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Sarısın ve ben..

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O gun gunlerden farklı degıldı…ben hakan 18 yasındayım.Arkadasım ugur da 16 yasında..ıkımızde hıc kız sıkememıstık..Evde hergun toplanıp Porno ızlerdık.Hep aklımıza komsumuzum kızı olan Aysu cok guzel ve tatlı bır kızdı..Onunla sadece selamlasırdık baska hıc bır samımıyyetımız yoktu.Ama ben ve ugur hep onu sıkme arzusuyla yasıyorduk.Bır gun porno ızlerken ıgce azmsıtık.Kız hemen Esertepe Escort altımızdakı daırede oturuyordu.Onun yalnız oldugunu bılıyorduk.Ailesi İzmir`e gitmsıtı ve Hakan ve ben alt kata ınmeden once Eczaneden bayıltıcı ılac almsıtık ve bunu pamuga doktuk.Sonra kapıyı caldık.Ustunde gecelık vardı.Bızı gordugu zaman cekındı fakat ıstemesede buyur ettı.ıcerı Esertepe Escort Bayan gırdık.Ustunu degıstırmek ıcın yatak odasına gıtmıstı.Fırsattan ıstıfade edıp arkasına pamuku agzına koyduk.3 veya 4 sanıye sonra bayıldı.Isımız hemen bıtırmemız gerekırdı.Hemen kızı soyduk.Amı daracık ve temızdı.İlk once yaladık.Hayatımda en cok fazla aldıgım ve en Escort Esertepe tatlı zevktı.Yataga yatırdık ve bacagını ıkıye ayırdık sonrada hızlı hızlı gıt gel yaptık.Kız uyuyordu ama sankı zevk alabılıyor gıbı gozukuyordu.Ben gotten arkadasım ıse agızdan verıyordu.Anıden kız uyandı .Bız cok korktuk fakat kız bıraz sasırdıktan sonra oda ıstemeye basladı.Bız sokup cıkartırkan kız agteda cıldırıyordu.Arkadsım arkadan ben onden verıyordum.Izledıgımız butun porno pozısyonlarını onda uyguladık.Aileden İzmirden gelesıye kadar her gun kızla bırlıkte oluyorduk.Kımı zaman Banyoda.. kımı zaman yatak odasında..Onun odasında hayatımızın en guzel ve en zevklı tatılını gecırdık.Gönderen: Zayıf ve Beyaz

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Tafama Takmışmın Sikmeye

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Slm arkadaşlar benim yaşım 17 yasındayım antalyada oturuyorum ben yakışıklı biriyim bizim sınıfta yasemin diye bir kız var dı cok deli doluydu bana hiç pasvermezdi sonra sevgilisinden ayrılmıştı baktım üzgün üzgün duruyordu yanına gittim ona destek oldum aradan 15 gün geçti bizim aramız bir anda cok hatta coook iyidi bi ara yasemine senden hoşlanıyorum dedim şa şırdı birden oda bana bende senden hoşlanıyorum Yurtçu Escort de di aradan zaman geçti ve benim sevgilim olmuştu yasemine dedim benim matematigim zayıftı yasemine söyledim bana yardım cı olurmusun dedim oda evet olurum de ertesi gün bizim eve gittik der calışıyorduk annem bana ben dışarıya yani pazara gidiyorum de annem gitti pazara evden cıktı yaseminler evde Yurtçu Escort Bayan ikimiz vardık yasemin dedi ben yoruldum de di dinlendik ten sonra calışırız de havadan su dan derken bir anda sekse dünüştü bana sen kızlarla yaptın mı de di yok dedim yatmak istermisin de bilmiyorum de dim icinde birtreme oldu yasemin beni öpmeye başladın sonra eşortmanımı indirdi kilodumu çıkardı Escort Yurtçu yarragımı ağzına almaya başladı hepsini alamıyordu 20cm oldugundan dolayı bende onun heryerini yalamaya başlanım dayanamadım arkasını döndü kırem sürdüm götüne yavaş yavaş sokmaya başladım bagırmaya başladı zek almaya başladı bu geliş hepsini sok diyordu götüne iki kere boşaldım bana sayıp olmana istiyorum de di yataga uzandık benim ki ni yalamaya başladıamın dogru kökledim hepsini alama dı ama canı öyle yanıki yatagı parcalayacak acı zevke dünüştü oh oh oh oh oh oh erkegimde meye başladı bosalmak üzereydim çıkardım dışarıya boşaldım 3 kere amına boşaldım iki saat beraber oldum halen bera ber oluyoroz her günGönderen: erol

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Merhabalar,22 yaşındayım,küçüklüğümden beri götümü parmaklıyor çok zevk alıyordum.bi ğün istanbula gezmeye gitmiştim.artık bu iş olacak dedim,ve bi sitede chat yapmaya başladım.hemen kendime birini buldum 24 yaşında evim var dedi,gittim buluştuk,evine Kazan Escort doğru yürümeye başladık,bizimkiler misafirliğe gitti demişti.gittiğimizde ailesi eve gelmişti.o da bana bodrumda olur mu dedi çekindim biraz ama ilk defa deneyeceğim Escort Kazan için ateşliydim.tamam dedim.indik bodruma.soyunduk.yarrağı 17 cm idi.hiç oral yaptın mı dedi hayır dedim ağzıma aldım yalamaya başladım,ama tecrübesiz olduğum için Kazan Escort Bayan kısa oldu.sonra arkamı döndüm eliyle götümü tükürüklemeye başladı,yavaş yavaş sokmaya başladı dar olduğu için girmiyordu götüme.sonra birden soktu,çok acı veriyordu ama bir süre sonra zevk almaya başladım,hızlı hızlı girmeye başladı,üzerime boşaldı,bi daha yapalım dedim her an biri gelebilir dedi ben de tamam o zaman dedim.şimdi canım çok istiyor,antalya,burdur,ısparta civarı aktif ve pasifler maillerinizi bekliyorum…[email protected] bye byeGönderen: sero

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Bizim sınıfta bir kız vardı adı ceyhan. kız içine kapanıktı. cinsel açıdanda öyle. Ailesi yokken porno izler bize anlatırdı. Ama hiç hoşlanmazdı. Sadece meraktan izlerdi. Tipten yemiş bir kızdı. Bu işlerden çok korkardı. Hatta erkekler ona meraktan porno izlediği için bırak bu işleri devlet su işleri diye takılırlardı. Ceyhan bir gün sınıfta otururken tecrübe olsun diye bacaklarını ellemeye başladım. Beden dersiydi herkes dışarıdaydı. O gün aklıma koydum ki onu sikecektim. Zaten oda meğilliymiş hemen sikime sarılıp saxo Aktepe Escort Bayan çekti. Ona saxocu derlerdi inanmazdım. Ceyhan`dan başka kimseye ben sokamazdım. Biraz kafiyeli oldu neyse. Sonra hemen toparlandık. Çünkü ayak sesleri duymuştuk. Ona aşık olduğumu söyledim tabiki numaradan sonra evde kimsenin olmadığı bir gün okul çıkışı onu eve davet ettim. Eve geldik. Yarım saat tv izledik. heyecandan çok sakarlık yapıyordu. Zaten dangalak kızın tekiydi. İlk önce biraz seviştik. Sonra bakire diye Aktepe Escort gönlüm el vermedi. Onu götten sikiyim dedim. Acımadım soktum götüne daracıktı. Zevkten bağırmaya başladı daha sonra ise acıdan ağlamaya başladı. Bakire olduğunu unutmuştum…Bu bağırışlara daha fazla dayanamadım. Sikimi çıkardım bağırmasın diye amına sukuverdim. Hay aksi bakire olduğunu unutmuştum. Zarı yırtıldı amından kan geldi. kız kanı görünce bayıldı zaten korkağın biriydi. Benimde ödüm patladı. Hemen giyindim tam ayıltmaya Escort Aktepe başladım ki bu sefer altına işedi orospu bütün ev özellikle salonun halısı battı. Babam beni bu durumda görse kuşkusuz oda beni sikerdi. Sonra kız duşa girdi. Zaten akşam olmuştu. Evine kadar bıraktım. Sakın bu olayı kimseye söyleme yoksa seni yine sikerim diye kızı tehdit ettim. Eve döndüğümde ailem gelmişti. Halının halini görünce babama numaradan wc`ye yetişemeyip ben işedim dedim. Babamda kazık kadar oldun eşşek herif. Gerizekalı herif dedi. Birde bu yaşta sidikli diye alay ettiler. Bizim halı beyaz olduğundan sarı sidik leş gibi gözüküyor. Neyse bu hikayem bu kadar ceyhan`a ne olduğunu merak ediyorsanız korkudan kimseye bir şey söyleyemedi. Yazının başlığına gelince bu olaydan sonra ceyhan`a taktığım ukrayna ismi… :))Gönderen: Walter

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Ne Biçim Parçaydı O

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Ben 18 yaşındayım ismim mehmet bundan iki sene önce amcamın kızı elif le carşıya gezmeye cıktık abisi gibi beni sewerdi mehmet abi sizin ewe gidelim dedi niye bizim ewde ne var dedim olsun dedi ablanları görürüz.tmm dedim gittik ewe ewde kimse yok bendeki yedek anaktarla kapıyı actım ve içeri girdik elif koltuga oturdu bende yanına gittim. ve ona bişe sordum şunu elif seni kucagıma alıp dönderim mi? o da olmaz dedi bende ayagı kalk Bağlum Escort Bayan dedim kalktı kucagıma aldım ve dönderdim elifinde hoşuna gitti.ve sonra götünden tutup döndermeye başladım burak dedi sus dedim ve sonra döndere döndere yatak odsına götürüp, yatagın üstüne attım.ve sonrada üstüne cıktım öpmeye başladım salakmısın dedi bana bende bunun etegini kaldırıp ellemeye başladım ve sonrada sikimi cıkarıp Escort Bağlum agzına verdim ya yapma dedi konusma dedim konusursan döverim dedim oda ağladı ve yazıklar olsun sana dedi bende vurdum ona ve elif sanki bayılmış gibi kendini bana buraktı. ve bende arkasını cevirip götüne soktum ve ıhhh ıhhh diye sesler cıkarıyodu ve ondan sora kendiside istemeye başladı ve sonrada bacaklarını aralıyıp amını emdim ve amına Bağlum Escort sokmaya başladım ve bu sefercıglık attı,bende sokmaya devam ettim ve sonradan ikimizde boşaldık ondan sonra kanaması oldu ve ağladı bişe olmaz dedim o da inandı ondan sonra banyo ya gectik ve sikimi yalamya başladıyaladıgı zaman vırc vırc diye ses cıkıyordu ondan soonra ben boşaldım ve yataga yatmaya gectik ve yarın 2 saat yatakta birbirimize bakarak kaldık ve bana bunu dedi banyoya gec gectim ve sikimi yaladı ve bende gögüslerini emdim bana bunu dedi bu ilk ve son olacak yoksa annemlere söylerim dedi bende tmm dedim ve ordan elbiselerimizi giyip ewine götürdüm buna ilgi duyan büyük küçük bayan varsa msn adresim bu orda konusabiliriz [email protected]

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Manyak Bir Duyguydu

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Selamlar… 17 yaşında 1.80 boyunda 65 kilo özelliklerine sahip genç bir erkeğim. Sizlere daha 1 hafta önce başımdan geçen bir olayı anlatmak istiyorum. Oturduğumuz yere yakın bir sitenin içinde siteye ve çevreye açık bir spor merkezi vardı. Bende buraya sömestirden itibaren vücut geliştirme ve diğer aktiviteler için üye olmuştum. Fazla uzatmadan sölim oraya her gittiğimde sitenin zengin bayanlarını yarı çıplak, taytlarıyla, mayolarıyla görüyodum. Oraya her gittiğimde o kadınları düşünüp mastürbasyon yapıyordum fakat buna rağmen gözüme çokta hoş gözüken bi bayan yoktu.Ta ki adı Zeynep olan 22 yaşındaki o kıza (artık kadın) gelene kadar.Oda oraya yeni üye olmuştu ve esmerdi. Füze gibi göğüsleri, sütun gibi bacakları vardı. İlk gördüğümde ben bunu götürmeliyim demiştim.O bacak açma hareketleri yaparken bende arkasına geçip onun taş gibi kıçını seyrediyordum. Zaten Oda göstermek için o kadar seksi giyiniyordu. Bu belliydi.Neyse bir gün Esertepe Escort Zeyneple kafede tanıştık. Klasik tabi, ben ona o arada abla diyodum. Uzatmiim Onunda bana pas verdiğini hissettim. Zaten ben çalışırken bile sürekli benim görmem için frikikler veriyodu. Artık dayanamadım ve bir sabah kendisine “nedense çok hoşuma gittiğini” söledim. Biraz şaşırmıştı. Sonra birden bana “bende senden hoşlandım” dedi.Ben çok şaşırdım ama sevinmiştim. Daha sonra bana bekar olduğunu ve yalnızlık çektiğini söledi ve o gün cumaydı. Beni ertesi güne yani cumartesi akşam yemeğine davet etti ben de hemen kabul ettim tabi. Heyecanlıydım ve hemen eve gittim hazırlıklara başladım. Her yerimi tıraş ettim. Akşam oldu ve ben evlerine gittim. Beni acayip kapalı bi elbiseyle karşıladı. Acaba olmucak mı dememe kalmadı birden soyunmaya başladı. Benimki hemen dikildi. “Yemeği sonra yeriz” dedi ve soyunmaya devam etti. Birden önümde diz çöküp Esertepe Escort Bayan normal boyutlarda olan aletimi azına almaya başladı.MANYAK Bİ DUYGUYDU !!!Bende hemen gaza gelip “yatak odasına geçelim” dedim. İyice soyunmuştuk. İkimizde çırılçıplaktık. Neyse, yaklaşık 5 dakka falan yaladı ve ben bi kere boşaldım. Sonra aynı şeyi benim ona yapmamı istedi. Hemen kabul edip o daracık ve sıcacık üçgenini yalamaya başladım. Oda benim gibi traşlıydı.5 dakka falan yaladım zevkten uçuyor bi yandanda suratımı tırmıklıyordu. Acı çekmeme rağmen zevk alıyordum. Birden füze göğüslere daldım. Uçlarını yalıyor, ısırıyordum. Buda 3 dakka falan sürdü. Çok zevk alıyordum. Bu arada Oda benim vücuduma dokunuyordu. Daha sonra bacaklarını araladı ve içine girmemi istedi ve ben hemen “bakire olup olmadığını” sordum. “Bakireyim ama yeter artık” dedi. Daha fazla beklemeyip içine girdim.Sıcacıktı… Manyak bişeydi… İçine yüklendikçe Escort Esertepe bağırıyordu. Her tenine değişimde ayrı bir zevk alıyordum. İçine boşalcakkken sordum ve bana hap aldığını söledi. Bunun üzerine içine boşaldım. Yaklaşık 5 dakka sonra bu sefer kendi parmaklarını yalayarak kıçına sokmaya başladı. Spor merkezinde gördüğüm o taş gibi kıç tüm narinliğiyle karşımdaydı. Hemen bir kaç darbede indirmeye çalıştım ama girmiyordu. Üzüldüm ve mutlaka yapmam gerektiğini söledim. O da tabiki dedi ve hemen krem alıp geldi. Sürdü ve ilk yüklenişte benim çadır vışşttttt diye giriverdi. Bi kaç gidip gelmeden sonra rahatça sokmaya başladım. Bi postada arkasına boşaldım ama döller geri gelmişti. Hayatımda hiç bi masturbasyondan böle zevk almamıştım. İkimizde yığıldık. Bana en büyük zevkinin yalamak olduğunu söleyerek aletimi tekrar ağzına aldı. Öle bi yalıyor emiyorduki adeta kendinden geçmişti. Nerdeyse yutucaktı. Bir kere daha boşaldım ve sonra duşa girdik. Duşta sadece biraz oynaştık ve çıktık yemek yedik. O gece eve 11de döndüm. Ailem hiç merak etmedi çünkü hep hafta sonları o saatte dönerdim. O günden sonra bu olayı 1 – 2 kez daha yaşadık ama spor merkezinde, havuzda bile kimseler yokken sabah erkenden oynaştık, elleştik. Bu benim için bi şanstı.

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Kitty’s Debut

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“Oh Kevin, how many times do I have to tell you – red and green should never be seen,” said Jade, dropping her carrier bags on the floor.

She watched as Kevin, who had been lounging in an armchair, his legs propped up on the coffee table and his knuckles grazing the floor like a gorilla, jumped to his feet.

“Didn’t hear you come in,” he said, pulling at the hem of his dress, a guilty look on his face. “I just thought that this dark green and these tights, they’re plum rather than red, I just thought … they looked rather good together.”

Jade flung her umbrella, dripping wet, beside the bags and pulled off her coat. “You just thought! I told you to wait for me before you started dressing.” She walked over and flung herself on the couch. “Where did you get it?”

“At a charity shop.” Kevin beamed. “It was only five pounds.”

“Well, that’s five pounds down the drain. Please go and take it off, and while you’re at it maybe you could wipe that foundation off your face, it’s far too dark.”

Jade shook her head. Unbelievable, what that boy thought passed for an outfit. Kevin had been her flat mate for six months now. When he’d come to see about the room Jade had taken one look at him—at his jeans and flannel shirt, scuffed boots, fair hair tied back in a ponytail—and thought, this can’t possibly work, he’s not got a camp gene in his body. But when Kevin had sat through the interview, making no move to leave despite the fact that Jade was wearing matching beige flares and an A-line tunic, her wrists dripping with gold chains, complete with bobbed wig and frosted lipstick—when she had finally said, exasperated, look, you do know I’m a man, Kevin had simply nodded.

It had been the end of a long day and Jade had seen scores of prospective tenants. Some had visibly baulked when they’d seen her in her get-up. Kevin had been the last person to turn up, and Jade had made a snap decision to give him the room, based on nothing more than the fact that he’d had the deposit on him in cash. As she tucked the notes inside her bra she’d reckoned that because he worked nights at a press cuttings agency they’d probably just spend their lives living side by side, not running into each other much.

What Jade had omitted to mention at the time was that she was also a prostitute. Well, she didn’t exactly think of herself as one. The service she provided was too friendly to be thought of simply as a monetary exchange. She had come to London from Leeds four years ago with big dreams of making her name as an artist, but when that had failed to pay the bills she had been forced to find a sideline. She saw couples, mostly.

One afternoon when Kevin had wandered groggily into her bedroom—mistaking it for the bathroom, he explained later—to find Jade busy in between the legs of an architect’s wife while the architect looked on, Jade had rather expected Kevin to act a little shocked. But when Jade had come clean to him later he’d simply replied, “Live and let live, that’s my motto.” After Kevin’s accidental stumble into her other life, something shifted imperceptibly between them, and Kevin started to cook her dinner, with fancy plates, sometimes with candles. Always a sucker for romantic gestures, one evening Jade had fallen into bed with him. Kevin had not gone to work that night.

Kevin came back into the room, wearing a bathrobe, his face scrubbed clean of makeup and went over to the fireplace. Over it was propped one of Kevin’s efforts. Kevin had recently declared that he too, was going to try his hand as an artist, and the first result of this ambition was a sorry affair, drips of Plaster of Paris, set into peaks and smeared with multicolored crayon. Jade certainly had no need to feel threatened, she thought, glancing at the sculptural monstrosity that threatened to teeter off the mantelpiece, but she couldn’t help wondering where all this was going; first the art stuff and now, after much pestering, Kevin was to accompany Jade to a party dressed head to toe as a woman. Jade loved blind adoration as much as the next person, but sometimes she wondered if Kevin wasn’t a little too eager to meld his own personality into hers.

“Have you thought of a name for yourself?” Everyone knew Jade simply as Jade, whether she was in or out—as she was today—of drag, but if Kevin was going to make his debut he needed a name for his other self.

“I thought, maybe, Kitty?” he said, pouring two brandies and walking towards her.

“Yes, that will do I suppose,” said Jade, hooking one leg, clad in velvet trousers, behind the other in a ladylike fashion. Kevin passed one glass to Jade, who sipped at it. “Thanks, I’m absolutely frozen. I don’t know what I was thinking, shopping for presents on Christmas Eve. Oxford Street was a complete nightmare.” She pulled out a cigarette and lit it. “I see you got the fire working.” It was nice having a man about the house. She’d never been able to get the fire to light before and now it danced merrily in the grate.

“Lovely,” Sincan Escort she said, downing the last of the brandy and feeling the hot liquid flow through her and begin to thaw her freezing fingers.

“Sure you don’t want anything else? I’ve got some coke left …”

“No, I’ve got to keep my head if I’m to get you looking presentable.” She set down the brandy glass on the coffee table. “You’ll just about get into one of my dresses I suppose, but as for shoes, mine’ll never fit. I hope you’ve thought to buy some—”

“Oh yes!” said Kevin, disappearing and coming back with some silver high heels. He held them up excitedly. “What do you think?”

“Oh dear,” said Jade, pulling her mobile phone from her bag and running her hand agitatedly through her short plum colored hair. “This isn’t going to be easy. Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer to come as Kevin?”

“No!” Kevin pouted. “You promised this would be my big night.”

“I suppose I did.” She punched in a number. “Hello, Dillon? We’ll be over in an hour. Hang on.” She turned to Kevin who was holding the silver shoes out in front of him, mesmerized by the way the fire’s reflection made them sparkle. “Please tell me you’ve shaved your legs.”


“Never mind,” she said, catching sight of his hairy calves. She turned back to the phone. “Make that an hour and a half. We’ll be round with a taxi at eleven to pick you up.”

* * *

When the taxi eventually rolled up outside Dillon’s front door it was almost midnight.

“Shall I go?” said Kitty from beneath the black wig. Jade had done the natural look on her, which had required trowels full of makeup and all her artistic ingenuity to achieve. The result, Jade thought, was a passing resemblance to Isabella Rosselini in Blue Velvet if one looked hard enough. Kitty leaned back in the seat, her legs spread wide in a characteristic male stance and Jade eyed her disapprovingly.

“No, you’ll probably break a leg on those heels. Keep your legs together will you. Please try and remember.”

As she clambered out of the taxi and stepped into an icy puddle she cursed under her breath. She had gone the whole hog as Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and now her kitten heels were soaked. She negotiated a pile of gray slush that was heaped up on the sidewalk and, as the freezing wind almost whipped her coat from her back, she drew it close around her.

At the top of the steps she rang Dillon’s bell, jumping from foot to foot to keep warm. She hoped that Dillon was ready. She was always worrying about him—she’d known him since he was a scrawny kid at school—especially whether he was eating enough. He was terribly thin. Although Dillon was twenty-five and only a few years younger than Jade, she still felt rather protective.

Eventually a delicate hand, clad in a white leather glove reached around the door.

“Sorry,” said Dillon, blinking out at her. “I was asleep.”

“Your hair looks great,” said Jade leaning over and clasping Dillon to her foam bosom. He felt as small and frail as a bird. His hair was died orange with streaks of blonde at the temples, so that now he looked the spitting image of David Bowie, Jade’s all time favorite idol. He wore a black turtleneck, narrow black pants and white pointed shoes. What with the white gloves, on anyone else the outfit would have been a fashion faux pas of staggering proportions, reminiscent of Michael Jackson circa Thriller, but on Dillon it was the epitome of rock chic, though Jade admiringly.

“You not brought a jacket? You’re gonna freeze,” said Jade, sheltering him under her arm as they walked down the steps. “Don’t know if I told you? Kevin’s going as Kitty tonight.”

“Oh? How does she look?”

“Well, she’s going to need a bit more practice before she can carry it off.” She pulled open the taxi and barked, “Shove over will you Kitty.”

When they got to Spike’s party it was in full swing. In fact, thought Jade, it looked like it had climaxed a while ago because most of the guests were lolling drowsily on the sofas, some were leaving.

Spike’s eyebrows shot up in astonishment as Kitty pulled off her coat. Jade bit her lip, hoping that Spike would not ridicule her handiwork, then breathed a sigh of relief when he said, “Wow, you look great, Kevin,” as he ran his eyes over the long sleeved cream-colored dress. There hadn’t been time to shave his arms too.

“Actually he’s Kitty tonight,” said Jade.

Spike tossed his long mane of strawberry blonde hair behind him. “I thought you lot were never going to show up. Anyone want a cocktail?”

“Sure,” murmured Dillon, wandering into the lounge. Kitty and Jade followed Spike into the kitchen.

The blood red of the walls seeped through the dim light, the sofas strewn with leopard print and fake fur rugs. Dillon went and sat down next to a girl in a brown mohair dress. She had a smooth feline look with closely cropped brown hair. First she ignored him, Sincan Escort Bayan then eyed him warily. Finally she sneezed.

“Sorry,” she said, reaching into her bag and pulling out a tissue. “What’s the best cure for a cold?”

“Cocaine?” said Dillon lethargically.

“Wouldn’t that make me feel even worse tomorrow morning?” said the girl, turning to look at him, her green-brown eyes widening a little.

“Who cares about tomorrow?” said Dillon and they regarded each other for long moment, broken by Jade, who thrust two cocktails at them.

“Gimlets all right? I love your dress,” she said, reaching out to touch the soft wool, which wrapped the girl’s boyish figure like a pelt. “Very Christmassy.” Jade sat down in the space between the girl and Dillon.

“I’m Heather,” she said, accepting one of Jade’s proffered cigarettes. While Jade chatted to her she kept one eye on Dillon, who was sprawled beside her. Frankly, she was worried about him. He was attracted to this Heather, that much was clear, but after his last girlfriend’s departure, which had led to a botched attempt at suicide, well, she wasn’t going to stand by and watch it all happen again. Besides, he didn’t need the distraction of love if he was going to make it big. And he was, Jade was quite certain of that. It was only a matter of when.

Jade was talking very fast. She felt very happy and high. At the same time she was acutely aware of Dillon’s slightly down mood. She was just wondering how she was going to cheer him up when she glanced over at Kitty, who sat in an armchair a few feet away chatting to a guy. She watched as Kitty plucked a cherry out of her cocktail and began to suck on it provocatively. Her eyes transfixed by something at the hem of Kitty’s dress, Jade jumped up and rushed over to her. Speaking in a voice that was so loud that everyone could hear, even over the music she said, “Your stockings, Kitty!” Both of Kitty’s stockings were sagging around her knees, revealing her knobbly knees. “What do you think you look like?” Jade yanked Kitty up by the arm. “Let’s go to the bathroom and fix you up.”

When Jade had eventually sorted Kitty out she leaned back on one of the fur covered beanbags at Dillon’s feet. She’d polished off another couple of cocktails and was feeling a little drunk. Dillon was explaining to Heather that he was trying to make it as a rock musician, but in the meantime was subsisting on social security benefits. Heather talked animatedly of her job at an art gallery, but then her conversation was abruptly cut off.

Jade raised herself up on her elbows. Oh Jesus! Dillon had lunged at Heather and was trying to press his mouth onto hers.

“Hey,” Heather said, pushing him away. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“I dunno. Trying to kiss you …”

Jade chuckled silently, closing her eyes. Dillon certainly had a lot to learn about the art of seduction. He’d well and truly ballsed that one up. Still, it was just as well. They should probably think about heading home. Then, to her surprise she heard Heather say, “Listen, I’ve got some dope at my place. I just live upstairs. Do you fancy a joint?”

“Yeah, I guess,” said Dillon.

“Well, let’s go,” she said. In the lull between two songs Jade tensed as she heard Heather whisper, “Can you get rid of your friends?”

“No, not really.”

“Well okay,” her hands fell into her lap. “I guess they can come up too. It looks like the party is breaking up anyway.”

Jade made a pretence of waking from a doze as Dillon shook her awake. She went to find Kitty, who was holding court in the kitchen, unaware that her black wig was askew and that her blonde hair was poking out beneath it. It seemed to take forever to straighten the wig, to kiss Spike goodbye and to stagger up the two flights to Heather’s apartment. As she followed Kitty’s unsteady gambol up the stairs, one arm reaching out in case she toppled, she turned to look at Dillon, climbing up behind her. Thank goodness Dillon had not attempted to be alone with the girl. Dillon fell in love at the drop of a hat, then fell to pieces when it all went pear shaped. That wasn’t going to happen tonight, Jade had made sure of that when she had briefed Dillon privately before they’d left Spike’s.

Jade felt embarrassed when, as soon as they’d got into the apartment, Kitty immediately headed for the fridge. One look at Heather’s face told him that she regretted inviting them up.

“I’m starving,” said Kitty. “Does anyone fancy a burger?” Soon she was frying burgers and Jade was rolling the joint.

“Where’s Dillon?” said Heather.

Kitty snorted. Jade hoped that she wasn’t going to give the game away.

Heather went down the hall to her bedroom and found him crouched in front of her collection of CDs. She saw that he had removed his gloves.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m looking at your CDs.”

“Do you want some of the joint?”

He shook his head. “Well, okay,” Escort Sincan she said and turned away.

When she came back Jade noticed the look of irritation cross Heather’s face as she saw that Kitty was splattering the wall above the cooker with grease. But after a few puffs on the joint Heather begin to relax.

“It beats me what Dillon is doing in there,” said Heather, taking a deep drag.

“Looking through your underwear?” said Kitty, giggling, and Jade nudged her.

“I’m going to have a look.”


Standing inside the doorway of her bedroom Heather said to Dillon, “Why don’t you come out?”

“You’ve got some great books.” He stood up and walked over to her.

“Well they can’t be that interesting …” But before she could say anything more he had kissed her. He reached behind her and switched off the light.

Lying down on the bed in the dark she felt wonderfully drowsy. First they kissed, long drawn out kisses, and then he slipped off her clothes so she lay with her legs dangling off the end of the bed and he knelt between them and began licking and licking so that her body began to reverberate. She felt like she was suspended in a blue cloud for a long time and then the orgasm, like a tiny point of weak light in the distance, began its stealthy approach.

She sighed, her mind completely blank, aware only of the orgasm creeping toward its destination, of the sensation, like molten honey, that was emanating from between her legs. Then dimly she was aware of another sensation, a wetness on her breast, then, something brushing against her cheek. Her drugged brain searched for an explanation, how could he be here and here and here? She opened her eyes. At first she saw only the door, ajar, and the sliver of light that flowed into the room. Then she turned her head. To her right lay Kitty, naked but for a few smudges of eyeliner around her eyes. To her right was Jade, without her wig. Heather started to laugh.

“We’re going to give you the best Christmas present you’ve ever had,” said Jade.

She continued to laugh, a barely containable mirth tickling the inside of her stomach. Then, when the laugh had shuddered out of her she became aware that the almost orgasm had seeped away.

“I can’t believe it.”

Jade kissed her cheek. “Do you want to?”

“I do,” said Heather, leaning over to kiss Jade, savoring the unfamiliar feel of the lipsticked mouth, then Kitty, at the same time feeling that Dillon had resumed his lapping.

Had they done this before? she wondered. It certainly seemed like it. They slipped on condoms, then drew her to them, so that she sank into the warm nest that their bodies made on either side. She felt their fingers running over her skin, leaving trails of heat like a comet fizzing through a night sky.

“No, Dillon,” Heather heard Jade whisper, “you stay down there. You’ll have your turn.”

She turned on her back and still they caressed and caressed her and soon one of them was inside her. She was surprised to find she didn’t care to know who it was. She closed her eyes, hearing nothing, seeing nothing. She got up on all fours and some fingers touched her clit. She reached out blindly in the half-light in front of her and, finding a cock, started to suck on it, then ran her tongue up and down its length. The cock was no longer in her from behind, now there was someone below her. It was so easy, so ridiculously easy, to sink down onto it.

The tremors generated by the fingers working her clit caused her to gasp momentarily, taking one cock out of her mouth to savor the other inside her, grinding and grinding against the front wall of her pussy, the orgasm that she had lost earlier, now beginning to rise jerkily within her, like a swimmer pushing against the tide.

Then, as she twisted her mouth back towards the cock she felt some fingers probing her ass, putting in some cold lube as she squirmed against the fingers. Then a cock was slid into her ass and began to pound. Rhythmically someone’s hips bounced against her while still her splayed legs balanced her so that the cock beneath her was still moving in and out of her pussy, and although the insides of her thighs were beginning to ache it was a good ache.

The cock in her mouth was beginning to ejaculate and she tried to keep it there while still pushing her ass back on the other cock. She felt like a rubber band, being stretched in all directions, fragile, about to snap, her hips overburdened with pleasure as she came, feeling a wetness on her back where someone had pulled out and come, as she collapsed on the body beneath her.

All was silent for a long while. Eventually she got up and walked to the kitchen. It looked appalling, greasy plates were piled up in the sink, ladies clothes tangled on the floor. She picked up Kitty’s black wig and tugged it over her head. In the bathroom she looked at herself admiringly. The dark hair brought out the green in her eyes. There was a trail of fuchsia lipstick kisses on her cheek and neck. She took a deep breath and noticed that her nose was unblocked but that her limbs ached. She sank down on the edge of the bath.

“I can’t find my wig!” shouted a voice.

“In here,” she called, weakly. God she was tired. Kitty stuck her head round the door.

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Charlie had always been a curious kid growing up. So naturally when he got his very own computer, he was bound to explore. As Charlie turned 18 and was a senior in high school, he finally found something that really excited him. He saw a woman using a strapon on a man, who seemed to love it. Charlie made a vow to himself that he would get fucked by the time he left high school. Little did he know how many times this would occur.

Charlie began playing around with his ass soon after seeing that video. He began with fingers and slowly moved his way up. He also began watching only strapon and shemale porn, where the guy gets hammered in his ass. Speaking of hammers, as Charlie began wanting larger and larger objects to fuck, he found a thick hammer in his garage that seemed to fit the job perfectly. Using crisco, Charlie would lube the handle up, and after fingering his ass, would slowly slide it in, making sure to rub his prostate. He loved the feeling of getting six inches up his ass, but he felt he was missing something. Girth.

Charlie really wanted to get something more like a dick to use while he jacked off. One day though, while he was in his parent’s room, he stumbled across a plastic box under their bed. Inside it there were four or five different dildos of varying size, from 6 inches long and 1.5 inches around to a monster 13 inches long and a good 4 inches around. Charlie’s mouth watered at his find, and his ass twitched. He grabbed a black one that was about 7.5 inches long and about 2 inches around, and ran back to his room. He lubed the dildo up, sat it on a chair, and lowered himself down on it. He rode the cock for a good half an hour, loving every minute as the realistic cock stretched him and gave him several powerful Polatlı Escort orgasms. Once he was finally worn out he sat back down on the cock and stayed there for fifteen minutes, savoring the feeling. Charlie knew that he would not be able to go back to the hammer after experiencing this.

After a month of slowly moving up in size Charlie was ready for the massive 13 inch white dildo. He had already been trying to suck the cock while fucking himself with other dildos, but he was now ready to fuck the huge cock. Charlie wanted to try a new position with this one though, one that would make him feel more submissive, so he mounted the dildo on the wall in his bathroom so he could watch himself doggy style fuck it. Also, so he could finally find a partner, Charlie was video taping the event, so he could post it looking for a domme. After starting off with a smaller dildo, Charlie sucked the huge cock and then lubed it up. Slowly, he backed himself up to the phallus until it nudged his waiting hole. He grabbed the cock head and glided it slowly past his outer ring. He grunted as the huge head finally popped into his hole, which left the long, thick, veined shaft to go.

Slowly, Charlie took all the remaining 12 inches until he felt his balls bump the plastic ones. He began to rock forward and backward on the cock, letting it loosen him up. As the pain that he had felt slowly turned into pleasure, Charlie moved all the way to the end of the cock, barely keeping the head in him, then thrust himself all the way back. He began to quicken his pace, as the warm feeling in his ass began to make him rock hard. Soon, he was flying up and down the cock, moaning, calling himself names, and begging to be fucked Polatlı Escort Bayan harder. After ten minutes he blew his load all over the floor without ever having touched his dick, but he kept fucking the cock with reckless abandon. Twenty minutes later he finally decided he’d had enough and pulled off the cock. He turned the camera off, cleaned the bathroom up, and took a shower. Charlie enjoyed fingering his gaping asshole while he uploaded his video onto the internet.

While Charlie was still waiting to hear from a Domme in his area, he continued on with his semi normal life, which included varsity football. He played Tight End and Defensive End, and had made some good friends on the team. One day after practice, Charlie had to run extra laps because he and his friend Jamal had been screwing around while the coach was talking. As Charlie and Jamal changed for the showers alone, Jamal started up a conversation.

“I was checking out some porn online the other day, and guess what I came across?”

Charlie didn’t think it was an odd question, as the guys talked about sex all the time. So he replied, “What?”

“I saw a video of you fucking yourself senseless on a dildo. It was one of the hottest things I’d ever seen.”

Charlie’s jaw dropped as Jamal then proceeded to remove his towel and show his already hard 11 inch ebony cock. “J-Jamal, I don’t like guys.”

“It’s okay Charlie, I don’t either, I just like to fuck. I bet you’d love to have this cock in your ass just as much as I’d love to put it there.”


“Look, don’t worry about it, we’re alone, no one will see us. Consider it a one time thing because we both were horny. I mean, you’re just as hard as Escort Polatlı I am.”

And it was true, Charlie’s cock, much smaller than Jamal’s, was just as hard. So Jamal took Charlie by the cock and led him into the showers. After he turned them all onto hot, Jamal pushed Charlie down onto his knees. “Go on, suck it, you know you want to.” But before Jamal had finished the sentence Charlie had his cock halfway down his throat. After about five minutes of sucking, Jamal told Charlie to get on his hands and knees. Jamal then proceeded to tongue Charlie’s ass until Charlie was moaning and begging to be fucked.

Jamal took some soap, lubed both his cock and Charlie hole, and slowly pushed himself in to the hilt. His huge black balls pressed against Charlie’s white ones. Jamal began to slowly fuck his ass, pulling himself nearly out then sliding right back in. Once a rhythm was established Jamal began to really fuck Charlie, who was moaning while his cock leaked precum. After Jamal tired of doggystyle, he flipped Charlie over and pushed his knees to his chest. As Charlie really began to feel his orgasm building, Jamal’s cock grew in his ass. After a few more strokes Jamal pushed all the way in unloaded a massive amount of cum in Charlie’s ass. Feeling the cock spasm in his ass, Charlie came as well, shooting cum into his own mouth.Jamal gave a few more strokes to make sure he was empty, then pulled out.

“That was great Charlie, you sure are a good slut. You know, if you are still looking for a domme, my girlfriend’s sister is really kinky. She’s Junior at State right now. I know you’re going there next year, so why don’t I give her a call for you and send her your video.”

“Really? Thanks Jamal, you’ve got a big heart to go along with that big cock of yours. I’d love to have a black woman as a domme, maybe even start a relationship.”

“No problem man, I mean, I help all my bitches out. I’ll see you at State next year man.”

“Yeah, you will Jamal, I’m sure glad I let you fuck me.”

To be continued…

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Kate’s Heavenly Hell Ch. 03

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Those of you who read the previous stories know how desperate I was to cum. It had been almost 3 weeks since Kate had locked my cock up in a chastity cage. Every time it was time to get released, something prevented it. First, Kate wanted to set a record of one full week in chastity, then we were going to spend more time with Alexis and her new girlfriend. Then we we got home, Kate realized she had forgotten to get the key from Alexis. Finally on Friday, almost 3 weeks after being locked up, they key arrived, but then Kate just needed one more orgasm before letting me out…


“Hmm… I think I am getting wet again. Maybe you could take care of my pussy just one more time first…” Kate moaned.

“OK, anything, as long as you release me!” I pleaded.

I unzipped Kate’s skirt, and lowered her panties. God I loved her pussy! I laid her back and started to kiss her, working my way down to her pussy. My cock that had been locked up for nearly 3 weeks was desperately trying to break out of its secure metal prison. That was OK, because I know it would be getting out in a couple of minutes.

Kate started to make sexy moaning sounds. “Mmm… You know what would be super sexy and fun?” I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. “We should go away next weekend. That would give us some serious ‘us’ time before I leave on my work trip on Tuesday.” I had forgotten about that trip. She was going to be away for three days the following week.

Now that did sound fun! And sexy! “Oh ya… feels so good…” Kate gasped. “To make it really interesting, maybe you should wait just a little longer… Oh FUCK!” Kate climaxed. This whole chastity game was sure a huge turn on for her. That kind of worried me. “Oh god, you know what we should do?” I wasn’t sure I liked the sound of this.

“We should mail the key to your little man’s cage …ah… ahead to the hotel!” Kate climaxed again. “Let’s go put it in the mail, then maybe I can use my strap-on on you!”

“You have got to be kidding me!?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “You want me to wait another week!? It has already been almost 3 weeks of nonstop sexual teasing and stimulation while my cock is trapped in this steel … thing.” Well, Kate might like this game, but I had to admit, it was making me horny as hell too. My cock felt like it was going to burst.

“Honey, I know, and I feel kind of guilty. But your desperation turns me on, and just the thought of you with no way for either of us to get you out to release you drives me wild!” I was really in trouble. “I have to confess, I have been trying to think of a way to do this for a while. I guess your talented tongue gave me some inspiration.”

“OK, how can I say no to that. Just promise me you aren’t going to keep finding reasons to keep me locked up even longer.”

Kate put the key back in the box it had just come out of and had me tape it up. Next we went on the internet to find a nice hotel a short drive away, and made a reservation. Then Kate addressed the box to herself at the hotel’s address. We decided to go to a Yenimahalle Escort dinner and a movie that night, and on the way Kate dropped the box of in a mail box. I could feel my heart speeding up as she walked over to the mailbox. Then as she dropped it into the box, I almost started to panic. What had I got myself into! I might be panicking, but my cock was betraying me. It was swelling, pushing against the metal bars of its cage.

We had a nice dinner, Kate was dressed in a sexy (and short) dress. I know she was trying to make this hard for me. She kept giving my caged cock and balls nice gentle rubs. Of course I loved it, but it sure wasn’t helping my predicament. Later, at the movie, Kate got even more frisky. She put my hand on her pussy and unzipped my pants. She started firmly massaging my balls and running her fingers along the open slots in the cage. God, I didn’t know how much of this I could take!

Kate shuddered her orgasm as I felt my cock start to leak. This was entirely too much. Kate leaned over and whispered “God, I need you cock in me tonight! I wish you could get it out for me.” So did I.

I didn’t really pay any attention to the movie, I have no idea what happened in the show. When we got home later that night, Kate took me upstairs and undressed me. “Honey, I am desperate to feel you cock inside of me. I just wish we could get that cage off.” She was teasing me, knowing that now there was no way to remove it until next Friday, one week away. “I guess I will just have to be content by giving you a chastity blow-job. Kate proceeded to get on her knees and take my caged cock into her warm soft mouth. I could feel just enough to drive me crazy while she rolled my balls around in her hands.

Once she had me completely out of my mind, Kate had me lie down on the bed, positioning us for a 68 (kind of like 69, but with a locked up cock). As I started devouring Kate’s pussy, she resumed her ministration of my caged cock. “You know what I drives me wild? Knowing I will get all the orgasms I can handle, while there is literally no way that you can have any orgasms.”

“I can’t believe you talked me into mailing the key. It’s already been almost 3 weeks. What if something happens to it?”

“Oh GOD!! AH…” Kate climaxed again. “I really wish I could have that cock inside of me. If only there was a way…” Kate moved lower down, positioning her pussy over my caged cock. Kate grabbed the cage and started working it into her pussy. Although the cage wasn’t very long, not nearly as long as my erect cock, she was able to ride it and worked up a slow rhythm. “This feels so good! It’s been so long. I wish I could feel your whole erection.”

After another orgasm, Kate got out the strap-on and had me take her doggy style. As I took her pussy from behind I could feel my trapped cock gently tapping her clit. This seemed to be doing all the right things for her. I just couldn’t believe that I hadn’t had a orgasm for almost 3 weeks, had no chance of any for another full week, and I was fucking Yenimahalle Escort Bayan my wife with a strap-on while my cock was locked in a high security chastity cage.

It didn’t take long for Kate to have yet another orgasm, all the while I was desperate and trapped. Kate then put the strap-on on herself, and proceeded to take me up the ass. “I wish we could have real sex, but this is going to have to due.” I know she was lying, I know she was loving having me locked up and desperate. She was just taking the tease to a new level.

Just like the previous times, after a few minutes of anal stimulation, my cock started to ooze cum. Kate detached the dildo from the straps, kept working my ass with the dildo while she sucked my caged cock into her mouth and swallowed all the cum that I could give her. While the anal ‘orgasm’ felt nice, it just left me more desperate then ever, and needing more.

Saturday we had some chores to do around the house. Kate took every opportunity to teas me more and had me give her several orgasms throughout the day. On Sunday, Kate told me that she invited Alexa to stay with us on the weekend. “She couldn’t make it till Saturday afternoon. That will be better anyway. It will give us Friday to take care of ‘us’.

Monday I went into work, and managed to distract myself with work stuff. In the evening it was more sex with my cock in chastity. It was now over 3 weeks since my cock had been free. I still couldn’t believe how horny and desperate I was.

Tuesday I went into work again, but Alexa kept sexting me naked pictures of her with her girlfriend Jen. I couldn’t focus. I was on edge all day. My cock was hard, well as hard as it could get, most of the day.

I decided to take Wednesday off. With Kate at work, I had some alone time where I could try to rest and let my cock relax. But at about 10:30, I heard the front door open. Alexa walked in. She had on a corset top, torn ‘distressed’ jeans, and sexy high heals. Through the many tears in her jeans, I could see the tops of thigh high stockings. Oh my god! So much for resting my cock.

Alexa pulled something out of her pocket and held it in her closed hand. “Guess what I have?” She slowly and sensual opened her hand to revel a key; it looked just like the one to my chastity cage! “When we gave you the cage, Jen and I kept the spare key. You can’t let Kate know! She would feel betrayed and would be seriously pissed off.”

“Please unlock me! I need to cum sooo bad.”

“Whoooa, take it easy… Kate is my friend. I would never betray her by cheating on her with you.” My heart sank. I thought I was so close to finely getting my needs met… “But, if you don’t cum, it’s not cheating is it?”

“Um… I don’t know. What are you suggesting?”

“I’m going to unlock you, and let you’re cock out. Then I am going to play with it and teas it for,… Oh lets see… two hours. You are going to give me a couple of orgasms, then we will ice it down and lock it back up. Kate never needs to know, since, like I said, Escort Yenimahalle it’s not cheating”

Well, I wasn’t sure I liked this plan, but I couldn’t say no. My cock was already betraying me, and was trying to burst out of its cage. Alexa unzipped my jeans, and put the key into the lock. “Are you ready? Now, you’re not allowed to touch. I don’t trust you not to accidentally cum. I will do all the work.” With that she turned the key, and my cock was free. Well kind of, it was still completely out of my control.

As soon as the cage was off, my cock sprung up to full erection. “Oh my! I have never seen your cock out of its cage. It sure is a nice one. I wish I could feel it inside of me.”

Alexa had me lay back, and she started gently pumping my cock. I was so close to cumming as soon as she touched it, but she expertly reduced the pressure whenever I was almost to go over the edge. She switched positions into a 69. I hungrily attacked her pussy as she delicately licked my over engorged cock.

True to her word, two hours later, she had had 5 orgasms, and my cock was leaking precum all over. I got a bag of frozen peas from the freezer, and Alexa got my cock safely put away, back in the now familiar prison. As Alexa was putting her cloths back on, by cock was already starting to swell again, pushing out against the now cold steel cage. I couldn’t believe what a mess I was. I was so worn out, horny, and desperate. My cock and balls ached non stop. At lease it was only two more days till I would finally be free. I couldn’t wait to slide my cock into Kate’s pussy and finally have the releas I was so desperate for.

That evening when Kate got home, I was a desperate mess. I just hoped that she wouldn’t suspect Alexa had been over having her way with me. She didn’t seem to suspect anything, and as normal, we had a lot of sex again, while I was still locked.

Friday finally arrived, and I was so exited to finally be free. When we got to the hotel, I brought our luggage up. “Lets go to the desk and get your little package” I suggested, eager to get started.

“Oh no! Honey, did you think I was going to let you out tonight? With Alexa coming to join us tomorrow night, I can’t let you out. I had the hotel mail the package back to the house.”

“What!? I don’t think I can make it till we get home! It has already been almost four weeks. My cock feels like it is going to burst in two.”

“Sorry honey, I just don’t have the key. There is really nothing I can do about it now.” What a liar, she wasn’t sorry. She planned this whole thing.

I tried to hid my… what was it. Anger? Disappointment? Excitement? Hornyness? I couldn’t believe that one again, my cock was betraying me. It seemed to be loving this torture.

That night truly was torture. Kate had me take her every way imaginable. All the while I was locked up, desperate, horny, and aching. Late that night as we were drifting off to sleep (well Kate was, my desperation kept me from resting), Kate mumbled “I hope the package arrives before my work trip…”

Oh. Shit. I hadn’t even thought of that. How would I survive. I couldn’t understand how I had let this happen to me. It had been almost 4 weeks; it would be over 4 week by the time we got home. If that package didn’t come on Monday, it would be almost 5 weeks. I couldn’t believe this!

And this weekend was just starting…

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Killing Time at a Head Shop

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Back in the 60s and 70s, there were businesses that sold merchandise that you wouldn’t find in your local K-Mart. Items like incense, black-light posters and bootleg records, along with paraphernalia that was used in conjunction with herbs that created illegal smiles.

It was during a rainy day that I ducked inside one of these places, mostly to get out of the weather, and it turned out to be a very entertaining afternoon.


The scent of patchouli…

hit me as soon as I walked in the door of the Magic Moon. The store was down the street from Woolworth’s, and I was not in a particularly pleasant mood after having a bit of a “discussion” with Becky at the lunch counter.

The discussion had centered around Becky’s old “boyfriend”, the 50-something dude who had been Becky’s only male companion before I had arrived on the scene, and who had apparently used his power over her to win back her affections.

This Roger character had convinced Becky that I was only interested in her so I could indulge my fetish and not interested in Becky’s soul and her mind, or in helping her become an intellectual like he had been. How did this guy find out about what I liked and what we had been doing? Becky had told him.

I had gotten pissed off about that, not because it was true in a way, but I resented our business being shared with this predator who had seduced her back in her mid-teens, and knew damn well that he was no more interested in her mind than I was.

So after that meeting, I was walking down the avenue, trying to cool off while reconciling myself with the fact that Becky was on the verge of breaking up with me. Too bad, because it was really good while it had lasted.

When the drizzle turned into a steady rain, I ducked into the head shop, planning on browsing through their collection of bootleg albums until the rain let up. The place was almost deserted, with only a couple of customers at the back counter, talking to the girl behind it.

I happened to glance up just as the clerk was putting on a bit of a product demonstration, and what a demonstration it was. The young lady had taken something from behind the counter and wet it while explaining the virtues of this product.

Then, she calmly raised her arm and with long and slow strokes, proceeded to rub this thing into her armpit. I immediately forgot about the Doors bootleg album I had been contemplating and moved over to where I could get a better view.

Apparently the demonstration had been effective, since after watching the clerk the couple had purchased one of these items. It had worked on me as well, because after watching her myself I had an erection along with a desire to get a presentation of my own, so after the couple had left I engaged the woman in conversation.

The girl’s name was Sienna, and she was a very tall and willowy redhead with long curly hair. She was wearing a paisley dress with spaghetti straps on her very slender shoulders; the kind of dress that you couldn’t wear a bra with, so it afforded a nice view of her low-hanging breasts.

While they were nice, I wasn’t particularly interested in her tits, however, and when she asked me if she could help me, I didn’t have to pretend to be interested in her merchandise because I definitely was.

“I came in at the end of your demonstration,” I said. “What was that you sold that couple?”

“The crystal?” the girl soon to be known to me Şereflikoçhisar Escort as Sienna asked. “That’s a deodorant. It’s all natural.”


“Yeah man,” Sienna said. “You know how like deodorants are full of chemicals? Stuff like aluminum and other weird shit, man. It’s not good for you.”

“Actually, I was thinking more about my girlfriend,” I admitted.

“Commercial deodorants are even more dangerous for girls, man,” Sienna explained. “These antiperspirants that block your pores and stop you from sweating? That’s unnatural. We sweat for a reason. Girls that shave their pits and then spray these chemicals into their skin? That’s not safe.”

“My girlfriend doesn’t shave,” I said.

“Far out. Neither do I,” Sienna said, as I well knew. “The crystal works on everybody. Dudes too. Doesn’t matter if you’re hairy or not. These things come from the Far East.”

“How does it work,” I asked, and Sienna was more than happy to explain it again to me despite my interest being quite different in scope than her previous customers had been.

“You wet it,” Sienna said, holding up the rock, which she explained was her own personal one. “Didn’t want you to think you wouldn’t get a fresh one if you bought it. Then you just slide it through your armpit like this.”

“I see,” I said, watching intensely as Sienna raised her slender arm, exposing her unshaven armpit to me like she had done for the couple before me.

Sienna wasn’t anywhere near as well-endowed in the hair department as Becky, or even Carol had been. In fact, Sienna had only a thin strip of hair in the center of her underarm, but the hairs were incredibly long. The burnt orange hairs extended up the inside of her arm, almost reaching the tattoo she had around her bicep. and reaching down her side, as far as her loose fitting dress revealed.

Watching the rock in action was driving me crazy, and it was a symbol of the era that not only was I getting to watch something like this in a relatively public area, but that Sienna was so completely uninhibited that she thought nothing of doing it. Not something you’ll likely see at the Macy’s cosmetic counter in your local mall.


“Far out!” I declared enthusiastically. “How about the smell?”

“No odor at all, man. Here.”

I would have much preferred to smell the product’s effect on Sienna herself, but I dutifully sniffed the rock, which was pretty much scentless, before handing it back to her.

“And this works all day?”

“I keep one in my purse,” Sienna told me. “And like a couple of times during the day I just give myself a swipe or two, and that keeps me fresh. If you’re into phony smells or anything, this ain’t for you man. All this does is absorb and neutralize odors.”

“That’s perfect,” I said. “And there’s no taste involved either?”

“Taste?” Sienna asked, confused at my question.

“Yeah, I mean my girlfriend likes me to lick her armpits,” I explained. “And I really love doing it, but if she’s put on deodorant the taste of it is really nasty. It burns my tongue.”

“That’s the chemicals!” Sienna said excitedly, clearly thrilled at the thought of making another convert, but not offering to let me give her armpits a taste test just yet.

I bought a couple of the rocks, which were cheap and according to Sienna, lasted “like forever, man,” and also bought the Doors Live at Şereflikoçhisar Escort Bayan the Whisky bootleg album.

After I paid for the stuff, we had a long conversation at the register. I got into an explanation of what was going on with my girlfriend and me, and how maybe the crystal would be a peace offering of sorts, and to my surprise Sienna not only listened but consoled me and offered advice.

The conversation went on for the hour or so the store remained open, and because of the rain we weren’t interrupted by customers. During our talk I discovered that Sienna was at least 10 years older than me, and was the manager of the place, which her old man owned.

Old man, as in boyfriend. Learning this brought me down – not the age part but the fact that she was attached. They even lived in an apartment in the back of the store, which I thought was pretty cool.

Her old man was the sound and light man for Snake, a local band who was doing a little tour of the region. The tour was a bunch of guys in two VW vans, not the tractor trailer caravans that a major group would use, but the idea sounded exciting to me, even if it didn’t amuse Sienna, who expressed a sense of loneliness as well as a suspicion that her old man would be balling other girls while on the road.

“Time to close,” Sienna said, the clock having just passed 6, and I realized that Becky was now done at work and already on the way to her middle-aged mentor for her spiritual fulfillment.

“Oh, sorry I talked your ear off so long,” I said.

“No, you were cool man. Business was dead anyway, and you helped pass the time,” Sienna said, walking me to the door and flipping the OPEN sign to CLOSED before clicking off the lights.

“I’ll let you know how the crystal works out,” I told her. “If I get the chance to use it.”

“It’s been a couple of hours,” Sienna said, turning the knob of the lock and leaning her back against the door. “Want to see how good it works on me?”


The lewd grin…

Sienna wore while looking at me left no doubt as to what she meant and what she wanted. With a slowness that made the wait excruciating, Sienna raised her arms high until her hands were clutching the top of the door frame

I couldn’t wait, moving my face to her exposed left armpit, letting my tongue slide along the same path as the crystal rock had before, Sienna’s armpit hair was incredibly fine and soft in texture, and I had to run my tongue against the grain to actually feel it.

Sienna moaned, grabbing the back of my head with her other hand and drawing my face tightly to her, not that I needed the encouragement. I could taste her fresh perspiration, and the pheromone-laden nectar only made me feel more like an animal than I already did.

“Ooh, that feels outta sight!” Sienna exclaimed as I took some of the incredibly long hairs between my lips and pulled them outwards gently before pasting them to her skin with the flat of my tongue.

“Oh man!” Sienna gasped when she lowered her hand from the back of my head and felt around for my cock, which was straining the front of my jeans. “Wanna ball me?”

The answer to that was obvious, and after she mumbled something about going into the back, we headed in that direction, although the way I was tearing and clawing at her made it a tough journey.

We got as far as the curtain which separated the Escort Şereflikoçhisar store from the living area, and when we reached a table just on the other side I leaned Sienna back onto it, pulling her paisley dress up over her hips and dropping to my knees.

She wasn’t wearing panties and as my face swooped down between her legs I could see that Sienna’s pussy was very hairy, with the burnt orange hair not dense but spread wide and far, spilling onto her inner thighs and down the crack of her ass. She tasted very musky, and she was wet before my tongue got there but I made her a lot wetter.

She was grinding my face into her pussy while I licked at her clitoris, undoing my jeans as I did, and when I could wait no longer I jumped to my feet and rubbed the head of my cock up and down her pussy lips before pushing it in.

My cock might have lost a little girth in recent months, likely worn out from doing a lot of work inside of Becky, but the thickness was still there even if the length was nothing special, and Sienna groaned loudly as I sank into her.

She got used to it fast though, because soon she was fully impaled on it, bouncing up and down on my bent thighs as we screwed while we were standing there, with me cupping Sienna’s ass while my face was buried under her arm.

She came first, with me following right after, and while it wasn’t pretty and didn’t last long it was really good, and apparently was what we both needed.

We ended up in her bed eventually, and the second time lasted a lot longer. Our clothes had finally come off, allowing me to explore her body. Her breasts were small and drooped quite a bit, giving her something we used to call banana boobs. The result of not ever wearing a bra, I assumed, but they felt quite nice in my palms as I squished them around roughly.

After that, I intended to leave, but Sienna started licking my cock so that ended that idea. Unlike Carol and Becky, Sienna was able to take more than the head of my cock into her mouth. In fact, soon Sienna’s lips were sliding down the shaft of my cock until her mouth was almost at the base of it.

This was a new experience for me, and it felt so good that I was unable to make it last as long as I wanted to.

“That’s cool,” Sienna told me after she had made me cum. “My jaw was starting to ache anyway.”

That was the only time I was with Sienna like that, although I stopped there from time to time to shop and chat. It had just been a casual physical relationship, the kind that happened a lot in that era, although this was the first time I had experienced anything like the “free love” that everybody else seemed to be enjoying.

As for the crystal rock deodorant, my consumer review was that is was okay, but if you happen to sweat like a horse you would have to use it often during the day or else you would smell nasty. The smell and taste of fresh sweat does not bother me, and actually turned me on from time to time, but I’ve found that it doesn’t age like fine wine, and the resulting body odor does nothing positive for me, although some do like that kind of thing. To each his or her own, I say.

I did give one of the crystals to Becky, and even managed to show her how to use it, which led to us having sex one last time. I knew in my heart it was our finale, and as we parted I wished her nothing but the best with her and Roger. My wishes didn’t help, because he got her pregnant a year later. He then apparently dumped her, leaving her a single mother at 19, and probably went on to mentor another teenage girl who was as naive as Becky was.


Thanks for all the positive feedback. Please don’t be shy. If you have something to say about my stories, please leave feedback, positive or negative as well as any constructive criticism.

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