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We Met In A Library-Ch. 8

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With your thong stashed in my room where no one should find it, I spend the rest of the day trying not to think about the crust dried on my chest. I still want to find you, but it feels like you’re intentionally avoiding me, maybe even watching me, waiting to surprise me with some other treat. At least now I know you live in the same building.Tuesday drones on until evening with nothing eventful and finally eating dinner in the cafeteria, I people-watch as I sip a warm cup of tea. I should have thought of staking out before, but hormones make my head turn to steam. I watch every woman who steps through the doors until they remove their coats and I can see they aren’t you.Every parka that escapes the cold outside Yozgat Escort with gusts of frigid wind and rustling leaves slipping inside makes might heart leap with hope. But every hood that’s removed disappoints. Now that I think about it, I’ve only ever seen you dressed appropriately and in a normal context once. Though my context at the time was butt naked and cumming on a window. . . .My face burns and I shake my head to clear it. I look around furtively, hoping no one else saw me through my window. I don’t remember anyone else being in the quad, but I only had eyes for you then.Tea growing cold in my cup, I drain it and take my dishes to the tray return, buttoning up my coat and marching Yozgat Escort Bayan through the cold back to my room. I replay last night’s excitement and think about your thong, hidden under my mattress. Maybe I can jerk into it? Though I won’t want to do that too many times without washing, and I don’t really want to wash it after what you did in it.I climb the staircase in the warmth and turn into my hall. Brushing past a few giggling girls going the other way, I see what they are laughing at. My door has a sock over the handle, which means I should wait in the hall or lounge for a while. At least this time, Eric remembered the sock.I fall onto the couch in the lounge and scroll through Escort Yozgat social media. I’ve never used them very much, but I like to have them to keep in touch with old friends when needed. As I glance over photos and skip social justice propaganda, people come and go, stomping on the stairs or letting the fire doors slam shut behind them. It’s noisy, but at least it will drown out the moaning from my room down the hall.I never think about Eric in that context, and until now, I’ve never thought about his girlfriend. Ever since her panty comment, I’ve seen her more as a sexual woman than just a face that shows up in my room too often.My heart starts to race. I really hope she doesn’t find your panty. She shouldn’t think it’s hers, but what if she did? I couldn’t care less what she thinks of me for having it, but I don’t want her to take it from me.What if she puts them on? My temples throb with my pulse, thinking of your juices mixing with hers, unbeknownst to her, of course.

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Histoire Africaine 03

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En ce vendredi soir, Paul propose à Anne, pour les distraire, de passer la soirée dans un bar d’européens. Il est un peu moins de vingt deux heures lorsqu’il pousse la porte pour découvrir le café des amis.

Le petit hall d’entrée, fermé de portes à deux vantaux aux vitres opaques, protège, du vent, la salle est tout en longueur. Toute la partie gauche est occupée par le comptoir. Le long du mur opposé, face au bar, quelques chaises autour de tables basses attendent d’éventuels clients. Au bout de cette première pièce, on peut apercevoir le début d’une autre salle qui s’avère plus grande que la première. Le bar est décoré avec goût. Ils s’appuient au zinc pour commander.

Derrière le comptoir, se tient une jeune femme, entre vingt cinq et trente ans. Elle a de longs cheveux bruns coiffés en chignon. Elle est vêtue d’un débardeur scintillant à fines bretelles avec un profond décolleté qui cache une poitrine, apparemment, libre de tout soutien. Une courte jupe couvre la partie supérieure de ses cuisses.

Elle les prie de la suivre dans la pièce du fond, qui est séparé du bar par un double rideau entrouvert. Le centre de cette pièce fait office de piste de danse, de chaque côté, il y a des tables et des boxes.

Elle les invite à prendre place dans le box qui est le plus éloigné du comptoir, c’est le seul dont l’ouverture est face au bar. Les boxes sont des réduits séparés par des cloisons légères hautes d’environ un mètre vingt recouvertes de tissus pourpres.

Dans chaque box, il y a une banquette en U, plus ou moins grande, recouverte de simili cuir rouge. Particulièrement profonde, la partie centrale de la banquette ressemble à un divan. Un petit guéridon en bois exotique, un plafonnier et quelques coussins complètent l’ensemble.

– C’est le plus confortable, installez vous. Ce soir, il n’y aura pas beaucoup de monde, car nous fermons de bonne heure. Que voulez vous boire? Proclame la serveuse.

La barmaid, professionnelle, revient quelques instants plus tard pour déposer sur le guéridon un cendrier, un bougeoir odorant qui éclaire son visage méditerranéen. Quand elle se baisse, Anne peut voir pendant quelques instants ses seins qui ballottent sous le top très échancré.

Une musique, petit à petit, se fait entendre. Aux lumières vives des spots succède un éclairage très tamisé diffusé par quelques appliques. Le tour de la salle est maintenant dans une relative pénombre, seul le centre de la pièce est subtilement éclairé par quelques projecteurs. Puis la musique augmente de volume pour distiller quelques tubes des années soixante.

La barmaid revient avec les consommations, ce qui permet aussi à Paul, d’entrevoir sa poitrine libre sous le léger vêtement.

Anne réclame une paille, la serveuse, quelque instants plus tard, en rapporte plusieurs qu’elle dépose sur la table basse

En plus de la serveuse, il y a un homme d’environ quarante ans perché sur un haut tabouret, au comptoir, tout proche de l’arrière salle. Dans le fond de la pièce où ils sont, un autre homme, plus âgé, occupe seul une table.

Attirée par une chanson endiablée, Anne gage le centre de la piste pour danser en solo. Très sensuelle, elle se tortille, elle se déhanche sous les décibels

Au bout de dix minutes de danse sur des rythmes effrénés, elle revient pour vider son verre de Gin. Ensuite, elle entraîne Paul pour danser quelques slows.

Anne, ce soir là, a un très léger tailleur, de couleur jaune pâle, fermé par trois boutons de nacre. Elle porte la veste à même la peau sur un soutien gorge blanc qui a du mal à contenir sa belle poitrine. Elle a mis un string sous une jupe courte, largement fendue sur le devant.

Paul porte, comme souvent, une tenue très classique : pantalon de toile avec chemise ouverte sur une légère veste.

Enlacés, ils dansent, bercés par la musique.

Animé par une idée bien précise, il demande à Anne de déboutonner sa veste. Elle le fait discrètement, de bonne grâce, car elle a très chaud. Il en profite aussitôt pour passer une main dessous, pour empaumer un sein à travers le fin sous-vêtement. De temps en temps, avec beaucoup de discrétions pour ne pas éveiller l’attention des autres personnes, son autre main descend vers les reins d’Anne et parfois beaucoup plus bas encore, pour caresser ses fesses rebondies.

Paul a remarqué que l’homme assis sur le tabouret, est tourné vers eux, il ne cesse de les observer évoluer sous le halo de lumière.

Au bout d’un quart d’heure, à s’être échauffé les sens et les corps, ils retournent s’asseoir.

Anne repart rapidement sur la piste pour s’éclater sur des musiques, à nouveau, trépidantes. Seule, elle se trémousse sur des airs remuants, laissant entrevoir, de temps en temps, la blancheur du soutien gorge aux bonnets pigeonnants.

Paul en profite pour quitter sa place, il se dirige vers le bar aux fins de recommander à boire. La barmaid discute tranquillement avec le client toujours perché sur le tabouret, il ne quitte pas des yeux Anne. Paul interrompt leur conversation Van Escort pour recommander à boire.

A ce moment, l’homme pivote pour lui faire face et l’interpelle :

– Bonjour, je m’appelle Tony, vous formez un très beau couple, j’aime les gens qui dansent comme vous, permettez-moi de vous offrir un verre à vous ainsi qu’à la personne qui vous accompagne. Lui dit-il en me tendant la main.

Sans réfléchir, Paul lui signifie son accord, alors il descend de son siège pour le suivre jusqu’à leur table. Avant de repartir, en compagnie de l’inconnu, il indique à la serveuse qu’ils veulent deux Gins toniques.

L’homme avise la serveuse :

-Sofia, trois et des doubles!

Tony a quarante deux ans, il travaille dans le bar. Plutôt corpulent, des épaules larges, mais pas mal physiquement, il est vêtu d’un polo beige d’une marque célèbre, d’un jean de bonne facture. Il est sympathique, sa conversation est plaisante.

La serveuse arrive avec trois verres, quelques serviettes en papier, elle dépose le tout sur le guéridon en gratifiant Paul d’un super sourire lorsqu’elle voit à nouveau son regard plonger dans son décolleté.

Tony l’interpelle :

– Sofia, tu n’as pas fini d’exhiber tes seins sous le nez des clients, tu bois quelque chose avec nous? Qu’il demande sur le ton de la plaisanterie,

– Je dois rester au bar, répond la jeune femme en haussant les épaules.

– Tu peux fermer maintenant. Ordonne Tony.

Elle repart vers le bar avec les verres vides, permettant à Paul d’observer son superbe fessier, pour verrouiller la porte d’entrée et éteindre la lumière du hall.

Tony sort d’une de ses poches une toute petite boite, en extrait une gélule bicolore qu’il ouvre pour en verser le contenu dans un des verres qui se trouve devant lui. Il prend une paille disponible sur la table pour mélanger l’ensemble, il laissa la paille dans le verre.

Anne, lorsqu’elle les rejoint, est à peine surprise de voir Paul en compagnie d’une personne étrangère.

Tony serre longuement et avec beaucoup de douceur la main d’Anne, ils font les présentations. Anne a vingt-sept ans, moi trente deux, nous allons nous marier.

Elle vient s’asseoir entre eux deux, elle reprend son souffle quelques minutes tout en bavardant avec eux.

Tony prend les deux verres qui se trouvent devant lui, il présente celui qui a une paille à la femme. Anne, qui a eu très chaud en dansant, porte aussitôt la paille à ses lèvres, elle aspire quelques gorgées du breuvage.

Tony, après avoir vidé son verre, invite Anne à danser.

– Buvez d’un seul trait, c’est meilleur! Dit-il en enlevant d’autorité la paille du verre qu’Anne a à la main.

Elle s’exécute, elle vide le reste de son verre en un éclair.

La recommandation de Tony surprend Paul, il réalise à ce moment qu’il a dû substituer les deux verres, donnant à Anne celui dans lequel il a mélangé, avec la paille, l’alcool et le contenu de la capsule.

En se levant, la veste d’Anne, toujours déboutonnée, s’ouvre généreusement. Tony a amplement le temps de voir le soutien gorge en dentelle blanche. Les bonnets pigeonnants soulèvent ses beaux seins en les écartant, laissant les parties supérieures découvertes.

– Anne, si tous vos dessous sont comme ça, Paul doit être comblé? Dit Tony pour la féliciter.

Sans pouvoir le vérifier, Paul devine que le joli visage d’Anne doit s’empourprer sous la remarque de Tony. Il entraîne Anne sur la piste. Pendant une dizaine de minutes, les slows se succèdent et le couple bouge à peine.

Anne aime se trémousser sur ces danses lascives. Elle ondule des hanches sous l’impulsion de la musique, à chaque mouvement de son corps sculptural se dégage une sensualité torride.

Le ventre d’Anne s’écrase en ondulant sur celui de son cavalier.

En dansant, Tony parle à l’oreille d’Anne, celle-ci semble apprécier le galant cavalier qui la maintient étroitement serrée contre lui, une main installée sous la veste, à la hauteur des reins, alors que son autre main caresse le cou gracile.

L’ingéniosité qu’il déploie pour la séduire puis pour l’exciter pendant les danses est presque obscène. Anne semble commencer à vibrer dans ses bras

Sofia réapparaît, une coupe de champagne à la main, elle prend place à côté de Paul. Ils échangent quelques banalités tout en regardant le couple danser.

Au bout d’un moment, il l’invite à danser.

Paul tombe la veste avant de gagner la piste, il retrouve Anne et Tony engagés dans un corps à corps impudique.

Sofia, en toute indécence, se colle à Paul, lui caresse, d’une main délicate, la nuque.

A cause ou grâce au mélange alcoolisé qu’elle a ingurgité, Anne parait de plus en plus troublée, dans les bras de Tony. Elle le laisse agir à sa guise.

La main de Tony abandonne le cou pour lui caresser le haut des seins après avoir écarté les pans de la veste déboutonnée.

La rigueur implacable avec laquelle il met en œuvre un cycle de massages, transforme le visage d’Anne qui a les yeux Van Escort Bayan mi-clos et la bouche ouverte.

La cuisse de Tony a pris position entre celles d’Anne pour lui masser l’entre jambes.

Paul peut sentir les pointes des seins de Sofia s’écraser et frotter contre son torse. De plus, son ventre subtilement ondule contre le mien.

Pendant la série de slows, le souffle tiède de sa bouche caresse sa joue.

Il sent, à travers ses vêtements, la motte rebondie de son bas-ventre, provoqué sa queue qui enfle sous sa ceinture.

Dès lors, Sofia ne peut plus ignorer l’intérêt que lui inspire sa désirable personne. Paul ne peut plus cacher son envie, trahi par une superbe érection.

Aussi Sofia, serre encore plus fort son ventre contre son sexe, elle lui dit :

– C’est moi qui te mets dans cet état? J’ai très envie de te connaître.

– Je veux bien le croire. Lui répond Paul en passant une main sous sa jupe pour lui caresser les fesses. Surpris, il ne rencontre aucun obstacle alors que sa main remonte vers ses reins.

Tony s’écarte imperceptiblement, il passe sa deuxième main sous la veste d’Anne, palpe le sein qui s’offre sous ses doigts, il dégage des bonnets les deux globes laiteux en les effleurant à peine.

Puis il remonte les deux mains, ensemble, vers les épaules, saisit la veste par le revers du col, il la fait glisser le long du corps jusqu’à ce qu’elle rejoigne le sol.

Tony, impatient, n’en reste pas là, il dégrafe, illico presto, le soutien gorge qui finit par retrouver la veste, délivrant les seins opulents qui palpitent.

Satisfait, il saisit avec douceur, le visage d’Anne, sa bouche prend longuement ses lèvres frémissantes, les baise vingt fois, cent fois, il glisse sa langue dans la bouche où une autre langue l’attend.

Sous l’emprise du savant baiser, elle plaque son corps contre celui de Tony.

Pour les mains habiles de Tony, dégrafer la courte jupe est un jeu d’enfant. Aussi, l’attache ne résiste pas longtemps, la jupe tombe en corolle au pieds d’Anne. Tony la saisit alors sous les aisselles, la soulève de terre l’espace d’un instant, pour écarter discrètement du pied le vêtement.

Il passe un bras autour des épaules d’Anne pour la maintenir, sa main libre, experte, atteint un sein palpitant pour agacer la pointe magistralement dressée.

L’adresse de Tony sur le sein d’Anne lui fait naître de longs frissons qui la tétanisent. Il presse doucement la pointe par de légères torsions.

Elle en éprouve une ivresse incomparable. Elle se sent sans volonté dans les bras de cet homme expert et séducteur. Elle savoure l’excitation qui naît, grandit, elle diffuse partout en elle.

A chaque nouvelle étape, la main de Tony est plus ferme et plus précise. Bientôt la paume qui électrise, les tétons sont remplacés par un pouce et un index qui semblent vouloir rouler et allonger ses tétons. Désormais, les seins d’Anne ont atteint une telle sensibilité que chaque malaxage attise le feu qui couve dans son sexe.

Insensiblement, elle écarte les jambes, sa moule bave, humidifiant le léger slip.

Un gigantesque frisson traverse son corps, Paul l’entend gémir.

Il est quand même un peu surpris de constater qu’Anne s’est laissé dépouiller de ses vêtements sans opposer aucune résistance, elle s’abandonne, à présent sans restriction, aux caresses habiles et aux regards investigateurs

Pour la remercier où pour l’exciter plus encore, Tony lui prend à nouveau la bouche pour un échange muet et nourri de sensualité.

Puis sa main s’aventure sur son ventre, rampe vers le pubis, Anne, encore une fois, ne tente pas de l’arrêter, la progression se poursuit. Ils tracent avec ses doigts des cercles sur la peau d’Anne qui l’électrisent.

Ayant contourné le dernier obstacle vestimentaire, les doigts de Tony atteignent le bouton si émouvant que toute femme a à l’orée de la fente de son sexe.

Le pistil clitoridien darde désespérément, un son guttural sort de la gorge d’Anne lorsque les doigts le titillent.

Elle a alors un long et profond tressaillement. Une secousse incontrôlable la pousse à se serrer plus étroitement encore contre Tony.

Les doigts de Tony s’activent et les chairs d’Anne s’ouvrent, libérant leur liqueur.

Doigté par Tony, elle se tord sans retenue, gémit, elle rive à la bouche de Tony ses deux lèvres brûlantes.

Voulant profiter de ce spectacle hautement excitant, Sofia ainsi que Paul dansent tout près d’eux tout en se caressant presque avec sagesse.

Le débardeur maintenant roulé autour de sa taille, Sofia reçoit l’hommage des mains de Paul sur les pointes dressées de ses seins. Une main de Sofia s’est infiltrée dans son pantalon, après en avoir descendu la fermeture éclair, elle masse délicatement le phallus dressé.

Cependant, ils ne sont pas les seuls à souhaiter jouir du spectacle qui se déroule devant eux. L’homme plus âgé, qui est assis au fond de la salle, depuis un bon moment, s’est approché, il a sorti sa queue, il se branle sans Escort Van retenue.

Il contourne sans un mot le couple enlacé sur la piste tout en continuant à secouer son nœud. Il est à présent si près, derrière Anne, qu’il peut la toucher de la main.

Elle ne s’est pas rendu compte de sa présence, envoûtée par les caresses que lui procurait Tony. Cependant, lui n’ignore pas la proximité de cet homme qui a les cheveux grisonnants, fleurent la cinquantaine, il porte des vêtements très chics.

Tout en agitant avec violence son sexe, il pose une main sur les fesses d’Anne, il la caresse quelques instants. Elle, électrisée par ce geste inattendu, réagit en tendant sa croupe vers la main impertinente.

A ce moment, Tony, avec beaucoup de diplomaties, fait faire demi-tour à Anne, tout en l’enlaçant étroitement. Il dépose de petits baisers sur le cou et au creux des épaules. Cette fois, les doigts de Tony, écartés au maximum, frottent les mamelons, ses ongles la griffent pour finir leur course sur le cou. Sous l’agression, les muscles aréolaires se contractent inexorablement, faisant saillir les mamelons.

Anne fait face à l’inconnu qui a laissé sa main sur son corps, il lui présente sa bite congestionnée. Ce dernier n’est pas très long, hors, il étonne par son diamètre inhabituel.

Sur la demande de Tony, elle, comme un somnambule, pose une main sur le sexe bandé qui se présente fièrement devant elle. A peine a-t-elle saisi et comprimé le gland entre ses doigts que l’homme explose en de lourdes salves qui se perdent sur le ventre d’Anne, dont l’excitation est à son comble.

En recevant les jets chauds, elle frise l’hystérie pendant quelques secondes, ses humeurs féminines s’épanchent sur le slip et le long de ses cuisses.

Après cet intermède, Tony entraîne Anne vers le box, les deux autres les suivent. Paul demande à Sofia d’apporter une bouteille de champagne, cinq flûtes et de baisser la musique.

L’homme qui a éjaculé sur le ventre d’Anne les a rejoints, il se prénomme Jean. Après s’être réajusté, il prend place entre Paul et Anne. Toujours aussi dévêtue, elle semble reprendre ses esprits. Elle utilise une serviette en papier pour effacer les traces gluantes que son voisin a laissées sur son corps.

Paul demande à Tony ce qu’il y a mis dans le verre. Il comprend aussitôt l’allusion, il répond que ces petites gélules sont concoctées par un de ses amis, pharmacien, que ces capsules contiennent un concentré vasodilatateur.

Sofia, après avoir abandonné son top, revient avec la boisson pétillante, elle les sert avant de s’accroupir devant Paul.

Elle s’approche, elle sort, avec de lents mouvements précis, son sexe tendu. Elle commence à le faire aller et venir dans sa main fine. Prenant tout son temps, elle le masse, le caresse, elle le fait durcir et s’allonger. Paul pose une main sur sa tête, mais sans appuyer, il se contente de lui effleurer les cheveux, mettant à mal son chignon.

Les trois partenaires les observent, les mains des deux hommes excités par le spectacle reprennent possession du corps d’Anne.

Les attouchements appliqués sur les points faibles d’Anne la rendent docile, elle est remarquablement réceptive.

Un engourdissement bienfaisant inonde sa poitrine et ses nymphes s’érigent pour mieux palpiter.

Un doigt et un pouce de Tony viennent se placer sur l’extrémité d’un de ses tétons durcis, la chaleur est immédiatement transmise aux canaux sensibles de sa zone érogène.

Un autre pouce, un autre doigt, ceux de Jean, sur son autre sein, elle frissonne.

Les doigts se font très aériens dans leur présence, ils décrivent de petits cercles qui entraînent ses tiges dans une légère rotation. Elle soupire, sa poitrine s’émerveille.

Spontanément, Jean s’est fait tout aussi adroit que Tony et ensemble, ils massent, pressent et écrasent gentiment les pointes sensibles.

Tony et Jean ont entamé un concerto à quatre mains sur la poitrine d’Anne.

Les doigts démoniaques s’évertuent dans leurs rotations. Les tétines caoutchouteuses ploient, roulent sur les aréoles, de gigantesques frissons traversent le corps suspendu aux caresses.

Brusquement, Tony aspire entre ses lèvres la totalité d’un mamelon, le plaisir est fulgurant. Le corps d’Anne se contorsionne indépendamment de sa volonté, le paroxysme de sa folie est atteint lorsque Jean gobe également son autre sein.

Sofia se penche, elle prend la bite de Paul dans sa bouche. Elle lui fait une longue pipe, le suce bien à fond, lui léchant les couilles, elle aspire le gland. Il se sert d’une de ses mains pour lui malaxer ses seins fermes aux bouts bien durs.

Elle fait rentrer sa grosse queue presque entièrement dans sa bouche, il se demande comment elle peut y arriver, compte tenu de la longueur de l’engin.

Il est trop excité pour avoir envie d’attendre qu’elle jouisse de ses caresses. Paul devine l’imminence de sa jouissance, il ne peut se retenir plus longtemps, il déverse son foutre épais dans sa bouche, sur son visage, sur son cou en laissant échapper un long râle.

Sofia s’éponge le visage avec une serviette en papier, vide sa coupe de champagne, toujours à genoux, elle s’installe entre les cuisses d’Anne qui ronronne sous les attouchements de ses deux voisins.

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PVC Me – A Fetish Life Ch. 07

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Life was happening so fast. I’m glad I opted for a red satin thong as I was feeling quite nervous on the train. I’d checked my emails and ‘PVC U Like’ had already seen my ‘Flashers’ magazine photos. They must have been quite impressed because ‘PVC Dreams’ wanted me to do a video. I felt so exited and there was also a quiet sense of disbelief.

After the second change, I soon hopped into a taxi from the train station in Norfolk. I was going for my second magazine outing. I was hoping there’d be a copy of ‘Flashers’ when I got to the ‘Kinksters’ set at ‘XD Publications.’

Sure enough, I had a quick flick through the new issue. I couldn’t believe I was on the front cover. I actually looked quite sexy, held high in the woods by two strangers, having my legs spread akimbo for all to see. My kinky, bright yellow PVC hot pants hung from my ankle. My matching Mac was draped off my shoulders. The mystery man and woman really made me feel sexy.

“So, are you OK with Anal?”

I dropped my magazine on my lap.

“Oh yes,” I replied. I was feeling quite nervous. “Although, I’ve never really tried it before.”

Suzy was really reassuring. The man sitting across from her said it was no big deal and the blonde woman gave me a smile. My hands shook as I disappeared to get changed. I took my time swapping my jeans for my black PVC two-piece bikini and my brand new plastic chaps. I had a nice glossy pair of high heels to complement Ordu Escort my outfit. The four of us went to the photography room.

The set had stone walls, lots of chains hanging from the ceiling and walls and a sturdy rustic work bench in the middle of the made up room. It looked quite like a blacksmith’s workshop. Suzy attached a slave collar and leash around my neck.

The blonde girl and I immediately took turns to suck the man off. He looked hurried with his jeans around his ankles. She took the leash and guided me over to the work bench.

The man removed his jeans and laid back on the rustic surface. I was helped into the reverse cowboy position. The blonde smoothed my PVC chaps over my thighs. She was making me feel really horny. The camera snapped as she pulled my black PVC bikini bottoms aside. The man’s thick cock filled my wet cunt. He was really big whilst she had the touch of a masseuse. His cock worked my pussy and I was relaxed but tensing to an orgasm.

The photographer guided us. My PVC bra slid up from my tits as the blonde peeled my sticking plastic off my nipples. She kneaded my pierced nipples rings as the man started grunting. He was forgetting where he was.

My roast beef sex lips were toyed by the blonde as the man underneath grabbed my tits. I fell back as my PVC panties were cleared aside to reveal my arse-hole. I was in the rudest position for all to see. I didn’t need lube as Ordu Escort Bayan his cock entered my bum. My arse had become naturally wet.

I was panicking a bit at how he stretched me. It was painful but pleasurable too. The thick cock stretched my ‘other’ love hole. The blonde looked to the camera as she worked my tightening pussy. I started to lose concentration and came.

“Oh my! I just squirted,” I laughed.

With a heaving bosom, me and the blonde changed positions. I’d only realised then that my PVC chaps had been removed. I must have eased into the bum fuck rather too absent-mindedly. The blonde took my position on the bench as I stood over her wet snatch. He took her bum as I licked her pussy. She tasted quite metallic and musky. I licked her then kissed; her tongue explored my mouth. I could see the man really enjoyed our show. He bucked like fuck as he fucked her tight arse. I interrupted the shoot.

“Please give me something for the journey home,” I sang.

With that, I was back in position on top of the man. She applied lube to my bum and he fumbled to find home. His fat, thick cock pounded my bum-hole. My black PVC panties were teased over my hot skin. The blonde teased my wet kinky PVC and tasted my sopping cunt. The photographer sounded her approval.

He grunted as he rode my quivering arse. My bum slapped against his thighs as my panties rustled. My nipple rings felt really tight.

He Escort Ordu spunked inside me. I felt his warmth. As she rubbed my clitty and his jizz warmed inside my bum-hole, I collapsed and squirted all over the set again. The blonde woman brushed her fingers through my raven black hair as I shook on the floor post-orgasm.

My bottom felt so sore and wet. I shook. I tried to regain my breath as Suzy gave us all a round of applause. The man and woman were already getting dressed.

I groaned a bit at the soreness but my two climaxes made any discomfort worthwhile. I popped to the changing room but put my satin thong in my small suitcase. I re-tied my cum filled PVC bikini bottoms for the train journey home. I was feeling so sexy and empowered.

Suzy said I was a natural and that she’d forward the new magazine in the mail. I couldn’t wait to see our threesome set. I had five copies of my first magazine set. Katrina and Carl would be delighted.

“Please let me know when you’re available again, Donna. You’re really popular with our readers.”

I beamed and thanked her. I was already thinking about the other ‘XD Publications’ titles. I was thinking Carl would let me tan his arse for ‘Get Spanked.’

Whether I got funny looks on the two trains home, I don’t know. My spunked PVC panties and wet cunt gave me better things to think about as they creaked and rustled beneath my jeans. I was so excited. I was quite restless as I drank my celebratory take-away mocha. I planned to give away my magazines and talk about my kinky show. That evening, I explored the ‘PVC Dreams’ video site. My earlier shoot and these kinky porn stars soon had me touching myself again.

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Picking a New Sugar Baby Pt. 02

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I untied Beth’s wrists then smacked her on the ass. “There’s a nice shower in that bathroom,” I told her, pointing to a door on the other side of my office. “Towels and washcloths are in the closet. Go ahead and start getting cleaned up. I’ll join you in a couple of minutes. Don’t come out before I get there.”

Beth turned around and sprang up on her tiptoes to kiss me on the lips quickly. “Ok,” she replied. “Hurry up. I’m excited.”

I watched as Beth left the room. She had a spring in her step that made her ass bounce. I knew I was going to enjoy fucking that young, little whore. I sat down in my chair and picked up the phone, dialed Hayley’s cell phone number, and waited for her to answer. She answered on the third ring. “Hey, daddy,” she said excitedly.

“Hey, darlin’!”

“Have you finished with your appointment already?”

“Not quite. You know what’s interesting, though?”

“No, what?” Hayley asked, holding back laughter.

“Beth said she knew you. She said something about you telling her how to dress.”

“Did you like it?”

“Damn right! Thanks, sweetheart. She’s almost as hot as you and Ariana.”

“Yeah? I thought you’d like her. So, did you give her the job?”

“Not exactly.”

“What does that mean?”

“Well, let’s just say I’ve got a new sugar baby.”

Hayley laughed. “I had a feeling that might happen. What did she get?”

Now it was my turn to laugh. “You don’t want to know.”

“Tell me.”

“Ok, well. Beth got a grand a week allowance, and she wanted her doctor’s bills paid….”

“That’s twice what you pay Tara. What else?”

“I told her she could live in the beach house.”

“Ok, that’s not a big deal, but it’s pretty generous. Tara’s been with you for a while now, and you better hope she doesn’t get pissed.”

“I was thinking maybe Tara could move into the main house with us soon.”

“Oh, yeah. Do you want to breed Tara now?

“We’ll see. Also, Beth said no anal.”

“Yeah, I know that was going to happen. No guy has ever gotten into her asshole.”

“Yeah, well, you know how I don’t like to be told no.”

“So, is that why Beth gets to stay at the beach house instead of getting you her an apartment like all the rest?”

“No, the beach house was just part of the deal.”

“What the fuck?! Her pussy is that fucking good?”

“It’s not bad. Plus, she’s younger than Tara.”

“Yeah, but she’s been around more than Tara, too. So, you’re going to be ok giving her all of this and not being able to fuck her ass?”

“Uh… well, I didn’t say that.”

“I don’t like the sound of that. What else did she get?”

“I offered her a Mercedes like yours if I could have her ass.”

“What?!” Hayley yelled. “Oh, hell no! I don’t give a fuck if you buy her a car, but your goddamn whore is not going to have a car as nice or nicer than your wife’s just because she lets you fuck her asshole! You fuck my asshole too. And I’m the mother of your kid!”

“Sweetheart, calm down.”

“Fuck you! Go buy her a fucking car. But when you get home, you better have an idea of what you’re going to get for me tomorrow. We’ll give Ariana my car. Hell, technically, she’s your wife too, and the mother of your other kid, and her car isn’t even as good as mine.”


“Don’t fucking interrupt me. You know what. I know you promised your whore a new car, so go buy her a new car. But me and Ariana get cars tomorrow, and we’ll use the ones we have as trade-ins.”

“Ok, ok, that’s fair.”

“I don’t give a fuck about fair.”

“Calm down. I’ll take you guys to the Maserati dealership tomorrow.”

“No. I’m thinking Bentleys.”

“Ok, sweetheart. You guys need new cars anyway. Oh, hey, can you call Tom at the dealership and tell him I’ll be there within the hour?”

“Yeah, I can do that. I’m going to call Tara too, so be prepared to talk to her about a raise and a new car too.”

“Yeah, fine.”

“So, what time are you going to be home?”

“Probably earlier than usual. I’m going to take Beth to the dealership then head that way. I’ll show her the beach house this weekend.”

“Ok, well, I’m going to my fuckbuddy’s house right now, but I’ll be clean and waiting for you when you get home. I know you’re going to shower after fucking her ass, so fuck her pussy one more time before you come home so I can suck your cock and taste her. The little bitch still won’t let me eat her cunt, and I’m dying to know what she tastes like.”

“Hey, before I forget. Which one would you rather I breed? Tara or Beth?”

“Beth. She’s closer to mine and Ariana’s age, and I’ve known her longer.”

“Then Tara’s car will be a present for her going on birth control.”

“For now, maybe, but I’d still like to see you breed her too.”

“Ok, darlin’, I’ve gotta go. Enjoy getting fucked. Thanks again for sending the little whore to me.”

“You’re welcome. I love you, daddy.”

“I love you too, baby.”

I hung up the phone. Hayley and I maintain an open relationship. We both know the other has fuckbuddies Maraş Escort that we enjoy regularly. But she also knows I’m not a huge fan of her getting fucked by other men. She told me that she was going to her fuckbuddy’s house, hoping I’d get pissed and take it out on Beth’s pussy or ass. I made a mental note to ask Beth about their friendship. I got up from my desk and went into the bathroom. Beth was already in the shower, and the bathroom was steamy. I opened the shower door and stepped in behind her. “What took you so long?” Beth asked, pressing her ass onto my cock and wiggling it.

“I had to call Hayley,” I told her.

“Did you tell her about me?” she asked.

“Tell her what? Didn’t she know that you were coming?” I asked.

“Did you tell her about our arrangement?”

“Yeah. Your pussy is costing me a lot. You’re lucky I like it. The fact that you’re hot doesn’t hurt either,” I told her.

“Will you wash my back?” Beth asked.

I took the loofah from her and gently washed her bock off. I grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face me when I was done. “Now it’s your turn. Wash my cock off so I can fuck you again,” I told her, handing the loofah back to her.

Beth took the loofah and got down on her knees. She gently washed my cock and balls then rinsed the soap off. She stood back up and put her arms around my neck. We stared into each other’s eyes for a moment. Beth spoke first, asking, “Am I allowed to kiss you?”

“Why wouldn’t you be?” I asked her.

“I didn’t think it was ok to kiss whores,” she replied.

“You’re my personal whore. Not some used-up disease bag that sucks cock in an alley. Besides, with me, you’re only a whore when you’re naked. Any other time you’re just my sugarbaby,” I told her.

“We’re naked now,” she said coyly.

I grabbed her just above her hips. As if she read my mind, she raised up o her tiptoes and kissed me. As our tongues explored each other’s mouths, I ran a hand along her body. Beth moved her hands down to my cock again, which was getting hard. She pulled away and looked up at me, batting her eyelashes. “You want to fuck me again?” she asked.

“Yes, but not now. We need to hurry up so we can go get you a car,” I replied.

Beth smiled from ear to ear. “Ok. I’m clean. Let’s go,” she said.

I couldn’t help but laugh at her. “Get out and get dressed. I’m right behind you.”

Beth stepped out of the shower. “Um, I’m going to need some clothes,” she said as she closed the shower door behind her.

“What’s wrong with what you were wearing earlier?”

“I can’t wear this slutty outfit in public,” she replied.

“Oh, yeah, you can,” I told her.

“What?” Beth asked, sounding shocked.

“You want a new Mercedes, right?”

“Well, yeah, but….”

“Ok, then you’ll wear the same slutty outfit into the dealer’s office as you wore into mine,” I told her.

“Fine,” Beth replied in a pouty tone.

I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. Beth had taken her clothes and gone back into my office. When I walked in, she was in my chair finishing getting dressed. “As soon as I’m dressed, I’ll be ready,” I told her.

Beth looked up at me blankly. I walked over to where she was to start getting dressed. “Stand up,” I told her.

She stood up and moved out of my way. I lifted her skirt to look at her ass on her way by me. “I don’t feel comfortable in this,” Beth said.

“Why? You’re fucking hot.”

“No. I’m not,” she replied.

“Are you kidding? You’re beautiful. You have an amazing body. Perfect round tits, with cute little nipples. And an awesome ass,” I told her.

“You’re just saying that,” she said, smiling.

“No, I’m not. You’re hot and sexy,” I reassured her.

Beth started blushing. I finished getting dressed and grabbed my cell phone and keys. “Ok, are you ready?” I asked Beth. “Are you riding with me? How did you get here?”

“Yeah, I was hoping I could ride with you. I came in a taxi,” she said.

I had to laugh. “You took a cab to get here, and you don’t feel comfortable in public dressed like that?” I asked rhetorically.

“Yeah, well,” she replied, smiling.

Beth followed me out of the door and to my truck. “What if I want one of these?” she asked as she climbed in.

“Sure. It’s about half the price, and I’m fine with that, and if I get you one of these, I won’t have to buy Hayley and Ariana Bentleys tomorrow. So, yeah, let’s get you one of these,” I told her.

“Wait, what?! You’re getting that bitch a Bentley?” Beth asked.

“Uh… that bitch is my wife, and I’ll be damned if my whore drives a better car than my wife and the mother of my child,” I told her as if buying Hayley and Ariana new cars was my idea. “Don’t ever think you’ll equal to her. I love her. I use your body as a fuck toy to make myself cum. Got it?”

“Yeah,” Beth replied quietly.

“So, what’s the deal with you and Hayley anyway?” I asked.

“We used to be close friends, but as we grew up and realized our sexuality, we started competing against each Maraş Escort Bayan other for the same men,” she replied.

“That’s it?”

“Yeah, pretty much. So, is that all I’ll ever be to you, a fuck toy?” she asked.

“I don’t know. If you’re lucky, I’ll breed you. Then you can move into the main house with Hayley and Ariana. You’ll also be treated as an equal but still third in line,” I told her.

“If I’m lucky, you’ll breed me?” she asked. “I don’t want to get pregnant.”

“You can’t stop it,” I told her.

“What? Why not?”

“You won’t be on birth control, and I’m going to cum in you a lot,” I told her.

“That wasn’t part of the deal,” Beth protested.

“Cumming in you was, and for $52,000 a year, paid medical bills, a beach house to live in, and now a $120,000 car, yeah, no birth control is part of the deal too,” I told her.

“The car is because you wanted to fuck me up the ass! And you offered that!” she yelled, then asked softly, “Do you want me to get pregnant?”


“What?! Why?!” she yelled again.

“A few reasons. You’re beautiful and smart, and I think you’ll give me a wonderful kid. As well as be a good mother to him or her,” I replied.

“You don’t even know me. How do you know I’m smart?” she asked.

“Hayley knows you, and she sent you to me. She’s in this with me. We both have a breeding fetish. Now, let me finish. I also like fucking pregnant women, and I think you’d be hot pregnant,” I said.

“What do you mean Hayley is in this with you and that you guys are breeders?” Beth interrupted again.

“Look, you said you and Hayley used to be close, then you got competitive and grew apart. This is Hayley trying to make it up to you. She knew that if you came into my office willing to let me fuck you, I’d at least offer you the chance to be my sugarbaby. Hayley approves of all of my sugarbabies because she knows I cum in them, and they aren’t allowed to be on birth control, so there’s a good chance I’ll breed them. If any of them end up pregnant, they have to move into our house with the other mothers, a harem of sorts.

“Because we all live together, it’s best that we all get along. So, I think Hayley wants you back in her life. Hayley is free to fuck whoever she wants, as am I, with certain rules. The other mothers can only fuck whoever lives in the house. So, it’s in your best interest to let me breed you. Our house is huge and has a full staff,” I told her.

“I don’t know what to think. What about the kids?” Beth asked.

“They all grow up together, and there is no favoritism. They all get the best of everything. Because there are different moms, they are all special and unique in their own way,” I said.

“How many other sugarbabies do you have?” she asked.

“Right now, just one, you make two. My other girl has been with me for about a year now, and she still doesn’t make $52,000 a year. I haven’t bought her a car. And she has a modest apartment that I pay for. I also cum in her mouth more than in her pussy. Honestly, I don’t know how much longer she will be around,” I told her.

“So, what makes me special?” Beth Asked.

“Hayley sent you. I think she wants you to live in the house,” I told her.

“So let me move in with you instead of the beach house,” she said.

“Sure, get pregnant, and you can move in. Plus, are you into girls?” I asked.

“Does that matter?” Beth asked.

“Yeah, are you paying attention?” I asked. “Hayley can fuck whoever she wants, but Ariana, my other wife and mother of my other child can only fuck me and Hayley. As my sugarbaby and whore, you can only fuck me right now. But when you move into the house, you’ll be expected to fuck Hayley and Ariana too. Especially Arianna, she doesn’t have much variety.”

“When I move into the house? Don’t you mean if? And is Ariana Elena’s little sister Ariana?” she asked.

“Yes, she is. And you need to face it, Beth. I’m going to breed you, and probably soon. Of course, there’s still time to change your mind, but once I buy you this car, I expect you to be around for at least a year. Tomorrow we’ll open you a bank account for you, and I’ll put $5,000 in it. Then you’ll get $1,000 a week every Friday. I’ll also take you shopping tomorrow and get you all new clothes and stuff you’ll need for the house. You’ll have a $100,000 limit. After all of that, I expect to breed you within the year, Beth,” I told her.

“How are you married to two women? And would I be your wife too?” she asked.

“Marriage laws aren’t always black and white internationally. Hayley and I were married first in America. I met her first and fell in love. That’s why she’s number one. I love Hayley unconditionally. Ariana and I were married in Mexico, so her family could be present. I love Ariana very much, but she’s no Hayley. We didn’t do every single thing we were supposed to do, so I guess technically, Ariana and I aren’t married. I don’t know exactly, but that’s how things are. As far as you being a wife, I doubt that ever happens, but if we start Escort Maraş to fall in love, we’ll figure something out.” I told her.

“This is a lit to take in,” she said.

“We’ll you need to hurry up and make up your mind. The dealership is right there.” I told her.

“Ok, then, I’m in. What the hell do I have to lose? Besides my butthole virginity, which is gone now. Besides, I do miss Hayley. Fuck it, knock me up!” she said.

I laughed. “Calm down, and let’s take this one step at a time,” I told her, pulling into the parking lot of the dealership.

Tom was in the parking lot waiting for us when we pulled in. I soon as I parked, he started walking toward my truck. “Welcome back!” Tom said, reaching out to shake my hand. “Your wife called and said you’re looking for a new car.”

“That’s right,” I replied, putting an arm around Beth’s shoulder as she walked up beside me. “This hot little piece of ass is my new sugarbaby. About an hour ago, she sold me her virgin asshole for a new car.”

I looked over at Beth as I finished my sentence, and she was looking down and blushing. “You are one lucky man,” Tom said with a smile. “So, what are you looking for? A new C class?

“Tom, does this look like a C class piece of ass to you?” I asked, pulling Beth tight against me. “She wants a fully loaded S class.” I looked at Beth, “What color do you want, baby?”

Beth looked up at me and shrugged. “I don’t know, black maybe,” she replied.

“Perfect! We’ve got a black S class 580. Right this way,” told said.

As Tom walked away, Beth looked up at me again and quietly asked, “Why did you tell him that? I thought you said you’d respect me when we weren’t fucking.”

“Are you ashamed of what you did?” I asked her, following far enough behind Tom so that he couldn’t hear us.

“A little,” she replied.

“You need to get over that,” I told her.

When we got to the car, Beth’s attitude changed. She got excited and bubbly. “Oh, my, god! Can I sit in it?” she asked.

“Sure,” Tom replied. “It’s open, let me go get the key, and we can take it for a spin.”

Beth opened the door and got in the driver’s seat. When she was in the car, Tom turned to me. “How old is she?” he asked.

“Nineteen,” I replied with a smile.

“She has a nice body,” Tom said before leaving to get the keys.

I walked to the door and looked in at Beth. “Do you like it?” I asked her.

“Fuck yeah!” Beth practically screamed. “But is fucking me in the ass really worth this?”

“Of course not. But the chance to breed you is,” I told her.

“So, it goes back to that. Is that all you want me for, my womb?” she asked.

I had to laugh at her. “Of course not,” I told her. “Tom’s coming back. Do you want to drive it?”

“Can I?” Beth asked, perking back up.

I didn’t answer her. I turned to Tom and reached for the key to hand it to Beth. “She wants to drive it,” I told him.

“Yeah, sure. I need to make a copy of her ID,” Tom replied.

“No problem. Do you have someone you can give my info to so the paperwork will be done when we get back?” I asked.

“I’ll stay here and do the paperwork. I trust you to go out without me,” he said.

“Trust me. You want to ride along,” I told him.

“Uh, ok, sure. Grab her ID for me, and I’ll set everything up,” Tom said.

I squatted down beside Beth. “Here’s the key, darlin’. He needs your ID so you can drive it,” I told her.

“Ok, it’s in my purse, in the truck. Can you get it?” Beth asked.


Tom walked with me to my truck. I found Beth’s ID in her purse and gave it to Tom. “I’ll just be a few minutes,” he said, taking the ID and turning to go back inside.

I walked back over to the car Beth was in. “How do you like it?” I asked her.

“I love it!” she said with wide eyes. “Are you sure you want to do this, though? The sticker says it costs $137,999,” she said.

I walked around to the passenger side and got in with her. “As long as you keep up your end of the deal, yeah, I’m sure I want to do this,” I reassured her. “Why haven’t you started it up yet?”

“Can I?”

I couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Of course. It’s yours,” I told her, putting a hand on her thigh and running it up her leg, under her skirt. Stopping just before touching her pussy. Beth closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. “Ok, start it up,” I told her before moving my hand.

Beth opened her eyes and looked around, trying to figure out how to start the car. I laughed again. “Here it is,” I said, pushing the start button.

The car turned on, and Beth smiled from ear to ear. Her smile almost made it all worth it. “Is it really mine? I mean, already?” she asked.

“Yeah. Tom is getting everything set up now. He’ll be out in a minute, so you can drive it around a little while the paperwork is being prepared. By the way, this is a model year newer than Hayley’s, and I think it’s a little nicer too. So, for the next twenty-four hours or so, my little whore will have a nicer car than my wife’s,” I told her.

Beth just looked at me and smiled. I started the in-dash GPS and entered an address. “What is that?” Beth asked.

“Where I want you to drive to,” I told her.

Just then, Tom opened the back door behind Beth, surprising both of us. “Ok. You guys ready?” he asked.

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Mean Girls Need Anal Too

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Sylvain Etienne is a six-foot-tall, slim, dark-skinned young Haitian man living in the City of Montreal, Quebec. As a first-year student in the civil engineering program at the University of Montreal, he is having a blast. Well, Sylvain was having a blast until he met Samira Obeid, a tall, large woman of Mauritanian descent. Samira Obeid has taken to relentlessly teasing and downright harassing Sylvain, and the young Haitian man is flummoxed by this negative attention. How does a modern man get rid of a female bully in a sensitive place like a Canadian college campus? Sylvain has his hands full with Samira Obeid, that’s for sure.

Prior to meeting Samira Obeid, Sylvain thought that Muslim women from African nations like Mauritania were friendly, and well-behaved. Well, Samira Obeid might wear the Hijab and the traditional dress of a proper Muslim woman from Mauritania, but her conduct was definitely scandalous. Sylvain had no idea why Samira Obeid was so damned fixated on him. There are lots of young black men studying at the University of Montreal. Why is Samira Obeid so obsessed with him? Sylvain doesn’t understand Samira Obeid’s reasoning, so he’s taken to avoiding her. They play a certain game of cat and mouse all over the University of Montreal campus…

Samira Obeid stands around five-foot-eleven, with a pretty face, large breasts, a curvy body, wide hips, thick legs and a huge, round ass. When Sylvain first met Samira Obeid, he thought she reminded him of model Alexus Danisha, the big-booty chick so many brothers got a crush on. Well, Samira Obeid is also foul-mouthed and bossy, two kinds that Sylvain doesn’t like in a woman. Sylvain decided right then and there that Samira Obeid wasn’t his type. Too bad the big black woman from Mauritania hates taking no for an answer. Life has been hell for Sylvain Etienne ever since he met Samira Obeid…

“You cannot escape me,” Samira Obeid said to Sylvain, as she confronted him in the men’s locker room. Sylvain was fresh out of the shower. At this hour, the locker was empty. Sylvain stayed late to work on a project, and now he was regretting it. Samira Obeid had him dead to rights. Sylvain gasped as the tall, chubby, brown-skinned female bully cornered Mersin Escort him. What the fuck is Samira Obeid doing in the men’s locker room? Sylvain forced himself to be calm. Sylvain has always been a gentleman but Samira Obeid is the kind of woman who taxes his patience. If this bitch gets physical, he just might be forced to retaliate. Even a gentleman has his limits, for real…

“What the fuck do you want from me?” Sylvain demanded, his ire rising. Samira Obeid looked him up and down, then grinned. The chubby Mauritanian woman pressed her ample body against the tall, slim Haitian man. In spite of himself, Sylvain noticed that Samira smelled kind of good. Sylvain took a deep breath, forcing himself to remain calm. Samira Obeid was totally invading his personal space. Sylvain would have shoved a man who did the same thing to him that’s for sure. Samira Obeid flashed Sylvain that nasty smile of hers.

“I want you to fuck me,” Samira Obeid said, with a casual shrug. Sylvain blinked in surprise. The tall, slim Haitian man frowned. Samira Obeid grinned and caressed Sylvain’s crotch. Sylvain bit his lip, wondering what to do. Samira Obeid licked her lips, then got on her knees. Sylvain exhaled sharply as Samira Obeid unzipped his pants, and the big black woman grinned upon realizing that he wasn’t wearing underwear. Samira Obeid stroked Sylvain’s long and thick, uncircumcised black cock. Hmm, it looks like uncut dicks are her favorite…

“I’m not sure about this,” Sylvain protested, and Samira Obeid laughed, then took his cock into her mouth. Sylvain tried to protest some more but it’s really hard, pardon the pun, for a man to say no to a woman as she is sucking his dick. Samira Obeid winked at Sylvain as she sucked his big black cock. The chubby Mauritanian Muslim gal heard wonderful things about Haitian men and their dicks from her female friends at the University of Montreal campus. Is it any wonder that Samira Obeid is now so thirsty for Haitian dick? The Haitian ladies have only themselves to blame for pawning off their men to women of other communities…

“Sylvain, I can make you feel good, now, stop resisting,” Samira Obeid paused to say, and Sylvain nodded. Truth Mersin Escort Bayan be told, Sylvain hasn’t been getting lucky with the ladies lately. Sylvain’s last date was Esther Julien, a Haitian gal he met at church a while ago. Sylvain thought he’d found a good, church-going woman but Esther Julien was not what she seemed. Sylvain had a lot to learn about the female of the species. Esther Julien was bossy and annoying, and Sylvain regretted spending his time and money on her. Well, unlike Esther, the bossy and annoying Samira Obeid didn’t mind putting out.

“Hmm, go for it,” Sylvain said, and Samira Obeid grinned, then continued sucking his big black cock. Samira Obeid seemed really into it, her lovely head bobbing as she gave Sylvain the deep throat treatment. Sylvain leaned against the locker room wall and groaned in pleasure while Samira Obeid fellated the hell out of him. Hot damn, who would have thought that the meanest woman on the University of Montreal campus would be so good at sucking dick? Hmm, it makes sense, now that Sylvain thinks about it. Mean women can suck a mean dick, and there’s nothing wrong with that, in the grand scheme of things.

“My turn,” Samira Obeid said to Sylvain, after getting him good and hard. The curvaceous, Hijab-wearing, pleasantly plump Mauritanian Muslim BBW lay on the tiled floor and hiked up her skirt. Sylvain grinned as he looked at this infuriating yet sinfully sexy woman. Samira Obeid spread her thick thighs invitingly and clucked her tongue impatiently. Sylvain got the hint, and got on his knees. Burying his handsome face between her thighs, he began eating her pussy. Samira Obeid moaned softly as Sylvain ate her pussy. At last, Samira Obeid got what she wanted. Sylvain ate Samira Obeid’s pussy for a good while, and didn’t let up until she came. Samira Obeid squealed in delight as Sylvain made her cum by fingering and licking her pussy…

“That’s more like it,” Sylvain said, grinning, as Samira Obeid got on all fours and shook her big Mauritanian booty at him. Samira Obeid twerked that ass, feeling lively after getting her pussy licked to completion by a certain Haitian gentleman. Sylvain was reluctant to engage with her at Escort Mersin first but Samira Obeid knew he wouldn’t be able to resist her curvy body or that thick ass of hers. Black men love big booty women, and this holds true for Haitian men, Mauritanian women, and other places across the African Diaspora. When Samira Obeid spread her thick ass cheeks for him, Sylvain held his breath…

“Sylvain Etienne, stop gawking at my ass, be a fucking man and fuck me,” Samira Obeid demanded. Sylvain grimaced, realizing that Samira Obeid is bossy everywhere she goes. There’s only one way to handle a woman like that. Sylvain came up behind Samira Obeid and smacked her big ass. Samira Obeid yelped, and grinned, secretly pleased to see Sylvain take charge. Sylvain took some soap and lubricated Samira Obeid’s butt hole, then pressed his big Haitian dick against her backdoor. Time for the Mauritanian BBW to discover the power of Haitian dick…

“Give me that ass,” Sylvain said in a gruff tone. Without further ado, he plunged his big black cock into the depths of Samira Obeid’s asshole. The big beautiful black woman moaned deeply as her new lover began fucking her in the ass. Samira Obeid fingered her wet pussy and arched her back, grinding her big ass against Sylvain’s groin as he filled her asshole with his big black cock. Sylvain’s manly grunts mingled with Samira Obeid’s sharp squeals as he fucked her in the ass. The two of them fucked like this for some time. When Samira Obeid finally tapped out, Sylvain had already cum twice in her ass. As Sylvain’s cum leaked out of her butt hole, Samira Obeid farted. Sylvain laughed and smacked Samira Obeid’s ass. Samira Obeid, feeling relieved by Sylvain’s reaction, laughed as well. It’s good to meet a kindred spirit…

“You’re mine, my Haitian Prince,” Samira Obeid said to Sylvain Etienne, as they exited the locker room together. Maurice, the old Haitian janitor, smiled at the tall black nerd and the sexy black BBW as they walked toward him. Like everyone else on campus, Maurice knew that Samira Obeid had the hots for Sylvain Etienne. Judging from the way Sylvain had his hand on Samira Obeid’s thick ass, Maurice guessed that the two of them just smashed. Sylvain waved at Maurice, then kissed Samira Obeid on the forehead. Maurice was all smiles as he watched them go. Yup, mean girls need to get fucked too, and someone’s got to do it. Maurice stopped smiling when he reached the locker and saw the mess the new couple left for him. Damn those fuckers!

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Victoria’s Secret

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This is the first story I am posting on here. But I have written many. This is a fantasy for a friend and he gave me the idea for it.


When I passed by the display window, what I found was what most men want to see. Two gorgeous women were handling all kinds of frilly and lacy lingerie. They weren’t just hard at work; they were having fun with it too.

As one bent over to pick up something to dress the manikin in. I saw just a peek of a red thong from under her extremely short skirt. The strap of heaven going up her sensual little ass. Her sexy partner in the crime of giving me a massive hard on. She leaned over just enough to see the mountains of glorious breast I’d like to climb and conquer. The sweater tightly held around those plump voluptuous tits of hers was the luckiest bastard.

Since, I didn’t want them to think I was staring at them. I moved on to buy what I actually came to this damn mall for. But we all know, I couldn’t get them outta my mind. It was obvious by the way I kept shifting my cock around in my jeans. My secret hard on I tried to cover up without everyone around me knowing.

The slowest walk I ever took in life was back by the window again. They were giggling while they tossed around panties, bras and garters to each other. “Fuck me.” If I hadn’t been out in public I would’ve had my cock in my hand in seconds. Stroking it while I watched these beauties be teases. The amazing part was, they weren’t even trying to be.

She locked her eyes on mine. I got busted. I was sure of it when she put her hands on her hips and immediately became still. She was now watching me watching them. “Shit.” Her hands were pressed against the glass as she leaned on it. She waited me out to see what I did next with a little smirk on her face.

So, I did what any male would do. I sucked it up and walked inside the Victoria’s Secret store with a lie coming outta my mouth. I was just admiring their display. Looking to buy some lingerie for my girlfriend. Or it was how it all started out anyway.

“What size is she?”

“Size…um…about your size. What size do you wear?”

“What color does she like?”

“What color do like?”

“Do you always answer a question with a question?”

“No. Do you?”

We went back and forth several more times just like that too. Before I noticed her name tag hanging so nicely around the cleavage playing peek a boo out of her red silk blouse. It made me smile knowing it was about the same color of her panties she had on.

“Your Kütahya Escort name is Lacy, as in Lacy undergarments.” Now, I thought it was an ice breaking comment. However, she didn’t seem to see the humor in it.

“No. As in Lacy Love and yes that is my real name before you ask me. What are you actually here to buy for your girlfriend?”

Her name made even more vivid images come to mind about this girl; a stripper pole, possibly a porn star’s name and those red juicy lips wrapped around my cock. To give me some love like her name was and her body indicated she could do so well. She flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder and waited for my answer.

“I gotta be honest with you. I don’t have a girlfriend. I saw you in the window and I came in here to talk to you.”

“Let me make sure I am understanding this correctly. You perved on us through the window. Made up a story about having a girlfriend you were shopping for. You had me practically show you everything in the store. Kept us here past closing time that we won’t get paid for. Just so you could talk to me.”

“Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.”

The sweetest sexiest smile crossed her face. When she stepped towards me I wasn’t sure what the hell she was doing. Then I felt her hand rubbing me on the outside of my jeans and her little body pressed up on mine. “Did you like what you seen?”

“Oh, yeah.”

There wasn’t any point in denying I was hot and hard for this girl. I took a look around to see who else was in the store with us. The gate had already been pulled across and locked up. The pink curtain was pulled down over the window and door entrance.

There was only me and her along with the sexy brunette at the counter who worked here too. She was closing out the register and filling out some paperwork. The glance I gave her was returned along with a smile on her face.

“Do you got it Victoria?”

“I’m almost done.”

“Her name is Victoria?” Lacy only nodded at my question. Man the irony of that shit.

She took my hand as we went in the back. I had no clue where this was going to. But I let her lead the way to a giant white plush cushioned chase lounge, there were three of them placed almost side by side. The ladies changing area was nice compared to what guys got for theirs.

Lacy flipped a couple of switches. The bright fluorescent lights dulled to a couple of soft ones above us. Her flirty green eyes stared at me while her hands unbuttoned my jeans. A slight flick of Kütahya Escort Bayan her tongue came over my lips when she pushed my zipper down.

Even in heels she had to stretch a bit to reach my lips again for a brief encounter. I leaned down to her so my lips could capture hers for a long kiss this time. Before they went to the place she really wanted them to go, wrapped around my cock. To her knees on the floor licking my shaft with the occasional kiss on the head of my dick. All the while those sparkling eyes of hers were watching me watch her tease my cock.

The way she deep throated my large dick made me moan. The more I did the harder she sucked it. I gathered her long hair in my hand and thrusted slowly at first in her mouth. Her little whimpers vibrated on my cock causing me to plunged it in as far in her as she could take it. When I would pull out, the grasp she had on my ass tried to push me back in her.

“Damn, girl.” It was all I could say when she took my balls in and out of her mouth like she had my cock. Her little hand worked me too as she did it.

But I wanted more of this girl. Hell at this point, I craved to know what it felt like to be inside her. She was more than willing as she pulled my shirt off, I pushed her skirt down until it fell to the floor. It wasn’t a surprise her red satin bra matched her panties when her blouse came off. I pulled on the strings that rested on her hips so the strap between her legs would rub against her pussy. Now she wanted more too as I felt her body move against mine with each tug I made on her panties.

On the plush cushions we laid down together. We kissed and our tongues danced in a perfect rhythm as I entered her wet folds. We were so into each other we hadn’t even noticed Victoria was watching us until she spoke. “Can I play too?”

As much as I wanted to scream, fuck yeah baby. I didn’t. I let Lacy take the lead on it. This girl didn’t disappoint me either. She welcomed Victoria to join in with us.

While my cock was being fucked so good by one of them. Victoria laid on the couch and sucked on Lacy’s tits. I got to watch these beauties kiss, touch and finger the other. With it being the three of us sharing a kiss or alternating them with one another as we went.

Victoria stood over Lacy while I fucked her. Victoria pushed my face closer to her pussy. Fuck, my tongue and cock was getting it at the same time. I sucked her clit and licked her pussy at the same speed I moved inside of sweet Lacy.

They wanted Escort Kütahya to switch and hell I was game for whatever they wanted. From behind I took Victoria. She pushed back into me with every thrust I made and wanted it even harder. The biggest surprise was where Lacy put her tongue. She loved licking around my asshole. I gotta admit, I loved feeling it.

These girls were a man’s wet dream just to watch but to fuck them was an experience like I never had before. She pushed the tip of her tongue in my ass as the other one begged me to fuck hers.

It was so tight. Victoria’s ass gripped my cock like a vise around her. I didn’t want to hurt her so I moved slowly. Only she wasn’t going to have that. Her ass grinded on me. Demanded a proper hard fucking. I gave her just that too.

“I’m so close.” I couldn’t keep up this pace with her squeezing my cock so hard.

Suddenly Victoria broke away from me without any kind of warning. She left me hanging at the perfect precise moment when I wanted to blow my load inside her.

“Not yet baby.” This chick was playing with both my heads. Victoria kissed me for the longest time and kept me going long enough to regain my composure again so I could keep fucking them.

Lacy wanted to ride my cock and damn I really wanted her to. She bounced up and down so hard on top of me. While her breast did the same. I grabbed a hold of her hips to meet her with every moment she made on me.

Victoria wanted to just watch and solo it on her own. She fingered herself while she watched Lacy milk the cum from me with her pussy until I had nothing left to give.

But, fuck me, they weren’t done yet. Lacy licked up all the cum she could from my cock. Then passed some on to the lips of Victoria with her tongue. They each laid beside me and we kissed until the sweet taste of all our mixed juices could no longer be tasted.

When Victoria got up I figured this was my cue they wanted me to go. But it wasn’t. She returned with three cold Cokes she got from somewhere because we were all thirsty as hell. We set completely naked and talked for a while about absolutely nothing important before we got dressed to leave.

We made our exit from the back door of the store. I walked them to their cars. Each gave me a quick peck goodbye. Almost innocent as you would give a friend. These girls were a man’s fantasy come true. They wanted nothing in return for the pleasurable night they gave me other than my silence.

This place kept the best damn secret in town; Victoria and Lacy. It became a favorite of mine that I shared with no one as they asked me to do. I went back there again and again in my mind while I jerked off on numerous occasions to them. Every time I passed by the window, I thought of them even though they no longer worked there.

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Loosey Lucy Ch. 01

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Author’s note: This story contains verbal and physical humiliation. There is an extreme amount of body shaming. If you do not like these things, you should not read this story. Thanks!

Lucy Friedman was the token childhood best friend in a wedding party full of social media influencers and plastic surgery addicts. Duke St. Graves didn’t know much more about the woman (Katrina? Angelina? Valentina?—he couldn’t remember) his youngest brother was marrying besides her follower count, but he did know that her fourth and final bridesmaid was not a member of the girl gang. For one, Lucy was shy and soft-spoken. For another, he’d only ever seen her use her phone to make a call. He would have never made it through this ridiculous spectacle of narcissism with one of the identikit Kardashians on his arm. Lucy had even made learning the damn waltz a tolerable endeavor, mostly because he got to put his hands all over her lush curves.

Surrounded by double-D boob jobs and Brazilian butt lifts, she had the hottest body he had ever seen. Pear shaped, he was pretty sure they called it. Her tiny tits didn’t quite fill out the low-cut dress and her waist was so small he could fit both hands around it, but her hips were almost comically round and she had a big fat ass.

The sage green gown had a risqué slit (apparently Instragram famous brides wanted their #bossbabes to look good—but not too good—in wedding photos) and Duke could see her thick thighs as the two of them snuck off the dance floor right before the Viennese devolved into a tacky choreographed twerk-a-thon. Lucy’s legs tapered into toned calves and thin ankles before ending in dainty feet with perfectly proportioned toes. She had Betty Boop legs, and Duke was frankly shocked that they were even able to keep her upright in those strappy silver stilettos.

He had wanted to fuck the everliving shit out of her since they’d been introduced a week ago. Not just because she had the face of an angel and a body built for sin, but also because she had that combination of smarts and self-consciousness that often created girls who’d let you do almost anything to them in bed. After an unnecessarily long evening that Duke was sure would look a lot more fun online than it had been in person, coaxing the slightly tipsy sex kitten up to the room he’d paid for at the same hotel where the reception was being held was a no brainer.

Lucy gasped as the mysterious older brother of the groom shoved her into an empty elevator and descended upon her like a savage. With his calloused palms, crooked nose, and I-don’t-want-to-be-here attitude, Duke was a man in a crowd of boys. She’d been working up the nerve to proposition him but this brutal domination was so much better. His five-o’clock shadow rasped deliciously along her jaw as he bit his way down her neck, massaging her sizable butt cheeks with his huge hands.

His touch had wandered to her backside during dance practice, and now that he had it in his grip he seemed unwilling to let it go. The elevator dinged and he led her down the hallway with one palm still cupped around her bottom. The other unlocked Room 934, flicking on all the lights. Finally alone, he shot her a look that sent shivers skittering down her spine and ripped off her dress to reveal a strapless bra and barely-there panties.

“Damn,” Duke groaned, taking in her luscious body. His penetrating stare soon snagged on Lucy’s impressive cameltoe. “That’s the meatiest pussy I’ve ever seen.” She blushed bright pink, but didn’t stop him when he reached out to grasp her girth. Lucy had no delusions about her—ahem—assets, but no one had ever objectified them in quite such a manner. In fact, she’d found that most of her sexual parters—the ones that came back for seconds, anyway—avoided mention of her unmentionables altogether. Duke’s words thrilled her, in some deeply fucked up way. He gave her a wicked smile when she bit her bottom lip, before adding to his running commentary. “Shit, little girl, your front butt is almost as big as the back one.”

Lucy couldn’t decide whether his cruelty made her want to die or orgasm. Maybe both. He didn’t give her enough time to contemplate it before his dexterous fingers began wedging her panties between her fleshy outer labia. The crevice between them was already quite deep, but Duke continued until he found her sopping hole and she made no move to stop him. He realized that not only were her pussy lips plump, but she also had a very prominent pubic mound and a rather forward-facing vaginal entrance. Despite her obvious embarrassment, he felt a gush wetness coat the silky material.

“What a fat, greedy cunt,” he taunted as the swinging slabs between her thighs gobbled the material up. It disappeared into her cleft, only making a reappearance where it strained against her clit and snaked out from the top of her ass cheeks. He gave one of her plush globes a satisfying smack, watching it jiggle Malatya Escort in time with her oversized flaps. “You look cute with a wedgie.”

“Oh god,” Lucy moaned, dismayed by how aroused she was from his abasement. Duke spent a few minutes entertaining himself slapping and pulling on her swollen nethers, degrading her with his words. Not even the panties were enough to soak up Lucy’s overflowing pussy juice, and it began to trickle down her thighs. Submissives were a dime-a-dozen, but a hottie who got off on humiliation? That was a rare find.

He unclipped her bra, chuckling at what he found. Duke had never been a breast man, but Lucy’s would undoubtedly be a lot of fun. Her rosy areolas were way too big for her boobs and so puffy they looked like pillowy domes—except at the bottom, where they sagged under their own hefty weight. The nipples themselves were almost as thick as the girl’s thumb, though not very long. “Damn,” he stroked a finger over one of the pink buds. “That bra must be padded within an inch of its life to hide these massive plungers.” He pinched one and she whimpered, arching her back in supplication. “Are they sensitive?”

“Yes!” she cried, and he answered her unspoken plea, tweaking and twisting her oversized knobs.

“Good,” he replied, enjoying her shrieks when he used them to pull her down to her knees. “Suck my dick and then I’ll fuck that double cheeseburger between your legs.” He unzipped his suit trousers and removed his cock, allowing her a few minutes to worship at the altar of his manhood with her mouth and tongue. She was a surprisingly accomplished dick sucker, and he wondered whether that was because the horny little slut was ashamed of her anatomy. No matter.

After a few minutes, he grabbed a lank of her long hair and thrust himself down her throat, holding her nose pressed against his pelvis while she struggled. It wasn’t long until she’d relaxed her gullet and started breathing with her nose, so he decided that yes, Lucy had probably swallowed a fair share of pork swords in her young life. He fucked her neck with abandon, enjoying the way she snuffled and choked, a steady stream of drool pouring from the corners of her mouth. She was a beautiful sight, eyes watering and lips stretched wide, but Duke could cum into the stomach of practically any girl.

“Up,” he instructed, and she rose from her knees with a grace that only confirmed his guess about her past proclivities. Before she could catch her breath, Duke grasped the waistband of her panties at each hip, and gave them a hard yank upwards. Lucy screamed, rising onto her tiptoes to avoid the painful burn of elastic meeting its limit against her sensitive snatch. Duke was much taller than she was, however—even in her heels—so he continued to seesaw the fabric back and forth against her flesh until it gave and she tumbled unceremoniously to the floor. “I like how percussive your pussy is,” he told her, picking up her prone form and depositing her onto the bed. “Your fleshy flaps slap your thighs really loud when they’re wet. You must get some wicked chub rub.”

She blushed in mortification, but licked her lips in arousal. Lucy couldn’t believe she was letting him talk to her like this. There was obviously something wrong with her. Before she could consider it further, Duke pushed two fingers into her soaking wet cunt, manipulating them such that they produced obscene sloshing noises and proved just how much she wanted what he was offering without a single spoken word. He added a third finger. “I’ve literally never seen a girl produce this much pussy juice. You’d probably drown a dude if he tried to eat you out.” Foreplay was obviously not a deal breaker, so he threw Lucy’s legs over his shoulders and drove his rock-hard member into her oozing chasm.

Lucy looked like a runway model from the waist-up and a pornstar from the waist-down, and Duke wanted to ruin every inch. His dick was well above average in both length and girth, but… Lucy’s hole was so drenched there was practically no friction at all. Holy shit, he thought to himself. Her belly was too flat and her skin too unblemished to convince him that the 22 year old had ever experienced vaginal birth. Which left the next reasonable explanation. Her pussy is naturally this big.

From what he could tell, Lucy’s cock cavity was not only wide but also quite deep. She moaned as he nailed her right about where he guessed her G-spot was, but he could barely feel anything through her gushy slop. He flipped her on to her hands and knees and took a stab at her that way. Her succulent booty cheeks and chunky cunt flaps were heavenly cushions for his push-in, but his dick remained unsatisfied.

“Loosey Lucy,” he ridiculed her, “your pussy is so loosey goosey there’s no way it’s ever going to get me off.” She looked back at him, biting her tongue to prevent an embarrassed apology from escaping her lips. This sex god of Malatya Escort Bayan a man had basically just informed her that her hole felt like throwing a hot dog down a hallway!

Duke grinned at her expression, giving her fat ass another couple spanks. “Don’t worry. I’ll still fill you up with jizz.” He scooped up some of her viscous girl goo and worked it into the rim of her anus.

Lucy stiffened, surging forword in a futile attempt to evade his fingers. “I’ve never done that before!” she screeched.

“No shit?” Duke asked, his dick getting even harder. The gift of her anal virginity was right in front of him, and there was no way she could dissuade him from unwrapping it. “That’s a crime that needs rectifying. This bodacious butt is perfect for anal annihilation. I promise I’ll make it good for you.”

He stroked the sensitive flesh of her anal ring and she shivered. Her pubic hair had definitely been lasered off, but she still had a nice target of discolored skin around her booty blossom. That made him happy; Duke absolutely hated a bleached butthole. Sex wasn’t supposed to be neat and tidy and fucking sterilized. Lucy’s pucker was the same pinky brown as her of her inner labia—which were peeking out a bit in her current position. He dipped his pointer finger into her pleat without penetrating her. A few gentle caresses later and she was moaning her enthusiastic consent.

Duke used the wet/dry method of battering fried chicken to get her shit shoot nice and lubed—one hand gathering up the boggy bounty from her pussy and the other applying it to her untried backdoor. It took a while to find her clit in the mess of her fuck flaps, but he located it eventually. “You’ve got a big clit too,” he said, surprised it had taken him this long to notice. “More of a girl boner, if we’re being honest. I can practically jack you off with my fingers, you dirty bitch.” He played with her chubby hood ornament as he plunged one digit into her rosebud. Fuck yeah, he thought to himself, I’m going to gape this hole so big by the end of the night, it will never be the same.

Lucy couldn’t deny the decadence of these dual sensations, and she found herself arching in a silent appeal for more anal action. She’d tried butt stuff before, of course, but it had always hurt too much to continue. Duke’s attention to her forbidden hole felt… good. Duke smirked, pushing his finger as far as it would go inside her and wiggling it around. Her dump trumpet was clean, at least to the depth he could reach. He added more girl grease, pushing it in with a second finger as he got into a steady rhythm. Lube, penetrate, repeat. Soon enough, Lucy was moaning quietly with each breach of her beef bagel.

“Yeah, you like that,” Duke speared her relaxing hole with both fingers, gradually going deeper and deeper. “Letting me stretch you out. You’ve been a bad girl denying other men the pleasure of your pucker, haven’t you? Fuck toys like you should be used in the appropriate holes, shouldn’t they?” Lucy felt her body flame with heat. She couldn’t believe she was allowing him to do what he was doing to her, speak the way he was speaking to her. What kind of self-respecting woman let a man—a stranger—demean her in such ways? What kind of self-respecting woman got off on it? “You shouldn’t even be in charge of your own fuck holes,” Duke chastised, almost like he knew the direction her thoughts were taking. “Your asshole is opening so pretty, so eager for what you’ve denied it. That’s a third finger.”

His reach finally met her rectum, and he rotated his fingertips around her anal verge as he pulled out. He was utterly delighted when his intrusion caused her anal glands to begin secreting clear mucus. This tight-bodied babe was not only hiding fat puffy nipples, meaty cunt cakes, and a pliable pussy hole, but she also had a self-lubricating asshole? Oh yeah, it was going to take way longer than a single evening for him to get bored of playing with her. “Mmm,” he hummed. “Look at my anal whore, taking what I give her. I think she’s earned my nice fat cock.”

Without any further ado, Duke stuck his dick back into Lucy’s slime box, the sloppy sack of a snatch welcoming him with a satisfied slurp. He gave it a few pumps before rewarding her with a push of his drenched dong against the slightly-enlarged opening of her asshole. “It’s going to hurt at first,” he warned her, feeling generous, “but you’re going to take it like the eager piece of anal meat you are, aren’t you?” He shoved into her crinkled cavity without giving her a chance to respond.

The girl beneath him screamed and flailed, but he held her down, letting her sphincter get used to the size of his tip. Even though she was soaked with lubrication, the burn of taking his cock for the first time was inevitable. “This hole is mine now, Lucy,” he said softly into her ear, inching himself down into her. Duke stuck his fingers back in her pussy Escort Malatya to locate her anterior fornix, her entrance and canal a touch tighter from the anal invasion. Her A-spot proved too far back for him to reach, but he was experienced enough to estimate. Duke proceeded to batter the approximated area from his position inside her poop pocket.

“Oh fuck,” Lucy chanted, first in pain and then in pleasure as her body adjusted to his size.

“I’m going to give you your first anal orgasm, babe,” he said, apprising her of the thrill she was currently experiencing. “And then I’m going to pack your intestines with so much cum, it’ll be leaking out of you for days.” The sentiment alone was enough for Lucy to detonate into the most powerful climax she had ever endured. It seemed to last forever, her vision going dark while euphoria radiated all the way to the top of her head and down to the tips of her toes. When she came to, Duke had her flat on her stomach while he plowed her porthole with the force of his body weight. It didn’t take long before his pounding became erratic and he shot a steaming hot load as deep inside her as his impressive cock could reach.

“Wow,” Lucy stuttered, basking in the aftershocks of the most revelatory sexual encounter in all her young life. “That was… I can feel your… I’m all warm.”

The brute laughed, pulling his dick out of her with an audible slurp and then wringing every last drop of cum into the winking aperture of her newly fucked hole. “I knew you’d love it, my little butt slut. Plenty more where that came from.” He left to wash his hands and dick in the bathroom sink, and when he came back Lucy was still in the same sprawled on her stomach. He positioned her on her back once again, propping her upright against the headboard and helping her take a few gulps of water from a bottle he’d found in the minibar. When she was done, he placed a rolled pillow beneath her neck and another one under her hips. Still dazed, Lucy let him situate her so that her legs were folded with feet flat on the mattress and ankles resting on either side of her spread thighs. It gave him an upturned view of both her bulging box and ravaged rear-end.

Duke held her chunky labia spread with one hand for better visibility and then eased a finger into her drooling ditch, watching her face for a reaction. Nothing about her half-curious, half-frightened wide-eyed stare changed. “Your hole is so big,” he told her, “I’ve got a finger inside of you and you can’t even feel it.” Lucy squeezed her eyes shut in shame. She didn’t need to look down between her legs to know it was true. Still, she eventually followed his gaze to where his finger had disappeared. She squeezed her vaginal muscles and even then, it was not enough to alert her nerve endings to his intrusion. Duke shook his head in disbelief as his next three digits slipped in no problem.

Duke pulled out and looked around the room. Damn, he thought to himself, I knew I should have grabbed a bottle of wine or champagne on our way up. He returned to fridge and grabbed the largest vessel he could find—a 20 ounce bottle of Coca-Cola. Lucy looked dumbfounded by his intentions as he kneeled between her legs, and she eyed the makeshift sex toy dubiously. Her eyebrows drew together, like she was considering stopping this degrading turn of events, but she never did.

The bottle was probably a good inch and a half wider than his cock, but the bottom end was not tapered, which made it difficult to stuff inside Lucy’s flesh cave. Duke pried her hole open with his fingers, working with a single-minded focus before her soggy snatch slackened enough to take the girth of its new plastic lover. Lucy grunted with each unholy assault, her skin slicking with sweat. After a few minutes, Duke decided to empty the dark brown contents down the bathroom sink, and Lucy took the opportunity to reach down and touch herself. Her hole was… huge! Or whatever the next size up was called. And it seemed to be staying wide open, a screaming mouth begging to be filled. “Oh no!” she bemoaned her discovery. She didn’t need her pussy to get any bigger than it already was!

Duke, however, had other plans. He crammed the empty bottle, label now removed, back into her plus-sized cock sock, top-first this time. The plastic wasn’t crystal clear, but it held Lucy open enough that he could see a couple inches of her pink insides. He was still fully clothed, having only ever unzipped his pants to dick Lucy down, so he grabbed his phone from his back pocket and took a few photos. “What are you doing?” She squawked, trying to cover herself up.

“Capturing the moment,” he said, jerking her hands away. “Calm down. It’s not like your face is in the frame.” He turned the bottle back around to begin fucking her with it vigorously, and she forgot her objection almost immediately. It was everything she’d always imagined sex was supposed to be, the unyielding material actually rubbing against her inner walls. After five—maybe ten—minutes, Duke pushed the bottle into Lucy’s stretched-out snatch until only the red cap remained visible. Then he heaved her legs straight up into the air and sank his dick into her novice asshole once more.

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Marching Band Cadet– Chapter Fourteen This is a series about high school males in the late 1970s. They had a secret club in which they engaged in gay sex and BDSM rituals. This series is told from the point of view of a club member who served as their submissive. The initial chapters establish the background and characters. As the story progresses, in later chapters there will be hardcore sex, group sex, S&M, and some raunch and taboo activities. The series is set in the years before HIV, so condoms are not used.

This is fiction. If you object to fiction that includes the activities listed above, then you should read no further and exit from this page.

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Previously: School is out for the summer, and 14 year-old Sam is spending the weekend alone with the 17 year-old JT. It is Friday night.

“I am going to have so much fun with you,” JT said. “Let”s go to bed.”

When we reached JT”s bedroom, I was amazed at how simple and tidy it was. His bed was a simple twin bed. He had a desk, and it was very orderly. There was a music stand and a chair, and Jim placed his trumpet case on the carpet next to the stand.

I was buck naked and had left my clothes and other gear in the living room, but Jim was still dressed in his concert clothes, a white dress shirt and black slacks. He got undressed, and after neatly placing his slacks on a hanger, he tossed the rest of his clothes into a little plastic clothes hamper. His bedroom was utterly unlike the bedroom of a typical teen American male, which usually resembled tornado wreckage.

His dick was hard and pointing straight at me.

He made me laugh because he took off his socks last. So he was hopping around naked on one foot while trying to pull the sock off the other. With a boner! Once he got the first sock off, he switched his feet and repeated the antic.

“Are you laughing at me, boy?” he said with mock sternness. “Remember the rule of honesty.”

“Yes, Sir, I am laughing at you.” I was still chuckling, and my eyes locked with his as he stood up straight. Konya Escort I got a full frontal, top to bottom look at him. I ceased laughing. He literally took my breath away. There was nothing extraordinary about him. He was very tall, and lanky in an attractive way that I call “svelte.” He had a long, thin neck with a pronounced Adam”s apple. He had a few silken strands of hair right in the middle of his chest. He was a young male budding into full manhood, and nude. But otherwise he was unremarkable.

And yet, I gasped at the sight. We”d been naked together before, we”d had sex, we”d showered together, his dick had been in my mouth, and now my dick had been in his. But in this unique moment, we both knew this was our new reality. He was my Sir, and I was his boy. There were formalities yet to come, but we knew that our journey had begun. I was not seeing JT”s body any longer. I was seeing Sir”s body.

“You see something you want, boy?” JT asked with a sly smile.

I was unable to speak. JT and the Hot Shots had already discovered that I could be wickedly funny. But at this moment, I could not find words. I desired JT”s body with a lust that was neither respectful nor submissive. A long moment passed while I formed my words.

“Sir, I can speak honestly about what I want. Or I can speak courteously. But I do not think I can do both.”

Now it was JT”s turn to laugh at me. “Okay, boy. New rule. You can touch, hug, squeeze, kiss, lick, and/or suck any part of my body at any time. Unless I specify otherwise, that”s a standing rule. I am giving an all-access pass to your mouth and your hands. No restrictions, unless I say otherwise.”

There was a moment of silence while I processed his words.

Once I was certain I understood, I made my move. About twenty minutes later, JT would tell me that although many things had happened to him and his body, he had never before been “plundered” until I came along.

I attacked him the way a starving man might attack a pizza with both hands and mouth, but mostly mouth. I lunged for JT”s neck, which I kissed, licked, and bit so aggressively that he momentarily pushed me aside Konya Escort Bayan and said “No hickeys!”

I pushed him onto his bed and devoured him. I slurped, licked, and bit his nipples. I sniffed his armpits one after the other, and then I licked them one after the other. I went down on his cock and sucked it for a while. I then licked his balls. I buried my face in his pubes and inhaled for a while.

Then I licked and nipped my way down his thighs. I pulled up his leg and continued nibbling and slurping my way down his calf. And then I went for his feet. His sweaty, tangy, long, size 12 feet. I licked the soles and sucked the toes. It felt so nasty to do that. And I felt so good being nasty.

I returned to his cock and I put it in my mouth and bobbed up and down, licking and slurping and sucking. I was giving him oral sex with no skill or technique, only raw hunger. JT quickly started to moan and thrust. I tried to keep my teeth away from his cock, but I may not have been entirely successful as he surged into my mouth. He came in three huge pulses that I could feel hitting the back of my throat, followed by smaller pulses that I felt in his shaft. I kept his cock in my mouth while I swallowed. It was thick and plenteous, so I tried to swallow slowly in order to avoid gagging while his cock was still in my mouth. I gently sucked for a minute more, to make sure that I got every drop.

When I released his cock and rose up, he was lying sprawled on the bed beneath me. His head was thrown back on the pillow, eyes closed, mouth hanging open. His height meant that he had long, lanky limbs, so he spread over the whole bed. He looked completely expended, perfectly content, and utterly beautiful in my eyes.

With his eyes still closed, he opened his arms and motioned for me to lay down on top of him. So I eased down on top of him, and nuzzled my face against his neck.

JT sighed. “I”ve had a lot of experiences, boy. But until tonight, I”ve never been devoured. I”ve never been plundered!” I couldn”t see his face, but I could hear the smile in his voice.

“I hope that”s a good thing, Sir. You said I could. Sir.”

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JT squeezed me and said, “Yes, I did boy.” We lay in silence for a moment. I decided to tease him, even though it might get me in trouble.

“No hickeys!” I cried out in a girl”s voice.

I felt JT”s chuckle in his chest. That was good. At least I hadn”t really pissed him off. “Oh, you are going to pay for that, boy,” JT said. “You will pay, and I will be the one setting the price.”

The thought of him extracting revenge on me was arousing. I wondered what kind of torment he might come up with. It was arousing. But more importantly, I knew that he appreciated my wit, and that I had at least a little room to be rambunctious with him. It felt so good to be laying with him in an embrace, naked together, knowing that I had satisfied him, and knowing that this was only the beginning.

“Have you ever made pancakes?” JT asked suddenly, out of the blue.

“No, Sir. I mean, I have been in the kitchen with my Mom or Dad when they make them. Have you ever made them?”

“Yes,” JT said, chuckling a little. “Maybe we should have explained this to you. But one of your duties as a cadet is to make pancakes for breakfast. At every Hot Shots sleepover, the cadets get up early and make pancakes for the upperclassmen. So when I became a cadet, I learned how to make pancakes. It”s not really hard. But in the morning, I”m going to show you how. We”ll make pancakes together, and then you”ll know how. Then you may have to teach Matt.”

“Oh, crap,” I said. “I mean, oh, crap, Sir. I don”t think Matt will be very good at that. He doesn”t wake up early, and he doesn”t wake up happy. Won”t Sir Mark have something to say about it?”

“Good points, Sam. I was an unbound sub, and so I knew it was just a club duty for me. I”ll talk to Mark and we”ll get it figured out before the next get-together.

“And now,” JT said, “let”s get you spanked so we can get some sleep. There”s a ping pong paddle in the bottom desk drawer. Bring it to me and we”ll get started.”

It”s only Friday night, and the rest of the weekend is still ahead. But first, a good night paddling for Sam. Read the next chapter so you and Sam can continue to learn from JT about the power and beauty of discipline.

Your feedback is appreciated. You can write to the author hoo. Thank you for reading, and thank you for supporting Nifty at fty/.

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