ayşenuru sınıfın ortasında siktim

ayşenuru sınıfın ortasında siktim

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mrb arkadaşlar ben hakan 8.
sınıfa gidiyorum uzun boyluyum 12 cm yarragım var hiç biriyle öpüşmemiş koklaşmamış bırıyım bu özelliklere göre azgın olmam cok normal tabi arada evdeyken misafirliğe gelen halama yengeme felan deydiriyodum uzaktan o ayrı arkadaşlarla erotik sapık hikayeler felan anlatıyoruz aklıma taciz yapmak geldi zaten azgınım acill birini sikmem lazım bende tacizle başlıyım sonrasını ayarlarız parayla felan diye dedim ben en arkada oturuyorum yanım boş önümde ise Ayşenur adlı bi kız var oda tek oturuyor yanı boş dedim onla başlıyabılırız Ayşenur biraz kilolu benım boylarımda iri birisi ön sıraya yani yanına geçtim önce bacağımı yavaştan onun bacağına değdirip değdirip çekiyordum 1-2 ders aynı şeyi tekrarladık sonra karar verdim daha uzun değdirdim Sıhhiye Escort ve bu 1 ders boyuca sürdü ve artık sikim hiç inmiyordu hep kalkıktı artık diğer aşamaya geçmenin zamanı gelmişti elimi indirdim yavaşça elimi bacağının üzerine koymuştum yavaştan ileri geri okşıyarak git gel yapıyorum birden haraketlendi o sıra hoca ayağa kalktı dedi ders bitmiştir arkadaşlar masasına oturdu başını koydu ve yattı oda cok seksi bi duruştu resmen boşaldım eridim bittim ama gelelim ayşenura baktım Ayşenur yattı koydu kafasını uyudu banada bi fırsat geçmiş oldu bacağını daha sert elliyerek okşuyordum cok güzel bişeydi öyle bi zevke gelyordumki artık zafere ulaşmanın zamanı geldi dedim ve yavaşça bacaklarının arasından eteğin içine elimi soktum elliyorum zevke Escort Sıhhiye geldim ayşenurum bacaklarının üstüne montumu koydum bi elime çıkardım 31 cekıyom diğer elimle ise çıkardım elimi bacaklarını mıncıklıyorum avuçluyorum cok güzel bişeydi zil çaldı ve Ayşenur cok garip bi hisle kalktı noldu bana dedi uyumuşun dedim tamam dedi çıktık sınıftan okulun sokağında yürüyoruz bana dedi performans ödevini nasıl yapıcagız dedi bilmem bulursun bi yolunu dedim bana yardım edermisin dedi bende bilmemki uygun olurmu dedim olur niye olmasın dedi 8 yıllık arkadaşız dedi bende olur dedim elime ayşenuru sikme şansı geçmişti olur o zaman saat 2 de sizde buluşuyoruz dedi yok bizde olmaz dedim neden dedi hasta nenem var dedım tm bizde buluşuruz dedi malzemeleri Sıhhiye Escort Bayan ben aldım dedi saat 2 de bizde ol dedi tm dedim saat 2 di ben cok heycanlandım kandom aldım cebime jel aldım gittim evine onun odasına geçtik cok değişik görünüyordu fön yapmıştı ve mini eteğini giymiş ti cok azgındım hala çokta ateşliydim o birşeyler anlatırken onun bacaklarından alamıyordum gözümü onun bacaklarına baktığımı gördü napıyosun sn dedi hiç dedim ayy beni resmen taciz ettin artık yuh dedi bende götüne bi şaplak attım cık git evden dedi bende tuttum yatırdım koltuğa çığlık atmaya çalıştı yastığı kafasına tuttum ve ağzını kapattım sadece gözlerini görüyordum eteği tuttum alttak tüm gücümle tuttum yırttım attım kilolu olgudugu için amı cok dardı büyük olur felan sanmayın cok dardı kı zar zor soktum kafasını sonra tüm gücümle bi ittim bi cıklık attı ağzı kapalıyken bile duyulan bi ses o kadar diyorum orda siktim suratına boşaldım ordan kaçtım o hala orda haraketsiz suratında yastık kaldı haraketsiz sedasız bu anlatttıgımın hepsi gerçektir

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tekstil firmasında öglen yemeginde sikiş

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ben 20 yaşında oldukça yakısıklı renklı gözlü çenesi iyi laf yapan bir erkeğim bu olay basımdan 6 ay kdar önce gecti bizim bir tekstil şirketimiz var burada çalışan kızlarla sürekli muhattabım hepsı bana bayılırla evli olanları bile.
neyse konuya gelelım eleman lazımdı bayan üst kattaki komsu kızıda bu işi apıyordu annm onu ıse almıstı ve bızle calışmaya basladılar kız kardeşi ile birlikte benden 4 yaş büyüktü benimkisi o ara bıraz sıkıntılarım vardı ısyerıne gelıklerı gun ben tatıle gidiyordum ogun bırbırımızı gormustuk ben antalyada mukemmel bir tatilden sonra gerı döndüm çalışmaya basladım ve bunla Sincan Escort muhabbetımız acıldı benı gercekten nekdar begendıgını hissedıyordum bakışlarından sonra bu benı faceden eklemiş konusmaya basladık ve bır anda sevgili olduk cok utangactı ama benım dilimin kıvraklığı ytıyordu bı gun ev bosken bıze cgrdım gel takılalım dedım geldi ve mhbt falan ederken sevişmeye basladık delı gibi öpüyrdum onu öpmeyi bilmiyordu cok acemydi ama bişiy söliyimmi ondaki dudak göt meme kımsede yoktu gormedım yasımdan cok hatunla sex yapmama ramen neyse ben bunun ggslerıne ındım emıorum kız neredeyse bayılıcak Sincan Escort Bayan ve soydum snunda ustunu tamamen syıne benı dokundurtmuyordu ama benden kacarmı sonunda seyınıde oksamaya basladım yapma etme dıordu ama devam edıor bana karsı koyamıyordu ve asagıya ındım ıkı dıl darbesı onun ıcın yeterli olmuştu ve sok dedi bana ben o götü sikmessem ölürdüm götünü sikmek istiyodum hayr dedı onden sok dedı bsy demedım kızım ama dedı tam sokacakken ne kızmı dedım trıplere gırdım gotten ver demeye basladım ne yaptımsa ıkna olmadı sonra dılımın kıvraklıgı ıse yaradı ama ne fayda cunku gtune Escort Sincan dgru tam kokluycekkn nerdeyse aglıycaktı arkasını donmedı bana asla cıkartnca kafasını benımkının ve sevişmeye devam edıyorduk önen gir diynce o ankı zevkle dayanamayıp bende bunu bozdum oda karanlıktı nekdr kan aktıgını goremıorduk fena siktim bunu aglıycaktı acıdan ama tırnaklarını sırtıma gecırdı cok sıcaktı amı kalkıp kanları grunce agladı artık kız dıılım dedı bende ona dıktırırz dıyıp kandırdım mecburen 6 aydır böle kandırıyorum son zamanlarda dıktır evlenıcem demeye basladı artık ama ne fayda bır 6 ay daha beklıycek cunkı ıssızım calısmıyorum suanda 6 aydı paso sikiyorum daha bir saat önce dukkanda çatur cutur siktim bu kacıncı sıkısım bılmıorum ama bızımkısı aynı arkadaştan öte filmine döndü sevgılım dııl ama bana asık olmus malesef canım her sex ıstedıne cgırıyorum gelıyor sıkıyorum ve gıdıyor

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Kuzenimi zorlada olsa götten sikerken ağlatım

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Kuzenimi zorlada olsa götten sikerken ağlatım

Selam seks okurları ben 19 yaşındayım izmirde yaşıyorum kuzenim hülya benle yaşıt kumral seksi bir kız o ise samsunda yaşıyor geçen yaz samsuna  ben ailemden biraz erken gitmiştim hülya çağırıyordu gel gezeriz filan diye bende okullar kapanır kapanmaz samsuna gittim otogarda hülya ve ablası hatice karşıladı hatice ablada hülya kadar  seksidir ama benden 10 yaş büyük olduğu için hiç o gözle bakmadım neyse eve gittik akşam yengem hadi çocuklar geç oldu yatalım dedi biz hülyayla aynı odada kalırız kuzen olduğumuz için yengemle amcam hiç bişey demezler biz sabaha kadar muhabbet sohbet sabaha karşı 6 ya kadar oturur konuşurduk ben pek yakınlaşmaya çalışmadım hiç bu zamana kadar hülyaya ne tepki vereceği belli değil ama bi akşam yine konuştuk yatıcaz hülya gelsene bi diye yatağına çağırdı gittim yanına yattım terliyordum resmen bana telefonundaki bi sorun varmış onu gösterdi çözdüm işte ay sağol diye yanağımdan öptü sikim boxer ı yırtacak derecedeydi elini bide üstüme atmazmı bende elimi Tunalı Escort onun üstüne attım dudaklarına yapışayımmı yoksa yatağıma gidip yatayımmı diye düşünüyordum eli üstümde uyuya kaldı elini kaldırdım geçtim yatağıma yattım izmire döneceğim gün gelmişti daha tatilin bitmesine 1 ay kadar vardı hülyayı izmire çağırdım amcamdanda izin alarak izmire geldi her gün geziyoruz her gün başka bir yere gidiyoruz sevgili gibi dolaşıyoruz.
Bir gün abim arkadaşlarıyla buluşmaya gidecekti bizde çıkalım dedim hülyaya hülya bugün gerçekten çok yorgunum bugün evde kalsak olurmu dedi bende kabul ettim evde yalnız kaldık muhabbet ediyorduk yine konu cinselliğe geldi bana bi anda hiç birisiyle sikiştinmi diye sordu direk böyle sordu yüzüm kızarmıştı kendi kendimizeyiz işte konuşuyoruz nolcak dedi bende hayır hiç bi kızla sikişmedim dedim ama hala şaşkınım kuzenimle hiç bu zamana kadar böyle muhabbet etmemiştik ha yani bunca zaman elini sikiyon dedi bende bi anda napayım amk sikecek kızmı var dedim.
Sonra ne diyorum ben diye Escort Tunalı düşünüyorum kendi içimde gülümsedi senin şimdi arşivin boldur dedi getir izleyelim dedi gittim laptop tan açtım arşivlerden izliyoruz  benim sikim uçuyo içerde onda hiç bir tepki yok normal izliyo sonra kapattık bu bana el kol şakası yapmaya başladı sonra bi anda sarıldı yanağımdan öptü tam zamanı diye dudaklarına doğru gidiyordum ama kendini geri çekti o olmaz dedi mal gibi kaldım nası o olmaz amk orospusu o kadar cilve yap sonra o olmaz de diye kendi içimde söyleniyordum gideceğine 2 gün kala bizimkiler abimin arkadaşının nişanına gittiler evde yine yalnızdık yanına gitmedim oturdum oyun oynuyorum sonra o geldi baktım akşam akşam temizlik malzemelerini almış temizlik yapıyo bu ne yapmaya çalışıyor diye kendimi yiyorum üstünede götünü belli etmesi için sımsıkı bir tayt giymiş kabak gibi meydanda götü kafamı oyuna çevirdim etrafa bakmıyorum sonra bıraktı malzemeleri kafamdaki kulaklığı çıkardı aman kerem ne oyun oynadın ya azcık benle ilgilen dedi.
Kalktım Tunalı Escort Bayan ee nası ilgileneyim ne istiyosun dedim içerinin tozunu alcam bana yardım et dedi deli oluyorum resmen bunca sene sikmek istediğim kızdan nefret ediyordum önümde eğildi yerleri silmeye başladı o göte bakınca çok fena oldum tüm cesaretimi topladım arkasından götüne yapıştım bağırmaya başladı ağzını bastırdım elimle üstündeki terlemiş tişörtü çıkardım sütyenini yırttım memelerini yalamaya başladım orospunun sesi kesildi ona duyduğum nefretle köpek gibi sikiyordum resmen ağzına verdim köküne kadar soktum nefes alamıyordu çıkardım taytını ağzımla yırttım amına dilimi soktum acıdan kıvranıyor onun o halini görünce iyice dilimi içine sokuyorum dahada acı veriyorum sonra dilimi çıkardım birden  sokmaya başladım dur bakireyim daha dedi dinlemedim kanlar akmaya başladı temizledim devam ettim o da giden gitti diye zevk almaya başladı yarım saat boyunca değişik pozisyonlarda siktim sonra ağzına akıttım yuttu hepsini banyoya girdik ordada 1 posta attım giyindik sonra bizimkiler geldi gece aynı odada kalıyorduk gece yattağında memelerini emdim 2 gün boyunca ev boş olduğunda hep sikiştik haftaya yine samsuna gidicem ordada ev her boş olduğunda amını dümdüz edicem diyerek beni daha da çok zevke getiriyor.
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Evening Facial with Jessica Thot

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Evening Facial with Jessica Thot

“I think that’s the last one” Leonard said as he placed a fourth cardboard box on the stack.

“You own a lot of books” Jessica commented.

“I need them” her boyfriend replied “it helps get me through the long nights.”

She pouted, pushing her chest forward slightly “I thought that’s what I was for.”

He smiled and she reciprocated. She knew he would spent his nights with her if he could. However, at least for now, he spent most of his nights working at a small convenient store. In fact, that was how they met.

“You two make a sweet couple” Leonard said “what’s your secret?”

She looked over at her boyfriend “can I tell him?” Her night shift guy nodded. “It’s polyamory, we never get jealous and we’re both very satisfied.”

“I’ll let you stop there” Leonard replied “it’s enough to know that my son is happy.”

“Very” she bounced slightly, giving Leonard a nice show her heaving bosom.

“I’d like to stay, but my shift will be starting soon” her boyfriend stated.

“I can go” his dad offered.

“Please stay” Jessica insisted “I already have a lasagne baking in the oven.”

“I guess I can’t say no to that” Leonard replied. She also noticed that he was checking out her thicc thighs, highly visible under a purple top and black running shorts.

A half hour later Jessica was watching closely as her boyfriend’s dad tried her lasagne.

“How are you finding it Leonard?” she asked hesitantly.

“It’s delicious” he replied between mouthfuls “and you can call me Leo.”

“Hmm” she thought, leaning forward and gently squeezing her cleavage together “you seem too proper to be just Leo.”

Her boyfriend’s father was an English teacher Keçiören Escort in his late fifties. It was still summer, but he was wearing a long sleeve button down shirt, with all but the top button done up. His grey hair was neatly combed in an old style, and his hazel eyes looked out behind the thick lenses of his spectacles.

“Hmm” he thought, and she could see him adjusting himself under the table. “This is very good, you’re a talented chef.”

“It’s not my only talent” she replied, and then felt bad when he started choking on his food. “Sorry about that. Take your time, we have all night and you’ll need to get your strength back after all that heavy lifting.”

“And if I’m too distracted to eat?” she could see that he was starting to catch on.

“Then, as a good host, it is my duty to alleviate that distraction.”

With that comment she climbed out of her chair and carefully removed her top over her head. She then slowly removed her short shorts, turning around so that he could get a nice view of her arse.

“Is that helping?”

“Perhaps I should try that” he replied, and began removing his own trousers and underwear.

He was still seated, but when she walked around the table she could see he was standing at full attention. Reaching into her lacy bra (the only piece of clothing she still wore) she took out a purple condom and passed it to her boyfriend’s father.

“Could you open this for me?” she asked seductively, placing her other hand on his cock. As he took the wrapper she used her other hand to cup his balls. “My little hands are just so full at the moment.”

He was breathing quite heavily now and couldn’t answer as his hands fumbled with the plastic wrapper. Jessica didn’t Keçiören Escort Bayan mind, she was enjoying the power that she had over him. Her boyfriend had told her that his parents had divorced over ten years ago and his dad hadn’t dated much since then. The poor guy was probably overwhelmed with excitement, and maybe a little guilt knowing that he would soon be fucking his son’s girlfriend.

After several minutes he managed to get the packet open. “Thanks babe” she smiled up at him as she began rolling the contraceptive onto his member. She stood up and began unclasping her bra, soon liberating her large breasts. Guiding his cock with her hand she sat down on top and gently brushed her melons across his face.

“Should I call you daddy” she asked in her sweetest voice.

“Could you…” he was still breathing heavily “call me… Mister… Astor?”

“Of course Mister Astor, and thank you so much for changing my grade” she added to the fantasy “now I can stay on the cheer squad.”

“You’re… quite welcome… Jessica” he reached around and grabbed her bum as she continued to bounce up and down.

Jessica was loving this, and could tell he was too. However, by setting the rhythm she could feel herself getting close and didn’t want to stop. She kept going and let the pleasure come up on her.

“Oh, Mister Astor” she screamed “I’m so close, and you’re such a good teacher.”

With her own words turning her on, she came all over her boyfriend’s dad, fulfilling both a hot teacher and a borderline incestuous fantasy. As her orgasm started to subside she began to slow down and was soon resting her head on his shoulder.

“You’re such a good girl, Jessica” he spoke normally while softly Escort Keçiören patting her on the back “how would you like to improve your grade even further?”

Sighing loudly, she responded “Mister Astor, you know I’d do anything for an A. I never had one before” then she thought of a clever pun “of course, I get a lot of D’s and I don’t just mean my grades.”

“I’ve never done this before” he started “but I’ve seen it in videos and I was hoping to try it someday.”

“Don’t be shy Mister” she whispered into his ear.

“Could I… could I cum on your face?”

She climbed off and obediently knelt down in front of him. As he stood she looked up into his face, batting her eye lashes with as much innocent as someone named Jessica Thot could fake. As he began stroking himself she grabbed hold of his thighs to steady him. She looked up expectantly, hoping those same eye lashes would protect her from the semen that was about to cover her face. She didn’t do facials often, so she was already making a mental note to take some selfies later and sell them to her fans.

“Get… ready” he warned.

“Gimme all you got professor” she yelled “give this horny cheerleader what she deserves, cover her…”

She didn’t get to finish, the first spurt of warm cum splashed against her cheek. Instinctively she closed her eyes as he unloaded wave after wave onto her eager face. One glob touched her lip and she quickly slurped it into her mouth before remembering that she wanted photographic evidence. Luckily she hadn’t swallowed and relaxed her lips to let the mix of cum and saliva slide down her chin.

She could hear him stepping back to admire his work. Tentatively she opened her eyes, relieved to feel that no sperm had glued them shut.

“Fuck me” he managed after a minute of admiration “that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Thanks Leo” she replied cheerfully “now finish your dinner while I take some selfies for your son.”

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Golden Lust Ch.02

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I don’t know what happened to my life. Ever since what happened with Samantha the other day, I can’t get those events that happened out of my mind.

I actually followed my big sister to the bathroom, undressed her by pulling her panties down, set her down on the toilet and spread her legs, and actually buried my face between her legs while she took a huge piss. God I shouldn’t have done any of that… but damn it, why do I actually LIKE it?

Today at school, things were thankfully uneventful. I was able to successfully clear yesterdays events out of my mind, and actually focus on what was going on in my classes. School finally being over with for the day, I headed on home hoping things wouldn’t be too weird.

Arriving home and standing at the door, I can’t help but notice the loud sounds of Samantha shouting coming from inside. Now inside the apartment I notice there’s the sounds of a sporting event being played on the television.

I enter our living room and what do I see, Samantha sitting on one of the couches cheering loudly for our local state NFL team. She is wearing one of their jerseys in support of the team, and nothing else but white panties. With her tom-boyish attitude, and free-spirited behavior, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised… but why does she have to be dressed like…. that.

I try to avoid staring between her legs, and before I can say “hello” to Samantha I notice we have a house guest today. Samantha’s had invited her best friend since childhood Cindy to come over. A cute girl with glasses and shoulder length blonde hair, it wasn’t really a surprise to see her here at our apartment again.

Cindy had always enjoyed watching Samantha play/torture me when we were kids. Being that Cindy was an only child, Sammy and I were like a sister and brother to her, and we have all grown really close over the years. She was always kind of a nerd, so it was no surprise that she’d gotten admitted into the University on a full scholarship, and was part of a really good sorority. Honestly I had always liked Cindy (and Samantha knew it too), but never asked her out figuring she’d never go for it, because I was slightly younger than her.

Cindy is sitting on the other couch. Wearing a light blue shirt and jeans, she’s munching on some snacks and sipping on some bottled water we had in the fridge. Samantha also has a bottle of water as well, but is fixated on ranting and raving at the screen. Seeing that I’ve finally gotten back home, I say “what’s up” to both of them, they both say “Hey Dan” then Sammy invites me to sit with her to watch the game.

Time progresses as Samantha and Cindy finish off their drinks and their snacks. Things are going well for our home team, and it looks like they might actually pull of a win (strangely enough).

“Ehhhh I need to piss.” Samantha suddenly blurts out. She then reaches for her empty bottle of water sitting on the table.

“He-Hey wait!” I try to intervene to stop her, but it’s too late. She begins to lean back further on the couch, raising her bent legs up, pulling her panties to the side with one hand, holding the empty bottle of water with the other.

“It’s OK I’m your sister, and besides we’re all friends.” She says with her usual loving smile, that always seem to stop be in my tracks. I’m paralyzed at the events that are unfolding right in front of me, what’s worst is that Cindy is right there with us watching our interaction. I try to fight the extreme feelings of arousal that are welling deep inside me, but I can’t take my eyes away from between Samantha’s legs.

“Mmmmmm” Samantha says as she relaxes a bit. I hear a few droplets of liquid fall into the water bottle, landing promptly into a barely visible clear-yellowish puddle inside. I can’t believe my sister is actually going to the bathroom right in front of Cindy and me, but I can’t stop her and honestly… I’m secretly loving this though I’m embarrassed.

“Mmph” Samantha soft murmurs, and then an audible squirting sound pushes inside the bottle. I could see the forceful squirt ricochet alongside the top edge inside, and join up with the small clear-yellowish puddle of pee Samantha has created inside. You can clearly see the remnants of her last squirt, it’s a streak of drops that lead to the bottom of the bottle.

Samantha doesn’t appear to be too comfortable in this position though. She manages to forcefully Kızılay Escort push out another squirt, it *HISSSSSSES* quiet loudly, and more of her piss grows the puddle inside the filling bottle.

“Unnnn I can’t do it this way.” Samantha utters. She looks over at me almost pleadingly while smiling and says “Danny put your mouth down there for me OK?”

Her words hit me like a bolt of lightning. It’s bad enough that she’s actually pissing in front of me again, Cindy is here watching us, and now Samantha wants me to stick my face between her legs right in front of her. I didn’t know what to do, it’s like coming had come over me. It was as if time was standing still, but I felt myself almost being drawn down between Samantha’s legs.

I tried to resist doing something so terrible, I honestly tried fighting with all my might. It was then I noticed Samantha’s hand closest to me caressing the back of my head, slowly guiding me in the direction of the floor beneath her. She was still holding the water bottle containing some of her piss with one hand, but had let go of her panties and was now directing me to the floor. I’ve lost all control that I had over the situation. I willingly let her guide me to the floor, and I wantingly crawled up between Samantha’s legs.

“That’s a good boy.” Samantha praised me. “Here put your mouth right by my pussy Danny, I really can’t hold it much longer.”

I instantly did what I was told. I took my hands and pulled Samantha’s panties over to the side, and spread the lips of her pussy, almost forgetting Cindy was watching everything take place. I put my mouth nearly an inch away from Sammy’s pussy, I stuck my tongue out as far as it could go, and stared at the lips hungrily totally entranced by her womanhood. The smell between her legs was sooo incredible. The smell of her fresh urine coupled along with her natural feminine scent was too much. I wanted nothing more than to remain between her legs, and drink any of the precious juices that were about to erupt from her vagina.

“See, I told you he’d do it.” Samantha giggled at Cindy. “It’s his biggest fetish so he really can’t help it.”

Oh my god Samantha actually TOLD Cindy what happened before, and now I’ve got my face between my sisters legs right in front of her to see.

“Wai-Wait this isn’t…” I tried to fight one last time, but Samantha’s smiling gaze down towards me, cut me off as I realized it was far too late. My lust (masterfully guided by Samantha) finally took control of me. My eyes instantly fixated on her pussy, so I opened my mouth even wider this time, my expression letting Samantha know how desperately I wanted to drink her urine.

“Wow, he really WILL do it.” Cindy giggled. “I wish I had a brother who’d drink my pee for me too.”

“Well you know Dan’s always liked you, I’d be willing to share him with you, but you can’t have him all to yourself.” Samantha replied.

My eyes turned upward right into Samantha’s almost in a pleading way. She was still smiling down towards me, apparently finally able to relax she let out a single squirt of her piss at me. I hungrily caught every drop not wanting to waste any, or let our couch get dirty. Samantha’s piss was really hot. It’s taste was super salty, almost slightly oily a bit in texture, it was absolutely delicious and I swallowed it.

Samantha and Cindy both giggled at my reaction. They could clearly see I enjoyed tasting Sammy’s piss. Samantha let out a slight sigh, and another (but this time longer) squirt shot directly into my mouth. It rolled down nearly the entire length of my tongue, I reveled in letting Sammy urinate in my mouth, the taste of her piss completely taking over my taste buds. I swallowed that squirt down as well.

“You really are the best Danny.” She told me, my eyes staying focused on hers, she finally relaxed completely and a VERY loud *HISSSSSS* shot forth from her pussy. It was such a heavy gush. I barely had enough time to lean forward completely, and just let her piss completely push into my mouth. I loudly and lovingly gulped Samantha’s piss over and over and over. I could hear Cindy and Samantha laughing, as if to signal their approval. Samantha’s hot torrid of urine splashed everywhere in my mouth as I swallowed every mouthful, it shot against the inside of my cheeks, hit the roof of my mouth, and splashed all over my tongue.

Her Kızılay Escort Bayan stream started to diminish, I could tell Samantha felt extremely satisfied from all of this. The last few squirts and drips running down my tongue, making it’s way down my throat. I kept my mouth over her vagina letting her empty her pussy water in my mouth. I began to flick my tongue over her clit, Samantha clearly enjoying this she held my head between her legs. She began moving her hips a bit, letting any drips of urine go freely into my mouth. I lashed at her clit even more so, and she used my mouth to masturbate herself with.

“Mmmmmm that’s the way.” Samantha told me, as she guided my mouth up and down her pussy. She began to moan rather loudly, then her body seized up as she orgasamed from me licking her pussy. I kept my mouth between her legs, gently kissing and licking Samantha’s clit, I only wanted to pleasure her like a loving brother is supposed to, Samantha finally let go of my head then she collapsed back into the couch panting.

My breath noticeably smelling strongly of Samantha’s piss, I try to say something to Cindy to TRY and explain what happened. Before I can say anything, a really loud belch because of drinking so much of Samantha’s urine comes out. And I hear Cindy burst out giggling.

“Hey Dan look this way.” I hear Cindy call towards me.

I I look up and over towards her and what do I see, Cindy has her blue jeans and her panties down her thighs with her legs bent and propped up in the air. I notice her panties are pink, they seem to go really well with the blue attire she’s wearing. Her blonde muff and pussy are clearly visible for me to see, I almost can’t believe Cindy would be doing this.

“I’ve got to pee too, will you help me with this please?” Cindy asks me. “Grab my water bottle and hold it so I can fill it up OK?” She smiles.

There is no more resistance for me to give, I just shuffle from between Samantha’s legs, my sister looking quietly at me, I quickly crawl over to where Cindy is, and grab her empty water bottle, and hold it up against her pussy.

“Phew your breath really smells.” Cindy laughed at me a bit. There was nothing I could say in response, seeing as Cindy watched me gulped down mouthful after mouthful of my own sisters urine. I just waited there in silence holding the empty water bottle, looking at it as I held it gently against my sisters best-friends vagina.

“OK here you go Dan.” Cindy said softly. I then felt a quick rush of her piss flow inside of the bottle. Cindy pissed surprisingly loud, and it was mildy warm as her clear-colored urine visibly flowed inside the bottle really quickly. I was amazed that such a cute and nerdy girl could piss so hard and so fast, as her pee started frothing and bubbling around inside the bottle as her piss swirled around inside over and over, filling it as it nearly spilled over the top.

“Nooo I can’t stop, do something Dan please.” Cindy pleaded. I quickly yanked the bottle away from her pussy before it overflowed and put my mouth in the streams path. Cindy’s piss wasn’t as hot as Samantha’s, it’s taste of more bitter and watery rather than salty. I couldn’t believe my childhood friend that I’d always had a crush on, was now peeing into my mouth. She didn’t take the time to aim it like Samantha did earlier, Cindy was literally pissing like it was an emergency, and she didn’t even care where it went.

I managed to bury my face against Cindy’s vagina, I could feel her panties and jeans against my forehead. The stream was so strong I couldn’t even savor the urine flavor, I swallowed it really loudly over and over, as it shot straight into my stomach. Cindy managed to regain her composure a bit, as she pissed more controlled into my mouth as I swallowed.

“Wo-Wow.” I heard Cindy exclaim. “I didn’t think it could feel THIS good, peeing in your mouth Dan.”

“Told you it feels great.” Samantha chimed in. I didn’t break my focus as I concentrated on Cindy’s delicious piss, her now slowing stream running all over and underneath my tongue. It really was like a warm bitter citrus in flavor, honestly it tasted really good. I licked up and down the length of Cindy’s vagina, allowing her relax as she let the last few squirts and drips run in my mouth for me to swallow. When Cindy had finished going to the bathroom, I suddenly belched again Escort Kızılay really loudly from drinking all of Cindy’s urine straight from her vagina.

“Hey what are you going to do with that bottle that Cindy filled up?” I heard Samantha say.

“Wow that’s a lot, I didn’t know I could pee that much.” Cindy replied.

“Hey I know come back over here and lay down on the couch.” Samantha told me. Cindy took the bottle of her piss I had in my hand, and I went back over to the couch where I joined my sister. I did what I was told and just laid down on the couch next to Samantha, I had noticed she was still holding the bottle that she had partially peed in before. Cindy made her way over to me also holding her own water bottle now full of her piss, they both giggled noticing my dick was rock hard inside of my pants.

“Wow look at how big he’s gotten.” Cindy exclaimed.

“Yea that’s what happens when he gets to drink a girl’s pee.” Samantha told her. I was totally lost. I couldn’t focus on anything right now. The sounds of the football game, staring up and my big sister, and childhood friend smiling down on me. And they were both holding water bottles that they had pissed into earlier.

“Open your mouth Danny.” Samantha told me.

“Here is a reward for you helping us.” Cindy added. I did what they said and opened my mouth, then Cindy moved closer to me and poured some of the contents of her piss from the bottle into my mouth. It was still warm so I sloshed my tongue around inside of my mouth trying to soak up Cindy’s piss flavor. I closed my mouth and got it all down in three big loud gulps.

“That’s good” Samantha exclaimed. “Open back up” she commanded me to do. I did as she instructed and Samantha poured a little over her own piss into my mouth. Her strong salty flavor was absolutely delicious. They both noticed me smiling a bit, having Samantha’s piss back into my mouth. Cindy then added hers as well pouring more inside, it splashing against my front teeth.

“Swallow that down too.” Cindy giggled. The mixture of both of their urine together was incredible. A mix of Samantha’s strong salty flavor, and Cindy’s bitter watery urine taste. Before I could gulp any of it down, I noticed that both of them had slid their hands inside of my pants.

Together they started stroking my cock in my underwear, I tried to say something but their piss in my mouth, pushed forth a big bubble causing them to laugh.

“You need to swallow that Danny.” Samantha said. “That’s right we’ve got more for you to drink.” Cindy smiled. I gulped down their mixed piss in my mouth slowly and carefully, being stroked off was only adding to the pleasure. It took me 5 mild gulps to get all of their piss down, I smacked my lips after swallowing it down, signaling in acknowledgment that I loved the taste of their piss flavor together.

I winced around on the couch in sheer pleasure,, my orgasam was nearly upon me. They clearly saw that I was going to cum, they then suddenly poured all of the pee they each had in their bottles rapidly into my mouth. I nearly chocked from so much of their piss flowing in my mouth all at once, I coughed a bit nearly spitting it up all over me, the girls shrieked mildly and instinctively I gulped their huge amounts of piss that they freely poured in my mouth. I spilled a bit of it, as it came out on to my shirt, at the same time I thrashed around as the hardest orgasm I’ve ever had in my life hit my like a freight train.

My big sister & childhood friend were jacking me off, my breath stunk of both of their urine, and all I could taste was nothing but Samantha’s and Cindy’s piss. I was heaven and didn’t want for this moment of sheer animal lust to leave me. Collapsing back down I lay there in selfish delight, my expression must’ve been wonderful to the girls because they both smiled down on me.

“Did you like that Dan?” Cindy asked me. I couldn’t even speak, my mind was still gone. All I could smell was both of their piss on my breath, all I could do was lay their and sulk in my own pleasure. I noticed both girls then raise their hands from my underwear, their fingers covered in my cum.

They then both look at me seductively, and I noticed them licking my cum off of their fingers. My mind still in a daze, I wonder how all of this happened in my life. What’s going to happen to me in the future? Who cares… so long as I have these two girls in my life, I know I’ll always be happy.

I hear the announcer on the television signal that our state football team had won, but in all honesty I felt like the biggest winner of all.

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Titanium- X

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Chapter 1: Complications

Heaven and Life stood looking out the huge window in their hotel room as Heaven sipped the cocktail and Life cleaned his guns. He looked at Heaven then looked at the time.

“We should get going.” Heaven said.Life slung the gun around his shoulder as Heaven grabbed her coat. They heard commotion outside as Life smiled Heaven turned towards the door.

“Too late.” Life said as the door was kicked down Life tossed the gun at Heaven she reloaded it and took aim. Life pulled out his swords and took off running. Heaven shot at a rate of 100 bullets per second without missing a shot. Life on the other hand preferred a more hands on fight. Life swung left then spun right. He kicked a solider into Heaven’s line of bullets as his brains splatters all over Life. Life shot Heaven a glare then continued. Heaven ran out of bullets she she reached up her leg to pull out a sterile needle she turned it on her finger as it morphed into a bazooka. Heaven took aim and shot. Life heard the deep rumble he saw the bazooka coming at him he jumped up arching his back barely missing it. He slid to a stop as Heaven walked up beside him. Both drenched in blood as Life sighed and took off walking into the hallway.

They stepped over dead, burnt bodies as they make their way to the car. Heaven started the mustang Life looked at her the glance wasn’t happy nor angry. She sped away from the parking lot

Nine hours earlier

Heaven sat with the computer on her lap as she was drinking her morning cup of orange juice. Life sat in the corner of the room where the sun didn’t touch him. He was cleaning out guns and fulling the chamber back up. Heaven stood up as he laptop fell out to the floor as she dropped her orange juice. Life looked up at her.

“We’ve been… Black Listed.” Heaven said as Life moved fast. The Black list was were an anonymous person put a hit man on assassins.

“How bad is it?” Life said as he shoved Heavens stuff in a bag.

“They have our exact latitude and longitude that is how serious it is.” Heaven was wearing her panties and a bra. Life tossed her a gun as he grabbed the box with new passports and I.D’s. Life grabbed a duffel bag and grabbed clothes from the closet and stuffed them in. He grabbed his swards and a mirror. Heaven climbed down the stairs with only rain boots on. They got in the garage as Heaven pulled out of the house. Life threw a match at the garage the house went up in flames.

“Change places with me.” Life said as Heaven scooted in his lap as he slid smoothly into the drivers seat. Life took off speeding this time.They had a long journey.

It was late in the afternoon as Life was driving and Heaven was in the passenger seat.

“Hey, i’m hungry life.” Life nodded and took a sharp left pulling into a restaurants parking lot.

“If were going in here we need to change our clothes.” Heaven agreed and started to strip her clothes off and reached in the back to grab more suitable clothes for the occasion. life did the same. Heaven chose a black casual dress. It was knee length with spaghetti straps. Life on the other hand… was a little more extravagant the Heaven would have liked.

“Where are you going?!” Heaven exclaimed as Life wiped the last of blood from his cheek with a handkerchief.

“What?” Life looked at her eyebrows pinched.

“What’s wrong with it?” Life asked as Heaven did a head to toe assessment. He was in victorian boots, Pinstriped pants, a victorian shirt with a vest,and a knee length red coat.

“Everything! What about being low key? I swear sometimes your the reason we get found.” Heaven began to walk away as Life silently followed.

“What do you want to eat?” Life asked curious to know more about the human appetite after all he was far from human himself. Heaven looked at Life who smiled.

“Why don’t you find out for your self and eat something?”

“I’d rather die.”

“You are dead.”

“Ouch, that stung my immortal soul.”

“Shut up.” Heaven said as a smirk played Etimesgut Escort upon her lips. The waiter came over and took Heaven’s drink order as she looked at Life.

“What?” He asked.

“How long are planning to keep this up?”

“Keep what up?”

“Not eating or drinking blood.”

“After I took you in I said I would never sin again.” Life had raised Heaven from the time she was 17 using the cover of a priest to give her a secure home life. She find out at that age of 18 that on some level she was like Life, Un-human,but he never said what she was.

“You are growing weaker everyday.”

“Then let my blood run dry and rot away.”

“I am no longer a little girl, I kill just like you do.” Life’s eyes gave a flicker of pain as he sighed and forced himself to look her in the eye.

“What do you want me to do go a massacre to quench a thirst that I have held for almost 40 years?”


“Then you are selfish and I though I would have thought you better.”

“But instead you made a killer.”

“Touché.” Life said as he looked away and gave a sigh.

the food arrived just as heaven was about to add another comment about how he should eat, after all he raised her while her parents abandoned her.
she remembered when she had first met life, many years ago

She was only seven when her parents decided to put her in the black market to pay off a debt. Heaven was put in a cage life a animal and kept there as she watched other kids her age disappear along with her brother. That was the day she felt the soul die. He was apart of the same clan that ha preformed the horrid acts that no words could describe. Heaven was the last one in the cage, left alone. He own brother stabbed in front of her eyes.

“What do you think your doing?!” A voice yelled as Heaven watched a figure push past the curtains. He turned to look around as he saw Heaven. She stopped breathing as Life looked at her. He knelt by the cage as he opened it. He grabbed Heaven she kicked and fought back but it was useless he was too strong. She closed her eyes and cried she realized that he wasn’t holding her anymore. He held a sword as blood dripped off of it. She looked around him to see dead body on the floor. Life grabbed her arm and pulled her along. Heaven followed silently as Life finally got tired of dragging her and picked her up. She found him strangely kind. He jumped out of the window as Heaven held onto Life. She heard the roar and crackling of fire behind her. Heaven sat in the high grass as she watched the man who just rescued her. The light from the fire flickered off of his face then she blacked out.

Heaven came put of her memory as she looked at Life who was stared out the window.She sighed and touched his hand. She felt love for him but also deep hate because she may or may not have been living with the man who killed her brother.

he also took her in moments after doing so she still wondered to this day… why? Why did he take her in? Why her of all people?

Life’s eyes flickered to hers reviling the sorrow and regret that lingered in them.

“You know I hate when you invade my personal thoughts.”

“You’ll get over it.”

“Why do you alway have to push your boundaries.”

“Because for a mutual understanding boundaries must be broken…even if you wish to forget them.” Life looked away again. Heaven looked at the food which no longer held any appeal. She stood and walked away from the table. Life got the food to go and payed the bill. Heaven sat in the passenger seat of the car. Life’s walk was slow and arrogant. He slid in the car dropping the food in her lap.

“Go to hell.” Heaven spat as Life looked at her.

“Almost there.” Life stared the car and sped away from the restaurant into the pitch black night.

Chapter 2: The Mutual Understanding

Life sat down on the beside Heaven as she woke up and looked at him.

“I did’t kill your brother.” Life whispered.

“You where in my thoughts?! ….what did you just say.”

“I Etimesgut Escort Bayan said I didn’t kill your brother.” Life said this time his voice strained. Heaven sat up this time she pulled out her gun and pointed it at Life who broke into a smile.

“Alway’s with the guns, Heaven.” Life said as he looked at her.

“What did you do with him?”

“I don’t know what happened to your brother I wasn’t there when they killed him. I was assigned to assassinate any and all people in the house.” Life said as he turned back around. They had found a small apartment with an upstairs loft with a rail. This is where Life usually slept but Heaven fell asleep in Life’s bed. Heaven lowered her gun but stared at his back.

“Why are you telling me now?”

“Because of this.” Life turned around as he gently touched her left shoulder blade with his fingertips. Heaven let out a shiver as she gave a moan of pleasure.

“What is that?” Heaven asked as Life withdrew his hand.

“That was a mark you’ve had it since you were a kid. Its the royal mark of Succubus.” Life said as he let out a sigh.

“Listen Heaven… Your mark is very dangerous. When it appears it mean that your sex drive is very high…”

“God, no not the sex talk.” Heaven said as she crawled out from under the covers. She looked at Life who looked at her. His eyes were piercing and dark but behind them was something else something Heaven had never seen in them before. Heaven pressed herself against the wall and felt the heat spread throughout her body. She knew what that look was and she couldn’t help but to give into it. She grabbed him and kissed him as she climbed into his lap. The kiss was rough passion that seemed to overflow. She knotted her hand in his hair as her tongue began exploring new areas of his mouth. He roughly gripped her side of her thighs.

“Wait!” Life had managed to pry Heaven off of him. He looked like he was controlling himself. Eyes wild with excitement and a glint of lust that seemed more seductive then anything.

“What’s wrong?” Heaven asked as she looked at him.His eyes flashed to her’s they weren’t their usual violet instead they were a very light purple that almost seemed to glow. He opened his mouth to say something then leaned in and kissed her stomach. His lips were soft to the feel of her stomach the gesture was strangely intimate and pleasurable. His hand were gentle against her skin he reached up and with one puled her bra was gone. Her nipples were like ripe fruit hard and pink. Heaven grabbed Life’s shoulders and pushed his down. She gripped his shirt and torn it open. She marveled at his perfect abs and pale skin. His nipples were not unlike hers they were pink and perfect. She bent down and sucked on his nipple then bit down really hard. Life arched his back and grabbed onto her back.

Heaven slid down his body as she unzipped his pants zipper with her teeth his cock sprung out of his pants. She looked at all nine inches of his throbbing erection. She ran her tongue up the length of it She took Life in her mouth as she managed to get most of his length in. Not only was Life long but he was thick as well. Her hands dug into his thighs drawing blood she pulled him out of her mouth. He pulled her up so that she was situated over his lap.She mounted Life wrapping his hands on her hips placing her in the perfect position. Heaven moaned out of pain and pleasure
“You’re too big!” Heaven said as she and threw her head back they started to move in harmony. Life grabbed her back and pulled her upper body to his lips, he began to suck and nibble on her nipples. Heaven put her hands around his head enjoying it.She gave moans of pleasure gripping a fist full of his hair she pulled his head back kissed him passionately. Starting slow with pecks, slowly sticking her tongue into his mouth.She pulled away and fell back arching herself into Life. He grabbed her legs and turned her over so she all fours. He pulled all the way out and gave a powerful thrust forward slamming all the way. Heaven gave a breathless moan of pleasure. Escort Etimesgut Life’s thrust were hard and fast as she clung onto the covers. Her toes were clutched down as she moaned uncontrollably.

“I’m cumming!” Heaven said as Life thrust grown more powerful. He drew is hand back and slapped Heaven hard on the ass as she gave a pant of surprise.

“I won’t allow you to come so quickly.”Life lifted his leg up as he pulled Heaven hips back to him. He began thrusting again as his balls slapped against her ass.

“More!Faster!Oh,yes!” Heaven words were incoherent and breathless. Life began to move faster His hands clamped onto her

Chapter 3: The Morning After Sex

Heaven sighed as she felt sore but a good kind of sore.She laid in bed looking at the ceiling recounting the night’s events.She turned her head to look at Life’s sleeping face.She remembered letting him do whatever but past that was a blur.

“You bastard,”Heaven murmured.

“Again with the names…but,and forgive me for saying,is it not to early for regret,” Life said as he let his body up slowly into a sitting position. He grabbed the sides of Heaven’s face as he brought his face close to hers.

“It really is too early to be regretting and far too late for you to be sorry…so tell me how do you really feel…or do I have to dig into your head again?” Life said as Heaven glared at him and blushed. Life let her go as he got up in one swift motion. He stretched and then turned to her.

“Come.” Life said as he held his hand out for her. She took it as he effortlessly pulled her across the bed and into his arms. He held her under her arms. Heaven looked at him as he carried her to the bathroom. It was inevitable that they were going to shower together. She squirmed in his arms.

“What do you not want to take a shower perhaps you want to spend the day wrapped in the sweat and sex?” He slipped his finger from the nape of her neck down her spine. Heaven pressed her body into his. He pushed her bangs back reveling her forehead as he set her down.

“I’ll be taking my leave now.” Life turned to leave.

“Why did you carry me in here?”

“Your leaking.” Life said as she looked down to see cum running down her leg.

“Plus I take it you body is still somewhat numb and sore and for that I apologize…but I do not apologize for the action itself.” Life waved as he walked out of the bathroom. Heaven started the shower as she stepped into the warm spray of the water. She began to wash as she began to smile. She leaned against the wall then sunk down to the floor of the shower. Life was right her legs felt like noodles,her hips and inner thigh ached as if she had been riding a horse all day.Heaven felt happy by the idea that her body ached because of him. It wasn’t pain but a pleasant soreness. She let the warm spray massage her body. Heaven came out of the shower as she peaked in the room Life was no where to be found. Heaven stepped out of the bathroom into bedroom.

“What a lovely view.” Unfamiliar voice said as Heaven turned to see a man dressed in army clothes. She grabbed the bed sheet in an attempt to cover her body.

“Life!” Heaven said as pulling out her gun from under the nightstand and pointed it at the stranger.

“oh, no deary, you cannot call your little boyfriend, he had and unfortunate accident with a bullet to his brain.” he said.

“bullshit. Where is he?!” heaven said.

“sure, think whatever you like, he’s not coming back.” Heaven wrapped the sheet around herself tighter. Suddenly a gunshot filled the air. Heaven turned around to see a man behind with a gun. Heaven jumped back pointing her gun at him. He was tall, long pale honey blond hair and piercing green eyes.

“Life!” The man said as he walked past heaven and down the stairs.Heaven followed. Life laid in the middle of the floor blood coming from his head.

“I know you can hear me.” The man said as Life let out a sigh and sat up.

“Angelo.” Life said as the girl looked at Heaven then back at Life.

“I though I told you to lay low.”

“I did.” Life said as Heaven looked at the two of them.

“Is anyone going to explain whats going on here? Heaven asked as both men looked at her.

“Its a long story.” Angelo and Life said in unison.

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Wizardly protector

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Dildo Fucking

I found the trunk in side room off the basement. It must have been a secret room at one time, but the door had crumbled with the passing of time. I was eighteen and lived on an old sail boat in a boatyard. Not that that was bad, the boat was fifty feet long and was really nice.

I lived on a trust from my grandfather and had moved out of my parent’s house a year ago when they started fighting. I still had a couple of weeks of school left and then I planned to go to the local college.

Anyway the trunk, I was exploring the basement of grandfather’s old farmhouse late on a Friday. The trunk was huge, at least seven feet long and three deep. I was careful as I pulled and pushed it until I had gotten it upstairs. I had to be real careful getting it across the floor since some of the floor was rotten and could not hold the weight.

Out on the screened in porch I finally stopped and looked at my find. It looked old, maybe even older then my grandfather had been. The latch looked simple and I did not see any lock. I moved the latch and heard a dull thud. I did not see any hinges and was surprised when I raised the lid. The hinges were made of wood and were actually part of the lid and the chest.

I grinned and turned my attention to the contents of the chest. On the top was this six foot long staff with a milky white crystal inside a wooden lattice at the top. Under the staff was what looked like a thick book. The edges of the pages had that metal shine like you see on some bibles.

When I carefully reached down to lift the cover I saw that the pages were made of thin metal. The rest of the stuff in the chest was dark cloaks, well except for the bronze dagger. I pulled the staff out. It felt warm and I got an impression that it was alive. Picking up the heavy book I moved to the steps into the house and sat down with the staff across my lap.

I opened the book and tried to make sense of what I saw. Because of the way I had grown up I could read Latin and several other languages. What I saw on that first page was like a mix of languages. Latin, Arabic, Chinese, maybe Sanskrit, also some letters that looked almost like they could be Cyrillic.

It was very frustrating looking at those pages and not being able to read them or understand what the person that wrote them had been trying to say. The staff in my lap became hotter and suddenly I could read everything. It was not just that I could read the book. It was like I could not, not read it or could not stop reading it.

As I read each word it was as if they were burned into my mind. Word after word sped past and then I was turning the page. As I continued, my body became hot, like I was on fire. After awhile I started getting cold as if I were made of ice. Than everything slowed and I felt heavy and more… solid as if I were some statue or made of stone.

That lasted until I saw the sun start to rise and I started feeling lighter. It felt like my body was just a cloud and still I read, the words burning their way into my brain. My body seemed to go back to normal, except that I could feel things differently now. It was another day before I finally closed the back cover of the book and I knew what had happened to me.

I stood and put the book back into the chest before gesturing. The trunk disappeared and I knew it was waiting for me back on the boat. I hesitated and released the staff with a flick of my wrist and it disappeared. Unlike the chest, I knew it was still their waiting for me to call it back. I looked around grandpa’s farm and sighed. Maybe one day I would fix it up.

I walked to my car, an old Toyota hybrid. When I got home to the boat I made a large dinner and ate. I was still thinking about what had happened and what had been done to me. If people knew, it would not be good. I was trying to think of what to do when the news on TV caught my eye.

They were talking about another girl’s body being found. She had been killed by a serial killer. That really made me think and I knew I had to do something to help. That night my dreams were filled with strange creatures and different people. Monday’s always start slow but not this time.

My classes seemed a lot easier and when the last bell rang I was still in a good mood. I had thought about this all day. After I had driven home, I put on one of the old cloaks and sat on the deck of the boat with my eyes closed and murmured a spell. Images of buildings swirled around me and then stopped to show me one.

Than it was like I was walking into the building and taking an elevator with several other people. When I got to the office I wanted, I looked around carefully. I opened my eyes and I was back, sitting on the deck of my boat where I had never left. I concentrated and murmured a spell that caused my face and hair to change.

I stood and with a flick of my wrist, the staff was back. I took a step that was not there and was standing in the room I had seen. I looked at the man sitting behind the desk as he looked up. With a flick of my wrist the staff disappeared and I bowed slightly, “I came to offer my services.”

He cleared his throat, “How did you get in here?”

I shrugged, “You would not understand or believe if I told you.”

He stood up, “Who are you and what do you want?”

I smiled and gestured to the stack of folders on his desk, “I want to help you catch these killers. My name? Well, strangely enough you can call me Merlin.”

I glanced at the door as two other men stopped in the doorway and the man came around the desk, “Mr. Adams, I am here to help.”
I gestured at the folders on his desk and one appeared in my hand. I tossed the folder up in the air and it hung there. I spread my hand and the contents of the folder spread out and hung in place. I could see pictures of crime scenes and victims as well as other reports. I looked at Mr. Adams as he stood staring at the file, “Which was the first victim?”

He stirred but did not respond, “Mr. Adams?”

He looked away from the file and at me. Slowly he walked forward and pointed to the picture of a young woman. I gestured and murmured a spell before gesturing to the other side of the office. An insubstantial image of the woman appeared and I walked across the room to her. I walked around her slowly, murmuring another spell.

When I was done, I turned and gestured to the back wall. A large map with glowing dots appeared with a ghostly image of a man next to it. I walked back to the files as the woman disappeared, “Who was next?”

Mr. Adams looked from the image of the man to me, “Who is that?”

I glanced back, “Your killer. Well, what he looked like when she was killed.”

I gestured, “The next one?”

I repeated my spells with the next eleven victims and when I finally turned. I glanced at the dozen women and men crowding the doorway. I looked at Mr. Adams, “If I give you his address, can you arrest him?”

He hesitated and then shook his head, “We would need evidence. We would be able to put him under surveillance though.”

I nodded and turned back to the map. I put my hands together and then separated them while whispering a spell. The map zoomed in to one house. I held one hand flat towards the map and gestured to another wall. The map seemed to split and a second map appeared on the other wall.

Still facing the first map, I gestured and the map turned to show the street. I made a gesture, ‘like come here’ and the map moved down the street to the corner and showed the street signs. I looked at the crowd, “would one of you mind writing those down.”

I turned to the other map and with a flick of my wrist the staff appeared. I quietly murmured another spell and made a gesture. The address number glowed for a second and the angle change so that we were looking at the front door. I moved the display and it looked like it was moving towards the door and then the door was gone.

Slowly the display moved through the house. We saw the suspect and a woman in the kitchen. I moved out the back door and into the detached garage. At the back of the garage I could see a different shaded area to one side and looked at Mr. Adams, “Do you see the secret door?”

He looked at me and shook his head, “No. Where is it?”

I pointed out the area and took a minute to locate the switch to open it. I moved the display through the secret passage and had to turn it to go down some steep stairs. At the bottom of the stairs it turned again and slopped down to a door about thirty feet away. The door was locked when the display reached it, not that that stopped it.

After the display had gone through the door, I stopped it and we stood in silence. I glanced at Mr. Adams, “Wait just a minute, you can get ready to call a judge for a warrant when she escapes. We can probable call the local cops and ask them to do a drive by.”

He stared at me, “She is naked. How the hell is she going to get untied, unchained and escape?”

I smiled and looked at the display before murmuring a spell. I could hear his hurried call as I watched the chains on the woman’s feet in the display shake and then just fall off. I whispered, “Listen to my voice and you will be free.”

I heard her answer, “Who are you? I do not see you. Where are you?”

I gestured and the ropes around her wrist fell away, “I am Merlin. I am watching from far away. Wait until I unlock the door.”

I gestured and the display moved back through the door. Another murmured spell and the lock snapped open and dropped to the floor. I moved the display back into the room, “Now push open the door.”

The woman carefully stood and took staggered steps to the door as I turned the display. I watched as she hesitated and then pushed the door and it swung open, “Now go up the hall and turn onto the stairs.”

I followed her with the display as the agents around the room kept whispering and trying to urge her on faster. At the top of the stair she stopped facing the doorway, “Look to your left, do you see the magnet?”

The woman nodded her head, “Yes.”

“Slide the magnet down onto the plate next to the door.”

As soon as the magnet touched the plate the door popped open and surprised her, “Go to the garage door on the right.”

It took her a long time to reach the door and I knew she was running out of energy, “Lift the door.”

She struggled for a couple of minutes and then stopped, “I can’t, it is too heavy.”

I looked at Mr. Adams and he was staring back at me. I sighed, “Listen closely, in just a moment you will feel lots of energy, you will feel much better. This will not last long and when it leaves you will not be able to do anything. After you open the door go straight to the street as fast as you can.”

She nodded and I started murmuring the spell. She suddenly stood up straight, “Oh my!”

I shook my head to get rid of the disorientation, “Quick, open the door and get out.”

She just yanked and the garage door rattled up. She started walking and it quickly turned into a drunken stagger. I looked at Mr. Adams and the other agents, “Close your eyes now!”

I whispered a spell and they disappeared. I closed the display and stepped after them. I stepped out onto the street in front of the suspect’s house. The agents were looking around and I saw the woman staggering down the drive with the suspect hurrying after her. I flicked my wrist and my staff disappeared. I ran towards her, “Stop!”

That seemed to get everyones attention. The man started talking quickly, saying that the woman was his deranged sister. She collapsed and he bent to grab her, “You touch her and it will be the last thing you ever touch.”

I stopped in front of him as he stood scowling, “get off my property!”

I looked down at the woman at my feet, “I will, just as soon as the ambulance arrives.”

He reached to his back and the next thing he knew several agents were pointing guns at him. I slipped the cloak off and knelt to wrap the woman before I lifted her into my arms, “You are safe now.”

She leaned against my chest as I turned and walked towards the street with her in my arms. A police cruiser was just pulling up as I knelt in the street with several female agents around me. I glanced at the agent next to me, “I think it is time for me to go.”

I smiled at the woman at my feet as I stood and flicked my wrist to bring back my staff. I took one last look around and stepped away onto my boat. I walked down into the boat to make dinner, I was starving. After I had eaten, I lay down and before I knew it I was asleep. I woke to my alarm and got up to get ready for school.

I watched the news while eating a bowl of cereal and it was full of reports about the woman I had saved. Something strange happened in my first class. I was sitting next to the wall and had an outlet next to me. I felt a tingling and looked down to see a tiny arc of electricity from the outlet to my ankle. It did not really feel like I was getting shocked, it was more like the arc was feeding me.

I knew from the book that there were many ways to recharge the magic energy in my body but I did not expect this. By the end of the day there were no more arcs and I felt really good. When I got home I did something I had only been thinking about. I used salt and a few herbs to make a circle around the boat before doing a few spells that made the circle flare and then disappear.

I checked the news and then changed my face back to the one I had used before. With a flick of my wrist my staff appeared and I stepped between. I looked around the hospital room and then moved closer to the bed. I absently picked my cloak up from a chair as I passed and reached out to touch the sleeping woman.

Her eyes snapped open as she opened her mouth to scream. I smiled, “Really?”

She looked at me for a minute, “It is you.”

I nodded, “Are they treating you okay?”

She took a breath, “besides thinking I am crazy you mean?”

I grinned, “Everyone is a little crazy.”

She reached out to touch my arm, “You are real aren’t you?”

I let her feel my arm before I pulled away, “I am very real. I came to make sure you were okay. I need to go now, others need me.”

I stepped back, “Live well.”

I stepped between again and stepped out into Mr. Adams office. There were several strange men there. They scrambled out of chairs and reached for weapons. I whispered a spell and gestured to the shelves behind Mr. Adams desk. All the weapons in the room were suddenly on the shelves. I looked at the men and then at Mr. Adams, “Am I interrupting?”

He smiled slightly, “Not at all. These men were here asking about you.”

I shrugged, “You have my name. I came back to see if you are willing to let me help you now.”

One of the men stepped closer, “We are from the National Security Agency…”

I held up my hand to stop him, “I know who and what you are. I am not permitted to help you and no, I will not tell you how I do what I do.”

I looked at Mr. Adams, “Do you want my help?”

He was grinning Etlik Escort and held up a folder. Like before I brought the folder to me and tossed it into the air. As it spread out, I looked at the other men, “If you are going to stay please remain quiet and move to the doorway.”

I looked at Mr. Adams, “The first?”

It was almost an hour before I turned away from the map. It had been different this time. The killer had never taken any of his victims home. We did have his name now and they were getting his address. There was more than enough DNA evidence on his victims. I nodded to Mr. Adams, “I will let you take it from here.”

A flick of my wrist brought my staff and I glanced at the other men before stepping away. I stepped onto the deck of my boat and looked around to see a couple of men wandering around. It was almost as if they were glowing with magic.

I carefully looked around and saw a shadow that did not belong. I used the staff and stepped between. I appeared a little way from the shadow and gestured. It seemed to shatter and melt, in its place stood a man that was tattooed with blue spirals and glyphs. He smiled and bowed, “Well met.”

I nodded, “You were looking for me?”

He shrugged, “I was curious.”

Somehow I knew it was more then that, “Satisfied?”

He looked at me and took a step closer. I gestured and we were surrounded by a glowing sphere of fire and light, “What do you want?”

He looked surprised and a little upset with the shield I had put up keep everything out or in if you looked at it that way. He licked his lips, “I thought that since you are new I could give you some pointers.”

I smiled, “You want to know how good I am.”

He only looked at me and suddenly gestured and murmured a spell. I gestured and caught the spell before murmuring one of my own. We were suddenly standing on the edge of an abyss with flames and fire everywhere, this was the world of chaos. His eyes went wide as I continued to murmur another spell. The air around him darkened and he grabbed at his throat.

He gestured and tried to do a spell but with no voice that was not possible. I held out my staff and started a long and difficult spell. When I finished the other wizard screamed as flashes of light and power began leaving his body and entering mine. It did not take long and left him crumpled on the edge of the abyss. I stepped away and onto my boat leaving him behind.
The area around my boat was clear and I sat down to think. The other mage was not even close to being as strong as I was. What he had been was a dark mage, one that siphons another’s power and knowledge. What I had done to him was the same thing he had planned to do to me, only not as drawn out or painful.

I went into the boat and to the trunk. I opened the trunk and pulled out the old spell book. In the back were a couple of new spells that I knew came from the other mage. I put everything away and made dinner before going to bed. I dreamed of a tall man wearing what I considered my robes. He only watched me as if judging me.

I woke suddenly and rolled out of bed flicking my wrist summoning my staff. The small room was quiet and I relaxed thinking it was only a dream. I moved out of the bedroom and stopped as I looked into the kitchen lounge. The tall man I had dreamed about looked back at me from the table where he sat sipping coffee. He smiled, “Hello Simon.”

I blinked and nodded, “Hello.”

He gestured to the other side of the table, “Sit.”

For some reason I did not feel threatened, it was as if I knew him. I sat, sending my staff away and he took another sip of coffee before sighing, “I really missed coffee.”

I smiled, “I am partial to tea myself.”

He smiled and set the cup down, “I did not expect you to be the one.”

I waited and he turned to gesture. The trunk appeared beside the table and he bent over to open it. He lifted the old spell book out and set it on the table between us. He looked at me, “This was mine once.”

He waved around us, “We are not supposed to be in this world Simon.”

I waited and he caressed the book before reluctantly pushing it towards me, “Many centuries ago our world was slowly being eaten by darkness. In this world you would say it was the death of our sun.”

He sighed, “We formed a bridge to the only world we could find, this one. Unfortunately the mages that tried to hold the bridge were attacked and the bridge collapsed killing many. Only a few on us survived to step onto this world. Some of those wanted to rule this world but others fought them. Even more were killed and the few remaining separated. Now, those that wish to rule hunt us and we take their power. We pass our power from parent to child, in your case, great grandchild. Our family is one of the strongest.”

He smiled and extended his hand. I looked at him and then down at the hand. I put my hand in his and it was like being back at the farmhouse. My body glowed with power and felt as if it extended beyond me. My eyes snapped open to look across the table. No one was there but the cup of coffee still sat on the table. I stood and flicked my wrist to summon my staff.

I stepped between and gestured. Mr. Adams office was alive with gas and wires from tasers hanging in the air. I murmured a spell and the office was suddenly clear. The men that stood around the walls, stood frozen. I looked around and gestured, making the men start and begin to move. I turned my hand and a glowing sphere of fire appeared, “touching me would be a very bad idea.”

They hesitated and another man stepped into the office, “would you try your tricks on me?”

I could see the aura around him and bowed slightly, “You wish to challenge me?”

He looked amused, “You really do not want to do that.”

I dismissed the sphere of fire, “No but I will not be held.”

He tilted his head and one finger began a gesture, “I would never…”

I murmured a spell and held my hand out. The sparkling of magic splashed harmlessly in front of my hand. I continued to whisper another spell as he looked startled. The glowing sphere of fire and light surrounded us and he almost panicked and threw a hasty spell I countered simple as I murmured another.

We were suddenly standing by the abyss with the charred remains of the last mage. He began shouting a spell as I carefully crafted mine. I gestured as he threw his spell and it deflected away from me and headed down into the abyss. I finished my spell and the air around him darkened and he grabbed at his throat. It was the same spell I had used on the other mage.

A short walking stick appeared in his hand as I started the long hard spell to draw his power to me. When I finished he was gasping on his knees. He screamed as flashes of light and power began leaving his body and entering mine. His walking stick shattered and a streak of lightning flashed to strike my staff.

It glowed as it absorbed the magical energy from the walking stick. Rings on the mage’s hand exploded, making him scream louder as the spells melted and joined the flashes of power that came to me. When everything stopped and quiet returned, I looked at the sobbing man, “checkmate.”

I gestured and stepped away to appear on the deck of my boat. I hesitated and then gestured and opened a window into Mr. Adams office. He jerked and looked surprised as he looked across his desk and into my face, “What…”

I shook my head, “The mage they sent will not be returning.”

He looked confused, “What mage?”

I looked at him calmly, “Listen to me Mr. Adams. In this world there are two sets of magic users. One wants the power to control and rule it and the other set faces them and fights for everyone to be free. The men that were in your office were being directed by another mage. His attack on me was a challenge to take my power and kill me. Now, I still want to help you but if I keep getting attacked every time I come there…”

He looked at me strangely, “They were national security agents.”

I smiled thinly, “They were controlled by spells.”

He shook his head, “I am sorry…”

I nodded, “I understand.”

I waved and the window closed. I headed down into the boat and made a cup of tea. While I sipped it I thought about what had happened. I finally sighed and showered before dressing and heading to school. My classes were easy but I kept my eyes open. When I headed towards my car I saw the men lounging around and stopped to lean against another car.

One finally started for me while the others began to surround me. I murmured a spell before he stopped and he stood there looking at me, “Are you… Merlin?”

I smiled, “Well, my parents named me Simon James before that but Merlin is part of my name.”

He frowned, “You are a sorcerer?”

I laughed, “Sorcerer? I do not think so.”

He smiled, “I was just joking. Have you been in contact with Agent Adams?”

I smiled again, “Agent? What agency?”

He sighed, “Never mind we must have the wrong person… again.”

I shrugged, “Sorry.”

He turned and started off and the other men hesitated and looked at each other before following. I watched and then headed to my car, I whispered a spell under my breath as I started it and the tracking device fell off.

I drove away but watched behind me, as I went under an overpass I murmured another spell and the car changed color just before I came out the other side. I stopped at a grocery story and after that I drove home. After a nice dinner I sat back thinking and finally sighed. I summoned my staff and stepped away to appear outside the farmhouse.

I carefully drew a pentagram in the dirt while murmuring a trap spell. I opened a window into Adams office and as expected a flash of magic burst through the window. In the middle of the pentagram stood a large grey breaded man. I gestured and began the difficult spell that began drawing the magic and arcane knowledge from the mage that stood frozen.

The shattering explosion of his staff caused mine to flare white with power and grow a little taller and thicker. Finally it was complete and the man slumped to the ground. I murmured a spell and the man lifted and went back through the window. I stepped away after the window closed and appeared in a large park I had played at as a child and let my staff go.

I walked around thinking and finally sighed and walked down to the corner store. I bought a few things including a paper. I left and started walking and when I turned down an alley and no one was watching I summoned my staff and stepped away onto my boat. I made a nice cup of tea and then did a simple scrying spell on the newspaper page with the stocks.

Early the next morning I used my school netbook to purchase stocks. I did another seeking spell, this time in central park. When I appeared in the park no one even noticed. I walked to a secluded spot and began the huge pentagram. I carefully incised the difficult draining spell in several dead branches I found and placed them in the pentagram before tying them into the capture spell.

I finally stepped out of the pentagram and activated it. I took a breath and whispered the spell that opened a window into agent Adams office. As expected a bolt of magic blasted through to be caught in a seemingly transparent web. There was a blast of fire and five men appeared in the pentagram.

They screamed as the world around them exploded and ripped their protections away as bolts of magic and power flashed to strike me. They continued to scream as items that stored magic exploded and their staffs glowed white before exploding and hurling them to the ground. My own staff took the huge bolts of power and only glowed brighter as it grew.

The world around me flicked as if filled with tiny bits of lightning. My vision was clouded as if fogged and I almost felt bloated as I desperately channeled magical power into my staff. Finally it was over and the five men lay on the ground unconscious. I gestured and they floated back through the window before it closed. I turned and with a single gesture erased the pentagram and everything that had been in it.

I knew they would not try that again and sighed before stepping away to my boat. My staff was almost seven feet tall and over two and a half inches thick. The milky white crystal was larger and glowed softly. I slept peacefully that night and in the morning I turned on my netbook and checked the news. I checked the stocks I had purchased and sold them for a large profit.

After scrying again I purchased stock in another company. I did an illusion spell and stepped away to appear outside the FBI building. I walked in and through the metal detector before walking towards the elevator. When I got off on Mr. Adams floor I saw several people around his office and two men standing on each side of his door.

Mr. Adams was talking to another agent in the large open area with desks around them including his own. I smiled and headed towards his desk. When I stopped and picked up a folder that I knew was a case file, Mr. Adams turned towards me. I whispered a simple spell and set the file down while holding another that had appeared. I looked at Mr. Adams and bowed slightly before turning to leave.

There was no alarm and no one tried to stop me as I left. Outside the building I headed down the street as if I was going to walk. When I turned a corner, I flicked my wrist and my staff appeared before I stepped away. When I appeared again, it was in the large lecture room at school. I tossed the folder up and gestured as the papers spread out.

I went through everything slowly, summoning the last image of each victim. Slowly a map appeared and the ghostly image of a man took shape. When the last victim faded away I looked at the image of the man and felt a chill, this one was different and dangerous. I collected all the papers and made them vanish. A simple spell of seeing let me watch the neighborhood the killer lived in.

As the spell approached the front door I felt the present of a ward spell and backed off. I stepped away to appear on the sidewalk in front of the killers house. The feel told me a lot and I realized that this was a mage as well as a serial killer. I smiled as an idea came to me and stepped away to go shopping. When I returned I knew he had another victim.

The pentagram and spells I drew on his doorstep faded before I finished and I smiled. I knocked and turned as if walking away. I was almost to the street when the door was yanked open and an old man stood there. He stepped out as I turned to face him and flicked my wrist. He sneered and gestured to summon his staff. Fire flared from the unseen pentagram he was standing in and he screamed.

Magic and power flashed from him to me like thick lightning bolts. His staff glowed and seemed to swell before suddenly exploding, ripping his hand off. A huge pendent he wore around his neck glowed an angry red before exploding in a tower of fire. He rocked back and only the magic in the pentagram kept him from Etlik Escort Bayan falling. My staff glowed a bright white and grew taller before he dropped to the ground unconscious.

I stood still and sent a seeing spell seeking into his house. It was easy to find the bound man that had been his next victim. I gestured and the hidden door clicked as it was unlocked and opened. The man woke and started screaming as a cell phone appeared and dialed 911. I turned and stepped away to appear on my boat. I relaxed in a seat and murmured another seeing spell.

I was looking at the outside of the federal building. I went it in, first to the directory and then up to the floor where DEA had their offices. I went into the office of one of the agents and moved to the desk. He was taking to someone on the phone with an open file in front of him. I whispered a spell and a copy of the folder appeared beside me.

I slowly looked around the office before letting the spell slip away. I picked up the folder and went down to make tea. I sat at the table and opened the folder, it was on a major drug supplier. I finished my tea and moved back up to the deck of my boat. I summoned my staff and began a seeing spell with the image of the drug dealer as my focus.

The man lived in a huge mansion with guards and women everywhere. I moved the spell away and went searching. I found every safe in the place before heading back to the drug supplier. I whispered a spell of compulsion before sending him into an empty room. For the next half hour he told me where every stash of drugs were and where all his money was.

I moved the spell around summoning the money and moving the drugs to the mansion. I finally gestured to the desk phone and dialed 911 and let the drug dealer start talking. He confessed to more than just dealing drugs too. I banished the spells when the door burst open and cops began coming in. I sent my staff away and gathered the money before going back into my boat. I summoned the chest and moved everything out of it before completely filling it with money.

That made me grin and head out to a furniture shop. I bought another six foot long chest and when no one was watching sent it to my boat. I drove back to the boatyard and loaded all the money into the new chest and sent it in to one of the bunks. I repacked the old chest and sent it back before relaxing on the deck.

I woke in the morning and after a warm breakfast of oatmeal I checked my stocks. I used the illusion spell and summoned my staff before stepping away. I stepped out in front of the FBI building again and went in. I let my staff slip away and went up to Mr. Adams floor. He was still at a desk in the outer office when I walked to it.

He glanced up and I smiled as I picked up a fresh file, “How are you today Agent Adams?”

He grunted, “Someone found the serial killer I was looking for.”

I nodded and almost absently murmured a spell that duplicated the folder. I set the original back down, “Was there enough evidence to put him away?”

He laughed and sat back, “More than enough. The stupid fool was trying to cast spells on everyone and had a new victim in his home.”

I shook my head and glanced at the two mages beside his office door, “Are they ever going to let you have your office back?”

He frowned, “I doubt it.”

I shook my head, “I am sorry about that.”

Mr. Adams looked at me, “I am not.”

He looked around and then shrugged, “You are putting these killers away.”

I smiled and turned away, after I left the building I just walked and glanced back every now and then to see the man following me. I walked to the courthouse and went in, I lost the man in the crowd and went to a restroom. In a stall I summoned my staff and stepped away. I stepped out into the deserted lecture room. I tossed the file and spread my hands.

Like I had before I started going through the file. One thing that came to me was sooner or later the other mages would use this to trap me. I found the killer and dismissed the file before stepping away. The house I appeared in front of was an older house on a large plot of land. I sent a seeing spell into the house and found the killer relaxing in front of a large television.

I found many bodies in the backyard, but the three decomposing bodies in the separated garage were what I needed. I summoned a burn cell and sent it through the spell after dialing 911. I moved away to watch as almost a half hour later the cops arrived.

They talked to the killer at the door and I grinned before whispering a compulsion spell. The next thing the killer knew he was confessing everything and the two sheriffs stood there unbelieving until he walked them into the garage.

I stepped away and appeared in the alley behind a nearby grocery story. I went shopping and then went back to my boat. After a comfortable dinner I sat back to think. I was up early the next morning and used another seeing spell in the DEA offices. I went through several files before the right one caught my attention. I copied the file and closed the spell.

I stepped away to my grandfather’s farm and sat on the porch before tossing the file up. I spread my hands and the report opened and papers spread out. I went through everything before closing the file and gesturing. It burst into white hot flames and ashes drifted to the ground. I murmured a seeing spell aimed at the image I had seen in one of the pictures.

The man that I saw was in a bedroom with a young woman asleep beside him. I whispered a spell of compulsion and like before I took everything he had before I had him call 911 to confess everything he had ever done. I sat back with a sigh and then went for a nice drive. This time I went to a self storage place and rented and large unit. I bought a lock and summoned the one chest I had already filled.

My next trip was to a lumber store where I purchased a large stack of inch thick cedar boards. I also purchased stain and a sealant. While no one was looking I sent it all to the storage unit. I went back to the unit and used magic to bring the wood boards together into several chests. I stained and sealed them and then stepped away onto my boat. I sent all the money that was all over the boat from the last drug supplier to the unit and went back.

I finally left after putting the money in the chests and stacking them up. I locked the unit behind me before driving home. I made lunch and then went up on deck to relax. I finally sighed and stood before summoning my staff and stepping away. I appeared in the world of chaos, I ignored the smoking skeletons and did a seeing spell. I changed things up and had it appear behind Mr. Adams desk and across the room by a filing cabinet.

I was right, they were waiting. They had learned though and had glyphs and symbols on the floor around the desk to trap me. I began moving around, using the bottom of my staff to etch the glyphs and signs into the ground. I finished and went back to the seeing spell to watch. There were several people in the room, two mages at his old office door and two more outside the glyphs around his desk.

The rest of the people were real agents. I whispered a spell and pointed at each real person and then waited. Ten minutes later they walked out and I snarled the compulsion spell I had planned. The four mages appeared in front of me in the center of my glyphs and went white faced before the magic shields around them exploded. They began screaming as their magic was ripped away.

Staffs appeared only to explode in towers of flame as I turned. The eight mages that appeared around me gloating, suddenly realized they had been tricked as well. I stood in the center of four interlocking symbols of power that ripped magic and knowledge from every mage around me. Several of the older mages just burst into huge plasma balls of fire.

My staff was white and bulging as it grew a foot taller, the head even changing to show several different colored gems emerging. I looked on as the twelve corpses fell to the ground smoking. I gestured and murmured another spell and a wind exploded around me scouring the ground clean of bodies and symbols. I sighed and stepped away to my boat.

I think they had just gotten my very blunt message. The feel of my body vibrating with new power made me move carefully as I summoned the book of spells. I sat back and opened the book to the first page with the new spells and began reading. It was the middle of the night before I closed the book. When I woke in the morning it was to check, scry and buy new stocks.

I headed to school and dropped my classes before driving out to my grandfather’s again. I looked around and finally nodded before slowly walking around the old house drawing glyphs and symbols. I started a long hard spell and watched as the house seemed to shimmer and start to look almost new. I nodded when I finished and turned to the second set of glyphs beside the barn.

This spell caused the air to blur and then my boat was sitting there. I walked into the barn to find all the old rusted farm equipment. When I finally finished, it was lunch time. The plow was out in the field without the tractor as it began turning the soil. The barn looked new as did all the equipment. I went to my boat and made lunch before sitting back to think.

I finally went into the house and down to the secret room. I thought of the storage room and brought all the trunks to the basement. I moved them into the small room and went out for more materials. I placed the materials in the barn and stepped away. I appeared outside the federal building and murmured a spell before I walked in. I went up to the offices of the DEA and started walking around making a list of names and sometimes places.

When I finished I went up to the BAU and stopped in the doorway. The two mages by the door to Mr. Adams office were gone as well as the symbols on the floor. A whispered spell caused the room to shimmer and I shook my head. I flicked my wrist and stepped away to the world of chaos. I began drawing symbols in a spiral out around where I had appeared and finally finished and closed it with a glyph.

It was not long before a dozen creatures crawled over the edge of the cliff and moved towards the glowing symbols that drew them. As they reached the center they flickered and disappeared and I knew they were appearing in the BAU. I waited as minutes slowly passed and then the creatures were back dragging several mages. I watched as they headed back to the cliff where others of their kind waited.

I still waited and a flicker appeared and then a huge explosion. I smiled because I had been prepared for something like that and all the symbols were still undisturbed. The three men that appeared were not just mages, they were much older and much more powerful. I gestured and the world seemed to stop, “Now is the time and place for all to judge.”

They turned slowly and smiled, one opened his mouth to speak and they all froze as no sound escaped his lips. I gestured again and they were suddenly frozen and could not move. I planted my staff, “By my family’s staff and my power I defend the right of the world of men to rule themselves.”

I pulled on my spells and the arch mages screamed in agony as they seemed to explode in a blinding flash of power that was like a huge bolt of lightning. It struck me in the chest and I screamed as it filled me. The world around us seemed to shake and tremble as the spell continued to drain the three arch mages. I desperately gestured aside and murmured a powerful spell to drain some of the power overwhelming me.

The form that appeared was glowing as it slowly took shape and the small egg cracked open. The small kitten uncurled and opened rainbow colored wings on its back. The lightning stopped and the three men dropped to the ground, just three dried up, burnt bodies. I had never even seen their staffs of power but realized they had somehow changed them into something that was on them.

My staff was almost a foot taller and an inch thicker. I was exhausted and murmured a spell that scoured the rock clean of symbols and the bodies burst into ash as they were swept away. I knelt and the kitten scurried to me. I picked her up and stood to step away and appeared where my boat used to be. I looked around and stepped away again to appear in the frontyard at the farm.

I went into the house and set the kitten down before heading into the kitchen. I summoned a few things and started boiling water for tea before warming milk and setting it on the table. I picked up the golden furred kitten and placed her beside the bowl. I sat and sipped a cup of tea as I thought about and remembered what I had just done. It had been a challenge and those linked to the arch mages would still be suffering, but they had heard my words.

I finally put the kitten on the floor, cracked the back door open and set the cup in the sink. I headed back to the bedroom and undressed before climbing into bed. A moment later the kitten scampered onto the bed and came to curl up beside me. I slept with dreams of a slim woman that seemed to keep calling to me. I woke with a start and looked around before sighing.

The small kitten was purring beside me as it slept and I reached out to gently caress it before climbing off the bed. It was barely dawn with just a hint of the sun peeking over the horizon. I made tea and started breakfast. When the kitten wandered in, I bent and picked it up. I sat and fed the kitten milk from my cereal. When it refused to eat anymore I set her down and finished eating as she headed for the open door.

I went to the barn and started making more chests. Hours later I started a spell aimed at one name on the list from the DEA. Like before I enspelled him and took his money. The money he had in the bank I transferred to another account. All the rest I brought to the barn before moving all the drugs to the mansion he was living in. I had him call the police and start confessing before releasing the small window I used to watch him.

I glanced at the tiny kitten as she tumbled around trying to chase a mouse. I gestured and the now full cedar trunks disappeared. I bent and scooped the kitten up before summoning my staff. I stepped away and appeared in a park I once used to go to. I set the kitten down and sat on a bench. After an hour I finally stood and glanced around before gesturing.

The kitten floated out of a nearby bush and meowed at me. I tucked her in my shirt and whispered a spell that showed me a vast empty desert. I stepped away and appeared in the desert where the sun was just setting. I shook my head and started the huge glyphs and symbols. They would glow until I moved on to another and then they seemed to just sink into the sand as broken glyphs appeared above them.

It was hours before I finished and stood in the center. I began a spell of seeing and looked into Mr. Adams office. Nothing happened but I knew better, I closed the spell and waited. They came as suddenly as the wind, stepping out Escort Etlik of between as I had. There were dozens and they looked around before facing me.

One that looked almost ancient smiled as he leaned on a hugely thick walking cane, “Well, young mage you have been most impressive. To bad you made a mistake.”

I smiled and looked around, “I did?”

He gestured, “The puny trap you left is gone and you face more power than any other mage ever faced.”

I laughed, “What makes you think that matters to me?”
His eyes narrowed before suddenly looking around. He started to step away only to shimmer and freeze. I looked at the other mages as they realized something was not right. I nodded and planted my staff, “Now is the time to fight or surrender.”

My answer was lightning that laced the air above and around me as some tried to fight and others tried to flee. Four more ancient mages appeared in the distance and gestured as they began a spell. They froze and screamed as the whole plain exploded and the glowing glyphs rose up out of the sand. The sky overhead became dark as I knelt to set the kitten on the ground with my free hand.

I held her as the lightning strikes began to hit me and my staff. There were explosions as staffs and other items holding magic disappeared. My staff glowed white and the different colored gems created a rainbow around us. The lightning went on and on as it grew darker, my body jerked and spasmed as I was hit repeatedly and began to swell with power.

I was prepared for this though and began to chant slowly. One after another the minor mages began collapsing to the ground and disappearing. Small eggs grew before one by one they cracked open and brightly colored winged kittens spilled onto the sand. There was a loud crack from my staff and the entire top started falling towards the ground.

I released the kitten to catch the glowing rainbow that had been the head of my staff. A new white lattice appeared at the top of my staff with a clear crystal inside that glowed brightly as the lightning continued to strike it and me. I murmured a spell to pull all the kittens together as I slowly struggled to my feet holding the rainbow sphere.

The last four mages dropped to the sand and I was left standing alone as they disappeared. I gestured and the kittens floated up against my chest before I looked around and whispered the spell that erased the huge spell trap I had created. I stepped away and appeared beside Mr Adams desk. He looked up in surprise and then stood, “What happened?”

I looked around, “I think things will be different now. Most of the dark mages have lost their power and the ability to do magic.”

I looked at the glowing sphere in my hand, “And there is this.”

He looked at it, “What is it?”

I flicked my wrist making the sphere disappeared, “That is a seed for the very first Mage tree.”

He looked at me not understanding and I looked around, “They used you and this building as a trap.”

The kittens meowed and I glanced down before holding one out to Mr. Adams, “Would you like a miniature griffin?”

He looked at the small stripped winged kitten and held his hand out, “What does it eat?”

I smiled, “What do all kittens eat.”

Mr Adams smiled as he pet the cat, “I thought griffins were part eagle?”

I nodded, “Well, if you are going to be technical they are flying mage cats.”

He grinned as the kitten purred and butted against his hand. I looked around again, “I will be back.”

I stepped away only to step out in the farmyard. I stopped moving as three people turned from the gate. Two were young women and the third was a man. The man smiled, “We thought we missed you.”

I glanced around carefully, “I was busy.”

One of the women snorted, “Causing havoc the rest of us have to hide from.”

I smiled as I knelt and let the kittens go, “Now why would you have to hide?”

They looked at each other as I started for the door. The man cleared his throat, “Because we are outnumbered and they are stronger than us.”

I glanced at him as I opened the door and looked at the tiny symbol in the door. I smiled and flicked my wrist sending my staff away before looking back, “I doubt if you will need to hide much longer.”

I gestured into the house, “Would you like something to drink?”

I headed for the kitchen as they followed me. I put a pot of water on to boil before moving to pull out the tin of tea. I looked at them as they shifted from foot to foot and gestured to the table. I set everything beside the stove and crossed to sit at the table, “Tell me, what do you know about Mage trees?”

They looked at each other and the man cleared his throat, “Before mages crossed, an attempt was made to bring one with us but it was destroyed during the crossing. They were rumored to be attached to the mage whose staff brings them into being. It only takes a single decade to grow large enough to create a staff. It will create one staff each generation but that is not what makes them special. Wherever they grow magic becomes stronger, they create magic.”

He stopped talking and looked at the two young women, “It would take more magic than a single mage can produce to bring a mage tree into this world.”

I reached out and pulled and the glowing rainbow dropped into my hand. The three sitting at the table gasped and I shrugged, “what I have read was very vague. It said the tree would grow to be a thousand paces tall.”

I looked at the rainbow, “I was thinking I would plant it beside the house.”

One woman reached a hesitant hand out to touch the rainbow and whispered, “It is real.”

I smiled, “Yes.”

They looked at each other and stood. The man cleared his throat, “We need to tell the others.”

I looked at them carefully, “How many know of this place?”

The youngest woman smiled, “Only the three of us since at one time our families were connected.”

I looked at them, “we are related?”

The man snorted, “Only by magic.”

The youngest woman looked at him and then winked at me, “I am Amelia, your promised wife.”

I blinked and looked at her as the man snorted again and the other woman stood, “Do not tease Amelia.”

I grinned, “Promised by whom?”

Amelia laughed as she stood with the others and headed towards the door, “an old ghost.”

I laughed as I stood to follow them, “I met an old ghost not to long ago.”

She grinned and followed the other two out. I watched as they stepped away and carried the rainbow seed to the area beside the house. Somehow I know better than trying to bury it. I released it but it did not fall. Instead it floated sideways a dozen more feet before slowly dropping to the ground.

Almost as soon as it touched there was a strong tingling that went all the way to my bones. The rainbow seemed to slowly disappear and there was a shaking before a small sapling sprang up. It was only about three feet tall but I knew it would grow taller quickly. I also felt a sense of pleasure that seemed to come from the sapling.

The kittens were suddenly there rubbing my ankles and purring. I knelt and pet them for a few minutes before sighing, “how about some warm milk?”
There was a loud chirp from all of them that made me grin. I went back in the house and made tea before starting to warm milk. After I fed the kittens, I went to look at the fields and walked to the mage tree. I knelt and touched the trunk, “What should I grow?”

The tingle that answered me made me dizzy. I stood and looked out at the fields to see them covered with tiny shoots that were just breaking the ground. I grinned and looked at the tree, “Thank you.”

I was turning when the mage appeared. I flicked my wrist to bring my staff to me and the old mage grinned evilly, “I knew if I waited you would not be prepared.”

He gestured and threw a spell. I threw up a shield to block the spell and we were both surprised when the spell unraveled and faded away. I looked at his shocked face as his eye flickered around and then locked onto the tree. His eyes widen and his voice was only a whisper, “A mage tree…”

Then he jerked and froze and I saw the sparkling all around his body. Somehow I knew he was being stripped of all his magic. I felt the tingling all around me as he slowly went to his knees. I walked closer and whispered the spell that would have normally given me his power, it did give me his knowledge as his staff seemed to vibrate and disappear.

I murmured another spell that sent him away after he was drained before turning to the tree that was glowing, “You are not hurt are you?”

There was a sense of well being that seemed to fill me and I smiled before turning to the house as I let my staff slip away. I ate a nice lunch and went to sit on the back porch to watch the kittens. They scampered and played in the tall grass for awhile and then seemed to tire and lay down. I shook my head and gestured to bring them floating to me.

I walked back to my bedroom and set them on the bed, “This is where you sleep.”

A couple chirped before they curled up together in a small group and went to sleep. I went out to make dinner and after thinking I added enough for another person. I felt it when she stepped out into the frontyard and knew it was Amelia. She knocked and I gestured the door open. She smiled as she walked in, “something has changed.”

I turned back to cooking, “It is the mage tree.”

She gasped, “you planted it!”

I laughed, “No, I released it and it planted itself.”

She smiled as she came to sit at the table, “Mom wants to come here and so do most of the others. I came to ask permission.”

I nodded, “They should know that a dark mage came here. He attacked me when I was out by the tree.”

She was wide eyed as I shrugged, “The tree drained him.”

She grinned, “Good for it.”

I gestured to the door, “You can tell them.”

Ten minutes later I was adding more things to the dinner as a crowd slowly gathered. The kittens wandered out, attracted by the noise and a striking woman with snow white hair knelt to gather one up into her hands, “mage cats!”

The others turned and gathered as the kittens wandered around them. Amelia came to help with dinner, “We have not all been together like this in a long time.”

I glanced back, “Well, besides groups of mages trying to kill me I have never seen this many together.”

She smiled, “We were sure your family had stopped producing mages.”

Dinner was interesting as things sometimes changed color and change into something else. I ate with the first mage kitten in my lap and Amelia had another. The rest seemed to have found willing mages to feed them. It was interesting to talk to other mages. When I told them about trying to help people they quieted. An older woman spoke up, “Helping the people here has killed many of us.”

I nodded, “I understand why. That is why I always use traps and precautions. Regardless, it is still worth it to me to find killers and help people.”

They looked at each other and I sighed, “Our gift is one that should be used not kept in hiding.”

Several nodded and I stood with the kitten in my arms, “Would you like to see why?”

They looked at each other and stood. I went outside and walked to the tree, I looked around and turned to the other mages, “magic breeds magic. If you do not use your magic it becomes stale. The use of magic is what brings life. Yes, I stole their magic but only after they attacked me.”

I gestured, “For every spell of combat or defense there are dozens to create.”

I nodded to the fields around us, “That was done by the mage tree.”

I looked at the tree, “It loves magic around it, I can feel it in my soul.”

I looked at all the mages, “Those that wish to use their gift to create can come here.”

It was late when they left and I lay awake thinking of Amelia with one of the mage cats curled up on my chest. I woke with a kitten patting my face. As soon as I opened my eyes she stopped and looked towards the door. I glanced at the door to see my great grandfather. He smiled, “mage cats are wonderful creatures.”

I grinned and moved the kitten off me before climbing out of bed. I followed the spirit of my great grandfather through the house and into the kitchen, “more coffee?”

He smiled as he sat, “there are only a few dark mages left.”

I sat across from him, “will they come for me?”

He nodded, “together. They know where you are now. One of those you trusted told them.”

I smiled as I thought of the mage that had attacked me by the mage tree, “attacking me here would be a mistake.”

He grinned as he nodded, “those that are left are young and do not know much concerning mage trees.”

I stood and flicked my wrist and the staff appeared. I nodded to my grandfather and walked out. I went to the tree and knelt, “dark mages may come. I will place trapping glyphs around the farm.”

I hesitated before standing and starting a spiral out from the tree. In the front yard I grew a yew tree until it was ten feet tall and then continued with the trapping glyphs. I was carefully and sank each one into the earth. I left one broken glyph over another completed one around the yew tree.

The sun was just rising when I finished. I turned as the kittens came out mewing and went to feed them before Amelia and several others arrived. I made sure they knew not to do any magic while on the farm.

It was after breakfast that I heard the dark mages arrive. I warned Amelia and the others to stay inside and walked out the door. I smiled as I walked down off the porch, ten young men stood facing my house with short staffs. I shook my head as I walked out of the yard, “if you leave now you might have a few more years.”

One snorted and gestured to the yew tree, “You did not even complete the ward around the mage tree.”

I glanced at the visibly broken glyph before looking at the mages and flicked my wrist to bring my staff to me, “I can still defend it.”
Three mages gestured and a fireball shot towards the tree. The other mages started murmuring spells and then they all froze with a look of surprise. The fireball floated several feet from the yew tree as the mages began to scream. Another scream from out in a field joined the others. I shook my head and as each mage was drained of their magic and their staffs shattered.

When it was over they were all kneeling and rocking back and forth. The real mage tree had grown another three feet and glowed for several minutes before returning to normal. I turned to murmur the spells to send all the former mages away. I went into the house and looked at Amelia, “it is over.”

She grinned, “we know, the mage cats started purring again.”

I glanced at the purring cats before smiling, “I believe that was the last of the dark mages.”

Amelia walked to me with a smile, “want a roommate?”

I ended up marrying her but that is another story. We work together with other mages and wizards to find truly evil people like serial killers. The mage tree grows taller each year and the mage cats have a following even among normal humans where they are almost worshiped.

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For Old Time’s Sake

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“Oh, fudge! Demi, no, you’re not supposed to – Demi – I can explain!”

Demi couldn’t think of anything to say. The things she’d seen on her husband’s screen were far from any of the Catholic teachings she’d literally just come home from listening to. This was why he had been refusing to attend Church with her every Sunday? To watch these disgusting videos on the laptop they shared? Her brain hardly registered him trying to apologize and explain himself as she hurried upstairs, locking herself in the master bedroom and resting on the edge of the bed with a soft huff.

“Demi, please, just listen to me, I can explain,” Arthur called from the other side of the door.

“Go away,” she said, setting her purse down and crossing her arms around herself. She wasn’t quite sure how to feel about what she’d seen. She just knew she was disgusted.

“Honey, please, open the door.” The doorknob jiggled a bit. “Please, honey, I can explain.”

“How?” Demi shivered. “How can you explain those terrible videos? What were they even doing?” She pulled her white crocheted shawl tighter around her shoulders. “Those people probably don’t even know each other, now do they? Why would you do such vile things to a stranger?”

Arthur scoffed. “I mean, maybe if you hadn’t come home so early…”

Demi gasped, stomping toward the door and throwing it open. Arthur’s face shifted quickly from annoyed to startled. It was like he’d forgotten that he was supposed to be apologizing to her for his sin. “How dare you,” she hissed. “You have absolutely no right to blame me for what you were watching!”

“Dem, honey, calm down. It was just porn.”

“Which is a sin,” she spat at him, “which you would know if you ever bothered to put on a nice dress shirt once in a while and come to church with me.” She could feel tears welling up in her eyes. “Do you even feel shame for what you were watching? Do you even want to be forgiven?”

Arthur sighed. “Demi… we haven’t made love in months. I have my needs, honey.” He looked away from her. “I’ve been exploring myself lately, and I just… I needed some sort of release.”

“Needs, Arthur?” Demi could feel her tears spilling over now. “Needs? I know we haven’t been intimate lately, but that doesn’t justify you seeking out such vile sins.” Her lip trembled as she stepped back. “I… I need to go.”

“What – go where?”

“Anywhere,” she said softly, grabbing her purse off of the bed and digging around for her keys. “I just – please don’t follow me, Arthur, I just need some time to myself.”

She pushed past him, and was gone.

Demi had spent her afternoon in church again, having gone back for guidance after what she’d caught her husband doing. She’d prayed, asked for some sort of sign from The Lord, but it didn’t feel like enough. She’d glanced down at her phone – two missed calls – then sighed and got back in the car, unsure of where to go next. Having chosen to attend the early morning service, she was left with the dilemma of deciding where to go to avoid her husband at home. She wasn’t ready to see him yet, but it was barely past one o’clock. What else could she bother herself with?

She sat up and glanced over her reflection in her rearview mirror. Her mascara had smudged under her eyes, which were still red from crying on-and-off during her prayer, and she could see a few silver hairs poking through the chocolate-brown roots of her bleached-blonde curls. She leaned back in the driver’s seat, gathering her thoughts for a moment. She couldn’t help but picture the things she’d caught Arthur watching. A beautiful thin woman with a perfectly perky butt, naked and on her knees in front of a handsome, muscular man. The woman’s hand had been between her legs, rubbing circles over her slick, wet vagina, and she’d had the other hand wrapped tightly around the man’s testicles. She’d been gripping them hard, very hard, and the man looked like he was in severe pain. And Arthur… he had been masturbating.

Fine then. If he gets to blame his sins on me… I’ll return the favor. Vengeance wasn’t very Catholic of her, she knew, but she would ask for forgiveness when the pain went away. She buckled herself in, and drove herself absent-mindedly to the grocery store. Wine. She needed some wine.

The drive, parking her car, walking into the store… it was a soft blur. She wasn’t sure why she was as upset as she was, really. They were Catholic, and free of sin, sure, but Arthur could repent, right? For the pornography, for the things he said to her, all of it. And it wasn’t like she didn’t know what porn was, or had never watched it. But she had found God, and it hurt her that Arthur had chosen sin over her, and had then blamed her for his choice.

“Demi? Is that you?” The voice sounded familiar.

Demi spun around to see who had said her name. Standing behind her, right there in the alcohol aisle, was a tall man with strong biceps straining lightly against his plain gray t-shirt, his short dark hair hanging in scruffy ringlets around his face. His bearded jaw twitched as he smiled at her with perfectly white teeth. “Demi! Holy shit, what’s up, baby girl?”

“Uh – oh… Ace?” She felt her heart flutter and her stomach tighten, and chastised herself for being nervous around him. He was just her highschool sweetheart, nothing more… nothing less. “Hi… um, how – how are you doing?”

He smiled, stuffing one hand casually into the pocket of the jeans that hugged his body really, really well, the other gripping tighter around the handle of the six-pack he was carrying. Stop it, Demi thought to herself as he went on about some solo stay-in date he was having tonight, you are a woman of God now. You can’t think like that about him, he’s not your husband. She smiled warmly as he looked her up and down. “What about you, princess?”

“Oh – um, please, don’t call me that,” she said, albeit reluctantly, “I’m married.”

“Yeah, saw that,” he drawled. “Your wedding made for some cute Facebook posts, I’ll tell’ya that. Your man, uh… Albert? What a looker.” He chuckled softly.

“It’s Arthur, actually.” Demi was quickly growing annoyed with this man. “Look, it’s been nice catching up, but I really should get home. My husband is waiting for me.” She felt her heart sink a little at the thought of going home to Arthur, who, by now, she was convinced had basically cheated on her.

Ace just laughed at her – something that sparked something between her thighs, against her will. “Ohh, well, I wouldn’t want to keep you from old Arthur.” He stepped closer to her, and her breath hitched in her throat. She hated this feeling, but she couldn’t stop it. He looked her up and down for a moment, as if he was reading as much into her as he could. Then, he caught her off guard: “Does this Arthur appreciate you, Demi?”

She gave him a quizzical look, wringing her hands around the bottle of wine she had almost forgotten she was holding. “Appreciate me? What do you mean?”

“Demi….” Ace shook his head. “Demi, Demi, Demi….” He took another step closer. “I’ve seen you on Facebook. (“You stalk my Facebook?” Her indignant response went ignored.) You’ve made yourself out to be this perfect little Christian lady, haven’t you? (“Catholic, actually -”) It’s honestly kinda cute. You’ve got everyone fooled, thinkin’ you’ve found God or whatever.”

Demi scoffed, trying to act offended. Why do I need to act? I should just be offended, right? “I’ll have you know, I have found God, and I don’t think you should be speaking to me like -”

“Cut the shit, Demi. I know you.” He moved closer, until he was inches away from her, and as he spoke, he placed two fingers under her chin and tilted her face up so that she could meet his perfect blue gaze. “I’ve been inside you, remember, baby girl?”

As if on cue, her mind flooded with flashbacks against her will. Sneaking out of her bedroom window countless times to meet him, or him sneaking in. Letting him take her from behind, or with her legs on his shoulders, or up against the wall. In locker rooms and backseats of cars, sneaking touches and makeout sessions in class or during lunch… Part of her cringed at the thought that they probably hadn’t been as sneaky as they thought, and part of her was furious with him for speaking to her like this when she was clearly married, but right now, she was wet enough that she’d almost forgotten entirely about being wed to Arthur. Suddenly, the man waiting for her at home seemed far more inferior to the man in front of her. Arthur was pale and stringy, with a gaunt face that made him look corpse-like compared to this absolute hunk. Another flash of memories from Ace holding her up against a wall by her thighs and pounding her relentlessly reminded her that her husband wasn’t strong enough to ever pick her up like that. She took a deep breath, gripping the wine bottle so hard that she was sure it would break. “Ace…”

“Come on, Demi, sweetheart, you know you miss me. I’ve seen the little dribble of piss you married. Let me remind you what a real man can do.”

“Why?” Demi took a step back, breaking eye contact, and it felt like trying to struggle free from a spell. “Why are you suddenly so interested?”

Ace chuckled again. “I’dunno. You’re here, and you’re still hot, and I figured I’d shoot my shot and see where it goes. So what do you say, baby? One more, for old time’s sake?”

Demi didn’t know what to say. Her body was craving him at this point, her panties wet under the skirt she’d worn to Church. Her mind, however, was screaming at her not to do it. To slap him away from her and leave the store with her wine, to remain a woman of God and go home to her loving, faithful, kind… rheumy, scrawny, weak husband. The image of him tugging on his penis, with that disgusting video of a woman abusing her partner’s balls…

Screw it. Arthur didn’t have to know, right? She would ask forgiveness later. She deserved a little revenge on him.

“I… will not go all the way with you,” she said firmly, holding up a warning finger at him. “I will not go all the way.” She raised an eyebrow. “And we will never speak of this, to anyone.”

Ace smirked at her. “Yeah? So how do you wanna do this, then?”

Demi hesitated for a moment, her heart racing. She was really doing this. “M-my car,” she said. “It’s got room in the backseat, we could…” she trailed off, then forced a smile through the nerves, hoping humor would ease the knot in her stomach. “Just like in highschool, right?”

“Just like in high school,” Ace said with a grin. “Come on.”

He led her through the store to the checkout lanes, and she once again felt strangely fuzzy, as if she had suddenly dunked her head underwater. She only took a moment to breathe when Ace suddenly grabbed the wine out of her hands. “Oh, um, Ace, it’s fine. Really, I can pay for it -”

“Shh.” His voice was quiet as he stuffed the wine bottle into the crook of his arm and placed his free hand on the small of her back, drawing her in close. “Let daddy take care of it, okay?”

His words made a pearl of juices leak from her pussy, pooling in her underwear and leaving her head swimming as they walked out with their poison of choice and made their way to her car. Suddenly, Demi was thankful she hadn’t been able to find any parking spots close to the entrance, and had chosen instead to park toward the end of the lot so she could gather her thoughts before entering. She unlocked the car, he put the drinks in the passenger seat, they both crawled into the back.

He was on her in an instant.

His hands gripped her and pulled her in close while his lips locked with hers. She let out a soft moan as one of his hands slid down to her ass, firmly grabbing a handful. It was exhilarating, enough so that any and all rational thought had flown from her mind. For these moments, she was no longer a woman of God. She wanted to be his whore. Just like in that stupid porno Arthur was watching, she thought as she threaded her fingers into his hair. Ace’s lips were soft and warm, and she suddenly felt like a goddess as his powerful arms held her. She pressed against him as he grabbed her ass harder, his tongue sliding into her mouth with ease. His breath smelled warm and musky, and she moaned again as he suddenly started sucking on her tongue. His strong body was… incredible. Before she could silence the thought, she realized that she was with a real man.

The hand on her ass moved suddenly, and she gasped against his lips as his fingers pressed against the soaked crotch of her panties. Her skirt did nothing to protect her – she shivered as his fingers rubbed up and down on her cloth-covered slit. He broke their kiss just to grin against her dangling mouth. “Naughty girl… you’re already wet for me.”

She whimpered quietly, grinding against his fingers. “Please… more.”

“More?” he teased. Her breath caught in her throat as he tugged her panties to the side. “How about this, baby girl?”

She moaned again as two fingers slid inside of her, his thumb working her clit in gentle circles. He chuckled softly at her, his fingers moving at a perfect pace to drive her insane. He buried his head against the crook of Gölbaşı Escort her neck, sucking hickies into her skin, and she felt herself shaking as she reached down and palmed the bulge in his pants. Has he gotten bigger? No, he couldn’t have. She maybe just didn’t remember how… intimidating… his size was.

Or how delicious it could be. “Ace, please… I want you… all of you… in my mouth…”

“Shit, baby, you’re gonna make me bust here and now.” He let go of her for a moment to hastily and clumsily undo his jeans, and suddenly his cock sprung to life, her hand wrapping around the impressive girth almost instinctively. “Tease me first, babe. Make me want you.”

“You want me,” she hissed with her eyes closed, her other hand tightening in his hair like a warning. “You know you do.”

Ace let out a low groan and curled his fingers, striking a spot inside her that made her see stars. Arthur had never hit that spot. She threw her head back in pleasure as Ace fingered her, his rhythm pushing her closer and closer to the edge. Fuck, she needed this. Badly. His two fingers inside her pumped in and out, slicking up with her oozing pussy juices as his thumb circled over her clit, and as her walls tightened around him, he pressed a little harder on her sensitive little nub, his fingertips hitting that spot again. He leaned against her and whispered just a few words that finally made her explode: “Give me what I’ve wanted for years now and cum for me, Demi.”


Lightning shot through her body as she arched into him, her pussy quivering around his touch. He worked her g-spot through the orgasm, whispering “good girl” over and over again. Demi saw flashes of their high school days behind her eyes – the overwhelming excitement and pleasure of it all, the thrill of sneaking around with him. She’d felt like a goddess then, and she felt like a goddess now.

“That was fast,” Ace chuckled as she shivered once more. He pulled his fingers out, and she bit her lip as he made a show of sucking them clean.

She’d almost forgotten about his cock, throbbing in her hand, and she smiled as she looked down at it. Just as intimidating as she remembered. “I think it’s my turn,” she purred.

Her ex-boyfriend smiled and leaned back, and she readjusted herself so that her face was right near his meat. Was she really about to do this? For a moment, she reconsidered. Him fingering her could be explained away as letting him do something, if she tried to justify cheating on her husband like this. But actively performing?

Screw it. She wanted him. She was already delirious with a thrilling sense of danger and pleasure, sneaking around with him again like this. He had just made her cum quicker and harder than her husband ever had. He deserved a favor.

She swirled her tongue around his tip before sucking it into her mouth, moving gently up and down the shaft. Her hand wrapped around what couldn’t fit in her mouth while drool spilled from the corners of her lips to wet what could. Ace sank further into his seat as he groaned, his gruff voice urging her onward. She deepthroated as much of him as she could, then came back up for air with her tongue wriggling left-to-right as it drifted up the length of his dick. He gripped her hair at the nape of her neck. “Fuck, kitten, you’ve still got it.”

Kitten. Goddamn, he was saying all the right things to drive her wild. She moaned softly as she swallowed his cock. He didn’t push her head down or pull her hair – she had always loved that about him. He simply wanted to hold her there while she serviced him. She praised herself silently as she moved up and down, contributing her skills to pure muscle memory. She’d done this so many times for him, and here she was again, her lips gliding back and forth over him like it was nothing. Demi ignored the spit coating her hand as she stroked the base of his dick in rhythm with her mouth, stimulating every inch of him. His grip tightened on her hair as he grumbled out delicious praise for her, and she shifted a little so that her right hand could replace her left on his shaft, the left hand moving to cup his balls. She rolled them in her hand ever-so-gently, almost testing their weight in her palm, and he damn near moaned at her manipulations. He twitched against her tongue, and she realized that her ministrations while he’d fingered her had done more to pleasure him than she’d noticed while caught up in her own euphoria. The thought of him cumming down her throat sent a jolt of excitement through her body, and she unconsciously started grinding her hips against nothingness as her pussy throbbed for more attention.

“Yeah?” Ace breathed above her as he noticed this. His hand moved to pull her skirt up, then tugged roughly on the fabric of her panties. “You need more, you greedy little bitch?” He leaned to the side a little so that he could reach, his fingers sliding under her panties again, this time glazing over her pussy to get a coating of her juices before teasing her tight little asshole.

Demi pulled off of his cock suddenly, her heart skipping a beat. “A-Ace, please…”

“What? You want me to stop?” he drawled, still teasing her hole with one finger.

She hesitated. It felt really, really good. Her pussy needed attention more than anything, but his finger circling the tightest part of her asshole was intensely pleasing. She tugged on her lower lip with her teeth and tried to relax. They’d only done this once before, but she had loved it. She had never cum harder in her life, and frankly, her husband had never been able to do this. Hell, Arthur had refused. It was ungodly, he said.

And the idea of such a sin only made her push back against Ace’s finger, allowing him to slip the tip of it into her ass. “God, you’re so fucking perfect,” Ace said softly, easing more and more into her with every passing heartbeat. He was an expert at this, moving slowly and gently, allowing her body to contour itself to the sensation of his single finger sliding in. Demi’s mouth fell open in ecstasy, and she quickly stuffed his dick into her mouth to muffle the obscene noises rising from her throat.

He let out a low growl that sent her spinning as he thrusted up into her mouth, and she had to use her hand as a barrier to stop him from accidentally suffocating her. He was close, for sure. With one hand in her hair and the other currently sliding his middle finger in and out of her ass at a beautifully slow pace, he was practically facefucking her now.

“I needed this so bad,” he moaned, and she responded with a low hum, releasing the hand gripping his shaft, taking a breath, and allowing him to use her throat. “I needed this so fucking bad, Demi. I missed you… missed you so much.” His thrusts grew quicker, deeper, harder… more careless. “ Fuck… fuck. FUCK!”

The force of his seed shooting from his cock surprised her, and she struggled to keep herself from choking on it as it sprayed the inside of her mouth. She could feel the warmth of it sliding down her throat, and she swallowed instinctively. Ace let out a moan worthy of the finest, highest-paid pornstars, his finger stalling in its movements in and out of her ass before pulling out completely. She didn’t mind.



That wasn’t Ace’s voice calling her name as she pulled off of his cock.

“Demi? Answer me.” The all-too-familiar voice was coming from the front seat of the car.

Demi’s heart was sure to give out. She knew it. Her stomach had suddenly dropped to the floor. She shot a terrified look at Ace, who only gave her a raise of an eyebrow. With shaking hands, she readjusted her skirt before reaching forward and digging into her purse. She pulled out her phone, and covered her mouth with one hand as she saw the screen.

The screen was lit up with Arthur’s smiling photo, with the word “Hubby” scrawled at the top. A little icon was lit up green to show that the phone was on speaker. A little blinking number in the corner showed that the call had been going for some time. The voice again. “Demi, answer me, or so help me…”

The words caught in her throat for a moment. “Arthur? I, um… listen -”

“Get home right now, Demi. Don’t argue. We need to talk.”

Then he hung up.

“Hey. Hey, Demi, look at me.” Ace reached forward and touched her chin, gently turning her head to face him. “You’re gonna be okay, baby girl, I promise. That little weasel won’t hurt you.” He took her phone from her and started dialing a number. “I will always, always be here for you, doll.” He handed her the phone back, and she glanced down at it. He had entered his phone number and saved himself in her contacts. “Always. Just give me a call if you need me.” He winked at her. “Or if you need another fix.”

Demi smiled, despite the situation. “Ace, this is no time to be joking around.”

“I know, I know.” He smiled sincerely, then kissed her. This time, the kiss was sweet and loving, not hungry like before. He pulled away, looking into her eyes. “Good luck, Demi.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me, Demi. You have got to be kidding me.”

“I know, honey, I know, just -”

“No, don’t even try it. I don’t know how you could explain this away.”

Demi curled into herself where she sat on the edge of the bed, avoiding eye contact with her husband as he paced in front of her anxiously. “It was a one-time thing, honey.”

“Don’t honey me, Demi, not after what you did. You cheated on me!” He whirled around to stare incredulously at her. “You cheated on me, and with your ex-boyfriend, no less! What – what is he, a high school sweetheart? A fling from your twenty-first birthday or something? I mean, dang it, Demi, I didn’t even know this side of you existed!”

His tone sparked some sort of defiant anger inside of her. “You’re one to talk,” she muttered.


“You heard me!” She raised her head and glared at him, and for a moment she saw a flash of fear in his eyes as she startled him with her rage. “You were the one watching that terrible, ugly porn while I was gone! You can’t speak to me about my past, and my tastes, when you’re at home watching that disgusting filth!”

“I’m disgusting?!” He took a step back. “I’m the disgusting one? You cheated on me!”

“And how do you know?” she spat, and Arthur suddenly looked confused. “How do you know I cheated on you, Arthur?”

“What – you admitted to it!”

“And if I hadn’t?” She stood up, facing him. “What if I hadn’t told you? What if I had come home like nothing had happened?” She crossed her arms, suddenly feeling powerful. Had the rendezvou with Ace done this to her? “How would you know?”

Arthur hesitated, his mouth hanging open for a moment. “Well… well, I called you. And you picked up, and -”

“I didn’t pick up, I told you so,” she hissed. “I don’t know how the call was answered. I told you something must’ve moved in my purse, or maybe I hit a button as I was getting in the car. But I did not pick up that call, and you had no right to listen in on what we were doing.”

“Demi, do you even hear yourself right now?” Arthur hollered. “You think I had no right to know you were cheating on me?”

“We’ve established that I cheated, Arthur. I wanna know why you listened in for as long as you did. I wanna know why you didn’t say anything before Ace came in my mouth.” The words felt dirty, and yet the slutty nature of it felt amazing. She felt like she’d taken off a mask that had been restricting her for years. Is this really who I am? The thought thrilled her rather than scare her.

“I… well, uh – I… um…” Arthur couldn’t seem to articulate anything.

“Face it, honey.” She almost spat the word at him. “You liked it.”

“Ex-cuse me?”

“I saw the porn you were watching.” She took a step forward, and her husband took another one back. “Disgusting and vile, but you liked it. You liked what that woman was doing in that video. I bet you watch those all the time. Listening to me cheat is probably nothing.”

“Demi, you are way out of line.” But his voice trembled, and he was suddenly refusing to meet her gaze.

“Am I?” She took another step towards him, so close that she could almost smell the mint on his breath. “You wouldn’t have listened to me and Ace if you didn’t like what you heard. You probably jerked off to it.”

“Demi, enough!”

“No! Ace made me feel incredible, you know. I haven’t cum that hard in a long time. You know you got off to it. Just admit it, Arthur.”

Arthur scoffed at her. “I… you can’t…” He glared at her for a moment before averting his gaze entirely. “Maybe we all have our needs, I get it. Forgiveness in the eyes of God can be a little too easy to ask for. But…” He glanced back up at her. “But what do you even see in him, Demi? What does he give you that I can’t?”

“Orgasms, Arthur, he gives me orgasms. He always has.”


“While we were together, at least. He knows my body. He makes me wet.”

“I just don’t see why you had to pick him, Demi. Your ex-boyfriend…?”

A thought crept into Demi’s mind, and for once, she didn’t try to chase it away. She pondered it, instead. Took Gölbaşı Escort Bayan a moment to chew the inside of her cheek as she mulled it over. It maybe wasn’t the best idea to stoke the flame like this, but then… wouldn’t it be fun?

“Let me show you.”


“Let me show you,” she repeated. “Let me show you why I said yes to him.” She pulled out her phone, found the contact, and pressed the “call” button.

“What are you doing?” Arthur hissed, his wide eyes full of worry. Demi had him right where she wanted him. A new fire had lit inside of her, and she was going to fan it. She didn’t care what the aftermath would be anymore – she had renounced her place as a woman of God for the time being, instead choosing to be a whore for the day.

The phone rang twice before picking up, and she put it on speaker. “Hello?”

Her pussy quivered at the sound of his voice, and she set the phone down on the bed as she began unbuttoning her blouse. “Ace. It’s me.” Arthur was staring at her, mouth agape as he watched her undress, but he seemed frozen in place.

“Demi! You okay?”

“I’m okay,” she said quickly as she slid her skirt off. She was just in a bra, panties, thigh-high stockings, and heels now. “I just… can you video call right now?” She grinned as Arthur gave her a look like What the fuck are you doing?

“Yeah, sure.” There was a pause – then his perfect, handsome face popped up on her phone screen, and she smiled through the butterflies in her stomach. “What’s – oh.” His voice changed as she lowered the camera just enough to show the ample cleavage spilling out from the top of her bra. “Yeah, babygirl?”

Babygirl. The word spun in her head, and made Arthur cringe as he stared at her. But he wasn’t stopping her – just like in the car.

“You want a round two, then?” Ace purred, angling the camera to show her the bulge growing in his jeans. He started rubbing it through the denim, and she shuddered at the thought of its size.

“Actually… can you come over?” She leaned back and drew one delicate hand over her midsection, showing off the upper hemline of her panties. “I… I need more.”

“Demi, you can give me a better excuse than that,” Ace chided playfully. “I’m not coming over to fuck you until you tell me why you want me so bad.”

She bit lightly on her bottom lip, steeling herself for what she was about to say. I can do this. I deserve this. “Arthur’s here.” Her husband’s eyes were wide as she spoke, wide enough to see the whites of them. “I want you to fuck me in front of him.”

Both men looked stunned. Arthur teetered backwards and sat himself down on the little stool Demi used to do her makeup, while Ace’s eyes widened a little as his cocky smirk stretched excitedly. “We’re gonna cuck him? This is so unlike you, babe.”

“Is that a no?”

“It’s a hell fucking yes. I’ll be there in ten. You better be wet for me when I get there.” His voice was low and excited, and Demi saw herself blushing in the reflection on her phone as he hung up.

She set the phone down, and finally made eye contact with her husband. His head was bowed and he had his hands buried in his hair, his elbows balanced on his knees. “Demi, what the heck are you doing?” he hissed. “This… our marriage… you made vows… promises to me…” He didn’t seem to know where to begin. Finally he cleared his throat, then hissed, “Demi, how could you do this?”

“It’s like you said earlier, hon,” she whispered. “I have needs. And Ace is going to satisfy those needs.”

“I can’t be here,” he responded, standing up. “I can’t watch him ravage you, I can’t even be in this house when he -”

“No,” Demi said firmly, moving to stand in front of him. “No, you’re going to stay.”

“I can’t,” he repeated – and froze up again as she reached down and grabbed him by the crotch, gripping tightly onto his dick. “D-Demi?”

“You’re hard,” she growled. “You’re hard at just the thought of Ace fucking me, aren’t you? You want to watch. (“Demi, don’t tell me what I -”) Shut up.” She gripped him harder, and he whimpered. “You’re going to sit there and watch as he gives me everything you can’t. Got it?” He stared at her for a moment – then, without either a nod or a refusal, he looked away, and Demi knew she had her answer. “Good. Now, why don’t you go sit on that bed, hm? Let’s get you ready, too.”

Arthur didn’t say anything as she guided him to the bed. She sat him at the very head, where all their pillows were stacked well enough to give him something to lean on. She tugged gently at the belt loops in his pants, and he nodded softly, giving her his consent. She could only imagine the internal struggle between holiness and the arousal that made his dick stand up straight as she pulled off his garments. She could feel her own excitement pooling in her panties as she straddled her husband.

“I saw what you were watching today,” she whispered close to his ear as he put his shaking hands on her hips. “That woman was so beautiful. Her nails were so pretty…” She dragged her own manicured nails down his chest, sliding down to his dick. “They looked like they were about to cut right into him.” Arthur drew in a sharp breath as she suddenly gripped him roughly by the sack, her nails digging into the flesh like claws. The sound of him wincing at her touch made her heart flutter, urging her onward. She gripped a little harder and twisted, causing Arthur to groan through gritted teeth as she smiled joyfully.

For what seemed like hours, she continued to twist and grab and pull, sinking her nails into his sensitive balls before tugging hard on them or gripping tighter and tighter, then releasing him and beginning again. The sadistic pleasure of grabbing him like this, watching him flinch and squirm under her manipulations, was enough to leave her panties soaked – uncomfortably so.

Arthur huffed in relief as she finally let go of him and stood up, and his eyes followed her hungrily as she unbuckled her bra and let it fall to the floor, then dropped her panties around her ankles and stepped out of them. She giggled softly, getting on her knees at the foot of the bed, and she delighted in his little whimper of surprise as she put her hands behind his knees and dragged him forward to meet her face. “Oh, god… Demi, are – are you gonna put it in your mouth?”

She couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “You mean, am I gonna suck your dick?” He shuddered, and she ignored him. “You’d love that, wouldn’t you?” She reached up and wrapped her hand around the very base of his sack like a cock ring, his balls distending until they looked swollen. Perfect for her little games. She hummed softly as she used her free hand to tease the handful of disappointing meat, dragging the nail of her index finger up his shaft, then back down again before swirling around his bulging sack. Her husband moaned, her ministrations making his pathetic dick twitch. For a moment, she almost pitied him – it must be such a strange feeling, to know that a man with a cock twice as big as his own was soon going to be pounding her into a fit of happy tears and screams of pleasure. But the pity faded quickly as she tightened her hand around him, letting him draw a breath before she slapped her hand down hard on his balls. He flinched, his hands gripping the bed sheets for dear life as she made impact.

She had seen the porn. She had seen how he’d been responding to her touch. She knew he would tell her to stop if it was too much, but so far, the only thing coming from him were moans born from a cocktail of pain and pleasure. He loved this, and she had to admit, she was loving it, too. So again and again, she hit the two sore balls in her hand, slapping them, even punching them – he seemed to enjoy the wedding ring slamming into his nethers.

She had almost forgotten about Ace until the doorbell rang.

“Stay,” she ordered her husband, standing up and dashing to the closet to dig for a robe. She threw the thin, lacy black material around her shoulders and headed for the front door.

When she opened the door, the first thing she noticed was Ace’s massive bulge, pushing a tent into his sweatpants that she was sure the neighbors could see if they peered through their blinds. “Demi, hey!” he said cheerfully, pulling her in for a hug. She breathed in the scent of him as she pressed her face into his pectorals, and it sent a chill down her spine.

This was really happening.

Ace leaned down and whispered right against her ear. “I asked you to be wet for me when I got here. Are you?”

Her heart felt like it was going to pound right out of her chest. “Yes.” Her voice was nothing more than a breath of warm air.

“Good girl.” Ace moved past her and made his way into the house. “So where is the little cuckold, anyway?”


She led him up to the bedroom, feeling his eyes on her ass the whole time. She couldn’t shake the feeling that this was a fantasy – some sort of daydream she was currently drooling over while doing laundry or washing dishes. But it was real, it was happening. She was living it.

When they arrived in the master bedroom, she was sadistically pleased to see that Arthur had followed her directions to stay put, though apparently not of his own accord. He was curled at the head of the bed among their many assorted pillows, his hands cupped over his sore, measly little package. His face was pale and his hair was sticking to his sweaty forehead. “That’s him,” Demi said, her voice coming out a little more disdainful than she wanted.

“That’s him?” Ace repeated with a scoff, pulling his black wife-beater over his head. Demi could only marvel at the muscles rippling underneath the fabric, and had to pry herself away to strut over to her husband. “Demi, baby, you could’ve at least picked someone with a little more… everything.”

“Hey!” Arthur tried to protest.

“Quiet,” Demi spat, and she grinned as he shriveled away from her. She looked back at Ace. “So… how do you wanna do this?” Ugh, that’s awkward. But how else was she supposed to get things moving? She was at least brave enough for now to be the icebreaker.

Ace studied her for a moment. “Take the robe off,” he ordered. She gulped, and did as told. The sheer fabric fell in a lacey black puddle around her. Cool air brushed over her bare skin, and she took a deep breath as Ace sauntered over to her. He glanced at her husband, who, though still huddled in a mess of soreness, was watching with a strange intentness. Demi smirked to herself – she knew he wanted this. Was it sinful? Yes. But if she was honest with herself, it was so much fun.

Ace turned away from Arthur to instead look into Demi’s eyes. His calloused hands slid over her waist, feeling the curve down to her hips. She almost felt insecure about the imperfect little hip dips and the slight sag of her beginning-to-age skin, but she pushed the thought away. Arthur might not want her as much anymore, but Ace did.

In a flash, Ace had gripped her tight by the hips and pushed her onto her hands and knees on the bed. “Suck him,” she heard him say firmly. “Show him all the little tricks you used to use in high school.” As he spoke, two of his fingers found her pussy, and she bit her lip to stifle a moan as he slid them up from her clit to her hole, circling the entrance teasingly.

Arthur gave her one last pleading look, though this time it was less of “please don’t do this” and more “please don’t hurt me”, and she felt her clit throb as she realized it. Ignoring the begging glint in her husband’s eyes, she leaned forward and took hold of his dick, which barely even filled her palm. Her tongue poked out of her mouth as Ace’s fingers pushed into her hole, and she moaned softly as she licked a circle around Arthur’s tip. The beta male bit his lip, clearly unsure how to feel about all of this. Demi could see it written all over his face – he was turned on to the point of bursting, but he knew it was wrong. He knew he shouldn’t want this as bad as he did.

Her lips closed around the head of her husband’s cock as Ace fingered her. Up and down she moved her mouth along the inferior shaft, while her new beau’s fingers worked inside her, curling to hit her g-spot. She moaned again as he pressed his thumb to her clit and rubbed in circles, and the vibrations coming from her mouth seemed to send a shiver down her husband’s back that radiated through his whole body, his thighs quaking ever-so-slightly as her tongue traveled down to the base of his short member and then back up to the frenulum, flicking her tongue in an S-shape before sucking hard on the shaft.

Ace suddenly removed his fingers, and she groaned, frustrated at the sudden emptiness, until she felt his bare cockhead sliding back and forth over her wet pussy. There was only a moment of hesitation before he pushed slowly into her completely raw, his cock stretching her like nothing she’d ever felt before, and she gagged even on the smallness of her husband as she felt the strain of her walls around Ace’s girth. He pushed as deep as he could go, and Demi groaned as his hips met hers and his cock pressed painfully against her cervix, her Escort Gölbaşı mouth still wrapped wetly around her husband.

Ace pulled out until his tip was just barely inside of her, then snapped his hips against hers so that every inch of his massive cock was slammed into her at once. The motion sent her surging forward, and she choked as Arthur’s dick touched the back of her throat for a moment. She pulled off, sputtering, as Ace pulled out again. “Too hard?” he asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

Demi ignored Arthur’s soft voice asking her name, checking on her, and looked over her shoulder at Ace. “More,” she purred, grinning. “Give me everything you’ve got.”

She turned back around and continued sucking her husband, given only a moment of peace before Ace slammed back into her at full force, sending her forward again and making Arthur moan as his short length disappeared into her throat. “Shut it, cuck,” Ace snarled, picking up the pace of his hips until Demi was sure he would destroy her. Suddenly she was in absolute ecstasy. Ace’s relentless pounding was sure to leave a bruise on her cervix, his huge cock pushing her belly out with every quick, hard thrust. Fuck, she was loving this.

Arthur could see it, too, and he hated himself for loving it so much. He knew he should feel disgusted, even angry, seeing this tall, muscled, attractive man fucking his wife. But all he could think about was how wonderfully small and insignificant he felt, and how he was barely deserving of her expertly-working lips and tongue on his dick.

His body felt frozen – otherwise he would’ve moved his hands from gripping the bed sheets to tangling in her hair. He watched, wide-eyed, as each powerful thrust from the bull made his precious wife choke on his measly little pecker. He groaned through gritted teeth as her tongue moved to the base – she licked a perfect stripe up the length of it, her tongue swirling around the tip inside her mouth, before darting down to the base as she sucked hard on it in little spurts of effort. She was nursing him in time with the strong hips of her ex-boyfriend. Ace’s hard, fast fucking was making her ass jiggle like Arthur had never seen before – he’d never even had her in this position. The knowledge that sweet, innocent housewife Demi was capable of being such a slut was unnervingly invigorating.

Despite his sore, aching balls, he could feel his own orgasm building fast. His face was hot with embarrassment as he squirmed. He was used to it by now – the too-soon emissions that he had been complacent with for his entire marriage so far – but in the face of such a powerful man fucking his wife, someone who was much bigger and stronger and was showing no signs of stopping anytime soon, he suddenly felt like a much lesser man for being so close so soon.

But it wasn’t like he had much of a choice. Demi reached forward clumsily with one hand and grabbed his sore balls again, squeezing them hard, until he was sure they were going to pop before she let go. When she did release him, she kept her hand wrapped around them, testing the weight of each one in turn, pressing them between her fingers as carefully as she could while Ace fucked her from behind, grunting and groaning in pleasure like a lion in heat.

It towards him in a flurry of warmth that spread all over his body like a flood. It tingled at the end of every nerve, and he trembled as his inferior cum spilled into his perfect wife’s mouth. This was more powerful than any orgasm he’d had before, however sparse they had been in his efforts to remain holy. It shook him to the fingertips and made his toes curl, his teeth grinding together as he shut his eyes and groaned. This was, quite possibly, the most intense orgasm he’d ever had, and he wasn’t sure if it was heightened to this point by the manipulations of his wife’s tongue, the image of such a magnificent bull railing her like a two-dollar whore, or the certainty that he was undeserving of such euphoria.

Demi pulled away, her head falling as she swallowed the small load from him and let herself be fucked. Arthur watched in dizzy awe as she took it like a skilled pornstar, his mind reeling, his body buzzing all over. Ace, who had been glowing with pride as he stared down at Demi’s perfect ass, took notice of Arthur’s sudden release and grinned, pulling out of Demi’s pussy with a loud, wet noise and grabbing her hard around the hips, tugging her onto her back without much protest from her. “Watch this, little man,” he growled – and Demi tipped her head back and damn near screamed in pleasure as Ace suddenly dropped to his knees at the edge of the bed and put his mouth on her pussy.

Arthur was frozen in fascination. He watched, just as instructed, as Ace sucked hard on Demi’s clit before pulling off with a pop and flicking his tongue rapidly over the little nub. The unrecognisably beautiful woman moaned, her hands in her hair as her lover switched from quick, sharp flicks to long strokes of his flat tongue up and down the entirety of her pink pussy, and Arthur felt his heart racing as he stared at them. He had the perfect view, with Demi’s head right under his bent, shaking legs.

Ace took one more moment to suck on her clit before pulling away. “See that, cuck?” he spat, and Arthur nodded without realizing it. “Try to copy what you can – we’ll see whether she likes my cock or your tongue better.”

What? Ace wanted him to go down on her? He wasn’t sure he ever had, and frankly the idea of it had always seemed unappealing. But now, all bets were off, and he knew this was the time for him to completely and totally submit. He watched as Ace lined himself up with Demi’s pussy once again, sliding in effortlessly. Arthur bit his lip and readjusted until his hips were up by Demi’s head, and he could smell the musk of her sopping-wet cunt. Ace was already fucking her hard and fast, but he reached down with one hand and pulled up a bit on the skin just above her pussy, revealing the little pink nub that he’d been sucking on a moment ago.

Tentatively, he leaned down and poked his tongue out, flicking at the clit until Demi whimpered in between her moans. She tasted good – it was a new taste, but definitely not a bad one – and he found himself wanting more and more. He stretched his tongue out further, this time pressing it flat against her and lapping gently, like a dog.

“Is that the best you can do?” Ace growled, making Arthur stop and look up. He pulled out, one hand moving to rub Demi’s pussy in short, sharp little circles that had her squirming. The other hand grabbed a fistfull of Arthur’s thinning hair – and with a snarl of “worship her, you fucking bitch” from the bull, his mouth was suddenly stuffed full of the same cock massive cock that had just been deep in his wife.

Ace was unrelenting. As soon as his cockhead breached Arthur’s lips, he was pounding away, fast and hard like he had in Demi’s soaked pussy, and it took everything Arthur had not to choke and gag on it. He could feel his throat spasming around the tip of it, his chapped lips cracking as he stretched his mouth wider to accommodate the size. Demi said nothing, but he could feel her eyes on him, staring with a glee that perfectly matched her little giggles of excitement. She was clearly enjoying this, and the thought was only amplified by the glimpse of her that he caught in his peripherals. She reached down and started rubbing her pussy, circling over her clit with two fingers in short, quick circles. She was masturbating as she watched him get throatfucked by their bull.

And he was enjoying it.

He wasn’t such a sinner that he’d let himself be aroused by homosexuality, but the dominance of this man fucking his face like a toy. Being force-fed such a superior cock was driving him crazy with lust, and his sore, used dick was rock-hard. Am I a cuckold? The thought crossed his mind before he could stop it, and as Ace ripped his cock unceremoniously from his mouth, he realized he didn’t particularly care. Fuck it, he [/i]loved this.

Ace moved Demi’s hand, pinning both her wrists to her belly and shoving himself back inside her. The hand that was still tangled in Arthur’s hair now pushed him into Demi’s pussy, his nose bumping her clit. “Worship her, you fucking faggot.”

Arthur did as told, this time with as much enthusiasm and effort as he could muster through his excited, ragged breaths. His tongue darted out to flick rapidly at his wife’s clit, and she was practically screaming in pleasure now as the two men worked on her together. Ace was using her pinned wrists as leverage to fuck her harder, until Arthur was sure there would be bruises all over her thighs and pussy lips tomorrow. He didn’t focus on that too much – instead, he reached around with both hands and spread her pussy lips further than Ace’s cock was already doing, his tongue slathering hungrily over her most sensitive spot before his lips latched on and he sucked on the engorged, bulging clit until Demi screamed louder and louder. Was she going to cum? He wasn’t sure he’d ever made her cum, now that he thought about it.

He was right. A second later, she was screaming at the top of her lungs. “Fuck, fuck! Fuck, [i]I’m cumming!!” She was shaking everywhere, and her body seemed to squirm without her even wanting it to. A rush of clear, sweet liquid suddenly burst from her pussy, painting Ace’s dick and stomach and choking Arthur as it splattered into his nose. He pulled away, sputtering as he came up for air, and could only watch as Ace fucked his wife through her orgasm.

Ace was so much bigger and stronger. It was all he could see, and he loved it. He loved how inferior he felt. He belonged here. His own dick was nothing to them – simply a punching bag. Ace was the true alpha, the real man, the one who deserved Demi’s perfect pussy. Unconsciously his hands had found his dick, and one hand stroked his small shaft while the other fondled his balls, which still remembered the ache of their earlier assault.

Ace pounded her for just a few moments more, the muscles in his arms straining as he put both his hands on Demi’s waist and used her like a little cocksleeve. She was still screaming as she rode the wave of her intense climax, her moans echoing through the entire room as Arthur touched himself. He couldn’t help it. She looked so beautiful there. Her tits bouncing. Her hair a mess. Her pussy spraying Ace with another load of squirt. Her eyes shut tight. Mouth open. Blushing. Sweating. Screaming…

Ace’s hips suddenly became sloppy and irregular, and in the next moment, he had driven himself home, his hips rutting hard against Demi’s pelvis as he pumped her full of his seed. Arthur could only watch as the magnificent beast shot his cum deep inside of her before pulling out until just the tip was inside, filling every inch of her stretched, abused pussy with hot semen.

Demi’s bare breasts rose and fell rapidly as she settled down, her body visibly shaking. She looked dazed, and Arthur knew she hadn’t been fucked like that in years.

His own head was buzzing with his regained arousal, and he hardly registered the next thing Ace said – but he saw Demi grin and sit up, trembling. Ace helped her to her feet, and suddenly one of them had grabbed Arthur and thrown him onto the floor, his head smacking roughly into the carpet. He looked up through dazed eyes to see Demi straddling his face, her pussy dripping. He barely had time to breathe before he was completely smothered, and a thick, salty substance spilled into his open mouth. His immediate reaction was to struggle, and he cried out in pain through the mouthful of cum as a hand landed a sharp blow to his balls.

“That’s right, Demi, baby,” Ace’s voice said, husky and low. “Beat him till he’s blue.”

Arthur was never given a chance to protest. His mouth was too full, anyways. Demi was grinding on his face now, causing more of Ace’s cum to spill out of her pussy and into his forced-open mouth. He cringed at the taste – sweat and salt and musk, together with the sweet taste of pussy in a woeful cocktail – but he knew he was meant to serve and please. He tried to ignore the taste and instead poked his tongue out, lapping gratefully at her pussy, listening to her moan. He couldn’t see Ace push his still-hard cock into Demi’s mouth, this time being uncharacteristically gentle.

Then again, if he had seen, he wouldn’t have found it in him to care. Not when Demi slammed her hand down on his balls again, and he cried out in pain, the sound muffled by her leaking pussy. Before he could recover, she hit him again, his balls squishing to either side of her fist as she brought it down on him. His legs curled up at the knees to try and protect him, but it was no use. Demi hit him again and again, until he was sure the poor jewels would pop at any moment.

He was never sure how long he laid there. His entire world, his whole concept of time, revolved around Demi’s sweet, delicate hands beating his dick and balls, her pussy oozing cum into his mouth, forcing him to swallow, and the powerful man easing himself in and out of her throat. His endless cries in response to Demi’s assault on his manhood were smothered by her entirely, and he could feel tears welling in his eyes and a sick feeling pooling in his lower abdomen. His face felt hot, and still, he endured.

This was who he was now.

He was a cuckold.

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The Perfect Date Gone Wrong

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Sarah and Daniel had just had the perfect date, and Daniel was walking Sarah home. They decided to take a shortcut through an alley. They were halfway through when they were surrounded by a group off six guys, all of them carrying knives.

The leader spook to Daniel “Leave now” as they walked closer to them.

Daniel refused, and two guys came up to him, grabbed him and held him near the wall, I knife held to his neck.

“DANIEL!!!” Sarah screamed as she ran to help him, but before she could take two steps the leader grabbed her and was holding her tight to his body, also with a knife you her neck.

“Be a good girls, and do what you’re told, and I wont kill you.” the leader whispered into her ear. And he gave a nod to one if the other guys, and he pulled out a 20 foot long piece of rope from a duffle bag and tied it to a fire escape then around her neck. He went back to the bag and took out a video camera

“All ready for you boss” the guy holding camera said, as turn on the camera. The leader removed the knife from Sarah’s neck and stared to use it to cut her clothes off.

Daniel started to struggle to try and help Sarah, but was held in his place.

Sarah now standing completely naked except for the rope tied around her neck started to wonder what ws Esat Escort going to happen to her, next thing she knew the leader and the two other guys (the once not holding Daniel and not holding the camera) started to strip. Sarah tried to run, but got chocked by the rope and was pulled to the ground. The leader pulled her up by the hair so that she was standing infront of him. He started to suck on each of her breast, and gently biting and flicker her nipples with his tounge. He did this for a good five minutes each then the other two came over one of them grabbed her and lifted her up.He jammed his cock in her ass causing her to scream out.

Daniel seeing this tried to fight it way free, and was punch hard in the face.

As Sarah was forced to ride the guy’s cock with her ass the other guy forced his cock in her pussy. They both fucked her as Daniel kept trying to save her.

A few minutes later both guys came inside her, shortly after Sarah came.

They though her off them causing her to hit the ground hard and grunt. The leader came up to her got on his knees and lifted her but up, her pussy close to his face. He slowly started to lick her wet pussy, cleaning all of the juices. He put his tounge in deep causing her to moan. He flicked her cilt, making her moan louder. Escort Esat Sarah came a few minutes later.

The leader pulled Sarah to the her knees and shoved his cock in her mouth forcing her to blow him “suck me” he said as he went deep, hard and fast. Sarah gagged as the leader’s cock hit the back of her thoat. Sarah tried to push the leader away. The leader started to get mad, and grabbed his knife and cut her cheek. “I told you to do as you’re told, and I wouldn’t kill, that was a warning, not stop fighting and suck my, Bitch.” as he forced his entire cock in her mouth making her gag again.

She started to unwillingly suck the leader. When the leader came he forced her to swallow all of it. When he finally took his cock out she gasped for breath. The leader then came over to her and forced his hard throbbing cock hard and deep in her pussy, making her moan. After a few thrust Sarah started to moan with pleasure, quietly asking the leader not to stop. Just before Sarah came the leader pull his cock out, preventing her from climaxing, then he strokes his cock a few times and blow cum all over her body. The other guys came up and jerked off and came on her body as well.

The leader walked up to her and whispered in her ear “You look good in cum.”

The walked Esat Escort Bayan away, the camera guy turn of the camera off the camera and followed. The guys holding Daniel gave him a hard punch to the gut causing him to crutch and curl up in pain. As the walked away on of them gave Sarah a knife to free herself.

She quickly cut the rope from her neck and ran over to Daniel. “Are you okay?” she said as she helped him up.

“Don’t touch me” he said as he tried to get up.

“What’s wrong?”

“You started to enjoy it, didn’t you? No girlfriend of mine would, she wouldn’t even climax”

“So I guess you’re saying that if a random came and blew you and rode you, you wouldn’t come?! I was being raped by three guys and you’re mad at me?”

Sarah started to walk away but Daniel grab her arm and kissed her, “I’m sorry, I didnt think about that, I was only thinking about you fucking other guys.”?

Sarah looked at him, got in her knees and pulled down his pants and boxer, and started to suck his cock, quickly making him hard.

“Sarah what are you doing?” he asked as he moaned

“Letting you join in on the fun” Sarah said as she sucked him harder making him cum in her mouth.

“Sarah, thank you, lets finish this at your place.” he said as he got dressed and gave Sarah his coat, and they walked back to Sarah’s place where the fucked all night and all day long.

That’s all, sorry had 11 characters left and I didn’t know what to add.

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The Devil’s Pact Epilogue: A Thousand Years

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The Devil’s Pact
by mypenname3000
edited by Master Ken
Copyright 2013, 2014

Epilogue: One Thousand Years

Visit my blog at www.mypenname3000.com.

My heart was filled with despair. The Living Gods were dead. All I could do was stare blankly at the wall, my mind full of ash. They had reshaped the world, and now They were gone. What were we to do? Who would look after us and protect us? Already heretics had arisen, decrying Them as false, and putting to torch Their churches and temples. And then They appeared in my dreams. “Have faith,” He spoke, His voice booming like a thousand trumpets. “We are not gone. It was time for us to leave this world, departing for a better one. But we still watch you, we still love you, and all you have to do is call upon us and we shall answer.” I made my Pact that very night.
–The Epistle of Isabel to the Faithful 1:1-3

I stood trembling at the crossroads, waiting.

Ever since I found a forbidden copy of the Glassnerian Gospels in my grandpa’s chest, and read the Epistle of Isabel, I had been filled with a foolish desire to summon the Tyrants. The Epistle claimed it was easy. Take a box, place a lock of your hair, a lavender flower, and the foot of a white rabbit in it, then bury the box at the center of a crossroads Eryaman Escort at midnight. Supposedly, the Tyrants of Hell, the Living Gods, would appear, and they would grant three wishes in exchange for your soul.

Despite the Church, copies of the Glassnerian Bible still floated about. And I couldn’t resist reading the copy I found when sorting through my grandfather’s house. Who knew the old coot was a heretic? The account of the Tyrants was so different from the Histories; not brutal dictators who enslaved mankind, but loving Gods that valiantly fought against the Demons and tried to create a Utopia before being murdered by Saint Chasity.

I shivered as I waited. It was spring, but the nights were still cold. It seeped into my body as doubts crept into my mind; nothing was going to happen. This wasn’t going to work—the Tyrants were just a myth. Nothing more than history that had been distorted by a thousand years of embellishment by storytellers and priests, or by mothers trying to frighten their children into behaving.

I knew all the stories, relishing them as a child: the Tyrants, Mark and Mary, who could enslave you with a single word, and who commanded the forces of nature itself; silver-tongued Alison and her demonic wife Desiree, who could suck Eryaman Escort Bayan out your soul with her kiss; April, with her eyes made of glass that would freeze a man solid if he ever caught her deadly gaze; Violet, who strangled men with the two serpents that grew out of her hair; siren Korina, whose doll-faced innocence lured men to their deaths; and their demonic Guard, a horde of vicious women led by the icy Chasity. If I wasn’t so desperate for a better life, for someone to pay attention to me, I would never have even tried this foolishness.

If I wasn’t so desperate for Elisbetta.

Feeling foolish, I turned to leave. Nothing would happen; it was just a myth that you could sell your soul to the Tyrants for three wishes. The moonlight dimmed, and I glanced up, expecting to see a dark cloud pass across its white, pockmarked face. Other legends claimed men had walked across the moon, crossing the dark void. What complete—

“Hello, Ysaak,” a man said.

I started, turning around. Two figures stood in the center of the crossroads. I hadn’t heard anyone approach, no footsteps crunching on the gravel or the rustle of brush. And the road had been empty a moment ago. One was a tall man, with dark brown hair, blue eyes shining in the moonlight. His Escort Eryaman arm was wrapped around a woman, who clung to his muscular frame. My breath caught—she was gorgeous—dark-red hair framed a heart-shaped, freckled face, green eyes twinkled with mirth, and a low-cut dress revealed an immodest swath of creamy bosom.

Sweat broke across my entire body. The Tyrants of Hell stood before me, and they seemed so…normal. Where was the fire and the brimstone? There wasn’t even a chorus of the damned. I was almost disappointed…except there was something in their eyes. An ancient, powerful, and inhuman presence that battered against my soul. These beings were as beyond me as I was beyond an ant. I swallowed, taking a step back.

“You don’t have to be scared,” the woman purred. “You summoned us, after all.”

“I want to sell my soul for three wishes,” I said, trying not to let my voice crack. My heart thudded like a woodpecker against a tree.

The man smiled, and looked at the woman. “Of course. My wife and I are more than happy to make a Pact with you.”

The End

Author Note: I hope you all enjoyed the Devil’s Pact. It was quite a rollercoaster ride for me writing it. There are still more Side-Story to tell in the Devil’s Pact universe, as well as a new story to tell: The Battered Lamp. It’s a harem story about a young man that finds a genie and his life gets turned upside down. It will start being published in a few weeks. Thank you all for reading and take care.

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