Kategori: Adult Hikayeler

Azgın İş Arkadaşım Kocam Ben Birlikte Yaptık

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Kocamla yeni evlenmiş sayılırız. Kocam seks konusunda çok aşırıdır ve çoğu zaman ben ona yetmediğim için mastürbasyon yapar. Benim iş yerindeki arkadaşım Filiz de çok çekici ve sempatik bir kızdır. Filiz daha 19 yaşında. Filiz kocama yakın davrandığı için kocamın çok ilgisini çekiyordu. Eminim kocam mastürbasyon yaparken Filiz’i düşünüyordu.

Kocam bir gün dedi ki, ‘Bak canım sen bana yetmiyorsun biliyorsun. Sizin iş yerindeki Filiz de azgın birine benziyor. Hem de Bende gözü var. En iyisi Filiz’i aramıza alalım. Hem Ben amcığa doyayım, hem de Filiz senden habersiz bana sarkmasın’. Ben şaşırmıştım ama dedikleri çok mantıklıydı. Ama Filiz kabul eder mi, dedim. Canım, sen bir teklif et. Nasıl olsa canı yarak istiyor bes belli dedi.
Ben birkaç gün sonra iş çıkışı Filiz’e ‘seninle grup seks yapmak istiyoruz’ dedim. Filiz beni terslemedi, bilakis bir anda gözleri gaziantep escort parladı. Anlaşılan gerçekten Ayhan’ın yarağını çok istiyordu. Akşam saat 06’da Filiz bize geldi. Hemen masayı donattık. Birazdan Ayhan da geldi ve başladık hem yemeye hem de sohbet etmeye. Kocam gözlerini Filiz ‘den alamıyordu. Sanki ben yanında yokmuşum gibi Filiz ‘e baygın baygın bakıyordu. Filiz ‘in vücudu da çok güzeldi hani.
Aradan 1 saat geçmişti. Artık hepimiz sabırsızlanmaya başlamıştık. Konu dönüp dolaşıp sekse gelmişti. Kocam Filiz ‘e ‘memelerin çok güzel’ dedi. Filiz de hemen memelerini fora etti. ‘‘İstersen dokunabilirsin’’dedi. Kocam durur mu, hemen Filiz‘in memelerine yumuldu. Ama ne yumulma. Resmen iki memesinin arasında kaybolmuştu. Ben de kocamın pantolonunu çıkardım ve muhteşem sikini okşamaya başladım. Sonra da ağzıma aldım.. Artık yalıyor, ağzıma sokuyordum kocamın sikini… Bundan cesaret alan Filiz iyice açıldı. Çırılçıplak kaldı hemencecik. Filiz’in Ayhan’ın yarağını bu kadar çok istediğini doğrusu ikimiz de tahmin edememiştik. Ben kocamın sikini tamamen Filiz’e bıraktım ve Filiz’in amını yalamaya başladım. Filiz’den zevk sesleri gelmeye başlamıştı.
Filiz’in amı iyice ıslanınca kocama gel sok sikini bu çıtır amcığa dedim. O da hiç durur mu. Hemen sikini Filiz’in amına kökledi. Sokmasıyla Filiz’den derin bir oooohhhh sesi geldi. Filiz uzun zamandır yarak yemiyordu anlaşılan. Çok da özlemiş canım arkadaşım. Kocam sokup sokup çıkarıyordu sikini Filiz’in amına. Filiz’in ağzına da benim amımı verdim. Filiz hem am yalıyordu hem de amını siktiriyordu. Bu Filiz’in çok hoşuna gitmişti. Çıldırmış gibiydi. İniltileri tüm evi kaplamıştı.
Şöyle bir baktım da, kocam da uzun zamandır hiç bu kadar keyifli görünmüyordu. Ne de olsa Benden 8 yaş küçük, az sikilmiş, ateşli, çıtır bir amcığı sikiyordu. Kocam Filiz’in amına bayılmıştı. Adeta 2 yılın acısını çıkarıyordu. Derken Ayhan Filiz’in bacaklarını omzuna aldı. Adeta azgın bir boğa gibi sikiyordu Filiz’i. Sikinin hepsini Filiz’in amına sokup sokup çıkarıyordu. O kocaman yarak Filiz’in amında bir görünüyor bir kayboluyordu. Filiz de adeta bulutların üzerinde uçar gibi zevkten dört köşe amcığımı yalıyordu.
Kocam Filiz’e her köklediğinde Filiz de benim amıma yapışıyordu. Sonunda kocam Filiz’e öyle bir kökledi ki nerdeyse Filiz’in kafası duvara vuruyordu. Bu son yüklenişin ardından kocam Filiz’in amına tüm döllerini boşalttı.
Bu sikiş üçümüzü de yormuştu. Birer sigara yaktık. Biraz dinlendikten sonra kaldığımız yerden sikişe devam ettik. O gece kocam Filiz’i yarağa iyice doyurdu. Tabi ki kocam da amcığa doydu. Hala kocam doymadığı zaman Filiz’i çağırıyoruz ve kocam iyice bir sikiyor Filiz’i.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Pavyondaki Kadın İle Anal Seks Hikayesi

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Selamlar değerli ve özel seks hikaye okuyucuları, adım Hasan Kocaeli Gebze’de ikamet eden yakışıklı biriyim. Orta yaşlı fiziği taş gibi olan Alev ile yaşadığım porno filmini aratmayacak bir hikayem var.

Alev ile aynı semtte oturuyoruz kendisi bir müzikholde çalışan orta yaşlı fakat fiziği ile 18 lik kızlara taş çıkaracak ateşli bir hatun. Sima olarak birbirimizi tanıyorduk ve farklı bir semtte tesadüf karşılaştık ben konuşmak için uygun zaman olduğunu düşündüm ılımlı yaklaştı, bir cafeterya’da oturup tatlı ısmarlamayı teklif ettim kabul etti. Biraz sohbet muhabbet numaramı aldı fakat kendi numarasını vermedi ayrıldık. Aramaz düşüncesi ile oradan ayrıldım ve evin yolunu tuttum. Bir kaç gün sonra arkadaşlarım ile takılıyordum kafamda inceden güzeldi ve telefonum çaldı arayan Alev’di yakınlarda bir çorbacı’dan gaziantep escort onu görmek istiyorsam alabileceğimi söyledi. Söylediği çorbacıya gittim orada idi fakat tanıyamadım, saçları sarı olan Alev üzerine boydan biri mini elbise giymiş bomba gibi oturuyordu. Fakat tanınmamak için çevrede siyah bir peruk takmıştı. Selamlaştık hesabı ödedim ve arabaya bindik konuşmaları ve davranışlarından sarhoş olduğu belli idi aracım olmadığı için arkadaşımın aracı ile gitmiştim. Arkadaşım aracı kullanırken biz arkada oturuyorduk, koltuğa oturduğunda kısa olan eteği iyice geri çekilmiş ve amcığı ortaya çıkmıştı. Bana sarılmış sanki uzun süredir sevgiliymiş gibi yarrağı sıvazlıyor arada öpücükler ile beni azdırıyordu. Dantelli iç çamaşırının üzerinde amcığını okşamaya başlamıştım. Gidecek yer yoktu ancak küçük bir ofis vardı mecburen oraya gittik. Arkadaşım bizi bıraktı içeri girdik ve ateşli bir öpüşmeye başladık. Konuşmaya hiç fırsat bulamadan yarrağa asırlardır hasret gibi emmeye başladı. Önümde diz çöküp sakso çekmeye başlayan Alevin boydan elbisesinin içine ellerimi soktum ve küçük memelerini yoğurmaya başladım. Aşırı hoşuna gitmiş olacak ki taşşaklarımı bütünüyle ağzına alıp emmeye başlayınca müthiş bir haz duydum. Masa’ya domaltıp eteğini yukarı sıyırdım, soymadan tangasını kenara alarak amına giriş yaptım sert bir şekilde vurmaya başladım. Alev inliyordu amı sulanmıştı fakat doğruyu söylemek gerekirse am demeye şahit gerekliydi. Sarhoş olan Aleve domalmış vaziyette yarrak yerine kolumu soksam hiç farkına varmazdı buna emin olun. Fakat yapacak bir şey yoktu önce onu boşaltıp sonra keyfime bakmalıydım ve öyle yaptım. En çok hangi pozisyondan zevk alırsın diye sordum yere uzanmamı söyledi. Uzadım sert yarrağın üzerine oturan Alev inip kalkmak yerine köküne kadar alıp daire çizmeye başladı ben ise memelerini sert ve canını yakacak bir şekilde sıkıyordum. Bir müddet böyle devam ettik ve nihayet sarsılarak boşaldı nefes bile almasına fırsat vermeden kaldırıp tekrar domalttım. Gözüme çarpan göt deliğini parmaklarken tekrar bozuntuya vermemek için amına giriş yaptım. Boşalmanın etkisi ile vıcık vıcık olan amcığın suları ile göt deliğine tek parmağımı sokmayı başarmıştım. Biraz daha girip çıktıktan sonra Anal seks zamanı gelmişti ve bir hamlede götüne kökledim. Bağırmaya başlayan Alev’in ağzını elim ile kapatıp götüne köküne kadar giriyordum.

Uzun süre sikip götün keyfini yaşarım diye düşünsem de inlemeleri beni aşırı zevke getirmişti ve daracık göt deliğinin içine büyük haz duyarak fışkırttım.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Komşumuz Olgun Kadınla Doyumsuz Sexs Hikayesi

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

ben 22 yasındayım.Size anlatacagım hikaye 18 yaşında başımdan geçti.o sıralar ailemle ankarada bi apartman
dairesinde oturuyorduk.karşı dairemizde doktor ahmet abiyle kendisi gibi doktor olan cemile abla oturuyordu.Cemile abla 34 yaşında siyah uzun saçlı, süt gibi beyaz tenli 18 lik bir lolita vücuduna sahip bi kadındı.ben 18 yaşında olmama ragmen herkes bana askerliği nerde yaptın
diye sorardı.sanırım fazla gelişmiş olmamdan bu şanslı olay başımdan geçti. bir gün annem evde şeker kalmadıgını cemile abladan bi fincan getirmemi soyledi.zorla elime fincanı verip beni yolladı.bi kaç kez uzun uzun kapıyı çaldım ama kimse açmıyordu.sonra kim o diye bi ses duydum bu cemile ablaydı.benim cemile abla ferhat dedim.Ha sen misin bekle acıyorum dedi.ve kapıyı açtı.ustune bi çarşaf dolamıştı ve sanırım içinde başka bisey de yoktu.bana televizyon seyrediği için zili duymadıgını soyledi.ama ben onun çarsaf tarafından sıkılmış guzel vucuduna

dalmış gitmiştim.bi an beni durttu ve gulerek ne istediğimi sordu.kekeleyerek .( )
şeker diyebildim ve fincanı uzattım.fincanı aldı ve beklememi soyledi. derken içerden seslendi.Ferhat buraya gel diordu.ses mutfaktan geliyordu.mutfaga girdim.parmaklarının ucunda ustteki raflardan birine uzanmaya calısıyordu.,Ahmet abin sekeri usteki dolaba koymuş.o da bugun nöbetçi boyum yetmedi bana bi yardım et dedi.cemile ablanın arkasından şekeri almak uzandım ama biraz fazla yaklaşmış olmalıyım
ki kalcasına hafif bi surtme oldu.bu cok hosuma gitti. sekeri indirdim.bi fincan alıp teşekkür ettim.tam giderken Cemile abla kendisine yardım edip edemeyecegimi sordu.ne konuda diye sorunca.duştaki muslugun calışmadıgı soyledi.bende şekeri eve bırakıp hemen geliyim diye eve uctum.şekeri verip anneme arkadaslarla
gezmeye gittigimizi soyledim ve karsıya gectim. Cemile abla hala carsaflaydı .
ama carsafın boyu kısalmıştı sanki.mini etek gibi duruyordu.beni duşa götürdü ve muslugu gösterdi.duşun altına gecip muslugu açtım ve açmamla sırılsıklam olmam bir oldu.megersem musluk bozuk filan degilmiş.bu halimi goren cemile
abla özür dileyip bozuldugunu sandıgını soyledi.ama ustum basım sırıksıklam ıslanmıstı.bana soyunmamı kocasının elbiselerinden bana uygun bişey getirecegini soyledi.ve banyonun kapısını kapatıp gitti. ben de soyunup elbiseleri beklerken aklıma cemile ablanın vucudu geldi ve klozete oturup benim oğlanı sıvazlamaya başladım oğlan
tam kalkmaya başlamıştı ki cemile abla birden kapıyı açtı ve beni o halde gorunce hemen elbiseleri atıp kapıyı kapattı.ben yerin dibine girmiştim. elbiseleri giyip salona gittim.ve cemile ablayı cırılcıplak koltukta oturken gordum.bana bakıp gulumsedi ve ben seni cıplak gördüm sen de beni görde hak gecmesin dedi.vucudu inanılmaz sexiydi.memeleri birer füze gibiydi.bacakları sutun gibiydi.bana gel otur yanıma dedi.gidip koltugun diger ucuna oturdum.yavas yavas bana dogru yaklastı ve elini bacagıma attı.bana bak sana bişey sormak istiyorum.dedi. ben heyecandan ve utanctan konusamıyordum. zorlukla
tabi dedim.Vucudumu begendin mi?dedi.Ben de muhtesem dedim.eger oyleyse senle bi anlaşma yapalım.Az önce banyoda aletini gördüm gayet gaziantep escort iyiydi beni tatmin
edecek boyutta.ahmet olacak sünepe beni doyuramıyor.ben de yıllardır yanıyorum.eger şimdi beni tatmin edebilirsen her zaman seninle beraber olacagız. ve bunun()
yanında beni her becerişinde sana belli bi miktarda para da verecegim ne dersin?dedi.ben duyduklarıma inanamıyordum.henüz hiç bi dişiyle ilişkiye girmediğim için de beceremeyecegimden korkuyordum.tabi ki bu teklifi kabul etmemek buyuk eşeklik olur diyip kabul ettim.bunu duyunca cemile abla bana banyoya
gidip ustumu cıkarmamı ve klozote oturmamı soyledi. bende dediğini yaptım.biraz sonra o da banyoya geldi.hala cıplaktı.kapıdan girince amını daha yeni .
traş ettiğini gordum.ama heyecandan aletim kalkmamıştı. bunu gorunce ii kaldırmamışsın bunu ben yapmak istiyorum dedi ve önume çömeldi.sikimi eline aldı ve
okşamaya başladı ben titriyordum.bana rahat ol sana hayatının en zevkli dakikalarını yaşatacagım deyip bir anda benim kamışı ağzına aldı ve saksoya başladı.cok tecrubeliydi sanki motor gibi yalayıp emiyordu.Porno filmlerde gördüğüm .
kadınlar gibiydi.ben de filmler aklıma gelince elimi korka korka memelerine goturdum ve okşamaya başladım.bunu yapınca başını kaldırdı ve bana gulumseyerek aferin dedi.memeleri yumusacıktı okşadıkca hoşuma gidiyordu.bu arada o da aleti
sertleştirmeye devam ediyordu.birden kalktı ve duşun altına gitti beni yanına cagırdı ve suyu açtı.bu arada dudaklarıma yapıştı.öpüşmeye başladık dilimi ağzına
sokup geziniyor dudaklarını emiyordum.cok tatlıydı. o bu arada hala aletimi sıvazlıyordu.bende memelerdeydim.bi ara elimin birini tutup amının ustune yerleştirdi.buz gibi
suyun altında olmamıza ragmen amı ateş gibiydi.yanıyorsun dedim. oda bana söndur o zaman erkeğim dedi.hemen eğilip amını yalamaya başladım.dilimi arasına sokup cıkarıyordum.cok tatlı bi su geliyordu agzıma.Cemile abla başıma bastırıyordu.derken gir artık içine dedi.ve onu kucaklayıp yatak odasına goturdum. ikimiz
de sırılsıklamdık. onu yataga atıp bacaklarını iki yana açtım girmek için ileri gittiğimde sikimi tutup biraz daha okşamaya başladı. iyice sert
olsun ki zevk daha fazla olsun değil mi erkeğim?diyerek.sonra hadi içime gir ve beni uçur azgın boğam benim diye
amının dudaklarını ayırdı.sikimin başını amına sürtmeye başladım.bu onu iyice azdırmıştı.yalvarırım sok artık diye inliyordu.derken bir hamlede o zamanlar 18 cm
olan yaragımı amına gömüverdim.cemile abla ıhhh hadi pompala beni diye bagırıyordu.bende bacaklarını iyice ayırıp başladıp gel gide.gidip geldikçe daha da hızlanıyordum o da daha yüksek sesle inliyor hızlanmamı istiyordu.aletim onun dipsiz kuyusuna bir girip bi çıkıyordu.altımda kıvranıyor acaip zevk
aldıgı her halinden belli oluyordu.artık boşalacagımı anlamıştım.amından cıkıp karnına oturdum ve yaragımı Cemile ablanın tombul memelerinin arasına yerleştirdim o da
memelerini iki taraftan sıkıştırdı.böyle bi kaç geliş gidişten sonra suratına boşaldım. hemen aletimi kavradı ve emmeye başladı.doymadıgı her halınden belliydi.beni
sırtüstü yatırıp mutfaktan bi kavanozda bal getirdi.aletimi bala buladıktan sonra yalamaya başladı.beni zevkten kudurtuyordu.kocasıyla yapamadıgı herşeyi benle yapmak istiyordu.bikaç saniyede
aletimi tertemiz yaptı.sonrada memelerine ve amının dudaklarına bal sürüp yanıma yattı.hemen memelerini yalamaya başladım.oralar bitince amına geldi sıra amının suyuyla bal karışınca daha da bi tatlanmıştı.artık ikinci postaya hazırdık.yataga oturdum ve onu kucagıma alıp kukusuna geçirdim.arkası bana dönüktü.ellerimle memelerini kavrayıp zıplamasını söyledim.bir anda lastik top gibi zıplamaya başladı.bu pozisyon oldum olası hoşuma giderdi.ve artık yapıyordum.deli gibi zıplıyordu. her zıplayışında
aletimin hepsini içine alıyordu.ben kendimden geçmiş sekilde arkadan sırtını, boynunu yalıyor öpüyordum.aklımı başımdan almıştı.biraz sonra suratı bana dönük pozisyona geçtik.bu seferde kafamı memelerine gömdüm.yalamaya emmeye başladım.ellerimle gotunu okşuyordum.arasıra got deliğine dokunuyordum.derken inlemeleri hızlandı.zevkten çıldırıyordu.sanırım boşalacaktı ve sandıgım gibi oldu.çığlık çığlığa( )
henüz içindeyken boşaldı.zevk çığlıkları bittiğinde dudaklarıma yapıştı.hiç erkek görmemiş gibiydi.hayvan gibi saldırıyordu.ama ben hala boşalmamıştım.önüme çömelip bana 31 çektirmeye başladı.sonra ağzına aldı ve belki de sexte en iyi oldugu saksoya başladı.aletimi ağzına sokup cıkarırken ağzının içinde dili boş durmuyor yalamaya
devam ediyordu.ağzı da amı kadar zevk veriyordu.tabi ki bu sakso seansı sonucunu kısa sürede vermişti. boşalacagımı söylediğimde daha hızlı emmeye başladı.zevkin
doruklarında boşalıyordum.ben ağzının içine attırdıkça o içine cekiyor sikimin kafasını emiyordu.son damlasına kadar yutmuştu spermlerimi.ama hala sikimi sömürüyor ve küçük
diş darbeleri atıyordu.sonun da sikimi agzından kurtarmıştım. biraz dinlendikten sonra tekrar banyoya gitti.5 dakka sonra beni banyoya çagırıyordu.banyoya gittiğimde küveti suyla doldurmuş oldugunu gördüm.ılık su son derece güzel duruyordu.geldiğimi görünce küvete sırtüstü yattı ve beni yanına cağırdı.küvete girmeden aletimi ağzına
alıp biraz kaldırdı.sertleşince ben de küvete girdim.suyun içinde amının yeri belli olmuyordu.cemile abla da bunu anlamış sikimi tutup kendisi amına yerleştirmişti.bu arada ılık su bizi iyice azdırmıştı.amına ilk yüklenişimde amındaki hava bir anda suyun yüzüne baloncuklar cıkmasına sebep oldu.ve birden
hızlandım. çap çup seslerin eşliğinde onun o güzel amcığını bir kez daha pompalıyordum.suyun içinde onu okşuyor her yerini mıncıklıyordum.bacakları cok pürüzsüzdü.onları .
omzuma aldım.amını sikmeye böyle devam ettim. küvette de birer kez boşaldıktan sonra bana yemek hazırladı ama yorgunluktan yemek yiyecek takatimiz
kalmamıştı.buna rağmen hala birbirimize yiyecek gibi bakıyorduk.bana ferhat arkadan yapmak ister misin?ben hiç denemedim ama senle yapmak isterim dedi.ben de neden olmasın dedim ve kabul ettim. yemeği bırakıp kanepeye oturduk.cemile abla içeri gidip sütyen kilot ve jartiyerden oluşan kırmızı bir
dantelli fantezi kıyafeti giymişti.ben hala cıplaktım ama aletim kalkacaga benzemiyordu.bunu goren cemile yanıma geldi ve striptize başladı bu arada hafif bir de müzik acmıştı.bu işte de son derece başarılıydı.müzik eşliğinde arkasını dondu ve sutyeninin kopçasını acıp kollarından aşagı indirdi.bana donup
sadece elleri yardımıyla duran sutyenını bırakıp memelerini ortaya cıkardı ve beni heyecanlandırmaya başladı.sıra altaydı.bana dogru domalıp geri geri yaklaşmaya başladı. tam elimi poposuna atacaktım kı benden kaçtı.sonra tekrar domaldı ve yavasca kilotunu sıyırmaya başladı.cok nazik hareketlerle indiriyordu.once sıradaki hedef gorundu.sımsıkı gorunuyordu.götten
hiç yemediği belliydi.sonra da az once harap ettiğim amcıgı.ve sonun .
da kilotu da cıkarmıştı.sadece jartiyerle kalmıştı. bu şovun ardından benim alet kendine gelir gibi olmuştu.ama tamamen kalmamıştı.hala kalkmadıgını goren cemile yarı kızgın yarı azgın önüme çömelip agzına aldı ve hızlıca
emmeye yalamaya başladı.arada bir ısırıklar atıyor az da olsa canımı yakıyordu.öyle yapınca ben de onun meme uçlarını sıkıyor yavas olmasını belirtiyordum.sikimi iyice sertleştirince içeri koşup gözve götyakmayan bebe şampuanı ile geldi ve eline döküp sikimi iyice şampuanladı.sonra şampuanı bana verip
tek bacagını yere tek bacagını kanepeye koyarak domaldı.ben de biraz tükürük biraz şampuanla götünün deliğini ovalamaya başladım.aslında elimle pek genişletmek istemiyordum. biraz masajdan sonra hazır olup olmadıgını sordum.o da cok yavas olmamı canını yakmamamı soyledi.tabi tabi deyip şampuandan köpürmüş sikimin kafasını
deliğin ağzına bastırmaya başladım.bu arada yavaş yavaş die soyleniyordu.emredersin deyip bir anda abandım.abanmamla cemile abla cıglıgı patlattı.ama aletin yarıya yakını girmişti.biraz daha abanınca ağlamaya başladı.nolur cıkar cok büyük alamam cok acıyor die yalvarıyordu.kendin istedin cemile abla pilavdan dönenin kaşıgı kırılsın deyip işime devam ettim. bu arada altından kurtulmaya calısıyordu ben ise onu coktan karnından kavramıştım.onu hiç bırakmadan yavaş bir sekilde yuklenmeye devam ediyordum.her yuklenisimde biraz daha giriyor cemile ablanın aglaması ise yerini inlemeye bırakıyordu.aglamasının kesildigini gorunce birden abandım ve sikimin
hepsini cemile ablanın deliğine kökledim.Cemile abla ohhhhh diye kendini bırakıverdi.ben de hemen gidip gelmeye yani delik genişletmeye başladım gittikçe genişleyen delik cemile ablanın zevk sesleri ve aldıgım tarif edilmez zevk beni ucuruyordu.sonun da bosalacagımı anlamıştım. kafası mosmor olan sikimi cemile ablanın kıpkırmızı olan götünden cıkardıgım da cemile abla yere yıgıldı ben de cok yorgundum ama hala bosalmamıştım.hemen cemile ablayı yan .
cevirip koltuk altına yaragımım yerleştirdim.bir kaç gidiş gelişten sonra cemile ablanın suratına boşaldım ve uzerine yıgıldım. kendime geldigimde cemile ablayı uyandırıp artık gitmem gerekiyor dediğimde ferhat artık benim kocam sensin.ahmet 3 gün sonra yine nöbetçi.seni bekleyeceğim dedi ve o zamanın parasıyla hiç unutmam 100 dolara yakın bi para verdi bana.parayı alınca hemen onu öpmeye başladım bu arada da okşuyordum o( )
güzel vücudu.çünkü 3 gün ayrı kalacaktık.ama ben 3 gun dayanamayacagımı anlayıp o 100 dolarla öbür gün bir manita kiralayıp alem
yaptım.Tabii cemile ablanın da kadrolu elemanı oldum. Hikayelerim devam edecek

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Luna Launch

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It was a lazy day.  A little after lunch, I forced myself to knuckle down and go through one of the online training courses my uncle had put on my plate.  I knew most of it from working for him at his plumbing business officially for the last couple of years, and unofficially for quite a bit before that.  He knew that I had it down, but I needed to complete the courses anyway to prove to anybody else that I did.It was the one demand my parents and uncle had made when I said I wanted to take a year off after graduating high school.  I’d initially thought I’d spend most of it camping, fishing, and partying, but hadn’t considered that most of my friends – and most of the girls – were going off to college.  Still, it was nice to have nothing much hanging over my head for a few months longer, and I got to skip one frozen pipe season.I had something to look forward to as well.  Once I started working full-time, all I had to do was stay on with my uncle for five years, and my college fund was mine.  Between making good money and that windfall, I would be sitting pretty just a few years down the road.With the online course out of the way, I headed next door.Like a lot of kids, I’d wanted to be an astronaut.  Unfortunately, I wasn’t cut out for all the studying.  I’d just squeaked by as a C student.  Hardly astronaut material.  I never completely got over it though.  Part of that was because I lived next door to the next best thing, a retired NASA guy who had been there for the Apollo program.Mr. Abbot was sitting on his front porch enjoying the unseasonably warm day when I walked outside.  His eyes lit up when he saw me.  “Keeps this up, it may be fishing weather soon.”I chuckled.  “I wouldn’t hold my breath.  Have a feeling the groundhog is going to put the kibosh on that.”Mr. Abbot let out a growl, shook his fist, and then said, “Ah Kartal Escort well.  Soon enough.”“Never soon enough,” I countered.  At some point as we’d talked the previous fall, the subject had come up and he’d revealed that he hadn’t been fishing in almost twenty years.  I made plans to take him as soon as the fish were biting.“What can’t come soon enough is getting back up there,” Mr. Abbot said.  “Decades to get their heads out of their asses and head back to the moon.”“I hear that.  Still over a year away.”“I know better than most what it takes, but an old man’s got his own timetable you know?  At least we got those pictures.  Lord, I can’t imagine how amazing the ones from the surface will be.”“Never mind the pictures.  I’m waiting for video.”“I hear that.”  Mr. Abbot shivered.  “Well, it’s nice out for January, but the breeze is kicking up.  Want to come inside?  My daughter Luna sent off those old movies of mine to have them digitized, and they just came back.”There was no containing my excitement when I asked, “From when you met Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong?”He chuckled.  “Yes sir.  Some stuff I’d completely forgotten about too.”He didn’t have to ask twice.Though the videos were short, and had certainly suffered with age, they were still amazing.  He had video of him and Gene Kranz, the flight director for Apollo, as well as the astronaut videos.  Mr. Abbot added his own commentary, giving even more insight into the men behind the legends.His late wife shot most of the movies, but she was in a few as well.  He always got a little misty-eyed when she was on screen.  She was a real looker.The last of the videos was him in the pool with his three kids.  I’d met his son and youngest daughter, but Luna had only just moved back from the west coast a couple of days before.To be honest, Kartal Escort Bayan I lost track of time as he reminisced.  My mom dragged me back into the present with a text reminding me that with Dad out on the road, I had dishes to take care of.“I know that look,” Mr. Abbot said as I read the text.  “Get on home.  No sense in riling up your mother.  Luna’s supposed to be stopping by shortly anyhow.”I nodded as I got up from the couch.  “It may be a ways off yet, but we should start looking into getting you geared up for when the fish start biting.”“Still have to convince my kids and that damn nurse that I’m not too old and feeble, but they’ll roll over.”“Soon as they do, we’ll head over to the bait and tackle.  See you tomorrow, Amos.”“See you tomorrow, Glen.”A car pulled up in front of Mr. Abbot’s house as I was walking up my sidewalk.  Damn, I thought as I got my first look at who I assumed was Luna.  She was around my mom’s age, but still smoking hot, and dressed like she knew it.  She had some serious mommy milkers, and she was showing them off in a yellow top that looked like it was about to burst at the seams from holding them in.The last thing I wanted to do was get caught staring, so I tore my eyes away from the sight and headed inside.  Mom had an early dinner ready to go, since she was heading in for a late shift at the hospital.  We ate, and then I took care of the dishes as promised.  Once Mom left for work, I had the place to myself.After fruitlessly scrolling through a couple of streaming services, I was about to give up and head into town with the faint hope something would be happening.  The doorbell interrupted me as I was getting up from the couch.She smiled as I opened the door and said, “I’m Mr. Abbot’s daughter, Luna.  Glen, right?”I nodded.  At that same moment, Escort Kartal a stiff breeze caused her to shiver, so I said, “Do you want to come in?”“Thank you,” she said, and quickly stepped inside.I knew I was in trouble.  Those big tits were trying to pull my eyes into orbit.  That gravitational effect wasn’t enough to stop me from briefly checking out the rest of her, though.  She had a nice ass, which her tight jeans showed off to good effect.She said, “I only have a few minutes while Dad is with the nurse, but I wanted to say thank you.”“What for?”“Dad hasn’t been in the best of shape since Mom passed away.  Diana told me that he’d really perked up since you started coming over every day.  Hearing about it is one thing, but seeing it is another.  He’s like his old self again.”“I like hanging out with him.  He’s got great stories.”Her smile widened.  “And having someone around who hasn’t heard them all has really livened him up.  We all appreciate it.  We were worried about him.”My eyes had somehow drifted down to her cleavage, but I redirected my gaze and said, “It’s no problem – really.”“Now, about this fishing thing…  Dad doesn’t really get around all that well.”I quickly said, “The place I was going to take him, we can drive right up to the pond.  It would be a shorter walk than the mailbox.”“Really?” she responded – sounding surprised.“Oh yeah.  It’s on a friend of mine’s property.  It’s full of crappie, bass, and catfish.  It’s the laziest fishing you’ll ever do.”  I remembered something and pulled my phone out of my pocket.  “Here, I’ll show you,” I said, and then scrolled to a picture that showed me and a couple of friends at the pond with the car parked in view.Luna accepted my phone and said, “Well, you’re right.  That looks pretty easy.”“It’s not that far away, either,” I said as I stepped in closer and pointed at the picture.  “You can see the cell tower that’s just up the road.”I only realized after the fact that standing next to her where I was, I was basically staring straight down her top.She handed the phone back and said, “Okay.  You’ve convinced me.  Only after it actually gets warm though.”

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Girlfriend’s Away Pt. 04

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Not surprisingly, I saw neither Sean nor Sara on the Thursday after Sara shaved me. But we actually had plans on Friday. My girlfriend Rachel had been away for about two weeks in Europe with her family, and even before she left I’d made plans to take this Friday off. Just because Rachel had two weeks off and I decided I deserved to take at least one day off also during her vacation.

Sean and Sara were also ready for a day off. Their summer-semester classes started the following Monday, but they had been working during the past few weeks on something called “symposium.” I never took that in college. I just went to classes (except when I didn’t) and took the tests. There were some research papers along the way too, I guess. But whatever.

So on Friday Sean and Sara and I drove about an hour to a state park north of town and went hiking. It was a really pretty park, with lots of great views overlooking the lake, and beautiful trails through woods and plains. But in the back of all of our minds, we knew what was waiting at the end of the day. Sex.

As a result, the day was filled with a plethora of adolescent remarks. Several tree trunks were commented on as resembling erect cocks; hollowed out sections of trees were vaginas; and distant hills certainly resembled breasts (although Sara did try to convince us that two distant hills that were particularly close to each other resembled the contours of two butt cheeks — she did not specify gender).

It was a hot and humid day and we all sweated a lot. The air conditioning in Sean’s car cooled and dried us off on the ride home, but that didn’t matter. There was a seeming consensus, mentioned multiple times during the day, that, when we got home, we would be showering. Together.

So, of course, when we got back to Sean’s and my apartment at about 9:00 that night, we kicked off our shoes and socks and all headed straight to the bathroom. By this point in our very unusual relationship, Sean and I had come to accept Sara as the leader in these erotic games, so we both stood still and waited for her to give some indication as to how the undressing was to occur. Would we be taking each other’s clothes off? Or our own? Or a combination?

Sara turned and looked at Sean and I, who were standing side-by-side facing the tub. Sara was between the tub and us, smiling. She then simply raised her arms until they were pointing straight at the ceiling, and Sean and I somehow knew what to do.

Sean lifted the bottom of Tara’s faded black t-shirt and pulled it off, revealing a grey sports bra that did not conceal the erect state of her nipples. She kept her arms in the air and I removed her bra just like Sean had removed her t-shirt. Sara’s perky breasts seemed to smile at their newly found freedom. Or maybe I’m just projecting Sara’s smiling face to her breasts (quite likely).

Sara lowered her arms so they were at her sides pointing at about a 45 degree angle towards the ground and simply looked at the waist band of her tan shorts. Sean and I needed no further instruction.

Sean reached out and unbuttoned and unzipped her fly and pushed the shorts down past her hips and ass until they could fall to the floor on their own. As they fell, Sara pulled Sean close to her and kissed him deeply. Sara was now clad only in a pair of pink cotton panties, and I could see a definite damp spot on the crotch.

As Sara and Sean kissed, I stepped behind Sara and began lowering her panties. I pushed them all the way to the floor, running my right hand over her bare muff as I knelt to the floor, permitting her to step out of both the panties and her shorts.

Sara and Sean continued to kiss as I stood up behind Sara, running my hands up the sides of her legs and across her warm, soft butt cheeks as I did so. I could smell the sweat in Sara’s hair as I ran my hands over Sean’s (which were on her hips) and up her rib cage.

Then suddenly Sara broke her kiss with Sean and said “Okay, everyone stop!”

Sean and I stopped, of course. Sara was standing completely naked between the two of us, who were both still wearing our shorts and sweaty t-shirts. Before we could ask what the matter was, Sara said, “You guys have too many clothes on, but I like the position I’m in with one of you on each side of me. I want each of you to grab the bottoms of each other’s t-shirts, and when I say so, I want you to take them off of each other in unison.”

Seemed easy enough to me, as long as the naked girl stayed between us. So I reached one arm around each side of her and grabbed hold with both hands of the bottom of Sean’s white BoDeans concert t-shirt (remember, this was the early 90s). Sean did likewise and grabbed hold of my grey Reebok Pumps t-shirt. Sara then said, “Okay, now!” and Sean and I raised our arms and removed each other’s t-shirts in unison with naked Sara in the middle of us.

Sara laughed and said, “That was cool!” As I instinctively began to put my hands on Sara’s breasts from behind her, she continued, “But you’re not done yet. Same thing again, but with your shorts. And Anadolu Yakası Escort boxers. Same time.”

Ever obedient, I reached around and unbuttoned Sean’s shorts, lowered the zipper, then placed my fingers inside the front of his shorts, making sure they were inside his boxers as well. I was aware of two physical phenomena at this point. First, my hard cock straining against the front of my shorts, which were pressed up against Sara’s naked ass. Second, the backs of my fingers against the top of Sean’s shaved pubic area. It felt warm from his body heat after a long day of exercise, and I could also feel the contours along either side of his pubic area where his torso turned into his legs and package.

Sean also reached around Sara and undid my shorts. He had a little difficulty because I couldn’t stop myself from pressing my cock up against Sara’s ass, but soon his thumbs were inside the sides of my shorts and boxers and ready to go.

“You guys ready?” Sara asked, more as a confirmation than a question, “Okay, one, two, three… go!”

As I proceeded to lower Sean’s shorts and boxers, I had the good sense to first raise them slightly and pull them towards me in order to get past his cock, which I knew by now would be erect. Sean did not have the same foresight. As a result, my cock ended up poking through the fly of my boxers, causing Sean fall forward when my boxers got caught up on the base of my cock. Meanwhile, because if this predicament, I was only able to get Sean’s shorts and boxers about as far as his knees.

Sara giggled, assessed the situation, and said, “What am I going to do with you guys? Can’t even execute a simple mutual disrobement!”

She stepped out from between us, and Sean and I stood up straight. His shorts and boxers were still at his knees, and mine were not even past my butt.

“Mike, finish lowering Sean’s remaining clothing,” Sara said to me in a mock stern tone, like a high school teacher (and boy, was I familiar with THAT tone).

I simply reached out my left foot, placed it between Sean’s knees, and lowered his shorts and boxers to the floor by pressing downward.

“Well, that could’ve been more interesting, but I’ll give you points for efficiency,” said Sara. “Now, Sean, finish your assigned task.”

Because my garments were caught up on my cock, Sean could not employ the same technique that I had. So, Sean dutifully stepped forward, put his hands on the hips of my shorts and attempted to lift them up over my hard cock. But because of the angle at which my cock was pointed, and the limited stretchiness of the waistband of my boxers, he was unable to get my boxers out over my cock, although my shorts did fall to the floor.

So, in a maneuver again showing a lack of foresight, he attempted to simply pull the boxers down with my cock still protruding through the fly.

“Ow!” I exclaimed as the boxers pulled my erect cock down horizontal with the floor before I pulled away. “My cock doesn’t bend like that! You should know that. Here, I’ll just do it myself,” I said as I pulled up my boxers.

“No, no, no,” interrupted Sara. “I gave Sean an assignment, he has to finish it himself. You’ve got a problem, Sean. You and I are naked, but this can’t go any further until Mike is also naked. How are you going to make that happen?”

Sean looked at my cock sticking through my fly, then back to Sara, then back to my cock. Sara stepped up next to Sean, put her right hand around his right shoulder and began rubbing his chest with her left hand, saying “It appears to me, the only way to get his boxers past his cock, is to press his cock up against his body with one hand, and then lift the boxers up over his cock with the other.”

Sean looked at Sara’s face, and she assured him, “Believe me. I’ve been in this situation before. That’s the only way to do it.”

Sean looked at me as if to ask if this was okay. I just gave a slight shrug. I knew Sara was right.

Sean stepped forward and with his left hand he took my cock between his thumb and pointy finger and middle finger and pressed it up against my torso. With his right hand, he pulled my boxers upwards and towards him, then lifted the waistband over my cock, freeing it from the fly.

Next he put a thumb in the waistband at both hips and began to lower them. This pair of boxers had a fairly tight waistband (as you have probably noticed) so they needed to be lowered past my knees before they would fall on their own. I watched as Sean bent over to complete his task. His face was just inches from my cock before the boxers would fall on their own, and I was sure I saw Sean intentionally look at my cock when it was so close to his face.

“Excellent job!” said Sara with a smile. She pulled Sean close to her and kissed him saying, “I knew you could do it, baby.”

Then she stepped over to me and kissed me on the lips and said, “Thanks for being so patient. That was a learning moment. But, and don’t take this the wrong way, it’s more apparent now than before that you guys Anadolu Yakası Escort Bayan really need a shower.”

She turned the water on, stuck her head in through the shower curtains briefly, then pulled it back out and said “We’re gonna need another bar of soap” and grabbed one from the cabinet under the sink. “Well, get in.”

Sean and I stepped into the shower, Sean standing under the showerhead and me towards the back end of the tub. Sara stepped in between us and handed me a bar of soap before leaning in to kiss Sean while at the same time putting herself in the stream of water.

“Mike, you soap me up while I soap Sean up.”

Sara lathered her bar of soap up between her hands and I reached around her to get my hand wet in the water stream so I could do the same with my bar. She then placed her soap on the side of the tub and began rubbing her soapy hands on Sean’s chest and arms before moving her hands down and lathering up his hard cock.

I copied those motions on her back and arms, also reaching around to soap up (actually I was more interested in just touching) her breasts and tummy. I brought my hands down to her pubic area and rubbed the areas where her legs met her torso, being careful not to get any soap in her vagina.

She then brought her hands up Sean’s sides, prompting him to raise his arms so that she could wash his armpits. So I moved my soapy hands to Sara’s armpits in unison. Her armpits were warm and I could feel a little bit of razor stubble and it turned me on even more. I never knew that a girl’s armpits could be so sexy to touch.

“Okay, turn around” Sara instructed Sean as she picked up the soap again and began lathering it up. I picked up my soap as well and lathered it. Sean placed his hands against the wall and Sara began to soap his back, quickly proceeding to his butt cheeks. I had already covered pretty much all of Sara’s torso, both front and back, so I was just rubbing my soapy hands on her butt cheeks before she got to Sean’s.

I then saw her soapy right hand move in between Sean’s butt cheeks. I. of course, followed suit on her, moving my slippery hand between her butt cheeks. Her crack was smooth and my hands slid easily. I was immensely aware that the side of my right index finger was rubbing gently against her butthole. This was the first time I had ever touched a girl’s butthole and it seemed so taboo. And, of course, it only turned me on more.

“Okay. Sean’s clean, Mike, you’re up,” said Sara.

Sean and I switched places, each of us going around a different side of Sara until I was under the water and Sean was behind Sara. She turned around and backed into me gently.

“Need to rinse off the part Mike paid so much attention to, first,” she said, looking back over her shoulder at me with a smile. I looked down and watched as the shower water rinsed the soap lather from her ass and crack, just inches from my cock.

Sara grabbed her soap and began rubbing it between her hands. “Mike already washed me, so Sean you can just watch and touch me however you see fit” she said with a giggle. “Turn around, Mike, I’ll do your back first,” Sara instructed, and I turned and placed my hands on the wall.

Sara’s warm, slick hands began working their way from my shoulders down my back. From the way I had seen her wash Sean, I was pretty sure she was going to put her soapy hand in my butt crack and, in the process, rub my butthole, even if oh so briefly.

I thought back to two days earlier when she had shaved me and ever so quickly touched my butthole with her tongue and how erotic it was. And how she had then inserted a finger into my butthole while giving me a blowjob and how it was the biggest orgasm I’d ever had.

Sure enough, her hands went to my butt cheeks, and the anticipation was excruciating. I looked down between my legs and saw my achingly hard cock looking back at me. It’s hairless appearance was still new to me, but in that moment I remember thinking how I liked how it looked.

Then I felt the side of her soapy right hand slip between my cheeks and I gasped ever so slightly. She moved it up and down, stroking my hole three, maybe four times, and the taboo and my titillation were just as real as two nights before. Then it was over as quickly as it began and I was at once disappointed and relieved.

“Okay, turn around.”

I turned to see Sara again rubbing the soap between her hands. Sean was standing behind her, kissing her right clavicle and caressing her breasts. She bent slightly to set the soap on the side of the tub and said “Raise your arms.”

I did as I was told, but to my surprise her hands went to my cock instead of my armpits. “Can’t forget this part” she said as she leaned in to give me a peck on the lips. She gently caressed my shaved cock and balls while looking me in the eye and smiling. She then took her still soapy hands and rubbed my armpits, still looking me in the eye.

“Almost done,” she said as she reached down again to pick up the soap. But this time, instead Escort Anadolu Yakası of rubbing the soap between her own hands, she took Sean’s hands from her breasts, placed the soap in his hands, and began to move his hands in a lathering motion, each of her hands on the backside of his.

She then took the soap from Sean’s hands, dropped it to the floor of the tub, and said, “Sean, would you do me a favor and wash Mike’s chest?”

Sean reached his hands forward from behind Sara and began to rub my pecs. He moved his hands outward to soap the fronts of my shoulders, and then back to my sternum and down to the bottom of my rib cage. As he did so, his eyes followed what his hands were doing, never looking at my face. As his calloused hands passed across my nipples, I noticed that my nipples were erect, as they were slightly but not uncomfortably scraped by his rough palms. And I noticed that as he was doing this, Sara continued to look at my face while her hands gently caressed her own breasts.

“Okay, that was outstanding. Now Mike, turn around and rinse off.”

I did as instructed, and when I turned back around Sara was already in the process of leaning down and reaching around me with both arms to turn off the water. “Now get out.”

We got out and there were only two towels on the rack, so Sara said, “Don’t go anywhere” and walked into the closet in Sean’s room to get another. Her ass was mesmerizing as usual as she walked away and her smile was nearly as mesmerizing as she walked back.

“One towel per person, face this way” she said as she again positioned herself between Sean and me. Without instruction, we knew that each person was to dry off the person in front of them. Sara was in front of me, so I had the pleasure of drying her and feeling as much of her as I could in doing so. But at the same time, no one was drying me.

“Okay, Sean, get on the other side of Mike. I’ll do his front, you do his back,” Sara said after a minute or so.

So they situated themselves as Sara desired and began drying me. Again, Sara looked me in the eye smiling as he ran the towel through my hair, down my chest and stomach, down my legs, and back up to my cock, which she saved for last. In the meantime, Sean rubbed a towel up and down my back and down to my butt cheeks. It seemed to me that he spent more time on my butt cheeks than was required.

“That’s enough,” declared Sara, throwing her towel over the shower curtain rod, prompting Sean and I to do the same. She then took my right hand in her left and Sean’s left hand in her right and led us into Sean’s bedroom — the locale of all of our escapades.

She grabbed a pillow from the head of Sean’s bed and pulled it towards her, causing it to fall to the floor along with another pillow. She turned around, pushed the extra pillow to her right, and fell to her knees on the other pillow.

“There is absolutely no way that I could not suck both of your cocks at this point, as horny as I am,” she said as she took my cock in her right hand. Sean was standing to my right and she immediately moved her head to his cock, taking it in her mouth as she stroked mine.

She sucked Sean’s cock for about half a minute and I could not help myself from watching her lips run across it as she moved up and down his erection. She then removed Sean’s cock from her mouth and pulled my cock towards her face.

I had to take a quarter step towards her to meet her mouth. She began to suck my cock while now stroking Sean’s. My eyes were focused on her mouth moving up and down my cock as I felt her tongue swirling on the head and frenulum. Her eyes were closed and she made low moaning sounds.

Then she removed my cock from her mouth and pulled Sean by the cock slightly towards her face, causing Sean to take a quarter step towards her. I was focused on her face, her mouth now filled with Sean’s cock, and the low moans coming from her. She was now fondling my balls.

Again after about thirty seconds she took Sean’s cock out of her mouth and pulled my cock towards her mouth. I took a small step to accommodate her. This continued for a couple of minutes until Sean and I were standing so close together that my right upper arm was flush against his left upper arm. At this point Sara didn’t need to move her head at all to get to either of our cocks. She could pull back her head to take one cock out and simply turn her head slightly and lean forward to take in the other.

After a minute or so of this, Sara looked up at us. We were standing close enough together by now that she could look both of us in the eye by just moving her eyes and not her head. She pulled both of our cocks towards her until our heads were less than a half inch apart, and then stuck her tongue out and licked both cock heads at the same time. As she did so, she also pulled both of our cocks towards her, and we both moved our hips forward slightly to meet her pulls.

Sara looked up at us with a devilish grin then, her tongue no longer on out cocks, and pulled us both slightly towards her until our cockheads were touching. This was an entirely new and unexpected experience to me. I had felt every square millimeter of my cock over the years and knew how every square millimeter felt. But feeling my cockhead against Sean’s spongy cockhead (in all fairness, I guess mine was spongy too) was so different and so unexpectedly erotic.

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Thanksgiving Break

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This happened right before my wife, Billie Sue, and I got engaged. We were in college together– going together– seriously involved and very much in love (albeit in an open relationship). Billie Sue decided to throw a party at her parents’ house. I hadn’t initially planned to spend the holiday at her house. I’d just met her folks a couple of weekends earlier and didn’t want to seem pushy. But at the last minute, I decided to go after all. Glad I did– who knows what might have happened if I hadn’t?Anyway, a lot of the “heads” from college who lived in Chicago turned up at the party. Some we didn’t know all that well came with friends we did know. Others brought their friends. All in all, there were about twenty-five or thirty people.The party itself was noisy, crazy, and fun. We were all over the house, but a good bit of it took place in their finished basement. Billie Sue had requisitioned it as her room in her senior year in High School, so there was a wet bar, couches and chairs, a full bathroom and also a double bed off to one side.When they gave her permission to have the party, Billie Sue’s folks had insisted that no one “out of it” should drive home until the next day. So it was assumed that many of us with simply crash out on the bed or the couches or even on the basement floor. They didn’t object to an overnight party being coed. Since all of us were at least eighteen and there was only one big room, I guess they figured not too much could happen with so many people there. Wrong guess!Things finally wound down around 4 AM. By that time, we were all sitting around, stoned, sharing a last “J”, listening to the Moody Blues, and passing a bottle of cheap wine among us.There were about a dozen of us left, seven guys and five girls. Billie Sue and Patsy, (who happened to be Billie Sue’s roommate back in school) were coupled up with boyfriends, as were Butch and Susie. That left two girls and three or four guys (Only one of whom we knew very well.)I claimed the bed for us. Billie Sue and I hadn’t had too many chances to sleep together at that point in our relationship. (I know that if I hadn’t been there, Billie Sue would have had the good manners as hostess to sleep on the floor.)Butch and Susie were on a hide-a-bed. Patsy and Rob appropriated a couch. Chuck, Rob’s roommate, sacked out on the floor near them. Jeanne had grabbed the other couch to share with one of the guys she’d met that night. That left Gina, a good friend of ours, on the floor along with the Anadolu Yakası Escort other three (unknown) guys.Billie Sue and I had crawled into bed in jeans and sweaters. As we settled down for the night, we both off our jeans, and I took off my sweater and T-shirt. I sneaked a peek around the room. From our bed, all I could see of Tom and Susie was a moving lump under the covers of the hide-a-bed. Rob and Patsy had both taken off their jeans and shoes and were lying side by side on the one couch, making out in a leisurely manner, their four legs intertwined.On the other couch, however, Jeanne and her nameless boyfriend seemed to be going at it hot and heavy. His shirt and pants were off, and he was lying on top of her. all I could see of Jeanne were her arms around his neck and a pair of bare brown legs wrapped around his hips.One of the spare guys had already crashed in different corners of the room and the other two were sitting cross-legged with Gina, rapping away, obviously verbally competing with one another to see who she’d be sleeping with.It was time to turn my attention to Billie Sue. I rolled over to face her, put my arms out and realized I was over-dressed. All I could feel was her warm, bare flesh. To my delight and surprise, she had stripped completely. As we kissed, I pulled off my shorts and rolled into her arms. Even back then, I tended to like a lot of foreplay, but this time, I was on top and inside Billie Sue in a matter of seconds.We began to move together and quickly found our rhythm. She was wet and soft and willing. The fact that we were in a room full of people, some asleep, some awake, some necking, some doing the same thing we were, and some possibly even watching us added extra excitement.All too soon, I came. I supported myself on my arms to take the weight off her and tried to remain inside her as long as I could. Finally, I rolled off. I was about asleep when a movement to the side roused me. It was Gina leaning over the side of the bed.”Dave, Billie Sue, those assholes don’t want to take no for an answer. They’re really starting to hassle me. I can’t get to sleep, and if I did, I’m afraid I’d wake up with one of them trying to screw me. Do you guys mind if I climb in with ya?”The idea, of course, didn’t bother me at all, but I was smart enough, even back then, to know this one was Billie Sue’s call. Before I could ask her, she reached across my chest and pulled back the covers for Gina in Anadolu Yakası Escort Bayan silent invitation.Only as Gina was climbing in with us, did I remember Billie Sue and I were both stark naked. I wondered if I should crawl around under the sheets and look for my shorts, or if Gina would think that was a cheap way to cop a feel. As soon as she was under the covers with us, however, our guest shucked down as well.”Thanks, Billie Sue. G’night””‘Night, Gina, sleep well.” She leaned over me to whisper a word of thanks to Billie Sue and pecked her on the cheek. In the process, her large bare breasts brushed across my chest. Despite having just come inside Billie Sue, my cock was rock hard again in an instant.”And thank you, David.” She rolled over to face me. I rolled over towards her, and in an instant she was in my arms, naked. Instead of an innocent good night peck, our tongues and bodies met in a full nude body contact french kiss.As our bare bodies began to melt into one another, I suddenly felt Billie Sue’s breasts, skin and pubic hair on my back and buttocks. Before I could say anything, much less move, Billie Sue’s voice whispered in my ear.”Enjoy, with my compliments, David. She’s a good friend, and I love you both.” Then I felt her roll over. Then Gina’s hand snaked between our bodies and she began to play with my cock. As we kissed, and she stroked me, I decided to make this one last. I slowed down the pace, as I stroked her back and buttocks.After a few minutes, I entered Gina, lying side by side. Suddenly I felt a brush of cold air and realized Billie Sue was climbing out of bed. As she came around the side of the bed, into my field of vision, I realized that she hadn’t bothered to put anything on.Billie Sue was casually walking nude across a room full of necking couples and three guys she didn’t even know! I realized as Gina and I continued our lovemaking that the whole idea of my girlfriend nude before all these friends and strangers aroused me all the more. I turned my attention back to Gina.She deserved it! While Billie Sue is a short, cute, round-faced, slightly zaftig red-head, Gina is a completely different physical type– a tall brunette, slightly horsefaced, with long shapely legs, a long neck, a trim waist, a perfectly round ass, and a pair of incredible breasts which rarely saw the inside of a bra in those days– forty inches at least. In short, she had the body of a Playmate of the Month.She Escort Anadolu Yakası rolled over on top of me and pulled my dick inside her. She didn’t sit up totally, just enough to give my mouth access to those wonderful titties. I lay back and used my hips to help Billie Sue and my “best friend” impale herself over and over again on my cock.We came together, and Gina slumped on me. She was a big girl, but I didn’t mind the weight. I began to drowse, when Gina slid off me, rolled over and fell asleep. That woke me up enough to remember Billie Sue.As I lay there, I noticed one of the spare guys get up and walk into the bathroom. Wasn’t he the one who’d been doing it with Jeanne earlier? After the first guy hadn’t come out of the john for a while, I remembered my assumption that Billie Sue had gotten up out of our bed to go to the john. But she should have been back by now. Where was she?I looked around the room, but there was no sign of her. I could see that Tom and Susie’s bed was now quiet. On Jeanne’s couch, I was surprised to see her being screwed doggy style by a different one of the spare guys than she’d been with earlier.Now I had to use the john. The room was quiet. I decided that if Billie Sue could traipse to the John in the buff, I certainly could. In the john, I was startled to see Billie Sue sitting in the tub. She was nude, wet, soapy and sexy. She was also not alone. She was sharing the tub with Rob, wet and bare as my fiancé, facing her and sporting an enormous hard-on. As I entered, he was lifting his mouth from one of her nipples.Sitting on the closed toilet, watching them and playing with his dick, was the spare guy. When he saw me, he got up and headed out of the bathroom without a word. I played it cool, greeting them as I used the john. Billie Sue nonchalantly reached between Rob’s legs, fished out a bar of soap, and began to soap up his chest.”Coming to bed soon, Baby?” I asked.”No, Rob and I have just started something that we need to finish. You go on back to bed, David.” I realized I could hardly object since five minutes earlier I’d been inside Gina.”Okay, have fun.” (Where, I wondered, was Patsy?) Outside the bathroom, I saw the answer. Patsy was still on the couch and was now underneath Chuck. I climbed back in bed, but Gina was sound asleep. As I pulled the cover up, I saw the other two spare guys head into the bathroom to catch the floor show– the woman I loved taking a bath, with my friend. After a few minutes, Chuck had finished making love to Patsy and promptly crawled back onto the floor. Billie Sue and Rob came out of the bathroom, still nude, holding hands. They were followed a second later, by the other two guys, trying to pull up their pants over the hard-ons they’d developed watching my beloved, getting felt up and licked, licking and feeling up our friend.

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A Run in the Woods

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Note from the author: Please leave comments and let me know if you enjoyed the story…and if it turned you on. This is my first story submission and the thought of my words/story making someone cum is the reason I wrote and shared this.

Day 1

Jackson and his roommate Wesley laced up for their afternoon run just like they had since the beginning of the summer semester. These offseason afternoon runs helped keep their muscles loose and ready for their morning training with the track team. It was also a way to relax and enjoy a run without their coach watching over them. They stepped out of their apartment and into the warm summer air.

“I’ve got a new route for us to try. I’m not sure where it goes, but once we hit 2 miles we’ll turn around and head back.” Jackson said.

“Great” Wesley responded while loosening up.

This would happen every week or two. Jackson would get the itch to try something new and find a new route for them to run. There were plenty of options around campus, but this being the summer between their junior and senior year, they had tried almost everything.

“Follow me” Jackson said with a smile.

“Oh brother…I know that look, are we going ‘off-roading’ again”?

“You’ll see”

They ran for about a half mile then Jackson said “There is a small path on the left”.

“In the woods? I knew it.” Wesley said, shaking his head.

Wesley followed Jackson onto the path. It was overgrown and narrow with plenty of branches to jump over. Wesley fell back a few yards from Jackson so he would be able to see any obstacles before it was too late to avoid them. Soon they were surrounded by woods with no campus buildings or roads in site. It was cooler in the shade but still warm and they were working up a good sweat. After about a mile, Wesley called ahead to Jackson “maybe we should have brought some bread to leave a trail so we can find our way back. Let me know if you see a clearing and house made of candy with a witch inside.”

“Very funny” Jackson said. He looked at his GPS watch and saw that they were a mile and a half into their run. “Just another half mile and we’ll turn around. Don’t worry Gretel, I’ll get you home”

Wesley just smiled and shook his head as they worked their way up a small hill. A minute later as Jackson made it to the top of the hill, he slowed down and said “Well…it’s no house made of candy, but it looks like there is a house up ahead on the right.”

Wesley slowed down and as he made it to the top of the hill he looked ahead to the right. There was the backyard of a large house with a pool and a fence around it. Jackson had stopped and Wesley stopped next to him.

“I wouldn’t mind jumping in that pool right now.” Wesley said.

“No kidding…although it looks like there is someone there. Don’t think they want two sweaty college guys jumping into their pool. Come on, we are almost at 2 miles, let’s finish up and head back.”

They started to jog again, focusing on the trail ahead to avoid tripping or spraining an ankle on any random branches or rocks on the path. The path was leading them to the fenced backyard of the house and then veered off to the left again up another hill. As they passed the house they both noticed that there was indeed someone laying out near the pool, but being focused on the trail neither got a good look. As they got halfway up the hill leading away from the backyard Jackson’s watch buzzed indicating that they had hit 2 miles. Jackson slowed down and turned around to start back. Wesley seeing that he had stopped slowed down and looked up. His roommate was standing still staring in the direction of the house with a grin on his face.

“What’s up?” Wesley asked turning around to see what Jackson was looking at. “Holy shit, is she naked?”

“I think so.” Jackson responded without taking his eyes off the woman lying on a lounge chair next to the pool.

They were about a hundred yards away and looking down at the pool, so it was hard to tell, but they were both pretty sure that the woman was not wearing anything. If she was, it wasn’t much.

“Let’s take our time on the way back and get a better look…but let’s not get caught staring.” Wesley said.

They started back slowly, with Wesley in the lead this time. As they came down the hill and neared the backyard, they were able to clearly see that sunglasses was the only thing the woman by the pool was wearing. The lounge chair was parallel to the path with it’s back slightly inclined. It looked as though she might be asleep, but they couldn’t be certain. As they passed by the house and made their way back up the hill they kept a steady pace and kept their eyes on the path, doing their best to exercise some restraint. When they crested the hill and were out of site, Wesley slowed to a walk. Jackson was quickly beside him.

“You’re welcome” Jackson said.

“You are taking credit for us seeing a beautiful naked girl on our run?”

“Who picked this route?” Jackson shot back with a smile.

“Good point…damn, did you see her body? I only got a quick look but that was phenomenal!”

“No İstanbul Escort shit man, straight out of the swimsuit issue…minus the swimsuit.”

“I think this might have to become our regular route.” Wesley said as he started to jog again.

“No kidding.”

Back at the pool, Kendra smiled as soon as the guys were out of sight. Her nipples were hard and she could feel herself getting wet from the thrill of being seen. She hadn’t seen anyone on that trail in the three years she had lived in the house. She wondered if they would be back tomorrow as her hand made its way between her legs and slid in between her wetness. She hoped they would.

Day 2

Wesley and Jackson struggled to stay focused during their morning training with the team. Neither one of them mentioned what they seen to the rest of the team. The last thing they needed was a bunch of horny guys running by the house every day hoping for a peak.

After training they both showered and headed to their classes. The day seemed to last an eternity. Once out of class they met back at their apartment to grab a quick snack and get ready for their afternoon run.

“Think she’ll be there today?” Jackson asked as he tied his shoes.

“I sure hope so. I have been thinking about her all day…I have no idea what was discussed in class today.” Wesley said laughing.

“No kidding…let’s just hope her husband or boyfriend isn’t there waiting for us with a shotgun.”

They walked out of their apartment and started on their run.

“If we see her again, we need to do what we did yesterday and keep moving. No stopping and staring.” Jackson said.

“Really? I was thinking about knocking on the fence to see if we could hop in the pool” Wesley replied sarcastically.

“Hey man, I’m just making sure we are on the same page and don’t screw this up!” Jackson replied.

“I hear ya, just busting your balls man.”

They turned onto the path a few minutes later, with Jackson taking the lead as usual. As they came to the small hill prior to the house Jackson slowed his pace and turned around to see that Wesley was with him. Wesley slowed to match Jackson’s pace and gave Jackson a thumbs up. As they came to the top of the hill, they saw the house on the right with the pool, but there didn’t appear to be anyone there.

“Damn, I knew it was too good to be true.” Jackson said.

Wesley’s heart sank. “Shit.”

They both kept jogging at a slower pace and as they followed the path. As they got closer to the back fence they noticed a white sheet of paper on the fence door.

“Looks like there is a note pinned to the fence door” Jackson said.

“Ugh, that can’t be good. Probably says something like “Hey perverts, please stop staring at me or I’ll call the cops.”” Wesley said.

They stopped at the door and read the note.

Hi boys, sorry I missed you today, I had plans that I couldn’t break. I’ll be around tomorrow though, so hopefully you’ll be back. Please feel free to take a dip in the pool, I left out some towels for you. One rule though…no clothing allowed in the pool. I’m sure that you noticed, I follow this rule as well.

Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow.



Jackson and Wesley stared at the note without saying a word for a good 30 seconds before Wesley broke the silence.

“That’s a hell of a lot better than calling the cops on us.”

“Love Kendra” Jackson said softly. “I think I love you Kendra” he said as he reached his hand out to test to see if the door would open. The door swung open and he looked at Wesley with the devilish grin that Wesley was all too familiar with.

“What do you say, want to go for a swim?”

“Yeah, what the hell.” Wesley answered.

They entered the yard and walked through the grass for a few feet before reaching the pool area. They saw the towels laid out as promised.

“Well, guess we have to strip.” Jackson said as he proceeded to take his clothes off.

“Guess so.” Wesley said as he followed suit. They had seen each other naked in the locker room plenty of times before so neither one of them thought twice about stripping down. Once they were naked, they both jumped in the pool and swam around.

“Weird being in someone else’s pool completely naked.” Jackson said.

“No kidding.” Wesley responded. “What the hell are we going to do tomorrow when we get here? You think she will be just hanging out naked again and ask us to come in and join her?”

“I have no idea, but based on her note, that’s what it sounds like.”

Kendra watched Jackson and Wesley from a window on the second floor of the house. She was naked and standing in front of the window, but based on the sun and the angle to the pool there would be no way for the guys to see her. She could feel herself getting wet between her legs. Her husband, standing behind her, put his hands on her shoulders and began to massage her.

“So, what exactly are you planning on doing with these poor little boys?” he asked as his hands made their way slowly to her exposed breasts. İstanbul Escort Bayan He cupped her tits in his hands and she could feel his hard on pushing against her back.

“You’ll just have to wait and see. I’ll be sure to give you a good show. Oh and they don’t look little to me” she whispered back.

Her husband’s hands moved to her nipples, giving each a hard squeeze while pulling on them. She shuddered with pleasure as he squeezed harder cutting off the blood flow to them. She reached around to his hard cock and started stroking it. “You know you aren’t allowed to fuck me until I’m done with them.”

Her husband felt light headed as she squeezed his cock and slid the tip of it along her ass crack, his pre-cum lubricating it. The thought of her fucking those two college studs almost made him come, but he needed to wait, needed to let it build up. He let go over her nipples and pulled away. She sighed with pleasure as the blood returned to her nipples.

“Good boy” Kendra said as she let his cock slip out of her hand. She could feel her wetness dripping down her leg as she saw the two runners emerge from the pool. She noticed that they were both semi-hard, their cocks much larger than earlier. They must have been thinking about tomorrow she thought. She couldn’t wait to be filled by them. She turned to her husband and nodded. He got down on his knees in front of her, her lips slick with her juices inches from his face. She grabbed the back of his head and pulled his face between her legs.

Jackson and Wesley toweled off and put their clothes back on. They folded their towels and placed them back on the chairs where they found them. They walked out the back gate, closed it and started back on their run as Kendra came loudly on her husbands tongue.

Day 3

Jackson and Wesley were on the trail again as soon as classes ended. The day had dragged just like the previous day. Images of the beautiful naked blonde laying out next to the pool filling their heads.

“You jerk off last night?” Jackson asked as they made their way through the woods.

“Yeah man, wouldn’t have been able to fall asleep if I hadn’t. You?”

“Yeah…twice.” Jackson responded with a laugh.

Wesley laughed as they continued their run. Soon they came to the hill before the house. They made their way up the hill and were rewarded with a view of the house and the pool with Kendra laying naked on her back next to it.

“Holy shit, this is really happening.” Wesley said.

Jackson just nodded and continued jogging slowly towards the house. The gate was open when they got to it and they both stepped into the backyard. Kendra propped herself up on her elbows and looked at the guys through her sunglasses.

“Hello boys, come on in…did you enjoy your swim yesterday?”

“Yes, thank you” Jackson replied as they walked towards her.

As they approached her, she reached out her hand and introduced herself. Jackson shook her hand and said “I’m Jackson and this is Wesley”. Wesley reached over and shook her hand. Kendra smirked as the guys tried their best to keep their eyes on her face, but they were both failing miserably.

“Nice to meet you, I’m so glad you could make it today. I do get lonely out here by myself.”

“You have a beautiful house” Wesley stammered.

“Thank you. I have put some towels out for you over there” Kendra said pointing to two chairs nearby. “Now why don’t you two get those sweaty clothes off and take a quick dip in the pool to cool off. I don’t want to be the only one naked.”

Jackson and Wesley made their way over to the chairs and stripped down. Kendra watched as they took their clothes off. Both guys were already semi-hard by the time they were naked.

“Mmmm, very nice boys.” she cooed. They looked even better up close than from the second story window.

The guys quickly made it into the pool and swam around for a few minutes. The reality of the situation started to set in and they were both fully hard now. Kendra stood up and made her way over to the pool. Both Jackson and Wesley were transfixed as they watched her walk over. It was the first time they had seen her on her feet, and they drank in the site. She looked to be around 5′ 7″, her blonde hair was slightly past her shoulders, her tits were definitely a C, maybe a D and seemed to defy gravity and she had a small landing strip of blonde hair. Kendra took her time walking over to the edge of the pool, enjoying their stares. She was already wet and the looks on their faces was making her wetter. She turned around to make her way down the ladder into the pool, giving them a good look at her perfectly formed ass.

Once in the pool she swam over to Jackson. He was standing in 4 feet of water so his hard on was hidden from view until she got right next to him. As she stood up, the water glistened off her tits and as Jackson was admiring the view, she looked down at his hard on and said “Well, it appears you like what you see.”

“I do” Jackson said, though barely audible.

Kendra still staring at his cock responded “I Escort İstanbul like what I see too.” Then looking up into Jackson’s eyes she put her hand on his neck and brought him in for a kiss. Their tongue’s intertwining as she placed her other hand around his cock and started slowly stroking him. Wesley, who was only about 10 feet away stood motionless as he watched, his cock fully erect and aching to be touched.

Kendra broke the kiss after about a minute and looked over at Wesley while still stroking Jackson. “I can’t tell from here, but I think Wesley likes what he sees also.” she said. Letting go of Jackson she glided through the water over to Wesley who was also in around 4 feet of water.

“Mmmm, looks like I was right, my God what a beautiful cock.” She reached up and kissed Wesley passionately but briefly.

“How about we make it over to the shallow end so I can put my lips on something else.”

She turned and swam the short distance over to the shallow end turned around and got on her knees waiting for Wesley to follow. The water was just below her tits as she knelt and she watched Wesley walking over to her. Each step revealing more and more of his toned body until his cock was clear of the water. It had to be at least 9 inches, and it was thick, much thicker than her husband’s. Soon he was inches away from her waiting mouth. She licked her lips and looked up into Wesley’s eyes as her hands made their way up the back of his legs. Without breaking eye contact she swirled her tongue around the tip and then pulled away.

“My God Wesley, this thing is going to stretch my pussy, I don’t know if I have ever had a cock so thick.”

She wrapped her left hand around the base of his shaft and her right hand started to massage his balls. She took him into her mouth for the first time, barely getting her mouth around him. He let out a moan as her left hand began to stroke him as her right hand continued to massage his balls. With each stroke she was able to fit more and more of his cock in her mouth and soon she had half of his cock in her mouth. Drool came down her chin and dripped on her tits as she worked his monster cock in and out of her mouth.

“Fuck that feels good.” Wesley groaned.

Kendra took the massive tool out of her mouth and looked over at Jackson.

“Come over here and put that thing in my mouth.”

Jackson was next to Wesley in an instant and Kendra happily took him into her mouth. It wasn’t nearly as thick at Wesley’s but it was close to as long as his. Kendra continued to stroke Wesley as she took Jackson in her mouth. For the next few minutes she took turns sucking and stroking them.

Her pussy was aching for attention and she decided it was time to give it what it needed. She stood turned around and holding both cocks in her hands led the guys out of the pool and next to the lounge chair she was laying in earlier. She laid down on the chair, spread her legs and looked up at Jackson and Wesley.

“Now which one of you is going to lick my pussy?”

Without saying a word Jackson dropped to his knees and got between Kendra’s legs. Her whole body was wet from the pool, and her pussy lips were slick with her juices. She was soaked. He lowered his head slowly savoring the view and began to lick her slit. Kendra let out a soft moan as Jackson worked his tongue up and down her slit, flicking her clit each time.

She looked at Wesley. “Stroke your cock for me…I want to watch you…I want to see you play with that huge cock…but do it slowly…I don’t want you coming too fast.”

She didn’t have to ask Wesley twice. He slowly worked his hand over his tool as he watched his friend go down on Kendra.

“Damn your pussy tastes good” Jackson said looking up.

Kendra put her hand between her legs and slid two fingers deep inside of herself, withdrew them and then put them in her mouth. She closed her eyes and sucked on her fingers while the boys just stared with their mouths open.

“Mmmm, I do taste good.” she said opening her eyes. She put her hand down there again and inserted her fingers again. This time when she pulled them out and rubbed her juices onto her left nipple.

“Wesley, I want you to suck my juices off my nipple.”

Wesley did as he was told and got down on his knees next to Kendra and began licking her nipple while Jackson continued to taste her from the source.

Kendra looked up at the second floor window where she knew her husband was watching gave him a quick wave. It turned her on to know he was watching her with these two young studs.

As Jackson started focusing more on her clit, Wesley began sucking her nipple harder, placing it between his teeth and pulling on it, catching her by surprise.

“Oh God, Wesley, keep doing that…Fuck you guys are going to make me cum.”

With that, Wesley who was massaging her other breast with his hand began pulling on her nipple while continuing to suck and nibble on her other one. Jackson slid two fingers inside of her wet hole and continued to lick and suck on her clit. Kendra’s legs wrapped tight around Jackson’s head and she reached out and grabbed onto Wesley’s cock as her body locked up and she began to cum, her pussy spasming around Jackson’s fingers. She jerked Wesley with each convulsion until her legs spread, releasing Jackson’s head and her hand dropped away from Wesley’s cock and her whole body relaxed.

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Journey From Straight To Gay Slut Ch. 07

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Journey From Straight to Gay Slut Part 7: A New Slut for Any Cock in Any Hole

This is the seventh instalment of the series and I would recommend reading the first 6 before this one. There are elements of offensive words and humiliation, be warned.

This is the final chapter of Journey from Straight to Gay Slut after feeling it has come to a natural end. It was my first ever story on Literotica and the first few chapters are loosely based on real events. I just want to say a huge thank you for all of you that have stayed around for the ride. Thank you to everyone that has commented or messaged me! You are all amazing!

Thank you to Dougslair for editing.

Now, on to the good stuff! HAPPY WANKING!

Part 1

Liam begins talking to a lady called Jo on a BDSM chat room, although she is married and Liam is in a relationship, they both decide to meet up and have a wild night of fucking. By the end Liam experience his first time of being rimmed and having his arse fingered.

Part 2

Jo begins to become more dominant, getting Liam to finger himself on facetime. When they meet up for a second time to have a threesome with a man named Kal that Jo also met on a BDSM chatroom. During the threesome Liam ends by having his arsehole fingered by Kal whilst he also sucked his dick. Jo takes Liams cum into her mouth and kisses Liam, giving him his first ever taste of cum.

Part 3

Liam starts to enjoy the taste of his own cum, when meeting up with Joanne he licks her pussy to find out another man has recently cum inside of her. Only building his taste for cum more! He eventually goes for one last night of passion, having a threesome with a dominant older man, Liam takes his first ever cock into his mouth.

Part 4

After having his first ever cock, Liam has a taste for it. Meeting Kal to discuss his new feelings, but this ended with him giving Kal a blowjob in the open. After that his addiction just increased, going to the Bellhouse Gay Bar in search for another cock, Liam ended up sucking an older man and then after him a black man. The black man took Liam’s number and invited him over another night. Liam told Joanne who has now ordered Liam to address her as his Mistress. Once Liam got to the black man’s (Dwayne) house, he saw two other black men. Although nervous at first, Liam ended the night by sucking all three black men, taking three fingers in his arse and went home with his face covered in all three loads. A few days later Liam got a box delivered from his Mistress, inside was a red thong, 4 different butt plugs and a large black dildo!

Part 5

Liam has his first experience of fucking a man, twice! After he fucks Mistress Joanne whilst her husband watches. When Mistress Joanne is out of the room, her husband see’s Liam for the cocksucker he is and orders him to suck his dick. When Mistress Joanne finds out she officially makes Liam her bottom bitch and fucks him for the first time with a strap on. Afterwards, Liam makes the decision that he is going to break up with his girlfriend.

Part 6

Liam breaks up with his girlfriend, but first having sex with her sexy older sister. Now he is single he feels a freedom to explore how he wants. Taking Mistress Joanne’s strap on again and sucking a man’s cock in the showers at the gym. Liam takes his first fucking from a real cock by Kal. Mistress Joanne has Liam wearing thongs and stockings and calls his arsehole a pussy, pushing him further into a sissy lifestyle.

Journey From Straight to Gay Slut 7: A New Slut for Any Cock in Any Hole

Something has awoken inside of me. Now I am single and can do as I please with no guilt, having taken Kal’s cock in me and then Mistress’s husbands cock, I am ready for more.

I am going to be a slut and I don’t care. I have a lot of making up to do for all the years I was strictly straight and I wasn’t going to miss another opportunity.

Waking up early, I headed to the gym to work out before work. But really, I intended on letting the bald meat heat who’s cock I sucked in the shower to fuck me senseless.

You can imagine my disappointment when he wasn’t there! So, I did my work out as normal, making sure I kept on top of my exercises. I didn’t work this hard to get this body just to lose it now.

After my shower, I put on my black thong and quickly put on my stockings before putting on my trousers and shirt for work and spent the whole day horny, thinking of how I could find another cock. I don’t know what it was, but every male colleague I looked at differently, rather than seeing them as just another guy, I found myself thinking how big their cock is.

I still had on the cage around my cock so that I couldn’t cum even though I was desperate to.

So, when work finished, I texted Mistress Joanne. “Hi Mistress, when can your slave remove the cage?”

By the time I was home, Ankara escort she replied.

“Hi slave, for being a good girl and taking my husband’s cock in your pussy, you may remove it. You are only allowed to cum once! I put a spare key for it in your pocket when you were last round, do not disobey me!”


I looked through my pockets and found the key, letting my cock out I was instantly hard and ready to cum! So, I texted Kal. “Hey Kal, I haven’t been fucked in a few days and I am desperate for a fat cock in me! Do you want to meet?”

It took him about ten minutes to reply, he said. “Hi, sorry I’m busy. You will have to find someone else’s dick.”

I thought his text seemed a little off, but I didn’t think too much of it.

I considered going onto the gay sex app I downloaded, but I was too horny and would have to settle for wanking. Luckily for me, I remembered the 6inch dildo that Mistress had in the box of toys she got me.

Getting into my room, I undressed, except for the stockings because wearing them just made me feel sexier.

The dildo had a suction cup on the end, so I made it stick to the wooden floor of my room. I lubed it up and easily started to sit on the dildo, feeling it sliding down and stretching my arsehole.

“Fuuuuckkk.” I whispered to myself, missing the feeling of being so full, even if it was a fake cock!

For a few minutes I started to ride the dildo, going fast and faster until I was properly bouncing up and down, riding the dick as I imagined like I was riding Kal’s cock.

My cock was dripping precum everywhere and I knew I wouldn’t last long as soon as I started wanking.

So, while I kept riding the dildo, I pulled up a porn website and started to look through a few different ones. My favourite category was “Blacked”, but after a few minutes it just wasn’t doing it for me.

Then I remembered the video that Mistress Joanne made me watch, of a guy being spit roasted by two men.

So, I changed the search to gay porn, as soon as I clicked on a video my cock was aching for release.

I was watching smooth faced guy sucking on a huge black cock, his spit was drooling down his chin as he was taking the cock down his throat.

When the black man bent over the white guy and started to fuck his arse, I started to ride the dildo faster and faster.

“Fuck yes.” I kept moaning to myself whilst watching the porn.

The guy getting fucked was moaning like crazy while he was getting hammered by the black cock.

I continued wanking whilst fucking my own arse watching the gay porn.

It didn’t take long for me to shoot my own cum all over the floor watching this white man getting fucked by such a big black cock!

After my orgasm died down, I pulled myself off the dildo and cleaned it, cleaned up my cum and then put the cage back onto my cock as instructed.

Although I had cum, it wasn’t enough. My arse felt empty and I was desperate for more!

The Night Out

My roommate, Myles, and I went on a night out. He wanted to get me out after breaking up with Sam. If only he knew how fine I was with the break up.

We were drinking and having a good time in a club. Then Myles started talking to a girl, she was small and blonde and incredibly sexy. That was when her friend came and I started talking to her.

She was thin and had long brown hair, and although she was beautiful, something just wasn’t doing it for me.

We spent the next two hours with these girls, and eventually I saw Myles making out with the blond girl on the dance floor. I was dancing with her friend, trying my best not to grind too much on her so she wouldn’t feel the cage around my cock!

Then she turned around and started to kiss me, her lips and tongue were soft against mine. As I made out with her, thoughts of Kal returned to my head. I pictured I was kissing him instead.

This girl started to moan into my mouth and I knew if I wanted to, and if I didn’t have a cage on, I could easily fuck her.

But I shouted.

“I need the toilet!” And then ran off to the bathroom.

When I got in there, I remembered something. A while ago when I went around to Dwayne’s house, he was the black man I met at the gay bar, I sucked off him and two of his mates and they all wanted to fuck me!

I pulled out my phone and texted him.

“Hi Dwayne, it’s Liam. I came around to your place a while ago and sucked your cock.”

I stayed in the cubicle when I saw that he was typing back.

“Hi cocksucker, I remember you. What do you want?”

I quickly replied.

“I want your black cock.”

And then to try and entice him more.

“I am no longer just a cocksucker.”

Well, it took about 30 seconds for him to text me.

“Come to my place now.”

I told him I will and found his address from the previous texting.

Exiting the bathroom, I saw Myles making out with his girl, while the girl I was kissing was standing waiting for me. Ankara escort bayan I had to sneak out so she didn’t see me leave.

I was quickly in a taxi and heading on my way to Dwayne’s, hoping that his two friends would be there again.

I can’t believe I’m doing this! I kept thinking to myself.

Once the taxi pulled up, I jumped out and knocked on the door.

Dwayne opened it, his amazing black skin turning me on straight away as he smiled and said, “Come in faggot.”

I didn’t care about him calling me faggot, I knew what I was there for and would do anything to get it.

Entering his living room, there was one of the guys that was there the last time, but not the other.

“Liam, you remember Tony.” Dwayne said behind me.

“Hi.” I awkwardly replied.

I watched as Dwayne took a seat next to Tony and I had two huge black men smiling at me.

“Well, undress.” Dwayne said.

Without saying a word, I ripped my clothes off.

“Holy fuck! You have turned into a proper gay boy haven’t you!” Tony said laughing as they saw me stood there in black stockings, a thong and the cage obviously around my cock.

“Is that from your Mistress?” Dwayne asked pointing at the cage and I remember how he spoke to Joanne on the phone when I was sucking all of their cocks.

“Yes.” I told them.

“So, you can’t cum?” He asked.

“No sir, but I am here to please you.” I told him, excited to have two black cocks to play with.

“Such a faggot. Come and get my cock.” Dwayne said.

I dropped to my knees and crawled to him, pulling his shorts down, I was met again with his amazing black cock.

Not wasting any time, I wrapped my lips around the cock and started to suck on it.

“Mmmmmm!” I moaned around the giant cock, swirling my tongue all over the head and tasting his delicious precum.

“So, you said you are no longer just a cocksucker?” Dwayne asked.

Removing his cock from my mouth, I told him, “Yes sir, I want your black cocks in my pussy.” Not even embarrassed about calling it a pussy.

Dwayne grabbed my head and shoved his cock back into my mouth.

“Go and get the faggot’s cunt ready.” Dwayne told Tony.

I felt Tony get up from the sofa and walk behind me, next thing I felt was his big, strong hands on my arse cheeks, slapping them and spreading them wide. Then he ripped the thong off me and threw it across the room.

Without warning, he pushed a thick finger knuckle deep inside of me.

“MMMMMM!” I moaned onto the black cock as the thick finger stretched my hole.

“This is going to be one tight hole.” Tony said behind me.

“I bet it is, I remember last time he was bouncing back on your three fingers.” Dwayne laughed as I kept deep throating his cock.

I could feel his dick down my throat as I tried to lick his balls at the same time.

Tony kept fingering me faster and faster, until I felt a second finger go deep into me. Pulling the cock out of my mouth I moaned.


Dwayne grabbed my head so I had to look up at him, spit drooling down my chin.

“So, you want to be our faggot for black cock?”

“Yes sir! I want your big, black cocks to fuck me senseless!” I declared.

For a while I kept sucking his huge cock, loving every second while Tony kept fingering me faster and faster.

“Please fuck me!” I moaned taking the cock out of my mouth.

“Get on your hands and knees on the sofa!” Dwayne ordered.

I jumped from the floor, feeling the fingers slide out of me as I got onto all fours on the sofa. It was big enough that Tony got behind me and Dwayne was in front of me.

I knew I was about to get spit roasted and I couldn’t fucking wait!

I could feel Tony rubbing his huge cock around my arsehole, I shouted back.

“Just fucking shove it in my cunt!”


Tony slapped my arse and I felt him started to push the head of his cock in me.

“FUUUCKKK!” I shouted as he was bigger than anything I have had in there.

The head popped in and it felt like my arsehole was being stretched beyond belief.

“Fucking hell! You’re so tight!” Tony moaned.

“Oh yeah, I am going to get some of that later.” Dwayne said.

As Tony kept pushing deeper in me, I looked up at Dwayne and told him.

“Fuck me as much as you want! I only wish there were more black cocks here to fuck me!”

I can’t actually believe what I was saying, but that was all I wanted right now.

Deeper and deeper I felt Tony’s cock going inside of me, feeling my hole stretching around his cock which burned in pain, but like a good slut I kept taking it.

When I felt his big balls pressing against mine, I knew I had the entire fucking black cock inside of me.

“FUUUCKKK!” I screamed out, feeling his cock in my stomach.

“Suck my cock you fucking whore!” Dwayne shouted.

I opened my mouth and took his huge cock between my lips, sucking on it as best I could with a huge cock in my arse.

It’s Escort Ankara hard to believe that an hour ago I was making out with a hot girl in a club and here I was getting spit roasted by two black men.

Tony started to pull his cock out of me and then push back in, slowly fucking me as my arse got used to his cock.

I couldn’t move much in this position and just allowed these two black cocks to fuck me from front and back. If my cock was loose, I am sure I would’ve cum just by being such a slut!

By now, Tony was properly hammering into my arsehole, his thighs would slap against me he was fucking me that hard. When he fucked me, it would push me forward and make me take Dwayne’s cock deeper down my throat.

“Glgg..Glgg!” Were all the sounds coming from me as I was fucked like a slut.


“Bounce back on my cock faggot!” Tony ordered.

I started to push back on his cock, taking it as deep as possible into my arsehole. As I pushed forward, I would suck Dwayne’s cock and then go back and take Tony’s cock deep inside of me.

I fucking love having a real cock in my arse!!

“I’m going to cum soon gay boy!” Tony shouted.

I pulled Dwayne’s cock out of my mouth and begged him.

“Please cum inside me! Fill my cunt with your cum!!”

“Fucking whooooreeeeee!” Tony shouted as I felt him unload a tonne of cum inside of me. Filling me up completely.

I kept clenching my arsehole, milking his balls completely as he kept fucking me until he started to go soft.

When he pulled out of me, I felt my arsehole gaped open in the air with his cum pouring out of me.

“Sit on the sofa and spread your legs bitch.” Dwayne ordered.

I did as I was told, sat down with my arse hanging over the edge. My legs with the stockings still on spread and high in the air and Dwayne grabbed onto them and without warning shoved his entire black cock inside of me.

“FUCK YESSS!!” I screamed loving being treated like a whore by these two.

“You like that you fucking slut?” Dwayne moaned as he hammered into me.

I looked down and I couldn’t believe the huge cock that was fucking my battered arsehole.

“I fucking love it!” I moaned at him as he kept fucking me.

“I’m going to add another load of cum inside of you!” Dwayne shouted.

“Do it, fill me with your hot cum!” I moaned, desperate to please this man.

“FUUUUCKKK!” Dwayne shouted and I felt the second load of cum filling my insides, his hot cum felt amazing shooting in me.

Dwayne pulled out of me and I remained on the sofa, exhausted from all the fucking and feeling more cum dripping out of my arsehole.

After that I remained there for a while, watching TV with them both until Tony was horny again. He had me ride his cock on the sofa, I happily impaled myself onto his black cock and rode him like crazy, thinking of all the girls that have ridden me.

I moaned like a bitch in heat, bouncing on his fat cock until another load of cum filled me. Then Dwyane took his place and fucked me doggy style until he came inside me once more.

After that I realised it was 2am and told them I needed to get home.

Walking out of their house to the taxi, I was walking with a limp and my arse felt extremely sore. By the time I got home, I took off my shirt and trousers and pretty much collapsed onto the bed and passed out from exhaustion.



I was woken up by Myles banging on my door.

As I opened my eyes, I looked at myself, spread out on my bed wearing stockings and a thong! Thank God I locked my bedroom door!

I jumped up and put on a dressing gown before opening the door, Myles was standing there with an angered look on his face.

“What the fuck happened to you last night? I thought you had died!” He shouted at me.

“I’m sorry, I was too drunk and just came home.” I lied to him. If only he knew what I had on under this robe.

“That girl wanted you to fuck her! And you fucked up my chance with the blonde because I was looking for you!” Myles hollered at me.

“I’m sorry mate, I didn’t mean to.” I told him, feeling bad for messing up his chances.

As I stood there, my arse still felt sore from the rough fucking I had the night before.

“Is there something you need to tell me?” Myles asked with a concerned look on his face.

“W-what do you mean?” I asked nervously.

He looked to the ground and then back at me.

“Look, I didn’t mean to. But I came into your room the other day, I found your box of butt plugs and the dildo.” He said.

Oh fuck!!

“Liam, are you gay?” He asked.

“What?!” I shouted, “No I’m not gay!”

“It’s okay if you are, you can tell me. I won’t tell anyone.” He said.

“No Myles, I’m not gay!” I told him again.

“Well, what’s with the toys? And what happened last night, you never leave a girl that you can fuck.” He said stepping forward.

As he stepped forward, I took a quick step back and caught my robe on the door handle. Without meaning to, the robe completely fell down and revealed what I was wearing.

“Liam. What the fuck?” Myles said in disbelief.

“Just leave me alone!” I shouted and slammed the door shut and then locked it.

I could hear Myles huffing outside but eventually walking away.

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Take Two

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Simon waited as the two girls got ready. Both were passionate believers in sexual and gender equality and had decided to attend the Pride march as an angel and a devil, with Helen as the angel. Helen had lectured Simon extensively on the topic. He now realised his old views were outdated and unfit for modern society. It had been sobering to realise that someone less than half his age could completely change his beliefs.Finally, the two girls emerged, giggling, from Helen’s room. Simon was instantly hard. Helen wore a skimpy white dress that barely covered her bum with a pair of pink, gauzy wings and a silver tinsel halo. Her push-up bra accentuated her massive boobs. Tiny dark-haired Caro looked fabulous in a clingy black dress and sported a pair of pointed devil’s horns.Both girls wore high heels that matched their dresses. Simon’s dick strained against his undies. He could hardly wait to fuck buxom young Helen later and hoped she’d let him fuck her tight arse as well. She was such a marvellously dirty girl, and Simon loved that she sometimes allowed him to violate her arse. But more than anything else, he wanted to fuck her tiny nubile friend, and he imagined Caro’s lithe body riding his cock, and her gazing lustfully into his eyes. Hopefully, this would be his lucky day.To fit the theme of the Pride march, both girls had plastered rainbow stickers on their exposed arms and legs. Helen lifted the hem of her dress, showing off her lacy white panties, and Simon saw she had a rainbow sticker attached to each of her arse cheeks.The March started in a large square just a few minutes from the apartment. Helen and Caro walked on either side of him. Simon put an arm around both girls, pulling them close. He groped Helen’s fantastic boobs, then tentatively felt Caro’s flat chest. She didn’t even flinch, so Simon tweaked a nipple. Perhaps he would get to fuck her.As always, the parade was raucous, and they all imbibed freely from the bottles of spirits that circulated freely amongst the crowd. Simon fended off several approaches from scantily clad men. The encounter when a muscular black man approached him, wearing just a posing pouch and chaps, was typical.The black man walked beside him for a few paces, then grabbed Simon’s enormous dick.”How about it, big boy,” the young black man said. “Do you want to stuff that monster in my arse? I’d love it if you did.”As with previous encounters, Simon smiled and gestured towards Helen and Caro, who cavorted ahead of him, hand-in-hand, indiscriminately kissing people in the parade.”My heavenly mistress forbids,” he intoned solemnly, “as does her fiendish lover.”The black man smiled and slid a business card into Simon’s trousers.”That’s a truly impressive cock, so if you ever change your mind, call me,” he said as he fondled Simon’s dick before melting into the crowd.Thirty minutes later, they were roaring drunk and enjoying the parade when the skies darkened, and the heavens opened. They persevered for another ten minutes, but the rain was cold and persistent, and they were soon soaked through. Simon was freezing, and although the crowd was still noisy and having fun, marching in the cold rain was no longer enjoyable. He was relieved when Helen spoke.”Let’s get out of this damned rain,” she said. “I’m freezing my arse off.”Caro laughed. “Don’t use words like that, Angel,” she said. One hand stroked her fake horns. “That’s my territory. Let’s go home out of this hellish storm.”They left the parade and ran down a side street to shelter under a tree. Luckily a taxi passed within minutes. Helen stuck out a hand and hailed it.They tumbled into the cab, soaked through but giggling. A few minutes later, the cab decanted them onto the street in front of their flat. Simon supported the two drenched girls up the stairs. Helen fumbled briefly with the lock and almost fell over when the door flew open.”It’s been fun, and it’s way too early to call it a day,” Helen said, “but let’s dry off first.”Caro nodded. “Good idea, I’m freezing,” she said and drunkenly meandered into her room, leaving her door open.Simon let Helen lead him by the hand into her room. She took her arms out of the loops that attached the purple fairy wings to her back, unzipped her white dress and let it fall to the floor.Simon fetched a Maltepe Escort towel from her bathroom and dried Helen’s fabulous body, lingering over her enormous breasts. Helen giggled as he did so, even as she kissed him. Soon she was dry, apart from her long blond hair, which still dripped water. Simon ran one hand over her warm skin, unbuttoning his shirt with the other.Simon saw the lustful look on her face and smiled.”Does my perfect angel want me to fuck her?” Simon asked.Helen reached down, unzipped his jeans, and grabbed his rigid cock. “Do angels do that?” she asked with a leering grin.”Or are you a little devil?” Simon asked jokingly. He handed Helen her wings. “You’d better wear your angel wings, or I won’t be able to tell.”Simon quickly undressed as Helen undid her bra, releasing her magnificent boobs, and then she put her arms back through the loops of the gauzy fairy wings. She pushed her shoulders back and put her hands on her hips, showing off her perfect tits.”Am I an angel?” she asked, her gaze fixed on Simon’s erection. “Or will you treat me like the devil I am?”Simon looked her up and down, his gaze lingering on her chest. She looked incredible wearing just tiny white panties and heels, adorned with the silver tinsel halo and pink fairy wings. The rainbow Pride stickers still plastered her smooth skin, and her boobs looked fabulous. He marvelled that this vision of loveliness worshipped his cock and allowed him to screw her.”Angels need to be treated like the devil occasionally,” he said. Simon pulled Helen close and kissed her deeply, their tongues entwined. He wormed a hand inside her white panties and ran one finger up and down her moist, shaved slit. Though she was damp, Simon decided she needed warming up.He pushed her back against the white iron bedstead, pulled her panties partway down, and knelt in front of her. He knew she was becoming excited; juices already oozed from her pussy when he pushed one finger inside her. He hooked it and started working it in and out as he tongued her clitoris.She moaned when he finger-fucked her hard and fast with two hooked fingers. Her minge now felt dripping wet.”Just fuck me, please,” Helen implored him. That was music to his ears. Simon stood and put his two wet fingers to Helen’s mouth. She greedily sucked them clean.”Turn around and bend over,” he ordered. Helen’s white panties were halfway down her thighs. She turned, leaned forward, and gripped the rail of the white bedstead to support herself. She looked back at Simon over her shoulder. The gauzy pink wings excited Simon further. Helen ran a finger along her bum crack. “How devilish are you feeling?” she asked. Simon just grinned. He looked at the perfect starfish of her arsehole and the moist slit of her pussy and knew he was going to fuck both. Simon spat on his fingers and rubbed them on his cock for extra lubrication. Helen moaned when he ran his helmet between her lovely bum and her pussy, teasing her, so she didn’t know which orifice was his target.Her pussy bore the brunt of his first assault when he slammed his monstrous dick balls-deep into her tight wet minge in one mighty thrust. Helen moaned in ecstasy.She wriggled her bum against him. “God, that feels good,” she said. “I love your cock.”He put his hands on her hips and fucked her hard. His dick pistoned smoothly in and out of her tight dripping cunt. Helen started to moan and pant, spurring Simon to greater efforts. He was rewarded when she shrieked, and her pussy clenched around his dick as she came, and a small dribble of juices ran from her cunt.Helen sighed contentedly, “Only your monster makes me come that quickly,” Helen said.He was glad she liked it a bit rough, but he had another orifice to fuck, so he restrained himself and slowed to a gentle pace to prevent himself from coming too soon. He laughed.”I’m not finished with you yet,” he said.She giggled. “Glad to hear that. Coming just once is never enough.”Simon reached for the lube and squirted some onto one hand. He worked two oily fingers into Helen’s perfect arsehole as he shafted her pussy. Helen moaned with each deep stroke, and he knew from experience it wouldn’t take long for his mammoth dick to make her come when he pounded her tight arse.”Is my angel Maltepe Escort Bayan ready for a good butt fucking?” he asked.Helen giggled again. “You know I am,” she said. “Ruin my angelic arse with your demonic weapon.”He pulled his massive member out of her pussy, rubbed some lube onto it, and slowly eased it into her tight sphincter. As always, her bum hole clenched tightly around his shaft, and it took several slow insistent thrusts before he worked himself hilt-deep into her incredible bottom. Helen squealed with delight when he pulled out and slowly rammed his monstrous dick back into her arse.”I’ve been a very naughty angel,” she said. “Punish my arse.”Simon fucked her slowly with long deep strokes until his mammoth cock slid smoothly in and out of Helen’s bum. He sped up, and his hands pulled her hips back onto his dick. Helen’s moans became louder and more urgent.”Yes … I’ve been evil … punish me.”Simon smiled when Helen shrieked joyously as he repeatedly rammed his dick balls-deep into her arse. He felt her sphincter clench tightly around his cock as she came for the second time; her pussy juices wet his groin and dripped down both their legs. He loved that he could make her come so quickly.Helen’s climax drove Simon over the edge, and he spurted a massive load of cum deep inside her arse. He kept his rigid pole firmly embedded in Helen’s bum until their shuddering subsided. “You’d think our Devil would love this, wouldn’t you?” Simon asked Helen.Helen had told him many times that Caro was reluctant and had never had anything in her arse, but he was hopeful.”Let’s ask her,” Helen said. “Her arse deserves to feel you inside it.”Simon let Helen lead him naked into the lounge. Helen walked towards the open door into Caro’s room.”Come on out, you little devil,” Helen said. “We’ve got something to show you.”Caro came into view, still wearing the skimpy devil’s outfit. She stared at Simon’s massive wet cock.Caro giggled. “Is that all?” she asked, eyes still fixed on Simon’s rigid member. “I’ve seen huge wet cocks before.”Simon watched his cum slowly oozing from Helen’s arse and dribbling down her legs. He was surprised when Helen turned her arse towards Caro, bent over at the waist, and spread her arse cheeks.”Look what Simon did to me,” Helen chanted in a silly sing-song voice.Caro gasped when she saw Helen’s red-rimmed gaping arse hole dripping with cum. She tried to run past Helen and escape back to her room, but Helen caught her arm.”Look what Simon did to me,” she repeated in that same silly sing-song voice.Caro glanced at Helen’s gaping arse. She opened her mouth to speak. No words came out. Instead, she shook her head and fixed her gaze greedily on his mammoth erection, still wet with lube and fresh from Helen’s gaping arse.Simon was overjoyed his dream of fucking Caro would be partially fulfilled. At the very least, Caro would suck his cock. He waggled his rigid pole with one hand.”Can the Devil suck cock better than my tarnished angel?” he asked.Caro glanced again at Helen’s arse, then back at his slimy cock. She hesitated a moment, then laughed. “Oh yes,” she said. “This devil can take anything.”Simon took Caro’s tiny hand and led her into Helen’s room. He leaned back against the white bedstead.”Show me what the devil can do,” he said. Caro squatted in front of him and looked at him with wide blue eyes. “I’m going to make you come,” she promised.Caro licked her lips and grasped his bum with both hands. She opened her mouth wide, looked up, again catching his gaze with her huge eyes, and slowly leaned towards him. His massive pole crept into her warm mouth, gliding over her tongue. He felt his glans touch the back of her mouth. Caro didn’t hesitate but continued to inhale his erection, and he felt it slide down her throat.Caro paused when her nose pressed against his groin, and then she started to suck his cock. Her cat-like eyes never left his face as she bobbed backwards and forwards, sucking hard on his dick. Helen stood behind Caro and raised her from her squatting pose. She lifted Caro’s skimpy black dress, rucking it untidily around her waist. She pulled down Caro’s black lacy panties, which fell and draped around Caro’s ankles. She was now bent over at the waist Escort Maltepe with her arse naked and Simon’s monstrous dick down her throat.Helen’s hands ran gently over Caro’s body and lightly caressed her arse. Helen spread Caro’s bum cheeks with her hands and thrust her head between them, obviously tonguing her arsehole. Caro continued sucking him unperturbed, her head bobbing, sliding his dick repeatedly down her warm throat. Helen gestured at Caro’s arse.”This little Devil needs a tail,” Helen said.Simon reached behind himself and passed Helen the lube. She oiled her fingers, and when Helen stuck a lubricated finger in Caro’s arse, Simon heard a muffled squeal. Caro tried to pull away from his dick, but his hands were behind her head, preventing her from pulling back. After a moment, with Helen’s finger firmly embedded in her arse, Caro relaxed and started to suck his dick again.Simon loved the feeling of Caro’s warm mouth enveloping his dick and watched in anticipation as Helen fingered Caro’s virgin arse. It looked as if he might actually get to fuck it. A second finger joined the first inside Caro’s bum, and Helen started slowly working them in and out. Caro kept sucking him even when Helen was finger-fucking her with two fingers rammed as far as they’d go into her sphincter.Helen pulled her invasive fingers out of Caro’s tight sphincter and gently stroked her bum cheeks.”Relax,” she said. “If you clench up like that, the plug will hurt when I push it in.”Caro mumbled something inaudible with Simon’s dick still far down her throat, then resumed sucking his mammoth cock. Helen picked up a tail plug: a long sinuous tail with a bulbous silver insert. The tail was black and red, barbed, and matched the devil’s horns that Caro still wore. Helen dripped some lube onto the shiny silver toy and worked more lube into Caro’s arse with her fingers.Caro flinched when Helen pushed the butt plug against her tight sphincter. Helen looked up at Simon.”She’s got such a tiny arsehole,” Helen said. “It’s going to be a very tight fit.”Simon grinned to himself. He’d violated Helen’s virgin arsehole, and now he hoped he was about to destroy her best friend’s perfect bum. Caro was a tiny girl, so he already expected her bum to be tight; the tighter, the better, he thought.When Helen started to push the plug further into Caro’s back passage, Caro closed her eyes and screwed up her face, but she didn’t try to pull away. Simon briefly felt Caro’s teeth press painfully against his cock.When Helen finally pushed the widest part of the butt plug past her sphincter, Caro gasped, pulled back from Simon’s dick, and stood straight. She reached back between her legs with one hand, feeling where the plug invaded her bum and craned her neck to see her new appendage.”Now you’ve got a tail, like a proper devil. It looks fabulous,” Helen said. “How does it feel?”Caro looked thoughtful. She wiggled her bum and tugged at the tail with one hand.”Strange,” she said. “My arse keeps clenching around it.”After a short pause, she smiled broadly. “It’s revolting, but I think I like it.”Simon watched her walk over to the floor-length mirror, turn her bum towards the mirror, and look at her reflection over her shoulder.Finally, she nodded. “I like that it matches my horns,” she said. “It makes me feel like a dirty whore, but it is so sexy.”Simon was dying to fuck her with the toy in her arse. “Do you want me to fuck you?” Simon asked.Caro turned to face him and looked lustfully at the massive cock that had so recently occupied her mouth.”I love being filled by huge cocks,” she said. “Show me what it feels like being fucked by that monster when my arse is full like this.”Helen sat on the bed, her gauzy pink wings visible behind her. When Caro perched on the edge of the bed and leaned backwards, she was cradled by Helen, with her head nestled between Helen’s impressive boobs and high enough to see what Simon was doing. Caro’s legs were spread wide, providing a great view of her neatly trimmed pussy and the tail that dangled from her arse.”Lift your legs,” he said. “I want them over my shoulders.”Caro complied, and he helped her position herself. He ran his dick up and down her slit and then placed his dick at her entrance, parting her labia but not entering her.He looked at Helen, who gazed over the top of Caro’s head at his dick and grinned. “I’m going to ruin your best friend.”He lowered his gaze and fixed his eyes on Caro’s face. Her eyes were wide, and her lips parted slightly in anticipation. She is truly gorgeous, he thought. Simon remembered that she’d never had a plug…

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Black Muslim Cuckold Therapy

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What’s up, people? The name is Dr. Tariq Malouk. Got a rather exciting story to share with you today. I am an openly bisexual Black Muslim man on a mission. I studied psychiatry at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, and nowadays, I run a small practice near South Keys Plaza. I use my skills as a trained psychiatrist to help couples.

There aren’t a lot of Black Muslim men in the field of psychiatry and that’s a damn shame. I’ve been told that I don’t look like a shrink. At six-foot-one, with my dark skin, muscular body and shaved head, I look more like an NBA player than a doctor. Mental health is a field that has always fascinated me. I truly want to make a difference.

I want to show the world that tall Black men aren’t simply designed to play sports, entertain people, or commit crimes. I want to show people that educated Black men are a force to reckon with. If more Black men went out and earned college degrees and good jobs instead of trying to become ballers or rappers, the world would be a better place.

I want to make the world of Black relationships great again. Of course, this requires doing some truly unorthodox things but that’s alright. Someone’s got to do it. Be glad I’m on your side. Let the truth be told. Our lives are defined by relationships and some people will do anything to make things work. Bless their souls.

Last night, I had a blast with a nice couple, Osman Bashir and his wife Zahra Ali-Bashir, who live in the City of Ottawa, Ontario. Osman is a six feet two inches tall, handsome and dark-skinned African American Muslim gentleman, educated in business management at University of Ottawa, and he presently works for Wellington Limited in downtown Ottawa.

As for Maltepe Escort Osman’s wife Zahra Ali-Bashir, she’s around five-foot-nine, pleasantly plump, with short curly hair, dark brown skin and light green eyes. Zahra’s father came from the nation of Somalia and her mother was from Ireland. The mixed beauty is lovely in the manner of curvaceous women the world over. What a gal…

Zahra and Osman met at the University of Ottawa, and these days, she’s a schoolteacher. A business executive married to a schoolteacher. Sounds like a power couple if you ask me. The happy couple has fallen into something of a rut in the bedroom lately, and that’s unfortunate. Lucky for them, I’m coming to the rescue.

“I engage in radically different couples therapy,” I told Osman and Zahra as we discussed their issues in my office. They sure make a nice couple, these two. Of course, I understood their problems all too well. Osman is bisexual and his wife Zahra is having a hard time with it. She’s considering divorcing him. I’m here to stop that from happening.

“Can you save our marriage?” Zahra asked me, and she looked coldly at Osman as she spoke. I smiled and nodded at Zahra, who showed the kind of frustration that ladies tend to display when they haven’t had dick in a while. I am going to help you out, I thought, while looking at Zahra.

“Please,” Osman said, although whether he was addressing his wife Zahra or myself, I couldn’t be sure. I looked at Zahra and Osman, and then explained to them what I had in mind. You should have seen the look on their faces when I informed them of what I would require of them…

“In order to save your marriage, I must heal this rift between you, Maltepe Escort Bayan and this requires carnal knowledge,” I said firmly. Zahra gasped and Osman looked at me strangely. I could tell that the tall, handsome Black business executive was at least thinking about it. Zahra looked at me, and glanced at Osman before looking back at me pensively.

“I’ll try anything to save what we have,” Osman said, taking Zahra’s hand in his, and then the happy couple smiled at me. I nodded, for I knew that I would get the two of them in my bed sooner or later. Too many marriages in the Black community are ending because Black women, the biggest allies of gay males, simply refuse to understand or accept the unique needs of bisexual Black men. I want to change that…

“I love you enough to try,” Zahra said, looking at her husband Osman, and then she looked at me and nodded firmly. I made my face grave, and thanked the two of them for being so flexible and open-minded. When a marriage has fallen into a rut, what the couple needs is something or someone to spice things up. I’m the gift that keeps on giving…

“My friends, sometimes we must do what is haram to preserve what is halal,” I warned Osman and Zahra, who nodded. I explained to them what I expected of them. They were surprised, to say the least, but at this point, they were definitely down for whatever. That’s exactly what I wanted to hear. I was going to have fun with these two…

“I’m nervous but excited,” Zahra said shyly as she began undressing while her hubby Osman and I watched. We sat side by side, stroking our big dark dicks. I winked at Zahra, who smiled at me and Osman, then continued, revealing her busty, Escort Maltepe curvaceous body.

“You’re so hot,” I said to Zahra, then grinned at her hubby Osman. As I spoke, I grabbed Osman’s dick and then gestured to Zahra to come forward. Grinning, Zahra came, and looked at us, the two hunky bisexual Black men before her. Licking her lips, Zahra eyed our big dark dicks…hungrily.

“Want some, sweetie?” Osman asked his wife Zahra, as I stroked my manhood. Zahra nodded, apparently both turned on and disturbed by the sight of her husband having his dick played with by another man. Zahra knelt before Osman and began sucking his dick, with my encouragement, of course…

“Hmm, I love this dick,” Zahra paused to say, smiling at her hubby Osman and winking at me as she sucked him off. I stroked myself, watching the hubby and wife action. The three of us continued with our fun, pushing boundaries and exploring our most forbidden fantasies. This was eons of sexual repression getting purged…

“Zahra, Osman, come get some,” I said, asserting my authority over the freaky Black Muslim couple. After a brief hesitation, Osman and Zahra exchanged a look and a smile. They knelt before me, the good doctor and took care of my long, thick and magnificently dark dick. Osman and Zahra began sucking my dick hungrily…

“Hmm, dear husband, I think I’m better at sucking dick than you,” Zahra teased Osman as she licked my balls while he sucked the doctor’s dick head. I sighed happily as the couple joined forces to suck my dick with gusto, as though they were competing with one another. With such eager cock suckers working him over, I soon came…

“Hmm, that was fun,” Osman said, smiling, and he and Zahra kissed passionately. I thanked the couple for a great time, and then sent them home, where they made amends and had some hot, steamy sex. I congratulated myself on a job well done. Another mixed-orientation Black couple deciding to stick together and adjusting instead of divorcing. Life is good…

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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