melanie is dominant, except in her relationship with her Columbian mistress, who doesn’t require her to spread her cheeks very often. Pilar’s big cock is the only one she’s ever had in her pussy or ass.

Pilar, the hot-blooded latina, is a true dom: she is committed to the credo that it’s better to give than receive.

None of the women have sexual interests outside of their small group.

The foursome go through a brief session of Pilar and Melanie pulling-out of their respective partner’s ass and shoving their soiled strap-ons into the opposite woman’s mouth (Pilar gets a blow job from Kath, Mel from her mom). Kath nearly gags at the taste and smell (she doesn’t do this very often), but Clara is greedy in her sucking-off of Melanie’s tasty dong. Both women literally had the shit fucked out of them the night before, so the residue is minimal. It is more an act of submission than anything.

Pilar and Melanie change partners for the final ride home. They position the two sisters side by side and enter their gaping behinds, pumping hard and fast. Clara crams a pair of fingers into her sister’s sopping twat, and Kath returns the favor, so that the women jack each other off as their partners continue plowing their butt-holes with abandon. Mel has been obligated to take it easy on Aunt Kath; she feels no such need with her slutty mom. The pants and groans, cries and lust-filled urgings reach a crescendo as the savage, relentless butt-fucking combined with the constant rubbing of the little hard rubber nubs on the inside of the harnesses send all four, collectively and in turns, into shuddering, sobbing, explosive climaxes.

A hot gout of fake cum showers the inside of Clara’s raw, blistered ass-walls after Mel reaches down and squeezes her “balls” hard, releasing the pre-heated “cum” inside into her mother/ass-slut’s quivering, squirming bowels. Kath gets a similar “hot-shot” from Pilar.

Part 3 : Anal Trio to cum

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An Incest Birthday Ch. 20

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I woke up at 8:07 to an empty bed, which was unusual for two reasons these last few weeks; one, I don’t get up that early normally, and two, due to all the stuff we’ve done in one day the last few weeks, getting up early last the last thing on either of our list, mine or Rita’s. I sat up and wiped the sleep out of my eyes as I prepared to get ready for another “play date” with the Ashley’s.

Three weeks have passed since we found out we had to hang out with Ashley, and what a three weeks they turned out to be. It took us some serious convincing on our part, but we managed to persuade Stephanie and Chris to come with us when we went to hang with Ashley and her friends, much to their dismay, and our relief. The prospect of no contact for three weeks was the nail in the coffin, but we were still in their favor for even agreeing. Speaking of no contact, due to Ashley’s sexist and strictly stupid schedule Rita and I didn’t get any alone time for that entire first week, the last being when we ganged up on Aunt Lisa (which according to mom we almost got caught by did twice). It was too risky to try anything again with dad there so we didn’t do anything, but true to her word, the second dad was out of the house unexpectedly that second week, Rita was raping me, literally, she was the one fucking me, but I didn’t care one bit.

The next two weeks slowed down a little from the first week, but it was still occupied by her schedule, every single day. Surprisingly though, it wasn’t all bad. The girls got to enjoy all the girly stuff they didn’t get to do often, like the manicures and pedicures, shopping without a limit, relaxing in a spa, things like that, and it was nice to see them happy. There was only one day that Chris and I were able to fully enjoy, and that was fat Tuesday. Nothing but candy, fast food, pizza, chocolate, pop, chips, and whatever else fattening we could get for the whole day we had it, and afterwards none of us could move from the spot we were in, so we always ended up spending the night over Ashley’s that day, but it was well worth it. We also came to a kind of truce with the “Ashley’s.” It took some real patience and a lot of biting our tongue, but as the weeks went we all began to tolerate each other, even started being nice. Don’t know how long it’ll last, but at least for now it was there. As fun (yeah, I actually said that) as these last few weeks have been, though, Rita and I wanted a break for just us, a day where we could just stay at home and be in each other’s company, but it’s hard to get that when no one can know about our relationship. We had to hope that maybe Ashley wanted a day to herself to kick back and do nothing, a day where she didn’t wanna be bothered by anyone. That hope was shattered as fast as it formed when my phone rang from the nightstand, the unmistakable ringtone guaranteed it wasn’t a random person, but it was Ashley, fuck.

“Hello,” I drudged out, pretending to be woken from my sleep.

“Cedar Point! My treat! Get up, get dressed, and get over here with everyone ASAP!”

“I just woke up Ashley I need…”

“Come on you’re wasting time! I wanna get there when it opens! Lots of rides to ride!”

“Ok well you gotta get off the phone so I can get ready.”

“Hurry up! Lots to do, millennium forces to ride! And bring swimsuits!”

She hung up and I got out of bed and drudged to the bathroom, wiping the rest of the sleep from my eyes. After I did my morning ritual I went back to our room and called up Chris to let him know of the days plans.

“Hello?” Chris said as I undoubtedly woke him from his sleep.

“Hey man, were going to Cedar Point today, get dressed and get to Ashleys asap.”

“Wait what? Cedar Point? I don’t have a lot of money left; she made me use it all.”

“She’s paying for it.”

“Really? For all of us? Well that changes everything,” he said springing awake.

“We gotta get over there pretty much now though.”

“That’s cool. Need to take a shower and stuff but ok.”

“Alright see you at Ashley’s.”

I hung up the phone and sat for a minute. Even though we were going with Ashley and her group of followers, I was kinda excited to go to Cedar Point, not to mention they actually cooled off on their bitchy attitudes a little, which made it a little easier to put up with them. I grabbed up my towel and my phone and headed to the shower just as Rita was going to the room.

“Ashley’s taking up to Cedar Point, she wants to get there when it opens.”

“Yeah I just got off the phone with her. Is it me or are you more excited than usual?”

“Hey it’s Cedar Point! I’ll deal with them another day for that, plus we can ditch them.”

“Yeah we could, I didn’t even think of that!”

“Ok well I’m getting in the shower; I’ll be out in a second.”

“Want some company?” Rita grinned.

“Dads here…”

“Didn’t stop us last night…”

“And he’s awake.”

“Ok if you don’t wanna shower with me then I’ll…”

“Ok, we gotta be quiet though, if someone comes to the door I’ll Giresun Escort say I’m shaving or something.”

“Randy you don’t even have a razor!”

“Yeah whatever come on!”

We snuck into the bathroom together and turned on the shower. I locked the door and climbed in to see Rita had already started soaping herself up in the back of the shower. I got in front of her and sat under the water for a second, letting it wake me up. Rita grabbed her loofa and soaped me up too, then stretched her soapy hands reach around me to get my front, and when she found my cock, she seemed all too happy to start stroking it.

“I knew you had ulterior motives! We don’t have enough time, not even for a quickie,” I said.

She pouted like a little girl who couldn’t get a pony. “Not even a little one?”

“Nope, we gotta get to Ashley’s with enough time to get to the place when it opens.”

“And since when did you start listening to Ashley so eagerly?”

“I figure its best to go along instead of argue with her, it saves a lot of headaches, plus it doesn’t hurt that we get into the best theme park in town free of charge.”

“That’s a shame, I was feeling really horny today too…”

I turned around and picked her up by her ass. “Ok maybe we have a little time.”

“That’s more like it.”

I went to kiss her at the very second my phone started to ring, guess who.

“Why did you even bring your phone in here?” Rita whined.

I shrugged as I dried off my hand and answered the phone. “Ashley I…”

“Is everyone on the way yet?”

“I’m in the shower right now! Can you hear the water?”

“What? Stop moving so slow!”

“Ashley you called me like five minutes ago…”

“Plenty time for a shower! Now come on, wash that little thing and get over here!”

She hung up and a stared at the phone before I sat it down, trying to hold in a laugh.

“What she say?”

“She said to wash my little thing and get over there with everyone.”

“Now she’s definitely waiting,” Rita said as she hopped back on me and guided my cock into her. “Uuugh god, little my ass! This thing stretches me out every time you put it inside me…”

She rested her head on my shoulder as I pulled her up and down in my cock, washing the soap off of her in the process. I had to keep shushing her to remind her of where we were, but you know Rita, once she has my cock inside her, almost nothing else matters.

“When was the last time we had sex in the shower?” Rita asked.

“I don’t remember, a couple months back I think, why?”

“I forgot how great it feels when you push into me when I’m under the hot water, I can’t tell if it’s the shower, or if I’m really wet.”

“Remember, quiet, we don’t wanna get caught having sex first thing in the morning.”

“Keep sliding that cock in me and I’ll cum in no time, I promise!”

She looked me in the eyes as she rode me in the shower, good thing we had a floor mat in there or we would’ve fell on our ass for sure. She hugged me tight as our skin started clapping together from our conjoined movement. She squeezed me tighter as her orgasm approached, right as someone knocked on the bathroom door.

“Hey whose in there?” dad yelled from the other side of the door.

I started to put her down and say something, but she put her hand over my mouth. “Shhh, just don’t stop. ME DAD, I’M ALMOST FINISHED, JUST WASHING MY HAIR!”

“Ok honey, I gotta get in there too, leave me some hot water!”


Imagine Rita, having a normal conversation with our dad, while her tits bounced in my face as she rode my cock under a hot steamy shower while trying her hardest not to moan. Yeah. I swear she doesn’t even try to be sexy, it just happens. She squeezed my neck again and let out labored breaths to stop from screaming, and when that didn’t work she bit my neck.

“Rita are you…”

“Yes, I’m cumming! Don’t move, just stand sti- oh my god!”

She held on to me for what seemed like minutes, and when I felt her body go limp, I pulled her off my cock and let her stand on her own legs, which didn’t quite work out. After just having an orgasm her legs were like jelly, so I sat her down on the tub floor and stood back up, my still hard cock pointing at her as she looked up at it.

“Give me a second; I’m not done with that thing yet.”

“We don’t have time; I have to get out of here before dad comes back.”

She sighed, but knew I was right. “Ok, I’ll be fine. As soon as my legs start working again I’ll be right behind you. Bring me a towel in here please.”

I gave her a kiss and made sure the coast was clear before grabbing my stuff and bolting to our room. I threw on some boxers and took a towel in the bathroom and walked back through our door just as mom was coming up the stairs. I kept walking to avoid any more delays and closed the door to finish getting dressed, only for Ashley to call for the third time in half an hour.

“Yeah Ashley…”

“Are Giresun Escort Bayan you on the way?”

“I’m getting dressed.”

“What? How are you not ready yet?”

“Because you keep calling me! I can’t do stuff when I have to keep answering the phone!”

“If we’re late Randy…”

“It’s only a forty five minute drive from here at most, it’s not even nine o’clock yet.”

“If you’re not here at 9:15 exactly…”

“Is anyone else even there?”

“My friends are. Waiting on you two and Stephanie and Chris, bunch of slowpokes…”

“We’re leaving in no more than ten minutes.”

“Hurry up…”

We hung up just as Rita came through the door in the towel using the hair straightener thing. “That was Ashley again? What is it with her today?”

“Apparently she really likes amusement parks, they’re waiting on us.”

“No time for breakfast?” Rita asked as she started getting dressed.

“We can stop by Burger King on the way.”

I threw on some khaki shorts and a white ac/dc t-shirt and Rita put on Capri shorts and a hello kitty shirt with flip flops. It was 8:51 when we finished getting dressed and headed out the door yelling goodbye to everyone. With our stomachs growling, we pulled into Burger King and grabbed a couple croissants and smashed them on the way to Ashley’s, not even bothering to talk. We pulled up just as Stephanie and Chris did to see “The Ashley’s” all waiting on the porch.

“9:09, cutting it really close, I almost called you again,” Ashley said as we walked up.

“Please don’t, you called me enough for one day,” I responded.

“Well ok, let’s go. I hope you all ate because we’re going straight there. Randy, I hope you know how to get there because you get to drive,” she said as she handed me the keys.

I didn’t know whether to be happy I got to drive her Cadillac or pissed because I had to drive the Cadillac the whole trip there, no one wants to be the one to drive, that’s why she dumped it on me. I let it go and got in the driver’s seat, planning to take it out on the truck. Chris jumped shotgun and the rest of the girls piled in the seats in the back. I did kinda know how to get there, but I wanted to be sure, so after messing with the gps for a while I got or destination programmed in and we were off.

We weren’t on the road for five minutes before all the gossip started. Becky, Carina, and Dana sat in the row behind us and Rita, Steph, and Ashley sat in the one behind them, with Ashley in the middle. They would whisper for a few seconds then burst out in laughter as only girls know how to do; I’d been glancing in the rear view mirror watching for about ten minutes before they finally caught me.

“Hey eyes on the road, this is girl talk!” Carina yelled.

“It’s everybody talk with how loud you guys are,” I retaliated.

“Back seat only, just make sure we don’t die on the way there.”

“I feel like a damn chauffer, without the getting paid part,” I complained.

“You’re going to Cedar Point, that’s payment enough. Now get us there safely driver, and put on your hat,” Becky said throwing a cowgirl hat at me which everyone thought was hysterical.

“Don’t sweat it man, at least no one’s jumping down anyone’s throat,” Chris said.

“Yeah true. I’m not driving back I tell you that much, I’ll catch the bus before I do.”

“They’ll probably have me drive back then so they can go to sleep, and if I say no then I’m their new favorite target, no offense.”

“Cool. Well you have fun with that, at least they’ll be tired when you drive, I got them all loud and hyper, come on twenty more minutes, hurry up and get here.”

I zoned out and focused on the gps and the rest of the ride there. While the twenty minutes didn’t go by quickly, it did go by, and before I knew it, we were pulling in the parking lot. Ashley gave me the money to pay and we got a rather good parking spot close to the entrance. I checked the time, 9:52, just enough time to walk to the gate, pay, and get in. I looked at Ashley and pointed to the time to rub it in, and she responded with a mock pat on the back. Whatever, I won, it was a small victory yeah, but against Ashley I’ll take it. We got out of the truck and headed for the entrance when Ashley stopped us so she could get a quick word in.

“Ok everyone listen up, we’re gonna stay together as a group except for bathrooms and stuff, we’re gonna eat together, and most important, we’re gonna ride all the roller coasters, ALL THE ROLLER COASTERS! None of that “I’m scared” crap, we go on everything.” She looked at me as I was laughing to myself. “What Randy, you scared of roller coasters or something?”

“No, I actually agree with you. No point in coming if you’re scared to get on anything.”

I was laughing because I caught Becky and Dana’s face when Ashley said we were getting on everything, they’re scared of roller coasters, definitely the millennium force, I can tell, and with it being damn near right at the front I could bet that’s the first Escort Giresun ride we were getting on. They probably didn’t bet on being forced to go on anything, which made this day great before it even started, I can’t wait to see their faces when we get to the top of the hill.

“Ok everyone ok with that? Good. Let’s go!” Ashley said sprinting towards the entrance.

True to her word, Ashley paid for everyone to get in, and she bought line jumper passes for everyone, which aren’t cheap. She gave everyone a pass and as soon as we were into the park she said exactly what I knew she was gonna say.

“First ride millennium force everyone, let’s go!”

I knew it. They were scared holding each other’s hands the whole time we were walking to it. We got to the line and jumped to the front thanks to our passes and in about five minutes time we were watching the next cart roll up in front of us.

“Come on Ashley, do we have to get on this?” Becky pleaded.

“You heard what I said; everyone gets on everything, no exceptions!”

“Really though, the millennium force first? We can’t build up to it or something? Start with something smaller like Blue Streak?” Dana followed.

“How do you go from Millennium Force to Blue Streak? Scaredy cats,” Chris teased.

“No, were already in line, we’re going on it! And since you two wanna be babies after I already said we have to go on everything, you get to ride in the first cart.”

The green light came on just as Ashley finished her sentence and we all got in the carts behind the first one so they didn’t have a choice. They stood there scared, and also holding up the line, which is what they probably were planning to do.

“You two, are you in or out?” the ride operator asked.

“They’re in, come on, get in the cart or go wait in the car,” Ashley said as she got locked in.

Both girls paused then slowly climbed in the front cart as the operator locked them in. Rita and I were sitting directly behind them and we saw they had a death grip on the bar; I would be lying if I said I didn’t love this. The operator gave his speech and before we knew it, we were heading around the corner and up the hill.

“HEY, HOW YOU TWO DOING UP THERE!” Carina teased behind us.

“Shut up Carina!” Becky retaliated a little agitated.

“HEY, WHATEVER YOU DO, LOOK DOWN!” Chris teased as we got to the top of the hill and rounded the corner.

“Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god,” Dana kept repeating.

“HERE COMES THE FUN PART!” Ashley yelled as the cart went over the edge and sped downhill.

Both Rita and I had our hands in the air screaming in joy, but Dana and Carina were locked on to the bar screaming as if they were getting killed. They held it all the way to the bottom and around the first turn, but they never took their hands off the bar.

“Seeeee, that waaasnt so baaaad,” I said with extreme wind hitting my face.

“Shut up Randy, just shut up!”

I couldn’t tell who said it because I was too busy laughing. As usual, the camera snuck up on us, but we probably had a good picture. We came to a stop shortly after, and it wasn’t until that moment that they finally took their hands off the bars.

“See? You didn’t have anything to be scared of you big babies!” Ashley teased as we got out.

“You’re a bitch for that, we could’ve had heart attacks!” Becky complained.

“You’ll live. Now that you did that one, the others will be a walk in the park, and then we go again!”

“No, were not going on it again!” Dana jumped in.

“Yes you are, we get on everything remember?”

“We already got on it, you didn’t say anything about repeats, so we’re done with this one!”

Ashley relented, knowing she lost on a technicality. “Fine you big babies. I’m buying the picture then. I know your faces are jacked up.”

We went to the TV screen and found our sections, and sure enough, their faces were jacked up. Their hair was wild in the wind with horror screams burned on their faces while the rest of us were all smiles, Ashley wasted no time buying the pictures. We got lockers near the front and put the pictures and bags in there so we wouldn’t have to carry them around, and I kept the keys on me since my shorts had zippers on the pockets, I wore those especially for today. We bound back in the park and headed to the Mantis which was next to the Millennium Force. Once again, thanks to our passes we jumped to the front of the line and were on it in no time. This coaster fared way better than the Force for Becky and Dana because it wasn’t nearly as high and we got to stand, so about time the pictures came around they looked like they were actually having fun. We went for the Maverick, Power Tower, and the Top Thrill Dragster in the next hour and a half or so, by then more people with line jumping passes were showing up so we didn’t get to get straight on like earlier, but it was still no more than a fifteen minute wait.

We got pictures for every ride that took one, all paid for by Ashley, most were Rita, Steph, Chris and I all in the same row so that made them all that much better. Over the last hour the sun had slowly come out, but in the last ten minutes it came out completely, increasing the temperature by at least twenty degrees. We were all starting to sweat a little.

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