Ay: Aralık 2021

cuckold (alıntı)

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cuckold (alıntı)
Kocamın Patronu
Yasemin — Kocamın Patronu

Merhaba, adım Yasemin.

25 Yaşında 2 senelik evli genç bir kadınım. 1,70 boylarındayım. Düz ve uzun sarı saçlara, ince bir bele, dolgun kalçalara sahibim. Pembe ve geniş meme uçlarıyla gögüslerim büyük ve şekillidir. Bembeyaz vücudum, uzun bacaklarım ve küçük bakımlı ayaklarımla yolda erkeklerin dönüp tekrar tekrar baktığı güzellerden birisiyim.

Eşimin iyi bir işi var ve iyi kazanıyor. Oldukça konforlu bir evde lüks içerisinde yaşıyoruz. Ancak çok çalıştığı için kocalık görevlerini yerine getiremiyor ve akşamları yorgunluktan sızıp kalıyor.

Geçen öykümde azgınlıktan yanan vücuduma engel olamayıp kendimi başka erkeklere siktirme kararı verdiğimi ve yine çok azdığım bir günde eve gelen doğulu musluk tamircilerine kendimi nasıl hoyratça siktirdiğimi yazmıştım.

Bu olayın üzerinden yine haftalar geçmiş, vücudum yeniden alev alev yanmaya başlamıştı. Evde çırılçıplak dolaşıyor, internette yüzümü gizleyerek erkeklere çıplak şovlar düzenliyordum. Kameranın karşısındaki irili ufaklı siklerin benim için boşalmasını büyülenerek izliyordum. Bazen çok azdığımda dayanamayıp gizli numaradan tanımadığım adamlarla konuşup telefonda bellerini getiriyordum. Hemen hepsi de buluşmak için yalvarıyor. Bazıları yüksek ücretler teklif ediyor, bazıları beni bekar evlerinde grup olarak sikmek istiyor ama hepsi de ekranda gördüklerine sahip olmak için yarışıyorlardı. Bense bazen dayanamayacak kadar azıyor ama bütün vücudumun yanmasına ve bacaklarımın titremesine rağmen evli bir kadın olduğum için kendimi tutuyordum. Ancak ekranda izlediğim yarakların geceleri rüyama girmesine engel olamıyordum.

Yine böyle bir günde bacaklarımı ayırmış, ıslanmış bacak aramı karşımdaki adam için parmaklıyordum. Herifin öyle büyük ve sert bir yarağı vardı ki büyülenmiş bir şekilde ne isterse yapıyordum. Azgınlıktan karşımda sıvazlanan büyük sikin kölesi olmuştum. Herifin istediği şekilde domalıyor, arka deliğimle ya da amımla oynuyor, büyük göğüslerimi dimdik olmuş meme uçlarımdan sıkarak yoğuruyordum. Aniden çalan cep telefonumun sesiyle irkildim. Arayan kocamdı. Merhabalaştıktan sonra sesimdeki titremeyi farketmişti.

“Hayrola aşkım sesin tuhaf geliyor hasta mısın yoksa?” diye sordu.

“Hayır hayatım temizlik yapıyordum da nefes nefese kalmışım” diye cevapladım. Bu arada iki parmağımla pembe amımı dudaklarından ayırmış karşımdaki adama ıslak amcığımın içini göstermeye çalışıyordum.

“Aşkım sana zahmet olacak ama akşama yemeğe misarifimiz olarak patronumuz Mahmut Bey gelecek. Biliyorsun bu benim için çok önemli şöyle içkili güzel bir sofra hazırlamamız mümkün mü?” diye sordu. Sesinden oldukça heyecanlandığı belli oluyordu. Eşim patronundan çok çekinir ona çok saygı duyardı.

“Tabi aşkım ne demek… Hemen şimdi mutfağa girip bir şeyler hazırlarım… Sen hiç merak etme aşkım… Mahmut Bey bu akşamdan çok memnun kalacak.” Dedim.

Canım sıkılmıştı. Kendi kendime “durduk yere iş çıkarıyorsunuz vallahi” dedim. Karşımdaki adamı boşalttıktan sonra bilgisayardan ayrılırken MSN deki herif telefonumu ya da adresimi öğrenmek için yalvarıyordu.

Böyle durumlarda her zaman yaptığım gibi kocamın kredi kartıyla yakındaki pahalı restorandan yemekler ve mezeler ısmarladım. Ayrıca rakı ve bira da sipariş ettim. Bu restoran siparişleri sayesinde eşim benim çok iyi yemek yaptığımı zannediyor.

Banyoya girdim ve sıcak suyla uzun bir banyo yaptım. Koltukaltlarımı, bacak aramı tekrar traş ederek iyice temizledim. Azgınlıktan yanan vücuduma dokunmaya doyamıyordum. Banyodan sonra düz saçlarımı kurutarak uzun uzun taradım. Küçük ve bakımlı ayaklarımın tırnaklarına sadece cila sürmeye karar verdim. Uzun topuklu bir terlik giyeceğim için ayaklarımın çok güzel görünmesini istiyordum. Bundan önce bütün vücuduma, göğüslerime, bacaklarımıa ve ayaklarıma uzun uzun güzel kokulu kremlerle masaj yaptım. Gece koyu kırmızı elbisemi giymeye karar verdiğim için kırmızı küçücük tangamı giymiştim. Üzerimde sadece tangamla; tırnaklarımı cilalamış, kurumaları için ayaklarıma üflerken aniden kapı çaldı. Aceleyle üzerime kocamın ortalıkta bıraktığı gömleği giydim ve ortadan bir iki düğmesini ilikleyerek kapıya doğru acele seğirttim. Tırnaklarımın cilası bozulmasın diye sekerken dolgun ve beyaz kalçalarım gömleğin altında sağa sola sallanıyordu. Kapıyı açtığımda siparişleri getiren 18-19 yaşlarında çocuğu karşımda buldum. “Bu da kürt olmalı” diye düşündüm. Genç olmasına rağmen iri yarı kıllı ayı gibi bi şeydi. “Bileğim kadar siki vardır bunun” diye düşünmeye başlamıştım ki. Çocuğun “siparişleri getirdim abla” diyen sesini duydum. Sesi heyecandan titiriyor, gözlerini ince beyaz gömleğin altında belli belirsiz seçilen pembe meme uçlarımdan alamıyordu. Meme uçlarım dimdik olmuş, göğüslerimin büyük bölümü önü açık gömlekten rahatça seyredilebiliyordu.

“Ay canım siparişleri mutfağa bırakıver… Kusura bakma böyle ev haliyle…” diyerek cilveli kıkırdadım.

Mutfağın kapısına arkamı dönerek bahşiş arama bahanesiyle çantamı karıştırıyor, eğilip doğrularak arkamdaki çocuğun küçücük tangamdan taşam kalçalarımı izlemesini sağlıyordum. Bembeyaz ve uzun bacaklarımı bazen ayırıyor bazen birleştiriyordum. Parayı vermek için arkamı döndüğümde terlemiş gözleri faltaşı gibi açılmış çocuk, gözlerini kalçalarımdan zorla ayırarak şaşkın bana baktı.

“Birazcık cesaretin olsa beni yere yatırır burada çatır çatır sikerdin” diye düşündüm. “Hiç itiraz etmeden bacaklarımı açardım sana”.

“Al aşkım bu da senin için” diyerek çocuğa parayı ve kredi kartını verdim. Ağzımdan yanlışlıkla “aşkım” kelimesi çıkmıştı. Pos makinasına şifreyi girerken yüzüm utancımdam kıpkırmızı olmuştu. Çocuk kekeleyerek teşekkür etti ve gitti.

“Bu akşam sikini yara yapmasa bari” diyerek kıkırdadım.

Yatak odasına geçerek sırıksıklam olmuş tangamı bir diğeriyle değiştirdim. Masayı hazırladıktan sonra Aynanın karşısına geçerek hafif bir makyaj yapmaya koyuldum. Büyük ve yeşil gözlerimi öne çıkaracak bir far sürdüm. Hokka gibi küçücük burnumun altında yarı açık duran tombul dudaklarımı koyu kırmızıya boyadım. Hafif bir allık sürdükten sonra kırmızı elbisemi giydim. Uzun topuklu ve bir tek ince kırmızı bant ile ayaklarımda duran terliklerimi de giydikten sonra aynanın karşısına geçtim. Omuzlarımdan dökülen düz sarı saçlarım, geniş dekolte ile yarısı dışarıda dimdik duran sütyensiz büyük göğüslerimi, bacak aramın 3-4 parmak altına uzanan ve ince belime yapışmış ama aşağı doğru genişleyen elbisemin etekleri ile düzülmeye hazır bir fahişe gibi duruyordum.

Odayı gerektiği gibi ışıklandırdıktan ve masayı son bir kez gözden geçirdikten hemen sonra kapı çalındı. Gelen kocama sarılarak öperken arkasında duran iri yarı adamı inceliyordum. Kocamın patronu Mahmut Bey neredeyse kocamın iki katı 40-45 yaşlarında göbekli hafif kel, kıllı bir adamdı. Sonradan görme bir kro olduğu her halinden belliydi. Ben kocamı öperken arsızca gözlerimin içine bakıyordu. Daha tanışmadan beni ayaküstü gözleriyle sikmeye başlamıştı. Elimi Mahmut Beye uzattım ve kendisinin bu kadar genç olduğunu beklemediğimi belirttim. Sırıtarak her yerimi inceliyordu. “Siparişleri getiren çocuğun yerinde bu olsaydı beni çoktan çatır çatır sikmişti” diye düşündüm. Kocam çok heyecanlı patronunu memnun etmek için dört dönüyordu. Halbuki beni gördükten sonra herifin neşesi yerine gelmiş görünüyordu. Geniş geniş sırıtarak “Böyle güzel karın vardı da bizi daha önce niye tanıştırmadın Berk Bey” diyerek küstahça güldü. Kocamın ağzı kulaklarına varıyordu.

“Çok teşekkür ederim Mahmut Bey! Eşim ve ben size ağırlamaktan mutluluk duyarız” gibi laflar sarfediyordu. Ben kıvıra kıvıra Masaya servis yapıyor, eğilerek herife bembeyaz göğüslerimi uzun uzun seyrettiriyor, adamın bakışları altında iyice orospulaşıyordum.

Bir kaç kadeh içtikten sonra yanaklarım kıpkırmızı olmuş bütün vücudum yanmaya başlamıştı. Mahmut Bey yemek boyunca masanın altından ayaklarıyla bacaklarıma dokunmuş hatta bir kaç kere bacak aramı denk getirmeye çalışmıştı. Bense herife hiç bakmadan memnun gülümsüyordum. Kocam heyecandan hiç bir şey görmüyor sürekli kendinden bahsederek kendini patronuna sevdirmeye çalışıyordu.

Bir ara adam kravatını gevşetince ister istemez adamın kıllı ve erkeksi göğsüne bakmaktan kendimi alamadım.Bakışlarımdaki açlığı hemen anlayan Mahmut Bey,

“Yasemin Hanım ayıp olmazsa biraz gömleğimi gevşetecem, çok sıcak oldu içerisi… Malum rakı” diyerek arsızca gözlerimin içine baktı. Nasıl olsa kocamın yanında bir şey olmaz diye düşünerek yeşil gözlerimi şehvetle adama dikip,

“Aaa lütfen Mahmut Bey! Kendinizi evinizde hissedin rahat olun canım” diyerek cilveyle kıkırdadım.

Kocamsa ikimizden de neşeli “Burası sizin de eviniz olur Mahmut Bey lütfen rahatınıza bakınız” diyordu. Küçük sikli beceriksiz kocamın yanında bu herife karşı inanılmaz kadınsı bir istek duyuyordum.

Kravatını çıkarıp gömleğinin üstten 5-6 düğmesini çözen adamın geniş ve kıllı göğsüne bakmaktan kendimi alamıyordum. İçtikten sonra kendimi iyice kaybetmiş adama sürekli cilveli bakışlar atıyor, şişkin bacakarasına ve kıllı göğsüne bakarak herifi iyice tahrik ediyordum. “Nasıl olsa kocam var” diye düşünerek herifi iyice azdırmaya karar verdim. Kocamın lavaboya gittiği anı fırsat bilerek bacaklarımı ayırdım ve umursamazca adamın karşısında rakımdan bir yudum aldım. Herif sırıtarak kırmızı tangamı izliyor ve eliyle sikini düzeltiyordu. Adamı cilveli bakışlarla azdırmaya devam ediyordum ki kocam içeriye girdi.

“Yahu Berk Bey” dedi patron. “Bugün çok önemli evrakları Kartal daki ofiste unuttum… Naapsak yahu” diye sordu.

“Yarın da lazımdı evraklar nasıl yapacaz bilmem ki” diye ekledi. Kocam hemen heyecanlandı,

“Dilerseniz ben hemen alıp geleyim Mahmut Bey” dedi. “Yarın ofiste size teslim ederim”

“Yahu sana da ayıp olacak Berk Bey bu saatte”, “Üzülüyorum vallahi” diye ekledi Mahmut Bey.

Herifin niyetini anlamıştım. Karşımdaki ayı gibi görünen bu kro aynı zamanda çok ta zekiydi. Beni sikmeyi o anda haketmişti. Amcığım sırılsıklam olmuştu.

Eşime ofisin anahtarlarını verirken, “Eh ben de kalkayım o zaman” dedi Mahmut Bey “Sen ofise giderken Yasemin Hanımı rahatsız etmeyeyim” dedi. gözlerime bakarak adeta beni sikmek için onay almak istiyordu. Hiç düşünmeden,

“Aaa vallahi darılırım Mahmut Bey daha size ikram edeceklerim var, tadına bakmadan giderseniz çok üzülürüm” diye cilveyle kırıttım.

Kocam ikimizden de hevesli,

“Lütfen Mahmut Bey” dedi. “Ben hemen ofise gider gelirim. Eşim size en iyi şekilde ağırlayacaktır. Hem burası sizin eviniz sayılır.” Dedi. Aceleyle, heyecandan kendini kaybetmiş bir şekilde arabanın anahtarlarını aramaya koyuldu.

Patron arsızca yerine yerleşerek “Eh madem öyle Yasemin Hanımın ikramının tadına bakmadan gitmek ayıp olur” diyerek sırıttı. Herif gözlerini yeşil gözlerimden bir an olsun ayırmıyordu. Mahmut Beye kendimi siktireceğimi anlamıştım. Hafif çakırkeyif, yanaklarım kıpkırmızı, çok azmış durumdaydım, adama bacaklarımı ayırmak için sabırsızlanıyordum. Kocam hiç bir şey anlamadan sevinerek çıktı.

Arabanın sesini dinleyerek, uzaklaştığından emin olana kadar sesizce bakıştık. Bacak bacak üstüne atmış kıçıma kadar sıyrılmış eteğimle, ayağımın ucunda topuklu terliğimi hızlı hızlı sallıyordum. Herif benim sikilmek için sabırsızlandığımı anlamıştı. Yarım ağız sırıtarak,

“Korkmayın Yasemin Hanım kocana yanlış anahtarları verdim… Kapıyı açamayıp beni arayınca geceyarısı ona çilingir arattıracam… Daha epey bi vaktimiz var yani” deyip, rakısından bir yudum daha aldı…

Herife sinirleneceğime elimde olmadan cilvelenip kırıtıyordum…

“Yasemin Hanım şöyle oynak bi müzik yok mu sizde gülüm?” “Rakı böyle eğlencesiz kuru kuru gitmez biliyo musun?” dedi. Kalçalarımı sallayarak müzik setine gittim. Radyo kanalı ararken siparişleri getiren çocuğa yaptığım gibi hafif eğilerek adama bembeyaz bacaklarımı ve tangamdan taşan kalçalarımı sergiliyordum. Oryantal müziği bulunca ister istemez kıçımı adama karşı sallamaya başlamıştım. Arkamı döndüğümde herifin gömleğini tamamen çözdüğünü gördüm. Bacaklarını ayırmış karşımda kıllı göğsü ve göbeğiyle yayılmış bir halde şehvetle beni izliyordu.

Mahmut Bey’in karşısında göbek atmaya başlamıştım. Saçlarımı sallıyor, memelerimi öne eğilerek çalkalıyor, kendi etrafımda dönerek açılan eteğimden bembeyaz kalçalarımın tombul ve gergin yanaklarını herife sergiliyordum. Kadınsı bir içgüdüyle kendimi daha iyi sitirmek için adama her türlü orospuluğu yapıyorudu.

Neden sonra patron eline kadehi ve meze tabağını alarak kanepeye geçti. Elindekileri sehpaya koyarken,

“Hadi bakalım gülüm, hazırlan da yanıma gel artık… Müziği de kapatma biraz sonra bas bas bağıracaksın, komşulara ayıp olmasın di mi” diyerek sırıttı.

Sikilme fikri aklımı başımdan aldığı için ne denirse yerine getiriyordum.

“Hemen Mahmut Beyciim” diyerek kırıta kırıta banyoya seğirttim. Suları bacaklarıma kadar akan amcığımı iyice temizledim. Yatak odasına geçerek kasıklarıma, boynuma, göbeğime bacaklarıma parfüm sürdüm. İnce askılı pembe kombinezonumla, pembe tangamı giyerek sabırsızca kocamın patronunun yanına koştum.

Biraz sonra herifin dizinin dibinde oturmuş, patrona elimle meze yediriyor bazen elimle kıllı göğsünü okşuyor, öpüyor ama sürekli olarak kumaş pantolonun üzerinden sikini sıvazlıyordum. Oldukça kalın olduğunu hissettiğim yarak elimin altında zonkluyordu. Çok erkeksi bir kokusu vardı. Patron kalçalarımı, memelerimi yoğuruyor, her yerimi hoyratça sıkıp acıtıyordu.

Önünde diz çöküp pantolonunu ve iç çamaşırını çıkarttım. Bileğim gibi bir yarak yüzümün dibinde dikilmişti. Heryeri kıllı olan bu adam taşaklarını ve sikini traşlamış pırıl pırıl yapmıştı. Belli ki bütün zamanını orospularla alem yaparak geçiriyordu bu kro. Elimle sikini sıvazlarken bir yandan da taşaklarını emiyor, kokluyordum. Çok garip ama dayanılmaz erkeksi bir kokusu vardı. Bacakaram sırılsıklam olmuştu. Diğer elimle bacakaramı kurcalıyordum. Patronun taşaklarına tükürdüm ve yalamaya devam ettim. Arada sikinin gövdesini ve başını ağzıma sığdırmaya çalışıyordum. Herifin yarağı dimdik ve parıl parıl parlıyordu. Mahmut Bey zevkten ayı gibi homurdanıyordu.

Bu sırada Eşimin patronunun telefonu çaldı. Arayan kocamdı. Kapıyı açamamış olmalıydı. Patron önce sehpadaki kumandayla müziğin sesini kıstı.

“Alo! Berk Bey valla bu saatte zor ama bi çilingir bulursan çok iyi olur ya!” “Yani bu saatte sana da zahmet veriyoruz ama hakikaten şirketimizin çok değerli bi çalışanısınız yani… Siz de olmasanız…”

Mahmut Bey kocamla konuşurken bir yandan saçımdan tutmuş yüzümü sikine ve taşaklarına sürtüyordu.

Telefonun karşısından kocamın “hiç önemli değilleri” “önemli olan işimiz” olduğu sözlerini duyuyordum.

Mahmut Bey telefonu kapattıktan sonra beni kucaklayarak yatak odasına götürdü. Üstümdekileri çabucak çıkardı. Bacaklarımı ayırmış, sırtüstü yatmış dimdik duran göğüslerimle adama bakıyordum. Herif kafasını ıslak amıma gömerek yemeye başladı… Yalıyor, ısırıyor canımı acıtıyor ama yaptıkları çok hoşuma gidiyordu. Sonunda ayak bileklerimden tutarak bacaklarımı kaldırdı ve kalın sikini kutuma dayadı. Biraz sonra “şak şuk” sesleri içinde beni güzelce sikiyordu. Sikiyle içimi dolduruyor, kalın aletini çok güzel yerlere değdiriyordu. Zevkten gözlerim kaymış inliyordum. Herif beni sikerken ayak tabanlarıma başparmağıyla masaj yapıyor, bembeyaz bakımlı ayaklarımı ısırıyor yalıyordu.

Patronu yatağa yatırıp tekrar sikini emmeye başladım. Eliyle kıçımdan hoyratça çekerek beni 69 pozisyonuna getirdi. Hem amımı yalıyor hem parmağıyla göt deliğime masaj yapıyordu. Ben de zevkten kendimden geçmiş herifin sikini, taşaklarını somuruyordum. Mahmut Bey başparmağını arka deliğime sokup çıkarıyordu.

“Kocan seni hiç götten sikmiyor mu lan orospu?” diye sordu. Artık iyice kabalaşmıştı ama ağzımdaki siki bırakmamak için alttan alıyordum. Zaten kocam beni önden bile sikemiyordu… Nasıl arkadan sikecekti ki?

“Hayır Mahmut Beyciim arkamdan hiç almadım daha önce” dedim “Ayy ayyy” diye de çığlık atmak zorunda kaldım çünkü arka deliğime iki üç parmağını birden zorluyor olmalıydı.

“Seni götünden sikeyim öyleyse” dedi… “Git krem mrem bi şey getir bakalım” dedi. Ağzımdaki siki bırakmak istemiyordum, aceleyle çekmeceden bebek yağını getirdim. Beni domaltıp kafamı yatağa bastırdı. Kalçalarımı iyice havaya dikmiş erkeğimin işini kolaylaştımaya çalışıyordum. Sikine ve arka deliğime bebek yağı sürdükten sonra yavaş yavaş zorlamaya başladı.

“Şimdi deliğini serbest bırak bakalım” “Hah şöyle rahat bırak göt deliğini” diyerek alıştıra alştıra kocaman yarağını arka deliğime ittirmeye çalışıyordu.

Bir elimleamımı parmaklıyor, bir elimle arka deliğime girmeye çalışan siki tutuyordum. Herifin siki dimdikti. Yavaş yavaş içine kaydıkça garip bir zevk alıyordum.

“Ayy Mahmut Bey yavaş” “Ohh biraz bekleyin lütfen” “mmm devam et Mahmuuut” gibi şözler ağzımdan ister istemez dökülüyordu.

Biraz sonra kocamın patronu arka deliğimi alıştırmış, hoyratça götümü sikiyordu. Kalçalarımı sıkıyor, tokatlıyor, her yerimi morartıyordu. Taşakları ıslak amcığıma çarptıkça garip bir zevk alıyordum.

“Mahmut Beyciim çok güzel” “Aaaay ay çok acıdı” “Ohh Aaaaah daha hızlı” gibi çığlıklar atıyordum. Herif dakikalarca götümü siktikten sonra böğürerek götüme boşaldı. Boşalmasına rağmen hala gidip geliyor belli ki götümü sikmeye doyamıyordu.

Duş alıp temizlendikten sonra patronun sikini tekrar kaldırmış, adamı sırtüstü yatırmış kucağında hopluyordum ki, yine telefonu çaldı. Patronun bir eli telefonda bir eliyle de sertleşmiş pespembe memeuçlarımı sıkıyordu. Zevkten kilitlenmiş hiç bir şey anlamıyordum. Karşıdaki kocamdı. Kapıyı açtırmış, dosyaları almış geliyordu. Gururlu bir şekilde anlatışını telefondan duyuyordum.

“Aferin Berk Bey” dedi patron “Şu saatte bu işi de hallettin ya! Sana itimadım sonsuz artık bilesin” “Ben de eşinizin ikramlarının tadına doyamıyorum hala evinizdeyim valla” diye ekleyerek bir yandan da küstahça sırıtıyordu. Kocamı ve beni aşağılıyordu ama ben kalçalarımı sağa sola oynatarak içimdeki sikin tadını çıkartmaktan başka hiç bir şey yapamıyordum.

“Kocamın teşekkürlerini, saygılarını, bilmukabelelerini” dinlerken, patron telefonu kapattı ve aniden sertçe pompalamaya başladı. Koca kafalı yarak içimde gidip geldikçe çığlığı basıyordum.

“Hadi bakalım Yasemin Hanım ” “Kocan gelmeden bitirelim senin işini” diyerek beni yeniden domalttı. Hoyratça hem kutumu hem arka deliğimi sikiyordu. Zevkten bacaklarım titriyor kaç kere boşaldığımın hesabını yapamıyordum. Mahmut Bey gözlerimden yaş getirene kadar beni sertçe becerdikten sonra sarsılarak boşalmaya başladı. Hemen herifin sikini ağzıma dayayarak bütün tohumlarını yalayıp yuttum. Sonra sikine ağzımla ve dilimle masaj yaparak erkeğimi hem temizledim hem de sakinleştirdim.

Mahmut Bey giyinirken ben bacaklarım tamamen ayrılmış, her yerim yapış yapış, çırılçıplak zevk içinde uzanıyordum. Öyle güzel sikilmiştim ki yerimden kıpırdayamıyordum.

“Kocan da sikiyor mu seni böyle Yasemin Hanım” diye arsızca sordu patron. Zevkten gözlerim kaymıştı. “Nerdeee Mahmut Bey keşke sizin gibi sikebilseee” diye herife cilvelendim. Kro herif küstahça bir kahkaha attı,

“Hadi kalk giyin senin boynuzlu gelir biraz sonra” dedi. İstemeyerek temizlenip giyindim. Biraz sonra biz içeride kahvelerimizi içerken eşim geldi.

“Hala buradasınız demek Mahmut Bey” ” Sizi evimizde gördüğüme çok memnun oldum gerçekten” dedi.

“Valla eşiniz öyle tatlı ki, ona doyamadım Berk Bey” dedi patron. Bana arsız arsız bakarak sırıttı “Bu akşamdan çok memnun kaldım. Seni de yorduk vallahi” “Ama Yasemin Hanıma da söyledim, bir maaş ikramiyeyi hakettin, yarın ikramiyeni muhasebeden al” diyerek evden ayrıldı.

Kocam çok heyecanlanmış, çok sevinmişti. Hemen eşime sarıldım,

“Kocacığım istediğimiz plazma TV yi alabiliriz artık değil miii?” diye sordum. “Tabi aşkım hemen yarın ikramiyeyi alınca televizyonu evde bil” dedi.

Gece sevinçle beni sikmeye çalıştı. Yarım saate yakın emmeme rağmen küçücük sikini kaldıramayınca kocam derin bir uykuya daldı.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Son olayda ilker ile yaşanılanları anlatmıştım devamında olanlar…

Olay yerinden hızla uzaklaşıp şehirde biraz tur attıktan sonra telefon ile aradım Sema yı ve eve geldiklerini söyledi bende geliyorum diyerek eve doğru yol aldım hava kararmak üzereydi. Eve girdiğimde İlker normal banyodaydı Semada banyosunu yapmış yatak odasında üzerini giyiniyordu. Ben hemen semanın yanına girdim. Hoş geldin diyerek öpüştük önce ve hemen konuya girdim neler oldu diye. Sema da valla hayatım olanları gördün zaten ama bu çok fena adam durmak bilmiyor bidaha istedi eve gelince olmaz dedim kudursun biraz diye seni bekledim yani dedi. İyi yapmışssın hayatım dedim bende. Bende üzerimi değiştirip salona geçtim. İlkerde banyodan çıkmış üzerini değiştirmiş salona gelmişti. Eee neler yaptınız bakalım ben gittikten sonra dedim İlkere sıkılmadın inşallah. İlkerde yok valla abi çok eğlendik bizde senden yarım saat sonra falan eve döndük zaten falan dedi olanlardan hiç bahsetmedi. Kızmıştım aslında biraz. Neyse fazla üzerine gitmedim bende. Sema yemeği hazırlamıştı hep beraber geçip yemeğimizi yedik ve Tv karşısına geçtik. Biraz televizyona baktıktan sonra hadi bişeyler yapalım falan diyerekten aklıma eğlenceli bir gece için bir plan gelmişti. Bi oyun oynayalımmı dedim, merakla bana baktılar. Şimdi dedim oyun şu şekilde ( bilenler bilir oyunu iç, içir) iskambil kartlarından herkesin önüne 5 er kart vereceğiz sonra sırayla 4 el iç 4 el içir oynayacaz. sırayla kartları açacaz kartın benzeri kimdeyse iç oyununda içecek içir oyununda içirecek. İkiside tamamdır dediler ve hemen ben kartları çıkardım Sema biraları ve çay bardaklarını getirdi. Bu oyunun en pis yanı hızlı hızlı ve küçük küçük içtiğin için çabuk çarpardı. Amaçta buydu zaten vakit kaybetmeden mevzuya girmenin en kısa yolu. Oyuna başladık herkes sırayla içiyor içiriyordu çok kısa bir sürede yaklaşık 10 şişe bira çay bardaklarıyla tükenmişti. Hepimizin kafası güzel olmuştu. Sema malları sermişti zaten üzerinde var yok arası bir kıyafetleydi. Kahkaha gırla gidiyordu içki olayını orada kestik. Hadi dedim şimdi aynı oyunu doğruluk cesaret oynucaz. Ama sadece cesaret olacak soru yok dedim yine herkes ok verdi. Zaten kafalar bi ton. İlk kart ilkere çıktı ilkere t-shirt ünü çıkarttırdık sonra bana geldi ben çıkardım sonra sema çıkardı. İlkerle benim üzerimizde birer şort semada ise şortu ve sütyeni kalmıştı. Yine bir kart açıldı ve ilkerdeydi. Dedim şortunu da çıkart. İlker de ama benim altımda bişey yok dedi. Bende beni ilgilendirmez çıkart dedim. Gülüyorduk. İlker de ama falan diyerek Semayı gösteriyordu bana bende çıkart oyun bozanlık yapma dedim. Çaresiz ayağa kalktı ve şortunu indirip hemen oturup önünü kapattı. Hepimiz gülmekten ölecektik haline. Sonra ki kart semadaydı ona da şortunu çıkart dedik. Hiç ikiletmedi ve şortunu çıkardı altında bi de tanga varmış hayal kırıklığına uğradık sonrasında bende çıkardım. İlkerle ben çırıl çıplak Sema da tanga sütyen kalmıştı sonraki kart yine semadaydı ilker atladı hemen sütyeni çıkart dedi, Sema ilkere pis pis bakarak emrin olur paşam dedi ve sütyeni bir anda attı. Sanki bugün görmedi dedi gülerek. Sonraki kart ilkerdeydi. Bize nasıl masturbasyon yaptığını göster dedi Sema. İlker şok oldu bana baktı. Bende emir büyük yerden göster dedim. Zaten artık zıvanadan çıkılmıştı ilker arkasına yaslandı semaya bakarak sikini kavradı ve sıvazlamaya başladı zaten kalkmıştı. Sonra durdu tamammı dedi. Tamam dedik. Sonraki kart bana geldi. İlker atladı sema ablayı öp dedi. peki paşam zevkle dedim. Ve yapıştım semanın dudaklarına. Kart semaya gelince tanganı da çıkart dedim. Sema onuda beklemeden çıkarıp attı. İlker patlayacaktı. Sonraki kart tekrar semaya geldi. Yine ilker atladı demek sen bana masturbasyon yaptırırsın o zaman sende yap dedi Sema da bana baktı bende elbette yapacaksın mecbur dedim. Sema arkasına yaslanıp bacaklarını iki yana ayırdı ilkere bakarak klitorisiyle oynamaya başladı. Müthiş bir görüntüydü ve çok etkileyiciydi. Sonraki kart tekrar semaya çıktı. Bu sefer ben atladım ve hadi bakalım Sema hanım sikimize birer öpücük kondur dedim. İlkerin gözler patladı şaşkınlıkla bana bakıyordu. Oyun bu oğlum ne denirse yapacak dedim. Sema da madem öyle sen görürsün dedi ve önce gelip eğilerek benimkine bir öpücük kondurdu, sonra da sıra küçük beyde dedi ilker hala şaşkın şaşkın bana bakıyordu bende bi göz attım ilker rahatladı. Sema eğilip sikini kavradı ilkerin ve bir öpücükde onunkine kondurdu. Sonraki kart bendeydi. Sema bir sevinç nidası attı düştünmü elime şimdi dedi. Abuk bişey istemek yok ona göre dedim. Yok yok dedi sende gel benim kıçımı yala şimdi dedi kahkahayla. Peki öyle olsun bakalım dedim Sema hemen kanepeye doğru domaldı ilkerde yanımızda bitti yakından görmek için. Başladım Semanın götünü yalamaya, artık iş çığırından çıkmıştı nasıl olsa götünü oradan da amını yalamaya başladım ilkerde yanımızda dikkatlice izliyor sikini sıvazlıyordu. Sema yüzünü kanepeye gömmüş inliyordu. benim çenem yorulunca ilkeri kolundan tutup semanın götüne yapıştırdım önce şaşırdı sonra yalamaya başladı büyük bir zevkle. Bende hemen kanepeye oturdum ve semayı tutup kucağıma çektim sema beni görünce arkasına baktı ve ilkeri görüp bi gülücük attı başladı ağzına almaya, İlker yüzünü kaldırıp bana baktı bende geçir işareti verince doğrulup semaya sokmaya başladı. Sema hafiften inleyerek bi taraftan beni yalıyor bir taraftan zevkini çıkarıyordu. Bi müddet sonra yer değiştirdik ilkerle ve birbirimizin boşalttığı yerleri doldurmaya başladık. oldukça zevk alıyordu herkez. Bir müddet sonra sırayla boşalmaya başladık ben semanın sırtına doğru boşalırken sema da ilkeri ağzında boşalttı. Hepimiz kanepeye yığılıp kaldık. Çok zevkli ve eğlenceli bir akşam olmuştu hem alkolün etkisi hemde bu yorgunlukla sabaha kadar deliksiz uyumuştuk…

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A Taste of Forbidden Fruit

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Coming home late from a bar I went into the lounge. I knew that mother had already gone up to bed because I could hear her music blaring from her bedroom. She often went to bed early when she was drunk or stoned. For a while I watched a programme on television but it was boring so I decided to take a bath.

She rushed into the bathroom to go to the toilet. Ignoring my presence she pulled down her brown cords revealing to my curious gaze a pair of black panties. I could hear the piss jetting out of her and splashing in the water. She was sitting on the toilet and looking straight ahead at me when out of the blue she smiled and said “Haven’t you got a big one?”

I froze in shock as the import of my mother’s words sank in. I was almost certain that she had made a pass at me – my own mother surely not! Then I became aware of my own feelings, which were now going through my mind. I felt shocked that my own mother could say such a thing to me; I knew it was appropriate for a girlfriend to say, nevertheless your own mother.

At the same time, as this feeling of shock, feelings of lust were stirring through my body. I gawped at her thick thatch of brown pubic hair covering her abdomen and my cock was instantly hard. The thin material of her kaftan was moulding the shape of her breasts – they were neither big nor small. I could see that her nipples were erect.

I began to feel ashamed of my feelings, as all I really wanted to do was rip of her kaftan and suck at her stiff pointed nipples. My cock was hard and throbbing under the warm water. I tried not paying any attention to her as the peeing sound splashed the water of the bowl. Driven by my cock I all I saw was a half naked woman in front of me, I had conveniently forgotten that this woman was my mother, or that the cunt I lusted for was the canal that had brought me into this world. My urge for her was becoming greater by the second!

The only thing stopping me from fucking the ass off her was my shock at my own reactions. I could hardly believe that I was lusting over my own mother.

She knew that I was watching when she yanked off her cords, then removed istanbul escort her kaftan revealing her breasts. My eyes were out like organ stops, they were firm and flawless and all that I wanted to do was cram those two melons into my mouth! Pretending to ignore me she gazed into the mirror applying cream to her face.

I found myself looking at her backside and between the opening of her legs. I poured in some bubble bath and splashed about trying to whip up some bubbles to disguise my stiff cock. It was then she turned and caught sight of me holding onto my soapy cock and masturbating. As she went through the door, she turned smiled and gave me a very deliberate wink.

The water rushed sensuously against my tightening balls as I played with myself, desire for her rippled through me like an ocean wave. Try as I might, I could not rid my mind of the image of her naked body. I got out of the bath and tiptoed up the stairs, as not to disturb her if she was sleeping.

Her music was still on, I had gradually made it to the top of the stairs. As I had expected, she was asleep lying spread-eagled on the bed totally naked. I stood there in the doorway looking at her. She looked so peaceful as she lay there. With lustful eyes I ogled her body, her pubic hair was so thick, that I could barely see her genitalia. Then my gaze traveled up her body and I admired her firm erect tits. I couldn’t help but gawp at her cunt, my cock was straining now to fuck her. I crept into the room and slipped my hand between her legs.

Her slit was slick, when she fell asleep she had been as ready for it as I was now. It would be so easy to take her as she was, but not only would I be braking the incest taboo, but I would be compounding it by taking her without her consent. My brain was full of knowledge as to what I should do, and if I had followed its dictates I would have turned around, closing the door behind me as I left the room. But my cock was not listening to rationality, and had no knowledge of moral taboos.

Slowly I began to rub her sticky cunt, my fingers slid with ease avcılar escort along her slit. I opened her glistening labia exposing to my look and touch her bud, which was swollen and shining with her juices. I moved so I was standing between her legs. Tentatively I pulled on her leg – she did not stir. Using a little more force I slid her across the bed so that her ass was on the edge. I knelt down, draped her legs over my shoulders, bowed my head and began to circle her clitoris with my tongue. She stirred and moaned but did not awake. Trembling with fear, I circled my tongue faster around her clitoris – still she did not awake.

The throbbing in my cock grew stronger and more insistent – I wanted only one thing! Getting back to my feet lifted her ass – my cock was automatically aimed straight at her yawning pussy. There was only a momentary hesitation before I entered her with ease. Slowly I began to thrust into her gushing cunt. Any remaining qualms I had seemed to fade swiftly away as I started to enjoy the fact I was screwing the woman who had given me life.

Every stroke was another blow against my father I only wished that he could see me – I rued the fact that he would never know that I had fucked his wife – albeit ex-wife! I was getting near to cumming, I could feel the fullness of my balls as they slapped against her ass. When she began to stir and moan I gripped her tighter lifted her legs higher and thrust harder. She awoke as my spunk jetted into her cunt, fearing her reaction I relinquished my hold on her.

“Is that all you’re going to give me.” She said sitting up. I did not reply – to be honest I was tongue-tied, what do you say to the mother you have just fucked without her explicit consent?

“Come on. Let me know just how big you really are?” She patted the bed, I moved so that I was lying beside her. She took hold of my hand and guided it to her sloppy cunt. “Play gently with me.” She murmured as she bent her head to my cock and placed it between her lips.

She bobbed her head up and down getting my cock hard once again. Each time she bobbed down she took more şirinevler escort of it into her mouth until I felt my cock-head engage in her throat. As she bobbed her head up and down, I could feel the spunk filling my balls as they slapped against her chin. “I’m going to cum.” I shouted.

She took my cock out of her mouth, she lay back on the bed, and I climbed over her and again stood between her legs. With a single thrust of my hips the entire length of my cock slipped into her wet cunt.

The warmth of her juices running down my cock as I pumped her cunt, sent quivers down my spine. I had to clench my buttocks and fight the impulse to cum. Eventually I lost this battle and once again the spunk boiled from my balls.

Holding my head tight to her breast she said, “Well! You are better than your father ever was. Shall we do it again?” I looked at her, my spunk was leaking from her crack. I took a joint out of my shirt pocket and lighting it I took a few puffs then handed it to her. When she took the joint from me I asked if she would like a cup of tea. “Yes Please darling!” came her reply. I went downstairs naked, my cock glistening with her cunt juices.

I hurriedly made the tea so that I could get back to the hidden treasures of my dear mother. I had fucked my sister before, but my mother was the best fuck I had ever had and I certainly wanted more.

Opening the bedroom door I saw that mum was fingering her cunt. “Allow me to please you.” I said. She slipped her two soaking fingers teasingly into my mouth as I lay beside her; she wrapped her other hand around my cock. Slowly she pulled back my foreskin, I reciprocated by fingering her clitoris circling it with my fingers.

She began to moan, we both acted as though what was taking place was natural. She slid between my legs, took my cock in her mouth until my cock was once again rock hard. Then she straddled me and slowly lowered herself guiding my cock into her gapping hole. I placed my hands on her hips guiding her motion as she pumped up and down on my cock.

I shouted out, that I was about to cum. She began pumping harder and harder on my cock, I squeezed her tits tightly as I shot my load deep inside her cunt.

Even as I came I knew that there could be no going back, she had found what she wanted in me and I at last had found the love that I wanted. For better or for worse we were bonded together in a love that was a taste of forbidden fruit.

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Passionate Silence: The Beginning

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


She sat in seat 13-A, looking silently out the window at the ground slowly moving by 35,000 feet below her, occasionally interrupted by a soft cloud passing by on the Friday afternoon. Her drink sat half-finished on the tray table dropped down from the seat back in front of her.

She knew she wanted this flight; she had to get away, and she knew that what she would encounter at the other end was something she wanted, no, needed for herself—to feel like a woman again. This trip was the end of the slavish life she had left behind, a life that had started out well but had gone sour, corrupted and decayed by infidelity and the loss of trust that had come with it. The reward for that infidelity and breach of vows was her angry silence. In that dark time first she had shied away from everyone in her hurt, choosing silence over words that would hurt those that didn’t deserve it. When that threatened to overwhelm her, she had sought solace for her own needs in the other she was flying to see now, not for any revenge or infidelity of her own, but for understanding, to try to get past her hurt, to heal, and move on. He had helped her, and she had moved on and healed, but she also found she wanted more. She had almost completely moved on from being used and exploited as a housewife and penis depository. The divorce was long past. Her emotional wounds had all healed save one. This trip was to see him, to heal that final wound, to become whole again, and to repay the debt she owed him.

At first they had simply talked, about the situation she was in. She was able to break her silence with him. He provided her a male perspective on the situation, including insight as to how the male mind operated, and why some men acted like total assholes. She found him gentle and understanding, and she knew she could trust him with anything. As time went on the talks moved beyond broken relationships into more mundane things like how to fix her broken computer and why women’s clothes sizing in stores made no sense. After the divorce, she found herself sharing dreams and fantasies with him, and him her. Although they had known each other for a few years, they saw each other rarely, because time and distance made for persistent enemies of even the longest and strongest of relationships. They exchanged photos, and of late the photos took on a more risqué tone, with her taking the first step of a topless photo, then the rest of her. His replies were in line, indicating he loved what he saw, and he reciprocated with photos of him, and she replied in kind. This was not a man who was out for a conquest, even though they had cybersex together a few times. There was a mutual attraction, and after a long time, this trip was finally happening. But the time for words between them was past, so silent she would be.

She stirred from her thoughts and absently reached for, then finished her rum and coke, the third since she left. A few minutes later the flight attendant collected the trash and she put up the tray table. She returned to her gaze out the window, watching the miles creep by and the ground creep closer as the 737 approached for landing. Landmarks familiar from memorizing Google Maps came to her as she found his house from above. She knew he wasn’t there at the moment, because he was waiting for her at the airport. The plane touched down with a bump and taxied to the terminal. Mentally she reviewed her next steps, and as she walked up the jetway with the other passengers from the half-full flight, pulling her carry-on bag, her lone luggage, with her, she shivered. Maybe it was the cold air in the jetway, maybe it was anticipation, but she was glad she was wearing the button-up denim dress she had on now for the warmth it provided. Still she stayed silent.

She entered the concourse and headed to the nearest restroom. Entering a stall, she pulled in her carry-on pendik escort behind her and latched the door. First she unbuttoned the bottom of her dress up past the mid-calf she had set it at to much higher, so that the lowest button was just below mid-thigh. She lowered her panties and relieved herself since the 3 rum and cokes was letting her know her bladder was full, but when she was done, she slipped her panties off all the way and put them into the outer pocket of her bag. She stowed her reading glasses in her purse and removed the barrettes in her hair, letting it cascade down from the tight bun she had done it up in for the flight to its full auburn length to her waist. Then she unbuttoned the top of the dress to her navel and removed her bra, putting it with the panties in the bag. She buttoned the dress back up to just below her breasts, so that her cleavage was visible but nothing would fall out until she wanted it to. It was liberating, wearing nothing but her dress, pentacle, and her lone piercing. She let out another shiver. She was slightly buzzed, but still, she had not let this part of her come out in a long time—too long.

Out of the purse came a compact and she checked her minimal makeup, finding no smudges. Next came the strawberry lip gloss. Last, the perfume, from a bottle he had sent her the previous Yule, and she applied it to her neck, running a line down her cleavage, and another up the inside of each thigh. She gave herself a quick touch of the piercing between her legs to create even more anticipation, but she stopped, and she stowed the makeup back in her purse and left the stall, heading out of the restroom and towards the security gate. She had been silent since she had boarded the plane.


He stood there, outside the security area, silently waiting. He had been there only a few minutes, timing his arrival to minimize the parking costs. To the casual observer, he was just another man, patiently awaiting a passenger arrival, but on closer inspection they would have found it odd to see him wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket indoors over his loose white t-shirt and leather chaps over his loose sweat pants—until they saw the helmet in his hand. He looked completely the part of a biker, and he was. Except for the bulge in his pants hidden by his fanny pack, and the fact that the only thing between that bulge and the fanny pack was the sweat pants.

He thought back to times past with her, the talks, the times when she really needed a long hug, a good shoulder rub, or a chest to bury her face into and cry, yet there was no one there in person to provide it for her. He had seen this woman at her best and worst, seen her most vulnerable and most vicious. She had bared her soul and body to him, and he had taken that gift and made the most of it, and this trip was the final act in a long play that would lead who-knows-where.

And he wanted her. And she wanted him, else she would not have come.

And she was there, coming down the escalator, looking around nervously, then seeing him and breaking into a smile. She stepped off and came to him, dropping her bag beside them, throwing her arms around him and kissing him deeply. No words were said. None were needed. He returned her kiss with fervor as she pressed herself into him. They broke the kiss and he grabbed her carry-on. He motioned for her to follow, and she did, hooking her arm in his as they made their way out the door into the parking garage. He stopped at a Harley with a sidecar. He retrieved a spare helmet from the sidecar and placed her carry-on in and strapped it in, then removed the fanny pack and placed it in a saddle bag. He set the helmet, along with his own, on the seat of the bike. They embraced again, and this time the kiss was more insistent, and she opened her mouth to admit his tongue, çekmeköy escort and they reveled in the taste of rum, coke, and strawberries. His hand reached inside her dress and cupped her right breast, feeling it weight in his hand, and his fingers tweaked the nipple softly. Her hands reached around and ducked into his pants and squeezed the cool flesh of his behind, pulling him into her, and she felt his arousal against her.

Then the kiss was broken again, and he helped her into her helmet, her long hair billowing out underneath, blending right in with the red flames on the black helmet. He put on his own helmet, with blue flames in a custom job that matched the bike perfectly, zipped up his jacket, and mounted the bike. She lifted up a leg and swung on behind him, feeling the cool leather on her piercing, and the slight push back gave her another shudder. He started the motor as she slipped her arms around his waist, and she leaned into him, partly to keep the wind off her breasts but also because whatever cologne he was wearing was intoxicating. They left the parking garage and headed out of the airport for the drive home, and she decided to play some more. He hands moved lower and into the front of his pants, finding his still-erect self. She began a gentle stroking of it, reveling in the feel of him, trying to entice but not distract. For his part, he had decided to take city streets home and no freeways the moment he had seen her swing a creamy leg over the bike behind him, giving him a peek at her bareness beyond. Now her hands were definitely enticing as he tried to focus on the road ore than his raging hard-on and her merciless teasing.

They hit a bump and she felt the bike, already vibrating on her piercing, lurch into her, sending her a jolt of unexpected pleasure, and she gripped him tighter. She noticed more and each one began to build within her a wave of pleasure that she knew would soon break, and all that was in question was how and when. She stopped her stroking but left her hands there and let the bike and the road do the work.


After what seemed like an eternity of bump-induced pleasure but in reality was only ten minutes, he pulled into the garage, shut off the bike, and put down the door. She released her grip on him and withdrew her hands from his pants and dismounted, he following and removing his fanny pack from the saddle bag and her carry-on from the sidecar. They both removed their helmets and placed them in the sidecar, then entered the house. He removed his sunglasses and put them in his jacket, then removed the jacket and chaps and shoes and put them in the coat closet.

He went straight away to the bedroom with her bag, and she followed to the doorway. She slipped off her shoes and kicked them aside. He placed the bag in the corner and turned to face her. She ran to him and threw herself onto him, and he fell backwards onto the bed, her on top of him. Her hands ripped at his t-shirt, tearing it off, and her hands frantically pulled down his pants, and she quickly, almost frantically got them off of him. She hiked her own dress and moved onto him, getting him into her at last. She began to move up and down on him as she worked the buttons of her dress, one button for each thrust, until there were no more buttons and she removed it completely and cast it aside. He started to reach for her but she grabbed his wrists and pushed him back. This was her time. She moved up and down on him faster, feeling him inside her, reveling in the feel of what she needed and had lacked for so long. Her hand found her piercing and she began stroking herself, and the other found her breast and began to stroke her nipple. She continued this way, humping like a beast possessed, until she came with a silent roar, mouth open with no sound coming out, stopping maltepe escort her thrusts to clench him in her shuddering and twitching throes, then feeling him come inside her as well. She was a woman again, sexy, confident, and utterly feminine, restored the way that only trust and unrestrained passion can do. When she had subsided enough to think, she moved off of him, then curled up next to him. They drifted off to sleep.


The first thing he noticed as he woke was touch. More specifically, the lack of hers. She was gone, but as his other senses came into wakefulness, he heard water running in the shower and saw a waft of steam curling along the ceiling from the bathroom. He got up and went into the bathroom. She was there, in the shower, letting the water wash over her. He opened the door and stepped inside, then closed the door behind himself. She took the washcloth and soap, and turned to face him. She kissed him tenderly, and then began to wash him, working down his chest and back, then going down his arms and up his legs, exploring every inch of him, caressing him, stroking him, and cleaning him. At last she found herself kneeling at his crotch, and she gently washed him there, taking extra care of the sensitive areas that were already responding to her touch. She followed up the rinse with her own special ministrations, taking him in her mouth and sucking and licking him under the warm spray, until he could stand it no more and he let loose, but she would not relinquish, and took all of him in. He took her hand and helped her to her feet, took the washcloth, and began to wash her, and he did exactly the same thing to her she did to him—exploring every inch, caressing, stroking, and cleaning her. He slipped the washcloth between her legs and washed her there gently, but then at last he finished with washing her breasts, taking extra care on them, and he followed up with his own mouth, first sucking on one, then the other, then the first again, enjoying her nipples as they grew ever so taut under his tongue and teeth. He reached behind and turned off the water, then opened the door. They stepped out of the shower, and she reached for a towel, and began to dry him in the same way she had washed him, and when she finished he did the same.

But then he dropped the towel and scooped her in his arms and carried her back to the bed. He laid her on the bed and then kneeled before her. He spread her legs wide and move down to her, and his mouth closed in on her piercing and he began to lick and suck on her womanhood. She draped her legs over his shoulders and her hands found the back of his head, her eyes closed, as she twitched and shook with orgasm after orgasm from his relentless assault on her. He refused to stop, and she refused to let him, until finally he disengaged and replaced his mouth with his manhood. He thrust into her, first slow and shallow, then deeper and faster as she accepted him in, until he was pounding away on her and she was arching her back in pleasure. He pulled out and turned her over and began again, from behind, getting even deeper, her mouth chewing the pillow to keep from crying out, her hands clenching the sheets as waves of orgasms washed over her yet more. Finally with one deep thrust he came deep inside her, and then he slowly pulled out. They collapsed together.


They continued like this all weekend long, with no words between them, making love with a passion and intensity that was beyond words anyway. When they weren’t in bed they were elsewhere in the house, and no words were exchanged at all, even when eating meals.


She sat in seat 15-G, looking out the window at the lights on the ground slowly moving by 35,000 feet below her, occasionally interrupted by a soft cloud passing by on the Sunday evening. Her drink sat half-finished on the tray table dropped down from the seat back in front of her.

She was finally healed. She was a woman again. The debt was repaid.

She would return soon, to share in the passionate silence again. But when that comes, she knows she will not leave. And that time, when the silence breaks, the woman will remain, whole and complete.

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Over The Years Pt. 03: Liberty in Perth

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Back in 1998 I was in one of the U.S. services and assigned to a staff. We were on a deployment and had pulled in to Fremantle, Western Australia. Being on a staff there were formal engagements we had to attend. On the night we arrived we were to attend a “meet and greet” at a hotel close to the harbor. For political reasons, attendance was mandatory for the staff.

I wasn’t a ring knocker (an academy grad) and hated the pomp that went with these events. After checking into my suite (the hotel had upgraded me to a really nice two room suite) and admiring the balcony and great view I had of the city, I got into my whites and hopped the elevator downstairs, walked in and said hello to a few people. A drink would make the time go by faster so I headed to the bar to get a Long Island.

I was loitering on the side lines chatting and watching people arrive wondering how long I had to be there before I could sneak out. The mayor of Perth and Freemantle were there, business leaders and quite a number of older mature women, by themselves.

It’s pretty common for one of these gatherings to see staff members, men and woman alike, pair up with locals and spend their port visit shagging their brains out safe in the knowledge that they’ll never see each other again. Our staff secretary (female 0-4) wound up with some Western Australian politician for a few days. She walked funny for a week after that visit.

Anyway… standing and people watching I began sizing up the ladies… and there were women in droves. Mostly middle aged I’d say between 35 and 60ish and dressed “to the nines”. One in particular caught my eye. I guessed she was around 45-50 years old; which was 10 years older than I was. I first spotted her when she was standing on the other side of the room talking with a younger auburn haired woman. There was something about her that kept my eyes going back to her. Her hair was jet black and worn up on the top of her head with curls dangling on the sides, pearl earrings with a matching pearl necklace, her gown was floor length blue satin with a dark blue diagonal stripe across it; it was backless with the front tied around the neck leaving her shoulders and most of her back bare.

She was about 5 foot 9 inches, just a little shorter that I am and maybe 140 lbs. I suppose the best way to describe her figure would be “mature.” Full figured in a womanly way but far from fat or pudgy, her figure was well proportioned at probably 36-32-34 with full breasts, maybe D cup. She reminded me of Honey Wilder. Her face had an allure to it that had my eyes locked on her. Her companion was more petite being about 5 foot 2 and clearly much younger, maybe 30 years old, 32-26 30 and 120 lbs, her breasts were very much smaller and only bumps on her dress. She was wearing a black mid-thigh dress that shimmered and it had some lace around the bottom, her hair had some curls, shoulder length and a beautiful auburn.

I decided to go say hello but before I could get there they struck up a conversation with another member of the staff, the guy was a dork and only temporarily assigned to us. I detoured to the bar and ordered another Long Island as I watched them. The brunette looked bored with her eyes darting to her companion but she smiled politely. I noticed her and her friend’s drinks were empty and they were swilling the ice around.

I asked the bartender to make it three Long Islands and then headed over to say hello. As I walked up I said hello to dork and then handed the ladies their drinks saying, “sorry it took so long, so… where were we?”

Without batting an eye Auburn hair said, “We were about to go outside.”

I replied, “That’s right” and said good bye to dork. I looked over my shoulder and smiled at him as we left. When Brunette began walking I noticed her gown was split all the way up to just below her hip on the left and her legs looked wonderful.

The three of us walked outside…

The patio was deserted with all the action going on inside. I began to apologize to them for butting in but Brunette stopped me and thanked me for getting them out of there saying too many people, too loud, etc. I introduced myself and we sat down at a table in a quiet corner of the patio. They asked what kind of drink I’d brought them and I explained what a Long Island was.

They tried their drinks and commented on how strong and different it was. Over the drinks we did our introductions.

The brunette was Millicent but every one called her Millie and her auburn haired friend was Sharon. Millie lived in Freemantle and was married to a Quantas airline pilot with 3 grown children, 2 daughters and 1 son. I settled on an age of around 50. Her son had just recently moved out to go to university and her husband was away. Sharon was her next door neighbor and had come along with Millie for some moral support as she felt Millie needed to get out.

Sharon was recently divorced after 10 years of marriage, very pretty with kadıköy escort a narrow face and outgoing personality she was in her early 30s. After talking for a few minutes I found Millie and I had something in common, prolonged separations from loved ones, and we talked about how those separations weigh on a relationship. I said that the reunions almost made up for absence to which she replied, “not always.”

“Oh, come on,” I replied, “I find it hard to believe that you and your husband don’t re-kindle that flame when he comes back.”

Millie replied “I think he’s burning that flame pretty brightly when he’s gone.”

To which Sharon added, “bastard” and slugged down some Long Island.

“Oh… I’m sorry to hear that,” I said and quickly tried to change the subject to the sights of Perth. I failed, we made small talk about family and lamenting loneliness for about ½ hour. I asked if they wanted another drink; they said, “yes.” When I returned they were standing very close to each other by the railing overlooking the harbor and talking, they stopped talking when I got close.

I handed Millie the drink and noticed her hand trembling slightly, I asked if she was cold and to my surprise she downed half the drink without answering. I just stood and blinked… Sharon mentioned Millie was a Cadbury (someone who gets drunk easily) and it was getting cold. Sharon’s nipples were poking through her thin dress; I mentioned natures thermostats and suggested going back inside.

Sharon said, “nature’s what?” and I pointed to her breasts. She laughed rubbed the palms of her hands across them and agreed they did that when she got cold and tonight she was pretty cold.

Millie said she didn’t want to go back into the reception, “too loud in there.” I said something like the “night is young and it’s your city, where should we go?” While I was talking they had had drained their glasses, rather quickly I thought, and I suggested not getting another drink due to how strong Long Islands were.

Millie said she felt fine and that we should walk around the harbor. We left the patio and the noise and the crowd behind. After walking for about 15 minutes Sharon said she was feeling pretty pissed and suggested they head home, Millie finally was feeling her drinks and was leaning against me but said nothing; holding on to me and her head slightly hanging. Sharon asked if I’d help them to their car.

I said, “of course,” and I walked them to the car park. They got in a nice newer model Jaguar and Sharon rolled down the window to say good-bye. I leaned over to the window and told her to be careful and suggested we get together the next day. I gave her my room number and said maybe I’d see her again, she leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek, smiled, and then slowly drove off.

I watched until they rounded the corner and then headed up to my room. The ladies had gotten me out of the reception so I lounged around on the balcony for a while and had just gotten out of uniform and into pajamas (ya, I wear satin pajamas, shorts not long ones) when the phone rang, it was Sharon.

Sharon apologized for calling but asked if they could come up. She said they were drunker than they thought and needed some time to sober up before driving. I said, “of course,” (again) and went to put on the robe that came with the room, a knock on the door brought them into my room. I hugged each of them and when we sat down and I asked Sharon why they came back after being gone for a while.

She replied that they had enjoyed my company and loved my accent.

It’s odd how when in a foreign country we’re the ones with the accents, not the locals. We began chatting about Perth, the area, things I should see and do. I was sitting in a chair next to a settee that put the seating into an “L” shape. During the conversation Millie got comfortable on the right side of the settee, and after a few minutes she kicked off her shoes, stretched out her legs, lay her head back and began drifting off, soon her eyes were closed. She was clearly fast asleep, her arms hanging by her sides served to accentuate her breasts. Nice and full but not large.

Sharon was sitting diagonal in the left hand settee seat and we continued talking for about an hour. She told me the wines along the Swan river were quite good so I called down to room service to see if they had local wines. Of course they did. So I ordered three bottles of various vintages so we could try them. We spent another hour or so drinking wine, eating strawberries, and talking about everything you can imagine.

The arm rests of the chair and settee was close together and Sharon would tap my hand or put her hand on mine when she wanted to emphasize something. There was definitely a chemistry between us. Sharon eventually said she felt hot so I walked over to the thermostat and said something like, “could feel hotter than it üsküdar escort is due to the alcohol, and your thermostats show you’ve warmed up.”

Sharon laughed, said “well I need to cool off” and with that she stood, reached to her left side, and suddenly her entire skirt came off. She folded and laid it on the table and then sat back down. She had on dark thigh highs and the best way to describe her top was like a one piece bathing suit or leotard.

My mouth had to be agape and I told her the outfit was stunning and I’d not noticed it was two pieces.

Before I sat down I removed my robe, sat back, down and she asked why I was looking at her so intently and I told her I was trying to figure out how her outfit it went on because I couldn’t see any zippers anywhere. She said it fit over the head and then snapped under her fanny (slang term for a woman’s “doins”). She put her hand on mine and leaned back into the settee spreading her legs a bit and said, “see.”

I leaned forward and could see the two snaps between two very white thighs. It wasn’t hard to see she didn’t have panties on and there were no hairs peeking so she was either shaved or well trimmed, when I looked up she was smiling at me but didn’t close her legs.

I continued to look at her and said, “That’s a dangerous outfit around a sailor,” then lifted my right hand until our finger tips were touching and caressed her fingers and hand. She smiled closed her legs and we continued to talk. After a while she got quieter and lay back a little leaning her head back still looking at me with those lovely green eyes, her breasts rising and falling with her breath, I figured what the hell…

I took her hand and interlocked our fingers, palm to palm and stood up to lean over her, my right hand holding hers on the arm rest and my left hand on the back of the settee next to her shoulder. I leaned over, looked at her and paused; she reached up with her right hand and brought my lips to hers.

We began a deep kiss that became deeper with every passing moment. Sharon smelled lovely, like a faint aroma of fruit. I let go of her left hand and brought my right hand to caress her face as we kissed. She slid her right hand up and down my side a few times and then opened her eyes to look and me, I felt her smile under my kiss and then the next time my tongue was in her mouth, she bit my tongue hard and held onto it.

I said, “OW!” best I could with her locked on my tongue and I frowned looking at her. She was looking into my eyes holding my tongue as she cupped my balls and felt my cock, then she slipped her hand into the opening of my pajamas and stroked it. I have an average length penis, 6ish inches, but the circumference is 8 inches with the head being a little larger than the shaft. One of my past girlfriends actually measured it.

With her still holding my tongue I tried to say, “you sure you want to do that?”

She let go of my tongue and pushed me to a standing position. She leaned forward holding my cock with both hands and stroking it slowly as she sized it up and said, “Wow, my hand barely goes around it, ” and then added, thank God you’re circumcised.”

“and I shoot blanks,” I quickly added, she looked puzzled, I smiled and said, “I’ve had a vasectomy.”

She smiled back and said, “Ooohhh, the Goldilocks cock.”

She pulled my cock and balls out of the hole in the pajama bottoms and stroked my cock and fondled my balls watching me get hard. I watched and enjoyed this fro a few minutes.

I said, “My turn to size you up.” I told her to relax and lean back, she did and I put her left knee over the left arm of the settee and she moved her right leg and laid it across Millie’s left leg. Millie snoozed on. Sharon was obviously no stranger to this… I kissed up and down the tops of her thighs above the thigh highs, they were smooth and she was freshly shaved. I moved up to her crotch and I clenched the snaps in my teeth and pulled each one free. I was surprised to see she not only wasn’t wearing any panties but had a full auburn bush trimmed to a strip about two inches wide, hair was about an inch long, and her pussy wasn’t shaved, I like that, it created a wonderful red strip.

She reached down to pull the snap sections up to her waist and I put my hands under her ass cheeks and pulled her to me. I kissed the outside of her thighs and she lowered her hands to the sides of my head. Her desire was clear so I intentionally avoided her clit and pussy. That’s when I noticed the oddest pussy I’ve ever seen.

Her pussy was physically huge. Her labia major were puffy and thick and started about an inch above her clit and went nearly all the way to her asshole. The length surprised me, her slit had to be 6 inches long. Her inner lips were “normal” and I decided to make the best of it and began running my tongue from her ass to above her clit and sucked on her inner labia. I guess she’d had enough teasing tuzla escort because she physically moved my head to where she wanted it and I began to kiss and lick her pussy, but concentrated on her clit. I was in heaven because I deeply love giving oral to a woman and here I had a beautiful 30 something woman allowing me to enjoy her to my heart’s content.

I slipped my right index finger inside her, she wasn’t overly wet but I was surprised at how tight she was, tighter than any woman I’d ever been with. I only had a finger in and she was gripping my finger tightly as, palm up, I stroked the top of her vagina in the area of the G spot and she quietly said, “don’t stop, there.” She began to get very wet and her hips rotated which tilted her pussy upward and pushed toward me a bit, I began to suck on her clit gently flicking it with my tongue while stroking her G spot. After several minutes she began to tremble and gripped me at the top of my arms with her hands.

She let out a loud, “unghhh”, her legs closed against my head and her hips started to thrust toward me in little jerks. I licked up the most delicious nectar and stuck my tongue into her as far as I could feeling her spasms on my tongue.

I looked up her body, Sharon’s head was back, eyes closed, lower lip sucked in and she had her hands on her breasts. That’s when I noticed Millie had turned her head to the left, which was toward us, and was watching. Sharon said softly, “The Aussie kiss always does it for me.” (an Aussie Kiss is a “kiss down under”, cute).

Anyway, Millie’s split in her dress had slipped over her left leg leaving it completely exposed up to her hip.

Still on my knees in front of Sharon I kept gently nuzzling her pussy. With my left hand I reached for Millie’s left thigh, stroking it gently. I moved my hand on top of her leg from her knee to the top of her thigh until it touched the dress, my fingers sliding under the dress on her left front up to the hip bone and then moving my hand to her inner thigh and caressing back down to her knee. I made a mental note that she had panty hose on. I did this several times and was more lost in the moment than actually trying to arouse her.

Sharon sat forward putting both her hands on my shoulders and pushed me backward onto the floor; as I moved she came with me and I wound up flat on my back in the middle of the room with Sharon lying on top kissing me. She sat up unbuttoned my pj top and removed it. Then she looked over her shoulder and told Millie to pull my shorts off.

Millie smiled and said, “you wanted him.”

I thought, “aha… that’s why they came back.”

Then Sharon reached behind her and grabbed my shorts by the band, I lifted my ass and she removed them in one smooth pull. Sharon’s pussy was on my cock like a hotdog bun, she pulled her top up and over her head, tossing it into the chair I had been sitting on. She was now completely naked, her hands on my chest, and moving her hips forward and backward working my cock on her long slit. Her juices made me slick and she slipped all the way down so my balls were at her clit and then back up again, she was not trying to get me inside her.

Her complexion matched the auburn hair being slightly pale with freckles. I reached up to fondle her small breasts. They were a beautiful freckled pale skin so common with redheads, God I love redheads. My hands slid under her ass cheeks and lifted her, shifting her up my chest so her pussy was on my chest, she looked at me and I winked. I moved her again and she wound up with her knees under my shoulders sitting with her pussy just below my chin. She looked down at me and I saw a smiling face framed by pussy hair and breasts, she leaned forward so her hands were on the floor and slowly moved her pussy onto my face.

With her hips free she was grinding on my face and soon all I did was keep my tongue out and she moved where she wanted it using my nose as much as my tongue for pleasure gyrating. My hands were on her ass as I kept my face in her pussy as I loved her for a second time.

That’s when I felt something stroke my cock. It took me a moment to realize it was a nylon foot gently moving up and down my cock. Soon it was joined by a second foot.

Sharon was beginning to cum again and she arched her back and sat down, reaching down with her hands to pull my face up and pushing her pussy down onto my face. Pinned there she slid all over my face and again let out another, loud, “unnnhhhh,” as her pussy quivered and I again drank in those lovely juices.

Sharon sat still for a bit moving her pussy on my face in barely perceptible little circles, obviously savoring the feeling before she then rolled off on to the floor next to me breathing deeply.

She said, “Oi, God I really needed that.”

I replied, “Uh huh, but I needed it a lot more than you did.”

She got up on one elbow and looked at me and then my cock with a “you’ve got to be shitting me” look on her face. She had cum at least twice and I still had a hard on.

I explained I enjoyed going down on a woman almost as much as regular sex and especially treasured discovering each woman’s likes and dislikes.

Millie, who hadn’t stopped stroking my cock with her feet, said an Australian man would never bother to take the time.

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Only Chatting

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Author’s Note: Those of you who know me know my adoptive heritage is Irish and Italian. The name Devin originates from old Gaelic, meaning poet or bard. I used this name because my inspiration is a Poet at heart.


“Shit” she took off her glasses, rubbed her eyes and glanced at the clock. She had been writing and came across a picture he had sent her once and in the end wound up staring at the screen of her laptop for quite some time, getting nothing further accomplished. How was it that someone she had never personally met had such an affect on her? She looked at his picture again, closed it down and sighed.

He would not be her typical choice for a possible boyfriend, lover, fuck buddy, or whatever. As a matter of fact had she passed him on the street she would have just walked by, maybe smiled and not given him a second thought. He was tall, blonde haired, blue-eyed, the all American boy next door. Aside from the tall he wasn’t her type at all. Her tastes normally fell into the tall, dark and handsome range. In looks at least, he was the polar opposite of most of the men that had flitted in and out of her life.

Not that he wasn’t cute…he was actually quite adorable. He had a smile that drew an answering smile from her lips, and a shock of thick blonde hair, the kind she loved to run her fingers through. If she closed her eyes she could almost feel those silky strands sliding sensuously in her hand. And his eyes, sighing again, his eyes were like the ocean, she imagined they would change colors depending on what he wore on a particular day. Like the sea, she guessed they would also range from stormy blue to a deep sapphire in conjunction with his moods.

But it wasn’t his looks that made him attractive to her; as a matter of fact she had liked him before she had ever seen his picture. It was his personality, his relaxed manner, his love of life that really drew her to him. He had the same “take me as I am or screw you” mind-set she had. They talked at length about everything and nothing. Their life philosophies were almost identical; their attitudes on relationships and people were strikingly similar. They had so many commonalities, sometimes it was eerie.

It wasn’t only those things; it was his ability to easily make her laugh and smile. She swore he could get the pope to laugh in the middle of a homily…that is how comfortable he seemed in any situation. Plus, he loved tequila just like she did. How could she not like someone that loved tequila…shaking her head…funny…of all the places to meet him…an erotic chat site. Chuckling to herself she could only imagine what her friends and family would say if they knew.

Not that she ever expected she would meet him, he lived halfway across the world, but she wouldn’t turn down the opportunity if it ever presented itself. It would be nice just to have dinner and chat with him face to face, to have a long conversation, hear his voice and be able to look into his eyes and see his smile in person instead of on a picture.

Sighing she got up from the desk and decided it was time to get dressed and face the real world. She slid the lavender silk robe off her petite body and pulled on a pair of black yoga pants. The pants were slung low on the waist and curled over her heels, allowing only her toes to peek through. She shook her head and laughed…if only she were a few inches taller. She dragged on a pink camisole and a white, side wrap ballet sweater to top off the outfit, it was her typical dress when she didn’t have to go anywhere special. Twisting her dark, shoulder length hair on top of her head, she clipped it, blew the unruly strands off her face and perched her glasses on her nose..time to start her reading for the day.

She sat down lotus style on the bed and started flipping through her piles of research.

“Jesus I hate this crap!” she grumbled as she pulled her glasses off and threw the papers back down.

She would rather be anywhere else than stuck here in her apartment. It was a gorgeous day out. She glanced at her laptop but knew he wouldn’t be on for a few days. He was traveling for pleasure but she had no idea where. All she knew was that he wouldn’t have access to the Internet until he got back home.

She padded, bare footed, over to the window, luxuriating in the rays of summer sun that streamed in, warming her, before she gazed down at the street below. Everyone was rushing around. It seemed this city was always in a hurry, herself included. Giving up any attempt to finish her work she slung her camera over her shoulder, pushed her feet into a pair of flip-flops and headed for the door.

“Screw it, it’s a beautiful day out”

She walked out her front door, never looking back as she made her way to her favorite beach to shoot some black and white photos of the surf, sand and whatever else caught her eye.

As always the sight of the waves lapping at the sand took her breath away. She gazed into the soothing blue waters and was immediately istanbul escort reminded of his eyes. It always struck her as odd…the little things that reminded her of him. Sighing with pleasure she kicked off her Reefs and dug her toes into the tiny crystals of sun-warmed sand, wiggling them to feel the grains rub against the soles of her feet.

Sitting down on the beach, she wiggled her toes again and let out a small sound of pleasure. It was like a massage…she loved massages. Massages….she remembered the last conversation they had. They never “cybered” only chatted. But during the last chat he had written about massaging her feet and calves, and the way he described it…wow…she swore she could feel his hands relaxing her tense muscles as her eyes scanned his words. Just thinking about that conversation brought chills to her spine.

She would miss talking to him while he was gone. Every time he logged onto IM she couldn’t help but grin trying to imagine what kind of shit he was going to give her that day. She wondered what exotic locale he was at right now…it seemed he was always jet-setting somewhere tropical or remote or both. She supposed he was somewhere warm right now sitting on a beach like she was. Picking up her camera, she stood, adjusted the lens and the light meter and started clicking away.

Panning her Nikon around she remembered joking about how she would love to use him as a model for her pictures. Capturing his eyes alone would be a work of art if she could get the right angle and lighting. She had warned him that it would take forever…she was extremely picky about her photographs…which she supposed is why no one wanted to sit still for her.

She stopped mid-pan as she spotted a lone, fellow wave watcher sitting on the retaining wall…gazing out at the water. She couldn’t guess how many times she had sat in that exact same spot hypnotized by the ebb and flow of the waves as they crashed on the rocks below. The sea and sky framed him perfectly, as if begging to be captured in a photo. He looked so peacefully meditative she hoped she wouldn’t disturb him by taking his picture.

Pulling out her zoom lens and attaching it, she focused on her subject. Thankfully he didn’t seem to notice her standing there snapping his image. As the lens closed in on him she noted he looked vaguely familiar. Zooming in even more, she gasped as she dropped the camera from her hands, not even conscious of it swaying back and forth on her neck.

“It can’t be…” she whispered.

She stared at him for another minute, absorbing his image, locking it into her memory like a snapshot. She scanned him from head to toe. Watched the sun’s reflection play off his hair and turn it into spun gold. His crisp white button down shirt was untucked…relaxed and hung over his jean clad thighs. He was as barefooted as she was. Grinning, she thought he looked like the perfect beach bum.

Dragging her eyes off his form, she looked around. It was at that moment she realized her favorite beach was close to the high-rise condos he had lived in for a while…that was another commonality..they had lived in a couple of the same cities at different times. She wondered if she should approach him…after all he hadn’t told her he was coming to her hometown. Maybe he didn’t want to meet in person…perhaps he liked the anonymity of the net.

She shrugged to herself and chuckled. What the hell, she was always a girl who took chances, she had nothing to lose. Walking barefooted in the sand, silver toe rings glinting in the sun, she strode up to where he was sitting and lightly tapped him on the shoulder.

“Devin ….is that you?

He looked up and chuckled, “I was wondering if you would ever notice me”

His voice was like aged bourbon…smooth with a soft undertone, leaving that same tingling warmth.

Gathering her senses she looked at him askance, “What….You knew that was me on the beach? But how did you even know I would be here?”

“Well babe…you did tell me this was your favorite beach and it is gorgeous outside..I thought I would take a gamble” he smiled.

His smile was absolutely adorable, so boyishly charming. She couldn’t help but smile back. It was better in person than she had ever imagined, like a warm sultry breeze on a summer’s evening.


His finger to her lips cut off the question.

“I didn’t tell you because I wanted to surprise you…make it a more natural meeting.”

His finger traced her mouth, tantalizing her as it lazily lingered on the bottom lip. He was so close to her she kept catching whiffs of his cologne. It smelled slightly spicy but clean and crisp like the sea…the perfect scent for him. He leaned into her and embraced her, resting his cheek on the top of her head as she wrapped her arms around him. He smiled as he caught the scent in her hair.

“Mmmm, that scent, I’ve been wondering what it would smell like on avcılar escort you Isabel.”

She laughed lightly, they had discussed scents at one time, he telling her what cologne he wore and she telling him what perfume she wore. His scent was more popular whereas hers was pretty obscure and most men, actually most people for that matter had never heard of it, let alone smelled it. She had been pleasantly surprised to find out he knew of it and also loved it.

Reluctantly letting him go, she looked up and gazed into his eyes. She loved eyes; she truly believed they were the windows to a person’s soul. She couldn’t believe she was actually looking into his at this moment. His eyes reminded her of natural sapphires. Sapphires..his eyes really did look like the gemstone especially with the inner sparkle, the trace of laughter she caught as he grinned at her.

“I told you…I don’t lie” he chuckled.

“I never doubted you, I just never realized a person’s eyes could be….so blue..or that someone’s hair could be so damned blonde” she laughed as she lightly yanked a strand.

He shook his head in exasperation knowing very well about her preference for darker haired men. He had jokingly lamented that fact and had teasingly said he was going to buy some dark hair dye. But really…she couldn’t imagine him with anything but his almost white blonde hair..lightened by the sun.

She gazed at him again, her eyes lingering on his…damn he was everything she wanted in a man, funny, sarcastic, independent and with a heart of gold, though not many people knew about that aspect of his personality. With those qualities she supposed she could overlook the blonde, she laughed softly. And his eyes, she swore his eyes tugged at the very essence of her soul. She grinned and shook those thoughts out of her head. She was just going to enjoy this moment while it lasted and not worry about what might be.

Strolling back to the beach where she had left her camera bag, she packed her equipment away and turned to look at him as he walked up to her.

“So how long are you here for Devin?”

“How long do you want me here for Isabel?” he smiled sweetly.

“Smartass!” she shot back, rolling her eyes.

He chuckled “For a few days..maybe more, I’m just playing it by ear.”

“Same old Devin, it’s nice to know you’re as real here as you are online.”

She laughed as she sat back down on the beach, digging her toes in once more. He settled down behind her, lithely placing himself in the sand. Before she could even think, she instinctively leaned back against him as if it were the most natural thing in the world. And then they did what they always seemed to do..chatted for hours about everything and nothing until the sun started setting on the horizon.

Realizing how late it really was, she turned around to face him, meaning to ask if he would like to get some dinner. But the question caught in her throat as she met his stare. He was gazing at her with a look she had never before seen, his blue eyes deepening even further. She stared back at him, the inquiry evident in her face.

“What..is something wrong?”

He chuckled and growled at the same time “Just taking in your aura, your beauty, gorgeous”

It was the sexiest sound she had ever heard. The growl alone was enough to make her stomach flutter but the combination of the two just made her insides melt.

Her piercing mahogany eyes searched his “What do you want from me Devin?”

“Whatever you want babe, we can simply sit here all night and talk…or we can do something more. It’s up to you. I told you once that I am here for you for whatever…that offer still stands.”

“Ahh so it’s up to me….” she trailed off.

He smiled, looking so devastatingly cute she couldn’t help but lean in closer and give him a light kiss on the curve of his lips. That moment of contact, lips on lips, was so soft..so achingly sweet and yet so heady she pulled away from him in an effort to clear her mind. But he would have none of that. His arm snaked around her and pulled her even closer to him as he rolled her onto her back in one fluid movement.

Before she had a moment to think..to breathe even, his lips were against hers again, the soft kiss turned into an unyielding one, burning with an intensity, a demanding that she hadn’t even realized was there. All thought was cut off as she gave into the feeling, responding to his call.

Giggling, she raised her head and looked around “Devin you do realize we are on a public beach?”

“Do you care?” he challenged, his eyes glinting with humor in the setting sun.

“No..not at all…”

Reaching up, she weaved her hand through his thick hair and pulled him back down to meet her lips once more, not caring who, if anyone was watching their interplay. For all she knew the whole population of the city could be gawking as the world receded into the background.

She pulled back to catch her breath…and şirinevler escort that’s when common sense kicked in. She couldn’t believe what she was doing..this wasn’t her, she didn’t do this sort of thing. A shadow must have passed over her features reflecting her thoughts.

“Isabel, are you okay?” his concerned tone pulled her back to the reality of the situation.

“Ummm…” she worried her bottom lip. “Devin…” she trailed off.

“I don’t ever do this sort of thing.” She whispered as she looked away from his eyes and into the inky black of the surf.

He cupped a hand under her chin, raising her eyes back to his.

“Do you really think I would look at you any differently afterwards?” He questioned, smiling softly.

“But I am just as happy sitting here with you resting against me, watching the moon make its way across the horizon and waking up next to you in time to see the sunrise. Like I said…it’s up to you.” He kissed her neck softly as he ran his fingers through her hair.

“It’s not that I think you would view me differently…it’s just”

“It’s just what?”

She chuckled and shook her head, “It’s just my responsible side kicking me in the ass.”

“Well tell it to take a break for an hour or two…or more.” He growled, locking his eyes onto hers.

She drew her gaze from him as she sat up and grinned.

He looked at her, trying to gauge her mood.

“What’s going on in that gorgeous mind of yours?” He inquired, raising his eyebrows.

Smiling seductively, she leaned into his ear and simply purred, “I wanna rock your gypsy soul.”

His face lit up with an absolutely charming smile as he leaned into her.

She stopped him in mid-lean putting the palm of her hand against his chest, “But first” she chuckled “dinner, after all anticipation is half the fun.”

He laughed at her playfulness simply saying, “As you wish.”

She flashed him a sweet, innocent smile, got up, brushed the sand off her pants and proffered a hand to him, “Sushi? I know a great little place not far from here.”

“I’m game if you are.” He enclosed his fingers around her hand and simultaneously drew her to his chest as he stood.

“Youwillpay for your teasing.” He promised, murmuring, his lips a hair’s breadth away from the tender lobe of her ear.

Her breathing quickened audibly as she teased back, “I’d like to see you try.”

“Babe…try nothing…” he trailed off, the playful threat lingering in the air.

“Yeah, yeah promises, promises,” Her trembling voice belying the confidence of her words.

“Oh trust me..itis a promise angel eyes.” He said laughingly upon hearing her voice break.

Leaning down, he kissed her softly on the lips, his actions echoing the spoken words.

“Let’s go get that sushi.” He started walking, hand still entwined with hers.

As they strolled, they fell back into their easy conversing, talking about their lives, heartaches, major events and little inconsequential things like favorite colors and foods.

When she came to a stop outside a nondescript doorway he looked at her questioningly.

“This is the place, I know it doesn’t look like much but trust me….” She smiled “It has the best sushi around.”

“My lady…” Being the gentleman he always professed to be, he opened the door with a flourish as she chuckled at his actions.

“Thank you kind sir.” Still chuckling she brushed his check lightly with her lips as she entered the brightly lit restaurant.

Dinner was better than she had ever been able to imagine. She loved watching his expressions and body language, looking into his eyes as they talked easily, laughing as if they had known each other for years. They covered more serious topics also. She learned more about his idyllic childhood and he learned about her tumultuous one. They talked at length about their life altering experiences. Though they had had these at different ages, the impact of these events had shaped their similar attitudes and life views. They were still chatting as they walked out the door and into the balmy summer air.

They headed back towards Devin’s hotel which was just around the block. As they reached his door he stopped and turned to her, the key card hovering over the lock. For the first time all evening she heard his tone become a little unsure as he cocked his head, one stray lock falling into his eyes. He looked like a little boy as he hesitantly asked “Isabel….Do you want to come in for a drink?”

Even if she had wanted to say no, after hearing that miniscule bit of vulnerability in his voice, there was no way she could. That split second of softness made him even more real to her and all she wanted to do at that moment was lay his head in her lap as she stroked his blonde hair from his forehead.

“I would love to Devin.” She whispered as her finger smoothed his hair back into place.

He caught her hand on its descent, pulling her close, sapphire eyes locking onto mahogany ones. That split second of vulnerability disappeared as quickly as it had come making her wonder if she had imagined it.

“Still wanna rock my gypsy soul?” He growled, the sound making her heart beat a little faster.

Returning his gaze, she stared directly into his eyes, “Like I always tell you..anytime babe, name the time and place.”

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One Lazy Late Afternoon

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She slowly shut the door to her bedroom, blotting out all external light and plunging the room into near darkness. Milky light from from the dying sun tried valiantly to trickle through the gap between the shade and the sill, temporarily highlighting her creamy skin as she removed her shirt. “I think I’m ready.”

He raised an eyebrow, smiling from his repose on the bed. His startling blue eyes, dark with desire, roamed her body as she unsnapped her shorts and let them fall to the floor, exposing her smooth mound. His eyes wandered back up, lingering for a moment on her dark areole before meeting her own eyes-filled with desire, yet apprehensive, he could tell.

She nervously smiled and let her hair down, deep auburn ringlets falling about her shoulders and tumbling into the crevace of her breasts. Her chest heaved with nervous breath, and her small knees seemed to shake slightly. Grinning, he opened his arms, saying simply-“Come to me.”

She did as she was bade, crawling over the bed and his body. Once her skin touched his, she seemed to relax, covering his face with small kisses as she gently rubbed her nude body against his clothed one. She stopped for a moment, looking at him expectantly.

“Undress me.”

She nodded, raising up his shirt. He sat up, helping her remove it before running his hands down her sides and reaching around to cup her ass. A small moan escaped her, and he smiled. She was his now, he knew. Lying back down, one arm behind his head, he smiled down at her as she worked dutifully on his fly.

She delighted in the cock that sprang forth-not too bakırköy escort terribly large, perhaps, but certainly enough to please her. Happily, she engulfed his head in her mouth, causing his body to stiffen slightly, then relax. Running her tounge up the underside of his shaft, she moaned, enjoying the taste and sensation of this beautiful cock in her mouth.

Groaning under her minstrations, he reached down and ran his hands through her hair, pulling it back so he could see her face. Hardly able to bear it, he suddenly yanked sharply on her hair, bringing another moan from her. “Turn around,” he ordered. Keeping his cock in her mouth, she did so, presenting him with her shorn pussy for his enjoyment.

As he plunged his tounge into her, she fought hard not to bite down upon him-she was unused to men enjoying this act. With an effort, she continued to suck him, fondling his balls as she did so. Feeling his hands on her hips as he sucked her clit, she could feel her orgasm building inside, her hips beginning to buck slightly under the growing pressure.

Thouroughly enjoying her pussy, he licked in long, slow motions from her pussy to her ass. He felt her first juices begin to trickle from her, loving as always the taste of her in his mouth. Feeling her readiness, he pushed upwards on her hips, a signal to rise. She did so, crawling off of him and looking over her shoulder at him inquisitively. The sight of her thus, face flushed with desire and her round ass presented to him, was nearly too much. Gently, he pushed her down, rolling her onto beşiktaş escort her back.

She smiled impishly up at him, curly tresses fanned out behind her as she reached down and grabbed his cock. With a groan, he pushed forward, and guided by her hand, penetrated her warm hole.

She moaned, arching her back beneath his weight, giving him perfect opportunity to take her tit into his mouth. He sucked it slowly, thrusting in and out of her in the way he knew she liked-driving her mad with the desire to cum.

The feel of him, the smell of him, the light slapping of his balls on her ass drove her wild, and she began to moan louder, digging her nails into his back. Darting her head suddenly, her sharp little teeth latched themselves to his neck, a feral growl escaping her. He pounded harder in return, biting at her hair, her shoulder, anything he could reach in such a position.

Abruptly, she brought up her feet, pushing him out of her. He rocked back to his knees, swollen cock glistening with her juices, as they eyed each other as though sizing one another up. One hand of the girl lazily played with her clit as she watched him, propped on one elbow.

Grinning, he leapt forth, grabbing her by the hips roughly and flipping her uncerimoniously to her stomach. She giggled darkly, raising to her knees and trying to pull away from him, deep blue eyes glittering at him over one shoulder. Again he grabbed her hips, dragging her backwards to impale her on his cock. It was always thus, it seemed-her the constant tease, dancing just outside his beylikdüzü escort ability to tame, and he the lovesick puppy constantly on the chase.

He raised his hand high, bringing it down on her ass with a loud smack. She laughed then-“You pussy. Try harder.” He growled, grabbing her tits and pulling her up and back on his cock, his mouth by her ear.

“WHAT did you call me?”

“A pussy-bitch can’t even smack my ass right.” With that, she tried to pull off, smiling to herself as she ripped her tits from his grasp. Having none of that, he grabbed her hair firmly, yanking her head back and causing her to yelp. His other hand decended as he once more began to pump her pussy, smacking her ass hard as he fucked her.

“Am I a pussy now, bitch?” A groan of delight was her only response, pussy tightening with the pain of the repeated smacks. Letting go of her hair, he brought his head down, latching onto her shoulder with his teeth. She growled, trying once more to tear from his grasp, but he held her hips firmly as he pounded her. More sounds of delight were escaping her-wild moans and feral growling. One might think it was wolves mating instead of humans.

He drew himself upright, digging his fingernails into her hips as he fucked her, concentrating now on his desire to cum. Feeling his balls grow heavy, he thrust deep into her pussy one last time as his cock began to shoot. Feeling his pulsing cock, she arched back and groaned, legs shaking with sheer delight as he filled her warm cunt with his cum.

Spent now, she pulled herself gently off his cock, curling up on the bed. He joined her, feeling himself go soft slowly as he took her into his arms. He nuzzled her hair, smelling the clean scent of her shampoo and feeling it’s softness against his skin. “I love you, darling.”

“And I you, my dear,” she replied, curled up to his chest as she slipped off gently to sleep.

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Older Than My Mum

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She’s tall and slender, and has one heck of a rack, seen in full glory even from the rear view. And even though she’s pushing 60, all of the guy’s heads turn when she walks by, no matter what their age may be. I’ve known her for years, living down Edgar Road, in Winchester UK from my parents house. Her son was the same age as me, his name was Tim Fisher. Tim was killed in a car crash on the M3 motorway over a year ago, and from what I’ve heard, it left her devastated. She does have other children, two daughters that are much older than I. I remember them being about thirty, if memory serves me correctly. Her husband who I heard was ten years older died from Prostate Cancer seven years back , so she’s had a rough time but seems capable in her activities in the city, the city library she manages and the badminton team she plays in.

Of course, she’s known me for years as well, being a friend of Tims. I’m the typical young male, average looks at just under six feet in height, and weighing in at about one-seventy. I was twenty years old, when this all happened. It was in early August, and of course Peter Symonds College at the other end of the city was on holiday, so was just hanging out so to speak. She was weeding her gravel drive when I was walking by, as she greeted me with “Hello there, Bryn.”

I smiled, “Hello Mrs. Fisher.” Of course I was smiling, as she was down on her knees, wearing just a pair of pink denim, ripped shorts and a floral pattern loose blouse, with a bra trying hard to keep her jugs in place.

She smiled, asking “What are you up to?”

“Oh, I was at Monty Gibson’s house…you know round the corner in Ranelagh Road talking about our school days.” I said. I saw her smile turn into a slight frown, Tim had been a pupil too.

Wanting to the keep the conversation going, with intentions of ogling her lush body I asked. “So how you doing? Your flowers look terrific this year, as usual.” Her face lit up as she glanced down her cleavage and adjusted where her blouse had slipped.

“Why thank you, Bryn.” She slowly rose to her feet, grinning and said “I really appreciate you saying that.”

I blushed, “No problem, Mrs. Fisher.”

“So how was college this past year?” she asked.

“Oh fine. Looking forward to this coming term. Everything has been going well, and I haven’t had any trouble in classes so far.”

“That’s great. I’m glad to hear it.” she said, dusting her hands off on her slender rump, her knockers swaying and bouncing in the action. I suddenly felt a bit awkward, not sure why, but I was, looking at my watch.

“Well, I need to get home. I’m sure Mum has some things for me to do.”

She smiled, and she said a bit nervously, “Okay Bryn.” Then she stopped me, saying “Oh, by the way, would you mind helping me by doing some work around my house?”

“Course, Mrs. Fisher. I would be delighted to.” I replied.

She smiled, “Could you come over tomorrow then? maybe about ten? I’ll pay you for the work you do.”

“Oh, you don’t have to pay me, Mrs. Fisher. Friends and neighbours and all that. I’ll gladly help if I can.”

“Thank you, Bryn.” She looked up at the sun, and said “Well, I’ve laundry to get finished, I’ll see you in the morning then.”

I didn’t really think about it much. I mean, I had no idea what she wanted me to do, and after telling my parents, they said that they’ve heard that she had plumbing issues, so I was probably going to be working on her pipes. I thought nothing more about it though, as I spent the evening watching a European football game before going to bed. I was up at about eight, made my breakfast, and then caught the TV news before heading to her house. I knocked promptly at ten, and she opened the door, wearing just a bathrobe. My eyes boggled at the sight of what looked to be unfettered tits and nipple bulges.

“Come on in and come on up.” she beamed, so I did. I followed her up to a bathroom, and entering she said “I need the taps changed,” handing me a box, as she went on “I’ve some tools in the garage, I’ll show you what’s there. Hopefully you’ll find everything you need.”

It wasn’t much, actually. I knew I could handle this small assignment, having been well trained by my Dad who actually ran a large maintenance plumbing firm and thinking if, God forbid, my grades were crap, I had a skill to fall back on. She took me to the garage and showed me the tools available and where the mains water tap was to turn the supply off. She left me there, telling me she would be in the kitchen, as I looked for what I would need. A small torch, some copper piping, and a few more tools, and I was all set. I returned to the upstairs bathroom and went to work. It didn’t take long, maybe ninety minutes at most. I’ve done this before at home, and Dad has taken me to his sisters and other relatives to do work from time to time, so as I said, I knew how to do basic plumbing. And of course, pretty much any home maintenance routine.

Once finished, I came downstairs, trying to find Mrs. Fisher, but she wasn’t around. I guessed her kadıköy escort to be in the garden, and since I had to take the tools I used back out anyway, I opened the garage door, and as I walked on, she was just exiting, carrying a piece of frozen meat from a big chest freezer in there.

“I’m done up there.”I informed her; wafts of body and scent over me as we passed.

I heard a soft “Oh.” tidying her bathrobe, her back to me. “That’s fine, phew! Isn’t it hot again, go ahead and put the tools back where you found them…Oh God sorry.” she giggled, grabbing the falling robe off her shoulders. The meat dropped to the floor with a dull thud, but she ignored it.

Wow! All I saw as she pulled the robe back up to her shoulders was her bare back, from her delightfully round, mature arse crack. Edges of her hanging tits swaying to her side But it was well worth it to see just a glimpse of her bare body. She remained there while I went to the tool cabinets and put things away. I turned, she was decent.

“Anything else you need worked on today?”

“No…no thanks, not at the moment.” she murmured almost apologetically. I was a bit puzzled, as she seemed to be out of breath. I also saw she was rather flushed, glancing at the meat, and nervous. “Um, let’s go in and I’ll give you some money for what you’ve done so far, Bryn.”

“Don’t worry about it, Mrs. Fisher, I did say…”

She grabbed my arm, and laughed as she pulled me to the house saying “Nonsense, I need to give you something.”

She let go of my arm as she bent to retrieve the heavy carcass of meat. Great minds think a like – and I stooped at the same time, but she beat me to it. I was right behind her shapely rump, looking for and not seeing any panty lines. She asked if she could see the finished job and I followed her upstairs watching the sway and wobbles. And that’s when I smelled it. I was inches from her fanny, covered by the thin robe, which reached mid thigh. The smell of a woman’s wet twat. I’ve had the experience to get close and personal with a few college girls the past year, it’s a smell you don’t soon forget…or want to. It dawned on me on why she was nervous, and short of breath. I think I had interrupted her giving herself some pleasure in the garage, in what she must have deemed safe as I was upstairs. My cock went to full alert, but thankfully I remained in control.

Back down, I followed her to the dining room, where she extricated her purse from a large brown leather handbag, and turned suddenly. Unfortunately, I was looking down at her legs, and I readjusted my gaze, seeing a surprised look on her face. She then smiled, and said “Would a pair of twentie’s be enough, Bryn?” as she opened up her purse.

I raised my hands, protesting “No Mrs. Fisher. Please? You don’t need to pay me a thing. It was a pleasure sorting your plumbing for you.”

I saw her blush, and I realized that maybe that was not a good choice of words. She sighed, closed her purse back up putting it down. I was surprised when she then faced me, stepped close and slid her arms behind my back, and hugged me tightly.

“Thank you Bryn. I appreciate this.”

Oh god, I could feel my rock hard cock pressing into her belly, and I knew she had to feel it. I stammered out “Anytime, Mrs. Fisher.” I added, feeling her tits against my chest.

She stepped away, her hands on my shoulders, and she said “If I find anything else that needs fixed, I’ll give you a call, okay?”

I grinned, “Yes, no problem.”

She squeezed my shoulders, and said “Good, thanks again.” as she walked by me towards the front door. She opened it and as I walked out, she said “Bye Bryn, have a good day now.”

I smiled and waved, saying “Thanks, Mrs. Fisher. And you too.” I saw her smile turn into a bit of a frown, and I wondered if I had said something wrong, as I went down the drive. I exhaled hard, and my cock was still feeling a bit cramped in the confined space of my jeans. Yes, I would jump at the chance at getting into bed with someone as beautiful and I guess experienced as Mrs. Fisher. But, she’s older than my mother! Of course, what was I even thinking? She wouldn’t want some young, unemployed lad anyway.

Once home, my Mum had things for me to do, after she briefly questioned me about what I did over at Mrs. Fisher’s. I told her about the taps, and of course about me turning down the offer of money. I didn’t tell her that the woman gave me one hell of a boner. The rest of the weekend went well. I went out with my friends Saturday night, only down to the Queen Inn in Kingsgate Street; the have a good selection of real ales, and was good and hung over on Sunday. My part-time job as a Costa Coffee barista had me working on Monday through Thursday, and on Friday I was walking to Tony’s house, when Mrs. Fisher stopped me in my tracks, yelling across the road waving frantically.

“Oh Bryn, could I see you for a minute?”

I smiled, walking across the road to see her.

She üsküdar escort smiled, and said “Listen, I’ve some chores that need to be done, I was wondering if you could help out?” She quickly added “And I will be paying you this time.”

I laughed, “I’ll do the chores and like before you don’t need to pay me.”

“Nonsense.” she replied. Then she went on, “Could you come over tomorrow? I need the outside of the windows washed on the second floor. I think my usuals are on holiday and it’s been so hot and dusty… and then I was wondering if you could change a shower head for me.”

Smiling, I said “No problem, assuming you’ve got the replacement. Would ten be too early?”

“Yes got it yesterday. That will be fine, Bryn.” was her grinning reply, brandishing a box.

I had a party I was going to that night, and yes, alcohol was involved. I’m not sure what time I arrived home, but I do know that Mum was a bit agitated as she roused me up at about nine, reminding me of having to help Mrs. Fisher today. I groaned as I climbed out of bed, my head pounding as I showered and went downstairs where Mum made me breakfast. Then off to Mrs. Fisher’s. She was all smiles, something I was finding hard to do, as she put me to work. She showed me the ladder, and the bucket and cleaning supplies, and soon I was washing windows. Eight in all, six in front of the house, one on the end, and another three on the rear. Luckily the whole place had modern triple glazed windows so the were no fiddly panes, although it was all Georgian style. I did the front first, before moving to the side, then the rear of the house. I didn’t see her the whole time, and I was doing the one for a bedroom, Murphy’s Law combined with Sods Law …when I saw her once again…it was her bedroom. Surely she must have seen me; the ladder over the panes; my noise climbing, as she walked into the bedroom, wearing that same robe. No reaction, covering and stuff. But this time, she didn’t have it closed in the front and there was a reaction…from me. I stepped down a rung, thinking I was screened behind the inner curtains.

I about fell off the ladder as I caught a brief glimpse of her mature, drooping breasts as she walked to the door to the landing. They were beautiful, even if they did sag a lot. They still stood out from her chest, full and proud. When I remembered to breathe again as she disappeared, I finished the window, and moved to another one. And still, the image of her fine boobs were in my mind. I only had one more window to go, and after getting it done, I climbed down and put the ladder away in the garage, before knocking on the front door. A few seconds went by, until she opened it, now wearing a halter top and a pair of baggier shorts, smiling as he asked “All done with the windows, Bryn?”

“Yes. And you said something about a shower head?” I replied.

Laughing, she opened the door more, and stepped aside, letting me pass through. “Yes, I bought a new shower head for my bathroom. It has a second handheld head on it.”

I stopped as she closed the front door, and said “No problem, this shouldn’t take more than ten minutes.”

She grinned, “Good, because I made you some lunch once you get done.”

I protested, “Oh no, Mrs. Fisher. I can’t.”

She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the stairs, saying sternly, “Now Bryn, I feel like I’m taking advantage of your good nature.” We started up the stairs, and I was admiring her rear end once more…no scents this time, her legs are not bad, toned. I smiled, as she said “So please allow me to have the pleasure of your company while you eat, okay?”

“Yes, Mrs. Fisher.”I replied, as she showed me into the very same bedroom I’d glimpsed from the ladder. We entered the en-suite bathroom . She handed me a box, and I opened it, seeing the parts spotting I needed a pair of mole grips. I said “Well, this will be easy, but I need a pair of mole grips from the tool cabinet in the garage.”

She smiled, saying “Well, you know where they’re at. Go ahead and do this, then come have lunch in the kitchen.”

“OK in a jiff.” I chuckled. She followed me back downstairs, and then I went on to the garage. I was right, in ten minutes, I had the old head off, some plumbers tape on the pipe, and the new nozzle on. I tested it and it all worked fine. I cleaned up what little mess I had made, then I headed to the garage to put the tools away, before coming back to the kitchen. She was placing a sandwich down on the table, and a bag of Salt and Vinegar crisps plus a glass of weak lager, as she said “It’s ham and pickle on brown. I hope that’s okay? I made the pickle last winter.” she told me proudly.

She took a seat across from me, and as she settled in, she said “By the way please Bryn, call me Pearl.”

I swallowed then chuckled “Okay Pearl.”

She must have been in a talkative mood, she asked “What’s the joke?”

“Sorry, your name Pearl Fisher, reminds me of an opera.”

“Oh yes of course funny that. My husband was Clement…you tuzla escort know Clem? his pals called him Clam…Clam Fisher sort of funny. So, did you go out and party last night?”

I blushed, “Yes,”

Giggling, she said “I thought so, you looked like you might have had too much to drink.”

“I normally don’t drink that much, Pearl. Just that I was trying to hit on a girl, and I got shot down. So, well yes, I guess I was feeling sorry for myself.” I said.

She frowned, “Yes, I can understand that.” Now what the fuck did she mean by that. “So you don’t have a girlfriend then?”

I shrugged, “No, not at the moment. I had been dating a girl at college, but we broke up a week or so before finals.”

“Was she nice?”

I chuckled, “Yeah, she was.” I pondered for a moment Thora Mogovynem was a Nigerian princess, thin as a rake, philosophy student, smile that never stopped and damn good cock gobbler…oh well.

She blushed, “Oh, I take it you did more than just date then.” My turn to blush, and she said “That’s okay, Bryn. You’re a young man with lots of desires. I’m sure she wasn’t the first, was she?”

I almost choked, as I said “No, she wasn’t.”

She had a sly smile on her face, as she asked. “Are you going on the prowl tonight then?”

“Well, I’m not sure. I mean, I sort of overdid it last night you know.” I stated.

“So tell me, Bryn, if you were to go out tonight, where would you go? I mean, if you were wanting to try picking up some girl.”

This question took me by surprise, and I stuttered, “Well, I, um, not sure. I mean, I usually go to party’s that I’m invited to, or just out on the pull with the lads.”

“I see” she replied, and I noticed a bit of disappointment in her voice. “So what are your plans for the evening?”

I thought for a second, and it hit me, she’s baiting me. “Well, not sure. I mean, where can a bloke go on his own, the lads are all fixed?”

Her face brightened, and she said “Well, I’ve an idea.” And I was just imagining what that could be. “Why don’t you meet me in the car park a Waitrose in Chandlers Ford. Say, at about six-thirty?”

I said “Isn’t that a bit early?” thinking about the upmarket store and late shoppers, the car park is usually rammed then

She laughed, “No, you’ll see.”

I said “Yeah, okay.” as I finished off my lager.

She smiled, rose to her feet, and said “Dress nice, but not too formal. A good pair of jeans and a polo shirt will do nicely.” I stood and she went towards the front door, as she added “I’ll meet you in the car park, left side, okay?”

“Sure Pearl, I’ll be there at six-thirty.” I replied, not knowing if I should hug her or not.

I need not have worried, as she grabbed me and hugged me tightly, whispering into my ear the words “And I’ll sure it will be a very pleasant night for both of us, Bryn.”

I was breathless, as she opened the door and I stepped out into the bright sunlight. Damn! I’ve just arranged a date with a neighbour, a widowed one at that…older than my mother! Lots of things were running through my mind, as I walked on home. When I entered my parents house, Mum asked how things went, and I told her what I had done, and that Mrs. Fisher, I didn’t use her first name, fed me lunch. I also said I was taking a nap, as last night was a bit rough. And I made up some story about meeting the lads for a snack this evening, and then to just shoot the breeze. I promised that I doubted doing heavy drinking.

My nap was long, as I finally woke at about five. I took a long hot shower, and then lounged about the bedroom, bit of You Tube, before finally getting dressed. Yes, I was nervous. Extremely! After all, it’s not often that an opportunity like this comes along. After saying bye to my parents, I was off. It’s only a ten minute drive at most to Waitrose, and I was there at only a quarter-hour past six. Way too early, but I was a bit, well, anxious I guess would be a good word. At six-thirty, no Pearl. Okay, I was more than just anxious. But a minute later, a car pulls across in front of mine, and a window rolled down, and there she was.

“Hello Byrn, come on get in.” I quickly got out of my VW Golf, locked it up and got into her Black Mercedes, shut the door, buckling my seatbelt.

“Why this car park?”

She laughed softly, “Too many people know me in Winchester, Bryn. I took a big enough chance on picking you up here even…you know my job. You hungry?” she asked, changing the subject.

“Yes, sort of.” I replied, a bit nervously.

“All we have time for is a quick drive through, is Burger King okay?” she asked.

“Uh, yes, that’ll be OK.” was my response. I wanted to ask where were we going, but I decided she would tell me in good time. We obviously were not staying too close to the city, or she wouldn’t have been concerned about being seen. Not a word was spoken, until after we had went through the drive-through at Millbrook, Southampton, and we both finished our burgers. I had a lot of time in studying Pearl Fisher in her smart business suit, tan tights, two inch court shoes and the lightly frilled blouse beneath the jacket. I was in, as per instructions, smart casuals, so guessed that she had been on a professional mission, dressed like that. Thirty minutes later, we were on the M27 going West, when she finally spoke, saying “Bryn, this may seem strange to you, but well…”

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Office Assistance

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It’s late. The night is cool and clear with the night black above the street lights. The building is quiet; most of the windows are dark. The wind stirs. I shiver but not with chill, my arms warm in the pale green sweater that clings to my chest.

No. I shiver with anxiety and desire. The very dedication that I have admired my lover for keeps him so distant from me. Yet I know he needs me. And I feel intently the need I have for him.

I’m reminded of my bareness as the breeze stirs the lacy black skirt that swooshes above my knees and blows underneath to plant a cool kiss on smooth lips. The power of love combined with lust keeps me moist there.

I know he’s working late. My presence will be a surprise to him. He has been working so hard lately I think he deserves a little distraction. He forgets about that other part of himself when he’s so busy; he turns it off to focus on his clients. That part is what I’m here to turn on. The part of him that looks intently at me, watching and waiting, enjoying the attention and view until he decides to take control.

I tremble again as I enter the building with just a little anxiety building in me. Since he’s not expecting me I can only hope he finds this a welcome distraction. I prepare myself for the worst. Perhaps I’m coming at a bad time. I decide I’ll be gracious and walk away with a kiss.

I step into the elevator and catch sight of myself in the polished stainless steel. Nipples outlined by my sweater, buttons left open over my cleavage and the shapeliness of my legs showing under my short but full skirt. My eyes glitter with lust and the corner of my lips twitch as I note the swish of my skirt around my hips as I turn around. I feel like a creamy pool of wetness is gathering in my womanly center. “Like hell I will,” I grin at my reflection. I push such pushover thoughts out of my head and think about the release we’ll both be getting.

Quietly I slip in through the main doors of his office turning the bolt locked as I ease the door shut behind me. The door to his private office is ajar. I see the light from within as I approach, my lips curling in a smile of anticipation. I feel the buzz, warm and tingly, building at the top of my slit.

“Hi, baby.” I lean against the doorway.

“Hi,” his smile at seeing me washes away the last smudges of any hesitancy I had left. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

“I had to see you. I think you’ve been working too hard.” I speak in mock seriousness.

His smile droops a bit at this criticism not knowing I’m teasing. He hasn’t seen the play in my eyes yet. I kick my shoes off to the side as much to let him know I plan on staying awhile as to get myself comfortable. I walk slowly over to him, taking care to swing my hips. I love the feel of my skirt as it sways around my thighs.

“You doing ok, baby?” I like him watching me. I like seeing him relax as he recognizes my intentions.

“I’m so freakin’ tired. I can’t look at the numbers and graphs for much longer.” He leans back in his chair as I walk around behind him.

“You know,” I drawl, “sometimes a little break, a little diversion, can help you to refocus on your work. I could give you something else to look at.”

“Do you really think so?” he laughs. I’m looking.”

“Oh, I really do think so.” My hands go to his shoulders trying to rub and squeeze away the tension that has built-up there. I lean over to talk softly in his ear.

“In fact, I think it should be a requirement that your personal needs be attended to daily to leave you free to concentrate on your client’s problems.” My face presses against his neck while I breath in his scent.

“You don’t want a distracting hard-on to rear its ugly head in the middle of a meeting with an attractive business woman, do you?” my lips whisper against his ear.

“Ugly?” he chuckles.

“Of course it’s gonna be ugly,” my voice full of pout, “ after all this neglect it might be downright angry.”

He laughs out loud; a sound that hugs my soul.

I step away to the chair on the other side of the desk.

“Besides,” he continues, “who says I wouldn’t get a hard-on even if I did get this daily attention?”

I move in slow exaggerated movements, “Well, honey,” I reply deliberately arching with my derriere tipped up into the air as I pull the chair over; close to his side, facing him.

“You may still get a hard-on but it won’t be nearly as ugly.” I bend so he can bakırköy escort see the tops of my black stockings..

“Did you want a hand with that?” I hear the smile in his voice as he asks.

“Oh, no. I got it.” I shoot a grin back over my shoulder as I scooch back closer to him presenting my rear first. “Consider it part of my role as your new assistant.”

I don’t have to look as I sit down. I can feel his eyes watching me.

“Your new assistant in charge of personal gratification,” I explain further. I bring my knees up to my chest my hands coming forward to stroke my calves up and down. A silver anklet shimmers against black. I close my eyes enjoying the sensuousness of the smooth silk covering my legs. Now he can see the sides of my buttocks behind my legs – the creaminess of my skin contrasting with the black garters.

Leaning back I let my knees fall outward the black lace of my skirt falling modestly over my genitalia even though it slides down my thigh to keep him aware of the limited coverage my stockings provide me with. Warmth rushes to my center and I feel my pulse in my clit as I see the intent that he watches me with through my own half-closed eyes.

My hands resting on my knees slide down to caress the tender flesh of my inner thighs.

“This is what I’ve been dreaming of you doing,” I tell him softly. I let my fingertips trace along the edge of my stockings, up the satiny straps of my garter, hands moving in unison, knees spreading wider and wider. The hem of my skirt is pushed up by my hands as my fingers trail over the highest most inner parts of my thighs. I spread my fingers. My thumbs point up and I bring them together over the hood of my nub peeking out above my slit. I give in for a moment and touch that sensitive tip that’s exposed by my other thumb pulling the tender hood of skin up. A little thrust of my hips escapes with the thrill of my touch, groaning as he leans over to look closer, and I stop. Thumbs lifting I reach down to stroke my ass cheeks before my fingers settle at the top of my thighs again.

He leans back again, I suspect so as not to cramp the hardness growing in his crotch as he watches me.

“Mmmm, let me see you baby,” I stare at his bulge as my fingers play with the creases where my legs meet my ass, venturing closer and closer to the folds of my womanhood.

He smiles at my request.

“Sure thing, darling.” He stands, his eyes traveling over and between my legs and back to my eyes as he leans over to lay his warm lips against mine.

I see his hand go to his belt as I close my eyes, my lips grabbing on to his lower lip. I arch up towards him to stroke his tongue with my own. Having missed him I’m hungry for his kiss. He breaks away, chuckling at my eagerness for his mouth, his hands opening his pants. His eyes continue to caress my fingers where they stroke the smooth, soft lips of my sex.

He brings both his briefs and his trousers to his knees. My eyes are now open wide as they eat up the sight of his erect cock. I realize my mouth his hanging open as I watch his hand stroke the length of his shaft. His movements are neither slow nor rushed.

My hand no longer requires thought to direct it as my fingertips dip between my inner lips into the slick pool there. I spread my juices up and down my slit and over the swollen nub at the top. I whimper as my need builds, exposing myself more and more with my legs draped over the arms of the chair and my skirt up around my waist. My hands caress my breasts over my sweater. Hard nipples outlined by the snug knit that clings to their shape. I reach in the top of the sweater and one hand cups and pulls a breast out, then the other hand does the same.

A groan slips out of my while I pinch and roll my nipples simultaneously. His hard prick seems to jump in his hand at the sound.

“Oh, baby. You look delicious.” I lick my lips and swallow, salivating at the though of him in my mouth.

“I’ll let you taste later,” his voice is hypnotizing as I watch the smooth, patient rhythm of his hand. I could see how hard he was, skin tight over his shaft with his sac drawn up tight below.

I groan.

“Right now I want you to finger fuck yourself,” his direction is just what I need as my building desire starts to drive thought from my mind. All I know now is how bad I want to touch that cock his hands expertly and leisurely stroke and pull.

My beşiktaş escort hands go back to my thighs stroking lightly, quickly now. The middle finger of my right hand goes to my clit, rubs a little then dips into the honey pot below, bringing the wetness oozing over my labia and onto my thighs. I groan at my own wetness, taking my honey dipped finger to my face to be smelled and licked while my other hand’s fingers explore he depths of my folds further.

Licked clean my finger returns to my swollen button to rub gentle circles there. Another finger slides into me below, between the lips now puffy with lust and desire.

“Use two fingers,” soft but direct he leads me. His very commands cause me to contract within.

I watch the engorged vein that runs along his shaft. Eagerly obliging my middle finger joins my index finger. His hand stroking with fingers I wanted inside of me like the two I now had sunk into myself up to the first knuckles.

“Is that how you’re going to fingerfuck me?” I ask hoarsely, sinking both fingers in as far as I can as I still rub my own alert, sensitive nub of erectile tissue.

“No,” he answers slowly. “I’m going to use all my fingers.”

I twitch and groan, feeling myself clench around my fingers at the thought of him stretching me open. I rub my clit fast but lightly, two fingers pushing inwards feeling the wet walls of my pussy. I become even more turned on by the thought of what he would feel if it were his fingers.

I arch and whimper pushing my hips up towards my hands. My eyes squeeze shut then open seeking his flesh.

“Oh, God….Please….I want you so bad,” I whisper.

“You’ve got me. Soon. I want to see you come first.” He kneels down in front of me, still stroking his meat as he watches my hands work. I feel my insides clench around my fingers. He leans in closer. My breath catches and I hold it as I feel his breath on my wet center. My rubbing, his closeness and the feeling of my insides against my fingers drive me shuddering to the edge of my climax.

“Come for me, baby,” his voice takes me over the edge and I thrust up finally grunting, my body locked in tension as my insides explode in a shower of orgasm like fireworks in a black sky.

As my shudders subside I look at him, the desire in his eyes, his proud member upright in front of me as he stands and comes to where I have ended up leaning to the side of the chair my legs still split wide. I slowly rub up and down my puffy lips and clit in awe of the silky wetness covering everything there. My fingers removed I put them in my mouth and absentmindedly lick them clean.

My eyes are locked on him and his slow stroking. He looks so smooth, so hard. The juices of his arousal ooze . My fingers clean my hand goes to one of my breasts and cups it, pinching the deep pink nipple with my finger and thumb. I stretch towards him so close I can stick my tongue out and lick him. And so I do. I stroke him up and down with my tongue’s wet tip.

He caresses my face as I use my tongue to tease the little hole in top of his head. I leave a wet trail as I bring my mouth down to his sack. Sucking in first one smooth ball (he moans) and then the other. Through glazed eyes looking up I watch his eyes roam my body, the teased nipple cupped in my hand, my stretched silky black legs hanging over the chair arms and my finger that has settled back on my exposed clit that remains ever so sensitive after my recent orgasm. I find myself rocking my hips forward as if seeking fulfillment in front of me. I lick my way back up to the head of his blood engorged prick and open my lips to suck him into my mouth, welcoming him back to my throat as the fingers of one of his hands weaves their way through my hair. He reaches down with his other hand to pinch my other nipple and my groan vibrates his cock. The timing of my little clit strokes match his thrusts as he pushes into the back of my throat holding my head steady as he does. I quiver with each beat of our steady rhythm.

“You want me to fuck you now?” he asks as he pulls away.

“Yes, please,” I whimper softly. My actions are becoming lost from thought once again with my hand slowly patting my clit and I feel like I’m about to start blubber as little moans escape from each breath.

“Are you sure?” He sits back down his cock alert and unattended against his belly.

My answer lets loose my beylikdüzü escort incoherent begging.

“Oh gawd, yes. Please. Fuck me. God. I’m so wet. Please. Fuck me hard.” Slowly patting. “Oh, please. Please. Fuck me.” Staring at him. “I want that. Oh, fuck.” Arching up as he kneels once more in front of me his closeness once again feeding the lust that has built back up in me.

I feel like the ultimate whore, something I have never wanted to be considered but somehow enjoying it now because in that moment I am his whore.

“Oh, please, baby, I want it. I want it in me. Put your cock in me.”

His hands were warm stroking the insides of my thighs briefly before I felt the swollen head crowning his hardness slip up and down over my slit. My begging became a mixture of whimpers and cries with pleas for his hard cock as he teased me.

The pressure increases ever so slightly and the tip of his member spreads my lips and cries get louder, more insistent. “Now, please, now, FUCK ME!” I call to my lover but his patience prevails.

“Are you sure? I can go in slow like this forever.”

“Yes!” I answer, then “no, oh gawd, I need it so bad. Oh, please. Fuck me.”

But all he does is tiny little ventures into me though with each little push and my straining towards him he slowly made progress.

“Are you sure your ready?” he questioned me more as I groaning and writhing with the head of his cock nestled completely beyond my smooth outer lips.

“YES. Now. YES. Oh, FUCK me!!” My breath catches and my voice cracks with my begging. Then I groan loudly as he presses into me surrounding himself in my warm wetness. He presses deep and holds himself there. The fullness of him inside of me, the heat of his skin at my opening, his hardness stretching my lips apart and his pubic bone pressing on my clit paralyze me for a moment before I squeeze myself around him several times in lustful spasms.

My begging is reduced to groaning as he slowly pulls out and enters me gently but purposely again, pressing deeply in. He repeats his slow withdrawal and thrusts back in with easy and regular rhythm, lulling me with its cadence and then surprising me with a hard fast poke into me that he holds deep. And so his pace continues dazing me with his strokes to my inside interspersed with the possessing, consuming thrusts of a man with his own building power and desire.

His hands stroke my legs and he takes an ankle in each hand to bring each to his shoulders. The beat hastens and I become silent, breathless and thoughtless with nothing but the experience of my feeling and the dim awareness that he was taking his pleasure from me with a pace all his own. All parts of me peaking in sensitivity from the touch of his torso against the back of my thighs, his hands firmly grasping my hips and my own hands cupping and squeezing my breasts as they perch over the neckline of my sweater. His thrust took on that special quality of occurring completely without effort as if powered by a separate force, that quality that takes over as he comes to his climax; a quality that pounds out the noisy wet pussy squeezing orgasm his fucking has brought me to. The sounds in the quiet of the office build up. The suction of my wet pussy and the slapping of his balls against my wet bottom destroying the silence. The last bit of quiet is broken when my loud cries break through and his grunts are ousted with each push. We reach our release together and the ultimate pleasure of sex is ours.

Our movements are full of caress and sensuality in the aftermath. Hands stroke and touch. He gently lowers my legs and takes my hands to pull me up against him. My legs wrap around him in embrace as my arms encircle his head and his surround my waist. I rest my head against his shoulder with my nose nestled against his neck. I feel both of our heartbeats pounding as our breath settles. Our mouths come together and open to each other in a wet kiss of shared passion and love.

I giggle as he clasps me tightly and rises, carrying me to the couch. His leg over mine and his chest against mine as we lie together keep me warm and gently pulsing with the pleasure our love-lust has brought. I feel his semi-hardness agreeing with my own sentiment as we whisper our love and happiness before we start to doze….knowing what pleasure will be ours for taking when we wake.

“And darling,” I make one last remark before sleep overtakes, “I think your personal assistant deserves some regular hours so I’ll be back tomorrow.”

“It is tomorrow,” he whispers back before kissing my mouth.

The benefit of a position of such responsibility becomes more evident and thoughts of sleep become delayed by the growing concern refocusing against my belly….

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No Regrets

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NOTE: This story is entirely a work of fiction. If you are easily offended by sexual subjects, you probably shouldn’t read this. But if you’re not offended, ENJOY!

* * * * *

He is what I consider the perfect mix of man…intelligent, handsome, funny, and a truly nice guy. And over the first few months that we worked together we became somewhat acquainted.

And steadily he became a hot topic among the lunch gossip at Frank’s Deli, even among my daily lunch group of fellow married women. “Have you girls checked out the new guy in Accounting?” asked Kaye. “That cologne he wears, and his butt! Whoa! Who HASN’T been looking as he walks by?” exclaimed Rebecca.

I made sure to exclude myself from their conversations so as not to arouse suspicion, but I had, of course, been watching him all along. And quite a few times I had caught him watching me…I would just flash a smile at him and turn away, embarrassed. For although the fantasy of being kartal escort with him contained endless possibilities, I knew that my conscience and morals would never allow anything between us besides friendship. “Unfortunately,” I thought more than once, & sighed inwardly. And anyhow, who was I to think that the attraction could possibly be reciprocal?

So the months went by, and although I’m sure he had lots of offers, he remained single. Happily, I got to know him better – we talked often and went out with groups to lunch and to the occasional Happy Hour after work when I could get away. The way I reconciled in my own head – better a friend than nothing at all. But the better I got to know him, the stronger my attraction became. I found his combination of good qualities well & truly irresistible.

One Friday night, I found myself working late. Since my husband was out of town, I volunteered for the last bostancı escort shift to give the other girls a much needed break. I wrapped everything up by 6:30 – and then proceeded directly to The Frosted Mug, the unofficial after-work gathering place, for a much needed beer.

Expecting to see the usual mix of after-work revelers, off-duty policemen, & homeless people, I was shocked to find no one I knew in sight. I sat right down at the bar, ordered my usual Friday Foster’s, and asked the barmaid where the crew was.

“Well, honey, there were only about 5 of your crowd here, they each had 1 drink, and then decided to pack it up and go home. Well, they all did, except for HIM. And he bought your first round already.”

I followed her pointing finger to a back table, where he sat alone. Our eyes met, and he beckoned to me to join him. My conscience screamed at me instantly. “This isn’t right! You’re maltepe escort a married woman! Wave goodbye to him and walk out the door!”

If my legs had any ability to obey my conscience, I think, no, I’m sure I would have done just that. But on this particular night, I was tired of the constant inward fight with myself. And so it was that I found myself walking to his table, eyes locked on his, drink in my hand, and a sharp lightning strike of arousal ending somehow on both my nipples and my clit.

Oddly enough, he was drinking a Coke, and he had ordered a Diet Coke for me. “How did you know that’s what I drink?” I asked. “Well, I see you every day with at least 2 of these!” he answered. I sat my beer down next to it and took a long swig of the soda instead. “So, what’s the deal?” I asked. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you at a bar with a pop in your hand!” He laughed and then looked intently and a little shyly at me. “Well, I have to admit, I have a plan for tonight, and I wanted to stay sober. Did you have your heart set on staying at the bar?”

My heart was banging in my chest, and I felt my nipples and clit begin to tingle even more. My pussy, that had become damp when our eyes first met, began to drip. I heard myself as through a fog. “No, I really don

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