Le jour où j’ai surpris ma femme avec un autr

Le jour où j’ai surpris ma femme avec un autr

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Le jour où j’ai surpris ma femme avec un autrC’était il y a quelques années maintenant, nous avions 31 ans, ensemble depuis 11 ans.Comme beaucoup de couples, le temps n’arrange pas forcément les choses et la routine s’installe. Nos relations sexuelles sont de l’ordre de 1 à 2 fois par mois, et encore ..bref c’est pas la joie, mais on est bien, la routine quoi.Pourtant par le passé nous avons été plutôt coquins, à faire pas mal de photos coquines, des photos dans des cabines d’essayage, dans la rue des petites photos improvisées pour montrer son string. Nous avons même essayé pas mal de jouets et madame avait même eu envie d’essayer le gode ceinture. Ayant toujours un peu fantasmé sur ça j’ai sauté sur l’occasion et elle m’a dépucelé, j’ai adoré. On a recommencé 3 ou 4 fois, elle m’a même fait porter de la lingerie avant que cela ne l’amuse plus. Aujourd’hui je suis incapable de vous dire pourquoi nous étions arrivé à une relation si platonique… Un soir en rentrant du travail elle était partie en courses en oubliant son téléphone sur la table. Je ne suis pas du genre fouineur mais l’occasion était tentante. Notre relation commençant à me travailler le fond du caleçon, je voulais juste me rassurer. Evidemment je connais son code, je délock le téléphone et je vois des notifications facebook d’un ami à moi, Julien … Et surprise, l’enfoiré la draguait, mais bien sévère voir lourdingue. Je remonte un peu la discussion et je vois qu’elle joue avec lui, rien de bien méchant, mais visiblement ça doit l’exciter parce qu’elle ne se gêne pas pour répondre des phrases tendancieuses.Julien : Comment tu vas ? pas trop chaud par ce temps ?Anne : SI !! d’ailleurs je suis même à poil à la maison c’est intenable ;)Julien : Hmm intéressant, j’ai un DVD à rendre à ton homme, peut être que je pourrais passer ?Ensuite elle ne répond pas pendant 1 heure avant de lui dire “Désolé je dois aller faire des courses”Julien : Ca marche, j’espère qu’on pourra refaire comme hier ce soir ;)… Choqué je lâche le téléphone sur la table et dans un geste de rage je repars.Je prends la voiture direction nulle part, pour me calmer. J’envoie un SMS à Anne pour lui dire “je vais rentrer un peu tard ce soir, m’attends pas pour manger”.J’essaie de me calmer, de me dire qu’elle n’a rien fait si ce n’est pimenter un peu ses fantasmes, s’amuser par messagerie interposées … Je me dis que c’est ma faute aussi de la délaisser. C’est pas joli joli mais y’a pas non plus trahison.Mais une phrase …. cette phrase me rend dingue “j’espère qu’on Escort pourra refaire comme hier ce soir”Je reste seul à rouler sans but précis, à m’arrêter pour me calmer … Je finis par décider de rentrer 2 heures plus tard.Je rentre vers 22h à la maison comme si de rien n’était. Anne est déjà couchée dans la chambre devant la télé, comme à son habitude.Je rentre et elle ne m’entend pas, la télé est allumée je rentre pour lui dire bonsoir et elle fait un bond, je vois sa main vite remonter le long de son corps en lâchant son téléphone … Je la regarde bizarre, elle me regarde gênée et fait comme si de rien. Anne : Bonsoir mon amour ! Pas trop dur le boulot ce soir ? t’as encore fini tardMoi : Oui ça va, ils ont juste collé une réunion à 19h pour un point urgent, ca devient pénible. Je vais manger je te laisse.Et je ferme la porte.A peine la porte fermé je deviens rouge, mais rouge de rage, tout un tas d’idées me passent par la tête, à tout les coups elle était au tel avec lui, à causer sexe et elle devait se toucher …. Sale pute !Je craque, je vais sur le pc, me connecte à son compte facebook et décide de regarder leurs échanges de ce soir.Mon sang n’a fait qu’un tour quand je vis “appel vidéo terminé” …. putain elle s’est montrée en vidéo à ce connard !! tout devient clair, c’est pas jsute un peu d’excitation par sms, c’est une relation virtuelle. Je rentre en furie dans la chambre et on a vécu notre plus grosse engueulade.Elle essaye de se justifier par le fait que notre relation est ennuyante, de mon côté je lui dit que de toute façon elle n’a plus envie, ce n’est jamais le bon soir, jamais le moment. On se renvoit la balle, on hurle on pleure et tout ça se termine par : “De toute façon c’est juste pour s’amuser, on a rien fait, ok il a vu ma chatte oui, bah c’est tout, calme toi”Enervé je claque la porte et file dans le salon je ne me rappelle pas avoir dormi cette nuit là.Le lendemain on se croise sans s’adresser la parole, je vois sur mon pc qu’elle a changé son mot de passe … évidemment. Les choses reprennent peu à peu leur cours. on se pardonne, on se remet à faire l’amour plus souvent, tout va bien. Je me dis que cet épisode est derrière moi et qu’on est pas prêt de revoir ce connard.2 mois plus tard alors que je rentre plus tôt que d’habitude, je vois la voiture de Julien dans la cours …. je rentre rouge de colère mais sans faire trop de bruit pour les prendre sur le fait.J’ouvre la porte de la chambre et je trouve Julien debout sur mon lit, Anne la tête dans les oreillers Escort Bayan les fesses en l’air. Cet enfoiré lui défonçait le cul ! Elle me l’a refusé tout ce temps pour l’offrir à ce connard ??!! je pète un câble, je hurle et déglingue la porteAnne se cache de peur sous les draps et Julien enfile un boxer et vient vers moi pour tenter de me calmer. Je lui en colle une, il tombe à la renverse et Anne sors du lui totalement nue pour s’intercaler entre nous.Anne : Arrête Olivier ! Arrête je t’en supplie !Moi : Casse toi sale pute, tu me dégoutesEt je la balance sur le lit. Elle se relève et hurle STOOOOPOn la regarde et elle dit : “Olivier, va dans le salon, Julien rhabille toi on va parler”Son regard est noir, je ne l’ai jamais vu comme ça. je retourne dans le salon, je tremble de partout et je m’assoit à table, 5 sec plus tard c’est au tour de Julien d’arriver pour s’assoir, on se regarde, lui baisse la tête un peu merdeux d’avoir trahis un ami à lui sans doute …Anne arrive et s’assoit en bout de table entre nous 2.Un silence de mort se fait …. Anne fini par lâcher:Anne : Bon déjà, je te rassure Olivier, je ne l’aime pas, toi je t’aime plus que tout et je ne me sens pas fière de ce que j’ai fait.Moi : Que tu m’aimes ou pas, tu t’es bien foutu de ma gueule, et je suis pas aveugle en plus tu lui a offert ton cul ! tu me l’a toujours refusé! T’es vraiment qu’un grosse salope, sérieux!Anne : Insulte moi encore une fois et tu vas le regretter je te prometsMoi : Mais vas y c’est bon je me tire et va te faire enculer si t’aimes ça sale pute !Anne : OK tu l’auras voulu !Elle regarde Julien qui ne disait plus rien et nous dit je reviens tout de suite. Elle pars dans la chambre et reviens quelques secondes plus tard avec notre gode ceinture.Anne : Tu vois ça Julien ? j’ai enculé Olivier avec, il adore ça ……… Je reste muet, les yeux grand écarquillé, un frisson me parcours le dos et je baisse les yeux.Anne : Ha on fait moins le malin là un ! On fait moins son mâle mon chéri ! Je vois Julien qui se retient de rire du coin de l’oeil, je ne sais plus où me mettre.Anne : Julien, prend tes affaires et rentre chez toi.Julien : Je vais pas me faire prier!Il prend sa sacoche et file.On reste là 20 minutes elle me regarde, moi je ne sais plus ou me foutre, quelque part entre honte et rage.Anne : Je n’ai jamais voulu te faire de mal, mais après t’avoir sodomisé en lingerie quelque chose à changer entre nous. Je n’arrivais plus à te voir comme un homme, viril et fort comme avant. Avec le temps Bayan Escort j’ai eu envie de découvrir le sexe anal, mais impossible pour moi de l’imaginer avec toi. Alors oui quand Julien m’a fait du pied, je me suis dit “fonce! il en saura jamais rien, tu vas le faire une fois et tout rentrera dans l’ordre”. Sauf que non, j’ai adoré ça, j’ai essayé de me dire que je devais arrêter avec lui et ne pas te faire de mal, mais c’était plus fort que moi. Notre relation était déjà pas folle niveau sexe depuis quelque temps mais depuis que je le vois c’est encore pire pour toi.Moi : Attends ! tu le vois depuis combien de temps ??Anne : 6 mois …Moi :Tu te fou de ..Anne : Stop, laisse moi finir !Oui je sais j’ai merdé, mais j’ai une chose à te proposer …. J’y pense depuis un moment, j’aimerais que tu … que tu participe.Moi : Que je participe à quoi ?!Anne : Je voudrais que tu nous regarde, que tu sois là, avec moi, parce que je t’aime et j’ai envie de vivre ça avec toi.Moi : va te faire foutre !!Anne : Bon je voulais pas en arriver là mais tu me laisses pas le choix. Tu sais que j’ai des hptos de nous avec le gode ceinture ? Moi : ….. Anne : Je ne te laisse pas le choix, tu te joins à mon fantasme ou je montre ces photos à tout tes potes … De toute façon je te connais tu vas kiffer, tu as adoré être ma petite salope à l’époque.Moi : c’est vrai que j’ai adoré ça, ça me manqueAnne : Alors demain essaie de pas rentrer trop tard …..Elle se déshabille et va dans le lit en me demandant de la rejoindre.Son corps nu, je ne peux pas résister, je n’ai jamais pu. Je la rejoins, en évitant de croiser son regard, perdu dans mes pensées sur tout ce qui s’est passé ce soir…Elle se colle à moi et commence à passer sa main dans mon pantalon.Anne : Ah bah je vois que je te fais toujours de l’effet … même si je suis une salopeMoi : Arrête, tu sais bien que tu m’as toujours fait bandé quand tu voulais …Anne : Haha, et oui parceque je sais ce que tu aimes mon chéri, et demain tu vas adorer ….Moi : Surement p…! Elle m’att**** la bite et la sors de mon pantalonAnne: A poil et viteJe m’exécute, elle me grimpe dessus et on baise une bonne heure comme ça. Clairement ca faisait longtemps que je l’avais pas vu si chaude. Ses superbes seins qui pendent devant mon nez me rendent fou et je finis par lâcher tout, dans sa chatte. elle remonte le long de mon torse avant de venir poser sa chatte sur mon visage pour me repeindre le visage de mon foutre et de sa mouille. Un délice de la voir à nouveau coquine comme jamais. J’en profite.Anne : Bonne nuit mon amour, et à demain. dit-elle d’un regard coquinJe m’essuie la tronche avec une serviette et je me retrouve comme un con fixant le plafond avec une trique qui refuse de descendre….La suite à venir ….

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Soumis malgré moi–part 8(BDSM)-préparatif soirée

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Soumis malgré moi–part 8(BDSM)-préparatif soiréeSoumis malgré moi – part 8 (BDSM) – Préparatifs de la soiréeLa première partie de nuit fut courte, cela fait deux jours qu’on m’excite par diverses pratiques sans me faire jouir. Je suis plein, les rêves érotiques ce succèdent, excité comme jamais, je bande douloureusement dans ma cage et je voudrais trop être vidé. Le premier réveil arrive vers minuit, je sens directement le plug que j’avais oublié en me couchant mais avec l’excitation, je me dis que je vais le garder toute la nuit. Ça habituera mon cul à être dilaté car au fur et à mesure des jours, les plugs qu’on utilise sur moi sont de plus en plus gros.8 Heures du matin, après une nuit plutôt difficile avec des réveils toutes les deux heures environs, je me lève et reprend mes petites habitudes : WC, café, et vérification boite mail. Je me surprends moi-même lorsque après être allé aux toilettes en remetant mon plug sans même le lubrifier.Comme je m’y attendais, j’ai un nouveau message.————————————————————————————————————————————–Bonjour Sue,Je tenais à te dire que les membres du cercle ont appréciés grandement les extraits de vidéo que Mister Deep à partager. Personnellement, je suis très satisfaite et je pense que nous arriverons peut-être à faire quelques choses de toi. Souviens-toi qu’il y a une réception avec mes invités ce soir, tu devras donc être impeccable aujourd’hui pour remplacer Louane qui est indisponible et faire tout ce qu’il faut ce matin pour que la maison soit irréprochable. Les invités arriveront vers 18h, sois chez moi à 17h00 précises chez moi.Madame Emmanuelle.————————————————————————————————————————————–Les vidéos ??? Je n’avais pas remarqué que j’étais filmé hier. Maintenant que j’y repense, il est vrai qu’habituellement il y a toujours des photos prisent lors de mes rencontres avec les membres du cercle et hier, il n’y en a pas eu. J’aimerais bien pouvoir les voir un jour. Je prends une petite douche, je m’habille et je file chez Madame Emmanuelle comme prévu.Arrivé à la maison, je sors la clé de la porte d’entrée et quelle surprise de constater que la porte n’est pas verrouillée.Peut-être que quelqu’un a oublié de fermer à sa dernière visite. J’espère qu’il n’y a pas eu de voleur ou autres choses. J’entre donc pour voir.- Bonjour Sue Je reconnais alors immédiatement la voix de Louane. Surpris, je regarde d’un coup d’œil la pendule qui indique 9h05 et me dis que ça y est, je suis arrivé en retard, j’espère juste que Louane ne sens est pas rendu compte sinon je vais encore avoir droit à une punition…Je m’avance vers le salon et je me retrouve face à Louane qui est assise confortablement dans un fauteuil. Elle était encore plus belle que dans mes souvenir. Aujourd’hui, elle avait fait un chignon impeccable, et portait un pantalon cuir très moulant, chaussure à talons, un chemisier blanc ainsi qu’un foulard de soie noir autour du cou. Son visage n’a aucune imperfection, sa peau semble d’une extrême douceur, elle a un corps à faire fondre n’importe quel homme malgré sont petit 1.65 mètre pour 50 kg et ses yeux sont d’une couleur ambre tellement rare par chez nous qu’une fois plongé dedans, il m’est impossible d’en ressortir.Elle est typée asiatique mais je pense que seul l’un de ses parents est asiatique, l’autre doit être d’Europe du nord. Je comprends à nouveau pourquoi j’ai eu comme un coup de foudre à notre dernière rencontre. Planté devant elle et tremblant presque, je lui dis :- Bonjour Miss Louane, mais je croyais que vous étiez indisponible aujourd’hui. – Mais qui t’as dit cela Sue ?- Madame Emmanuelle m’a demandé de vous remplacer aujourd’hui car vous étiez indisponible.- Apprend à lire Sue, ce n’est pas la première fois que tu te m’éprends. Je ne suis pas disponible ce soir pour accueillir les invités, personne n’a parlé de ce matin. C’est pour ça que tu es arrivé en retard ? Tu pensais être seul et que personnes ne le saurait…A ces mots, je reste silencieux. Je me dis que plus je parle, plus je risque d’avoir des sanctions et après la semaine que je viens de passer, une petite pause serait appréciée.- Ne perdons pas de temps Sue, descendons au vestiaire, j’ai ordre de te préparer pour ce soir et tu aussi le ménage de la maison à faire.Sue se lève sans attendre et me fait signe de la suivre. Lorsque nous arrivons dans le hall servant de vestiaire du donjon de Madame Emmanuelle, sue me demande de me mettre nu et me tend la clé de ma cage. Habituellement, je me serais dit qu’enfin j’allais pouvoir jouir mais pas cette fois mais je savais très bien que Miss Louane ne me ferait pas ce plaisir et j’ai bien compris d’après le ton de sa voix que le temps était compté.En tout cas, une chose est sûre, c’est que je suis heureux de pouvoir enfin enlever ma cage qui devient presque insupportable.Je me retrouve ainsi totalement nu, le sexe à moitié mou et je vois Miss Louane ouvrir le tiroir de la table basse, sortir un collier avec une laisse en en maillons métal argenté puis aller fouiller dans un placard pour en sortir un kit à lavement de 3 litres.- Madame m’a demandé de te préparer pour ce soir Sue. Commençons par un premier lavement, je t’épilerais ensuite me dit-elle en me mettant le collier.Louane att**** le bout de la laisse et m’emmène dans la salle de bain. Louane avait tout préparé, contrairement à la première fois, il y avait en plus au milieu de la pièce un fauteuil gynéco avec ses étriers et un pied porte sérum sur roulette.Louane m’installe dans le fauteuil et je mets sans qu’elle le demande mes jambes sur les étriers. Elle ne m’attache même pas et va remplir le sac à lavement avec de l’eau tiède et l’installe sur le porte sérum. Le sac n’est pas rempli totalement et je comprends vite pourquoi lorsque Louane sort une bouteille d’un litre sur laquelle il est indiqué « Huile de paraffine » et qu’elle en verse la moitié dans le sac qui maintenant se retrouve rempli au maxi.- Mais je vois que tu es un petit coquin, tu aimes avoir le cul bien rempli, tu vas être servie Sue. Ne t’inquiète pas, il y a 3 litres mais pour ce premier nettoyage, nous allons le faire en plusieurs fois. Pour les suivants ça sera autre chose alors détends-toi Sue.Louane att**** la canule d’une dizaine de cm comportant un petit ballon gonflage intégré qui empêche qu’elle ne ressorte, retire mon plug et insert la canule dans mon anus sans avoir besoin Escort de lubrifier. Le port du plug nocturne laisse mon trou bien ouvert alors Louane gonfle immédiatement le ballonnet au maximum pour être sûr que la canule reste bien en place.Louane incline le fauteuil pour que je me retrouve en position allongé et ouvre le petit robinet laissant le mélange eau/paraffine commencer à me remplir doucement.La sensation est agréable dans un premier temps mais je me sens très rapidement rempli alors que le sec ne s’est même pas vidé d’un demi litre. Après une dizaine de seconde, le sac recommence à se vider et les sensations sont beaucoup moins agréable maintenant. J’ai envie de pousser pour expulser tout le liquide en moi et je commence à avoir quelques crampes au ventre. Environ un litre s’est vidé quand Louane ferme le robinet et me dit d’aller me vider en dégonflant le ballonnet. Je serre des fesses autant que je peux mais le temps d’aller sur les toilettes je n’arrive pas à me retenir totalement et une giclé coule sur le sol. Je me vide dans les toilettes. En faisant un « mmm » de soulagement tellement je me sentais rempli.- Tu nettoieras après Sue me dit-elle. De toute façon, quand nous passerons à la vitesse supérieure tu vas de nouveau salir. Reviens ici, il faut continuer.- Oui Miss Louane.- Détends toi bien et masse ton ventre quand tu as mal. Tu iras te vider seulement quand les deux litres qu’il reste seront dans ton cul. Je m’installe à nouveau sur le fauteuil encore en position couchée et après avoir remis la canule dans mon cul et gonflé le ballonnet, Louane ouvre le robinet pour laisser le liquide me remplir très doucement.Il ne faut pas longtemps pour que je ressente à nouveau des douleurs dans le ventre. Je le masse doucement et je vois le liquide à nouveau entrer en moi. Je ferme les yeux pour essayer de me détendre un maximum. J’avais pris seulement et difficilement 1 litre tout à l’heure et je savais bien que Louane ne me laisserait pas me vider tant que les deux derniers litres ne seront pas passés en moi.A plusieurs reprise, le liquide arrête de me remplir et reprends sont écoulement au bout de quelques secondes.Les crampes sont de plus en plus fortes et en ouvrant les yeux, je vois qu’il reste encore un petit litre avant d’en finir avec ce nettoyage. Le lavement s’arrête à nouveau et après quelques massages, je suis surpris de voir le sac se vider très rapidement pendant au moins un demi litres. Je me trémousse sur le fauteuil en continuant de me masser et a chaque mouvement je vois le liquide reprendre sa progression.Je ne sais pas combien de temps cela a duré, mais finalement et à mon grand soulagement, je le sac à lavement complètement vide et le niveau d’eau dans le tuyau finir par s’arrêter à mi-hauteur.Louane ferme le robinet et commence à dégonfler le ballonnet puis me dit :- serres bien des fesses, tu vas rester rempli quelques minutes.Sur ces mots, Louane dégonfle le ballonnet et directement me remets le plug. Je ne peux m’empêcher de lâcher un “ah” tellement le volume du plug pousse encore plus l’eau présente dans mon cul. Je me dis que jamais je ne pourrais tenir plusieurs minutes comme ça quand Louane me dit de me m’allonger sur le côté gauche. Bizarrement, dans cette position, les crampes passent et je ressens même l’eau aller encore plus loin dans mon colon.Quelques interminable minutes plus tard, Louane att**** ma laisse et m’entraine sans ménagement vers les toilettes. Au moment où je me retrouve debout, je ne peux m’empêcher de me recourber et de tenir mon ventre. Je marche tout doucement à petit pas malgré que Louane tire sur ma laisse. Je m’assoie enfin sur les toilettes et j’enlève le plug laissant sortir une quantité d’eau mélangé aux excréments comme jamais je n’avais vu de ma vie.- Reste comme ça 5 minutes me dit Louane, il faudra bien ça pour te vider. Et marche un peu entre chaque évacuation.Je ne sais quoi répondre. Je reste là, assis sur le WC à attendre que les contractions abdominales s’arrêtent.Miss Louane me laisse et j’estime à bien 10 minutes la ronde évacuation, massage du ventre, quelques pas, évacuations…Me sentant vidé, je prends rapidement une douche pour laver mes fesses et mes jambes sur lesquels il y a aussi des éclaboussures puis sort de la pièce.Louane est là, m’attendant debout, avec tout le nécessaire aligné sur la table basse pour m’épiler à nouveau. Louane constate ma surprise quand mes yeux se posent sur la table.Il y a de la cire dépilatoire, des lingettes, une pince à épilé mais, en revanche, Louane a aussi mis un épilateur électrique.Avec un large sourire et une grande perversité dans le regard Louane reprend :- Et bien Sue, pourquoi as-tu l’air surpris. Tu dois être impeccable pour ce soir, tu n’imagines quand même pas que tu vas faire le service en mini-jupe avec tous ces poils disgracieux sur tes jambes. Tu as déjà rencontré des femmes en jupe qui ne s’épile pas les jambes ? – Non Miss Louane.- Et tant qu’à faire, nous en profiterons aussi pour faire tes bras. Ils vont faire “taches” avec le reste sinon. Mets-toi ici, lève les bras et ne bouge pas sinon je pourrais bien devenir méchante.J’ai presque envi d’esquisser un sourire. Qu’elle hypocrisie de dire “devenir méchante” alors qu’elle me persécute à chaque rencontre que nous avons et que je sais que de toute façon elle trouvera bien une excuse pour me faire subir ce qu’elle veut.Louane commence avec la cire par mes aisselles, poursuit par mon torse pour finir par mes testicules et la base de mon sexe.Je ne peux pas m’empêcher de bander tout en restant stoïque pendant toute l’épilation à la cire.Louane prend alors la pince à épiler pour faire les finitions et comme mercredi dernier, elle s’arrange pour me provoquer des douleurs qui me font sursauter et lâcher des petit “ah”. Comme je le pensais, Louane arrive à ce qu’elle voulait. A chaque mouvements ou bruit de ma part, elle m’assène une claque sans se ménager sur les fesses.- Arrête de bouger Sue dit-elle d’un ton sec. Je vais avoir mal à la main à force de te mettre des fessées. Ne bouge pas.Elle s’absente quelques secondes et revient avec un paddle noir avec un manche en cuir à la main.Je comprends vite que je ne vais pas m’en sortir comme cela quand je sursaute à nouveau quand elle me met un coup sur les fesses. Un cri sort même de ma bouche et sans attendre, elle me met un second coup sur l’autre fesse en me disant :- Un mouvement, un coup. Un cri, un coup. Tu as bien compris ?- Oui Miss Louane, j’ai compris.La première partie de la séance Escort Bayan d’épilation se termine enfin. Impossible de ne pas bouger tellement Louane faisait en sorte de me faire souffrir. Je ne peux pas voir mes fesses mais elles doivent être rouge voir violette car j’ai bien dû recevoir une bonne trentaine de coup de paddle.Louane me fait alors baisser les bras, et prend l’épilateur électrique. Lorsqu’elle commence, je comprends pour les femmes qui ne sont pas habitué à l’épilation électrique disent que ça fait mal. Sur certaine zone des jambes, je ne peux m’empêcher de serrer des dents tellement c’est douloureux. Malgré cela j’arrive à garder le silence jusqu’au moment où Louane passe l’épilateur sur les poils de mes pieds et de mes orteils. Je hurle de douleur et la supplie d’arrêter par des “Stop” “Stop” “Stop”. Rien ni fait, juste un regard de Louane avec un sourire non caché et elle continue sans s’arrêter jusqu’à ce que je sois épilé totalement.Elle passe ensuite au bras et va même à me le passer dans le dos. La douleur était tellement intense sur mes pieds que c’est presque une formalité.Elle att**** un téton et me tire vers la salle de bain en me disant :- C’est bien Sue, tu m’as même fais mouiller de te voir souffrir ainsi. Allons finir le nettoyage de ton cul il faut être impeccable à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur pour les invités.Sur ces mots et après m’avoir dit ma tenue de ce soir, je comprends bien que les invités font partie du cercle et que cette journée est encore loin d’être fini. Louane me fait à nouveau un lavement avec un mélange eau paraffine mais cette fois, elle m’attache les jambes et quand elle commence le lavement me dit qu’il faudra que mon cul avale les 3 litres avant d’être libéré.Il faut bien 20 minutes pour que le sac à lavement soit vide. Les douleurs abdominales sont intenses mais j’arrive à supporter cette torture sans dire mots. Une fois bien vider, et après une nouvelle douche, Louane me dit : – Tes habits sont dans ton casier Sue, vas t’habiller pour faire le ménage de la maison. Pour te remercier de m’avoir fait mouiller tout à l’heure, je ne vais pas te remettre ta cage pendant que tu feras le ménage mais dépêches toi quand même, Fred livre le déjeuner à midi.- Merci Miss Louane, je vais me dépêcher.- Remets ton plug par contre, il ne faudrait pas que tu ais des fuites dans la maison.Louane remonte et comme mercredi dernier, je me retrouve habiller en femme ménage ou plutôt serveuse je dirais avec un chemisier, une jupe courte, bas et talons hauts. Je monte et attaque le ménage de fond de tout le rez-de-chaussée de la maison. Je la regarde partir et malgré tout ce qu’elle me fait subir, je la trouve encore plus belle que jamais.Heureusement qu’elle ne se retourne pas en partant car elle aurait surement compris mon attirance tellement je bandais.Je m’habille, et remets mon plug comme Louane me l’a demandé et je remonte faire le ménage de fond de la maison. Moi qui n’aime pas le ménage, je suis plus qu’heureux de le faire car Louane m’a permis de rester sans ma cage. Tout le ménage est fini dans les temps, je prends même un peu mon temps sur la fin en voyant qu’il reste du temps avant midi afin de ne pas être remis en cage si c’est ce qu’elle avait décidé.Effectivement, vers 11h50 je dis à Louane que le ménage est fini et immédiatement elle me remet la cage non sans difficulté. A peine elle me touche le sexe que je rebande à nouveau. Il faut dire que je me mets presque à bander juste en la regardant.A nouveau, les évènements ne se passent encore pas comme je le pensais. Fred arrive bien à midi comme c’était prévu, range le déjeuner dans le frigo mais ne repart pas et va s’installer dans le salon avec Miss Louane.- Sert nous un verre Sue lance Louane. Dernière porte à gauche. Un mus**t pour moi et un Whisky pour Fred.Immédiatement j’exécute, pas de bouteille dans la dernière porte à gauche mais le plateau de service avec les pinces à seins. Je le mets et effectue le service en prenant soins de ne rien renverser avec mes talons hauts qui me donne une démarche anormale.Je reste planté debout devant eux pendant qu’ils prennent l’apéritif en discutant de tout et de rien jusqu’à ce que Louane lance en plein milieu de conversation comme si je n’étais là à écouter :- Mais Fred tu n’as pas d’autres livraison à faire ?- Non non Lou, j’ai seulement le repas de soir à finir, j’ai le temps.- Ah super !!! Madame Emmanuelle m’a demandé de préparer Sue pour ce soir. J’aimerais bien que tu vérifies tout que tout est impeccable.- Aucun problème Lou, je vois de quoi tu parles. Approche toi Sue, mets-toi à genoux et suce-moi pour me faire bander.Sans comprendre pourquoi et sans aucunes peurs je me mets à genoux entre les jambes de Fred qui a déjà posé son pantalon et qui ne porte pas de caleçon et commence à lui faire une fellation. l’odeur de son sexe est très agréable, il doit sortir de la douche il y à peu de temps. – Allez, suce-moi bien et à fond dit-il, j’ai vu que tu sais le faire. Même si la mienne est un peu plus grosse, j’espère bien que tu vas me la gober entièrement.Tout va très vite, Fred commence à bander dès que je titille le frein de son sexe avec ma langue, Miss Louane a déjà enlevé son pantalon et son string et commence à se masturber en me regardant sucer Fred. Quand je l’aperçois du coin de l’œil, mon sang ne fais qu’un tour et je rebande comme jamais. Elle est confortablement assise sur le fauteuil, les jambes écartées reposant sur les accoudoirs, écartant ses lèvres d’une main et ce masturbant de l’autre.Avec l’excitation qui monte en moi, je fais glisser le plus que je peux le sexe de Fred dans ma bouche. Il est encore à moitié mou mais je le sens gonflé de plus en plus. J’ai à nouveau des hauts de cœurs alors je repense à tout ce que j’ai lu hier sur internet pour réussir une gorge profonde.Je ressors son sexe pour reprendre ma respiration et cela me permet de voir que son sexe est à peu près de la même taille que le miens : 16 cm sur 4 de diamètre. Pourtant il paraissait beaucoup plus gros lorsqu’il était dans ma bouche car je n’avais pas réussi à le prendre totalement et avec ses 1.85 m pour 85 kg, ça aurait pu être pire.Je me dis que je ne peux pas m’arrêter là, il faut que j’arrive à le prendre entièrement dans ma bouche. Moi qui pensais ne pas avoir un gros sexe, je me dis que finalement, je comprends que toutes mes ex ont refusées de me faire une gorge profonde. Je me concentre et essais à nouveau de m’empaler son sexe totalement dans ma bouche. Son sexe bute à chaque Bayan Escort fois contre le fond de ma bouche en touchant ma luette mais rien n’y fais, je n’y arrive pas et pense que cela est peu être dû à la position. Malgré tout, je sens que Monsieur Fred apprécie mes efforts car son sexe est dure comme de la pierre et je l’entends faire de petit gémissement de plaisir.- A mon tour dit Louane. Viens me lécher la chatte, je mouille déjà et je sais que tu aimes ça. Fred va vérifier le reste.Je retire le sexe de Fred de ma bouche que je n’ai pas réussi à prendre en entier et je vois Louane s’allonger sur le tapis du salon écartant les jambes.Je suis à nouveau excité comme jamais en pensant que je vais lécher Louane !!! Ma cage est douloureuse mais pour Louane, je pourrais supporter encore plus.Je me mets à quartes pattes et commence à la lécher en visant directement son clitoris avec ma langue pour essayer de lui donner un maximum de plaisir dès le début. Je veux qu’elle jouisse dans ma bouche, j’aspire, je la titille avec ma langue 1 seconde puis appuie avec ma langue. Sans comprendre pourquoi, j’ose même lui masser le clitoris avec mes doigts pendant que je la pénètre avec ma langue.Je suis comme envouté, je ne sens même pas Fred qui est passer derrière moi pour m’enlever mon plug. Je ne veux qu’une chose : donner du plaisir à Miss Louane.Mes pensées changent vite lorsque brutalement Monsieur Fred relève ma mini-jupe, extirpe mon plug et me pénètre entièrement d’un seul coup. Je me demande même comment j’ai fait pour ne pas arrêter de m’occuper de Miss Louane sans serrer des dents au risque de lui faire mal.Il n’y va pas demain morte, après une pause de quelques secondes avec son sexe enfoncé au maximum en moi, Monsieur Fred me sodomise avec des vas et viens bestiales ressortant son sexe presque entièrement pour me le remettre au plus profond qu’il peut.Sans m’arrêter de sucer Miss Louane, je sens Monsieur Fred se retirer d’un coup et changer de position. Il passe une jambe de chaque côté de mon corps, enduit ses doigts de salive pour lubrifier mon cul, remets d’un coup violent son sexe en moi et recommence à me sodomiser sans concessions.Les sensations changent totalement. A chaque vas et viens, je sens son membre appuyer sur ma prostate. Je voudrais pouvoir me toucher et jouir tellement je suis excité. Il n’arrête pas en allant de plus en plus vite et je vois que Louane va bientôt jouir tellement elle mouille. je me demande si son plaisir viens de mon cuni ou bien si c’est le fait de voir Fred me défoncer comme une bête et j’ai vite la réponse :- Va y Fred !!! fais-le jouir par la prostate, il faut qu’il soit vidé pour ce soir. – Oui Lou, ne t’inquiète pas. Prend ton pied, ne t’occupe pas de moi.Il n’en faut pas plus pour que je sente mon sperme commencer à couler à travers ma cage dans un flux constant sans spasme et sans jouissance. Monsieur Fred continu de plus belle en s’appliquant à bien m’appuyer sur la prostate. Mon sperme recoule et recoule encore au moins 5 fois par quantités de plus en plus petite pour finir par une petite goutte à la fin : Je suis totalement vidé. La seule chose que j’ai senti pendant tout ce temps de vidage est Louane qui a joui dans ma bouche. Aucune sensation de Monsieur Fred qui pourtant a aussi joui dans mon cul laissant du sperme couler sur ma raie et sur mon sexe lorsqu’il se retire. Comme si rien ne venait de se passer Louane ce relève, s’habille, et dit :- Sue !!! Va te laver immédiatement, et refais un lavement. Nous devons manger. Je pars dans 1 heure maximum. – Tu manges avec nous Fred ? poursuit-elle – Non merci Lou, il faut que je parte. Je dois te dire que ton filleul est prometteur, tout le monde le disait mais tu me connais, je suis comme St Christophe.Elle répond alors simplement en lui faisant un bisou sur la joue- Bonne après-midi Fred… – et toi Sue, va te laver, remets ton plug et quand tu remontes c’est silence complet sinon je te mets un bâillon. Si tu l’ouvre, tu ne pourras même pas manger un peu.Je suis désarçonné, les changements de tons dans la voix de Louane qui me terrifient parfois mais qui me font fondre d’autre fois. Impossible pour moi de savoir comment elle me voit mais sachant qu’elle est lesbienne à 100% comme elle me l’a dit, je suis complétement déstabilisé.Obéissant, je redescends pour me laver. Sous la douche je n’arrête pas de penser à la semaine que je viens de vivre. J’ai toujours rêvé d’être soumis à une femme mais là, je me retrouve dans une situation incontrôlable qui me fais peur tout en m’excitant. J’ai totalement perdu le contrôle de ma vie et je me demande ce que l’avenir peut bien me réserver.Petit lavement sous la douche pour être bien propre intérieur comme extérieur comme le dirait Miss Louane et je remonte dans le salon.Louane m’attend, le plug dans une main. Sans qu’elle ne dise mot, je m’approche d’elle, me retourne et me penche pour qu’elle puisse me le remettre ce qu’elle fait immédiatement.- C’est bien Sue, tu commences à comprendre qu’ici tu obéis au doigt et à l’œil même si tu n’as pas d’ordres me dit-elle. Allons manger.Comme elle me l’avais demandé, aucun mot de ma part. En entrant dans la cuisine, je suis surpris de voir que malgré ma position de soumis et serveur, Miss Louane avait mis la table, fait réchauffer le plat de Fred et même servie deux verres de vin blanc pour accompagner le poisson.Nous mangeons sans que l’un de nous deux ne dise un mot. Le plat est délicieux comme la dernière fois mais je n’arrive pas à l’apprécier tellement Miss Louane me subjugue dès que je pose le regard sur elle.Je suis à nouveau surpris quand Miss Louane se lève et débarrasse la table pour amener le fromage. – Je pars dans 5 minutes Sue me dit-elle, sinon je vais être en retard. En plus, tu as un rdv à domicile à 15h00.- Oui Miss Louane, je débarrasserais et fermerais la maison, ne vous inquiétez pas. Mais je n’ai pas de Rdv Miss Louane !- Je te dis que si !!! Tu as un Rdv à 15h00, Sophie va venir chez toi afin finir de te préparer pour ce soir.Encore une fois, je reste sans voix. Les 5 minutes passent très vite. Sans mis attendre, Miss Louane se lève d’un coup, va chercher sa veste dans le hall, reviens et me fait un bisou sur la joue qui je pense me fait rougir de surprise ou de plaisir.A nouveau sans un mot, je la regarde partir sans penser à cette journée qui ne fait que commencer.Je regarde la pendule : il est 14h passée, il faut que je me bouge. Rapidement mais consciencieusement, je fini de débarrasser la table, je fais la vaisselle, passe un petit coup de balai, descend pour me changer et je rentre chez moi.Arrivé à la maison, la pendule indique 14h45. Je me demande bien ce qu’il va encore se passer avec Sophie qui doit arriver dans un quart d’heure seulement ? A suivre …

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

La gardienne d’immeuble 3

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


La gardienne d’immeuble 3L’exhibitionL’endroit dans lequel ils avaient pénétré était étrange, très sombre avec quelques éclairages violents. Les murs, le sol étaient de couleur noire et des tentures de velours rouges délimitaient certains espaces. Il avait été préparé, encore que préparé soit un grand mot. Mis à poil plutôt, ses vêtements confisqués mis dans un sac poubelle qu’il n’avait plus revu. L’érection qu’il avait dévoilée au moment où il enlevait son slip avait fait rire la gardienne, un mauvais rire moqueur et sadique ponctué de remarques obscènes. On lui avait tendu des bracelets de cheville en cuir munis de boucles et d’anneau dont il avait dû lui-même s’équiper. Penché en avant, il avait tressailli sentant que le black lui mettait la main au cul pour lui badigeonner d’un doigt l’anus d’un gel froid.De nouveau menotté les mains dans le dos et le cou serré dans un collier de chien, la queue raide, il suivait la gardienne désormais vêtue de cuir noir et chaussée de bottes ; elle le menait en laisse le long d’un couloir large, contournant des groupes de gens habillés de cuir et de latex, la plupart masqués, qui bavardaient un verre à la main s’interrompant pour le regarder passer. Certains, surtout des femmes, lui lançaient des insultes et menaces sexuelles liées à son érection.Le couloir était bordé d’ouvertures, certaines occultées par des rideaux de velours rouge, d’autres par des portes dont certaines ouvertes laissaient voir ce qui ressemblait à des salles de torture. On entendait des cris, des hurlements, des claquements de fouet.Le sol sous ses pieds nus était tiède, revêtu de linoléum gris foncé. La marche était lente afin qu’il soit vu et que la peur monte en lui.Ils arrivèrent à une vaste rotonde équipée Escort de stands de présentation, croix de saint-andré, carcans, poteaux, chevalets divers. Certains stands étaient vides, d’autres occupés par une potentielle victime exhibée de sorte à donner envie de la louer par des clients qui l’emmènerait ensuite dans l’une des salles de torture.La gardienne l’arrêta devant un poteau vertical équipé d’un gode à hauteur des yeux qui pointait vers le haut. Le poteau était surmonté d’un treuil.Elle s’approcha de lui pour lui murmurer quelque chose à l’oreille tout en saisissant sa queue raide en main qu’elle branla lentement :« Je vais te présenter crucifié ; tu verras, il y aura un double effet pour toi, pas forcément agréable mais ça je m’en fiche. Il ne fallait pas te branler dans mes mules. Ça va plaire aux gens et je suis sûre d’avoir de la demande pour te louer. Surtout des sadiques. Je vais me faire plein de fric sur toi ».Elle s’écarta pour laisser la place libre à ses acolytes qui approchaient une poutrelle de bois d’une longueur environ deux mètres, munie d’anneaux. L’approchant par derrière à hauteur d’épaules, ils lui lièrent les bras à l’horizontal à l’aide des menottes qu’ils fixèrent aux anneaux de la poutre.Puis ils le positionnèrent dos au poteau et manoeuvrèrent le treuil de sorte à en faire descendre deux câbles d’acier munis aux extrémités de manilles qu’ils fixèrent aux anneaux de la poutre.Un groupe de spectateurs regardait la scène.Le dispositif étant prêt, la gardienne prit le boitier de commande électrique du treuil en main et commença à le manœuvrer, tendant lentement les câbles tirant la poutre vers le haut pour hisser le crucifié.La douleur dans ses épaules devenait vive à mesure qu’il Escort Bayan était tiré vers le haut, particulièrement à partir du moment où ses pieds ne touchaient plus le sol. Cette douleur intense ne l’empêchait pas de sentir le contact du gode dans son dos, au début dans son cou, puis entre ses omoplates, ses reins, maintenant entre ses fesses.L’intention de l’empaler sur le gode était claire ; la gardienne stoppa la montée, le laissant suspendu au-dessus de ce gode qu’il avait à l’entrée de l’anus.Elle le regardait avec un rictus moqueur alors qu’il grimaçait en raison de la douleur qui lui brûlait les épaules et qu’il s’activait en gigotant et en plaquant la plante de ses pieds contre le poteau pour tenter de se surélever et empêcher la sodomie.Des groupes s’approchaient, intrigués et amusés par la scène, le contemplant avec ironie se contorsionner comme un vers au bout du fil de pêche, attirés par ses efforts pathétiques et par sa bite en érection entretenue par les efforts et le viagra.Dans sa lutte, il distinguait un couple de punks au crâne rasé, aux cuirs cloutés et à la crête colorée, qui le regardaient l’air moqueur ; une femme qui lui faisait un geste de masturbation ; des personnes qui discutaient avec la gardienne ; une femme entre deux âges à l’air sévère et aux lèvres pincées qui attendait la suite.La situation empira, alors qu’il était déjà épuisé, quand l’un des acolytes de la gardienne se saisit de l’une des chevilles du crucifié de sorte à fixer le bracelet à un anneau du poteau, puis l’autre, lui enlevant dorénavant tout appui pour les pieds, l’empêchant ainsi de se soustraire au gode qu’il avait entre les fesses.La gardienne donna alors une impulsion courte sur le bouton poussoir, provoquant Bayan Escort une brève secousse de descente. Il sentit l’extrémité du gode lui forcer l’anus qu’il avait encore vierge, déclenchant en lui un cri qui s’apparentait à celui d’un goret et un éclatement de rire des spectateurs qui encourageaient la gardienne à poursuivre la descente vers un empalement total.Faisant la sourde oreille, elle prit le temps d’échanger quelques instants avec avec une spectatrice avant de provoquer de nouveau une secousse de descente.Le crucifié poussa un cri la suppliant d’arrêter, provoquant une nouvelle fois l’hilarité de la foule qui devenait plus nombreuse.La gardienne répéta l’opération à plusieurs reprises de sorte à ce que la sodomie soit lente, douloureuse et profonde. L’un des acolytes filmait en continu.La suppliant d’arrêter cette torture, il entendit en guise de réponse :« Si tu jutes, je te fais couper les couilles ; on vient de me proposer cher pour ça ».Son érection était bien raide mais sans qu’il éprouve aucun plaisir ; plutôt une douleur fulgurante dans l’anus et dans les épaules qui lui paralysait tout le corps.Il était désormais exposé crucifié et empalé, cloué par le gode qui le sodomisait jusqu’à la garde, suspendu à la poutre qui lui écartelait les épaules, les pieds liés sur les côtés du poteau ce qui le déséquilibrait vers l’avant. L’air d’un pantin grotesque à la physionomie ahurie qui contemplait la foule.Il voyait des personnes qui discutaient successivement avec la gardienne, négociant fort probablement le prix de sa location en vue de lui faire subir d’autres tourments.Il sentait aussi quelque chose de chaud lui couler le long de la verge ; du sperme extrait sans jouissance par la compression de sa prostate.La gardienne s’approcha et lui saisit les testicules à pleine main, ensuite entre deux doigts pour les compresser légèrement, puis soudain avec une force qui le fit hurler de douleur.« Attends, ça ne fait que commencer”.A suivre

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Swingers initiation (Part 2) Arrival

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Swingers initiation (Part 2) ArrivalSome encouraging thumbs up so I could seen the best is to come that will need to be split by another parts) So good news, Sylvie is now in good shape and she grapping her coat showing she’s ready to go the Club. So we arrived to the Club around 21:30. The Club is a former Bank so the first floor is the former Bank’s Client Services area so that his now uses Mainly as a disco floor where the Former clerk desk are now serving members alcoholics breuvage. The basement is where they are different rooms with different themes (gloryhole, room with mirrors allowing people seeing their sexual activity without seeing them….) which also we can find Bank vault now use for a room that peoples cane have sexual relations at same place for example we could see 2 three some MMF (heterosexual only)and besides a FFM (Lesbian Guys can touch only is wife) and you could be seen by another people that they could masturbate if they wants. First floors doesn’t have only disco floor but former Bank Manager offices and meetings rooms are used for different purposes like a Billard room with many couches allowing people to create a bounding to eventually when they matched or not going to the basement with their new friends. so at my arrival Escort on entrance Guests must dispose their winter clothes to the Club cloakroom So, already I could enjoying looking sexy women wearing provocative clothes where they could reveal or not feminine erotic beauty body parts. This moment was showing optimistic expectations for me still I didn’t not see the Club I began to describe before on thi story. so, they introduced me to their friends and I could dance with Sylvie and others of theirs friends women. The disco floor is really a good opening party to prepare potential sexual adventures in the Club different thematic erotic rooms later when the crowd will becomes excited and made people more horny alcohol helping also breaking fences . So,on the dancing floors Danser initiating contact with others participants and with permission allow between each other to commit really soft sexual act experiences. Even interactions is soft are really erotic but really stimulating it’s helping to warms the crowd for more decadent sexual act in Clubs rooms where sex acts are permitted or not and others rules specific to the rooms theme. For women, they are Club security Staffs ensuring that sex partners consent is granted by each person. so I have Escort Bayan great fun on dancing having a lot of attention from provocative women club members. My popularity was leading me to succeed with a new sexual experiences. Unfortunately I finally understood wife was willing to explore potential experiences with but when their male partners learning I’m not with a lady I lost my opportunity. So I came back to my friends and telling about my conclusions. Pedro left to continue shopping with others friends and Sylvie bring me to another room where furniture allowing to have close contact and starting to chat about the cunnilingus I prodigue to her at Pedro living room. I asked if Club rules on this rooms allowing me to give her oral sex now and I want to recall to you she’s wearing fines lingerie showing her bare crotch I have already savoured. so I began to run my run on her vulva and vagina and I beginning by my favourite introductions where I caressing her vulva coming really close to her clitoris and her lips without any contact on these sensitive females erotical zone. When I could she produced enough cyprin juice I positioned my tongue between her rectum and love tunnel to let her know I could start rimming her rosebuds or Bayan Escort climbing from her pussy lips to he clitoris. If you select I choose her rosebuds you are wrong but we are early it this improving night. So I choose collecting all the. cyprin she produced and with my naughty accurate tongue stocking in her pussy lips all the juices. But I stop this first introduction not really close to her clitoris who starting to leave is hidden places on my first lick. The next step, I repeat the same movement and I each time I come more and more close to her clitoris. When you finally feel she ready for the great ones licking, I starting my licking by surprising her by targeting her rosebuds to measure her willingness or not and showing I could bring limits further. Feeling her positive reactions on my first contact to her anus, I continue to pursue my way for now stimulating her clitoris using all my earth to make her come. Once I now stimulating her clitoris, Pedro showing in the rooms looking angry complaining he was looking for us for a long time. He also mad with Sylvie recalling her that on their agreement together authorization must be granted by the other partners. She presents her apology but excusing that we began to dance want to have better quietness to talk and thing fell the way He found us. So we came back to the disco areas. Enough for me tonight the remaining stories should follow. Preview Pedro is ready to accept her apology but with interesting punishment to come!Stay on tune.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Neighbour got the hots for me

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
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Neighbour got the hots for meIt began in the early nineties when I was living with my girlfriend at the time, she work in a bar Saturday nights so I tend to go out with a friend James who live near me ,we went into town about 7 pm did the usual thing my neighbour Anne 38 years old.was in a bar with her friend we talk for a while but moved on eventually arriving at the nightclub a 11: 15 pm did the normal chatting a few women then about 11:45 pm Anne came in with her friend Gail, Anne was a bit giddy laugh and a bit freely touchy so me and James stood either side of Anne and began touching her arse I put my hand up her skirt she had stockings on we both played with her a while, her friend seem to be in a world of her own anyway she was allover us grabbing our dicks and joking by this time she was a bit pissed so didn’t want to take advantage of her situation we stayed with her till we left for home her friend went I a taxi on her own so we three went home together, me and James said goodnight to her and went our house for something to eat. But James kept saying he wanted to fuck her I was making a sandwich when I looked round he was spying though our letter box at her window watching then he said do you think she’d let me fuck her I said there’s only one way to find out go over, she can only say know, so he said fuck it I’m off over so off he went I watch through the window, he knocked at the door seemed like ages before the door opened sha Escort had her nightie on anyway he went in as he turned to shut the door he saw me looking and gave me the thumbs up.next day when I saw him he gave me the sordid details how she sucked his cock before fucking her,well I got to thinking if he can fuck her so can I, so a few weeks later she was out again with Gail same kind of night except my mate James was talking to a girl he fancied for year so I said go with her if you want so he did that left me with Anne and Gail talking always end up talking about sex or there about she wasn’t as pissed this week Gail seem to be more interested this week chatting with me, then for no real reason Anne lurched forward and kissed me shoving her tongue in my mouth so I grabbed her ass and squeezed it Gail looked a bit embarrassed so I stopped and went to the bar I said would you like a drink Anne said yes but Gail said she was going home after she’d drank up so off I went when i came back Gail had gone so I was now on my own with Anne,this was my chance and I wasn’t gunna fuck it up I put my arm around her waist pulling her closer she said wait I need a wee, so off she went to to loo I’m stood on my own when I saw James walking with this girl he saw me and came over are on your own I winked and said no Anne’s gone to the loo I’ll see you tomorrow ok I said see yer, so anyway Anne came back big smile on her face come she said let go Escort Bayan over ther in the corner so off we went she gave me a kiss and grabbed my cock so in began to rub her cunt over her dress she moaned and stuck her tongue in my ear, she put my hand under her skirt to my surprise she taken her knickers off in the toilet and boy was she wet, well my cock was push against my jeans I knew I had to fuck her so I said why don’t we go back to her house she said ok let’s go, it was only a 2 mile journey so didn’t take long when we got back I said I’ll just check see if my girlfriend is home luckily she wasn’t so I ran over to her house p, she was in the kitchen I went in put my arms around her grabbing large breasts and squeezing them she turned around a climbed up on the work surface opening her legs wow her cunt was soaking wet I knew I had to lick her out so knelt down in front of her cunt smelling her cunt juices mmmmm god I was in heaven, I slowly move my face towards her it was hot almost on fire I took her clit in my mouth and sucked hard on her then lick her cunt lips all sticky and sweaty mmmm I released my cock which was so fuck hard it almost hurt, I began sucking her whole cunt into my mouth swallow all her juices while wanking my cock, she said let’s go in the lounge she fell back on the sofa and said now lick my cunt you dirty bastard so off I went back to heaven, god I couldn’t get enough of her cunt never had Bayan Escort a cunt so wet before it was constantly dripping juice and I was happy to lick it up, but eventually she said it’s my turn so I layer on to floor so we got in the 69 position she began to suck my suck cock moaning as I fingered cunt and pulling her lips apart and letting her juices dribble in my mouth she sucked on my balls wanking my cock running her tongue all over my shaft we’d been eating and licking each other for about 20 mins when she got off me and layer back on the sofa legs apart and said are you gunna fuck me now wow what a sight i moved between her legs rubbing my cock up and down her cunt lips mmmmm fucking lovely I grabbed her tits and squeezed them together sucking her brown nipples I slowly sunk my cock deep in her cunt slowly in and out looking at my cock shaft it was absolutely wet through she moaned fuck me harder you dirty bastard she I started to go faster ramming it up to my balls slapping against her arse banging her cunt moaning and her breathing got heavier pant like a dog fuck me fuck me more more I kept going for what seemed for ever then she came I pulled my cock out and she squirted over my groin soaking me through I rammed my cock back in fucking her for all I was worth until I started to shudder I pulled out and shot my cum all over her tits and face she moaned licking my cum off her tits she grabbed me and kissed me we both ended up with my cum on our lips mmmmmmm it was a amazing night I only just made it back home before the girlfriend came home wish it could have lasted longer so any neighbour out there who fancy their neighbours do it you’ll never have a better time .

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Mistis’ Adventures Part 141

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Mistis’ Adventures Part 141Sharon had got out of bed that morning, and had taken a shower, WITH William. This was one of the few things they could do after George had been born, and it had come to mean so much to them. They finished taking the shower, and, since she had deliberately pulled out all of the stops, decided to give him something to take to the office with him.She checked the crib to make sure that George was still sleeping, he usually woke up around 7:30, and she laid a blanket over the side of it, to muffle any noise they made, and led William to the unmade bed. She pulled the covers back a bit more and put him on hi back. “You know, Darling. It’s been a while since I really took GOOD care of you. I am feeling like I have abandoned my “wifely” duties. I know how you like to eat at the “Y”, and I am craving some tube steak. I thought, since we DID wake up a little early, we could possibly make up for what we’ve been missing.”She looked up to check the clock, in case she had misread it. GOOD!!! It was only 20 till 7. She forked her long leg over his prone body to lay on his stomach, and scoot to just the right place. In the 4 months since Georgie, as his Aunts all called him, had been born, she had let the hair on her pussy grow out. It was a beautiful shade of strawberry blonde, just like her own mane, but William missed having it shaved once in a while. She had beat him home, yesterday, and had gone up and shaved it, after nursing George. His appetite was as good as his father’s, and he had sucked one side dry, and topped off with the other.She had wanted to surprise him, but developments at the new building site had kept him busy. They had had something, he wouldn’t tell her what, to scare poor Cathy out of her wits. The men had discussed what they should do, and he hadn’t come home until late. When he DID get home, he had been nearly exhausted, so she helped him bathe, and go to bed. NOW, she was going to show him her surprise for him.She backed almost to his chin, and told him, “Open your eyes, Sweetheart.” She felt him draw in a breath, and ask, “You did this for ME? Thank You, Baby! I love it. It’s BEAUTIFUL!!!” His hands reached up to grasp her butt, and pull her nearer for a kiss, at first, but immediately stuck his tongue full inside of her. It was HER turn to “suck wind.” She loved the way he ate her pussy. It was even better than the way he fucked her. And THAT was beyond FANTASTIC. Most men did a good enough job to make her nut, but it was still William and Davey that did her the best. Davey, because he had been at it, and learned all the little things that she enjoyed so much. Besides, as she remembered fondly, HE had also been the one to pick her cherry. The whole family enjoyed remembering THAT. His Dad had called it the only time his son had taken leave of his senses. He, David, Sr., had told Davey, David, Jr., you NEVER turn down a beautiful girl. ESPECIALLY when she sleeps in the bedroom next door to YOURS. She, as penance, had shared his bed, EVERY NIGHT for a week, and had “forced” him to make love with her at least twice a night. She had also gone with him out to do chores, and had often taken the opportunity for a “quickie” or two, during the day. They had already been closer than most siblings, but it had increased over time.Sharon took William’s penis into her mouth to stimulate him, until he turned her and went in her to deliver his usual BIG load of cum inside of her. In spite of Dr. Immelmann’s warnings, she had NEVER resumed her birth control pills. She, like her sisters, ALL wanted many offspring. IN THEIR EYES, THE MORE THE MERRIER!!!She felt the beginnings of her first orgasm. She savored the feeling of him making her feel so delicious inside. Her first was nearly ALWAYS the most intense, along with her last. It would set the stage for multiples to follow. Sometimes 3 or 4 times she would cum, all one after the other, making her cry out at him, begging him for even more. He would sometimes laugh at her. He was all too aware of her appetites, and her capacity to please a partner. She felt the tightness begin in her womb, and travel out to all the parts of her system, as if being filled with something warm, and then the explosion would rock her to her very core. She would, momentarily, lose control, and it would feel as if her whole body was shaking, and tingling, at the same time. He would respond, usually, by rolling her onto her back, and locking her legs open with his arms, fucking her mercilessly in missionary position. He would make her faint a couple of times, and would then, and ONLY then, to allow himself to fill her with his seed. They would rest, take another shower, dress, and get ready for the day, or, if at night, take another shower, and sleep like babies in each others arms. George was the only thing to ever disturb her. HE always woke up at around 3 in the morning, when she would change his diaper, feed, burp, and put him back to sleep. He would sleep until around 7 or 7:30, nurse again, and go to Aunt Escort Carol’s house for the day. SHE had, of late been going out to their parent’s house, and Granny and Grandma would watch him while Carol went for a ride on the horses. Either way, HE had a blast. Both Grandmothers claimed they had never seen such a bunch of happy babies. His “near twin” Lizzy always went with HER mother on the horseback rides. There was only 10 1/2 hours between the times of their births.Suddenly it was upon her. The first explosion. Her legs went straight out, shaking like she was palsied, and she felt her juices flowing from her like she had lost control of her bladder. She felt William’s tongue go into overdrive, lapping the juices as they flowed from her, and “accidentally” brushing her clitty, making her jump even higher. It took several seconds for THIS one to pass, and William took the opportunity to turn her and put a pillow under her ass. DAMN!!! She hadn’t even made him cum in her mouth. It was her favorite toothpaste, too. As he often told her, “You’ve got the whitest teeth I’ve ever cum across!!!” She NEVER tired of hearing him tell her that, and often answered to come over and do it, NOW! Her first marriage had been a total bust, but THIS one was MORE than making up for it.He got on top of her, after all, he WAS her FAVORITE blanket, and she felt the pressure of his dick opening her, and sliding inside. She felt helpless as she lay under him, but enjoying the sensation of being at his mercy. He began to thrust into her and her legs went around him to hold him as near as she could. She didn’t want to lose a single drop of the precious fluid he would inject into her. It was, in her mind, their next offspring. “I’ve got my beautiful, little boy. Now I’d like a little girl. George would be a wonderful big brother.” She hadn’t been aware that she was speaking out loud, but William answered, “I’ve got the most beautiful pattern in the world in front of me, so I’ll do my best.”He thrust in even deeper, and she felt as if she were opening like a new blossom on a flower. She felt the first of his tremors, and the muscles in his butt clinched and it was pouring his molten sperm inside of her filling every nook and cranny. He relaxed for a second and another shot followed the first. This one filled her to overflowing. some of it ran down her leg and some was held fast in the crack of her ass. He rolled from atop of her, and raised up to kiss her. She savored the kiss, and was mystified by the love he showed her. Some wondered why, when they would say “Third time’s a charm,” and the two of them would shake their heads and tell then, “Second time is.” William had, many times, dreamed that Chen, his first wife, would visit him. Sharon would smile and tell him it was because he had loved her and missed her. Lately, though, Sharon had had the same dream. Chen would come over and touch Sharon on the face, lean down and kiss her, and tell her, “Be happy and love each other. I’ll see you both someday.”William turned again, making ready to clean her, but she held his arm. “Don’t take any out of me. I want it to stay inside of me, and give me another baby. If you want, clean the outside, but leave it all inside me.” He smiled at her suggestion, ” Sure thing, Honey. I’ll clean everything I can see from here.” He went lower and licked from her anus, up to her clit, then from knee to knee, between her legs. “Yummy!!! Breakfast fit for a King.” She looked up at him and asked, “Then what about the Queen? Where’s HER breakfast?” Her hand wandered down to touch his now limp penis. “OH!!! HERE IT IS!!!” then rolled over to clean him in return.They cleaned themselves and dressed quickly. Sharon took George over to Carol and kissed her, and left to go to work. She knew that William would, most likely get a cup of coffee, and a box of rolls and take them to the office, before he went out to look at the two building sites. One for the new neighbors, and one for the family. She stopped at a place she loved to stop at, and bought a large box of rolls as well. She liked her own coffee, and made it for the office. While it was brewing, she could look over the papers for the meeting she had today. A new prospective client was going to be there to discuss a contract with her Mary had said she was going to be away, and for her to talk to the client, but she knew that the client had paid very little attention to her on their first meeting, but had been in rapt attention of every sound that Sharon had made. Sharon had dressed very nicely this morning, as she did EVERY morning, but she adjusted the mirror at a stop light, and studied herself carefully. Would this do, or should she do something else?She pulled into a space at the back door of the office. The interior smelled like Lysol, from the cleaning crew, and she turned the AC down just a little. She went back to the store room and looked at the locker she kept there. She always kept extra things, just in case. She studied herself in the Escort Bayan full length mirror there and shook her head. Then she spied the sack of things she had bought a few days ago, and kept forgetting to take home. She pulled the items out. A tan skirt, pleated and long enough, to be nice. It struck about 4 or 5 inches above her knees. A white blouse, thin and light, but not severely so, and new underthings. A sheer thong, and a see thru bra. Just what a majority of women would wear on a hot day. She was wearing her white deck shoes to work, and had more shoes in the locker. “Let’s take a look!” she told herself.She undressed quickly, putting her things on hangers, and pulled the garments from the bag. She pulled the skirt up and fastened the clips in the waist, and pulled the zipper up. “Tain’t bad atall” She pulled the blouse on and looked at it. “HMMM!” She unfastened the skirt and tucked the tails of the blouse inside, and took another look. “Better, but still…” She undid the bra she was wearing, and pulled it around her arms and off, replacing it with the new one. She studied herself one more time. The blouse and the bra showed a tiny bit of pokies from her nipples, but nothing to REALLY get upset about. She turned and looked at herself over her shoulder. “OH, RATS!!! PANTY LINES!!!” She reached into the bag and pulled the thong out and dropped her panties to the floor and put her legs through the openings nd pulled them up and straightened the whole thing. She looked at herself critically, examining herself from top to bottom. The only thing she wasn’t so crazy about was, with these things, she could see her nipples and a darker spot from her areola surrounding them. Maybe if she put a tissue inside of each cup, it would work. She unfastened the blouse, and pulled two tissues from her purse. She was putting them in and the door opened. The security guard had came in and was admiring the sights. He was a harmless, sweet man that did this for an hour in the morning and 2 hours in the evening, for the custodial crew. His name, at least all she knew, was Phillip. They all called him Mr. Phil. He went around the offices and unlocked the windows and pulled the shades, drank a cup or 2 of coffee with anybody who was there, or came in, and went to another place for a little while. He was retired and did this to get out of the house for a little while. “Hey Phil! How’s it going this morning?’ she asked. “Barely okay, till just now.” he answered. Sharon, never slow, smiled at him and let the bra fall away. “Like it?” she asked. He slowly shook his head, his eyes never leaving her chest. “Prettiest I’ve seen in a long time. Takes me back to my younger days.” She had an idea. ” Could you give me an honest opinion, please. I was trying these on, I’ve got an important meeting this morning, and tell me what you think. I would consider it a great favor if you would.” “Sure thing, Ma’am!” he answeredShe put the tissue down and pulled the bra back into place, re buttoned the blouse, and discovered that she would have to undo her skirt to tuck the blouse. She undid the zipper and the clips, and it fell to her knees. revealing the sheer thong. She smoothed the blouse making tiny folds at the waist to pull it tight, and re fastened the skirt. She smothed the skirt and looked at him. “WELL!! What do you think? Do I look like a business woman?” “Ma’am. Mrs Kerr, I mean.” he stated. “You look like a million bucks. The worst you could look would be like an angel. NOW!!! Go ahead and fire me for speaking out of turn, but you said you wanted an honest opinion. You got it.” Sharon, far from being offended, was flattered. She stepped over and put her arms around his shoulders and hugged him, then kissed his cheek. “Thank You, Mr. Phil. What I need to know is do you think this is too sexy, and do my nipples show too much?” She stepped back to give him a better look. He studied her intently. “Well, I would say no to the nipple part. You see more than that on every corner these days. He looked into her eyes. “As to the sexy part, you couldn’t help that. Mother Nature was nice to ya, an ya took good care of what she give ya. Enjoy what ya got for as long as ya got it. It goes away faster than ya want it to.” She looked at him. He was probably around 60, or a bit more. He had a face full of wrinkles. Character lines she called them, and a fairly neat head of grey hair. He was about the same size as her Dad, and looked like he would be full of interesting stories.He added one more thing. “If the guy your meeting has any sense at all, from what I hear, he’d be crazy NOT to tie up with Mrs Hinkle and you. Everyone in town says y’all are the best in town. Bar NONE!!!” This was the best thing he had said to her. Thank You Mr. Phillips. I appreciate the vote of confidence.” He turned and went out of the door. She was, in a way, disappointed that he hadn’t said anything about her fresh trim. She was getting more like Robbi, these days.She went to her office and took the Bayan Escort things she would need for the meeting and took them to the Conference Room. She set out a large urn of coffee, several bottles of water, an ashtray or two, THEY invited people to smoke if they wished, and opened one of the boxes of donuts she had picked up on the way in. There was already a large stack of napkins, so it was ready. She stepped out and saw Dolly. She was the receptionist that had surprised everyone. She WAS a doll. And a wonderful person. She asked Dolly to show Mr Kamp to the conference room when he arrived and advise her that he was there. Dolly gave her sweet smile, and said “Sure thing, Sharon.” Sharon went to her office and called Dave. He answered right away. Wassup, Sis?” She asked him, “Did you say that Cathy was hurt, or just scared?” He gave a short laugh. “The only thing that was hurt was her pride, she was so scared that she messed and peed on herself in Tod’s pickup as they were leaving. The boys cleaned it up for him, though. The 2 Grannies fixed her up pretty much like they fixed Mary the day of the storm. They gave her some of that Kickapoo Joy Juice they mix up, and put her to bed. She slept for a while, she woke up and wanted a drink, but they told her no. Then she asked if she could get laid. They told ‘er no again, and she went to sleep and woke up this morning, took a shower, dressed up like Annie Oakley, an’ dared anyone from trying to stop her from going out, again. She’s out there right now, as far as I know.” She thanked Dave for filling her in and told him that they were supposed to be over at their house for supper, tonight. Her and William had had their own celebration this morning, before going to work. Dave knew just what she was hinting about. Her terms for William had fucked the hell out of her. He was glad to hear it. She was special to him as he was to her.There was a knock at the door. Dolly stuck her head in and told her that Mr. Kamp was in the Conference Room. She smiled her thanks and got up to go see him. He was CFO of a company moving into town. She greeted him as she entered the room, with him standing to shake hands with her. They exchanged pleasantries, and went to work. She showed him the numbers of clients, and the recommendations they had been given by others, and a rundown on the number of people they employed, and their education and work histories. He asked her about the types of filing systems they used, and who would be representing them, in case of an audit. The meeting lasted for just at an hour, and he SEEMED to be quite satisfied with the meeting. It was approaching the lunch hour, and he invited her to eat with him, at the Country Club, where he was already a member. She accepted, and they went out. If anything came up Dolly, and at least 6 of the other people had her cell number.The Country Club was a Golfers paradise, with an 18 hole course, and several tennis courts. It cost more than Dave or William thought it was worth, so neither of them had joined. They had been invited to join on several occasions, but had always declined. Both had called it a Snob Show.Mr. Kamp had asked her if she had any allergies to worry about, and had ordered Prime Rib for them both, with potatoes au gratin, baby peas, and a mixed salad. He chose a red wine for a beverage. They talked as they ate, and the waiter brought the bill, she ducked her head so as to not see it. She had been taught this in Grade School. Ladies never watched a gentleman settle the bill. He was looking at her from the corner of his eyes, studying her as they spent time together. His chauffeur was driving them back to the office.”One more thing I would like to know. If I have questions, will I see YOU, or another of your people?” She smiled at him. “As a Manager I would assign someone to take care of you. Any of them would be at your beck and call, of course. Why do you ask?” He looked at her and said “I would prefer to have you to personally see to our account. You strike me as the best of the lot. I try NEVER to take second best.” She smiled at him and said. “Of course. Then I will personally take care of you. Are there any other questions you need or want to have me answer?” He smiled at her. “Not just this minute, but in due course.” Sharon had an idea of at least one of the questions he was wanting to ask her. She was impressed, in ways, at the questions he had asked. He was a remarkably handsome man, and very well mannered. She decided that, she would see how their NEXT meeting went. If he had just asked her out, she would have gone to bed with him without a thought, but something told her to go easy, and be cautious. She had learned the hard way to listen to her gut. She wouldn’t make that mistake TWICE!!!Tonight Carol and Davey would be over. Mary and Jerry were out of town, and the Tinsleys would be at Billy and Cathy’s house tonight. It would be just the 6 of them. This might turn out like the old times. She had hoped so. It had been too long since Davey had fucked her, and she knew that William always looked forward to splitting Carol. She would open the door for them in the nude, tonight. Let Davey get a look at her fresh shave, and he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off of her.

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She help us

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She help usIt was her goal since her friend Mike went out and finaly told her he was gay and liked boysShe was happy he trusted her and for a while joke about finding him a cute cock sucker , Mike shy about this, her teasing him while doing stuff pointing boys and asking if this one would make a great cock suckerThey joke about it every time she saw a cute fem white boy, Mike always seemed to look at them more”this one there , cute little ass too ””yeah he is cute””maybe i should go ask him if he want to give you a bj for you birthday ””ahah you crazy i need to go wanna smoke one later?””sure you place?””yeah sure iam alone tonight roommate is out””great”Izabel was determine to make Mike happy and the idea just popped in her head on her way homeinside the sex store minutes later buying a very sexy white fleshlight mouth toy, eager to give it to Mike for his birthdayThe was put on the table after she arrived at Mike apartment, as Mike sat back down to finish rolling his weed and they chooses some movie to watch Mike light up the weed and took his gift box in his hand”you shouldnt have you are too nice”unpacking it and not understanding as he got it out ”remove the cap swivel it”and mike saw the cute white boy mouth ”oh shit Iza …””now you can practice getting suck by a cute boy mouth ””wow i never saw those , its ….its nice””it needs lube so i got you this also ”and she had a bottle of lube”want me to show you how it works?””what….?””comon i want to see that boy suck you , we could say its Simon close you here””you are crazy Escort ””no iam not”she took the toy and walk to the light switchclosing it , and closing the tv off ”Mike are you there , i have simon here wanting to tell you something””ahah iza you are crazy””oh ok simon i can help you off course””here on your knees, you spread his legs , yes like that good boy simon, you really ready to suck on your first cock?””good boy i know its ok, dont be shy once youve started everything will fall into place and you will just want to suck Mike all the time ””shit iza you are ….””mike pass me the joint simon need some relaxing ”Iza smoking , playing with Mike legs making the toy kiss him reaching to his crotch and Mike let it happen , his bbc hard and feeling her make the toy touch his sweat pants bulge”here take the spliff simon need some help ””you want to see his nice big black cock Simon? wanna kiss his hot cock for me?”Iza sliding Mike sweat pant down , his bbc flapping out , Iza putting the toy all around to imittate little kisses”oh you cute boy Simon , kiss his big cock its cute””fuck Iza you make mego crazy””Mike like you Simon, spit on his bbc Simon ”and she drop lube on mike bbc tip mike moan the mouth engulfing his bbc tip”Oh yes Simon, mikes like your mouth go deeper , yes like that suck Mike big cock, yes Simon good boy”Mike bbc sucked by the toy, Iza having so much fun”Mike it feels good? you like his white cute mouth on you?””’fuck i do , shit this is good””’yes Suck him Simon you keep sucking, Mike love you Escort Bayan sucking his cock dont stop, by a good white boy for him, suck his big black cock , keep sucking simon ”Iza became so freaking horny she coudnt resistthe toy replace by her hungry mouthMike moan and put his hands on her head the toy fell on the floor, Iza mouth fucked by Mike , slow and deep shoving his cock in her face”Simon love big black cock ? ”back in Iza mouth hard fucking her . iza tried to reach up only to get her hands took over her head and he kept shoving her down on his bbc now fully haird and excited not carring about iza , he was making love to Simon mouth deep and nice ”fuck Simon you are such a good cock sucker””here lay down like this simon”on her stomach on the couch Mike sliding her pants down she skirm as he lube her ass a finger getting in and fucking her little ass wet , mouth full of his cock , helpless and ass lubed up , fingered and teased open”simon you have such a tight white ass””please please Mike Mike i was just playing””Simon you been sucking me for this , dont be a stupid white boy””mike mike its Iza dont fuck my ass pleassseeeee ahhhhh fffffuckkkkk mikkkkkeeee””ohhhhhh yes Simon open up open up that white ass cunt , fuck you are tight Simon i love that ass , i love white tight ass””mikke mikke ahhhh ahhh my goood my asss mike its Iza iza mikkkkkkee ahhhh””’oh fuck no you go no were tonight you are my cock hole”10 minutes of Mike stretching Simon hole and he was done and moaning”yesss simon love my bbc, gonna give Bayan Escort it to him all the time”iza moaning her tiny ass taken , open and made love to , she cum twice on him , moaning and cumming on his bbcShe was lost and taken , called Simon in the dark Mike fucking her ass into a cunt , a wet cunt ”you are a very good boy Iza i never knew you were one”deep fuckig her ass taking her in his arm”i love my new white boy ass , thank you iza thank you”iza moaning mike unloading in her ass making her cum a third time and drop to his side”good boy, lets sleep a bit and i will fuck you again Simon”Iza woke up ass fuck , mike pounding her again spooning her , calling her his good white boyit was wrong she shouldn’t have started not yet moaned in his arm”you like fucking my tiny white ass ?””yes very much ””wanna try my pussy?””nope, im gay i told you, im practicing like you suggest simon”iza pounded and used , her ass a toy for Mike , calling her Simon and deep fucking her like shes a white little boy he repeated”Simon loves bbc and i love simon”putting his hand on her mouth starting to fuck hard and fast”simon a fucking slut for my cock, oh yes a good white slut”open like a faggot boy by mike, iza felt like a fag boy fucked up and it made her cum , mike kissing her neck”cum you fucking white slut, i will make that ass mine forever”she still remember how Mike use to see her as a girleverytime he walk her to the boy restroom at school she remember when mike didnt fuck her ass whenever he wanted, called a faggot white boy and taking his bbc in her tiny assshe remember the time she didnt cum on her gay friend bbc in her assbut now it doesnt seemed to mattergoing back from school , simon love sucking Mike bbc in his car and called a good boyin route to be ass fuck like a good white boy

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Cheerleader Panties – 2

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Big Tits

Cheerleader Panties – 2This is a made up story based on several suggestions for more panty boy stories. If you don’t like stories about men wearing women’s panties you may want to search elsewhere. In this second chapter our hero, Larry, gets to know the girls’ real well and they know all about his panty fetish.My cock had a mind of its own, once my orgasm started there was no stopping it. My thick creamy cum spurted so hard that it formed a pile of cum on the surface to my sister’s old panties. And before the second spurt left the tip of my cock I heard Amber say “woops” and she was watching as my cock pumped spurt after spurt through the thin fabric.I had no way to stop my cock and it seemed she had no way to turn away as my cock surged with my pent up cum. This cheerleader that I had met a couple hours ago was a guest in my parent’s home and now she had witnessed me cumming in a panty. As I said, “I should have been embarrassed,” yet I wasn’t. In fact I think my cum was stronger and longer with her watching and her giggle as she closed the adjoining bathroom door seemed to be an expression of the interest she had shown in my spurting cock.I had no thought that the sight of a male college junior cumming in panties would be reported to my parents. Amber was a guest and I doubt that she would feel comfortable reporting the scene beyond to her fellow cheer leader Stephanie. They had been gone when I explored their luggage and fortunately I had chosen my older sisters panties left behind when she went to college.I loved the feeling of cummy panties and rubbed the slimy cum all over the front of the panty making them almost completely transparent. I headed the toilet flush in the adjoining bathroom and then the door to the girls room open and close. So I got out of bed and slowly opened the door. The bathroom was empty and I cleaned up my mess and washed out the panties I was wearing.Since I was feeling a little out of control with this entire event I hung the pretty panty on the shower rod to dry. I knew the girls would need to move it to shower and I really didn’t feel any concern. My mother had prepared dinner with Dad on the pool deck grilling steaks. It was a bit awkward when I first joined my parents and the cheer leaders. Amber kept glancing my way and on several occasions I saw her looking at my crotch.Well she would have to look pretty close; I was wearing a pretty Bali Skimp Skamp panty that held my little guy close to my body and only minor panty lines. Mom suggested that I show the girls the pool so we walked out in the late afternoon sunshine. “Do you girls like to swim?” I asked.“Sure,” answered Stephanie, “It looks real private with the big fence so there is no worry about some perv snooping on us while we are sunning ourselves,” she said and then blushed. I am sure she had made this statement with no thought of the number one perv, which was me.The girls both enjoyed the meal but said they were tired from the long trip and retired to their room. I did as well and heard plenty of hushed conversation and giggling. I stripped to my panties and lay on the bed enjoying the freedom of a hard cock in delicate panties that accented every detail of my cock. I heard the shower in the adjoining bathroom and wondered which girl was first and what she did with my panties.Then there was some more muffled conversation and giggling before the second shower. Now I was curious, two girls, two showers, one panty hanging on the shower rod. I eased into the bathroom and stood in shocked disbelief. My sister’s panty was missing but hanging from the rod were the two panties I had messed with that afternoon. Neither was wet as if washed, they were simply hanging there like cheese on a mouse trap.Well I took the bait and pulled down Amber’s lavender panty and took Stephanie’s panty with me as well. I went back to my room to have my way with their panties. I loved the fit and feel of Amber’s panties and noticed neither of them had been washed out. “So did they notice my marks on them or just pick them to bait a trap?” I wondered as I rubbed my hand over my hard cock in Amber’s panty.I rubbed Stephanie’s over my body enjoying the slick feel of the nylon fabric. I imagined what it would be like to be with both girls at the same time. We would all three be wearing panties and enjoy the feel of each other’s bodies. I slid my hand inside Amber’s panties and began slowly stroking my cock.I was lost in my pleasure and unsure how long I had been jerking off. “Stephanie’s baby blue panty was going to get my full load,” I whispered to myself as I felt my cum rising. I groaned as I felt myself at the edge of my cum and pulled Amber’s pretty lavender panty down and blew my load into Stephanie’s wadded up panty.Even though I had cum earlier in the day this one was no less powerful. My college roommate in the dorm never left so I didn’t get much of a chance for a full panty cum shot and I loved filling that soft nylon full of my hot spunk. My mind was filled with Amber’s round ass and boobs that bounced so seductively. Even though I was loading Stephanie’s panties at this moment it was Amber that was in my mind.I imagined she was setting on me and I was shooting my wad into her as her big boobs swayed in my face. “Uhhhh, Amber I am going to fill you full of my hot spunk,” I whispered to myself. And even though I was lost in my lust I heard a muffled giggle and the bathroom door shut. “FUCK,” I thought as my cock spewed its last shot into the soft baby blue nylon, “I should have locked that door on my side,” I thought.It was quiet in the bathroom and I decided I needed to make sure before stepping into the bathroom with Escort Stephanie’s panty stuffed against my leaking cock. I had pushed it inside Amber’s panty and needed to clean both of them up. I listened at the door, there was not a sound inside so I opened it a crack and it was dark.I stepped in and clicked the lock on their door and then breathed a sigh of relief. I pulled both panties off and saw what a mess I had made. I threw them in the sink and started the water while I took a pee to clean myself out. My heart was racing, my mind had been so filled with my image of Amber riding my cock while I enjoy the sensual feel of her panties against my cock and balls that I had lost all good sense.This was just the first day of a two week summer camp for the cheerleaders, “what the fuck will I do with this temptation all around me?” I asked in my head. I cleaned both panties in the sink until I knew my cum stains were removed and then hung them on the shower rod. I made sure that they were turned inside out and in reverse order on the rod. I didn’t know if they peeked in on me or just heard me but I wanted them to know their panties had been used.I returned to my room and dug deep in my bag and found a fresh panty. It was one I had taken from a washing machine at the dorm. I had no idea who it belonged to, it was just a pretty little hip hugger style with lace elastic around the waist. I loved the way my erect cock would stick out the top of it. But with two orgasms in a matter of 6 hours I knew I wouldn’t be hard until morning.I fell into my bed and slept so soundly with the release of my pent up cum. I woke about 9:00 AM to the quietness that I had hoped for this summer. No noisy hall clatter and chatter, no roommate smacking his morning cereal in the room, just me in my room. I ran my hand down to my hard cock and felt my tip sticking out of the lacey elastic. I resisted the urge to jerk off, I needed to take a pee instead.I looked at the clock and realized the girls would be gone so went to the bathroom in just my panties and as I finished and turned around I saw that both of the girls panties were removed from the shower rod but the one of my sisters had not been returned. I tried their door and found it locked, “Hmm, they must not want me to play in their room today?” I thought.I spent a lazy day getting unpacked and organized in my room. I wanted my secret stash of panties to remain a secret so checked out the compartment in my closet, it was still there just like when I was young. There was this door, actually an access panel, to the back side of the bathtub pipes and there was room for my stash.I laid out beside the pool again enjoying the quiet. Mom and Dad were at work so the house was mine. As much as I wanted to jerk off to the girls panties again a lazy day by the pool seemed better. So I set up a chair with my music and a cold drink. I stripped out of my clothes down to the lacey panties I wore to bed. The thin nylon let my cock show through and I knew I’d get hard and let my tip poke out later.I lounged in the shade and was lost in my music as I thought of those girls. Amber was just thick enough to make her so arousing. I wanted to run my hands over her body and then instead of my cock in her panties be inside of her. The music droned on in my ears and the summer breeze made it feel like a dream world of Amber’s image in my head.I heard the sound of the bus out front and was jolted back to reality. I must have dozed off in the lounger and looked at the clock on the house wall, it was nearly 5:00 PM. I heard voices in the house and had no time to get dressed. I pulled a towel over my panty covered erection just as I heard the sliding door open. It was the girls dressed in their cheerleader outfits.“Oh it is so beautiful out here,” Stephanie said to Amber, we need to enjoy some of this after a hot sweaty day at camp.“Oh, it’s you,” Amber said in surprise as she saw me setting in my lounge chair with a towel over my panty coved middle. “Is it okay if we join you?” She asked.“Sure,” I said, “grab a chair.”I watched as the girls pulled a couple lounge chairs into the shade and as Amber bent over and I was staring right at her ass with the short little cheerleader skirt rose up. She was wearing my sister’s pink and yellow striped panties that she had taken from the bathroom! If my cock hadn’t been hard before this moment it would have certainly popped right out of my panties.Amber adjusted her chair and cushion far longer than was needed while Stephanie fussed with her for just a minute. A gentle breeze blew her little cheerleader skirt up to reveal she was wearing what had to be Amber’s lavender panty that I had worn last night and left in the bathroom. I knew she did not have a single panty in her bag that matched it.I lusted after her ass in those panties and thought my cock would explode hidden under the towel. I knew it was so hard it would have lifted the elastic lace waistband above my shaved pubic area. Stephanie was the first to turn and set in the lounge chair. As she did she put a foot on each side of the lounge and spread her legs adjusting the cushion under her cute ass.And to my surprise, and yes shock, she appeared to have a cock in her panties. Then I realized it had to be Amber’s cock shaped dildo because no cock has a square bottom when panties stretch across it. “This is a fucking set-up” I screamed in my head as I tried to pry my eyes off that 19 year old up skirt shot. Her cubby legs were white and the lavender panty fit a bit loose but the rubber cock in them stretched it the same way mine was in my panties.Amber turned to set down and looking right at Escort Bayan me said, “Gee it is so hot. Hope you two don’t mind,” and crossed her arms and pulled her cheerleader crop top off revealing her magnificent boobs in a bra that would never be used as a sports bra. It was sheer and I could clearly see her nipples but the bra obscured her areolas from view.“That’s better,” she said as she got into the lounge chair. Now both girls were facing me with their legs parted enough to give me nice up skirt crotch shots. I saw Stephanie as she laid her arm over the arm of her chair and take Amber’s hand. It was not even the least bit subtle, she was letting me know they were an item and I loved it. One of my fantasies is watching lesbians go at it and if I didn’t misread what was happening here I’d play some part in it.“So when do your Mom and Dad get home?” Amber asked, and then said, “Oh that’s right your Mom said they had a dinner meeting tonight, something to do with your Dad’s work. Guess it is just us three tonight.”I had totally forgotten their dinner meeting and now here we were three young people in a sexually charged setting. It didn’t take much for me to vision how this would end up. “Let’s go for a swim,” Stephanie said crawling out of the chair in less than a lady like way. I could clearly see the rubber cock in her panties and she didn’t make any attempt to mask it as she got out of the chair.Amber grinned from ear to ear, “Lets,” she said and got out of her chair and pulled off the little skirt from cheerleading camp. She now was standing not 8 feet in front of me in my sister’s cute panties and the pink mesh bra that she had teased me with. She tugged at the panty producing a perfect camel toe that drove me to distraction. Stephanie pulled her crop top off and had a matching bra and at that point I knew this was all planned. There was no way they would have spent the day at camp dressed like this.Stephanie turned her back to me and dropped her skirt. The lavender panties were a bit loose on her but her beautiful ass made up for the improper fit. She ran and jumped into the pool without letting me see the rubber cock in her panties. Amber, on the other hand, did what can only be described as a erotic runway style walk to the pool. She turned, her large tits sagging seductively in the bra, “joining us Larry?” And she slipped into the water keeping her head above the clear blue pool water.They splashed around in the pool acting as if they were just 10 year olds. My cock was straining to get out and I wanted to jerk off right now. Then both girls came to the edge of the pool and stood waist deep in the water. Amber’s tits were so magnificent in that sheer bra that now was so transparent I could see every bit of them. Her nipples were hard from light breeze blowing across them.Stephanie stood as well and her nipples were not only hard and sticking straight out a half inch but they were wide and begged to be sucked. “Oh come on Larry, what are you hiding under that towel?” Stephanie asked in a sing song voice. “You show us yours and we’ll show you ours,” she finished with a giggle.“Fuck it,” I thought and threw the towel aside. My hard cock tip was clearly sticking above the lace elastic as I stood and walked to the pool. “Oh my,” Amber said, those are such pretty panties, maybe we should trade, I love the lace.”Stephanie waded around Amber and was now only up to her knees in the water and the rubber cock in her panties made my small cock look nonexistent. “Well Larry,” Stephanie said in a mocking tone, “I think I win. My cock is 8 inches compared to yours. What is that 4 or 5 inches?” She laughed out loud and Amber smiled without laughing.“Oh stop it Stephanie, I love his cock in those panties. And look, I think he is shaved; don’t you just love a shaved cock? Come on in the water,” Amber suggested, “We promise you will love it, don’t be so shy.”Amber waded past Stephanie towards the shallow end of the pool where there were steps. She held out her hand and coaxed me into the water, “Come on Larry let’s all three get wet.” She emphasized wet and I knew what she meant and loved thinking I would find out how wet she was between her legs.I looked at her perfect boobs in the sheer pink bra and the pink and yellow striped panties that clung to what I could now see was her shaved pussy. There were no secrets between us three as I joined them in the pool. Amber pulled me close to her and hugged me. Her tits mashed against my chest and I pressed my panty covered cock against her.Amber pressed her lips to my ear and whispered, “We know you wore our panties last night. That is so sexy. I wore yours all night and I had lots of fun in them but now the pool has cleaned that mess up. Will you help me mess them up again?” I could barely control my lust as I felt her lips on mine and my tongue met hers half way. She inhaled sharply through her nose and I felt her grind her pussy against mine as our lustful kiss came to an end.“Hey no fair,” Stephanie said as Amber continued holding me. “I want some of that,” she said and pushed between us. Instead of turning towards me she held Amber closely and kissed her. At first just a light peck and then the two of them were kissing just like I did with Amber. I watched as the two of them became as one holding each closely. As they broke the kiss Amber said, “I love your cock Stephanie but there is another one here and I think we should use it before we run out of time.”“I agree,” Stephanie said, “but I’m first, I want him all girly,” she said and turned to me and ran her hand down across my semi-exposed cock. “We need this tucked into your panties Bayan Escort sister,” she said and manipulated my cock until it was fully encased in my panties. Now that is a girly look she said and ground her rubber cock against me as she kissed me. Like when I kissed Amber, our tongues met as we kissed and any thought that she was strictly a lesbian went right of my mind. I could feel her grinding that rubber cock against me and wondered what it would feel like if it was on and vibrating between us.I felt her push me back towards the edge of the pool. She pushed until I sat down and she spread my legs wide apart, “Now I am going to fuck you properly girl,” she said and reached inside her panty and pulled that long rubber cock out. She turned it on and slid it along my panty covered cock as I leaned back on my elbows and watched her work. The vibrations were beyond what I would imagine and she played it along the length of my cock. When she got to my tip covered in the panty she circled it sending vibrations through my entire body.She smiled, “you see Sweetie girls like to have fun with a cock as well.” As she said this she pulled the vibrating cock down and pressed it under my balls with the crotch of my panties guarding my ass. If I had been naked I know she would have pushed it inside of me. I felt the tip of the cock slide up across my balls and then she slipped it into the panty leg opening and I felt that huger rubber cock slide across mine. My cock pushed up and out of the panty again and she bent and licked the underside of my tip.My cock twitched and then I knew I had lost all control as she licked again and I felt the first spurt of hot thick cum shoot out as I laid down on my back and felt the cum land on my belly. “Oh yeah, I love seeing that, you have such a sweet clit babe,” she said as she ran the vibrating tip of her rubber cock up against the tip of my cock and I exploded again. Before I shot the third time she had my cock in her hand and pointed it at my face, “can you give yourself a facial?” she said with a giggle and my cock spurted again but not far enough to hit my face.When I finished I was a mess of cum from my cock to my nipples. “I just love seeing this too,” Stephanie said as she smeared the cum all over my chest, “Such a sexy little bitch,” she hissed as she continued rubbing cum all over me and then sucked her cum covered fingers. “Have you ever tasted your cum?” she asked and pressed two fingers into my mouth as her panty covered pussy rubbed against my hyper sensitive cock tip. “Awww Steph,” Amber complained, “now he is all done, what about me?” she finished making a pouty face with her lower lip stuck out like a 5 year old girl trying to get her way.“I have plenty of battery left in this,” Stephanie said as she waved the big rubber cock in Amber’s face, with some of my cum stuck to the tip of the 8 inch cock “but first someone is going to eat my pussy because I need to cum.”I sat up and then pushed myself in the water to get the cum cleaned off of me. When I surfaced I saw Stephanie get out of the water and grab a towel. She laid down on it with her head towards the pool and peeled the panties off of herself. “Well who is going to get me off?” she said and giggled.I didn’t wait for Amber, as much as I wanted to see the two of them go at it I owed her for the outstanding orgasm she had given me. I got out of the water and moved between her legs, her manicured pussy had a bit of a landing strip while the rest of it was shaved bare. I ran my hands up her legs that were as soft as silk and bent to plant small kisses around her smooth pubic area. She raised her head and smiled as I looked up at her.“Nice and slow,” Stephanie said as my tongue slid along her slit. I could clearly see the lines her panties left on her skin and traced the lines with my fingers as I put my mouth around her clit and flicked my tongue across it. She jerked with pleasure and moaned, “Fuck yeah Larry, I think he knows what he’s doing Amber.”I felt her move her legs apart to give me better access. I lowered myself onto my stomach and put her legs over my shoulders. My first pass up her slit tasted like chlorine from the pool and the second pass brought her fluids to the surface. She had thick discharge that felt so heavy on my tongue and as I pressed my tongue down her slit I could feel her heat that told me she had gotten pretty worked up fucking me with the dildo. “She tries to play the part of a tough lesbian,” I thought to myself, “but inside that façade she still loved the touch of a man.I felt her hands on my head as I continued sliding my tongue up and down her sopping wet pussy. “Use your fingers Larry,” she begged, “I need them inside of me.” I looked up with my lips covered with her arousal and as I looked down I could see clear fluid seeping out between her tight camel toe. I did as she asked inserting two fingers inside her slick hole and it didn’t take but a couple minutes and she stiffened clamping my head between her legs and started to cum. She moaned as the pleasure ran through her body and her hands pulled my mouth hard against her swollen clit. I knew I got her there faster than she wanted so kept flicking my tongue to make sure her orgasm lasted as long as possible.Then suddenly she pushed my head away, “Stop Larry, damn please stop.” She said.“Did I hurt you?” I asked.“No, it felt so good you need to stop, damn you know how to make it feel good. Amber you have got to let him eat you out.” She said. I looked at Amber, she had removed her sheer bra and her huge tits were lying on the pool edge as if on a serving tray. I knew we were not done. I know now why I couldn’t see her areolas, they were as pale as the surrounding skin but little bumps and her nipple made this so arousing.“I think it is time to take this party in the house,” Amber said. “Let’s all get a shower and then decide how to finish in a big way.”

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Katie Trucker fuckfest & Deepthroat Slut

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Katie Trucker fuckfest & Deepthroat SlutKatie before she left home…..On a dark winter evening, on a motorway or highway near you, the truckers, the guys who deliver much of what you consume are a long way from home. I like to think that I offer a home from home service, a little warmth, some entertainment and my holes for their pleasure.I have lots of fun with truckers on lorry parks, mostly with international drivers, but I have heard a ‘hard’ time from quite a few British truckers too. At first my hit rate was close to 100%, but I have had quite a few no hits and this evening I decided to take a different tack after being told to “piss off“ by a couple of truckers when I had rapped on their windowII returned to the warm of the cafe near by, and sat nursing a coffee looking out of place in my leather jacket, short leather skirt,stockings and heels I looked like a prostitute which I guess I am, although as it is part time for me I see myself as different from the rest. Who am I k**ding the truckers see a tart, a piece of meat, some more attractive than others, but a walking cum dump. There were families, couples, groups of guys and gals and a smattering of truckers. The families looked at me with surprise, in contempt, whilst the groups of guys could see much of my legs with a flash of stocking top.My main interest, however, were the truckers coming in for a coffee and a bite to eat, before they settled down for the night. I did my best catch their eye. The first few either ignored me or looked embarrassed.One of the truckers walked past me three or four times and I guess was looking for the courage to approach me. On the fourth pass Iopened my legs a little to give him a view of what lay beneath my skirt. I could not have been more sluttish or obvious if I tried.He walked towards me and I broke the silence as I asked him whether he wanted a winter warmer to help him sleep through the night. He smiled and his few words indicated that he was from central or Eastern Europe. I stood up, slowly Allowing him to see the contours of my body beneath the skintight leather and blouse outfit I had on.“How much?” He said with a strong Eastern Europe accent.“20 head, 40 fuck, 50 whatever takes your fancy” I saidHe checked me over again“Ok” he smiled, and I could see he had a couple of teeth missingI followed him out into the cool and we walked to where he was parked. I climbed in on the passenger side noticing that the truck parked alongside was from the same company. I sat on the seat side on with my legs open showing stocking tops to my client. He smiled again and the door behind me opened . Another trucker was climbing in – his mate I guessed.“50 for two” my punter said handing the money over. I nodded took the money and put it away. I moved and sat on the bed couch behind the seats and began rubbing my pussy on the fabric of my thong. Their hands began to caress my legs and I pulled my panties to one side, revealing one very wet Opening cunt. The passenger started unzipping my leather jacket while the driver was rubbing my pussy and pushing his fingers inside my hole. His rough, greasy fingers were widening my wet cunt, three, four fingers inserted as he watched my facial expressions. Fuck it, I felt dirty. Jacket unzipped by no.2 and buttons on my blouse undone and a masterful Unclip of the upper clasp Escort on my basque gave him access to my tits.The driver pulled me up and turned me around positioned so that he could lie back on the couch, crotch looking at me and no. 2 would have access to my holes from behind. He undid his belt and I could see his fifty year plus, growing pot belly flattened as he lay back. I pulled his trousers and pants down to his knees. I took his stubby, but thick cock in my mouth, rock hard. I could taste piss and that rich ripe smell of rim cheese. Not been near soap for a day or two. A girl in my position cannot be choosy, not choosy over cheesy I smiled to myself. There is something almost hypnotic about going down on cock, I love the flavours, the mass in my mouth, the sense of submission, that I am there to serve his pleasure. Let’s be honest in a club he probably would have gone home alone and here he was with my mouth, posh whore, sucking on his cock. To be honest the fact that he was older, chubby and smelly makes my submission to his needs even dirtier and my pussy grew wetter at the thought of this.I did my best to stroke him and to rub his balls, while no. 2 was rubbing my clit with three fingers like was trying to unblock a drain. It stopped and I felt a very firm hand spread my legs and on the small of my back pushing me down as he prepared to launch his rocket. I felt a skinnier but longer cock penetrate me slowly. I squeezed as hard as I could, my pelvic floor, to create that feel and friction. He responded quickly, and younger than his mate as he was he began to fuck my like a dog does his bitch, hold her tight, hold her rough and fuck her like fury, rapid bursts. He grabbed my hips to get a better position and to hold me firmly, while he fucked me in furious bursts. It spoiled the rythym of my cock sucking.A firm hand from the driver pushed my mouth down again and he tried to fuck my mouth while he lay. Distracted, it took me a few moments to realise that a thicker cock had slipped into my cunt. Cheeky bastards, another guy to slot into me. They were having a tag Katie and foursome experience. How come I hadn’t heard him enter, if you pardon the pun. He had bigger stronger hands than no. 2, who had clearly been pushed aside. I could feel the power in his hands, someone used to being in total control.I kept on sucking stubby’s cock. I could feel him building up, his balls swelling and leaking precum , but somehow that final explosion was evading me, almost as if he was managing to prolong my lips around his cock. I was cupping his balls, working him, but no closure.Trucker no. 3 was fucking me more slowly than no. 2 but with far more power and intent, with some real oomph and slapping into my ass and cunt. He lifted me and pulled me back hard as he thrust himself as deep as he could into my widening hole. He was drilling into me like a power drill, he grabbed my shoulders, arching my back and fucked me as hard as he could. I almost winced to feel such power between my legs, deep inside me. No.2 was playing with my tits but more a teenager groping than a proper working of them.Stubby had moved back and as no.3 paused I was flipped over onto my back with my arms held firmly by stubby.No. 3 had me perched on the side of the couch bed and no. 2 had hold of my left leg while no.3 Escort Bayan spread my right leg as far as he could .The next bout of fucking was so intensive, no.3 trying to get his thick cock deep inside me. I thought he won’t be satisfied until I am fully impaled and his cock emerges though my mouth or stomach, like in the film Alien. They adjusted, Stubby now held my wrists with one hand and my right leg, with the other hand, against the drivers seat. This allowed no.3 to lift me up, move me like a rag doll and try as many positions, angles, as were possible in such confined space. Why couldn’t he just fuck me. The two other guys just watched him and then my face. Bang, bang, wallop, wallop he went on and on. I was powerless. This was painful, but my god horny as hell to be used like this. It was as if he was angry with me, but I know I was just fresh meat.He found an angle he liked and he went for it. It was deep, pushing me really hard. Difficult to explain why such a deep drilling is so exciting, I came, although that might have been more to do with my enjoying being used like a slut by no name. His hold on me squeezed so tight I had bruises in the morning. He started making a lot of noise, but I couldn’t understand it. A hand squeezed my throat, this was scary, he was watching me, I was gasping for air and he fucked me harder, excited by my discomfort. He eased up and then squeezed again, the driver was holding me even tighter, fuck I was thinking – he did this a few times, I lost count, and I could see Stubby’s cock stiffening as he half strangled me. Then he came, deep and hard, slowing down a little but thrusting as hard as he could. He then stuffed his cock in my mouth to clean and empty, leaving me draining every sperm from his balls.He rested, pulled out of my mouth and he collected his cum from my cunt on his fingers and stuck these in my mouth. They said something I didn’t understand and in a moment no. 2 with his slender cock switched places tried to fill the gap his mate had widened and used so brutally. No.3 was talking endlessly in a language I did not understand, but it was if he was coaching no.2 to fuck me, hard.I was flipped again and they changed ends, with no.2’s cock now in my mouth. Every cock I taste takes my breath away. As a wife to have strangers cock in my mouth is taboo, almost as bad as in my cunt. Yet my mouth is not for this, it is for that someone special and yet I give that to so many strangers, my lips around their cock, my cleaning the smegma, the grime totally subservient to the cock’s owner. Even in the frenzy of a hard fucking my brain I am thinking how did I end up here, but loving the filth of it all.I felt Stubby remove my skirt, leaving me in heels, stockings, half open basque and tiny panties stretched to the point of no return. A naked slut to be treated like a slag. My panties had been wrenched to one side to give better access to my aching, cum filled cunt.Stubby took me from behind, pushing my upper body down, legs apart, exposing my cunt to the fullest but giving him access to go as deep as he could.He fucked me, pausing every so often as he got his breath back. It gave me more time to work my magic on no.2’s cock. No.2 was holding me round my neck and was trying to squeeze me like no.3. had but he didn’t have the confidence.I Bayan Escort managed to position the hand I was balancing on in such a way that I could finger no.2’s asshole. He liked that. And I rubbed and sucked and fingered him and within minutes I had a decent cum dump, no fireworks, not to much to swallow, thick like custard and tasted like it had sat in his balls for a long time.Stubby had managed to unclasp all of my basque leaving me virtually naked. This excited him all the more, especially when no.2 started playing and pinching my nipples hard. When he came it was in three or four thrusts and he pulled out immediately. He sat down exhausted.Time to go, but No. 3 turned came back with a friend to have another go. Too good to be true to have a captive Katie. They threw some money at me and bundled me out.I did my best to dress, to tidy myself out, but they were to impatient so moved to another truck almost naked. It was older,more cramped and more stains and I wondered what had gone on here before. II didn’t really have much choice and I was quickly bent over in my heels , stockings and my basque hanging off me. New Friend waded into my cunt, straight in with his cock. He Positioned me, held my hips and fucked me from behind. He was strong like no.3. I was putty. I focused on the dirty thoughts that keep my pussy wet when it is being used so furiously. I had managed to put rub some lube in during the truck switch. But thinking and feeling dirty keeps me wet, usually.New friend paused for a minute and no. 3 knelt on the couch and pushed me onto my knees. At some point new friend started fingering my cunt but to be honest I was more focused on what was coming next. I am still not brilliant at deepthrooat and I knew that this was coming next.He held my head firmlyI opened my mouthHe pushed his cock inI gasped.I could feel his ballsack against my faceHe pushed further, lifting my head to get a better angleI started to gag, my eyes watering, my mouth was drippingHe watched my face for what seemed agesThen pulled outI breathedHis cock was pushed back, in further this timeI could feel the size of his throbbing cock filling my mouth and throat, this is so hornyI gagged, my eyes watered, more dribble from my mouthHe pulled out.This was repeated a few times, each time trying to beat his record of cock down my throat. I tried to swallow and realised that my swallowing aroused him more, even stiffer if that was possible.Then I was sick, mostly mucus and mouth waterHe waited for me to finish and then he pushed his throbbing cock back into my mouth, holding my head still as he did it. He watched and enjoyed my discomfortI was sick againHe repeated his behaviour, he waited for me to finish and then he pushed his thick cock back into my mouth, smiling as he looked into my eyes holding my head still as he did it. He watched and enjoyed my discomfort, I was his sub I had to take it, he was in control, I was his slut to as he wanted.I managed to hold back the sick and he face fucked me. Then he pausedI quickly pushed him back. He relented a little, I caught my breath, I pushed him back onto a seat and still kneeling before watching his eyes, sucked, blew, rubbed with all that I had. I was rewarded with a mouthful of cum. I picked up my clothes to leave when new friend pushed me over the couch. I had forgotten his turn. He was like a bull, so aroused by what he had seen. He fucked me hard, fast and came fast and furious. I waited until he had pulled out and took the opportunity to get out. I got dressed and tidied myself up behind another truck.

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My First Time

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


My First TimeThis story is about my first ever sexual experience and i still manage to remember it and how it all happen. it happen in my teen years and I had been experimenting on webcam etc. for some time. Somehow i stumbled upon craigslist and seen all the ads on there to meet people for hookups, I emailed back to loads and loads of ads and after loads of emails and sharing lots of pics with different people one guy decided to add me to skype. we got talking on skype and it turned out he worked in Leicester town center, he was quite abit older than me but this didn’t bother me. As I was on my summer holidays we decided that it would be a good idea to maybe meet up one day. After some arranging it was agreed that i would meet him at his workplace, i can still remember how nervous i felt as this was going to be my fist experience Escort of the kind and as i considered myself straight i didn’t know what to expect, i finally overcame the nerves and got on the bus to my destination, my final destination was about a 10 minute walk form the bus stop to his office block. As i got outside i messaged him and waited anxiously outside feeling very much out of place as a young teen outside a workplace with older people coming and going. I was terrified someone might recognize me or ask me what i was doing here especially dressed in jeans and a tracksuit top when everyone around was dress up smart. After what felt like ages he came down and just said hello he asked me to follow him inside, we went thought the security doors and instead of following everyone else to the lifts we decided Escort Bayan to take the stairs. Still feeling terrified, even more so now as there was so much going on; the fact that this was actually happening! What was i about to do and was this even safe! with lots running through my head he asked me a few questions and if i found the place ok ect. as we made our way up the stairs. As we went up, maybe to the third floor he explained that one of the floors was totally empty and that no on would be working there, he explained that as no one would be around on this floor it would be ideal for us to have some fun. we went onto the third floor and he escorted me over to the toilets, it seemed very quiet, and as he said there was no one on the floor, there was no lift access so the only way to get here Bayan Escort was by the stairs. i remember thinking i hope no one seen us and gets inquisitive! The toilets were pretty large with 4/5 cubicles and urinals, at this point i was feeling really nervous as i didn’t know what to expect, he lead me into a cubicle that was at the far end. This all felt very naughty and made me think if i should be doing or not, but it was already too late to back out and i horny as hell so i went along with what was happening hoping it’d work out and it would be fun. He walked in first and i followed him in and he locked the cubicle door, while grabbing my crotch through my jeans with his other hand. This was the first time anyone had groped me or event felt my cock, to add to that it was an older man! Feeling nervous as ever there was now also a sense of excitement and anticipation of what was to come and i could feel a tingle in my cock. The rest is to be continued, but let me know if you like it so far! As i said this a true story of my first time back when i was just a teen.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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